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GM Compendium and Player Resource

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This book is designed with the players and the Game Masters of Ops and Tactics in mind. It's meant to assist

 both parties in creating characters, worlds, and campaigns that are both successful and fun using the Ops and

Tactics ruleset. Included are rule combinations, and rule suggestions and character creation advice for both

newcomers and seasoned veterans.

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!hat is ps and Tactics"

Ops and Tactics is a tabletop !G focused around creating a ruleset that is true to modern, s"uad and personal

level combat, providing a realistic representation of firearms, melee weapons, and combat. It aims not to be true

simulationist, rather abstracting some things for ease of play.

It was created originally as a derivate of the late #$% Modern, but due to a large number of issues with keeping

certain aspects of the ruleset, new sections had to be rewritten. #ifferences between these systems are spelled

out below. &uperfluous changes, such as the changing of names or other affects to avoid infringement will be


Di##erences $etween ps and Tactics and D%& Modern

Characters and Character Generation

Ops and Tactics uses d( as it's base roll instead of )d$%.

The number of levels is reduced from $% to )%, and each level's benefit is condensed. * feat is gained every level

and the saving throw bonuses are condensed.

Ops and Tactics splits up the &trength ability score's modifier into two values+ ocus and !ower. ocus is

responsible for dictating how accurate a character is with melee weapons, and power is how much damage due

to strength is given per hit. #e-terity is similarly split up in Marksmanship and *gility, with marksmanship

controlling how accurate a character is with ranged weapons, and agility representing how much of a bonus is

given for defense, and to the refle- saving throw.

*bility score increases are no longer given every levels, instead a character may work out and practice the

ability score they wish to increase, then make a check to see if it is increased the amount of desired points.

/it points are split into two forms, 0ore /it !oints and 1-tended /it !oints. 0ore hitpoints represent true

damage+ being struck with a sword and bleeding, or shot in the chest. They are affected directly by the

character's 0onstitution &core. 1-tended /it points represent the ability of a character to glance off an attack,

their resolve, and their nerve. 1-tended /it points are determined by the *rchetype a character has selected, and

is affected by the 0onstitution Modifier. 0ore /it points can be affected in two ways+ 2y committing a critical

strike, or by depleting all of a character's 1-tended /it !oints. There are other ways to affect core hit points, and

those are mentioned when it is the case. 1-tended /it points are increased at a steady rate, which is affected by

the character's 0onstitution Modifier. 0ore /it points usually do not increase, unless the character either

increases their 0onstitution score or takes the Toughness eat.

*ction points are removed completely.

Most of the talents have been either removed entirely, rewritten, or replaced, the tree structure has been

removed in lieu of letting a character take any talent at any point in time.

0haracters do not gain a bonus to defense for leveling.

The Occupations for characters have been reworked entirely to make them more beneficial to the implied

occupation. 3ew occupations have been added that filled in the gaps that e-isted, and there is now a mechanic

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for switching occupations.

eputation and *dvanced 0lasses have been removed entirely.


The ma-imum skill ranks per level has been increased by ).

Many of the skills that could be condensed into a single skill are. &ome e-amples include 2alance, Tumble, and

1scape *rtist, all of which have been condensed into a skill called *crobatics, and &wim, 0limb, and 4ump have

 been condensed into a skill called *thletics.

esearch, Investigate, Gather Information, &ense Motive, and #ecipher &cript have been removed entirely.

The 0raft &kills have been massively e-panded, to allow for the creation of in5game weapons and e"uipment,

with actual check values for specifically useful e"uipment. epair has also been merged into these skills.

&pot, &earch, and 6isten have been condensed into !erception.

Feats and Com$at

0ombat has been completely rewritten, instead of using the standard #$% 0ombat system's

*ttack7Move7ree7ull action, Ops and Tactics uses 0ombat !oints, which all actions are given. * character has a

set number of combat points, and may spend them on their turn however they see fit, so as long as they can

afford the action or actions they wish to perform. This allows for multiple attacks per turn by default, or allows a

character to move and attack seamlessly without issues.

The amount of combat maneuvers has been drastically increased, allowing for more options in combat without

having to rely on feats. Melee in particular has been greatly e-panded to allow for true duels.

The amount of feat options has drasticly increased as well, allowing for more focusing on attacks, weapons, and


#ouble tapping, 2urst iring, and *utofiring no longer re"uires a feat in order to perform, instead these

proficiencies reduce penalties.

3early every feat has been reworked so that there are no more 8newbie traps9 or 8:rong feats9.

There is now a way to target specific body parts, which will provide different kinds of effects depending on the

damage delivered and the body part targeted.

0haracters can now bleed out if they are hit with a "ualifying damage and not wearing armor.

*rmor primarily provides #amage eduction against specific types of damage depending on the armor, and

re"uires no proficiencies to wear. !ossessing the proficiencies instead grants the wearer the bonuses to defense,

and removes and lowers some of the armor penalties. #epending on the weight and type of armor, it will

automatically re"uire 0ombat !oints in order to move.

/its that are successful beyond a threshold grant additional damage to the attack.

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1-plosions now use a radius, e-tending from a single s"uare. * ; ft radius is a single ; ft s"uare, while a )% ft

radius is )% ft in all directions from that targeted7effected s"uare. 1-plosives also take time to go off, depending

on the type of e-plosive.

<ehicle rules have been rewritten to be more narrative than grid based.


The entire :ealth &core ruleset has been removed for a standard currency called 8:ealth !oints9 that represent

appro-imately =$% >&#.

irearms have been completely rewritten. irearms cause damage based on the caliber of the firearm instead of

the firearm itself. The amount of firearms has been vastly e-panded. irearms also have multiple maga?ine

options, multiple types of ammuntion selections for various effects, and can be upgraded in a multitude of ways.

There are also generic firearms that have been written and may be used.

3on5ballistic ranged weapons, such as tasers, crossbows, bows, and pepper spray has been e-panded.

Melee weapons have been e-panded.

1-plosives have been e-panded.

1"uipment has been heavily e-panded to include a healthy supply of both combat and non5combat items.

There is a very healthy, very detailed way to create serviceable firearms, both by the players, and the GM.

!layers can also make their own ammunition in lieu of purchasing it, so long as they purchase the supplies and

e"uipment to do so.

Ma*ic+ Psionics+ and other Mystical #orces

Magic has been completely rewritten from it's <ancian form and instead uses a modular system. !layers spend

skill points in the magical spellschools @ust like other skills, and can create spells of their own design instead of

 being locked to a specific spell that does a specific action, based on how many spell points they have in the

specified spellschool. Magic is limited by the mental limit of a character, which is how many spells they can have

in total, based on how many spell points they have spent in total. Magic is also not restricted by 80lass9, but

rather any archetype can use magic by investing skill points into magical skills, allowing characters to not have

to bother with 8multiclassing9 in order to be effective combatants.

!sionics also uses mental limit, but instead lets players use their powers in an at5will format, so as long as they

have enough skill points in the psionic skills to make the psionic power, with the enhancements, that they are

trying to use. !sionics are not restricted by 80lass9, but rather any archetype can use psionics by investing skillpoints into magical skills, allowing characters to not have to bother with 8multiclassing9 in order to be effective


Invoking is a new type of mystical manipulation, similar in use to :arlocks, but instead focuses around vision

 based attacks, creating weapons and summons from shadows, and using shadows as a fighting force. Invoking

is not restricted by 80lass9, but rather any archetype can use psionics by investing skill points into magical

skills, allowing characters to not have to bother with 8multiclassing9 in order to be effective combatans.

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Chapter %

,uildin* a Character

2uilding a character is possibly the most important thing a player or a GM can do in Ops and Tactics. This Guide

will assist new players and GMs on building characters for both 3!0 and !0 usage.

Determining Ability Scores

/ow characters gain their ability scores can determine how the game is played, and the pace.

3d6 MethodA The d( method is possibly the most unforgiving of methods. The characters simply roll d(, and

take the scores, and then freely assign the scores. There is a secondary way to do this, where a character assigns

the rolls as they roll them, without any ability to put a better score in an already filled ability score. The

downsides to this are that it can create very uneven and unbalanced partymembers. This rule could be used for

smaller campaigns, usually with )5$ players.

4d6 Drop Lowest roll Method: This method is slightly more forgiving than the d( method, improving the

chances of better scores. 6ike it's d( brethren, it too can also produce an uneven and unbalanced party. It

should be used for small campaigns, usually with )5 players.

Point Buy Method: This method is possibly the second most fair and balanced method for character creation. It

allows for personal customi?ation of scores while giving each character the ability to determine their own

strengths and weaknesses. * GM should be cautioned to not set the points too high so that a player has to make

choices about what they want their characterBs strengths and weaknesses to be. This ule works best with the

average si?ed party, usually with 5; players.

Grid MethodA This is a more forgiving version of the d( #rop lowest roll rule, forcing a character to sacrifice

one mental ability score for a physical one, or vice versa. This should be used with $5 players.

Arry Method: This is possibly the most balanced way to hand out ablity scores, giving all players the same set

of scores to pick from. This is best for all si?ed campaigns.

Determining !ccuptions

:hen considering occupations, it's best to think beyond the bonuses the occupation gives. It's also a good point

to try and get into the mentality of the person 8Typically9 in that role, and then determine how close or far away

from that mentality do you want to branch out. #o you want to be the typical 82y5the5book9 0op, or do you

want to play a more forgiving, understanding police officerC The free spirit artist of the tie5wearing painterC

*lso be sure to make sure that when selecting the occupation, you receive all of the benefits for being thatoccupation. &ome occupations grant feats, or more occupational skills than others, and some have higher

starting wealth points.

It is also important to select occupations that will fit in a campaign. * modern, gun5slinging campaign will have

little use for a psibladist.

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Determining S"ills nd #ets

0are should be placed in selecting skills, as they are one of the primary ways to determine how a character

performs in a semi5combat and non5combat setting. It should also be taken care that a character uses all of their

ranks, as the archetype per level for skills is D level.

eats are designed to shape your capabilities heavily, by lessening penalties and 0ombat !oint 0ost for attacks,increasing skills, or providing other ways to otherwise break the established rules. It is e-tremely important to

select them carefully as they are the primary means of determining how a character is effective, unlike #E#,

where the class is the primary determiner of how a character is to perform in combat.

Determining $%uipment

1"uipment should be applicable to the character. !urchased e"uipment should really be reserved for weapons,

armor, and ob@ects that a normal every day person would not have, such as things like hygiene

toiletriesFToothbrush, toothpaste, soap, a place to live, and some form of transportation. It is implied that the

wealth points gained by occupational rolls are e-cess money, and things such as food, lodgings, and basic

necessities are taken care of. * character shouldn't overspend, a bit of pocket money is never a bad thing.

Building chrcter beyond the &umbers

The most important aspects about a character are not actually related to the numerical values. These aspects

include what makes a character real. <alues such as the characterBs likes and dislikes, fears and aspiriations,

habits and vices, are e-tremely important in fleshing out the character. It's also good to create a little backstory

for the characters, usually ranging in at least their previous two weeks of events.

amily is also a good place to touch on. 1very hero is not, nor should not be a brooding orphan, with no family

or support system. !eople make relationships and they should be e-plained well in the character's back story. *

good GM should also respect the player characterBs backstory and family, and do their best to work with the

player to involve it as much or as little as possible as the players would like for it to be involved.

Chapter -

Game Masterin*

'ow to (se !ps nd )ctics

:ith all of the rulebooks, supply drops, and special re"uest, it can be very daunting for a new Game Master,

who is challenged with not @ust understanding the rules and how they work, but how the system as a whole is to

 be played and used.

Ops and Tactics is a rulebook first and foremost, focusing on combat, and aspects that can affect combat

primarly and secondary. It is a suggestion on what rules should be used but is by no means e-clusionary or

re"uired. *ny GM wishing to add or remove any rules may do so at their desire, but with the caution that even

the smallest rule change can possibly change the entire system's pacing and focus.

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*+ you,re running this +or the +irst time---

It is recommended that you use the &imple irearms &upply #ropF&upply #rop 3umber in lieu of the list of

firearms in the 0ore ulebook. * small campaign consisting of )5 levels is recommended, consisting of light

combat against easy enemies. *rmor rules and combat rules should be referred to heavily. 3o other supply

drops or supplemental books should be used.

*+ you,re going +or increse lethlity---

The 6evel ;D <ariant ule should be used to limit a character's /! and attack bonus. The d( <ariant ule

should be used for the bell curve variant, that favors averages more than e-tremes. 2leeding, e-tremity damage,

status effects, and bonuses to damage due to higher attack rolls should be given special attention. * campaign of

any si?e can be used, but the GM should be very careful to pace the rewards so that they do not outclass their

players, or their own enemies73!0s.

*+ you,re going +or incresed relism---

The /e- variant rule should be used to give the players a more natural style of movement and facing. The

irearm actions rules should also be used to accurately replicate and produce more choice with the various typesof firearms. The !istol whip variant rule and rocket launcher backblast rule though it may not come into much

use, should also be used and referenced when applicable. The Machine Gun /eat variant rule should be used to

make the character using a machine gun more mindful of his wanton firing. The ecoil variant rule should be

heavily called upon, to balance both #e-terity and &trength choices, as well as the caliber damage to recoil

penalty for firing rapidly. Over penetration and Missed shot <ariant rules should also be referenced, but mostly

to guide the characters to better choices of ammunition, and if not available, making sure that their background

is clear when shooting at enemies. These kinds of campaigns are very heavy on the rules, with all of the

standard rules that already apply in the game. 2ecause of this, they should be played with a very small group,

with )5$ players who have a deep understanding of the game already, as well as a good understanding of the

following variant rules. 2ecause of the difficulty that this kind of game can bring, the players should take every

 benefit and opportunity they can.

*+ you,re G(.PS con/ert---

The >narchetype <ariant rule is a must to design your own archetype to your liking. *ny other variant rule you

use would be up to your taste.

*+ you,re 0rgmer---

Gridless combat rules should be used, with a possibility of using the &imple irearms &upply #ropF&upply #rop

3umber .

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$nemies nd Antgonists2elow are some e-ample enemies that new GMs can use as starter enemies, and veteran GMs can use as bases to



)hug0ore /!A );

1-tended /!A $%

InitiativeA D$

0ombat !ointsA ); 0ombat !oints

#efenseA )$, touch )$, flat5footed )% FD$ #e-

2*2A D)

GrappleA D

*ttackA D Melee F)dH 2ludgeoning+ /eavy 0lub or $d 2ludgeoning+ Tool hammer or )d 2ludgeoning+ 2rass

nuckles or )d &lashing+ &urvival nife

eachA ; ft.

ighting &paceA ; ft. by ; ft.&avesA ort D, ef D$, :ill 5)

*bility &coresA &tr );, #e- ), 0on ), Int )%, :is H, 0ha )$

&killsA !resence D(, *thletics DJ, !erception D$

eatsA !ersonal irearms !roficiency, &imple :eapon &pecialist, and nife Martial *rts or 2lunt &pecialist

1"uipmentA * heavy 0lub, nife, Tool /ammer, or 2rass nuckles, ;d :!, and a set of clothes or other pieces

of flair, usually gang bandannas, necklaces, or other identifying clothing.


0ore /!A );

1-tended /!A )

InitiativeA D$0ombat !ointsA ); 0ombat !oints

#efenseA )$, touch )$, flat5footed )% FD$ #e-

2*2A D)

GrappleA D

*ttackA D Melee F$d 2ludgeoning+ Tool hammer

eachA ; ft.

ighting &paceA ; ft. by ; ft.

&avesA ort D), ef D, :ill D$

*bility &coresA &tr ), #e- );, 0on ), Int )%, :is )$, 0ha H

&killsA &tealth DH, *crobatics, DJ, !erception D

eatsA !ersonal irearms !roficiency, &imple :eapon &pecialist, and 2lunt &pecialist

1"uipmentA * crowbar, black clothes and various valuables.

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0ore /!A );

1-tended /!A )

InitiativeA D$

0ombat !ointsA ); 0ombat !oints

#efenseA )$, touch )$, flat5footed )% FD$ #e-

2*2A D)

GrappleA D

*ttackA D anged F4ennings 2ryco H F.H% *0! (r $d

eachA ; ft.

ighting &paceA ; ft. by ; ft.

&avesA ort D), ef D, :ill D$

*bility &coresA &tr ), #e- );, 0on ), Int )%, :is )$, 0ha H

&killsA *crobatics DJ, !erception D

eatsA !ersonal irearms !roficiency, &imple :eapon &pecialist

1"uipmentA *ny cheap handgun, such as 4ennings 2ryco, clothes, and their ill5gotten gains.


#oot Soldier

0ore /!A );

1-tended /!A )K

InitiativeA D$

0ombat !ointsA ); 0ombat !oints

#efenseA )$, touch )$, flat5footed )% FD$ #e-

2*2A D$

GrappleA D

*ttackA D anged FMossberg ;%% F)$ Ga (r ;d( or Mini )F.$$ $%r ;d

eachA ; ft.

ighting &paceA ; ft. by ; ft.&avesA ort D), ef D;, :ill D$

*bility &coresA &tr ), #e- );, 0on ), Int )%, :is )$, 0ha H

&killsA *thletics DH, !erception D;

eatsA !ersonal irearms !roficiency, *ssault &pecialist or &hotgun &pecialist, !oint 2lank &hot,

1"uipmentA * pump action shotgun such as the Mossberg ;%%, or a 0heaper semi5automatic rifle, such as a

uger mini5) or &&, with ammunition. /andguns with large maga?ines such as the Tec5K, Mac5)%, or Glocks

with the larger maga?ines should also be considered, with common reliable and ine-pensive handguns such as

ugers and &E:s make good sidearms. 0lothes are usually camouflage, and a pack of some kind with food,

water, and medical supplies are also common.

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0ore /!A );

1-tended /!A )K

InitiativeA D$

0ombat !ointsA ); 0ombat !oints

#efenseA )$, touch )$, flat5footed )% FD$ #e-

2*2A D$

GrappleA D

*ttackA D anged F&ig !$$KF.% &E: )$r d

eachA ; ft.

ighting &paceA ; ft. by ; ft.

&avesA ort D), ef D;, :ill D$

*bility &coresA &tr ), #e- );, 0on ), Int )%, :is )$, 0ha H

&killsA 0raftFMechanical D)%, 0raftF0hemical D)%, 0raftF!harmaceutical D)%, !erception D;

eatsA !ersonal irearms !roficiency, &imple :eapon &pecialist

1"uipmentA 1"uipment relevant to their specified profession, a handgun of some type, usually the more

e-pensive handguns such as &IGs and /eckler E ochs, more conservative clothes such as @eans or suits, and

any other miscellaneous e"uipment they would carry.


