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CHESS Christian School 208 Nutt Road

Centerville, OH 45458

(937) 343-1130

Table of Contents

I. Introduction Pg.

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A. Letter from School Administrator 4

B. CHESS Christian School Board 5

C. Administrative Team 5

D. Membership/Accreditation 5

II. Identification

A. Vision Statement 6

B. Mission Statement 6

C. Core Values 6

D. Philosophy of Education 6-7

E. Statement of Beliefs 7-8

F. Community Life Standards 8

G. Spiritual & Academic Standards 8

III. Policies & Procedures A. Admissions

Non-Discrimination Policy 8

Admission Policy and Guidelines 8-9

Registration 9

Tuition and Fees 9

B. Academics

Curriculum 10

Charlotte Mason Method 10

Biblical Integration 10

Database 11

Grading Scale 11

Report Cards 12

Academic Probation 12

Classwork at Home 12

Classwork Not Completed 13

Unprepared Due to Illness 13

Communication with Parents 13

Parent Teacher Conferences 13

Student Attendance 13

Excused Absences 14

Excessive Absences 14

Tardies 14

Excused Tardies 14

Pre-Approved Absences 15

Early Dismissal 15

School Day Schedule 15

C. Lifestyle Expectations

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Discipline Philosophy 16

Discipline Policy 16

In-School & Out-of-School Suspension 16

Behavioral Probation 17

Expulsion 17

Parent Appeal Process 17

Dress Code 17-18

Social Behavior & Relationships 18

Immoral Conduct 18

Violation of the Law 18

Possession of Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drugs 19

Weapons Violation 19

Student Action 19

Definitions 20

Reporting & Referrals 20

Enforcement 20

Harassment & Bullying 21

Academic Honesty & Plagiarism 21

Technology Use Agreement 21-22

Limitation of Liability 22

D. Parental Involvement

Family Jobs 23

Fundraising 23

CHESS Parent Organization 23

E. Health and Safety

Morning Arrival Procedures 24

Afternoon Dismissal Procedures 24

Release of a Child 24

Custody Agreements 24

Pick-Up Procedure 24-25

Building Security 25

Student Illness 26

Medications 26 Accidents & Emergencies 27

IV. General and Miscellaneous Information

A. School Hours 28

B. Business Office Hours 28

C. Communication 28

D. Campus Visitors 28

F. Field Trips 29

G. Lost and Found Items 29

H. Lunch 29

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I. Recess 30

J. Inclement Weather 30

K. School Calendar 30

L. Signature Page 31

Dear CHESS Christian School Family,

I am honored and humbled to welcome your family to the 2016-17 academic year of CHESS

Christian School! The journey of starting this school is nothing short of a miracle.

Establishing CHESS Christian School started with a defining moment. Each of us has defining

moments in life…marriage, the birth of a child, a significant move, or a job change. The birth of

CHESS Christian began with such a defining moment. When I sensed God calling my family, along

with three other families, to begin a hybrid model of affordable Christian education, I wrestled with

alternate feelings of being crazy and compelled. God provided faithful, covenant families who caught

the vision and began casting it to others. During the formative days of the journey, when my faith was

weak, I would “borrow” faith from the covenant families.

Not having so much as a folder or a paper clip, we believed God would provide for every need

to start CHESS. The needs were so enormous that we knew it was only God who could bring the

details together. God was the Provider, and our job was to receive God’s blessings. As each

MIRACLE rolled in EVERY DAY, we were in awe of God and were moved to worship!

Each and every part of CHESS is a miracle. You and your children are also part of the

miracle! Thank you for joining us on this journey! We believe God will move mightily in the lives of

our children as we help children discover who God created them to be so they are empowered to

impact the Kingdom for Christ!

Thankful to be serving you,

Tara Lee

Executive Director

CHESS Christian School is tax exempt in the State of Ohio and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit

organization. CHESS is governed by the below Board of Directors:

Board of Directors

Chairman of the Board Ryan Taylor

President of the Board Tara Lee

Board Secretary Ruth Taylor

Board Member Caren Barnes

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Board Member Michele Lehman

Board Member Angie Kenworthy

Administrative & Staff Team

Executive Director Tara Lee

Operations Director Ruth Taylor

K-12 Principal Amy Frederick

Vice Principal & Preschool Director Susan Lezotte

Admissions Specialist Hannah Kempe

Administrative Assistant Rebecca High

Assistant/Security Holly Simpson


CHESS Christian School is a member of ACTS (Association of Christian Teachers and Schools), and

is currently a Candidate for Accreditation, with an accreditation visit scheduled for Spring, 2017.

II. Identification


To help students discover who God created them to be as they are empowered

to impact the world for Christ.


Strategically matching students’ God-given abilities with creative educational opportunities.


Christian Community

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We believe when families who fervently follow Christ come together in community, learning is

maximized. Made in the image of God and patterned after the Trinity, parents, students, and

teachers are created to know others and to be known by others.

Affordable Quality

Allowing families to choose their level of participation, we believe Christian education can

affordably match a family’s income without being an excessive financial burden. Rather than

delivering a “one-size-fits-most” education, we are committed to providing a quality, individualized

education through a creative collaboration between the school and family.

Passionate Discipleship

As Christ followers, we believe all learning is for the purpose of knowing God better and making

Him known to a world in need, and yet we believe disciples are developed through doing.

Passionate discipleship is taught and modeled in authentic community through various

relationships (parent-child, teacher-student, student-student, and parent-parent).

Contagious Learning

By creating exciting, creative, and interactive learning environments, we believe students and

teachers will experience contagious learning. Our educational community is committed to lifelong

learning as we fulfill our God-given callings.

Flexible Engagement

Providing a variety of valuable academic and elective offerings, we believe in giving families the

choice for their level of participation. Flexible engagement give families the freedom to choose a

level of educational and financial commitment that best meets their needs.


CHESS Christian School is committed to a doctrine which supports the infallibility of scripture, that the

Bible is the ultimate authority against which all evidence is examined. The educational philosophy is

Christ-centered. We believe that the Bible has unique relevance to the development of the whole

person and assign priority to its instruction in all academic disciplines. Teachers profess a saving

knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The learning environment is loving, supportive and reflects high

standards of scholarship. We believe that students should find courses of study exciting, imaginative

and disciplined and a vital laboratory, which nurtures creativity, individuality of thought, and spiritual

development. We believe that the Word of God has unique relevance to the process of educating this

nation’s youth. When properly integrated into a curriculum, we believe that the Bible provides the

students with competencies that are vital to the process of coping in the world today.


a. We believe there is one God, who is infinitely perfect, eternally existent in three persons—

Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:26, Matthew 3:16-17; Matthew 28:19).

