TWIN VOL. I. H0.87B. lOfflBS p FOLlllS! lltlfilG ----- WL . Twenty-Four Out of 200 Strlk- ers Run Gauntlet of Pickets’ col Lines and Take Up Jobs in cm Strike ClosedJexlile-Planls SOPB, E. V «V -A ,f?w brok- w s «B Itaad) nm ilsM ted»jT'u ton* , tt Toolxs of ;«st«sdA7'i flnt'tU m vt V i ■ta -iBOpen .q tto g .mtlli, plowd by tl)9 strUci nuriy alx woaki kgo. . Ueaawbat tba »6- ' Uast ware deUttd ttontghort tba ^irl FAWtncket and BlMkitoae TiUeyt v b m nuriy 17,000 teztUa work- atmm. .' The j-xperlmcnt woa dceidod upoa when DQiIiaUoo broke throagh < 'wfiual nf beth mill owner* and strik l.g ers to BObmlt thoir differencM to thfl tlialm&n' ol lho slate .board At medi*' '- .v j tion bnd meUUtloD. Msnoftmrenf ' naialolned that & Inrgo pcreootago of ' tho operai}vei deilrcd to work at tlio ^ per «-enl roduetlon in worm nnd tho - . Ineroaicd working achedutp offcrej LIcl them. • W«4nc»day ntRht oveticcn ol v tho Hope mlili mnde n houso to bou<e '‘canvtu^ inviting operative* to report for duty^Thurgday. raornlng. . ' • At hoff'pa»l'’«!i‘‘'Vorker8 began tu drift townrd tlio mllln atid word greot- j„. ed will* je«n. UUltlo. moved lu to fonn Jlnea paralleling tho pieketer*. . Then f,i.- tho first tlnio In weeks tho mill .wWitlei Mundod, rajl.lng tho oper* atlvo* to, work. Twonly-fonr in all out of a working force of 20O- ran the gaunlVet ct plckcU lo gel to lho plant, . an Conference at Denver W orks ' u< Out Plan of Co-operation lbr , Sale of Product on Giaantic r , Scale of Operation. -, Drav£B, m - X Eai of all tbe. state M eat growers’ eo^p- ^ emtlVB •oelotle* on tho 100 per cenl pooling t'Un, to. b» knowB'as tho Am- . oriein. Wheat Orowcri’ Associated, re- ■ulted from b lerics of conforenCM . | w hiti ended totoy toomVrtnblp Be roprcwaW in tho.-organliatlon, ae- .thi cording to lU of(U f«,„ eontroU-bJ- ed - tween 7.%0IJ0,000 and 00,000,000 btuho« »i , ofr wbeat jn d thli costrol will bo fnr- "e N ther augmented, t t ^ a ^ d , as vnrloQ* at Malw, now lithoi la tho piotcu of ot‘ ' tei ganirlng (>r contemplating organising,' pp complete tbelr work. ; I b add'flctt to the formation of thii «ci , gigantic Moling plnn for conlrollin:{ all tbe flow orwhent from tho producer to dii tio eOMuwtr, t ^ «oBf«tcoco'resulted in rcmoviiu the' antagoniitm thftt ha* p been grbwing. between tho various state or(,'an!utloni and the United etatfi Grain Growers', Inc., it wa* an- nounced. - TIjo deltils ot lho foderatlon’provide for tho eslabllsbment of a zonln;t «7»- . Um for tho handling of wheat. Tho « federation will .funcUon as soon as n 1“' lono, cowUting of two or moro state je lorganlMtlon* is formed. 'WnXBBnB&TZOVS i|f o r FEDBEATJON , . H, Tho Northwest Wheat Grower* asso- tri ' ' .ciatloa DOW is organised nnd.ba* beon tb ojjomtlag for twojroar* and is tbo first cll - sone of tho federation. co Another detaU of the. organlcatlon provides tfiat each stato organlislloo gQQ will retain its individual organliatlon, tho national federation^ being pledged . not to absorb tho power* of tho vari- ou* states. The national foderatlon, . , howoioT; wlU teahallM' tJkO aeU'!l««» “ ' of tho vnrlons stato soeioties and would handle all details of exporting grain and 'finding foreign narketa for the wheat ® grown by the membon of the aociety. f , ’ Ingti '• ErPLOttBR'a WIDOW MABEIB8 LOND-JN, (ff) - I ^ y Scott, widow of Cnptaln. Bobert P. Beolt, U>o,Aat. AW nritli'cxplurer,, who wltb fo'ur otljfir 'II, tnembora’or hls.'party, perished dtrrlng Judi a hllMnfil wbllo returning from tha Dull Bo'ilinRlo- cfttly In 1913, 'nanicd al t! today to Lieutenant Commhndcr_ B. tics . ' niUon Young, finnneial secretary of whe lho ■tr«*ury. Acsten Charaberlain, tcm] irovcromtat leader In tho bosio of refu . commona gate the brido away. ‘ test! THE-ONLY ASSOCI ») FAI Convicts Howl and i as Flames Eat int Scenes of Wild Excitement Atteo< Valued at Qoartor Uillion at I( flevon Convicted Mtu-dere: POET MADISON, Iowa, (fl^Prlsonen liero bent upon tbe bara of their rrlla and ye when flro caused damngcs cKtlmntcd at )S3 the priion walls. "There goes your ol(T]irl*0D,” and "L to guards who tried to <iulct them. Seven convicted murderer* in tho deatli colls without troQblo wheu tbo firo spread Tbo blaeo destroyed the chair faetoiy) t caused hea>y damnges to the point shop; thi dining rooms, kltelien and the ohapeL At 11 o'cloek tho prison firemeo bad it \T e n e ra b ie T e le p h o r H a s N o P e t H oli Birthday of Alexander Oraham Boll Still a t the Bench— M any Ohani of Original'Patent i{ [iad o f F o u rte e n v r -T ak es O w n j S e ^ in F it o f A n g e r ____^ .: iiro- Detroit Boy oPFistic Propensi- ties Suicides' Batiier Ttian Attend School - ” ''W ’■ - ■ its a< DETllOIT, ilieii., (ff) - Resent- Ing nnd brooding over his father’s ^ »pcreni|itory. order tb*t he mint pou- 1'“®“ ' tinne to attend aehool, Arthtir Cole- man M year* old, ikot and killed ^h himielf in hls home' hore thli morn- ing. , ‘«'eP' A Mttor f|uarrel In sanl to hate * rerolteil from the lather’s order. ® In a noto tho boy loft he Uado bl* father Cnnit stepmother forewoU and added: “I want to soo mother.'’ . Young Coleman' joined In fnmily V raytrt befbra rrtlring last - ‘ . and M oordlflr-to4tla«th6f,,t«iNtf : ‘ ibflut;i»t:b*4 n^tU.4 o'docktkli:' ft.iiflj, Jay. lja^ on tbrt bod loai'' '“I ahot' hWself , throagh tbo abdo-. “bool .nioB."; Cftlamin' w s . a pupU • In Cas* • “ oro Tech'Ugh school and wa* notod P>>oo' . among lils follow pupils for his fls- _ lic"prowm“ ' ' T ~ ^ A baent Members to jy| Given Sermons , , by Wireless Phone, EadJo Set) to io JrtaWnhed at! Ohoroh Exponso if Pendin; Experiment Succeeds S?BACU8E,- N. Y., (ff) - The i Bev. Jkm ara tD. Clanien, paator of tho PlmlUaptlKt^eJmTch, announe- ed todayj that radio sets wonld bo , F establhbed In the bome of. avery | q " shnt-ln” |m ^ber of.the cburcb ■I « at the pxponie\if tho church if a ♦, tost Tieit Sunday n^Rht fthaaU I prove Jitl^ffwtory. j.. Ho plunn.to proneh n 10-mlnuto sermon whirb can be picked up by all station! wllliln a 40.mlle ra- ‘i"’- ' \m Enraged Husband . ;ewti Shoots Wife and Commits Suicide Bm. I A. li^WTON, Mass., (/p) — Enrag- 'nimlt ed beraiiso his wife stnyei) out filed Into at 0 movie, Wi'Jinm T. Gar- .'made vey shet and killed her, wounded Mr*. Iw ls G. Atwood, n young MAI wnmnn linnrder, nnd took hla own DT I lifo h it night. A 17-yenr old son, pf Haymond, and two otjier children, pens] tried t'j ntop their fnther, ono of . eemii the girla jumping nt him. Physl- toda; ciaos aaid U ra Atjrood would ro* Th cover. the ------- _____ Mboui BOOIBTT WOHAN ELHCTEOCtlTBD tn Pl OMAHA, Neb., (ffV“Thero wlU ba mem no inquMt, tho county aftornev an- nonnced, into the death‘lalo, yesterdny Keni jf Mrs. Prnnei* Dcvcrcux, prominent •eat, Omaha o-iciety woman, who waa oecl.,a«»P< ilenlnlly cltctroeuted in n.bath tub by «nl an electric heater. Mr*. Dovereux w w ll“at a danghfe- of Edward B. Clark, Wash- atoel Ington, T). C., correspondent for th# tho I Chicago 'Evcnltig Poit. - Af ^ TVpti AJXEOBt HreDEEBR aiaBAiBin) ' HAMILTON. Ont.. (ff) - Countv Judgo Siiider today released Mntthow Dullockl Ameriean negro, who -was held &l tU«e>\\ic»t of United Statei authori- tics for fxtraditlon to Ndrlina, N. C-, where he i» wanted on a eliarpe of at- tempted murder. Tho southern state refused to send witnesses to Canada to iq testify In extradition proceeding*. tic k : iated press newsp LLS ......?