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Learn You OKRsDerek Watson July 24, 2015

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What are OKRs?

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What are OKRs

• Objectives

• Key results

• [mic drop]

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Setting goals, tracking progress

(it’s as simple as that)

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Classic: SMART

• Specific

• Measurable

• Assignable

• Realistic

• Time-bound

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Modern: OKRsObjectives

• Ambitious

• Qualitative

• Time bound

• Actionable by the team

Key Results

• Measurable

• Makes the objective achievable

• Lead to objective grading

• Difficult, but not impossible

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How toset personal OKRs

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List 3 objectives

• Deliver world-class software reliability

• Master the Swift programming language

• Share my knowledge with the team

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List 3 key results per

Deliver world-class software reliability

• Spend 25% of my time testing

• Reduce technical debt on my project by 2 weeks

• Achieve an application crash rate of 1%

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List 3 key results per

Master the Swift programming language

• Read 2 books (1,000 pages) on the subject

• Build 5 sample applications in Swift

• Watch 10 hours of tutorial videos

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List 3 key results per

Share my knowledge with the team

• Give 5 Friday Demos

• Perform 3 Lunch & Learns

• Spend 40 hours mentoring peers

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We did it!Deliver world-class software reliability

• Spend 25% of my time testing my work

• Reduce technical debt on my project by 2 weeks

• Achieve an application crash rate of 1%

Master the Swift programming language

• Read 2 books (1,000 pages) on the subject

• Build 5 sample applications in Swift

• Watch 10 hours of tutorial videos

Share my knowledge with the team

• 5 Friday Demos

• 3 Lunch & Learns

• 40 hours spent mentoring peers

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Share your OKRs with your team

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Measure OKRs out of 100%

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Review your OKRs and set new ones

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Key results are not a to-do list

Separate your key results from your plan to achieve them

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Deliver world-class software reliability

• Learn about unit testing

• Fix the problems on my latest project

• Reduce application crashes

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Key results should be quantitative

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Deliver world-class software reliability

• Spend 25% of my time testing

• Reduce technical debt on my project by 2 weeks

• Achieve an application crash rate of 1%

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Objectives should be qualitative

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Bad: “Write 500 unit tests” vs

Good: “Deliver world-class software reliability”

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Be ambitious!Objectives of sufficient audacity, Key results beyond your reach

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Aspirational and inspirational

Your objectives are the things that get you out of bed in the morning.

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Bad: “Improve the reliability of my code” vs

Good: “Deliver world-class software reliability”

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• List 3 objectives

• List 3 key results per objective

• Share your OKRs with the team

• Measure out of 100%

• Review regularly & reset

Tips & Traps

• Make your objectives qualitative

• Make your results quantitative

• Don’t make your results a to-do list

• Objectives should be aspirational, inspirational

• Be ambitious! 70% achievement is success

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What are OKRs?

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Setting goals, tracking progress

(it’s as simple as that)

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Thanks!…to be continued at the cottage
