Page 1: oleix} J^Tb^uDS- 18/Troy NY Times Record/Troy … · Lieut- Tibbits Takes Bride In Wellesley Mies Marjoi ie Fitxherbert, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, Leroy George Fitzherbert. 52 Hundred*

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oleix} _ J Tb uDS-Lieut- Tibbits Takes Bride In Wellesley

Mies Marjoi ie Fitxherbert, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs, Leroy George Fitzherbert. 52 Hundred* Circle, Wellesley Hills, Mass., became the bride of Ll*ut (J. g.) Arthur Har-ria Tlbbita, aon of K*v. and Mrs. John Knox Tibbits of Washington, D. C, and Murray Bay, Quebec, Canada, thia afternoon at 2 p.m. In S t Andrew's* Episcopal Church In Wellealey.

Bav. Philemon F. Sturgea, jr., performed the ceremony and was assisted b> Dr. Tibbits, the brlde-groom'a father.

The altar was decoimted with white flowers and candles.

Miss Janet Stevens was the maid of honor and Lieut. George Uudley Tibbits, U. S. Army, brother of the bridegroom, was the best man. Lieut. Kaintmn Cowan. U. S. N. K., was an usher.

The bride wore a wedding gown of ivory faille trimmed with old duchess* lac*. Her veil was caught by a coronet of the same lace and ah* carried a bouquet of white calla lilies with sprigs ot trailing Ivy.

Her attendant wore an emerald green velveteen gown and carried a bouquet of white chrysanthe­mums.

A small reception followed the ceremeny at the home of the bride s parents, which was decorat­ed with whit* flowers and lighted candles.

Mrs. Tibbits Is a graduate of Dana Hall and the Garland School of Boston. Lieutenant Tibbits graduated from St. Paul's School and Wllliasns College, where he was a member of Kappa Alpha So­ciety and from Harvard Law School. He Is a nephew of Sarah B. Tibbits of this city, bridal couple will spend honeymoon in Canada.

Nuptials Solemnized Today

Miss The


Ilium Club Speaker Tells of Life in Russia

Irina Skariatina, famous author, lecturer and world traveler, held her audience spellbound yesterday afternoon as she lectured before the Ilium Literary Club in The Hendrick. Hudson.

Introduced by the program chair- #• man, Mrs. William M. Thomas, I continued, "Instead of dirty huts

Marriage of

Area Couple Announced

Newcomer's Club

To Conduct Tour The regular monthly meeting of

the Newcomers' Club will be held Tuesday at 12:80 p.m. at The Hend­rick Hudson Club Buffet.

Following the luncheon, a busi­ness masting will be held after which an inspection tour of Cluett, Pssbody a Co., Inc., will be made by the members of the club.

Club members are urged to at­tend the surgical dressing work on

Madam* 8kariatina. a Russian by birth and now the wife of Lieut. Com. Victor P Blakeslee of the U. S. Navy, opened her talk on "Princes and Peasants of Old Rus­sia" by saying, "I am always glad to talk about Russia whether it is the new or the old Russia."

Describing the old world regime and life before the revolution, Madame Skariatina told of the lux­urious court life, the rich landown­ers who lived in grea. castles and their slaves who worked the land. Today, none of these castles re­main. They have all been demol­ished by German bom" ;.

This former titled Russian has returned to Russia each year to study conditions. "Russia has never been a Utopia." she asserted, "rather, it is a new world in the making and in -construction."

Recounting some of her experi­ences on her recent tour of the lighting front, Madame Skariatina was especially enthusiastic about the wonderful help this country has given throughout the world. Time and again, she praised the "wonderful American lifeline." She

there are clean dormitories, recre­ation halls, moviej, swimming pools, everything that you can imagine to keep our boys well and happy and they are well and happy and re­ceiving excellent care. They are brave and gallant and you would be Just as proud as I am if you could see how well-behaved they all are."

Russia today is a serious nation, intent on war Strong girls who are nurses' aides have shown their wonderful courage a d spirit on the fighting Held The guerrilla units are tiemendous, growing in strength all the time aod equipped with weapons of modern warfare. "Today." related Madame Skara-tina. "the churches of Russia are well filled and the life of the church is strong and healthy. They are becoming more normal all the time and the same thing is happening to the home life of the Russians."

