
ISSUE 1-2AMaintenance HandbookT6R VHF Receivers ParkAirElectronics1999Park Air ElectronicsNorthfieldsMarket DeepingPeterboroughPE6 8UEEnglandTelephone: +44 (0)1778 345434Fax: +44 (0)1778 342877 PAE Part Number: 31-160000RX31-160000RX (Amdt. 2A Nov 03) Page iIntentionally BlankPage ii 31-160000RXCONTENTSPreliminary PagesTitle pageContents (this list)Warnings pageAmendment recordModification recordList of abbreviations used in this handbookSection 1 - GENERAL INFORMATIONSection 2 - TECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONSection 3 - MAINTENANCESection 4 - VIRTUAL FRONT PANEL (VFP)Section 5 - PARTS LISTSection 6 - FIGURES31-160000RX Page iiiIntentionally BlankPage iv 31-160000RXW A R N I N G SLETHAL VOLTAGESEquipments in operational use contain lethal voltages and operations involving the removal of covers orpanels should only be undertaken by skilled personnel who are aware of the hazards involved.C A U T I O NESDsTheequipment coveredbythishandbookcontainselectrostaticsensitivedevices(ESDs). Observehandling precautions to avoid static charges that may damage these devices.UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONSChangesormodificationsmadetothisequipment,notexpresslyapprovedbyParkAirElectronicsorparties authorized by Park Air Electronics could void the users authority to operate the equipment.31-160000RX Page vIntentionally BlankPage vi 31-160000RXAMENDMENT RECORDAmdt. IncorporatedByDate Brief Details ECN1 Park Air Sep 03 Section 6, List of Figures, Fig 10 title amended. -2A Park Air Nov 03 Section 6, List of Figures, drawing numbers added. -31-160000RX (Amdt. 2A Nov 03) Page viiIntentionally BlankPage viii 31-160000RXMODIFICATION RECORDMOD No. Details Date31-160000RX Page ixIntentionally BlankPage x 31-160000RXLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS HANDBOOKac alternating currentA/D analogue to digitalAGC audio gain controlAM amplitude modulationBIT built-in testD/A digital to analoguedc direct currentdB decibeldBm decibels relative to 1 mWDSP digital signal processingETI elapsed time indicatorESD electrostatic sensitive deviceHz hertzI/O input/outputkHz kilohertzLCD liquid crystal displayLED light emitting diodeMARC multi-access remote control systemMHz megahertzmm millimetreMSK minimum shift keyingPC personal computerPCB printed circuit boardRF radio frequencyRSE remote site equipmentRSSI receiver signal strength indicatorVCO voltage controlled oscillatorVFP virtual front panelVHF very high frequency31-160000RX Page xiIntentionally BlankPage xii 31-160000RXSection 1 General InformationParagraph1 Introduction5 Model part number6 Operating frequency7 Input supplies8 Built-in test (BIT) indications11 ConfigurationsINTRODUCTION1 Thishandbookprovidesthemaintenancepersonnel withsufficient informationtomaintainandrepair the T6Rreceiver to module level. It provides an overviewof the internal architecture of the receiverand describes the various replaceable modules, their function, part number and howto obtainreplacements. In particular it enables the user to:o Conduct scheduledmaintenancetasksincludingchecking/settingthereferencefrequencyoscillator to compensate for long term ageing effectso Identify any tools or test equipment required to maintain the receivero UsetheBuilt-intestfacilitiestocheckreceiverfunctionalityandidentifyfaultconditionstoaparticular moduleo Remove a receiver from service to dismantle and replace a faulty moduleo Install the Virtual Front Panel (VFP) software into a PCo Use the VFP to:download all radio settings to a file that can be stored/printed for referencechange radio settingscopy settings from one radio to anotherinstall new radio softwareo Check a radio after repair and return it to service.2 A user guide (PAE part number 31-360000RX) is also available. The user guide describes the T6Rreceiver and gives complete installation and setting up procedures.3 Included with the maintenance handbook is a CD-ROM, containing the VFP software and the latestoperating and fill software, and a lead for connecting the radio to a Personal Computer (PC). The radiosoftware enables the original software to be re-loaded if the receiver's Digital Signal Processing (DSP)module is ever replaced.31-160000RX Section 1Page 14 Themaintenancehandbook, leadandsoftwareissoldasaT6Rmaintenancekit part number70-6100MKIT.Note ...Boththemaintenancehandbookanduser guideareavailableonCD-ROM. Contact PAEfordetails.MODEL PART NUMBER5 The part number for the T6R receiver is: B6100OPERATING FREQUENCY6 The receivers operating frequency is determined by the synthesiser circuit in the Rx RF module andcan be changed by the user through the front panel, through the VFP or through an associated MARCsystem (or compatible control and data system). Details of how to change the operating frequency arecontained in the T6RReceiver User Guide, Section 4 of this handbook (VFP) and the MARCUser Guide(MARC).INPUT SUPPLIES7 The receiver can be operated fromstandard ac input supplies, or froma lowvoltage dc supply (referto the User Guide for specification). Both ac and dc input supplies can be connected to the equipment.Whenbothacanddcsuppliesareconnected, operationfromtheacsupplytakespriority; automaticchange-over tothedcsupplywill occur if theacsupplyfails. Onrestorationof theacsupply, theequipment reverts to ac operation.BUILT-IN TEST (BIT) INDICATIONS8 The receiver continuously self monitors key internal parameters without affecting normal operation.If a BIT fault is detected, the front panel Alarmindicator lights, the Ready indicator becomes unlit, and thereceiver becomes inoperable.9 Apart from continuous monitoring, an interruptive BIT test can be initiated locally at the front panel,or remotely. Certainparametersaremonitoredwhenanoisesignal isinjectedintothereceiver'scircuitry.10 The results of continuous monitoring, and of interruptive testing, are available at the front panel LCDand, if connected, the VFP. When the receiver is used with a MARC system (or other compatible dataand control system) the results are also sent, in the form of a data message, to the monitoring facility.Section 1 31-160000RXPage 