Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski Disk3/Amenia NY Times/… · I .5: JMM0MMfci > :'ijft«w Tha Jollo*in week for the wm Laokey.PUti A HotobklsaA 0«F. Hawley Sattln* Bens


. 5 :



:'ijft«w Tha Jollo*in

week for the wm Laokey .PUt i A HotobklsaA 0 « F . Hawley Sat t ln* Bens Fa rm F<*r Bah Large SeleoU Anotlon, F . 3 C, C. Gordon

m$m mm mm Mi, in » H H M ^ M W J W ^ W •t'l'W'Oii * • • *

: • j . -.

• * * • liMinilliii lp Hill t i l th i

S h a r o n . T h e Nex t B o a r d o r Supe rv i so r s . Tho publication last week . of the next

Board of Supervisors was no t quite com. plete, the large town ot Washington haying correspondence for a paper without an item

1 T a t m s n o ; , Mar. 12! 1800.

Have yon ever attempted to write up a

lverttnementi appear t h i s

Do^Po* leeton. Ulerton.

, nted. B. B . Ifhompaon. 3. P . Gillette. 1 I teed Potatoes, E.H.Brnsle.

8 Dftith. ^ »wu Ja Co.. Sharon.

H. Yon def Linden, Po»ke*osl». Oook Wante<. Jttra. F . A. Hot jbkisa Auction, P . / . liotobkiss, Executor.

• O; Ift. Curd, i hi ron. For Sale, John M.Swift.

J o t t i n g * . I , Look out for th »;comet today 111 Mre. G. H. Codl ing baa been|away seve*

ral days this wee! land last, on a visit to her son, Joel.whoisii i a military Softool a t Had-donflel.d, New Jeuiey, not far from Phila­delphia, f

Mr. P . Kingsbiliy Curtis of New York, president of t h e , kmen'ia Minini: Company, was a guest at tht Amenia fcfout e over Sun­day last. ; I

Miss Berntce Humphrey o Shunpike, th i s county, is ta itking a visit w i th her rela-

> tives, Landlord Amenia House.

The interior ol building isbeinj freshened u p for

. iTU d Mrs. Baiton, a t the

A m e n i a

Worthy" State present and


[the ajore it the Smith repainted and otherwise the occupancy otM. Gold­

man's great olotaing emporium!. Mr. Fred. Siait i» has his auction of house­

hold furniture at h is residence in this vil­lage on Tuesday of next week. March -17th, beginning at 1 p ,\m. sharp.

The annual Mi >rqh blizzard t ruck us on Wednesday p. k \ but did not imount to as much as was fea red. There was qutte a fall "of enow and con tiderable wind, however.'

X>IB».—Sudde ily. of apoplexy, on Tues­day, March *10 h, 1806, at her residence, Pitchburg; Mawl., Henrietta MWia, wife of Charles MaBoa, wad daughter j of the late John M. Whe<|ler. Intermtjnt will take place at convenience of the family in Ob­long cemetery, Coleman's Station.

There will he a Hpeoial^meeting-of Amenia Orange on Tuiasday evening. March 17th. Members are'reuheatod t o be present.

The, meeting >f Mountain- County Porno. n& held in P ; tb i an Hall, West Winated, March 14th, wa i well attended considering the traveling a id the weather. A,class was obligated and instructed in the fifth degree. The question of the division of the Pomona was reported upon by t h e ' committee, and the opinion gi< en that it would he unwise to make any'd vision at pres< nt, The lec­turer's, program) was an exceedingly inter­esting and pro ftiuhle one.'. Master and Ouerieer wert made address* s On graage work.! The diet was that he meeting was one of- the inspiring ones. The next regular meeting will be held i* the town hall at North Ca­naan, on Jum 3d, at. which time a class will be recoived Is the fifth degree in full form .

Messrs. Cutler & Duncan will sell a car­load of waste n horseeat thS Dutcher House .Stables. Pawl ing, on Thursday, March 10th. beginning at u\ a. m. sharp] rain or shlno, This carload bus beeri selected, w i th great care by an ex perienced buyer,'and will be sold to tbe highest bidder, no underbidding being alioweia. '•

Mrs. T. F . jWjheeler and daughter, Miss IHattik of wlodlawn. Were In town several 'Idays-ilhis weet.

Look out or bills advertising sale of j horses by WI; itney & Morse.

Th* Suprei is Court of the Unite.\ States i has leeentlv decided thut every person divorced inj any state Or territory of this country J who marries (again, becomes' a bigamist in the eyes of the law,and in pun­ishable as though the decree had Mien issu­ed ID the state in w^hioh the new marriage-is consummated. This of course, refers only to the paityjfrom whom the divorce i^ ob­tained, and who, by Ihe provisions off the

• decree, is restrained from marriage during the life of his or her former partner, j

been omitted. We give it correctly as below. Amenia—Walter A. Sherman, r. Beekman—David V- Moore, r.

,. Olinton-*-Pedro Sweet, r. Dover—Uoselle Mead, r.

f ast F l s h k i l l - f W. VanTassell, r. tshkill - J a m e s E. Munger, t.

Hyde Park-*Hsnry M. Barker r. Lagrange ^Joseph Van Wyok, r . Milan—Cyrus Morehouse, r. North E«et—Ouarlea A..Cline, r. Pawling—William B . Lee. r Pleasant Valley—Wm. H. Bower, r. Poouhkeepsie Casper Lawson, d. Red Hook—-O. J . Rockefeller, r . Khinebeck—John A. Traver, r.-

. Stanford—Edwin Knickerbocker, d. Union Vale-Edwin G. Vail. r. Wapplngars-Jfames R. Barlow, r. Waahlngton-Btephen-Robleen, r. Pine Plains—Isaac P . Carman, r . Po'keepsle City last fall eleoted throe r e ­

publicans and four demoorats, • ....,„i,., ..^+* . ,. • i iIon. V f

j FBIDAY, Mar. 13.1806. We have a newcomer in toWn,. George

Ingraham Last.week he made an arrange­ment of his temporal affairs, and having bid his many friends an affeotionate adieu, left foi Birmingham as a new home.— Last week he wrote to his friend, O. June,to meet him at Kent with his buggy. It is ru­mored that! the climate did not agree with him and that he.had some, fears of malaria, etc., e t c But Madam Gossip says aho is lnoliucd to think that he had a violent at­tack of homesickness that led him to return. Glad he has got back'.

