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PBS Social Media Policy


In this constantly changing media landscape, PBS is evolving into a multi-platform content provider. As such, PBS is taking advantage of emerging technologies and platforms on the Web such as social media, both on and off

PBS understands and believes in the value of social media and supports the efforts of different groups across the company to create more interaction points between PBS and our audience. This type of interaction is fundamentally changing the way PBS and its employees work and engage with each other, our member stations and our audience.

When PBS wishes to communicate publicly as a company, it has well-established means to do so. Only those officially designated by PBS have authorization to speak on behalf of the company. If you have questions about who that might be, please check with your manager or contact the Senior Director of Communications for clarification.

In addition, PBS continues to explore ways to enhance and leverage online discourse and interaction in a way that enhances our programming and the value we deliver to our audience.

PBS recognizes that employees are currently participating in social media activities such as blogging, commenting on message boards or live chats, participating in social networks like Facebook or LinkedIn, or being active on platforms such as Twitter. PBS supports and encourages its employees to engage and participate in this evolving sphere of exchange and interaction. However, PBS asks all employees to exercise sound judgment to prevent online social media sites from becoming a distraction to work.

PBS also expects its employees to be responsible in their interactions in social media and similar forums. There are situations where the social media activities of PBS employees and others associated with PBS can have an impact on PBS’s brand and reputation or could lead to potential legal liability for PBS. And as a result, PBS has created the following policy to guide and protect PBS and its employees as they interact in social media.

Social Media Policy—For All Employees

The following policy statements set out the responsibilities of all PBS employees when participating in any social media forum or platform:

1. Everyone is personally responsible for any content they post on blogs, chats, social networks, forums and other user-generated content sites. Remember that

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whatever you publish is public and will remain public (and searchable) for a very long time.

2. Be aware of your association with PBS in online social networks. If you identify yourself as a PBS employee, you are obligated to ensure your profile and content directly associated with you is consistent with how you wish to present yourself with colleagues and the public.

3. PBS encourages employees to post information related to PBS programs on social media platforms. This type of promotion is an extremely valuable method to encourage our viewers to be engaged with PBS’s programming.

4. Employees must recognize that they can always easily be associated with the PBS brand, even in their own personal capacity and when not discussing PBS. As a general rule, employees should consider the impact and/or appropriateness of their actions in regards to their consistency with PBS’s best interests. If you come across a discussion in a social media platform that is controversial in relation to PBS or its programming, it’s generally best to hold back or step away. However, if you engage in such a discussion, be sure to identify yourself as a PBS employee.

5. It is very important that you identify who you are whenever you discuss PBS or matters related to PBS. Be clear that you are speaking on behalf of yourself and not PBS.

6. If you publish content to a website outside of PBS that has something to do with subjects associated with PBS, use a disclaimer such as “The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent PBS’s positions, strategies or opinions.”

7. Always exercise good judgment and common sense. Refrain from posting or making comments that can be interpreted as slurs, personal insults, demeaning language or engaging in any conduct that would not be acceptable in PBS’s workplace. Employees should show proper consideration for others’ privacy and for topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory—such as politics or religion.

8. Always respect the legal rights of trademark, copyright and fair use laws. Make sure you have the right to something before you publish it and always give proper credit for other people’s work.

9. Protect PBS’s confidential and proprietary information. PBS employees are prohibited from posting or disseminating content regarding or related to PBS’s proprietary internal business matters and/or containing any internal PBS documents.

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Social Media Policy—Official PBS Blogs and Social Media (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Blogs on, etc.)

PBS believes that blogs and other forms of online discourse are an important form of communication and relationship between PBS and others. In order to maintain the quality and consistency of the PBS brand, any PBS employee or contractor who communicates officially on behalf of PBS in any social media forum or platform or posts on any PBS hosted blog should be sure to comply with the following:

1. Know and follow all statements in the “Social Media Policy—All Employees” set forth above. If you’re a contractor posting on a PBS hosted blog or social media forum/platform, the “Social Medial Policy—All Employees” applies to you. If you are a contractor posting outside of a PBS hosted or sponsored site, take care to use good judgment and common sense in your other social media activities as your actions could reflect on PBS.

2. Be respectful of the audience and use common sense. Keep this rule of thumb in mind: If you wouldn’t put it on air or have it printed on the front page of a national newspaper, then don’t post it online.

3. Employees who post content on behalf of as part of their job responsibilities must always identify themselves.

4. Anyone posting on or any other PBS hosted or official social media must always uphold the values and mission of PBS and should coordinate with his/her manager or assigned PBS supervisor regarding information that he/she posts on these sites.

5. Don’t pick fights, do be the first to correct your own mistakes, and don’t alter previous posts without indicating that you have done so.

6. Always add value. Provide information that is worthwhile. PBS’s brand is its most valuable asset. That brand is reflected by its people and by the content PBS provides, and whatever you publish will have an impact on the PBS brand.

Application of the Policy

This policy applies to all PBS employees and contractors who post content on PBS hosted sites and social media even when you may not be acting officially on behalf of PBS, and it is intended to be consistent and read in conjunction with other PBS policies on similar subjects. Employees and contractors who violate this or other PBS policies may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

PBS, in its sole discretion, may change this and other policies without prior notice.

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Employees should direct questions regarding this policy to the Human Resources department or the Office of the General Counsel.

June 2010
