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PMt 2

Hav-Utg Wd a 6ounda.tion and made. .an PMt 7 on th,w -6vr.-ie...o,we -6 fa.Le .6c.Jt.iptu.Jr.u whi.c..h Jr.e.late.. "the. th.£Jr.d day". The.. 6.£Jr..6:tOne 06the...oe 60und -Ut the. -6c.Jt.ip:twc.e..o.(,0 Ge.Yl.. 7 :9-13, "snd Eloh-£m -6Md, Let: :the. wa;tvr..6 under: the.he.ave.n t.£. gathVted toge.thQ)t unto OYl.eplac..e, and let :the. dJr.y ta.n.d appe.M: and .it Wa.-6.60.And ElohJm c..a.lled the. dJr.y Land EMth; and the. ga:thVt-Utg ;[oge.:t.hvr. 06 the watvr..6 c.a.lled He.Se.M: and Eloh.i..m .6a.wthat -it WM good. And E.i.oh-£m.6Md, Let the eaJt·th bll.-ing rioJtth gll.M~~,the heJtb y-ield-Utg .see.d, and the. nJtu-<.tocee. y-ie.ld-<.ng 6Jtu-it a6teJt hu, wh0.6e. Mooed.w eni...ue..l6, upon the. : and -itWM -60. And the eMth bJtought 6M:th gJtM.6, and hVtb y-< a6tVt h,w k-ind, and the .tte.e..<.ng, wh0.6e..seed wa..6 -<..n-iue...t6, a6:tVt h-i.6 a.cnd .and Eloh-£m .6a.wthat -it WM good. And the. e.ven-<.n.gand the mOJtn-ing weJte the THIRD DAY."

A-6 the -th.i.Jtd day M age 06 c.Jtea.Uon began will a d-<, .60 the. th.i.Jtd day ()ll. th»: :thi...Jtdthou.sand ye.M pVt-iod int» wh-ic..hwe aJr.e.p1tuentiy wul bJt-ing a. d-ivu-<...on. MMk qou ,:lite di...v.{.-6.{OYIi...-6 ca.lled GOOD-in the .6CA-ip.tUJ(<?..J.>,and :the. d.{v-i-6ton 06 day wi....e..e.PJ(OVe.tobe. good a.ioo. The. d-ivu-ioYl. at that t-£me. Wa.6 06 gathVt-Utg :the. wateJt-6 tog~:thVt :that :the. MyLand m-ight appe.M. The ioond. WATEkS -<4 pfuAat wh-ich u .in.tVte...ot.(n.g, 6 M -in Rev. 17: 15 agevi.n:the. wOJ(dWATERS lp~at -< "The. WATERSwh-ich thou .6a.we.6t, •••••••••••••• Me. PEOPLES,and MULTITUDES, and NATIONS, and TONGUES." TMoughout:the. -6M-ip:twc.U -it ,w e.v-ide.nt that-6e.M and wa.:teJt-6J(e.6Vt to pe.op.tu. The.puJ(po.oe.. 06 the. ga.thvc..i...ngtogetheJt 06 the wa.tVt-6 UU-6

that the. dJty la.n.d m-< T he. fund WM pJ(e...oe.Yl.tbu:t undvc. uxcte»: at that t-£me, and .the.E.i.oh.i.m du.£Jr.e.d that Lt appeaJr. and and<.zable.

k~ we. Me. e.Yl.:tVt-ingint» thu th-£!(d thoiuand qea« peJ(-iod, OJ( the. th-£!(d day, we can expectto -6ee d-ivU-<'OM M nevVt be 6 Me. The m-ixed multitudu that .inhab-it evvc.ywhVte nOW Megu..<.ngto be. -6upVtnatMatly and wondJ(oU-6ly gathVted togetheJt in the-£!( own ptace. It mMtbe J(e.membe.J(edthat the bound» 06 the na.UOM wVte sei: acc..oJ(d-ing to :the numbeJt 06 the ChddJten06 I~ael, and thU-6 -it mu.6t be agMn. FM .uwta.n.c..e, ou/C.OWnbeloved na.UOn hM been ..<.nvadedby thoManM and mu.uoM on at.i.eM who ough:t to be -in the-£!( own pfuc.e.. -£n-6tead 06 ..<.nIMael'-6place.. And, by the. -6ame token, those on, l~a.el who Me -6c..a.tteJted en. the .f..a.n.M 06 othe».J(a.c.e..6and peop.i.u w-ill have to get out and then ab-<.de..<.nthe .f..a.n.M 06 1Mae.i. •

