
1 22 FEB 2019



Foundation students have settled well into school life. We have now been at school for 13 days. Foundation students have been getting to know their teachers and peers. Here are some photos of our first day of school!

INSIDE... ............................................. .PRINCIPAL











*Principal’s Message

.Dates to Remember


.Second Hand Uniform

.School Colour FUN RUN


Parkwood Green’s value for Term : CARING


Excellence & Opportunity | PAGE 2


25 FEB—8 MAR GR6 Swimming







Welcome back to the new school year. It has been very exciting to wel-

come existing and new students, staff and families to our school. We have

had a very positive start with children settling well into their new year

level and teachers.

On the first day it was magical to see our school uniform on so many children.

Thankyou parents for following the new guidelines that have been implement-

ed over the past years.

Enrolment numbers for 2019: Parkwood Green’s enrolment policy now in

its third year has enabled us to manage our numbers and this year we will see

the student population stabilising at around 975 students. As we began midway

through term 2 last year are now structured into two Sub-Schools; Junior

(Foundation, Years 1 and 2) and Senior (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6). The Sub-School

Principals are as follows:

Junior: Mr Keir Jasper Senior: Mrs Julie Andrews

The Sub-School Principals are there to assist you with any enquiry you may

have that cannot be answered by the Class Teacher. Remember, it is best to

make a time with the class teacher to discuss any issue or to gain information.

The teachers are required to supervise from 8.45 each day and may not be able

to give their full attention to your comment or concern if they are dealing with

students or preparing for the day’s lessons to begin. This in no way indicates a

reluctance to speak with you, it is an indication of their dedication to their

teaching and your child’s learning.

Parent / Teacher / Student Conversations this year: This year we held

individual conversations with parents across the Sub-Schools so that you could

share valuable information about your child and their learning with their class-

room teacher. These conversations were a great success and I have had many

parents and teachers comment on their usefulness and relevance.

New Staff for 2019: 2019 has been a very different start to the year with only

three new staff beginning with us on the first day. This in stark contrast to

previous years when up to 20 new staff have begun with us. This is a reflection

of the changing demographics of the area and a reaffirmation of the positivity of

teachers at our school.

I would like to welcome the following staff: Ruby Scanlan (senior Visual Arts),

Tim Hemsworth (Grade 5), Marlisse Harris (Student Welfare Officer). We look

forward to them working with you and your children this year.

Using the Pedestrian Crossings: Parents of our Foundation students are

reminded to use the School Crossings when crossing the roads to enter the

school. This is not only the safest route to school but also models for your child

(ren) the way to be safe if you are not with them. You are establishing a life saving

habit. So far I have only had to redirect (in a loud voice) two families. Please use

the Crossing and ensure you and your child are safe.

Uniform Policy details: As already mentioned thankyou to our parents for ensuring all

children are dressed in our Uniform. Again I mention that there will be NO uniform pass for

NETBALL SKIRTS or SKORTS as these are NOT on our Uniform List (in fact have never been)

shoes are ENCOURAGED. This means that Black shoes are the preferred over any

other colour. Please when buying shoes for school, choose BLACK. That is plain

black runners, leather shoes, court shoes, T-Bar sandals for girls. Other coloured

runners can be worn for PE and Sport of course.

For those looking for black shoes some stores still have half-price shoes for boys

and girls including runners.

Uniform supplies at the Uniform Shop have been intermittent at best. We are

working closely with our Uniform Rep to ensure that the supplies are coming for

you. Thank-you for your ongoing patience and support in this matter

Entering the School Grounds during the school Day: Parents of all students are

reminded that if you are coming into the school during the school day you are to

enter via the GENERAL OFFICE on COMMUNITY HUB. Generally, if you have some-

thing to give your child we take it at the General Office and the child will collect it.

As we don’t want learning interrupted, parents don’t generally go to the class

during the school day. Signing in and gaining a Visitors sticker is required if you are

assisting in a classroom or in the Kitchen.

Parking and “Kiss and Drop”: There is a Parking Guide on the windows of the

Learning Centre for those who are unsure. Please be reminded that arriving early

and parking in a 10 minute park will get you a Parking Ticket. The Kiss and Drop is

for all parents to use, but particularly if you have children in year 1-6. This frees up

parking for parents of Foundation students who need to take them to their classes

especially in their first year of school. Please remember that if you cannot pull into

one of the kiss and drop bays you need to continue on and drive around the block

to go through again. This frees up traffic and stop traffic stopping. Failure to do

this could result in a fine if the police are in attendance (which they regularly do).

