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Meeting held between Fr.Joseph Pfieffer SSPX and Mr. John Menezes, Gilbert Nunes, and Mrs Ann D’souza on 30th January, 2008, around 4.00P.M. to 8.00P.M .(Mr.Narry Neef was present as an observer)

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema” (Galatians 1:8)

“He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, both are abominable before God.” ( Proverbs 17:15)

Bear not the yoke with the unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14)

"Not to oppose error is to approve it, and not to defend truth is to suppress it, and indeed to neglect to confound evil men when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them." (Pope Felix III)

The meeting was held to express apprehensions against the shift in the policy of the SSPX vis-à-vis the New Vatican undermining the Traditional movement and the deviation from the stated policies of the late founder Abp Marcel Lefevbre. Those of us who have promoted and supported the SSPX for the last 20 – 25 years feel betrayed by this shift and orientation towards reconciliation with the novus ordo establishment, rightly described by the Founder of the SSPX, the late Abp Marcel Lefevbre as the ‘conciliar church’Though an agenda was prepared for discussion, but due to the informal manner of the meeting , it was never presented by us, though as an after thought we should have had done so.We are not, neither do we have any false pretensions of being theologians. Our arguments are based on the earlier writings of the true Popes before Vatican II, the earlier Dogmatic councils, saints, and Theologians, including the statements of the late Abp Marcel lefevbre founder of the SSPX, and our own God given reasoning and logic.We would like to state at the outset, that we have no personal animosity against the SSPX, but find their present policy and continued recognition of the authority, which is promoting heresies, since the aftermath of Vatican II to be at variance with the teachings of the Church, and ruinous to the salvation of Souls.Section 1 deals with the issues discussed in brief, whereas section 2 elaborates some comments in greater detail. . Appendices I -V are attached to emphasize points raised elsewhere.Statements/responses of Fr. Pfieffer will be mentioned as SSPX, since he is only representing the official policy of the SSPX Priests who are not closet sedevacantists, and those of Mr. John, Gilbert and Mrs Ann as ‘Comments’. Only main points are presented, moreover they are not in the order as discussed. The comments have many additions not presented in the meeting.

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Most Traditional Catholics do not even know who founded their movement. Some might have the impression that it was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, but he came on the scene in the early 1970s.Fr. Gommar A. DePauw, was the Founder of the Catholic Traditional Movement, he was a distinguished triple licentiate in Canon Law, Moral Theology & Church History. An experienced Parish Priest and Dean of Studies at a leading U.S. Seminary. between 1962 and 1965 Fr. DePauw participated as a peritus, or expert theological advisor, and as a procurator at the Second Vatican Oecumenical Council and there saw the takeover by the Modernists. that led him to leave his prestigious position at the Seminary to found the Catholic Traditional Movement.It was Vatican II that sounded alarm bells to Fr. DePauw. He saw the Modernists take over that Council and their first point of attack: the Sacred Liturgy . Fr. DePauw left the Council determined to fight what he prophetically saw as the New Order modernists replacing the Roman Catholic Church. After three years as professor at Mount St. Mary's seminary, he transferred from the Diocese of Ghent to the Archdiocese of Baltimore, until November 16, 1965, when the Vatican placed him under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Tivoli-Rome, in order to enable him to resume the leadership of the Catholic Traditional Movement (CTM), This was publicly launched by him on March 15, 1965 (though founded in 1964). When he left his prestigious position at Mount St. Mary's, Fr. DePauw went to New York and there in the Pan American Building took the courageous step of celebrating, without "permission," the Traditional Latin Mass publicly in defiance of the architects of the New Order. As a Doctor of Canon Law, Fr. DePauw was the first to publicize the fact that the Novus Ordo service was invalid and unCatholic under Pope St. Pius V's Solemn Papal Bull, Quo primum, a position that has become the hallmark of traditional Catholicism ever since. Four years later he established the Ave Maria Chapel, in Westbury, Long Island, New York, which at its opening on June 23, 1968, became the first and only publicly-functioning traditional Roman Catholic parish in the United States. Through his long life, Fr. DePauw never sold out to the New Order in any way, no matter what the personal consequences .He used modern communications to publicize the Catholic Traditional Movement he placed the Traditional Latin Mass as a half-hour advertisement on more than a dozen radio stations in metropolitan areas across the United States. In those dark days after Vatican II, the "Sunday Radio Mass brought to you from Ave Maria Chapel in Westbury, Long Island" became the salvation of traditional Catholics. This Mass was eventually broadcast worldwide via radio, short-wave, and internet. When our founder went to his eternal reward on May 6, 2005, he showed traditional Catholics how to fight for Truth and Tradition, not selling out in any way to the New Order Conciliar church!

The SSPXMost of us know about the SSPX and its founder Abp Marcel Lefevbre. Hence we will only quote him, as it seems after his demise the present SSPX hierarchy has developed an amnesia,Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre on the occasion of his Suspension a divinis by Paul VI wrote the following reflection on June 29, 1976:“That the Conciliar Church is a schismatic Church, because it breaks with the Catholic Church that has always been. It has its new dogmas, its new priesthood, its new institutions, its new worship, all already condemned by the Church in many a document, official and definitive. “This Conciliar Church is schismatic, because it has taken as a basis for its updating, principles opposed to those of the Catholic Church, such as the new concept of the Mass expressed in numbers 5 of the Preface to (the decree) Missale Romanum and 7 of its first chapter, which gives the assembly a


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priestly role that it cannot exercise; such likewise as the natural — which is to say divine — right of every person and of every group of persons to religious freedom. “This right to religious freedom is blasphemous, for it attributes to God purposes that destroy His Majesty, His Glory, His Kingship. This right implies freedom of conscience, freedom of thought, and all the Masonic freedoms.“The Church that affirms such errors is at once schismatic and heretical. This Conciliar Church is, therefore, not Catholic. To whatever extent Pope, bishops, priests or faithful adhere to this new Church, they separate themselves from the Catholic Church.”Abp Lefevbre 1987 (before the Episcopal Consecration in 1988)"I have summed it up to Cardinal Ratzinger in a certain words, of course, because it is difficult to sum up this whole situation; but I said to him: 'Eminence, see, even if you grant us a bishop, even if you grant us a certain self-government in relation to the bishops, even if you grant us all the liturgy of 1962, if you grant us to continue the seminaries and Society, as we do it now, we cannot collaborate; it is impossible, impossible, because we work in two diametrically opposed directions: you, you work for the de-Christianization of society, of the human person, and of the Church, and we, we work for its Christianization. They cannot be in agreement.' Rome has lost the Faith, my dear friends. Rome is in apostasy. It is not just words, it is not just words in the air that I say to you. It is the truth. Rome is in apostasy. One cannot have confidence any more in this world. he has left the Church, they have left the Church, they are leaving the Church. It is sure, sure, sure." Fideliter interview, July, 1989:“ . . We do not have the same outlook on a reconciliation. Cardinal Ratzinger sees it as reducing us, bringing us back to Vatican II. We see it as a return to Tradition. We don’t agree; it is a dialogue of death. . . . .I shall not accept being in the position where I was put during the dialogue. No more. I will place the discussion at the doctrinal level. Do you agree with the great encyclicals of all the Popes who preceded you? Do you agree with ;Quanta Cura of Pius IX, (condemning Naturalism, Liberalism, Indifferentism, Communism and socialism)Immortale Dei (on the nature of human liberty) and Libertas (on the Christian Constitution of States) of Leo XIIIPascendi Gregis of Pius X (on the doctrine of the Modernists)Quas Primas of Pius XI (on the Kingship of Christ)Humani generi of Pius XII (concerning some false opinions)Are you in full communion with these Popes and their teachings? Do you still accept the entire anti-Modernist oath? Are you in favour of the Social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ?If you do not accept the doctrine of your predecessors, it is useless to talk!

Unfortunately his successor Bp Bernard Fellay has reduced the conditions for talks to a mere two which are essentially ‘non conditions’ as the SSPX never accepted them (viz; that the old Mass was never abrogated and that their ‘excommunications’ were not valid.) The ‘new’ conditions are;

1) to free the old mass (1962 Missal)2) To lift the ‘excommunications’

The result is today we have the SSPX; accept the new Mass as valid – accept the new Ordination rites as valid – accept the New code of Canon Law of 1983 – Accept the Missal of 1962 – Accept the ‘motu’ of 2007 which considers the new Mass same as the old , with further ‘enrichments’ from the new Mass to come in the future including ‘new saints from the ‘Saint factory’–and of course accept BXVI as the ‘pope’. Then the 64 Million Dollar question arises as to what is the fight for Tradition all about?! For the SSPX it appears to be over!!!


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Misuse of the pulpit by the SSPX has resulted in the ‘Sedevacantist’ to be a dirty or sinful word! (at least in Bombay) - Nothing can be further than the Truth! Sedevacantism is a theological position of those traditional Catholics who most certainly believe in the papacy, papal infallibility and the primacy of the Roman Pontiff, and yet do not recognize Benedict XVI (and earlier post Vatican II popes) as a legitimate successor of Peter in the primacy. In other words, they do not recognize Benedict XVI as a true pope. The word sedevacantism is a compound of two Latin words which together mean “the Chair is vacant.”. The sedevacantist position is founded on the Catholic doctrines of the infallibility and the indefectibility of the Church, the Papal Bull of Paul IV ‘cum ex apostolatus officio’ and on the theological opinion of the great Doctor of the Church, St. Robert Bellarmine besides others.The Sedevacantist believes in all dogmas and teachings of the Catholic Faith, which of course includes the Papacy.  Christ established His Church upon the papacy, and it will always be the foundation stone upon which rests the entire doctrinal system of our Holy Catholic Church.      The position “sedevacantism” simply means that out of good conscience, we view the Chair of Peter as if it were temporarily vacant.  The last forty years in the Catholic Church have seen the rise of Modernism (which is condemned by the Catholic Church - see encyclical of Pope St. Pius X) and all forms of abuses and heresies growing and destroying the souls of the faithful. As Catholics, we can not accept and believe things contrary to the Catholic Faith and the teachings of Jesus Christ. This Catholic conviction (i.e., one cannot obey when it is an obvious matter of sin, of which heresy is the greatest!) thus  leads us into the position we currently hold. In fact Sedevacantists are the greatest defenders of the Papacy in that a True Pope cannot teach error! We believe that God will restore the Church, the spotless Bride of Christ, in His own time, for it is Indefectable, and must remain so, since the gates of hell cannot prevail!Vatican Council I (1870) said;“For the fathers of the Fourth Council of Constantinople, following closely in the footsteps of their predecessors, made this solemn profession: ‘The first condition of salvation is to keep the norm of the true Faith. For it is impossible that the words of our Lord Jesus Christ Who said, “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church” (Matt. 16:18), should not be verified. And their truth has been proved by the course of history, for in the Apostolic See the Catholic religion has always been kept unsullied, and its teaching kept holy.’ ...for they fully realized that this See of St. Peter always remains untainted by any error, according to the divine promise of our Lord and Savior made to the prince of his disciples, ‘I have prayed for thee, that thy faith may not fail; and do thou, when once thou has turned again, strengthen thy brethren’ (Luke 22:32).”Pope Leo XIII, in his encyclical Satis Cognitum, taught that the Teaching Authority of the Church can never be in error:“If (the living magisterium) could in any way be false, an evident contradiction follows; for then God Himself would be the author of error.”‘Una Cum’ Masses: During the first prayer of the Canon of the traditional Mass which begins Te igitur, the priest in normal times would recite una cum papa nostro N. (one with our pope N.). What significance does this short phrase convey — una cum, one with? One in faith, one in government, one in the Mass and Sacraments — united — this is the significance! Can a traditional priest honestly recite in the Canon of the Mass that he is una cum Benedict XVI? In what is he una cum Benedict XVI? In the Conciliar teachings, in government, in the official New Mass and Sacraments — is he actually una cum?Hence the Sedevacantist Priest does not insert the name of the BXVI in this prayer.


