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President Obregon Suspects ex-Bandit Leader’s Enemies,SS” Retaliated for Injury; Com- a» mander Reports -

■« ' monMEXICO CITV, . t u ( ) 'J l OB—Proii-

.dfittt Obreeoa liitliiiiitiii'r*m ir'»iw iili_|[ii> tha t FrancUeo VilJn'a aasaniaation was duo to a pcrsoiuil fe u i, in a state- i meat given to tho uowipnper com,- apondent* th is afternoon,

“ I t is dlBgraeoful tlm» tha Jogger , r ' . and trsasoa are s t i l l m p loyed,” tbo- “

presldoift doclarod. “ V illa had numer- 5 ^ . ous onomies; i t Is uoasiblo tha t onu o f thorn rovenged hliaaclf trcachor- ,2 ously. 1 bavo not receivod any advice i . tba t would allow mo to express an ® ,, opinion aa to causes of 'the oasassina-

.tfon. I t ia certain, however that V illa “ * having been given guarantees o f se­cu rity by tho gpvernm?nt, should have

J bad an opportunity to enjoy them.” UK A supplemental report to President

Obregon from J. Fo ltx Lara, comman* dor o f Uie garrison ’ n t Parrnl, roia- nc tlve to tho k illiog o t V iilu . says:

A w aa ilM Waited io Hoose.. “ Tbq aaaassids eatiuated a t between ^ seven and niae, irftited fo r three days in a vacant bouie a t the corner o f tue BeniQo Juojcs and Balbino Barr^do

f atreot from wbteh th i'y oponed fire. ’^ “ Tho dead were V llU , T rillo , Danipi ^ay Tamuyo, V illa 's aaaistant; Bosnrlo Ro- tn® eales, V illa 's cliauffour, 'and a n . un- ‘ identified c ivilinn, who unfortunately was present. Two othura of VUla^it oscort were wounded. '

“ Forty shots plercud tho nutomobilo, P“ " while. V illa fe ll w ith nino bullets through bis body. T Ijo wounded cannoi an i iden tify the asftailaiUs; they aay.tlm l that V illa wos without a chnn<:<» to nre"nis soRt fnmous pistols. I t l» htlleved tbat the nssatains had been follow ing V illa for fie li

'fo u r or f iv o days from his much at T Canutillo. A hundreds shots- Vere west fire d .” ahs(

W ant Troops Withdrawn. ' to A lolegram to the president from

the soporintondent o i ^ l l l a ’s hacienda WU . a t CanutiUo, bogged 7l;c president to ■order tho troops which aro proceod- L

• ing to Tanutliio to M rhhold as tho for v;Vflllataa a t that jplaco aro fu lly en- non .• •P itilil o f A « t r ip j r t j . . Aboot m ix

a year a ^ V illa d ^ a re d that he bad ,^2 V 1800 men fu llv arnicd upon the haei ' enda, or w ith in ealf.


Vlundreds of White-Robed Fig­ures Marcli in Kans is City in Spite of State Order

TOPBKA; Kansaa, Ju ly 21 OPh- Hundred* o f white robod K n ight* of the Ku E lu x K laa in fo il regtdla. in- eloding masks and carrying fiery

' CToeaes nnd other symbols >of the or­ganization, bejTtn a parade on Kansas avenuo, tho main Bir«!0t through th ii c ity and N orth Topeka, promptly at 0 ^ ’clock'-tonlght.

Tho klansmen worn .nnska, despike nn order issnod b y .A tto rn e y General C. B. G r if f ith Ute this afternoon thnt S heriff Bobert MUcr nnd Mayor Earl . Akers prevent thorn Irom-so doing.

The c ity ’s pullce force wn* busy keeping fcrcat crowds back to leave

' ’ room enough for tho marchers In thu street nnd no nttompt was made to atop tho parade. '- There woro ha lf a dosen float*, one carrying a miniatare aehoot-house, and a largo placard: “ One p o ^ lo , one flag, ono language," and “ -we want protostant teachers {n our school*."

On a long banner carried by a acore ol- more marchers was the sign: ■“ Threo m illion o f us In tho United States; 100,000 In Kansas; 0,000 in ' Shawnee county^”


.Astunents o f Befonse on Action Seek-' in g to QnaahUnrderOliarge A gaU it BrovnlnigB to B a Uade Monday

SALT LA K E , Ju ly 1:1 (/P)-.\rgu- Tnonta on tho defense motion to riuanh Iho chargo o f f irs t .«pprcc murder

(.agnlnst M nrrln rr A. .nnd , John W, UrowninfT, Jr., in conn'>c,tlon w ith tho slayiug o f tho ln t te r ’» brothcr-ln-l.'iw,. Bcn.jnmln P. Bnllnntyno, were sot tn bQ heard in tho d in ir ir t court next IWndny b y Juilpo 0. A. Iverson to- -day.

Tho caso wa» continued today by stipulation o f counsel fu r both sides, becauso o f the nbsei.ri* from th j city o f D is tric t A ttom oy K. A. Bogers.


BRESLATL Goiroaay, Ju ly 21 UP>- f i iz person* nave been k illed a n d ,f if­teen Injured In rio tin g which broke out hrro yesterday and kept up un til ^his morning boeauso o f the rising cost o f liv ing . Large crowds o f peo*

■ plo gathered in tho important .dla- irlc ts o f tho e lty and made raid*,bn tho shops and hotels, earryisg o ft oU kinds o f lool.


• i - ' P A ]

bailo rs U nab le to n R e s is t Charm s o f f

S o u th Sea M aidens'HONOLULTT, July 21 ‘ (iPH-Tho harms o f tw o youiig and ueuutifu' I lative maidona o f Futu, li>lnnd o f Nlu- ifnu| in tho South sens, {-roved stroDgor j han thc^co ll bauk to civ ilizntlou to r I wo members o f the ro.;cutly wrceked' ' 1 ebooner A le rt, according to tho storv elated by Captain Pmtiel McDonuid, unster o f tho A le rt, who arrived h e re ', , , odav aboard the Xi<ii;arn, w ith six WQ aonibors o f h is crew. Thcv aro on their ray to tho United 8 tuK-i*. J<

A suddon squnll threw the A lo rt upon <L coral roof o f f Pntii nu Juhe'lO, Cup- I aln McDonald snld. The rnptnin and ho crow waited a t tho placo fo r n 0 nonth fo r a passing nhip to pick thom ip. Meanwhile U any J e rry and A. 01-, „ 0O^.membors o f tho crow fo il in love r ith two na tivo girls and when a res- uo ship f in a lly nrrived they refused | 0 accompany the ir Blr-immteB back toiJ*^®*' iv ilisatlon. I \The mariners mnrrled the (rlrls, Cap- Utnl

ain McDonnld said, nnd nddeil: v l ‘ an ’ t blnnio T erry and Olson, fo r tholr irides nro vory buoajtfui and cxcep-| ” lonnily good hou*f>wlves." i-**.

Tho skipper snld no suffering fol- Soil’ owed tlio shipwrcck. . The nntlvos, he aid, nro verv bospltnblo (ind tho worn- PJ<F •n. especially the younger ono, ure ' ‘ very b e a u tifu l."

3RDER MAUGHAN’S RETURN £ '--------- es.o

Irm y P ilo t Oiven Instructioas to Be- U port, a t McOook r ie ld a t Dayton; rive WIU B e to rn to V is it in TTtah to si

— — , -homROCK 8 PBIN G 8 , Wyo.. Ju ly 21,OP) com

—Orders to re tu rn by r a i l to M cC ook,noui ^e ld near Dayton, Ohio, and to 'e x - >rc9S his disa b le d aertfp lane I4 w h ieh QU le was fo rc o d to lan d here la s t Thurs- Jay w h ile n t to m p tia g to f l y across „ he c o n tin e n t between daw n and dusk,0 the snme placo, wero rocoived horo onight by Lieutenant Bussoli L. Maughan. Aaaertlng tha t tho work >f tearing apart tho plane and pro- )arlug i t fo r shipping would bo com- doted by Tuesday, Lieutenant Mnugh- in said ho expected to lenvo horo by " :hat day. o r on Wednesday. Tho ntfiii..age received from McCook. fie ld said;‘ Ship pla'^o by express io UcCook field and re tu rn by r a i l . " ? f

Tho f l ie r said ho expects to roturn vest w ith in a fow months, i f Icavo o f . thsenco is grahted by his superiors,:o v is it relatives in Utab.


LOS ANGELES, Ju ly 21 O P)-Sult Tfor dip>rcc against Tom Mooro, mo* novicion picturo actor, brother o f Owefl knotfoore aad - M a tt Moore,' also sereea not itara, was f i le d ia soM rior eoort here erai today by ^ o e E. Adoree, screen ae* fortw tt, w ho' charged cruelty. the

WE HAD »0P • ____________ 'ARO



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O C iA T E D 'P R E S S N EW S



IIT!iODIlPOI1ITI“______ 1

Vorlc on Electric Power Pro- ^ject Advancing Rapidly, s'ficials Claim; Will Be Wie p of the Biggest in the W ^ t'

SALT LA K E , Ju ly 21 OP)—Construe- i^ i ion work on wh.nt Is raid to be ono f tho largest hydro-olrotrk power pro- ’cts In tho wost Is 'Well imder way I ^ d n Point, Idnho, offle in ls o f the <i>o tnh Power nnd U g h t company, build- jg, r o f the plant, nnnotitreed hero to- y ,ight. , V thFive hundred men :ire actively at

•ork' on the project six miles from odn Springs, hulldiYCs coffer dnms nnd ' , X(;aynt|ng mnrerinl i/w a r ive r ofrcpnfflt'ory to pourUu tliif'TOYgi' mnJw f ron'*xotP which w ill form Uie dnm’ j „ nd power house. Tho plant, which w ill nve nn instnlled g incrnfing capacityf nbout 20,000 borsepower, la being ------( lilt nt n cost o f npproximatolv 3.000.000. i r jP

U tilisation ■'of wator o f the Benr M L Iver for generating ihe electric powor 1 supply tho demnndn o f Industries nnd omes in th is wctio»> w ill mnrk the ^ omplotlon o f tho project, I t wns nn- •ounced.

SHOPMEN GET WAGE RAIsl kS---------- Wyc

kfea W2io Bamalaed a t W ork Daring yonr1922 a,Mke and S trlkebroakm wonQlreq. Increase to Tota l $320,000. Fred

— . h'nsST. LOUIS, Mo., Ju ly 21, (AO — nnd

:ho Missouri Pacific railro,id todny hismnounced Increnses in pay to Its horohop employes, numbering nbout 0,000 thre nen, tp tako effect from last Monday,^uly 10. Tho inerense is two conts whoin hour fo r tho skilled craftsmen and herme cent an hour fo r apprentices and yeoilelpers. A

Tho rncrense, accordlnjr to na esti- wnsnato given out by President Baldwin, estar i l l amount to $320,000 a yea r Cho;

The men who rocoived tho increases ire those who remained n t work dur- ng the strike last summer or thoseiho took the ir placei. W

Tho shop employes o f tho railroad *poclow have an organisation o f tho kind ^'itl:cnown as a company union, which la todnlot affiUatffd < rU \- tW A m « > liu u u ^ * . ropviratlott o f Labor. Tb Ib-. negotiatloni* elar!or the incroaae wero conducted by creabe management w ith th b union. coal



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^ p y r ig h t , 1023,


D A ILm A T MOBMINO, J U L Y 22. 102S.

Commission Gra F o r New RoadSOVERNMENT WATCHES. P |

■1. W. W. SITUATION 'PORT AIITHUR, Texaa, Ju ly 1

51. W )—The foderal govornment :oday took a hand in tbo I. W. iltuotlon. Special Agont A C. Bulllvan nrrlved this mornlnjj ind apont 'the ontiro day inveati- ^ gating conditions and causes load­ing up to tho alleged mistreat nent. o f. James H o U a B d |A j^ . W. irganlusr.

“ Bo f . ir as I c a n ^ H V from A n ] ntervlowing pcaco o ffice rs ," said Bulllvan, *4he press reporta have | R jeon vory accurate." Ho ia con- :inulng his inveatlfption. Sidney n ferry, d is tric t organii^er hprc. aald ;oday tha t John McColHstor,' o f /) N'ow Orleans, who is saying that tho trek toward th is c ity ao far

interrupted, does lo t a p e ^ w ith authority. ({

The tr ia l o f tho four members ' te »f t h t - 1." W . W. was again post* di loned in tho c ity court this morn- gc ng. I t is prolmblo tho cnsea jq will bo called Monday. le ___________ :_________ ^ _ pc--------- .. s.IDNAPED SON IS FOUND »

w:ed School, Taken from , Pamlly uwhen Two tyaars Old. Diseorars ec Brothers A fta r Abseoca o f 37 Yoan

--------- h:CHEYENNE, W yo., Ju ly 21 O P )- r tiilnaped from his homo in Laramie, atyo., 37 years ago, when he was two Tars o f age and his baby way* had t l>n tho henrt o f a childloas woman, OS ed School, o f Og'don, Utah, f in a llys located his fam ily in this o lty Tld has learned the tru th rogardlog n ilttI parentage, i t was made known comro tonight. Ho la a brpther o f andree Cheyenne residents. tho

mother, Mrs. Henry School, peri10 never hnd dcsn'rod o f find ing S(r los t-ch ild , died hero about two the'ars ngo. PnciAn item in a detective magazino asIS responsible fo r the Ogden man mentabllshlng communication w ith hja stoaleycnne relatives. two

— ■ tlon W AN T apE O IA L BE8 M 0 N

W ASinNOTON. Ju ly 31 0P>—A thoecinl session o f congress to deal wnsith the coaf situation was advocated sectdny by Bopresontativo Treadway, I i

S f S ’.eatiag a federal agency to regulate a! prieea and distribution. ' ^ reee

tim< Por not

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Y mm is P e rm it J j | Construction pr


ithority Given for Building Rogerson-Wells Litie; Ex- g;"}; pect Work to ^e Started About 30 Days

--------- othorwW A flH lN O lb K , D. 0 . ,- 'jru ly .2 1

[Special to Th« Nawa)—Tha In- Mrstata commerca commission to- 1 . la y Totad to anthorl*a tho On- ron Short L ina to bulhl 07.7 t

BiFormal annooncamant o f th is * <<Th

ictlon w ill bo mada n a rt waok, „ , io - , rhan tha commission w il l s tate I ! . ra lly tba grounds npoa xrtUch i t lasned tha certUicat« o f pob lic tra tlo i jonvenionca and naeaasity. to hei

According to assnrancas g lra a nrices by tha Short Lina th is n«w ra il- dltlom road v lU ba complotad and in op-- station by Dacembar 31, 1924. 'Total axpenditares to ba mada os " T t Cho rogid ' ar« ostlmatad s t fSL procce ) H 000. has n

--------- o f whrhe granting o f tht- cerUflcntc per* war a ttlng of tho Boad'.i construction tho wi nes ns tho definite icsu lt o f a stoadv was ui ll jwmlstent e ffo rt, oa tho nnrt o f was di a Twin Fnlls ecunlry covoFlng a kept. 1 rlod o f yenrs. m illlo iBometlUng like 10 r r 12 yonrs ng.> have I )• milt ter o f n rnilrund outlet to the “ W clfio const begnn to. mako Itso if fe lt ia, «o

a subject o f conv^raatloQ among w ilt c n. Tho topic gruY in populnrlty price adlly nnd w ith in the f irs t year or0 fnnds wore raised and n detega- T I n sent to Oakland in an o ffo r t to I J crest Cnlifornin rnp The plnn I 1 ■ved to a ttrnct further attention to | | 5 project but no, de fin ite progresa,» mnde towards the actual w ork o f I r :uring tho lino. ■“ i I I VIn 1013 what was regarded as do fi f l | :e nsauranco looking to the, eztanalon th«vHoUist«r. braadi to a jn u t i f lB

th this C U t^ l P a rlfie a t Coore was . !oived ia Twfn Falla, the road th b ' ae to be b n llt by the Short L ine. ^ r reason* whieh i t b claimed eonld HK t then ba foreseen, however, the pro- t wa* abandoned and fo r a number uV years bnt l it t le attention locally

a given to tho mattor.BurTaypri P n t In Field. • ^

3ome two or threo yoar* ngo a cer* eounti icate o f necessity to build such n they e was granted to tho Idnho Central th b i llroad, a corperalion, orgnnixed by sldera seph L. Stowart*>«nd assocJntes o f Jule, kiand and San Francisco. Tho death Johns

Mr. Stewart was shortly fo llowed indict n transfer o f mnnagement which eret (

iced Conrad W olfle in control o f a res1 project and under the' management ging himself and Bari J. Ahern, survey* 14 la

I were placed In the fie ld. Mrs.While the project wa* in th b par- Foil ular stage a''grouo a f Tw in ^ I b oa tb in sneceodod In interesUng H .. W^ T. A att, vice president And general mnn- sod t er o f tho Oregon Short L ino in the groe itte r o f the line nnd la te r T w in Palls would :oived a v b lt from Cart B. Gray, penali esident o f the Union Pacific . M r. releaa ny offered this group de fin ite ansur* Wh CO that tho Union Pacific system floggl luld undertoko to build tbo r o u . tho e la -tho Interests o f •]uiek action eome who 0,000 wa* raised over the county and w ith mo two montha ngo the stock and all count her assets, including tho certiflcnte* aontoi

necessity o f tho Idaho Central, wero j^ya irrhased outright and application guecQ, ade to Idnho oourts fo r dissolution the compnny. Tho t f fe c t o f th is wn* jjo O l removn tho exlstln? certifica te o f de’iicc

iceaslty as nn obstatlo to tho grant- vestli g o f a new permit in the U nion Pa- n,ont fic syatem. AppUcntlon fo r such new rtir ic jito wns duly •n.'tdo by the Ore* ^ in Short Line, the.matter being before wUU 0 interstate commerco commlsBlon >r action un til the " ra n tin g o f the Oonsl ip llra tion on Snturdny. (2,1

Terminal S ito ObtaJnad.About 20 nrrcs o f InnO wns secured pC ider option fo r tho k ii ld in g o f round- s^lo )use nnd other junction fac ilities Jq. on win Falls this npriti;', upon advice' Crool ? the, Oregon Short lilue . nnd tho pur- qqO inae o f th i* ncrengo wua consummated twee K)\it 30 dnys ngo. The rlnns o f the q{ )mpany provide fo r n -division poin* Eucrr t Twin Palls, this c itv being Almost ]uldistant betweon i Porntello nnd i, reUa, Nevada, w ith approximntely 120 liles o f lUiP'out o f Tw in FnHs in ench irection. Plans provide fo r severnl uildingB in addition ts tho round-houso nd the belief is ronfidently entertain- ^J that repair shop? and other necea- m - activities in cOT:»i.ctlon w ith tho . ow line w ill result in an im portnni ddltion to locnl population. B IUnder the dlrccth.n o f W. B . Arm* B llll

Irong, chief englnoi-r o f the Oregon weat Jtorl Line, two croivs o f sur\’uyors govo fere placed in tho fie ld simultnneouslv 102 •1th the nppUcntion- fo r u ccrtlficn te threi f necessity and niu'-h o l the prclim in- erioj l y im r k 'o f ^tirvoyintf haa nlren(«iv pros oen dono. Tho rOml. I t is said, w ill ontain no grades in excess o f 1 per 'WEj ont. tlip principal fiU ture o f tho con-

(Oontlaaed on t*ago F lva.) A'---------- ------- -------- ‘ Mur

IDAHO W EATHEB. mor<Bunday: Unsettled; ihunderatorms in beeo

ouUieast portion. terdV


OLID imfllE REPOBilCIINIi IS- SENHTfSTlEIIess Tells' G. 6. P. Meetlrig that Party Must Stand on Firm Ground or Risl< Haz­ardous Political Experiment

O INOINNATI, Ju ly 21 OP)-Com- entiiig on tho outcome o f the elee >n jn ^ in n e s o tn , Unlred State* Sona- t ^ p e b n D. Foss, Ohio, today do- ired at a large gathering o f repub* lana hore. thnt republicnns mnst and firm on sound ccoiioTiTTc doctrines, horwlao botji tho party and the coun- y w ill entor on nn -jxjwriraont, tho end ' which, no mnn can see.Tho Minnesotn election resulted ris i t d becauao tho farmer “ .Ss^sore" Sm^ or Peas said. In n htntoment mad<* lo r to tho meeting Sonntor Poss said a t “ the republican uilm inlstration is I t ' going to bo led astray becnuse me demagogue arises nnd offers a inacea fo r nil tho 'fori.iera ‘ i l l * . "“ Tbo farmers' su ffering and the low ■lee o f wheat has b o n brought abont r natural causes a n i i t w ill be nd*. ated by natural mcuns,, Th^ adminb- S atlon w ill do a ll th n t cnn be done I help, b u t. i t has no intention to f l *-ices and thereby throw bualness con- tlo n i into chaos.

Soimd Frinelplas.“ Tho administratioit " ho paid, “ b ■occcdlog on sound prinrlp les and i t IS n defin ite policy. The low price ’ wheat ia a natural i-onsequence o f ar and post-war oonditlon*. During >0 war t f eryone, including tho fanner, ns urged to produce c.) the lim it. Thb as donp an^ a fte r the w ar tho farmer snt. I t 'u p w ith tho con*c«iuenco *tbat ' illlons o f bushel* n f snrplus wheat ive been prodyeed. .“ When tho farmer lonms that there no longer a demand fo r whent be

l i t cease"prodncing M> much and the rice w ill I roturn to norm al."

[NREEMEOOF ByiT MEE'iaiultted of’ Floogfiig Wo­men; K l^ Investigator Is Given Fine and Jail SentenceLUMBEBTON, N . C., Ju ly 21 OP)—

, verdict e f not g u ilty on - three )unta o f ah indictm ent on w h i^ ley wero tried waa returned here lb afternoon a fter 50 minutes coa-- ideraUon by the ju ry in the tr in l o f uie. Bro{^ea, M ike Lawson and ohnion H e d ^ th . The men ware, idicted and tried fo r kidnaping, so­re t a**auU and assault. on womea as

result o f tbe kidnaping and flo|r> ing noar Proctorville, N . 0 - on A p ril i lu t , o f Mrs. M ary Watson u d Irs. H attie Purvb.Following the verdlot o f not goUty

a the tbcee minor charges. Soueltor . A M cNeil Immediately nolle proa- Bd tho indictment c h a r in g f l n t de­roe bnrglary, conviction oa whleh rould have carried w ith i t the death enalty. Tho three defendants were- eleosed.Whllo the ju ry waa out in the

logging case, Judge Sinelair heard ho e>1deneo against H. A. Tallaforro, rho waa charged w ith tampering rith ’ state's witnesses ou three: ounts. He was found gu ilty and ontoaced to a fh io o f #250 and S(T' lays in ia il oa each couat, to run uccessively. Pending a probable ap- leal Judge Sinclair fixed bond a t , 15,000. I t wns devoIoMd in the ovi- . . lence tbat Taliaferro ia a apoelal in- X ' restlgator o f the intelligence depart- ' nont o f the Ku K lu x Klan.