2CONFIGURATIONS11 Theconnectorsusedtoconfigurethereceiver dependontherequiredoperatingmode. Thepurpose of each connector is described in the following text:Antenna Connector Usedinall operatingmodestoconnect the50ohmantennafeedercable.Headset/DiagnosticsConnectorThis is a dual purpose connector. A headset can be connected to enablelocal AM-voice operation.Alternatively, a PC can be connected to allow use of the VFP, to set thereceiver's operational settings, or to download new software.Reference Connector Used in all operating modes to check and reset the receiver's referencefrequency.Facilities Connector Usedprimarilytoconnect remotesignalswhenusingAM-voicemodeand the receiver does not form part of a MARC system.Someauxiliary signals availableat this connector, for examplethe24 volt (nominal) unregulated output supply, can be utilized irrespectiveof the operating mode.MARC Port TheMARCport isusedtoconnect remotesignalswhenthereceiverformspart of aMARCsystem, or other compatiblecontrol anddatasystem.Computer Port Thecomputerportisusedindigital communicationmodestoconnectthe receiver to a control computer.12 See Section 2 for external connector details.31-160000RX Section 1Page 3T6R Receiver ConfigurationT6R ReceiverAntennaConnectorFacilitiesConnectorComputerPortMARCPortHeadset/DiagnosticsConnectorReferenceConnectorIntentionally BlankSection 1 31-160000RXPage 4Section 2 Technical DescriptionParagraph1 INTRODUCTION4 MODULES AND ASSEMBLIES7 DSP module8 Central processor9 Digital signal processing10 Programmable gate array11 Speech coding/decoding12 Computer interface13 Serial remote control/data port14 Facilities port15 Front panel interface16 Analogue control interfaces18 Digital control interfaces19 Rx RF module20 RF converter22 IF filter/converter25 Synthesiser28 BIT29 Front panel module30 LCD module31 Rotary encoded switch32 Indicators33 Loudspeaker amplifier34 Front panel connections35 Receiver power supply modulesEXTERNAL CONNECTORS AND FUSES39 External connectors40 Reference connector41 Headset/diagnostics connector43 Facilities connector CN545 MARC port CN646 Computer port CN747 AC input connector48 DC input connector49 External FusesTable Page1 Facilities port connections 42 Digital I/O signals 53 Microphone/headset connections 94 Diagnostic PC connections 95 Facilities connector CN5 pin-out 106 MARC connector CN6 pin-out 117 Computer port CN7 pin-out 128 Input ac fuse rating 1331-160000RX Section 2Page 1INTRODUCTION1 This section describes the modules and assemblies that comprise the T6R receiver and details theequipments connectors. Designed for rack mounting in a standard 19 inch rack the unit operates fromstandard 120/240 V ac supplies with automatic changeover to 28 V dc in the event of mains failure. Themajority of user connections are made through rear mounted connectors.2 Afront panel connector isusedfor theconnectionof aheadset for local operationor for theconnection of a PC for Virtual Front Panel (VFP) control. Operational settings are configured at the frontpanel, throughtheVFP, or throughanassociatedMARCsystem(or compatiblecontrol anddatasystem). At the receiver, operational settings are selected and displayed using the front panelScroll/Select switch and the LCD.3 The receiver is housed in a sheet metal chassis with top and bottom lids. Two compartments (topand bottom) contain most modules and assemblies with front and rear panels straddling thecompartments.MODULES AND ASSEMBLIES4 The receiver comprises the following replaceable modules and assemblies:o DSP moduleo Rx RF moduleo Front panel moduleo PSU moduleo Power supply regulator module.5 The interconnection of the modules and assemblies is shown in Fig. 3.6 Abrieffunctionaldescriptionforeachmoduleandassemblyisgiveninthefollowingparagraphs.Reference should be made to Fig. 2 when reading these descriptions.DSP MODULE7 The DSP module provides the receiver user interfaces and performs message formatting,demodulation and control functions for the receiver. Mounted on the module are the 'rear panel' Facilitiesconnector CN5, MARCconnector CN6andComputer port CN7(seeFig. 3for pin-out detail). Themodule comprises the following functional entities:Central Processor8 Corecontrol oftheequipmentisprovidedbyaHitachi SuperH16-bitRISCprocessorwithbothinternal and external ROMand RAM. The internal ROMis factory programmed with a basic boot loaderapplication; the main application code is held in external FLASH EPROM. This arrangement allows newapplicationsoftwaretobedownloadedviaaserial port. ConfigurationandcalibrationdataisheldinexternalserialEEPROM. Asupplyvoltagesupervisorprovidesareliablepowerup/powerdownresetsignal.Section 2 31-160000RXPage 2Digital Signal Processing9 The Super Hprocessor is supported by two Analogue Devices 2171 DSPmicroprocessorsproviding the computational power required to implement the demodulation algorithms.Programmable Gate Array10 CircuitfunctionsareregistermappedintotheSuperHaddressspaceusingaXilinxFPGA. Thisallows the hardware configuration to be altered or upgraded by downloading new firmware.Speech Coding/Decoding11 TheA/DandD/Afunctionsrequiredtointerfacethedigital processingtotheanaloguelinesareprovided by an A Law speech CODEC. Audio output is used to drive a front panel connected headset orloudspeaker. Audio is also routed out via the Facilities port.Computer Interface12 Two RS422 full duplex synchronous serial ports, using HDLC protocol, provide the interface to anexternal computerforuseindigital modulationmodes.Asetoffourinputlinesandfouroutputlines,operating at RS232 voltage levels, are also provided to allow a receiver to be linked to a transmitter toform a base station.Serial Remote Control/Data Port13 An RS422 asynchronous serial port provides a link into a MARC system. The line connections onthe Facilities port are duplicated here for ease of connection to a Remote Site Equipment (RSE 2), part ofa MARC system.Facilities Port14 Anumberof inputsandoutputsareprovidedviatheFacilitiesport. Theseincludethebalancedaudio, tapeoutput, unregulatedsupplyand0Vconnections. TheinputsandoutputsareshowninTable 1 (see also Table 5 on Page 