Very sad newrf was received here on Tues­day evening. Avery Miner of Torrington was kirlled by the cars. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. K.Dean started immediately. He leaves an inter­esting family to mourn their losSj.

Colds are very prevalent hare. Some have been quite sick with them.

We clip the following from theWaterbury Araericaa'in reg'ard to tbe death of Mr. Mi­ner : "The Torrington man was Avery Mi­ner, a well known and respected citizen of thin place, who was struck by a passenger; train at 0 26 this morning and * fatally injur-' ed, his death ensuing at 11:30 a. in. The ac­cident took place at the Litchfield curve, the most dangerous in the valley. Mr. Mi­ner was riding along in his buggy, and turn­ed a bend in the road that comes right on'to the track. At the same time the train that reaches Torrington station at 9:2!> . came thundering along. The horse reached the crossing and through being frightened or for some other reason refused to move. In a second the engineetruck the team,throwing Mr. Miner oub with fatal results. Medical aid was quekly secured, but after a short time of Hulfering death came..

The Htereopticon entertainment went off nicely. The iman in charge, was a good talker. The audience was interested'.

Mr. I'bolpajan old friend of a half centu­ry's standingj gave us a oheery oall on Wed­nesday. sit lightly upon him.

• . w . j , 44 - • • » • •

M*». J J. Capron ha t been very ill, but isjBunday with their daughter Mrs.'G. Ketch now gett ing bdlter. Mr.Capron ie nearly .re­covered and will be about, when the weather. permilH. j

Mr. Geo»ge Brown ha« been ill. suffering from absceiiseS in the ear.which laid him up Several tUjjs. His uncle. Dr.HWotmore; was u p from New York over Sunday last to at­tend to him.

Kev. J . A. wfarstSlla, who is occupying the pulpit of the Baptist church, is <a resident of Martintiborgh, West Va , and a-neighbor of Postmaster General Wilson, who.ha i l s from thatlseotion.

Mrs/Fred. jBlownsteen is 'quite ill, being . afflicted vfith sciatic rheumatism.

Thursday, March 12th. was contract, day at thejmj k factory at Wassaio. The price for the nf( xt six months!, as fixed then.'was a little y. wer than for the same months of 1095. Th * reduction amounts to ten cents on a can or the first months and five

Wasua to . FamAY, Mar. 13.1806.

Gentle spring with all its ethereal mild­ness is not yet. Stern winter still holds her in cold embrace.

Bargains ait all tbe stores. Lewis & Doyle always have their "bargain counter well till­ed with various articles. Their motto.quick sales and small profits. At G. W. Boice's it Is wonderful what you oau buy with little money. Owfing to his removal he is selling at. greatly reduced prices. E. E. Husted. will have the southern prices,which will lift-way down, j At It. J. Hungertord's every­thing is so dheap (that is in price) that a dollar will buy enough to last a week. Was-saic is the rllace to buy.

Mrs. Edward Brownof New YO'rk is the guest of her brother's ' family!, Mr. N. I>. Hishoiv. ' J. •>

Measles ajre quito prevalent in our midst. .Mr. Albert Uick^'bas been enjoying-them the past week aud'_ is just able to sit 'up.— A number of others are sick with them.

Mr. and Mrs.'G. Wyman of Dover spent

in view? Perplexing Jen ' t i t? S t lUmoreso wlien it would seem as though the whole intent of the town's people had boen for a keep quiet in order t ha t ; news might be suppressed or none to. ohroniole. That is my' position exactly—in' fact the past Week has been a very quiet one Which cannot help bu t necessitate a short corres­pondence this week."

Miss Mannie is the guest of Rev. Mr. htephens this week.

Report reaches us that forty dairies were thrown out at the Wassulo milk faotoVy this morning. If so this*is a serious matter to quite a number of our town's people Who take their milk to Wassaioi I t is no light undertaking to have to drive to Waaealc every day,, yet it is still harder on the farm­er not to have a oustomer for his milk, even though the price of the same is almost be-' low living prices. We trust the outcome of the day will be the taking of all Sharon dai­ries again. _ . "

The good sleighing.of today brings to memory eight.years ago today, when Bhar-on and in fact the whole country were wrapped in the great blizzard. Even the going to our meals, the distance a short one, was no pleasure and a box of cigars was no inducement, were they, Phil ? .

Mr. Edward Whitney has been under the oare of the doctor the'past week. He has had a severe time of it, but at this writing is on the'gain. • - ." . •

Mr. Henry Hoag returned to Pp'keepsie Wednesday of this week to resume his studies at Eastman's.

Mr. Wm. Canfield has [had a severe time the past two weeks or more, but is on the gain at this writing. Hope to see him out again soon. .

Dr. Knight is in the City this week. While absent Mr. Charles Brown is dispensing drugs. '•

Mr. Barney Cunningham.moved this week to Torringtonj at whioh place ho has se­cured a good position. Sorry „to have you go, Barney ; yet hope for: you only the best of success.

Mr. Milo Calkins hasbeen on the sick list, but is more- comfortable! at this writing. I am glad to state. .

Mr. Mike MoDonell will move into Cun­ningham's house. » There is money in good roads, and there must be money in bad roads, for millions' are sunk in them every year.—L. A.W. Bul­letin.

