  • 7/30/2019 Personal Essay Rough Draft


    Well, guess whos the new gas man for a Patrick Dempseys race team? My dad exclaimed while he

    came to the kitchen table to dinner.

    What did you just say?! I wasnt quite sure if I just believe what my ears had heard.

    It was a Saturday evening somewhere in January or February of 2010 and my mom had just called

    everyone for dinner. All I can really remember about that day was that I wasnt having a terribly great

    day, but this news changed everything. Now youre probably wondering, Patrick Dempsey, as in the

    actor Patrick Dempsey? Yes, that is the Patrick Dempsey that this is about. You see for about 5 or so

    years my dad has been the fueler for the professional race team I-Moto which runs in the Continental

    Series for Grand Am Racing which is a step down from NASCAR racing, but instead of just running in

    circles the Grand Am series runs various road courses across America and in Canada. My dad has also

    been on other race teams like Freedom Road Racing and other well-known teams in the series.

    Dinner that day went from the usual eat and run to sitting at the dinner table for more than an hour

    trying to figure out if my dad was just bluffing or if he was completely serious. Turns out he was serious.

    Just a few hours ago Patrick Dempsey had signed on to his team and luck would have it in just a few

    short weeks my dad was going to be fueling his race car. The next race was at The Virginia International

    Raceway in Virginia and my friend Jenni and I were going to go and meet Patrick Dempsey! That day

    was full of screams and giggles, mostly from Jenni being a huge fan and all. I remember walking down

    pit road to go and see him and on the way we passed all the drivers and fans and men with cameras.

    Now Grand Am racing is very different from NASCAR. Here you can actually meet every single driver

    without a special pass, you can sit in their race cars and pretend to drive them, and you can just wander

    down pit lane before the actual race starts. From my experience NASCAR is really uptight about people

    wandering and meeting drivers unless youve paid a ridiculous amount and have the right credentials.

    Nope, here you can go anywhere you please. Jenni spotted him first; Patrick Dempsey was all suited up

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    in his Race suit standing behind Pit wall waiting for the last hour or so before the race started. Now

    unlike how everyone thinks celebrities act is not how they all act. Patrick Dempsey is super nice and not

    at all jerks like other actors. We both got to meet him and around talking with him for a few minutes

    before the cue for everyone not on a race team to exit pit lane and stand on the side lines while the race

    teams prepare to start. The rest of the race went by in a blur, Jenni and I couldnt believe that we had

    just met Doctor McDreamy and that he was unbelievably nice.

    Do you know Boris Said? My best friend Zach, Cupcake, shouted in the band room after a long night

    at a football game with the Marching Band now in my junior year of high school. Word was known about

    my dad knowing Patrick Dempsey and other famous drivers and people were starting to ask questions.

    Needless to say a lot of people were jealous at first and then their reaction went to a more TAKE ME

    WITH YOU TO MEET HIM! outlook. The fact that my dad knew Boris Said just made Cupcake ecstatic (

    Zach is a huge Said Head, which is the Boris Said fan club) and now every time he saw my dad hed

    always ask him about his last race and all the people hes met and of course if he talked to Boris Said

    while he was there. My dads response of course is, Yeah, Boris is great. I was talking to him on the

    plane; hes a riot. Pats hilarious too! I swear I thought Cupcake was going to faint when my dad invited

    him to VIR to meet Boris Said as well as Patrick Dempsey. Cupcake had been planning on going to the

    race, but never even thought that meeting Boris was an option because he was so used to NASCARS

    strict regulations. However, by this time my dad had changed race teams and was back racing with I-

    Moto racing and no longer on Patrick Dempseys team, but he still saw him on his flights and around the


    It was April again and we all piled into my moms car to drive the race track. Cupcake and I took turns

    driving because my mom at the time had broken her wrist and was in a blue cast which I had nicely

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    decorated with world monuments all the way up over her elbow. The whole way up to Virginia Cupcake

    was just going on and on about how he couldnt believe he was going to meet Boris Said and that his life

    was now complete. Honestly, Zach was just a jumble of nerves that day and when time came to meet

    Boris Said in person he completely froze. That day was pretty calm except for when we got there our

    tickets were at will call and the man at the gate checking our tickets just waved us on after giving us very

    confusing directions to will call. We never found the place, but then once youre in VIR no one asks

    questions because everyone is there to have fun and watch a good race. A few hours passed and Zach

    got to meet everyone on my Dads race team and for some reason they all thought Cupcake and I were

    dating. We werent, but we were such close friends its easy to see why people thought that way. WE

    started to roam around weaving in and out of other teams paddocks and made our way back down to

    pit lane. I got to see Patrick Dempsey again and he remembered me (probably because he knows my

    dad and my dad is one of those guys who arenteasily forgotten). He signed my moms cast and

    complemented on my art work that I had scribbled all over it. Zach got a picture with him and then we

    were on our way to find Boris Said. The look on Zachs face when my mom found him was priceless, it

    was a combination of fear and oh my gosh I cant believe Im doing this. Am I still alive? Someone pinch

    me looks.

    Hello, Zach. Its so great to meet you! Boris stuck out his hand and smiled.

    Zach just stood there for a second, unsure what to say. Finally he found his words and started off on a

    conversation with his favorite driver. The two of them continued to talk for about 20 to 30 minutes

    before it started to drizzle and Boris excused himself to go cover up his race car down on pit lane. Once

    he was out of sight, Zach embraced me in the most startling and happiest hug that I had ever received

    from him. Zach still couldnt wrap his mind around the fact that he just had a conversation with Boris

    Said. I believe his exact words were, I cant believe it Allison! I just talked to him! A whole

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    conversation! I didnt know what to talk about at first, but then I just started to talk about racing and

    then we were talking! We were talking Allison! How great is that?! Zach also couldnt believe how

    close he could get to the cars and that he could actually sit in them. That day was just full of surprises for

    my best friend and I think he quite enjoyed having the freedom to do anything.

    Allison, I think Patrick Dempseys waving at us. Zach whispered to me while poking me in the side.

    Yeah he tend to do that, just wave back and smile Cupcake. I returned the wave and then noticed the

    large sign used to stop the car in its pit stop that held Ellen DeGeneress face. Hey look! Ellen! That

    year Patrick Dempsey had really been pushing fundraising for a childrens hospital as well as other

    celebrities were and I suppose he had teamed up with Ellen or just had her face on his pit stop sign.

    A few hours later after roaming pit lane and Zach taking picture of every car he saw like a tourist the rain

    had begun to come down so hard we had to stand under the pavilion on the side of the race track in the

    serpentine turn next to the straight away. Even though the rain slightly dampened the mood of the

    race, it was still one of the best days of my life.

    Did Cupcake meet Boris Said? My dad asked when he got off his plane a few days later.

    Yes. He did! And he had a great time, thanks to the best dad in the world.

    You know, now that I think of it, I dont think I actually told Boris his real name. I always refer to him as

    Cupcake like you do.

    Does that mean Boris Saidwas looking for some guy named Cupcake instead of Zach?


    Cupcakes never going to believe this.

  • 7/30/2019 Personal Essay Rough Draft


  • 7/30/2019 Personal Essay Rough Draft


    My dad at work ( The one playing with the trunk)

  • 7/30/2019 Personal Essay Rough Draft


    Zach and Boris Said

    Zach and Patrick Dempsey

  • 7/30/2019 Personal Essay Rough Draft


    Being on Pit lane

    My dad is the man

    in the middle