Page 1: people make when trying to lose fat · increase your aerobic exercise in order to help get you into shape. however, this is not correct the formula for sustainable fat loss and good

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people make when

trying to lose fat

Page 2: people make when trying to lose fat · increase your aerobic exercise in order to help get you into shape. however, this is not correct the formula for sustainable fat loss and good


Congratulations on

downloading a copy of

this report. I am certain

that by reading it you will

learn some new

information that will

assist you in getting into

better shape and

improving your health.

We have found over the

years that people make

some common mistakes

when attempting to lose

fat and tone up.

If you have been trying

to lose fat for a while or

are just about to embark

on your first attempt to

get into shape, you need

to make sure that you

are not making these


Introductionmost weight loss programs and

“experts” will advise that the

solution to fat loss is to reduce

your calorie intake and

increase your aerobic exercise

in order to help get you into

shape. however, this is not

correct the formula for

sustainable fat loss and

good health!

this formula may lead to a little

weight loss but it will not give

you the fat loss results you are

looking for. the weight usually

lost through this formula tends

to be muscle loss, which in the

long-run causes some people

to gain fat rather than lose it.

this is termed as a “yo-yo”

dieters’ experience (see

diagram below). it does not

produce results for optimum


the only solution to avoid

making fat loss mistakes is

based on basic science

fundamentals. as we age we

lose muscle tissue. this loss of

muscle tissue usually starts

from the age of 30.

the muscle that is lost not

only makes us look flabby

and shapeless, but it also

slows down our metabolism by

up to 45%. metabolism is the

rate that we burn food and

body fat for energy. the faster

your metabolism is, the more

food you can eat without

gaining weight.

we all have a friend or family

member that eats a lot but

never gains weight – they have

a fast metabolism. Chances are

if you have downloaded this

report in an attempt to find the

secret to fat loss, then you

probably have the opposite

metabolism rate – a slow


if you really desire to get into

shape and remain in shape for

the rest of your lifetime, without

having to worry about gaining

fat and expanding your

waistline, then this report will

provide you with the solution

that you have been looking for.

so without further ado, here are

the 7 common mistakes people

make when attempting to get

into shape…


Body NutritionYoYo

Page 3: people make when trying to lose fat · increase your aerobic exercise in order to help get you into shape. however, this is not correct the formula for sustainable fat loss and good

MISTAKE #1 Let’s first look into what

people normally do when

they realise they need to

lose fat.

They usually go on a low

calorie diet or what we

like to call a “starvation

diet”. Chances are if you

start eating less than

what you normally eat,

eventually you should

lose all your excess

fat, right?

Unfortunately, it does not

quite work like that!

As mentioned before, the

solution for getting into

shape and staying in shape

for life is by increasing your

metabolism. However, for

some reason the word on the

street seems to be that if you

starve yourself you will get

into shape. Thus, low calorie

diets and point counting

programs are very popular.

But do you really want to

spend the rest of your life

counting calories or points?

How well do they

actually work?

When you reduce the

amount of calories in your

diet, your body will do what

it is trained to do over the

years of evolution – your

body is trained to keep you

alive and it will slow down

your metabolism to

conserve energy. The less

you eat, the more your

metabolism will slow down

and the less energy you will

need to expend to keep

yourself going.

The result is that eventually

you will get tired of being

hungry, and see that you are

not achieving the weight loss

you expected to achieve.

Thus, you go back to

eating “normally”.

But wait a minute, your

metabolism is slower than

what it was before you

started dieting because your

body has recently been

trained to conserve energy.

So now when you go back to

eating “normally” with a

slower metabolism, not only

will you put the weight back

on but you will also gain a

little bit more.

All of this happens very

quickly, because your

metabolism is slower than

when you started dieting.

The solution is not to reduce

your calorie intake but to eat

in a way that helps you to

speed up your metabolism

whilst not feeling hungry. So,

what is the best way to speed

up your metabolism? –

Increase your muscle tissue.

You are starving yourself

Page 4: people make when trying to lose fat · increase your aerobic exercise in order to help get you into shape. however, this is not correct the formula for sustainable fat loss and good


You are not eating the right foods

The best way to speed

up your metabolism is by

increasing muscle

tissue. So, what foods

help you to increase

muscle tissue?

The best foods to increase

muscle tissue are complete

proteins. Please take note

that not every food that

contains protein contains

complete protein.