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This is treated in greater depth in ‘Grain of Incense’ by Fr. Anthony Cekada as also in ‘una cum’ by Bishop Sanborn.

Definitions: A Heretic is a baptized person who rejects an authoritative teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. A schismatic is a person who refuses communion with a true Pope or refuses communion with true Catholics. An apostate is a person who rejects the Christian faith completely. All heretics, schismatics and apostates sever themselves from the Catholic Church automatically (Pius XII, Mystici Corporis, June 29, 1943). Therefore, if one is a heretic he is not a Catholic (Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum, June 29, 1896). And most heretics convince themselves that they are

not denying any dogma when they actually are


The meeting started informally on the views of the SSPX on Sedevacantists with reference to CMRI and the SSPV. ( The SSPV was formed by those Priests who were with the SSPX and were expelled by Abp Lefevbre in 1983 for not willing to accept the 1962 Missal, besides other issues in 1983.)

Fr. Pfieffer (hereafter as SSPX): Bishop Kelly and his Priests left Abp Lefevbre.Comment: The ‘nine’ Priests were expelled uncanonically by Abp Lefevbre in 1983, at the residence of Dr. Coomaraswamy where they were in a meeting, for not willing to accept the 1962 Missal and for their sedevacantist position besides few other issues. The exchange of correspondence between the Abp Lefevbre and the nine expelled priests is documented.

SSPX: Bishop Kelly (SSPV) does not recognize the new rite of consecration of Bishops, but himself was consecrated by a novus ordo Bishop.Comment: Bishop Alfred Mendez who consecrated Bishop Kelly, was consecrated by Cardinal Spellman in 1960 and thus was consecrated validly in the old rite.

SSPX: Bishop Kelly and his Priests accepted properties in the name of the SSPX and put them in their own names.Comment: At a certain stage they (9 Priests) found Abp Lefevbre uncertain and drifting towards Rome, and in order to safeguard the properties gifted by the faithful towards tradition, they felt duty bound in conscience to do so. Today we know they stand vindicated.The same fear hovers over those who have gifted properties to the SSPX as the fear is that Bishop Fellay may go the way of Bishop Rifan and sign off everything to Rome!

SSPX: The sedevacantists consecrate Bishops in great numbers, They also ordained a 7 yr old as a Priest.Comment: Unfortunately there are many extremist sedevacante groups, (just like there are the many Indult groups ) who have even elected their own ‘popes’, like the ‘Palmar de troy’ etc. We do not subscribe to them. The SSPV and the CMRI do not belong to this category besides many other independent Priests. The late founder of the CMRI gave scandal but today the CMRI has reformed.

SSPX: I have not come across any sedevacantist Priests in the SSPX.Comment: There are many sedevacantist priests in the SSPX especially in France, but they cannot preach openly. This has also been confirmed by two SSPX Priests. According to Fr. Peter Scott, an SSPX Priest cannot leave the SSPX, even if he becomes a sedevacantist, since he has made a ‘declaration of fidelity’ to the ‘positions of the SSPX’ under pain of mortal sin. Thus they become ‘closet sedevacantist’ and remain within the SSPX!


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This ‘fidelity to the Society’ has been contested since obedience is to God and not to any individual or society and neither can the SSPX claim Infallibility! Fr. Robert Neville left the SSPX and is with the SSPV. Thus the SSPX preach from the pulpit against their own brother Priests who are sedevacantists!, Scripture tells us ‘.Every kingdom divided against itself, shall be brought to desolation, ‘ (Luke 11:17)

SSPX: There is nothing wrong with the 1962 Missal. The Council of Trent wanted to insert the name of St. Joseph in the Canon of the Mass.Comment: The Missale Romanum of 1962 incorporates principles of change, masterminded by Annibale Bugnini, a proven Freemason, He accomplished this most effectively within the Novus Ordo Missae.The 1962 Missale is corrupted, and substantially discordant with the Missale Romanum as promulgated in fulfillment of the commands of the Council of Trent by Pope Saint Pius V violating its injunctions, and the whole of the Church’s liturgical tradition. It is true that many including St Pius X petitioned as a Bishop for the inclusion of St. Joseph, but the reigning Popes declined to do so! St Pius X himself could have done it when he became the Pope, but did not!The SSPX falsely claim that they use the 1962 Missal. The inclusion of the 2nd Confiteor etc.makes it an SSPX missal, and if the 1962 Missal was in order then why this addition? (some more changes are in Appendix IV) SSPX: There was no feast of St. Philomena.Comment: The feast of St. Philomena was celebrated on 11th August. The Abp of Imola was cured at his deathbed through the intercession of St. Philomena, who later declared the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception as Pius IX. .Pope Gregory XVI, called her “the wonder worker of the 19th century” and declared her a saint. He wrote: “Pray to St. Philomena. Whatever you ask from her she will obtain for you.” Pope Leo XII granted permission for erection of altars and churches in honor of St. Philomena. Pope Pius IX declared her Patroness of the Children of Mary. Pope Leo XIII raised the Confraternity of St. Philomena to an Archconfraternity and approved the cord of St. Philomena. St. Pius X, after raising this association to a level of Universal Archconfraternity and declaring St. John Baptist Vianney its patron, wrote these decisive words: “To discredit the present decisions and declarations concerning St. Philomena as not being permanent, stable, valid and effective, necessary of obedience, and full effect for all eternity, proceeds from an element that is null and void and without merit or authority.”The Sacred Congregation of Rites issued the "liturgical" directive, (March 29, 1961) "But the Feast of St. Philomena, Virgin and Martyr (August 11th), should be removed from every calendar whatsoever."The SSPX follow the revised calendar and do not mention this “Wonder worker’!!(More details in Appendix III)

SSPX: Do not go on the Internet. You sit on the internet and write lies ( reference to the commentary in implying that Fr. Nely came to India to promote the ‘motu’ Mass in the Parishes and the Bombay Seminary, after letters sent by us)Comment: This was not mentioned as such in our letters, and the same was corrected by within 24 Hrs. So there was no question of writing lies!The Internet can be good or bad depending how you use it, like the knife can be used to cut bread or kill a person. Moreover we are also aware that the SSPX Priests themselves go on the internet when they visit homes and watch T.V. Don’t the SSPX also have their websites? why the hypocrisy? Do they want persons who attend their Masses not to know the truth?

SSPX: Benedict XVI is the pope. He was trained in a modernist seminary, and so he does not know what he is doing! what he has written has not been with the intention of destroying the Church or setting up a new Church as Martin Luther had done.


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Comment: He does not know what he is doing ? (innocent?) He does not know the Ten Commandments? He received his First Holy Communion without his Catechism ? He was ordained a Priest in 1938 in the old rite and took the oath against modernism and still ignorant? He became a Bishop (new rite) and cardinal and now Pope and still ignorant? This is laughable ! Are the SSPX so naïve to believe this and expect its adherents to do the same? In his book ‘Principles of theology’ (1962) Ratzinger has written that ‘ the bastions of the Catholic Church’ must be razed!, and he is doing just that! Is he ignorant!!!

He has written a book ‘The Christian Faith – yesterday and today’ which the ‘Angelus” (sisi,nono)of June 1994 Suggested should have been titled as ‘Introduction to Apostasy’!!Pope Leo XIII, in his encyclical Satis Cognitum, taught that the Teaching Authority of the Church can never be in error: “If (the living magisterium) could in any way be false, an evident contradiction follows; for then God Himself would be the author of error.”The Church did not bother as to where Arias picked his heresy from or offer apologies for the same and did not let him off the hook!!!Ratzinger is an intelligent man, he has written around 24 books, his propositions and contentions are based on comparative study of Catholic beliefs and Traditions, which he sets alongside his beliefs (unbeliefs in the Catholic sense!) (see Appendix V; Heresies of Benedict XVI) He cannot be said to be ignorant!!!

SSPX: Judging him as a heretic means condemning him to Hell; are you prepared to do so? He is still the pope. You cannot judge him as a heretic.Comment: The Angelus of June 1994 (sisi,nono)) headlined the then cardinal Ratzinger as ‘ A Prefect without Faith At The Congregation For The Faith’ and the author Hirpinus concluded ‘No doubt about it; the writings of Ratzinger the ‘Theologian’ are there for all to see, demonstrating an undeniable proof of this flagrant apostasy.’ The Angelus May ’99 (sisi,nono)) headlined Ratzinger’s ‘Milestones’ as ‘memories of a destructive mind’. Bishop Tissier deMallerais has stated in his interview to The Remnant that he (Ratzinger) has professed many heresies which he has not retracted. Abp Lefevbre called Ratzinger ‘not a Catholic’ Thus the SSPX themselves have called him a heretic! According to the Papal Bull of Paul IV ‘ Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio’ a heretic cannot be validly elected as pope and loses his position without a declaration. We also have St. Bellarmine saying “A Pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (per se) ceases to be Pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church.”   (Emphasis added.  De Romana Pontifice, II, 30.) The dictionary defines “manifest” as “easily understood” or “recognized by the mind—obvious-evident.” We do not judge to pass a juridical sentence.One SSPX Bishop has referred to him as a ‘Hegelian pope’, from Hegel, the German Philosopher who believed that Truth evolves with time and is not absolute, but this is one of the heresies of modernism! Like the Bard of Avon would have said; What’s in a name? Heresy by any name stinks as bad!!! "For there must also be heresies; that they also, who are approved, may be made manifest among you." [1 Cor. 11:19]

SSPX: . If you judge him , God will not go easy on you (or some such phrase implying we will be condemned to hellfire!)Comments: The argument that a supposed heretic cannot be judged because we do not know his state of mind or intentions, that is just plain silly.  If that were the case no one, not even Luther or Calvin would be heretics, since we are not mind readers and cannot know their true intentions.  St. Robert Bellarmine quickly dismissed this nonsense in De Romano Pontifice 11:30 “for men are not bound, or able to read hearts; but when they see that someone is a heretic by his external works, they judge him to be a heretic pure and simple, and condemn him as a heretic .”


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Moreover the SSPX also judge the conciliar popes regularly, when they ‘pick and choose’ and ‘sift’ what is acceptable or not! Moreover if we were not to judge we would land up in the mosques and synagogues, praying like and with the Muslims and Jews and Voodo Priests!!Here one sees an attempt to instill fear to accept the sspx position?!!