— . I I . TWZHrAIX8.IDAB0.mD d Beat oji Bars fj nto Prison Home tend Destmotion of Prbperty kt Iowa State Penitentiary, . lerers Taken Trom Tire «ner* of the Iowa stato penitentiary id yelled for sov*ral honri early lodoy : »S30,000 to *6veral holdings within I "Lot ua out,V tbo prl*oners‘abdntod CO ieath bloek wero removed-from tielr 'ead to that building, ly, tho largest Industry at tho pri*?n, tho laundry, tailor shop, one of tho ad it under eontrol. » o n e In v e n to r j o b b ie s o n S e rv ice » Joll Finds 7B Y oar Old W orker I hanges Sinoe the Qcanting z itip Year 1876. ^ • V ' - . ' Ko. W AHIllNOION, V. C., (ff)-Tel^ crc phty^ompanles, thoir officials and . sav;'^av6 two special kinds ot Car ranlUes lo deal with among subserib- rlnf Oao is po*aessod by those who de- 1 iiro- sfieclal distinctive number* and flo( tbe other by thoso who wish tbeir com names to appear just »o nnd so in tbo Idi* iUectoTyr 1' TLo National Geographic society, uni irhleU IBs beon digreislng a bit from *a.v. its accWtomed paths to itudy tho sub- for [ect, has /ound, however, thnt Alexan- fhi? ler Grahtm nrll, inventor of tho tole- N nUoue, wUU twlay cclebrnlvd his aev- tjoi cnty-fiftb birthday, poasessrn iieitbur The )f these viinlties.. To provo It, tho so- i-d ■Iety points nut that tbe father of the lolephono appear* thus In tbo WashinK* || :on tolophono directory; II “ BcU, A. Grahtuft (residence) U3l U Connecticut avenue, Franklin 5H." I Tho gosgraphie society, In connee^lon with Dr. boll's birthday alw Is anthor 1 ily for tho statement that the aged ia- I b'dnlof, who still works in bli labora- | lojy dally,'oftott until 3 or < o’eloek ln:Uie,,ra9riiiiip,.8skcTlod inodeitly the iihet-,*^ to offlilal* .of. tb? UnlUd ' / 'I jsUier ^hlak that yon know more ibOBt tho.tclepiiona today thao 2 do.” ' ' Q« tben focaned attentloa^ to tbe ioro tba.i 8000 rtla^ing tfl tile. phooM sineo bo obtained tb* origin’ll patent* In 387®. iilflT ' ilELSj OFIIEiOH i --------- K Two Hore Finns Sent to Join J Financial W recks W hieli t Strew Shores In Money Cen- * ters; Liabilities Heavy , _ "■« . \ NEW YORK, (ff) — Tho whirlpool nf misfortune continued to drag down* iirokcrtga. houses todny. Tho falluro )f Oeor?o \V. Kendrick III nnd com- tha pany of Philadelphia was nnnounced '‘I’ from tho rbstrum of the Now York St^rk ezrhaiige and the Consolidatod ^ Stock exchange announced tho suspen. tbo ilflo of Chnrles A. Bertrand of C. A. *’® Bertrand and Co., of this city. utl An Involuntary bankruptcy petition A t nealast C. A. Bertrand ond Co., was , tliea In federal eonrt. No estimate was made of liabilities and asMta. . tha MAIN o m o B a •J*'' EH PHILADELPHW. J''® PHILADLTiPniArpa. (ff)>rTho su*- pension af George W. Kendrick HT and ? eompany, stock brokers, wa* announced j”’' today . Tho-luijfirtislon wai annonneed on the New York Stock t-xehange, a.. “ ' tbougli the mnln offieo of^ tbe Qnn i* '”5 tn Philadelphia., The ednrem also held ®, membenhip .in the Phlladephia ox- , phange. Membera of tho firm oro 0. W. Kendrick IH, who hold* tho New York seat, and Clareneo H. Clark III. Tlic susjventloa was regarded in loenl finan. ^ dnl elrclni a*, ono of tho most Ihpor- tant of til'! aeries of failures nmonp stoek brokers thnt has oeeurred bere in tho last two weeks. An -.nvoluntary petition in bank- TTJptcy was filea Sn the United Stales district court todny ngaln.it L. A. Ger- toT ion nnd ri-mpany, stock, brokers. No statement of liabilities was filed but eonnsel f'lr creditors said thoy would 1 amount to $125,000 nnd assets abour str ♦55,WW. . ' aw .1 ■■ ■ of IDAHO WEATHBB. ror Tonlnht and Saturday rain or Be' Bnow; warmer tonight aoilth |»r- Ke tlon. . ' , • •• a n fPAPER IN TWIN FALLS DiUL iDAY. UABOa, 3, 1932. m n C IISTSU ffiOF I liPOB": Confiagration in Vulcanizing Works Sweeps Through Property Estimated Worth Cj Four Hundred .Thousand WAOPITN. WI*., (ff) _ Thm women were bomad to deatb, two t: lacga tactotlM baUdlnss burned to ^ the grdODd, one residence was d». ooUshsd and many btUldlngi'd^- aged by a disastrous fire vblcb ... raged litre Ust nlgbt acd early to- day. . ~ m Tht' -woinen ereniuieti iu n factor}- were Mr.. Howard Carney, 27; M'm, ^ Emmn Michael*, -tO, nnd Miss Bcuie ^ Koskock, 2J. Searchers today recov- ered the diarred bodies of Mrs. Carney ind liiss Koekoek. Tho body of Mrs. Camcy was Idcntldod by a wed^n} l a ring. . The 'Ire . broke out 'ou tho sci'on'l k floor of the C. A. Shaler Vulonnlaing ;omppnv following nn erploiloR. Tho Idas 'was utiniaied at flS0,000. How'nril llnrncyr hjisbnad of tlio wo- iic uan wboM body.was recovered, was ia.ved by firemen aftct he lind dmig for 10 iniiiiitM to-a burning nlll on the ;hird flojr. j Nearly ;;0 families moveil^rniture ftom tUolr homes to avoid tho rho total. Iom Iu Iho firo Mnx i-stlmat- .•d nt $105,000. -------— ------------- . d, CTflPEmns i ' IBSETHSUE e aliitiEl P « s lto t Returns House Res- olution on Idaho Lands with ^ "_SuBgestlon'of'fiew"Poiicy1n ~ Future Transactions H WAsmmuoK. ». o, m- President Bardlag nggasted to cengms today tbe ado^Uon of a , policy of definitely dawaiblng all land! ordered transfeirad from tlie pabllc domains for.tha beoefit of pilnta isdlTldnali or of tha for- p. est senrlea la excbtaga for land* wlthio the forett rteerra. tha ntg- i gattloa tu ' made by tba prudent . la Tetoing at tba r»4wat of tba " Idaho dslegatlon, a bonse xwoln- tlon cof«rliv certain laod* In Idaba. . N So much conflict bas dovoloped as a ' resolt of this jact, tbe president'* veto mwaago »ald, a* to whcra*‘tbo lands covered tv 11 ore located, that the son- “'* ator* and rmrrhentatlvea from that itnto requeitod him to veto it In order lhat tho whole question may bo tnken up anew and n fuller underitanding so* cured. . Tho message, which was said tq carry tho sccond voto by tho prnitldont alnce ho took otfcr office,' said in pnrt: smn UtTST DBMmXBB m i ALL s n o n LA1TO8. “ I am intercited to havo this very III npphipriaib opportunity to suggest In that it will be wise to have congress uU give con4lderatlon to the adoption of ^ tho policy of dofinltoly describing all lands aa art' oTderoA.lTaMftnod ftom the public domain for tho benefit of privato .itdivldual* of the forcit serv- ice, la exchange for land wltbiu the forest reservTS. If It is not pouiblo to u.| nrrange fcr an accurate dp«riptlon by tnctea and bound* Ibtrc may bo ftcnuU- ed auch description a* to locality that will Icavi) BO doubt in any mind^reiat* Ing to tlio purpoae.to be sojrcd.'* YOONO WOMAN WA2lTin>. *• BOSTON, (ff) — MU* Elliabcth JJJj] Kenney, ?.t years old, houackcepor and bookkeeper for Arron J. Wright, 70, fon town trMiiurcr of Norfield, was being Dci nought In Boston today. DBtectivei rele had a warrant for her arrost,‘charging Hee lior with Urccoy of 110,000 of tbe 1 town’s money . STBTEKBS ABB BBTUBITINO LONDON, (ff) — The number of Jol strikers rflurninjr to work-in the coal nor and gold mint* of thi> Band dl^ltlcls of South Africa Is growing rapldiy and ^ conditions aro mnrh quieter, ’say* a Beut<r’s dl^itch from Johannesburg, Nearly BOOO’ mon including official?, jj,g are' now back at work. .. bm LSCOUNTY MM BREAKSSILElf ONEVE onis Harvey Church; Convicted of Brut Slightly During Visit of Close F Continued Clear to Last Chapter Pathetic Scenes Mark Closing I CASE DECLARED W I t A IN THE ANNALS OF i OHlOAao. (4 p. n .)