PartUe desiring to purchase a very home­like residence in the village, nicely situated,

*liiid at not a fancy price, can be put on the right track by asking for particulars, which will be given by the writer,

At the! burying-ground annual meeting, held at the town hall Saturday p. m.," the

m* rir: i#>ni.rfti#

D o v e r P l a t » • • • ' : Answer to query No-10—7 i-B. Miss Graoij M. Bangs returned/ to Pawling


.'_.. :_ _,_ al^mm L'ifc»(M^M*ihii<l«*«iijimiliiiii


^fghfciti|leokecl an if we repetSt^n ot/Aho bliz sard

MissGraoo.D. Ketoham has been ' s n e n d ^ v s n ^ ing a week v i th relativea. in Po»keepsle. ;••',,] as cb)|tl'as, a t that. time. Wo arb not ah cioua " Mr. R. P . Ketoham took the o a t h ^ n o t o ^ O ^ i ry on Wedmbday. ) ' ^ ^ a ^ m b e r

M. D. Mar jy, of the firm Of Boype ifc Mar- k^ep^saswitiaeBseB on the re droild ci ise to oy, peddled the north route Friday. Tuea- comipel the N. J. & Harlem B . R. j topht up day was the regular day. but" tho-'hu^ioane.':'K6tsfapr;^tatiqn a flagm i» at tl io Main kree t figom the no rth on that duy,Wednesday and $ O $ S W R in this villac e, An ongj the wit-Thursday wjtts so ;fleroe that everyf effort of ^Bs^s i s Mies Brush, t l e teaepbr pa. tlije p r i

ohavea B. The

>nmfci pfUjmtiittf^mi^mii

r s . L . M . Allerton will behoiaao

his noble pay failed to move. the wagon further toward the north pole than ^he dis­trict flohool house, or even, hold 1t there against the blast. . .' ' \.

Hon. J . B(. Ketoham was home over Sun day.

a Dutcher is visiting in jPbugh-keepsie.

.Mr. and in a short time.. I,,., / ' j"

There will be a great deal of moving hero on or befoile April 1st. There are some de­sirable residences yet to rent. .

"Tom Twister" has answered more of our ten queries- than any other person. The prize we ojffered, "Tom Twister," is yours. If you will designate in oome manner how we can reujoh you, the artiole will be deliv-ed. Youi identity to us i s an absolute blank.

Auction sale of oows on Saturday, one week fron i today,, at the Steelworks.'.

The wedding particulars have not been. received y'jOt. I t is very well known now to whom we bref erred. When the bride returns we will here announce it, with the promised narrative. • 'I •'*.

Mr. Edi/ar'd Brush is taking a two-weeks' vacation. • . :

Mr. P . II. Feexiey is recovering from a se­vere cold. ' ' • . > • • • ' •

Supervisor oleot Mead was in the village" or} Saturday.

After investigation it is found that the in­dependent ticket was nominated regardless of the recjent requirements- of the law. I t

after heij dajaghter


maty department of our sohjql.jwhOj very narrowly pacaped beinc run o rev "py a nor th Joouh'dfrofghtj train oh tho ufternqou of

f*p$#&i::$i .;:•'.." J . . - ' I-:- • ' •J;.;;;l^S.)Ptf^,ti|ie niothflcpf thi >; .Mraf..-,||rone8, ^howto^)]|ieji;',ft^.-.'ll4^^Riig^ r;*n eqmpany with De Pues^iwas fou k(| dsai I in her toed a t Boston dpiinejjgf;'•' Sho': < urn IOK R cjired for by I^rs.Hermansa^she wn 3 old at d poor unci un­able to oar9 for herself was killedv ' •

AH of the. newly elected tojvn bffloors have qualified and are aow re idji to assume the duties of their rear eotive offices.

The town board will me>bt on. Tuesday, Ma,rch i7th, at the town cler i'.s office, and at the request of a .number t f the j taxpay­ers and farmers, the. con missiqners of highways will meet,wi th then UH

O. P. Hawley haB bei in in' tl o city! a por­tion of the week making pure bases for the spring trade. I You oar. find lyerytliing up to the times |ih that far-faided efitabliuh-ment. , •" . 1 ' .

Sylvester Tripp is making u big lecord as a.sportsman m"Plorid», Hii estab]iahment here is not neglected. ' •

Tho-writer jupont the day y iBterday in Po'-keepsie as a witness on the oa IO of, tlie village j w». the Harlem railroad, whi sh iaMsfexcuBe|

|April, May urej most omphodtlodlly; thb months for taking Q good blood purifier; because the system is 'now; most in need of ouch a medloirio, and because It more quickly resppnds to modloinpl qualities. In winter impurities do not pass out of the bpdy Sreely, b u t accumulate in tho blood.

MMa^MftWMwjfMMaMPiaaM imimtiinfmtmimiUiilit f mm <• * n*mm*mm*mmt 1*1 , n | B


for the brevity of tl|ia week's deuce. • ;

—' :—- :—-Cbi*1

would be espeoiallj

inspector), they are

policy for those in authority; town clerks, to becorael well in-

formedja , once. We also find regarding

1 own officers, they " run" k n their respective distriots only.

poor, masters, etc., [although

cents the (fourth mouth, with the fifth; and •ixth months the Same as last year. Some thirty dairies were not taken, the full sup­ply being* contracted for without them. They ar«T mostly dairies quite a long dis­tance* from the factory, The Sunday morn-ing 'smilx is also to be iaken.

Dr..Wm.M. Gould and wife are to return to theirEuropean home. They have en.

.gaged,, passage on the Trench line steamer **La- Touralne," which sails from New York April 18th. '

The coeroantile eatablishment of Messrs. O. Gj. HsUet |& Bro'. at Port Huron, Mich., wu'reoSatHy entirely destroyed by fire. Th*low,however .was largely- covered by inauianee. Mr. O. G. Melsel will retire from the business, actively a t taut, leading only eome capital therein. We understand that h e Intends to spend some time in for­eign travel with his Moomplinhed wife, who* as t h e daughter of Col. John Thompson will be remembered a» one of our Dutchess

. county people. < Soms evilly disposed person went up on

the mountain last week and shut off- the water, a n d when discovered Monday morn­ing i t Necessitated gettvqgup steam at the pumping station to clear the pipes of air and draw the prater over the rise down into the rniins. The repetition of such a sense­less a*d."boy>? caper will be striotly guard­ed agi lost and made impossible in the fu­ture. J

An excursion to Gettysburgh is in projec­tion for this sumaiar, under the auspices ot the l io th Begimsnt. I t will be on i of the

- large itWhieja has yet gone from this seotlon to th i b*U*oneJ'dr '.It wlrl be oarried out as thef illnlm'ent'of the intention of * tho late Gen. A. B. Smith, Whose idea'i twas.

