Page 1: Parish 03, 2017  · Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time September 3, 2017 Be transformed by the renewal

5:00 p.m. (English) 7:45am, 9:00am, 10:30am (Spanish), 12:00 Noon


28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611

E-mail: [email protected]





Parish STAFF

gious Education

Monday — Saturday, 8:45am, CCMondays Ch - After Mass

Choir Practice Wednesdays 7:30 CH Third Friday, 7:00pm, ICC

Catequesis Familiar Sunday, 9:00a.m, MRH Guadalupanos Tuesday, 8:00pm, HFR Curso Biblico/Misioneros Thursday, 7:00pm, HFR Oración Carismática Friday, 7:00pm, CC Cursillistas Wednesday, 8:p.m., HFR Jornadistas Sunday, 1:00pm, ICC


After 12:00 Mass until 4:00pm.

(CC, Convent Chapel; Ch, Church; MRH , Msgr. Ryan Hall; H.F.R.: Holy Family Room; ICC Immaculate Conception

Page 2: Parish 03, 2017  · Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time September 3, 2017 Be transformed by the renewal

Twenty-second Sunday in

Ordinary Time September 3, 2017

Be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect. — Romans 12:2 *********************************************************************** FOLLOWING CHRIST If you’ve ever had an unpleasant but somewhat amusing practical joke played on you, then you have some understanding of how Jeremiah feels today when he tells God “good one—you duped me.” We can almost see him shaking his head with a bit of a rueful smile, but an angry undertone in his voice. In similar fashion, Peter thinks Jesus is “duping” him when Jesus starts to explain that being Messiah means suffering and dying, and being a follower of the Messiah means taking up a cross and doing the same. Jeremiah tries to deny God’s will for him by trying to shut up; Peter—who has just been made the foundation of the church—out and out denies the teaching of Jesus, for which he is named “Satan” today. Fortunately for us, Jeremiah comes to realize that to have the word of God placed in your heart means that it will be futile to try and keep silent, even if it means scorn and derision from those around you. Luckily Peter ultimately returned to the faith he professed in last week’s Gospel, and came to understand our need as baptized followers of Christ to follow in his way, even when it means following him to our very death. ************************************************************************ READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Thes 4:13-18; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 11-13; Lk 4:16-30, or, for Labor Day, any readings from the Mass “For the Blessing of Human Labor,” nos. 907-911 Tuesday: 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 4:31-37 Wednesday: Col 1:1-8; Ps 52:10-11; Lk 4:38-44 Thursday: Col 1:9-14; Ps 98:2-6; Lk 5:1-11 Friday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6 Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23] Saturday: Col 1:21-23; Ps 54:3-4, 6, 8; Lk 6:1-5 Sunday: Ez 33:7-9; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20 ************************************************************************

Sanctuary Lamp will burn for the weekend of September 2—3, for Karl & Julia Schwartz. Requested by: Geraldine Schwartz. Sanctuary Lamp will burn for the week and weekend of September 4 — 10, in memory of Mathias & Antonia Maurowitsch Requested by: Geraldine Schwartz.

Bread will be consecrated at Masses during the week of September 4-8 in memory of Nancy O’Connor Requested by: Patricia O’Connor.

PRAYER INTENTIONS F T S H Marianne Gazzara, Teresa Maldarelli, Angie

Franke, Rina Zaffuto, Marianne Devivier Fennelly, & Michael Devivier

***********************************************************************Those Who Have Entered into Eternal Life

JoAnn Massa, Mary Rerecich, Antonina Miller,

Ivan Favijanic, Luisa Zapata & Giovanni DellaPolla

Saturday, September 2: Vigil Mass 5:00 Chris Nooan Sunday, September 3: Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Masses of the Day: 7:45 Evelyn Lopez 9:00 Dario & Mario Viskovic 10:30 Luz Maria Pera de Gallardo 12:00 Elayne Beaumant 7:00pm Anthony Antonelli (Health Recovery) 7:00pm Maria Isabelle Kambitsis Monday, September 4: Labor Day 10:00 Kiernan & Kinahan Families Tuesday, September 5: 8:00 Gus Zgombic 12:00 Loreto DeLuca Wednesday, September 6: 8:00 Dr. Josephina Maquiran Robert Castiglione 12:00 Joseph Rerecich Grace V. Wagner 7:30 Martha Parks Arnulfo Masmela Thursday, September 7: 8:00 Edelmiro Colon 12:00 Maria Concetta & Rosario Davi

Friday, September 8: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 Frank Gerbasi 12:00 Friedrich Schatz Saturday, September 9: St. Peter Claver 8:00 John Marinzulich 5:00 Catarina Galea William & Nellie O’Leary Sunday, September 10: Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time; Grandparents Day Masses of the Day: 7:45 Mass Available 9:00 Mass Available 10:30 Mass Available 12:00 Francesca Vitich 7:00pm Giovanni DellaPolla


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Mass Schedule Starting on September 5th, our weekly regular Mass schedule will go back to 8: a.m.; and 12:00 Noon Monday Through Friday. The weekly Mass in Spanish will be celebrated on Wednesday at 7:30pm. NEW EVENING OPFFICE HOURS: Please notice the new office hours also stating on September 5th, after Labor weekend. From 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

************************************************************************ Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

If you are an adult who is not baptized and who is seeking information about the Catholic Church, you are

invited to: "COME & SEE."

