Page 1: ~1'~FRESH GROCERIES~ - Memorial University of Thomns I.ipton'H '14:$-tr"e nnd Chicory, 20c. bo~ ·

' '



~~al _ o,st 0~1'~FRESH GROCERIES~ 1 -~..;. - POST.\Gb RA IE-: , . , . JUST AR~IVED! : · !USTRALitNCOfd'ONWEALTH

Cuoi1:c 1'uble Butter in 1-lb. Ca~toont~, 25c ·. In l-Ib. BlockM, wrapped iu pl\rchment. ~Oc. an~ 22c.

A. Frauckon & Co'ij fliWOUB Cocoa in .llb. tins,

-Letter' for h..: Commonw<..lllh of Au~trali.l m .. ) (n•lll thr> J;ate be u.m~· miu<.-d front thr• C•r!ony at lhe ~to.: of

10c , 12c, o.ud 15c. tin. 2 Cts. per HalfOunce Wetght· . Thi!> rl-dudion ,.;;II not, hi>Wevt:r. ~t NEW,· PlAIN .AN 0 FANCY BISCUITS ·I pr..:sent ~p?IY 10 km:rs !rom Au~~r:Lh.11 ~

whic:h wrll conttnu..: ~~ t\\0 (WOC."C per h:llfounc.:.

11. J ' tt WOO DS, l'o~tm:l.Ster G~;neitl.

ATIENTIONI 'l'he annual Sale o ( Work in coo·

ncclrQU wiU1 CIIIUST CHURCH. will be Jrd d No\'c:mber bth aud 9tb. "

tS-"Particulau later. !. -


ANTllRACIT~ C 0 A L (all sU.:s) in stock. Orders len at Mr. John G. ' ;\(unn', ~hop ~ill be" given prompt attention ':lnd dtlivcry.

l\OR;\1.\N ~1U~~-


Per.;on\ \\ ho hn,·c Suit.s of Clothes or other ;~rticl~" o( clothing that may need cJ~oin:. 1\00I.tti~, Or fi'(ing.up ClD 1131:.: ~ut:h \l<lrk S:lttsfl.ctoril)' done on c;on,ultin.: tho: undel"\ign\.-d.

Ti,• oU) with an ordt r nnd sec for }'Ot~pdr 11h;at cxtrn wta.r you can get

... out o( a case-orr suit by spending one­ta-entieth lht: cost o i n new one on the old one. Ladies Conts nlw presst..>d :and cleaned.

1'. M:\l)ICA~, Bannerman Street.

FBINCH FISHING PROP~Y Remaining on the Treaty ~

Coast of Newfoundland. TE~Of:tts , ,JII bo: rt'cc:ln'Cl by lb ..

Dcpt.t,h n,.nt nj• 14 nt>e•n 1>11 lbt• fi fteenth dav ot ~o1·cm .,. , tJt'l<l. ror tlte whole o"t any por tlbn nl th•• l'li!hln~r Property on tho Uoom "'"'J•t•kd !ormo,dy by the l-'t~Mll n-h~rtfitu on th~ 'I rcntv ro>ut at lhl.< l'ul"n' ·. Mmpri~ing Uo111;., IJn~ and Twin~•, ' :-all, aud I!CDCl'Jill\' IOCb lllll~rlalu•.,J fur II" C\1<1, ficrdng IUld .Loho!ter rl•ht r u-..-.

Condiments. Lea & Pcrrin'11 Sanc1.1. .

€olbrok & Cu':4 Worcester Sauro, 15c. bottle. Tomato Cat:sup. 1 ic. bottle!.

Lazenby's i\ljxed l)ickles nud Chow Chow. 3Sc. bottle. Freuch C.\p~r .. , 2Cc. holtlc . .

trosse & Bh\ckwell'~ White Onions and Pickled Wnlnuts, 3oo. bottle.

Sir Thomns I.ipton'H '14:$-<~encc uf C>tr"e nnd Chicory, 20c. bo~ · Tapioca, \~c. lb. Sago, Sc. lb. Java Rice, 8c. lb.

Arrow Root. 20c. lb. Gon1 8.t,aroh, lOc. lb. Lambs 'l'ongucs iu Gl1U18, 45c.

No. 1 Gravenijtein Apples. Sair DaU!e, ~~ lb.

R;\ RUiHEflfORD . & · C6M'Y. Bust aud Wt&t "Entl Stores, Wau?&.

Window~! aU from 7 x !) to 34 x 38. White d Zinc Paint in -4, 7, q, 28 and 56 lb. tins. M~ed aint, 1 lb. tin5 in White and Colors. Bolt«! and Raw LinJ\.'t..>d Oil, Spirits Turps. Roofing Felt, 1, ~ and ~ ply. X.:~ils and Tins. Red Oxide P~int and Tar Coatin~. Copal V:~.mi~h. V~tmish Stain,; in Light Oak, Dark Oak, ~lah03hany,

Rosewood, Cherry ~nd \\'al'lut. Galvanized and Dlnclt Shc.-et iron. English 01·al and Round B'oilers, tiJlned and untinned. StO\"c Kettles,, tinnt:d and enamelled. Dessert and Dinner Knives and Forks. Dessert and Dinner Knin:s only. Plated Forks. Table Steels. Tt::1, D ess<:rt and Table Spoons. Table Dells. Carvers and Forks. Pocket and ~th K.nivc:s. Carpc:nters' Hand Saws from 40C to $1.8o·

t . C. a E. GODDEN, S.~:t,.aJ,J>.::J:t=.

~Water Sh'eet, Harbor Grace.~

<JO Water St..,

lEW . .

J uat recoi ved from one of the Jargelr...lkla.~aw~~~n

Arm Rocke..,, Dining

N ur~~e Rocke_n, 1

Cuptt Platform Rocken. Child'• High-chafn (patented). -BarBoom Chain KitChen Cbaire-ligltt and dark-very cheap. ~p ing Mnttra&88a-4 x 6, and 41 x 6i.

