Page 1: OD ENER - Montana · 2016-08-12 · Read the 4th of July ad in our pa-per and make preparations to be here. Big

LOCALS Ge.„ Campbell of malt, is hen,++.14-1-:64•-1±14+i6+++;.-F++++.1.444--K-X-4÷ie,e'

looking after his claim.- -----

Watch Big Sandy grow.

Who is the checker champion at

the Spokane Hotel.

The very latest ideas in Mil-

inrry at the Commerial. Havre.

—Micky y Incubators up

Havre Commercial Co.,St2tte Ag2mts.

Heins Anderson from the Bear Paw

Mountains was in Big Sandy Mon-


Big Sandy is going to celebrate the

Fourt !I of July. Make preparations to

he here.- --

Big Sandy is the plaCe to trade

!Aril over the adds in the Mount-


international Auto Wagons at the

Havre Commercial Go.'s Implement

Dept. I lav re.

Ed. N. Seott made a business trip

to Fort Benton Saturday, returning

Sumlay morning.

Paddie Burk is in charge of the

Spokane Hotel during C. B. Van-

A 1st absence.

Harry Phalen is hauling lumber

f.21. the Misses Andersons shacks.

Titcy expect to build this week.

End your lighting troubles by pi.

Ii ng in Angle Lamps the light that's

right, Havre Commercial Co., Havre

The F. A. Buttrey Co. pays the

freight to Big Sandy on all clothing

shoes, dry goods Junta ure, rugs, stove

/1./1(1 hardware.

M. Price returned to his home at

Rock Lake N. Dak. He will be

away some time as he has interests

there to look after.

C. B. Van Alstine and wife went

to the Alhambra Hot Springs for a

short vacation. They will return

about the third of July.

Mr. McNamara is building an ad-

dition to his house on the ranch

down near Eagle Creek. The new

part will be 20 X 18. A new porch

is also being built.

Havre merchants are preparing for

an exceptionally glsed year. Last year

the F. A. Buttrey Co. completed

their mammoth building and this

spring they start a large machinery

and grocery warehouse to aevonono-

date their increasing stock.


Vet en i nary

Big Sandy,



THE OVERLAND HOTELEverything up to Date,

Good Rooms

Good Table

First Class Accommodations



THE TO'GERYLadies Cloaks Ana Suits

In Style

..And Nifty Tailoring For Men

Come In and Get Acquainted

H. G. Sullivan


Father Phalen of Fort Benton held!

services in the opera hoase here 711em- I

day. morning._

Macaroni Wheat !I.10 per hulla-vre Commercial Co. Sample sent OD

applicat. .i -•---

tThere will be a big time all day

aud all night in Big Sandy on the ..

Fourth of July.

Monday Merritt Flanagan drove •

through here on his way trout Havre

to Fort Benton,

Pure Bard Rock eggs for sale at

#1.00 per dozen. Inquire of Mrs.

F. Blankenbaker.

Hank Raglin a Missousi Rivet

Rancher transacted ousinssa in Big

Sandy this week.

Messers Pierce and Brockun.%

went to the prairie Monday to di.

sonic carpenter work.

Eastman Kodaks and supplies sent

to you direct by mail. Amt-eson

Drug Co , Havre, Mont.

A Milliner right from the fashion

centers of the East at the Commercial

Havre. See the display:.

Mr. and Mrs McNamara left last

thursday evening for Helena where

they will spend a few days.

Monday Mack Temple brought it,

a bunch of garden truck from his dry

land farm. Big feed for supper sure.

Read the 4th of July ad in our pa-

per and make preparations to be

here. Big Sanely will show you 2.

good time.

Miss Greiner of Bottineau N. Dak.

arrived here Monday naorning. SI..

will resume her residence on he:

claim at once.----

The Rumley Oil Pull appears tot,.

the coming traction engine for Nlith

Montana. The F. A. Butt rev Co. of

liavre are agents.

All mail orders filled the saint

day received-we solicit your mail

order business. Anderson Drug

Co., Havre Mont.

- ---

Sidney Smith of St. Paul landed

in Big Sandy the fot .. part of this

week. He expects to have some

breaking done soon.

If vou have ail). job work you want

done leave it at the Mountaineer

office, It will be promptly and neatly

done at fair and reasonabe prices.

For a short plea.sure trip or an ur-

gent business call, there is nothing

like using an auto. Leave word for

J. A Mahood, Always at your ser-


The dance at the Opera House

last Friday evening was good. The

music kept up its usual standard of

excellency but the attendance was

poor. (nuff said.)

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones went

to their claim Monday. They star-

ted about two o'clock in the morn-

ing and, so we were told, took a lan-

tern along to find the claim.

0. G. Clay and Ed Veen made a

trip up to Big Sandy from Great Falls

Saturday in a new Ford car in three

and a half hours. They spent a few

hours here and returned the same


C. W. Burns returned to N. Dak.

this week. Bobbie has one of the

neatest little houses on the prairie

and with a little breaking done he

says the claim can get along till fall

with out him. We hate to see him

leave as he use to come around on

press day.

McNamara & Marlow

ENERerchandiseBig Sandy, Montana


I I I :t 1 I-i i I I }-1 :t•il I I- I : : +' :-+-‘+•••

The Pioneer LiveryTHE BEST PLACE IN TOWNWe want your business and will try

to please. all kinds of 1eamini4 done

"Once a Customer means always"

R. S. Tingley, Pro.

"The Log Cabin"

The only original thirst parlor lofiChouteau county3 A first class line of

Wines, Liquors & Cigars

Tingley & Snow, Props.

mpire Lumber Co

Lath, ShinglesPosts, Windows, Doors. Window and Door Frames, Building Paper also Flax-

linum, the best and most scientific insulator ever produced—a new inventionOur Prices are Right

S. W. Vandervvarker, Agent