Tl e regular communuioation of Amenia Lodko/No. OT2, P . & A. M., Tuesday even­ing Was largely attended. Two candidates,

• one of whom was Supervisor W. A. Sher. man, were started in Masonry .receiving the first or ehtered apprentice degree.

M r. Jonas Knickerbocker, an old, highl esU emed resident of Pine Plains, died at his Home in tha t pjlace Tuesday night. He had Been" identified with the early manu-faol uring industries of thflf place many yea * ago.

D r. Mead was called to New York, Friday r by i telegram apprising him of the dangef-

oui lllnesji oflRordie Bartlett. A queer thi ig, too! was tha t Mrs. S. J. Bartlett 'had tha t morning taken a sudden determination t o i o! down-to New York to see her son, dp-

[ting on the t in t train, two hours or more re the telegram Same. ._) Line B. James has been ' elected to Mialr of Lat in in Hardin College, Mext-

[ Mo. Mise Jatnes has been considering •taotKioo for more than a month and has

>ted.. She enters upon her du-f'all. . Hardin is one of the most

'Jmm7Sffm7SSgfi illHertoa kaeh»d reerallv* "Men's 8o-1 in conuestion wiih the MJS church.

1 and served the re. duri^*\ andipr«in

prograoi beside. It M, and aboui f83 warn real-

am. Mr. and Mra. E. E. Husted have returned

from tbeir southern trip, bringing quite a bli///ard WitU them. .

Air. K. (i. Pendleton haa gone to Gran­ville, N. Y.. prospecting for a new home.

Mr. Win.. Williams, Jr., entertained a number of young people'on Monday even­ing, mostly young ladies. We all know Will, likes the girls. 'They report having a-iine time.

Miss Lizzie Husted is on the sick list. Mrs: M. K.-Lewis is spending the week

at Colomajn'u with her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Tanner. . J

Mr. J. Wooley-haa been .confined to the hous-i the past week with a haird cold and sore throat.

Mr. and Mrs. John Juckott of Clark Hill wero'horelon Sunday.

Thursday being contract day at the milk factory it-brought a number of farmers to our village. The price. paid for milk is a little BBSS than the past six months, and about.thirty dairymen could not sell their milk. Too bad for the farmers. -

Has Mrs. Preston called on yon yet ? If not, she will'. She lifts a few flrst-clasa ar-tiolea Which she is selling. Her silver pol­ish beats everything in that line. Save a quarter for she will be there.

Misa'lledges of Amenia is the guest of the Misses Loper.

Mrs. Thomas Butts of Hover spent Monday with Mrs. O.Bnokley,

Rev. Mr. Stevens gave us a grand sermon last Sunday on faith or trust in Christ, tak­ing his text from Daniel 8 : 17-18. A)AX The sporting bloods of Wassalb were treat-

ed to a novel entertainment on Thursday evening, under the auspices of the R. A. C. Athletic Club. Thanks to the genial mana­ger, Mr. O'Brien, the writer was favored with a pass and enjoyed the sport, very much. The contestants were members of Amenta's Club vs. R. A. Club of Wassaio. Soft gloves. The first dispute was between a Black Spanish and White Wings, the cele­brated "bikeist", both of Amenia, docided a draw by the referee. The principal bout pf the evening was between a light weight bantam named Fido and a heavy weight oalled Wob. .The bantam wos-toomuch for the heavy-weight and the big fellow >was carried out with one foot over his neek. I t took three quarts to revive him. He is just able; to quack this morning. We anxiously await the next meeting. SPOBT.

following resolution was voted to bo placed on the association's record : .-,

RCHOIWX, That in the] death of Frederick A. Hotehkifls this association loses one of its able [supports, and [the directorship an ardent friend, faithful counselor and good adviser! While this association mourns the losv of a most efficient member, his -many friends desire to unite fin extending to his family their heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement, >

Mr. Clayton M. Card has beon'in Bangall this week visiting his grandmother; Mrs. Morey. who is quite feeble.

Wheelmen, if you have a bicycle whioh needs new enameling, you should not fail to see the samples of work done by Emery Buckley with the aid of his new Oven. No finer jobs are turned out by any one*. ' •

Mr. John Dowd and family have moved to ToV.rington. Conn., this week'.

Hamilton Lodge will work tho third Fri­day evening, March 2.0th.

Next Tuesday evening, Maroh 17th, Silver Luke Grange of Shajrtfn will dedicate their new rooms in the Middlubrook building. I t being installation night, tho Amenia and Amenia Union and Ellsworth Grangou have been invited, an elaborate supper and a program of groat interest have ' been ar­ranged, and large [company is expected, at which all cannot fail to have one of the very beat of times. T U B MAN AIIOTJN» TOWN.

Messrs. officers Fox and John M. Corwiw took a prisoner to Poughkeepsio Tuesday;

Today ;he nights and days are of 'equal length. Now real spring begins. Watch tho weather carefully on the 20th inst.. for by it you can ijnoasure the next three months.

Mr. Win; F . Benson will sell 42 ho«jd of cattlo on Saturday; Mar. 21st. 1800, at Wag-onmaker Smith's yards, near Wassaio.

Mr. D. H. Sherman was up on Tuesday looking over his property. The prospects are that io will again reside on "Maybrook" farm;on< of the most'beautiful .and healthy homos ii, eastern Dutchess. Mr. Sherman will also erect a handsome modern man­sion on Ihe old Belden property. Thiscom-mandini: hillside will bo graded and ter­raced ai d laid out no whon completed as to represent a perfect Eden on ^arth. Mr. Shorma i has given steady a groat many of our citizens fotj years, and \yo, as well as they,, welcome his' return. -r

Later—Mr. M. D. Muroy has sold the bay mentior ed in this column to Mr. Samuel Jenkini, a good judge of "horsejflesh."- Mr. Marcy ( id not sell'tho horse because he could nbt got to Wassaio against the wind, but because he saw a chance!to " turn an honest dollar," and naturally being of a specula live mind, he topk advantage of the


corroaponr P . H.

