


Each Sunday9:30 A.M. & 11 A.M.

Third Sundays 5:00 p.m.



276 Jesus communicated topeople where they were. 276.Jesus didn't say to Peter andAndrew "Follow me and I'llmake you preachers, doctors,lawyers, engineers, hairstylists, teachers, nurses,administrators or truckers."Nope. Instead, he usedterminology familiar to themto ensure they wouldunderstand the cost involved.Cost equates to commitment."If you follow me, you willcatch people instead of fish."They knew the commitmentnecessary to be successfulfishermen. 276.

276. Jesus called Peter andAndrew while they werecasting their nets into the sea.They were busy. 276. Jesuscalled James and John whilethey were mending their nets.They were busy. 276. I doubtif Peter, Andrew, James and

When the 2015 Class of Murrah High School received their diplomason May 27, 2015, one graduate had an extra special reason tocelebrate the day. The summer 2010 cover story of a FRESH WORDfeatured Anasaja “Amber” Funches. The article written by Dr.Gaarmel Funches, Amber’s mother, told the story of God’sfaithfulness to Amber and the rest of the family regarding Amber’shealth. The testimony described how the prayers of Fresh Start andmany others were answered when Amber, who had required dialysis

for four years, received a kidney transplant.

Three years later in 2013, we learned that Amber would again require dialysis. Rev. CarlPalmer, Amber’s grandfather, began driving her to and from her weekly doctor’s appointments.Again, we began to pray. During a Wednesday night bible study class, Rev. Palmer confidentlyannounced that he had begun to pray that God to provide a new kidney for Amber within six

months and that he was standing in faith that his prayer would be answered.

A few weeks later, Rev. Palmer stopped by Fresh Start’s 9:30 a.m. Sunday serviceon his way to the University of Mississippi Medical Center. He joyfully announcedthat Amber was at the hospital waiting to receive her new kidney.

Amber plans to attend Holmes Community College beginning this fall. God isstill faithful!

Amber’s photo from the 2010 newsletter

Support Fresh Start when you shop at Kroger. When you register your Kroger Plus Card inKroger’s Community Rewards program and designate Fresh Start as your charity, Krogerwill donate a portion of your purchases to Fresh Start. Kroger Plus cards are available atthe customer service desk of any Kroger.

To support Fresh Start with your purchases, register your Kroger Plus card online

● Click on edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Pluscard number.

● Enter 36660 or Fresh Start Ministries, select Fresh Start from the list and click onconfirm.

● If you use your phone number at the register and don’t know your card number,call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number.

● Remember you must swipe your registered Kroger Plus card or use the phonenumber that is related to your registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for eachpurchase to count.

Still Faithful!

Fresh Start is Kroger Community Rewards Organization.

Page 2 A Fresh Word

PastorRev. James L. Henley, Jr.

First Lady/Church AdministratorSis. Vivian Henley

Youth Ministry TeamPastor Herb SandersSis. Phyllis Robinson

EldersSis. Annie Williams

(601-506-5494)Rev. Herb Sanders


Worship Center and Annex5210 Manhattan Road

P.O. Box 31473, Jackson, MS 39286Phone: 601-362-1818 Fax: 601-362-1716

[email protected] [email protected]

Worship ServicesSundays, 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.

3rd Sundays, 5 p.m.

Prayer ServiceMondays, 6 p.m.

Youth Choir PracticeSaturdays before the first & third

Sundays, 10:30 a.m.

Workout Class & ZumbaTuesdays and Thursdays, 6 p.m.

Bible StudyWednesdays, 6-7 p.m.

Praise Team PracticeWednesdays, 7:10 p.m.

Youth Night Out3rd Fridays, 6-8:30 p.m.

(ages 5-13)

4th Fridays, 6-8:30 p.m.(ages 13-18)

Girl Scouts2nd and 4th Saturdays, noon

Couples MinistrySecond Friday of

January, April, July, October7 p.m.

L.I.G.H.T.S. (Women’s Ministry)Second Friday of

February, May, August, November 7 p.m.

A Fresh WordPublished Quarterly


I was 9 years old when I began attending Fresh Start and eversince, it has been a blessing. When I first walked through thedoor, the welcoming atmosphere of praise, fellowship andlove was so inviting that I begged my mother to let me comeback. Over the years, I have seen Fresh Start grow anddevelop and become a pillar of the community, providingactivities for the youth but for the adults as well. Just as ithas become a pillar for the community, so it has become forme.

