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  • 8/8/2019 PAFC Project Report Final


    Chapter 1: Business Description

    1.1 Background

    To treat agro/coffee/sugar/natural rubber/pulp waste,

    cattle /poultry /fishery /animal /human waste, food

    /kitchen /hotel waste (including used cooking oil), leafy

    garden waste, used flowers and all types of organic

    waste to produce Cooking Gas, Bio-CNG/PNG &

    Natural Soil Conditioner

    The Indian Urban Scenario in terms of waste management and disposal is bleak.Traditional methods of waste disposal under the purview of municipal and civicbodies have largely limited themselves to "collect and dispose" functions whichare becoming inadequate to cope with its increasing quantity and changingnature. Waste has to be treated as wealth and needs to be viewed scientificallyand holistically, recognising its natural resource roots as well as health impacts.Urban poverty is inextricably linked with waste. In India, over a million peoplefind livelihood opportunities in waste collection. Hence, there is an urgent need

    to build upon existing systems instead of attempting to replace them blindlywith models from developed countries. Delhi generates 6500 tonnes of garbageper day but only 5000 tonnes reach the sanitary landfills (garbage dumpingsites). The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has been actively engaged indevising various schemes for disposal, treatment and transportation of solidwaste but is lagging behind in achieving a total solution to the problem. Eventhe judiciary is pulling them up for non-compliance in providing a status reportin the matter by 2 February, 2005 (T01, 14 April 2005). The Delhi High Court

    had no hesitation in observing that the capital city has become an "open-dustbin".

    Such a situation is prevalent not in Delhi alone but in most of the other townsand cities of the country due to rapid urbanisation and lack of civicinfrastructure to cope with the problem. The municipal authorities are notentirely culpable for this menace. There is a need to bring about attitudinalchange right from individual households to all stakeholders. Although change inmindset is not an easy proposition but understanding ones responsibility anddedication to make things work would facilitate clean and healthiersurroundings. Initially, strict implementation and enforcement of environmentallaws will pave the way for compliance. We have to get out of NIMBYS (not inmy backyard syndrome) and contribute as responsible citizens living in acommunity which respects and understands nature and environment.

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    Existing Practice

    MSWM is a part of public health and sanitation, and is entrusted to themunicipal government for execution. Presently, the systems are assuming largerimportance due to population explosion in municipal areas, legal intervention,and emergence of newer technologies and rising public awareness towardscleanliness (Kumar et al., 2004).

    Except in the metropolitan cities, SWM is the responsibility of a health officerwho is assisted by the engineering department in the transportation work. Theactivity is mostly labour intensive, and 2-3 workers are provided per 1000residents served. The municipal agencies spend 5-25% of their budget on SWM,which is Rs. 75-250 per capita per year (Kumar and Gaikwad, 2004) . Normallya city of 1 million populations spends around Rs. 10 crores for this activity. Inspite of this huge expenditure, services are not provided to the desired level.

    Community bin collection system is usually practiced in India. The collectionbin and implements used in various cities are not properly designed. It has beenobserved that community bins have not been installed at proper location. Thishas resulted in poor collection efficiency. Lack of public awareness has madethe situation worse. Various types of vehicles are used for transportation ofwaste to the disposal site. However, these vehicles are not designed as per

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    of the solid waste. Waste is disposed of in low-lying areas without taking anyprecautions and without any operational control. Solid waste workers handle thewaste without any protective equipment and are prone to infection.

    1.5 The Current Practice on Waste Management

    Open dumping at disposal sites

    Allows for anaerobic degradation

    No sanitary landfill for MSW disposal in India

    Existing Composting facilities do not work efficiently

    90% disposal of waste in open and 9% composted Difficulties in providing the desired level of public service in the

    urban centers often attributed to the poor financial status of the

    managing municipal corporations

    1.6 Need for change

    SWM systems exist in most of the urban centres since last few decades.

    However, these systems have yet to emerge as a well-organized practice.Although, the solid waste characteristics in different urban centers varysignificantly, there is a meagre effort to tailor the system configuration to thewaste characteristics. The major deficiencies associated with the system aredescribed in the following sections (Kumar and Gaikwad, 2004).

    Rapidly Increasing Areas to be Served and Quantity of Waste

    The solid waste quantities generated in urban centres are increasing due to rise

    in the population and increase in the per capita waste generation rate. Theincreasing solid waste quantities and the areas to be served strain the existingSWM system.

    Inadequate Resources

    While allocating resources including finance, SWM is assigned with a lowpriority resulting in inadequate provision of funds. Often there is a commonbudget for collection and treatment of sewage and SWM and the later receives a

    minor share of the funds. The inadequacy of human resource is mainly due tothe absence of suitably trained staff.

    Inappropriate Technology

    The equipment and machinery presently used in the system are usually thatwhich have been developed for general purpose or that which have been adopted

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    Disproportionately High Cost of Manpower

    Mostly out of the total expenditure, around 90% is accounted for manpower ofwhich major portion is utilized for collection. Since citizens tend to throw thewaste on the adjoining road and outside the bin, the work of the collection staffis increased. Hence, the cost of collection increases considerably.

    Societal and Management Apathy

    The operational efficiency of SWM depends on the active participation of boththe municipal agency and the citizens. Since the social status of SWM is low,

    there is a strong apathy towards it, which can be seen from the uncollectedwaste in many areas and the deterioration of aesthetic and environmental qualityat the uncontrolled disposal sites.

    Low Efficiency of the System

    The SWM system is unplanned and is operated in an unscientific way. Neitherthe work norms are specified nor the work of collection staff appropriatelysupervised. The vehicles are poorly maintained and no schedule is observed forpreventive maintenance. Due to shortage of financial resources, the vehicles areoften used beyond their economical life resulting in inefficient operation.Further, there is no co-ordination of activities between different components ofthe system. The cumulative effect of all these factors is an inefficient SWMsystem.

    Benefits of the change

    Solid waste management is crucial, because people will continue to creategarbage and trash. In this sense municipal solid waste is a renewable form ofalternative energy, one which is much more environmentally friendly than usingfossil fuels. If the waste was not removed and taken care of, cities wouldbecome overrun with waste, rodents, insects, and germs. Waste to energy takesthings that are already discarded, and turns these into electricity and energy thatis much needed. This benefits society and the world twice, once when thegarbage is removed and does not end up in a landfill polluting the earth andtaking up space, and the second benefit is a source of energy that is cleaner and

    more eco-friendly than fossil fuels, with less pollution and contribution to globalwarming and greenhouse gas emissions. Solid waste energy is the future of bothmunicipal solid waste management and alternative energy sources which are ecofriendly and meet the energy needs of the world. This source of alternativeenergy may very well be the main energy source of the future.

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    1.9 Legal considerations

    Statutory/legal requirements

    1. MSW Rules 2000

    2. JNNRUM

    Company Registration

    Under the Companies Act, 1956 a new company by the name Zero Waste

    Private Limited will be incorporated.

    Environmental permit

    1. State Pollution Control Board

    2. Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) guidelines

    OthersAll other required approvals and permissions will be taken by DehradunMunicipal Authority.

    Note: Required permits attached in schedules.

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    Chapter 2 : Project Background

    2.1 IntroductionGovernment of India has initiated a major urban infrastructure developmentproject from December, 2005 to improve essential urban infrastructure in 35one million plus cities, state capitals and certain other important cities ofIndia.

    The Government of India has come forward to extend financial support

    linked with reforms to selected 63 cities of India under Jawaharlal NehruNational Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). The cities of Dehradun,Haridwar and Nainital of Uttarakhand State are included in this list of 63 cities.

    Dehradun, the state capital of Uttarakhand is one of the 63 towns listedunder the JNNURM. The city is facing a challenge of providing essentialinfrastructure to keep pace with population growth. Due to urban populationgrowth and large tourist influx Solid waste management is one of the majorchallenges faced by this city.

    2.2 Project OverviewThe existing Nagar Nigam Solid Waste Management system in Dehradun isdeficient in all components i.e. source segregation, primary collection,treatment, scientific disposal of waste.

    The existing Solid Waste Management system lacks adequate infrastructure

    facilities to meet the norms stipulated in the Solid Waste (Management andHandling) Rules 2000. The city of Dehradun needs to immediately augmentits Solid Waste management systems to comply with MSW Rules 2000.Dehradun Nagar Nigam proposes to set up an integrated solid wastemanagement system by way of awareness campaign, segregation, collection,transportation, storage, treatment and land fill of municipal waste.

    2.3 Project Financing

    The proposed project is covered under JNNURM and Uttarakhand having specialstate status, the project is entitled to get 80% of the capital cost as grant fromGovernment of India and remaining 20% from the State.

    The part of Operations &Maintenance cost would be recovered from usercharges sale of compost & RDF advertisement rights etc to ensure project

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    also one of the most beautiful resort centres in India, it is well known for itsscenic natural beauty, beautiful forests, waterfalls and surroundings. It is also animportant educational centre of the country. India's some of the best public

    schools and convents are located here. The Indian Military Academy, ForestResearch Institute, ONGC and many more offices of Central and State Govt arelocated here. Dehradun is well linked with rail, road and air routes to all the partsof the state and the country.