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b. Jesus Christ is the true God and the true man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born

of the Virgin Mary. He died upon the cross, the Just for the unjust, as a perfect substitutionary

sacrifice, and all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood. He arose

from the dead according to the Scriptures and will come again to establish His kingdom,

righteousness and peace (Philippians 2:6-11; John 1:1; Luke 1:34-38; Hebrews 2:9; 1 Peter

3:18; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; John 11:25; Mark 16:19; Acts 1:11; Revelation 19:11).

c. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative, inerrant Word of God (2

Timothy 3:15-16, 2 Peter 1:20-21).

d. We believe that salvation is the gift of God’s grace alone and is expressed in the individual’s

repentance, recognition of Christ’s death as full payment for sin, and acceptance of the risen

Christ as Savior. All who so trust the Savior are forgiven of their sins and born into the family

of God by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. Freedom from the penalty and power of sin

is available to man only through Christ’s sacrificial death, His shed blood, and His complete

and bodily resurrection from the dead. Those who do not believe in Christ are subject to

everlasting punishment. Believers enjoy eternal life with God. (John 1:12; John 3:16-19; John

5:24; Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 1:7; 2:8-9; Titus 3:5).

e. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost: believers in Christ are saved

unto the resurrection of life, and those who reject Jesus unto the resurrection of eternal

damnation (John 5:28-29).

f. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 8:9, 1

Corinthians 12:12-13, Galatians 3:26-28).

g. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is

enabled to live a godly life (Romans 8:13-14; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19-20; Ephesians 4:30,


h. We believe that man was created directly by God and in His image for the reflection of His

glory. We believe that God created the heavens and the earth, including all life, by direct act in

six literal 24-hour days about 6,000 years ago (Genesis 1:1; John 1:3; Colossians 1:16-17).


The guidelines in this handbook serve to define CHESS Christian School rules, regulations, and

standards, which will provide a structure in which individuals partnering with CHESS can experience

a unified community. Our obligation to the greater Dayton area is to represent well the Savior and the

school. Conduct which does not conform to the spirit of these guidelines, even if off-campus or after-

hours, may impact an individual’s opportunity to remain a student at CHESS. Our goal is not

conformity, but for students to take on a spirit of willingness to serve the needs of others.


Parents and students must be active in a Bible-believing church as confirmed by their pastor.

Individual cases may result in the administration evaluating a potential enrollee in the context of our

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vision embracing evangelism and discipleship. Parents and students must express and demonstrate

their agreement with the school’s philosophy and handbook policies. Students must exemplify by

their attitude and lifestyle that they are committed to being conformed to the image of Christ, to be

obedient to God’s Word, and to exhibit a teachable spirit. This will be reflected in speech, respect for

authority, reverence for the Lord, and in fruit evident to believers around them both in and out of

school. As we partner with parents and local churches, we look expectantly to the Lord to develop

our students to reflect these biblical character qualities.

III. Policies & Procedures


CHESS Christian School admits students of any race, color and/or national origin in the

administration of educational policies, admissions procedures, scholarship programs, athletics or any

school-related activities.


Families who collaborate with CHESS Christian School agree to:

Have at least one parent as a born-again believer who regularly attends a local church.

Believes in Christian Community where education is first the priority of parents, in keeping with

Deuteronomy 6:5-8, and is supported by the Body of Christ through Christian education.

Agrees with Affordable Quality by signing up and faithfully participating in a Family Job.

Commits to supporting a Contagious Learning environment where students who attend core

academic classes at CHESS complete class work at home, and further education at home

under the supervision of their parents. Students and parents agree to strong and regular forms

of communication to support a culture of contagious learning.

The Admissions Packet includes:


Birth Certificate

Immunization records

Previous academic/testing records

Student Picture

Pastoral Reference

Intent to Homeschool Form

Signed Statement of Faith

Financial Agreement

Technology Acceptable Use Policy



Returning families will indicate their desire to continue partnering with CHESS Christian School by

completing the Re-Enrollment Application. Course selections will be indicated on a Google Form.

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Once the Admissions Specialist receives the online application, course selection, and registration

fees, the returning student will be enrolled for the subsequent academic year. New families

interested in partnering with CHESS Christian School will complete the New Student Enrollment

Application. Once the Admissions Specialist receives the online application, an email will be sent to

the family to gather supporting documents. After supporting documents and registration fees are

received, a family interview will be scheduled with the Principal. Upon approval by the Admissions

Committee that CHESS is an appropriate fit for the student and family, the student will be admitted

into CHESS Christian School. Course selections will be indicated on a Google Form.


If the class of a 1-hour student is attached to the time of Lunch & Recess, the student can

attend Lunch & Recess.


As Christ followers, we believe all learning is for the purpose of knowing God better and making Him

known to a world in need, and yet we believe disciples are developed through doing. Passionate

discipleship is taught and modeled in authentic community through various relationships.


CHESS Christian does not accept funding from the state of Ohio and, therefore, does not use

Common Core curriculum. We do, however, depend on Christ and the Scriptures as the core of all

curriculum. He is the reason that we exist and it is from Him whom we draw wisdom and to Him

whom we must give account regarding our children's education. More aptly stated, at CHESS

Christian, Jesus is our Common Core. The curriculum serves as a tool to serve the more important

goals in education. Our most important task is to teach children to think, to analyze, to discern, to

critique, to prepare for a life of learning. The basis for use of a planned curriculum consists in

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mastering the skills to understand and manipulate the word of knowledge for God’s glory and man’s



CHESS Christian School embraces the Charlotte Mason method of education. It was Charlotte’s firm

belief that the child is a person and we must educate that whole person, not just his mind. An

education modeling the Charlotte Mason method is three-pronged: in her words, “Education is an

Atmosphere, a Discipline, a Life.” We are committed to using fewer worksheets, while increasing

hands on activities and living books, supporting a rich learning environment. In keeping with our

pursuit for accreditation through ACTS (Association of Christian Teachers and Schools), CHESS

Christian School has adopted the Bob Jones Press Scope and Sequence. In the classroom, teachers

will utilize the Bob Jones text as the skeleton of content, and will continue to include other sources of

content as desired. The Math program of CHESS Christian School will be a mastery-based program

published by Math-U-See.

Textbooks will be issued to students for the year and must be returned to CHESS Christian School at

the end of the school year on the designated book-return day. Books, which are lost or badly

damaged, will be required to be replaced for full value. Books which are returned with general wear &

tear will not be charged an additional fee.