JLOSB’ HUGE TIMBER DEAL .Consideration Amoimts to More .than

*2,000.000 in Bale o f 72.000 Acres o f Pine In Orook Oonnty, Oregon

PORTLAND, Ore.. Ju ly 21. OP) —Salo o f 1,100,000 feet o f pino timber in 72,000 acrea in Ochoco region, Drook county, fo r moro than $3,000,- 300 wns negotiated hore today be-' Iweea tbo Bogors. Timber company of Mlnni-apolin, and B. A. Booth, o f Eugene, and associates. Tho la tte r nnnounccd formation o f a company lo be knoiyn as Tho Ochoco Timber rompany w ith 12.500,000 capital. A largo sawmill b projoctod a t Prine- ville, which is w itn in 18 miles o f the Rogers tract.


BILLINGS, Mont., Ju ly 81 0P>— Billings , exnerloncod tbe hottest weather o f lh,o year whon the o ffle la l government thermometer mounted to 102 this afternoon. For the laat threo day* the morcury has beenhov- eriog around tho hundred mark. No prostrations wore r ^ r t i ^


ATLAN TIC O ITT, Ju ly 81 C » - Murat Botbschlldv a wealthy. B a lti. more publisher, is believed-to Kave boon drowned while bathing heA ree* terdoy ,


-- - t t : 1” "Shroud of Secrecy -Surround- n

ing Reply to German Pro- [ j po53ls Brings Pertinent Re- j marics from-Editors . ; I

Pa:518, Ju ly £1 W —The ahroud, o f o fiic in i secrecy thrown about the British noto ou ropnrntiona and ac- conipanyiug documeutB which wero iDcolvod from London this niorning,

'docs not prevent tho prcaa from dl- , Iftting on the aubjcct. Tho Prencli papora, however, cyiifino most of tho ir attention io discusilng tho . British commenta und dispntchca, 1

Tho speeolntitraa thua vvoivod aro fal firs t ly that llfo British cabinet ex* me presses ils npproval o f the appoint- tic

'm ont o f a eommitteo o f cxpcrfa to tic ronaaess the German debt, auch com- ox.

' mittee to bo nonilnateiJ by tho repa;^'wr rntionB commiaaion .iiu l to act aa uil- viaora to that commission, tbo In lter Je elauAc bc'ing added in "order to com- Jio p ly , w ith tho tcrniii o£ tho Ver- ■

( la illcs treaty. islOppoM EeaBsejwnont.

8ueh procedure la generally nc- th i copied aa possible on ju r id ic a l,

»rounds, but tho Tompa nrguoa that^ le text o f 'th o Ire iity doin not jua -( t l f y it . Tbo appointment o f this »<i coiomittvo ia condemned os fu tilo isl

and dangerous. The opinion ia al- t it most unanimously expressed tha t t t a

- would bc ecrtnin to base its estimate no on the Insolvency, o f tho OcnK«n ex- o f chequer, rather than on tho produc- fn: t iv ity o f German inJostry. . by

Secondlv, thnt tho noto avoids con* ov domning 'German passive realstanco, th; but comments ou tbo rcmarkablo cf- Ini focts o f the Buhr alrugglc on the th: f' rconomie condition. Thi* gTi point givea opportunity fo r a repe* uri

• t it io n o f tho. atntcment that French ag public opinion w ill not bo aatisfied o f w ithout formal and effectivo renun-, elation o f pasaU’o rcaiatance before i'tanco cnn renew negotiatlflns w ith ' Germany. . i

Mnst Settle Debta.'Thirdly, that the noto doca not pri

refer to tho quostion o f Intera llied co dolits. The papers attoH that tho po I ^ n c h view cannot'bo changed nnd tha t rcporatloas and Interalliod debts ao ara inseparable. • , ha

The ncgotlntiena now under way nrc generally regarded a i certain to bo long and laborloua but i t is be- bu llovod they must end in an agree­ment as a rupture among tho allies n i» conaldcrcd unthinkable.


' BeUoTno proprie tor o f Detro it Photo , to m p u s ; 4nd P ilo t Lost Liv«s ftrom I ^ e e 1000 Toot In A l t j

DETROIT, Mich., Ju ly 21 Howard N. Neai, proprietor o f t h e , ^ Detroit A ir Photo compan)', aud a tnl nan believed to bc Eugene Itnnchard,, wi an ain)lnne' p ilot, were burned to f« death Jate today when nn airplane In which they were rid ing burst in to l flames 1000 foct in th o 'u ir and crash- . cd in the western part o f ynndwlcb, township, Ontario, about 12 miles “ southwest o f Windsor. i

Tho bodies were badly burned and death is believed to have eome al- p( most instantly. | B

Identification o f the bodies waa made by the w lfo o f Howard Ncol, who flew to the secno o f tho crash in nn nirplanc piloted by Eddie Stln- •on, a' comnjereifll aviator. «

Investigation o f tbe croah was be* j i gun imniMiiutely by the eoroaer. The ki plAne wiy« ao bhdlv damaged tba t tbe Jq causo o f the accident eoold not be ^ determ/ned, follow ing a ha ity exam- in a t i^ o f the wreekage. ^

Fi/ e leaves business hiHOUSES MASS OF RUINS ^

h<B1«m a t Salamanca^ 17. T , Spread l>7

QasoUoe and Syiiam ita Bxploeloni, 2>o«e Damage Esttmated at »&00.000 ^

SALAMANCA, N. Y., July 31 C4»)—l ‘'irc . spread by gaaolino and dyna­mite explosions, thia afternoon swept i t through the buaincss district o f Bai- tii amanca, le ft the cUy hall in ruin,a al ate Its way in to three other business buildings, nnd jumped the main busl- ness street and spread Into the rcsi- ^ dence section. I t wns believed to have sta rted 'in a frame warehouse.

A t Icaai five persons were reported in tho c ity hoapital w ith burna ^n d tr cnta from fa llin g timber and gloaa. n Many were overcome by tmoke and f( heat. No deaths had. been reported, q

A t six o'clock tonight the f ire was q] onder control. Tho loss was estimated

•a t $500,000 to 1600,000. J


We are tbe Ptoneer wholesale bnysn “ Boyei* In all

T he F u lto r164 FOUETH AVB. SC

The largest cosh bnyers o f p


M in is te r M a rrie s■ A f te r C o u rtsh ip

o f S ix t ie n Tears.•> ‘6h IC A G 0, Ju ly 21 o i^ T h o BevJ P. W. Ktiappe, Sr>, pastor o f tbe Saint Scbali) Luthernn church of Straw-] berry I ’o int, Inwa, and Mlatf M ary. Knluslio, who come all tho wjvy from I QL'rmany/ were married here todny a f­ter n correapcndeueo courlahip laat*

I ing 10 yi-ara.


S e n a to r L a d d C la im s R e ta l ia -

I t o r y M a n ip u la t io n b y . S p e c -

I u la t o r s W a s R e s p o n s ib le

I W ASniNO TO N, Ju ly SI m —The fa ll in wheat pricea dunng recent months was attributed to manipula­tion by grain speculators In retalia­tion o f tho regulation o f tho gnUn oxehangcs by'congress, in a , le tter

'w r itte n by Senator Ladd, repuWican. N orth Dakota, on tho ove of his departure fo r Europe, and made pub­lic today a t hia office hore.■ Nino dnya nfter the regulatory leg­islation became effoctivo, the sonn­to r asserted, • “ tho wheat mnrkct started to slide, and slnee thn t time thero hoa been n Btea'ly decrcnao.”' Law w itH “ TeetH In I f 'I “ For, th ir ty years," he continued, “ tho spoukcrs successfully fought leg­islation tha t would curb the ir aetlvl- tles. Now fin a lly this now law w ith a few teeth in i t is proving to be an­noying and thoy inaugurated a period o f s tric t discipline fo r tho wheat farmer and tbo farm bloo in congress

I by, whieh discipline they hope to ovontnally convince tho wheat grower th a t ho was a ll wrong in dcmnndlng lawa which enrtallsd tha t power ana . tha t be must eome baek nnd ask eon- ffT£ia to repeal tbis annoying meas­ure, tako the teeth from the law and again truat to the generous mercies o f tbe wheat sharks.

Short S ^ g‘ ‘ Their system has worked vory

cleverly during the last three months j in d riv isg down tho prices o f wheat by means o f heavy ahort aelling. The propaganda haa been clever and tbe consistent crop estimates, weather re- ports, foreign supply nnd demand, do- meatlc needs, po8sibillth*a o f tremen­dous surplus In the growing crops, a ll

t havo beon cleverly used to force the nutural "buyer out o f the market In the belief tbnt he would eventually buy n t a lower price.’ ’

ONE OF BRITAIN’S OUTPOSTSUlfcnd ef. Mauritius Juet amall. P ^rt

o f Qr'sat Empire's ‘‘Far.Flung I Battls Line.'*

I nave 70Q ever, heard o f "Tbe Island- o f tbe Dodo?” Sounds like the eame Island ^ the more or less mythical

I Idy l o f'l*a u l ond Virginia,I However, there 1# such a plnce. be*; cause L . C. Bnrboau h hea,lth com­missioner o f thla. Island, and recently

, wb8 a delcgnle to the national con* ference o f social workers, held at Washington.

[ The Islnnd o f the Dodo, better knon-n na the Inland o f Mnuritlufl. Is

' a small principa lity under the British Igovcmment off the soDtheaat^-rn coa»t ^t>t A frica, east o f Madogascar. It's population consists chiefly o f Ulndooa,

I Britlah, Dntch and adm ixture o f all three.

•The Island,'* said U r. Bartoeao, “ Is often apoken o f as the *star* o f the Indian oceiin. but I prefer tbe name ^ 'Bogar Island.' by whlcb i t Is also Known In onr pnrt o f the world. I t en­joys a delightfu l climate and exblbita a quaint combination o f tropical.and temperate sone scenery. I ta soil la completely free from beast o f prey o r , Tenomoos reptiles. Tbe death rate, bowerer, from disease la 'h lcb ." '

Thla Island la In the aoatbent c o ^ flnea o f the tropica. I t waa once, tne home o f tbe extOict Dodo. O riginally colonlred by the ^ n c b . I t waa con­quered by t M EngUab daring Na­poleonic wars, and baa remained B rlt- lah.*' Because o f Ita excellent barbon and

Its slioatlon on the tea route be- . tween India and Sonth A frica It was at one time o f mucb commercial Im­portance, bat tbis has beed mucb re­duced by tlie opening o f the Suez canaL

D r. Barbeau’a problem fo r public health work Is that o f-a whole coun­try w ith a population o f nearly ha lf a m illion Inhabitants on an Island only fourteen or fifteen mllea In length.D r. Barbean Is a graduate in medicine Of . the D n lre rslty o f Edinburgh. He la director o f the goremment labor- a tory In Mauridns. ______________

the M arketLTKY. W HAT HAVE YOU?

yera o f poultry In southern Idalio, a ll T om u.’ ’

n M a rk e tSOUTH, PHONE 175

f pou ltry in Idaho and Utah


I J I I P T <t e a a a a a a


S e a s o ]Swing I

M a k e a c a re fu M y o u r s e l f , a n d th e n j^ in g . T h e w is d o m ( t h e p r ic e s i n t h i s a(

D ra p e ry D e p a r tm e n tOur entire drapery . de-

Sartmcnt w ill be on salo" B lF in e F i l le t C u r ta in

- N e ts n«1.C0 qaa llty fo r------H.29 p l j♦2.00 qua lity for.----- 11.69 _____♦2.25s quality fo r__...41.76Ecru fh lo t, *1.50 quality,

fo r ....____________

F i l le t N e t P a n e lso n S a le T " "

ll.o o p im cli fo r «1 • • c land

C re to n n e sL o t! at 19c, 2&] u d Sfic I j

H a n d B lo c k e d F u l l ' C re to n n e s t i o t i i

Veledge, b right, beautlfnl, *atho finest <1.00 regular, ‘ elesranco sale, y«rt...._75e ♦1^5 Town & Country

fo r ............... ..... .....J 1.00Hand-blocked. French ere- PpGC

tonnes in these . « lip g30-inrh mercerized Mar-

quisettcs, ynrd ______ i6c3G-inch tape edge curtain pvoile, COc quality,- a t v (ynrd ........ ..... ......... .... _3Sc

......— In

^ \RatineOlearaoce Prlcoe

JOiach, n il eolora.... _.39c m Ofit

♦ 1.00 aport quality colors y e a n_____________________86c

♦ 1.25 ratine, fine, fo r t l ---------

♦2.50 W affle ratine,y o r a ........................ 12.00 W s i

____ Porn(bad

S P E C IA LS Kman I

G in g h a m „ ,30->cb tijaue, 25c yard, good *quality—good pa ttcrn i.

3 2 - in c h S i lk T is s u e , “ “ J

5 9 c y a r dA ll our prettleat and beat 75c ' allk tiaiues a t ----------------6©c

S c o tc h T is s u e s 4 9 c Y d .Glaaboro—fine , p re tty Scotch tiaaoe, laat colors.

Utopia, 19c yard27-inrb zephyr, you don’tg e t |such good fast gingham a t ^19c only a t our clearance.-' ‘

R ip e le t te G in g h a m 3 5 cWashes fine , wears better, > w ith needs ao iron ing; yellow, ^e n pink and bloe stripes. ntidl

- Peter Pan '. ftSc quality --------------------69cP la in ____ ______ ________ 60c

P la y S u i t in g , 2 5 c y a r dFor ehjld's play suits aod _ dreues noth ing, better; sold O l ] at 30c to A5t.

. OUjannoe 26c

F a n c y S k i r t in g s o fCLKABANCE PBIOES

Beautiful wool, s ilk and mix- V ’X ed skirtings, mostly in ak lrt X JC lengths, the season’s best and prettiest. W ill be sold onc-tbird o ff. r-

A n o t h e r




n a l D i s[nto Its Secon yalues---Everj^ n v e n t o r y ^ o f t h e n e t

‘( C o r a e T i e r g a n d s e c u i

o f b u y i n g i n t h i s s a L

i d v e r t i s e m e n t .

mported'Jap Cr<eavy Ja p Crepes, a l l the

w a n ti 25cN urses C lo th Ik

Ja d e e s p e c ia l ly f o r n u rs e s ’ o s tu n ie s , f in e f o r d d r t s and ip r^ n s .>0c q u a l i t y ............................. .35ci5c q u a l i t y ' .................. ....... . 49c 5<

G ^ a te a 25c^ fe w p ie c e s ^ n c o lo rs a n il ; tr ip e s to c lo s e o u t . Y o u k n o w 3i v b a t i t ’s w o r fh . . O n tsale..25c I t

3ath Towels, 25c and 50c

fw o lo ts o f r e m a r k a b le va lu e s , 4 : ) la in a n d fa n c y , so m e s o ile d . t<

U n d e r m u s l i

id le s a n d O o w n s — ^We h a v e g ro n p m e n ts , a w a y u n d e rp r ic e . L a c o t rI w h ite . L o t in c lu d e s r ip le t t e b lo c

LJngette S lip 8, $ 2 M LI I m e a s u re , g o o d f i t t i n g , f in e ^ th , h ig h ly m e rc e r iz e d ; p in k , ” i te , o r c h id a n d p e a c h .

C h ild re n s U n d ie s . ' - ^

E^cial p’r ic e s o n p a n t ie s , a n d n i J8. See th e m .

C o v e ra lls $ 1 .0 0 W e e k -E n dVacation, motor

ta n a n d b lu e , iripathem. Very con

i k i . a n d d e n im . S p e c ia l S

jk e n s izes, b u t y e t 12 to 15 inch, brown, near leal

8 t a l l s izes, 3 t o 10leather,-W.OO np .rs. ____________

O rgand iearm veatlie r baa XaTored organdiermanent fin ish, fu ll w idth, pastel

___ 42c ■00 grade wide organdie, per- ment finish, yard ________ - i Ov»

Hom espun R a tinexed liko wool homespun, very pme*al, mixtures In lavender,je and rod, yard---- -------------f t S f C '

Fancy S k ir t in g s 39c Y a rd

no wbito skirtings w ith stripes,>ko boautiful skirts and mneh used r bed spreads and other 9 Q a .. acy work, 75c quality______O v U

Fancy W h ite Voiles 39c

136-inch fine quality white voile th splashes, dots and ehecks, a sat b ig value. Buy I t fo r dresses, . dlss and drapes. I t ’s dandy for


l u r i n g t h i s s a l e w e a r e g i \

E ? 1 . 2 0 f o r D e l i n e a t o r 5

B A R . R e g u l a r ? 2 . 4 0 , n o \

r Packag((OTH MERCAN1



S S S S S B S S S & 9 & B 9 B B


sposa l^id W eek w ith^4)epit:.JParticipaeds o f y o u r fa m ily , y

re th em a t a remarkE le is obvious and is su

epes, 25c Yarde sp o rt co lors, a l l you ; ya rdMercerized P o p lin 42c

F o r 3 6 - in c h , 8 5 c q u a l i t y ,

- M erce rized W h ite S u it in g 35c

50c. .s u it in g f o r b o ya ’ b lo u s e s ,, f o r H k irtH , p la y s u its a n d lik e .

G old C o in P o p lin3 6 -in ch 75c p o p l in in b lu e a n d la v e n d e r to c lo s e o u t, y a r d 39c

W ool School P ia id 8 ^ .$ U 5

t2 - in c h w o o l p la id s . I t . w i l l p a y to b u y n o ^ ^ ________________

ins, $1.00ped here some wonderfu lly good rixnned o f good quality, in pink omers. A valaahle offering.

L inge tte K n icke rs , $1.75V d a n d y , a b ig i t e m , . c i i t f u l l , •e in fo rc e d , h ig h ly ra o rc e r lz e d , v h i te , p in k , o r c l i id a n d p each .

Child’s Play Suits ^ '? r e t ty l i t t l e g in g h a m ro m p e rs , m d p la y s u its . C le a ra n c e p r ic e......... -................................................... 59c

I Bags Child's Ginghamr trips and)s demand rireccoenvenlcnt. UreSSBS$4.95 .1, blaek or ^ .itho r grain-

ateci clasp 2 to 8 v e a rs , p re tt> ’ Beal calf .

p. *_ _ _ _ _ _ o n e s o n sa le .


Theo Ties, $ 7 MB r o w n a n d g r e y suede , S p a n ­is h n n d J u n io r L o u is hee l. A r e g u la r $10 .5 0 * s lip p e r .

C o lon ia l Pum p, $ 7 MS m a ll lo n g u e , J u n io r L o u is he e l, b ro w n k id v a m p , o t te r w ie d e fo x in g a n d hee l. A $10

•‘ S lip p e r .

G row ing G irU f F oo t- ipear $3J95

larKO a s s o r tm e n t o f s tra p s l ip p e rs a n d o x fo rd s in p a te n t • le a th e r , b r o w n a n d b la c k k id , a s p e c ia l.

v ln g jfQU a special o f fe r


^ $ U 0 . *


............. .......................

S a l e stl New .>ating. ^y o u r home and

k a b ly la rge sav- substantia ted b y ^

Toilet GoodsPabnolivo e(hampoo_..S9o N ’Odor, re lie f fo r per- .

spLrotion ---------------- lOo[clba nail polish_____19o)entBlnxo tooth paste-lOc ^Icrgena V io le t glycerine

shampoo -----------------39c05c' BorU face powder-S9c D jer Kiss double compact,

4 re fills ...... ..— n.00. Pound absorbent cotton 42e

♦1 Colgate’s to ile t water ^___________________ .7Be ▼

r Colgate’s ta lc u m s ------19cColgate’s dental cream 190

1, Colgate's floating bath[ soap, 3 bars _______ 26cl’ .01.00 Melba opera poyder

- ♦LOli- .ra lm ,Olive, Cleo-patro. Divine face pow- .

I, dcr ------------------------69cB Ideal frocklo cream___S6c ’0 D je r 'K is s Nailnatre.._36c

Phyalclans and Surgeons ^soap, 3 bars —___~ ,25c

SOe Elcaya Complex Pow­der ------------------------39c

40-inch Voiles1 . . A t Olearaaoe

Figured voiles, amall lo t 4 ^ 'Y - i ____ _____________IOC

Nieo patterna, good onrt

Fancy voilea, fine — 30cP lain voilos, fino qual­

ity , 40-lnch, sport col­ors; 75c grade — —3flc •

S P E C IA LS \R u b b e r T ir e d W a g o n s

5 0 o-Sheetlron wagon w ith iron

wheels, rubber tired, 4 1-2 by 9 .Inches, very suitable |fo t boy or ^ r l , each_-i.60o

R e m n a n tsA la ^ e lo t o f remnants, wool, silk and cotton, go a t remnant prices.F ib r e S i lk V e s ts $ 1 .1 9 . «Very lualrous and silky, bod­ice top w ith tape; colors or* chid aad peach.B a th in g S u it B a g s 6 5 cRubber lined navy cloth b a n for carrying bathing isuits, fasten w ith clasp and haa handle.

Olaaraoce Pcle« 66cK a y s e r L o n g S i l i c , *

G loves $ 1 .0 0Black only, in 10-bntton,

^ Kayser ailk gloves, pair..$1.00S h o r t S ilk . G lo ve s 8 9 cDouble tip , Kayser and other s ilk gloves, blaek onlyj, pa ir ______ :_____________ 80o

R e m a rk a b le O f fe r2-button kid In brown and . . t;in shades,' .sizea only C to 6 8-4. Good .onek _____11.59

F a n c y B e a d s 7 9 cChoice of a largo lo t ia ye l­low, blue, green, ete. Very protty, greatly reduced. ^ ^

B o o t h ’ sT

. *1


— !------ Oia

Brookhart Claims Progressives r. _Are Gaining in Strength and s”

Jfeys Recognition by Conser-151 vatives Is Welcome News - n

OHICAOO, Ju ly 21 OPi—Tho pro- groMlve clem oDt In coiiffrcM wcleome* ih ft Btatomoat a ttribu ted to S«Bator 2 fous"D f New HampMiiro in WoJihinff*

ton yooteriiftf ealllna fo r cooporftRon o f tno eoDsorvativoB 'Of both pnrtiea to meot tho "racnoco o f rndlcaUBtn” and w ill w in whon tho point comes

* . to iBauo a t the bcRlnnlnff o f tho next p r confrma, Bonator Sm ith W. Brookhart

y o f Iowa, aoid . M a y . i*‘ Tho Lincoln ropubI(<'.anB 'and tho

_ Jo ffo rw n domop-rata w ill bo prepared , i * fo r a uniting o f tho lo ry republicans •

oad the bourbon democrats when tho t t « t confess convenes,” M r.XBroot • I hart, who poMod tbtough Chlcnjjo on woi his way to l iis homo in'W nahington, w it

• Iowa,-aald. _ . • T nW oll Orgoolred.

ComHfcntln|^ on the-'Statemcnt o f plli» 'Senator Moms, who Ih (hnlrmnn o f thn mn

republican iscjintoria] eunipoien eom* tlidmittee. M r. B rookhart f.ild that the Coc

__progr««lvt8 ’ wero “ p ro tty well organ- serized now,” and th a t tnev wolcome tho outpublic statement 'vrblc^i roeoi;nls«l 2them to the extent o f calling fo r a com* PU

^ blnatlon o f conservatives o f both par- Boi' ties in order to meo: thom. I

Tho fttrmer» now Ti-allxe tho sltuB* Ooition, rcallzo thn t t b ^ never have re- 6 mcelved a fa ir prico f t r the ir products i

' and. tha t a large rVuinber o f them aro P it^ faced w ith bankruptoy, M r. Brook- Boi■ hart asserted. 1

“ The intercflta o f the farmer and ler, tho laborer nrc m utual,” ho sold. “ The laborer Is the principal conmimcr of

“ the fa m e r, «flid'tbo farmer is tho prin- .clpal Wnsumer b f tbn laborer. The * mlddlo profiteers nro common enemies of b o th ."