    2.5 Project Components

    The various components of proposed project of Integrated Solid Waste

    Management system are based on the assessment of the existing deficiencies andmandatory requirement as per MSW Rules 2000.

    a) Door-to-door collection of solid waste from household, industrial units

    and institutions.

    b) Providing separate bins, at point of collection for biodegradable/non

    degradable waste

    c) Procurement and operation of equipments, vehicles and tools for

    door-to-door collection.d) Secondary storage of wastes

    e) Waste transfer from primary collection equipments to light motor


    f) Collection of waste generated from daily sweeping of streets.

    g) Transportation of wastes to treatment facilities.

    h) Build, Operate & Maintain workshop for maintenance of vehicle/

    equipmentsi) Build, Operate and Maintain Integrated solid waste treatment facility

    with all necessary tools and equipments as under:

    S No Description Unit Value

    1 Composting Plant MT/day 150

    2 Refused Derived Fuel (RDF) MT/day -----

    3 Inert Processing Plant MT/day ------

    4 Engineered Land Fill MT/day 50

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    Larger capacity of containers 4 cubic meters with lid for vegetableand fruit market.

    Larger capacity of containers 4.0 cubic meters for fish and meat


    b) Door-to-door collection of waste

    The city of Dehradun being the capital of Uttarakhand, it is proposed to makea beginning of turning the city into a binless city in a phased manner. To beginwith the system of direct collection of waste into transport vehicles may beadopted in 15 out of 60 wards doing away with street bins and that area may

    be designated as binless area.

    The PPP partner would procure and deploy adequate numbers ofcontainerised tricycles/wheelbarrows to collect household waste. It is estimatedthat one wheel barrow/tricycle would cover 150 household and thus anestimated 840 wheel barrow/tricycles would be required for 45 wards.

    The PPP partner would install containerized tricycles having detachable

    containers (preferably 6-8 in number) of 40litre/30litre capacity each for 45wards.

    c) Collection of waste from street sweepingThe PPP partner would deploy suitable equipments to collect waste from streetsweeping. Out of the total metaled road lengths, 117 km high density roads and218 km medium density roads and identified in the city. Remaining 167 km low

    density roads may be further classified into development and non developmentareas. The approximately 1049 sanitation workers are required to cover theentire length of streets.

    Each sweeper may be given containerized handcart having 6 detachablecontainers, so 140 handcarts would need to be procured. As street sweepingsfrom 15 wards is to be directly collected through motorized vehicles, onevehicle may be allotted for 2 wards, where 4 to 5 collection points may be

    identified for transfer of waste from handcarts would be made into the vehicledirectly. The vehicle may shuttle between these points at an interval of 30minutes each. The requirement of pick up vans for street sweepings in 15 wardswould be 8 and one spare vehicle may be procured for replacement duringbreakdown/repairs, etc.

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    conditions around the bins.

    It is proposed to introduce pairs of green and black colour containers of

    4.00cmt and 3.00cmt respectively for secondary storage of biodegradable wasteand inert street sweeping respectively.

    Dehradun Nagar Nigam though has 183 metal containers of 4.5 cubic metercapacity but most of them are in a bad shape and need replacement. Theprivate partner is, therefore, required to procure 203 green containers of 4.0cubic metre and 203 black containers of 3.0 cubic metre capacities to meet therequirementof the city.

    e) Transportation of wasteThe PPP partner would procure adequate number and types ofvehicles for transporting different categories of waste to treatment plants andland fill sites.

    f) Work shop for maintenance

    The PPP partner would set up a workshop for maintenance of vehiclesand equipments.

    g) Processing of waste

    The PPP partner would set up waste treatment plant and land fill facilities. ThePPP partner would select appropriate technology for treatment of waste.

    In the proposed project, the following facilities would be set up by the PPPpartner.

    S No Description Unit Value

    1 Composting Plant MT/day 150

    2 Refused Derived Fuel (RDF) MT/day

    3 Inert Processing Plant MT/day

    4 Engineered Land Fill MT/day 50

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    2.6 Estimates of waste and category according to Population

    As Dehradun started with a low population base of 4.48 lakhs only (2001) itspopulation growth rate in terms of percentage is expected to be faster in thecoming decades as a result of its economic factors mentioned above. On thebasis of this understanding, it is assumed that the population of Dehradun willgrow at the rate of 4 % per annum for 5 years following 2009, 3.5 % from 2010to 2014, and 3.0 % from 2015 to 2019. As the base (population) expands, therate of growth in terms of percentage will gradually slow down although inabsolute numbers population will keep increasing. It is presumed that population

    growth rate will stabilize at 2.5 to 2.0 % per annum for the next few decades.Annex 3.1.1 provides year-wise projected population over the next thirty years.The number of daily commuters to the town is believed to be quite high but noestimate of it is available. In the absence of any other basis, the commuterpopulation has been taken as 5% of the permanent population.

    Table 1: The estimated waste collection from various sources is:

    Year 2007 2011

    Projected Population including

    equivalent floating population789699 905409

    Total waste from residentialareas/day in


    161.89 185.61

    Commercial waste in MT/day 46.67 58.86Street Sweepings (better SWMsystems will 48.13 48.13

    Total waste generation per day in 256.69 292.6

    Per capita waste generation Kgs/perday

    0.357 0.323

    Table 2: The category wise waste is estimated :

    Items/Year 2007 - Waste in



    Biodegradable waste 139 54

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    2.7 Site

    The following sites have been earmarked for setting up treatment plants andlandfill.

    Table 3: The Site Details :

    S No Facility Hectares Location

    1 Engineered Land Fill &

    Composting Plant

    8.323 Sherpur

    2 Refused Derived Fuel (RDF)

    3 Inert Processing Plant

    The sites for secondary storage have been earmarked and notified to thesuccessful bidder.

    2.8 Revenue Sources

    a) The Nagar Palika Parishad, Dehradun is contemplating the imposition

    of suitable user charges from households and industries towards

    waste collection through amendment in the Bye-laws.

    b) The user charges as approved by Dehradun Nagar Nigam for various

    categories of user are attached as Appendix 1 of this document.

    c) The Concessionaire is expected to generate revenue from sale of

    compost, RDF or through any other source as per MSW Rules andadvertisement in the vehicles, collection containers etc.

    2.9 Vehicles and Equipments

    Table 4: Equipments for Primary collection of WasteSr No. Item of expenditure Qty Required

    1 Two containers for storage of waste at source in

    separate manner (Two container for Low income

    groups and one for Low middle income groups)


    2 Motorised pick up tipper vehicles for door to 35

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    Table 5: Equipments for Secondary collection of Waste

    Sr No. Item of expenditure Qty Required14 cubic metre green containers liftable by twin

    bin lifter machine


    23 cubic metre black containers liftable by twin

    bin lifter machine


    Table 6: Transportation for Waste

    Sr No. Item of expenditure Qty Required

    1Dumper Placer Vehicles having twin bin lifting device

    with hyraulic cylinders and high pressure


    2Front end Loaders 2

    3Large hauling vehicles for transporting

    biodegradable waste and inert waste to

    composting and landfill site respectively


    4Asphalt/Concrete flooring under the bins 185

    5Compost plant of 150 M.T. /day with compund wall

    (Govt. contribution)


    6Construction of Sanitary Landfill site of 50

    MT/Day capacity alongwith Equipments


    7Construction of Ramp Model Transfer station with

    compactors and washing facility


    8Shifting and Upgradation of Maintainence

    Workshop for repair and maintenance of



    2.10.1 Quantity and Characteristics of waste generation in the city

    Based on DPR data, initially 100 samples were drawn from selectedhouseholds from high income, middle income and low income groups and aset of two bags were distributed to each household and they were asked tostore biodegradable and non biodegradable wastes separately in those bags.These bags were collected from the door step on a day to day basis and thecomposition as well as quantity of this waste was assessed. The preliminary

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    Having carried out a random sampling as above, larger samples were drawn fromthe same area:

    Table 8: Higher Income Group - Vasant Vihar

    DatesTotal No. of

    HouseholdsTotal Waste

    Average Quanitity of

    waste per

    household/Day15-07-2010 508 577 1.14

    15-07-2010 508 546 1.07

    16-07-2010 508 573 1.13

    16-07-2010 508 590 1.16

    17-07-2010 508 672 1.32

    17-07-2010 508 517 1.02

    18-07-2010 508 569 1.12

    Average 1.14

    Table 9: Middle Income Group - Chaman Vihar

    DatesTotal No. of

    HouseholdsTotal Waste

    Average Quanitity of

    waste per household/Day

    15-07-2010 532 561 1.05

    15-07-2010 532 474 0.89

    16-07-2010 532 515 0.97

    16-07-2010 532 562 1.06

    17-07-2010 532 571 1.07

    17-07-2010 532 568 1.07

    18-07-2010 532 534 1.00

    Average 1.02

    Table 10: Chaman Puri Basti-Lower Income Group

    DatesTotal No. of

    HouseholdsTotal Waste

    Average Quantity of

    waste per


    15 07 2010 430 320 0 74

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    Table 11: Average quantity of waste generated by different income group

    householdsIncome Group

    Average waste in Kgs/Day

    High Income Group 1.14

    Middle Income Group 1.02

    Low Income Group 0.86

    As per CDP, more than 54.4 percent of population falls in the category of BPLand poor income group, 28% falls in lower middle income group and rest17.6% falls in the higher income bracket. Mean per capita income of thefamilies is Rs.2372 and mean household income is Rs.10461. as could be seenfrom the table below.