Biblical truth is foundational to all we do at CHESS Christian School. As Christian educators, we

strive to constantly and consistently integrate the scriptures into all of our core and elective

instruction. We are motivated by:

“Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These

commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children.

Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and

when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:4–7. All instruction is based on the absolutes of God’s Word.

Such absolutes include:


Fallen nature of man

Salvation through Christ alone

God’s sovereignty

We realize a teacher’s primary impact lies in how we handle emotional, social, spiritual, and

behavioral concerns on a daily basis. We are motivated by the words in Paul’s final letter to Timothy

which says: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not

need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

DATABASE RenWeb is a web-based, database driven school management software system that manages school

information including teacher assignment postings, grade books, lesson plans, and emails. It is

required that lesson plans, assignments, and grades are posted weekly on the database.

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Effort Grades

O – Outstanding (90%-100%)

S – Satisfactory (70%-89%)

N – Needs Improvement (0%-69%)


Report cards will be made available on ParentsWeb completion of each quarter, and at the end of the

academic year. If a conference with the teacher or Principal is desired, communication can be made

directly to the teacher through email.


Students will be placed on academic probation for the next grading period when, at the end of a nine

week grading period, they have earned failing grades in half or more of their course of study.

Academic probation is intended to be a warning to the parents and student that there is a serious

problem which needs to be addressed. It is our desire to give students on academic probation

support and encouragement. We will prayerfully work with parents and students as long as there is

some prospect for satisfactory achievement. Our goal is to see each student restored to good

academic standing. The teacher and/or principal will confer with the student and his/her parents to

make recommendations and evaluate the student's progress. Continued academic probation may

lead to a request for withdrawal.


The Core Value supporting our classwork at home policy is Contagious Learning.

The term “classwork at home” in the hybrid model of education refers to classwork completed at

home under the supervision of parents. CHESS teachers assign relevant outside-of-class

Grade Letter Grade Point Percentage

A 4.0 94-100%

A- 3.7 90-93%

B+ 3.3 87-89%

B 3.0 84-86%

B- 2.7 80-83%

C+ 2.3 77-79%

C 2.0 73-76%

C- 1.7 70-72%

D+ 1.3 67-69%

D 1.0 60-66%

F 0.0 0-59%

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assignments to provide students with a depth of knowledge not possible thorough in-class work

alone. Completion of these assignments is integral to success in the class. This work replaces the

work that would be covered in a traditional classroom. The educational model of CHESS Christian

School provides direct instruction to the students on core academic days (Tuesday/Thursday), and

electronic offerings on a third day, as directed by specific classes. Homework expectations can be

adjusted to the meet the individual abilities of students. As parents assist their children in classwork

at home, either by re-teaching a confusing concept or answering questions, parental involvement in

children’s education will further the discipleship process by identifying the student’s strengths and

struggles. This process supports the discipleship model as we seek to help our children discover who

God created them to be so they can impact the world for Christ. The homework we provide is the

minimum your children need to accomplish. As your children demonstrate a passion is certain areas,

please feel free to augment what we provide and nurture the passions you discover!

With the partnership between home and school, strong, regular communication between the CHESS

teacher and parent is paramount. Each student needs to have an agenda where classwork at home

will be recorded. Parents can also access their student’s homework assignments and grades through

the RenWeb Parent Portal, ParentWeb. Checking the Parent Portal daily will be essential to your

student’s academic success.


Students who do not turn in class work from home will receive a zero (0) for the day’s class work

grades. Students may turn in an assignment the following class period for half credit. After 2

consecutive zero homework days, a conference with the teacher and parent will be scheduled.

Students who are absent have the same number of days of their absence to turn in their class work

for full credit (e.g., absent for 1, students have 1 day to turn in work).


If the student is ill on a day they do not attend CHESS and are unable to complete the assignment or

prepare for a test while still being able to attend the following CHESS classroom day, parents should

contact the teacher before the student returns to class concerning the child’s inability to do class work

at home assignments while ill. The student will be allowed to come to the next class period but will

not be responsible for the assignments due or for taking a test. Parents should be aware that this

might keep the child from participating in all learning activities because of work not completed.


Communication is key to success at CHESS. Without communication between teachers, parents, and

students, the hybrid method of education simply will not work. For any classroom concerns please

contact teachers as soon as possible. Parents and students must have knowledge of what is going on

at school each day and receive regular information regarding what is expected at home in between

academic days. The majority of this will be communicated via the database and email. Confusion

results from unclear assignment or missing materials. Recurring situations of this type can negatively

affect teachers and can hinder students’ education.

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All Parent/Teacher Conferences are held to give parents and teachers the opportunity to improve the

partnership between home and school. Parent/Teacher Conferences are held in the fall. Schedules

will be provided. All core teachers are required to hold parent/teacher conferences. Elective teachers

will be available for a conference upon request by a parent.


CHESS Christian School believes that for continual student learning and academic production to take

place, consistent student attendance is required. The Ohio State Notification Form, signed by families

attending CHESS, provides exemption to students from compulsory school attendance and assures

that students will receive 900 total educational hours. Students absent from school for any reason

are responsible for meeting all class requirements. Parents must call the internal school number

at (937) 985-2082 by 8:45am if their student will be absent or late. The school will call the home

of any student who is absent and for whom no call has been received.

After 5 absences, not including pre-approved absences for travel purposes, a family will be notified by

CHESS attendance of the truancy laws of the state of Ohio under section (Section OAC §3301-69-

02(B)(2)). After 8 total absences in a year, a student will be notified of excess absences and the

student will enter excessive absence status.

Excused Absences

An excuse from school may be approved for:

Illness of the child (a statement from a health professional may be required if deemed


Illness in the family (a statement from a health professional explaining why the child’s absence

was necessary may be required if deemed appropriate);

Quarantine of the home;

Death of a relative (absence is limited to 3 days unless reasonable cause is shown for a longer


Medical or dental appointment (a statement from a health professional may be required if

deemed appropriate);

Observance of religious holidays;

College visitation (verification of the date and time of the visit may be required);

Emergency or other set of circumstances which in the judgment of the Executive Director

constitutes a good and sufficient cause for absence from school (the district may include in its

discipline policy the manner in which any child may be excused for absence for good and

sufficient reasons). (OAC §3301-69-02(B)(2).)

The burden of proof for excused absences rests fully with the parents.

