Page 1: Patrice N Hall | Tips For Affordable Home owners Insurance

Patrice N Hall - Tips For Affordable Homeowners Insurance

Page 2: Patrice N Hall | Tips For Affordable Home owners Insurance

5 Tips For Ensuring Best Affordability

The Federal Savings Bank suggests following these 5 tips for ensuring the best affordability:

1. Keep shopping

2. Invest in an alarm system

3. Increase the deductible

4. Bundle policies

5. Improve and maintain credit history

Page 3: Patrice N Hall | Tips For Affordable Home owners Insurance

Patrice N Hall - Keep Shopping

When individuals decide on a cell phone carrier, they often check out

different rates and different companies to ensure optimal savings.

Getting homeowners insurance shouldn't be an exception. It might

take individuals a little more time, but the savings will likely be well

worth it.

Individuals should ask for a quote, available rates and policies that

would be best for their home.

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Invest In An Alarm System

One way homeowners can decrease the cost of their homeowners

insurance is by installing an advanced alarm system. In fact, investing

in a new system can save individuals an average of 10 percent on


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Increase The Deductible

A larger deductible will save a homeowner a great deal of money.

However, it's important he or she is prepared to take that financial


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Bundle Policies – Patrice N Hall

When customers can demonstrate loyalty to a company, they may be

rewarded. Individuals should consider using one insurance company

for multiple needs.

People buy insurance for reasons of convenience as well as, of course,

initial price. As a result, a lot of people end up with a hodgepodge of

insurance carriers, and have no reason for doing so.

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Improve And Maintain Credit History

An individual's credit history has a profound impact on much of their

lives. Home insurance is no exception. By keeping a good credit score

and practicing financial responsibility regularly, insurers may provide

lower rates and better policies.

Individuals should regularly evaluate their home insurance policy and

consider changing it if rates become too high. Constantly being on the

lookout for better deals will help an individual save a great deal.

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Patrice N Hall - Tips For Affordable Homeowners Insurance