RCIA is the process for you.

If you are a baptized non-Catholic adult seeking information about the Catholic Church, you are invited

to "COME & SEE." RCIA is the process for you.

If you are a baptized Catholic who is seeking to complete initiation into the Catholic Church through the

Sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist you are invited to "COME & SEE."

RCIA is the process for you. If you have been married civilly, but not yet in the Catholic Church and are interested to receive the

Sacrament of Matrimony

Please call the Parish Rectory to make an appointment for an interview with

Rev. Vincent Miceli, Pastor or Rev. Cesar Pena, Parochial Vicar.

Classes will start in October ************************************************************************ Sunday Religion Classes starting with the 9:00 a.m. Mass, then coming over to School for Religion Class. Registrations will take place after all Masses for the next three weeks of September, starting Sept. 3rd. Children should come to Religion each year to learn more about God and their Catholic Identity.

Grades 1 - High School

For Further information call at 718-278-1611

*New Registrations must bring a copy of the child’s birth and Baptismal Certificates. Registration form can be pick up from the office.


Pasta Night to follow Friday’s triduum

September 22, 2017 7:30 p.m.

School Social Center.

Homemade pasta and meatballs.

Tickets available in the parish office.

Tickets are only $15/adults, $5/kids

in advance from the Rectory or $20/adults, $10/kids at the door.


Triduum of Prayers in honor of St. Pio of


Wednesday, September 20 7:00 p.m. Thursday, September 21 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 22 7:00 p.m.

Feast Day of St. Pio Saturday, September 23 5:00 p.m. Solemn Mass

Procession to follow, Refreshments to follow benediction in the gathering space.

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Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio has declared that in Brooklyn and Queens we will celebrate a “Year of Vocations,” *********************************************************************** Las matriculas para las clases de religión de los niños y jóvenes de nuestra parroquia ya están abiertas. Las inscripciones están abiertas lunes, miércoles y Jueves de 1:00p.m. a 5 de la tarde en la oficina de la parroquia. También estaremos inscribiendo todos los domingos después de todas las misas dominicales.

Por favor recuerde que las clases empiezan atendiendo a la misa dominical de las 9:00 a.m. y luego continua en la escuela desde las 10:15 – 11:30 a.m.

Todos los niños matriculados deben asistir a la misa dominical cada semana.

Grades 1 – 8 & High School

*Para aplicaciones nuevas por favor traer una copia del acta de nacimiento y una copia del certificado de bautizo.Lord ********************************************************************** TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION It’s interesting to imagine the scene when the changes in our liturgy were first tested. Choices for prayer texts were one thing, but responses from the people were another. In early 1967, secret test-drives of the new Mass were conducted in the Vatican. Pope Paul VI was present, and there was a handful of bishops, priests, a few laypeople and two sisters making up the assembly. Everyone had a booklet with every word of the songs, rubrics, and prayers, blank paper, and a pencil for notes. After each Mass, the ordained men in the group met in the pope’s library to share their experiences. The laypeople and sisters met separately. Over a week’s time they tested what they called a “read Mass with singing,” a “Mass entirely recited,” and a “Sung Mass.” While the ordained were generally in favor, the lay comments were very clear and insightful, and had great impact on the final result. This was a brilliant plan on the part of the pope, who got to see how the reform was going, and to recognize in this small trial run a growing consensus that reform was needed and welcome. Based on his observation, Pope Paul VI called for specific innovations, such as beginning the Mass with the sign of the cross. It’s amazing that some of our most familiar rites are really quite new treasures of our tradition!

Vigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 3 de septiembre de 2017

Dejen que una nueva manera de pensar los transforme internamente, para que sepan distinguir cuál es la voluntad de Dios, es decir, lo que es bueno, lo que le agrada, lo perfecto. — Romanos 12:2 ************************************************************************ SIGUIENDO A CRISTO Si alguna vez te jugaron una broma desagradable y algo risible a la vez, entonces comprenderás cómo Jeremías se siente hoy cuando le dice a Dios “me sedujiste, Señor, y me dejé seducir”. Ya lo imaginamos sacudiendo la cabeza con una sonrisa desconsolada, pero con el enojo latente en su voz. De igual manera, Pedro piensa que Jesús lo está “embaucando” cuando éste comienza a explicar que ser el Mesías significa sufrir y morir, y ser seguidor del Mesías significa cargar la cruz y hacer lo mismo. Jeremías trata de negar la voluntad de Dios para él al tratar de permanecer callado; Pedro –quien ha sido hecho cimiento de la Iglesia– totalmente niega la enseñanza de Jesús, por lo que hoy es llamado “Satanás”. Por suerte para nosotros, Jeremías se llega a dar cuenta de que tener la Palabra de Dios en el corazón significa que será inútil tratar de permanecer en silencio, aunque ello signifique el desprecio y la burla de los que te rodean. Felizmente Pedro al final volvió a la fe que profesó en el Evangelio de la semana pasada, y llegó a comprender nuestra necesidad, como bautizados seguidores de Cristo, de seguir su camino, aunque signifique seguirlo hasta la muerte. ************************************************************************ TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Muchos católicos afroamericanos son miembros de los Caballeros de san Pedro Claver, organización fundada para ellos en 1909, cuando el racismo no les permitía participar en organizaciones euroestadounidenses. Esta organización toma su nombre de un jesuita español del siglo XVII, Pedro, quien llegó a Cartagena (Colombia) en 1610 y se escandalizó ante la trata de esclavos en el continente americano. A pesar de censuras papales en contra de la esclavitud esta pecaminosa costumbre seguía robando humanidad a los africanos. Pedro se consagró al servicio de ellos, recibiéndolos con caridad, comida y alivio apenas llegaban en los barcos. Pedro no pudo liberar a los esclavos pero si se dedicó a servirlos y convertirlos. Él preparaba catequistas de entre los mismos africanos para que pudieran cristianizar a los recién llegados. Pedro Claver sufrió muchos insultos y calumnias por reunir a los africanos en iglesias y en especial, por darles los sacramentos cristianos. Sus propios superiores, dejándose llevar por las críticas de los criollos, lo castigaban por el trabajo que hacía con los esclavos. Por tal razón se autonombró como “Pedro Claver, de los negros, esclavo para siempre”.

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2017 Annual Catholic Appeal As of July 26, 2017, 112 parish families have pledged $42,716.00, 77.03% of Pledge Goal, $37,560.20 received toward our parish goal of $55,455 for the 2017 Annual Catholic Appeal to assist Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio and our diocesan church to maintain its many services and ministries. We ask that every parish family consider making a pledge to this campaign, remembering that all monies received over goal will be returned to St. Joseph’s. In case that we do not reach that goal, our parish will have to pay the balance to the Dioceses. ***************************************************************


Sunday, September 24, 2017 2:00pm ~ School Social Center

Entrance fee: Adults or children $5 ***************************************************************

Sunday Breakfast at St. Joseph is back!

Next Sunday, September 10, after all Masses 7: 45 a.m. 9:00 a.m., 10:30a.m., and 12 Noon

At: School Social Center (Cafeteria) Please come and join us for breakfast,

we will have pancakes, eggs, Coffee, juice, sausage, bagels and more….

Entrance is free, you pay only for what you eat, please bring your whole family or a friend and enjoy a delicious Breakfast and an opportunity to meet other parishioners. ***************************************************************

Hurricane Harvey Collection

A special diocesan collection will take place on September 24th during all Masses in an effort to provide aid and comfort to our brothers and sisters in the affected areas. Please be as generous as possible during this collection.

Update on Parish Weekly Collection August 27th

Sunday Collection...........................................$4,080 Catch Up.........................................................$1,035 Total Collections............................................$5,115 *********************************************************************

The Divine Mercy Prayer Group Please join us for our weekly meeting every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. at Holy Family Room; Length of meeting is approximately one hour. ***********************************************************************

Food Pantry Our Food Pantry is open every Thursday from 8:00 —9:30am, to assist any parishioner that is need of food. To register please bring a NYC Benefit card. Please Note: The Secure Food deposit Box… Located in the front lobby of our church on Rectory side. Please deposit all dry food (pasta, rice, beans, cans and bottles) there. This will assist us in securing that your food donations go directly to the needy.

Welcome to Our Parish Please mark one:

Please register me and, yes, send me envelopes. Please contact me about becoming a Catholic or

completing my initiation as a Catholic through the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation.

Please contact me about Religion Education for my child.

Please contact me about how I can volunteer.

Name:_______________________________ Last Name____________________________ Date of Birth : ________________________ Address:_____________________________ Apt. #________ City:__________________ State:__________ Zip code_______________ Phone:_______________________________ E-mail:______________________________ Please fill out this form, and deposit in the basket collection or in the Parish office, or e-mail [email protected]

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