Another point on which tho farmers■ and laborers nro united, Sonntor Brook- ^'h a rt aaid, Is tha t o f squeezing “ tho 5®’woter out o f tho railroads.”

» . “ Tho InterBtfttfl commereo commis- , sion plared n valuation o f $10,000,000,- :*000 on tho roada, but. rho mnrkot vnluo of tho stocks and honda at nil times has been less than $ 12,000,000,000. " ho tht

• a!


Game This Afternoon Between Idaho Falls and Twin Falls ^ Promises Much ee

Idaho Falla ' baaeball team w ill ar- rlvo on tho noon, tra in for a game ^ w ith tho 'locals. - - fj,

► Tbis la itse lf oasuros tho fons of^a 5^ gamo that promlaes to bo one o f thp best o f the aeaaon. Tho invaders eome g, hero w ith a lineup that haa tho pick of eastern Idnho, and iho magic c ity i<, b o ^ w in have th o ir handa fu ll when th«y bump against Marager Oourley’a o» ou tfit. M,

Tho local managem<!nt w ill put forth its strongMt lineup, oUhougb the bat- m ting order w ill be changed a trifle .

, Captain Bob W hitcol, *«ho baa shown snth. marked, improvoment o f Iato in his batting, w ill be used aa clean-up

p. h itter. Bruce Watwin w ill s tart bos- cn tlllU e ii w ith the wiliovr, followed by hi Oeno Ostrander. J im Sellloy w ili bo 01 tho next in line, thBti VVhitzel and then in comes S a rry B llo. H ir ry w ill do the

' catching tb la afternoon, w ith Don " L inv illo throw ing tbo back bonder*.

Doa baa been w orking hard all week gettlng.h ls ba tting n m in ahapo, and lie says thn t he is !n fine fe ttle for today's battle.

Following B ilft at^tho bat w ill bo 61b K le ffner. tben JaeV Bsdley, tho team'* new outfielder. Jlm inlo Hulihan fol-

# lows Jack and tbbn. tho peerless Don- W ith thla ba tting in order la effect.

It Is readily soen thr.t the ta il <‘nd o f the lis t is a* porrcrful w ith the 1 war club as the londcrK. and woe bo

. unto tho opposing pitcher when the ar­tille ry breaics loose. ' - • ••-

Manoger Oourlcy of tho opposing team hns very l i t t le dope, to offer conoeming his toam, nUIioogb-he stated that ho came down here to win, nnd would.fool hurt I f ho lost the gamo.

proeoodji o f iho gamo 'today • w flr bo used in paying o f f tho indcbt

ejness on tho b a ll p irk , nnd n largo crowd o f loyal fans hnvo signified

^ the ir willingness to .1a the ir b it.^ Tho gnmo w ill atnr'l a t 3 o ’clock


S H I PD a ily F re ig h t Servic

^ R upert, BM a rk e t yo u r pre


P o ca te l• Phone 210

I- ' c- , V '

% i n N F A L L S D A I L Y N


8TAKD IN O OF T H E 0LUB8.Woo. Lost. Pet. •

Now Y o r k _________ 37 31 ,e4s No»Cincinnati _________ 03 32Pittsburgh ________ 38 34 .QOHChicago - ___ ______ 47 43 .522 ChiBrooldyn __________ 4 t 42 .512St. L o u is _______ _ 43 44 .500Philadelphia ...______'0 ^ <30 J02 WftBoston _________ ___-62 .27® Bos


Braves Lose Two fo Contend- Le ers; Reds and Dodgers <

; Split; Giants Win - 'BOSTON, Ju ly 21 (/P>—PitUburgh I

games o f a double hood* w ith Boston today, 14 to 4 and 0 to 4 . Traynor opened tho Hccond Inning o f 8 ht tho f irs t game w ith a homur and later no" in tho samo inn ing singled, W ttsburg rop puing up nino runs bcforu tho th in i "'h' man waa ouL Captain &outhwortli o f 6 UIO Braves mado a houiCT In ca^li game. Coopor won bis se*on«l-eamo 0? the Dd series although his toaihmatea woro ^ ou th it in the second yunio. Scl;

F irs t game: - R. H EPittsburgh -------------- ---- 18 2Boston -------------------------------4 0 1 -

Battorie»—Morrison nnd ScJimidt * Oooch; McNamara, Ooschget and L \ 6 mlth. - “ poi

Socond gamo: B. H . E.Wttaburgh ........ .... ............ 0 12 0 “ oB o a to a ............ .... .... .............. 4 13 1

Batterio»:-Coopcr and Schmidt: M il- ler, Bonton nad O 'Neil.

-------- St.BED8 B B £ A R C T E K . ^

BROOKLYN, Ju ly 21 W>>—Brooklyn and C^neinnati sp lit < ven In a double I’oador today, the Bods Iberoby winning ‘ throe o f tho sorios o f i iv o games. Tho ( \4sitors won tho f ir s t gamo, 10 to 0, Wt getting 18 h its of£ Orimcs. Luquo was sco effoctivo un til ho rotircd in tho sov- dei enth from exliaustlon. Brooklyn won da tho aocond game, 5 to 2, through tho the effoctivo pitch ing o f George' Smith. Ian Couch was knockod cut o f too box In sar tho th ird inning. • lioi

F irs t gnmo: B. H . E. inc(Snolaaati ______: ............... 10 10 0 WiBrooklyn . . . i--------------- ---- 6 12 ^ C1«

Battories—Luquo, Kcck, Donohuo and 1 Hargravo; Qriuoa, IX cn tu r and De- Ru Berry. ' <• q '

Second gamo: R. H . E.,Ciaclnnatl _______________ 2 7 1Brooklyn ________ _____5 11 3 ,

Battorlee— u c h , Keck, Harris and . ' W lngo; Smith aad DoBorry. ^

a iA K T S BE A T CABDS. ' ■ ^NEW YORK, Ju ly 21 (/P)—The Now Be

York Natlonala raised their 1921' Cli w orld ’s championship flng and 1022 Natlonnl league ponnant hero today and W eelobtatod tho occasion w ith a 14 to 7 v ictory ovor tho St. Louis club. Tho Be Giants d,rove out 1^ ht% Groh starring Cb w ith two double* and throe singles in fivo times up. The gnme was pro- R< ceded by a parade to conterfiold In _ which tho ;wn dubs, Commissioner o f Baseball Landia and John Heydler, « presldont o f tho Nationnl league par- tlcipated.

Score: ' R. H . E 01St. L o u U --------------------------- 7 13 0New York _________________14 19 1

Battorios—Barfoot, Stuart nnd Aln- O smith; Kehf, Bamss and Snydor.'

D i v n a DO UBLB HBASEB.' P H IL A l> B L ra iA , .Tul.V £1 M>>-Ohl- O ’ cago and tho Pbilllos sp lit a double- ’ header hero today w ith tho home team * on tho long end o f a 17 to 4 scoro ac I in the opener and tho C'ubs w inning tho yi ^:


i \0 I f 70Q w a nt a home, shady

ahrabbery, w ith good garde fx in iitn re— th is is ;

r ,’ r o m K O O M S — M O D E

[ $lfiOO takes^it—f e w ):o^ ' I f in terested address W.k

B Y T Tr i c e t o P o c a t e l l o v i a E d e

B u r l e y , D e c l o a n d A ' m e r i c

) r o d u c e w h e r e t h e r e i s a

W e d o t h e f r e i g h t i n g

) o t a t I d a h o A u t o & S u p p l ;

J llo -B u h l True

N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , I I

B A L L l ^" •' ________________ )


A M E R IC A f ir L E A G U E [

STANDINO o r T H B OLtJBS,Won. Lost, Pet. J® "

row T o rk -------------- 53 33 .074Hovoland ______ __ 48 4.1 .539It. L o u is ______ i ____ 4 t 42 .512Hilcago ------------------ 42 43 .4J»4>h ila d e lp M a----- :___42 44 .498 o)o tro lt ...'---------------- 41 4.'J ,483 o -Vaahington ...... ........ :i8 40 .474)oeton . J..---------------i l 52 .373 ^


------ ^ Sal

L e a d e rs Ta l<e 3 t o 2 G a m e , o i

w h i le W a s h in g to n B e a ts 1

C le v e la n d ; W h ite S o x W in S S______ B

DETROIT, Ju ly 21 OP)_New York Sch ■ouplod hits behind D etro it mispinys • md defeated D etro it todny, 3 it> 2 . Jhawkoy wns effoctivo, but hls wl!d- 10M gnve Detroit ono run nnd lie wns I •opincfd in thi? elKhlh bv Sam Jones Ifl ■vho atoppi'd the Tigor rally. the.Score: ' R. H. E. “ eNew York .............................. 3 7 0 ' •Detroit ................. .......... ....... 2 i ' ' l

Bnttiono.1—Bhawkoy, Jones n n d “ Jcliang; Dauss, Colo and Bnasler.

--------- yoiW XLLIAUB H IT S AKO THEB. Uft

ST. LOUIS, Ju liy 21 OP)—W ith two * = )u t in tho sixth Inning, 8 t . Louia pounded Horris fo r e ight tons. Includ­ing a homo run by W illiam s w ith two I men on bnso nnd defcnflng Phlladel- *, :ihia 10 to 3 today. Scoro: '

Scoro; B. n F-[’ hliadelnhia - ........- .......... 3 7 23t. Louis .......................... 10 11 0

Bnttories: Wnlberg nnd Perkins; I>nnforth nnd Scvereid.

SENATOEa W A LLO P tU D IA N SCLKVELANT), O.. July. 21 ( /p )_

Washington cnmo from behind and scored fivo runs In tlio eighth innlijg, defeating Cleveland 7 to 5 lusro to­day. The Nationals drovo M orton o ff Iho mound in that inning, w h llo Cleve­land chn*cd Znbniror in its h a lf o f tho aamo round. Speaker h it h is- th ird homo run in three daya. In tho fourth Inning.Washington ................... . 7 11 0Clovelnnd ........... ............. 5 13 2

Batteries: Zalinlzcr, Russell and Ruel; Morton, Shauto, Stephenson and O 'Ncn. _

TWO FOB TH E W H IT E SOXCHICAGO, J u l^ ^ l OP)—Chicago woa

both games o f a doable-hender from Boston today, 8 to 1, aud 2 to 1, the sccond gamo going 10 innings.F irs t gnmo: R. IT. E.Boston ............................... 1 0 3Chicago ............................. 8 U 0

Battorios: Murray, Fullorton nnd Walters; Cvcngros and. Schnlk.

Sccond gnmo: B. H. E.Boaton ................ ........ ...... 1 3 2Chicago ' ................. ............ 2 4 0

Batteries. Ferguson and P iclnicb; Robertson and Schalk.g ii ' Isecond, 16 to 9. Both games wero fea­tured by hard h itting .

P in t gamo: R. H . E.Clilcago ... .... ......................... 4 7 2Philadolphla ----------- --------- 17 12 1

Battenos—Osborne, Fussoll a n d O Tarre l), W lrts; R in - and Wilson.

Seeond gamo: R. H. E.Chicngo ___________________ 10 17 1Philadelphia — ....... ......... .. 9 12 3

Batteries—Aldrldgo. Koon a n d O 'F arre ll; Hendbltts nnd Henline.

I f your properly la deilrablo nnd is advertised in,.tho c lasiifiod—yb u ’l l find your buyer.


y lawn, fm it trees, berries, den and $460 w o rth of s yoor opportunity.


' hu n dre d w i l l ha n d le

H. care News o ffice .

ElUCK 1l e n , H a z e l t o n , ' P a u l ,

i c a n F a l l s

I d e m a n d f o r i t .

lg.) l y C o .

L c k L i n eT w i n F a l l s , I d a h o

: D A H 0 , S U N D A Y MOR>-------------------------------- ----------------------- - IT A


Won. Lost. Pei. i ta lM Fn iaclseo______07 44 .604 , ,oicramoato'............... 'i2 4(7 .509>rtlaad .............. . 54 55 .495>s Angeles.............. 53 54 .493«ttl© - .............. .... 52 '55- '.49(1smoo ___ :.............. f.1 Cft .40Hat 1 ^ 0 - ________ 00 - 57 .467 PeIkland ................. 13 64 .413 aiet

— 5— looSATUBOAT’S O AM B& ^

Scoro: R. H . t . Mla TYanoisco ........... .......... 7 13 ios Angolos .......................... 0 17 2Batteries—Gary, Scott and Agnow;>nes, Wallaco ond Baldwin.

Scoro; R. H . F..emon ..... .......... ...... ............ 3 8 Iakiand ........... - .................. 4 l l 1Battories—Foster and P. M u rjih y ,'

ad Hannnh; Eromer und Baker. I

Scoro: R. H. E.ortland ........... .................. 1 8 .1a lt Lak6 ............ .............. 8 13 iBatteries—Plllette, Middleton a n d

iiiplow; McCabe and- i'otors. ^

Score: B . E . E.oattlo ................. ................10 17 1)Qcromonto ____....... - ......... 4 7 0Batteries—Blake. Or-«gg and Yaryan;

itto ry , Penner, C ^ft-.'M , TIughcH »mi chnng. Shea.

Cultlvats Chserful though ts .No ono can do work wben tho miad

s clouded with nnbnppy or vicious houghta. Tho mentnl sky must be lear or there cnn" he no entbuslnsm, lo brightness, clcarocfls, or elflclcncy □ our work. To do the maxltnum of fblcb you aro capable, you must keep 'onr miDd Sited w ith cheerful, ap- Iftlng tboughto.

■ I - B I

T o k n o w h o w g o o d a c i g a r e t t e / V r e a l l y o a o b e m a d « / y

y o u m u s t t r y a r V /

/iuaS\llSTRIKEjJ^ ^ G A R E T T ^ y

There’s Di in Clothes

IDAHCD i g n i f i e d , s t y l T h e o n l y w a y ;

i t y — a n d t h a t ’ s t a i l o r i n g . W e

e x t r e m e v a l u e .

T H E ID .“ I f i l

L __________________________ _______

ISriNG, J U L Y 22, 1923.M J i l t v e sse l EBPOaTED


LONDON, July 21 W l- A “ “ “Lloyds from Alexandria says the ’

lUan vessel Pietro Brlazolari, of 64 tons, has been lost. The crew s saved. •

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oaetempoi

Stray Bit o f WIMom, ' t id e ei ^or a m an In a great poAiilon one Tbe o; !my Ib too much, a hundred friends had d I few.—Italian proverb._____________ they ^



“ I in tend to save mone -b u t somehdw i t ju s t m a t the end o f th e m ont' in g le f t to save.”W h y no t reverse th in g a fixe d sum o n 'p a y da; w o rk in an in te re s t b( a t th is bank? L iv e o you r sa la ry and you th e se lf respect and pi t in g ahead.In other words, pay I t makes a w o r ld o f one’s p ro sp e rity accou

0 a

F irs t Nation . o f T w in '

We seek m ore businesi

u n K jE i.

ign ity and Rel 5 from the Me

a t the

) DEPT. Sflish -lo ok ing clothes; you you can ge t them is to bu s in th e a ll-w oo l fa b rics - e specialize in these th in g !. See these su its a t

AH O D isn ’t ju s t r ig h t b r in g i t b

BBSW)5$UY JS ,N'BW YORK, Ju ly 21 . X4»>—Kohl* kaa brothers brewery atT jn ieav ille ,

T., was solted today by pw h lb lj,. la offio la la fo r n iakiiig real beer. -

Queer Advloe. oae o f onr' most highly T iltje d eon- npomrles receatly cootalned an aj>- le entltleH, “ Tan Y otir Own H Id i* ." te only pereona we ever ta w -w ho d dooe th is were llfesa&rdf, lin fl ey were a aight 1—Farm Life.

i t l l l l l l l l i l l lH


ney every m on th m elts aw ay and

n th th e re ’s n o th -

ngs and ta ke o u t day and p u t i t to b e a rin g account

1 on th e re s t o f ou’l l experience p leasure o f g e t-

\y y o u rs e lf f i r s t .o f d iffe re n ce in ount.


mai Bank 1 Palls688 071 o u r record .

. ■ /

efinement [en’s Shop

STOREou w a n t them , bu y f in e qua l- :s -and e xp e rt ngs as w e ll as

\ STOREt back”

iFODB: • ' .. T ’’

I - ■'t" \ r r \ ^ o » n *«Kfc'. / W W H - \ W RMOX) *W M

/ ^o t> r\\ 'WCT w c n o c ii1 1 N w v%X k \ OF MOO yJ : r S L o w I *t^U, Wtit \ >Ni

c o p » e t w 'w w

. ; \ W W EMtA!!^Eb VOS.' S fem — I CAH Josr; ( W\^ w w ? R . v ) i 1 \)V ' t b ^ o iw tI « B I I w y t - ^ r r t ? s -

^ S \ \ ■««^ ' ^ W i M ( i . \ \':C 0M 6ft€5U A M

‘ • 1 ® HfflJi ^ c o tx j

i i \ u • g u


L e w T e n d le r , B e n n y L e o n a rd ’ s tin

O p p o n e n t M o n d a y N ig h t ,

■ H a s V a r io u s A d v a n ta g e s f “,--------- H i

NTW,- YORK, Ju ly 21 W>>— Low Tendler,' Philadelphia challengcr fo r “®' Bonny Leonard’s lightweight tltlo , nn w ill havo advantagcB in age, height, do and reach when tho p iiir Btty in to tho ring Monday night at the Yankee ata* dium. Tendler is three yciirs young- cr, 1 3-4 inchcn ta ller and has a xdOT' * ‘8 gin o f ono loch in roach. . ^ 'MeasurcmcntB o f tbo two boxcra, ta- “ kon today,.follow:LEONARD TENDLER nn>27............. - ......... n g o ........ .................24»oi134 1-2....... . weight .........T.... 131 8.«» in ......................reach _______ ;...70 in-iFa5 ft . r> 1-4......... height .. .......5 f t . 7 in. ito0 3-4 in .............. w rU t ..... ......„6 3-4 in .jJu '14 in................... biceps ..... ....... -...14 in .lno '141-4iD..._-..... n e c k ......... ........ 15in. Rni86 in .......oh'e«ti (normal)................... 37 in. >'f38 in -.......... chest ( « p ’d )___JJ91*2in. Va

'27 in ................. waist _________ Slln.,PU 'S in ....— ........... anklo _______ 8 1*2In.!14 in------ --------- ca lf __________15in. MJO 1-2 in..,._..... foroaro ........ In.

. m Psrfect Conditloa- FaBotli Itoxors were (ironounocd to >>o

in perfect condition today when thoy wound up their tra ining campaigns,

• tho champion at Tannernville, N. Y., in tho CntHkills, and the challenger a t Delnnco, N. J. Roth nro bflow weight now, i i was n:iid, Lcounrd wal* y * ' lug 134, a pound umier tbe lim it. The t it le holder w ill Ti-«t up tomorrow and Mou.lay in Now York, whilo Tendler w ill Hpi-nd the interval bo- foto Iho ( ish t In rhlln.U.lplil».

S P O R T G O S S IP S ' D IS C U S S ^S!


N ow 'Y o rk S«port H as I t That M iEos B«en Arrattged aod Date to Be mii r ix e d ; Qlbboa# Makes F lat D«nlal .\lj

NEW Y O im . .h ily :•! C/P)-Tom Oilj- Se. bonn, light lienvyw»ii;.il of St. I ’ ;iul. ia i who K“ Vo J;»-k l)«'m]i«V\ ii ntill Im ttlf n t Wielby, Mont..- Ii:i:. li.'cii n>iit<-hi'<l lo figh t D n ttliiii ' Siki.-S<'iifKn!eso lu-Jivy- >toight in II I.I round I’out at tho Yiin- kee Hliidiuiu, it vvnn knm rd iQilay. Tho . dato haa n<i| w t lmt*n dci-idrd.

l;iB••N O TTEU E,’ 'S A yS T O M M Y . ■‘V-

RT. I'ATIL, Minn.. .Iniy 21 C/P)—A ro- port from Non- York tin it Tommy Gib- p_ bonn o f at. PniiJ finrf Ocen mn(-fu'd fo u „ meet nuttlin i,' 8 lk i wru denied here tn -j • night by Gibbona. Oibbons declared p ho hiid never roosidercd fighting S lk i ' „ i; aad never‘would. * -gp

y o u t h ” w r a s b w im e a o e- P H lL A D jiL P n iA , >July 21 Edword Keating o f the Boys’ club, Jiu Now York, wen the national 10-milo L i( championship iw im race in tho Dela- Cn ware rivi-r horo todny. Thomas A r Blnko o f life Los Angeloa A th le tic Id j club, winner o f the racc laat yeur, finiahod neeond, and John Petri, of ] tho Philadelphia Turnegcmcinde, waa ilytb ird. W i

lJni>ff3ciaJ liguTct tor K ea ting ’s Jaj- timo were two hours, seven aiinutca O.

and 35 seronda. dot— I I len

D E M P S E Y G O E S f lS H I N G

BskTTwtlgbt' Cbomploa sUps oVer in Nffw M exico, oa Way to Enjoy j j Ontdoon in Colorado Na

QALLUP, N. M., '5u]y 21 m'oJock Dempaey, heavyweight champion Qo o f the world, Dpent today in GoiDap, En slopping over hero for a abort rest Mr before contiauing hia automobile tr ip over the Navajo reaervation. I lo l l on his way to Colorado on a flsblag trip . Dempsey waa reared ia south- western Colorado and is fam iliar .wlSi " tbe couatry and roads.

________________ th)M ILW A U B X E SLOOP L b XSS.

ABOAIID U. a H llBCilASEK 419, ar M IC H IG AN OITY, i i i i ! . . July 21 -fa

* Commodoro J, C- Vftndyhe’a big slooa Dorello, fly ing the cj Ji'ru o f tbe M il’ wankee Yueht rhib, kd tlio Mackinac racing fleet a t . Sunnet, in the eiVi^'

^ boun o f tho oolling r t 'th e aixtceulli ) annual Muckinar cup' r'ice.

■ ' A ligh t bending w inil mused the rac-. r« \ cfs to go on d iffe ren t i/icks nnd pro- on ■ vented great speed, rh o ’totteat fig h t ^ Vof tho race iu the en iiy hoyrs o f sail-

' Ing dcvelopti^ between DonaU P. Prff* -_ ttjeB'a\.aIoop Intrep'^ l, thfs y W ’s-cup

. 1 d e f ^ o r , and Mnvourncea? sailed by J. -™ ' ’ "O. fOinvcr, winner o f the>)i)U cup. " J

T W IN F A L IiS D A IU y N ]


rtKH j u r r 'to U l '< 0 0 s t t \ ' „ , O C rtW H 'W N X i I •0 ws\H(> o n 'w w R O W I ^

KT VtKBT TV4tUTt fe AW t» O H V t Wk.H't O M t T,)«. ' W t PMttOR. « 0 C H E T tC ^ o c r r V JU M v c h i> o r fk MPkH.V IK ^ s o \ CKM H tIAX fti m C

- ^ l f I I S


Mra. H . M. Vanderpool o f Hanson^ SuoB fo r C&aoellatlon o f Incum- Dranca Asolnst F a m Property.