10 for full pin-out of Facilities connector CN5).31-160000RX Section 2Page 3Table 1 Facilities Port ConnectionsInputs: Outputs:Squelch DefeatRx DisableBit Interruptive TestLine out (+)Line out (-)Squelch CommonSquelchRSSIReadyTape OutputUnregulated SupplySquelch outputFront Panel Interface15 An 8-bit data bus and associated control signals are provided to drive the Front Panel LCD modulewith separate lines also provided to drive the LEDs and to read the rotary encoder. An RS232asynchronous serial port provides the diagnostics link.Analogue Control Interfaces16 TointerfacetotheRxRFmoduleandFacilitiesport, D/AandA/Dconvertersareemployed.D/Aoutputs from the DSP module are as follows:o IF AGC (Rx RF module)o RF AGC (Rx RF module)o Frequency trim (Rx RF module)o RSSI (Facilities port)17 The A/D input to the DSP module is from the Rx RF module and is as follows:o IFSection 2 31-160000RXPage 4Digital Control Interfaces18 To interface to the Rx RF module, digital I/O signals, as shown in Table 2, are used.Table 2 Digital I/O SignalsOutputs InputsFilter Value (5 bits)Narrow/WideBIT Control (3 bits)Power DownSynth Control (4 bits)BIT Synth Lock8.33 (Rx RF)Tx/Rx DetectRX RF MODULE19 This module combines a synthesiser, an RF converter and an IF filter/converter onto one PCB.RF Converter20 The RF Converter section converts the RF input signal down to the IF frequency. Two digitally tunedfilters are integrated into the PCB. These filters are controlled by 5 data lines from the DSP module.21 TheRFinputisinitiallypassedthroughanRFAGCattenuatorcontrolledbyananaloguesignal(RF AGC) from the DSP module.IF Filter/Converter22 The input to the IF filter/converter is provided from the RF Converter section of this module. The IFfilter/converter circuits provide filtering of the 1st IF signal (21.4 MHz) which is then converted to a 2nd IFsignal (450 kHz). The 2nd IF signal is then demodulated by the DSP module.23 Themainchannel selectivityisprovidedbythecrystal filter ontheIFfilter/converter. Separatecrystal filters are used for 8.33 kHz channel spacing and 25 kHz channel spacing. These areautomatically switched in accordance with the channel spacing selected using the narrow/wide controlline.24 Inadditiontothefilter/converter circuitsthissectionof themodulealsohasIFAGCamplifierscontrolled by an analogue signal (IF AGC) from the DSP module.Synthesiser25 This section provides the mixing frequencies required for the RF and IF conversion stages.26 Thesynthesiseressentiallyconsistsofa20.95MHzreferencefrequencyoscillator,asingleloopfilter,aVCOandafrequencydivider.The20.95MHzreferenceisusedintheIFstageandtheVCOoutputintheRFstage.Thefrequencydivideriscontrolledby3serial linesfromtheDSPmodule.Ananalogue input (Frequency Trim) from the DSP module allows the reference oscillator to be trimmed.31-160000RX Section 2Page 527 A BIT output signal (BIT Synth Lock) is provided when the synthesiser is in lock.BIT28 TheRxRFmoduleisabletoprovideamoduleinterruptiveBITtodetermineifitisatfault.Thisisdone by injecting a noise signal, controlled by the DSP module via the BIT Control line, into the front endof theRFconversionstage, after theRFAGC. TheRFAGCisheldlowduringthistest topreventantennaradiation.ThenoisesourceisabroadbandVHFoscillatorontheRxRFmodule.Thenoisesignal should pass through the RF and IF conversion stages to be demodulated by the DSP module aswould a real signal.FRONT PANEL MODULE29 The Front Panel module consists of the following elements:LCD Module30 A16character by4linesliquidcrystal displaymodulewithbacklight displaystheradiomenusystem. Itiscontrolledbyan8-bitdatabusfromtheDSPmoduleaccompaniedby3control lines(aseparate control line is used to switch the backlight on and off).Rotary Encoded Switch31 A rotary switch provides two quadrature outputs that indicate when the switch knob is being rotatedand in which direction. A third output is active when the switch knob is pushed in.Indicators32 Four LEDindicators, RECEIVE, ALARM, READYand STANDBY, are provided. These areindividually controlled by 4 lines from the DSP module.Loudspeaker Amplifier33 Anaudioamplifierisprovidedwhichacceptsaninputsignal fromtheDSPmoduleandprovidesoutput to drive a loudspeaker.Front Panel Connections34 The Front Panel module is used to mount the Reference Frequency and Microphone,Headset/Diagnostics connectors onto the front panel. Their associated signals are simply routed throughthe module to their required destinations. Table 3 on page 9 shows the Microphone/Headset connectionsand Table 4 on Page 9, the Diagnostic PC connections.Section 2 31-160000RXPage 6RECEIVER POWER SUPPLY MODULES35 The power supply is to run off ac mains or dc backup. If ac is present then it is used as the powersourceandanacdetectoutputisasserted. Ifacisnotpresentthentheinputsourceisautomaticallyswitched to dc. If dc is present then a dc detect output is asserted.36 The ac derived supply is provided by a proprietary switched mode power supply (PSU module). Aregulator module provides the ac/dc change-over, on/off switch connection and supply regulation.37 A lowvoltageon/offswitchisfittedtothereceiversrearpanel. Theswitchoperatesrelaysthatisolatethedcsupplyandoutputfromtheacrectifier.Whentheswitchisintheonposition,thepowersupply outputs are switched through to the receivers circuitry. Note that with the switch in the off positionpower is still applied to the receiver but not switched through to the receivers circuitry.38 The power supply dc outputs are as follows:+5 V+15 V-15 VUnregulated dc (nominally 28 V).31-160000RX Section 2Page 7EXTERNAL CONNECTORS AND FUSESEXTERNAL CONNECTORS39 This sub-section describes the external connectors fitted to the receiver. These connectors are:o Reference connectoro Headset/diagnostics connectoro CN5 Facilities rear panel connectoro CN6 MARC rear panel connectoro CN7 Computer rear panel connectoro ac input connectoro dc input connector.Reference Connector40 This is an SMB jack socket that allows a high impedance frequency counter to monitor the receiver'sreferencefrequency. This connector is usedonly for maintenancepurposes. Theinstructions forchecking and adjusting the