Excessive Absence Status

In an attempt to improve attendance and to comply with the Ohio State Department of Education, any

student who has been absent for more than eight (8) school days in a year will receive notification by

the school office. Once he/she reaches ten (10) days in an academic year, whether excused or

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unexcused, a written doctor’s excuse will be required for each additional absence. This is in

compliance with the State Department of Education policies (Section OAC §3301-69-02(B)(2)). A

truancy prevention plan may be written in order to help prevent further illegal absences. The plan may

include consultation with a school truancy officer.


Students arriving late to class cause disruption to the teacher, other students, and miss important

class instruction. Students are counted tardy if they are not in class at the start of the class period.

First period, including Chapel, begins at 8:45 am. Students arriving late to Chapel will be counted

tardy. An accumulation of two (2) tardies within a semester will equal one (1) unexcused absence.

On second tardy, a $25 fee will be assessed for additional work incurred by staff, administration, and

teachers due to tardy.

Excused Tardies

Medical/dental appointment with doctor/dentist excuse slip

Major traffic problem, if the same problem causes a large number of students to be tardy

(Students must plan for morning rush-hour traffic. Continued traffic excuses may not be used as

an excuse for ongoing tardiness.)

Illness (with note from parent/guardian)

Pre-Approved Absences

Parents are asked to give careful consideration before taking a trip resulting in missed class time,

based on the potential negative impact on student grades. Special events and trips may be

advantageous for some students, while being detrimental for others. To receive approval for a

planned absence, please submit a completed “Pre-Approved Absence Request Form” at least

seven (7) school days before the date of the requested absence. Adherence to this procedure is

essential. Absences that do not meet excused absence guidelines and/or are not requested at

least seven (7) school days in advance WILL NOT be approved and will be considered

unexcused. Pre-approved absences may not be requested after the date of absence. Students

who have already reached ten (10) total absences during a school year should not request

permission for a pre-approved absence. If a family emergency arises that does not meet these

guidelines, it is at the principal’s discretion as to whether the event is approved.

All work missed due to absences (excused/unexcused) must be completed and turned in within the

same number of days absent.

Early Dismissal

We encourage students to be in the classroom according to their schedule. Please schedule doctor’s

appointments, etc. on the days you do not attend CHESS. When it is not possible to do so, students

must bring a written note from the parent or guardian to the front desk that includes the reason for the

early dismissal. Excused early dismissals would include dental, medical, or other important

appointments. Before leaving, the student must sign out at the front desk. Any work that is missed

during the absence must be made up.

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8:45 – 9:15 Chapel 8:45 - 9:50 1st period

9:20 – 10:30 1st period 9:50 – 10:55 2nd period

10:33 – 11:48 2nd period 10:55 – 12:00 3rd period

11:51 – 12:31 LUNCH 12:00 – 12:35 LUNCH

12:33 – 1:40 3rd period 12:35 – 1:40 4th period (12:35-2:00 HS)

1:43 – 2:45 4th period 1:40 – 2:45 5th period (2:00-2:45 HS)



The Core Value supporting our discipline policy is Passionate Discipleship. Discipline is a vehicle

designed to move a student from a behavior which is inconsistent with God’s plan toward a heart

change in alignment with God’s plan for each student. The overall goal of godly discipline is to move

students closer to God through implementing loving boundaries. Successful discipline does not,

however, result in perfect children with perfect behavior. Teachers and administrators are

responsible to God for the students entrusted to their care during the course of the day. Given this

authority to discipline by parents, they are to administer it within the limitations of this policy. Teachers

and administrators are to work with parents in this area, keeping them informed of disciplinary actions

taken. They are also to make themselves available to both the parents and students involved, as

needed. The ultimate end of this type of involvement is to build an understanding and to foster

supportive behavior and a united, cooperative attitude. Hebrews 12:4-12 teaches that godly

discipline is a good process leading others to walk in holiness. As administrators, teachers, and

students submit to the discipline of the Lord, we will experience a harvest of righteousness and peace

(Hebrews 12:11).


Minor behavioral problems will be dealt with by the classroom teacher. Each teacher has his or her

own behavioral system in place in the classroom. More significant behavioral issues or reoccurring

problems will be referred to the principal.

When a student’s behavior requires discipline, teachers at CHESS Christian School will:

1) Provide a verbal warning to the student explaining the correct way the student is to respond.

2) If the student does not obey the teachers’ verbal warning, the Principal will meet with the

student individually.

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3) If a student continues to behave in an inconsistent manner after meeting with the Principal, a

conference will be scheduled between the Principal, the student, and the parents to develop a

Discipline Action Plan.

In-School & Out-of-School Suspension

School Administration reserves the right to immediately suspend any student who has grievously

violated CHESS’ written and/or spoken school policies or its principles. Students may be placed on

in-school suspension (ISS) or out-of-school suspension (OSS). For an ISS, assignments for the day

will be taken to the in-school location. A student will complete all assignments, quizzes, or tests

assigned and/or due during the time of the suspension. Lunch will be eaten in the in-school location.

A student assigned to in-school suspension is not permitted to participate in after-school activities for

that day no matter where the activity takes place. A student can be placed on OSS for serious or

repeated offenses. During the suspension, work must be maintained. A student suspended out-of-

school is not permitted on school property during the suspension and is not permitted to attend or

participate in any school activity no matter where the activity takes place.

Behavioral Probation

Any student who has been placed on out-of-school suspension is automatically placed on a

probationary contract. Guidelines of the contract are based on the reason for the suspension. Often

times they include counseling or recommendation from the student’s pastor. Probation is intended as

an intermediate disciplinary step to give the student an opportunity to improve his/her attitude and/or

conduct. If progress is not noted in attitudes and/or behavior, the student will either be asked to

withdraw from CHESS or the administration will recommend expulsion to the School Board.


The school administration reserves the right to recommend to the School Board for immediate

expulsion any student who has grievously violated CHESS written and/or spoken school policies or its


Parent Appeal Process

Consistent with CHESS Christian School’s core value of Passionate Discipleship, CHESS exists to

assist parents in their responsibility to educate their children. Parents who have questions or

concerns about policies or decisions are encouraged to first approach the teacher or staff member

most closely related to the situation. After having done so, if the parent does not feel that a mutual

understanding has been met, he/she may contact the school’s principal who will work with them to

resolve the issue. In the rare instance where this course of action does not provide satisfaction, the

parent may ask for the Executive Director’s input. As a last resort, parents have the right to appeal in

writing to the CHESS Christian School Board chairperson who will work with the Executive Director to

bring closure to the situation.