0ore /!A );

1-tended /!A $K

InitiativeA D$

0ombat !ointsA ); 0ombat !oints

#efenseA );, touch )$, flat5footed ) FD$ #e-, D *rmor

*rmorA 6ight #uty <estFH72allistic, 2ludgoning+ 7&lashing+ % *!

2*2A D

GrappleA D

*ttackA D( anged F*5);F.$$ %r ;d

eachA ; ft.ighting &paceA ; ft. by ; ft.

&avesA ort D$, ef DJ, :ill D

*bility &coresA &tr ), #e- );, 0on ), Int )%, :is )$, 0ha H

&killsA *thletics DH, !erception D;

eatsA !ersonal irearms !roficiency, *ssault &pecialist, 6ight *rmor !roficiency, Medium *rmor !roficiency,

*utofire !roficiency

1"uipmentA >sually has either a more e-pensive rifle than a footsoldier, such as an *5);, G, or an * pattern

rifle. They usually have similar handgun selections to the Technician, such as glocks and &IGs. They also have

access to body armor, and are usually formally trained, either by an official military, or a private military. /is

clothing style can vary wildly, depending on the personality, and he will usually carry some kind of e-plosives,

like grenades.

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Chapter .

/ariant Rules and Important Ta$le Re#erences

/ariant Rule0 1e2 Grid

Tactical affairs such as movement are best handled on a grid, but the grid need not be a bunch of s"uares. This

variant replaces the s"uares with he-agons. F/e- grid paper and mats are available at many hobby stores.

The primary advantage of this variant is that it eliminates the 8every other s"uare counts double9 rule for

diagonal movement, because it eliminates diagonal movement. 0haracters simply move from he- to ad@acent

he-, changing direction as they like. To determine the distance between two he-agons, @ust count he-es by the

shorter path Fin most cases, there will be a number of e"ually short paths.

>sing a he-5based grid changes relatively little about the game, but poses a mapping dilemma for the GM. Most

 buildings and dungeons are based on K%5degree and ;5degree corners, so superimposing a he-5based grid on a

structure leaves the GM with many partial he-agons, not all of which are big enough for a Medium creature. >se

this variant only if youBre comfortable ad@udicating these partial spaces on the fly.

#epending on their si?e, creatures take up one or more he-agons on the grid, as shown in the accompanying


*reas change to accommodate the he- grid+ refer to the diagrams below.

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/ariant Rule0 Gridless Com$at

Tactical affairs such as movement are best handled on a grid, but for players who prefer the wargame type of

movement, or who do not want to be tied to a grid5like movement, this variant rule gives them options.

The primary advantage of this variant is that it eliminates the grid and the issues that come with it, such as

moving diagonally, and complicated aiming and throwing distances. It also makes creating organic scenes usingprops much easier. *ll distance is measured in a straight line.

; feet in game is e"uivalent to ) inch, and the recommended miniatures si?es is $$mm. It is highly recommended

that a tape measure is on hand, and string and circular cutouts with ) inch notations. *ll ranges are rounded up

to the nearest inch, when needed.

Grenades, e-plosives, and any weapons with blast radius work as normal. The blast radius is calculated as a

diameter.Fa ; ft blast radius will be a circle ) inch across, a )% ft radius will have a circle $ inches across, etc. The

diameter of the e-plosive must only touch the miniature in order for it to be affected. or the purpose of this

variant rule, wounding radius is removed.

*ll creatures si?ed medium and less should be able to fit into a ) inch diameter circle, 6arge creatures will fit

into a $ inch diameter circle, /uge creatures will fit into a inch diameter circle, Gargantuan creatures will fit

into a inch diameter circle, and 0olossal creatures will fit into a ; inch or larger circle.

/ariant Rule0 DA3SA+ DA+ DA + PA+ and SA /ersus Semi4automatic

/andguns listed in *rmory will have the firearms actual action, which can be used @ust as core rulebookA #*

and #*O revolvers are semi5automatic, and *ll pistols are semi5automatic, or the variant rule below can be

used. The variant rule should be used if your players are aiming for a more realistic game, or you'd like another

aspect to play out when choosing a handgun.

&ingle *ction evolversA 0ost D) 0ombat point when performing a single shot attack, but gain a D) attack bonus.

#ouble *ction evolversA *ttacks gain no penalty or bonus, but the revolver can be used like a &ingle *ction

evolver, incurring both the penalties and bonuses.

#ouble *ction Only evolversA *ttacks gain no penalty or bonus.

&ingle *ction !istolsA *ll single shot attacks gain a D) attack bonus, hammer must be cocked back in order to fire

the first shot.

#ouble *ction7&ingle *ction !istolsA If the hammer is not cocked back, the first attack has no attack penalty or

 bonus and all single shot attacks after the first shot gain a D) *ttack bonus. The /ammer can be cocked back for

$ 0ombat !oints.

#ouble *ction Only !istolsA *ttacks gain no penalty or bonus.

!re5set *ction !istolsA *ll single shot attacks gain a D) attack bonus.

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/ariant Rule0 !ei*ht and Pistol !hip dama*e

:hen hitting someone with a handgun, weight plays a very ma@or roleA The more mass to bring down on an

enemy, they more they'll feel it. The Ops and Tactics 0ore ulebook doesn't distinguish between weight when

pistol whipping+ all small and larger handguns do the static amount of )d damage. or a more broad scope of

damage, the variant rule below could be used. *ll #amage adds a character's !ower to the damage as normal.

>nlike the default rule set, the si?e of the firearm does not come into play when pistol whipping using the

variant rule.

)ble: Pistol 0hip Dmge

/andgun :eight 2ludgeoning #amage

% o?. To H o?. )

K o?. To )( o?. )d$

)J o?. To $ o?. )d

$; o?. To $ o?. )d$D)

o?. To % o?. )d) o?. To H o?. $d$

K o?. To ;( o?. )dD)

;J o?. To ( o?. )dD$

(; o?. To J$ o?. $d

J o?. to H% o?. d

H) o?. and above dD$

/ariant Rule0 pen ,olt and Closed ,olt

1ach listing in the Machine !istols and &MGs will have the type of action, along with their rates of fire.

Open 2oltA *bbreviated as O2, these weapons grant a 5$ attack penalty on all single shot attacks, and a 5) on all

multi5shot attacks. They also can not chamber a round in the chamber for D) round. These weapons can not be

cycled without firing off a round.

0losed 2oltA *bbreviated as 02, these weapon do not gain an attack penalty or bonus for any attacks, and can

chamber a round in the chamber for D) round, but the combat point cost is D) when reloading these weapons.

/ariant Rule0 ,olt Action+ 5e6er Action+ and Pump Action Ri#les

The Ops and Tactics 0ore ulebook doesn't distinguish much between the three actions+ It generally gives these

three actions the same type of attacksA &ingle shot, and various others with the correct feat.

6ever *ction iflesA 0ost D; 0ombat !oints when firing from prone and D$ when firing from kneeled, but 5)

0ombat !oint when performing potshot attacks.

!ump *ction iflesA *ttacks gain no penalty or bonus.

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2olt *ction iflesA 0ost D) 0ombat point when performing a single shot attack, but gain a D) attack bonus.

&elf 6oading iflesA *ttacks gain no penalty or bonus.

/ariant Rule0 ,rea' Action+ 5e6er Action+ and Pump Action Shot*uns

The Ops and Tactics 0ore ulebook doesn't distinguish much between the three actions+ It generally gives these

three actions the same type of attacksA &ingle shot, and various others with the correct feat.

2reak *ction &hotguns

2reak *ction &hotguns are defined by their configuration, &-& for &ide 2y &ide shotguns, O-> for Over and

>nder &hotguns, and & for &ingle 2arrel. 2reak *ction &hotguns listed in *rmory will have the firearms actual

action, which can be used @ust as core rulebookA *ll shotguns perfom their single shot attacks, regardless of their


&-& 2reak *ction &hotgunA 5) *ttack penalty when aiming for the same target on the second shot, but a D) *ttack

 bonus when aiming for a target ad@acent to the first target.

O-> 2reak *ction &hotgunA *ttacks gain no penalty or bonus.& 2reak *ction &hotgunA *ttacks gain no penalty or bonus.

6ever *ction &hotgunA 0ost D; 0ombat !oints when firing from prone and D$ when firing from kneeled, but 5)

0ombat !oint when performing potshot attacks.

!ump *ction &hotgunA *ttacks gain no penalty or bonus.

/ariant Rule0 Automatic Fire and ,arrel heat

The Ops and Tactics 0ore ulebook does not acknowledge one of the most important problems with sustained

machine gun fireA /eat. *n overheated barrel will warp, and ruin the rifling in the gun, causing the machine gun

to become horribly inaccurate, and eventually break. Machine guns listed in *rmory will have listings for how

long a machine can fire continuously before beginning to overheat.

1ach ound the machine gun is fired continuously FThrough *utofire or &uppressive ire after the listed

rounds, the machinegun begins to overheat.

*n overheated machinegun gains );L error range due to heat, and loses $%L of it's rangeFMultiply ange by .$,

then subtract from current range, rounded up to the nearest ; feet for every round it is fired while overheated.

:hen this error range becomes H%L or above due to this, the barrel is too hot to touch, even with gloves, and

must be cooled down via water or by waiting. * barrel cools at );L error range per round when waiting.

#umping water on the barrel cools it down twice as fast as it would take through waiting. >nlike the error

range, the barrel does not regain the accuracy lost due to overheating, and the only way to return it to normal isto change out the barrel. 0hanging a barrel cost K 0ombat !oints, and re"uires work gloves or some other form

of protection from the heat. &pare barrels cost )%L of the Machinegun's costFMultiply the cost by .), ounded up

to the nearest whole :ealth !oint.

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/ariant Rule0 Roc'et ,ac' ,last

2ackblast is a cone5shaped area behind a rocket launcher where hot gases are e-pelled when the rocket is

discharge. The backblast area is dangerous to others, who may be burned by the gases or e-posed to

overpressure caused by the e-plosion. In confined spaces, common in urban warfare, even the operators

themselves may be at risk.

*ll ocket 6aunchers, when fired, also create a )%ft cone directly behind them, that deals d( fire damage to

anyone standing in it.

/ariant Rule0 Recoil

On a base level, Ops and Tactics ignores the after affects of recoil, and instead in@ects it's affects into attack rolls.

This variant rule in@ects the strength of the player to control the recoil of a firearm, in it's various firing modes.

ecoil is dependent on the amount of damage dice the weapon firesA The More dice, the more recoil.

This variant rule removes all of the static penalties that come certain types of firearm attacks, and instead

replaces them with static modifiers, that are added to the recoil penalty, based on how many damage dice the

selected caliber has, and what bonuses it has to damage. or every D$ to damage a caliber has, it has a 5) addedto it's recoil penaltyFor e-ample, )%MM *uto has $d(D, which would grant it a total recoil penalty of 5

:hen calculating recoil penalties, a character uses their !ower Modifier to add or subtract from the recoil

penalty, before coming with the final penalty or bonus.For e-ample, * character with a !ower Modifier of D$

would offset the recoil penalty of K-)Kmm which is $d( and has a recoil penalty of 5$

)ble: Attc" 1hrt

Attc" .ecoil Penlty

#ouble ire *ttack 0aliber ecoil !enalty $

*utofire *ttack 0aliber ecoil !enalty 5

2urst ire *ttack Two oundA 0aliber ecoil !enalty 5 )

Three and ive oundA 0aliber ecoil !enalty 5 $

2ump ire *ttack) 0aliber ecoil !enalty 5 ;

#ouble Tap *ttack$ 0aliber ecoil !enalty

&prayfire *ttack 0aliber ecoil !enalty 5 )%

&weepfire *ttack 0aliber ecoil !enalty 5 )%

anning *ttack; Two oundA 0aliber ecoil !enalty 5

Three oundA 0aliber ecoil !enalty 5 ;

&lamfire *ttack( Two oundA 0aliber ecoil !enalty 5 $

Three oundA 0aliber ecoil !enalty 5

) If the character has the *utofire proficiency feat, the penalty is reduced toA 0aliber ecoil !enalty 5

$ If the character has the #ouble Tap proficiency feat, they gain a D$ to all double tap attacks

If the character has the *utofire proficiency feat, the penalty is reduced toA 0aliber ecoil !enalty N J

If the character has the *utofire proficiency feat, the penalty is reduced toA 0aliber ecoil !enalty N J, and if

the character has the &trafe eat, the penalty is reduced toA 0aliber ecoil !enalty N

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; If the character has the anning proficiency feat, they gain a D$ to all fanning attacks

( If the character has the &lamfire proficiency feat, they gain a D$ to all slamfire attacks

)ble: .ecoil 1hrt

&umber o+

Dmge Dice

.ecoil Penlty

)d 5)

$d 5$

d 5

d 5;

;d 5(

(d 5H

Jd 5K

Hd 5)%

Kd 5)$

)%d 5);

))d 5)(

)$d 5)H

/ariant Rule0 Automatic Firearm Attac's

On a base level, Ops and Tactics has a few autofire attacks, that have a static damage, and a static amount of

rounds fired in an autofire attack. This variant rule allows a player to determine the amount of rounds they fire

automatically, and by conse"uence, how much damage they do, replacing the standard autofire, sprayfire,

 burstfire, and sweepfire attacks.

6ike the attacks they are replacing, the damage dice given are #ependent on how many damage dice are present

in the original caliber that they're using. The only e-ception to this is ull &pray, which is noted below.

Grouping Types

There are three types of groupings a character can chose when firing automatically+ :ide groupings, normal

groupings, and tight groupings. :ide groupings have a decreased amount of damage done, but provide a better

chance of hitting the target. 3ormal groupings are the middle ground, providing the normal amount of damage,

and a normal chance to hit the target. Tight groupings have an increased amount of damage done to a target,

with the downside of having a worse chance to hit the target. 2efore performing an attack, the character selects

what kind of groupings they are using, and the modifiers and penalties are applied to the attack.

:ide GroupingsA or every $ damage dice removed, gain a D) attack bonus, to a minimum of ) damage dice.

3ormal GroupingsA 3o 0hange

Tight GroupingsA or every 5$ attack penalty added, gain D) damage dice, to a ma-imum of )% damage dice


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5i*ht Spray

* light &pray attack is any automatic attack that uses from two to five rounds. 6ight spraying includes using a

gun's burst fire mode to attack. :hen using the weapon's burst fire mode to attack, the character is forced to fire

all of the bullets that are needed to complete the burst fire. If there are less bullets available, the closest attack is

used insteadF1-. Two rounds left when attempting a three5round burst fire is instead a two round spray.

Two5round 2urst fireA or damage with two or less dice, the character gains D) dice. or three or more dice, the

character gains D$ dice, plus D) e-tra die for every three dice beyond the first three. 0ost 0ombat !oints and

provides a 5$ attack penalty

Three5round 2urst fireA or damage with two or less dice, the character gains D$ dice. or three or more dice, the

character gains D dice, plus D) e-tra die for every three dice beyond the first three. 0ost 0ombat !oints and

provides a 5$ attack penalty.

Two ound &prayA The character gains D) dice, plus D) e-tra die for every three dice beyond the first three. 0ost

; 0ombat !oints and provides a 5$ attack penalty

Three round &prayA The character gains D) dice, plus D) e-tra die for every two dice beyond the first two. 0ost ;

0ombat !oints and provides a 5 attack penalty

our round &prayA The character gains D$ dice, plus D) e-tra die for every two dice beyond the first two. 0ost ;

0ombat !oints and provides a 5 attack penalty

ive ound &prayA The character gains D dice, plus D) e-tra die for every three dice beyond the first three. 0ost

; 0ombat !oints and provides a 5; attack penalty

1ea6y Spray

* /eavy &pray attack is any automatic attack that uses from si- to ten rounds. /eavy spraying includes using a

gun's burst fire mode to attack. If there are less bullets available, the closest attack is used insteadF1-. Two

rounds left when attempting a three5round burst fire is instead a two round spray.

&i- ound &prayA The character gains D die, plus D) e-tra die for every four dice beyond the first four. 0ost J

0ombat !oints and provides a 5J attack penalty

&even round &prayA The character gains D dice, plus D) e-tra die for every three dice beyond the first three. 0ost

H 0ombat !oints and provides a 5H attack penalty

1ight round &prayA The character gains D; dice, plus D) e-tra die for every three dice beyond the first three. 0ost

K 0ombat !oints and provides a 5K attack penalty

3ine ound &prayA The character gains D; dice, plus D) e-tra die for every two dice beyond the first two. 0ost K

0ombat !oints and provides a 5)% attack penalty

Ten ound &prayA The character gains D; dice, plus D) e-tra die for every one dice beyond the first one. 0ost )%

0ombat !oints and provides a 5)% attack penalty

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Full Spray

* full spray is any automatic attack that uses more than )% rounds. :hen calculating a full attack, a character

denotes how many rounds they will fire, and then attacks. The character gains D) die for every round fired

minus four. ull &praying * character must fire at least )) rounds in order to perform a full spray attack. ull

&praying cost ) 0ombat !oint per $ rounds fired, and provides a 5) attack penalty per round fired.

,ump#irin* and the /ariant Rule

*ny &emi5automatic weapon that has a stock can bumpfire. :hen bumpfiring, use the same rules for spraying, but all attacks have an additional 5( attack penalty added to them.

Aimin* and 5ocation

*ny attack can be aimed at a person, or instead, aimed at a &pecific s"uare or s"uares. :hen aiming at multiple

s"uares, each ;5foot s"uare re"uires three rounds per s"uare, and the s"uares must be as close to one another as

much as possible and must be ad@acent to one another.FIf firing at s"uares, they must be in a $-$ format, or

when firing at ( s"uares, they must be in a -$ or $- format, ect

Feat Chan*es

2ecause of the radical changes in this variant rule, certain feats are unable to be taken while using this variant

rule, and some feats change in nature. If any feat is listed here as unavailable, then it's re"uirement as a

prere"uisite is removed as well

*utofire !roficiencyA educe the *ttack penalty by up to when e-ecuting a spray attack.

2urst ire !roficiencyA 3o *ttack penalty when using the burst fire mode on any firearm.

*utofire MasteryA educe the *ttack !enalty by up to H when e-ecuting a spray attack.

&trafeA :hen aiming at a specific s"uare or s"uares, the s"uares only are re"uired to be ad@acent to one another,

and do not have to be as close as possible.

/ariant Rule0 6erpenetration and Missed shots

On a base level, Ops and Tactics ignores the after affects of using improper ammunition when in combat, or

when one misses their shot. This variant rule adds the notion of shooting through your target and missing.