A good example of this are

pulses such as beans and

lentils; they are not complete

proteins. Complete proteins

should help you rebuild your

muscle tissue and speed up

your metabolism

Complete proteins contain all

nine of the essential amino

acids necessary for the

nutritional needs of humans.

Another reason for eating a

diet rich in protein is because

protein breaks down very

slowly after being consumed.

It gives you a feeling of being

full or satisfied for longer.

So eating more protein not

only helps you to burn fat

and rebuild lost muscle

tissue, it also keeps you with

a fuller stomach for a longer

period of time.

Some examples of good

sources of complete protein

are eggs, yoghurt, cottage

cheese, all fish and seafood,

lean meat and poultry.

Additionally, you should

consume healthy fats such

as: olive oil, nuts, avocados,

oily fish, etc. and low

glycaemic fruits and


Page 5: people make when trying to lose fat · increase your aerobic exercise in order to help get you into shape. however, this is not correct the formula for sustainable fat loss and good


You are causing yourbody to release highamounts of a ‘fatstorage’ hormone

MISTAKE #3 Insulin is a hormone

secreted by the pancreas

in response to sugar and

carbohydrate intake in

the diet.

When you consume

carbohydrates and

sugars your body

releases insulin to drive

the sugars out of your

blood stream and into the

cells of the body where it

is used as a source of

energy. If this energy is

not used by your cells or

is in excess of what you

need, it is converted into

an energy form that you

might be familiar with

known as fat.

as a result, it is fair to state that

insulin is a fat storage hormone.

it is the process of putting on

fat. however, when you decide

to “lose weight” is it really

weight you want to lose or is it

the stored fat?

in order to lose fat your body

must use that fat as fuel. the

only way to do this is by putting

your body against the wall and

forcing it to use its stored

energy. in other words deprive

it from its present supply of fuel

– the blood sugar/glucose.

as we have already discussed,

starving yourself does not work,

hence the only other option is

to reduce the intake of foods

that produce a high level of


The GlycaemicIndexglycaemic index (gi) is a

ranking of carbohydrates

on a scale from 0 to 100

according to the extent to

which they raise blood sugar

levels. the higher the blood

sugar levels the more insulin

your body needs to release to

remove the sugar or glucose

from your blood stream.

for example, most white

breads and sugars are

between 90-100, average

cornflakes are 93, boiled white

potato is 82, the average pizza

is around 80. examples of low

gi foods are leafy vegetables,

which normally rank below 15;

berries and oranges are also

good examples of low gi fruits.

But should I not eat a balanced dieti.e. a little bit ofeverything?

a well balanced diet means

that you need to make sure that

your diet has enough

macronutrients such as protein,

good fats and healthy

carbohydrates, especially from

fruits and vegetables and from

vitamins, minerals and


a balanced diet does not mean

that you can or should eat a

“little bit of everything”. to

reiterate, to continue your

dependence on high glycaemic

foods will cause you to release

excess levels of insulin, which

leads to fat storage. this in

turn can result in several

health issues.

even if you go on a diet, by

consuming foods that cause

your body to release high levels

of insulin, you may still be

working towards storing fat

rather than burning the excess

stored fat in your body.

Page 6: people make when trying to lose fat · increase your aerobic exercise in order to help get you into shape. however, this is not correct the formula for sustainable fat loss and good


You are drinkingyour calories

So, you do not need to

count calories to get into

shape, but that does not

mean you should be

drinking more calories

than you need to.

Research confirms that

people who drink a lot of

sweetened beverages

such as carbonated

drinks and even fruit

juices tend to consume

more calories overall.

These are called ‘empty

calories’ as you are

consuming large

quantities of calories

with very little or no

nutritional value.

let’s say for example that a

person consumes the following

during a typical day:

• 200ml glass of orange juice

(approx. 90 calories)

• a cafe latte with non fat milk

(160 calories) with their


• 330ml can of fizzy drink with

their “meal deal” lunch

(139 calories)

• mid-afternoon snack with a

cafe latte with whole milk

(260 calories)

• a large glass of white wine

with dinner (180 calories)

That is a total of 829 calories.

as you can see, in a typical day

a person can easily be drinking

one dinner’s worth of calories

through poor choices alone.

there is also the issue of the

insulin release as explained

earlier; all of these drinks are

very high in sugar/glucose.

researchers at harvard

University reported that women

who drank one or more sugary

soft drinks per day were 83%

more likely to develop type 2

Diabetes than women who

drank less than one a month.

they were also more likely to

gain excess weight.