~This lot must be' sold. No trouble to please customers. 11* · \

'fhe..e li•ltln~ J:ouor.l! nr c> ~ltualt'Cl at Rt'd I~IAntl .'l'\\c·'Cl l•lnnd Harbor, Woman•,. l'CH·, Woad'• ~•land, Blrehy Con•. ca, t<>r'" Uay, :Sorrhern · Arm,

J'ttrl I • IRntl, <lrt~n l•hmd, St. Barbo, "OT;Mar;:art'l'• ll:o'' • Port au Cholx, Po(t ao Pori bl. John'• J•lftlul, l..e. v ... h ... , Grand An..,, .\ n~e R llola (Wood Cove), St. Joll~n'<l, t "ape ltcm::~~o.

lo•·tntoriM rnav be M'~D at the om­or the varlcu• Ma;riotrAt\..,.aod t.'Uttoma olllelal• In ~e"·ronnd~o ao4 tbe Brllt.b Con•ol a1 :;t. l'lerre. C'.opiN al110

liUNN & co.·a IIUNN & CO. H. H. PARSONS, Water St., Harbor Grace. IIOOOf~ 1--g -L .. _::J .... - MADE To· ORDER·

~ will be wnt IC) any Jlt'I'!Kln ttldo of tbe r'olon7 on application g made to ~ .. om- '

U t. to be eltoariY' undcratOOd that ala• !_l!lreb&M of a[o'r the property loclad· .... In the u lnYentone. wlU Cl!'ft'1 wiUa tt no rl1h wbatner to tlae dablDK roolll or the lilt., aad the porcla-r, stter ~qloformed Of'tbe -ptaDoe of bla Tncler, will be~t.tto remon ncb

PBDISIOJS m aaoiBIIS 1 H .,., T s · · · •

='loe~-:r!ot:o:=f::.!l..r~ =:!:f malJad to !IIIII from tbll depmo

ELJ DAWE,..VIaUtn. llarlae aDd Fa.beriM ~t, Bt

lollo'a,llewtopDdlaDd, OOt. ft UOG. ,

· FO'R S,._LI;. -The Schooner •• Sprfngblrd," 57 'tons. Wed fouod. Applr to

G. & M. GOSSE. Spaniard's .Bay.

CHRISTMAS TREE. --IIqrln~; Xma~ w<'rt. " Fancy Fair In aid lit HI. J .-.. ph'.r l 'hnrell "'"Ill he held Ia !it. J~vh'" llall,ltlntrhoad, ltarbor Grara. On Sunday Ia. I, JUb ln•l., a t a meelln~t of ladtf'J lu Nt. J()OI('pb'• .\ ea· demy at whlrh lb.- u,., .. John :'lt!l~t'h preeld~. the! folh•li laJ.: \\\' f\1 11ppolnt..t to t&l<t'C'har~:evf th" talol..-:

R&t'nt '"'~"~r"-'"•• :\la;:alo \Yahh, )Ira. l'ou•elln~ :\lc-l ' o.rlhy. lll•• AIINl MDieahy. :'111•4 :\!t>ry l'tl<ly, lind :\Ira Thomu Walph.

'BE.ST QtJj\LI"!"g GtJ1t.'R~TE.E.'O.

Give us a call and you !ill find our prices right. Anthracite and North Sydney Coal also in stock.

Apnll for tbe Guardian and Norwick Union Insurance Companies ; and the Canada Ufe Insurance Company.

r:=!l ~&CO.

f10STAt TELEGRAPH Notice to Mariners! ---- ----


H m..aftcr Cable )lessages for all Jl:ltc.1 of the World will be ace.:ptc:d for tn!Nmbsion over lhe Postal Tek,;r:rph Lines :md Cable to Olnso, N. S., a\ all Poslnl Tdt..c;raph Station!> in this Col­ony.

H. J. D. WOODS, Postmaster General

St. John's Narrows, Cahill's Rock, and Pancake Shoal.

NOTICt--; IS HEREBY GIVEN FA!fCV 'l'AI\11:-)Ir •• :\llehael :\l acke~·,

Mra. William OuH!wrlt·, .Mu. )flchai.•l Wal1b, lll•• ,\. Yeaman, Mra. William DQ6kaO, Ml'l. ) 1. Kehoe, aod MI..- M. A OoDfoyle. . s:z:4i Taa~o:-~11•• J\allo )(orrl>1ey, )llu _..;.,_ ___ ______ _

that a Spat- Buoy painted While, b11> beeu moored io 3- fath· oms, to show the position of Cahill'e Ro.:k; a ad a Spar Buo.1 painted black and white horizontal banda. aurrnounted by a white painted cone:, in 3 fntboma, to indiQGte tbe poaitioa of Pancake Sboal. both oa the South West side of the N;arrowa, or Eatmnce to the Harbour of St. Jobn'l:l.

.R. C«tv, :'Ill• J{. \\' hellln, :\11~<1 Ma~rglo KeUy. ~II·• Jto•lc ~hanahlln, :\11•• :\laJt· ~le M.allowney, :\liN Mlnnlo IJteky, and Mba t-' aou)' Mackey.


... !% -

Buoys will bt' removed when ice i~> on the co;ut "'itbout f11rther notice.

ELI DAW'E. .V lrtiJt/l'r o/ JfCI.rln~ attd Ft.lterle•

Dep•rtment or Marine> and lo'laherle11, ~ 1:>1. Jobn'•· :Sewtouodlaod,

Sept. :!11:1(11).\.


Cream, Bla~.:k. Puis and Colored Strl\w,


Chiffon Crim handsome­

ly Trimmed with · ~ .

M•raboutFeather, Flow·

era and Bibbona.

Sent to any addrell8 in Newfouudland, poet paid, for S4.00. ~ dr'-'ACKM'N· -uhe' T AILOR•S..B ' UADf ... _,.~HIN_9-ftous• MAIL. ORD.If D~MT. Priee.IMta"dFCifllioJl.PkJt•uJtt OPICippUc:aUoJt. ST. JOB~B.


w~ t~t,a,M, UN tmdA·

utsntUd to us durin§ tM montAa.

Ou,r 8/forl8 are direot~Jd, to 8Uppl,y ou;r o'U8to11UJ1'8 with, ~ood, Bdlid and sty/,i,A Waru, and it i8 pkaB~A tfJ know that our work, i8 Aal.nin~ in popu,l,o,ritg.

The "'Factory i8 runlfin.l f¥,U tlm,s, and t'M trads' 8 orders w;,IJ, r«JtJi,vs t~u.r !Jut a,t:. tsntion.

_ • Archibald BoDt & ~ko.Aa.pfa, Co; U(J. W. J .. J~E.S. Miineaer: .. ·

===JUST OPENED UP-~ Full lines of Choice, New,· and Cbeap

~::::: ::: ::::&0118!1 PAPBBS: :::: ::: ::::~ Comp~e Stock o( all grades , .

~::::::~ B~OTS .I.ND SIIOBS ~::::::~ , ~or Fall and Winter Wear.


~::: :_::::::BN'S 'OLO'fM!N&: :: :::::::~ of all kinds. Cheap. Strong and Stylish.

J~MEBCRON, Water Street, Harbor Grace.