1 Asaerting that ahe :i"ncd n mort gago covering north bul<! farm property « uador duress. Mra. Corn E. 'Vi^ndoriwol

.o f Hnnaon, through her attorneys. T o r-jter and 'Witham-ana 8. T . Uam iitoa,' Saturday inatitutod uii action in dis­t r ic t court hero ngaiu it the Bnnk of Ilnnaea; E. W. Porter. Idnho eumntlH- sionor o f finance, aiMl tho federal ru- servo bank o f San rMaclPco, fo r .can- poi cellation of tho -mortii.igc nnd iasii- anco o f a court ordor to rcatrnin^the .. defendants Jrom foreclosing or diaiH><t-i ing o f ' i t . - [W l

In her complaint Atra. Viinderponl>pla alleges tha t in Noy^-mljor, ll»10, she ] aignod ns aurcty fur'AVrTltor H . Buak, nd' a aoto fo r 96000 in fnvor c f tho Bnnk dci o f Hanaeo, which was closod by order fro o f the state finanee i-ommiaitioner De ,Ho cembcr li^, 1022. Upon roorcacntatiuns' j nnd threats affecting, her liuabnnd. nnd daj non, which ahe alleges wero mado by J . for

'8 . Buaaoll, vico prcaiiloat o f the Tw in thr . Fulls Bank and Truat ecmpnny, u ered- dei l ito r o f tbo Hnnaen bAok ^lic waa in - j 1 duced to sign )ho mork'ngo which aho pla

Inow aeeks to have annulled. The mort- ott gage auba0(|U0Dtly piixsj'l in to the I^nd^i a a o f tbe federal rcaorvo bank, which Mrs. ho Vanderpool alleges, is not nn ,innocent .Va purehaaer or holder '>i it . j

MISSING LAW IS SOUGHTFom ita. o f W««t T irg ln lA Yontlt, B»-

lioTod to Hava S m o d la W orld < W ar. E n lis t A i i o f Bad Cross ,Thi

~T- . ' whAasiataJipo of the Red Cross bns 1?''

l.oiMi (‘nlisted in the pnronta’ aearcb |o<’ fo r. WiHin'm-DnnJ.el L.ainbct1, o f Weat .Virginia, who haa been missing sinco January 1, lt»16, and who is belioved to .hnvo Horved in tho army, navy or ' marine corps during tho world war. Lambert was born Doccmbcr 10, 1000, at Red Jacket, Mingo county, West "VJ Virginia. I^e le ft Itonnuko business **'• colloge, Roanoke, Va., Juuuary 1, , 101 5; and is believed to have gono west, .\cenrding to dcacripton fu r- I, iiiHhedstho Hed Cross, b is hnir was , " moiliuni 'b row n, and Iris eves grey- I'.*** blue. I t ia rctjui-nted thnt any Infor* mntiun bo addressed to his parents,' M r. nnd Mrs. 8. J . Lambert, Xlnte- wanr West V irginia, or Home Serviee ' Sertion, American Red Cross, W ill- « „ iamson, West V irg in ia . -

A T T H E H O T E L S |‘<—W illiam liillig n ire r, Sut­

ton, Neb.; William Boa'n and w ife, Ouk- . Dempsey, S ilt Lake; JohnA. ^ \h itt le r, Portland; ^^urray Brook- iiiaa and fa m ih i lU ch lid d ; L. L . Lang- don, q. J . Wagstafr. 0., F. Herrick, Pocatello; W. F. .MpAnley, Oi-or*;o Haves, W. L. O'M alley. J. L . K a rr nnd w ife , IL Garrett, Jobij B. Platta, R. H.

SiUt Lake; E . «,.Densing and w ife , Ii. D. Hanien and wife, Miss Anna 'Bennett, A . 0 . Gridley and w ife . J. O. Gridley and wiJo.'-Mis^ Aliirthn Grnvelv,

,J. A. Steele, Boise: .Mrs. PaulC. O illm jin,

J M ftia a i} c . Ira Wadsworth, Burley: Lieutenant Colonel Ooor^fc H. D;ivi», CapUin W. C. Vernon, 8ar. Prnncisro;A;- H. Armstrong, J. D. Arnurtrone. Idaho Falls; B. A. Banka, Contact.

BOGERSON-John Cumt-r and fnm- I «ly, Mrs. |». J. D i*. OK'tlrn; H. R. Tollv. Waahington, I). C.; E . C. Edaon, O. H. Jansen. A. C. SuIJlv.cj, M r. aad .Mr*.O. C. Pavoy, Louise Pavey. IL C. Dear d orff. Miss Agnes M c?>lll, Mlaa Chnr- leno Sima, c. C. Chcrrin(;ton, Salt L a k o ;,0 . G. Goodwin, Denver; Charles Ses­sions, Shelly, Idnho; ilra . F. Weaver, Indianapolis, Ind.; W. W. D illon. Port­land; Ida M. Dickson, cMcago; Charlei M. M iie r , .lames HamiUon,' Donald N apper,'Ph ilip W arnc', W ilbe rt M ay­nard, Chitjjg^ Chautaiwiua; E. E. Cole­man. M r. ond Mrs. Do:i M. Yost, L . K. Goodwin nnd wife, M r. cnd-Olrs. L. W. Ensign, A . M. Water.i. Boise; Mr. and Mrs. P. A . CofriD, Seattle. .•

* Cracked F u rn itu re .U any of the. fonxlture has bccome

crackcd in moving, softea iieeswax u n til I t Is o f the consistency o f p u tty ; tbi*a w ith a tb ln atcel kn ife press It firm ly In to . tiie crucks. Sui^pnper aroua<}^iha fllled-ln purts and work the '9a»b^dotoclii^'-im iKJ»x to give i t a wood color und .-«)rea the fu rn itu re is ram lsbed the repair w ill n o l bo vlslbl^V

'VeunB Animals Fed; ^ Bottle.' L!<^b tuid tiger cubs Br« frequently raiMt4iOft the bottle and In ter aro fed- oo fron iu ] pigeon meat, says N n tu i^ fiiagazlae. Bnby elephants rellsli bread and AilUe. Some u f the best cnmcls^ now la Am erlc«D-"roM ” have been .raised on co\j''s m lllt i^lvcn In a nurs­ing bottle.

F A L L S . ID

a V M i s — r O R T H

I • / >HVXH K W C t / n VIC

I I CWt^^'^^AK% ?I

« \ MwI I 'THIK6 TCI - ' _ \ ? oox> o? eo V


---------- ■ PelSpeedy Aircraft Dispatched

from Washington with Im- m! portant Official Papers ■

- — ■ - "'SWASHINGTON, .Tuly J l (/P)— A mail Mr

pouch parked w ith ui portant papera Col nnd communications fo r President Hnrdin^f and members o f his party le ftWiuiliington today aboard a postal nir- lynplane nddroased to Vancouver, B. C. ing

I t in cs])erled to re iirh there well in paiadvaaco o f tho a rriva l of tho presl* Jdcat next Thursday on bis return trip lanfrom Alaska ou tli9 nnvol trnnsport theHondersoti. <)ri

Another pouch ^ 1 Lo aent on Mon-, neaday on nn even faster sehodule, calling Ifor delivery Qboard ihV Ucndurson .otrthreo days and three *hour» n fte r Its. hocdenarturo fro n j^a s h io g lo B . vau

I t w ill go b jt r n i l to Chicago, by 'n ir- ip ipiano to Cheyenne, again by ra il to Re- p riattlo and thero w ill be piaccd aboard OOCa seaplane iinder ordois th n t^ Innding }1-0 mado nlongsldo tbo transport ia oitlVancouver bny. - thi:


— ■ tOLOREAT FALLS, Mont., Ju ly 21 W>>—

The Stanton Bnnk nml Trust companv, which closed its doors Ju ly 9, wns n'l- lowed to go into voluntary liquiilntion today afte r L. Q. Skelton, state aujn'r- Intendont o f banks, Imd completed a J ten dhv examination o f the in iititu- vai t io n ’s affn im . rIc

The nsacta o f the l>:uik were civen in tho Inal p«ll at about. SI,000,(>00 nnd tlio linb llltics , not including .capital f. stock nnd surplus, nit $72.1,000, o f which ♦ O.’iO.OOO aro deposits.

George H. Stanton, president o f the fw bnnk, is snid to »i<ivo Inst heavily doi through the Demp^e.v•fiibbonR fight finscoTx He hna xlt'iiie il t 'ln t the bank hnd nny pnrt in 'the I'rotnotiou c f tho f if f l 'l . . . , , I

, V cot.. Usa fo r Coral Debris. be

Tbe deb^B le ft from coral made Into fletJewelry oad ornaments Is cniahed, doscented and sold ns n tooth poNvder at Isa high pride by the Itn llan perfumers. Qrl

A n n o u m

S lim ^ rMov

To Larger C w ill be Of

ready fo nes

T u e s d a yJuly 2

LY;0 NS an1 4 6 S E C O N D A V I

O p p o s ite S a le !



~ ~ N / w iwA S O W » \ “ W K f l

JO»UX> A \NIMt>tW«V, 1 T R E 6 W V W > .N O « « . I S W O \ . \ i U H C lt V.v»0 ' t v \ 'fc « U T T t l t o M V K 6 H I IA /F • l v \ t , g 'TOv^

'— Z r /■------------- I T ' n 'T H t

J g X ' jg g g J ^


•nrcy a. wmuuia. m o Staittd u * " SB a W.elc n tm ty Wan. D im A it« r

T J r * o f Interesting Eventa * '“ j

E ASTISLIP, N. Y., Ju ly 21 0*>>— ’ ercy G. Williams, who started l i f e ‘ ncc n Bnltimoro as a ‘ ‘ stagc-struck k ld 'M } eith R $0 a week job na theatrical* it i l l ty man, died a t hla estate, Pine Icrefl, today, internationally known ,a a vaudevillo theatre owner and Y'® •roduccr. . . I Jf®

Born in Baltimore 00 years ogo,Jr. W illiam s got his f irs t job from 'olonol Siun, who was maaogor o f| ho old Front atreot theater there. ,, .rfiter, when Sinn camo to Now Y o rk ’ , '!0 tako over the Pork theater, Brook-yn, W illiams como w ith him, work-l®^° ng as a member o f hla stock cort- * * lany a t «12' a weok.

Accumulating a small stoke. W ill. nms f in a lly sent several shows on 'Iio road, only to go broke and be rlvea to tho patent medicine busi- ess recoup. ^F ina lly lio' b u ilt tho Orpheum the-

tro 'hero and in a few moro years up ad established o string o f a, dozen cor audcville houses. He aold them in to 012 to tho Keith interests fo r a tue rico reported to Lavo been $12,000,- 00.M r. W illiams -drew heavily on the

>ld World fo r talent, bringing to his country among others Vesta » Hctoria, Vc'sta T llloy and ’ A lbert 'hevnlicr, wbo rocently dlod. Hb Iso b ro u ^ t Mrs. L ily Lnngtry nnd Jrs. J . B. Potter to America forours. __

M r.--W llllnm s Is survived by his ~ rldow nnd ono aon, Harold G. W ili­ams.

F o lly and W isdom .A man can never do anything at

’arlance w ith his own nature. I le car­les w ith him the genn of his most ex- •cptlonul actions; nnd If ne wise peo- )le mnke fools o f ourselves on any pn^ Iculnr occnslon, wc tnust endure the egltlmate conclusion thnt we carry a 'ew* grnlns o f fo lly to our ono o f wla- Iom.— Goorgo EIloL

Ploa fo r T olerance.No fau lt is great enouch wholly to

ODdemn ony man. Grent ns It may le the fnu lt Is too frc<iuently mngnl* led by friends as well os enemies, dl*- los ing 'a fau lt la them. Let him who1 w itlio u t sin cast tho flrst stone.—J r lt

cem en t!

i d B i l l

r e dQuarters— pen and j )r busi- Iss" ' . - ■ i

M o rn in g24th

Id HELMVENUE SOUTH e s G ro a o d s |

JING. J U L Y 22. 1923.

J M <

W O H W T . / \ C kM '■» e H o \x » w - 'i? t f« e 1 ,Mb'W VS T H m 6 XW) . 'tu A .T «J|OMSUt- 'W W O t '6 •V<) W\W . 60 AlOHO •

I Ciomfc OH FOR \ ™ i. ' t lM t HOVrf —

V V ttV fc •BTMH'Xt C>avHC> 'TO ____ ,rv VT - RSMEMBER j

WSOH VJKS J im^•ws> NWort- r


B INGHAM , Utnh, Ju ly 21 M>>—Pro- mine ■cted by armed guards from a .nud* body’ ;n t on lynching him following tho nying tonight o f Cnturlno Martino, 42, m inor,'In B inghnni's crowded main ■—

rcet, M. Poner., 35, a fellow worker. inlght wns in ja il here, hold in con- pction w ith tho shooting. ^Fonez wna nlleged lo ~hnvo killed ^ [ai'tino ifollowing in .Utorcntion in S L le Htreet. Scores o f persons, mostly | B inors. watched thi.' two battle w ith leir fis ts u n til Fonnz, i t wns nlleged, row a revolver nnd fired two shots ; hia opponent. One went wild. The 'COnd found Its murk and M artinoII dend, nlthoritles reported. ” While tho crowd fou;;lit to get the ,,m

lleged shiV(T. deputy sheriffs who * id arrived jua t at* tho time o f the looting, fook Foner. I'lfo custody andished him to th" ^iiil. "The crowd Feaaa disporsed bu t officers tonight were in 1atloned oronad tbo ja il to guard tho ei •isoner nn ii precautl»>nnry mwisurit. ..

rows W ill Plek Up Human Speech.Nearly n il the tme crows, as well aa any o f tbe lr near relatives, w ill pick A ;> more or less of buman speech la- uda; ip tU i t j j and I t Is sometimes hard • believe th a t the slyness w ith whlcb ley Invest the ir rcroarks, their apt- Ms and Intonation, ore altogether ao- < dcntnL

l(Rd What Would the Papers Do?I f I t were not for our. inlstakes i t f * I< Dald be pretty tnonotonooB.—Boatoa ranscript.

l £ i i 9 Jt h b s d a v f d T r ^ v r i

' ■ I

f V ^ H .

She Hated .Him—

yet sholoved him. ^

I t looked as though th is bandso

come to plot against the vast grandfather. She did no t knov

friend she had in a hot-hed o f st lawless N orth country in to wh

Here is a s tirring drama of

women in the frozen N o rth . A

DUnNCnVEPKIDBESOaDHI^w u , m K i ^.n ^ E d U t i^ a ic ru

“ T E A N T E A ” _ C a . P A T H E NEW S

— — ' ' r . ; ■

rt "TONn A V»S 5 K H 0 « » 4 /

VUOOVVl 6 E T H t // —

« V lH t« HE t i c

I T I I ' i ■A j il i ■*

' ' ' ' 'Wise Ixaak Walton. -

I remember tha t a wise itrlead of. nine d id say, **That which la ererr* lody's business Is nobody's boalneM."->Ixaak WaltoiL


Matinee and Evening *'

Tho noted production entitled


Fc«tur]« |!.H EN R Y B. W A LT H A L 'in his best portrayal since he'ploy-

ed la tho B irth of a Nation.

‘Olher p l ie r s : Ruth C lifford, W al­ter Emerson, Frederick Sullivnn,

Alma Beaaett.

A great cast and a great story adapted from America’s wcU

known poem.

Two-reel Comedy entitled


l^ le rna tlona l News Weekly

Ico cooled ventilation—100,000 . cubic feet per minute

idsome young stranger had

ast tim ber estatea of h e /

now tb a t he was the only

>f scheming crim inals o f iB i w h ich fate had cast her.

^ ro n g men and beautifu l . A re a l th rille r.

m u

S ih M ^ 'u lM a

Cameo Q jm edy ■;Idrnt Harding in Y'cllowstoiie. y other Interesting items.


- r a n' OF BEON ON 01

mLIEpOEIf■fteport ol Investigator Shov

Germany Stiil Wiiling „Expioit Dissension of Oth ^Nations

NEW TO BK, Ju ly 21 W l—Dl»< abn osionff tlio allies is the root many curront intcrnntional d iffie tJes because Germany, “ atUl bli and unchanged In characlcr, 'belles i t poasiblo .to exploit this dijsi

^ Bion,” ' Profeasor H cnrl Lichtenbor( o f the Sorbonnc, who wos comsi sinned by the Carncgio endowmc fo r international peace'to investigi tho world crisis, snys in a report.

In nn introduction to the repo d ’Estournolles do Constant soys: “

■ m ifl essential fo r tho future o f civili: t io n itao lf tha t tho olHes o f Fran should not abandon her an<} this i the ir own sakes, the reunion o f 1 allies must b<i established."

Presideat Nicholas Munay Bull . Columbia university, in tho forewo

dci-lurcd thn t dcaiiltu tho d iff icu lt arising from varying national vie polate, thero is- Jireaont around : hopo tha t a t do distant day a ai fltantia l agreement w ill 'b e arrived betwi'cn tlie Feneh and German gi ernnients."


• I_ast of Three SurvivinrMetbers to Get Honor ofDrin ing Bottle of Aged Wine

STILLW ATER, July 21 (J .I ’ctcr H ull, Stillwutfir, VS, oldest me ber o f tho I^ust U u u ’a club, which h< its nnnuul reunion hero toduy, v olected president o f the organization

_ Bucceod Adam Mnrty, orKuiiizer o i>rcsidunt o f tho club, -.rho died Ii winter.

Only three members o f tho survivi fou r u f the famous club, which or iaated 30 years ajfo, wl.ou 34 mcmb o f company B, Miune^ota volimtec met on tho anniversar/ o f tho battlo Bu ll Run. A bottlo u f wine obtali n t tho f irs t meeting, i t wus flgreed, to bc*flrunk-4>y the lust membor,..-

M r. H n ll acconted tl.o-prt>aideucy w a short expreasion o t grutitude.

Analrersary Banqnot “ Our constitution jiro-ide*,” he as

V “ tha t when a ll bu l ono o f our nu bers arc dead, tho lu jt wuu shall tend tlic unuutil buniiiiot on tliC nn verHury o f tho buttle af Dull Run, usual, nnd w ith this bottle o f wi which hus been kept iutuet aince IS drink u f a toast to iiio Jeud comrai

W ith th is rite he w ill oloxe the bo' o f ' ‘ Tho Luat Mnn Club.”

“ But i t hu» occurrfd lo me, na i baps i t haa to you, tlm t the Inat b quol would bo n vi-ry «nd Bcensi

» lliioh bunnuet fo r mtiny yfiira hns b saddened by tha rajnd inr/'mla o f dei u n d 'l wnul to make u >u/j’e*tion wh wo can consider for imotlier vcnr, i

.decide ujKin u t our noxt nicoOrtp. T is thu t wc changc our (oiibtlution

~ thn t the Inst two nii'u i-liali drinktoast und breuk up the club.’ '

Bnggntlons Tdode.The qucatioQ o f , t i l l* <li«i)OBltion

the bottle came up an«i several fcliei • were suggested. One o f ihcse wua t

tho bottle bcacnled it: a cuse ; jirosented to the M ’uuicaoJii ttta lo 3

'#■ toricu l society, but th j one thut ae cd to meet w ith the greatest uppr( wns thu t a fter tho luHl toast .had h drunk, tho bottlo, w ith tho remaii: wine bo scaled und proaented to Btilw uter post o f tho Amcricun L’fcg which is to form a siniilur luat i club, and tha t i t be passed on uud un til, I fc v c r , tho nutloiia of the wi combine to make all wur impossibi

L A rO LLE T T B TO BAIL.MADISON. Wls., July S l 'W ^ S .

to r Robert M. Lu Follotte w l l l« ■0- Madison tomorrow ofterncon fo r W

ington and oa August 1 w ill sail Europe. The Bcnutor i-'ipecta to buck in the United StatCs curly November.

Bworda »nd Fkh. Ind ian* kUII Bpcar fish on some

oadlan rlTeni w ith tho old-faslilc tr id e n t Hot In BaiU the natives a ^achete . aa tbe lr hug*- swonl-

‘ .^Ifclfe Is called. The waters aha along the H aitian coast in nm Daclcerel, klngflsh, cordine*. rod m

- pers, white fleh,'and many o lh rr rt«U c t.o f fflfcrtlent food flsh. the <mon method o f fishing by tho nnt is th a t practiced a t night—by

. means o f a torch and a sharp mad ‘ The lig h t da*ea the flsh and the ex natlVfl klUa i t \( ltb hU lostrotoent

. - B f Bread.”Bee bread is the pollen, 0 fine yc

'*• dust, collected by the bees from 1era. T tils Is carried ^ tUc hind o f the bee, the middle Joint o f w is made ’broDd and furnished wl

^ rim o f strong hnlrs, ao ns to for basket, admlmbly adupted for iho poso to whlcb It Is upplled/ Thla bread mixed w ith honey forms food o f young bees, fo r whlcb use 1 It is collcctcd.

One B ftle f Not Sufncwnt Tbe Inhabitants of some o f th'

- mote pa^rts o t ClUiift have tho# . the grejiter the number of 'relii

beliefs they profesH tho more ce are tbe lr chances lu^the noxtw-orl

T N e g ro L a d Saved B y Suggestion o f

_ P ra c tic fd Newair N EW 0RLEAN8, Jn ly 21 (jPh- 1 _ In the Jim Ctoir-rmi o f a tra in

T speeding to New Orleans last n igh t a aegro fa iber hovered over his small sob. OlamsUy a t intorvnls, he removed clothes from tbo boy’s leg, soaked thom in ico water and replaced them —obeying orders o f tho doctor o f

lOW Sj homo town.. I Then camo tho time w^hen i t

I I0 i | seemed tho angel o f death hnd I t h p r W ith hla cryr u ic i fo r _“ 8ee*gnrs. cigaroltes und

chcw in ’ gum” the "newa butch” strolled in to the car whero doath

„ . had apparently visited, to e a - --^Vhy don’t cher try hot

t c lo th a l” ho suRgcsled. j PoBsengers aided in getting hot

blind ,,.ater. §obn the hot cloths, were npplit'd. Tho boy’s putao flu l

lisson- tered. Ho gasped. n is oyei borger blinked. Seemingly he had bcon nunla- brought back from tho dend. Aa.

tounded negroes nnd white pas. tlgftto aongnra looked on.

Hospital nuthoritics declared i l tho boy lives iH; w ill owe his life

iill4- nc'».boy.

O R D ^ RECONSECRATiOf tho •* ' A _____

BttUer o / f ^ ^ n Plctores ajword, Scroealng o f Itoted Edifice B r ir :ultics Order from H e a ^ o f CathoUcs ' view- - I I.

a fo r BUDAPEST, July ^1 (;P )-T ln- pm I sub- nuncio, upon inairucthmi from the poi od a t hOB ordered the fanioua cnronati I gov-,church o f Sninl .Muth!;is cloned un

i t hns been reconsccrnted becunae him been dcHerrutcd through uro iih

I 1 site fo r n motion pirturp.I J The fnmouH edifice whh iitili;r.ed I I sereening a film druinu depicting t P U Turkish invnMion o f the fiflee iith ei

M M tu ry dcecrilied in the hintOTlciil vin\I r o f Gezu Gnrdonyi to nhow the coroi L L tlon o f one o f the IVunahurg kin;I I Tho-lilm 'com pany got pornjiasion fr<

the c iv il und 'eccloHi'intlrul .nuihorlt to atago tJio rorottiiticii rfrcmouy

J p n i- spot o>i which a ll t r iC lll kings from Arpiula to Ihe Iuto-EniiK*] r in k " wore crowned.

