Page 1: Online shopping and e commerce facts [infographics]


Page 2: Online shopping and e commerce facts [infographics]

Since the beginning of E-Commerce, the trend of online shopping has shown enormous growth. The e-commerce has become an industry now. Online shopping gives the sense of ease and comfort along with various other benefits of shopping online instead of wandering the shopping malls.

Over the past few years, there have been thousands of online stores launched and the industry has now reached up to USD 1500 Billion which is huge. According to Forbes magazine, B2B eCommerce Market worth $6.7 Trillion (USD 6700 Billion) by 2020 i.e. more than 4 times of present worth which is gigantic.Specially in the region like UAE, so many best online deals stores that offers products in very special discount.

We have collected few facts for you that you may do not know. Please see and share the below Infographic on Online Shopping Facts.