Mrs. Gustav W Paulson, presi­dent of the club, opened the meet­ing and heard the report of the secretary, Mrs. James T. White-hurst, jr. Each member brought a guest in observance of special guest day.

Engagement Announced

To Be March Bride



Mrs. L Burton Schneider has re­turned to town after spending sev­eral days in Cleveland, O., and New York.

The marriage of Mia* Mildred Wolfe, daughter of Everett Wolf* Of 902 Seventh Avenue, to Edward J. Sloan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sloan of 81 Adams Avenue, Cohoes, on Dec. 22 is announced.

The ceremony was performed at the Christian and Missionary Alli­ance parsonage by Rev. Willard C. May.

The bride was attended by her sister, Mlsa Dorothy Wolfe and Edward Bryans, cousin of the bridegroom, was best man.

Mrs. Sloan Is a graduate of Lans-Ingburg High School and Ts-qpn- wood, N. J., entertained yesterday nected with the State UnemplojKf f0 ment Insurance Department in Al­bany.

Mr. Sloan attended Cohoes High School and is connected with the Department of Taxation and Fi­nance in Albany. The couple will reside at 620 Second Avenue, this city.

ACCEPTS CHAIRMANSHIP Mrs. Burr M. Stark has accepted

the chairmanship of Legislation of the New York State Federation of Women's Clubs.

OFVES LUNCHEON Mrs. Justus Wakelee of Engle-

r her daughter, Miss Margaret Wakelee, who Is on vacation from the Emma Willard School.

HOUSKGUEST. Mr*. Walter E. Dodge of Larch-

mont arrived today to spend a week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Betts, Jr., at Willowbrook farm in Center | Brunswick.

Away for Week-end Mrs. Harold M. Perkins of 886

Fifth Avenue is spending the week­end at Providence, R. I., with her husband, Chief Petty Officer Perkins, attached to the Seabees at Davisvllle, R. L

SHUSHAN. The Grange will meet Feb. 2.

Mondays at "the Red Cross rooms I T^s meetings may be discontinued

Alice Carter Weds G. H. Lampman

Miss Alice E. Carter, daughter of Mrs. Eva C. Carter, 969 Broadway, Watervliet, and George H. Lamp-man, son of Mrs. Henrietta Lamp-man, of St. Johnsville, and the late Clinton Lampman were united in marriage this afternoon at 2 p.m. In St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Rev. William J. Gage was the of­ficiating clergyman.

Miss Evelyn Venuto was maid of honor and Nelson R Carter, brother of the bride, was best man.

The bride was attired in a white wool dress and wore a corsage of orchids. Her attendant wore a blue wool dress and a corsage of white orchids.

Mrs. Lampman attended Heatly High School in Green Island and Is now affiliated with the Beechnut Packing Co, In Canajoharie.

Mr. Lampman is a graduate of St. Johnsville High School and is in the insurance and real estate busi­ness.

Upon their return from a wed­ding trip to New York City, the couple will reside at 8 Union Street, St. Johnsville

and th* sewing on Fridays.

To Elect

Officers Tuesday Th* annual election of officers

Of th* Col. C. L. MacArthur Clr-cl*. Ladles of th* O. A. R, will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. at their rooms la th* United Spanish War Veterans' Hall, Broadway.

Mrs. Anna Bradley will preside Th* Secret Pal Sisters will ex­change gifts and reveal their Iden­tity, also each attendant will fur­nish a small gift for the postponed grab-bag for the Christmas party. Mrs. Julia Mace will have charge Of refreshments.

In Hospital Mrs. Marl* B. Smith of 18 Eighth

Street Is la th* Samaritan Hospital where she underwent an operation yesterday.

for a time owing to the gas situa tion. N

Mrs. Harry G. Peck, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Glenn Loucks, and family of White Plains 'or two weeks, has returned to her i.ome hern.

Mrs. Died rich Tonseth, who had been spending a month at th* home of Mr. and Mrs. William Getty, returned to Boston Thurs­day, where she is librarian at Wheelock College.