LUMBER I PROV:EBIONB I Prime Matched Board, Pine and Spruce Plank. "Pine and Spruce Board, Pine Clapboard.

uet received frooi Hall's Bay Milftl. Other ahipmenta daily expected by train and schooner. · See the prices

Full stocks of Dry Goods, Groceries, Proviaior.a, Hardware, Picture Framing, Furniture, Booke, Statiunery, &c.

-New Feathers, Mattruees, Stock Condensed Milk just in.-

THOMAS ROSS,- Water Street

' ~FOR SALE~ FLOUR--•' North Western," "Galaxy," "Sensation," "Ca~t'

and "Goldie's Star." PORK-Family Meaa, Heavy Me• 'Wd Bean Pork. BEEF PJate and BoneleBS Beef.

Barbedoee Molaaaea, Kero. Oil, 116 and 160 Te. ~ • Coal Tar, Pitch, Oakum, English and Local Brick:


~HENNESSY's~ Water Street, Harbor Crace •


. · ·. To Cure· a Cold in One DaY ~a:,.. Take Laxative Bremo Quinine Tablets. .A ~ ~ oa ~

By a~hing teeth many people are, when a couple of drops of M'MuRDO's Toothache Drops would immediately relieve the trouble. If from Neuralgia, then try our Tablets, and they will kill the pain and give you ease. Every one should have standard remedies for unlooked for ills in their medicine chest or closet You can find the best

. ' that;sputupatourstore. • ~STOVES ·OF Atl KINDSI • Tf;OS. M'MURDO 8c CO., 1 . Nowiubtockatlowthtprice!at ' s.v. MIDioa ~lOW .. ..-•a.... 11da aipatare, ~. !.l"c~ -.a

. -

• I

.. , .

Chen.WGitll Drug~, w.11er &., ~, Jo'-'•· GEOBGE GORDON'S,. Water St .. rt"



. t ..

Page 2: ~1'~FRESH GROCERIES~ - Memorial University of Thomns I.ipton'H '14:$-tr"e nnd Chicory, 20c. bo~ ·



.. . ...

.. • /


.. '

I ' \ /

t I l LUmberman's apd Boots. are the best thing y ou ever put __ a ·foot . mtQ.

·Comfortable, strong aad Ourable; ~-proof, waterproof, snag proof. . Y ou·lllmow them by "tbe mark of. qUality" ~ aB A,l&

St. J ohn's ' rMarble - • '

Insist On ·having Lthe· ~est. If you appreciate a really firat-claaa Biscuit, at --moderate ~ &G your Grocer for·---


· Our Name atablped on each Biacult.

Rennie Baking CO.,. ST. JOHN'S.

local Agent . Wanted 1 G U A R· D I A N AT ONCE FOR ' 1

C•n Greatest Nurseries FIRE AND U , - for the Harbor Grace and n

~IIKI:F• wbicb will be l-' t ~~~e~~ .


w, fDrDJah 71 p. o. of tbe Operatore aadlltatloa Aaeatl to A-riOL Oar .. z ealaoole are the l&ra.,l eacJa.l•e ....._,.~8ehoola nr TB• wou-...... •ca"WII :30 yean add eodoraed b)' all leecUD1 BaUway Olllolalar

We ueeale a 82110 Bond to ••ur. etachat 10 farallh him or her a POCI · don paying from $40 to filii a month a Ia 8ta ... eaalof lhe RookY Mountain• or froiD f7ll to tiOO a moafh•la State. -~ Of &be 1\oclcle., UUI&DIAT&LY VPOII OaADUATIOII.

8ladeatl can enter at any time. No vaoattoae. For toll JIU6clllere r&o prdla• aay ot 6nr Soboole write dl· reoUo our .exeeal•e ofJico at Claoln· aeu, 0. Catato,ae froe.

ft810BJEBCHOOL It !ELEOBAPHY Cloolaaatl, O. Bod'alo, N.Y. AS.Iaata,OL LaOroaee, W ... Taarkaoa, TeJt. Sao Frel!claoo, 0.

.. !'



-.I'll, n1le aocl ucl Workmu­•hlp la&rall&Md.111

Oaa&om work ol all lrlacla ueoa Led a& loweet prlo. ud with d• p&tcb.

Meuare Carda aapplled oa ap. pllcatloa.


Dr. LEHR, ~ l*ntlat. ~-~

Oppoate T. X'Murdo ct Oo'a. ahop. WATER STREET, 8l. JOHN'S. _.Jtxolaal•e riJht to aae the

hmbua Hale Method of Paial• Denllatry ln St. John'• and Harbor Grace .....

JAMES D. MUNN, D«Ahr m &al .l!'.lltlk, OommV­.aon.A,-,~,

.A~,etc. \ Harbor Gt-at», - NNj()Witfl4tatJ..

Printing of all Kinds d011e at tbla Olloe.

' ./

\ ,J

W,.uw&Mtt OPT.tlB WAV&

. Loildnis. OoL .::A featgre of Tbe Tim•' Tralalau Ceateaalal edliJoa, ~ a DdeiD b)' the Pne& Laareat.. AU• ... Auta.. eatltled .. Wudeu vf tbe Wave." l'iau foJJ-•:-No& to udlt Ia ~vela,

UYer Ollr aaiJaiU 1.,_, :Nnr bout or vlotorl• on tbe Uala,

Whlala HeaYea aloae bee10wa; V~loriouelarloll,olamoroua draaa,

l"or wlalctb tbe val1w orave, Not tb~ DOl' AD7 1aela beoome

Tbe WWcleu or tbe Wave. No; ba( wbea alamberln& wu bouacb

awak'- • To ou'ebiat arup of brea~ _ •

,._ OOIDbat tor OD•'a ao\Wltrp aake, WIUI maleclladalaotcleatb;

'Twaa tbuftlcl MallloD Un,clld dla hr lalllaad aacl bo..,

-=-~·""~·~:-- .roor or 110r11H'II'egt 1117 of tbe fOIID.I'




sx. .W1J1all...,....,

Loadon, UnuH to bem in International the European preee. German1 eo far mubed her batterlea u to deliver ber Ore cbiefty againa& the real object of her hatred, Great Brl· t&in. France was ex&dperated Jut week by the insolent demand of \he aemi-official <iermaa preee that elM declares what her policy wlll be in the even& of war between En~land and GermroJ. "EILher wlUl me or ~~JalDil ma" i1 the re· frain both of German·cnmpllmentt and German threata to France,and, u the Frankfort Uuette now cyni · call1 ad mile, .. with me" ehroiftea "with me agaiaet England."