IMae.t i...-6 J(e6VtJ(e.d to M THE DUST OF THE EARTH and the SAND Of THE SEA, .60 i...t -<.-6ev-<'de.Yltthat the. jJUAP0.6e. 06 the. 06 wa.:tM-6 WM to .the land appe.aJt, and the pUJ(pu-6e 06peopt:e..J.>and ll.ace..,~ll.e.tu.Jr.n-ingto the-i..J( OWnnative. p.{ace. -<.-6that IMa.e./:'. m-<.ghttJtuty appeaJt.{.Yl tile. g.[OJ(y tvlt.<.c.1tHE .<..ntended to be.

None. o~ tJw_ above -t-6 ~a.i..d to be.l-iti.ie_ any peopte M J(ac.e, -<.nde.e.dnot, 60ll. each ll.ace ha:« ap.tace. to 6u.t6 .z.t.f., bu:t the_.6e othe« J(ace-6 cannot nu.f6.i..ef. IMae.f' -6 p.f.ace. and ne.i..:thM IMae..t6u~6-ilt the (.>U/(pO-6e06 the othel( J(ac.e-6. ThQ..J(e60J(ewe can expect to -6ee a movement wheJtebyeac..h peop.fe. and an -inne.Jr.du.£Jr.e. to Jr.e.tMn to the.Vt OWnp.ta.c..e, OJr..i...nothM WMM,a u6 the. Wa.:tM-6toge.thM. Th-t-6 w-iU not be a.c.c..omp.f.-<.-6hedoveJtn.i.ght, but -it -6hattbe e.v-ide.n.ce.d a.-6 the. yeM-6 c..ome.and g0 in :th.i-6 :th.i.Jr.dday On 1000 yeaJr.-6.

And, M :the othe« J(ac..e.-6and peop.f.e.-6 go to the.i.Jr. pJ(OpM lac..moM, -60 I~ael w-<.UmOJte andmO.ll.eappeM even M the dJ(y .f.and appe.Med. So many 66 tnue. IMael don It e.veYl yet know whothey Me., and :thc.y 1l.e.6Vt :to the.m-6elve-6 M Genti.f.e-6 M 0ppv-6ed co JeHJ.6. Fnom -the :t-<.me06u.« capuvwJ 06 IMae..f. and then 06 Judah, a gJ(eat m-i..glta.Uon began. IMae.f. became. knownby at.f. -6Mt-6 06 HCUlle-6,but eveJt tlte-iJr. movemen-t WM we..6:twMd and evVt nUJ(thM we..6t.wa/c.d.The.1j m.i..gJ(ated fuough EUJ(ope, funded en the 8Jc.ifuh I-6le.-6, moved oYI.WMda.cJI.O-6-6the ~-6

and -6e.tte..e.d th.{)) AmVl..ican contine.nt. But we Me ail/.)o m-<xed up m:th othe»:)[a..c.e..6,and the. On.t.y -6ofuUOn u to 9~t each people and each J(ace in -iu own jJaJtucu.f.aAcoc.a.ccon a.U.otted to -<.t by :the pta.n. 06 the. MMt

Luten to the WMd-6 06 1-6a. 13: 14, " ••• they .6ha..U. evMIj man tunn. co hu OWnpeopi.e, and6te.e.. evVtljone cnt» hu own tand." Th.<....~th-£!(d da.y w.i.f.l pJ(ove the uu:th 06 what l so.iah. W'lo:teand wha:t Wa..6pllomued to I~ae.f.. to be a -6pe(Qople. unm-<.n.g-te.dwi·:th othe« pe.op.f.e.-6and