—Strapped to a d the .aane comatose aUte In wblcE be>h*s Is slayer of twO' automobile aaleamen, paid afteioooa. •" 0HI0Aa0,'(ff)—After Ijtog onil* eye* or uttering a word, Harrey Obnrch todj fore be la icbaduled to l>a hanged for the br and Carl Aoamas, aotnaobUe ealesmaa whei to “ Bhow off" In hla home town of AdaoA^f A plea from his moiber caused Ohsrdt to Irish OflScial Is - -S Shot to Death in » ChaseAfterThief “ t'" Max S, Green, Chairman of the Prison Boafd, Victim of -Id Civic Unrest ^ lilil,r.\8T, m - 5I«« s. o™ », I,, rhnirnmii of Uio Irish prison board,- ' wos shut nnil killed In Dublin to. day, a Dublin message announces. OIV Ho wjrs a-son-lu-law of the late TO John Redmond, the Iriah national- - j ] W „„ Tlie shooting of Mr. diren oc- {,fQ, curred itirlng n rhnie following a robbery. An official of tbe mints- ' try of pensioos, enrr}-ln{t a eonaid* ^ | erable si.m ofmonoy waa’held up" arai'd raen. wbo look f n ^ him j_ ' .4 bag roBtalaliig eiXI'poanda aal ' ^ . .,>«» .T'l* <»«.• .(Bl ehaao nnd captnrod tbo rojibOTwio had 4ba money'ln^bl* ptisa^oa;'': -:. ..Anotber ot tbe'{Iniagnien fln j • oft Ua poman anil'lt then . > that Oreen wa* itruek hy a ballet ^ot and killed. Another man..wa* *{gi wounded atjhe *amo tlm a. _______ he. __________ r IDSiftt I FII[1I[STB .= ______ her apei Repeal of Six Per Cent Guaran- lee Clause Is Not Pleasing ch” '' ' '"to^eVeral lirfes ’ ' S . V- - y NBW VOBK, (ff) — Bcpresentatlvcs whi of aoveroi railroads will.meet Jicro. on beei Monday tn discuss tho advisability of min seeking u foutl'lesl of the order of tbo pby interstntJ commerce commission direct- tcm Ing thnt 'Cftrnings in excels of G per his cent on their property %*a]ue be turned ditl over to tne government. ' h TIic'Ri«''mer nnd Lake Erie, Chesa- ly f pcake and OUk, the Buffolo, Botbcslct mo-! and PUtsDurgh,. Ihe Union Pacific, rlgh Southern' I'nciflc, Delaware, Lacka- nf I: wonna iind Western, ond numerou* her smnller r-icds, will have representtitivci her ot the poufercnce. hls- ■'' • , Cha siiiPffiisi resu Hunt for Slayers of Tayior'Will Go Back to the Search for Sands --------- . C IXia ANOELES, Cal., (ff) - Unless Bcr ndditlonnl tvidencc against them is ob- „,m tnined, the six men arrested here Wed- i,. neaday .m information purporting to . connect them with tho nurdcif of Wm. ' Dcimnhd-Tpylor, film director, will be released today, according to tho po- tak' Hee. cuf: Their release, it was said, would basi mead tho police had abandoned plnns bod to ancst a seventh man—a motion ptd- turo actor—a' possibility they announc- j,ur ed after i< long nuestioning of Mrs. l.j, John Bui'p, housclcMpcr for Jho men now in custody who apprbed tho de* tecKves wf belief they were in- Tolved >n tho 'Hiylor marder. If the bur alx men nre eliminated from suspicion, tho poliee said, jhey again will havo Chv before them only the problem of try-1 thr ing to locate Edward P. Sanda, mining batler-s.vrctary to Taylor. EW # PBIOB rrra 0BST8 : eofweeks ISJXECIITION rutal Murder of Two, Rallies J Relatives— Foreible Feeding er In Career of Youthful Slayer ig Incidents of Filial Hours ifoV T PRECEDENT 7 MEDICAL SCIENCE a chair and carried to tbe gallov* In IS Uln for week*, H a rr^ w . Oborch, Mid tbe penalty for hla aim a thla Ui cot f9r <0 days without openliv Us today broke hU sU«nc«, fir» boon a bratal muidec «f Bat&aid Baoiftiejty rhom be.bent to daath t«.obtain a car ^Wls. btospeak. “ Yonx father and mother tn here, Harrey,” Warden Wettbtook -teld the coBTjcted man. “ Ymdc •aotbar bep yen to talk to he^^ aad yott hare only fire aor#' botBa to lire, ttm you talk to them?” < The youthful mordtter,- whose twitching aye Ud* bare been tba - only outward algn of Ufe dnrlng his julf.imposed period of silenca tan- -ed'overon one alda and mnmhlftd. ^ “ What did you say7" asked tbe ' .. warden leaning over ths prisoner. 'Tatherandnothep~y*e” came- baek In low bst plalsly tindemood . ' 'wtinU. ' ^ jiVESjJa^urewEB CO QTOBttONS. ’ Thb prisoner tossed back,and-forth' loveral timea aa hi* pareata were ' broughl Into the coll.- -He refused, to aay whether ;ho, would .yolnnUrily' eat his uooB^ay; meal er whether it would ip neeeuary'to <oatinno'the-forcible deeding which baa kept bln‘'iUirB dnr- jpg'ths:banger an4 *ilen<e atrike;' 'IhirinK the vldt of. ^* pmja Ohnrelt-gaTo no-ftttther fceed to'w eir pleas tbat he talk. His mother, iUaett iea-we»k to walk, w u « U t^ td Us ' hadilde. • . -. . "Harvey! «p«skiq;yottt taotherf” ahe said, bnlf tberv-w as'w ''*- (Ign from the motlealiaa prliowr tbat - he.hcard.._,_ --------------' ------- ! ----------------- Hi* father kissed hla twice and-beg- . gcd him to ipeakjut.bi* pleas w m p f nvaii.. Cbm h also rtaaaiael 'illeBt during pleu from his s i ^ -and fren / bis attorneys. A jjd i^ stcr wa* leaving the cell he muttered,^'Si*ter, *lstcr,” bnt then be-- camo silent. ' Mrt. Church collapsed, tailing aeiocs her son’* bed crying, ''H arrey, my bey, speak to me, te!l«lne about it so tbey won't hang yonJ” There wa* no response and Mrs. Church was, carried ^ m the cell, n H ALBBBABTACT • • ' ATIMIWTBTHHWTI . . For breakfast ho was given the whites of threo egga, one-half plat of beef Julco and eae pint of milk, all ad- mlnlsUMd throagh a tube. The jail pbyaltlan in’a bolleUn reported bis temperaturo as 99.2 bis pnlse 70 and his color good.. This has beea bis con- i ditlon for sovcral wttka. / ' Lato lnat jiight Church nibved slight- ly for the '/irst time In mfny days. Thu. movement, turning slowly from . hi* right to the left side, followed a visit . nf bis sister In whieh shs plcodcd with her brothi r to open his eyes; recognlan her nnd-Jiiake a farewell statement for Ills- aged parents. Doctors watched Chwch InUnUy aa his rister knelt be- »ido him, (-mbraced and kissed him, for aomo indication that, m ight. IndkalM - lio was shamming. -Chnreh’* alow oven breathing and iloady puiM bent woro nachange*^, however, and tb« dw,lM» roileriklea opinions lliat the UansfortuaUob dur- ing his fii'c weeks’ hunger strike had resulted in complete lou of mental and physical control, and that his mind, probably has ceased to fnnetloa. Doctors who have exas^s«d Ctvarth have, stated that when he i* execnted- ho will havo no realiutlon that tbe low la exacting It* inpr«m<> penalty. . Church's crime'was the murdorer of- Bernard .T. Daugherty and Cari Ant*: nm*,- automobilo aalctmon, ftom whaa', be had indicated he Intondod to pur chaso a high-priced motor oor. The men were'lured; to the Chnreh home,’ taken alngly to tho basement, baad^ . cuffed and bea(en to death wilb. s. baseball bat and handaxi*. Dangherty'e' body w u thrown Into tbo 'Dea Plaiaes - rlvor, (Utd Ausmus'while yitali^e, nils', buried in the Churtb garage, hii neek; being broken, according to Chnreh,’*! - eo;ifeasIbii when he stamped on. the body to force It into a ihallon hole hurriedly scooped oot. ' . , ' - After.tho atteopts to coavene witii Church,.hU att'omey* annqnneed-thaV they would mako no fnrtiir effort tO; / (Oeatinaed oa P|(e Ilr*} .

