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Of what is the Universe made? Slide 2 Insert new hubble photos to start the inquiry Slide 3 The Universe is Made of MatterEnergyNothingness - vacuum Other Matter and Energy are really the same thing! E=MC 2 Slide 4 In this Hubble Photograph, you can see the matter and evidence of energy. What you also see, or think you see, is large amounts of nothingness. The vacuum of space. But what about the other? Slide 5 Sadly, in fifth grade we only Study Matter and Energy. We must ignore other until college. Let us start with Matter. Slide 6 Matter What is it? Why is it important? Slide 7 The official definition of matter? Definition: anything that has mass and occupies space (has volume.) Synonyms of Matter : material, stuff, substance Slide 8 So most of the things around us are matter Slide 9 Can you think of other things that are matter? Slide 10 What are some things that are not matter? Slide 11 Lets review today's discussion Slide 12 Of what is Matter made? Slide 13 Atoms Slide 14 Matter is made of small particles called ATOMS Slide 15 Atoms are so small they can not be seen even with powerful microscopes Slide 16 A grain of salt is made of about 12,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms Slide 17 Atoms were first named by an ancient Greek philosopher named Democritus Slide 18 He called it an a tom because in Greek it means that which cant be cut. We still call this smallest piece an ATOM But he thought of the atom as a kind of marble a smooth round ball of whatever. Slide 19 Close, But No Cigar He wasnt completely w wrong, he was partly wrong! Slide 20 Atoms have two basic parts A nucleus or center and electron shells Slide 21 N N N N The nucleus may be small or large P P P P P P P P P P P P N N NN N N N N Nuclei are made of small particles called Protons and Neutrons N Slide 22 The electron shells are in an area around the nucleus You can think of it as an orbit. Electron shells. Nucleus Slide 23 So, unlike Democritus, we now know that atoms can be cut into smaller and smaller pieces themselves The parts of ATOMS are The PROTON, which has a positive electrical charge The ELECTRON, which has a negative charge And the NEUTRON which has no charge. Slide 24 The Neutron (s) and Proton(s) make up the NUCLEUS or center of the atom Slide 25 The electrons orbit the nucleus of the atom Slide 26 Here is where Democritus was right. Once you cut the atom of something it is no longer the thing you started with. If you started with Gold, once you break the Gold atom it is no longer Gold! Slide 27 Atoms look something like this They have a Nucleus (center) And little things that orbit the nucleus are the electrons Slide 28 Properties of Matter A property is like a characteristic ~~ something that describes something else Slide 29 When we talk about Matter There are three really important properties two important properties and a bunch that are not as important, but still useful in classifying and identifying matter. Slide 30 Really Important Properties 1.Volume How Much Space It Takes up 2.Mass How Much Stuff Is in the Thing Slide 31 Big Volume Big Mass Slide 32 Really Important Property 3 state or phase of matter at room temp. State or phase of matter refers to: Solid Liquid Gas Gold is solid at room 68f. Gold is melts at 1948fGold boils at 5085f Slide 33 The key question is: Is the material you are look at a solid, liquid or gas AT ROOM TEMPERATURE Every type of matter will be one of these three at room temperature approximately 68f Slide 34 Important Property 3 state or phase State or phase of matter refers to: Solid Liquid Gas I would like to find gaseous gold but couldnt. I am not sure anyone would want gaseous gold. But it boils at 5085f. At that temperature and correct pressure gold can become a gas. Slide 35 The key question is: Is the material you are look at a solid, liquid or gas AT ROOM TEMPERATURE Every type of matter will be one of these three at room temperature approximately 68f Slide 36 Mass and Volume control two other important properties of matter Weight & Density Slide 37 Important Weight The Pull of Gravity on the Object Density How Much Mass The Thing Has PER UNIT VOLUME Slide 38 Weight is the measure of how much the force of gravity pulls down on an object. Slide 39 Example Bob goe s to the moon Slide 40 Earth Moon 1/6 earth Weight = 120kg Weight = 20kg The gravitational pull of earth is defined as 1G. The moon, being 1/6 th the mass of earth has only 1/6G of pull. 1G1/6G Slide 41 Earth Moon Mass = 120kg 120 kg 1G on Each side of Balance Mass = 120kg 120 kg 1/6G on Each side of Balance Earth pulls down at 1G so on the scale you get Weight = 120kg Moon pulls down at 1/6G so on a scale you get Weight = 20kg The BALANCE is different. Lets see why. Slide 42 DENSITY How much stuff can you fit in a small space Slide 43 Not much stuff packed into can A lot of stuff packed into can Not DenseDense Slide 44 Other Physical Properties of Matter Color Smell Taste Texture Flexibility Malleability Conductivity Reflectance Ductility Viscosity (if a liquid) Boiling point Freezing Point Phase at Room Temperature
