Page 1: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay
Page 2: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay

One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay.

One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay.

Page 3: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay

But when the soldiers who sought the fugitive asked where he was hiding, everyone became very fearful. The soldiers threatened to burn the village and kill every man in it unless the young man were handed over to them before dawn.

Page 4: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay

The people went to the priest and asked him what to do.

Page 5: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay

The priest, torn between handing over the boy to the enemy or having his people killed, withdrew to his room and read his Bible, hoping to find an answer before dawn.

Page 6: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay

After many hours, in the early morning his eyes fell on these words: “It is better that one man dies than that the whole people be lost.”

Page 7: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay

Then the priest closed the Bible, called the soldiers and told them where the boy was hidden.

Page 8: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay

And after the soldiers led the fugitive away to be killed, there was a feast in the village because the priest had saved the lives of the people.

Page 9: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay

But the priest did not celebrate. Overcome with a deep sadness, he remained in his room.

Page 10: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay

That night an angel came to him, and asked, “What have you done?” He said: “I handed over the fugitive to the enemy.”

Page 11: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay

Then the angel said: “But don't you know that you have handed over the Messiah?” “How could I know?” the minister replied anxiously. Then the angel said: “If, instead of reading your Bible, you had visited this young man just once and looked into his eyes, you would have known.”

Page 12: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay

Questions for reflection:

1.The youth are running away today. What do they run away from? Why are they running away?

2. “Jesus looked at the young man and loved him”. How do I see others today?

3. The priest found the Bible a substitute for his solutions. What are my substitutes?

4. What qualities do I need to acquire to be an effective youth animator today?

Page 13: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay

Jesus the Effective youth minister:

Read Luke 24: 13-35

Jesus was an effective minister of youth whose eyes were down with sorrow.

He walked with them, taught and explained.

He took initiative to ask questions and clarify. Begun as a stranger, he became a friend.

Once empowered, he did not control them. The youth became agents of good news.

Page 14: One day a young fugitive, trying to hide himself from the enemy, entered a small village. The people were kind to him and offered him a place to stay

This programme is the copyright of Fr. Gilbert Choondal, sdb. You are free to use ths for non-commercial purposes. If you use commercially (either in parts, full or changed format), please do get his permission.

Fr. Gilbert Choondal, sdbKristu Jyoti College,Krishna Raja Puram PostBangalore – 560 036KarnatakaIndia

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +91-9448833709