  6er penetratin* a tar*et

:hen using M476ead, :adcutter, &emi5:adcutter, *rmor !iercing, &olid, or Match Grade 0ased ammo or &lug

or &aboted &lug &hell ammo, if the ammunition does less than half of the total possible damageFMultiply the

dice si?e by the amount, and add or subtract any bonuses or penalties to the target, the round has shot though

the target, and has the possibility to hit someone. efer to the rules for missing a target to handle what target

was hit. If a secondary target is hit, that target takes half of the damage the original target receivedFrounded


Missin* the intended tar*et

If an *ttack roll results in a missed attack by a ranged weapon, the pro@ectile does not simply disappear after it is

missed. The pro@ectile continues on for ; range increments in the direction it was fired until it loses momentous

force and lands into the ground, or collides with another ob@ect.

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If an ob@ect or target is within the line of fire of the pro@ectile, the original attack roll is used to see if it collides

with that target, but the target is considered flatfooted, as they are unaware that the attack is even coming for

them. If it does, then it is considered a hit, and damage is rolled as it would be if it were a normal attack.

/ariant Rule0 Classless Archetype

This archetype, the unarchetype, is a completely classless archetype that should be used when all players want a

much more open building for their characters. It should not be used with any other archetype, and should

instead be used in place of all of the other archetypes. It should only be used when all other players are using it.

T1( 7NARC1(T8P(

The >narchetype is a fully customi?able archetype, for a truly classless feel. Instead of a set progression, they

gain !ractical 1-perience every level, that they can use to increase their /!, 2ase attack bonus, &aving Throws,

&kill points, or add new archetypal skills when they level.

1ore 'it Point #ormul: $ D 0on &core, or acial 0ore /it !oint ormula

Strting $2tended 'it points: ; D 0on modifier.

$2tended 'it Points per le/el: $ D 0on modifier.Strting 1ombt Points: ); 0ombat !oints, or acial 0ombat !oints &core

Archetype S"ills: *ny H skills

Specil: nowledge, 0raft, and !erform are singular. 6inguistics, nowledgeF!op 0ulture and

nowledgeF&treetwise are always archetypal.

S"ill Points t st Le/el: F D Int modifier -;.

S"ill Points t $ch Additionl Le/el:  D Int modifier.

&tarting eats

The *bnormal starts with three feats all characters get at )st level.

TableA The >narchetype*rchetype


!ractical ! !oints

)st DJ !!

$nd DJ !!

rd DJ !!

th DJ !!

;th DJ !!

(th DJ !!

Jth DJ !!

Hth DJ !!

Kth DJ !!

)%th DJ !!

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TableA !ractical ! 0ost and 2enefits

0ost 2enefits

$ !ractical ! D) 2ase *ttack 2onus FMa-imum D)%, can only be taken once per level

) !ractical ! D) &aving Throw 2onus in one selected area Fefle-, :ill or ortitude, Ma-imum


) !ractical ! D *dditional &kill !oints

) !ractical ! D *dditional 1-tended /it !oints

) !ractical ! D) *dditional *rchetypal &kill

!ractical ! D) *dditional &pecial *bility

Archetype )lents

The >narchetype may take any talent.

Specil Ability

The >narchetype may take any &pecial ability given to any of the si- archetypes at their first level.

/ariant Rule0 Tutorin*

This variant rule introduces the ability for a character with proficiencies to teach a character without the very

 basics of using the specified weapon or armor, thereby mitigating some of the penalties that come with not

having the necessary proficiencies. 2elow are the &pecified feats, how long it takes to tutor a character and the

 bonuses they provide to the character who is being tutored.

)ble: )utoring 1hrt

Pro+iciency #et )ime Bene+it

*rchaic :eapon !roficiencyF2ows ) #ay The *ttack !enalty when using 2ows is reduced to 5$

*rchaic :eapon !roficiencyF0ombat


) #ay The *ttack !enalty when using 0ombat &words is reduced to


*rchaic :eapon !roficiencyFencing


) #ay The *ttack !enalty when using encing &words is reduced to


*rchaic :eapon !roficiencyF*-es ) #ay The *ttack !enalty when using *-es is reduced to 5$

*rchaic :eapon !roficiencyF&taves ) #ay The *ttack !enalty when using &taves is reduced to 5$

*rchaic :eapon !roficiencyF&pears ) #ay The *ttack !enalty when using &pears is reduced to 5$

*rchaic :eapon !roficiencyF!icks ) #ay The *ttack !enalty when using !icks is reduced to 5$

*rchaic :eapon !roficiencyFMaces ) #ay The *ttack !enalty when using Maces is reduced to 5$

6ight *rmor !roficiency ) #ay 0an gain up to a D) to #efense when :earing 6ight *rmor

Medium *rmor !roficiency ) #ay 0an gain up to a D$ to #efense when :earing Medium *rmor

/eavy *rmor !roficiency ) #ay 0an Gain up to a D to #efense when :earing /eavy *rmor

2lack !owder irearm !roficiency ) #ay 0an reload black powder firearms at double the cost, and the

attack penalty when using black powder firearms is reduced to


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!ersonal irearm !roficiency ) #ay 0an reload firearms, and the attack penalty when using

firearms is reduces to 5.

!ersonal !lasarm !roficiency ) #ay 0an reload plasarms, and the attack penalty when using

plasarms is reduces to 5.

!ersonal 6asarm !roficiency ) #ay 0an reload lasarms, and the attack penalty when using lasarmsis reduces to 5.

!siblade !roficiency #ays The attack penalty when using single bladed psiblades is

reduced to 5$, and double bladed psiblades is reduced to 5(. If

the character has *rchaic :eapon !roficiencyF0ombat &words

or encing &words, the attack penalty is reduced to 5) for

single bladed psiblades.

!lasma 2lade !roficiency #ays The attack penalty when using a plasma blade is reduced to 5$.

If the character has *rchaic :eapon !roficiencyF0ombat

&words or encing &words, the attack penalty is reduced to 5).

/ariant Rule0 5e6el 9 Plus

This variant rule changes how characters level up, and slows the progression of leveling up by ma-ing values

out at half.

*ll characters gain all archetypal benefits until level ;. *fter level ;, a character only receives half of the skill

pointsFrounded up of their most prominent archetype, and a singular feat per level. They do not receive any

other benefits for gaining a new level. 2ecause of how this is done, the new ma-imum level a character can have

is );. *fter level ;, a character will receive a new level every ;,%%% 1-perience !oints they gain.

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Cased Ammunition Types

0ased ammunition is ammunition that uses a metal case to hold all of the components of the ammunition

together, normally made of brass, steel, or aluminum. * bo- of 0ased ammunition weighs )H o? per ;% rounds.

#ull Metl c"et 5#M nd Led Ammunition: This ammunition consist of either plain lead bullets, or lead

 bullets encased in a metal casing. This is the standard ammunition for all firearms. It has no special rules.

c"eted 'ollow7Point 5'P nd c"eted So+t Point 5SP Ammunition: This ammunition contains a conical

cavity in the nose that 8mushrooms9 in a target, transferring greater kinetic energy. It provides a D$ damage

 bonus to unarmored targets.

Armor Piercing Ammunition: This ammunition is specifically constructed to pierce armor. It provides 5)

damage dice and a D)%L error range. :hen attacking targets that are armored or have natural armor to ballistic

damage, it provides D$ #amage dice of piercing damage.

*ncendiry Ammunition: This ammunition contains a compound that burns rapidly and causes fires. It

provides D) #amage dice of fire damage, and a D)%L error range.

#rngible Ammunition: This ammunition is designed not to pierce solid surfaces, such as schoolhouse walls or

aircraft bulkheads. It provides a 5 #amage penalty for armored targets, a D damage bonus to unarmored

targets, and a D);L error range. *ny ob@ect with a hardness of $ or greater immediately defeats this ammunition.

&on7Lethl Ammunition: This ammunition consists of powdered chalk compacted into a bullet. It deals 3on5

lethal damage only.

Mtch Grde Ammunition: This ammunition is of high "uality, used for competition targeting and precision

sniping. It provides a D attack bonus , but only when used with a match barrel.

)rcer Ammunition: This ammunition leaves a string of light when it's fired, allowing for correcting when firing

multiple shots. It provides a D) attack bonus for all multi5shot attack rolls.

Bln" Ammunition: This ammunition lacks any pro@ectile, simply creating a loud bang and a mu??le flash. It

does no damage, and provides a ;%L error range.

Semi c"eted 'ollow7Point 5S'P: This ammunition contains a conical cavity in the nose that 8mushrooms9

in a target, transferring greater kinetic energy, but the metal @acket e-tends about halfway up the bullet, e-posing

the bare lead underneath, allowing for a smoother load. It provides a D) damage bonus.

Semi c"eted So+t Point 5SSP Ammunition: This ammunition is a bullet that has the metal @acket that e-tends

about halfway up the bullet, e-posing the bare lead underneath. It provides a D$ damage bonus, and D)%L error


0dcutter 501 Ammunition: This ammunition is a special5purpose flat5fronted bullet specially designed for

shooting paper targets, usually at close range and at subsonic velocities. It provides a D damage to unarmored

targets within the first range increment, and a D%L error range.

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Semiwdcutter 5S01 Ammunition: This ammunition is a compromise between the :adcutter and M476ead

ammunition, featuring the sharp edges of a wadcutter, with the slight tapered nose of a M476ead bullets. It

provides a D$ damage to unarmored targets within range increments, and a D)%L error range.

$2ploding Ammunition: This ammunition is a bullet that has a small cavity filled with low e-plosives within

the tip, designed to go off once it impacts something hard, such as bone. It grants ) additional dice damage of

concussion damage that affects the target's 0ore /! immediately, and D)%L error range.

Solid Ammunition: This ammunition is a bullet machined completely out of a solid piece of metal, usually

copper or brass. It provides a D( damage bonus, and a D;%L error range.

.t Shot Ammunition: This ammunition is a bullet with a plastic cap filled with birdshot, turning any firearm

loaded with it into an impromptu shotgun. It grands a 5H damage penalty and a D$ to attack rolls, but is only

effective for ;% feet.

1old Ammunition: This ammunition is a small, thin copper @acket with a li"uid nitrogen center. It provides 5)

damage die, and D) #amage die of cold damage.

Acid Ammunition: This ammunition is a small, thin copper @acket with a tiny glass liner, and an acid center. It

provides 5) damage die, and D) #amage die of *cid damage.

$lectric Ammunition: This ammunition is a miniature taser round, with a high capacity capacitor that's

designed to kill, not stun. It changes all damage done by the firearm from ballistic to electric, and provides a

D)%L 1rror ange.

Gel Ammunition: This ammunition consist of a solidified gel bullet, that is used for non5lethal takedowns,

when the user still wants the ability to take down a target lethally without changing ammunition. :hen aimed

center mass, this ammunition provides D) #amage #ie and all damage is non5lethal. :hen aimed at ane-tremity, or the head, the damage is ballistic, and does not provide any additional damage die. or the

purposes of armor, this ammunition is considered ballistic and bludgeoning, and is stopped by both types of


(ltr/iolet Ammunition: This ammunition gives a sudden bright flash of ultraviolet light when it strikes it's

target, very useful when fighting creatures that are affected by ultraviolet light. This is considered a sliver of

light, to those affected. This ammunition provides 5) #amage die and a D;L error range.

Sil/er &itrte Ammunition: This ammunition is a silver @acketed bullet that holds powdered silver nitrate, used

against any creatures that may have an aversion to silver. This ammunition provides 5) #amage die and a D;L

error range.

Shell Ammunition Types

&hell ammunition is ammunition that uses a plastic, brass or paper shell to hold all of the components of the

ammunition together. * 2o- of shell ammunition weights $ o? per $; shells.

88 Buc"shot Ammunition: This ammunition consists of . inch caliber heavy lead balls fired simultaneously

from a single shell. It has no special rules.

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Birdshot Ammunition: This ammunition is similar in design to buckshot, e-cept that the pellets are much

smaller and more numerous. #ifferent si?es of shot provide different bonuses and penalties.

PK 2irdshot shotA This shot provides a D attack bonus and 5 #amage dice.

P( 2irdshot shotA This shot provides a D$ attack bonus and 5$ #amage dice.

P 2irdshot shotA This shot provides a D) attack bonus and 5) #amage dice.

&on7Lethl Ammunition: This ammunition consists of eight rubber balls, a single large 8beanbag,9 or rock salt.

It deals 3on5lethal damage only, and provides a $;L error range, regardless of the type of shot.

ubber ball shotA This shot provides no special rules

2eanbag shotA This shot provides a 5$ attack penalty and D$ damage dice.

ock salt shotA This shot provides a D) attack bonus and 5 damage dice.

Slug AmmunitionA This ammunition consists of a single massive cylinder of lead. It provides a 5$ attack penalty,and D$ damage dice.

Sboted Slug Ammunition: This ammunition increases a shotgunBs range. This ammunition multiples a

shotgunBs range increment by ).; rounded up to the nearest ; ft, and provides a D) damage die.

#rngible Ammunition: This ammunition is designed not to pierce solid surfaces, such as schoolhouse walls or

aircraft bulkheads. It provides a D$%L error range, regardless of the type of shot. *ny ob@ect with a hardness of $

or greater immediately defeats this ammunition. It comes in <arious &hot 0onfigurations, including %%

2uckshot, P 2irdshot, and P( 2irdshot

P( 2irdshot shotA This shot provides a D$ attack bonus, a 5)$ #amage !enalty to armored targets, and a D)

damage bonus to unarmored targets.

P 2irdshot shotA This shot provides a D) attack bonus, a 5K #amage !enalty to armored targets, and a D damage

 bonus to unarmored targets.

%% 2uckshot shotA This shot provides a 5( #amage !enalty to armored targets, and a D( damage bonus to

unarmored targets.

Bln" Shell Ammunition: This ammunition lacks any pro@ectile, simply creating a loud bang and a mu??le

flash. It does no damage, and provides a %L error range.

Breching Ammunition: This ammunition is specially made for the purposes of door breaching. These shells

contain a metallic powder that disperses on contact. :hen fired at an ob@ect, it ignores )% points of hardness,

and provides 5$ damage dice. They also have a ma- range of $% feet. It provides a D%L error range.

#lechette Ammunition: This ammunition is a bundle of flechette darts packed into a shell. :hen fired, the

fletchettes rip and shred their target. It does piercing damage, instead of ballistic, and provides a D%L error


)rcer Ammunition: This ammunition leaves a string of light when it's fired, allowing for correcting when firing

multiple shots. It provides a D) attack bonus for all multi5shot attack rolls.

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Mr"er Ammunition: This ammunition is a homemade round, replacing the shot with a highly visible, non5

to-ic, light refracting powder, that allows targets to be marked for future identification. It does no damage, and

is limited to ) range increment. It provides a D(%L error range.

$2plosi/e Ammunition: This ammunition is a small shotgun grenade, working like a smaller grenade launcher

grenade. :hen fired at an ob@ect, it ignores ( points of hardness. It provides a 5) attack penalty, and 5) damage

dice, but all damage dealt is concussion and fire damage, with a burst radius of ; ft. from the target, and

provides a D;L error range.

!1 Shell: * O0 gas shell is a shell that consists of tightly packed irritant powder in a shell. It shoots a ;5foot5

wide, $%5foot5long line of O0 powder that causes all those caught in the blast to make a ortitude saving throw

F#0 ); or be blinded for )d rounds 3o attack roll is necessary. * gas mask renders the target immune to the

effects, and a wet cloth held over the eyes, nose ,and mouth provides a D$ to the fortitude saving throw. It

provides a D;%L error range.

#lmethrower Ammunition: This ammunition consist of tightly packed magnesium powder in a shell. It shoots

a ;5foot5wide, $%5foot5long line of flame that deals $d( points of fire damage to all creatures and ob@ects in its

path. 3o attack roll is necessary. *ny creature caught in the line of flame can make a efle- save F#0 ); to take

half damage. It provides a D;%L error range.

#lre Ammunition: This ammunition is a flare that illuminates a % foot radius as if lit by daylight for J rounds.

:hen used as a signal, a flare round may be spotted at a distance of miles with a successful !erception check,

whichever appropriate F#0 $% during the day, or ); at night. * flare may also be used as a weapon, having a

range of % feet ma-imum, and doing $d fire damage. *nyone shot with a flare round must make a efle-

check F#0)H or be caught on fire. * flare shell can also ignite flammable material and fluids. This weapon

provides a D;L error range.

)ser Ammunition: This ammunition is a miniaturi?ed taser unit, packed into a shell. On impact, the shell

release a powerful electrical current. On a successful hit, the shell deals )d electricity damage and the target

must make a ortitude saving throw F#0 ); or be paraly?ed for )d( rounds. The Target also is dealt ) dicedamage of non5lethal damage.

Strung Buc" Ammunition: This ammunition consist of two heavy lead balls with a steel cable in between the

two. It !rovides a D damage bonus, a 5$ attack penalty, and D$;L error range.

94 Buc"shot Ammunition: This ammunition consists of .$ inch heavy lead balls fired simultaneously from a

single shell. It is weaker than buckshot, but still an effective defensive load. It grants a 5 damage penalty, but

can be used in choked barrels without damaging it.

02 Slug Ammunition: This ammunition consist of bird shot that has been solidified in wa-. It grants D)

damage die.

Stun Ammunition: This ammunition is a shotgun5launchable flashbang shell, that works e-actly like it's thrown

counterpart. It has a range of ; feet ma-imum, and a burst radius of ); feet. *ny target caught in the blast must

make a :ill saving throwF#0)( or be blinded for )d rounds, and a fortitude saving throwF#0)( to avoid

 being deafened for )d rounds. It grants D;;L error range.

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Mgnum Ammunition: This ammunition are larger shells, that allow for more powder and more shot. #ifferent

si?es of shot provide different bonuses and penalties, but still retain any non bonus or penalty benefits and

properties that come with the ammunition. *ll Modern5day shotguns with internal maga?ines can chamber

magnum buckshot, but when using it with any shotguns with an internal maga?ine above , they lose ) round of

capacity when using Magnum *mmunition.

%% 2uckshot shotA Grants D) #amage die and a D #amage 2onus.

P 2uckshot shotA Grants 5) #amage !enalty

PK 2irdshot shotA D *ttack 2onus, 5 #amage #ice, and D$ #amage 2onus

P( 2irdshot shotA D$ *ttack 2onus, 5$ #amage #ice, and D$ #amage 2onus

P 2irdshot shotA D) *ttack 2onus, 5) #amage #ice, and D #amage 2onus

&lugA D$ #amage #ice, 5$ *ttack 2onus and a D #amage 2onus

  aseless Ammunition Types

0aseless ammunition is ammunition that does not use a metal or plastic case to hold all of the components of the

ammunition together, instead having the propellant pressed around it with the pro@ectile in the center of the

pressed block. 0aseless ammunition must be pre5purchased in maga?ines, and the type indicated has a full


#ull Metl c"et 5#M: This ammunition consist of lead bullets encased in a metal casing. This is the standard

ammunition for all 0aseless firearms. It has no special rules.

c"eted 'ollow7Point 5'P: This ammunition contains a conical cavity in the nose that 8mushrooms9 in a

target, transferring greater kinetic energy. It provides a D$ damage bonus to unarmored targets, and increases

the cost by ) :!.