SSPX: Benedict XVI is the pope. because all the bishops recognize him. Comment: In the history of the Catholic Church there have been around 40 antipopes. Before Abp consecrated the four SSPX Bishops , he wrote to them on Aug 28 1987 :” The Chair of Peter, and the positions of authority in Rome are occupied by anti-Christs”. The modernists who have infilterated the Vatican have elected one of them as ‘pope’ and hence have to recognize him!Abp Lefebvre stated, June 29, 1976 “The Church that affirms such errors is at once schismatic and heretical. This Conciliar Church is, therefore, not Catholic. To whatever extent Pope, bishops, priests or faithful adhere to this new Church, they separate themselves from the Catholic Church.” If one recalls, he was the founder of the SSPX!Obedience without intellectual consideration is called blind obedience. Blind obedience is justified only toward God

SSPX: How can there be no pope for so long. The church needs a visible head..Comment: Between the death of a reigning Pope and his successor, the ‘See is vacant’. There was an interregnum of almost 3 years (1268-1271) in which there was no pope. Where was the’visibility’ during this interregnum period?Psalm 89:4 “for a thousand years in thy eyesight are as yesterday, which is past”2 Peter 3:8 “. . that one day with the lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day”Christ is the Head of His Church, which is His spotless Bride. He will restore Her in his own time;Our lady Of Good Success while explaining to Sr. Marianna, the fourth reason why the Sanctuary light was extinguished said “How the Church will suffer during this dark night! Lacking a Prelate and father to guide them with paternal love, . . . . . . .Implore our Celestial Father, . . . . that He might take pity on His Ministers and bring to an end those ominous times, and send to the Church the Prelate who will restore the . . . .To forestall the coming of this Prelate and Father, many hearts consecrated to God in the Priestly . . . . . . . . . This, however will mark the arrival of my hour, when I, in a marvelous way, will dethrone the proud and cursed satan, trampling him under my feet and fettering him in the infernal abyss. Thus the Church and this country will be free of his cruel tyranny ” In Fatima Our Lady also told us “In the end MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH!!!

SSPX: The Church is Indefectible. Christ has assured that the gates of hell shall not prevail.Comments: The Church is Indefectible means She cannot teach error. During the great schism there were three claimants to the papacy (1378-1418), which lasted almost 40 years. Christ’s promise held then even as they will hold for all times! When one accepts that the post vatican II popes are true popes, even when knowing these popes have professed heresies for so many years and continue to do so!! , IT IS THEN that Christ’s promise appears to Fail, and the Church seems defectible, which is a contradiction; Hence the contrary must be true; that they are not true popes!! Christs Church cannot be destroyed, but it can be reduced in size. ". . . at the present time there is a remnant left, selected out of grace. . ." (Rom. 11, 5). At La Salette Our lady said “ Rome will lose the Faith, and become the seat of antichrist”Christ has said “..But yet,when the son of Man cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8).


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SSPX: He is the pope. He is like the Father who is unfaithful and continues to be the father.. (or some such analogy)Comments: The ‘bad dad’ theory! This is a favourite explanation given by SSPX priests! It is true that a man who is a physical father of his children cannot be changed. But the Pope is in the spiritual realm and he can cease to be one and can be deposed! As has been the case of the earlier antipopes who were deposed. With this logic all antipopes would have continued as popes in history! Pope Honorius I who reigned from 625 to 638, did not teach heresy, but he favoured those who did. Because of his support of the Monothelite heresy, 45 years after his death a Church Council excommunicated him from the Church, and Pope St. Leo II (in 683) approved the excommunication.This does not mean that he was excommunicated after 45 years, but his excommunication took effect the instant he favoured heresy. The declaratory sentence which follows an automatic excommunication is a legal recognition of something which already exists.

SSPX: ‘De Defectibus’ does not talk about the invalidity of the Mass. It only tells what is to be done , say the Priest Gets a stroke after the Consecration of the Host, and how the Mass is to be continued etcComments: The SSPX priest who was in India for many years had said that ‘De Defectibus’ is enough to make the new mass invalid. We have Pope Pius V, de Defectibus, Chapter 5; ‘The words of consecration, which are the form of this Sacrament, are these, For this is My Body . . . . .shall be shed for you and for many unto the remission of sins. Now if one were to remove, or change anything in the form of the consecration of the Body and Blood, and in that very change of words the (new) wording would fail to mean the same thing, he would not Consecrate the Sacrament” The vernacular translations of the new mass has replaced the ‘many’ to ‘all’, Does not this change the meaning? Because of its importance ‘De defectibus’ was required to be printed in every Altar Missal before Vatican II.

SSPX: The New Mass may or not be valid and for this reason we SSPX priests genuflect in a (Novus Ordo) church.  A Mass need not have an offertory.Comments: The Offertory, the Consecration and the Communion are the essential parts of the Mass. The SSPX must be aware of the ‘Ottaviani intervention’ sept 25, 1969, “The novus ordo represents, both as a whole and in its details, a striking departure from the Catholic Theology of the Mass as it was formulated in session 22 of the council of Trent”. Of the 12 offertory prayers in the old rite, only 2 are retained in the new mass, the ones deleted are the same by Luther and Cranmer! Why were they eliminated? Because as Luther said, they “smacked of Sacrifice . . .the abomination called the Offertory, and from this point on almost everything stinks of oblation” The Offertory and the Consecration are the Heart of the Mass. If the ‘Sacrifice’ is not ‘offered’ what use is it? In Catechism we were taught that if one missed the Offertory, one had not fulfilled the Sunday obligation!

SSPX: The Holy Ghost was not present at the Vatican Council II.Comments: The more the reason to reject the Council and not try to interpret it with tradition! Or for that matter not to accept the authority of the ‘popes’ who continue to endorse and promote it!

SSPX: It is wrong to use the term ‘new church’ / ‘conciliar church’Comments: The Angelus, May 2000, official publication of the SSPX : “This current of renewal has given birth to a new church within the bosom of the Catholic Church, to which Msgr. Benneli himself called ‘the conciliar church’ whose limits and paths are very difficult to define . . it is against this conciliar church that our resistance stands. Abp Lefebvre, June 29, 1976; “The Church that affirms such errors is at once schismatic and heretical. This Conciliar Church is, therefore, not Catholic. To whatever extent Pope, bishops, priests or faithful adhere to this new Church, they separate themselves from the Catholic Church.”


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Why is it wrong to use the terms now they were used earlier, and when they aptly describe that it is not CATHOLIC? Is it the ‘purification of memory’ as employed by the modernist popes to obliterate the past?". . . there will come a time when they will not endure sound doctrine; but having itching ears, will heap up to themselves teachers according to their own lusts, and they will turn away their hearing from the truth and turn aside rather to fables." (II Tim. 4, 3-4)

SSPX: The removal of the word “ut” from the Form of the rite of priestly ordination strengthens the power of the new Form.Comments: This implies that the Catholic Church used a ‘weak’ form for 1500 years and Pope Pius XII was deficient in his thinking when he endorsed the inclusion of “ut” in Sacramentum Ordinis (1947). Moreover with the thrust of the new church towards ecumenism by dilution of Catholic Dogmas and beliefs why would the modernists strengthen the rite when the Protestants do not believe in a sacramental priesthood ? Or is the SSPX only trying to defend the use of the new ordinal by Archbishop Lefebvre on one occasion in Germany or the deployment of Fr. Philip Stark SJ, a post 1969 priest, with the SSPX from the late nineteen seventies without conditional re-ordination ? It is reported even now ‘presbyters’ ordained in the new rite are saying Masses in the SSPX Chapels.Of the many prayers abolished in the new ordinal two of them are these; ‘Receive the power to offer Sacrifice to God, and to celebrate Mass, both for the living and the dead, in the name of the Lord’‘Receive the Holy Ghost, whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them, and whose sins you shall retain they are retained’

SSPX: A woman, should reserve her energies for house work and should not preach. (reference to the covering letter sent with an article ‘a grain of incense’ against ‘una cum’ Masses and ‘Mountains of Gelboe’ by Bishop Sanborn (SSPV) on the position of the SSPV to some of the SSPX’ers in Bombay).Comments: We wish that the person who gave the covering letter, written under two of our names, also had given the articles to be read so that the SSPX Priests would come to know the other side of the coin! The last paragraph objected to sought to warn the SSPX’ers from falling in the ‘motu’ mass trap! It was implied that the use of the word ‘pernicious’ was a mortal sin! ( due to oversight we said in our letter that the ‘motu’ forbade the Mass during the Easter Triduum, instead of saying the Missal was forbidden)Here we have another instance of the duplicity of the SSPX . . Whereas the ‘authorities’ occupying the highest position in the ‘church’ preaching a veritable litany of grave heresies over decades, already condemned by the earlier Popes and Councils are said to be ignorant and not culpable, the SSPX are quick to sit on judgement and accuse the lay faithful of a mortal sin! ( never mind the 3 precepts for a mortal sin) .Most of the persons who now attend the SSPX Masses in Bombay, have been brought by similar letters, and mailings of literature to them by the same Lady!, So now she has every right in conscience to inform of new developments to these persons!Just as an aside there were around 200 Parish clergy, and 100 individuals who were on her regular mailing list for years! With all the hostile attitude of the novus ordo clergy against traditionalists, none of them have been rude or rebuked her!. In fact some of them still hold her in esteem and request for literature!Is it just plain simple that the SSPX want everyone to conform to their views and beliefs blindly? Like a Priest has remarked that the only ones, clergy or faithful, who remain long with the SSPX are the ones who have stopped thinking!!!


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SSPX: No agreement was signed by Campos and New Vatican.:Comments: The agreement was signed at Campos dos Goytacazes, January 14, 2002, by Dom Roberto Gomes Guimarães, Diocesan Bishop of Campos and Dom Licinio Rangel, Bishop and Superior of the Priestly Union of St. Mary John Vianney.