    Table 12: Characterization of waste collected from residential wards(%):

    Waste Components

    High Income

    (Vasant Vihar)Middle Income

    (Chaman Vihar)

    Low Income


    Wooden Pieces 0.28 0.24 3.55

    Paper 5.47 0.85 5.57

    Textile 7.21 1.00 4.78

    Thermocole 0.67 0.21 0.15

    Glass 4.00 2.6 3.62

    Rubber/ Leather 1.35 2.10 2.85Polythene Bags 11.6 8.7 6.78

    Plastic 2.45 0.57 0.601

    School Bags 0 0 0

    Metals 0.35 4.70 2.08

    Human Hair 0 0 0

    Flower 0.85 0.21 0.62

    Green Leaves 2 0.85 1.85

    Green Matter 3.14 9.42 7.17

    Vegetables 30.5 30.7 38.41

    Kitchen Waste 28.1 25.2 19.2

    D d A i l 0 0 0

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    Quantity of Biodegradable Waste (assuming 70% biodegradable in




    Quantity of Recyclable Waste (assuming 30 % Recyclable in nature) 14.01MT/day

    2.11.3 Composition of mix waste transported to dumpsite

    Net weight, Density of total and kitchen waste was as under:-

    Table 16: Density of waste

    S.No Types of Waste Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

    1 Net weight (Kg) 2691 3502 2389 3122

    2 Density of TotalWaste (Kg/m3)

    378 405 378 405

    3 Density of Kitchen

    Waste (Kg/m3)

    405 432 405 432

    Table 17: Recyclables

    S.No Types of Waste Results (% by Mass)

    Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Average

    1 Wooden Pieces 0.60 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.45

    2 Paper 4.57 6.80 5.20 3.17 4.94

    3 Textiles 6.72 7.85 8.54 8.74 7.96

    4 Thermocole 0.15 0.06 0.12 0.35 0.17

    6 Glass 0.11 0.11 0.20 0.20 0.16

    7 Rubber/Leather 0.85 0.26 0.63 0.40 0.54

    8 Polythene bags 5.53 6.51 5.98 8.906.73

    9 Plastics 0.96 1.63 1.17 1.06 1.21

    10 School Bags 0.37 0.74 - 0.510 41

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    Table18: Biodegradable Waste

    S.No Types of Waste Results (% by Mass)

    Sample 1 Sample


    Sample 3 Sample



    1 Flowers 0.22 0.11 0.30 0.20 0.21

    2 Green Leaves 7.24 5.48 7.16 4.67 6.14

    3 Green Matter - - - - 0.00

    4 Vegetables 1.37 1.31 2.97 1.02 1.67

    5 Kitchen Waste 38.20 35.75 34.70 38.56 36.80

    6 Dead Animals 0.30 - - 0.50 0.207 Dry Leaves /Dry


    2.94 5.25 3.60 2.98


    5 Straw/Hay 3.97 4.11 4.06 0.83 3.24

    Total 51.95

    Table 19: Inert Materials

    S.No Types of Waste Results (% by Mass)

    Sample 1 Sample


    Sample 3 Sample



    1 Sand/ Earth/ Soil 23.29 21.67 21.93 24.95 22.96

    Table 20: Construction Waste

    S.No Types of Waste Results (% by Mass)

    Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Average

    1 Stone 0.96 0.63 1.08 0.96 0.91

    2 Brick 0.74 - - - 0.19

    3 Ceramics 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.07

    4 Lime 0.70 1.20 1.84 1.47 1.30

    Total 2.46

    2 11 4 Ch i l C i i

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    Table 21: Chemical test Methods and Results

    Samples/itemsMoisture Content

    (% by mass)


    Matter (% by


    C/N Ratio


    Value (K



    Method usedIS : 9235-1979


    GuidelineBy Calculation



    Sample 1 36.9 11 14.88 1947

    Sample 2 38.2 9.3 20 2124

    Sample 3 40.8 10.8 21.72 1828

    Sample 4 36.6 9.4 17.18 2242

    Average 38.125 10.125 18.445 2035.25

    Note: - Calorific value of the waste seems to be high. It has to be separately

    checked for biodegrdabale waste only.

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    Chapter 3 : Design and Construction Requirements of The

    Project3.1 Design and Construction Requirements for Landfill Site

    3.1.1 Landfill Design FacilitiesThe landfill design will have to be based on geological and hydro

    geological conditions, projected waste generation, and volume along with

    procedures to reduce potential impacts to the existing natural and socialenvironment of the site.

    The basic steps essential for the landfill designs are:

    1. Landfill sizing

    2. Site layout

    3. Landfill layout

    4. Leachate management

    5. Landfill gas management

    3.1.2 Landfill SizingThe volume of waste to be land filled is worked out for the active period

    of landfill taking into account (1) the current waste generation per annum and

    (2) the expected increase in waste generation rate based on population

    growth and influx of floating population. The life of the landfill siteproposed should at least be 10 - 15 years considering the hilly terrain.

    The current waste generation rate is about 200 metric tonnes for 2007 of

    which about 50 TPD waste would be going to the landfill.

    It is also assumed that the waste generation rate would increase by 3.9% perannum for 20 years period. This is basically due to the change in life styles ofthe people. The current identified site will not last for 15 years and hence theDNN should look for additional site for disposal of rejects into sanitary landfill.

    3.1.3 Site Layout

    The infrastructure facilities to be created at the proposed landfill site are as


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    The waste coming to the landfill will be weighed and then brought to the site for


    3.1.4 Landfill LayoutThe site allocated for sanitary landfill for MSW disposal at Dehradun is at

    Sherpur, having an area of about 8.323 Ha, beyond the IMA. The site is a flat

    land. The river is about 300 400 m away from the site.

    3.1.5 Leachate Management

    A proper leachate collection system will be provided to carry the leachate into theleachate collection tank. The leachate will travel through the gravel into the

    lateral pipes. These will carry the leachate to the header pipes from where it will

    be taken to the tank.

    3.1.6 Landfill Gas Management

    The proposed system of Solid Waste Management at Dehradun will consist of

    segregation of waste at source, transporting the same to composting yards forprocessing. The organic waste would be converted into manure while the rejects

    would go to landfill. The recyclable material would be collected separately and

    given to the recycling route. The inert material collected at source mainly

    comprising of soil from road sweeping would come to landfill.

    With the provision of composting, only inert material will be deposited in the

    landfill. Some quantity of rejects of large size organics from the compost plantwill also get into the landfill. It is expected that not more than 5 % of the waste in

    the landfill would be biodegradable. As the particle size of organic rejects of

    compost plant is large, its degradation will be very slow and will continue for a

    long time in the Dry Tomb Landfill.

    It would thus be necessary to provide passive gas vents instead of proper gas

    collection system. The design of passive vents for release of landfill gas has to bedesigned keeping this in mind.

    3.1.7 Landfill Construction

    a. Landfill Base Liner Preparation

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    b. Supply and Installation of Geosynthetic Clay LinerA Geosynthetic Clay Liner is suggested on top of the finished soil layer at the

    bottom. This is important as the base liner of the landfill must be

    constructed in such a way that it should take about 25 years for any

    percolated leachate to pass through it. Technical specifications are

    separately mentioned.

    c. Subgrade Preparationi. Subgrade surfaces consisting of granular soils or gravel may not be

    acceptable due to their large void fraction and puncture potential. In

    high head (greater than one foot) applications, subgrade soils should

    possess a particle size distribution such that at least 80 percent of the soil

    is finer than a #60 sieve (0.250 mm).

    ii. When the GCL is placed over an earthen subgrade, the subgrade surface

    must be in accordance with the project specifications. Engineer's

    approval of the subgrade must be obtained prior to installation. The

    finished surface should be firm and unyielding, without abrupt elevation

    changes, voids, cracks, or standing water.

    iii. The Subgrade surface must be smooth and free of vegetation, sharp-

    edged rocks, stones, sticks, construction debris, and other foreign matter that

    could contact the GCL. The subgrade should be rolled with a smooth-

    drum compactor to remove any wheel ruts, footprints, or other abrupt

    grade changes. Furthermore, all protrusions extending more than

    0.5 inch (12 mm) from the subgrade surface shall be removed, crushed, or

    pushed into the surface with a smooth-drum compactor.

    d. Installationi. GCL rolls should be taken to the working area of the site in their

    original packaging. Prior to deployment, the packaging should becarefully removed without damaging the GCL. The orientation of the GCL

    (i.e., which side faces up) may be important if the GCL has two different

    geotextiles. Unless otherwise specified, however, the GCL should be

    installed such that the product name printed on one side of the GCL faces up.