(fflioino to • . _ Ol.pPE03PXiK.

people who requi r j met regulate Hie bpwelfljand ki in^ya I will fiud the true'Vemefly -in Eleot'ifit i Bttt 'ers. This medioino doea notafiimulaMa an^ contains no whiskey nPit dthor intoxicant, but nets as a {onto and olleifrtivo.'j I t acts mildly on the stomach and bo'vela, ad} ding Htreiifijlh.and gWinfi; tone Eo Hie orr galls, thereby aidiui; K a t n U i n | h e - per! formunoeof the fniijotiousj Eledtrio Bit­ters is an. excellent appetizer land aida diKesiion. Old.Piloplc fflud' it || j us t ex aolly what thev no'ld. Brice fifty .cents p e r b p l t l e u t Mead & l l u r d o d k e drug it ore, Amenia and P. H. 15 c o n e y \ Dover Plaiua. I ' .

The beat; medMup t o purify, onrioh and yjtalfeQt%blo]o^ and build up the'ayatein, la Hood'a Sarda?

Thouoanda take i t as their. Spring iuore are taking i t today

parilla Medicine, and than ever before. If you are t i r ed , " out o2


froni fyv\ a^rjli fc4K s t ^ i n k IJiat

M aorta," nervous, have bad taote in tha morning, aching or dizzy head, sour stomach and feel all run down, a course of Hood'a Saraiiparllla will pu t your whole body in good order and make you strong and vigorous! I t la the ideal Spring Medicine and t rue nptafa tonic, because

a p a ir u in Is the One True Blood Purifier. AH druggists. 81. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., 'Lowell, Mask.

are purely veRotablo, care-1W[^.^J»^. Vmsnti . are puroiy veRotamo, care-l r l l W O §S IFllMS 2uUy proparod; 26 cent*.

ay, Mdr. MASON—On Tuesc donee in iFinchbujrgh, Vlana, wife of Oharlos Mai of the late John M. WheeMor. Interment at Oblong cemetery, Qplomaii's Station, N. Y

10, at /lass., on and

her resu Honriotta daughter

grabbed a crow house and it fell all the flesh from

Walter I did

lAt.\\gi>w. ' FniDAX, Mar. 13...1806

My substitute did not do as whs expected laftt week. To express it in their own phrase, tho wind blew so hard it frightened' them out.

Mr. Hyatt Burch of Mille'rton made a flying trip to Eithgbw on'Thursday.

Mr. Charles Cardinal is away for a Week visiting relatives in Vermont. »> . Coming from the.sociable last week one

of our young ladies walked so fast she "lost her rubbers before reaching home. -Sad, wasn't it ? . j ,.

Little Joo Franks mot with a very painful accident one day last week. He was on some ice, and slipped, and Jin falling he

nw that was against tho >n one of his fingers,taking it. Dr. Husted dressed it,

and the little felBow bears i t well. CongratulatiorJafto Mr. and Mrs.

D. Tompkins on the birth of a child not learn the sex.

We loam that Mr. Stephen Orosson has been purchasing a small flock of sheep of Mr. Frank Sutherland. Mr. 8. will move in the spring to TJ»w'er Hill and live in the Carey IIOUBO and work for B. Valentino,

Mr. Stephen (lutler and Asa Dutcher of Sharon were in Poughkeepsio Tuesday.

Thursduy, M»r. 12tK, was contraot day again at tbe mi k f aotory at Wasnaio. The formers all con ?regated to sell their milk. ThisHummer the Sunday morning's milk goes as well.

Mr. Joe Marby. has gone to Bridgeport, Conn., on a visit.

Miss HatticJ &ive'nburgh will work tbe coming suninielr for Mr. Nathan Smith at South AmenicL/

Mrs. Wm. B xldwin and children and Misii Edith Tompkins returned t(i the metropolis on Tuesday. . 1

Mr. H. S. Vanderburgh has Edward Nich­ols at work repairing the eilst ond of the Elliott house, and whon' oompletod Mr.

eiroumt would bring, t

pails tl The

sists of

tances. Mr.Maroy says his cup of joy now bo overflowing if ! you would ia t- t in pail to the market; as that

would ijmt an ond to his partner's atowing and worrying over tho even dozen of tin

iat have disappeared.* j ;at'tle to be sold next Saturday oon-springers, some with calves by their

sides and yearlings, and steers.! Query—Will some horseman answer this?

At what period is it no longer possible to accurately tell the ago of ahbrso ?

Mr. Homer Chapman was the guest of Dr. Georg< B. Chapman Wednesday.

Miss DoraItoimer has gone' to .Granville to attend fo the office work of the Dover Eloc.trto Light and Power Company.

Mr. Frank I. Fenn wao in town Tuesday. MeBilra. Cutler & Duncan wjll. sell a car­

load p I western horses at tho Dphyher House Stabus , Pawling, on Thursday, March 19th, lieginmng at 10 a' m. sharp, rain or uhine. This c arload has been selected with groat an experienced buyer, and will bo sold to the highest bidder, no underbidding 'being allowed. Horse dealers are not always freo and willing to make their statements good, but those will. . We huvo found a man who; can cut eight

;j»y Ttyl Story goeil that ir yo.u ilnavo u CSOOB • ' . TfltJitNtGl, Pus«-

11' ofrr^uoIn'eHB .'JWo'kaV4$a,(>;ood ("rug sb tl)ifj,UoHf..onobetvvooH " aiVd'keep ibany artjc

11 W;


eshall ngitha

'brragbt people abfcreciate a lafg'e aricf bandsoine line to

ur prices are rjgbt~j f >r tbey JjaVe boog fa pf Wisb Goods thus early in the season, offer Add display Ne|w ^bvplties eacti weels dui

ieasonl | We have all the la best styles in


Hack Silks, Satins and all the latest Novelties in Black >res8 &oods, and_ at prices! {never heard ol *belforo in!

this section. Our line of


ws are wMloi u;)hte t injes

i ' \ •

T)tessmakers can find all th^ jaew things that a r^ in use W e Jiiin to make this one o

ILaiclJM9 isiimdll <I." r e ii

i .