I Permission niao wns given to ono 16 ,tho actors to wear the corontition ro i

o f tbo archbishop, bat na i t wns fon fjjyy tha t in the hem o f this gnrnient mem- bleaaed bj; th<3 jiope hud be

I, ,«owed,.thc authorities would onlv u lliwurt " " ‘J Bish

ion to participateil in the* jduy.and nsaumplion o f the role 'o f

1 actor by the bishop ciirngod tho poj la tion which atormed '.he building

J I n ight while the play w.t> bcini( filnn . 1 ® One woman flung luMhelf high on t , * n ltnr snying th iit Hhe would prot<

church front Dolliition w ith I bo'b-. -T he papal n'-ncio InvcatlKut

tained closed the church.

READ THB DAH.Y KFWBy w ith ------- -

e auid,


T O U R I N G C♦

la per. t bun*cniniiii. # f \ ,s been .» i .Cdeatli. Wwhich J , - - —

ir, nnd Thut



iseLe UU-



? m n n ’

IscS i.. j }I leave ^' Wosh- / ^tall fo r ( i / T f ♦ .

to be i r ly in *

o 4 G re a te r !

So.'S p r e s e tre. UM Touring Car

■ made. •„ " 'S •. A n d y e tth e a

V.. yalue. I t 13 Islanting w in top and imp:lacnete. ___ «!m «

) expert 111616 a T C UU°>t. chasds const

The demand : , r „ r liveries w i l ls“ I.!'? T o protect 3' ; ; r . t o e a smallr o ,™ . balance on «

rhls bee TDS thesc alone .

■' W ESTE142 Se

the' ro- — ;dca tbat religloua

certain corliL



is t . ______ed•J Church Members from Thirty •™ 1 Six Nations Answer Rollcm ■of CalJ at Stockholm Congres i t ---------

lUd STOCKHOLM, Sweden, July 21 M :ry — Thirfy-aix nntHTns answered th nd ro ll call a t the openinj; this nfteriioo i " o f tho th ird congroas o f the R.'nrti" »th t World AlUaacc. and a fte r a wolcom

I from the Baptists of Sweden by D lo t .T. Byatrocm, president o f -lho Swodis

Union, and Premier Tr>*f:gcr, grvctint; lo t wero read from President Ila rflin cto ,and tho former Britlah prime m ini lu t ter, Pavid Lloyd George, res I I ’ resident Hnrding’a mcsange, pr' )on Bcnted through tho Rov. W. 8 . Aoe \b - nuthy o f Woshington, his pastor, wr as- i »» follows: “ I should be gind i f yo

]w ll l f iiK l nn opportunity to couve i f to the Baptist World Allianco I t

ifc I greetings o f n fellow Buplifil und e: I jiroHs for me the hope that we sha have throughout tho .world n contii

m m u‘‘d. growth in tlm t religious dcvi lU I l tfon which makes a finer'brotherhoo

o f men in n consdentioua worship c Ootl. ' I believe with all my hcni thnt nothing ia more needed in th world .toduy than tlic prncticnl u]

j p lirtition o f tho apirit o f Christ.” M r . 'L lo y d George’s mcmage, coi

inpni veyod through Dr.' J. H. Bhakcupeari pope, o f London, .secretary o f the nllinne utioii paid:-u n til! “ Pleuae convcy warm greetings t IC i t my follow Baptists gathered in Stocl 118 It liolm for the th ird world congress.

: trust their delilierutions may promol d ill tho cause of penco Jiniong niitionn, n

the tlm t they may see in time the rock cell- upon which clvili^atinn is boin

Aovvl driven. Muy a new fif ith nnd dete ronn-' ,„ i„ „ t io n enable them to fuce tl inR"-' problems o f the future.”from ___ . . ... _r lt lc . SHOOTINO 8TEN00EATHEB


I” ’™ ''] DENVF.Bl Ju ly 21 W l - I l coi Donald Hackman, Denver youth, or S."; days in jn il to shoot Thomr McCnbe, police stenographer, nlt<

®!” _ mistnlcing him for a prowler, nnd M K n!I thought Hackman wns a hohI t l . . “ !’• McCabe started to run" and wi

V j f ' ' M.ot down.* ; "Y o u were too ready w ith your r

f nn Judge Johnson. “ Co;sider yourself lucky tha t you didn

p ' j j j get worse punishment.”Imed. .J the •'Dog Watch."otect The term "dog’ wntcb" ts a corrop

tlon o f ••dodge” wntch. the ••dortge“ b« I Ing an arrangement to 'prevent me; j from being on duty every day at^th I same houm.

2S8Ip . O . a . O K T R O lT

T o u r i n g C a r V a l u e

t price o f the Ford r IS the lowest e v a

car itse lf is a greater better looking w ith

ndsb idd, a one-man proved seats. A nd nany refinements in struction.d is 80 g r ^ t tha t de- soon be impossible, y o u rs d t order now,

l U downpayment, the easy terms.

iK flm m m r hrnntoUgk

E R N A U T O CO.Second Ave.' North _ r B O H B 12»—


COMMISSION GRANTSifontinned Prom Page Oae.1

DatraetioQ being a tuuuc) o f aboat i quarter o f a milo i-i length througl the high loud or divide u fow mile th ia side o f ’ tho Nev.ida terminal. According to tho terms o f the appll cation fo r the certificate i t is proposci to begin work by 8 ep*cfilier 1 nnd com

i l l . ploto tb n in e by December 31 of tb i yoar. That th is Is physically jiOBalbl u opon to question uut there is u question, whatever us to lho intentio

‘ o f tho compiiuy to bc,^in conntructio (4 >) aa Doon ua the cnginu<iring problems o tho tho lino ore aolved und to carry th

lino through to complu*lon by tho cai tim llest possiblo date.>me Open New £ra.Dr. The successful consuiunmtion o f th llah negolialions in concecHoi; w ith th ngs roud is here regarded as opCnlug up Ing new era o f progress i.nd prosperity i nls- T w in FuUs In w bitb uU Idnb

I w ill flharo. The benefits to this sci pre- tion o f an a ll year around outlet f( ber- the products o f soutfTcr’i Idaho furu wus ju re almost tieyoiid i-o-iijmtation whii you a c tiv ity u t tho m ining town o f Co: v e y ltiic t, Nevudu, ubout u.idwuy betwcc the Tw in Fulls and Weiln, which the ue ex- line raiders poi>Hib)e, io expeite<l t liall be such oj» to enhanc* vnlues of ever tin . kind and make o f th is c ity a trudiii IVO- jio in t and coinmrrciul c-.'nt>T sccond t ood noue in the state.

o f _____________;nrt ------------------------ ---------theap- __________I_________ .


2 A T h o ickfl ,

® N e e d sIn o u r D ow nsta irs S

'S day, the re is no a r1 e lty . D rape, B e d d in j

M'- lig h t. I t ’s becoming iii. to cool o f f and fee l

sand and One Needsi™i “ N O T IC E ” — ;

b«- D rapesaenthe A ll thnmgh the year you wU

f in d many good snggestlTi ^ Ideaa tn onr weU known draper;

departaient. Al-ways in day light, th is allows yoa to ae

. your drapes as tbey ftppear L the home^ in th e ir own tzu color. Oome in and l<)t us shcn and explain to you the lates methods in modem draping.


Downstairs you w ill f in d ono the moRl complete stocks of khi wear in town. Ivnickers, jacki drcBicfl, skirts and middies—eve th iiig in sport wear.


Your 5;hance to purchase n g( weight khaki knicker fo r worn

■ ..... ....... Sl.CKnDDIES

Just received another shipment good weight khaki middles ljulh misses and ladies, (P A T sizes 10 to U .........- .....

L A D IE S ’ O O V E B A U S

Ladies, hero’s what you were t ing for. A good weight covci ankle bloomer stvlo, (PO ( all sizes ..........................

C H IL D ’ S s u n

The season’s best fo r child Good quality khuki middy bloomer. Tho su it |

K U T E S p iBThe twoin-ono suit, thut sei for drcss-np as well as phiy. !■ kuts nro not only play- <g-| {

'p ro o f but wush proof....


A good summer coverall fo r I made o f bluo staples deiym, threo stvlci*—long leg, stru knee length, and ( P I < bloomer knee ...... ..........


Tho best kind o f all-round I krt, just the th ing on tnm trips. Good varie ty of colors .n Rlock. S iie ' C0x80 ..............................

r W ate r SetJust received a ahipmont theee good water aiKs. color shape. - Ws aoon sold out our lost shipmeot We adi you tor come in early and

■ your choicjs. f T f 7 PIECE SET................ I

For years post Intaro^t in tho project 1 o f this lino'has flared up only to wane i again. Following th o application fo r ' l

— tho now ccrtificuto urnl the beginning ® o f sur\‘eying by Short L ine crews a I

Jh remarkable period, o f real estoto actlv- les' itv -M t In and w ith in tho short spaeo <

uf a fow weeks tho number o f trnns- ( fors o f a ll'k in d s amounted in njany

. offices to the total business transacted I ” during tho preceding two years. The - ".*■ boom wns short-lived i nd 5n tho days i* ' which hnvo followed there ho* hcon‘ i

li t t lo In tho way o f ir.croused interest'i to indicate nnv possibility whntovcr o f , i

“ railrnad devclopmont. A number o f ; ^ real estate nnd bunloess deals now 'i , pending w ill, i t is expected bo brought'i

to a hend w ith tho uo fin ito nows o f 1


SAVE ]ytbo

Ten per cent o ff on. paint an fo r th ir ty days. We are oven

i MOON’Sto

'Z -» » ■to

m a n d a

! f o r t h es t o r e y o u w i l l f i n d m a n y i • t i f i c i a l l i g h t u s e d d u r i n g

g o r D i s h d e p a r t m e n t s . J g a v e r y p o p u l a r p l a c e t o

c o m f o r t a b l e . T h e p l a c e t c

s f o r t h e H o m e .

- D O N O T D E S T R O Y T H G O O D A L L T H E W E E K

— I K T T O H B N N E E D S

In tho Downstairs S torffnro nlwaya offer many valuable articles ea-

111 peclaliy fo r lho kitchen. Below ia f t listed jus t a very few o f the many ^ essential things fo r kitchen work.

;n W O O D E N S P O O N S

For preserving you w ill always find the loDg-hondled. wooden

nv spoon to be o f the best nssiatuDce, We hnve them in tw o sizes, mudo

J iifr"..r.!'.‘:!.i5 cA N D 2 5 cr EOLLINQ PINS

A good hnrd im op lo rolling pin with revolving handle, • perfectly

la k i turned and sanded. Tbo best roll- ‘ et«. ing pin mode.' Vou w ill find thut cry- our prices are low fo r thia O r ^

(junlity ......................... - ........ A l t J l /

HAMMERrood. 'J'C hammer fo r use around* the home. Strong, bell face,

nickel fin ish, 12-in. r t QD O handle ................... - ...........

ANGEL POOD O A ^ PANS, A large sire round angel food cake

‘ " pail w ith riveted lugs, aolid O C v *bottom ....................................O D C

KITCHEN SCALES3 One of the handiest kitchen helps,

graduated- brass plated dial. Tho ask- “ Dclmont” spring balances in two

crall, gjzug, weight 2S to SO lbs.

9 5 2 5 c AND 5 0 c1 E O O B E A T E B

dren- xhe improved doublo egg beater, the best on tho market, Q C /* w ill last fo r years..........

SOEUB BEUSHESA good assortment o f scrub

erves brushes, pointed, square and hub Kute ah&no blocks, warronted solid


hovB Novm.»is -the timo to buy your pre- J ^ja serviftg ■ ke ltic . Polish fin ish; in- aight f in ish ; mado of A V puro aluminum (^*| O f

12-quart — .....- ............ t D l . O t l

ALUM INUM WAEEYou may have your choice of n

blryi- round roaster, 10-qunrt dish, pan, 3 1-2 quart tea kettle, and six- niece aluminum (P*! A A

.50___ ALLOVERS" This nil-over fo r boys or girls up

(o 8 yenrs of ago mado of blue .< denim trimmed in Q O / t

,nial ...... ........- ........... .............' L. D. S. GARMENTSiTise

got wo o ffe r au approved gar g\ ment o f summer weight, fin<

bleached cotton. A fu ll . - O Q - . range o f sizes ......... ...... .... 0 * / V

ORNING, J U L Y -22. 1923.

__________ i _______—

>ct the grantiag oC eompUte''pcrm iuioa ' a e jfo r the line ’s eonatruetioa whlie plans ror fo r expansion held Jh . abeyance io r ng yearn uro confidontly oxpectod- to a g ^ ti

a be drawn from the plgeonholis and iv- viewed in the ligh t o f' the cheerful ICO optimism which goes H^nd in hnnd w ith ns- development. —ny Locnl mon who hnvo kopt closely In ’. cd toueh w ith tho project step by stop fo r 'he years paat and who woro ehicfly re* lys spondble fo r . the m ove'which has !on.suited la thb' Short Line's determlna- est,tion to build, are unreserved in thoir o f expre lidoairtif ' comploto'eonftdenco in o f an enlarged business outlook loenlly ow^and a period o f dovolopmont and cx rht psasion gcoorally in which nil wlH o f share. t

MONEiY!; and varnish and paint brashes verstocked and need the m oney.'

’S SHOP>hone 6—

I --------- ---- — — --------

m d O n e

e H o m ey a d v a n t a g e s . L i g h t a s

n g t h e d a y i n t h e N o v -

A l w a y s s e e u s i n d a y - t o s h o p . A g o o d p l a c e

! t o a l w a y s f i n d A T h o u -

r m S A D — I T ’ S E K

y . D is h D ept.ea-ia On eatorlng the Downstairs

^7 Btom one cannot hslp ba t no^ rlt- tlce the wooderfo l dish depart*

ment nnd<k the sidewalk, where the d a y l i^ t ia. We hare Jn it recelTed a la rg * shipment o f W. B. Oeorge hlgh-gndek r«s#- onably priced dishware. Ton

. . may porchJUM as you 'wish in mp o f 42 pieces or y>y Indivld- ual piece. Come In and look them over.

B LU E ^ FLORAL PATTEENt iy Pretty blue flo ra l pattern, a dandy

firs t grade dish, suitable fo t either lint everyday uao or inox- (g Q A C

penslvo g if t . Special .... tD5/««7w ‘

DOUBLE GILT BANDEverybody likes tho g i l t pattcra,

ind for i t ia ncol and un tiring for

^ $ 9 .95

NARROW FLORAL BANDA very bccoTOlng design, dear glazed, beautifu l appearing ond o f f irs t quality, a dandy fo r all oe-

...$ 1 5 .7 5BEAUTY BAKD

The dishes w ith tho conventional bund ,nro always In demand. We have a completo Uno w ith roso and

..._L $ 1 8 .0 0GOLD BAND

Wo »l.o bovc « nIto .took o( lho ■\0 Gossor dishes. Tho ISKgold

band is especially good 42-pleco ^

•i'oeln, _____ _ $ 1 7 .0 0u S W m T E D IS H E S

Wo hnvo a comploto stock o f plain while dishes, tho best .o f nil for haying and harvesting time. Como

- in and look them over. Two " grades, tha t o f Avona and W. S.p ,c . ■

'o°; ■ E L E O T B IC .m O N S

35 I ''" ” B '“ » Hihbon Electrle I ^ n Ua real va lu e .-T h o heating clement in this iron 4s GUARANTEED for

‘ one year from date o f purchase.

^ “ . r c f L . ^ ’ ____ r„__S3.95six-

GLOBESYou may hnvo your ehoico of 10,2S, 40, SO o r 60 watt lig h t globes^

3 i .,b $ L 0 0bluo , J

9 c — ------- 1J Glass W are ■

70X7B O H O IO H -as lad Itowls,Igar- presenre dish, je lly dlah, spoon flno holders, p ick le d fth and O O a

»9 C Vfl>V9t set------ ^ 7 1 /

23. m»

TWIN FALLS DAILY NEWS. [MUBd mtnr norninc exoept Monday and

Tw in F i Hj N ««b Publlahinc C o , Xno.• l* 0 « r natlv

InantB n ure tf aa mcoocI c lu a nuUl m a tte r . . • i . .

▲arU >, I t l t . a t tbp p<M(omc« a t T v ln pOtUi ra lla . Idaho, under the aet o f ICaroh I .in v .---------- ------------- ------ - tbo 1

aUBSCRIPTION RATB8 torod' 'O n * year ..............................................W.OO

fl momha ............................................... M B• monlha ................................................l.e# e trn lr1 m onth ...................................................... flO- ____________ ____ tnin

MEMBER Q T ASaOClATfflO PRESS to d(The Aaaoolated Prtaa u exdua lvely .

•oUUed to ihA UM fo r repubUeaUon o f ' aO newa dUpatchea credited to tt, o r no t Mq. otherwise credited in thia paper, aad alao tbe local newa publiahed herein, ovm AU r1«hta- o f repuWIcailon o f apeclnl .

I diapAtchea herein aro tUao reaenred. hnvo ^ {fin me«infl Aaaoclnted Preaa.

No responalblllty U ' aaaumed fo r th e tem pi rare o f unkollctted manuacrlpta, photo- (rapha or other contributed m atter. A r - ticlea Bul'm ltted fo r publication w ill be, Am or na«d or not n t the dlaoretloa o f the edi­to r. and no maauacrlpts w ill be retum ed ncwci aniesa accorapailled by neoeaaary poat- •X&____________ ______________________ BlOftd

The Newa In a member o( the A u d it Bureau of C lrcuUtlona, Zsom- whom fuD the i In fom tatlon oa to elrouiatlon may 1>e ob* , u tnod upon apnIlcaUnn. Detailed in fo r- ic a n l na tion aupplled iooally upon reauest 1

- EASTERN RRPREiSENTATIVBS o f thOeorEo B. Davtd Co., In a , 171 U a jiao n aomo'

ave.. ?few Yo»k: A . R. ’Keator. J«UH artfo rd D u lld la r. Chleato.______________•

W E H A V E I T I ,There slioiilil bo lo*s jicHalminm in

tho Twin Falla country now, n* a ro- Bult o f tlio grnnting o f tho nocosaary poraisaion fo r lho oonatructlon o f the WoUfcRogeraon Jiao.

Thoro is no occasion fo r organisod colobration over th e nows o f- th o re­moval o f tho laat obataclo in tho way of the carrying oat o f the plana fo r tho new lino, tliDro la oecaalon, h ow ovor, fo r a roturn ofaom othing of tbo old attitude o f chcorful opUmism ir ith respect to tho futuro which at ono timo mado o f tho Twin Falla eountry a placo whoro i t was good to livo.

Stop by atop, w ith ovory tnovo anil every dovelopmont a thoroughly logi- ^ cal ono, tbo program o f railroad oz- tenaion aa contained in tho announeo- mcnt of intention to build, hna bcon carricd out cxnctly, w ithout a h a ir ’s breadth o f de\'ial«on from tho straight Hno' o f buaiacaa probity.

Doubters thoro have bcon and w ill over be, but tho facts aa set forth in tbe rccord give tho lio to any and ovory suspicion o f bad fa ith or in ­tent to doceivo. From tho very fira t tho negotiations have beon attended by a degreo o f frankness on tho part ' o f the railroad mon whieh oould woll bavo been acceptod aa tho bost o f all orideaeo o f a sincerity ono hundred por ecnt fine. Cornea now tbo grant­ing o f tho Certificate by tho In te r­state Commoroo Commission. I f eelo- brationa wero in order, now would bo the timo fo r celebrating. t ‘

Thero ia no caao on record whero railroad oxtenaioa in jured a country- aide, no example o f i l l e ffect fo llow­ing tho build ing o f a line o f stool.Thoro are numerous examples e f a development undreamed o f by tho most optim istic coming In tho wake of auch a c tiv iiy , many w ith in the knowledge,and ezpcrieneo o f non who in tho days to eome, w ill ahare in tho ndavantagea now w ith in tho grasp o f tbia C ity and, to a lesaor extent porbapa, o f a ll Southern Idaho.

This ia a time fo r a restoration of tho quiet eonr>donco whieh gooa w ith a aano outlook and applied common sense.

The Twin Polls country !a in fo r an ^ora o f dovolopmont which may prove

tho biggcat ninglo ineident ia hor h is­to ry ; so, too, is Korlhern Nevada, n piece o f solid good fortune whieh w ill be shared in by every town.and camp in either fortunate seeUon.