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    iii. If sufficient access is available; GCL may be deployed by suspending the roll

    at the top of the hill with a group of laborers pulling the material off of the

    roll and down the slope.

    iv. GCL rolls should not be released on the slope

    and allowed to unroll freely by gravity.

    v. Care must be taken to minimize the extent to which the GCL is dragged

    across the sub grade in order to avoid damage to the bottom surface of the

    GCL. A temporary geosynthetic subgrade covering commonly known as a

    slip sheet or rub sheet may be used to reduce friction damage during


    vi. The GCL should be placed so that seams are parallel to the direction of the

    slope. End-of-roll seams should also be Located at least 3 ft. (1 m) from the

    toe and crest of slopes steeper than 3H: 1V.

    vii. All GCL panels should lie flat on the underlying surface, with no wrinkles or

    folds, especially at the exposed edges of the panels.

    viii. The GCL should not be installed in standing water or during rainy weather.

    Only as much GCL shall be deployed as can be covered at the end of the

    working day with soil, a geomembrane, or a temporary waterproof tarpaulin.

    The GCL shall not be left uncovered overnight. If the GCL is hydrated when

    no confining stress is present, it may be necessary to remove and replace the

    hydrated material. The project engineer and CQA inspector should be

    consulted for specific guidance if premature hydration occurs.

    e. AnchorageThe end of the GCL roll should be placed in an anchor trench at the top of a

    slope. The front edge of the trench should be rounded to eliminate any sharp

    corners that could cause excessive stress on the GCL. Loose soil should be

    removed or compacted into the floor of the trench.

    Anchorage should be as per the project drawings and specifications.

    i. In case of difficulty, the Project Manager should be contacted for his


    ii If a trench is used for anchoring the end of the GCL soil backfill should

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    or other debris. In some types of GCL's supplemental bentonite in granular

    form may be required for seaming. This should be provided as per the

    manufacturer's recommendations. Unless otherwise specified the

    minimum dimension of the longitudinal overlap should be 6 inches (150mm). End-of-roll overlapped seams should be similarly constructed, but the

    minimum overlap should measure 24 inches (600 mm).

    ii. Seams at the ends of the panels should be constructed such that they are

    shingled in the direction of the grade to prevent the potential for runoff flow

    to enter the overlap zone. End panel overlap seams on slopes are not


    iii.End of panel seams are constructed first by overlapping the adjacent panels,

    exposing the underlying edge, and then applying a continuous bead or fillet

    of granular sodium bentonite (supplied with the GCL) along a zone defined

    by the edge of the underlying panel and the 12- inch (300 mm) Line. The

    minimum application rate at which the ben-tonite is applied is one-quarter

    pound per linear foot (0.4 kg/m).

    g. Seaming Around Penetrations & Structuresi. Cutting the GCL should be performed using a sharp utility knife.

    ii. Frequent blade changes are recommended to avoid irregular tearing of the

    geotextile components of the GCL during the cutting process.

    iii. The GCL should be sealed around penetrations and structures

    embedded in the subgrade. Granular bentonite or bentonite mastic shall be

    used liberally (approx. 2 Lbs./ln ft. or 3 kg/m) to seal the GCL to thesestructures.

    iv. When the GCL is placed over an earthen subgrade, a "notch" should be

    excavated into the sub-grade around the penetration. The notch should

    then be backfilled with granular benthick tonite or bentonite mastic.

    v. A secondary GCL layer of 300 mm overlap should also be placed to

    avoid any leakages. The g r a n u l a r bentonite should be applied

    between the 1st and the 2nd GCL layers.

    vi. When the GCL is terminated at a structure or wall that is embedded into

    the subgrade on the floor of the containment area, the subgrade should be

    notched as described above. The notch is filled with bentonite, and

    the GCL should be placed over the notch and up against the structure.

    The connection to the structure can be accomplished by placement of

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    density for clay or amended soil). It must not contain any particles greater

    than 1.25 cm in order to prevent damage to the geomembrane. An organic

    herbicide should be used on the sub base below the synthetic membrane to

    inhibit vegetative growth. The liner will be laid according to the phasing planelaborated in the drawing. The geomembrane supplier will be responsible for

    laying the liner and welding the liner as and where required making it an

    impervious barrier. Under no circumstances vehicles will be allowed to

    operate on the liner directly. Only the seaming equipment, seam testing

    equipment and necessary minimum number of personnel should be allowed on

    the liner. The geomembrane should be covered with soils, or select waste,

    and tarpaulin, to prevent any damage. Technical specifications are separately


    i. Leachate ManagementWhen water comes in contact with the waste material and the product of

    waste decomposition in the landfill, leachate production takes place. It gets

    generated due to the permeation of rainwater and surface water into the

    landfill and percolation of this water through the waste layers. Thecompaction and degradation of waste over a period of time also results in

    leachate production. It is a polluted liquid that contains a number of

    dissolved and suspended materials. Leachate quality depends on the waste

    composition, temperature, moisture and availability of oxygen.

    j. Leachate Collection SystemThe leachate collection system (LCS) consists of three main components; adrainage layer, a series of collector pipes, and a non-woven geotextile

    separator layer. These components are discussed in more detail below.

    The leachate collection system and its components will be laid over the

    HDPE geomembrane. The LCS layer consists of a 30 cm thick gravel drainage

    layer of 12-25 mm sized rounded gravel and perforated HDPE pipes

    embedded in this gravel layer. The HDPE pipes will collect the leachate and

    are connected to a LCS tank. The leachate collected should be transported tothe Sewage treatment plant for treatment.

    In the proposed landfill, it has been suggested that 2 header pipes of OD 160

    mm size and OD 110 mm laterals be provided for the removal of leachate

    formed The leachate collection pipes must be wrapped in Non-woven

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    without damaging the lower system. Care should be taken while placing

    this material in place, as heavy vehicles are not allowed to move on the

    geotextile directly. This has to be done manually and need not be

    compacted. The waste of 1m is placed on this protective layer and thencompacted with compactors.

    In order to dump subsequent layers of waste, soil should be pushed gently

    by a light dozer to make a path. Dumping of soil directly on the

    geotextile should be avoided as much as possible. One or two main

    routes with 60-90 cm of soil should be created for use by heavier

    equipment for the purposes of soil moving. Damage to the membrane

    due to traffic can be severe and undetectable and hence should be avoided

    at all times. The first lift of waste should be spread and compacted with

    light vehicles. It is preferable not to compact the first foot of waste. No

    bulky items should be dumped in the first lift.

    If the water enters through closure, the geonets, would drain out the water

    and not allow it to come into the landfill. The Geocomposite would

    be provided on the slopes prepared with geotextile for strengthening.

    This would act as a protective layer to the liner and also help in

    draining the leachate formed to the main pipe.

    l. Waste PlacementThe objective is to emplace the waste into its final position within the

    landfill in accordance with the design objectives without compromising

    safety, environment or the local amenity. Areas where waste is to be placed

    should be set out for line and level in advance of tipping, so that the waste is

    placed in accordance with the detailed construction plan.

    The waste deposition in the landfill will be started at the lower end

    proceeding upwards. The profile of waste will be as shown in the details.

    The average height of waste is assumed as 14m with which the landfill capacity

    has been worked out. The landfill capacity mentioned above has been worked

    out taking into consideration the loss of volume due to daily cover as well

    as temporary cover before onset of monsoonA designated operator should visually inspect every discharged load into the

    tipping area. This could be a machine driver or the landfill operator

    depending upon the traffic density. Working area personnel should be

    trained and competent at waste identification in order that they can

    recognize waste which may be non confirming In event of reasonable doubt as

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    m.Waste CompactionIt is a conventional practice to level and compact the waste as soon as it is

    discharged at the working areas. Compaction offers many benefits including,enabling the maximum amount of waste to be emplaced within the space

    available, reducing the impact from litter, flies, vermin, birds and fires and

    minimizing short-term settlement. The waste should be compacted to a

    density of about 1 tonnes/m3 is the optimum.

    n. Daily coverThe daily soil cover required would have to be stored at site in a demarcatedarea. If the soil is not available from the site itself it will have to be brought

    from outside and stacked. The soil of 4 to 6 inches should be applied on the

    waste coming in. The advantages of using daily cover are primarily in

    preventing wind blow and odours, deterrence to scavengers, birds and

    vermin and in improving the site's visual appearance. Soils will give a

    pleasing uniform appearance from the site boundary.

    o. Intermediate CoverWaste should be covered at the end of each working day with a daily cover. If

    a stretch of waste is not to be filled over in the immediate future (for example

    - for one week), it should be covered with a thicker interim cover. Prior to the

    commencement of monsoon season, an intermediate cover of 40-

    65 cm thickness of soil should be placed on the landfill with proper

    compaction and grading to prevent infiltration during monsoon. The

    intermediate cover will follow the slopes and grading of the underlying

    waste. Placement of tarpaulin covers may be required at locations where

    either stagnation is observed or at locations where there is a possibility of

    erosion of the interim cover.

    p. Landfill ClosureThe landfill cover system will extend above the bunds to the top of the waste.

    The Landfill will be capped as per the MSW 2000 Rules. The waste will haveto be graded to the necessary stable slopes. The various layers that will be

    placed on the waste are gravel of 300 mm thick for the gas to be released to the

    gas vents. Passive Gas vents will be suitably placed in this layer so that the

    small quantity of gas that is formed would be released into air. The possibility

    f h i l i f l dfill i l h i i h

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    be placed on the geotextile for vegetation. The

    150 mm thick gravel layer would help in draining of the excessive water

    entering the topsoil layer.