^ur specialties Ou p line of

s Hosiery Was selected with great care, pleabeimost anyouef and a t prices.that i are also receiving bur Spring lure of

re hero-w New Voile and

found ything in

some say Albany -

outside of tlie drug

ides n< cltyietoreil If you Want aii^. lino^iiend the order With nuhioy by mail cjirrior, and w,o wi 11 deliver tho goolls at our oxpensp.

Notice 1 ho face Of our ild gentleman, who looked so sour. Wtpveek dt tho idea of our try­ing to got trade in Amenia 01um<jed, is it not ? YCs, ho has boon tjo HOC U,B and got what ho wanted may got along horo.

cords of, wood in one day. We have faith in

is a h igh-g rade wheel, mdde .entirelyl in this county, and is equal to any, $100 bicycle on

Iket. I t is especially to the roads of this

• I t i s a thoroughly • jw h e e 1; complete in particular, ,and if you

are thinking of buying a wheel you.'' will make no mistake if you get a Marvel. You can get a Marvel now from'$40 to $75. o| o o o o' o o o

Agent al^o for the Cleveland, Tri­

bune and "Remington. •

the ma i d a p t e aection made every



•J Men's and

We'know that we suit.


ipcan'fe-" Shoes ' In i ,11 the latest styles, and Bronzes and Patent Leath t h a a l a d y takes more sty! ish shoe. Now is, the~|i[ne people are beginning fo think about, \-

shapes, including the jTanjj, e r s . . There is no one thi

in I than a well-fittinj

\n S. /: .

his statement, as'ho makes no offer to " bet," mply asks forwitnesseB and the stand­out to put np at the regular price per

B . Trillot of ALinenia will move in and work



LofklAvllle. ' FBIOAT, March 18.1896.

March 18th, thermometer at zero. Whew I A.««on was born to Mr." and Mm. M. L.

Brahmin Maroh 8d. • Mr. and MrB. E. Burney of Waterbury,

Conn.,are visiting at Mr.Geo. Midfllobrook'e. Wo underetand that Mr. Burney'a leg^ ia troubling him.

Mr. Fred. Olum id on the eick list. There was a ahow at the eohool hoiiee on

Wednesday evening. The children Hay it was fine, although the night was very Btormy.

Tbe Ladies' Aid 8ooiety had a supper at Miss Id-i Griffon's Thursday afternoon and


Bouth Ameniia..


FBIDAY. Mar. 18.'1806. f.Mr. Ed. Christopher has a young black

colt that is fast developing, into a fiyer. He in willing to wager one hundred ncjw that for half a mile he can outgo any horse, old or yduttg. in the Oblong valley.

for Mr. V. this summer. Mr. Albert Hioks has been ill at the home

of his wife at Wassaio for a week past .with the measles] Also several others in tho neighborhood are afflicted with them.

Mr. P . J . I herman and Miss Jennie Conk-lin attended the examination at Matt oa wan last week. •

We under itand Burch Bros, nucceeded in losing eonWof their goods by accident while coming up Furnace Hill recently.

Miss Ida Binsabaugh returned from Po'-keepsie Tuesday night, stopping at O. Rob-inson's. Sne went to her. home at Amenia Union ThuUday morning.

If you helve any errand to be done in Po'» keepsie, give i t in charge of the well-known stage driver, Mr. William D. Hale. He is sure to please you and seldom forgets any­thing.. .

able at Mr. George Hdrtwell's was very much bf a success, not­

withstanding the feurfully windy night it was held on.' Some strangers wore present, among thjexn Mr. Hunter and friend from Amenia I^nion. but tlmy joined with the others for a general good time. A nice sum was realized- the amount being $18-. Mr. Geo. G. Smith, near Sraithfleld, hat been in feeble :health tor «ome time, but ii slowly improving now, under Dr. Rock well's care. •

Oh! I nearly forgot to congratulate ou new supervisor, bu t bet ter late than never


but s ing v, cord

T h i most intelligent cat in the village, no doubt, ia Mr. Peter White Hufeut. Weight 12% Ins. and is a terror to rats and mice. Ho will.Jump through your arms', stand on. his hind logs, roll over and perform in many wayii. You can see that Peter is a wonder ful c »t. . ' . Mi. Benuon will make every statement he-

utters on'or before the day of tlie big Hale gooil. Thin aale will take place regardleos of.wpatber.

Mrs. Smith spent part of tho week witS\ Mrst Perry Edmonda.

JMmeu Sarah Price vps out of town over SurJday. ' A ' : !V

M aster Arthur J. bias fully recoyord from his [recenf'illfteHB.

Any one wanting a oozy, healthy house, rig it in the heart of the roside in, oai get i t by enquiring at the academy.:..

IlissMary H. Tabor was in the village Friday.! •' . •

yory sevoro "colds" seenai quite prevalent about town. Wonder how they were con­tracted ? ' . ' . . ;

141\ J. Minok of Brooklyn was t h e ' guest of Mr. A, Itoimer on Tuesday.

It has boon said that "Stewart AdoniB" is tl o best little dancer in town. Anyone can si lisfy themselves by calling on.this young gentleman some pleasant afternoon.

The Women's Christian- Temperance Un­ion are' now holding regular meetings and t ioir numbers are steadily' increasing.

. ( • ' - . BlSPOIlTEIt. Query No 10-Landlord lost-7 1-5 bushels.


.spocm Physi-Romombor cian's Proficriptijonn and PhysiciaJn's aubplicti.

i IteBpcctmlly,

'l&mw&lmm 'mm. 'mm SUOSB.