CHESS Christian School believes uniforms provide benefits to the educational experience for

students, teachers, and families. Uniforms allow teachers and administrators to focus on school

community and the students’ academics rather than on monitoring the appropriateness of various

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clothing choices. The benefits of uniforms for students include: reduced pressure of deciding what to

wear to school, decreased pressure to keep up with clothing brands and trends, and an increased

ability to concentrate on lessons. Dress code includes:

Collared shirts with sleeves of any color, with or without CHESS logo, including stripes and

plaids, must be worn.

Khaki, navy, or black uniform pants, shorts or skirts, or plain dresses (no cargo style)

Length of shorts/skirts must be below the length of the student’s fingertips while arms rest at

their sides

Plain or CHESS logo sweatshirts and jackets (no wording). If a shirt is worn under a

sweatshirt or scarf, it must contain a collar.

Belts must be worn if shirts are worn tucked in

No hats or hoodies worn during school hours

No visible tattoos while in school uniform

Hair must be neat and trimmed with natural hair color and no extreme styles. Male hairstyles

will be worn no longer than the collar.

Unusual or outlandish styles in clothing or hair that detracts from the educational environment

will be addressed by administration

Shoes must be worn at all times. For safety, no flip-flops are permitted during the school day.

All shoes must have a strap on the back of the heel. Students in classes with a lab (Biology,

Chemistry) must wear close-toed shoes. P.E. students must wear proper athletic shoes.

Full-coverage bathing suits must be worn on school trips that provide opportunities for


Violations of dress code will be addressed by CHESS administration. Students who arrive to school

outside of dress code will wait in the lobby with the Assistant for parents to bring appropriate clothing.

If desired, CHESS Christian School can provide clothes in compliance with the dress code. Students

will not be permitted to enter class outside of dress code.


In order to maintain an appropriate educational and spiritual atmosphere at CHESS, students are to

refrain from behavior unfitting in a school environment. These behaviors include improper displays of

affection and familiarity (kissing, touching, hand-holding, hugging, etc.). CHESS seeks to develop

unity in the student body, to foster brotherly concern and compassion for others, and to minister

educationally and spiritually to all students. These goals are thwarted when students are preoccupied

with their individual social relationships. Scriptural purity and godly character are the standards for

both student and faculty behavior. Therefore, interaction among all the members of the CHESS

community should be above reproach. This includes not only inappropriate physical touching, but also

behaviors, including speech, that are sexually suggestive or unbecoming. Neither of these will be

tolerated. Should there be a violation of this policy, parents will be notified and the students involved

will be subject to suspension. This policy applies to students, both when they are in school on

campus, and when they are involved in any off-campus school activities (athletic events, field trips,

class trips, etc.). It also applies to electronic and social media activity, as well, whether on or off-


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It is the position of CHESS Christian School that immoral conduct and pre-marital sex are forbidden

by God's Word as acts that are destructive to the Body of Christ. The administration, following a

meeting with the student and his/her parents, will act upon any immoral conduct on the part of a

student including acts, signs, literature, verbal comments or expressions, and written documents

(both physical and electronic). Courses of action could include counseling, probation, suspension, or

recommendation for expulsion.


Students who are involved in a violation of federal, state, or local law will be brought before the

administration for disciplinary action. Courses of action could include suspension, probation, and/or

recommendation for expulsion. Counseling, drug testing, and treatment may be required.


The use or possession of alcohol, tobacco, or non-medicinal drugs (i.e. those which are not

prescribed by a physician or traditionally used for the treatment of illness or for the restoration of

health to the body) is strictly forbidden for CHESS students both in and out of school. CHESS

reserves the right to conduct a search of students when there is a reasonable basis to believe that the

student may be in possession of or has used any of these substances. A student may be asked to

empty his pockets or make available contents of other areas about their person. Two administrators

will be present in the event of a search. Should a student refuse to empty pockets or make available

contents, CHESS may request that parents come to the school or other location and search their

child. Should the student and parent(s) refuse to conduct a search of the person of the student, the

school reserves the right to expel the student. CHESS administration reserves the right, at its sole

discretion, based on a reasonable basis to believe that a student has engaged in non-medicinal drug

use, to order a drug test with a subsequent written report to the administration. Such information

would be handled in a confidential manner. A positive test result would be the financial responsibility

of the family. Payment on a negative test result would be reimbursed by CHESS. Refusal to

participate in a drug test could result in recommendation by the administration for expulsion.

Information may also be shared with the police authorities. In the event of use or possession of

alcohol, tobacco, non-medicinal drugs, or substance abuse, both in and out of school, the course of

action could include suspension, probation, and/or recommendation for expulsion. In the event of

expulsion, no credit will be allowed at CHESS for any courses not fully completed during the school

year or term in which the offense occurred.


Within this Christian community, we are committed to providing a safe environment in which each

child can learn. CHESS Christian School considers student possession of, use of, or threatened use

of weapons as a serious offense and will not be tolerated by students on school property, at school

events, or at any other time while enrolled as a student. Statements made by a student claiming or

boasting of a weapon at school or at school events will be dealt with in the same manner as a “threat”


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Students who possess a weapon or who carry, exhibit, display, draw, or threaten any of these items

apparently capable of producing bodily harm in a manner which, under the circumstances, manifests

an intent to intimidate another or warrants alarm for the safety of others shall be subject to discipline

up to and including expulsion. A student commits a misdemeanor of the first degree if in the

possession of a weapon in the buildings of, on the grounds of, or on any conveyance providing

transportation to or from the educational institution.


“Possession” includes, but is not limited to, having a weapon on school property or at a school

sponsored event located: (a) in a space assigned to a student such as a locker or desk; (b) on the

student’s person or property; or (c) under the student’s control or accessible or available, such as

hidden by the student. CHESS reserves the right to conduct a search of students when there is a

reasonable basis to believe that the student may be in possession of a weapon. Two administrators

will be present in the event of a search. Areas of search include, but not necessarily limited to, a

student's locker and personal effects. A student may be asked to empty his pockets or make available

contents of other areas about their person. Should a student refuse to empty pockets or make

available contents, CHESS may request that parents come to the school or other location and search

their child. Should the student and parent(s) refuse to conduct a search of the person of the student,

the school reserves the right to expel the student.

“Threat” includes, but is not limited to: (a) a statement of personal bodily harm with a weapon; (b) a

statement indicating friends or acquaintances with weapons who will commit bodily harm; or (c) the

statement of possessing a weapon at school or a school function. A threat may be verbal or written

and done in person, over the phone, or electronically.