TWIN») FAILLS DiULM ME Wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · Another detaU of the. organlcatlon provides tfiat each stato organlislloo gQQ will

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Page 1: TWIN») FAILLS DiULM ME Wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · Another detaU of the. organlcatlon provides tfiat each stato organlislloo gQQ will

TWINVOL. I . H 0.87B .

• lOfflBS p FOLll lS! lltlf ilG

----- WL

. T w e n t y - F o u r O u t o f 2 0 0 S t r l k -

e r s R u n G a u n t l e t o f P i c k e t s ’col

L in e s a n d T a k e U p J o b s incm

Strike Closed Jexlile-Planls

S O P B , E . V « V - A , f ? w brok- w s «B Itaad) n m il s M te d » jT 'u ton* , t t

Toolxs o f ;«st«sdA7 ' i f l n t ' t U m v t V i■ta -iBOpen . q t t o g . m t l l i , plow d by tl)9 strUci n u r iy alx w oaki kgo.

. Ueaawbat tb a »6- 'Uast ware d e U t td tto n tg h o r t tb a ^ i r l FAWtncket and B lM kitoae TiUeyt v b m n u r iy 17,000 teztU a work-

• a t m m .. ' The j-xperlm cnt woa dceidod upoa when DQiIiaUoo broke throagh <

'w f iu a l n f beth mill owner* a n d s tr ik l . g e rs to BObmlt thoir differencM to thfl tlialm & n' o l lho s la te .board A t medi*' '- . v j tion bnd m eU U tloD . M sn o f tm re n f • ' n a ia lo ln ed th a t & Inrgo pcreootago of ' tho operai}vei deilrcd to work a t tlio

^ p e r «-enl roduetlon in w orm nnd tho - . Ineroaicd working achedutp o ffc re j LIcl them . • W«4nc»day ntRht ov e ticc n o l v tho Hope m lili mnde n houso to bou<e

'‘canv tu^ inviting operative* to report fo r duty^Thurgday. raornlng.

. ' • A t ho ff'p a» l'’«!i‘‘'V orker8 began tu d r if t townrd tlio mllln atid word greot- j„ . ed will* je « n . UUltlo. moved lu to fonn Jlnea paralleling tho pieketer*.. Then f,i.- tho firs t tlnio In weeks tho

mill .wW itlei Mundod, rajl.lng tho oper* atlvo* to, work. Tw only-fonr in all out o f a working force o f 20O- ran the gaunlVet c t plckcU lo gel to lho plant,

. anC o n f e r e n c e a t D e n v e r W o r k s ' u<

O u t P l a n o f C o - o p e r a t i o n l b r

, S a l e o f P r o d u c t o n G ia a n t i c r

, S c a l e o f O p e r a t i o n . - ,

Drav£B, m - X Eaio f a ll tbe . sta te M e a t grow ers’ eo^p- ^ emtlVB •oelotle* on tho 100 per cenl pooling t'Un, to. b» know B'as tho Am- . o rie in . W heat O row cri’ Associated, re- ■ulted from b le rics o f conforenCM . | w h i t i ended to to y toomVrtnblp Be ro p rc w aW in tho.-organlia tlon, ae- .thi cording to lU o f (U f « ,„ eontroU -bJ- ed

- tw een 7.%0IJ0,000 and 00,000,000 b tuho« »i , ofr w beat j n d th li costrol will bo fnr- " e N th e r augmented, t t ^ a ^ d , a s vnrloQ* a t

M alw , now lith o i la tho p io tc u of o t‘ ' tei gan irlng (>r contem plating organising,' pp complete tbe lr work. •; I b add'flctt to the form ation o f th ii «ci

, gigantic M oling plnn fo r conlrollin:{ all tb e flow o rw h e n t from tho producer to dii t i o eOMuwtr, t ^ «oBf«tcoco'resulted in rcm oviiu th e ' antagoniitm th ftt ha* p been grbw ing. between tho various s ta te or(,'an!utloni and the United e t a t f i Grain G rowers', Inc., i t wa* an­nounced.

- TIjo d e ltils o t lho foderatlon’providefo r tho eslabllsbment of a zonln;t «7»- . U m fo r tho handling of wheat. Tho « federation will .funcUon a s soon as n 1“ ' lono , cow U ting of two or moro state j e

■ lorganlMtlon* is formed.

'W n X B B n B & T Z O V S i |fo r FEDBEATJON , . H,

Tho Northwest W heat Grower* asso- tri ' ' .c iatloa DOW is organised nnd.ba* beon tb

ojjom tlag for tw ojroar* and is tbo firs t cll- sone of tho federation. co

A nother detaU of the. organlcatlon provides tfiat each sta to organlislloo gQQ will reta in its individual organliatlon, tho national federation^ being pledged . no t to absorb tho power* of tho vari- ou* sta tes. The national foderatlon, . , howoioT; wlU teaha llM ' tJkO aeU'!l««» “ ' o f tho vnrlons sta to soeioties and would handle a ll details o f exporting grain and 'f inding foreign n a rk e ta fo r the w heat ® grown by the membon o f the aociety. f

, ’ Ingti

'• E rP L O ttB R 'a WIDOW M A BEIB8■ LOND-JN, (ff) - I ^ y Scott, widow o f Cnptaln. Bobert P . Beolt, U>o,Aat. A W n r itli 'c x p lu re r,, who w ltb fo'ur otljfir 'II, tnembora’o r hls.'party , perished dtrrlng Judi a hllMnfil wbllo return ing from tha Dull B o 'ilinR lo - cfttly In 1913, 'n a n ic d a l t! today to L ieutenant Commhndcr_ B. tics

. ' n iU on Young, finnneial secretary of whe • lho ■ tr« * u ry . Acsten Charaberlain, tcm]

irovcrom tat leader In tho bosio of refu . commona g a te the brido away. ‘ test!


») FAIConvicts Howl and i

as Flames Eat intS c e n e s o f W ild E x c i t e m e n t A tte o <

V a l u e d a t Q o a r t o r U i l l i o n a t I(

— f le v o n C o n v i c t e d M tu -de re :

PO ET MADISON, Iowa, ( f l^ P r ls o n e n liero ben t upon tbe bara of the ir rrlla and ye w hen flro caused damngcs cKtlmntcd a t )S3 th e priion walls.

" T h e re goes your ol(T]irl*0D,” and " L to guards who tried to <iulct them.