Armor Piercing Ammunition: This ammunition is specifically constructed to pierce armor. It provides 5)

damage dice and a D)%L error range. :hen attacking targets that are armored or have natural armor to ballistic

damage, it provides D$ #amage dice of piercing damage and increases the cost by $ :!.

#rngible Ammunition: This ammunition is designed not to pierce solid surfaces, such as schoolhouse walls or

aircraft bulkheads. It provides a 5 #amage penalty for armored targets, a D damage bonus to unarmored

targets, and a D);L error range. *ny ob@ect with a hardness of $ or greater immediately defeats this ammunition,

and increases the cost by ) :!.

Mtch Grde Ammunition: This ammunition is of high "uality, used for competition targeting and precisionsniping. It provides a D attack bonus , but only when used with a match barrel, and increases the cost by :!.

)rcer Ammunition: This ammunition leaves a string of light when it's fired, allowing for correcting when firing

multiple shots. It provides a D) attack bonus for all multi5shot attack rolls and increases the cost by ) :!.

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)ble: 1seless Mgine Sies nd 1omptible #irerms

1liber Mgine Sie 1omptible #irerms 0P 1ost

.$H 0aseless )$ ounds M( &eries, MJ &eries ) for Mags

.$H 0aseless )H ounds M( &eries, MJ &eries )

.$H 0aseless ; ounds MJ &eries ) for $ Mags

.% 0aseless % ounds M2; &eries ) for $ Mags

.% 0aseless (; ounds M*; &eries, M2; &eries, MG)% &eries )

.% 0aseless )$% ounds M*; &eries, MG)% &eries $

.% 0aseless %% ounds MG)% &eries

.$% /< 0aseless ; ounds M&K &eries ) for $ Mags

)ble: 1sed Ammunition Prices

1liber )ype 0elthPoint


.oundsPer bo2


-;; L.

M476ead ) ;%% 3one

 4/!74&! ) %% 3one

&4&! ) )%% 3one

1-plosive ) $% 3one

Match Grade ) ;% 3one

Tracer ) (% 3one

2lank ) $%% 3one

Gel ) $%% 3one

-3<8 A1P=>2?mm @ur

M476ead ) ;% 3one

 4/!74&! ) $; 3one



) Military and !olice

rangible ) )% 3one

Match Grade ) $% 3one

Tracer ) )% 3one

2lank ) )%% 3one

Gel ) ;% 3one

>ltraviolet ) $% 3one

&ilver 3itrate ) $% 3one

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>2<mm PM

M476ead ) ;% 3one

 4/!74&! ) $; 3one



) Military and !olice

rangible ) )% 3one

Match Grade ) ); 3one

Tracer ) )% 3one

2lank ) )%% 3one

0old ) ); estricted

*cid ) ); estricted

1lectric ) )% estricted

Gel ) ;% 3one

>ltraviolet ) $% 3one

&ilver 3itrate ) $% 3one

-3< Specil

M476ead ) ;% 3one

 4/!74&! ) $; 3one

&4/! ) % 3one

&4&! ) % 3one

:adcutter ) ;% 3one


) ;% 3one

atshot ) )% 3one

rangible ) )% 3one

Tracer ) )% 3one

2lank ) )%% 3one

0old ) % estricted

*cid ) % estricted

1lectric ) )% estrictedGel ) ;% 3one

>ltraviolet ) $; 3one

&ilver 3itrate ) $; 3one

-48 S0

M476ead ) ;% 3one

 4/!74&! ) ;% 3one

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atshot ) $% 3one

3on56ethal ) ( 3one

rangible ) )$ 3one

Incendiary ) ; Military and !olice

Match Grade ) ); 3one

Tracer ) $% 3one

2lank ) )%% 3one

0old ) $; estricted

*cid ) $; estricted

1lectric ) $; estricted

Gel ) ;% 3one

>ltraviolet ) % 3one

&ilver 3itrate ) % 3one


M476ead ) )%% 3one

 4/!74&! ) ;% 3one

atshot ) $% 3one

rangible ) )$ 3one

Incendiary ) )% Military and !olice

3on56ethal ) ( 3one

Match Grade ) $; 3one

Tracer ) )% 3one

2lank ) $%% 3one

0old ) $; estricted

*cid ) $; estricted

1lectric ) $; estricted

Gel ) )%% 3one

>ltraviolet ) ;% 3one

&ilver 3itrate ) ;% 3one

-4 A1P

M476ead ) ;% 3one

 4/!74&! ) ;% 3one

atshot ) $% 3one

rangible ) ;% 3one

3on56ethal ) ( 3one

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Match Grade ) $; 3one

Tracer ) $% 3one

2lank ) )%% 3one

0old ) $; estricted

*cid ) $; estricted

1lectric ) $; estricted

Gel ) ;% 3one

>ltraviolet ) % 3one

&ilver 3itrate ) % 3one

-4 Long 1olt

M476ead ) $; 3one

 4/!74&! ) $; 3one

&4/! ) % 3one

&4&! ) % 3one

:adcutter ) ;% 3one



) ;% 3one

atshot ) )% 3one

rangible ) ( 3one

3on56ethal ) )$ 3one

2lank ) ;% 3one

0old ) $; estricted

*cid ) $; estricted

1lectric ) $; estricted

Gel ) ;% 3one

>ltraviolet ) % 3one

&ilver 3itrate ) % 3one

8mm Auto

M476ead ) ;% 3one

 4/!74&! ) $% 3one

rangible ) )$ 3one

Match Grade ) )% 3one

2lank ) )%% 3one

0old ) $; estricted

*cid ) $; estricted

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1lectric ) $; estricted

Gel ) ;% 3one

>ltraviolet ) % 3one

&ilver 3itrate ) % 3one

-3? S*G

M476ead ) ;% 3one

 4/!74&! ) % 3one

Tracer ) $% 3one

Match Grade ) )% 3one

2lank ) )%% 3one

0old ) $% estricted

*cid ) $% estricted

1lectric ) $% estricted

Gel ) ;% 3one

>ltraviolet ) ); 3one

&ilver 3itrate ) ); 3one

-3? Mgnum

M476ead ) ;% 3one

 4/!74&! ) $% 3one

&4/! ) % 3one

&4&! ) % 3one

:adcutter ) ;% 3one



) ;% 3one

atshot ) )% 3one

rangible ) )$ 3one

Match Grade ) )% 3one

Tracer ) )% 3one

2lank ) )%% 3one

0old ) $; estricted

*cid ) $; estricted

1lectric ) $; estricted

Gel ) ;% 3one

>ltraviolet ) % 3one

&ilver 3itrate ) % 3one

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-44 Mgnum

M476ead ) ;% 3one

 4/!74&! ) ;% 3one

&4/! ) % 3one

&4&! ) ;% 3one

:adcutter ) ;% 3one



) ;% 3one

atshot ) )% 3one

rangible ) )$ 3one

Tracer ) ( 3one

2lank ) )%% 3one

-8 Action $2press

M476ead ) )% 3one

 4/!74&! ) )% 3one

rangible ) ; 3one

Tracer ) ; 3one

2lank ) ;% 3one

0old ) $% estricted

*cid ) $% estricted

1lectric ) $% estricted

Gel ) $; 3one

>ltraviolet ) ); 3one

&ilver 3itrate ) ); 3one

-423>mm=-; .ussin

M476ead ) ;% 3one

 4/!74&! ) ;% 3one

Tracer ) % 3one

2lank ) )%% 3one

0old ) % estricted

*cid ) % estricted

1lectric ) % estricted

-;;3 .emington=-624mm &A)!

M476ead ) ;% 3one

 4/!74&! ) ;% 3one

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&olid ) )% 3one

rangible ) $% 3one

Incendiary ) ; Military and !olice



) ;% Military and !olice

Match Grade ) ); 3one

Tracer ) % 3one

2lank ) )%% 3one

0old ) $% estricted

*cid ) $% estricted

1lectric ) $% estricted

Gel ) $; 3one

?-6;23>mm M43=-38 .ussin

M476ead ) )%% 3one

 4/!74&! ) )%% 3one

rangible ) 3one

Incendiary ) ;% Military and !olice



) ;% Military and !olice

Tracer ) % 3one

2lank ) );% 3one

0old ) $% estricted*cid ) $% estricted

1lectric ) $% estricted

Gel ) $; 3one


M476ead ) (% 3one

 4/!74&! ) % 3one

Incendiary ) ; Military and !olice


) $% Military and !olice

Tracer ) % 3one

2lank ) )%% 3one

-38< 0inchester=?-6;2mm &A)!

M476ead ) $% 3one

 4/!74&! ) $% 3one

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&olid ) )% 3one

rangible ) ( 3one

Match Grade ) $% 3one

Tracer ) % 3one

2lank ) % 3one

0old ) )% estricted

*cid ) )% estricted

1lectric ) )% estricted

-38786 Spring+ield

M476ead ) $% 3one

 4/!74&! ) $% 3one

&olid ) H 3one

rangible ) ( 3one

Incendiary ) ; Military and !olice

Match Grade ) )% 3one

Tracer ) ); 3one

2lank ) % 3one

-388 0inchester Mgnum

M476ead ) $% 3one

 4/!74&! ) ); 3one

rangible ) ( 3one

Match Grade ) ); 3one

2lank ) % 3one

0old ) ; estricted

*cid ) ; estricted

1lectric ) ; estricted

-33< Lup Mgnum

M476ead ) ; 3one

 4/!74&! ) ; 3one

0old ) ; estricted

*cid ) ; estricted

1lectric ) ; estricted

-8 BMG=;-?2>>mm

M476ead ) 3one

 4/!74&! ) 3one

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&olid ) $ 3one

Incendiary ) $ Military and !olice

rangible ) ( 3one



) $ 3one

Match Grade ) ) 3one

)ble: Shell Ammunition Prices

1liber )ype 0elth




Per bo2


-48 Guge

%% 2uckshot ) $; 3one

P( 2irdshot ) % 3one

P 2irdshot ) $% 3one

3on 6ethal ock &alt ) ;% 3one

&lug ) )% 3one

Marker ) $; 3one

rangible %% 2uckshot ) )% 3one

rangible P 2irdshot ) $% 3one

&aboted &lug ) $; 3one

:a- &lug ) $% 3one

2lank &hell ) $% 3one

;8 Guge

%% 2uckshot ) $% 3one

P 2uckshot ) $; 3one

PK 2irdshot ) )%% 3one

P( 2irdshot ) ;% 3one

P 2irdshot ) $; 3one

3on 6ethal ock &alt ) );% 3one

&lug ) $% 3one

Marker ) $; 3one

&aboted &lug ) )% 3one

:a- &lug ) $; 3one

2lank &hell ) $% 3one

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; Guge

%% 2uckshot ) $; 3one

P 2uckshot ) % 3one

PK 2irdshot ) )%% 3one

P( 2irdshot ) ;% 3one

P 2irdshot ) $; 3one

3on56ethal 2eanbag ) ; 3one

3on56ethal ubber


) $; 3one

3on56ethal ock &alt ) $%% 3one

&lug ) $% 3one

O0 &hell ) )% estricted

&aboted &lug ) )% 3one

2lank &hell ) $% 3one

Tracer ) )% 3one

rangible %% 2uckshot ) ; 3one

rangible P 2irdshot ) )% 3one

rangible P( 2irdshot ) ); 3one

2reaching ) ; 3one

Marker ) $; 3one

1-plosive ) Military and

!olicelamethrower ) $ 3one

lare ) 3one

&tun ) $ estricted

Taser ) ; estricted

:a- &lug ) $; 3one

&trung 2uck ) 3one

Magnum %% 2uckshot ) )% 3one

Magnum P 2uckshot ) )% 3oneMagnum PK 2irdshot ) ;% 3one

Magnum P( 2irdshot ) $; 3one

Magnum P 2irdshot ) ); 3one

Magnum &lug ) ; 3one

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Grenade Ammunition Types

#rgmenttion Grende: This is the most common type of launched grenade. It uses a small e-plosive charge to

fling shards of metal in all directions.

'igh $2plosi/e5'$ Grende: These grenades are packed with a shaped charge, that when impacted, destroy

armored targets and buildings. * /1 grenade ignores ); points of hardness.

'igh $2plosi/e Dul Purpose5'$DP Grende: These grenades are a combination of the /igh 1-plosive, and

the ragmentation Grenade, allowing for use on armored targets, or soft targets. * /1#! ignores )% points of


)er Gs Grende: These grenades are used to disperse crowds and smoke out hostage takers. :hen the

grenade is shot, a tear gas grenade fills the four s"uares around it with tear gas. On the following round, it fills

all s"uares within )% feet, and on the third round it fills all s"uares within ); feet. *ny target caught in the cloud

of tear gas must make a fortitude saving throwF#0); or be blinded and stunned for $d rounds. * gas mask

renders the target immune to the effects, and a wet cloth held over the eyes, nose ,and mouth provides a D$ to

the fortitude saving throw.

Smo"e Grende: These grenades create smoke to signal or to conceal. :hen the grenade strikes a hard surface,it

first burst and fills all s"uares within )% feet with smoke. On the following round, it fills all s"uares within );

feet, and on the third round it fills all s"uares within $% feet. The smoke obscures all sight, including the dark5

vision ability granted by night vision goggles. *nyone within the area has total concealment Fattacks suffer a

;%L miss chance, and the attacker canBt use sight to locate the target. It disperses after )% rounds. &moke

grenades are available in several colors, including white, red, yellow, green, blue, orange and purple.

Beehi/e Grende: These grenades fire a bundle of fletchette darts that rip and shred their target. It does Hd(

with a range increment of $% feet, and has the same reductions as shotguns. This grenade must be used against a

specific target, and does not incur the bludgeoning damage or the attack penalty when firing a grenade at a


#om Slug Grende: These grenades consists of a large foam slug, used when non5lethal force is necessary. It

deals d( non5lethal damage. This grenade must be used against a specific target, and does not incur the

 bludgeoning damage or the attack penalty when firing a grenade at a target.

Buc"shot Grende: These grenades fire a bundle of buckshot rounds, that penetrate the target, turning the

grenade launcher into a large shotgun. It deals d)% damage with a range of $; feet, and has the same reductions

as shotguns. This grenade must be used against a specific target, and does not incur the bludgeoning damage or

the attack penalty when firing a grenade at a target.

#lre Grende: These grenades illuminates a (% foot radius as if lit by daylight for )% rounds. :hen used as a

signal, a flare round may be spotted at a distance of ; miles with a successful !erception check, whichever

appropriate F#0 $% during the day, or ); at night. * flare round may also be used as a weapon, having a range

of (% feet ma-imum, and doing $d fire damage. *nyone shot with a flare round must make a efle- check

F#0)H or be caught on fire. * flare round can also ignite flammable material and fluids. This grenade does not

incur the bludgeoning damage or the attack penalty when firing a grenade at a target.

Airburst Grende: These grenades are fused to e-plode before they hit the ground, thereby causing the

ma-imum amount of damage to soft targets.

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)hermobric Grende: These grenades are fuel5air bomb, that use the surrounding air in order to keep the fire

and e-plosion running. *nything caught in a thermobaric grenade e-plosion is immediately on fire.

Grpnel Grende: These grenades come with )%% feet of paracord, and a hook built into the grenade. These

grenades can fire H% feet straight up, or )$% feet at a specific target or s"uare.

Sil/er #rgmenttion Grende: These Grenades are a standard fragmentation grenade, with a layer of silver on

 both the inside and outside of the grenade walls. They function as normal fragmentation grenades, but will also

affect any monsters or beings that have an aversion to silver.

'ornet,s &est Grende: These Grenades are comprised of an insert that contains )% .$$ 6 rounds that are all

fired at once when the grenade is fired, working somewhat like a 2uckshot grenade, but with much more

lethality, and it can be reused if refilled with .$$ 6 ammunition.. Only %-(mm & grenade launchers can use

this grenade.

)ser Grende: These Grenades are an upscaled version of their shotgun version, capable of being fired from a

stand alone grenade launcher, or from an under barreled grenade launcher. These rounds, designed for military

use, easily out range the standard taser offerings, allowing for a long distance take down. On a successful hit, the

darts deal electricity damage and the target must make a ortitude saving throw F#0 $% or be paraly?ed for $drounds. Only %-(mm & grenade launchers can use this grenade.

.or 0ire Grende: This Grenade is a portable, launchable version of the ra?or puck, firing strings of

microwire at a singular target. This grenade must be used against a specific target, and does not incur the

 bludgeoning damage or the attack penalty when firing a grenade at a target.

Plsm Grende: * plasma grenade is the end result of a plasarm not shutting down and all of the failsafes

failing to activate. This grenade is specifically built to have the tiny fusuon core go critical and e-plode. The

grenade, when activated and thrown, will immediately stick to whatever it is thrown to, and because of such, it

is highly recommended that this grenade not be cooked off, instead ignited and immediately thrown at it's

intended target. Once a target is stuck, it cannot be unstuck.

$MP Grende: This Grenade was made to combat the more technological weapons that e-ist, to disable

e"uipment without damaging it. :hen eleased, all technology that uses electricity, including caseless firearms

and plasarms, are immediately disabled until they can be repairedF0raftF1lectronic #0 $%, considered


Acid Grende: This Grenade is an evolution of a simple thrown beaker filled with acid, prepackaged and

encapsulated in a sturdier case and shell, also making it easier to carry around.

1ryo Grende: This Grenade is a pressuri?ed capsule of li"uid nitrogen, fit into a launchable grenade format.

:hen this grenade e-plodes, it flings the li"uid nitrogen, free?ing everything in it's burst radius. *ny creature

caught in the blast must make a ortitude &aving throw F#0 )( or take d( 0old damage, with heavy clothing

 being able to modify the 2onus7!enalties as if the character were caught in the cold. &paces where this grenade

goes off is considered rough terrain for ) round, and re"uires double the combat points to move across.

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Shield Grende: This grenade, when fired, generates a force field shield for )dD) rounds, that protects against

% points of !lasma, 2allistic, ire, and 0old damage. :hen the shield takes % points of damage from any of

these combined damages, it immediately disappears This shield does not protect against *cid, !iercing,

&lashing, 0oncussion, or 3on5lethal damage. The shield does not also deny anyone the ability to step into the

area nor does it protect any of the listed damages if the damage stars within the shieldA it only prevents anyone

out of the shield from damaging someone on the inside of the shield with the listed damages.