(This section contains additional comments to those already given in Section I for some of the points discussed)

SSPX: Bishop Kelly and his priests accepted properties in the name of the SSPX but put them in their own names. They left the SSPXComments: : That group of priests were originally in diocesan seminaries and had undergone grave torment. They were among those who had requested Archbishop Lefebvre to found a traditionalist seminary. At a certain stage they found the archbishop uncertain and drifting towards Rome and in order to safeguard the properties which the faithful had gifted for tradition they, perforce, were compelled for reasons of conscience to hold on to them lest the archbishop sign a pact with Rome. The same fear hovers over those who have gifted properties to the SSPX as the fear is that Bishop Fellay may go the way of Bishop Rifan and sign off everything to Rome. Bishop Kelly and his priests did not leave the SSPX – that is a lie being spread by SSPX priests. They were dismissed because they had raised certain very valid issues which the Archbishop was soft-pedalling; their dismissal was announced at the residence of the late Dr. Coomaraswamy where they were all gathered at a meeting. The dismissal was done without recourse to the procedures contained in the Code of Canon Law 1917

SSPX: There is nothing wrong with the 1962 Missal. The Council of Trent wanted to include the name of St. Joseph in the CanonComments: The 1962 Missal is not the Tridentione Mass as the changes are far too extensive. Puncturing the Canon signaled to the council fathers who were discussing the draft document on the liturgy that the Canon was not inviolable. Principles of the Novus Ordo are embedded in the 1962 Missal: violability of the Canon, integration of the communion of the faithful into the Mass, inclusion of the 1956 revised Holy Week rites whose study has been found to anticipate certain aspects of the Novus Ordo. Acceptance of the 1962 Missal involves acceptance of the Novus Ordo Missae and this was once of the issues of which Bishop Kelly (SSPV) strongly disagreed with the archbishop. This is the reason why the Vatican insists on the SSPX using only the 1962 Missal. It can be expected that with the “mutually enriching” propensities between the 1962 Missal and the New Mass, once all traditionalists are lured into the New Church then the 1962 Missal will be revised or inundated with New Mass “enrichments” much to the greater demise of the Resistance. This is why we most strongly frown on SSPX priests promoting the Motu Mass in Bombay churches. In fact after hardly 7 mths after the ‘motu’ the good Friday prayers of the 1962 Missal have been revised!

SSPX: Pope Benedict XVI had studied in a liberal seminary in Germany in the thirties and what he has written has not been with the intention of destroying the Church or setting up a new Church as Martin Luther had done. Judging him as a heretic means condemning him to Hell; are you prepared to do so?Comments: Luther and Cranmer had broken with the past and had created new churches. They were honest and frank in their objectives. A modernist is much more sinister and diabolical because he undermines and destroys the Church from within.


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Vatican II's 1964 Constitution on the Church, Lumen gentium, includes the following statement: Unica Christi Ecclesia ... subsistit in Ecclesia catholica, [the sole Church of Christ ... subsists in the Catholic Church]. This statement is dogmatically contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church up until Vatican II: "The Roman Catholic Church is the only Church of Jesus Christ." In the original draft of the Vatican II constitution, it was still stated: "the Church of Christ is the Catholic Church." But a German Protestant, Pastor Schmidt, an observer invited by Cardinal Bea to take part in the Council, was offended by the implication that the Protestants weren't true Christians and made the written proposal that the word est be replaced by substitit in. He gave the proposal to Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, who was at the time the peritus of Cardinal Frings of Cologne. Fr. Ratzinger in turn gave the proposal to Cardinal Frings, who moved it before the Council, and the words subsistit in were officially incorporated into the final text of the constitution!!! So The ‘ peritus ’ Joseph Ratzinger was ignorant!!! ???Benedict XVI adopts the ploy of a modernist. Modernism has been exposed and condemned by Pope Pius X who, like Pope Pius IX, issued a Syllabus of Errors which is a compilation of the  theories of modernists in the direction of liberalism and rationalism. Joseph Ratzinger has gone so far as to claim that Vatican II was an anti-Syllabus council. The SSPX is going only by precedences of condemnation of objective heresies and their authors. Modernism is far worse than objective heresy because its proponents continue to exist within the Catholic Church while undermining it. Joseph Ratzinger has gone so far as to write that “the bastions of the Church should be razed” in his “Principles of Theology” (1962). In consequence the Social Kingship of Christ preached by all the pre-Vatican II popes has been set aside and the principle of Catholic law and a Catholic state has been done away by the Church, resulting in all former Catholic countries being turned into pluralistic, and some even hedonistic, states. If the SSPX does not treat modernism on a par with outright heresy it will be an accomplice to the elimination of the Social Kingship of Christ along with the New Church.A month ago Benedict XVI has dedicated a chapel inside the Basilica of St. Paul Outside The Walls, Rome, for multi-religious activities!!!. The teachings of the modernist popes are the basis of modern seminary formation. Indeed the entire Church has been poisoned in a situation far worse from that done by Luther and Cranmer. A Holy Mass is offered in union with those who cherish the Catholic and Apostolic Faith. Benedict XVI does not cherish the Catholic and Apostolic Faith. From Day One he has endorsed Vatican II which has set off a universalist new church which has no scriptural basis at all. Therefore Benedict XVI does not cherish the Catholic and Apostolic Faith. This is also demonstrated from his actions of praying with non-Catholics in Jewish and Muslim temples. A Mass in union with such a man becomes a sacrilege. It is pertinent to point out that in June 2006 Cardinal Ratzinger and Archbishop Bertone committed a grave forgery when they issued to the world a 43-page book on the Third Secret of Fatima which closed the issue once and for all. The 62-line document presented in the book in the so-called handwriting of Sister Lucy was a forgery as confirmed by Speckin Forensic Laboratories, USA, an internationally known firm specializing in examining potential forgeries, which had compared this handwriting with the authentic handwriting of the real Sister Lucy.. The real Third Secret was known to have been in one page of around 24 lines and has been presumably suppressed because it had foretold the crisis in the Church as a result of the Second Vatican Council

SSPX: The New Mass may or not be valid and for this reason we SSPX priests genuflect in a (Novus Ordo) church.  A Mass need not have an offertoryComments: The New Mass and the new rites of ordination were issued by Paul VI in one package. The new rites of ordination are directed towards the New Mass as the end result. All three carry forward the revolution of Cranmer and Luther within the Catholic Church to the extent that the Anglican and Catholic churches in Australia are to merge and the merger ceremony is to be performed in the Anglican Cathedral on April 2, 2008. Where then does the question of validity arise ? Or is the SSPX trying to imply that the Anglican rites are now valid and a Catholic may also attend a mass in the Anglican church?


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In the New Mass there is neither an offertory or a consecration. What passes off as the “preparation of the gifts” is one of the 12 blessings contained in the Talmud, an anti-Christian work written after the death of Christ, and what passes off as the consecration is only the recitation of the Institution Narrative – that too with a falsification in the words to purvey the Protestant theory of universal salvation. There are many works on the New Mass which have never been challenged by Catholic theologians but which the SSPX never refers to, thereby soft-pedalling the official thinking of the New Church and ‘he is the pope theory’

SSPX: Removal of the word “ut” (so that) does not invalidate the new rite of ordination of priests neither do the changes in the bishop’s prayers at the handing over of the instruments of office. The word “ut” did not exist in the Leonine Sacramentary of the fifth century. Comments The word “ut” (so that) links “cause” i.e., the gift of the Holy Ghost with “effect” i.e., second degree of priesthood. The Form with “ut” has been confirmed as essential for validity by Pope Pius XII in “Sacramentum Ordinis” (1947). One must know therefore why the Sacrosanctum Concilium decided to remove the word “ut.” Merely regressing to antiquity has been condemned under the title of “archaeologism” by Pope Pius XII in “Mediator De.” As regards the elimination of intention in the Instruments of Office, this is what Michael Davies has observed in his book “The Order of Melchisedech:”  “Every prayer in the traditional rite [of Ordination] which stated specifically the essential role of a priest as a man ordained to offer propitiatory sacrifice for the living and the dead has been removed [from the New Rite of Paul VI.] In most cases these were the precise prayers removed by the Protestant reformers or if not precisely the same there are clear parallels.” Michael Davies, The Order of Melchisedech, p.97; “If the new Catholic rite is considered satisfactory, then the entire case put by Apostolicae Curae is undermined, . . If the new Catholic rite, shorn of any mandatory prayer signifying the essential powers of the Priesthood, is valid, then there seems to be no reason why the 1662 Anglican rite should not be valid too, . .” Moreover, in the SSPX Asia Newsletter of December 1998, when SSPX thinking was far less liberal, grave disquiet was expressed on the strange changes in the rite of priestly ordination and this may be accessed at: is the New Rite for bishops where the traditional Form confirmed by Pope Pius XII in “Sacramentum Ordinis” (1947) has been overthrown by an entirely new Form which, since 1979 has been  shared with the churches of the Anglican Communion. Both the new rites for priests and bishops fail to specify clearly the graces they are supposed to effect. If these rites are now considered to be valid, then the Anglican rites condemned by Pope Leo XIII become valid,  and “Apostolicae Curae” (1886) of the same Pope gets undermined to which the SSPX is now a party by its attitude..The Society of St. Pius X has devoted its December 2005 & January, 2006 Angelus to “proof” of validity of the 1968 episcopal ordination, by Fr. Pierre-Marie, OP. If the Society wishes to negotiate with the Vatican, this is the ‘recommended’ course!



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We regret to say that today we are in the same situation we were, when we were in the Novus Ordo church, when we would write to the hierarchy about the abuses and ‘errors’ (today we know them as heresies!), and be cold shouldered by them .Having realized that it was not the Catholic Church, but a counterfeit one, we voted with our feet and left it, to follow the SSPX in good faith, thinking they were holding to the Traditional Faith and the immemorial Mass!Alas as we now see the errors and contradictions of the SSPX , and further deviations from the stand taken by the late founder Abp Marcel Lefevbre, we are compelled to stop and think . . . that are we following the Tradition Faith, or following a path, which can only lead back to the New Church? albeit by a process of gradualism, towards accepting what we rejected or at least doubted earlier! For a Catholic is wedded to the True Faith without any compromise, and owes his allegiance only to God and not any individual or Society!That is why St. Paul the Apostle said: "If I were still trying to please men, I should not be aservant of Christ" (Gal. 1, 10).

Obedience without intellectual consideration is called blind obedience. Blind obedience is justified only toward God

Here we would like to highlight a similarity in the modus operandi of the novus ordo and the SSPX in dealing with those who do not agree with them! The novus ordo hierarchy never tire of condemning the Traditionalists from the pulpit, by referring to them as ‘outside the church’. They never bother about the protestant sects proliferating in their backyard, or the various other aberrations etc etc.This mindset also possesses the SSPX when it comes to the Sedevacantists! The heretical pronouncements or scandals of the new Vatican hierarchy does not draw any condemnations or criticism from the SSPX, or if there be, is muted. The Sedevacantists are singled out and the pulpit is misused to denounce them. In fact there are some who are ignorant as to what the word means, and because they are maligned from the pulpit, and warned not to read their literature, for most, Sedevacantism has become a dirty word! (here calumny does not hold!) It appears the “Index’ abolished by Paul VI is being invoked against the Sedevacantists by the SSPX!

Does the SSPX perceive a greater threat from the sedevacantists, or from the common enemy, Modernists who occupy the Vatican?

The extremes the SSPX Priests can go is seen here; An SSPX Priest Fr. Francois Chazal. confiscated a newsletter from a lady’s house in Malad, where he would go often. When the lady protested that it belonged to another lady, the Priest regardless took it


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and asked that the owner be sent to him to get it back! In any case when the owner (lady) asked him for the book, the Priest shot back ‘that he gave it to the cows’! The newsletter in question was not even about Sedevacantism, but one issue of the newsletter written by Fr. Gomar De Pauw, the founder of the Traditional Catholic Movement , titled The New “MASS” written in 1975, and reprinted a number of times which described the NOM as ‘Sacrilegeous at its best and Invalid at its worst.! (see Prologue) Out of charity we will not comment on this sad episode!