reference frequency are given in Section 3.Headset/Diagnostics Connector41 The headset/diagnostics connector is a dual purpose connector that allows either a headset or a PCto be connected to the receiver. The connector is a 7-pin self locking DIN socket.42 Aheadset can be fitted to this connector to enable the receiver to be operated in AMlocal mode. Theconnections are detailed in Table 3. A personal computer (PC) can also be connected to allow the VFPto be displayed. Using the VFP is detailed in Section 4 of this handbook. The connections at the receiverare shown in Table 4.Section 2 31-160000RXPage 8Headset/DiagnosticsConnector Pin-Out(Front View)Table 3 Microphone/Headset ConnectionsHeadset/DiagnosticsConnector Pin NumberSignal Notes1 Ground 0 volt.5 Headset drive Maximum=3volt peak-to-peak.200 ohm output impedance.Table 4 Diagnostics PC ConnectionsHeadset/DiagnosticsConnector Pin NumberSignal Notes2 Transmit data RS2324 Receive data RS2327 Ground 0 voltFacilities Connector CN543 A15-wayD-typesocketusedprimarilytoconnectremotesignalswhenthereceiveroperatesinAM-voice mode and does not form part of a MARC (or similar) system. The pin-out of this connector isgiven in Table 5.44 Apart fromallowingconnectionof remotesignals, thisconnector makessomeauxiliarysignalsavailable to the user. For example, a 24 volt (nominal) unregulated output supply. The auxiliary signalscan be employed by the user as and when required, irrespective of the operating mode.31-160000RX Section 2Page 9FacilitiesconnectorCN5asseenwhenlookingat therearpanel.Connections should be made using a 15-way D-type plug, PAE partnumber: 20-01150100 (plug), and 20-09150101 (cover).Table 5 Facilities Connector CN5 Pin-OutPinNumberSignal Name Description1Ground 0 volt.23Line Out (+)Line Out (-)Pins 2 and 3 are a 600 ohmbalanced audio output. The outputlevel is adjustable between -30 dBm and 0 dBm.4Squelch Defeat An input signal to the receiver that, when active, disables thereceiver'ssquelchcircuits. ThisisaTTLinput pulled-upto5 V. The active polarity is set from the front panel.56Squelch Relay CommonSquelch Relay OutputPins5and6arearelaycircuitthatoperateswhenasignal,abovethesquelchthreshold, is received. This circuit canswitch voltages in the range -50 to +50 V (100 mA maximum)and can be configured, at the front panel, to be normally openor normallyclosed. Notethat theconfigurationfollowsthepolarityof thesquelchindicationsignal (seetheT6RUserGuide for more detail).7Squelch Indication Thisgroundingoutput,whenactive,indicatesasignal abovethesquelchthresholdisbeingreceived.Theactivepolarityisset from the front panel.8Ground 0 volt.9Unregulated Supply Adc output supply between 21.6 and 32 volt (nominally24 volt). The supply is fused at 500 mA.10Rx Disable Aninput signal that, whenactive, disablesthereceiver'saudiooutput. When a receiver is configured with an associatedtransmitter to forma base station, this signal can be used to disablethe receiver's audio output when the transmitter is keyed. This is aTTL input pulled-up to 5 V. The active polarity is set from the frontpanel.11BIT Interruptive Test Aninputsignal thatinitiatesaBITinterruptivetest.ThisisaTTL input pulled-up to 5 V. The active polarity of this signal isset from the front panel. The input signal must be active for aminimumof 300 ms; the signal cannot then be activated againfor at least 3 seconds.12RSSI An analogue Receiver Signal Strength Indication that variesbetween0volt and10volt. Forareceivedsignal of 1 Vtheoutputislessthan2volts.Forareceivedsignal of100 Vtheoutput is greater than 6 volts. The output impedance is 10 ohm.RSSI can be used to provide relative indications when tworeceivers are configured as a main and standby pair, when usingreceiver voting, or whenassociatedtransmitter fieldstrengthmonitoring is required.13Ready Output This output is active when the radio is ready to receive and nofaults have been detected by the BIT circuitry. It is a groundingoutput. The active polarity is set from the front panel.14Tape Output Anaudiooutput for connectiontoarecordingsystem. Theoutput is nominally -10 dBm into 100 ohm.15Not Used -Section 2 31-160000RXPage 10MARC Port CN645 A9-wayD-typesocket usedtoconnect remotesignalstoaMARCsystemorothercompatiblecontrol and data system. The pin-out of this connector is given in Table 6.Table 6 MARC Connector CN6 Pin-OutPinNumberSignal Name Description1Ground 0 volt.2Line Out (+) Pins2and3area600ohmbalancedaudiooutput. Theoutput level is adjustable between -30 and 0 dBm.(ThesepinsarewiredinternallytotheFacilitiesconnectorpins 2 and 3)3Line Out (-)4Squelch Indication This output, when active, indicates a signal above thesquelchthresholdisbeingreceived.Theactivepolarityisset from the front panel.(This pin is wired internally to the Facilities connector pin 7)5Unregulated Supply A dc output supply (nominally 24 volt). The supply, which isfused at 500 mA, is used as the power source for the MARCRSE 2 equipment.6Data In (+) RS422 data line.7Data In (-) RS422 data line.8Data Out (+) RS422 data line.9Data Out (-) RS422 data line.Computer Port CN746 A25-wayD-typesocketusedtoconnectthereceivertoacontrol computerwhenthereceiverisoperated in digital communication modes. The pin-out of this connector is given in Table 7.31-160000RX Section 2Page 11MARCconnector CN6asseenwhenlookingat therear panel.Connections should be made using a 9-way D-type plug, PAE partnumber: 20-01090100 (plug), and 20-09090101 (cover).Table 7 Computer Port CN7 Pin-OutCN7 Pin NumberSignal Name Level Input or Output1Ground 0 volt -2Serial 0 TXA RS422 Output3Serial 0 TXB RS422 Output4Serial 0 RXA RS422 Input5Serial 0 RXB RS422 Input6Serial 0 CLA RS422 Output7Serial 0 CLB RS422 Output8Serial 1 TXA RS422 Output9Serial 1 TXB RS422 Output10Serial 1 RXA RS422 Input11Serial 1 RXB RS422 Input12Serial 1 CLA RS422 Output13Serial 1 CLB RS422 Output14Input A RS232 Input15Input B RS232 Input16Input C RS232 Input17Input D RS232 Input18Output A RS232 Output19Output B RS232 Output20Output C RS232 Output21Output D RS232 Output22Ground 0 volt -23Not used - -24Not used - -25Not used - -Section 2 31-160000RXPage 12Computer port