
People With Mental Retardation

Chapter 9


Definitions and Classification The most widely accepted definition of

mental retardation is that of the American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR). The major components of the AAMR definition (1992) include the following characteristics:

Significant subaverage general intellectual functioning

Adaptive skill deficits The age of onset refers

Classification Severity may be discussed in terms of

mild, moderate, severe, or profound retardation. Use of scores on intelligence tests Indicators of adaptive behavior

Educability expectations are Mild - Educable (IQ 55 to70) Moderate - Trainable (IQ 40 to 55) Severe - Custodial (IQ 40 to 20) Profound – (IQ below 20)

Classification Cont… Medical descriptors Classification based on needed

support Intermittent supports Limited supports Extensive supports Pervasive supports

Prevalence 11% of all students with disabilities are

classified with mental retardation 611,076 children aged 6-21 Approximately 2.5% (6 million) of the

general population would be classified as mildly retarded

The remaining 0.5% (over 1 million) would fall into the range of moderate through profound mental retardation.

Down Syndrome in every 1,000 children47 chromosomes vs 46

Characteristics Learning and Memory Self regulation Adaptive skills Academic achievement Motivation Speech and language characteristics Physical characteristic

Causation Sociocultural influences Biomedical factors Behavioral factors Traumas or physical agents Unknown prenatal influences

Sociocultural Influences Living in adverse economic conditions. Receiving poor nutritional and medical

care. Living in an environment that offers few

opportunities for learning. For the majority of people with

moderate, sever, profound mental retardation, problems are evident at birth.

Biomedical Factors Chromosomal abnormalities Metabolism and nutrition Postnatal brain disease

Behavioral Factors Infection and intoxication Maternal infection, such as congenital

rubella, HIV, and toxoplasmosis Intoxication refers to cerebral damage

that occurs when an excessive level of some toxic agent is present in the mother-fetus system.Mental retardation may result from postnatal infections

Traumas Or Physical Agents Traumas or physical agents may

occur either prior to birth, during delivery, or after the baby is born.

Unknown Prenatal Influences Several conditions associated with

unknown prenatal influences can result in extremely severe disorders, such as anencephaly and hydrocephalus.

Prevention Immunization Proper nutrition Appropriate prenatal and neonatal

care Genetic screening

The Early Childhood Years Early intervention in assessment,

curriculum, and instruction technologies.

Intervention techniques focus on the acquisition of sensorimotor functions and intellectual development

Developmental milestones approach Head Start

The Elementary School Years Motor skills Self-help skills Social skills Communication skills Functional academic skills

The Adolescent Years Personal independent and

participation in the community. Employment preparation

Inclusive Education Inclusive education of students with

mental retardation in general education classrooms with nondisabled peers, consistent with an established individualized educational program

Special schools are designed as facilities exclusively for student with disabilities

Task analysis of brushing teeth

1. Grasp side of medicine cabinet with left hand

2. Pull cabinet door open

3. Grasp toothpaste with left hand

4. Lift toothpaste out of cabinet

5. Grasp toothbrush in right hand

6. Pull toothbrush out of holder

7. With 2 fingers, grab the cap of toothpaste

8. Twist the cap counterclockwise until it is off the tube

Today’s Activity Perform a daily task and analyze the

specific steps involved to complete the steps.

Write down each minuet step. Follow your written steps to see if you can

complete the task by following your steps. If you cannot, revise your task analysis to

include all steps necessary to complete the task.