Whenever I am experiencing a tough time or a great time in life,I know I can come here and feel the presence of God. Growing up

in Fresh Start has helped me understand more as a person, as a Christian,it has offered so many opportunities and opened so many doors and has

taught me many life lessons. I may not have always liked what was being said to meor taught, but it always stuck with me. My prayer is that all the children of Fresh Startbegin to realize what a blessing this church is because it’s more than a church. It is afamily of believers.

Growing Up at Fresh StartBy: Monica Williams

Remember the prodigal son? What couldhave possessed him to ask his father for hisinheritance, to leave home and travel to adistant land where he knew no one? Was itthat he didn’t understand his father’s rules andhad just had enough ? Had his father takenaway some privilege? Was he getting up towash the dishes just as his father said: “Washthe dishes” and he snapped. Maybe, the grassjust looked greener. After all, I’m sure his

didn’t have to do chores, say “Yes Sir”,obey curfew, respect their father or recognizehis authority. Perhaps, he just couldn’t waitto get out of the house. Whatever may havebeen his motivation, we know how that partof the story ends – the son realizes his mistakeand returns to the security of his father’s home.What of the rest of the story?

Once the son is home and the celebrationends, does he really change his attitude andactions? Does he wash the dishes withoutbeing asked? Does he trust his father’sjudgment and obey him without always askingwhy? Or once in the comfort of home withall his needs met did he return to his old ways?

We should realize that a happy endingthe end and life continues. When God blessesus to overcome some obstacle and wecelebrate, we must be careful that we arecelebrating Him and not the blessing. If wedon’t take the time and see Him for who heis – a kind loving father who deserves ourrespect and honor – discontent will seep backinto our lives once the party ends. If we arenot careful we will return to wanting our wayinstead of wanting Him to get the glory.

At one time of another we are all prodigalchildren who want our blessings when andhow we want them. Yes, our Father hasprovided a great inheritance for us and we canenjoy the benefits of our inheritance evenwhile it is still in the Father’s hands. Yet, wedemand control of what we believe is ours.We want the benefits of home withoutaccepting the responsibilities of being amember of the family. Many prodigalchildren find their way home and neveracknowledge the Father’s authority and as aconsequence live a life of less than God’s best.Even then, our kind father waits patiently forus to come to ourselves and realize Fatherreally does know best.

Coming Home

Making Christ VisibleThat if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that Godraised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 (NIV)

A Fresh Word Page 3


Elizabeth Palmer Anasaja FunchesMadison Ridgeland Academy Murrah High School

Jayce Miskel, MD Alison Williams, MD UM Medical School UM Medical School

Not pictured: Murrah High School graduates - - Elijah Culbreath and LaDarrion Grant

Alexandria Spann Monica WilliamsMurrah High School The Veritas School

John found it convenient to just stop what they were doing immediatelyand follow Jesus. But something about Jesus produced a radical changesufficient to cause them to follow him when he called. 276.

276. Do you have nets? What are you busy doing when called to serve?Has your life been radically changed since you accepted the call andaccepted Christ into your life? Are you still casting and mending nets thatwill bring material benefits to you or have you begun using what God hasgiven you to benefit his kingdom? 276. Since you accepted Christ as yourLord and Savior have you accepted your responsibility to support thebuilding of the kingdom by decreasing your worldly investments andincreasing your kingdom commitments? 276. Only you and God know asit relates to you. 276. As for 276, ask the Holy Spirit and I believe he willreveal it. "To another he said, “Follow me.” But he said, “Lord, let me firstgo and bury my father.” And Jesus said to him, “Leave the dead to burytheir own dead. But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”"(Luke 9:59-60 ESV) 276.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. James L. Henley, Jr.

Pastor’s Corner continued from page 1

Andre’ L. Funches, Jr. Christopher Wesley Pope Dechelle YoungMeridian Community College Belhaven Univ. Strayer Univ. (MBA)

were married on May 2, 2015.

A Fresh Word Page 4

Fresh Start’s young people celebrated Resurrection Sunday by reciting speeches. There was fun for all atthe annual church picnic on June 6, 2015. Bro. Willie Reynolds and a guest play Connect Four at ThirdFriday. Officer Andre Johnson of the Hinds County Sheriff’s Dept had some straight talk during June’sTeen Friday. Sis. Carla Phillips referees a basketball game on Fourth Friday.

August 1Church-wide Garage SaleBankPlus Credit Seminar

August 8Annual Back to School Event

Uniform SwapSchool Supply Give-a-way

Scenes Around Fresh Start