    The Final Closure work would have to be carried out in all cells with thequantum of Closure differing at each phase. It is important to note that with the

    final Closure in place, there would be an advantage of reducing your Leachate


    q. Gas Collection layerThe first layer to be placed over the waste is a 300 mm thick gas-venting layer

    constituting 12- 25 mm sized rounded gravel. In this gravel areembedded gas-venting pipes. The position of gas venting pipes is shown in

    drawing enclosed. A gas-venting pipe has been provided for every 2500 m2 of

    top cover. This is so done, as the waste going into the landfill are the rejects of

    the composting process and the inert material collected from the system.

    Very little gas is expected from the landfill because of its inert nature. Care is

    to be taken to embed the gas collection pipes in the gravel layer

    r. Placement of GeotextileA geotextile cover will be placed over the gas-venting layer, which will act as a

    barrier between the overlying soil layer and the gravel layer of the gas

    collection layer. At the periphery of the landfill, this geotextile is tucked into

    the peripheral trench.

    s. Compacted Clay LayerA 600 mm. compacted clay liner will be laid over the geotextile. This layer will

    act as a primary barrier to prevent the infiltration of runoff water into the

    sanitary landfill. The clay liner should have a permeability less than or equal to

    5 X 10-7 cm/s.

    The placement of clay liner must meet the following requirements:

    Modified proctor density: 95% Moisture content: 5-7%

    While clay is being compacted, measures should be taken to avoid the

    formation of cracks and fissures. A thick layer will help to maintain the

    integrity of the liner against desiccation cracks. It is advisable to compact the

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    can fully penetrate a loose lift of clay. If the protruding rods or feet of a

    sheep foot roller are sufficient in length to penetrate the top lift and knead the

    previous lift, good bonding may be achieved. Another method includes

    scarifying (roughening), and possibly wetting, the top inch or so of the lastlift before placing the next lift. The maximum lift thickness and number of

    lifts is intended to promote uniformity within each lift and reduce the

    probability that preferential flow paths may align and adversely impact on the

    hydraulic conductivity of the overall liner.

    If it is necessary to tie in new sections of a clay liner into an existing liner,

    lateral extension should be made about 3-6 m into the existing liner in a stair

    stepped manner following the individual lifts of the existing liner. Materialsforming the existing liner must be scarified over a minimum horizontal

    distance of 1 m to maximize bonding.

    A minimum horizontal overlap of 1m between successive layers must be

    achieved to have confidence that a preferential pathway for leachate flow is not

    being created. It is important to assess the integrity of the bond between different

    layers of liner construction at a similar elevation.

    The method used to place the clay liner on side slopes depends on the angle

    and length of the slope. Gradual inclines from the toe of the slope enable

    continuous placement of clay layers up the slopes and provide better

    continuity between the bottom and sidewalls of the clay liner. When steep

    slopes are encountered, however, the clay may need to be placed and

    compacted horizontally due to the difficulties of operating heavy compaction

    equipment on steeper slopes. At the side slopes, the clay liner should be laidin swaths which are approximately 10 metres in width and the compaction of

    the clay should be accomplished by running the roller up the slope, instead of

    across the slope - on the grade.

    3.1.8 Surface Water Monitoring

    A long-term monitoring programme should be established to monitor any

    impact from the landfill on the quality of surface water. Monitoring should

    commence prior to and early in the construction period to establish the

    baseline conditions.

    Monitoring surface water chemistry at the site will be valuable for ongoing

    monitoring of any environmental impacts associated with landfill operations

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    10 Store Room

    11 Machinery Shed

    12 D.G Room (With Dg Set Of 50 Kv)

    13 High Roof Shed (4 Nos)14 Processing Machineries

    15 Equipments

    16 Parking (Ls)

    17 Compound Wall (L/S)

    18 Electrical Poles With Sodium Lights & Transformer

    19 Power Supply of 50hp

    20 Inventory

    Table 2: Equipments



    1 Hydraulic Excavator 1

    2 Heavy Duty Loader 1

    3 Medium Sized Loader 2

    4 Tipper 1

    5 Tractor 1

    Total 6

    Table 3: Abstract estimate of the processing machineries

    Sl.No Particulars No

    1 Apron feeder 1

    2 Inclined Belt Conveyor 5

    3 Rotary Screen - Without Centre Shaft 1

    4 Collecting Conveyor 45 Inclined stacking conveyor 1

    6 Rejects conveyor 4

    7 Rotary Screen - With Centre Shaft 3

    TOTAL 19

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    3.3 Design and Construction Requirements for Transfer Station

    3.3.1 Design of Transfer StationThe design of transfer station is based on a simple ramp model transfer station

    with the facility for computerized weigh bridge and compactors. The design of

    the transfer station is prepared in such a way that dumper placer machines and

    small hopper vehicles can go over a ramp to a higher level and directly tip in a

    large tipping truck of 27M3 capacity kept at a lower level so that multiple

    handling of waste can be avoided and time also can be saved in transfer of wastefrom the city to the disposal site.

    3.3.2 Direct transfer of waste from small vehicle to a large vehicle

    It is proposed to have an office at each transfer station to maintain the records of

    the waste brought by each vehicle and shifted to the treatment/disposal site.

    It is also proposed to have a computerized weighbridge at each transfer station to

    maintain up to date records of the waste received from various wards and the

    quantity of waste brought by each vehicle.

    3.3.3 Civil Work for Tar Road

    Width of Road 17.00 M

    Length of Road 348.00 M

    3.4 Design and Construction Requirements for Workshop

    3.4.1 Workshop Facility for Vehicle MaintenanceThe workshop is the backbone of solid waste management system. If fleet ofvehicles and equipment are not properly maintained, the solid waste

    management services would suffer substantially. The Municipal Corporation

    should therefore have an efficient workshop facility where all minor repairs and

    maintenance could be carried out departmentally and major works could be

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    Table 4: Details and costs of equipments and machinery proposed for up

    gradation of workshop facility



    Details Approx. Qty.

    1 Repairing sheds (engine / road running rep. / auto

    Electric / hydraulic / tyre mntc. etc.)


    2 Washing / servicing ram with water tank of 10000 ltr. Capacity /

    necessary structure & high pr. Water jet machine

    One Unit

    3 Maintenance equipments:

    A Welding Machines 3 Phase. 02

    B Vehicle Washing Machine (Nozzle type) 01C Battery Charger Machine ( 10 Batteries) 01

    D Battery testing & other auto electric testing machine / equipment

    E Misc. Smithy shop Machines Lot

    F Lathe / Radial Drill / Hexo cutter Machines One Each

    G Unit handling cranes. 3 Nos.

    H Gear box, Differential mounting trolley. 4 o 5 No. 4to5 No.

    I Overhead crane 2/3 ton capacity with structure One

    J Engine cleaning machine One Unit

    K Other misc. handy machines / tools like drill, grinder, cutter, riveter,

    bench vice, etc.Lot

    L Air compressor 3 No. (1. of approx. 5 HP for tyre room / 1 of 2 HP

    for hydraulic repair room/ 1 of 2 HP for schedule checking / paint facility)

    with required attachment of Air pr./ spray / greasing/ gauges etc.

    Total 3


    M Tube vulcanizing machine & related facilitiesN Automatic tyre changer machine One

    O Smoke testing machine (diesel) One

    P Trolley jacks Hydraulic operated for vehicle lifting 10 /5/2 ton 3 Nos.


    4 Other necessary infrastructures & back up support facilities like

    administration wing/ time recorder office / security office / data

    maintenance office Fuel filling station etc. is also required

    depending upon the work load & manpower strength.


    3 4 2 Regular/washing of containers and trucks

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    Chapter 4 : Plant Technology and Operations

    Efforts have been made worldwide to develop a unique Bio catalysis technology thattreats all types of organic waste and converts it into useful bio fuel products that shall

    replace fossil based products. A multi-product and feedstock-flexible technology

    platform helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to a greener

    economy. The proposed technology shall allow effective management of all kinds of

    organic solid wastes and produce bio fuels as by-product.

    4.1 Key stages of Waste to Biofuel Multi-Phase Process:

    There are following key biological and chemical stages in treatment and

    conversion of waste to biogas:

    a. Hydrolysis

    b. Acidogenesis

    c. Acetogenesis

    d. Methanogenesise. Aerobic enrichment

    In most cases biomass is made up of large organic polymers. In order for

    the bacteria in Bio digesters to access the energy potential of the material,

    these chains must first be broken down into their smaller constituent parts.

    These constituent parts or monomers such as sugars are readily available

    by other bacteria. The process of breaking these chains and dissolving the

    smaller molecules into solution is called hydrolysis. Therefore hydrolysisof these high molecular weight polymeric components is the necessary

    first step in WTG1XG process. Through hydrolysis the complex organic

    molecules are broken own into simple sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids.