Just as the new church feel threatened by the Traditionalists miniscule as they are (few million out of approx one billion), the SSPX seem to feel the same way about the Sedevacantists! Is it that the SSPX are afraid that the adherents will come to know the contradictions and anamolies in their positions and leave them, and hence instill an erroneous fear in them? “And now, therefore, I say to you, refrain from these men, and let them alone; for if this council or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, you cannot overthrow it, lest you be found even to fight against God. . . “ (Acts 5:38-39)

That the SSPX cannot tolerate criticism is borne by this other incident also in Bombay;One of us on an earlier occasion had criticized the moves towards a reconciliation by the SSPX hierarchy, resulting in its publication on the internet, (referring to the Superior General as ‘traitor’), the result was that the individual was accused of calumny and threatened with the denial of the Sacraments , unless the person retracted! !

(Matthew 10:8 . . freely have you received, freely give”)

Is this not cultish high handedness? This brings us to a conclusion that the SSPX consider themselves to be self righteous and infallible, and any criticism leveled against them by the faithful incur their ire and vindictiveness!The crux of the problem is the attitude of the SSPX hierarchy to be ‘recognized’ by the present occupants of the Vatican, to a situation of co-existence with the very forces out to destroy the Catholic Faith! Thus leading to the policy of ‘recognize and resist (disobey)’In the process of recognition and co-existence, there are a plethora of contradictions, and anomalies that have loose ends that cannot be reconciled. (see also ‘Mountains of Gelboe’ by Bp Sanborn SSPV)

Catholics don’t ‘dialogue’ or ‘negotiate’ with the Pope, they submit to him!

“ . . .or is it enough to be in communion of faith with this See without adding the submission of obedience,—a thing which cannot be maintained without damaging the Catholic Faith? In fact, Venerable Brothers and beloved Sons, it is a question of recognizing the power (of this See), even over your churches, not merely in what pertains to faith, but also in what concerns discipline. He who would deny this is a heretic; he who recognizes this and obstinately refuses to obey is worthy of anathema. ( Pope Pius IX, Quae in Patriarchatu, Sept. 1, 1876, to the clergy and faithful of the Chaldean rite)

Bishop Fellay reduced the many conditions of Abp Lefevbre for talks to a mere two! To ‘Free’ the Mass and ‘Lift’ the Excommunications. To seek some kind of additional "approval" from the Newchurch of the New Order for something that has already been defined in Sacred Tradition and a dogmatic Council by the Papal Bull ‘Quo Primum’ bears the odor of heresy!So we had the ‘Rosary Bouquet’ before the ‘motu’, to be followed by the ‘Te Deums’ and ‘1000’ Masses and the ‘Rosary crusade’, and now the SSPX Priests themselves promoting the ‘Motu” mass here in Bombay!

We will just mention one sinister stipulation of the ‘moto proprio’ in that it equates the Traditional Latin Mass as the same as the New Mass, the latter being described by himself (Ratzinger) as ‘banal on the spot product’ in the years past!!


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It is better that the truth be known than scandal be covered up" (St. Augustine)

It appears only Fr. Basilio Miramo Pbro. (SSPX), Prior of Vera Cruz (Mexico), had the perspectives to reject the ‘motu’ publicly!The SSPX priests often boast about the size, the international character, and the organizational unity of their group, in contrast to the small numbers and lack of organization among the sedevacantists.They, take their grandeur, numbers, and monetary success as a sign of God's blessing.Today we know that ‘Pentecostals’ are the fastest growing protestant sect. We also know that Islam is the fastest growing religion today. Does that mean that God has blessed it?Truth does not lie in numbers! By their fruits you will know them!

What has the SSPX wrought after their ‘recognize and resist’ policy for more than 3 decades and four ‘conciliar popes’?After the acceptance of the ‘motu’ and singing of the Te Deums, there is nothing left to resist!!!

If the SSPX feel that their present policy will restore ‘normalacy’ in the Church, then they are sadly mistaken for the magnitude of the crisis can only be solved by Merciful Divine Intervention!!We pray and hope that the SSPX hierarchy will revise its outdated policy to ‘recognise and resist’ which leads to endless contradictions and confusions, and today by their acceptance of almost everything novus ordo, there is nothing to fight about!!! What you get is a loft Chapel in the novus ordo Parish Church!!!

St. Athanasius put it this way: "Even if Catholics faithful to Tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones who are the true Church of Jesus Christ."



Mr. Gilbert Nunes Mrs Ann D’souza [email protected] [email protected]

C,C The four SSPX Bishops . Fr.Pfieffer SSPX./Fr. Chazal SSPX./Fr. Valan SSPX. Fr. Bruchiani SSPX. Prior Fr. Daniel Couture SSPX. Dist Superior. Bp Bernard Fellay SSPX Superior General Dominicans of Avrille (O.P.)


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Redemptorists of Papa stronsay Island Other Lay faithful etc. etc.

References & Articles & Links

# Rome Econe Handbook by Fathers of Holy Cross seminary# Open Letter to Confused Catholics Abp Marcel Lefebvre# ‘Catholic’ Nov/Dec 2005. Transalpine Redemptorists.# Press release from the Superior General of the Priestly Society of St Pius X (Bp Fellay) DICI# Angelus ‘sisi-nono’ June 1994# Angelus ‘sisi-nono’ may 1999# What are we to think of Benedict XVI? Dominicans of Avrille France# Sounds of truth and Tradition (1975) Fr. Gommar DePauw # Letter to Bishop Fellay ‘why I must leave the Society of St. Pius X’ Fr. Robert Neville.# ‘Roman Catholic’ Various issues (SSPV)# A voice crying in the wilderness (various issues & Videos) Most Holy Family Monastary# Vatican II, the Pope and the SSPX Rev Donald Sanborn# Documents on a tragedy (nine expelled Priests of SSPX)# Sedevacantism; did Bellarmine condemn Sedevacantism? Rev Anthony Cekada.# The Mountains of Gelboe Rev Donald Sanborn# ‘Una Cum’ Rev Donald Sanborn# The grain of Incense, sedevacantists and una cum Masses. Rev Anthony Cekada# The legal status of SSPX & its former members Rev Anthony Cekada# Why it is wrong to assist at SSPX Masses – and seriously wrong. Rev Donald Sanborn# Bishop Williamsons mentevacantist error Rev Anthony Cekada# Letter of ‘the nine’ to Abp Lefebvre.#


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Where There is No Hatred of Heresy, There is No Holinessby Father Frederick Faber Father Frederick Faber was one of the most eminent and beloved Catholic authors of the late 19th Century

If we hated sin as we ought to hate it, purely, keenly, manfully, we should do more penance, we should inflict more self-punishment, we should sorrow for our sins more abidingly. Then, again, the crowning disloyalty to God is heresy. It is the sin of sins, the very loathsomest of things which God looks down upon in this malignant world. Yet how little do we understand of its excessive hateful-ness! It is the polluting of God's truth, which is the worst of all impurities.Yet how light we make of it! We look at it, and are calm. We touch it and do not shudder. We mix with it, and have no fear. We see it touch holy things, and we have no sense of sacrilege. We breathe its odor, and show no signs of detestation or disgust. Some of us affect its friendship; and some even extenuate its guilt. We do not love God enough to be angry for His glory. We do not love men enough to be charitably truthful for their souls. Having lost the touch, the taste, the sight, and all the senses of heavenly-minded-ness, we can dwell amidst this odious plague, in imperturbable tranquillity, reconciled to its foulness, not without some boastful professions of liberal admiration, perhaps even with a solicitous show of tolerant sympathies.Why are we so far below the old saints, and even the modern apostles of these latter times, in the abundance of our conversations? Because we have not the antique sternness? We want the old Church-spirit, the old ecclesiastical genius. Our charity is untruthful, because it is not severe; and it is unpersuasive, because it is untruthful.We lack devotion to truth as truth, as God's truth. Our zeal for souls is puny, because we have no zeal for God's honor. We act as if God were complimented by conversions, instead of trembling souls rescued by a stretch of mercy.We tell men half the truth, the half that best suits our own pusillanimity and their conceit; and then we wonder that so few are converted, and that of those few so many apostatize. We are so weak as to be surprised that our half-truth has not succeeded so well as God's whole truth.Where there is no hatred of heresy, there is no holiness.A man, who might be an apostle, becomes a fester in the Church for the want of this righteous indignation!!


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Taken from The Precious Blood


THE FAITH MATTERS You can go to Heaven without the Tridentine Mass, but you cannot go to heaven Without the True Catholic Faith

NOTE: This appeared in the Maryfaithful of Jan/Feb of 1998. . . . . . We are not really astonished at this "slippage " in Catholic sense. Acting and reacting like a Catholic requires the Faith. The virtue of faith is the

principle of a truly Catholic life, and in most Catho lics today, as we commonly observe them going about their business at home, at church, and in society this principle, if not dead, remains fruitless.

In other words, the Catholic religion makes little impression in their lives and little difference that would set them apart from their non-Catholic contemporaries. . . . . . . . .. ..The decline of Catholic religious practice and the surge in ignorance in matters Catholic is enough to make us shudder

The devil can pull more souls to hell through laxity and inexcusable igno rance than most of us are willing to admit.

We tend too easily to these same two faults ourselves; so let us not be too harsh, right?Has the "return" of the Tridentine Mass, at least officially so since 1984, really put the brakes on the Catholic decline we have been witnessing without question since the close of the Second Vatican Council? Outside of some relatively small pockets of resistance and individual conversions to integral Catholicism which resulted from exposure to the undeniably Catholic liturgy enshrined by Saint Pius In the Tridentine Missal, the decline of Catholic life continues. . . . . . . . . . . . …. ..But with the ongoing betrayal of Jesus Christ taking place within the Church at the hands of His own, comes the recollection of Saint John's account of Judas' treachery, and how the holy Evangelist associated the traitor's evil deeds with darkness: "[Judas] therefore, having received the morsel, went out immediately. And it was night" (Saint John 13:30).

So it is in the Church today. Why does the decline continue and the darkness prevail? Let us dare to reply: Because our struggle to restore the traditional Roman Rite liturgy to its rightful place in the Church is but one facet of our fight for the Faith. If the Catholic Faith is to be proclaimed, defended, nourished and propagated, it is not enough to fight for the traditional Roman Rite liturgy, while ignor ing or abandoning the fight for the Faith on ALL other fronts . . . . . . . Do we falsely imagine that only the Mass matters to Catholic life? The fight for the Faith must be integral, or the fight is already lost.

The Tridentine Mass is not the be-all and end-all of Catholic life, nor is it assuring a ticket to eternal paradise. How many Catholics on the day of their judgment will cry out in vain to their Divine Judge: "Lord, Lord, we always went to the Tridentine Mass!"? So did countless millions of others for generations prior to the advent of Pope Paul VI's Novus Ordo Missae. The Tridentine Mass covereth not a multitude of our sins; it cannot be the excuse to allow our failures in other areas of Catholic life to go unchecked.