Sonic Grende: * sonic grenade is a small ball with a keypad of si- buttons, that when activated, creates a high

pitched tone that irritates, and confuses all those caught in it's blast. 1veryone caught in the blast radius must

immediately make a :ill &aving ThrowF#0 $% to avoid being stunned for )d rounds.

)ble: Grende Ammunition

Grende )ype Dmge Dmge )ype Blst




Sie 0eight 0P



ragmentation ;d( &lashing ); ft. 37a Tiny )( o?. ( Military

and !olice



)%d( 0oncussion7ire )% ft. 37a Tiny )( o?. )% Military

and !olice


1-plosive #ual


Jd( &lashing7ire ); ft. 37a Tiny )( o?. H Military

and !olice

Tear Gas &pecial &pecial &pecial 37a Tiny )( o?. ; Military

and !olice

&moke 37a 37a &pecial 37a Tiny )$ o?. $ 6icensed

2eehive Hd( &lashing 37a $% ft. Tiny )( o?. H Military

and !olice

oam &lug d


2ludgeoning 37a 37a Tiny H o?. K Military

and !olice

2uckshot d)% 2allistic 37a $; ft. Tiny ); o?. Military

and !olice

lare $d ire 37a (% ft. Ma- Tiny )( o?. ) 6icensed

*irburst (dH &lashing $% ft. 37a Tiny )( o?. ) Military

and !olice

Thermobaric d( 0oncussion7


$; ft. 37a Tiny )( o?. )% Military

and !olice

Grapnel 37a 37a 37a 37a Tiny ; o?. ); estricted




d( &lashing ); ft. 37a Tiny $% o?. ) Military

and !olice

/ornet's 3est )%d 2allistic 37a )% ft. Tiny $% o?. $; Military

and !olice

Taser Grenade $d( 1lectrical 37a 37a Tiny $% o?. Military

and !olice

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a?or :ire d)$ &lashing 37a $; ft. Tiny )( o?. $ estricted

!lasma dH !lasma )% ft. 37a Tiny )( o?. )% Military

and !olice

1M! &ee Te-t &ee Te-t ); ft. 37a Tiny )( o?. H Military

and !olice

*cid Hd( *cid )% ft. 37a Tiny )$ o?. ( Militaryand !olice

0ryo d(

&ee Te-t

0old )% ft. 37a Tiny )( o?. H Military

and !olice

&hield &ee Te-t 3one )% ft. 37a Tiny )% o?. )% 6icensed

&onic &ee Te-t &ee Te-t $; ft. 37a Tiny H o?. $ estricted

 Melee !eapon 7p*rades

There are $ locations where an upgrade may be place. The handle and the contact. 1ach melee weapon can

accept up to two upgrades per location. 0ertain upgrades can only be performed on certain types of weapons.

0ompositeF0ontact7/andleA The weapon is upgraded with non5ferrous materials, which allow a character to

slip it through metal detecting devices. It Grants a D)% &tealth check against metal detectors, but only for the part


0ustom /andleF/andleA The weaponBs hilt or handle is fitted to a mold of the wielderBs hand, granting him a D)

e"uipment bonus with all attack rolls made with the weapon. *nyone else who tries to use the weapon suffers a

5$ e"uipment penalty to their attack rolls.

0oncealedAF0ontact This upgrade disguises the weapon as an everyday, inconspicuous ob@ect, granting a D)% to

stealth to hide the weapon. Only swords or knives of medium or smaller si?e may use this upgrade.

#etailingF0ontact7/andleA This upgrade gives the weapon an engraved or a precious metal inlay, granting its

wielder a D$ e"uipment bonus with !resence checks while the target has line of sight to it. This upgrade also

increases the weapon's worth by J;LFMultiply the weapon's wealth point cost by ).J;, rounded up to the

nearest full point The weapon loses this "uality if it suffers any damage. Fthough it may be restored with a

successful repair check

!ractice :eaponF0ontactA This upgrade replaces the weapon's contact with a wooden, softened or blunted

version that inflicts non5lethal damage e"ual to the weaponBs standard damage.

a?or &harpF0ontactA This upgrade sharpens the blade on a bladed weapon as sharp as possible, granting a D#amage 2onus. This upgrade may only be performed on weapons with blades or points.

etractableF0ontactA This upgrade allows the weapon to be folded down to one &i?e category smaller than

standard. olding or unfolding the weapon re"uires ) 0ombat !oint.

&ilveredF0ontactA This upgrade infuses the weapon with alchemical silver, which has adverse affects to certain


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:eightedF0ontactA This upgrade adds weight to the contact of a blunt weapon, increasing it's lethality, but

making it unwieldy. It grants a 5$ to attack rolls, a D) damage die, and increases the weapon's weight by ;%L.

Only weapons that deal bludgeoning damage may be weighted.

 4aggedF0ontactA This upgrade adds ridges and serrations in the knife, that rip and tear as they move through an

ob@ect. :hen hit with a knife with the @agged upgrade, the character is immediately considered bleedingF*s if

they had taken damage, as long as they are not wearing protective armor.

einforcedF/andleA This upgrade reinforces the handle of any staff or spear, making it more durable and

heavier by inserting a steel rod into the center. It grants a D$ damage bonus for all bludgeoning attacks, and

increases the weapon's weight by )%L. Only staffs or spears may be reinforced.

1nchanted :eaponF37aA This upgrade is an enchantment being cast on a weapon by a professional enchanting

Mage. Mages charge by how comple- and powerful the spell is, and how many spellschools are used. The cost

for enchanting a weapon is ) :! per spell point, multiplied by how many spell schools are used, not including

the 1nchantment &pellschool. *ny timed effects on the enchanted weapons start as soon as the character receives

the enchanted weapon.

*damantineF0ontact5 This ultrahard base metal is found deep in the center of mountains, near deposits of iron.*ny melee weapon with a metal contact can be made of *damantine, granting a D damage bonus to the base

damage stats of the weapon, and increasing the weapon's weight by );%LFMultiply by ).;, rounded to the

nearest o?., and increasing the weapon's cost by ;%%LFMultiply by ;, rounded to the nearest :!..

#arkwoodF0ontact7/andle5 #arkwood is wood that is e-tremely strong for it's weight, that is harvested from

the darkwood tree. #arkwood trees are known for their delicate nature when growing, and re"uire near5

constant management in order to yield enough wood to be useful. *ny Melee weapon with a wood contact or

handle can be made from darkwood, that decreases the weight by $;L per area, or ;%L if both the contact and

the handle are made from darkwood. 2ecause darkwood is lighter without sacrificing strength, it grants a D)

2ludgeoning damage to all weapons made from it. :eapons made of #arkwood have a $%%L cost increase per

areaFMultiply by $, rounded to the nearest :!

MithrilF0ontact7/andle5 Mithril is a shiny metal, often mistaken for silver or nickel at first glance. It is lighter

than steel, but @ust as strong. *ny melee weapon with a metal contact point can be made of Mithril. *ny Medium

weapon made from Mithril is considered a light weapon. *ny weapon made of Mithril reduces it weight by ;%L

FMultiply by .;, rounded to the nearest o?., and can use the 0ombat !oint 0ost for attacking as if it were one

si?e smaller. :eapons made of Mithril have a (%%L 0ost increase.FMultiply by (, rounded to the nearest :!

1vokalloysF0ontact51vokalloys come in two forms, &tandard and /igh Quality. &tandard "uality alloys are

undetectable at first glance, only when tapped or struck will their energy be known. /igh "uality alloys have

waves of either blue, red, yellow, or white through the metal, and are "uite noticeable even at a cursory glance.

Melee weapons made with with &tandard "uality 1vokalloys have a %%L cost increase, and grant a D) cold, fire,

concussive, or electric damage bonus. Melee weapons made with high "uality 1vokalloys have a J%%L cost

increase, and grant a D cold, fire, concussive, or electric damage bonus.

<ibroF0ontactA This >pgrade refits the contact of the weapon with a vibrator that is used to agitate whatever the

contact touches, making slashing weapons much more dangerous. This upgrade adds a single damage die to the

weapon's damage.

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2lackedF0ontactA This upgrade coats the weapon with a permanent, non5reflective material. This grants a D)

stealth bonus when hiding in the dark, or against a dark background, with the weapon drawn. Only slashing

and percing weapons may take this upgrade.

)ble: Melee 0epons (pgrdes

(pgrde A/ilble +or Loction 0elth Point


)ime 0eight .estrictions

0omposite *ny weapon 0ontact


%%L of the

weapon's cost,

per upgrade

) week 37a 3one

0oncealed *ny medium

or smaller

sword or knife.

0ontact )%%L of the

weapon's cost

days $;L of the





*ny weapon /andle ( H hours 37a 3one

#etailing *ny weapon 0ontact


J%L of the

weapon's cost

) week 37a 3one



*ny weapon 0ontact ;%L of the

weapon's cost

hours 37a 3one

a?or &harp *ny piercing or


0ontact )%%L of the

weapon's cost.

$ days 37a 3one

etractable *ny small or



0ontact $;L of the

weapon's cost

) week 37a 3one

&ilvered *ny piercing or


0ontact )$ days 37a 3one

:eighted *ny



0ontact ) day ;%L of the



 4agged *ny small or

smaller knife

0ontact $ days 37a 3on

*damantine *ny &lashing

or !iercing


0ontact ;%%L of the

:eapon's cost

$ weeks );%L of the




#arkwood *ny :eapon 0ontact


$%%L of the

:eapon's cost,

per upgrade

; days emove $;L

of the


weight, per



Mithril *ny weapon 0ontact


%%L of the

weapon's cost,

per upgrade

) week 37a 3one

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einforced *ny &taff or


/andle )% days )%L of the






*ny :eapon 0ontact %%L of the

weapon's cost

)% days 37a 3one

/igh Quality


*ny :eapon 0ontact J%%L of the

:eapon's cost

$% days 37a 3one



*ny :eapon 37a ) :! per )

&! 3umber

of spell

schools used

&ee &pell

!oints Time

0ost Table

37a 3one

<ibro *ny &lashing


0ontact $;L of

:eapon's cost

#ays H o?. 3one

2lack *ny piercing or


0ontact ; minutes 37a 3one

Psi$lade 7p*rades

!siblades can only have upgrades located on their handle, but they can accept up to three upgrades. The

upgrades listed below are for psiblades only, and can not be used for any other weapon. !siblades can not use

any other upgrades than those listed below.

2elt 0lipA This upgrade attaches a simple, but durable metal clip to the psiblade, that allows it to be worn on a

 belt. It is considered attached, and must be manipulated like any other ob@ect in order to be used.

0ompositeF/andleA The weapon is upgraded with non5ferrous materials, which allow a character to slip it

through metal detecting devices. It Grants a D)% &tealth check against metal detectors, but only for the part


0ustom /andleF/andleA The weaponBs hilt or handle is fitted to a mold of the wielderBs hand, granting him a D)

e"uipment bonus with all attack rolls made with the weapon. *nyone else who tries to use the weapon suffers a

5$ e"uipment penalty to their attack rolls.

#etailingF/andleA This upgrade gives the weapon an engraved or a precious metal inlay, granting its wielder a

D$ e"uipment bonus with !resence checks while the target has line of sight to it. This upgrade also increases the

weapon's worth by J;LFMultiply the weapon's wealth point cost by ).J;, rounded up to the nearest full point

The weapon loses this "uality if it suffers any damage. Fthough it may be restored with a successful repair check

&olid 0rystal 2atteryF/andleA This upgrade replaces the crystal polymer battery with a crystal battery madefrom a single solid piece of crystal. This battery, when charged, last for ; days, and only has to be charged by a

psion every ; days, instead of every day.

3atural 2lade 0rystalF/andleA This upgrade replaces the synthetic blade crystal with a natural gem, giving the

 blade a toned down color, but a more powerful blade. This upgrade grants the psiblade a D$ damage bonus.

3atural blades have the same color choices as synthetic crystals.

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0ouplerF/andleA This upgrade attaches a coupler at the end of the hilt, allowing it to be attached to another

psiblade to make a dual blade weapon. 2oth blades must have couplers on them in order to be attached together.

!assword *ctivatorF/andleA This upgrade replaces the button activator with si- smaller buttons, usually

aligned in a circle or in a line, that must be pressed in the correct succession in order to activate the psiblade. The

user choses si- numbers between ) and ( and enters them in the psiblade when this upgrade is performed.

*nyone who does not know the code to the psiblade may not activate it. It takes $ 0ombat points to enter the

password. * psiblade may only have one activator upgrade at a time.

&tun 2lade 0rystalF/andleA This upgrade replaces the blade crystal with a glass gem, giving the blade a white

color, and a weakened blade. The psiblade's damage is changed to non5lethal bludgeoning damage.

Multi50rystal ModuleF/andleA This >pgrade installs a module that allows for multiple crytstals to be installed

in the blade, allowing for the instant changing of crystals without having to dissemble the psiblade. The module

can hold two crystals at a time, and it takes $ combat points to change crystals.

ingerprint *ctivatorF/andleA This upgrade replaces the button activator with a fingerprint scanner on the hilt

of the psiblade. In order to activate the psiblade, the user places their finger on the reader, and the blade reads

the print of the user. If the fingerprint is recogni?ed, the psiblade activates. >p to sets of fingerprints may be

stored in the psiblade. * psiblade may only have one activator upgrade at a time. This increases the psibladeactivation time by ) 0ombat !oint.

)ble: Psiblde (pgrdes

(pgrde A/ilble +or Loction 0elth Point


)ime 0eight .estrictions

2elt 0lip &tandard /ilt

and 0urved

/ilt !siblades

/andle ) )% Minutes 37a 3one

0omposite !siblades /andle H #ays 37a 3one



!siblades /andle ) #ays 37a 3one

#etailing !siblades /andle J%L of the

weapon's cost

) week 37a 3one

&olid 0rystal


!siblades /andle )% $% Minutes 37a 3one


2lade 0rystal

!siblades /andle $% ; Minutes 37a 3one

&tun 2lade


!siblades /andle )$ ; Minutes 37a 3one



!siblades /andle ; /ours 37a 3one



!siblades /andle ) /ours 37a 3one



!siblades /andle $% /ours 37a 3one

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0oupler !siblades /andle ); Minutes 37a 3one

Plasma ,lade 7p*rades

!lasma blades can only have upgrades located on their handle, but they can accept up to three upgrades. The

upgrades listed below are for plasma blades only, and can not be used for any other weapon. !lasma blade can

not use any other upgrades than those listed below.

2elt 0lipF/andleA This upgrade attaches a simple, but durable metal clip to the plasma blade, that allows it to be

worn on a belt. It is considered attached, and must be manipulated like any other ob@ect in order to be used.

0ompositeF/andleA The weapon is upgraded with non5ferrous materials, which allow a character to slip it

through metal detecting devices. It Grants a D)% &tealth check against metal detectors, but only for the part


0ustom /andleF/andleA The weaponBs hilt or handle is fitted to a mold of the wielderBs hand, granting him a D)

e"uipment bonus with all attack rolls made with the weapon. *nyone else who tries to use the weapon suffers a

5$ e"uipment penalty to their attack rolls.

#etailingF/andleA This upgrade gives the weapon an engraved or a precious metal inlay, granting its wielder a

D$ e"uipment bonus with !resence checks while the target has line of sight to it. This upgrade also increases the

weapon's worth by J;LFMultiply the weapon's wealth point cost by ).J;, rounded up to the nearest full point

The weapon loses this "uality if it suffers any damage. Fthough it may be restored with a successful repair check

!lasma 0ore >pgradeF/andleA This upgrade replaces the built in plasma core with one that is a single

increment higher, giving the blade a more powerful damage output. This upgrade grants the plasma blade with

a power output of one wattage higher, but decreases the heat by ; per upgrade. This upgrade can be taken as

many times as it takes to reach J; k:. The plasma blade may not have a wattage level over J;k:

!lasma 0ore #owngradeF/andleA This upgrade replaces the built in plasma core with one that is a single

increment lower, giving the blade less damage output, but more heat. This upgrade grants the plasma blade

with a power output of one wattage lower, but increases the heat by ; per upgrade. This upgrade can be taken as

many times as it takes to reach ); k:. The plasma blade may not have a wattage level under );k:

!assword *ctivatorF/andleA This upgrade replaces the button activator with si- smaller buttons, usually

aligned in a circle or in a line, that must be pressed in the correct succession in order to activate the plasma

 blade. The user chooses si- numbers between ) and ( and enters them in the plasma blade when this upgrade is

performed. *nyone who does not know the code to the plasma blade may not activate it. It takes $ 0ombat

points to enter the password. * plasma blade may only have one activator upgrade at a time.

ingerprint *ctivatorF/andleA This upgrade replaces the button activator with a fingerprint scanner on the hiltof the plasma blade. In order to activate the plasma blade, the user places their finger on the reader, and the

 blade reads the print of the user. If the fingerprint is recogni?ed, the plasma blade activates. >p to sets of

fingerprints may be stored in the plasma blade. * plasma blade may only have one activator upgrade at a time.

This increases the plasma blade activation time by ) 0ombat !oint.

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&haped 1mitterF/andleA This >pgrade changes the general shape of a plasma blade from the standard

cylindrical blade to whatever the character wishes, however the shape cannot functionally move beyond a blade5

shaped emission. This is purely an aesthetic change and does not affect any attack types, damages, or other

functions of the plasma blade.

0olored 1mitterF/andleA This upgrade changes the emitter on a plasma blade to any color. The user may select

any color possible by entering the G2 values, and can even alternate it based on things such as time, any

interfaced valueFor e-ample, current core /!, or even have the color be selected at random. This is purely an

aesthetic change and does not affect any attack types, damages, or other functions of the plasma blade.

eactive adiatorF/andleA This upgrade improves the internal radiator for plasma blades, increasing it's /eat

 by $;LFMultiply the /eat by ).$;, rounded up per upgrade. This upgrade can be taken twice.

eserve !acksF/andleA This >pgrade &tores an additional coolant pack within the plasma blade. :hen the first

pack reaches it's ma-imum heat intake, this upgrade automatically e@ects the hot coolant pack, and routes heat to

the reserve pack. eserve packs must be e-changed @ust like all other coolant packs. This upgrade can be taken

multiple times, each upgrade granting an additional pack.