What about drinkswith sweeteners? They don’t contain any calories, right?

Drinking these so-called diet

drinks is also not very good for

you. not only because of the

concerns regarding their safety

but also because they get you

addicted to concentrated

sweetness and you might

reduce your ability to

recognise and appreciate the

taste of naturally sweet

vegetables and fruits.

furthermore, according to more

research, conducted by purdue

University’s ingestive Behaviour

research Centre, they

concluded that consuming

foods sweetened with artificial

sweetener would lead to greater

weight gain and body fat than

eating the same foods

sweetened with sugars. this

could be because consuming

artificial sweeteners can wreak

havoc on your body by

impairing your ability to regulate

your appetite naturally and

therefore stimulate your appetite,

increasing your cravings for

carbohydrate foods.

the drinks that you should avoid

are flavoured waters, sodas,

alcohol, “energy” and “sports”

drinks, fruit juices and even milk

and drinks containing milk. milk

can contain up to one-third

carbohydrates, including

skimmed milk. you should

instead stick with still and

sparkling water, herbal teas.

some tea and coffee with a drop

of milk is fine, but avoid lattes as

they contain a lot of milk.


Page 7: people make when trying to lose fat · increase your aerobic exercise in order to help get you into shape. however, this is not correct the formula for sustainable fat loss and good


You are doing thewrong exercises

Exercise is key! It

controls your blood

sugar, normalises your

insulin levels and builds

up muscle tissue, which

therefore helps you get

into great shape.

Walk into any large gym

(we like to call them

dinosaur gyms) and

you’ll notice the majority

of people crowding

around aerobic

equipment such as

treadmills and cross

trainers or entering a

class for some sort of

fancy named 45-60

minutes aerobics class.

But, did you know that aerobics canmake you fat?

what? i hear you say it! i know,

this is terrible news if you have

been running on a treadmill or

jogging in the streets and parks

for the past few months. Do not

be upset; at least you can stop

doing it now! it would have not

worked in the long run anyway

(no pun intended!)

scientific studies show that

doing the wrong kind of

exercise can slow down your

metabolism even more.

there are different types of

aerobic exercises and in

general they are performed at a

moderate level of intensity over

a relatively long period of time.

for example: jogging is a form

of aerobic exercise but

sprinting is not. other forms of

aerobics are spinning classes

and several forms of exercise

classes performed over certain

periods of time with music.

why do most people dedicate

time to hours of aerobics

every week?

1 for health reasons, they feel

they need to do a certain

amount of cardio to get a

healthy heart, etc.

2 it is going to help get

them fitter.

3 it is a form of exercise, so it is

going to help tone up and

lose fat.

in fact, not only is aerobics

the most ineffective way of

achieving the above goals,

it can even be counter-

productive and cause the

opposite results.

Aerobic exercise as aform of exercise toimprove health

Do I not need to do some kindof aerobic exercise to improvemy cardiovascular fitness?

exercise improves the

cardiovascular system by

improving circulation and

strengthening the heart muscle.

keeping your cardiovascular

system healthy through

exercise will assist in

preventing serious health

conditions such as heart attack

and stroke. every time you

perform mechanical work with

your muscles and at the same

time you keep your heart rate

high, you are going to access

your cardiovascular system

and therefore you have an

opportunity to improve your

cardiovascular fitness. it does

not need to be aerobic/cardio


repetitive, long and slow

aerobic exercises can lead to

repetition-induced injuries. our

bodies are not designed to do

hours of jogging, jumping and

pounding. all of these cause a

lot of wear and tear on the

joints around your knees, hips,

lower back and ankles. for

example, whilst doing aerobics,

every time your foot hits the

ground it causes the meniscus

(a cartilage in between the

knees) to wear out.

the bones in the knee then rub

against each other causing

pain. often this is a common

health problem amongst

people in their thirties from

jogging and years of

performing aerobics. some of

continued over

Page 8: people make when trying to lose fat · increase your aerobic exercise in order to help get you into shape. however, this is not correct the formula for sustainable fat loss and good

than before you started doing

all the aerobic exercise. this is

not good news and is a serious

step in the wrong direction.

