Page 1: Paper - circuit workshop to make a box



Paper Circuit BoxWorkshop

1. Cut two squares out of paper. Make one of the squaressmaller than the other. These will be the top and bottomof your box.

2. Following the instructions below, fold the two squares into boxes. Younger children may need help with the last step.

1 2

7. Fold in tips then openup the sides

Finished box!8. Fold along the

creases toconstruct box

1. Fold in half diagonally

2. Fold in half top to bottom

and side to side

3. Fold all cornersinto the center

4. Fold oppositesides to

the center

5. Unfold

6. Fold sides to the centerthen fold along crease

to the center again

Page 2: Paper - circuit workshop to make a box

3. Poke a small hole in the top (larger) of your boxes with your pin. Stick the LED into the hole.

4. Bend the legs of the LED light into an L shape so that they follow the top and run down opposite sides of your box top. Keep track of which side is positive.

5. Set up the circuit:• Run the copper tape from the bottom of the box out to the side. This will be the negative side.

• Place a battery negative side down on the copper tape.

• Run a piece of copper tape from the top of the battery to the other side of the box.

• Secure the circuit into the box bottom with a piece of regular tape.

5. Match up the sides, positive LED leg with positive copper tape side and put the lid on the box. When the box is closed the circuit will complete and the LED will light up. (If the light does not come on you can add more copper tape or try lightly squeezing the sides together.)

6. You’re done! Decorate your box and enjoy.

Workshop and instructions by Audrey Fox of Austin Texas with thanks to Jie Qi of MIT Media Lab’s High Low Tech for inspiration.