)ble: Plsm Blde (pgrdes

(pgrde A/ilble +or Loction 0elth Point


)ime 0eight .estrictions

2elt 0lip !lasma blades /andle ) )% Minutes 37a 3one

0omposite !lasma blades /andle H #ays 37a 3one



!lasma blades /andle ) #ays 37a 3one

#etailing !lasma blades /andle J%L of the

weapon's cost

) week 37a 3one

!lasma 0ore


!lasma blades /andle ); /ours 37a 3one

!lasma 0ore


!lasma blades /andle ) /ours 37a 3one



!lasma blades /andle ; /ours 37a 3one



!lasma blades /andle $% /ours 37a 3one



!lasma blades /andle ; ( /ours 37a 3one



!lasma blades /andle ( ( /ours 37a 3one



!lasma blades /andle $; /ours ); o?. 3one



!lasma blades /andle ); ; hours )% o?. 3one

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Ran*ed !eapon 7p*rades

anged weapons can be customi?ed with plenty of upgrades, weather for form, or fashion. There are locations

where an upgrade may be placed. The Optic mount, the Tactical mount, the 2arrel, and the rame. 1ach ranged

weapon listed has a certain amount of mounts, and some upgrades can only be performed on certain types of

weapons. * character can only benefit from ranged weapon upgrades, if they are proficient in the ranged

weapon the upgrade is performed on.

The Optic mountA The optic mount is a mount that can accept lasers, flashlights, and Optics. * ranged weapon

can have no more than one upgrade per optic point.

The Tactical MountA The tactical mount is a system of rails that can accept lasers, flashlights, bipods, and

secondary weapons such as under5barrel shotguns or grenade launchers. * ranged weapon can have no more

than one upgrade per tactical point.

The 1mitterA The emitter can be modified to produce different effects and grant different types of attacks. Only

plasarms and lasarms have emitters, and can accept emitter upgrades. * plasarm can have no more than three

emitter upgrades at one time, while a lasarm can have no more than two emitter upgrades at one time.

The 2arrelA The barrel can be modified to accept suppressors, mu??le brakes, bayonet lugs or be upgraded itself.

* ranged weapon can have no more than three upgrades per barrel at one time.

The rameA The frame is the large part of the ranged weapon, which holds and can accept e-tra rails, different

grips and stocks, slings, holds the modified internal workings, and customi?e the styling of the weapon. *

ranged weapon can have no more than four upgrades on it's frame at one time.

,arrel 7p*rades

1-tended 2arrelF2arrelA This longer replacement barrel increases accuracy but adds weight and makes the

weapon more noticeable. The firearmBs range increment increases by )% ft. but the !erception #0s to detect it

decrease by $. This upgrade also increases the weapon's weight by ;L FMultiply by ).%;, rounded up to the

nearest $ o?..

/eavy 2arrelF2arrelA This replacement barrel increases a rifleBs range increment by $%L FMultiply by ).$%,

rounded to the nearest ; ft., and increases its weight by );L FMultiply by ).);, rounded up to the nearest ) o?. .

Only ifles and Machine Guns may use this upgrade.

!orted 2arrelF2arrelA This replacement barrel has large grooves or holes in the upper side of its tip, through

which mu??le blast is vented. * ported barrel provides a D) e"uipment bonus on all multi5shot attack rolls. If a

 barrel is threaded, it cannot be ported.

Threaded 2arrelF2arrelA This replacement barrel is machined with screw threads on its tip, granting the firearm

a threaded barrel. * Threaded barrel may accept only one accessory on the barrel at a time. If a barrel is ported,

it cannot be threaded. Only ifles, /andguns, and &MGs may use this upgrade

Match 2arrelF2arrelA This replacement barrel is machined to tight specifications and tolerance for the tightest

shots and accuracy. * Match barrel provides a D to attack rolls, but only when used with match grade

ammunition. Only ifles, /andguns, &MGs, and Machine Guns may use this upgrade

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&traight 2arrelF2arrelA This replacement barrel is the standard smooth barrel for a shotgun. :hen using the

&traight barrel, a shotgun's range penalty applies to both it's attack and damage, but it does not take the ranged

attack penalty when attacking an ad@acent opponent. Only &hotguns may use this upgrade.

&lug 2arrelF2arrelA This replacement barrel is machined with rifling, made specifically for slug ammunition in

shotguns. The firearm gains a D$ attack bonus when using slugs or saboted slugs, but takes a 5 penalty to attack

rolls when using any other type of ammunition. *lso, when using the slug barrel with slug or saboted slug

ammunition, the range increments for the shotgun only affect the attack roll, not the damage roll. Only &hotguns

may use this upgrade. 

0hoked 2arrelF2arrelAThis replacement barrel is choked, allowing for better spread patterns when using

 birdshot. The firearm gains a D$ to attack rolls when using birdshot ammunition, but can not use any other type

of shell. If any other type of shell is used in the shotgun, the barrel is completely destroyed, and the user takes

$dH slashing damage. Only &hotguns may use this upgrade.

&hortened 2arrelF2arrelA This replacement barrel is a shortened version of the original barrel, made for a

handgun. The firearm gains a D$ to conceal, but but decreases the handgun's range increment by %LFMultiply

 by .(%, rounded to the nearest ; ft.. The weapon is also unable to take any other barrel upgrades, and all other

 barrel upgrades are removed. Only /andguns may use this upgrade.

&hort 2arrel ifleF2arrelA This upgrade turns a Target ifle, *ssault ifle, 2attle ifle into a &hort 2arreled ifle.

* &hort 2arreled rifle loses );L of it's ange incrementFMultiply the ange increment by .H;, rounded to the

nearest ; ft, but can be used against an ad@acent opponent with any stock for no penalty. Only Target ifles,

2attle ifles and *ssault ifles can use this upgrade.

2ayonet 6ugF2arrelA This upgrade installs a bayonet mount, which can be used to attach a bayonet to fight.

*ttaching or removing the bayonet re"uires )% 0ombat !oints. Only ifles and &hotguns may use this upgrade.

Mu??le 2rakeF2arrelA This accessory attaches to the tip of a firearmBs barrel, providing a D to attack on all

multi5shot attack rolls. The barrel must be threaded in order to use the Mu??le 2rake. It may be removed for )%0ombat !oints.

&uppressorF2arrelA* suppressor is a device attached to or part of the barrel of a firearm to reduce the amount of

noise and flash generated by firing the weapon. :hen the suppressor is attached, each perception check made to

hear this weapon firing suffers a 5)% penalty. This penalty increases to 5); if subsonic ammunition is used.

&uppressors are rated by how many damage dice a caliber has, and by any modifications that the ammunition

makes to those dice damage. * suppressor's level must meet or e-ceed the amount of damage dice it is rated for

in order to suppress the firearm successfully. For e-ample, a level $ suppressor can suppress K-)Kmm, which

uses $d(, and .$$ 6, which uses )d.

0ompensatorF2arrelA * compensator is a weighted attachment that helps offset the recoil when firing multipleshots. It grants a D$ to attack on all multi5shot attack rolls, but a 5$ to all stealth checks made to hide the firearm.

If a firearm has a compensator, it may not be threaded or ported. Only /andguns and Machine5pistols may use

this upgrade.

emovable 0hoke 2arrelF2arrelAThis replacement barrel is threaded for different types of chokes, allowing a

character to change the type of spread by changing out the choke tubes. The 2arrel comes with ; types of choke

tubes, as listed below.

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• 1-tra ull 0hokeA Increases a &hotgun's ange by $% feet when using 2irdshot

• ull 0hokeA Grants a D) to attack rolls and increases a shotgun's range by )% feet when using 2irdshot

• Modified 0hokeA Grants a D$ to *ttack rolls when using 2irdshot

• Improved 0ylinder 0hokeA Grants a D) to *ttack rolls when using 2irdshot or P 2uckshot

• &keet 0hokeA >se any ammunition for no penalty, but decreases a shotgun's range by )% feet.

If any other type of shell is used in the shotgun other than the ammunition listed above, or the shotgun is fired

without a choke, the barrel is completely destroyed, and the user takes $dH slashing damage. 0hanging a choke

cost H 0ombat !oints. Only &hotguns may use this upgrade.

InsertF2arrelA *n insert is a piece of rifled metal, usually steel, that allows the use of smaller caliber ammunition

in a firearm chambered for larger ammunition. They come in various calibers in both reduction and original

calibers. 2elow are the listings for the original calibers, and their available reductions.

)% Gauge

•  $% Gauge

• .; *0!

• . Magnum7. &pecial

• K-)Kmm)$ Gauge

• $% Gauge

• )( Gauge

• .; *0!

• .)% Gauge

• . Magnum7. &pecial

• .;J Magnum7.H &pecial

• K-)Kmm

• .$$ 67.$$ &hort

$% Gauge

.; *0!• .)% Gauge

• . Magnum7. &pecial

• .;J Magnum7.H &pecial

• K-)Kmm

• .$$ 67.$$ &hort

.)% Gauge

• .$$ 67.$$ &hort


• )$ Gauge

Only &ingle and #ouble 2arrel &hotguns, and semi5automatic cylinder firearm may use this upgrade.

&tandard and /igh Quality 1vokalloy barrels F2arrelA These are replacement barrels for the firearm, granting

them a D) cold, fire, concussive, or electric damage bonusF&elected when the upgrade is performed for &tandard

Quality and a D cold, fire, concussive, or electric damage bonusF&elected when the upgrade is performed for

/igh "uality to any round fired through that barrel. or irearms with multiple barrels, all barrels may be

upgraded for the same one time cost, as if it were a single barrel firearm. eplacing a barrel for a handgun or

Machine pistol takes days, replacing a barrel for a ifle, &MG, or Machine gun takes J days, and replacing a

 barrel for a shotgun takes days.

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Only ifles, /andguns, &hotguns, Machine !istols, &MG or Machine Guns may take this upgrade.

!recision 2arrelF2arrelA This barrel is machined to speciali?ations to provide benefit when using standard

ammunition, or match ammunition. It provides a D) *ttack 2onus when using all non5match ammo, and a D$

*ttack bonus when using match grade ammunition. Only ifles, /andguns, &MGs, Machine !istols, and

Machine Guns may use this upgrade.

Optics and Si*hts 7p*rades

Optic MountFrameA The firearm gains an optic upgrade location if it does not have one. * firearm can have no

more than one Optic Mount.

*dvanced 0ombat &ightFOpticsA This accessory combines the benefits of a red dot sight and a R telescopic

sight. :hen using this sight, a character does not suffer the 5 penalty for the first range increment, as would be

on the normal - telescopic sight, and they only must spend combat points to ac"uire their target.

*d@ustable Telescopic &ightFOpticsA This accessory is an ad@ustable telescopic sight, allowing for multiple

magnification levels in a single sight. It is purchasable in a variety of different magnifications. &witching

 between magnification levels cost )$ 0ombat !oints.

#ay73ight &ightFOpticsA This accessory combines the benefits of a night vision sight and a telescopic sight.

&witching between night vision and daytime modes cost )$ 0ombat !oints.

ed #ot &ightFOpticsA This accessory pro@ects an illuminated red dot onto a piece of glass or plastic,

superimposing it over the shooterBs field of vision as he looks through the sight. It visually resembles a laser

sight to the shooter, but no actual dot is pro@ected downrange. * red dot sight grants a D) to all attack rolls made

within the weapon's first ; range increments.

Telescopic &ightFOpticsA * telescopic sight is a sighting device that makes it easier to hit targets at long range.

/owever, although a scope magnifies the image of the target, it has a very limited field of view, making itdifficult to use at close range. The Telescopic sight increases the range increment for a ranged weapon. /owever,

to use a scope a character must spend ( 0ombat !oints ac"uiring their target. If the character changes targets or

otherwise lose sight of the target, they must reac"uire the target to gain the benefit of the scope. *lso, any

character attempting to attack a target within the weapon's first range increment suffers a 5 penalty to their

attack roll, but the second range increment at a D% bonus. &hotguns, machine5pistols, bows, crossbows, and

handguns do not gain the benefit of using any telescopic sight stronger than -, &MG's do not gain the benefit of

using any telescopic sight stronger than (-, and carbine rifles do not gain the benefit from using any telescopic

sight stronger than K-.

S ).;-5-A Multiply range increment by ).$; Founded up to the nearest ;ft

S .)-5(-A Multiply range increment by ).; Founded up to the nearest ;ftS (.)-5K-A Multiply range increment by ).J; Founded up to the nearest ;ft

S K.)-5)$-A Multiply range increment by $ Founded up to the nearest ;ft

S )$.)-5);-A Multiply range increment by $.$; Founded up to the nearest ;ft

S );.)-5)H-A Multiply range increment by $.; Founded up to the nearest ;ft

S )H.)-5$)-A Multiply range increment by $.J; Founded up to the nearest ;ft

S $).)-DA Multiply range increment by Founded up to the nearest ;ft

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Thermal &ightFOpticsA This accessory literally 8sees heat.9 It negates all vision penalties for darkness and smoke

with regard to people, creatures, and ob@ects warmer than the surrounding scenery , but only when looking at

sources of heat ambient or otherwise between (%U and )$%UFoutside this range, everything appears cold

 blue or white hot. urther, a thermal sight cannot register warmth through heat5shielded scenery or through

any scenery over $ inches thick. inally, if the accessory is purchased with magnification, it operates like an

e"uivalent telescopic sight.

3ight <ision &ightFOpticsA 3ight vision optics amplify e-isting low levels of visible and near5infrared light and

convert them to a monochrome visual image. In twilight or brighter lighting conditions, a night vision sight is

useless as the electronics shut down to prevent damage. &o long as at least #im light is available, this accessory

negates the vision penalties applied by low ambient light e-cept B3oneV. The accessory can be purchased with

magnification, operating like an e"uivalent telescopic sight.

&tandard 6aser &ightFOptics7Tactical A This accessory pro@ects a visible5fre"uency laser beam, usually red,

parallel to the weaponBs barrel. It grants a D) to all single shot attack rolls and a D$ to all potshot attack rolls

made against any target within % ft. * laser sight can also be purchased in blue, green, or purple, but these cost

the original wealth point cost D .

Infrared 6aser &ightFOptics7TacticalA This accessory operates like a standard laser sight but pro@ects an infrareddot that cannot be seen by the naked eye, visible only with night5vision e"uipment. It grants a D) to all single

shot and potshot attack rolls made against any target within )$% ft.

Multi5Mode 6aser &ightFOptics7TacticalA This accessory combines a standard laser sight and an I laser sight in

one housing. &witching between modes re"uires $ 0ombat !oints.

Ghost ing &ightFOpticsA This accessory is a tube ranging from N( cm long, with the post mounted at the inside

end of the tube, or a ring on the optics mount still utili?ing the standard end sight. It reduces the range

increment of the weapon by $;LFMultiply by .J;, rounded to the nearest ;ft, but grants a D$ to all attack rolls

made within the weapon's first range increments.

/igh <isibility &ightsFrame5 These are sighs with a built in glowing insert, usually trinium, that allow sight

ac"uisition even in ?ero light. This upgrade reduces all concealment due to darkness by );L

0anted &ightsFTactical5 These are sighs that are at a ; degree cant, allowing for a weapon with a telescopic

sight to be used with it's iron sights. :hen using these sights, the weapon can use it's standard range even if it

has a telescopic sight, but using these sights grants a 5)% ft range penalty on any weapon they are attached to.

Only Machine pistols, &MGs, ifles, &hotguns, and Machine Guns.

illflashF3one5 This is an adapter for telescopic sights that makes it more difficult to detect telescopic sights

due to the reflection from the glass in any telescopic sight. :hen installed, it grants a D$ bonus to all &tealth

0hecks to hide any weapon with a telescopic sight. This upgrade is installed on any telescopic sight.

(r*onomics and Aesthetic 7p*rades

0ustom GripFrameA The weaponBs grip is fitted to a mold of the wielderBs hand, granting him a D) to all attack

rolls made with the weapon. *nyone else who tries to use the weapon suffers a 5$ attack penalty to their attack

rolls. Only /andguns may use this upgrade

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Grip &ightFrameA This upgrade is a laser sight built into the grip of the weapon, forgoing the e-tra bulk of a

normal laser sight, but at a higher cost. It grants a D) to all single shot attack rolls made against any target within

% ft. * grip sight can also be purchased in blue, green, or purple, but these cost the original wealth point cost D

(. Only /andguns may use this upgrade

#etailingFrameA This upgrade gives the weapon an engraved or a precious metal inlay, granting its wielder a

D) bonus to all !resence checks while the target has line of sight to it. This upgrade also increases the weapon's

worth by J;LFMultiply the weapon's wealth point cost by ).J;, rounded up to the nearest full point The

weapon loses this "uality if it suffers any damage. Fthough it may be restored by repairing it with a successful

0raftFMechanical check.

inishFrameA This upgrade changes the finish to either bluedF* dark finish, chromeF* shiny, light finish,

0amouflageF:oodland, #esert, or :inter, or ainbowF*ny color not black, chrome or camo pattern. To

change the finish of the gun to a 0amouflage color, it cost the original wealth point cost of the upgrade D (.

:hen used in the appropriate setting, 0amouflage gives a D) to all stealth checks for all large and larger

firearms. 0hanging the finish does not use any upgrade points.

2ipodFTactical7rame A * bipod gives a weapon additional stability and, under the right circumstances,

improves aim. To use a bipod, a character must be able to place it on a solid surface at roughly shoulder height.The most common method of using a bipod is to fire from the prone position, so that the user's shoulder, like the

weapon and the bipod, is close to the ground. /owever, a weapon with a bipod can be used from a crouched or

even standing position if the bipod is set on a wall or table. Only 6arge or larger weapons can benefit from a

 bipod. * bipod used with a 6arge weapon grants the user a D) bonus on all attack rolls. *ny /uge or larger

weapon must be used with a bipod or other type of mount. 2ecause the bipod or mount is a necessary and

standard part of such a weaponBs support, it does not grant the D) bonus on attack rolls that a bipod provides

when it is used with a 6arge weapon. Most bipods can be folded up for ease of transport. #eploying a folded

 bipod cost ) 0ombat !oint.

1rgonomic &tockFrameA This upgrade is usually seen on sniper rifles and competition shotguns. It re"uires

precise measurements of the intended wielderBs upper bodyF:hich takes )d days to ac"uire to ensure that thegun perfectly matches his shooting posture. It grants the intended wielder a D bonus with all single shot attack

rolls made using the firearm, as well as decreases the 0ombat !oint cost to perform a single shot attack by ).

*nyone else who tries to use the weapon suffers a 5 e"uipment penalty with his attack checks. :hen a medium

or smaller weapon is upgraded with a stock, it's si?e rating increases to large. * weapon can only have one stock

upgrade at one time. Only ifles, &MGs, Machine !istols, &hotguns, and Machine Guns may use this upgrade.

i-ed &tockFrameA This upgrade gives the weapon a fi-ed stock that increases accuracy and while allowing the

stock to be used as a secondary weapon. It grants a D) to all multi5shot attacks and decreases the 0ombat !oint

cost to perform a single shot attack by ). :hen a medium or smaller weapon is upgraded with a stock, it's si?e

rating increases to large. * weapon can only have one stock upgrade at one time. Only ifles, &MGs, Machine

!istols, &hotguns, and Machine Guns may use this upgrade.