Tb--efJeot. of tbts dieoloeure of Germany•• renl meaning hu been •o solidify the entente 'll'ith Great Bri 'ain among tbe French people u noLhina: else could have done. Friday'• Tempta, in a moat moder· ate reply to Germany'• qunlion, will repreHn& tba unanimona Frenc:4!one when it aaya 1

"If ta which we do notre· gard u n .. lt.ble and wblcb we 1ball contiibate to avert in the IU· perior interest or civillaation, were adortunately to arise our army and Oeet would have no other mia· Ilion than the proleot.lon of tbe in: dependence or our lOll and policy. The maintenance r.ure and almple o( tbe Ru11ian .. •n ance; the inte1· ral'£nainteD&DOe Of edetiDft friend· llhips without the idea or a;gr ... ton againet an1 one wbl)mi06Ver, cor· reel, courteoua and loyal relatione with all in the exercieea or our en tire liberty, guaranteed by efJec• tive forcea-euch il the object or tble policy. R.elyine upon a mili· t&ry organi1ation the maintenance and development of wblob abould be the 6nt of tba national creed, aad .,_ROMia, wbOfe interNta are t;!' idllntl·

the rencb poll· o mtd neufrali·

Nervous System Was Exhausted

t1-a -.atnlllf- formidabl1 armed wblola woald prohlbl& any from dreaming of irnv: ic•ll 1 u .. Ia a_ quarrel tliat I• not our owu . ~'No one cau doubt the loyalty

of onr alma, but no one hae the riabt &o encroach on the llbertJ ot oar deoielon. Our diplomacy ie directed aa:aioat no nne, but uo one hu a hold upon n."


Beverler, N.J .• Oct. 22-A lauach cun&.lnlag ten men .,r Pbiladrl· a•hin, colhdf!d with a 'barJte in til• Delaware River near here thi• aner· nooa. reaul&ing in the drownlu1 or HYIIf of the ooouplnta. Tbe o&by three were rncued hy th ...,. ow of the ta1*' Bria&ol. wblcb wu &owfaa the ba.rl• when lh• acol·

JiapP-8ned. Tlae launob wu h7 el•bt of &be and tbe

ro.,_aacl lll•~rnn &o a&ruggiiDJ mea Ia lbe water, but the1~tere onlJable &o aave &hree o tham. Tbe reacaecl mea were landed here bJ the tag and cared for at a holel.


New York, Oct. 21.-Ditplaoing 1000 tona more water than any other chMt.ftoat, the new eteamer Amerika arrived yeeterdaJ on ber malden voyage acroea the Atlan· tic.

Despite her cuaiPI~....,me UOIIN.Iitl! e. the a lar~ea In the world, as the Baltic le longer, wider and o( greater tonnage than tbe new liner. Tlae Amerika le, however, deeper than the Baltic, and for thie rea.eoo dleplacn 1000 more tons or water than doe• the Baltlo. The new •teamer hu a length of 670 n a bread&h of74 (\. and a depth of 63 feeL •

The Amerika oame from Bam· borg. Dover and Cberbol!fl I ing the latter at 1.40 daJ, Octaber mole to the Hook Jigh\bip. between whioh pointe the dme of puaage Ia calculated, the Amerika covered 8050 miles. Her record for the voyeae wu 7 daye 7 boure and U minutee having arrived a~ Sandy Book lirhtehip at 1 52 p.m. yeetefdaJ. WbUe the vessel Olade an hourly averau speed for the VOJage of onJylll.46 knOI..S, the ii capable of much greater IP"ed. In making the passage from Hamburg t<> Dover abe averaged 17.26 knots an hour. .

The steamer carried 1681 por· 1ona, Including the crew. Except fnr oue elnrm encountered on the Banke of Newfuuodland, the trip wal' without incident. Caplain R. 8auermann, who commands the ADlerika, said that tbe huge ebip le handled u easily 01 a small boat.

The Amerika bu electric paaeen· ger elevatora connecting the deckl, a well equipped gymnaeium. a our· eery f;,r children, electric and by­drophatbic bathe aod a la oarte res· taurant. · - JUS RELIGION.

Not long •~to a certain .oleru· man from &be Weflt wu call\d to a church io Jersey Oily. Sooil after bu arrival. the divine'• wife made


Wben a Lmdon, Ontario, ftre lb· aurauce ., .. .,l .. ,,..m·•l hht naorniu~t mall, a ~ e-.'k <~r I wu Ill II""·"' luuud lbtttein a chJque fur -.;.IJOI.I. Ao cnmpauyiniC 1h111 ch•CJI.Ie wa• a ·le.l ter (rom a well knu••'i r~t•ll mer· chaut, .... u ... r that .... luul r uuct bht ln.- l.y 1\r .. tu '"' tr' 8tu1f, aucl be in eon•tquC'uc.. aeturn•d lht~ full amount .. r I he ~h·qutt h;.11d•d bim bJthe hucuraau·fl cumJ.any to cover \bfl ).,,. .. en•talnf'<i Wh•n be had r•cu""'''' fr·••n tl\e ~ohook be comnruulc"'"'' th11 a• rtic·olan! to bit bl!&d uffir... Tl·i .. w.,..k ht~ teoeived a rPJ•Iy hi he h11ndPd.\€1 the meroh•nt,c·"n""YI"II th .. thattlr.e -.f life CIIUollt'IIY, 111111 fllli-.,N&illiC a cheque for 11.000 •• a tnkua ufa1' pnoclation or au atta.,,yaer aapre­Oecleatecl ·

• • DISBASBS OIP TBB Ll'"BR. Yoa tDal' alw&)'l bow wbea ;roar11Y.

.,. .. 011& 01 ordn~or wbea )'011 ... wJaa& le oaUecl blllou. II AD7 ol Ute fQUawllur

E toiDI: Pilla a u.e era .... -~ .... dall bead80lae, a bacf tUti ID

• ~Ill Ill lbe moratq, aallow ool· ored OOIDpiQJoa, :rellowtah Ua& Ill tbe 911, eo&UYea- or !llarrla~ of allla.r duk ootor11ow~rU, and d~aaal ,.,,..

:::f!:f'aad ~~.,.. ':hc:1~e L.~; aotloa, ·that Dr. Moue•• ladl-.n Root Pilla are a perfeet oa" tor all bllloaa af. feellone. Dr. None'• lodlaa lioot f>Ull are aold b7 all medlolao deal'"' • --Tb-.DI&tob Ooverantenl malr01 ball· •·mliUon dollara Ootof lla atalo IOU<irlcs every 7car.

L.\Mt,: BACJ\. - . Tbl• alhnoql Ll uaually'd by Jboumalltm ot tho mnfelo. and may ~ aured b)' applying Obamborlaln'a Pal.n Balm two or lhrce limN a day aad "tbo bing tba parta YIROrolltl)' at oaab af!pll· utron. It &bll dON cloeo not &d'oril ,.. Uof, btad OQ a pi ... or ftaaaal allab_u,. dampened wiUi Pala Balm, aDd qalolt rctllelll aiiDoe& aare 10 follow.