But how is it possiblethat something thatburns calories canactually make you fat?

ok, let’s start by discussing the

whole calorie burning theory

and why many experts advise

you to do aerobics in order to

lose fat. an hour of aerobics

exercise, depending on how

vigorous and how heavy you

are, can burn approximately

400-500 calories per session.

now consider the fact that to

lose a pound of fat you need to

burn 3,500 calories. this

means that you could lose one

pound of fat after doing 7 hours

of aerobics.

this does not sound too bad as

it is quite predictable and if you

have the time you can

eventually lose the excess fat.

however, as you become

“fitter” doing aerobic exercise,

you burn fewer calories

performing the same activity.

as with all steady state types

of exercise, the body quickly

adapts and learns to burn less

calories the more the exercise

is continued and therefore no

changes occur in terms of

body fat loss and muscle gain,

as there is not enough

stimulation to bring about an

adaptation response from the

skeletal muscle.

you have to keep stepping it up

a notch to stay in the same

place, which means you have

to spend more and more time

exercising. so it does not

matter how much you sweated

whilst jogging; no major

changes are going to occur in

your body shape. it is typical to

often come across a very “fit”

person who has been doing 1

hour of aerobics virtually every

day and cannot lose fat! you

probably know someone that

does a lot of running or does a

lot of aerobic exercise and is

still puzzled as to why they are

not able to shift that spare-tyre

around their waist. you now

know why!

the solution therefore is to

perform exercises that cause

muscle gain. the best form of

exercising is weight/resistance

training. for every pound of

muscle you gain you can burn

50-100 calories a day, even at

rest. in other words, if you gain

10 pounds of lean muscle

tissue, you can burn up to

1,000 calories a day at rest,

without doing any extra

exercise that day.

not only does this help you to

lose fat, you will also look toned

and will be able to maintain

your shape in the long term.

this is because you are now

able to burn 1,000 extra

calories than before you started

your weight-training program.

that is pretty cool, right?

i have clients that after getting

into shape, exclusively use

weight training as their

maintenance exercise routine

so that they can enjoy their little

treats every so often without

worrying about putting fat back

on. and it works!

these people even have to go

through surgery.

research shows that intense

cardio training can decrease

your immune system function.

people training for marathons

have more lung infection than

the average couch potato!

as a result, if you are looking to

improve your cardiovascular

health, cardio may not be the

best form of exercise. the side

effects may create other

problems for you in the long run.

Aerobic exercise to get you fitter

“Physical fitness comprises two

related concepts: general

fitness (a state of health and

well-being), and specific fitness

(a task-orientated definition

based on the ability to perform

specific aspects of sports or

occupations).” wikipedia

general fitness is achieved

through correct nutrition,

correct exercise and the

correct amount of rest. say for

example that someone is

physically fit to do a 100m

sprint, it does not mean that

they are physically fit to run a

marathon. in other words, just

because someone is

aerobically fit for a specific

aerobic exercise, it does not

mean that they are generally fit.

they are only fit to perform that

specific aerobic exercise.

howley and frank* define

physical fitness as a state of

well being with low risk of

premature health problems,

and energy to participate in a

variety of physical activities.

when choosing the physical

activity for you to get fitter, it is

important that you select an

activity that improves your well

being without causing you too

many injuries or placing you at

risk of premature health


Unless you are an athlete, a

good level of general fitness is

one that allows you to run for

the bus, have plenty of energy

to work, play with your

children, go dancing, do the

gardening, maintain a healthy

sex drive, etc.

Aerobics to help you tone up and lose weight

the ideal way to get into shape

and maintain your ideal shape

is by burning fat and speeding

up your metabolism so that you

can eventually eat the foods

you enjoy in moderation without

gaining the fat back. the best

way to speed up your

metabolism in the long term is

by gaining muscle tissue. every

pound of lean muscle tissue

you gain, your body burns an

extra 50-100 calories every

day; even whilst watching tV or

sleeping. the ideal form of

exercise is one that promotes

muscle gain. the worst kind is

the one that causes you to lose

muscle tissue. as we get older

we lose muscle tissue, so if you

lose muscle you are speeding

up your ageing process as well.

performing aerobics in order to

lose fat might cause you to in

fact gain fat. many fitness

“experts” advise that in order to

lose weight you need to do

some form of aerobics a few

hours a week. it is true that if

you do hours of aerobics per

week you will eventually lose

weight. however there is a lot

of research that shows that

much of this weight loss can be

muscle tissue.

when embarking on a program

to get you into shape, you need

to consider if you simply want

to lose weight or do you

actually want to lose fat? if you

simply lose weight and some of

that is fat and some of that is

muscle, what eventually

happens is that your

metabolism will become slower

Mind BodySparetyre

*Howley, E. and Thompson, D. (2012) Fitness professional’s handbook-6th edition.