A W H ITE M A J o a m ri^outh Carolina's whites aro In the

m a jo iity th is year fo i tbo f i n t timo in moro than a century. ,T ho negro exodns to tho industrial ceators o f tbe North, atimulated by buaincss

V a n illa Ice Cream, Chocolate Ice

Cream , Red Rasp­b e rry Ice Cream, Lem on Sherbet

T h is Week a t

THE POPPYSaturday and Sunday

Special' A briok o f Ice Oream fo r

600. A oombination of vanilla, riaspbeny and caramel N a t loe Oream.

' . 'tooaperity and tho demand fo r an- fo r t :lIlod labor, bna swung tho balanco to bt Id tho atato again ta ins rank aults, Qong those where white dtlzona o f may itlvo Amctlcati ttoek' ar« prtdom- Olt< ant numorieally as ia business and contrc ilitiea. too 1Sinco the days o f recOQStruotion shoulc 0 whites o f South Carolina, ombit- croasl rod by tho ir politieal aoid oeonomle natlo i oca in thot ported, have fe lt cen- do< rained to greater e ffo rts to main- in thoir aupremaey than In helping

develop tho'. latent posiibiUtioa of 0 blacka who dwolt am ong. them, ow, with a clear m a jo rity o f their m stock among tbo vA’otora, they ivo opportunity to undertake the . ork loo long lo ft undone and to at* rp(,p mpt i t in a now apirit. and ViIn northern centers o f population, moricanlzation work among tho recoiv iwcomora from ovorseaa progroases wcoka oadily, i f slowly, and thoro can bo > quealion o f its valuo not only to 10 immigrimta but-alao to the Amor- roceiv anixation workora themselves nnd o f a ' their eommunitles. The- problom 22nd.! the South ia, in tho last analysis, imowhat aimilar, and peralatent ef- gpccU

a g m m m g m m m


T h e STLi t s c u s t o r

1 9 2A v o i d i n g

§ C o r p o r a ^

r e a s o n s \

In design* qt durab ility , r«& and price, the 2 greatest in tr in s

Every im prm been verified by

'* T H E BIG -Sli Im Standard 12 7-pas»enser Tot 5-pasaenger Sp<

Refinements made in tbe B i fo r five yean . ' I t is ^ car o f t l

T H E S P E C I on the standard 2>pas»engcr Roi 5>pasaen8er Tot

Radiator, Loi '• " ‘^ the Spedal-SKf

ments in tbe c years added lo i the most satisf good in every r and costs less t

T H E L IG H 7 ^ ' the standard 11

3-passenger Roe 5-passengcrToi

No body o r been made in been produced p lan t a t South

T H I s

'WIN FALLS-PAIEY N gt toward Its solution cannot fa il Cranda be productive o f g ra tify ing re-

\s, however slowly these rotuita ' ' Tbe

r 2 ^ ? ,?lUcutnttaacea beyond, the South’s fnundr .trol have hampered the work fa r chapel

long. Tho sh ift In population ™ ^c h uld make ondoavor to thia ond in- o f 450. aslngly , productive, and the whole lon w ill p ro f it w ith the South as haa ac dovolop*. io tllti

eompaj" • , Negua

■ i f t e e n Y e a r s A g o " f j

i n T w i n F a l l srom ih o Stm * ru»s J a ly 24. 1908. noon,. A n n a ;

” A rthu i•ho Tw in PnHa Salmon lUvcr Land Eov. J 1 Water contmcta have a ll boon com- 'ceromc tod and aent to tho stato land board momb<

record. Th« entryinon should all oive the ir coalrncts n it l i in t>»c Jak« ika timo provided uo unlocked fo r one t l lya como up. tract,

______ ^ fo r BlXr. and Urs. S tuart I I . Taylor nro me. Diving congratulatious on the birth a l it t lo daughter \V«<inoa'lny, the jargo , '>• wotlh

, . throe'w in Fnlls Inst ono o f ita moat le- 1>y E. clod cllizona la tho death' o f A. D, tavoat


A n n e•UDEBAKER CORPORA! > m e r s , f r i e n d s , a n d t h e

i 4 M o d e ll g t h e s u p e r l a t i v e s f r e q

i ^ o i j d e s i r e s t o f a i t h f u l l y

w h y t h e p u b l i c s h o u l d

THE CARS .q ua lity o f materials, standard o f worl efinements, performance, freedom fron e Studebaker 1924 M odel Cars are d ist nsie values tbe Corporation has ever o£

rovement tbe sq fc^ and prodU abtilty o f vi b y engtneeruif tests is embodied in tbesc

T h e B i g - S i x -S IX L IN E comprises four modds. me 126-incb chassis w ith 60 H . P. z 5 in Pouring C a r - $1750 S^passesger Coup Ipeedster - $1835 7-passencer SedM

ts a f t w m inor changes.B ig -K x. whieb haa established an envia

O ur large production accounts fo r its the h ighest grade. comporaUt <0 Om &cs£

T h e S p e c ia l - S ix

C IA1>SIX L IN E comprises four modelt ird 119>inch chassis w ith 50 H .P. 3>^z5 ic loadster > $1325 5>passenger.Coup Pouring C a r - $1350 5>passenger Sedai

aood. cowl, and body changes have bee *C* iM th niecLanichl changes ttI chassis. TZie SpeciaI*S(z has fo r five 1 luster to tbe name S TU D E B A K E R . I l b fa c to iy and finest cars on the markel r resjMct as tbe Big-Six. except th a t i t i I to produce, and therefore sells fo r lesi

T h e L i g h t - S i x

■TT-SIX L IN E comprises fo u rm o d ^ , m 112-inch chassis w ith 40 H.P. inLoadster > $975 2-pas8.Coupe>Roadi curing Car - $995 5-pa»enger Sedan

»r mechanical changes except refinemi a the. L igh t-S ix . Over 130,000 Light-£

in the new. modem $30,000,000 S Ith Bend. Ind iana, under most econoi

J . A * B a i


! S S S S S S S S ^ ^


, r*

dall, whieh oeeurrea vory aadden> F an rid i^ , fa ll a

e flxeavatloa fo r the new Metho- chareh oa Shoahone avenue is well r w ay aad In a iho rt tima thn dntlba w il l bo laid. Only the- el w i l l bo b u ilt at preaont, the . andltorium be ln i bnUt la ter on. charol wUl have a seating capacity iO. . . ■'

>ward M . Skeols o f Proctor, V t ,accepted a position w ith tho Ma> ..........6 pharmacy. M r. Skeels was ______)aniod to Tw in Fulls by Perley 1’. V S S !is and F rank F. llorganson, both h’ roctor, and ' John Copoland o f S ^ and.

doublo wedding cccurrod a t the gB o f J fr. aod airi>. HT A. Crydor, Bliwost o f town, h s t tuaday aftor- h ., whea Harold Crydor aod Misa B & Stlloa, aad Hias Koda Crydor and 8>ur C. Sm ith woro married by the »J. H . 8«henck wTTwla Tans. The g ......

itony was wltnoa«od by only thu Kbera o f tho famHiex - gko F ritz , known to nearly evorj' thn t over vialtod tho Tw in Fnlla t, le f t tho c ity Tutsday luornlnj:B ritish Columbia. ^

10 sale o f town 'o t* which took » a t Bnhl on Ja ly 21 attracted a J crowd o f people, and over S20,000 h o f lota were aoid In leas than .» hours. Tho sole waa conducted L M. MeOoUum o f the Tw in Falls atmont company. »q*moi


o u n c e m e iT I O N O F A m e r i c a i s i

e p u b l i c g e n e r a l l y , i t s

1 S t u d e b eq u e n f l y u s e d i n a u t o m c

y s t a t e t h e f a c t s c o n c e i

1 b u y t ^ m .

almost ideal manufacf _ , ' stands o u t as tbe grea

ir k m a n s t^ perfection am repMvirs,s t in c t ly tb e TTL1I7 offered.* h ic h h .v c$90,000,000of w n e w c u i.

Slmtijeker*. oisamp o u a tn ! o n im e e ia , ii ie t> llu ix u t . . 'cinch m o to r: j . Mcood to nooe in 1ipe - $2550 cars and tba workzaai■a - $2750 ' principles o f eBgiaeet

Irtwwim to tbS 'lD duS trs b a v e beeoiable rccord B e s ta lo w p iic e . ^ tn d e ie k e r C IS co

sted. a lum inum , tires, N o be tter materials fulnmiTtwtw l«i« b u t *?ty

:Is motmted consequently. Stu inch m otor:. p e - $ I9 7 5 ^ ^ ^ m j n u f a c t u .an - $2050 ^ mach irimg. aj

frames, tninsmisskos,

«n made inand refine- W fac to ry costs per

r t . I ^ i . u f i in n w i t h » M t p h , «

t is smaller. ^ss.

T b e b o £ e s o f Stod< materials and craftsao

motmted on Coupe and Sedan clo inch m otor: the coach builder’s a: ,dster-$1225

- $1550 .The sales o f Studebe

ments haye eaeh and eoerjf year a -Sixes have sold in the firs t aix i i Studebaker same period la s t year, omical and growth.

T h e S tu d e b a k e r C

i r r e t t A u t o C o m im U A IK NOKTB.

3 T U D E B A

AHO, SIJNDAY MORNI:[NG, J U L Y 22, 1928. 'm n s de«iji]ig federal loaas th ia I f yotu abonld hare >ppUeatIoaf advertiseilau soon. yonr bnyi

J. W. MoDOWELLi, Boo.Phoae No. S77J1. — .i-

tomobU* owners. attentloB. nsa Ofsactori Plstoa Bings to stop oU Ieaks. jL e t ln l ICaehlns Co.. S10-J20 RCMtod w a m lsonth. Phons 1202 —«dr. a iu d , •


!xive Yourself a hA a excoptionn aervod tonigl

.......... .........................a u it” the pComo ngaia t

Dinner served from 6 to

Price per Cover $:


n t ^p l e a s e d t o a n n o « m c e t o

I c o m p l e t e l i n e o f n e w

i k e r C a r so b i l e a d v e r t i s e n i e n t s , t h e

m i n g t h e s e c a r s a n d t h e

c tt trb g conditions. In our judgment, ii a test value a ^ the c loaa t approach t< 0 moderate iiriced cars y e t produced

, REASONS w mf actual net assets and $45.000.000investee' f twplo physical facilities toIly.

the indtisti|jr. Tbs design o f Studebakei u is b ^ upon themcoofona t o tbe hi|jwsi n n g standards and mechanical practiciay.

t o f M a t e r i a k U a e d

onta in tbe^Sned l^ioian |rodes o f iron I. electrical equipment, g la ^ bearings, etc fb r automobile manufacture exist. Sbee )0 >thini tbe tensile strezkgtli o f sheet steel u d^M ker uses sheet st«el fo r its bodies

us o f drop forgings, castings, stampmg issembting and finishing of motors. s. boc&s, tops, etc.. and the consequen emen’s profits, eoupled w ith lower over r ca r arising from q u a n t i^ predoctioa anc •ensss, S ia iA tise rB eot*» ^ m! possihle e f attainment o d y h y maoo&o ■eal aad financial resMuces.

io d ie a U n e x c e U e d

lebaker cars axe n o t e x c d M an qua lity o nansbip. by any cars on the m a rk e t T b osed bodies are magnificent oart.

M e r i t W i iu

» k e r cars fo r the past r a years have showi a progressive increase. 81,880 .cars wer months o f 1923 as agairut 60,053 fo r th r. O nly products o f m e rit can make sue]

^ r p o r a t i o n o f A m e r ic aA . pc £ n k tn e , P rcsu ien f

p a n y

\ K E R Y " e

yoor propertT ts desirable and is ■ t iM d & th a d a a s if ie d r^ o a ’U fin d bnyer.

L . X . Z B H B B ilX n , K . D . ifBsoQleglsft sa4 ta g s o a .( s ^ Umttsd te Dlssssss t f BMB, dsfsets o f tfes XhTxaU Bdp.aad Bazgs^* X « a tsA ta VMOm B a lld las. ■ .

R e a l T rea ti '

iionnlly tasty diaaor w il l be might. Designed to " ju s t H0 present .warm weather. 8.ia tbaight. B ‘....

S to 8 P. M . I

: $ 1 .0 0 - I ‘

> fE ^C A F E .\ '.AOE TO D ra Z " I



t o



h e■he ■ '■

It, i th to iced.

» ted

, e&*in if» Ia k e r |^ t ■ ctice I

iron,.etc,>be«titeeUdies. . ^

^ ••• .L.-.—Lxles,|uentjver-land1 on n&o>

t y o fT b e •

cs o r . ,

lown were r the such

ica. ■ V ■


' I


, * I t e k a t Ib S tw dy Althoogb; ToloniA Z t SmiQ; H o t W«t»lwr D M u n tn iroKtbvaie PbA m Vp. M oea

-------- OHIOAQO, Jn ly £1 'Wheat itend-led lodnv, ■howinK f>n tho di*--t« s t opUoas « t th» clOM. Tbe TOlam>> wan \»ut Tcpoita- o f Mack runtand bot weather dnmnge in tho no rtit' wert, and In te r o f rov ivM export do-

—.v-Tannd.-pushed np pricc8. '. "Wheat closed l-8e »M to ZA to 7-8<>

Ugber, w ith September 0 fi:-4 to 3-6c and. Dcceiubcr *1.02 i*8 to $1.02 3-8.

Corn Bhowed gaini* vt,ryJn8: from 5-8 lo 3-4c to 1 5-8 lo 1 34r.

Oat* were 1-8 to 5-fle lildher and pro- TlBion> were'uBcbaoRel to ISe up.

'X W h e n t Btnrtcd Blow on o! nnjtrovr 4^zi{re whh traders rhowine U ttlo din* TO«itJon toward new iiommltDiontr Thr>

/ Cftrncffle mirvey o f oronomie eondUions In Qermnny and tho l)riti#E dock atrike wero dcpreMloit tnfluenccB. Indopond- ent Btrength .in the Northwest and' Canadian m ark ttB -fo lbw inp ro»t to-' porta and , unfavorable maturinfT' weather throuRSont the te rr ito ry

' Ktreagthenod sentiment bore in m id- BOBflion; then -tbe soabonrd roportn ot 800,000 bushels worked fo r export tu rn ­ed the trade to an advanec. Tho closo was ncnr the day’# b « t pricea.

--------—T m r ^ n i r boroan‘s yvHn fo r boldins. tho rrop on tho farm? bad lit t lo e ffect w on the raarkot. Prelim inary arranfro-

inontB fo r tho plan could not be made before the now crop ninvemont, traders held.

Contlnnin{T hot. dry weather over n larffo portion o f tho belt gavo Btrenfth

• to corn. .Outs foilowod eom..whh a emnlj -vol-

omo o f trade. ' ■'Provisions were stcfidy on tho ad­

vance ,in hoga.


S red $1.01 to 1.01 .'14; No. 2 hard •1.0() 8-4 to 1.01 3-4.

Corn—No. 2 .mixed 66 3>4 to 80c: No*2 ycUow 88 I-fi to 88 3-4«-.

Cats—No. 2 white 421-2 to 4fic; No.3 whito 401-2 fo 44c. ' '

Rye—None;Barley—63 to, 60c.

^ Timothy seed—<5.50 to 6.C0.Clover seed—$15 to 17.50.

_ - Tork—NomloaJ. m L a rd ~ $ n .

X lit*_<a.37 to 0.25.

M T A T 0 B 8 AND rEODUOE. OHIOAOO, Ju ly 21 (4>>— Potatoes—

Lower; rtctdpla 71 crvTb*. to ta l 8> Bhipments 621: Missouri nnd Kansas

Hacked Early Ohios, o fl. No. 1, $1.25-----to- 1.40;- fow best $1.50; d irty fie ld

TUn $ i to 1.20; unckort liUW'cobblcrs U. a No. 1 $1.40 to l.r;'^; fow best $1.65 to 1.70; small fie ld ran $1.30; car lots

V V irg in ia cloth top stave borrela Irish cobblers No. 1 $4.75 lo R.OO.• Butter—Beceipts 15,742 tubs; higher:

ereamcry eztrns 36o; .standards 381-2c: extra firsta 36 to 37c: firsts 34 1-2 to 35 l-2c; aeconds 33 to 34c.

Egg»—Receipts 13,050 cases; un­changed.

Poulty*-Aliv'e, steody; fowls 18 to SOe; broilQra.S8. to 90c; roosters 14c.


tlo—Nominally steady; no receipts; choice steer* $7.50 to t'.OO; medium to

W good $0.75 to 7.50; fn*r to medium $5.7.‘1 lo 6.75; tbtnuoB lo fivir $4.75 lo 5.25; choice heifers $5 to .’5.:25: choice cow» and boifere $4.25 to^i.75; medium to good $4 to 4.25; fa ir lo n.edium $3 to 4.W)! common cows to 3.00; eanncr* $1.50 to 2.00; bulls to. 4.00; rhoico da iry calvee $7.50 to ^.!>0; primo ligh t 17.30 to 8.50; medium *7 fo 7.50; heavy $4 td 7.00. •

Hogs—Nofnlnally n(endv) no rr- ^ ceipts; prime lig li't $1) to 0.25; smooth


Butter f a t ____________ _____ 38 to 41c__ Swoet cream —______________ ____Wc

Preah ranch egga ----------------------.-.ICcHena, heary _____________________ 11c ,Hena, l i g h t ______________________ 8cLeghorn he n s__________________ — 6cBprioga, colored, ----------------...---------15oBprings, Legboma -------- ---------------- 10cTurkeys ________ ________________ 18c

r. Turkeys, o ld . ____________________ 12cDucks, yoong , * ......................- ...... ISeDacka! old Z ______________________ 10c

Potato*!.Potatoea, No. J, c w t.------------------- I t k t .

O nin,Wkeat. No. 1, ewt. ...... ------------ M kt.

UTtctock.Cattle—Oow^ 8 to 4e; ateer* 4 to 5e;

Teals 5 to 0e. v _ j Hogs—Prime, 4 to € l-2e,Bheep — Mutton, fic; oo market;

Um bf. lOfl.

k H O U B B W irB '8 O U O B .^ (Beta ll rricefc)

Fnztta asd Vegetables.Potatoea, c w t . ............... . 75e to $1.00Now Potatoes, l b . ____________ 4 to 5eNew eabbage, lb. ........ ........ .......... 9cCarrots, b u neb--------- ----- --------------- 10cBeets, buneb ......... ................. — ------ lO fTurnip*, buacb _.— ........... ............ ._10oHead le ttu c e _______________ ______ CeAsparagus ...___ _____ iso

. Strawberries, co p ________10c, 8 fo r l»cB’jeVeape ------------------------------------ 10cRed raspberries ---------------------------ICcRadishoa, bo n cb ..................... ..... — 5cCucumbots, each,-----------------15 to 23c

_-==r==!SSOintaluipea, S f o r _______________ 2BcCberrle*, t t a t e ______ - .......... ... <1-2SWatemelona, lb . ^Texaa tomatoea, lb ........ .................... 23c

P iOTliloai u d SUple«.- n o n r. 48-lb. aack_________»1.*0 to 2-^S

Sugar, c w L ..... ...... ...$11.50 to 11.7CCream cheese ------------- --------------------B rick <heese ____________________■<0cBeans _____________________01*<B re a d _______ - ____- ______ 181-3 to 10c

• Butter <creamery) .....................50cB uttor (ranch) ................ ;--------------- <0r

a i . Eggs .................. ... ...... .................... 20'T . MeatJ.

Bacon, s liced------------------------- 30 to 40(Hum , , , ,..................... .....20 to 35<Ham, s lie e d ________________ 35 to 40<Pork chops______________ ___15 to 20.Lamb chops _________________25 to 35.Pork r o a s t _________ —______15 to 50<Beef steak — --------------- IR 2®'

- - Beef pot ro a s t-------------------12 1-2 to 15'*' Prime ribs , ,............— ■ . ■■ 1^ to


J h'eavy 230 to 800 pounds $7.fl0 to '8.75j c^ sraootb heavy 300 pounds rusd up $7 to < ^ 7J10; toagb heavy *4.50 to «.W; fa t- pigs $8.73 to 0.00; feeders $8.75 to 0.1«; l £ ataga.subjeet tb dockngc $2.5(1 to 5.00.

.biioep—NominoUy *t«tidyj no reecipta; ichoieAvaXleylaalnflO&Olo-ll^ medium <

“ $tf.50 td''^0.C0; toinmun'$7.50 to 0.00; {» culls $0 to 7.50; ligh t yoarlinga $7.60 to I

8.00; heavy. f6 to 6.50^'light wethers $Q i lo fi.50; bonvy $5.50 to O.OO; owes $1.50 i

d- to 5.5u. ' iB-. . --------- - .

OMAHA U V E 8 T 0 0 K . 1^ OMAHA, July 21 (/P)—Hogs — Ke- '

coipts 7500; uneven, mostly 10 to ] c* 15c higher; bulk iOO to 300 pound

buUlicrs $0.00 to 7.15; top $7.25; bulk I** Mixed loads enroll',? packing sowm - « and llghta $6.40 to O .tl; packing sows 1

larifoly-$6 t(J-a.25.“ ' - ; . - ~ ~ - •' C^Ulo—Roccipls 300; compared w it l i J week ago: In between grades bpcf < Bteers and sho-stock mcsUy 'lS ^ to 25c ' lower; spots 50c lowci un common lig h t 1

^ yearlings; other grades steady; bu ll* 1 25c hig lior; veals | l to 1,50 lower; stoekera and feeders steady; closing bulks fo llow : Beef steers-$B-to nO.OO; 1 week's top $U'; grass cows ond heifers

“ • $4.25 to C.OO; week's top grass heifers i $7.35: .dry lo t cows and holfcrs $5.50 1 to 8.W; week's top h-nfers $0.50; ean^

•ff' nets and cultets w.50 to 3.50; boioona 1 ^ bulls $4.50 to 5.00; ligh t vous $8 tu i “ l 9.00; stockers and fenders $6 to 7.25; i

week’s top feeders i8..')0. i” • Sl»e*>p—Receipts 500; compared w ith

week ago: l^ambs $2 lo 2.25 lower; sheep mostJy ateady: spots higher on tbojeo 'light'ow es; ffledors 50c and $1

” lower; closing bulks fo llow: 'Western fn t lumbe $12.50 to 12.76; natives $11.75

‘ I; to 12.25; fod clipped ]amb;i»$11.35; heavy owes $3.75 to 4.50; ligh t ewes $5.50 to 'O.OO; week's lo p ligh t ewco <0.60; feeding lamba $11.50 to 12.15.

, ST. JO B B ra IJVEBTOOBLST. JbSBPH, Mo., Ju lv 21 W»)— Hogs

J . —Ikeeipts 2500; 10 to 15c higher; bulk desi'ruble weights $7 to 7.15; packing sows steady, mostly $5.«\0- bu lk o f salts $6.85 to 7.15. ^

Cattlo—Receipts 800; compared’ w ith rii stuera and yearlings

around steady. A^25 10.25; best she- . - stock steady; calves 50c lower; stock-

ors and feeilors steady; rows and he if­ers $4.50 to 8.25; calves $6 to 0.50: stockors nnd feeders M.50 to 8.00.

Slieep— Receipts 500; compared w ith week ago: Fttt lambs .iround $1 lower; Bhoep scarce nil week, -5 to 50c lower; fa t Inmbs $13 to 14.50; yeorlings $11.50; fa t ewes $4.50 to 0.00.

■ OHIOAOO LIVJ»TO O ILOIUCAGO, July 21 i>W -C .ittlo -R o -,

ceipta 1000; compared w ith week ago; __ S tric tly choice beef steers piactically a steady; oxtremo top $11.50; other ®* prades unevenly 25 lo 75c lower; yenr- ^ lings mostly 50c tu (1J:C lower; top hi yearlings $11.25; she-^tock uu-.

evenly 25c to $1.50 lower; s ^ ts moro; ^ eanners showing least Oedine; gmssy

cows and helfera mos*:: bulls steady to 15c lower; veal calvei 75c lo $1 lower: stockcrs nnd feeders 23c lower; week’s, bulk pricce follow: B.'ef steers $0 to

I : 10.35; Blockers and feeders $5.25 to fjJ 0.75; beef cows and heifers $5 to 8.25:

eaaners iu\d cutterfr |2.7r> lo 3.S0'. veal calves $10 to 10.75. .

Sheoj^Receipts 1000; today mostly +Q direet. For week ulnioft 25 per cent

direet; wtslCTnB eonsWtmbly smnlicr; compared w ith week ago: Dcflirable fa t lambs $1.25 to 1.75; ru lls and sheep generally steady; fe^'ding lambs 25c lower: cloring westiTn lambs top $13J!0: native fop“ $13.25; sorting heavy; better grades '’ulls $3 to fl.50; bulk fa t ewes $5 to 0.25; ligh t weight quotable upward lo $ /; heavies $3J50

^ to 4.25.Hogs— Receipts 7000; uneven; mostly

‘ ® 10 to 25c higher; spots more; bulk de- ^ sirablp 160 to 225 pound averages $7.56 cc to 7.65; top $7.70; few good and choice

240 to 300 pound butchers $7.35 to ''y 7.50; bu lk packing "ows $6 to C.2D-,

best strong weight pigs around $7; es- I''!' timated holdover 600U: heavy weight

hogs $0.95 to 7.55; uivdiuni $7.10 to s s 7.70; ligh t #7 to 7.70; ligh t Ught $0.60

to 7.55; packing sow* $5.00 to 6.40; packing sows rough W-65 to 6.00; k i l l ­ing ]>iga $0.25 to 7.00.

i=' STOCK PRICeT IRREGULAR,5c ______i * OHanga la SpwmlattTe fleatlnuait

Hbown on N ^ '7ork Sxcbange; -.Jiossee tu rn Sbert SoUinc in OU

lag Total salea slocks 276,000 shares.IO. Twenty industrials averaged 01.36; : : net loss, .33. High, 1023, 105.38; low,

[Qc 87.64.Twenty railroads averaged 8.75;

w net gain, .24. High, 1023, 00.63. Low,, * 76.85.t t . n e w YOBK, July 21 O f^ T o d a y ’s

atock market gave concrete evidence 5e j o f the changed specrJative sentiment.

Prlees closed somewhat irregular, bnt losses reauiting from a wave o f short

o t; selling in the -oil stoeka generally were recorded on last minute buy­ing and ahort covering.

Opcnlnfj pritcs wer« somewhat higbw than yesterday's closing but tho ad­vance did not extend to the usual

.00 leaders, 'which drifted id ly . Profes- Se alosnl tradera concentrated tho prea- 9e sore against the ~ o il ahares which

lOc were sensitive to selling became o f lOe the recent cuts In crude oil p^ces, 10c and some o f the motors and equip- 6e ments declined sharply.