    Acetate and hydrogen produced in the first stages can be used directly by

    methanogens. Other molecules such as volatile fatty acids (VFAs) with a

    chain length that is greater than acetate must first be catabolised intocompounds that can be directly utilized by methanogens. The biological

    process of acidogenesis is where there is further breakdown of the

    remaining components by acidogenic (fermentative) bacteria. Here VFAs

    are created along with ammonia, carbon dioxide as well as other by-

    products The process of acidogenesis is similar to the way that milk

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    of methanogenesis. Here methanogens utilize the intermediate products of

    the preceding stages and convert them into methane, carbon dioxide and

    water. It is these components that makes up the majority of the gas emitted

    from the system. Methanogenesis is sensitive to both high and low pH andoccurs between pH 6.5 and pH 8. The remaining, non-digestable material

    which the microbes cannot feed upon, along with any dead bacterial

    remains constitutes the digestate. The digestate undergoes aerobic

    enrichment and is converted to high quality soil conditioner.

    A simplified generic chemical equation for the overall processes outlined

    above is as follows:

    C6H12O6 3CO2 + 3CH4

    The process is set to change the dynamics of the waste management by

    making waste (that would otherwise be rotting & creating foul smell) a

    resource to generate cooking gas & rich garden manure using an odourless

    process. By installing such a system the organization earns the satisfaction

    of being a green organization.

    4.2 Type of wastes treated (Waste to Biofuel Multi-Phase Process):

    Solid Wastes:

    All types of organic solid waste including cattle waste, poultry

    waste, human waste

    All types of agro waste including coffee/sugar/natural rubber/pulpetc

    Dairy & food processing plant effluent

    All kind of biological waste oils, trap grease and used cooking oil

    Used flowers, leafs etc

    Agro/Gardening waste including farm waste

    Vegetable leftover & mandi waste

    Non-vegetarian food/Slaughterhouse waste Sewage sludge, waste water

    Office waste (including shredded paper)

    Liquid Wastes

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    4.3 Valuable Products (Waste to Biofuel Multi-Phase Process):

    The principle goal of the project is to safely treat the waste with zero discharge.

    However WTG1XG generate useful by-products as follows:

    Bio-CNG/PNG/Cooking Gas-GCG is a premium gaseous enriched

    biofuel consisting of high grade methane.GCG burns with a clean blue

    flame and is an excellent replacement of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) in

    kitchens. The gas can be filled in cylinders & transported like LPG fuel.

    Alternately, it can be used as a replacement of petrol in transportation

    just like CNG. The complete equipment to enrich, compress & bottle the

    gas is supplied with the main equipments.

    Natural Soil-Conditioner-GNS is a premium soil conditioner

    consisting of up to 30% stable & solid carbon. GNS has following

    features and benefits:

    GNSs presence in the soil improves microbial activities, nitrogen

    fixation, water retention and soil fertility.

    i. GNS is excellent manure for gardens & potted

    plants. It is extensively used for landscaping purpose

    around the globe.

    ii. GNS can be effectively used for land restoration

    and remediation.

    iii. GNS has a potential to turn waste lands to

    cultivable lands thus increasing land availability for

    food production.

    iv. GNS reduces soil emissions of GHG, leaching of

    nutrients and soil acidity.

    v. GNS when applied to soil can considerably reduce

    irrigation and fertilizer requirements.

    vi. GNS contains up to 30% solid carbon that shall

    enhance soil organic carbon sequestration

    contributing toward significant reduction inatmospheric GHG levels.

    Due to its unique soil conditioning properties, GNS is in great demand

    across the world. Production of GNS from the project can make the

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    from all major taxes including excise-duty.

    100% Environment friendly: The food waste is presently disposed off

    via MSW route. This leads to natural degradation & production ofmethane that escapes to atmosphere. Methane is 21 times more lethal than

    CO2. With the process, methane is captured & used as cooking gas as a

    replacement of LPG.

    100% safe waste disposal-ZERO% health risks: Food/organic waste

    acts as a breeding ground for viruses, bacteria, mosquitoes etc. that are

    responsible for most of the urban diseases. Safe processing of this waste

    can now reduce rising menace of waste related health hazards.

    100% aesthetic-ZERO% waste dumping yards: Smelly waste dumping

    yards can now be transformed to Bio fuel production factories paving way

    for decentralized waste processing.

    100% Energy Independence-ZERO % crude mports: Converting

    all kind of urban & rural waste to valuable bio fuels can createenergy independence for the country & reduce crude oil imports


    Help Govt. to combat global warming & earn carbon

    credits: The biggest threat of present times is global

    warming. Organizations can NOW play a constructive role in

    helping the Govt. to combat global warming. Organizations also

    generate additional revenue by converting waste to cooking gas &

    enriched soil conditioner besides earning valuable carbon credits.

    Towards sustainable energy sources: The process is designed to

    mimic natural systems; hence it is a sustainable process with an

    element of serving & repaying natures debts.

    Project with a purpose: It is designed to achieve the purpose ofpromoting waste recycling, carbon-sequestration, energy

    independence & sustainable development. An investment in the

    project shows intent to serve mother earth as a socially responsible


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    Chapter 5 : Market Competition and SWOT Analysis

    5.1 Opportunity Abroad

    According to a report by Credit Suisse, the total market size for solid waste

    management in the US was $46.5 billion in 2007 and the industry comprised of

    publicly owned corporations, privately held companies, and individual

    municipalities handling their own respective waste was growing at 4.5%.

    Collection of garbage brought in half of the industrys revenue, while around

    29% came from disposal services with close to two-third of that coming from

    landfills. Recycling, waste-to-energy plants and other methods of disposal

    brought in about 12% of the total. These figures vary region-wise. Waste

    management companies like Allied Waste Industries are listed on the New York

    Stock Exchange. The industry has seen mergers and acquisition in the90s and

    the period of consolidation is more or less over.

    Salient Features:

    Total market for solid waste management in 2005: $46.5 billion

    Growth rate: 4.5%

    Share of listed companies: 48% in 2005

    Big players : Waste Management Inc, Allied Waste, and Republic Services

    No of listed players in top 25: 14

    Highlight: Waste Management Inc has 50,000 employees. The Texas

    headquartered company posted revenues of $13.36 billion in 2006

    5.2 Opportunity in IndiaSolid waste management is a relatively new concept in India, compared to the

    west where it is a highly organized business. The typical business model involves

    collection, transportation, segregation, treatment and disposal of waste. And there

    is opportunity hidden in each step. So, while planning a business in wastemanagement, an entrepreneur may consider either offering end-to-end solution or

    focusing on one segment.

    Unfortunately, in most developing countries including India, waste management

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    Table 1: Oppurtunity across the country

    Taking Delhi as a sample, estimates show that collection of the 6,000 ton every

    day alone could rake in Rs 365 Crore. Out of these 6,000 tons, 60% is organic

    waste, 25% is recyclable material and 15% is inert. Making compost out of

    biodegradables and selling it in the open market is another Rs 657 Crore

    opportunity. Selling recyclables could fetch in another Rs 274 crore. This totals

    to a whopping Rs 1,022 Crore every year, waiting to be tapped!

    Table 2: Opportunity in Delhi

    Opportunity space across the country

    METROS tons / day; opportunity per year

    Revenue from collection

    Mumbai 5,800 tons

    Bangalore 2,800 tons

    Chennai 2,675 tons

    Kolkata 4,000 tons

    TOTAL 15,275 tons

    Delhi solid waste generatedper day Delhi size of opportunity

    6,000 tonsRs 1,022 Crore

    Size of opportunity in Delhi +


    Rs 3,624 Crore

    OTHER BIG CITIES 12 Cities

    Average solid waste generated per

    day, per city

    600 tons

    Waste generated in next 12 big cities 7,200 tonsSize of opportunity in next 12 big


    Rs 1,226 Crore

    Other cities 25 cities

    Average solid waste generated

    per day, per city

    300 tons

    Waste generated in next 25 cities 7,500 tons

    Opportunity in next 25 cities Rs 1,278 Crore

    Total size of opportunity in 42cities

    Rs. 6128 Crore

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    Ch t 6 M k ti d S l St t

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    Chapter 6 : Marketing and Sales Strategy

    The city of Dehradun being the capital of Uttarakhand, it is proposed to make a

    beginning of turning the city into a binless city in a phased manner. We proposeto divide our marketing plan into 2 parts:

    Revenue generation-

    By advertising on waste collection trucks, bins, handcarts, uniforms of the

    workers we hope to involve companies. By doing this we will promote the

    companies name as well as earn profits.

    Doing industry advertising for tie ups for selling of our products i.e.

    compost, biogas, CNG.

    We will also approach the local farmers association as well as associations

    near Dehradun for selling of our product i.e. compost.

    After doing the area analysis, we found that in Haridwar there are two

    plants i.e. Siliguri and Bhilwara power plants where biogas is used in

    abundance and we plan to sell our product (Biogas) to these plants at

    affordable rates.