We are not demeaning the Mass or dismissing the importance of the question of liturgy as we struggle to survive the current upheaval in the Church. The restoration of the Tridentine Mass, however central it may be to any Catholic restoration as a whole, is only a part of that restoration.


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The Tridentine Mass divorced from the supporting framework of Catholic Faith and morality is reduced in some way to a freakish sideshow, a museum-piece making little sense because it is torn from the ambience of unadulterated Catholicism; it is reduced to a sop thrown to Traditional Catholics to keep them quiet, while the larger battles dealing with the Faith are being won by the Enemy and his legions.



The relics of St. Philomena were discovered on May 24, 1802, after lying in obscurity for more than 1500 years in the Catacombs of St. Priscilla in Rome. the loculus (tomb) was sealed by three terra-cotta tiles upon which were printed: "Lumena / Paxte / Cumfi." rearranged read "Pax tecum, Filumena." "Peace be with you, Philomena." Also depicted on these tiles were symbols of martyrdom two anchors, two arrows, a palm, a javelin and a lily (the emblem of purity). Two Noteworthy Cures effected by St. Philomena are worth highlighting.

The first involved the Archbishop of Imola, a fervent client of the Saint and great promoter of devotion to her, who succumbed to a serious illness to the point where it seemed his death was imminent. As he lay in bed, apparently ready to breathe his last, knockings were heard on his bedside table. These knockings, which were also experienced firsthand by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan in Mugnano, signified that the Saint was about to grant some special grace. In the case of the Archbishop of Imola, this signal heralded a complete recovery. This Archbishop went on to become Pope Pius IX, the man who solemnly pronounced the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception.

The second cure of particular interest in the saga of St. Philomena is that of the Venerable Pauline Jaricot, a young and very pious French girl who suffered from serious heart problems. Determined to go to the Shrine at Mugnano to petition St. Philomena for help, Pauline, accompanied by two nurses and a chaplain, crossed the Alps and made for Rome to receive the blessing of Pope Gregory XVI. The Pope, grateful to Pauline for having established both the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and the Living Rosary Association, went himself to visit her at the convent. It was there that Pauline made a "deal" with the Vicar of Christ. She put it to him in these words: "If on my return from Mugnano I were to come to the Vatican on foot, then would Your Holiness deign to proceed without delay to the final inquiry into the cause of Philomena?" (i.e., the canonization of Philomena).No doubt Pauline's great affection for Philomena had been encouraged by St. John Vianney, whom she knew personally and who had asked her to obtain a relic of the Saint for his own Church. The Pope agreed, stating that such a feat would constitute "a miracle of the first order". As he left, however, he turned to the Mother Superior of the convent and remarked, "How ill she is! ... We shall never see her again.". On August 10th, while attempting to kneel at the Shrine, Pauline collapsed, but signaled that she didn't wish to be moved. Then, a feeling of warmth spread through her body, color returned to her face and, to the joy of the townspeople who were not ignorant of the drama being played out in their Church, Pauline was cured.At the Vatican, Pauline was admitted incognito and went at first unrecognized by Pope Gregory. When he realized who was standing before him, he exclaimed, "And has she come back from the grave, or has God manifested in her favor the power of the Virgin-Martyr?" The Holy Father was true to his word and, on January 30, 1837, the Decree was promulgated which authorized devotion to St. Philomena and granted to the clergy of Nola (the diocese which includes Mugnano) the privilege of celebrating Mass in her honor.


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On December 21, 1883, the Holy Office sanctioned the printing of a series of revelations on the life of St. Philomena which had been granted to three persons a nun, a priest and an artisan That the same "biography" was related to three people, unknown to each other, is certainly a fact worth considering.. The revelations granted to this nun, , tell us that Philomena's father was the prince of a small Greek state and that her parents, childless and desiring children, embraced Christianity on the advice of a Christian physician from Rome. Her father being came to meet with Emperor Diocletian over the matter of hostilities threatened by Rome upon their homeland. At this meeting, the Emperor exhibited an inordinate desire for the young princess. Their daughter insisted on remaining a virgin for Jesus Christ. The girl was brought before the Emperor in the hopes that some alluring promises might sway her, but her obstinacy landed her in prison, bound in chains. As the Saint related this, she noted that the angry Diocletian was "influenced by the devil". After thirty-seven days, Our Lady appeared to Philomena to announce her coming tribulations with the encouraging words: "In the moment of struggle grace will come to thee to lend its force. The angel who is mine also, Gabriel, whose name expresses force, will come to thy succor. I will recommend thee especially to his care."Diocletian, in a rage that Philomena would prefer a "malefactor" (i.e., Our Lord) to him, had the girl publicly lashed, after which she was tended to by angels while in her cell. Another meeting, during which Philomena defended the faith against the wiles of both the Emperor and his courtiers, who attempted to impress upon her that her selection by Diocletian was desired by Jupiter himself, ended with the Saint condemned to death. She was to have an anchor tied around her neck and thrown into the Tiber (recall the anchors depicted on the tiles of her tomb). Through the ministry of angels, the anchor was loosened and the Saint was returned to shore. We are further told that this miraculous rescue resulted in the conversion of many who witnessed it. When a shower of arrows (recall again the symbols on the tiles) failed to harm the Saint, she was again cast into a dungeon cell. The Emperor, accusing her of sorcery, ordered that flaming arrows be used on the next attempt, but these ended up killing the archers themselves. Again, conversions followed. Finally, the innocent young girl who had been named "daughter of light" at her baptism was killed, and her soul sent to its place among the elect, when her neck was pierced by a lance Nor was the great Pius X alone among the Vicars of Christ in his deep respect for St. Philomena. We have already mentioned Pope Pius IX and the cure effected for him by the Saint. On November 7, 1849, he showed his deep love for his benefactress by celebrating a Mass on the altar dedicated to her in her sanctuary and, in the same year, he named her "Patroness of the Children of Mary". In 1854, Rome approved a Proper Mass and Office in St. Philomena's honor.Pope Gregory XVI, who had personally witnessed the miraculous recovery of Pauline Jaricot, was responsible for Philomena's canonization and her place on the Calendar. He also sent to the Shrine at Mugnano a gold and silver lamp as a token of his affection and esteem. He gave St. Philomena the title of "Patroness of the Living Rosary".Pope Leo XIII made two visits to the Shrine at Mugnano while he was apostolic administrator of Benevento, and sent to the Shrine a Cross from the Vatican Exposition. He raised the Confraternity of St. Philomena to the rank of archconfraternity and approved the wearing of her Cord, attaching to it indulgences and privileges. If we add to this list of Pontiffs the names of Saints who were devoted to Philomena -- the Cure of Ars, St. Peter Julian Eymard, St. Peter Chanel, to name a few.Again, what happened? What "Spirit of Denial" prompted the Sacred Congregation of Rites to issue the following "liturgical" directive, which was recorded on March 29, 1961 in the Acts of the Apostolic See: "But the Feast of St. Philomena, Virgin and Martyr (August 11th), should be removed from every calendar whatsoever." Yes, the vengeful, inexplicable offensive taken against the Virgin-Martyr, Philomena, was done in the name of liturgical reform.

St. Philomena, Beloved Daughter of Jesus & Mary, Pray for Us!


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Appendix IV

The Pius X and John XXIII Missals ComparedMost Rev. Daniel L. Dolan Missal of St. Pius X1.Promulgated by a canonized saint who condemned Modernism, and composed with the collaboration of absolutely orthodox priests both learned and pious

2.Based upon sound traditional Catholic principles which were employed many times by the popes in the past. This missal was used by the Church from 1914 until the ascendancy of the Modernist "Liturgical Movement" in the 1950's

Prayers at the Foot of the AltarAlways said.

The Collect. On days of lower rank, in addition to the collect of the day, the collects of Our Lady, Our Lady and All the Saints, Against the Persecutors of the Church, For the Pope, or For the Faithful Departed, etc. are recited.

The commemorations of a lower ranking feast of a saint or a Sunday are made according to the rubrics.

Missal of John XXIII1. Promulgated by a pope who admitted that he was suspect of Modernism, the same pope who called Vatican II to "consecrate ecumenism" and open up the windows of the Church to "renewal". Composed under the direction of Ferdinando Antonelli, who signed the document promulgating the New Mass, and under the direction of Annibale Bugnini, the "Great Architect" of the New Mass, notorious modernist and suspected Freemason.2. Based upon the principles of the modernist "Liturgical Movement" often condemned in the past by the Roman Pontiffs, this missal was a transitional work. According to Father Bugnini it was a "compromise" until the liturgy could be made "a new city in which the man of our age can live and feel at ease." It was used for only four years. Prayers at the Foot of the AltarOmitted on (1) The Purification after the Procession, (2) Ash Wednesday after the distribution of ashes, (3) Holy Saturday, (4) Palm Sunday after the Procession, (5) the four Rogation Days after the Procession, and (6) certain other Masses according the new rubrics of the Roman PontificalThe CollectAll these collects are abolished

The commemorations of a lower ranking feast of a saint or a Sunday are either abolished or strictly curtailed, so that on an ordinary Sunday most saints' feasts entirely disappear. The bulk of the Lessons on Ember days are


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The Lessons on Ember Days are always recitedThe EpistleAlways read by the celebrant at Solemn Mass as specifically mandated by Pope St. Pius VThe SequenceThe Dies Irae must always be sung at a Requiem High Mass.

optionalThe EpistleThe celebrant at Solemn Mass sits over on the side and listens instead, just as he does at the New MassThe SequenceThe Dies Irae at a daily Requiem High Mass is optional

The GospelAlways read by the celebrant at Solemn Mass as specifically mandated by Pope St. Pius V.The Creed.Recited on many feasts according to the rubrics

The Canon of the MassUnchanged since the time of Pope St. Gregory the GreatThe Communion of the PeopleThe Confiteor, Misereatur, and Indulgentiam are always said before Holy Communion.The Benedicamus DominoRecited in place of Ite Missa Est on Sundays and Weekdays of Advent and Lent, Vigils, Votive Masses, etcThe Last GospelEither the beginning of St. John's Gospel or the proper Last Gospel of an occuring feast ends every Mass.

