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Leading to autonomy:the essential role of

teachers in online learning

Brian HolmesInterim Director

Education, Audiovisual & CultureExecutive Agency

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Leading to autonomy: the essential role of teachers in online learning

1. Digital competence

2. Leading to autonomy

3. Online learning

4. Teacher training


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Digital competence involves the confident and critical use of Information Society Technology (IST) for work, leisure and communication. (EU, 2006)

Framework for developing digital competence:

1. Information

2. Communication

3. Content creation

4. Safety

5. Problem solving

(Ferrari, Punie & Brečko, 2013)

Beyond ICT skills

1. Digital competence

⬅ Can critically evaluate information

⬅ Participates in online collaboration, team work

⬅ Can use and create online content

⬅ Understands personal identity, netiquette

⬅ Knows how to use ICT for innovation

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2. Leading to autonomy

Developing professional intellect

Know what: cognitive knowledge Basic skills acquired through training

Know why: advanced skills Ability to apply skills to complex problems

Know how: systems understanding Ability to apply knowledge and skills to new problems

Care why: self-motivated creativity Will, motivation and adaptability

(Quinn, Anderson & Finkelstein, 1996)

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The riddle of the liberating structure (1)

(Pedlar, 1981, p.74)

2. Leading to autonomy

Teacher decides model

• Learners follow the same path

• Learners aim for the same goal

• Learning resources are commonand defined by the teacher

• Teacher teaches

Learners develop skills

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The riddle of the liberating structure (2)

(Pedlar, 1981, p.76)

2. Leading to autonomy

Learning community model

• Learner decides

• Learners follow their own path

• Learners have individual goals

• Wide scope of learning resourceschosen by learners

• Teacher supports learning

Learners develop competenceand autonomy

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Action research: an online learning community


3. Online learning

• eTwinning supports teachers across Europe

° Joint pedagogical projects

° Continuous professional development

° Thriving community of teachers

•‘Learning Events’

° Short, intensive online sessions, in groups

° Focused on a theme, led by a subject expert

° Involve teachers in hands-on, non-formal learning with peers

• My research, a Learning Event on Web 2.0

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The role of the tutor is key to ensuring an effective educational experience in online learning


3. Online learning

The tutor’s preparations and interventions had a positive impact on critical thinking and meta-cognition

It was beneficial to reinforce facilitation at key points and to back-off as and when peer support emerged

The tutor’s presence helped strengthen the feeling of community

(Holmes, 2013)

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1) Frequency of student messages initially follows closely those of the tutors

3. Online learning

2) Later the students are less dependent on tutor support

Plot of messages over time in the online LE forum

(Holmes, 2013, p.103)

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Online learning communities for teachers’ continuous professional development

Online learning communities are an attractive alternative to traditional face-to-face training courses

They enable teachers to try out what they are learning in the context of their everyday practice, thereby increasing confidence and motivation

They provide an opportunity for mutual support, exchange of experience and reflection

They are fostered by social interaction which also facilitates learning They are useful for as long as they support purposeful learning


4. Teacher training

(Holmes, 2013)

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EU (2006). Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning. Official Journal of the European Union, L394/310.

Ferrari, A., Punie, Y., & Brečko, B. N. (2013). DIGCOMP: A Framework for Developing and Understanding Digital Competence in Europe: Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), JRC, European Commission

Holmes, B. (2013). School Teachers' Continuous Professional Development in an Online Learning Community: lessons from a case study of an eTwinning Learning Event. European Journal of Education, 48(1), 97-112. Retrieved 03.03.2013, from

Pedler, M. (1981). Chapter 5: Developing the learning community. In T. Boydell & M. Pedler (Eds.), Management Self-development: Concepts and Practices (pp. 68-84). Aldershot: Gower Publishing Company Ltd.

Quinn, J. B., Anderson, P., & Finkelstein, S. (1996). Managing professional intellect: making the most of the best. Harvard Business Review, 74(2), 71-80.

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