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Online Nutrition Advice

Are you looking Online Nutrition Advice and tips For Nutrition

Supplements? If yes, than get online tips for healthy diets,

fitness and nutrition information from Principles of Fitness.

Nutrition Fat label: Fat has become quite the buzzword on the

diet and nutrition scene. But we cannot cut the daily intake of fat

from our diet because fat is important in daily diets as it is a

major source of energy. It helps in absorbing vitamins and

minerals, aids blood clotting, improves muscle movements and

helps in proper body functioning. We can take care of the type

of fat needed in a healthy diet. Always remember a healthy diet

contain 50% of calories from carbohydrates, 30% calories from

fats and 20% calories from proteins. Daily intake of 2000

calories should contain about 6000 calories from fats. There are

several types of fats some may be useful to our body while other

may be harmful. Some of the BAD Fats are:

Saturated fats: - These fats are mainly solid at room

temperature and they are high in calories. Excessive intake

of such types of fats raises the cholesterol level in our body

which increases the risk of heart diseases.

Trans Fats: - They are like saturated fats. They are

industrially manufactured and are used because they are

cheap and long lasting.

Cholesterol: -The usage of excessive cholesterol leads to

cardio-vascular diseases and high blood pressure.

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Some of GOOD fats are:

Mono-unsaturated Fats: - they are healthy fats that can be

found in animal sources. They are mainly liquid at room

temperature and provides vitamin E. such fats are present in

olive oil, sesame oil, canola oil. Avocados and many seeds

and nuts.

Poly-unsaturated Fats: - PUFA helps promote

cardiovascular health and decreases the risk of stroke.

PUFAs also provide omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fat

essential to cellular function, which the body cannot make

but must obtain through dietary sources. It is present in

soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn oil. Tofu, walnuts, flax

seed etc.

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Top Protein Brands: while choosing the right kind of

protein powder, the first thing you should do is decide which

kind you want. The most popular options are casein protein

powder, whey protein powder, soy protein powder, and other

plant-based protein powders.

Casein protein: - it is a slow-digesting protein that

produces a balanced level of amino acids. Because it is

slow-digesting, this can serve as an excellent meal

replacement if necessary.

Whey protein: - it is a fast absorbable protein that is

considered a complete protein. It contains all essential

amino acids. Whey protein comes in three different

forms: whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate,

and whey protein hydrolysate. Whey protein concentrate

has low levels of fat and carbohydrate; the amount of

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protein depends on how concentrated it is. Whey protein

isolate is processed more to remove fat and lactose, and

is usually made up of 90% protein. Whey protein

hydrolysate doesn’t need as much digestion as the other

forms of whey protein.

Soya protein:- a protein that comes from the soybean, is

made from soybean meal that has been fat removed.

While soy protein would technically fall under the plant

protein category, it’s popular enough by itself that it

deserves its own category. There does seem to be

extensive debate over the use of soy protein, especially

in men, as there’s a possibility of an effect on estrogen

levels. Soy protein has, however, been shown to be

beneficial for both men and women.

Plant protein: - can be found in vegetables, legumes,

nuts, seeds, non-dairy milk like almond milk, and grains

like quinoa. But the good news is, you can also find plant

proteins in powdered form so that you can use it just as

you would whey, soy, or casein protein powders.

Importance of Protein Supplementation

Our bodies use Proteins for everything from hormones and

cellular repair to movement and oxygen transport. Without

enough protein, our bodies cannot properly function, or at least

cannot perform at the optimum level. Protein can be taken right

before or after a workout, but some can be taken right before

bed. The primary goal of taking protein supplements is to

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encourage muscle growth. The protein you ingest gives your

body various amino acids that are needed to maintain good

health. Most definitively, protein helps to repair and build new

muscle. If you don’t consume enough protein, your body will

have a much harder time trying to rebuild muscle tissue.

If you’re following a vegetarian, vegan, or other meatless diet,

you could especially benefit from protein supplementation.

Although there are several great ways to get protein from plants,

there are other important sources as well. Some recommended

protein powder options for vegetarians include soy protein, egg

white protein, and rice protein powder.

For More Nutrition Advice contact us today.

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