Changes in Feasts1)St. Peter's Chair in Rome 2)Finding of the Holy Cross 3)St. John Before the Latin Gate 4)Apparition of St. Michael 5)St. Leo II 6)St. Anacletus 7)St. Peter in Chains 8)Finding of St. Stephen 9)Commem. of St. Vitalis 10)St. Philomena (by indult) 11)St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church 12)Circumcision of Our Lord 13)St. Peter's Chair at Antioch 14)Most Holy Rosary of the BVM 15)St. George 16)Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 17)St. Alexius 18)Ss. Cyriacus, Largus & Smaragdus 19)Impression of Stigmata of St. Francis 20)Ss. Eustace and Companions 21)Our Lady of Ransom 22)St. Thomas a Becket23)St. Sylvester 24)Seven Sorrows of Our LadyOctaves of Feasts1)Epiphany (7th Century) 2)Corpus Christi (1294)3)Ascension (8th Century) 4)Sacred Heart (1928)5)Immaculate Conception (1693) 6)Assumption (ca. 850) 7)St. John Baptist (8th

The GospelThe celebrant at Solemn Mass listens instead

The CreedSuppressed on many feasts (Doctors of the Church, St. Mary Magdalene, the Angels, etc.)The Canon of the MassThe name of St. Joseph is inserted; thus the Canon is no longer the "unchanging rule" of worshipThe Communion of the PeopleAbolished.The Benedicamus DominoAbolished, except when there is a procession after Mass.The Last GospelThe proper Last Gospel is abolished with one exception. Last Gospel not recited for: (1) Third Mass of Christmas, (2) Palm Sunday, (3) Holy Thursday, (4) Holy Saturday, (5) Mass followed by a procession, (6) Requiem Masses followed by the Absolution, and (7) certain other Masses according to the new rubrics of the Roman PontificalChanges in Feasts11)Changed to St. Joseph the Worker12)Changed to Octave Day of Christmas13)Changed to St. Peter's Chair14)Changed to our Lady of the Rosary(15 – 24 all downgraded)

Octaves of FeastsAll abolished


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Century) 8)Ss. Peter and Paul (7th Century)9)All Saints (ca. 1480) 10)Nativity of Our Lady (1245) 11)St. Stephen (8th Century) 12)St. John the Evangelist (8th Century) 13)Holy Innocents (8th Century) Dedication of a Church (8th Century)

Vigils of Feasts1)Epiphany 2)St. Matthias 3)St. James4)t. Bartholomew 5)St. Matthew 6)All Saints7)St. Andrew 8)Immaculate Conception9)St. ThomasMiscellaneous Rubrics1)Three tones of voice are used by the celebrant: audible, secret, and audible only to those at the altar2)When the celebrant is at the Epistle or Gospel side of the altar, he always bows to the cross at the center of the altar whenever he mentions the Holy Name.The Holy Week RitesContains the Holy Week rites mandated by Pope St. Pius V.

Vigils of FeastsAll abolished

Miscellaneous Rubrics1)Third tone of voice is abolished.


The Holy Week RitesRadically altered to such a degree that they are no longer the Holy Week rites of the Tridentine Missal. These rites, in fact, needed only cosmetic changes to fit the pattern of the New Mass in 1969




(1) The Communion of the People: Some priests, who claim to adhere to the changes of John XXIII on the grounds of "papal authority" nevertheless refuse to suppress the Confiteor, Misereatur and Indulgentiam before the Communion of the people, as prescribed by John XXIII.

(2) The Last Gospel: Father Bugnini expressed the wish "of many" that the practice of reciting the Last Gospel be severely curtailed or suppressed altogether. He only had to wait for a few years.

(3) Changes in Feasts: Note the modernist prejudice against the cult of the saints and against feasts which refer to papal prerogatives or apparitions approved by the Church. During Lent, the John XXIII Missal suppresses most of the Masses of the saints.



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APPENDIX VHeresies of Benedict XVI

Benedict XVI is Joseph Ratzinger. Joseph Ratzinger was one of the most radical theologians atVatican II, where his ideas were influential in guiding the revolutionary course of the council.At Vatican II, Ratzinger hung around with notorious heretics such as Karl Rahner. And eventhough he was a priest, Joseph Ratzinger showed up at Vatican II not in clerical garb, but in a suit and tie. Ratzinger was named a “cardinal” by Paul VI in 1977, and became Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith five years later. During these years, Ratzinger wrote a staggering number of books. The heresies from Ratzinger that will be covered here come from his speeches and 24 books written by him. Note: BVI’ heresies in italics

In his book, “Die Sakramentale Begründung Christlicher Existenz” (The Sacramental Reason for Christian Existence) 1966, Kyrios Publishing, Freising-Meitingen (Germany):

On the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist “Eucharistic devotion such as is noted in the silent visit by the devout in church must not be thought of as a conversation with God. This would assume that God was present there locally and in a confined way. To justify such an assertion shows a lack of understanding of the Christological mysteries of the very concept of God. This is repugnant to the serious thinking of the man who knows about the omnipresence of God. To go to church on the ground that one can visit God Who is present there is a senseless act which the modern man rightfully rejects.” (Joseph Ratzinger)

Benedict XVI, Feast of Faith, 1981, p. 130: “The Council of Trent concludes its remarks on Corpus Christi with something which offends our ecumenical ears and has doubtless contributed not a little toward discrediting this feast in the opinion of our Protestant brethren. But if we purge its formulation of the passionate tone of the sixteenth century, we shall be surprised by something great and positive.”

Canon IV of the Holy Council of Trent declares: “If anyone says that after the consecration is complete, the body and blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ are not the sacrament of the Eucharist … and in the consecrated hosts or particles which are reserved (in the Tabernacle), the True Body and Blood of Our Lord remain not, let him be anathema.”

Benedict XVI, Principles of Catholic Theology (1982), p. 377: “…we are witnesses today of a new integralism that may seem to support what is strictly Catholic but in reality corrupts it to the core. It produces a passion of suspicions, the animosity of which is far from the spirit of the gospel. There is an obsession with the letter that regards the liturgy of the Church as invalid and thus puts itself outside the Church. It is forgotten here that the validity of the liturgy depends primarily, not on specific words, but on the community of the Church...”This is a total rejection of Catholic sacramental teaching.

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, 1439: “All these sacraments are made up of three elements: namely, things as the matter, words as the form, and the person of the minister who confers the


suit and tie priest at Vatican II

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Sacrament with the intention of doing what the Church does. If any of these is lacking, the sacrament is not effected.” Ratzinger’s revealing book, “Principles of Catholic Theology; Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology,” 1987, Ignatius Press.

On the historical reality of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ “The Resurrection cannot be a[n] historical event in the same sense as [was] the Crucifixion …” (Joseph Ratzinger, p.186)

The following is a condemned proposition from Pope St. Pius X’s “Lamentabili Sane”; The Syllabus Condemning The Errors Of The Modernists: “No. 36. The Resurrection of the Savior is not properly a fact of the historical order. It is a fact of merely the supernatural order (neither demonstrated nor demonstrable) which the Christian conscience gradually derived from other facts.”

On Truth

“Both the Catholic and Protestant interpretation of Christianity have meaning each in its own way; they are true in their historical moment …Truth becomes a function of time ... fidelity to yesterday’s truth consists precisely in abandoning it in assimilating it into today’s truth … ” (Joseph Ratzinger, p.16)

“The truth is whatever serves progress, that is, whatever serves the logic of history .” (Joseph Ratzinger, p.17)

“… ultimately in the truth, he [man] becomes one with his ego.” (Joseph Ratzinger, p.300)

The following is a condemned proposition from Pope St. Pius X’s “Lamentabili Sane”; The Syllabus Condemning The Errors Of The Modernists: “No. 58. Truth is no more immutable than man himself, since it evolved with him, in him, and through him”

On the Church

“Baptism forms a link between the Christian faith and the religions of the nations, which as cosmic religions seek a God in the elements of the world and are actually on [t]his trail, albeit at a distance.” (p.29)

“We ourselves have become uncertain about our Christian faith.” (Joseph Ratzinger, p.42) “The Eucharist is the Church.” (Joseph Ratzinger, p.53)

On Ecumenism“The Catholic does not insist on the dissolution of the Protestant confession and the demolishing of their churches, but hopes rather that they will be strengthened in their confessions and in their ecclesial reality.” (Joseph Ratzinger, p.202)“The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith … proposes to meet the crisis by a positive presentation of Catholic doctrine...not exc1uding those who hold opposing views.” (Joseph Ratzinger, p.229)

On Evolution“The impetus given by Teilhard de Chardin exerted a wide influence. With daring vision it incorporated the historical movement of Christianity into the great cosmic process of evolution.” (Joseph Ratzinger, page 34)

On 30 June 1962, the Holy Office declared the works of Teilhard de Chardin to “abound in ... serious errors as to offend Catholic doctrine ...” In his 1950 encyclical, “Humani Generis,” Pope


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Pius XII denounced the “… fictitious tenets of evolution which repudiate all that is absolute, firm and immutable …”

On sin“Many a false anxiety about sin, created by a narrow-minded moral theology, and all too often nourished and encouraged by spiritual advisers, avenges itself today by leading people to regard the Christianity of the past as a kind of harassment that kept man constantly in opposition to himself; instead of freeing him for open and anxiety-free co-operation with men of good will .” (Joseph Ratzinger, p.56).“Morality and immorality seem to ens1ave man to make him joyless and empty.” (Joseph Ratzinger, p.141). “Luther’s historical instinct is clearly proving itself right.” (Joseph Ratzinger, p.141)Martin Luther taught: “Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly … No sin will separate us from the Lamb, even though we commit fornication and murder a thousand times a day.” (Weimar Edition, Vol. 2, p.372; “Letters I,” Luther’s Works, American Edition, Vol. 48, p.282.)

On 3 January 1521, Luther was condemned by Pope Leo X with the papal bull of excommunication , “Exurge   Domine.”


Benedict XVI, God and the World, 2000, p. 209: “It is of course possible to read the Old Testament so that it is not directed toward Christ; it does not point quite unequivocally to Christ. And if Jews cannot see the promises as being fulfilled in him, this is not just ill will on their part,but genuinely because of the obscurity of the texts… There are perfectly good reasons, then, for denying that the Old Testament refers to Christ and for saying, No, that is not what he said. And there are also good reasons for referring it to him – that is what the dispute betweenJews and Christians is about.”

Benedict XVI, Zenit News story, Sept. 5, 2000: “[W]e are in agreement that a Jew, and this is true for believers of other religions, does not need to know or acknowledge Christ as the Son of God in order to be saved…”Benedict XVI, God and the World, 2000, pages 150-151: “…their [the Jews] No to Christ brings the Israelites into conflict with the subsequent acts of God, but at the same time we know that they are assured of the faithfulness of God. They are not excluded from salvation…”Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives…”Heresies on the Protestants Benedict XVI, Address to Protestants at World Youth Day, August 19, 2005: “And we now ask: What does it mean to restore the unity of all Christians?... this unity does not mean what could be called ecumenism of the return: that is, to deny and to reject one’s own faith history. Absolutely not!”

Benedict XVI, Principles of Catholic Theology (1982), p. 202: “It means that the Catholic does not insist on the dissolution of the Protestant confessions and the demolishing of


Praying with Lutheran ministress’

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their churches but hopes, rather, that they will be strengthened in their confessions and in their ecclesial reality.”

Benedict XVI, Address to Anglican “Archbishop of Canterbury,” Nov. 23, 2006: “It is our fervent hope that the Anglican Communion will remain grounded in the Gospels and the Apostolic Tradition which form our common patrimony… The world needs our witness… May the Lord continue to bless you and your family, and may he strengthen you in your ministry to the Anglican Communion!”The Anglican Sect is grounded, not in Apostolic Tradition, but in the “tradition” of Henry VIII’sadultery and schismatic break from the Catholic Church. Benedict XVI encourages the schismaticand heretical head of the Anglican Sect in his “ministry,” and mocks all the saints and martyrswho suffered and died as martyrs because they wouldn’t become Anglicans.

Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (# 10), Jan. 6, 1928: “… the union of Christians can only be promoted by promoting the return to the one true Church of Christ of those who are separated from it…”

Heresies on Schismatics

Benedict XVI, Ecumenical Message to Schismatic Patriarch of Constantinople, Nov. 26, 2005:“This year we commemorate the 40th Anniversary of 7 December 1965, that day on whichPope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras, dissatisfied with what had occurred in 1054,decided together at Rome and Constantinople ‘to cancel from the Church’s memory the sentence of excommunication which had been pronounced.” In the year 1054, the Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius, broke communion with the Catholic Church and the pope of Rome. Cerularius rejected the supreme authority of the pope and closed Roman Rite churches in Constantinople. Cerularius was excommunicated by Pope St. Leo IX, and the Great Schism of the East was formalized. Thus, what “occurred in 1054,” mentioned by Benedict XVI above, refers to the excommunications leveled by the Catholic Church against those who followed Michael Cerularius into schism and into a rejection of the Papacy. Paul VI “lifted” these excommunications at the end of Vatican II, and John Paul II praised and commemorated the lifting of them many times. Now we see that Benedict XVI follows John Paul II’s example andalso commemorates the event.

During his 2006 trip to Turkey, Benedict XVI went into two schismatic cathedrals and met withthree schismatic patriarchs, including the leader of the world’s schismatics: Eastern OrthodoxPatriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I. Benedict XVI not only committed a forbidden act ofcommunication in sacred things with the schismatic, but he may have committed his worstheresy in his joint declaration with him.

Benedict XVI, Joint Declaration with Schismatic Patriarch Bartholomew, Nov. 30, 2006: “This fraternal encounter which brings us together, Pope Benedict XVI of Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, is God's work, and in a certain sense his gift. We give thanks to the Author of all that is good, who allows us once again, in prayer and in dialogue, to express the joy we feel as brothers and to renew our commitment to move towards full communion. This commitment comes from the Lord's will and from our responsibility as Pastors in the Church of Christ… As far asrelations between the Church of Rome and the Church of Constantinople are concerned, we cannot fail to recall the solemn ecclesial act effacing the memory of the ancient anathemas which for centuries had a negative effect on our Churches.”Did you get that? He says: “… our responsibility as pastors IN THE CHURCH OF CHRIST”! Whatcould be more heretical than: declaring in a joint declaration with the leader of the world’sschismatics that the schismatic leader, who rejects the Papacy and Papal Infallibility, is “in theChurch of Christ”?


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Benedict XVI made this formally heretical declaration in a schismatic cathedral as part of a jointdeclaration during a divine liturgy with a notorious schismatic! Thus, it’s official: Benedict XVI hasdeclared in a public joint declaration that one can reject the Papacy, Papal Infallibility, Vatican I, etc. and be in the Church of Christ. He is without any doubt a public heretic. Anyone who denies this, in light of these facts, is also a heretic. Even the most dishonest and hardened defender of Benedict XVI will find it impossible to explain this one away.

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (#15), June 29, 1896 – Bishops Separated from Peter andhis Successors Lose All Jurisdiction: “From this it must be clearly understood that Bishops are deprived of the right and power of ruling, if they deliberately secede from Peter and his successors; because, by this secession, they are separated from the foundation on which the whole were given by Christ to Peter alone… No one, therefore, unless in communion with Peter can share in his authority, since it is absurd to imagine that he who is outside can command in the Church.” edifice must rest. They are therefore outside the edifice itself; and for this very reason they are separated from the fold, . . “

Against the Scripture

Benedict XVI, A New Song for the Lord, 1995, p. 86: “The pagan creation accounts on which the biblical story is in part based end without exception in the establishment of a cult, but the cult in this case is situated in the cycle of the do ut des.”

Pope Pius IX, Vatican I, Sess. III, Chap. 3, ex cathedra: “Further, by divine and Catholic faith, all those things must be believed which are contained in the written word of God and in tradition, and those which are proposed by the Church, either in a solemn pronouncement or in her ordinary and universal teaching power, to be believed as divinely revealed.”

Benedict XVI, God and the World, 2000, pp. 165-166, 168: “Q. …Were these laws really handed over to Moses by God when he appeared on Mount Sinai? As stone tablets, on which, as it says, ‘the finger of God had written?’… to what extent are these Commandments really supposed to come from God? A. [p. 166] … Whether there really were any stone tablets is another question… [p. 168] How far we should take this story literally is another question.”

Exodus 31:18- “And the Lord, when He had ended these words in mount Sinai, gave to Moses two stone tables of testimony, written with the finger of God.”

On evolution

Benedict XVI, God and the World, 2000, p. 139: “The Christian picture of the world is this, that the world in its details is the product of a long process of evolution but that at the most profound level it comes from the Logos.”

On Islam

Benedict XVI, Pilgrim Fellowship of Faith, 2002, p. 273: “… Islam, too, … has inherited from Israel and the Christians the same God…”

Benedict XVI, , Sept. 2006: “In the Muslim world, this quotation has unfortunately been taken as an expression of my personal


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position, thus arousing understandable indignation. I hope that the reader of my text can see immediately that this sentence does not express my personal view of the Qur’an, for which I have the respect due to the holy book of a great religion.”

Benedict XVI respects the Koran as a holy book of a great religion. The Koran blasphemes theTrinity, denies the Divinity of Christ, and says those who believe in it are as excrement. It alsosays that all Christians are damned.

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Basel, 1434:“… there is hope that very many from the abominable sect of Mahomet will be converted to the Catholic faith.”Pope Callixtus III: “I vow to… exalt the true Faith, and to extirpate the diabolical sect of the reprobate and faithless Mahomet [Islam] in the East.”

On Nov. 30, 2006, during his trip to Turkey, Benedict XVI took off his shoes and entered the blue Mosque. He followed the Muslim’s command to turn toward “the Kiblah” – the direction of Mecca. Then the prayer began. Benedict XVI prayed like the Muslims toward Mecca in the mosque. He even crossed his arms in the Muslim prayer gesture called ‘the gesture of tranquility’. This incredible act was reported and shown all over the mainstream media.

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. I-II, Q. 103., A. 4: “All ceremonies are professions of faith, in which the interior worship of God consists. Now man can make profession of his inward faith, by deeds as well as by words: and in either profession, if he make a false declaration, he sins mortally.”St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. II, Q. 12, A. 1, Obj. 2: “… if anyone were to… worship at the tomb of Mahomet, he would be deemed an apostate.”St. Thomas says that one who worships at the tomb of Mahomet is to be deemed an apostate; praying in a mosque, and toward Mecca like the Muslims, is much worse. That’s why no pope in history ever even went into a mosque; they all knew that to even go there would be to signify the acceptance of the false religion.

On PagansBenedict XVI, God and the World, 2000, p. 373: “There were in fact Christian hotheads and fanatics who destroyed temples, who were unable to see paganism as anything more than idolatry that had to be radically eliminated.”Those “hotheads” whom he criticizes would include St. Francis Xavier and St. Benedict. St. Francis Xavier [regarding the heathen children he had converted to the Catholic faith, +1543): “These children… show an ardent love for the Divine law, and an extraordinary zeal for our holy religion and imparting it to others. Their hatred for idolatry is marvelous. They get into feuds with the heathens about it… The children run at the idols, upset them, dash them down, break them to pieces, spit on them, trample on them, kick them about, and in short heap on them every possible outrage.”

St. Benedict overthrew a pagan altar and burned the groves dedicated to Apollo when he first arrived at Mount Cassino:Pope Pius XII, Fulgens Radiatur (# 11), March 21, 1947: “… he [St. Benedict] went south and arrived at a fort ‘called Cassino situated on the side of a high mountain; on this stood an old temple where


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Apollo was worshipped by the foolish country people, according to the custom of the ancient heathens. Around it likewise grew groves, in which even till that time the mad multitude of infidels used to offer their idolatrous sacrifices. The man of God coming to that place broke the idol, overthrew the altar,burned the groves, and of the temple of Apollo made a chapel of St. Martin. Where the profane altar had stood he built a chapel of St. John; and by continual preaching he converted many of the people thereabout.’Pope Leo XIII, Ad Extremas (#1), June 24, 1893: “… the blessed Apostle Thomas who is rightly called the founder of preaching the Gospel to the Hindus. Then, there is Francis Xavier… Through his extraordinary perseverance, he converted hundreds of thousands of Hindus from the myths and vile superstitions of the Brahmans to the true religion.”

Benedict XVI, Homily, Sept. 10, 2006: “We do not fail to show respect for other religionsand cultures, we do not fail to show profound respect for their faith…”

Pope Leo XIII, Custodi di Quella fede (# 15), Dec. 8, 1892:“Everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to masonry or to affiliated groups. Know them by their fruits and avoid them. Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions...”

Benedict XVI, Truth and Tolerance, 2004, p. 207: “The fact that in every age there have been, and still are, ‘pagan saints’ is because everywhere and in every age – albeit often with difficulty and in fragmentary fashion – the speech of the ‘heart’ can be heard, because God’s Torah may be heard within ourselves...”

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, ex cathedra:“…all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life…”

On Church TraditionBenedict XVI, Principles of Catholic Theology (1982), p. 100: “… the problem of tradition as it exists in the Church…The Church is tradition… into which – let us admit – much human pseudotradition has found its way; so much so, in fact, that even, and evenprecisely, the Church has contributed to the general crisis of tradition that afflicts mankind.”

This is a repudiation of one of the two sources of Revelation, Sacred Tradition.

Pope Pius IX, Vatican I, ex cathedra: “…all those things must be believed which arecontained in the written word of God and in tradition …” On Original sinBenedict XVI, In the Beginning, 1986, p. 72: “…Theology refers to this state of affairs by the certainly misleading and imprecise term ‘original sin.’”

The Council of Trent promulgated an infallible “Decree on Original Sin” in which it used theterm “original sin” no fewer than four times.On the Apostles Creed Benedict XVI, Introduction to Christianity, 2004, p. 326: “… Perhaps it will have to be admitted that the tendency to such a false development, which only sees the dangers of responsibility and no longer the freedom of love, is already present in the [Apostles’] Creed …’”


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BENEDICT XVI ADMITS THAT VATICAN II CONTRADICTS THE INFALLIBLE TEACHING OF POPE PIUS IX ON RELIGIOUS LIBERTY AND FALSE RELIGIONSBenedict XVI, Principles of Catholic Theology, 1982, p. 381: "If it is desirable to offer a diagnosis of the text [of the Vatican II document, Gaudium et Spes] as a whole, we might say that (in conjunction with the texts on religious liberty and world religions)it is a revision of the Syllabus of Pius IX, a kind of counter syllabus… As a result, the one-sidedness of the position adopted by the Church under Pius IX and Pius X in response to the situation created by the new phase of history inaugurated by the French Revolution, was, to a large extent, corrected..."

We stop here!!!The list of heresies can go on endlessly!!! If a catholic is still not convinced , then he can never be!!!


(From ‘The heresies of BXVI’ by The Most Holy Family monastery)


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