Seven convicted murderer* in tho deatli colls w ithout troQblo wheu tbo firo spread • Tbo blaeo destroyed the chair faetoiy) t

caused hea>y damnges to the point shop; thi din ing rooms, kltelien and the ohapeL

A t 11 o'c loek tho prison firem eo bad it

\ T e n e r a b i e T e l e p h o r

H a s N o P e t H o l i

B i r th d a y o f A le x a n d e r O r a h a m B o ll

S t i l l a t t h e B e n c h — M a n y O han i

o f O r i g i n a l 'P a t e n t i{

[ i a d o f F o u r t e e n v r

- T a k e s O w n j S e

i n F i t o f A n g e r____^ . : iiro-

D e t r o i t B o y o P F i s t i c P r o p e n s i -

t i e s S u i c id e s ' B a t i i e r T t i a n

A t t e n d S c h o o l - — ■ ” ''W’■ - ■ its a<

■ DETllOIT, ilieii., (ff) - Resent- Ing nnd brooding over his f a th e r ’s

»pcreni|itory. order tb* t he m in t pou- 1'“®“' tinne to a ttend aehool, Arthtir Cole- man M year* old, iko t and killed ^h him ielf in hls home' hore th l i morn- ing . , ‘«'eP'

A M ttor f|uarrel In sanl to h a te * rerolteil from the la th e r ’s order. ® In a noto tho boy lo ft he Uado bl* fa the r C n n it stepmother forewoU and added: “ I w an t to soo m o th e r.'’

. Young Coleman' joined In fnmily V r a y t r t be fb ra rrtlrin g la s t - ‘

. and M o o rd lflr-to 4 tla« th 6 f,,t« iN tf : ‘ ib flu t;i» t:b * 4 n^ tU .4 o 'd o c k t k l i : '

f t . i i f l j , Jay. l j a ^ on tbrt bod lo a i '' ' “ Iahot' hW self , throagh tbo a b d o - . “bool

.nioB .";Cftlamin' w s . a pupU • In Cas* • “ oro

T e c h 'U g h school and wa* notod P>>oo' . among lils follow pupils fo r his f ls- _

l ic " p ro w m “ ' ' T ~ ^

A baent Members to jy| Given Sermons

, , by Wireless Phone,EadJo Set) to io JrtaW nhed at!

O h o ro h E x p o n s o i f P e n d i n ;

E x p e r i m e n t S u c c e e d s

• S?BACU8E,- N. Y., (ff) - The i Bev. Jk m a ra tD. Clanien, paator of tho PlmlUaptlKt^eJmTch, announe- ed todayj th a t radio sets wonld bo , F estab lhbed In the bome of. avery | q " shnt-ln” |m ^ b e r o f .th e cburcb ■ I « a t the px p o n ie \if tho church if a ♦, to st Tieit Sunday n^Rht fthaaU I prove Jitl^ffwtory. j . .

H o p lunn .to proneh n 10-mlnuto sermon w hirb can be picked up by a ll sta tion! wllliln a 40.mlle ra-

■‘i"’- ■ • ' \ m

Enraged Husband . ;ewti Shoots Wife and

Commits Suicide Bm.I A .

li^W TO N , Mass., (/p) — Enrag- 'nim lt ed beraiiso his wife stnyei) out filed Into a t 0 movie, Wi'Jinm T. Gar- .'m ade vey shet and killed her, wounded Mr*. I w l s G. Atwood, n young M A I wnmnn linnrder, nnd took hla own DT I lifo h i t n igh t. A 17-yenr old son, p f Haymond, and two otjier children, pens] tried t'j ntop their fnther, ono of . eemii the girla jum ping n t him. Physl- toda; ciaos aaid U ra Atjrood would ro* Th cover. the

------- ■ • _____ MbouiBOOIBTT W OHAN ELHCTEOCtlTBD tn Pl

OMAHA, Neb., (ffV“Thero wlU ba mem no inquM t, tho county aftornev an- nonnced, into the death ‘lalo, yesterdny Keni j f Mrs. Prnnei* Dcvcrcux, prominent •eat, Omaha o-iciety woman, who waa oecl.,a«»P< ilenlnlly c ltctroeuted in n .ba th tu b by «n l an electric heater. Mr*. Dovereux w w l l “a t a danghfe- o f Edw ard B. Clark, W ash- atoel Ington, T). C., correspondent fo r th# tho I Chicago 'E vcnltig Poit. - Af


A JX E O B t H re D E E B R a ia B A iB in ) ' HAMILTON. Ont.. (ff) - Countv

Judgo Siiider today released Mntthow Dullockl Ameriean negro, who -was held &l tU «e>\\ic»t o f United S ta te i authori- tics fo r fx trad itlon to Ndrlina, N . C-, where he i» w anted on a eliarpe o f a t­tem pted murder. Tho southern state refused to send witnesses to Canada to iq te s tify In extradition proceeding*. tic

k:ia t e d p r e s s n e w s p

LLS......?— . I I .

T W Z H r A I X 8 .I D A B 0 .m D

d Beat oji Bars fj nto Prison Homet e n d D e s t m o t i o n o f P r b p e r t y

kt I o w a S t a t e P e n i t e n t i a r y , .

l e r e r s T a k e n T r o m T i r e

«ner* of the Iowa sta to penitentiary id yelled for sov*ral honri early lodoy : »S30,000 to *6veral h o ld in g s w ithin

I "L o t ua out,V tbo prl*oners‘abdntod CO

ieath bloek wero removed-from t ie lr 'ead to th a t building, ly, tho largest Industry a t tho pri*?n,

tho laundry, ta ilo r shop, one of tho

ad i t under eontrol. »

o n e I n v e n t o r j

o b b i e s o n S e r v i c e »

Jo ll F i n d s 7B Y o a r O ld W o r k e r I h a n g e s S in o e t h e Q c a n t in g z i t i p Y e a r 1 8 7 6 . • w «

• V ' - . ' Ko.

WA HIllNOION, V. C., ( f f ) - T e l^ c rcp h ty ^ o m p a n les , tho ir officials and

. sav ;'^av6 two special kinds o t CarranlUes lo deal w ith among subserib- rlnf

Oao is po*aessod by those who de- 1iiro- sfieclal distinctive number* and flo(tbe other by thoso who wish tbe ir comnames to appear ju s t »o nnd so in tbo Idi*iUectoTyr 1'

TLo N ational Geographic society, u n iirhleU IBs beon digreislng a b it from *a.v.its accWtomed paths to itu d y tho sub- for[ect, has /ound, however, th n t Alexan- fhi?ler G rahtm n rll, inventor o f tho tole- NnUoue, wUU twlay cclebrnlvd his aev- tjo icnty-fiftb birthday, poasessrn iieitbur The)f these viinlties.. To provo It, tho so- i-d ■Iety points nut th a t tbe fa th e r o f thelolephono appear* thus In tbo WashinK* | |:on tolophono directory; I I

“ BcU, A. Grahtuft (residence) U 3 l UConnecticut avenue, Franklin 5H." I

Tho gosgraphie society, In connee^lonwith Dr. b o ll's birthday a lw Is anthor 1ily fo r tho statem ent th a t the aged ia- Ib'dnlof, who still w orks in b li labora- | lojy da lly ,'o fto tt u n t i l 3 or < o ’eloek ln:Uie,,ra9riiiiip ,.8skcTlod ino d e itly thei i h e t - ,* ^ to offlilal* .of. tb ? U nlU d '

/ ' I jsUier ^hlak that yon know more ibOBt tho.tclepiiona today thao 2 do.” ' ' Q« tben focaned attentloa^ to tbeio ro tba.i 8000 r tla^ ing tfl t ile .phooM sineo bo obtained tb* origin’ll patent* In 387®.

i i l f l T '■ ilELSj OFIIEiOH i


T w o H o r e F i n n s S e n t t o J o i n J

F i n a n c i a l W r e c k s W h ie l i t

S t r e w S h o r e s In M o n e y C e n - *

t e r s ; L i a b i l i t i e s H e a v y , _ "■«. \ m «

NEW YORK, (ff) — Tho whirlpool nf misfortune continued to d rag down* iirokcrtga. houses todny. Tho falluro ) f Oeor?o \V. K endrick I I I nnd com- tha pany of Philadelphia was nnnounced '‘I’ from tho rbstrum of the Now York St^rk ezrhaiige and the Consolidatod ^ Stock exchange announced tho suspen. tbo ilflo of Chnrles A. Bertrand of C. A . *’® Bertrand and Co., o f this c ity . u t l

An Involuntary bankruptcy petition A t nealast C. A. Bertrand ond Co., was , tliea In federal eonrt. No estim ate was made o f liabilities and asMta. .