15e A strong demand fo r stocks o f the 25c cnstcrn groop o f railroads, however, 10c frightened the bear traders and tum- 15c ed practically the entire yH«t up- Sc ward 'with the result thatr most o f

23c the early losses w e« wiped out. • 80e Now York Central closed 1-5-9 lOe higher, and Reading was up 1-2. S5c The uHual leaders moved in a L.25 naiTow -Itading aiea. 'United Btntes

^ Steel wns unchanged on a small tum - 23c


10c . Stage Leares 6:30 DaUy lOr Excursion starting, Ju ly l i t to ■60c A o^ 1st. Bound T rip

TwTa PalU, Filer, Buhl toH a i le y ______________$12.00.Twin Fnlls to Bolsr --------------12.00Twin Falls to Payette_______ 20.00Twin Falls lo Emo.ell : --------- 15.00

TRASK epos, STABE COMPANY50c —PbflM S i oc 882W—15c Handle Baggage.2^c

TW IN FALLS D A ILY ]; over, Wbilo 'Stndebaker aad Ameriean 'I Can eued- fraetiooally. k Am eiitaxt Cax pToferred waa three ; points higher at the close.

The woekly. clearing 'house state- ; ment ibowed a decrease ia loans,I diBcaants- .an i. investments o t $60,- ; 608,000, and a drop o f $0,040,000 in i the reserve of member banks in tho I federal reserve bank. N et demand ) deposlU dcellned $30,707,000, and /

timo deposits fe ll o ff $5,726,000. Ag- ' grogato reservo totaled $520,860,000, “ leaving excess reserve of $22,250,250, j

. a decrvaso-of $4,533,230, > under tho ) previoui week. 5I . --------- *: 00VXB N M E N 7 BONDS.

. N EW YORK, Ju ly 21 (/P)“ L lbe rty . I bonds closod:

3 l - 2 » ....... ............. ..................... $100.10 iI J^ rs t 4 l-4a ............ ....................... PS.H •f Second 4 1 - i j ......... .................... .: Th ird 4 l-4 s ............................ P8.2‘i *t Fourth 4 1-48 .......................... . 08.12 ^K U. S. Qovcnimeikt 4 l- t« .... . 00.26. -------------------------- i; KOTIOB TO W ATER USERS.; SalmoQ'Bivftr Oanal Oompuiy. L im ited, s A n tt«liUtionftl ollolr.ii^rit o f walcr ii* * s mado a t th in time o f 1-lOih o f an acre J fQot per acre. ii Tho present run. o f ,wt»ter w ill con ' i Uquo until nbcul tbo l&tb o f AufiUsl, i I) at which time, I t la expected, the avail- • ; able suppiv for the prrspnt irrigation

seaiwn w ill havo been pxhaustetl. I1 B y order o f th* Bo.ird o f Directors.; FRED 1>, BATES,1 Koperintendcnt. *I Hollister, Idnho. JiilyJJO, 1023.—ndv. \ 1 — . 5 NaUonai Debts.> The follow ing facts were brought . ’ OQt In tbo house discu»sion on Uie

amendment to tbe debt-fuuding act. i Great B rita in ’s to ta l debt is above 135,000.000.000. th a t o f tho United «

a States la belween $22,000,000,000 and * { $28,000,000,000. The average taxation 1 ; a head hi Orcot B rita in la about $100.» In the United StafB* l l la between $50 '

and $G& The total wealth o f the • ^ United States Is estimated a i some- " where between $220,000,000,000 and . . $280,000,000,000; tha t o f Great B rita in . is -nbout $80,000,000,000. There la * : owing to.Great B rita lu from her « a r '

allies about 57.000.000,000, unfunded >> and w ithou t prosi>oct o f paymenta.—' Independent, s

AvphyxlatJns Rata.Tou COD asphyxiate rats that Infest

tbe garage by giving them carbon monoxide gos from the engine exhanst,

k- advlsea a federal bulletin. A ttach a r rubber hose to the exhaojit pipe and- put the end Into the hole. Tbe gaa P wUl k i l l the nta .

y Cbservatlena of Oldest Inhabitants.0 A j an oldtlm er Pm beglnnbi; t»: wonder If things are gonaa get soJ reveraed lh a t a yonog roan o f the° fu ture will refQse te n a rry s g irt I f. she doesn't give up amoklng.—ClndXh .\ nad Enaulrer.

y READ T H ^ D A IL Y N E 1 ? 5 ^ - ,

] . POB H A IS-AXJTO M O BILBSi; F 0 B -6 A L E OR TRADE—Ont-toi.c truck, prnctically now. H. 0 . Andcr-P son.i. iV R SAL»fc3—Dodge •‘ •pnj*sej)Ker toiir-t ing. good condition. <■400. Call 395.0 POB SALE^G oud Studebak**r hack,

135 N in tli avenue north.


0 P IC K YOUR OWN nspberries n t 50vr ,. gallon. Como otiy tim:*. lir in g your

own container. 200 Ad-iiaon west, it i'O R BALI2—lilockr.'in rasplwrries. F.0 P. Osborne. Pbone 50«il2-_____________

FOR BAL»B— WMlinghouto nutomiitie *r electric rnngo. -ifeood as new. Cost

$220. ■Will M lr^choai). Inquire ofHerbst ^ Rambo. __________________ '

n chcrrics.n Call evenlngg. 503R1.__________________

" PLAYER piano, calinet~und stool.I t cheap. 245 'Van Burcn._____________

FOB SALif:—Cherries 4c a pound. Wedeliver. PhOBC 578R.1.________________

tJALE — Bleyeles, trieyelss , , Uret aad seeessoiiea. Waraer's Bs

p.1, Bhop, 224 e«0li<l 8 t, £

J;t , — — ■ .

C A N A D A" jM A z m aat NEW TASK P liA K

offered lo r the firs t time by / O A K A D IA N P A O inO BAIL-W AT

(paymenta extended over 35 years) a. A ll you pay down is 7 per eent ot ml tho purchoso price. Then you have one !s- y f " ’« free uao o f land w ithout interest, f j . bolanco of principa l tToonlied on au ch ' “ y payment plan o f .H equal annual

pavments at rate o f 7 |.er cent o f un J, p da principal. Tbo 7 per cent repro-1 seals 6 per ccnt Intore'Jt nUd 1 per cent

prindpaJ. Purchaser has privilege o fhe ■ i f ho .Icflires.jy Tho Kcond payment fa lls duo two

’ years after purchiac. Tho annuAl pay- j ments which pay p rin e ip il nnd int^rrest ‘ a aro lesa thoa the avc'-ngo interest rates

on a bank loon.KO TAXBR


m . •O im i. YOU INVESTIO ATB ^ Prom present indiealions Canada w ill- hnrvcst" tlic

l i a o E s i - 'O K b P ”- in-the history o f the couatry. Why not

investigate, o r. I f you so' desire, holy harvest this ENORMOUS CBOPt In

o tHU wny you cnu got FIRST HAND P I.SKORMATIO.V.« SPEOIAL RATES0 TO LA N D flEP.KBRS A N D HARVEST 0 1 HANDS^0 j For fu ll in fo rm n l'w i n jijily to R. O. ^ iJoBivorth, A "st, S uperjiiii-ii.lfu t o f Col-1 onlzntion, Ctinniliiin }'acific RjiUw.'iy,

Rooms 20J ;204 ExcliaiiKe Bnnk Build- |ing. SpoUnne, W iiiliiii^ ton.


\G imOn e c e n t p e r w o i

A d v e r t is e m e n ts u n d e r t h is h e a d s o f a r d e v is e d o f b r in g in g th e ni


FOR RENT—Four-rponi cabin closc in. Inquiro 231 Addiso-i f.vcniie north._ t

FOR RENT-Houses o f. 2, 5 nad t ’ rooms, includijig modern 5-room- hou»*- p a rtly furniBhciI. Swim & Co. ' i

t ^ R RENT — tt*rw>u, ITousc' l “Wo«i; ‘ from high school. Phone 03.VI. ~ .


IF YOU W AN T what your fu rn ito ri ia worth Phuno 310.

4U bUAltiiS .irriKaUon w a tc rfo t reni fo r season. A rthu r L. Swim; . '

iU R h . CLKAN lN U CO. waaiLt0Ci»». mga, iiavajoa, opholsteriag. Pboa> OOlW. 152 Second S. -

iS: D. tgeat fo r L f t m or'a D ry Arsenate o f Lead fo r (p t f material. Call pbone 650B. P. 0 . bo 75V__________ - _________________ ,


" "f a i Tm ' X n D c it y ” LOANS.' Swim 1k Co.______________________________ 1

C U E A l'E B ifO NEX — OnltmiM*. \ amonnt oo farms, tMw, a t 7 per e«aV ! ineludlog a ll commisKions. Letsch « |W illiam s. Phone 218.________ ' :

SAFETY and 7 per cent fo r investora in OUT F irs t Mortgage Loans. Sums tn . su it investor. A rthur L. Swim & Oo. '


FO R SALI3—Now player piano; ono thoroughbred water bjiiinlol one year old. Enquire 352 F if lh nvenue^ortli.

FOB bALE.Good cotton fe lt innttrcss ...,$10.r<) Oak c h iffo v itr w ith m irror .... lO.Oil ; Princoss dresser " i t h lorgc I

m irror .................................... J7..' rt I.8x10 lOoE. tourist tent with jo in ted polo, good ni, now.... 12.0 fl ^Camp stools .......................... J.Oi'ta m p stool w ith bii«k ............ 1.25

Hoosier F iusiluxe Exchange. '

—K ew S-bom'er Clark Jewel OU

Stoves a t $16.60.Hoosier Farn ltnre Co.

- — - - — — I ________________ LOST •

LOST—Brown oajw, Thursday. Pkouo I 179 Buhl flt my expeuHC. Reward.

R E V E L A T IO N S ..O F M R . c c

1 ~ ~ t h a m o s t 'c o n t e n t e o m o t o r is t i n s ix s ta te s

“ Com paX “ a n o n y m c

c h e e s e -c lo th se

I , “ T h i s c a r o f m ia lo n g o n t h a t s o e v e r la s t in g l; c m d t o ^ n o u ) '

' ! p r o p e r ‘ I d c k ’ i

; “ M y c a ib u r e toi m ix t u r e a n d 1

■> w i t h i t f o r t h e t B m p le , t o o — I' i t ’ s d e p e n d a b lo , . b u t b ^ u a e i l’I i n th e s e s ix m '

' " I n c id e n t a l l y , 1h a p p ie r — certJ th e s e d a y s . ”

T H E CON" • . M .

; ‘ ^>t , ’ y ' '

: C O N OjtW i .w J P P L - .


P mR D P E R IN S E R T J O N -I a re a lw a y s a tiV e a n d a c t iv e , anc

[lefcd o f a d v e r t is e rs tp th e a t te n t io n

rO B S A iE —K E A t ESTATE 1FOR SALB—Fancy lot, newer an.i i

sidewalk in, W alnut street. Quirk too>qlo clfcnp. 11. c>. Anderson.________ —p• FOR SALE OR l ^ T —5-room moit- ejnorn house, newly pa)n(-ed ond furnished >on Walnut street. PUoni> 1554. ntc

■ B A E O A IU a Sa<rive-acTB country homo; excejv

tional location. Good House, fn i i t und — shade. A snap. sf l'iOO.OO. - *

-^oney-M aW ag.P o tU try F am , w ith . I -«5*r room house. Ifonio and business •"11

JjUth, in onov^-Invcsticate. Pri«s $3150.00. •

10 Acre T ra c t ^ great potato erop growing on this p ro lific Innd; near gravel rofld, rloso in. Buy thla —■

I monev mnking 'x irguin. Price,1 $2500. —I - J . :

Sows: Execllcul dtvWy farTO, 20 <I acres, comfortablo 5-^oni house, all _ ]j necessnrj' dutbu ild lu j^ , rich miil, q

bearing fam ily orcnnrd, on paved —road. Pricc ubso'mlely rigM . 30

Oet This: Three residencb lot* on ^ Seventh avenuo enst, if200 iH>t. A ct S - qu ltk . ‘ ®

------' .80 Acres. One o f the beat; 2 1-2 imlies from town, fa ir improve- Inicnts, Oreat erop growing; 2-5 goes — w ith jiurchase, Pncc $210.00 per arre. .

ROBERTS BEALTY CO.Phone 563 127 Main West 1


W A N TED -eccond imnd refrigemtor, large. Phono 5.~0R4._____________ —

W ANTED-i-To h o - ir^ o m owner ot ^ cood ranch fo r sale. S * to oaah . price. — fu l l particulars. D. F. Bush, Mlnnenpoils. Minn.____________________________ ^

i W ANTED—Table boarders and rooo ( ers at 110 S ixth ave. N. Pbone 1027. |


I FOR SALE— M ilk rows; and rasp- berries on bushes. Phono 550R4.

I FOR SALD—Guernsey coW, jus t CD fresh. phOM 103J.

' A n '

D N O C O "^

d V Vs l

--------------------------------------------------------- -

ira tive lysp e[o a b o u t a s f a r , a n d a s q u ic l f l y . lOUs” g a s o U n o a s y o u e a n in , a b o a t la ils .

in e , h o w e v e r , d o e s n ’ t h a v e t o s t r : k i n d o f d ie t . N o d r I— n o t w h e ;I jr e a s y t o s to p a t t h e C O N O C O s t h a t I ’ m g e t t in g a f i l l t h a t h a

i n e v e r y d r o p .

a r i s a d ju s te d f o r a le a n , e co n o t h e r e i t s ta y s — n o fu s s in g o r f ic

e r e s t o f t h e s u m m e r . T h e ansv I j u s t s t i c k t o C o n o c o , n o t o n ly b« lie . c le a n - b u m in g a n d p o w c r f i i lg a : i t ' s a lioays the s o m e w h e t h e r I ' a o u n ta in s ta te s .

I c a n ’t h e lp t h in l r i n g m y e n g in e t a in l y s h e ’s h u m m i n g a p r e t t y

m N E N T A L O I L C O M P j(ACicnteConMmkA)

a coraplrtfl Bao ot MjA -g rtde

cw I t o f e O uh , M AO o k i Im K w S

. iy Stolen gtnercUu

K ]O G A S CMT. ' ■

[tNING, J U L Y '^ , 1 ^ .


and constitute the best, means ! tion of residents of-South IdahoI FOB BENT—PUBNISHBD

FOR RENT—Two mudcru fumiabedrooms. Phope 530W. _________ .

tX)U fU iN T—>'urnlsliod room, mod- ern. C02 Main north.

> '0a ltENT-*3-roora'iuratshed aparv ment. Beosonable.'. Bungalow Apt*.F if th street and Se<ond avo. east.“ i m ' R tiN T—I'urtJshed, cabin ia Sawtooth. Open datoa Aucnst 1*5 and aft,er August 12. Phone g19W.________ ,


M A K K $30 weekly nt home; furoisL* ing nanies and addrusses. Experioneo unnecessary. Particulnrs free. United Mailing Co., St. Louis.

PROFESSIONALA T T o i^ g r ^ — —

J. B . WISE—La w ye r.-O f fiees-^Booac « and 7, over TwiiUFaUs Baak »Trust Co.. Tw in Falls. Idabo.________"

O- O. J f tL T i New Orpheam Bldg.SQmt W . aB A H A U —Lawyer, Bank »

Trust Building Pbone 635-^ASHEB B. W TLSON-Lawyer. flO M ER O. M m A - O v e r cUy O de. SW EEI.By & B W E E M Y — A l f i i n n i

at law. Practice in al) eoorts. T w »Palls. Idaho._______________•


BLAC KSM ITH — MAOHXNB>>IHOP — Slaeksmltbs, welders, boilcgr atakan^ machinists, manufaotirera;' tw p lia s o f a ll kinds; agent* AUmaB-TayJtr' Machinery Co. Krengel Macbiae Oa.,. pbone 1202. 210-220 Second ava. B


; WINDOW O L A ^ W in d shields, nhS> net work. Moon’s Shop. Pboae ».


TW IN F A LLS B H O B B E F A IB IM Shop. 182 Sboshone W est. Shoes re ­paired while yoo wait, a t pre-wal

i prices, and all work guaranteed. . TRANaPEB

- U ^ O H O L s T r a A K a F ^ S T O B i^B — Garbage hauled daily. Phone 200.

t OaOElHR TRAKBFBB OO. rn o a * 'Crating, Storage, .and L ibe rty «o«L

eak ing—J y . w i t ho a t w i t h ^

s t r u g g le irh e n i t ’s O s ig n —

h a s t h a

o n o m ic a l f i d d l i n g

in s w e r is r b e c a u s e g a s o lin e ,I ' g e t i t

s in e fe e ls t t y t u n e

[P A N Y ____

« > 1 .... f

f ' *

- TW


, bo ,crc

Unfavorable "Report on Pros- ito npi

pects in Soulhem Idaho Brings Pungent Retort from

■ Drill Operator■ , • tory.

. -Uofavornblo report mode by stato nnd ^sfcdofftl gooloKlats on proipocta fo r Bccurlng commercial supplioB of havo

■ pottoloum or natural gas In Bouthera auton Idaho, Issued by tho Idaho bureau of ainoB and Rcology, w ill not a ffect ^ , tbo acllvitloB and .plaas o f dr^Iers ■ and the ir financial backers in. the OOOBO creek region la ' tlio v ic in ity o f ±

'O a k le y . ' " W.When advised o f tho publication of

th is report Saturday, D. P. Carpenter, trlio almost four yoars ago put down T w l the f irs t boro fo r o il in tho Goose , Creek region and who is now engaged w ith other flnonolal backora in the sinking o f another woll w ith in a short distancp o f tho f ln t , declared:

< ‘ Ptieilcatlon o f tho geologists’ Pm opinion as set fo rth In the ir report day makes mo all the more confident that wo aro going to bo successful in our , search here fo r o il in commorclal qnnntlties.

“ The'cxperts once turned down the fho i wholo stato o f Texas, and adviied owno that persons' engaged In the search ns tl fo r o il there were wasting thoir C«i m oney." ' accor

P o in t to Orippla Oroek In this connection t t was pointed

out also by men here who havo ob- served activities iu tho Oooso Crook region w ith considorabld in tw cst f^iat ' motaliurgisU and geological expcrti , . had oDoo doclarod tha t search for precjous metaJji-ln H)e Cripple Creek, Colorado, d is tric t waa a hopolcsa un- dertaking. i l i . i

Tho controversy thus inaugurated ,, botweon tho geofoglsta on tho one , hand and tho o il aookera on tho other {,Is o f iotorest hereabouts principally by reason o f hopes b u ilt on tho , pog- sfblHty thnt devclopmont o f .o i l to- sources that may be dlncovored w ill contribute to tho wealth and upbuild* ing o f this region. Operations in both Gooso Crook entorpriicB aro be- ing conducted w ithout tho aid o f (},(, . Idaho investors’ money. .n

D rilling o f tho f irs t well in the gton Goose Cfook region fo r whnt is known' ^jbb!

'aa the West Pearl intorosts was begun mflto In 1S20 by M r. Carpenter. Tho log gci

' o f-th ls woll has never been made pub- ainnc .-Uc, although M r. Carpenter has stat- iats ed here tha t oil sand was dlseovorod thnt at a depth o f aomo 1300 foot, and thnt nliHs water encountered a t a lower -depth JiUei Is believed to havo shut o f f a possl- i t bio flow o f o il. lho 1

Jodgmvnt eomnTho fact tha t M r. Carpenter later

returnod to d r il l a second w ell w ith in ^. a short distance o f tho f irs t is regard*

od aa strong ovidonco tha t in hls judgment thoro is oil In paying quan- titles to bo found there. M r. Car* ponter has mado* o il well d r illin g and „ the search fo r o il his l ife work and ” >J baa had oxMrienco in oU fields throughout the United SUtes.

I t ia known tha t prcparationa have ” “ been made fo r a m um ption o f aetiT* « i t y on tbe f ir s t w o ll w ith a view to the pospibiilty o f oacounterlng oU at • lower lovel. Some weeks ago there was unloaded at the woll >7.000 worth * o f n«w casings to be used ia this "I,,, ' work. > «

______________ __ ing


Oolmel G9h«« H . a «m tloaA m y Oniaa<tor, O p tt is . TeorSftyt B*TiTal ICaMaxa H e n . _

Lieutenant Colonel Ooorge H. Davis, Salvation Arm y crusader, from Snn Francisco, arrived in tbo c ity Saturday

. afternoon and began ’.is ten days’ re- v iva i meetings in the Lnvcring theater Saturday night. who

“ I f yo th«n bo n u n w ith Christ, seek thoso things whirh are above,’ ’ waa tlu5 text from tho irr ip tu ro chosen W the colonol fo r his opening sormon.I lo stated thnt the word “ i f ” ehangod many things and in carrving his nrgu- ment to a condusion, stated thn t “ i f aomo mon were better hutbands thoir wives would I.e bettor wofaen. I f somo women wero better n ivM , tb e lr hus- banda would bo botter men. T lic same “ ^1 'applies to parents and thoir children,” “ K® he continuod. • In

“ Psnco and purity arc the two things every m an .n ilff woniun should slrivo W ill after. They aro tho cwcnco o f Chris- -Abb t in n lty ,” ho concluded. ^oy

Captain Hoiightnn, in chnrgo o f the local Snlvation Arm y jiokt, nnnoiincoil tlm t 8er\-lcp« would be held in tho Lav ering thoator tomorrrw r.t 11 a. m.. T, 2:no p, m., 0:15 nnd H n ’cloek. Sor\iPc« w ill also bo held evorj' evening next 50 t week.

________________ mESTABLISHES INNOCENCE ij',;Joseph Bennett Gomes from N enda ^

to Prore He Is K o t Ma<i Wanted „ fo r Issuing ricUUons Check , ^

Joseph Bennett, in probate eourt hero Batnrday, ntabliahed his innorenrc of g t i l l t in connection w lih the alleged l«- auanco o f a fic titious check drawn in

. fa \o r n f an individual-bcnring his namo , i and which was passed Juno 11 on the I Diamond, Ilardwaro company horo. Ben- ^ nott, who ia ■employed ' by W illiam j, Jfoops in highway construction work in Nevada, returned w illing ly to Twin

, Palls to prove his innocenco following “ * -h i* .a rres t n t K lko in connection with -tho case, F . 1). Ilunt^ a t whoso In­stance tho complaint tl> tho caso .was a issued, in court-doelared tha t Bennett H w u s o t tb'o g u O tj persons. Bennetfr le f t Saturday evening, lo tum lng to bis employment.