Page 9: people make when trying to lose fat · increase your aerobic exercise in order to help get you into shape. however, this is not correct the formula for sustainable fat loss and good


You are exercisingfor too long

There are several hormones

that can influence the

results that you get from

exercising and the two

main ones are cortisol and

growth hormone.

Cortisol During times of stress your body

releases a hormone called

cortisol. Cortisol is often referred

to as the “stress hormone” as it is

released in greater quantities as a

response to stress, although it is

naturally released through the

day. Cortisol prepares the body

for the ‘fight or flight’ response,

which is important if we are under

threats from predators or

aggressors. the negative effects

of cortisol are that it reduces

protein synthesis, facilitates the

conversion of protein to glucose

and prevents muscle tissue

growth. prolonged and elevated

levels of cortisol can cause

muscle wastage.

the effect of cortisol for anyone

who is interested in building

muscle and burning fat is very

much undesirable.

when you exercise your body

releases cortisol. as exercise is a

form of physical stress, when you

exercise for more than 30-40

minutes your body starts

increasing the level of cortisol


Cortisol promotes the storage of

fat, specifically to the lower

abdominal area where this fat can

be quickly utilised as energy for

the fight or flight response.

excessive cortisol has been

associated with the overtraining

syndrome - when people exercise

for long periods of time and many

times during the week in an

attempt to lose fat. Unfortunately,

the more they exercise, the more

fat they might be putting on due to

this cortisol effect.

people with extra fat and will

power will continue to increase

the amount of exercise they do

and for longer. they believe that if

they work out a little bit harder

they’ll reduce the abdominal fat. in

the long term they may lose

weight (muscle), but not fat and

that will be evident from their ever-

expanding waistline. so, if you are

working hard for long periods of

time and your love handles are

still hanging over your jeans, you

are probably overtraining.

Human GrowthHormone (HGH)hgh is a hormone in the body

that causes children to grow into

adults. it is the hormone

responsible for the size of the

muscles and internal organs,

bone strength, keeping all the

cells healthy and repairing those

that are unhealthy. your body

continues producing hgh

throughout your life; however from

the age of 30 and each decade

after that, the release of hgh is

drastically reduced and that is

when the so called “ageing

process” starts.

so, hgh is essential for helping

individuals from the age of 30 to

get into shape and reduce and

even stop the ageing process. it

is truly a rejuvenating hormone.

your pituitary gland, a pea sized

gland located at the base of the

brain produces hgh. after the

age of 30, exercise is the largest

contributor to hgh release. this is

referred to as exercise induced

growth hormone release (eigr).

Different types of exercise impact

hgh release in different ways. for

example, using a stationary bike

at high intensity increases hgh

secretion by 166% whilst

weight/resistance training at

maximal lift capacity increases it

by 400%.

resistance training offers

one of the most influential

environments for exercise

induced growth hormone

release (eigr) and the major

factors that determine how

much is released are load

and frequency. this means

going full out, exhausting all the

muscle fibres in a particular

muscle. the highest eigr is

achieved when training your

larger muscles in this way,

i.e. the legs, for between

10 to 20 minutes.

the other contributor to the

release of hgh is protein intake

as hgh requires protein to repair

cells and sleep, as hgh is

naturally released during the first

one to two hours after you have

fallen asleep. insulin is an

antagonist of hgh, therefore make

sure you fast for at least 2 1⁄2 to 4

hours (best) before going to sleep

and before exercising. even a

protein shake before exercise can

stop you releasing this amazing

hormone. the effects of hgh

release continues for about two

hours after exercising.

so, i recommend no food after

training as well. it has been shown

in research that even a small

glass of orange juice or your

sugary post exercise drink can

stop the benefits of hgh. weight

training when done correctly, i.e.

lifting heavy weights at a greater

frequency (less rest time) can

cause our bodies to release up to

400% more hgh, and because

the total work out time is kept

under 20-30 minutes the release

of cortisol is kept to a minimum.

also, you don’t want to train the

same muscle more than once a

week for best results and ideally,

all you need is to train 3 times per

week for a maximum 20 minutes

at a high intensity. this is the

optimum way to build up muscle,

speed up your metabolism and

burn fat. that is the only way i

personally exercise and train

every single one of my clients and

the results are spectacular.