MAIN o m o B a •J*''EH PH ILA DELPHW . J''®

PH IL A D L T iP niA rpa. (ff)>rTho su*- pension a f George W. K endrick HT and ? eompany, stock brokers, wa* announced j” ’ ' to d a y . •

Tho-luijfirtislon w ai annonneed on the New York Stock t-xehange, a . . “ ' tbougli the mnln offieo of^ tb e Q nn i* ' ”5 tn Philadelphia ., The ednrem also held ® , membenhip .in the Phlladephia ox- , phange. Membera of tho firm oro 0 . W. Kendrick IH , who hold* tho N ew York seat, and Clareneo H . Clark I I I . Tlic susjventloa was regarded in loenl finan . dn l elrclni a*, ono of tho m ost Ihpor- ta n t of til'! aeries of failures nmonp stoek brokers th n t has oeeurred bere in tho last two weeks.

An -.nvoluntary petition in bank- TTJptcy was filea Sn the U nited Stales district court todny ngaln.it L . A. Ger- toT ion nnd ri-mpany, stock, brokers. No statem ent o f liabilities was filed bu t eonnsel f 'lr creditors said thoy would 1 amount to $125,000 nnd assets abour s t r ♦55,WW. . ' aw

. 1 ■■ ■ ■ ofIDAHO WEATHBB. ror

T onlnht and Saturday rain or Be' Bnow; warmer tonight aoilth |» r - Ke tlon. . ' , ■ • •• a n


DiULiD A Y . U A B O a, 3, 1932.


Confiagration in Vulcanizing Works Sweeps Through Property Estimated Worth Cj Four Hundred .Thousand

WAOPITN. WI*., (ff) _ T h m women were bom ad to deatb, two t: lacga tactotlM baUdlnss burned to ^ th e grdODd, one residence was d». ooU shsd and many b tU ld ln g i 'd ^ - aged by a disastrous fire vb lc b . . . raged litre U st n lgbt acd early to­day. . ~ ■ m T ht' -woinen ereniuieti iu n factor}-

were Mr.. Howard Carney, 27; M'm, ^ Emmn Michael*, -tO, nnd Miss B cuie ^ Koskock, 2J. Searchers today recov­ered the d iarred bodies o f Mrs. Carney — ind l ii s s Koekoek. Tho body of Mrs. Camcy was Idcntldod by a w ed^ n} l a ring. .

The 'Ire . broke out 'o u tho sci'on'l k floor of the C. A. Shaler Vulonnlaing ;omppnv following nn erploiloR. Tho Idas 'was u tin ia ied a t flS0,000.

How'nril llnrncyr hjisbnad of tlio wo- i i c uan wboM body.w as recovered, was ia.ved by firemen a f tc t he lind dm ig for 10 iniiiiitM to-a burning nlll on the ;hird f lo jr. j

Nearly ;;0 families m o v e il^ rn i tu re ftom tUolr homes to avoid tho rho total. Iom Iu Iho firo Mnx i-stlmat- .•d n t $105,000. • „

-------— ------------- . d,

CTflPEmns i'IBSETHSUEealiitiE l

P «s lto t Returns House Res- • olution on Idaho Lands with

"_SuBgestlon'of'fiew"Poiicy1n ~ Future Transactions H

W A s m m u o K . » . o , m -President Bardlag nggasted to cengms today tbe ado^Uon of a

, policy of definitely dawaiblng all land! ordered transfeirad from tlie pabllc domains for.tha beoefit of p iln ta isdlTldnali or of tha for- p . est senrlea la excbtaga for land* wlthio the forett rteerra. th a ntg- i gattloa t u ' made by tb a p ru d e n t . la Tetoing a t tba r»4w at of tba " Idaho dslegatlon, a bonse xwoln- tlon cof«rliv certain laod* In Idaba. . N

So much conflict bas dovoloped as a ' resolt o f this jact, tbe p resident'* veto mwaago »ald, a* to whcra*‘ tbo lands covered t v 11 ore located, th a t the son- “'* ator* and rm rrhentatlvea from th a t itnto requeitod him to veto i t In order lha t tho whole question m ay bo tnken up anew and n fuller underitanding so* cured. .

Tho message, which was said tq carry tho sccond voto by tho prnitldont alnce ho took otfcr office,' said in pn rt: •

smnUtTST DBMmXBB m iALL s n o n LA1TO8.

“ I am intercited to havo th is very III npphipriaib opportunity to suggest I n th a t i t will be wise to have congress uU give con4lderatlon to the adoption of ^ tho policy of dofinltoly describing all lands aa art' oTderoA.lTaM ftnod ftom the public domain for tho ben efit of privato .itdivldual* of the fo rc it serv­ice, la exchange for land w ltbiu the forest reservTS. I f It is no t pouiblo to u . | nrrange fcr an accurate dp« rip tlon by tnctea and bound* Ib trc may bo ftcnuU- ed auch description a* to locality th a t will Icavi) BO doubt in any mind^reiat*Ing to tlio purpoae.to be sojrcd.'*

YOONO WOMAN WA2lTin>. *•BOSTON, (ff) — MU* E lliabc th JJJj]

K enney, ?.t years old, houackcepor andbookkeeper fo r Arron J . W right, 70, fon town trMiiurcr of Norfield, was being Dcinought In Boston today. DBtectivei relehad a w arran t for her a rro s t,‘charging Heelior w ith Urccoy o f 110,000 o f tbe 1 tow n’s m oney .


strikers rflu rn in jr to w ork-in the coal nor and gold m int* of thi> Band d l^ ltlcls o f South Africa Is growing rapldiy and ^ conditions aro mnrh quieter, ’say* a B eut<r’s d l^ i tc h from Johannesburg, N early BOOO’ mon including official?, jj,g a re ' now back a t work. .. bm



H a r v e y C h u r c h ; C o n v ic te d o f B r u t

S l i g h t l y D u r i n g V is i t o f C lo s e F

C o n t in u e d C l e a r t o L a s t C h a p te r

— P a t h e t i c S c e n e s M a rk C lo s in g I

C A S E D E C L A R E D W I t A

I N T H E A N N A L S O F i

O H lO Aao. (4 p . n . ) —Strapped to a d the .aane comatose aU te In wblcE be>h*s Is slayer of twO' automobile aaleamen, paid afteioooa.

• " 0 H I0 A a 0 ,'( ff )—A fte r I jto g o n il* eye* o r u tte ring a word, H arrey Obnrch todj fore be la icbaduled to l>a hanged for th e br and Carl Aoamas, aotnaobU e ealesmaa w hei to “ Bhow o f f " In h la home tow n of A daoA ^f

A plea from h is m oiber caused O hsrdt to

Irish OflScial Is - -S Shot to Death in » ChaseAfterThief “

— ■ t'" M a x S , G r e e n , C h a i r m a n o f t h e “

P r i s o n B o a f d , V ic t im o f - Id

C iv ic U n r e s t ^

l il il ,r . \8 T , m - 5I«« s . o ™ » , I,,rhnirnmii of Uio Irish prison board ,- ' wos shut nnil killed In Dublin to.day, a Dublin message announces. OIVHo wjrs a-son-lu-law of the la te TOJohn Redmond, th e Iriah national- - j ]W „ „

Tlie shooting of Mr. d iren oc- {,fQ, curred itirln g n rh n ie following a robbery. A n o fficia l o f tbe mints- 't ry o f pensioos, enrr}-ln{t a eonaid* ^ | erable si.m o fm o n o y w aa’held up"

a ra i 'd raen. wbo look f n ^ him j_ '. 4 bag roBtalaliig eiXI'poanda a a l ' ^

. .,>«» .T'l* < » « .• .(B lehaao nnd captnrod tbo rojibOTwio had 4ba m oney 'ln^bl* p t i s a ^ o a ; ' ': -:. ..A notber o t tb e '{ In ia g n ie n f l n j •

oft U a p o m a n a n i l ' l t then . >• th a t Oreen wa* itru e k hy a b a lle t ^ o t and killed. A nother m an ..w a* *{gi wounded a t j h e *amo t l m a . _______ he .