For aale b7 W. H. Tbompeoa & eo., Rubor Orec.; W.I:L BaU,C&rboaear.

-A do~taUon of ll'rtaoh acto,. weat acrot~a to leaalaad, the otl:tor day to at­lead tbo fun oral ot lbe Jato Sir Henry lrvlng.

ESCAPED AN OPERATION. " I had l~ln& pllee for •IJt yean. and

the d(l(ltora old mo tbero waa no care tor me unl an operation. Dr. Cb ... '• Ointment mpletoly oared mo la one week. Aa 1 wae eiJt moo the ago1 and there hat be no return of Ule old trouble T bellove that the oare la _a ~r­maoeat one."-Mr. J. M.t.wata, Rodeo, Man.

- Thoro le aome talk or maid._ tbo r. land or St. Helena a aaaltartam for tbe mea o! Brltllh navy.

STOMAOB AND.,lJVER TYOUBLES. Mr. ALu. M. t'lno. fnlrerm&Dl B . .0..

wrlle•:-"1 havo aiHMf Dr. Obw'• Kid· ney.Linr PUll tor deraaaementl ot tbe kldoeyl alld liver and ttomacb troablea, a ad can cerllty tbat they did me a •OOd deal of good. ~oan bearW7reoommoad lbem to anyoo.e au"erloa u I did."

-The •J11paneae lreop their W{J1dOW8 open '}liM &lid day 10 all aortl or wea· thor.

Wo bellevo MINARD'S LINIMENT II the belt·-Mauhi&1!1·oley1 0 11 City, Onr. Joeepb Soow, Norway, Me. Wbooten, l\lulgran N.S. Rov. R. O. Arm•tronr1 Mufrravo, N.S. J>lerro Landry, .,.,_ POKemonche, N.B. Tbomu Wu.ten, r:sbelll~tld, N.B.


Ule ueual vi Pita to the members of - Two lhouaaad alx hoodred al"ea.. tbe parl•b. One oftbf'la.. aplumb· cJeane.ra t11rn out overy raorDJog during .., tho year ~ attend to tho llreetl ot Para; er's wife, waa asked by the good lady wbelber •be family wore regu· PSEOMO~lA CORED. Jar cburcb-goera, whereupon the PI\IH f JA.,. III B. PCI"M'8, of fl7 River st., wife of the plumber replied tbat • · Cambrldroport lfua. while abe and her childr~ were " •

d •· ell · 1 · ~' Lut winter I wu cooftot'd to the atlen an .... at vtne eerv ce qutte biiDII •lx ,..ecka with poounomt.; ot rtqularly, ber buebaod was not. whleh I bad a ver,- anere etlack. M y

" Dear me," l!aid tho min iller 's lun111 wero extumely (IOre,ead (autre r­ed greall,- from patna under my abould·

wife. "tbat'e ton had I Dqee y~ ur era aad In my ohe•t. I ooachOct toot. husband never RO to ohurch ?" aanlly, and every o.lfortoaoMci .my eyN

10 protrude, ao that It aeemed ae thoall'b " Well, I wouhl'nt ~'ay that he they WOQld bo forced from lhelnoolre~.

never went." wae the revly. "Oc· I alao e~leoced tcreat dlft\cully Ia "••ionally \\' Ill "Oe• to the Unita•· breaablng. My family pbyllolan OOilld ...... .. " ' do nolhlD' !or me.exoept to atrord 10me ian1 now and then to the Metbo· temporar rellettrom palo. Mana year. iat. ancl I have knnwo him to at· borore lh 'enra.l membora or m;r tam• Ill bad boon much bonolllted by tbe uH tend other churchn." o Dr. Wlatar'e .Bal••m or Wild' Cherry,

I '- f 1 jtu t 'b aad I deetdNI to 'tr:Y lt. lt Rave melm· A oo ... " ~rr ex v came o 4 e mediate rellet, end l.ho uao of two email face of the Vtllito r. " Perhaps your bottlea oompletely on red tnC!. lattrfbul· husband ie an agnostic," tuggeeted ed m7 earo entirely to tho Ballam, aa b while 1 uaecl I& I took nothloa el... I

I e. cannot apeak tn term• ot too maoh "Not at all." hu tily anewered pralul!or tbls \•aluablo preperatloo, aor

h h " 1 • 1 b ,., can I 1tale In JanJ;UIItO 100 atroag tho t e ot er ; le t1 a II um er. n hen remarkable rcautt• attendlbg 111 n11e1n there II nothing fM blm to do aL m.r cue." . one oburQb ._tbtre Ia very likely , ~ I!Oo., and •• por boltle. Sold by aomtLhlDI for him a\ lbt otbera,1• · ~e~fe/&~~· aad b:r T. KoWardo


... . .

• 1


I I • llwr I"

ahull ur tlh~ ~ are re.auln...t •·• u 1. .. daa noUoo aQ4 au,·oru lbraaJ~:ht•" a. •. oonliDII1, · .

QIY.-a under tho U~ral ~rut · ur nur afoftllald lalaacL .

WllD-OIUtrurfiS anrl \\t'll-l..,lt.\ t'\1 fllf WILLJo\lll 'lf,\l"li ltl.o, u lt, ltuo:111r Wedtclne, Knlj:bl ~ ·ouu:tnndcr ~>: tbe Moe& OJ,ulu;;ul~hnl••r•h·r ,.f ' I. Mll!haelalld ~L ll\-<>r;:t·,l'ulnpautnn of Use llood Uonor•blt• ' •nl~r •If rb" Bath, Ooveraor aut<l c · .. nnullluh·r­ln..Ciilef IQ IUid D\"rr l ho 1·huul trf No ... ,_,UDCIIIUld anti IIAht•l>c:ll•l•u· 11101, at 8t. John'-· lu Oat 41•1 I •• laad, tbll Utb d l\· .. r J ~th· , .\.lt. , 1-, and la &bo f'irth y•·ai uf Our ~!Po

B7 HJI E&oe.llency•o~ ('umrnand. rt Ro~l•.

C'?lmllill Su<'rut.u y

' I

Page 3: ~1'~FRESH GROCERIES~ - Memorial University of Thomns I.ipton'H '14:$-tr"e nnd Chicory, 20c. bo~ ·


' '


• •



ANEl~,A~ ·cHr!..JNess, axHAusTr<5~. ~PBCIALLY R.BCQM~'<DBD TO


Co11/ailfS lk auwu of FYuJ. .uo,. D~if, Ciwu of lrt#l, f•d I'Mw Old Spat~isA SAerry JII;IU.