A “weapon” includes, but is not limited to: (a) any knife, cutting instrument, cutting tool, nunchuck

stick, firearm, shotgun, rifle, and any other tool, instrument, or implement capable of inflicting serious

bodily injury; (b) a firearm which is not loaded or lacks a clip or other component to render it

immediately operable, and components which can readily be assembled into a weapon; (c) any “look-

alikes” of any items listed above. The possession of spray mace and/or any other noxious chemicals

used inappropriately will also be considered a violation of this policy.


Any faculty member, staff member, or principal with knowledge of possession, threat, or use of

weapons as described above shall immediately report to the Executive Director, who shall: (a) submit

a report to the appropriate jurisdictional police authority – when the school reports an incident to the

police the school is merely providing information to the police department; and (b) remove the

involved student(s) from school pending full investigation by school and law enforcement officials.

When the school refers an incident to the police the school expects the police to take action on the


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All violations under this policy shall be reported to the local police department. All persons violating

this policy shall receive out of school suspension until such time a parent conference is held, a full

investigation has been completed, and the administration has finalized the consequences and course

of action. In the event that this policy is violated, the student will additionally be placed on probation,

long-term suspension, or be recommended for expulsion for a period of up to one year.


“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves,” Romans 12:10.

CHESS Christian School will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any student. A

student shall not intimidate, harass, or bully another student through words or actions. Such acts may

be verbal, physical, written, or electronic in nature. Bullying or harassing behavior includes: direct

physical contact, such as hitting or shoving; verbal assaults, such as teasing, put-downs, or name-

calling; and social isolation or manipulation. Unwelcome sexual advances are also perceived as

harassment. Bullying may also be defined as a series of acts directed at another student with the

effect that it substantially interferes with the student’s education, creates a threatening environment,

or disrupts the orderly operation of the school. The school setting includes the school itself, the school

grounds, in school vehicles, or at any activity sponsored, supervised or sanctioned by the school. Any

online activity of this nature that carries over into the school setting is also included. Anyone with

knowledge of such behavior should report it to the building principal. Students involved in these

behaviors will be subject to disciplinary action. The safety of the community will be considered in

determining appropriate action. The local police may be contacted to file a report. Teachers should

discuss this policy with their students in age-appropriate ways and should assure them that they need

not endure any form of bullying. Students who bully are in violation of this policy and are subject to

disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.


Academic integrity is of the utmost of importance in an academic environment; therefore, it is

essential that each student take responsibility for his/her own work. Cheating and plagiarism are

unacceptable practices. Cheating is the giving, receiving, or using help not authorized by the teacher

on any form of assessment. This means that students should not copy from another’s work, provide

answers to another, or use any source of information not allowed by the teacher on class work,

homework, projects, quizzes, or tests. It also includes talking with other students about the content of

a test/quiz after the student has taken it and others have not. Students must also refrain from forgery

and stealing. Students who access an exam or answers to an exam without authorization are

stealing. Students should not forge a required parental/guardian signature, as on permission slips.

Plagiarism is intentionally presenting someone else’s work or ideas as one’s own. This could include

copying or paraphrasing from a book, journal, or the Internet without acknowledging the original

writer. Cutting and pasting from an Internet web page and taking another’s work and rewriting in

“your own words” also constitutes plagiarism. Students who are caught cheating or plagiarizing could

receive a zero for the assignment or test. Other disciplinary measures, such as suspension, could be


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Our technology policies are created to allow us to be a reflection of Jesus Christ to each other and

the surrounding community. Use of technology should be done ethically, respectfully, and truthfully.

CHESS Christian School operates with a high level of involvement and believes that parental

involvement continues into the use of technology both inside and outside of school walls.

CHESS Christian students must follow the below Technology Use Behavior Agreement:

_____ I will treat others with respect and love just as Christ teaches us in His Word. This includes

(but not limited to) communication via instant messenger, Instagram, social media, PowerPoint,

texting, gaming, class assignments, and any other communication media.

_____ I understand that I will notify my parents and CHESS Christian staff if any communication

threatens my safety or safety of others.

_____ If I am uncertain whether a site is safe, I will ask a parent or CHESS Christian staff member

BEFORE proceeding.

_____ I will keep my passwords safe and protected.

_____ I understand that CHESS Christian Staff and parents have the right to inspect any activity

including data, messages, emails, documents, or files.

_____ I will not post identifying information about others or myself on ANY online media without their

prior permission. This includes, but is not limited to, emails, address, photos, or videos.

_____ I will not create a false identity or impersonate another person.

_____ I will use the CHESS Christian Wi-Fi connection to complete school work. I will not send out

emails, chain letters, jokes, etc. to email group lists. Group lists and CHESS Christian student emails

are for class assignments.

____ I will not search for or download any material that is offensive, lewd, pornographic or

inappropriate based on the school’s mission. I understand this applies to both school computers,

personal laptops, Ipads, mobile phones, or devices.

___I will not plagiarize from any sources. (Plagiarism is taking someone else’s writing, image, or idea

and presenting it as your own.)

___I will properly cite any resources that I use in my schoolwork.

___Except for “educational fair use” as defined by a teacher, I will not copy, save, or redistribute

copyrighted material (files, music, software, etc.) Users should assume material is copyrighted unless

it is stated clearly to the contrary.


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CHESS takes precautions to restrict access to objectionable material online, but it is not possible to

have full control over access to resources and materials on the Internet. CHESS reserves the right to

block content that negatively impacts the academic performance of students. CHESS cannot

guarantee that network services will be without error. The school will not be responsible for any lost

data or interrupted service caused by malfunction, negligence, or omission. CHESS is not responsible

for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the network. The school will not be

responsible for financial obligations arising from unauthorized use of the network.



The Core Value supporting family jobs is Christian Community. Family jobs support two functions

at CHESS by: 1) enabling us to keep tuition low, and 2) providing opportunities for families to engage

in Christian community with the school. However, some families are in a stage of life and find it

difficult to complete the family job requirement. If preferred, families may “buy out” of the family job

using the below guidelines:

3 instructional hours or less = 30 minutes of work/week, or $ 180 yearly

3.5+ instructional hours = 1 hour of work/week, or $ 360 yearly

Family jobs can be selected at the Back to School Night, or by contacting the Assistant. Family job

assignments must be selected by Thursday, September 1st. If no family job is selected, CHESS

recognizes the family is self-selecting for the family job buyout, and the annual buyout amount will be

included in the family tuition. Families are responsible to track their cumulative family hours, and to

find replacement subs for missed service hours. After two (2) consecutive missed assignments

without a replacement sub, families will be charged $25. After four (4) total missed assignments, the

family will be charged the annual family job buyout. All hours will be completed by the last day of



One simple way that each family can support CHESS is by collecting Box Tops, Labels for Education,

and linking your Kroger and Dorothy Lane Market cards to CHESS. If you are buying or selling a

home, a referral to may lead to 20% of commissions being donated back to CHESS.