__________ r

IDSiftt I FII[1I[STB.=

______ herapei

Repeal of Six Per Cent Guaran-lee Clause Is Not Pleasing c h ”

' ' ' '"to^eVeral lirfes ’ ' S . — V - - y

NBW VOBK, (ff) — Bcpresentatlvcs whiof aoveroi railroads w ill.m eet Jicro. on beei Monday tn discuss tho advisability o f min seeking u f o u t l ' le s l of the order of tbo pby interstntJ commerce commission direct- tcm Ing th n t 'Cftrnings in excels o f G per hiscent on the ir property %*a]ue be turned ditlover to tne government. ' h

T Iic 'R i« ''m er nnd Lake Erie, Chesa- ly fpcake and OUk, the Buffolo, Botbcslct mo-! and PUtsDurgh,. Ihe Union Pacific, rlgh Southern' I'nciflc, Delaware, Lacka- nf I: wonna iind W estern, ond numerou* hersmnller r-icds, will have representtitivci herot the poufercnce. hls-

■'' • , Cha


H u n t f o r S l a y e r s o f T a y i o r 'W i l l

G o B a c k t o t h e S e a r c h “

f o r S a n d s ■

--------- ■ ■ . CIXia ANOELES, Cal., (ff) - Unless Bcr

ndditlonnl tvidencc against them is ob- „,m tnined, the six men arrested here Wed- i ,. neaday .m inform ation purporting to . connect them w ith tho nurdcif o f Wm. ' Dcimnhd-Tpylor, film director, will be released today, according to tho po- tak' Hee. • ■ cuf:

Their release, it was said, would basi mead tho police had abandoned plnns bod to a n c s t a seventh man—a motion ptd- turo actor—a' possibility they announc- j,ur ed a fte r i< long nuestioning of Mrs. l . j , John Bui'p, housclcMpcr for Jho men now in custody who apprbed tho de* tecKves wf be lief th e y were in- Tolved >n tho 'Hiylor m arder. I f the bur alx men nre elim inated from suspicion, tho poliee said, jh e y again will havo Chv before them only the problem o f try-1 th r ing to locate Edw ard P . Sanda, m in ing batler-s.v rctary to Taylor.

E W #■ PBIOB r r r a 0B S T 8

:e of weeksISJXECIITIONr u t a l M u r d e r o f T w o , R a l l i e s

J R e la t i v e s — F o r e ib l e F e e d in g

e r In C a r e e r o f Y o u th f u l S l a y e r

i g I n c id e n t s o f F i l ia l H o u rs

i f o V T P R E C E D E N T

7 M E D I C A L S C I E N C E

a chair and carried to tb e gallov* In IS U ln fo r week*, H a r r ^ w . Oborch,Mid tb e penalty fo r hla a im a thla

Ui co t f9 r <0 days w ithout open liv U s today broke hU sU«nc«, f i r » b o o n a b ra ta l muidec « f Bat&aid Baoiftiejty rhom b e .b en t to daath t« .o b ta in a c a r ^ W ls . b to sp e a k .

“ Yonx fa the r and m other tn here , H arrey ,” W arden W ettbtook

- t e l d th e coBTjcted man. “ Ymdc •a o tb a r b e p yen to ta lk to h e ^ ^ aad yott h a re only f i r e ao r# ' botBa to lire , t t m you ta lk to them ?” <

The youthful m ord tter,- whose tw itching aye Ud* b a re been tb a - only outw ard algn of Ufe dnrlng h is

julf.im posed period o f silenca tan- - e d 'o v e r o n one alda and mnmhlftd.^ “ W hat d id you say7" asked tb e ' .. w arden leaning over th s prisoner.

'T a th e ra n d n o th e p ~ y * e ” came- baek In low b s t p la lsly tindem ood . '

'w tinU . ■ ' ^

j iV E S jJ a ^ u r e w E B CO Q TOBttONS.

’ Thb prisoner tossed b a c k ,a n d -fo rth ' loveral timea aa hi* pa rea ta w ere ' broughl Into the coll.- -H e refused, to aay w hether ;ho, would .yolnnU rily ' e a t his uooB^ay; meal er w hether i t would ip n e e e u a ry 'to < oatin n o 'th e-fo rc ib le deeding which baa kep t b ln ‘'iUirB dnr- jp g 'th s:b a n g er an4 *ilen<e a t r i k e ; '

'Ih ir inK th e v ld t o f. ^ * p m j a Ohnrelt-gaTo n o -ft ttth e r fceed to 'w e i r pleas tb a t he talk . H is mother, iU a e tt iea-w e»k to walk, w u « U t ^ td U s ' had ilde. • . - . .

" H a rv e y ! « p « sk iq ;y o tttta o th e r f” ahe said, bnlf t b e r v - w a s 'w ''* - (Ign from th e motlealiaa p r lio w r tb a t -h e .h c a rd .._ ,_ --------------'------- !-----------------

Hi* fa th e r kissed h la tw ice and-beg- . gcd him to ip e a k ju t .b i* pleas w m p f

nvaii.. C b m h also r taa a iae l 'illeB t during p le u from his s i ^ -and f r e n / b is attorneys.

A j j d i ^ s t c r wa* leaving th e cell he m uttered ,^ 'S i* ter, *lstcr,” bn t then be-- camo silent. ' ’

M rt. Church collapsed, ta ilin g aeiocs h er son’* bed crying, ' 'H a r re y , m y bey, speak to me, te!l«lne about i t so tbey w on 't hang yonJ”

There wa* no response and M rs. Church was, carried ^ m the cell,


For b reakfast ho was given the w hites o f threo egga, one-half p la t o f beef Julco and eae p in t of m ilk, a ll ad- mlnlsUMd throagh a tube. The ja il pbyaltlan in ’ a bolleUn reported b is temperaturo as 99.2 b is pnlse 70 and his color good.. This has beea bis con- i d itlon for sovcral w ttka . /' Lato lnat jiight Church nibved sligh t­ly for the '/irs t time In m fny days. T h u . movement, tu rn ing slowly from . hi* righ t to the le ft side, followed a v is i t . nf bis sister In whieh shs plcodcd w ith her brothi r to open his eyes; recognlan her nnd-Jiiake a farewell statem ent for Ills- aged parents. Doctors watched Chwch InUnUy aa his ris te r kne lt be- »ido him, (-mbraced and kissed him, for aomo indication th a t, m ig h t . IndkalM - lio was shamming.- C h n re h ’* alow oven breath ing and iloady puiM bent woro nachange*^, however, and tb« dw,lM» roileriklea opinions lliat the UansfortuaUob dur­ing his fii'c w eeks’ hunger strik e had resulted in complete lo u o f m ental and physical control, and th a t h is mind, probably has ceased to fnnetloa.

Doctors who have exas^s«d Ctvarth have, s ta ted th a t when he i* execnted- ho will havo no rea liu tlo n th a t tbe low la exacting It* inpr«m<> penalty.. Church's crim e'w as the m urdorer of- Bernard .T. Daugherty and Cari Ant*: nm*,- automobilo aalctmon, ftom w haa ', be had indicated he Intondod to pur chaso a high-priced motor oor. The men w ere 'lu red ; to the Chnreh home,’ taken alngly to tho basement, b aad ^ . cuffed and bea(en to death w ilb . s . baseball b a t and handaxi*. D angherty 'e ' body w u thrown Into tbo 'Dea P laiaes - rlvor, (Utd A usm us'while y i ta l i^ e , n ils ', buried in the Churtb garage, h ii neek; being broken, according to Chnreh,’*! - eo;ifeasIbii when he stamped on. the body to force It into a ih a llo n hole hurriedly scooped oot. ' . , ' -

A fter.th o a tteo p ts to coavene w itii C hurch,.hU att'omey* annqnneed-thaV they would mako no f n r t i i r e ffo rt tO; /

(Oeatinaed oa P | ( e I lr * } .

Page 2: TWIN») FAILLS DiULM ME Wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · Another detaU of the. organlcatlon provides tfiat each stato organlislloo gQQ will

r • ■ .


i OEPill ' : IHITPIirmmm

Old Colonial iVleeting House Style Adopted for Chapel Plans of New Cattioiio Uni­versity Near Chicago

C IU C 400, {/PH^An old colonial mrotinp hou»c—the F i r i t ConRrcRa- tional churcli of Lyme, C o .in ^ ia to ba rpproilucc'l n t Aren, III., 30 milc» from

'■ ClilcflRO, P» R Catholic chu rch .' I t U ' to lie th-j rhnpcl o f tho neir'Catliolle

unlvoriity, Bt. Mnry of tho Lake.“ Wo lire not npproiirlnUng nnythinfj

from tlio coloninl nri'h itccli, b u l nru. iiii'tL’ly Inkinj; bnrk our own,” Joseph \V. McCurtl'V, (IcalRucr' of tlii' unlver-

' I nity, nni'1 when asked to explain tbo • rhnicc o f the C onncftkiit meetinR- lioine lid ft nwiU'l fo r a Catholic diuroh. “ Tho A<lmiiii brolhori lirouKht the rolunia!, ur, ntrictlv upcokinc, Oi'orefan jtylo lo JCnRlonil

Lfrom IlninP, nnd tlto Homana co t >t from tho Oreekn.