· I In Our Hands h · and we guariUlieO · to sen•e them pro-

perly. When we tell you that we will enclose them

with the oolebrnted

.;\ri·LK-. . .


We feel sure that you .. will comfort, warmtba ~d eaae.

The look of the shoe -is fetching.

Jackman, ~

the Tailor, Sole Agent In Newfoundland.

Jilar~ firan9 Stanc18rd • ' UD ·


, NO ~lORE dEA.

(8\. REY. A. WIU.LUI LI:WII, B.J).)

our ln1 of apob &be and 81D~U. bf'arta loOkeCIUp to Bim ·• the winda lD Bll waten in \h~ollow of And tbelr · p yen are abiiW•"*I .• sml there .many ., down to the eea In ehlpe buainea in area&. waten." a time our \houghtllare an1•w"' \he atatemeot oC \he· · that our future home, " the IU ehall be

. no more." . \'a MD OJ' NaWJ'OUlfD­L.UfD, ~1"l'KJITJOIII Are you DOW en~t•Red in any bualpeu tha1 will 11tand :rou In K09d atead when fOU Jean &be body and the QC9Upadon oftbeeea?

When John, the one whom J'e101 Jond, wrote these worde, lUi '1'00 wAS OPO• ~• lllf.U'P. ltklled for hie ftdell'Y to qbri~ be wu now In Patmoe, out otr from-home and Jo•ed onea by the lledlterraataD Sea. In the •ulon 1l•en to him by the ReYMJet of \be ll'ature \hie new thin1 causht hie er,e, "and the ua aball . be no more. ' ,

The future of tbie eanb a, not clearly made known · to Qt. We mAy well lean thla in Bit bfode Who created U for the ue of mau.

W th the. wet'ght ·In Gold Onl&waetobeenactedthetraaedy 0 r I r; I :ht~,e !f:;/!:Je r~:! ~D ~i;b~ ·work ; and • here the 1lorio0J1 triumpha of nd"mln&lon. · It le pouible that when tbi1 parpoae hu been full,y acoomplialied, the Creator may lian no lbrther a.a for •tbie oJ' TBJ: woax OJ' 8ATA• CPOK Hu J'Ala oaKATIOI'Ct He may allow It to be drawn IDto \he b010m of the all·deyouring eun. On the otbar btod God Play pre· 1ene the earth,oleaued from e••r:r ataln of ala, beaaU&ed anew, u a aooataD& nmlnder to all oreatane throu1hou& eternl~y of \he flaiL or DIIOB&Otuca TO itn~t and of TB& MAaYJD.J.OW t'IUUKPII ow Ga.oL

To Doctors BillS, Dr. Morae's Indian Root PI

CliOOSE WtSELY ••• .- w&co you buy a SBWING MACHINE. You'll God all tort. ad "dad~ at ~2 But lf you W&Dt a. tcputa.blc ""'ic.uhlc f&.chlnc, ~tab

~~ ·WHITE· 'Z'1 '}'CUS ~ Ius CJW,!;:d us to ~

oct"'~· RlCAL a1ld 'WEI.L-BUU. T PR! , ~'on:lhlnlc~ ill tta ~ all ~ aood nt. fou%111 em bieb. en4£ a=.h!tla c.nd c.thu: thAt c:;duPvcly 'WHITE-for 1!:sb.aa, our TENSION JNDJ. CATO/t a. ckvi.:c th.u ~ ~ Wu.lon at a. eb.ncc, c.n4 w.: luve othcn tiut :lff'::.U to~.:· f-.d buyer.. All Drop tlads 1uv.: Lift w be.lutiiul Swelt rroat, GolO.:n <hk

· Wookworlt. Vtbralor...tRol;uy ::l!lutt~StyJ---. .>UR BU04flT H. T. OATALOQU£8 OlVI FULL PARTICULARS, FRl!!.


Tbe annlhllaUon of the earth would interfere with the preaent moUona of the planetll of tb•Solar &yatem; and any dUI'ereooe in thla unall ayatam 1rOA14 cU~1• othen, and thfll •1ain othen 1 10 that In the neat of the earth beloa enUrely burnt up, the wbole ani~ Yerse would need to be re.djaeted. It h ecarcely ponible tba& God •ould create the mllllooe of world• great~t than Ute earth merely for tb~ human race in thel$eeb. J)oubt· leu He bar lar1er plana and larger purpoaea. Tbu when Peter apeaka of the earth being burnt up, be adda, "Aooord· I og to Bla promiee we look for a new hea•ene and a new earth. wherein dwrelleth riabteoqenee11." Poeeibly Goo """' rmurT '~'P• · Babv Had •·zema EARTH WITH tras; AJIDTQUTUI'Cio f .-u voa:~« IT f::>""rJJl~LY nrro A." PARA· J)hU'! RE(lA.lHIJ>." Anc(euf~WM wltat M P'ft 1M

'"'~~ ........... ........ H it pJeaa.aot for Ul to thipk of revieitiog thie earth with spirit power, able without ~earine111 or expense to tour arou d tbe and eee the bare, w"t placee blo .. somlng as the rose. et our hap· pinen does not depend upon tbie, because Oo1l oan pro•lde for us grander acenee, w1th the added ch!lrm of novel~y. · Fauant eaye ·· ~bn'~t anul Ia redeemed at regeo­t~rlltlon. Man's body shall be re· deemed at the reaurrectlnn. Man's d wf'Jiin~~:· plhoe, hislnheritance,Tq& EA.RTO:, @llALL BE RBDEElUD PBR• •"ECTLV nt the oteatioo Of the olw heaven and tbe new earth, which

JOHN OASEY, Agent for .Hal'bor Grace. 11halt ~~::cono ts 9r.oav Tsc PJUT ~"" ===-------,_--....,.,=---------,~~-.....,.. PA.llADll£, M much 1\B the Second Ka. S, Rc~~~~,. l'llbHt ..,_,

. PRINTI.;C OF ALL KINDS "i Adam exceeds the Firat .\dam be- j~~~9-' Writ'!t~·t==:-J n • ~ fore the 'Fall, and ae R!t:1"P1Uf'f· " IUalb , .-4.81' 'W-. IUlllr. Md belie"

ale In hotly and eou\ e OC!Pdl man Jba&~q,WOQ!chat ........ __ , belle•· executed rciilt prolll1Jint~Ut, Jtettlra•~UJ, a~td cJt,.., tm~>ss ",. be waM created." I till' 1~ ~be Ia u1 -1•1e!eedf• •aa--.• NtJ ncerl to ~end el1e11JMre The Stan®rd Office v How different the "' Ahllll be ~:::-~~~-"4&.~~

I from the old-'' the 11ea shall be no l"or&raa&u4....-.GII>R..A. w:~011 equal to local tkmandl &mplM 1laosm. mor•l" The 1,600,000,000 inbabi~ ..-r bos. • • • •• _ _ • _

.. . .