CN7as seenwhenlookingat therear panel.Connectionsshouldbemadeusinga25-wayD-typeplug,PAEpart number: 20-01250100 (plug), and 20-09250101 (cover).AC Input Connector47 A 3-pole IEC chassis plug for connecting the ac input supply. The plug has an integral 20 mm fuse(F2)that protectstheLine(L)input circuit. Thefuseisratedat 3.15amps(seeSection5forfurtherdetail).DC Input Connector48 A 3-pole chassis plug for connecting the dc input supply. Connector pins are detailed in the followingdiagram:EXTERNAL FUSES49 Twoexternal fusesarefittedtothereceiver, F1andF2. FuseF1protectsthedcinput positivesupply circuit. It is a size 0 fuse rated at 3 amps. The PAE part number of the fuse is: 29-11100202.50 Fuse F2 protects the ac input positive supply circuit. The fuse is integral to the ac power plug (see ACconnector diagram). Details of the correct fuse for different ac mains inputs are detailed in Table 8.Table 8 Input AC Fuse RatingMains Input Supply Fuse PAE Part Number110/120 VT3.15A UL 29-01470102S220/230/240 VT3.15A 250 VIEC 127 HBC 29C01100102S31-160000RX Section 2Page 13AC ConnectorDC ConnectorIntentionally BlankSection 2 31-160000RXPage 14Section 3 MaintenanceParagraph1 Introduction4 Tools, materials and test equipment required5 SCHEDULE MAINTENANCE6 Schedule maintenance procedure7 Cleaning the equipment8 Security of external connections9 Setting the receivers internal reference frequency10 To initiate an interruptive BIT test11 ac and dc change-over checkDISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS12 Introduction14 Top cover15 Removing and refitting the DSP module16 Removal18 Refitting19 Removing and refitting the PSU Regulator module20 Removal21 Refitting22 Removing and refitting the power supply unit (PSU)23 Removal24 Refitting25 Bottom cover26 Removing and refitting the Rx RF module27 Removal28 Refitting29 Removing and refitting the front panel assembly PCB30 Removal31 RefittingFAULT DIAGNOSIS32 Procedure39 Corrective action40 BIT inoperativeTable Page1 Non-BIT fault finding guide 17WARNINGS ...(1) THEINSTRUCTIONSINTHISSECTIONINVOLVECARRYINGOUTPROCEDURESWITH LETHAL VOLTAGES CONNECTED TO THE RECEIVER. THE INSTRUCTIONSINTHISSECTIONMUST BECARRIEDOUT ONLYBYSUITABLYQUALIFIEDPERSONNEL.(2) WHENANACSUPPLYISCONNECTED,LETHALVOLTAGESAREPRESENTWITHINTHERECEIVER. CAREMUSTBETAKENBYPERSONNELTOAVOIDACCIDENTALCONTACT WITHEXPOSEDCIRCUITRY DURINGMAINTENANCE ORALIGNMENTPROCEDURES.31-160000RX Section 3Page 1(3) WHEN THE POWER SWITCH IS SET TO THE OFF POSITION, LETHAL VOLTAGESARE STILL PRESENT IN THE RECEIVER'S INTERNAL POWER SUPPLYCIRCUITRY. TOENSURESAFEWORKING, THEACANDDCINPUTSUPPLIESMUST BE DISCONNECTED FROM THE RECEIVER.CAUTIONS ...(1) This equipment contains static sensitive devices. The correct handling precautionsmust be observed to avoid static charges that may damage these devices. Failure todo so can cause irreparable damage to devices.INTRODUCTION1 This section covers maintenance tasks that include schedule maintenance, dismantling andassembly instructions and fault finding. Due to the complexity of most modules the recommended policyis repair by replacement (see section 5 for spare parts listing). A faulty module may be traced by aid ofthe front panel LCD and Scroll/Select control; VFP or MARC.Note ...Access to a PC and the maintenance kit (PAE part number 70-6100MKIT) is essential when fittingspares.2 Duringall maintenancetasksthewarningsandcautionsgiveninthissectionshouldstrictlybeadhered to.3 For maintenance purposes and loading new software, a Virtual Front Panel (VFP) is used. The VFPisastandardPCloadedwithabespokesoftwarepackagefor carryingout thesetasks. TheVFPsoftwarevariesinaccordancewiththemodeinwhichtheradioisconfigured(AM-voiceoroneofthedigital modes). Separate VFP operational instructions for each mode (when available) will be included insection 4 of this handbook.TOOLS, MATERIALS AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED4 Thefollowingtools, materialsandtest equipment shouldbemadeavailabletocompletethemaintenance tasks described in this section:o Maintenance Kit (PAE part number70-6100MKIT).o Personal Computer (PC)o General Purpose Toolkit (including a1.5 mm Allen Key).o 6BA Nut Spinner.o General Purpose Multimeter.o Camel Hair Brush.o Clean Lint-free Cloths.o Frequency Counter.Section 3 31-160000RXPage 2SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE5 PAErecommendsthat thisiscarriedout at twelve-monthlyintervals. Schedulemaintenancecomprises:o Ensuring the equipment is clean (see Paragraph 7).o Ensuring that the external connectors are securely fitted to the receiver (see Paragraph 8).o Checking and resetting (if required) the receiver's frequency standard (see Paragraph 9).o Performing a BIT interruptive test (see Paragraph 10).o Performing an ac and dc change-over check (see Paragraph 11).SCHEDULE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE6 The procedure, detailed in the following paragraphs, should be followed when carrying out schedulemaintenance.Cleaning the Equipment7 Removeall dust anddirt fromtheequipment'sexteriorusingthecleaningclothsandcamel hairbrush. Clean the front panel indicators and LCD face.Security of External Connections8 Check all external connections are secure and free from damage.31-160000RX Section 3Page 3Setting the Receivers Internal Reference Frequency9 Use the following procedure to set the receivers internal reference frequency. Note that referencesto the switch in the procedure mean the Scroll/Select switch.a. Connect a high impedance frequency counter to the front panel Reference connector.b. FromtheMainscreen, presstheswitchtodisplaytheOptionsmenu. Turntheswitchuntil Configure is highlighted. Press theswitch.c. Ensure the Configure menu is displayed.Turntheswitchuntil Settingsishighlighted,then press the switch.d. Checkthat theSettingsmenuisdisplayedandturntheswitchuntil ReferenceFreqishighlighted. Press the switch.e. Ensure the Reference menu is displayed andthat Ref Freq is highlighted. Press theswitch.f. Turntheswitchclockwiseoranti-clockwiseuntil thefrequencycounterreads20.950000MHz10 Hz, then press the switch.g. Turn the switch clockwise until OK is highlighted, then press the switch. You are returned to theFunction menu. Turn the switch clockwise until Exit is highlighted, then press the switch. You arereturned to the Main screen.h. Disconnect the frequency counter.Section 3 31-160000RXPage 4F r e q u e n c yCh a n n e lCo n f i g u r eB I T E x i tS e t t i n g sS / W V e r s i o n sS t a n d b yB a c k E x i tMo d eRe f e r e n c e F r e qD i s p l a y> >Re f F r e q 5 0 . 