G°°* wages will bo paid to competent woman who can take entiro cjiargo of cooking in pri­vate family. Applv, stating references, to

Mis. F R A N K K\v3

A. HpTCHKISS, Mir.i.icnTON, N.Y.


C|E©4 Foi" Spri

tags > • ;

irin^. We carry a la Brussels. Tapestry Brusse!l|i and Ipgrains < f ities. This being a hew departure for Sharon; aim to-sell as low, if not lower than you can buy in

ge line of Mo'quettes, Boly all qutl-

e he

In trying to supply the wants of the ladies e not overlooked our

»-e leiKien9s F


.., _

OdDi® You will find that we b triec o keep up wiih the

es in Neck Wear , Co lo r s and fuffs, Ha t s and in tact anything in this noise aljiput our

W e do not make m V i

.)'clock ai. ra., a t . the ir<awDall<3ca<{:e « Unaa© IP. 'A. nQ^acUaBallud,


Depart But you will Fiiucy and Staple Good

OBQ© J Place , cojasisting Jof ouse, barn, etc., wi th abojatj

25 acrjes land . Also good s tone quarry and tenement house'. •

The] Smith] P lace , consist ing good house, ba rn and about th^ee acres land.

Also Household Goods, Oarijia-ges, Wagons! Bleighs, Harness , fee.

TRMK LH0TCHRIS8, ExecutOl, fjw3 Estate of r . A'. Hotchk

O^ldltEe© ;©1if[Q)llsa®lliuriili(n)i ij0-Notice iB hereby given that the copartm rshi

heretofore existing' between John IJ. Fre hick" I "-ii 'mn\ 'itrmi/' ,(~?i wllnal a n r t Eugono'Fox, under tho fiiTm name an< .otyh L c o i ™ 1 (Q)IT vaJdlUfcL of Fmcbmoic & Fox, whoso ririncipal pluce oi

^ Stock and dairy faim of 115 acres J one mile business was Dover Plains, town of Dover, fromhqrpugh if Wmstod. FOB partiteulara ad-: Dutch^HB county, N. V., io thik day dissol- od b; droVrte.-" . JC'HN P . G I L I J K I T E , mutual oon»ont. -Tho buoirfofm will bt con"

Bw* : WKDT WiNtrric >, CONN ductedlin tho tuturo by JohnfB. Frodrlcl. AI billo duo naid lato firm may [bo paid to ^ithei mombor, and all elaimu againut naid firm \J?ill b( paid by Cither on prOHontation.

Dover Plaine, Fob: 17th, 1806. JOHN B. FREDBlOKi EUGENE FOX. j

Itu))al B%v Yorker I1 o. 2 Potatoes Btand with-oiit-arival an .tho boBi goncral crop vaj'ioty.— ISnormouu yieldoru ; < xcellent quality. Pncen way down. SoWl tor t ircular.

• ' . E. H. BRUSIE, lwi ' • MT. ItiaA, N. Y.

• Fir'ntiolaBB lorao a(id cattlo hay. Hebron and parly I> ooed 'corn (white), ox Bcao^d-hand hsrao ral

tB' ly to

:[£3! I ^C "11

, Beauty of Northern oood potatooa;

cart good IVH now. AIHO CB and Buckeye mower. JOHN M. SWIFT,

SorjTK AMKNIA, W. ¥.

li^©1i:Q(' Having purchasod tho intoraifc of Mr. 1 ox in

tho meat buaindBfi, conducted under tl o firm name oi' Fredrick & Fox, at Dover Plaii B and in tho town ol Dover, I will c(intinUo tho name, and hopo byuquaro dealing a to bvwiucBB to merit and receive a liberal! Bharo of tho public patronage.

Dover Plains, Feb. 17,1896. 3w3 \ JOHN B. FREDIt OK

erican Wonder arid Ru-

Nee'doonameling an and now ii; your time

. Seed potatoes, AM ral New Yorl;er, 78c, per bush., $2.00 bbl. JP.-D.KUNDALL.

4w4. I • AMKNIA. N'. Y

*«. DK..W. IS. P. HEWITT, per ,

The aoc laet week

Pickled codfish 6 cents per pound, and kerel f ftt and rich and large, an epioure'e

oi««. BothBtbxe». ; . B. Q. 0*tmnwe&8oMB.

jrou need auy olothing now is the time ijTib. B4r. Goldman don ' t wantito.move,

any more goods than neceaeary,.lap will eloM gooda a t great yednotionsv lluflt be •old ao oom* and buy gooda a t rook bottom price*.

Wjm»f *Wb*torlefl. tt ova, 14r."D*an

w, Wii*»., who iaengttserf in' Whei ' a tamiry.

TryaaetpfJSev^ ill no* Mvt...JXi

la thp agent tor this county

. Horn Snoafc They n get tbem from W.

on »

.: »«,». ..-BeaMzlng tha t money ia scarce and tht t

t>*>ople muetleat. we are carrying; a line t f good staple groceries n t as low ptiofa < a possible. Two stores. E.O.OAtriiKXHB & SON >.

Dana's Snteaparilla is not only the beat <>f all temediea % or tho nerves, llyer, Wdnes e, BtomaohTanpblood; hut ifnohmfltvyou v^n


to Bani|

., agent, den) \ ^cbandlWilJoveirPurnaoo.w

lalltornla oranges. Fine »n:boris. ..Seeded raisins,

Fine oho JO-

ljali©ville. -,.J-THUBBriAV. Mar. 12,1896.

[ MrBi Maria Silverna^e; died last Sun­day morning from a stroke of paralysioj which happened last wee!k Wednesday. The funeral took place'Tuesday afternoon. Short eervices were held at the house of her son, Millard. Bev. F . Abrarnaofthe M.E. church officiated A large number of relatives and frienda attended. The jreinains I were then taken to the Millertbn [Baptist church, of which deceased was an honored member. Her eight sons and 'one daughter, Mrs. Oeo Cook, were all present. Bix] of -the HOBO acted as pall bearers. 1'ntermerit was made in Spencer's Oorners cemetery. Deceased wab 69y«ara of agO. .