01IAM.BIIHlUUr'•OoUQ~ ll.-.111' »•11:• ?1~ A OltT 00UlltOU.XAN AT

l(IJ1tlh'Olf1 JAXAJOA.

Mr. W. O'.Relll7 Fogart7, who Ia a member or the Cttr Oounoll ai Klnae~n. Jamaica, Weal Inale., wri&M u tonotn; "One bOUle or Obamberlaln'• Coqb Remed1 bad ~ etreot oq r. oaaall that wualvtoc me ~C!Ilhlf and 1 Ullnlt I aboold nan boeu mo.. qulokl1 r.. lle'od If l had ooottnoecl Ule remed7. 1'1\atlt wu beoetlolat a1ld qulok In , .. llevlna me there Ia DO doubt and It Ia my !Dteotlon ~obtain aoolhor bottle."

For aate bT W. II. Tbompeoo ~ 0o Harbor Grace; W. H. BaU,Oarbonear • .,

- Ken are beoomlor tearoer year alter year, 10 aa11 a German ttatletlean, and bepredlota that3,000 1un heooe thoro 1riJl be ODIJ' ODe mau to~ 11'CUDOQ, --KIII•cl'e UDhD .. tllltw &c.p.r.


. .



..( woman need• a blood Qa*cilc:ioe Tt~gularly juet beoaaH .tie ie a we)· man. J"rum maturi&y to middle l!fe •b• health and happlu ... ~f eYft1 W'Om&D d1pend1 Upon bet blooCI. it. rich.,.. and he rf'galarl· ty. II her blobd i1 · au• I wa• &erJ, abe ia and oenoua. lar abe adeN btadacb-. acbM, ancl u.. whlob S.e

,Towt •••• , ,,, •. , 801


W. S. Goodwin~ D. D.S, Graduate of Philadelphia Dental College and He. pital of Oral Surrery ......

OIJi~ in residence-Water Street, next door to the Bank.




Office Hours-9 to 11 a.m. ---4: to 6 p.m.

RIDLEY HALL, Harbor Gr:JC8. . .


..• t

Page 4: ~1'~FRESH GROCERIES~ - Memorial University of Thomns I.ipton'H '14:$-tr"e nnd Chicory, 20c. bo~ ·



I •


Tbe berriDC labcrJ must be a pro­fitable oac, ud while the tnde aud acbooner-ownera caDDot be czpecSrd to capce ia ita proteCUtion to u;­Jarce eateat tbia ~ea10n. :t. trial aboDld be made 10 tbat ita pro& table· ncaa can be full1 and definitely a•· ccrtaiued. The American couau1n· era want our herrioj!. :and jt will thea be ac.e11 if thn are prepared to pay more for them'io order tba!"tbe filhermen aad &abery iotetettll of Glonceater may coDtioue in the monopoly wliich they bue bcld for yca.ra.

Law• are ia more or ~ell meaaure eaperimeatal, and besides that lea· tore there )a alw:aya the fact tbat 10me accttollof a commaoityor peo­ple will be ill·affccted. ~There wa.

·uen:r a law made yet b .aome in· tcrcat, printe or public. iater~ Cered with. c\ law that will be re­cei•ed by all hu oe.-er~ fr:amed. The pre.cnt trouble o~ the West Cout ia caulcd by the iqtereata of pec;ple there being jeopardiscd for a time ud to a a,• er or amaller de· crcc ia that to the coant7 ccaerallJ may brourht abolit. ,. .

The Ameri.c:an~oor to ·~ atrict· Jy, tbat ecction of them In Muaa· cha~etta State. who b;ne throu1h their repracntaUYea bceD the~ of blocklar all attempt. for ·N.ew· foaadlaad to pia free . catry for all her Bah proclacta. haft aot treated aa Ia &DJ wa7 fair ia that. matter. TbeJ a" at tile eame ttllllt. eoqbt to poaaaltea of all tlae bait aacl ~· pri \bat" .... .,..,.

OC' to w. aacl DOt ,aiJ tile)' ............... aet of .. • t11at tM

&1'11ri.l!8 A wltlt. wboiD oar ~!'-···-· .. _, ........ Ia -•• ·~bbe

• All we ba•e to aay to the Ameri· caul-.rl•e aa free eatry {or all kladl of&ab aad &ah oll1. and thea we will ooen oar port. to your ~ Oatil we ba.,. th:lt free entry lftllted Ill, baada off. .

It aeema that a portion of fiablac people are beiar led away to au it tbe- political uirendca of the time. by thoiC who are aot to the maaner borA- the coterie of the St. Jobo'a Dally Newa. They will re· cehe their reward, it ia more thao to be deprecated that aucb pcnoaa are pcnllittcd to damap the beat ia­terata of Newloandland In order that they pia thelr aefarioaa cad1.

• '::.. POTATO C•oP.- The crop hai been ... baneated Ia tbie locality, ud from

• "# l'eporta all round the yield ha• fallea • abort of that expected C'&rly in the

..ea10n. Oh the whole the returaa will gi•e bot 75 per ceat. .of a g'ood Jleld; aad 1a IIWlJ c:uea a "rcry poor erop wu raped.



. · '

-- , -Jack Monro, of Boalardarie, C.

B., reached St. Jobn'e on Monday'• expre11. aad will tTaiu t~Jere for tile hoxaar match with Min Shallow, Newloaadlaad'a ~mploa. MDDro ia a geaial fellow; aiJc feet taU ud weighs 2'RI""ooaad1. Be Ia coaaid· erecs aa roocfu Sballow, aad a fut exblbltloa Ia looked for. Wblle ao obJcctlozt caa be raised apiut acteatltic boata tor polata. alQdar matches are bratal aad abosiicl be atopped. .. ·rbe match oa the 10th iaat. ia aot Ia tJae lut.IWDed claaa.