Robert Tiffany, who closed his Red (Jate turkey farm for the sea­son and went to Ptermont Tues­day, returned Thursday because of the serious Illness of Mrs. Jennie Lawrence at Undertrees.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Armstrong and Miss Doris Galbralth motored to Albany Sunday to meet their brother, John F. Galbralth, who had been stationed at Nashville, Tenn . and Mrs. Galbralth of El-mire Jack, on a t*n-day furlough, returned to Nashville today.

Has Birthday Party Mrs. Dorr S Curry of Woodrow

Court entertained at a birthdi party Dec. 31 in honor of her son's fifth anniversary.

Christmas decorations were used and games were played with awards going to Ellen Rentemann, Jean Vrooman, Peter Moore and Jimmy Carline.

Hartford Girl To Wed F. H. Grimm


Former Nurse

Weds Army Officer Miss Marion Ruth McCreedy,

R. N., formerly of Cohoes but now of New York and graduate from the Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing, and Lieut. Martin J. Kro-nish of the Army Air Corps Medi­cal Division were married Thurs­day, Dec. 31, at Miami Beach, Fla. In civilian life, Lieutenant Kron-lsh was a practicing physician In New York. After the wedding, a reception was held at the Five O'clock Club, Miami Beach.

Hospital Staff Member Married Today

First Aid Class

Feted at Luncheon

Miss Mary E. l.awrenson, daughter of Thomas M. Lawrenson, 1023 Sixth Avenue, will become the bride of Norman E. Mickle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Mickle of 7 Putnam Street, this city. Both Miss l.awrenson and her fiance are connected with the Watervliet Arsenal. The wed­ding is planned for March 1 7.

Here for F e w Days Mrs. Hugh J. Riley of New York

who, with Mr. Riley, was called to Troy earlier this week by the dea'h of her sister, the late Mrs. Domi-nick Anloin, 2318 Fifteenth Street, will remain in Troy for the pres­ent. Mr. Riley returned to New York today.

Married to Sergeant




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Washington, UP) - A u b r e y Wil­liams, national youth administrator, heard himself called a "fifth wheel" at a session of the Joint congres­sional economy committee yester­day.

As head of an agency which has become a central target for law­makers demanding economy, Wil­l iams got a vivid preview of the questioning he must face when he comes before the House and Senate appropriation committees asking not only an extension of ltfe for NYA but a doubled appropriation.

A luncheon preceded the gradua­tion exercises of a first aid class of daytime air raid wardens. Dis­trict 33, Eas t Side, at the Troy Club Thursday.

The members were awarded Red Cross certificates authorizing them to act as first aiders in any emerg­ency.

The included: Mrs. John M. Coleman. Mrs. Frederick Dunson. Mrs. Joseph Egan, Mrs. Christopher J. Fee. Mrs. Samuel Hamilton, Mrs. Harold B. Luyster. Mrs Paul V. Martin. Mrs. Agnes G O'Brien. Mrs. Thomas Powers. Mis. Francis I Quest, Mrs Sayles C. Robinson, Mrs. Guy Swinnerton, Mrs Harry C. Taylor. Mrs. William J. Ttainor. Mrs. Charles L VanDercook. and Mrs. Robert C Warner. Instructor, Mrs. Edward C. Quinhvan.

Braman-Pitts Announcement has been made of

the marriage of Miss Virginia Pitts, daughter of Mr. Hnd Mrs. Samuel F. Pitts of 12 Brookslde Avenue, to Pfc Kenneth F. Braman of 623 Congress Street The ceremony was performed Jan. 5 at the Sacred Heart rectory by Rev Edward T. Reilly.

Mrs Thomas Ryan and Allan Pi t ts were the attendants. The groom returned to his post in Baltimore, Md , after the ceremony.

Guest of Parent* Mrs. Nelson W Burrlll of Jack­

son, Tenn , Is a guest of her par­ents. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cham­bers, Frear Avenue.

— Uord SttuJM.

Mrs. James F. Westbay, jr., was the former Miss Elizabeth Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Kellv of 39 Douw Strtet. Sergeant Westbay is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Westbay of Cazenovia. The ceremony took place1 Christmas Eve at St Patrick's Church.

SALEM. Miss Marjorie Rogers has re­

turned to Troy after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orley Rogers.

Mrs. Ernest Spall ho la has re­turned to Boston alter visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Zen as V. D. Orton.

Corp. Laurence Cary sf Camp Oruber, Okla., is spending a ten-day furlough wi'.h h-s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ca.-y.