Page 10: people make when trying to lose fat · increase your aerobic exercise in order to help get you into shape. however, this is not correct the formula for sustainable fat loss and good


You haveuninspiring goals

One of the mistakes

people make in their

attempt to lose fat is in

setting ‘realistic goals’.

You read it correctly!

It is a mistake to

set realistic goals.

Actually, most “weight

loss experts” encourage

their clients to set up

realistic goals and most

people do.

the problem with realistic goals

is that they might not be

necessarily what you really

want, but what you think is

achievable or realistic. these

goals end up not being

motivating enough and when

times get tough and you are

faced with the temptation or

feeling lazy about going to the

gym. a realistic goal is not

going to help you.

imagine that i approach you

and tell you that i have this great

business/work proposal and

that i know how you can make

an extra £50 per month, every

month. would that excite you?

would you be interested in

hearing more about it? now

imagine if instead i told you that

i have this great idea of how you

can make an extra £20,000 per

month every month for the rest

of your life by working only 1

hour a week. would you be

more excited?

that is actually how your mind

works. in order to be successful

in life and to reach your goals,

including your ideal shape, you

need to set up goals that are

big. goals that excite your mind

cells, that keep you excited and

motivated on a daily basis. have

goals that cause you to keep

going even if you feel tempted

by your most favourite treat.

there are also other criteria that

you need to take into


your goal needs to be specific

and measurable. you need to

identify how many pounds or

kilograms of fat you want to lose

and/or how much muscle you

want to gain and/or what clothes

size you would like to be. your

goal needs to have a deadline.

give yourself a deadline to

reach your fat loss goal, say by

Christmas or before a pre-

booked beach holiday.

so rather than saying: “i want to

lose weight”, you are certainly

going to be more successful if

you choose a big goal that is

specific and with an end date in

mind. once you know what you

want to achieve make sure you

write it down in the present

tense as if you have already

achieved it and visualise it at

least twice everyday.

say your goal is to wear a

specific outfit that is 2 clothes

sizes smaller on your birthday.

make sure you visualise yourself

at your birthday party with your

friends; see their faces and your

surroundings, feel your hand

going over your outfit and

acknowledge how the material

feels. sense how happy you are

as you hear their voices telling

you how great you look. now

smell and taste a glass of your

favourite drink as you celebrate

in style.

i always get my clients to set

their goals by being very

specific with what they want,

with as much detail as possible.

what is it that you really want for

your body and health?

Make up your mind. Go for it!

Page 11: people make when trying to lose fat · increase your aerobic exercise in order to help get you into shape. however, this is not correct the formula for sustainable fat loss and good

In order to shed excess

stored fat and get into

great shape it is

important to take a

holistic approach and

follow a correct nutrition

and exercise plan.

However, most people

tend to opt for an easier

route which can be just

exercise or dieting alone.

when you think about how poor

the statistics are for long term fat

loss through diets, you need to

consider if this alone will be a

good weapon to use during your

battle of the bulge. research

shows that only 5% of dieters are

successful in getting into shape

and maintaining their shape. in

fact, they regain any fat loss

within three to five years. that

means that 95% of people fail in

the long term.

other people believe that they

can exercise to compensate for

their bad diet. the reality is if you

attempt to lose fat only by doing

exercise this is also not going to

work, especially if you are not

exercising correctly. Doing more

cardio is not going to cut it and

can make it worse.

the key to getting into shape and

staying in shape is simply to work

towards gaining muscle tissue in

order to promote fat loss and

speed up your metabolism.

taking a holistic approach

basically means to follow a

nutrition plan with correct

amounts of complete protein,

good fats and low gi fruit and

vegetables. also, make sure you

do resistance training without any

rest between exercises for about

20 minutes. Don’t worry about

getting big and bulky.

for guys this doesn’t happen

overnight; and girls, your body is

not designed to get bulky

(professional body building

women have to take other

‘stimulants’ to get that big as it

does not happen naturally). and

regardless of how tempting it

might be, avoid doing aerobics. it

is ok if, in addition, you want to

do some swimming, yoga

or pilates.

and remember, before you even

join a gym or start on your

nutrition plan, make sure you set

up an inspiring goal with an end

date in mind.