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The th-Uc.d day 06 CJte.a-t-tonWa..6 not only :the d-i..viding 06 the. wa.tVt.6 and Land , but d WM a.f.6othe. .6t.:ttillg .{.nto pfuce. 06 ,the.!.e. flingdom. ThAe.e thing.6 Me. me.ntione.d on th.w a..6 to be bJLought 6Mth----GRASS, HERB YIELDING SEED, and TREE YiELDING FRUIT. HVte. Me.tivcee. c.W.6iMc.atioM, and the.JLe. i.6 a JLe.a-&onOM th.w. The. c.omple.te. plLov.w-ion 06 600d wa..6-i.n..6ugcJ:e.d. on the. th.<.JLdday. No pIl.ov.(,6-ion WM made. OM meat: ea;t.(ng whav.,oevVt. EVeJLyth.i..Jlgtita.:t WM 6 M .6U.6te.nanc.e.wa..6 -i..nthe. gJLM.6, he.JLbseeas and OJLu-tt.

Ge.n. 1:29-30, "And Eioh.<.mJ.>a.-td,Be.ho!.d, 1 have. give.n you C2.Ve.JLyhe.JLbbe.M-<-ng..6e.e.d,whic.h .wupon :the. 6ac.e. 06 all the. e.Mth, and, -in.:the wh-<..c.h.w .:the. OJtud 06 a tJr.e.e.y.<..e.£>eed; to you d J.>ha.1.1be. OM me.a.:t. And to eVeJL!f beMt 06 the. ea/ah , and to eveJLlj oow.l 06 the«c«, and co evVt!f .:th-<.ngtha.:t c.Jteepe..:th upon .:the eaxth ; the.JLe. -ih U6e., I have. gJLe.e.nhelLb 6 OJ[. meas:, and .<..tWM .60." Aga.-<..nwe have a c.fM-i6-i..c.a.tion 06 what wa..6 to bee.ate.n, and no M.e..6h WM even ment-ione.d. M be-ing 6M 60od. Th.{./.)6.<..JL.6tc.haptelL 06,6g-i..Ve.6 the. account: 06 c.Jte.ation w-U.h the. c.Jteation 06 man on the. .o-i..xth day. Th.{./.)man uxw notthe. .6ame M the. 6Mmation 06 man -in the. .6e.c.ond c.hapUJL 06 ThU.6 we. have. a CREATEDman -in Gen. 1 and a FORMEDman .in Gen. Z. The 6i.Jc.~t c.ha.ptVt .(,6 a p-<.c..tuJr.e 06 .the p1te-ada.m.-< whVteM the second c.hap:tVt .(,6 an ac.c.ount 06 .:the "ha: adom'", M THE AVAM, a paJttic.u£Mman who WM not c.JLe.ate.dbut ge.nVtate.d. In.:the ge.neology 06 Luke. 3 th.w Adam 06 Gen. 2 .(, "a .6on 06 Yahwe.h".

To the. CJl.e.a..te.dman WM g.(ve.n the. heJLb beM-ing SEEV, emphM.(,6 on SEED, not j~t the heJLbthat be.M.6 a .oe.ed, but the. .6e.e.d that .(,6 bMne. by -the hVtb. P£i..Lo th.<..o p!te-adam-<.te. wa..6 g.<..ven.the. Mud 00 the. tse« .:that had a -i..n-i..t. That uxw to be. the 600d 6 M.:the CJte.a.:ted ma.n and h-ih duc.endanu. AJ.> 6 M the. be.a..ot a.n.d the. 0 ow.f. and :the. CJl.e.e.p.<,the.y W('}(e. to the. gJLM.o OJLgJte.e.n henb«, The.y wVte. not c.Mn-ivOJLOU.6e..<...:thelLat thiu: time.

But, to tJte GENERATEDMAN 00 Gen. 2 wa..o give.n the 6JLu-i..t06 the. VM-iOU.6 to eiu., Inothen. WMM, he. WM a 6JLuitM-ian, not a -in iu .6tJc.-ic.tut .6en.oe. 06 c.OUlL.6e, dueto the. d.<..oobe.d-ienc.e.06 Adam h-ih e.ating hab-iu WelLe, and a.o they W('}(e c.hange.d, .60UXVte. the. ea..ting hab..Lt6 06 a.U c.Jtea.tion c.hange.d. Meat ea.Ung -into a.1ong Wtthe.a..t-<.ng~he gJLow-ing.:th-ingJ.>06 the earai«, but. even .60, tiLVLe WelLeLWI.{;[a;UOn.oto tlt.(,6 Adam-i.c.£-tne M to what mea.:t c.ould be ea.:ten and what c.ould not be eaten; It be .6Ulmled up -<-1'1

a 6 e.w WOJLcL6,they wvc.e. to on.f.y those: a.n.ima.L6tha.t wvc.e. them.6e.-tve.6.