!istol GripFrameAThis upgrade removes the stock and gives the weapon a pistol like grip that allows the

weapon to be more concealable, but at a loss of accuracy. It grants a D to &tealth 0hecks to hide it and imparts a

5 penalty to attack rolls, but takes no penalties when fighting an ad@acent enemy. * pistol grip may not be used

to rifle butt. This upgrade is considered a stock upgrade, and a weapon can only have one stock upgrade at one

time. Only ifles, &MGs, &hotguns, and Machine Guns may use this upgrade.

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olding &tockFrameA This upgrade gives the weapon a collapsible stock that increases accuracy while allowing

the stock to be folded up for "uick carry. :hen the stock is e-tended, it gives a D) to all multi5shot attacks and

decreases the 0ombat !oint cost to perform a single shot attack by ). * folding stock may not be used to rifle

 butt. :hen it is folded, it grants a D) to &tealth checks to hide it, and the weapon's si?e rating goes back to it's

normal si?e rating. :hen a medium or smaller weapon is upgraded with a stock, it's si?e rating increases to

large. * weapon can only have one stock upgrade at one time. Only ifles, &MGs, Machine !istols, &hotguns,

and Machine Guns may use this upgrade.

&ynthetic &tockFrameA This upgrade gives the weapon a synthetic stock that increases accuracy while saving on

weight. It grants a D) attack bonus to all multi5shot attacks, decreases the 0ombat !oint cost to perform a single

shot attack by $, and it's weight decreases by %LFmultiply by .J%. * synthetic stock may not be used to rifle

 butt. :hen a medium or smaller weapon is upgraded with a stock, it's si?e rating increases to large. * weapon

can only have one stock upgrade at one time. Only ifles, &MGs, Machine !istols, &hotguns, and Machine Guns

may use this upgrade.

2uffer &tockFrameA This upgrade gives the weapon a stock with a recoil tube spring, which allows for severely

reduced recoil, when firing multiple rounds. It grants a D attack bonus to all multi5shot attacks. * buffer stock

may not be used to rifle butt. :hen a medium or smaller weapon is upgraded with a stock, it's si?e rating

increases to large. * weapon can only have one stock upgrade at one time. Only ifles, &MGs, Machine !istols,&hotguns, and Machine Guns may use this upgrade.

2umpfire &tockFrameA This upgrade gives the weapon a stock that recesses back as the user fires, which allows

for more control while bumpfiring. It grants a D to all bumpfire attack rolls, but a 5$ penalty to all single shot

and double tap attack rolls. * bumpfire stock may not be used to rifle butt. :hen a medium or smaller weapon

is upgraded with a stock, it's si?e rating increases to large. * weapon can only have one stock upgrade at one

time. Only ifles, Machine pistols, and &hotguns may use this upgrade.

#etachable &tockFrameAThis upgrade gives the weapon a stock that may be removed from weapon. :hen

attached, it gives a D) to all multi5shot attacks and decreases the 0ombat !oint cost to perform a single shot

attack by ). * detachable stock may only be attached to the weapon it was designed for. :hen attached to aweapon, it always increases the si?e rating of the weapon by one si?e category. * detachable stock may not be

used to rifle butt. *ttaching or removing a detachable stock cost ( 0ombat !oints. :hen a medium or smaller

weapon is upgraded with a stock, it's si?e rating increases to large. * weapon can only have one stock upgrade

at one time. Only handguns and machine pistols may use this upgrade.

Integral &tockFrameA This upgrade gives the weapon a stock built into the weapon, minimi?ing the space it

takes up, but still allowing for a balancing stock to be pulled out if needed to be used. :hen the stock is

e-tended, it gives a D) to all multi5shot attacks and decreases the 0ombat !oint cost to perform a single shot

attack by ). *n integral stock may not be used to rifle butt. :hen it is recessed, a weapon is considered medium

si?ed. :hen a medium or smaller weapon is upgraded with a stock, it's si?e rating increases to large. * weapon

can only have one stock upgrade at one time. Only /andguns, &MGs, and Machine !istols may use this


&peedfeed &tockFrameA This upgrade gives the weapon a stock with built in shell holders. It grants a D) attack

 bonus to all multi5shot attacks, decreases the 0ombat !oint cost to perform a single shot attack by ), and stores

shells for use without reaching into a pack to retrieve ammunition. * speedfeed stock may not be used to rifle

 butt. :hen a medium or smaller weapon is upgraded with a stock, it's si?e rating increases to large. * weapon

can only have one stock upgrade at one time. Only &hotguns may use this upgrade.

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2uttpadA This upgrade adds a soft padding to the butt of a stock of a weapon, to give increased recoil control.

This upgrade gives a D) attack bonus when #ouble5tapping, &lamfiring, or 2urst5firing. * buttpad can only be

attached to a stock, and if the stock is removed, the buttpad is as well.

&haped 1mitterF1mitterA This >pgrade changes all blast that are fired from the plasarm's emitter from a simple

shapeless blob of plasma into a shaped blast, such as a s"uare, triangle, skull outline, or any simple shape the

user would like. This is purely an ascetic change and does not affect any attack types, damages, or other

functions of the plasarm. Only plasarms may take this upgrade.

0olored 1mitterF1mitterA This upgrade changes all blast that are fired from the plasarm's emitter to any color.

The user may select any color possible by entering the G2 values, and can even alternate it based on things

such as time, any interfaced valueFor e-ample, current core /!, or even have the color be selected at random.

This is purely an ascetic change and does not affect any attack types, damages, or other functions of the plasarm.

Only plasarms may take this upgrade.

uggedi?ationFrameA This upgrade replaces the plasarm's outer shell with a sturdy metal shell with a central

spine, that increases the weight by ).;FMultiply the !lasarm's weight by ).;, and grants the plasarm the ability

to use the pistol whip attack without damage. Only plasarms and 6asarms may take this upgrade.

Firin* Mode 7p*rades

ull *uto ModificationFrameA This upgrade allows the weapon to fire in ull *uto mode, but because the

weapon was not originally engineered to take the stress of automatic fire, the weapon's error range increases by

$%L, and the weapon loses the ability to fire in single shot mode. This upgrade is also highly illegal without

proper licenses, and may cause an investigation if the police hear of the weaponBs conversion.

ull *uto >pgradeFrameAThis upgrade allows the weapon to fire in ull *uto mode, fitting it with parts

designed to take the stress of automatic fire, as well as retaining the ability to fire in single shot mode or burst

fire mode. This upgrade is also highly illegal without proper licenses, and may cause an investigation if the

police hear of the weaponBs conversion.

2urst ire >pgradeFrameAThis upgrade allows the weapon to fire in three or two round burst fire mode, fitting

it with parts designed to take the stress of automatic fire, as well as retaining the ability to fire in single shot

mode or full auto mode. This upgrade is also highly illegal without proper licenses, and may cause an

investigation if the police hear of the weaponBs conversion.

&lam ire ModificationFrameAThis upgrade removes the trigger disconnect of a pump action firearm, allowing

the weapon to fire in slam fire mode, as well as increasing the weapon's error range by );L.

&ingle *ction ModificationFrameA This upgrade turns a &emi5automatic revolver into a single action only

revolver, granting a D) to all fanning attacks, but removing the ability to perform double tap attacks. Onlyevolvers may use this upgrade.

!ower 0onserve 1mitterF1mitterA This >pgrade grants the built in emitter on a plasarm the ablity to fire low

power semi5automatic plasma shots. :hen performing a single shot, or a potshot attack with the plasarm, the

heat cost is reduced by ), but the damage die is also decreased by ). Only plasarms may take this upgrade.

0harge 1mitterF1mitterA This upgrade grants the built in emitter on a plasarm or lasarm the ability to charge

shots as well as upgrades the surrounding coverage to sustain the increased heat due to charging, This upgrade

grants the plasarm the ability to perform chargeshot attacks. Only plasarms or lasarms may take this upgrade.

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:ave 1mitterF1mitterA This upgrade grants the built in emitter on a plasarm the ability to fire in a constant

stream pattern, granting the plasarm the ability to perform waveshot attacks. Only plasarms may take this


2ounce 1mitterF1mitterA This upgrade grants the built in emitter on a plasarm the ability to fire bounce shots,

which are shots that have been wrapped in a thin force field, allowing them to bounce off an ob@ect and continue

on. This grants the plasarm the ability to perform bounceshot attacks. Only plasarms may take this upgrade.

Grid 1mitterF1mitterA This upgrade grants the built in emitter on a plasarm or lasarm the ability to fire shots of

in a rapid grid, covering an area in inaccurate, but powerful plasma or laser fire. This grants the plasarm the

ability to perform gridfire attacks. Only plasarms or lasarms may take this upgrade.

&tun 1mitterF1mitterA This upgrade grants the built in emitter on a plasarm the ability to fire weakened plasma

 bolts that stun, rather than kill. :hen this mode is used, the damage is reduced to )d( non5lethal damage. :hen

using this mode, the plasarm may only perform singe shot, and potshot attacks. Only plasarms may take this


1-tended ange 1mitterF1mitterA This upgrade e-tends the range of the built in emitter of a plasarm, but causes

the emitter to use more heat as a downside. :hen using this mode, the range of a single shot attack or potshotattack is doubledFmultiply the base ange Increment of the plasarm by $, rounded up, but the shot has four

times the heat costFmultiply the heat cost by .

!ulse 1mitterF1mitterA This upgrade grants the built in emitter on the plasarm or lasarm the ability to fire shots

in a "uick, automatic succession, in a pulse pattern. This grants the plasarm the ability to perform pulsefire


ocus 1mitterF1mitterAThis upgrade grants the built in emitter on the lasarm the ability to be held on a singular

target, burning a hole via maintained heat. This grants the lasarm the ability to perform focusshot attacks.

&cour 1mitterF1mitterA This upgrade grants the built in emitter of the lasarm the ability to fan it's lasers out,

creating a searing fan of energy for a short period of time. This grants the lasarm the ability to perform scourshotattacks.

Internal 7p*rades

!recision >pgradeFrameA These upgrades improve the weapon's accuracy by competitive degrees. 1ach

upgrade has the following effects.

S If the weapon has an error range from manufacturing or modification, it becomes mastercraft D) firearm

S If the weapon doesn't have an error range from manufacturing or modification , it becomes a mastercraft

D$ firearm

S If the weapon is considered mastercraft D) or D$ , it becomes a grandmastercraft D firearm

0lockwork *ctionFrameA This upgrade completely tears down and e-amines the gunBs inner workings,

reconditioning and replacing any parts as necessary, and treating the weapon for durability and resilience. The

weapon's error range is removed for the error range due to the manufacture or modification of the weapon.

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&awed5OffFrame and 2arrelA * shotgun may be cut down to one of the following lengths.

S 0ombat 0ut F$%5)H.; in.A The weaponBs range increment decreases by ; ft. and it does not take the

ranged penalty when fighting an ad@acent opponent.

S 0oach Gun F(5)$ in.A The weaponBs range increment decreases by )% ft. and it gains a D$ to &tealth

checks to hide it.

S #own to the 3ub F( in. standard minimumA The weaponBs range increment decreases by

halfFrounded down, minimum )% ft., its si?e becomes medium, its weight decreases by %L FMultiply by .(%,

rounded down, and it gains a 5$ penalty to attack rolls. If a shotgun is a semi5automatic or pump action with an

internal maga?ine, it's capacity decreases by ;%LFMultiply by .;%, rounded down. Only &emi5*utomatic, !ump

action, &ingle or #oublefire shotguns may use this upgrade.

S 3ebraska Fless than ( in. of barrel and a pistol gripAThe weapon's range increment decreases to ; ft., its

si?e becomes small, its weight decreases by (%L FMultiply by .%, rounded down, and it gains a 5 penalty to

attack rolls. Only shotguns with single or doublefire may use this upgrade.

Tightened #rawstringFrameA This upgrade makes the drawstring of a bow stronger, giving it more damaging

power. :hen calculating damage for the upgraded bow, use the character's strength power modifier $. Only

 bows may accept this upgrade.

eactive adiatorFrameA This upgrade improves the internal radiator for plasarms and lasarms, increasing it'sheat rating by $;LFMultiply the heat rating by ).$;, rounded up per upgrade. This upgrade can be placed twice

in a single plasarm or lasarm.

Tactical 7p*rades

1-tra ailFrameA The firearm gains ) additional tactical rail upgrade location. 3o firearm may possess more

than tactical rail locations.

Taser MountFTacticalA This accessory is M$( Taser that attaches to the bottom rail of a rifle's tactical rail, much

like a grenade launcher, and is used similarly to one. It may be attached, or removed with )$ 0ombat !oints.

Only ifles and &MGs may use this upgrade.

Master ey &ystemFTacticalAThis accessory is a shortened emington HJ% 1-press shotgun, that attaches to the

 bottom rail of a rifle's tactical rail, much like a grenade launcher. It may be attached, or removed with )$ 0ombat

!oints. The masterkey has an internal maga?ine of , a range increment of $% ft, uses )$ Gauge shells and does

not gain error range due to ammunition. Only ifles and &MGs may use this upgrade.

M$( Modular *ccessory &hotgun &ystemFTacticalAThis accessory is a stand alone bolt action shotgun, that

attaches to the bottom rail of a rifle's tactical rail, much like a grenade launcher. It may be attached, or removed

with)$ 0ombat !oints. The M$( has a bo- maga?ine of either or ; roundsF!ricing above, a range increment of

$% ft, uses )$ Gauge shells and does not gain error range due to ammunition. Only ifles and &MGs may use this


!atrol &lingFrameA This item allows the wielder to hang a weapon from his shoulder, allowing him the use of

his hands without setting it down. The weapon is considered holstered, when hanging off of the wielder's

shoulder. Only &hotguns, ifles, &MGs, and Machine Guns may use this upgrade.

&hotgun &lingFrameA This item works @ust as a patrol sling does, but also holds ); shotgun shells as well, which

are considered ready. Only &hotguns may use this upgrade. >sing a shotgun sling negates the necessity to reach

into a pack to retrieve ammunition.

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Tactical &lingFrameA This item holds a firearm across the wearerBs body, keeping its grip within a foot of his

normal hand position. The wielder is always considered armed with the weapon, but it cannot be concealed.

Only &hotguns, ifles, &MGs, and Machine Guns may use this upgrade.

&hotshell /olderFrame7TacticalA This accessory mounts on the frame or tactical mount of a shotgun, to hold

shells for "uick use. It can hold up to ( shells of it's caliber.

&ecure50lipFrameA * &ecure50lip is a metal clip mounted on the frame of a handgun, allowing for Me-ican

carry without worrying about the firearm falling out from rough movement. :hile using a &ecure50lip, a

character does not have to roll a refle- save to catch their firearm while Me-ican carrying it. Only &mall or

smaller firearms may use this upgrade.

0artridge /olderFrame7TacticalA This accessory mounts on the frame or tactical mount of a ifle, 0arbine, or

&MG, to hold cartridges for "uick use. It can hold up to )% cartridges of it's caliber.

Tactical lashlightFTactical7OpticsA This accessory pro@ects light out to $% ft. in front of the firearm. &witching the

light on or off cost ) 0ombat !oint. It can also be purchased with infrared, or ultraviolet modes, at D; to the

:ealth !oint cost per e-tra mode.

<ertical oregripFrame7TacticalA This accessory offers a shooter more leverage than a standard rifle or &MG

foregrip. It grants a D) to all multi5shot attacks. Only ifles, &hotguns, &MGs, Machine !istols, and Machine guns

may use this upgrade.

6anyardFrameA This accessory is a coiled lanyard for handguns, that allows a character to always keep their

handgun within reach if it's dropped. The lanyard can stretch a ma-imum of ; feet from the person or ob@ect it's

attached to, and can be used to retrieve or pull back the pistol if it's dropped, without dropping to kneeling or

prone to pick it up. Only /andguns and Machine !istols may use this upgrade.

/andgun MountFrame for the /andgun, Tactical for the ifleA This accessory is a mount for a handgun to

mount it on one of the tactical rails of a rifle. It allows for doublefire attacks. Mounting a handgun on the mountcost ) 0ombat !oints. Only ifles may use this upgrade, and only handguns may be mounted.

!istol 2ayonetFTacticalA This accessory is an escape knife attached to the tactical rail of a handgun. It may be

removed or attached for $ combat points, or used while still attached to the gun. Only /andguns may use this


Maga?ine oregripFTacticalA This accessory fits the tactical rail with a clip that may be slipped on and off,

allowing the shooter to use a handgun maga?ine as a vertical fore grip, giving a shooter more leverage.

*ttaching a maga?ine from or to the grip cost J combat points. :hen a maga?ine is attached, it grants a D) to all

multi5shot attacks. Only /andguns and Machine !istols may use this upgrade.

Glow 1mitterFTactical71mitterA This upgrade is a small plasma light, that when turned on, glows the same color

as the emitter of the plasarm, illuminating a ); foot radius from the emitter. It also comes in tactical form, that

can be mounted on tactical upgrade mounts. If the tactical upgrade is selected, a color must be specified.

*rc 1mitterF1mitterA This upgrade grants a plasarm the ablity to arc and create a small length of plasma that

arcs from the emitter, functioning as a bayonet. The plasarm may be used as a melee weaponF0onsidered an

1-otic Melee :eapon, with damage e"ual to it's normal attack damage. The si?e rating of the plasarm does not

change while it is being used as a melee weapon, and it incurs any bonuses or penalties when being used as

such. The plasarm uses $ /eat ating for every turn this upgrade is activated.

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0oolant lushFrameA This upgrade fits a second coolant pack that functions as an emergency coolant dump.

:hen the user presses a buttonFor ) 0!, this coolant pack is ruptured by this upgrade, the free?ing cold li"uid

nitrogen funneled into the core parts, immediately cooling the gun down. :hen this upgrade is used, all heat on

the plasarm or lasarm is removed immediately. This function, however, destroys the coolant pack in the process,

making it unable to be reused. Only !lasarms and 6asarms may use this upgrade.

eserve !acksFrameA This >pgrade &tores an additional coolant pack within the weapon. :hen the first pack

reaches it's ma-imum heat intake, this upgrade automatically e@ects the hot coolant pack, and routes heat to the

reserve pack. eserve packs must be e-changed @ust like all other coolant packs. This upgrade can be taken

multiple times, each upgrade granting an additional pack.

*mmunition eadoutFrameA This >pgrade shows the remaining ammunition in a firearm, or the remaining

/eat ating in a plasarm or lasarm on a small, easy to read screen.