The purpose of the CPO is: Serving together, the CHESS Christian School CPO facilitates the

spiritual and physical growth of CHESS by creating valuable programs, meaningful events, and

purposeful community. The CPO will hold monthly meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, with

additional meetings called as necessary. Membership in CPO shall be open to the parents (or

caregivers), teachers, and personnel of CHESS Christian School. No membership dues will be

collected. CHESS Christian School believes that Passionate Discipleship is developed in doing life

together in Christian Community. In order for a member to stay in good-standing with voting

privileges, a member must attend 7 out of the 10 meetings per year. If a member misses more than 3

meetings, they are welcome to attend the CPO meeting and provide input, but will not be permitted to

include their vote in a decision.

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Students may be dropped off under the awning by the CHESS Christian School entrance beginning at

8:15 am. There will be no supervision for students prior to 8:15 am. After 8:45 am, a student is

considered tardy and the parent is required to bring their child(ren) into the building to sign them in at

the Front Desk. If a parent desires to walk their student in for morning arrival, they will park in the

marked parking areas outside of the CHESS Christian School entrance.



To better accommodate parents, CHESS Christian School provides curbside pick-up for afternoon

dismissal. There is no supervision of students after 3:00 pm unless students are signed-in to the

Aftercare Program, for an additional charge. If a parent is in the building after school hours, parents

are responsible for the supervision of their children.

Release of a Child

Staff will release children only to persons on the release form provided by the parent. If an

emergency arises, the parent must provide a written, signed note giving the person permission to pick

up their child. Staff will check ID’s of anyone they do not recognize. Please let people know about

this ahead of time so they bring a picture ID and are not surprised at being asked.

Custody Agreements

If there are custody issues involved with your child, you must provide the school with court papers

indicating who has permission to pick up the child. The school may not deny a parent access to their

child without proper documentation.

Pick-Up Procedure Policy

1. Parents will be given 2 signs containing the Family Name & CHESS logo to be placed in the

windshield of the pick-up car, for mom/dad/grandparent/babysittter. Signs will be sent home in

the CHESS Homework folder of the oldest student.

2. The Family Sign must be displayed in the driver side windshield upon entering the Pick-Up


3. Students will assemble in the Worship Arts Center (WAC) at the end of the day. Once all

students are accounted for, the Runner will walk students out to their car by 2:50 pm.

4. A Runner will announce to the staff in the WAC via a walkie-talkie the order of cars and the

order of students to be released from the WAC for Pick-Up.

5. Students will dismiss from the CHESS entrance and will walk down the sidewalk to enter their

car from the driver side. Please have the car unlocked and ready for the student to quickly load

into the car.

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Please note the Pick-Up Line Traffic Pattern:


Isaiah 41:10 reads, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I

will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” At CHESS,

keeping your children safe while attending CHESS Christian School is of utmost importance. To

provide the best security:

All doors at CHESS Christian School will be automatically locked after 8:45 am through 2:30

pm. To enter the building, please press the bell button on the security keypad to notify the

front desk for entrance.

A Front Desk Representative is dedicated to covering the front desk at all times and will

monitor visitors through a sign-in sheet.

Each teacher, the Principal, and the Front Desk Representatives will be equipped with two-way

radios for immediate contact when needed.

Throughout the year, we will perform lockdown, escape, and other emergency response drills

in compliance with all Ohio state laws and regulations.

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If someone is visiting the school who is not a regular visitor, please notify the school in

advance by calling (937) 985-2082 to permit access to the building.


CHESS Christian School provides children with a clean and healthy environment. However, we

realize that children become ill from time to time. We observe all children as they enter the school to

quickly assess their general health. We ask that you not bring a sick child to school. They will be

sent home!

A child with any of the following symptoms will be immediately isolated and discharged to the parent

or emergency contact:

Temperature of 100° F


Severe coughing (causing the child to become red in the face or to make a whooping sound)

Yellowish skin or eyes

Redness of the eye or eyelid, thick and purulent (pus) discharge, matted eyelashes, burning,

itching or eye pain.

Untreated skin patches, unusual spots or rashes

Unusually dark urine or grey or white stools

Stiff neck with an elevated temperature

Evidence of untreated lice, scabies or other parasitic infestation

Vomiting more than once or when accompanied by any other signs of illness

Sore throat or difficulty swallowing

Any child demonstrating signs of illness not listed above will be isolated and carefully observed for

symptoms. The parent will be notified. If the child does not feel well enough to participate in school

activities, the parent will be called to pick up the child. Anytime a child is isolated they will be kept

within sight and hearing of a staff member. The cot and any linens used will be washed and

disinfected before being used again.

Parents will be notified by a sign on the door if children have been exposed to a communicable

illness. Children will be readmitted to the school after at least 24 hours of being symptom and fever

free. If they are not symptom free, a doctor’s note will be required stating that the child is not



The school will administer medications to a child only after the parent completes a Request for

Medication form. All proper sections must be completed and the medication handed to the teacher

each day. Medications will be stored in a designated area inaccessible to children. Medications may

NOT be stored in a child’s cubby or book bag. Prescription medications must be in their original

container and administered in accordance to the instructions on the label. Over the counter

medications must also be administered in accordance to label instructions. If parents request any

different dosages or uses, a physician must provide written instructions on the Request for

Medication form. To keep an inhaler or epipen at the school, parents must complete and have a

doctor signature on the Inhaler Authorization Form or an Epipen Authorization Form. CHESS

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does not stock any over-the-counter medication, and will not administer any medication to a student

without the appropriate form signed by a physician on file.


CHESS Christian School has devised several procedures to follow in the event that an emergency

would occur while a child is at school. In the event of a fire or tornado, staff would follow the written

instructions posted in each classroom, describing emergency evacuation routes and the procedures

to be followed to assure that children have arrived at the designated spot. In order to prepare

children for the unlikely need to evacuate, the school does conduct monthly fire drills, and periodic

tornado drills. CHESS will conduct intermittent lockdown or escape drills in the unlikely event of an

intruder. Should we need to evacuate due to fire or weather conditions, or the loss of power, heat or

water, our reunification location will be provided to parents. A sign will be posted in front of the school

indicating that we have been evacuated, and the location where you can pick up your child. Parents

will also be contacted as soon as possible to come pick up your child. If a parent cannot be reached,

we will contact the emergency contacts as listed on your child’s enrollment information.