Now, we. Me. entelL-ing ih,[.o thoU.6and ye.M day, and aga.-in OUlLappe.titu and d.< Mebe...i..ngde.alt a .ope.c.-ial way. We. Me. -te.Mn-ing to JLe.6pe.c.t Ovt.f. «6e, and meat eating.<..0 ~.f.ow.f.y be-ing JLe.p-t.a..c.e.dwith a du.<.JLe.6 M vegeta.blu and 6JLu-tu, wh-i..c.h-inc.fudu nut/.>.Th.(,6 hM not happene.d ovVtn-i..ght, nOlL w-£.f.£. it happen oVVLnight, but .6.f.ow.f.ywe Me beingc.hanged a.£.ong with OUlLappe.ute.6, and 600d -ih c.on.oideJLe.d in a di6 6 enent: Ught.

We. know that d ,[.0 PJLom-t.6e.ddUlL..i..ngthe: Kingdom AgQ. tlta.:t ths: .f.-i..ona.nd the: .lamb w-£.f.£. lie. down.-r.ogQ.thVt, that: the. bea». w-iU .6tJc.OJ)J.f.-<.ke.the. ox,, Th.(l.) that aLe. CJl.e.ation wiUe.venllia.U!f ue. c.hange.d bacu. to a na.tuJLal way 06 eating Jr.a..the.JLthan one. .6pe.c.-<.ukilUng onothen..6pe.c.-i..u 6 OJ!.6ood , But wha.t .w it that wiU bJLing about a chanqe in the£.k.ingdom .60the.y Me. no .f.ongelL c.MnivoJtoU.6? The.y w-iU be c.hanged bec.a.U.6e.we. 06 l..Mae..f., pUlLe Ada.m.<..tu,wiLt c.hange.d and 'no .f.ongVt be. e.a.te.JL.o. ClLe.ation W-<.Unot c.hange. unti.f. we.Me. c.hange.d. Without a doubt, we will be.c.ome.pUlLe.6lLU.-i.:tMiaM Me. the. "ha: adom",THE ADAM, 06 Ge.n. 2. Tho.6e. 06 otheJL lLa.c.e..6 and pe.optu w-iU c.hanged ille.w.weto e.ating the J.>eed.-6 06 the hvc.b.o and 6Jr.uit. ThU.6 a glLea..t c.hange. -ih a..f.JLe.a.dyin p!togJLUJ.>among the. We. hea»: 6JLommany who.6e. d.(e.u Me. be.(ng /.>0 c.hange.d M ne.vVt be.6OJLe.,andtJl.{..o wiU c.ontinue. u.nW the. pVt6e.c.t diet w'<"U on!.y be. e.a.te.n., it wi.f..f. VelLYuke..f.y :take the: whole. 06 the tho~a..n.d qea»: thi.Jc.d day UJ ge.t th.<..oa.£..f.a.c.c.omp.t.i.6he.d.(n I-Ytae!., in othe«,in CAe.ation, but d w-t..te be a.c.c.ompfuhe.~ «, 6 ~JL.c: .(,6 -60 rJ/ Ln. the ~c.Jtip:tuJtu. It ~ no uionde»: the.n that thVte hM to be. a d-<.v.{./.)-<.onand -6epWta.U.on 06 eVVl.1j pe.JL.6On.into h.(,6 own rand and peop.f.e and lLac.e. that the: d.<..etetic.chanqe» mJ..ght a.£.60 be. ac.c.ompfuhed. Th-ih -ih a..e..e. in the. Fa..thVt'.6 p.f.a.n., and thi.6 pe.JLOe.c.tion.6ha.U. be. man'<"6e..ot .<..nth.<..o day blLing-ing hono« unto the. K-<.ng06 k-ingJ.>and LOJLd06 .toJtd.6!

nc.n--l/30/& Tape. UbJrMIj, P.O. Box 4, Thomp.6on, UT lS4540