    Creating Awareness and Brand Building-

    To promote the efficiency of solid waste management, awareness

    among the residents of Dehradun about the segregation of waste into

    different categories ie biodegradables, inert materials, recyclables and

    construction waste; and their usefulness is necessary. We can createthis awareness through

    Advertisements on

    i. Most heard radio channels

    ii. Local news channels and other local channels

    iii. Local newspapers like Dainik Jagaran and Amar Ujala

    iv. Display through hoardings

    Conduct campaigns in each society through active participation of the

    people of the society itself on Solid Waste Management

    Organizing shows and workshops in schools and college creating

    CHAPTER 7 : Financials

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    CHAPTER 7 : Financials

    7.1 Balance Sheet

    Particulars FY12


    Cash and cash equivalents 9,940,589

    Accounts receivable -

    Inventory -

    Portfolio investments -

    Property, plant and equipment at cost -

    Accumulated depreciation -

    Property, plant and equipment net -

    Total assets 9,940,589


    Trade payables -

    Interest payable -

    Income taxes payable -

    Long term debt -

    Total liabilities 0

    Shareholders Equity -

    Share capital -

    Retained earnings 9,940,589

    Total shareholders equity -

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    7.2 Profit and Loss Statement

    Particulars FY12

    Gross Sales 228,554,134

    Excise Duty 0

    Net Sales 228,554,134

    Other Operating Income 0

    Other Income 3,259,879

    Total Income 231,814,014

    Total Expenditure 125,224,299

    PBIDT 106,589,715

    Interest 0

    PBDT 106,589,715

    Depreciation 0

    Tax 0

    Fringe Benefit Tax 0

    Deferred Tax 0

    Reported Profit After Tax 106,589,715

    Extra-ordinary Items 0

    Adjusted Profit After Extra-ordinary item 106,589,715

    7.3 Working Capital Requirements

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    7.3 Working Capital Requirements

    Receipts FY12

    Sale of Biogas 1,595,632

    Compost 135,629

    User charges 82,881,352

    Tipping FEE 0

    Carbon Credit sale 3,259,879

    Recycled waste sale 143,941,522

    Total Receipts 231,814,014


    Sanitation Worker's Salary 75,528,000

    Supervisor Salary (Ward) 7,200,000

    Sanitation Worker's Maintenance Cost 102,589

    Vehicle Maintenance 7,519,505

    Transportation Cost 17,442,908

    Operation & Maintenance (Landfil) (300 *

    50) 185,432

    Plant Operation & Maintenance Cost 10,600,564

    Other Expenses 6,645,300

    Total payments 125,224,299

    7.4 Cash Flow

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    Heads FY12

    Cash Flow from Operating Activities

    Cash Reciept from Customers 231,814,014

    Cash Expenses from Operating Activities 125,224,299

    Cash Generated from Operating Activities 106,589,715

    Income Tax paid 0

    Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities 106,589,715

    Cash Flow from Investing Activities

    Sale of Capital Asset

    Purchase of Capital Asset

    Capital Gains

    Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities 0

    Cash Flow from Financing Activities

    Proceeds from Issuance of Share Capital

    Proceeds from Long-term Borrowings

    Payment of Finance Lease Liabilities

    Dividends paid *

    Paid to Promotors -100,000,000

    Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities -100,000,000

    Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of

    Period 3,350,875

    7.5 Financial Viability

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    Capital Outflow -221,312,750

    NPV 228,280,144

    IRR 69%

    Tax Rate 0.35

    7.6 Sensitivity Analysis

    a. Variation in Capital Cost

    Capital Cost NPV@16% IRR

    Capital Cost (Base Case) 228,280,144 68

    Capital Cost (+5%) 239,345,781 66

    Capital Cost (+10%) 250,411,419 63

    Capital Cost (-5%) 206,148,869 71

    Capital Cost (-10%) 217,214,506 74

    b. Variation in Working Capital

    Working Capital NPV@16% IRR

    Working Capital (Base Case) 228,280,144 68

    Working Capital (+5%) 228,613,236 70

    Working Capital (+10%) 228,946,329 72

    Working Capital (-5%) 227,947,051 66

    Working Capital ( 10%) 227 613 958 64

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    Project Site SCHEDULE 1

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    Project Site SCHEDULE 1

    (i) Transfer Station Site Map

    (ii) Transfer Station Khasara Number

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    ( )

    (iii) Landfill Site

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    (iii) Landfill Site

    (iv) Workshop Site Map

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    ( ) p p

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    Capital Grant and Tipping Fees/ Royalty Fees SCHEDULE 2

    2.1. Capital Grant

    DNN shall pay the amount of Capital Grant to the Concessionaire oncompletion of following milestones herein referred to as the ProjectMilestone and as certified by the Project Engineer.



    Project Milestone Time Elapsed

    from the Date of

    Signing of



    (in months)

    Percentage of

    Capital Grant to

    be Released

    a. On Signing of Concession


    Zero Month 10%

    b. On 50% Completion ofConstruction Works in

    accordance with the

    Construction Requirements as

    Certified by the Project


    Six Months 35%

    c. On Completion of remaining

    50% Construction Works inaccordance with the

    Construction Requirements as

    Certified by the Project


    Twelve Months 25%

    d. On Procurement of Project


    Eleven Months 15%

    e. On Procurement of ProjectEquipment

    Eleven Months 15%

    2.2 Tipping Fee/ Royalty Fees

    sites Composting, land filling, RDF plant etc on daily basis.

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    d. Each and every vehicle used for transportation of waste would beweighed at appropriate weigh bridge to determine the gross weight. Thevehicle would again be weighed after emptying the content to arrive at netweight of waste transported.

    e. The above activity would be carried out for each and every vehicle. Nopayment would be made to the Concessionaire if any quantity is not verifiedby Project Engineer.

    f. The Project Engineer, DNN and the Concessionaire would reconcile therecords at the end of each month before arriving at final amount payable.

    2.3 Project Facilities2.3.1 Civil Works

    Sr No. Civil Works Quantity


    1. Asphalt/Concrete flooring under the bins185

    2. Compost plant of 150 M.T. /day with compund

    wall 1

    3. Construction of Sanitary Landfill site of 50

    MT/Day capacity alongwith Equipments1

    4. Construction of Ramp Model Transfer station with

    compactors and washing facility1

    5. Shifting and Upgradation of Maintainence

    Workshop for repair and maintenance of Vehicles 1

    Technical Specifications of Project Equipments and

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    Project VehiclesSCHEDULE 3

    3.1 Project Equipments

    Sr No. Project Equipments Quantity


    1. Two containers for storage of wast at source inseparate manner (Two container for Low income

    groups and one for Low middle income groups)89021

    2. Litter bins 500

    3. 4 cubic metre green containers liftable by twin

    bin lifter machine 203

    4. 3 cubic metre black containers liftable by twin

    bin lifter machine 203

    3.2 Project Vehicles

    Sr No. Project Vehicles Quantity


    1. Motorised pick up tipper vehicles for door to door

    collection in 15 wards 35

    2. Containerized tricycles for door to door collection of

    waste from 45 wards 840

    3. Dumper Placer Vehicles having twin bin lifting device

    with hydraulic cylinders and high pressure 12

    4. Front end Loaders 2

    5. Large hauling vehicles for transporting

    biodegradable waste and inert waste to

    3.3 Project Equipments Technical Specifications

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    Technical Specifications

    ITEM : Polythene Containers

    REQUIREMENT : Container to be used in wheel barrow for collection,

    transportation and disposal of solid waste.



    Top size 325 325 mm

    Bottom size 290 290 mm

    Overall height 325 mm

    Four holes on bottom having a 10 mm wide & 10 mm


    Ribs on bottom side with 10 mm size should beprovided for easy handling.

    Handle: 8 mm M.S. Bar with m.s. strip of 1.6 mm

    thickness on both the sides of handle with heavy duty

    suitable rivets.

    Tolerance : +/- 3 mm except wall thickness. Thickness :

    All side should be 3 mm thick (+/- 5%) Bottom 4 mmthick.

    Embossment. : AMC 2" width on one side of the






    COLOUR : Light Green as per approval from the Head of Dept.

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    ITEM : Polythene Container

    REQUIREMENT : Container to be used in wheel barrow for collection,

    transportation and disposal of solid waste.



    Top size 325 325 mm Bottom

    size 290 290 mm Overall

    height 325 mm

    Four holes on bottom having a 10 mm wide & 10 mm


    Ribs on bottom side with 10 mm size should be provided

    for ease of handling.

    Handle: 8 mm M.S. Bar with M.S. strip of 1.6 mm thickness

    on both the sides of handle with heavy duty suitable rivets.

    Tolerance : +/- 3 mm except wall thickness. Thickness: All

    side should be 3 mm thick (+/- 5%) Bottom 4 mm thick.

    Embossment. : AMC 2" width on one side of the container.

    Ribs of suitable design may be provided on the outer surface to

    enhance the strength





    COLOUR : Light Green as per approval from the DNN or his

    authorised representative.


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    A. All paneling (Side, Bottom etc.) of 5 mm thick M.S. plate.

    B. There should be 2 No. longitudinal channels beneath the floor to strengthen

    the floor of ISMC-125(125 x 65 MM).

    C. There should be 2 No. cross members/ stiffeners along the length of the

    container as per drawing with end to end. channel should be ISMC-125 (125

    x 65 MM).

    D. Container lifting hooks should be provided as shown in the drawing &

    should be strong enough to handle the full loaded container.

    E. Container locking hook should be fabricated from min 10mm thick

    M.S. plate & pin should be of 35 mm.