Monroe Silvernale of Konyon, Minn., who wasfiummoned by telopriiph to the deathbed of his mother, avrived here lastSqnday eve­ning, but not in time t< see her alive.

Tho Ohristmns play pjiven by tho children in Dr.'Knight's Institute will be repeated by request tomorrow evening in the gymno. shun. ; U •; ' . ' . • • * . » I t ia reported that Landlord 15. L. Peabotly of the . Wononsco House was married last evening in New York bity to a Miss HaigM.

Mr. Snyder has bought a lot of Wm. B.« Perry oh High etroet! 1 Also Jacob LampruoB has bougbt two lots jtbere; o f i ^ ^ They wlHbuildcbttages^ori-themtbfo.^ttm; mar. :-}••••'•.'

.Mr. D. and B. B- W?MB wdl bui ld a, la,rgh barn on WeW's Hill,• 4pK$vwith wing 8[Q^2 feet, tbree.stories highv Beere ^ Trafford of Miller tonhave the contract to build it.

1 putting in perfect order, to have it dono. A. J. BOSTWICK,


Will the owner of k German • Bible which for­merly belonged to d member of tho Uhl family and whioh. was oxliijbitod a few yoani ago p,t tho Amonia fair please 4omm"unicato with-JOHN H. UilL, l>.:'P..|box 227B, Now York city. 2w4

•thy hay in barn. JAMES LATHROP,


id Btrictrottpntion

% W I'j Ii -Q

ork pertaining to Bontlstryl eklllf Ully pei •Teeth POSITIVELY-Extractoja Wir

!, 'Fqtr ©all© m IFSoiralS: I House and lot v ith carriage ho.uso on the

east side of Mech tnic street this village. I For particulars address 1

. ". JOSEPH B. GUERNSEY,. j 50tf ?03 Broadway,-N. Y. city.

m , <,<^jii-

oan seour© fch© above

iBvjbsfcmeiat for sums from $10.00*1®


Attorney afc Lejw, f Market »t. , Po'keepsit , W . t .

Have ha 1 plehl y 6il experience and guaran­tee good work. Reference given.

48yl lvj. A. LINER, WASSAXC, N.Y.

The boBfcln tho


38' a m Ono apiiWle-boi y buggy wagon, in flrat-olatiB

Order. In|quire o: DAV1P BUNDALL, -IQfctj; ._ _ _ '• j ' AX4BNHA, K


rhe trade! lOtf

Buppli( d by market il'or quality and finish.




Clothing marked way down. Will soil a t a eaotlfico ra a t Goldi'

Ladies* Juokete—A *ew wore. ladlesMaolt eta left,, which mue» be oloaaa ottt.fvCtowa and Ketone atyouvownprloo.atGoldman*a

If .yoft .Want a barrel o t i t o ^ J a * ^ wo*eas tour, a t a low* Mwfi J K J M ^ l w a V . ^ T y


(mulne, comto^r• l ^ n o b W 4 ; , b 2 ^ and bomeBled

reduced t r ice . 0*ercoata, eulte, Jurnlol ing igodWtelraot ©vetythln^nnd anytbinft »1U b e sold a t greatly reduced prices o t Gpld» man's, »

) M » .

»bow.Kbo«B,6b ptioea, Btorea.

latest styles.;t*bw G. OAtJI>UTNB& SO If. j

Mr. Lof ayette Tihfipp o« Pino Plains endod bir life by bis owiji hands last Sunday, March 8th. HohuhghimBelf inabavu, b i kncoB drawn up and; almost .touching the floor.; H e was 72 years of ,iJ8p;:an,^V-:^o'd;;;:',,tti ways lived in p ine P i l f t i ^ i / ^v^ racs l a to l ! lifo unsettled h i s briiin.

--I tev. /WiH^' '^8w^<i ' 'V.! i^;- :^ DolawaifO.baBftCcewtad^ball.tbbfiCometi :V$«toroltbeTreBbileirlftn church in^Potj^l keepwe, t o Bucooed^be late Dr. P . B.Wb


<n> ®®mfytf©p i a . ' " ' . -•Eggs f i r .earl r chickens, P . B . .and Dar-

v;ins. The latt ir c'Ombine best qualities of ,W. It and L. B. Smooth logs, medium }o'omb, pijire vvhi to, large. , Good foy table ,

NSEP»' W&t&a RSJliSrfc ^.fo»Jt. „ „

m Shls^rciiidonco fl '<MipAi iLl?vV >



jEorlbt r \<i?m.

i soil at public auction at

ievil'tEEL on '

• - • • •

: •.-.: ,,;^v. \u;j„ ivii;:..iiijcbi 1at ;^•p; m.; thi.following property ?hfla1(br: lltovo, pi .rlor etpve, cooking ra

Wo • j DouWo

, pivior stove, cooumg range wo. 9, !oxfc9'nBidn dinn g tables carpets, bedoteado and •Mflakb artiolea'too numerous to mention.

> i ' ' M l ! l . 7 ( M . ' ._ - . . Li Jk Ik «U#



Thursday .

All work pertaining to Pout-is.tey ski lUul ijl performed. uQdontu,ndeV,u < he bej t knd most Reliable local antnatbotio k aown' ol the dbntal profession, used for the lpainle|i$ ex faction df teeth. Nitrous Oftijlo j nistered when preferred,,. mi B.—Odon4undercannot bd 6btait|.4i 1 y otboil dental -office in t»o f ohnty.

0 y o u v^ant t o see fif fiu©

'i \\T.\ • i\\\\\\ r . I/ '{ 1 <i\ i


li«» wo can. Show you thV #itu st and ivoltlos and at prices y<j»'.'0»» aoibpajbj

wo; tho aoBortmcnt. W p ; ^ ! ^ * 0 " b6rv«obo surdattd glvoVws ac ill thi fm:bp'iplo«(!»oa,to-'flhow.:y.oWvtbr br


• •

, •

mum .Tuesday. Welnes ( F r i d a j a S a t a r d a ' .

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