Chamber o f Commerc Crossing P rincip t

[low many cars In rhe course o f n eratori y w ill cross tbo Intersection o f Mainonuo ond Shoshone streot in Twin ‘ 1 - 'Or, moro strictly, porhnps, how many thoso inos-, in a day w ill tho . intcracotlon ever p.crossed by automobilistsf ' W itl

Tho question is one thnt is likelyappeal to tho interest'ns woll ns the quosti(

rioslty o f most Twin Palls cltizon<«; stoodcause i t comprehondM something moro u n til < an a guessing contest. ‘Upon tbo qn* Intersi'er moy depend, fu r inslaace, n fa ir possodsn IIS to tho number v f motor car* urday

Tw in , Fnlls and :iurrounding terri* tha t tlry. Or, I f a count wo'fo kept w ith poriodat idoa in viow, i t might shod n vehichvoaling li f l* t on tho **xtrnt o f tourist inters* ixvol through Tw in Falls. I t m ight Ded,vo -ono phase o f CKpeclal Interest to have 1 itomobllo men and scrvico stntloa op- to wh

;alls on Tourists Q|| to Keep P arkX lean n ■■win Palis OommlBBioner Bn- dorses Campaign Lannohed by M otorists ’ League YCflj

— tnPark Oommlssioner W. H. Dwight to- — ly recoived a lo ttcr trom Seerctnry arlo n . McHugh o f tho Motorists’ enguo for -Countryside Prescr\‘atlon, The 1th headquarters in Now Yprk, urging “ 10 cooperation o f local automobUo wners in a^campalgii to “ clean up

Commissioner Dwight is in hearty :cord w ith tho lengiie, o f which Prcd ? f» ^ lent Harding Is hon')rary hoad and ' iroo membors o f tho '^abinot nro mcm* > i L-ra o f tho national committee.The object o f tho league, Commis-

ioner Dw ig lit snid, i- to in s till in J*"®” . lb motoring publie a soriso r,t stow* , ,_ rdship and responsibility. Investlga* J,” ® J ons conducted n t moiiy ]>olnts hm’o ‘ roved tho-prevalonso o f nn unthinkin.7 ?r °fi ractlco of litte ring the conntrvside ith rubbish. The rapid growth tu 10 number o f motor c.'irj and tho peo- lo who tako. their vacations In cnr»IS resulted in a real mcnnco to the pVi ixtural beauty o f the countryside; hlle the damage dono h j fires started •om tho earolesflly tnfnwn clgnretle !?„ ub costs tho country in lllions o f dol-ir>As Is tho cnso hero !>ome control can ^

9 ha<l over v is iting :notorlsts through ' 'r P “10 pork commission, h i t n ftor nil It I realized the only effectual w n ^ fo ;op the prnctlco o f Jenylng litte r and jbbish is through .in appeal to tho ■ lotoring public.Secretary McHugh invited Commis , *

ioner Dwight to enlist locnl motor- Its in the leagne. Jle pointed out hat the Icoguo has n j due»—tho only hllgatlon .is n promise to refrain from ? , ttering stopping places in the future.I t wns suggested abo thnt either

lie pnrk commissioner, tho ehamberof immerce, or gnrago •■wncra who bon- f i t from tho trado o f'tourists, ihstaTi

number o f barrcln or refuse rocep- ^ iclcs a t suitnbio lo;:atlons in the vl- in lty o f Tw lu Palls. Stencllo for larklng the rocepto''tc4 wUh tho nauio f the M otorists’ League may bo ob- / * uined by w riting the league rtt 11£> ?7. POrtioth street. Now York c ity. I’®*'’' O f the more thnn nino m illion cnn ,

w ted In Amerlcn I t is cstimntod thnt _ , • t least two m illion o f them ore “ on ^ our” daring the sjmmer months. “ Jvery one o f those two m illion should J i . <e members o f the league.

Commissioner Dwight said he would le glad to hear fro iii local motorists I IQ nterestod in th e . r.impaign. Ho has rritten the league In New York offer- ng hls cooperation and pledging tho upport o f local motorists.

T l

- — elect Whon a now and hnndsome screen ties

lero is announced i t is the signnl for throi novie fans to come ear'y, s it late and the ako in a ll o f tho good points u f tho i 4 i ,ctor In o u e s tio n .^ U ie d Lunt is tho Thot tamo o f tho star o f th e legitimate stago Baui »ho w ill mako hla f irs t nppenranco be- busli ore patrons o f tho I ’iillio theater on ilondny and Tuesdny in “ Backbone,’ ’ c{,}ni he b ig sjl^cinl o f tho Distinctive Pic- ,,„to ures corporation, which is being dis- toro rlbutod through Goldwyn..

Lun t is reputed to be tho hand- caug omest actor oa tho stago today. Ho 8 twenty-eight years old, six feel two nches tn ll, broad shouldered nnd dark. . >Vhen ho played the t it lo role in 'C larence'’ on BroaiUay threo years CI igo ho bocamo famous overnight. on t

In addition to L»nt. Edith Roberta Is wngi n tho cast o f “ Bnoklnne, ” along wiJh rond ■Villinm B. Mack. Frank Evans, Marion justi M)bott, Oeorge MacQuarrle, James I), ing ^oylo nnd Charles Pang—tru ly a dis- Rtat inctivo group. Miss I{ni>erts'ls moro whei icautlfu l than ever in this picture, hood

------------------ -------- PrelTako a qunrt o f ITcrht & Ramlio's empi

rich rronmy ice cream home for supper. '50 cents.—adv. -----

:\VANTED—Young b in l dog. State wh.1t you have and iiricc. Aildresa 1317 Sixth avenuo enst.

Beuing A m ta

Manufactured by Chittenden aad Eastman Co., Chicago, established 70 years ago. Moro value fo r lots money.

Low Beat Meana Low Prloet

A. H. Vincent Gompenyn m io T U B B

£07-200 Sboshoso S t Sonth.


ce Cdiints Cars \ WEE m l Intersections' ' j Twinors, aod nnother to tbo average Ml:»a. ‘ - j ' Twin I any ev6nt I t would bc a p re tty II criterion to th o . importanco o f Antoi n PallB f ^ m the atanHpolat o f10 who travel in metor cars fo r w h a t- , Amoi r pufpose. I “‘‘3'i th this considornti^n especially in r, tho Tw in Palls.Chamber'Of Com-' Amoi ce sot oat Saturday to answer tho ition. I t employed checkers w h o , id from 8. o'clock in the morning daiII 8 o ’clock iu 'ho evening o t th ir- irsoction counting tho cara tha t Amoi led. Tho results .vjre complied & it- sturo ay evening, whon i t wns dnnoun<’Oil JO' t tho count showed tlm t during thntiod oxnctly C812 gaso.lno e in tu m irig : Jackides ha4 crossed Tw in F a lU ' control 1 Ju irsoction. |•eductions to be mude from tho fa r t Bcga0 beoa lo ft so far to tho in d iv id u a l; 0,whom i t has been mado known. | Amo

m\m ENTEBmooiSEiiiggmefr Display ;Skill in En- a try to Defunct Institution;; Taking Nothing for Pains I

^Stono,rho Bank o f Hansen ut Hnnsen, F ri- r night was entered by'burglars who cd o f f tho lock o f tho outer door, ced open tho door o f tho Vault, dyna* “ „;ed tho safe and bro«o rpen 15 safety , ^ “ t >oslt boxes and io f:, according to hostes lounting mado Saturday by tho shor- , w ithout anything o f vnluo os d > '’onui rard fo r the ir efforts. Tho b u rg la ry - ^ ’* belioved lo havo been the work [omait exports. Tolograp'! .md telcplionu “ '

cs entering Hansen wero sevt'rcd. Pf^cjen0 burglars completed the ir undertak- Ayleo ; w ithout Tcttructing. attontion nnd J'^nve; larted w ithout leaving a finger p rin t other trace that m ig iit lead to tbeJr "Ooth ntifieation. Tho burglary was not « covered u n til Saturday morning, and lowed » sheriff's office roceivod word of1 occurrence whon n Hunsun resident ' cptioned from K imberly. iJ V , jj 3vldont sk ill w itti which th ii^b u rg * '•"• ‘Js performed the ir 'vork loads tho ’leers to .be lieve tha t the b u rg la ry Now i s tho work o f cjkWriencod Rafe*i' ickers; but in ono respect thcv seem 1 v Con hnvi* fa iled in th e ir calculations ;Kugor

patently tliev neglo-.ted to in form Mary mtsolves o f the fac? tha t tho Bank A lvor Hansen wns elosod Inst December urday

/the state commlss'onor o f finance, north. .0 has slnco been In control o f its out it faiss. (ingly3horiff Pinch, who mado a thorough n cryi restigntlon Saturday o f the robbery nnd n itnd tha t tools cspcci.illy adapted added r tho work must h n v j boen tfaed b y 'th u r a yeggmen. An cxn*,)slve tha t prob*|ITolmi ly waa nitroglycorlno, wns used in and : >wlng open tho door o o safe, a guest'10 having boon d r il lo i near tho lock Irw in r this purposo. A soft stilistaneo ro* In s i nbling soap also wna used in connec* .soveri in w ith tho operation. 'noon. Safoty deposBt box?s w<*t>> fbrccd attem en, hoavy steel tongues holding th c j;ks. being bent in tbls-operation. |I t Is bolloved that ihero was nothing hQ|,of

vnlue In any o f the safety doposlt , xos that were opened. One man who.w nH i Id the key to a box ImmodJatoly be-!ajfnrt w another that had boon removed, q{iy , ssessed himself a fter tho robbery o f j number o f deeds and Insurance poll*'fonte ' ?s which bo bnd le f t in safe keeping

I • or. J a fter


----------w idanea o f W lU iun Thompeoo. bour, Tb ird ATtnae Eaat, Target fo r Balt D ttilng B rie f Storm Qrodi

Lightn ing during a b r ie f thunder* orm here Saturday afternoon putectric ligh ting and cooking fac ili- QnPS momentarily out o f commission Warironghout conslderablo sections o f nirnl.0 c ity, and stn ick tho residoneo a t Thon11 Third avenuo east o f W illiam atead hompson, colored porter fo r the plant augh build ing and other Tw in Palls their isinoss blocks.Tho bolt, s tr lkU g tho roo f noar the cnrslimncy, toro o f f somo shingles and thoseitored tho llvlag-room, whoro i t there iro papers to fragments and per*>rmed other frea lo tricks, w ithout Thiiising a fire . Besluoats o f tho houso Busltere away from bomo a t tho tlmo. weok

W IL L H E A B WAOE O A H B . \CHICAGO,' Ju ly 21 lyp)— Arguments Ca» tho requests for sncreases in tho the inges o f the clerical fuces on flH rail- whetlads.of tho country nnd on tho nd- someistment o f In ^u n lit ic s in tho work* centilg rules, w ill be heard by the United a rolates roilrond labor hoard Monday ico <hen ropreseutatlvos o f tho Brother- 10cwd o f Railway and Hlcnmship Clerks, townreight Handlers, Station and Kxpress andnployes appear boforo rho board. ago.-

B A S I L IT O D . ^

ID A H O FAvs.


A th le tic Park . . . .......................

Proceeds o f t i l ls game to pay Athletic* Park.



■ : ■ V ■


lEK JX BU L L E T m OP M l l f iT W IN PALLB O A K A L 00 .

Satnrdajr, J tily 21, 1BS3 ' ■In Falls canal ' diversions- a tl l l n e r ___________ 3,510 sec. f tia Falla canal capacity a t M il- T a lO Bler ..........................3600 see. f t . 'lount wasting over M ilnerla m '--------------------- .1190 aee. f t . taU(lOunt o f stored wator used to­lay ______________':_B10 see.. f t . ,---------

louat o f stored water in Jack- ^1 Lako ______ ..J)5,000 acre ft .lount o f stored water usod to Iato .....--------------3170 aero ft .

lount. Twin Fnlls %rago . now^. In - |fackson Lako '- .o i^ a o aero f t . -

i;kson Lako- reservoir- filledluno 22, 1023. Am ount...___ Sutu:............................M7,480 ac?c f t . ono likgan using stored water Ju ly lovers;), 1023, noon a:uount drawn to dato._____ i t Is i

............ ...........05,470 ncro f t . as mai----- — Twin

ired wator o i hand__ __________ comfor...... ...... ^ .....-...752,010 aero f t . <op nt

./ J. C. WHEEaiON, I ’if th i General Manager. for

/ I I k a

^ ' E ! “

J o c i e t y g011t * r b 7 H n . s . B •WlnUmfc .

T d . p w a « . ■

ivoral parties havo been glvon the tim t 1 woek compllmenttng Miss V iv ian croaali

0, who leaves today fo r hor homo musle 'Tampa, a fto r aponding some timo aftern ['win Falls as tho liouso guest o f q I Ayleoa Booth. Among them wns populn ollgatful swimming pnrty a t the t t ” w ith Miss vuna McNew as gented est. A fto r tho plung‘d tho partv goclatl jred to tho McNew homo on Sixth ,Hgno8 lue east whoro ii .-picnic lunchoon served on tho lawn nnd tho jniests (lyj tj,

lined fo r o< slumhr.r party followed Tho i I breakfast In the morning. Those, eeptei] ont^worih the Missos V iv ian Stone, nomtri eon Booth, Nova Clanr, Imogeno 'g«cret: ■•on, Mnry Bnlloy nnd Mny Prank- o f tho

On Friday evening Mrs. C. E. win o th gave a plunge partv n t Artesian ^lisi Stono'k honor. T liis wns fol- m h id by a picnic supper. On Saturday ting Mrs. Boy A. Rend was hnrtesii I 1« I dinner party w ith »Ilss Stone as > ^ honored guest. Covers woro also for Mrs. C. E. Bootn .md the Mlssos Bac

een Booth, Nova Clnar, Anna Me- Prone r nnd Imogeno Craven. roturr

ButteunitdimcnUng her house guests, Mins ;onia Cruxen o f Holse, and Miss He| y Thompson o f Cnldwell. Miss Mny ono o ord entertnined w ith n ten on Sai- Falls, ly afternoon at her home on Sixth ness l ;h. A roso color srhemiv, wns carried for s In the decorations fn r tho charm- v appointed tnbh«. Swoet peas In On r’ystnl bowl formed tho centerpiece. 0. Rn rose cnndles-in'cryatnl candlesticks A. N.

cd to tho general effect. Mrs. Ar- weoki r J. Peavey and \flss Ramona sprln( mes poured. M ary Blanche White

Betty Lou Peavey received the L ie i«ls nt the door, nnd Miss Dorothy cense in nnd M»ss Polly Thomns assisted fico i ijr r ln g . Miss Clnru TCnll re'ndoreil Cecil •ral piano aolos during tho nfter- prlnc n. About th irty -five guests wero in mdance. Eni

---------- .. bio GCrs. H n rrj' M ylar the guest o f enter or nt a charming Lridge party F ri- homo

afternoon, giv^n by M r*. J. B. Kimb illams a t her In tho Reed rtments. The rooms were artistic- Lei ■ denoratod w ith sweet peas. Mrs. partn Paul Johnson wa* the successful wrig: testant fo r high score, nnd Mrs. famil lar waa given a miscellaneous show- davs

A two-course luncheon Was served Salt sr the games. -Tho guests were nbera o f Mrs/ M y la r ’s bridge club, H « I a few o f her Intimate friends, nud piack luded Meadames I. H. Tavlor, J. E. arrivt dsen, A. Alexander. J. E. Kalman, ist. i i i itv in , Ernest Whito, A lv ln Har- {iveni ir, Bay Brown. W. ]. Tlclm, C. V. orcha ikle, J. Paul Johnston, and Mrs. Bert Kile o f Fort Glbsou. Okla. jv i

■ ~ pcrinANNOUiroBM HNTB - who

■ — - the ))n account o f the- Chautauqua the eatol If Mothers w ill hold the ir annual apenc nic a t the country homo o f Mrs. imns Irw in on Fridav. J u lr 27. In- ad o f Wednesday, aa provloualy ■ nned. Each one w ill pleaao bring •ir own dishss and ailverware, and . et in tho park a t 10 o ’clock, where -s w ill bo. waiting to convoy all ISO who have no way o f getting ire.

rhere w ill bo no lunchoon fo r the siness oad Professinnnl Women this ok.

lOE OBBAU.-an you ton by tho laste whether • sweetening is augur or glucose, or etitcr tho flavoring is the best or IIO chemical imitation,' o r tho per- itagc o f cream ustd t I f tou are I roal judgo you w ill apj.rectato our

cream and.-sltcrbo's, 50c quart;1 at tho tables. Cosiest placo lu j m. Herbst & Rambo's, Tw in Falls | i Buhl. We appreciate your patron- I \ —adv. I


iL L S

. .G a m e c a lle d 3 o ’ o lo o k

.y o f f in d e b te d n e s s in n e w

s ic lo w r s g e t "'on® F ull Day’s T rea t 0, ^

— ----- DM* 0<a ted 'S inge r and^prches- l1 Quartet DeUght Ohan- one o f iqna Andiences . a poker

■ t . the eorno■■■“ avonuo s«

M O K P ilY /S SPBOOiaAM S i ” * p ,

:30 p. - m.—Cartoon-locturo;- th ^ V itr ^ trlco tftuart Wollcr. gonerous'

p. m.—Address, “ The Be* to sotUo isanco o f European Civilira;: majristrat I, ’ ’ Tom Skoyhill, receatly ro- ^n i the jpd ,from Europe. ostabllsh(

i - . I gamblingno monej

urday’s Chautauqua program was • Police koly to appcal*e8pcclaliy to music M»sed f l i; but, i f tho attendance after- o f *-0 t and evening is .i ?l«poudablo guide, *l>o total evident thn t tnore nro u t least Police

any. musio lo vo rj in' and oround or tS in Falls as ean uo neeommodatcd raided,

>rtobly !n the big. I.rown canvas t tho cornor'o f Sc'.-ond street and — i avenue oast, tha t hns been orect-

r Chautauqua.a vnriod ropcrtoiro, ranging from ar to classic numbers, Jnmes Ham- Amurican ly r ic tonor, nv^he'evcn- • . . .

Iiold his dolightod hearers spoil- ' Unless 1 fo r more thnn an hour. Bursts >a Califo iplauso follow ing carh number at 'was annt 1 to the pleasure that was tho eral serv r 's g if t to tho auiieneo. Polls piolis ting artists wero tho Ctmrles momln;^, tell M ixur orchestral quartet, well Monday n eastern chamber music group, obapel hi haa been organixed to meet in- dor tho

ing domnnd fo r better things in Woodmoi The quartet^ proaentod th o , fu ll

noon performance rendering stand* and classical works aa well as tlar number^ havloc h

Chautauqua numbers w ill bo pre- • _ d Sunday, but t h j Chautauqua ns ®tlon hns ploeod the big tent a t tho —Baltun oal o f tho M in is to ila l A ^ c ln t lo n . . .i-u..— inlon services, heretofore hold dur* ho summer season la the c ity park, association’s .o ffe r hns been ne- /

•d, and the spoa'cera. I t Ih nn- red, w ill bo J . C. l'<lllon, Interafatc Iitnry o f the vOcegoii-Tdaho district I10 Y. M. C. A., nnd Sccrctnry Good Io f tho orgnnlzntlnn for Idnho. I

^ e r t y o B L d T I it vw k from Business T rip— W. 1*. ygich o f tho V ic to ry gnrago bosmod from a business tr ip to .•e, Montana. W ol|

spt Home b7 Hlness—A Oulbcrtr a n t o f tbo plonoor residents o f Twin t, Is confined to his homo by ill* from which ho hns beon suffering • ■

somo weeks. I Ifl1 Oatlag T r lp ^ i l r . and Mrs. E.[nines nnd fam ily , accompanlod by i. Bailoy, w il l spend the noxt two <s on an outing at Easloy hot igs on Wood river. _ _

.cmatA to Wed— A marriage 11*0 was issued Saturday at tho of*o f tho eountrr recorder hore to 5

1 J. Dollmnn, 22, and Jennie H. ^ ee, 18, both o f Buhl.

ataeartaiit a t P icn ic—Tbo Past Ko* ' Grand club o f tho Bebekah lodge rtalnod n t a picnic supper a t tho0 o f M r. and Mrs. W. B. Hoag on A ibcrly road on Thursday evening. M

WT0 fo r VlB^t— A. Dayzley, de* Hmeat manager fo r tbe W. H. ■ght and Sons' atore hore, w ith his ■ily has le ft to spend the next ten W1 v is iting relatives and friends In >

Lako and Ogdss.

aro Por V W t—M r. and Mrs. H. R. \ :k and ehildren o f ^u lt la n d , Idaho,ved today to v ia it at tho home o f "^wheand Mrs. J . A . Johnson, on F ifth or -

luo north. M r. F lack is a prominent . modiardlst o f F ru itland. tlon

rom Pocatello—M. C. M iteholl, su* m _ ; ntondent o f Tw in Fnlls schools. 111 I is a t present on tho faenlty of summer school being held a t Po*

llio, camo in Saturday and w ill Plto id Sunday hero.




This machine melts and deposits In cylli oraoks a metal fil l in g whlcb amalgamates and becomes a part o f It.I t is not a welding machino for joining which there is a breaking or torsion stri stance.This machine operates electrically, dcpo metal Into either tho scores or cracks. There aro no conncction jo in ts n fter tho a perfect union of metal to motaL Cracked water jackets o f ovcry descripti being removed from the car.Gas engines, steam engines, hot wator ba also steam radiators— In fact anything mi paired by th is machine.Out-of-town work w ill hnvo our prompt nl Phone or w rite fo r prices. Wo w ill glndl desired.

V ic to ry Garage and 1W. P. FRENCH, Pro

Pbone 225B 420 ^

NG, JU LY-22, 1923.

NIGHT POKER GAME v IN STREET SROKEN UP ^A ir OitobUag Beings xntfosta- «• OonMQiuncM. fa r X tto « f i « ig 8po r« when o m e « App«txa-.

( o f iL group o f parcielpants In leer game under an aro lig h t a t •{orner o f Th ird atreet and Fourth Ile south that was broken up at 1 -2 o ’clock Satnrdaje. morning

Police O ffU er Del EodnUton ed on,.the aeene ia -^ prisoner in ity Jail awaiting tho advent o t a ■oua friend or the lapse o f time cttlo his score w ith the polico strate, a secoad one got away, the th ird was paroled when ho dished the fact that he was not ding fo r tho reason tha t he had loney. V' Ilice Magistrate S. D. Davis s/a- Id fines against oach In the sum 25 together w ith costs, bringing total score, up to $30. lieo sjty tba t there was only |7 i in evidence when the game wan id,

F D i r e S A M I

Henry B. Carr, dosa word o f the wish o f fho oen ^ ifo rn la to attend is roceived. i t ^ announced Saturday evening, fun - •. services fo r Henry B. Carr, Tw in I pioneer, who died oorly Snturday l in i, w ill bo hold nt 2:30 otclock day nftornoon at the .1. R DoWltc « l here, and w ill h : conduetod un- tho ausirices o f the local cnmp,

dmon o f the Worl^. ^

aettlng R|d o f the ftuHer. lot to g ir ls ; I f yoo get tlrod of Of hiiD tronad, the noa t effoctlre ^ (0 mend n a tte n I t to m arry him.

iltlm oro Sun.

H i j ;it will pay you to bring JS your cream. Correct wei'giits and tests. Pres­ent price 41c.

Lincoln Proihice Go. ^



When you bavo a watch, clock or jewelry to be repaired, at moderate prices and satisfac­tion guaranteed, bring i t to

Trimble & Umbangh [JBWBLBBS

PltODt 86*W f « Oorroct nm e

ATTENTION!]Car Owners, Garage

Men and Auto Repair Shops ^

I havo Installed a


MACHINE "cylinder scores or wntor jacket latos w ith tho original structure

ing broken or cracked parts in strain, sueh as frames, for In*

depositing special non-oxidizing

tho operation is comploto—It is

riptioa can bo repaired without

r backs in stoves and fumocot, g mado of cast iron can bo rq*

[)t nttentlon.;lnd ly give you any Information

1 Welding W orksProprietor

20 Main Avenue'South

' ♦