Track your resultsso, how do you know that in the

process of eating all this protein

and doing weight training you are

actually losing fat and gaining


most people’s extent of tracking

fat loss results involves stepping

on a scale naked every morning to

check if they lost some weight

from their previous day’s efforts.

trust me, i’ve been there and

done that, and most of my clients

have done that too at some point

during one of their fat loss

attempts. you need to track your

results correctly. that means

getting a tape measure and

measuring (or even better, get

someone else to measure you)

some key areas of your body

such as your chest, arms, upper

and lower waist, your hips, each

leg and even your calves. in

addition you should also take

your body fat percentage to make

sure that you are losing fat and

not muscle.

you can even use a ‘before and

after’ picture as i do with all my

clients. you know what they say

about pictures... you can also use

an inspiring picture of a body cut

from a magazine to stick on your

fridge to put you off reaching for

comfort foods and once you have

reached your goal, you can use

your own ‘after’ picture as a

benchmark of what shape you

need to maintain.

your results are your real-life

feedback and can be used to give

you an indication of what you

should adapt in terms of exercise

and nutrition. i normally take my

clients’ measurements and picture

on a monthly basis (less regularly

during maintenance programs).

this gives me an opportunity to

see how they are getting on with

the training and nutrition program

i put them on and gives me

information to change their plan


Get professional helpone of the sure ways to succeed

in getting the body of your

dreams is by getting professional

help. make sure you choose a

good professional, one that has a

good understanding of both

exercise and nutrition and most

importantly, with a good track

record of success. ask to see

some of their success stories.

Don’t be fooled by “experts” with

too many letters after their names.

the proof is always in the

pudding, if you know what i mean

i.e. the results they are getting for

their clients.

ask them what specifically are the

average results they get for their

clients in terms of fat loss, muscle

gain and inches lost around the

waist. your trainer should be able

to create an exercise and nutrition

program for you, supervise you

during your training sessions to

make sure you are doing the

exercises correctly and keep you

motivated so that you don’t give

up on your goals and keep you

disciplined. having regular

weekly exercise appointments

with your trainer will rapidly

increase your success rate.

Start nowif you are like most people, one of

the biggest hurdles you face

when trying to maintain an

exercise program is finding time

to do it on a regular basis. the

good news is that you might

never have to resort to this

eXCUse ever again. there is so

much research supporting the

notion that you can cut your

workout time significantly while

reaping better benefits. with or

without professional help, it

doesn’t matter as long as you get

started. Don’t procrastinate and

postpone it for next monday or

next month – start now!


Page 12: people make when trying to lose fat · increase your aerobic exercise in order to help get you into shape. however, this is not correct the formula for sustainable fat loss and good

Jagir Singh is the

Managing Director of

educogym London. He

began his journey as a

Personal Trainer, Holistic

Nutritionist, Fat Loss

Expert and Wellness

Coach. He has been

involved in helping to

transform thousands of

people to get into great


Jagir’s programs and no

nonsense approach to health

and fitness have helped several

individuals to strip away

unwanted fat and reach their

ultimate dream body.

he is passionate about helping

people reach their health and

fitness goals and seeing the

boost in confidence it

subsequently gives them across

many areas in their lives.

Jagir’s gyms located in

moorgate and south Quay

specialise in rapid fat loss and

life long maintenance programs

for everyone from Ceos to busy

workers to beauty queens.

Jagir is constantly studying the

latest research in exercise,

nutrition and personal

development to help improve

educogym london’s clientele

with wellness and general


About Jagir Singh

Jagir welcomes you to educogym.

follow us on:

Elkie“ Within the first 12 days I lost 10lbs and 5 inches off

my waist and after 3 months I had lost 31.1lbs of fat, 7

inches off my waist and 6 inches off my hips.”

Austen“ Fantastic sessions and fast! Engaged,

driven and results being achieved.

Never stopping - keep it going.”

The educogym effect




About Jagir Singh

Page 13: people make when trying to lose fat · increase your aerobic exercise in order to help get you into shape. however, this is not correct the formula for sustainable fat loss and good


please note that much of this publication is based upon the opinions and personal experience of Jagir singh, unless

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