    F. Container outer side shall be colour with first quality paint as per our


    G. Container should be internally colour with Black anti Corrosive epoxy

    paint only & bottom of container also to be colour with black anti

    corrosive epoxy paint. prior painting 2 coats of primer/Red oxide shall

    be applied as per the paint Mfg. Standard.

    H. Colour must be of first class quality of nerolac/asian/berger/ J & N.

    I. Logo should be painted by you as per our instruction.

    If any suggestion/instruction given by head of dept. or has authorizedrepresentative during the inspection same shall be implemented by the

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    p g p p yConcessionaire.

    3.4.1 Design And Specifications Of Litter Bins Litter Bin Appx. 50 Ltr. Capacity

    i. Drum should be fabricated from 20 g. CRC sheet. Corrugation as

    shown in the drawing should be provided to strengthen the drum

    ii. Vertical support frame should be from ISMC - 75406 mm

    thick M.S. 'C' Channel.iii. Top curvature should be made from M.S. 'T' section of 403 mm

    thick, and it should be joined properly with vertical frame support.

    iv. Hinge pin should be of 16 mm and it should be fitted with drum

    by proper riveting as per our instruction. & it should rotate in

    vertical frame where extra support of 6 mm thick plate should be


    v. A horizontal angle support from 35355 mm, should be

    provided between two vertical support as shown in the


    vi At bottom of vertical support frame 6 mm thick round M S plate

    vii. At bottom of Drum total 5 holes of 10 mm each should be provided

    for drainage of water.

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    viii. Cradle bi n sho uld be fixed by Concessionaire at locations provided by

    DNN with required material & labour as per the instruction.

    ix. Cradle bin should be colour as per our instruction Prior apply of colour

    anti corrosive primer should be applied.

    x. Inspection of Cradle bin will be carried out by authorised representative

    of DNN, & during inspection if any rectification & / or modification

    suggested by DNN the same shall be carried out by the Concessionaire.

    3.4.2 Design And Specification Of 4 Cu.M Green And 3 Cu.M Black Containers


    i. The contractor SHALL fabricate container from 3 to 3.15 mm fresh MildSteel sheets with four top doors, and a lockable tailgate with heavy-duty

    hinges as per below mentioned techinical specification and drawing.

    Material shall be of STANDARD MAKE LIKETATA / SAIL / ESSAR etc.

    ii. Technical Specifications :

    a. Volumetric capacity of container: 3.0 cubic meters

    b. Locking arrangement: On rear door.

    iii. Dimensiona. Length (Top): 2200 mm

    b. Width: 1400 mm

    c. Overall Height: 1100 mm.

    d L di H i ht 850

    h. Top lids: 1.6 mm CRCA sheet with stopper, Handle and locking

    arrangement and with 3 Nos. of heavy duty hinges on each lid.

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    i. Rear door (Tail Gate): 2.5 mm CRCA sheet with 75 40 3mm

    fabricated channel framing as shown in drawing.A lifting hook mechanism as shown with container and locking

    mechanism should be provided. No garbage should come out during

    transportation on locking of rear door. Rear door should be mounted on

    heavy duty hinges. Party has to submit detail drawing along with tender for


    iv. Painting:

    The container should be painted inside with Epoxy paint with two

    coatings. The outside surface shall be coated twice with primer and painted

    with two coats of ICI / Asian / Nerolac / Burger make synthetic enamel

    paint. Name, Logo, Numbers should be painted as directed by us.

    General Engineering practice should be used in fabrication of the

    container. Inspection of the container will be done by our authorised

    representative & any suggestion / correction if suggested; same is to be



    i. The contractor SHALL fabricate container from 3 to 3.15 mm fresh

    Mild Steel sheets with four top doors, and a lockable tailgate with

    heavy-duty hinges as per below mentioned technical specification

    and drawing. Material shall be of STANDARD MAKE LIKETATA/ SAIL / ESSAR etc.

    ii. Technical Specifications

    a. Volumetric capacity of container: 4.0 cubic meters.

    b. Locking arrangement: On rear door.

    iii. Dimension

    a. Length (Top): 2500 mm

    b. Width: 1400 mm

    c. Overall Height: 1250 mm.

    i. 9 Rear door (Tail Gate): 2.5 mm CRCA sheet with 75 40

    3mm fabricated channel framing as shown in drawing.

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    A lifting hook mechanism as shown with container and locking mechanism

    should be provided. No garbage should come out during transportation onlocking of rear door. Rear door should be mounted on heavy duty hinges.

    Party has to submit detail drawing along with tender for approval.

    iv. Painting : The container should be painted inside with Epoxy paint withtwo coatings. The outside surface shall be coated twice with primer andpainted with two coats of ICI / Asian / Nerolac / Burger make synthetic

    enamel paint. Name, Logo, Numbers should be painted as directed by us.General Engineering practice should be used in fabrication of the container.Inspection of the container will be done by our authorised representative &any suggestion / correction if suggested; same is to be incorporated.

    3.5 Project Vehicles Technical Specifications3.5.1 Containerized Tricycle

    Technical Description

    The equipment shall be rugged and durable with 6 industrial use quality sturdy

    plastic containers of about 50 liters each.

    (a) Type : Tricycle with sturdy bar frame, with the rider to the front. Big hubs

    with sealed bearings, two standard brakes and brake with lever reaching next

    to the seat to lock vehicle in position. Axle capacity of minimum 400 Kg.

    (b) Cart : Dimensions about 1.35 .710 0.45 m (1bh) to accommodate

    6 bins, four at one level, made from sturdy tubular / angular frame. The rear

    door on hinges, falling downwards with simple pin

    arrangement for locking. the frame next to the rider raised to a hight of 0.6 m.

    A closed hook of 16 mm rod for securing the tricycle.

    (c) Containers : 6 Nos of bins per tricycle, rectangular in shape. Plastics,

    industrial quality with necessary ribs and adequate thickness. 50 liters capacity

    and adequate strength to handle 50 kg weight.

    (f) Painting : Superior quality; anti corrosive primer such as Zinc

    chromate etc., with painting each in two coats to ensure long lasting structure

    it bl f f h dli f d i diti d

  • 8/8/2019 PAFC Project Report Final


    suitable for use for handling raw refuse under corrosive conditions and

    coastal climate. Color shade as per standard colors approved by the

    purchaser and message on body as specified.

    (g) Accessories : A bell in the front.

    3.5.2 Design Specification for M.S.HAND CARTS SPECIFICATIONS:-



    1 M.S.ANGLE 25X25X5 mm Top Frame ---- 332 CM

    2 M.S.ANGLE 25X25X5 mm Bottom Frame ------ 330 CM

    3 M.S.ANGLE 25X25X5 mm. Standing


    4 100 CM.

    4 M.S.ANGLE 25X25X5 mm. Bottom Framesect.

    1+2 230 CM.

    5 M.S.Tee 40x40x6 mm Banding wheel 2 314 CM.

    6 M.S.Flat 40x6 mm Support wheel &hub

    12 240 CM.

    7 M.S.Flat 20x5mm For Axle Bracket 2 70 CM

    8 M.S.Flat 20x5 mm Barrow SectionFlat

    ---- 710 CM

    9 M.S.Square bar 25x25 mm Axle 1 100 CM

    10 Round Headrivet

    32x10 mm Riveting 2wheel

    12 NO

    11 Round Head 25x8 mm Riveting 2 12 NO

    14 M.S.Washer 21x46mm-16GThick

    Inside and out

    side hub2 Side 4 NO

  • 8/8/2019 PAFC Project Report Final


    15 Cotter Pin 6x50 mm Length To Joint 2 Side 2 NO

    16 C.I.Hub Complete with axleHole 6 NO with

    tuming etc..the

    weight of each hub

    3.5 K.G.

    Each Side 2 Side 2 NO

    17 HDPE Wheel 8"X3"X1" Red


    Front side 1 Side 1 NO

    18 Bearing SKF 6204 ZZ For wheels 2 Side 4 NO

    19 Galvanise


    20 mm B Grade For Handle ------- 66 CM

    20 Black Anti

    corrosive Paint

    Barrow should be

    painted with two

    coats in side & outside

    ------- ---

    21 M.S.Bush ID=21 mm wall

    Thickness- 3 mm

    For two sides of

    the wheel

    2 Side 2 NO

    22 M.S.Angle 25x25x05 mm For Handle 2 NO 114 CM

    23 M.S.FLAT 50X6 mm Front wheelClamp

    1 NO

    24 M..S.Pin with

    washer 16 g.Pin-1" 5"Length

    Washer ID 27 mm

    OD 50 mm

    For Front wheel

    Fixing one side




    25 Cotter Pin 6x50 mm length Fixing pin other


    1 NO

    26 Hard Rubber


    40x3 mm Hard Rubber

    lining should be

    fixed on MS

    2 nos.

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    3.5.3 Design Specification For Skip Container And Lifter Hydraulic Skip LifterUnit

    The equipment shall be mounted and integrated to the recommended truck

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    The equipment shall be mounted and integrated to the recommended truck

    chassis having EURO III ( BS- III ) norms & matching allrequirements of various govt. agencies / RTO rules/ norms & the

    following technical specification as the minimum requirement.