Pfc. Prascott Priest of Camp Carrabelle, Fla., Is spending a ten-day furlough with his parents, Mr. end Mrs. Delbert Priest.

Mr. and Mra. Louis Burns have returned from Albany, where they visited her father, John Donovan, at the Albany Hospital.

A Red Cross home nursing course is being organised, to begin Thursday, Jan. 14, at 8 p.m., and will be taught by Josephine Har­rington, R. N. This meeting will be for organisation and explana­tion of the course and text books will be given out at this date.

Francis Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Shaw of this vil­lage, has been formally initiated Into Phi Mu Alpha, national music fraternity, at Ithaca Collage. It is the oldest fraternity at Ithaca, having been established in 1901, and one of the oldest in th* na­tion,

Frank Knapp. sri, 82, died Wed* ne^day at his home following a srort Unless. He Is survived by one son, Frank Knapp, Jr., of Salem; two grandsons and three great-grandsons. Funeral serv­ices were conducted yesterday from the Ston Funeral Horns. Rev. James A. Brownlee, pastor of the Methodist Church, officiated Bur­ial was la th* Greenwich Ceme­tery.

To Hold Session The weekly session of Bethany

Chapel Bible School will be held tomorrow at 2 30 p m at the cha­pel. Leo Messner, superintendent, will conduct opening exercises.

Prospective Bride

In a double ring ceremony per­formed this morn ing at 9 a.m. in St Patrick's Church, Cambridge, Miss Blanche M. McCarty of Albany, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. McCarty of Cambridge, became the bride of John E. Murphy, Schenec­tady, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murphy of White Creek. Rev. John J. Corr, O. S. A., was the officiating clergyman and celebrated a nuptial mass.

Mrs. Joseph Fitzpatrick, sister of the biide, was the matron of honor and Philip Murphy was best man.

Mrs. Martin J. Marion, organist, piuyed a program of wedding music and Miss Theresa Byrnes, soloist, sang, Oh, Perfect Love," "Ave Maria and Oh Lord, 1 Am Not Worthy"

The bride wore a blue wool suit witn beavei trim and a matching hat. Her corsage WHS of white roses. Her attendant was in dark green with brown accessories and wore a corsage of Talisman roses.

Following the ceremony, a wed­ding bieakfast was served for the immediate famil ies at the Hotel Cambridge after wh ich a reception was held at the home of the bride's parent*, The b r i d e s mother was attired in black velvet and the mother of the bridegroom was in blue crepe. Both wore shoulder bouquets of pink roses.

Mrs. Murphy ia a member of the laboratory staff at St. Peter's Hos­pital in Albany and Mr. Murphy is connected with the General Electric Co. at Schenectady.

Following a short wedding trip, the couple will be at home at 171 South Allen Street. Albany.

EAST SIDE. James MacCracken, membership

aecretary of the Y. M. C. A. will address the Young People's meet­ing tomorrow at 7 p.m. in Mount Ida Memorial Presbyterian Church. Sunday School will meet tomorrow at 10 a m followed by morning services at 11 a.m. in charge of the pastor. Rev. Arthur Johnston.

Routine business was transacted last evening at the meet ing of j h e Session at the home of C. W. Egan. 20 Lakewood Place.

A short meet ing of the Women's Missionary and Auxil iary Societies of the church will be held tomor­row at the close of morning eerv-icea.

Mr and Mrs. Henry J. Flsch» bees of Holcomb Street, Hartford, Conn . announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marcia Helen* Fischbeck to Cadet Frederick H. Grimm, son of Mrs Helen Grimm of Tibbits Avenue

MUs Fischbeck is a graduate of the University of Connecticut where she was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma She is a home-making teacher in the Hartford public schools.

Cad»t Grimm is in the Reserv* Cadet School of the United States Coast Guard He is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where he was a member of Chi Phi fraternity and of Phalanx. He was connected with the Grimm Build­ing Materials Co. before entering the Coast Guard Academy in New London. Conn . last November.