. - Two Important calk!a wlllllkelJ be before tbe SaprHieCoart oa Cir· colt. wblcb opeaa here on the %Jrd •nat. One wiU be that of Mr. Mat· thew Martla aplaat tbe Harbor Grace Whallar Co .• for daaaacn oa accoaat of the obnozlouueu o. the Company'• factory : tbe otber, that of Mr. C. D. Garland aplaat tbe Reid N8d. Co .. for tbe reco.-ery of the nlac of a boriC which Ia allecrd to baYe beea kiUed while beiac pat oa b~bJ the CompauJ'•

mp OJCCI ~Uf'llt laat.


eat: Dr. Du&eld. Ben.;~•·_ ·..,~llo lla'IMe. G.B. "····e:· J. IIJ lhall; w: White. Saaart. II. J. ~io. C. C. Carpea , aud W. K. Gard· acr, aad the fift adnaced aad ad· mlttecL ' · ·

Eoreuoaci? said at' 7.30. the ReY. C. Ci ter coaductiac tfle eenice. · B • Lordabip preached from tbe text : .. Tbeac are they wblcb came oat of rreat trlbalatloa aacl baft wuhcd their robes and made tbem wblcb in the blO<'d of the Lamb." Tile tenaon waa a dl.coar.e oa tbe Cbriatian life. de· Jiftred Ia a plala maaaer, carrfing with it deep fcnor aad impreaah·e apirit. At the condaaioa of tbia ~ the :::::z aad c:lergy-left tbe Claarch, ed bJ the Choir, aU ala~ a receaaioaal hJmo.

Yeafi:rd&7 moraln!f, Bia Lot'dabip. accompanied b7 Caaoa Noel a. Cbaplala. Jef' for Bryant'• Co•~. wheN at 11 o'Cioclr, the.aew Church tbete wu conaecrated. Thla Church -Bt. Aadrew'a--bu beca 10me two Je&ra ia coaatractloa,aad Ia now free from debt. Tbe Priest Ia charge ia tbe Ru. Fraak Smart. of Upper Ialaad Cote. wboac :Dillion ~Judea Bf11Ult'a Cote. .

TcMlaJ. the Lord Bilhop and hla cbaplabl ia at Tilton, wberrat 11 o'dOck tbe aew Cbarch waa conar· crated for DIYiae aenice. Tbe Ru. II. J. Lea'O'a cbarp of Spaniard'• Bay iadia-. Tilton.

Hie Lon!abip will likely proceed to St. Joba'a from Spaniard'• Day bJ thi• arteraooo·. train.-Com.


~-------------~-~~ Klnud'l J.IDlmeDl for eale ntr7wbue ----11..,.. R. D. KoRu .t Rona' lhrM eebOOII--Uol .. a, Epplf, aud 1'1•-Dl Tlm-• lO arriYe from Labndor. Tb-an tile ODIJ' achooura of lhe a .. t koar &hill port that ban uot roacbed bomo.

TO OUR£ A OOloD I :of ON F. DAY Take LAXATIVE BR0:\10 QUINJt(. Tablela. ~~ drualtte ref1u1d th4tmoD'1 It I&~ to ovre.

W. :& OroYe'e •11uatar~ It on ..0b box t&centa. -

-c1os1-d~a and ynkelt"A an all&oo plea ural oa our etreelol haolo41q our trOnl alr,..l. We W9Ultl d•tn &o eaU tile allmlloa or C)Ur eneraetlo OS.. lrlol rnapeo&or to lblt hrc ... b of ........ . lq abe bope tlla& lbe bapp~ day wtU IOOD oome when tbe reen •11•11 banlala all 1ocllalllmala from lbe blabwa,.a.

-Tbne •tneta

By :t'el,. go•::· ;:, ~£11" ,Y'(.:'K

• Loadoa-Odcao'a cl. 1 . tenible aceur.. oc. u tetdaJ. An armcrl "•"''· ADd -'roa, .... n.:r, 'l· · . . o~n•l .tadeata wbo tri.- •1 lo •• ' ~. ~~-· t ,11 :

cn'el' oac tbouaau<~ r"i"'' ' .ecl i.e~!.; , r woaaded. Hnu .. e~ : ..... , l .. r - I • t,• c..n::m· the <:Ju•·crumcu• .u; I !" i~c

openlr 111 ".\ fill' <lh,•· ·.~ ·t tic. tlotcn. Other .. ~-t. ~. ;.: :r •r\w nsa.acrea orr rcp••rltd :.; \';,,· ,.;1w,

KaAD a ad ulh•·r '"" u~ Dlt~ody daabea bdwrt>en J..:,,,...,j,:,~ .c:•uy. where wbo d;,.pl;n ;:r. :.t ll rul:llit ,. , elaootiD( iatocroot'd• "'itlr ut Iller.-·,.:

•st. Peleral.ur!:- l·'miy 'lllic't. Praa bue rra:11rt!,. the .. , ~ 'rUJ If& ft. It ia rur.tnro cl i J.\. rei\J· latloalalaao•dc:m;,•vl a l~cp •••h.:. · ~~on-All J.'inl.aniJ ... iu r,·. beUioa. Tbe red fta;: 'A':I~ r.u~.-1(

oa all olti .. ual Lualdan .. , Scaate hA!I rc .. i~:1c:d ia~a

aad CDn:aou lx:iu;:

lJ Witte.

remoYc t:uYcrnur I" •bl:s!"Ct_ !or the •

Honible Hc:brc\v maa· aac:ns are coatiaacd in other citica Ia wblch polin: aad C""r.ack .. are partid'paliago. · · Belaiarfora-Deai;cra~e li~htiu::

bere yeaterdaJ bc:tw«n riutcra :tnd m:any bc:lll::- 11dll~:•l :and

wounded. Diaordcn. :arc reported all on:r Finland.

Vienna-Serioua riotin,: o..-.:urr~-d here yeaterday. aocialiat orator" de· fyinc the police. One hnndr.:d per· 10na ,ere lnjan!d.

Aaoapol11. Md.-- Priu.:~ Loui ,. «1f Battenbarr yeatcrd:a rc •·ic\\ cd the c:adeta at the n:11·a1' n.:adcmy nnd atteadrd a baaquet ri'l'eu by Ad· mlrat Bob EYUa abOard hi• ·ftar· ablp MICJ8ower.

Wubfnjt'ton-<:oo6rm:ilioo or the report of the manacrc of fiorc Amcri· can mi11ionaric:a at l .in.:bo'v w:la recet•~ be~ yeatcrdny. 'rhc out· rage 11 attnbutcd to t l:e k(l.;t ility cauaed bJ tbe Amcri.::an CWnc...: Ezcluaion Act. The Go••crumcut will adopt atrict mc:at~urc&.

The freighlera who h:td en::;a::rcd puaap in the S. S. Vir;:inia L'\kc for Labrador on her firat t rip tv the coaat tbia apring are about tu rnaloc arranrcmcata to enter an acthm apiaat the Reid-Nftd. Co. ftJr d&magea. '

REID Newfoundland



--FOR-­Trinity Dny. Bontwista B tL)' . • Notre Dame llu ~·. Placentia BtLy. ~

DELIVERED twice 'A Wee!< .

B&TWE£.'1 •


B&TWE£.'4 ST . . JOHN'ti nnd LABRA.Dt iR.

· .