Parents are reminded that they are always welcome at school but let’s arrive at

3.10 when the gates open.

School Council Nominations: Thank-you to those parents who have nominated

or re-nominated for School Council already. We will be declaring the result on

Friday 1st March so there is still time to nominate if you are interested. Being a

School Councillor gives insight into the workings of the school. The time commit-

ment is one monthly meeting (day and time to be agreed by the new Council) and

membership of a Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committees are really the working

‘feet’ of the council. It is at the Sub-Committee that all the consultation and inves-

tigation around an issue or policy begins and ends. The Sub-Committee isn’t a

decision making group but it recommends a course of action to the Council. I

encourage you to be an active member of your School Council. As I write, I think

there is ONE position still to fill which is for one year! Please see Kelly Monaghan in

the General Office if you are at all interested. | PAGE 3


The school will be holding a second-hand uniform sale

on Monday, 4th March 2019—9:00am—Whole School


This will be held outside the Learning Centre. If it is

raining it will be held in the Learning Centre.

Items to be sold include second-hand clothes (various


All second-hand clothing items - $5.00


The Parkwood Green Camping program: Our Year 5 students are on Camp in a

fortnight. They will be attending the Blue Light Bike Ed Camp just out of Maldon.

The camp has a focus on bike riding and is a follow on from when our Year 4 stu-

dents completed their Bike Ed training last year. The experience takes them into

Maldon (a Gold Rush town) and all the joys of this peaceful little town in Central

Victoria. They ride most places. They visit the local township and are able to pur-

chase from ‘a special’ shop in the township. Thank-you to all parents and guardi-

ans who encouraged their child to be part of this life experience. Each time your

child can manage themselves without you is a strong step in building their RESILI-

ENCE. Thank you to all staff and parent volunteers who make this possible, special

thanks to their families and partners who will manage without them for this time.

Working Bee: I just wanted to quickly thank all those parents and children who

came along to last week’s working bee. It is the first working bee the school has

had in over 3 years and we were unsure how many to expect but the number

greatly exceeded our expectations. All the jobs we had planned were completed

and the courtyard and front of the school looks fantastic.

Once again thanks for all you help and enthusiasm. Events like this continue to

build our school community. We look forward to even more people attending our

next one later in the year.

David Allibon, Principal.

We are thrilled to announce that Parkwood Green Pri-mary School has been accepted to participate in the 2019 Wakakirri and Victorian State School Spec-tacular. Established in 1992, Wakakirri is open to all schools Australia wide. A Wakakirri story dance is a 3-7 minute performance by a group of students who theatrically tell a story using a combination of danc-ing, creative movement and acting to pre-recorded music. Schools can tell any story and use any combi-nation of dance, acting, music, sets, props and cos-tumes. The aim of Wakakirri is to teach students about themselves and others through the creating and shar-ing of stories and by this process develop students’ educational outcomes, lifestyle choices and communi-ty awareness. Performance dates TBA but we know that it will be either the 23

rd, 25

th or 26

th of July 2019 at

the Clocktower Theatre Moonee Ponds.

The 2019 Victorian State Schools Spectacular will be staged at Hisense Arena on Saturday 14 September 2019. As one of the largest recurring productions in Australia, the Victorian State Schools Spectacular brings together over 3000 school students performing as a 64 piece orchestra, 1300 voice choir, 1200 mass dancers, 30 lead vocalists, 16 principal dancers, 20 ensemble dancers, eight backing vocalists, roller skat-ers and puppeteers and much more. Participating stu-dents have the opportunity to work with industry pro-fessionals including Creative Director Neill Gladwin, Musical Director Chong Lim AM and Dance Director Deon Nuku, (Scooby Doo, Happy Feet, Moulin Rouge).

.Friday 29th March 2019

The School Colour Explosion™ program is a high impact fundraiser. It's a traditional run with a fun and colourful twist. Students will be drenched in non-toxic colour powder by the time they reach the finish line. It's the colour craze sweeping the na-tion™ and the number 1 School Colour Event in

Australia. More information and sponsorship forms to be sent home soon !