In the unlikely event there would be an environmental threat or a threat of violence, the staff will

secure the children in the safest location possible, contact and follow the directions given by the

proper authorities, and contact the parents as soon as the situation allows. An incident report would

also be provided to the parents.

There is always one staff member present that has received training in First Aid/Communicable

Diseases and CPR. In the case of a minor accident/injury staff will administer basic first aid and

TLC. If the injury/illness would be more serious, first aid would be administered and the parents

would be contacted immediately to assist in deciding an appropriate course of action. If the

injury/illness is life threatening, the EMS will be contacted, parents will be notified, and a staff member

will accompany the child to the hospital with all available health records. Staff may not transport

children in their vehicles. Only parents or EMS may transport.

An incident/injury report will be completed and given to the person picking up the child on the day of

the incident/injury if any of the following occur: the child has an illness, accident or injury which

requires first aid, the child receives a bump or blow to the head, or an unusual or unexpected event

occurs which jeopardizes the safety of the child.

If the child requires emergency transportation, the report shall be available within twenty-four hours

after the incident occurs.

IV. General and Miscellaneous Information


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The school year for CHESS Christian School begins August 22, 2016, and continues through May 25,

2017. School is in session Monday through Thursday from 8:45 am to 2:45 pm, with an optional After

Care program until 4:00 pm for an additional charge. Early arrival for students begins at 8:15 am.

There is no guaranteed supervision for students dropped off before 8:15 am. Parents picking children

up more than five minutes after the end of their class will be assessed a $25 late pick-up fee to cover

administrative costs incurred. Your respect and consideration are appreciated.


CHESS Christian School Staff and Administration will operate business hours during normal school

hours. Outside of normal school hours, Administration and Support Staff balances their family and

work responsibilities individually and will seek to respond to emails, voicemails, or text messages

within 1 business day. Administration and support staff enjoys taking breaks with their family during

holidays and school breaks, and will communicate their availability to respond to emails, voicemails,

and text messages through their Out-of-office notifications.


Communication between the home and school is vital for the successful partnership between CHESS

Christian School and partnering families. CHESS Christian School communicates through a variety

of modes of technology; it is therefore required for all CHESS Christian School families to have

a working email address and regular access to email, RenWeb, and other online forms of


1. Follow the Blog – go to and enter your email address

into the box on the right of the page which reads, “Follow this Blog”. When an update is

posted on the blog, and email will be sent to the email address entered on the blog.

2. Like us on Facebook; Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest – CHESS is

connected to social media, so most of our upcoming events are posted on social media

3. Call the internal number at school – (937) 985-2082 - This number is to be used ONLY by

families currently registered at CHESS for items relating to your student during the school

day. This number is not distributed to the outside community for general questions about



Parents are welcomed and encouraged to come on the campus of CHESS Christian School.

Keeping security our utmost priority, all visitors, including siblings of students, must sign in and out

with the Front Desk Representative and wear a Visitor badge while on campus.


Field trips are planned one Friday a month and are an extension of the academic content being

provided in the classroom. Field trips seek to meet additional required educational standards. The

selection of field trips includes a mixture of FREE and low-cost options for all grade levels. Siblings

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not enrolled in CHESS are welcome to attend field trips, provided there are no restrictions imposed by

the field trip location. The parent must provide all transportation and supervision to field trips, or have

arrangements made in advance with another supervising adult. In order for the Field Trip Coordinator

to provide accurate counts of attendees, along with the required financial commitments to the

respective field trip locations, field trips need to be registered for and payment arrangements made by

September 7, 2016. Families have the option to pay by check for all field trips, or field trip fees can

be included on the FACTS agreement.


CHESS Christian School makes every effort to ensure students leave with their belongings at the end

of the day. However, there are inevitably coats, hats, gloves, and lunchboxes, which get left behind.

Please see the Front Desk Representative if your student is missing an item. The Lost and Found

will be cleaned out on a quarterly basis, and all remaining items will be donated to Goodwill.


Students enrolled in the Lunch/Recess period are required to bring a packed lunch. A substitute

lunch will be provided to students who do not have a lunch, and $5 will be assessed to the family

account, due upon receipt. Please do not pack any drinks containing red dye. One day a week, per

the below rotating schedule, CHESS Christian School will provide a hot lunch pizza for $2/slice, or

$10/pizza. Hot lunch orders can be placed in advance on the RenWeb database, or can be placed in

person by 9:15 am on the day of hot lunch. Payments can be made in cash, check or through

FACTS incidental billing.

Week of the Month

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

1st Week HOT LUNCH

2nd Week HOT LUNCH

3rd Week HOT LUNCH

4th Week HOT LUNCH


Students will enjoy being outdoors for recess every day, unless the wind chill temperature reads 20°

or below. Please ensure students have appropriate dress to accommodate varying weather

conditions. The Assistant and parent volunteers will determine the location of recess (indoor or

Page 29: Parent-Student Handbook 2016-2017 - CHESS Christian SchoolParent-Student Handbook 2016-2017 CHESS Christian School 208 Nutt Road Centerville, OH 45458 (937) 343-1130 Table of Contents

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outdoor) based on weather conditions. Students must remain with the recess supervision and will not

be permitted to deviate from the designated location.


In the event of inclement weather, CHESS Christian will follow the closing of Centerville City Schools.

If there is a 1 hour delay, there is NO DELAY for CHESS Christian.

If there is a 2 hour delay, CHESS Christian will operate on a 1 hour delay.

If Centerville City Schools has a scheduled Waiver Day on a day with inclement weather,

CHESS will close based on other surrounding districts. Please watch the blog, website, and

facebook for updates.

CHESS Christian does NOT close for frigid temperatures, as students do not have to wait

outside at bus stops.

Notification of school closure will be posted by 6:00 a.m. on the blog, website, and Facebook.


Page 30: Parent-Student Handbook 2016-2017 - CHESS Christian SchoolParent-Student Handbook 2016-2017 CHESS Christian School 208 Nutt Road Centerville, OH 45458 (937) 343-1130 Table of Contents

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Sign and return to Front Desk by September 1, 2016

Family Name: _______________________________________________

I have read and understand the 2016-17 CHESS Christian School Parent-Student

Handbook, and agree to uphold and abide by the terms established in the

handbook. My student(s) have also read and understand the policies of CHESS

Christian School.

______________________________________ ________________

Parent Signature Date ______________________________________ ________________

Student Signature Date ______________________________________ ________________

Student Signature Date ______________________________________ ________________ Student Signature Date ______________________________________ ________________ Student Signature Date