Miss Ruhl Takes Nuptial Vows

Miss Adelaide Ruhl. daughter of Mr and Mrs G. F. Ruhl. R. D. 2, Watervliet was married this after­noon at 3 p.m. to David M. Vail, son of Mr and Mrs. George Vail of Ossining in the First Presbyterian Church in vXatervliet. Rev. WiW liam J. Clark performed the cere­mony

Miss Grace Vandermark, organ­ist, provided a background of wed* ding music and accompanied Mrs. William J. Clark, who rendered sev­eral solos.

The church was decorated with palms.

Miss Margaret LaMarsh was th* maid of honor and Dr. F. A. Lom­bard was beet man.

The bride wore a floor-length or­gandy dress. Her illusion veil was held in place by a tiara of orang* blosaoma. She carried a bouquet of white rosea and baby's breath.

Her attendant wore a blue gown similar to that of the bride with a Juliet sequin cap and carried a bouquet of Tal isman roses.

A reception followed the cere­mony in the church hall.

The bride's mother was attired in a& aquamarine crepe dress with a corsage of white roses.

The bride is a graduate of Water­vliet High School and is a member of the office force of the Covert Manufacturing Co in Waterv l ie t Mr. Vail graduated from the Os­sining High School and is connect , ed with the Rai lway Express offlc* in this city.

The couple left on a wedding trip to New York, the bride traveling in a black print dress trimmed with silk jersey and a silver fox jacket. She wore a corsage of white roses.

Mr Vail will leave to enter th* Army Friday and his bride will re­side "at the home of her parents. Out-of-town guests were present from Albany, Ossining and Spring­field. Mass.


To Army Man Announcement is made of th*

engagement of Miss Dorothy Royal, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Charles Royal, 3064 Sixth Avenue, to Corp. Donald G. Hurst, son of Alfred Hurst of Loudon Road. Cohoes.

Miss Royal is a graduate of Our Lady of Victory Academy and Plattsburg Business Institute at Plattsburg.

Corporal Hurst Is with the 85th Engineers stationed at Camp Maxey, Tex.

Mr. and Mrs. George,J. Hart of 27 Oris*old Avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Dorothy Hart, to Earl W. Willard, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wil­lard of 72 Thirteenth Street. Both Miss. Hart and her fiance are graduates of Cath­olic Central High School. Mr. Willard is with the Naval Re­serve, stationed in Boston.

Bapt is t Notes , "This Is The Way" will be the

subject of the morning sermon in the Second Baptist Church at 10 30 a.m as selected by the pastor, Rev. A. P. Phillips Sunday School will meet at 12 noon.

At Pawling Avenue Methodist Rev. A. H Landmesser, pastor

of Pawling Avenue Methodist Church will speak on the sermon subject, "His Name." tomorrow In the church at l l a.m. Church School will assemble at 10 a.m.

Catholic Notes .

The Children of Mary will re­ceive communion tomorrow in the Church of the Sacred Heart at the close of the 7.30 a.m. mass.

Members of the Junior and Senior Holy N a m e Society of St. Francis de Sales' Church will re­ceive Holy Communion tomorrow at the 8:30 a m . mass .

Communion Service. A candlelight comn.union serv­

ice will be conducted tomorrow s t 7:45 p m . in the Third Presby­terian ChUrch for th* convenience of working people w h o may not be able to at tend at any other time. The pator, Rev John M. Stuart will talk on th* sermon subject. "Thing* That Men Sow" tomorrow s t 11 a m . Sunday School will precede In charge of Robert Kelley. superintendent.

The January meet ing of th* Wo­men's Guild of th* church will be held Tuesday In the church hall at « p m. A snowbal l party will be featured.

Albany Girl

Bride of Private Sheehy Mr. and Mrs. Philip Egan of 11

Genesse Street, Alhany, announc* the marriage of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Mary Egan. to Pvt. Richard Sheehy of Watervliet. Th* double ring ceremony took place on Nov. 13 In Sacred Heart Church, Albany, and was performed by Rev. John J. A. O Connor.

The attendants were Miss Agnes Egan, sister of the bride, and John Scully, cousin of the bridegroom.

A reception followed st the horns of the brides parents

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Recently Wed

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Mrs. Cart F. DeLucfi » the former Miss Lena Bianco, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bianco, 224 Third Street, before her mirriare on Dec. 27 in St. Anthorrps Church. Mr. DeLucla is record clerk in the Rensselaer County Clerks office. Thf couple are residing at t l 103 Street. "

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069