Ammunition 7p*rades

Overpressure A This ammunition upgrade loads the ammunition to a higher internal pressure than standard for

the ammunition of it's caliber. It provides a D( damage bonus and a D$%L error range, but if a firearm @ams from

the error range, it e-plodes, causing )d( slashing damage, and completely destroys the firearm. This affects all

firearms, including revolvers, unless otherwise noted. *ny cased ammunition may be over5pressured.

&ubsonic A This ammunition upgrade loads the ammunition with a reduced propellant charge so that the bullets

do not e-ceed the speed of sound. It provides 5; damage penalty , a D; to the !erception #0 when used with a

suppressor, and a D$;L error range. *ny cased ammunition may be &ubsonic.

6inkedA This ammunition upgrade links ammunition to be fired by weapons that used linked ammunition. *ny

0ased ammo may be linked. The price listed is for )%% rounds of any ammunition.

&ilverA This ammunition upgrade recast the bullet or coats the arrowhead with a layer of alchemical silver, or

replaces the shot with silver pellets or a silver slug, which may affect certain creatures, and provoke folklore.

1vokalloyed *mmunition A This ammunition upgrade replaces the arrowhead or crossbow bolt head with

standard "uality evokalloy, granting them a D) cold, fire, concussive, or electric damage bonusF&elected when

the upgrade is performed. Only 0rossbow 2olts and *rrows may use this upgrade.

1nchanted *mmunitionA This ammunition has been enchanted by a professional enchanting mage, and is being

sold either in a store on the shelf, or has been brought to a mage to be enchanted. Mages charge by how comple-

the spell is, how many spellschools are used, and how much the original ammunition cost. The cost for

enchanting a bo- of ammunition is the cost of the ammunition, plus ) :! per $ spell points, multiplied by how

many spell schools are used, not including the 1nchantment &pellschool. *ny timed effects on the enchanted

weapons start as soon as the character receives the enchanted ammunition.

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)ble: .nged 0epon (pgrdes

(pgrde A/ilble +or Loction 0elth Point


)ime 0eight .estrictions

Brrel (pgrdes



*ny irearm 2arrel ); ) hour &ee Te-t 3one

/eavy 2arrel *ny ifle or

Machine Gun

2arrel H ) hour &ee Te-t 3one

!orted 2arrel *ny irearm 2arrel $ hours 37a 3one



*ny ifle,



!istol, or &MG

2arrel )% ) hour 37a estricted

Match 2arrel *ny /andgun

ifle, &MG or

Machine Gun

2arrel $% ) day 37a 3one

&traight 2arrel *ny &hotgun 2arrel % minutes 37a 3one

&lug 2arrel *ny &hotgun 2arrel ; % minutes 37a 3one

0hoked 2arrel *ny &hotgun 2arrel ; % minutes 37a 3one



*ny /andgun

or Machine


2arrel ); minutes 37a 3one

&hort 2arrel


Target ifles,

2attle ifles,

and *ssault


2arrel $( ) week 37a estricted

2ayonet 6ug *ny ifle or


2arrel ) $ hours 37a 3one

Mu??le 2rake *ny irearm 2arrel )$ )$ 0ombat


)( o?. 3one

&uppressor *ny ifle,



Machine Gun,

&hotgun, or



2arrel J per level )$ 0ombat


)( o?. estricted

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0ompensator *ny /andgun

or Machine


2arrel K hours )% o?. 3one


0hoke 2arrel

*ny &hotgun 2arrel )) % minutes 37a 3one

Inserts *ny &ingle or

#ouble barrel

shotgun, or





2arrel ) per Insert ) 0ombat


37a 3one





*ny ifle,




!istol, &MG or

Machine Gun

2arrel )%%L of the

irearm's cost

&ee Te-t 37a 3one

/igh Quality



*ny ifle,




!istol, &MG or

Machine Gun

2arrel );%L of the

irearm's 0ost

&ee Te-t 37a 3one





ifle, &MG,

Machine!istol, or

Machine Gun

2arrel ); ) #ay 37a 3one

!ptics nd Sight (pgrdes

Optic Mount *ny irearm rame $ % minutes 37a 3one


0ombat &ight

*ny anged


Optics ;% % minutes $ o?. 3one



*ny anged


Optics )% per


% minutes $ o? 3one



*ny anged


Optics % minutes

).;-5- );% $ o?. 3one

.)-5(- $%% $ o?. 3one

(.)-5K- $;% $ o?. 3one

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ed #ot &ight *ny anged


Optics )$ % minutes ) o?. 3one



*ny anged


Optics % minutes

).;-5- ) o?. 3one

.)-5(- H )( o?. 3one

(.)-5K- )$ )H o?. 3one

K.)-5)$- )( $% o?. 3one

)$.)-5);- $% $$ o?. 3one

);.;-5)H- $ $ o?. 3one

)H.;-5$)- $H $( o?. 3one

$).)-D $ $H o?. 3one

Thermal &ight *ny anged


Optics % Minutes

3one $% H o?. 3one

).;-5- $% ( o?. 3one

3ight <ision


*ny anged


Optics % minutes

3one )%% $ o?. 3one

).;-5- );% o?. 3one

.)-5(- $%% ( o?. 3one

&tandard6aser &ight

*ny anged:eapon


% minutes $ o?. 3one

Infrared 6aser


*ny anged




$H % minutes H o?. 3one


6aser &ight

*ny anged




$ % minutes )% o?. 3one

Ghost ing


*ny anged


Optics $% minutes o?. 3one

/igh <isibility


*ny irearm rame ) /ours 37a 3one

/igh <isibility


*ny ifle,




pistol, or

Machine Gun

Tactical )% ; minutes 37a 3one

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illflash *ny weapon

with a



3one ) minute 37a 3one

$rgonomics nd Aesthetic (pgrdes

0ustom Grip *ny /andgun rame )$ H hours 37a 3one

Grip &ight *ny /andgun rame )% $% Minutes 37a 3one

#etailing *ny anged


rame J%L of the

weapon's cost

) week 37a 3one

inish *ny anged


rame ; hours 37a 3one

2ipod *ny Medium

or larger







$; minutes

; minutes

$ o?. 3one


*ny ifle,&hotgun,


!istol, or &MG

rame ;% days 37a 3one

i-ed &tock *ny ifle,




!istol, or

Machine Gun

rame % minutes $ o?. 3one

!istol Grip *ny ifle,&hotgun,

&MG , or

Machine Gun

rame ) % minutes H o?. 3one

olding &tock *ny ifle,




!istol, or

Machine Gun

rame ( % minutes $ o?. 3one



*ny ifle,



!istol, or

Machine Gun

rame ) % minutes )( o?. 3one

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2uffer &tock *ny ifle,




!istol, or

Machine Gun

rame $% % minutes $ o?. 3one


*ny ifle,&hotgun, or



rame )J % Minutes $ o?. 3one



*ny /andgun

or Machine


rame ; ) day )H o?. estricted

Integral &tock *ny /andgun

and Machine


rame ( $ /ours )( o?. 3one



*ny &hotgun rame ; % Minutes $H o?. 3one

2uttpad *ny :eapon

with a stock

rame ( ; minutes 37a 3one



*ny !lasarm 1mitter ; ) /our 37a 3one



*ny !lasarm 1mitter ( ) /our 37a 3one

uggedi?ation *ny !lasarmor 6asarm rame ); H /ours &ee Te-t 3one

#iring Mode (pgrdes

ull *uto


*ny &emi5



rame % $ days 37a Illegal

ull *uto


*ny &emi5



rame (% days 37a Military and


2urst ire


*ny &emi5

*utomatic or




rame ;; days 37a Military and


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*ny !ump



rame ; days 37a 3one

&ingle *ction


*ny semi5



rame ; days 37a 3one




*ny small or



1mitter ; ) /our 37a 6icensed



*ny !lasarm

or 6asarm

1mitter ( ) /our 37a 6icensed

:ave 1mitter *ny small or



1mitter H ) /our 37a Military and



*ny !lasarm 1mitter )% ) /our 37a 6icensed

Grid 1mitter *ny small or


!lasarm or


1mitter )$ ) /our 37a Military and


&tun 1mitter *ny !lasarm 1mitter ) /our 37a 6icensed


ange 1mitter

*ny small or


1mitter ); ) /our 37a 6icensed

!ulse 1mitter *ny small or


!lasarm or


1mitter )% ) /our 37a Military and


ocus 1mitter *ny small or

larger 6asarm

1mitter )$ ) /our 37a Military and


&cour 1mitter *ny small or

larger 6asarm

1mitter ); ) /our 37a 6icensed

*nternl (pgrdes



*ny anged


rame $; $ weeks 37a 3one



*ny irearm rame )J $ days 37a 3one

&awed5off &hotguns

F&ee te-t

rame 3one ; minutes 37a estricted

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2ows rame ; minutes 37a 3one



*ny !lasarm

or 6asarm

rame $$ /ours 37a 3one

)cticl (pgrdes

1-tra ail *ny irearm rame $ $ hours 37a 3one

Taser Mount *ny ifle or


Tactical )H )$ 0ombat


) o?. estricted



*ny ifle or


Tactical ); )$ 0ombat


;% o?. estricted

M$( M*&& *ny ifle or


Tactical $$ )$ combat


o?. estricted

!atrol &ling *ny ifle,



or MachineGun

rame ) ; minutes ; o?. 3one

&hotgun &ling *ny &hotgun rame ; minutes )% o?. 3one

&ecure50lip *ny &mall or



rame $ $; minutes ) o?. 3one

Tactical &ling *ny ifle,



or Machine


rame ; minutes H o?. 3one



*ny &hotgun rame



)% minutes o?. 3one



*ny ifle rame



)% minutes o?. 3one



*ny anged




) ; minutes K o?. 3one



*ny Medium

or larger






; minutes

)% minutes

H o?. 3one

6anyard *ny /andgun

or Machine


rame ) )% Minutes $ o?. 3one



&ee Te-t &ee Te-t $% )% Minutes o?. 3one

!istol 2ayonet *ny /andgun Tactical )% )$ 0ombat


H o?. 3one

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*ny /andgun

or Machine


Tactical H ; Minutes 37a 3one

Glow 1mitter *ny anged






; Minutes

) Minute

37a 3one

*rc 1mitter *ny small or



1mitter )H ) /our 37a 3one

0oolant lush *ny !lasarm

or 6asarm

rame ) /ours )( o?. 3one

eserve !acks *ny !lasarm

or 6asarm

rame $% $ /ours $ o?. 3one



*ny anged


rame )$ ) /our )$ o?. 3one

)ble: Ammunition (pgrde

)ype A/ilble +or 0elth Point1ost

)ime .estrictions

Overpressure *ny 0ased *mmunition ) per bullets )% Minutes

per bullet


&ubsonic *ny 0ased *mmunition ) per )%


)% Minutes

per bullet


6inked *ny 0ased *mmunition $ per )%%


% Minutes 3one

&ilver *ny *mmunition ) per ( bullets) per $ shells

) per )%

arrows or

crossbow bolts

$% Minutesper bullet or


; minutes per

arrow or

crossbow bolt




0rossbow 2olts and *rrows ) per ; arrows

or crossbow


); minutes

per arrow or

crossbow bolt




*ny 0ased or &helled


F0ost of ammo

D ) :! per $

&! 3umber

of spell

schools used

&ee &pell

!oints Time

0ost Table


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)ble: Dmge Per 1liber

Dmge 1liber

) .) imfire

)d$ .$$ &hort

)d .$; *0!

$d .$ imfire, .) 2all

$dD .$$ T0M

(dD$ .;% GI

)d .$$ 6, .H 6ong 0olt

)dD$ .)J /M, J.(;mm 6ongue

)dD .H7$%%, .H &E:

$d .H% *0!7K-)Jmm ur?, .( 2all, H-$$mm 3ambu

$dD) K-)Hmm !M, .H &pecial

$dD$ .$$ :M, ;.J-$Hmm 3, .(-% /, .J( 1nfield

$dD .; &E:

d .% &E:

dD) .) 6ong 0olt, .;; :ebley,

dD$ .; *0!, .; G*!

dD .;J Magnum

dD .H &uper

d ;.;-Kmm7.$) ussian, ;.H-$ 0hinese, (.;-;%mm *risaka

dD K-Kmm

;d ;.;(-;mm 3*TO7.$$ emington

;dD$ (mm 6ee 3avy

(d (.Hmm emington &!0

)d( .$ *0!

)d(D$ . *merican, Kmm 4apanese evolver

)d(D . ussian

)d(D . &pecial, J.(mm Mannlicher

)d(D; .H :inchester

$d( K-)Kmm7Kmm 6uger, .)J emington, . 2all

$d(D) .; 6ong 0olt, .$J Magnum

$d(D$ .;J &IG

$d(D K-$mm &teyr

$d(D )%mm *uto

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d( . Magnum, .)% Ga., . /enry

d(D) .% 0arbine, .; :inchester Magnum

d(D$ .; 0asull, .;% *ction 1-press

d(D; .J; :ildey Magnum

d( $% Ga., .%% 2lackout

d(D) .%5% :inchester, (.;mm Grendel

d(D$ J.($-Kmm M7.% ussian, .$ :inchester, .;%% :1

d(D )( Ga.

d(D J.;-;mm rench

;d( J.($-;)mm7.%H :inchester, )$ Ga.

;d(D) Hmm 6ebel

;d(D$ J.($-;mm, J-;Jmm Mauser

;d(D .% 2ritish

;d(D .%5% rag, J.J-;Hmm *risaka, .;%% &E: &pecial

;d(D; H-;Jmm Mauser

(d( .%5%( &pringfield, )% Ga.

Jd( .%% :inchester Magnum, .;%% &E: Magnum

)dHD$ J.($-Hmm 3agant

$dH J.(-$;mm Mauser, .;$ 2all

$dHD$ J.($-$;mm Tokarev

dH J.K$-mm ur?, .J; 2all

JdH .H 6apua Magnum, J.K$-Kmm

$d)% .;H Minnie 2all

)%dH .;% 2MG7)$.J-KKmm, )$.J-)%Hmm

)$dH ).K-KKmm2

)d)% .$ :0

)d)%D$ . :0

$d)% .;H Minne 2all

$d)%D; ;(5;( &pencer

d)% .;5J% Government

d)%D; .;%5J% Government

)%d)% ).;-))mm

)$d)% $%-)$mm, $%-)%;mm, $%-)%$mm

)d)$D( .$H 0aseless

$d)$DH .% 0aseless

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d)$ .;H &O0OM

d)$D .$% /i5<elo 0aseless

)ble: Dmge Per 0ttge

Dmge 0ttge

)dH5$ )% k:

)dH ); k:

)dHD) $; k:

$dH ; k:

$dHD) % k:

$dHD$ ; k:

dH ;% k:

dHD$ (; k:

dHD J; k:

dH K% k:

dHD$ )%% k:

dHD )$% k:

;dH ); k:

;dHD )(; k:

(dHD$ )H% k:

JdHD) $%% k:

)ble: 1ombt Point 1ost per ction

Action 1ombt Point


Melee Attc" Actions

&tandard *ttack

  #iminutive to &mall :eapons

  Medium to 6arge :eapons

  /uge and larger :eapons ;

Trip *ttack )$

nockout 2low )$

#isarm *ttack )$

0oup de Grace )$

eint H

elease a &pell J

Melee Attc" Modi+iers

ighting #efensively D)

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6ight *ttack 5)

/eavy *ttack D$

ull *ttack DJ

*ggressive *ttack D$

Thrust *ttack D)

&wipe *ttack D).nged Attc" Actions

ire a &lingshot (

ire a 0rossbow or &peargun ;

ire a 2ow

  6ight !ull ;

  Medium !ull (

  /eavy !ull J

ire a lamethrower H

ire 0hemical Irritants

ire a Taser (

ire a 2allistic nife

ire a :hip

ire a Mortar )$

Throw a Thrown :eapon, &plash :eapon, or



&ingle &hot irearm *ttacks

  #iminutive to &mall irearm J

  Medium to /uge irearms H  Gargantuan and 6arger irearms K

3o5miss &hot )$

#ouble ire (

*utofire (

!otshot ;

#ouble Tap (

2urst ire ;

2ump ire ;

&uppressive ire ;




  Two ound ;

  Three ound (


  Two ound ;

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  Three ound (

*ctivate * !ower ;

ire a ope #agger

ire a !istol 0rossbow ;

ire a &tylus H

ire a Globe 6auncher ;>se an *etherweapon

  *etherwand (

  *etherrod J

  *etherstaff H

!ther Attc" Actions

:ithdraw - normal


eaction J

1-tra 1ffort %

Mo/e Actions


  :alking and unning ) per ; feet

  Moving while 0rouched $ per ; feet

  Moving while !rone per ; feet

  0limbing per ; feet

&wimming per ; feet

#raw a weapon from a holster or sheath

#raw a weapon from me-ican carry (

*ctivate a !lasma 2lade %#rawing a !lasma 2lade

*ctivate a !siblade %

#rawing a !siblade

/olster a :eapon

etrieve or store an item in a pocket, bag, or pouch

etrieve or store an item in a MO661 vest or 621


!ick up an ob@ect from the ground, or manipulate an


#rop an item %

#rop to a kneeling, sitting or prone posture %

0ycle a weapon )

&tand >p from kneeling, prone, or sitting (

0lear a 4ammed irearm )$


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  eload a 2ow )

  eload a 0rossbow or &peargun $

  eload a slingshot

  eload a Taser

  eload a Tran"uili?er gun K

  eload a paintball hopper   eload a weapon by hand per bullet or


  eload a firearm using a new maga?ine,

speedloader or stripper clip

  eload a !istol 0rossbow

  eload a Globe 6auncher $

  eload a link fed weapon with a new link (

  efill a maga?ine, speedloader or stripper clip per bullet or

shell  efill a maga?ine using a stripper clip per stripper clip

  eload a black powder weapon )$ per barrel or


&cribe * &croll K

)ble: *ncnttion )ime 1ost

Incantation !oint 0ost Time taken to recite the incantation

% 0ombat !oints

)5 ; 0ombat !oints;5H ( 0ombat !oints

K5)% J 0ombat !oints

))5) H 0ombat !oints

)5)( K 0ombat !oints

)JD )% 0ombat !oints

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*ll information was found using google from various firearms websites, my own knowledge, and wikipedia.

Most writeup te-t from the firearms was ac"uired from wikipedia, and their vast number of sources. The Ops

and Tactics copyright belongs to &weet &oul 2ro WW/;dMm2v;G. *ll listed firearms are owned by their

respective companies, trademarks, copyrights and I do not take to claim any ownership of any. !lease don't sue

me, I have no monies.

#esigned for use with the Ops and Tactics 0ore ulebook ;th 1dition.