0%Ca n c e l OKTo Initiate an Interruptive BIT Test10 Use the following procedure to initiate an interruptive BIT test from the receivers front panel. Notethat references to the switch in the procedure mean the Scroll/Select switch.a. Fromthemainscreen, presstheswitchtodisplaytheOptionsmenu. Turntheswitchuntil BIT is highlighted. Press the switch.b. Ensure the BIT menu is displayed. Turn theswitchuntil BITInitiateishighlighted, thenpress the switch.c. Duringthetest,whichtakesapproximatelytwo seconds, the testing screen isdisplayed. At the end of testing the BIT Viewmenu will be displayed. If a fault is found thefront panel Alarmindicator will alsobelit(see Fault Diagnosis sub-section, Page 14).ac and dc Change-over Check11 If both ac and dc input supplies are connected to the receiver, carry out the following check:a. Confirmthatbothacanddcsuppliesareconnectedtothereceiver. EnsurethattherearpanelPOWER switch is set to the I (on) position.b. Confirmthat thefront panel READYindicatorislit, theLCDisilluminated, andthereceiverisoperational.c. Switch off the ac supply from its source.d. Check that the receiver continues to operate correctly from the dc supply.31-160000RX Section 3Page 5F r e q u e n c yCh a n n e lCo n f i g u r eB I T E x i tB I T I n i t i a t eB I T V i e wET I h h h h h : mmBa c k E x i tT e s t i n gP l e a s e Wa i tDISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSINTRODUCTION12 Thissub-sectionprovidestheuserwithdetailedinstructionsontheremoval andreplacement ofmodules and assemblies. Access to a PC and the maintenance kit (PAE part number 70-6100MKIT) isessential when carrying out these instructions.13 The receivers modules and assemblies are accessed by removing the top and bottomcovers. Boththetopandbottomcoversaresecuredby13captivescrews.Toremoveamodulefromthereceiver,followtheinstructionsdetailedinthefollowingparagraphs(seeSection6,Fig.4formodulelocationswhen covers are removed).CAUTIONS ...(1) When removing or refitting modules, observe anti-static handling precautions.(2) Do not change any potentiometer or trimmer settings. These have been set using specialistequipment.(3) The receiver uses the following Molex KK connectors:CN7 on the Power Supply Regulator moduleCN3 on the Front Panel PCBTo remove KK type connectors:a. Free the locking mechanism on the connector by moving one side of the connector up,then move the other side up (see the following diagram). The upward motion should onlybe as far as needed to free the locking mechanism.b. DO NOT pull the cable to free the connectorc. NotethatKKtypeconnectorsaredesignedtoberemovedinthismannertofreethelocking mechanism. Do not use this procedure with non-KKtype connectors as damageto the connector may occur.Section 3 31-160000RXPage 6Lift 2 Lift 1TOP COVER14 To remove the top cover, locate and unscrew the 13 captive fasteners securing the top cover to themainframe. Access can then be gained to the following modules:o DSP moduleo Power Supply Unit (PSU) moduleo PSU Regulator module.REMOVING AND REFITTING THE DSP MODULE15 The DSP module is located as shown in Section 6, Fig. 4. A module removal diagram is shown inFig. 5.Removal16 BeforeattemptingtoremovetheDSPmodule, andif possible, savetheequipment settings. Toachieve this connect a PC, with the VFP software loaded, to the radio. With the VFP software active, usethe VFP Equipment Profiles screen to upload the radio settings to a specified file.17 Ensure that the receiver power is switched off at the rear mounted POWER switch and the receiveris isolated from the ac and/or dc input supplies. Then proceed as follows:a. Remove the receivers top cover (see Paragraph 14).b. Locate the DSP module and disconnect the following connectors:CN1 40-way connector (40-way ribbon cable from Rx RF module)CN3 14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable from PSU Regulator module)CN4 34-way connector (34-way ribbon cable from Front Panel module)CN2 SMB connector (from Rx RF module)c. Gainaccesstotherearofthereceiver.Usinga6BAnutspinnertool,removethesix8mmUNC screws that secure the DSP module interface connectors CN7, CN5 and CN6 to the rearpanel.d. Remove the seven M3 x 8 mm captive washer screws that secure the module to the receiversmainframe.e. Remove the module from the chassis.Refitting18 To refit the DSP module, proceed as follows:a. Place the module in position. Ensure no wires are trapped by the module.31-160000RX Section 3Page 7b. EnsurethemodulesinterfaceconnectorsCN7,CN5andCN6arelocatedcorrectlyandarealignedwiththescrewholesintherearpanel;donotsecurethematthistime.c. Fit thesevenM3x8captivewasher screwsthat securethemoduletothereceiversmainframe.d. Usinganut spinner tool, securetheinterfaceconnectorsCN7, CN5andCN6withthesixscrewloc 8 mm 40 UNC screws removed during the removal procedure.e. Refit the following connectors to the module:CN1 40-way connector (40-way ribbon cable from Rx RF module)CN3 14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable from PSU Regulator module)CN4 34-way connector (34-way ribbon cable from Front Panel module)CN2 SMB connector (from Rx RF module).f. Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.g. Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted POWER switch.h. Ensure the front panel READY indicator is lit and the ALARM indicator is unlit.i. Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the Schedule Maintenance sub-section, page 5.j. Ifanewmodulehasbeenfitted,connecttheVFPPCtotheradio(ifnotalreadyconnected).NotethatanymodulesentfromPAEasasparewillbeprogrammedwiththelatestoperatingand Fill software. [Alternatively the original operating and Fill software can be loaded from theCD-ROMsupplied with the original maintenance kit. This will require using the VFP PROGRAMfunction accessed through the Settings screen to load the original software (see Section 4 fordetails)].k. Configure the radio using the VFP Equipment Profiles screen. This may be done by entering therequiredsettingsbyhandordownloadingthemfromfile.Onceentered,ensuretherequiredsettingsappearintheSettingscolumnof theVFPEquipment Profilesscreen(notethat theradio configuration settings can also be entered via the front panel).l. RemovetheVFPconnector andswitchpower off at thereceiver usingtherear mountedPOWER switch. Isolate the receiver from the ac and/or dc supplies.m. Refit the receivers top cover. The receiver can now be returned to service.REMOVING AND REFITTING THE PSU REGULATOR MODULE19 The PSU Regulator module is located as shown in Section 6, Fig .4. Amodule removal diagram isshown in Fig. 6.Removal20 Before attempting to remove the PSURegulator module, ensure that the receiver power is switchedoff at the rear mounted POWER switch and the receiver is isolated from the ac and/or dc input supplies.Then proceed as follows:a. Remove the receivers top cover (see Paragraph 14).Section 3 31-160000RXPage 8b. Locate the PSU Regulator module and disconnect the following connectors:CN4 14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable to DSP module)CN5 10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable to Rx RF module)CN2 2-way connector (2 wire cable from dc input connector on rear panel)CN1 4-way connector (2 wire cable from power supply)CN72-way connector (2-wire loomto rear panel On/Off switch), refer to Caution (3) followingParagraph 13.c. RemovethefiveM3x8mmcaptivewasherscrewsthatsecurethemoduletothereceiversmainframe.d. Remove the module from the chassis.Refitting21 To refit the PSU Regulator module, proceed as follows:a. Locate the module in position. Ensure no wires are trapped by the module.b. SecurethemoduletothereceiversmainframeusingthefiveM3x8mmcaptivewasherscrews removed during the removal procedure.c. Connect the following connectors:CN7 2-way connector (2-wire cable to rear panel On/Off switch)CN1 4-way connector (2-wire cable from power supply)CN2 2-way connector (2-wire cable from dc input connector on rear panel)CN4 14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable to DSP module)CN5 10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable to Rx RF module).d. Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.e. Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted POWER switch.f. Ensure the front panel READY indicator is lit and the ALARM indicator is unlit.g. Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the Schedule Maintenance sub-section, Page 5.h. Isolate the receiver from the ac and/or dc supplies.i. Refit the receivers top cover. The receiver can now be returned to service.31-160000RX Section 3Page 9REMOVING AND REFITTING THE POWER SUPPLY UNIT (PSU)22 The Power Supply Unit (PSU) is located as shown in Section 6, Fig. 4. Amodule removal diagramis shown in Fig. 7.Removal23 BeforeattemptingtoremovethePSU,ensurethatthereceiverpowerisswitchedoffattherearmounted POWERswitch and the receiver is isolated fromthe ac and/or dc input supplies. Then proceedas follows:a. Remove the receivers top cover (see Paragraph 14).b. Disconnect the following connectors:CN2 4-way connector (2-wire loom from PSU Regulator module)CN1 5-way connector (1- wire from chassis, 2-wire loom from fuse/ac filter)c. Remove the tie-wraps securing the red and black wires to the perforated cover of the PSU.d. Remove the three M3 full nuts that secure the module to the receivers mainframe.e. Remove the module from the chassis.Refitting24 To refit the PSU, proceed as follows:a. Locate the module in position. Ensure no wires are trapped by the module.b. Secure the module to the receivers mainframe using the three M3 nuts removed during theremovalprocedure.c. Connect the following connectors:CN1 5-way connector (1-wire from chassis, 2-wire loom from fuse/ac filter)CN2 4-way connector (2-wire loom from PSU Regulator module)d. Securetheredandblackwires(2-wireloomfromPSURegulatormodule)totheperforatedcover of the PSU.e. Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.f. Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted POWER switch.g. Ensure the front panel READY indicator is lit and the ALARM indicator is unlit.h. Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the Schedule Maintenance sub-section, Page 5.i. Isolatethereceiverfromtheacand/ordcsupplies.j. Refit the receivers top cover. The receiver can now be returned to service.Section 3 31-160000RXPage 10BOTTOM COVER25 To remove the bottom cover, locate and unscrew the 13 captive screws securing the bottom coverto the mainframe. Access can then be gained to the Rx RF module.REMOVING AND REFITTING THE RX RF MODULE26 The Rx RF module is located as shown in Section 6, Fig. 4. Amodule removal diagram is shown inFig. 8.Removal27 Before attempting to remove the Rx RF module, ensure that the receiver power is switched off at therearmountedPOWERswitchandthereceiverisisolatedfromtheacand/ordcinputsupplies.Thenproceed as follows:a. Remove the receivers bottom cover (see Paragraph 25).b. Locate the module and disconnect the following connectors:CN3 40-way connector (40-way ribbon cable from DSP module)CN2 SMB connector (from DSP module)CN5 10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable from PSU Regulator module)c. From the rear of the receiver remove the two M3 x 8 mm captive washer screws that secure theantenna connector (CN4) to the rear panel.d. Remove the seven M3 x 8 mm captive washer screws that secure the module to the receiversmainframe.e. Remove the module, with antenna connector attached, from the chassis.Refitting28 To refit the Rx RF module, proceed as follows:a. Placethemoduleinposition. Ensurenowiresaretrappedbythemoduleandtheantennaconnector is correctly aligned with the screw holes in the rear panel.b. c. Fit thesevenM3x8mmcaptivewasher screwsthat securethemoduletothereceiversmainframe but do not tighten.c. Fit the two M3 x 8 mm captive washer screws that secure the antenna connector (CN4) to therear panel, thentightenthesevenM3x8mmcaptivescrewstosecurethemoduletothereceivers mainframe.31-160000RX Section 3Page 11d. Connect the following connectors:CN5 10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable from Power Regulator module)CN2 SMB connector (from DSP module)CN3 40-way connector (40-way ribbon cable from DSP module)e. Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.f. Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted POWER switch.g. Ensure the front panel READY indicator is lit and the ALARM indicator is unlit.h. Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the Schedule Maintenance sub-section, Page 5.i. Isolate the receiver from the ac and/or dc supplies.j. Refit the receivers top cover. The receiver can now be returned to service.REMOVING AND REFITTING THE FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY PCB29 The Front Panel assembly is located as shown in Section 6, Fig. 4. Anassembly and PCB removaldiagram is shown in Fig. 9.Removal30 BeforeattemptingtoremovetheFront Panel assemblyPCB, ensurethat thereceiver power isswitched off at the rear mounted POWER switch and the receiver is isolated from the ac and/or dc inputsupplies. Then proceed as follows:a. Remove the receivers top and bottom covers (see Paragraphs 14 and 25).b. Disconnect CN4at theDSPmodule. Carefullypull thecablethroughtheapertureinthemainframe to free it.c. Remove the four M3 x 8 mmcountersunk screws fromthe bottomand top of the mainframe boxsection (see Fig. 9, Diagram A).d. RemovethetwoblackequipmenthandlesbyunscrewingandremovingthefourM5x16mmpanhead screws that secure them to the receiver. The front panel can now be moved forwardand away from the mainframe.e. Disconnect the SMB connector CN4. Remove the front panel from the mainframe ensuring theattached ribbon cable is clear of the mainframe without snagging.f. Atthefrontpanel,releasethecontrolknobbyunscrewingtheallenheadgrubscrewusinga1.5 mm allen key. Withdraw the control knob from the spindle.g. Remove the Front Panel PCB from the Front Panel assembly by removing the eight M3 x 6 mmpanhead screws and wavy washers (see Fig. 9, Diagram B).Section 3 31-160000RXPage 12Refitting31 To refit the Front Panel assembly PCB, proceed as follows:a. Place the PCB in position at the Front Panel assembly. Ensure the spindle of the control knoband headset/diagnostics connector are correctly located. Secure the PCB to the Front Panelassembly usingtheeight M3x 6mmpanheadscrews andwavy washers (seeFig. 9Diagram B).b. At the front panel, place the control knob onto the spindle and using a 1.5 mm allen key, securewith the allen head grub screw.c. WiththeFront Panel assembly positionedadjacent tothemainframe, connect theSMBconnector CN4.d. SecuretheFrontPanelassemblytothetopandbottomofthemainframeboxsectionusingthe four M3 x 8 mm countersunk screws. Fit the two black equipment handles using the fourM5 x 16 mm panhead screws (see Fig. 9, Diagram A).e. Route the ribbon cable to the DSP module connector CN4 and connect it.f. Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.g. Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted POWER switch.h. Ensure the front panel READY indicator is lit and the ALARM indicator is unlit.i. Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the Schedule Maintenance sub-section, Page 5.j. Isolate the receiver from the ac and/or dc supplies.k. Refit the receivers top and bottom covers. The receiver can now be returned to service.31-160000RX Section 3Page 13FAULT DIAGNOSISPROCEDURE32 If the receiver becomes unserviceable, the faulty module may be traced by the aid of the front panelLCD and Scroll/Select control, VFP or MARC. The following information is in respect of the front panelLCDandScroll/Selectcontrol;VFPinformationisdealtwithinSection4ofthishandbookandMARCinformation in the MARC User Guide.33 If the ALARM indicator lights during normal operation, or during interruptive BIT checks, the faultymodule(s) may be determined by observingthe front panel BIT view menu to ascertain the status of thefollowing parameters:o AC supplyo DC supplyo Supply voltso Synth locko Sensitivityo RF filterso IF filterso Audio outo DSP 1o DSP 2o Xilinxo EEPROMo Startup.34 To access the front panel BIT view menu:a. FromtheMainscreenpresstheswitchtodisplaytheOptionsmenu. Turntheswitchuntil BIT is highlighted. Press the switch.b. Ensure the BIT menu is displayed. Turn theswitch until BITViewis highlighted, thenpress the switch.Section 3 31-160000RXPage 14F r e q u e n c yCh a n n e lCo n f i g u r eB I T E x i tB I T I n i t i a t eB I T V i e wE T I h h h h h : mmB a c k E x i t35 By turning the Scroll/Select control right or left scrolls the menu through the BIT screens. To scrollforwardturnthecontrol right, toscroll backwardsturnthecontrol left. ThefollowingshowstheBITscreens when scrolling forward:a. Indicatesthepresenceofanacsupplyanddcsupply.Supplygivesthecurrentlevelofthe unregulated supply.b. SynthLockindicatesFAILifthesynthesiseris out of lock. Sensitivity checks thesensitivity levels using an internal RF source.Sens gives an estimate of the receiversensitivity level.c. RF, checksthetuningof theRFfilters. IF,checkstheIFbandfiltersbycheckingtheresponseacross thetuningrange. Audiocheckstoseeif audioispresent at thelineoutput.d. Checks that both DSPs are operating.Checks that the Xilinx is operating.e. Indicates FAIL if the EEPROMread/writechecks fail. MARC and HDLC are not part ofBITtestingbut provideanindicationastowhether thereisanythingconnectedtotheMARC and HDLC (computer) ports.f. Will showFAIL if one of the initialisationchecks performed at power-up fails. Willshow PASS if all initialisation checksperformed at power-up pass.31-160000RX Section 3Page 15DSP 1 PASSDSP 2 PASSX i l i n x PASS< < > >AC S u p p l y ONDC S u p p l y ONS u p p l y 2 4 V> >S y n t h L o c k PASSS e n s i t i v i t y PASSS e n s . - 1 0 7 d Bm< < > >RF F i l t e r s PASSI F F i l t e r s PASSA u d i o Ou t PASS< < > >EEP R OM PASSMAR C ACT I VEHDL C I NACT I VE< < > >S t a r t u p PASS< P l e a s e Ch e c k1 : R x RF2 : DS P> >B a c kE x i t.