“ I’lftns fpr the e arly -fo lo i iln l 7-*' diiirrlieii \'ore mainly d rn w n 'ln Lou- "Jl don, ond reflected tho Adams erare, “ , then tlto voRuo there, The original ])lanB for the Lyme ineetini-houio, ^ erei'tcd in 1815-17, nro nuiipAied .to liave roiiio from Knglond, o i tlio .fon- Irarto r, one Ilulrhcr, wns not, nu nrchl tiT t, and Ilb workmen were larRoly , nhip rnrnetitfrs. Tlipre is ntt old itory in Lyme tba t tbe jilnnj were brought ®" from K njlflnd In one of tho L r a g '*1' .U l l . ," 0 '


Tho jircnent Lymo church, a rciiro- duftlen .if Ibe one bu ilt Hi' 1815, was to n j tm to i l ntttT f l t t doMTnyed Oio orlRimil in 1007. T h e reproduction n t n 8t._M nry of tbo Lako nnlvcraity wlll follow it, 10 far as tbe rz te rio r Ih con-

I reroed, except tb n l tho Catholic chapelwlll bo » f b rick and atoDO instoail of I the whlto I'iao uBCil n t Lynre. The. In- ]nd tcrlor b u beon renrrnnRod to conform ma to the need* of a Catholic chuicb. h»i

‘The rcnl rcaw n for chooslni; tho co- the lonini nipetinf^'houao na n model, nc- hei

, ro rd ing t<,' Mr. MeCitrlby, wns to carry fiil o u t tbo drclBibn of Arcbbiihop OcorRo ecu W. Mundelein to build tbo no ir ual* to i veraity in tho colonial atylc. ' W hea bs; romplctcd tbo Area univoriily will bo bri a trnlnlnj; acbool fo r 000 candidate) wh for the (incathood. I la alx ycsr courts f>rc will eupplement tho f i to year tralnlnjr (

i Riven boya of tho Chicago dioceio a t fro tjiiiRloy Pri'parntory Seminary here. tlin

BU LK O P B U IL D m O S • I"*', A L R B A D r OOCUPIBp.

Tho A rm aits embraces 1,000 oerca, cloi iucludisK lako a mile Iod;;. Flvo Kpc

, buUdlnRi, A conveni o f tho Franclacan • ■ — Si<tora,-tbo pbiloaophy-lccturo 'hall,' lihllosophy donnitory, refectory and oni'

pijBer*Tpl;int*’)inro been eotnpletcd and yoi — • -•w rrb 'o iw aod ttT e la a its la r t fall. The .not

^ “ '■th'coloRical-flection w llfU o ^ o m p W c d iho Iiy 8o|itembcr, J02-*. Work atarted In Fir AuRuat, lJ-20.

“ Fivo brldRca Ijnvo been built and work i l nnder way townrd 'the develop , ment o f Ihc oxtenalvo grounda. Two j

. r u r v l n R coneroto raolca provldo bont \nnding», fiora which n icrracod pla- jjjy ti'ou la tf.’ be crowned by tho chapel, i . . w ith It* Rraccfiil W ren apiro riaintf mt. 150 feet, o r £10 fee t above tho lako i'. , lovel. On cither aido of tho chapel will {loJ be cztonaivo forninl Rardent, lurround- I'd. by a rcntinuous pergoln.

T ho'com ptet« unlveraity plnns call {„ for n cha]wl, ndminlatrnlion hulldlnR, iter libmr)-, IheoloRy ball, philoaopby hall, ou t ilormitorlns fo r eneh, dormitory for qqIj the men nnd faculty of thi- Sacred Or- Jog licr, nuditorium, R}'ninafliun) and awim m ii

Choicie Si M eats»i»il


During lentiWe will receive thre

week of FRESH FISH, 0 FOODS.• ''You’ll find our fish ar the deliglitful .sea-side.fl welcome and economica daily menu..

Phone U3, or come in : . Jearn'^'or yourself.,

C A L L ]

Independent Mi


Howdy, Folksf Spring’t

e ’ ll

I • - ^

• Ho, huuil Spring haa como! Yttwiij l>Ii , oRatn nro tlip ^vojjue._ _ W ith tbo melt- fni

£of tlio anowH nml tho pasaiug nf ote k, bltinR wlnda, nnimnli in ' Ihc da; I Dfunx zoo, n t Now York, knowingly bal

iBlnR poo!, boat hmno nnd bolvodero, 11 nmll, ^ofcclor)- a n d kitchens, greon- [w houies, laundry, wnrobouao, ^lowpr hoiHe, .;bo|i, coiivcnt ond infirm ary, and the i^iw brldRca o f 6 t. Paul tho ' A|io»tle, S t. Clinrlea. Dorromeo, St. George, ^jt. Tbuma's Aqu.naa and 81. Auguatina. „

. „ F l


Florida B in t BoUered to H a ra Takon - 1 I t fo r A New F o m i'o f A qu»tle the

DeUcftcy p ,

ST. I 'E T K R an m m , Flo., (/p) — A jii'llcun, one of thoao huge, lonR-benkod ani m arlno 'b irds thn t themselves a ber hundred feet above tho w ater, cIoho Hs tbe ir wlnpi and w ith beaka open dlvo / hcnd-forcmost intn schools o f »nin‘. to flah, finished a Rnn'O hero M- nou cenlly “ ouo dow n.” Tho Coffee I'o t pill couno U along tho ahoro o f Tampa n b bay nnd on t)io e leventh hole ia n small fro: brackish lnko form ing a w ntcr hazard vid whirb m uit bo erosted to reach the to i green. '• 1

Ono m i'm bcr-of a , founom o drove gov from tho Icd and a strong wind carriedt i c . t i i i lift* t i i j i k ? . : A p o i w i < iy SBIng Inzily abovc.tho Inko evidently took tho ball lobb ing one tbo m f o c ^ o r a new varinty o f fish, fo r ho suddenly ^ elosflil hia winga, dropped w ilb tc rrifie %pce>l &n»l ro^\>U4 it . ‘ j

— For BAlo or Bzebange—N ow and ond-hnnd.farm implomonta. Seo oa U you have Aoy farm imn]cmeDt*-you do v,. not need. J d a h o Hdw. i Im p. Co.. in ihe Fois 'tJUlIdlng a c ro u atreet from Fire 8 la t l o n .- ^ i id |j^ -

Tho P aeu inon li M o a tt

Match is a typieal pneinnonin non th and usually glvoa a high rato o f toortal- x ity for tho diaeaso A fte r a loajj and ra n hard w loter, tho sy item loses much of _ ita resistance and peopio grow esrolew. .— Wben ovcry cold no m a tte r how Blight,Is given prompt and in te lligen t a tten -. tion, ihero 'ia much less danger of pneu. mouia. I t should be borne in m iad th a t ' :>neumonin ia a germ diaoaso and breeds- n the throat. Chamberlain's Cough,

Remedy Is an ozpeotoront and eloass ouf tho gorm ladened mueus and so t only cures n cold bu t provenls its resu lt-1 Bg In pnoamonla. I t i s pleasant to

U ke. Children tako I t willingly.-HidT.

S a n ita ry

P o u l t r yD D A I L Y

ten Seasoniree shipments each , OYSTERS and SEA

and sea foods retain i.flavor; They lend a ical .variety to your

n for our priees and

1 6 2 ^

Heat Market— —


.^9 Here! Hade You Had

m i i

I blink tbe lr t-ycs^ These pictures w ert I• faken Febr-iury 2.1, when t ’lo thcmiom- n ’ e ter rcB:hod (W, the liottcst F jb runrv u : day in .*1 years. Tlic animals felt f ’ balmiticis o f spring ''w catlicr ln 'tho< r a

liTllTfHOSPIlFi ■ ; flNKIlISTOraDS'

First Infltitution of 'tho'K indln J Oonntry N.pw_in Operation jj‘

.at Dotrolt Plant ."t

I - DBTHOIT, Mlcb., yp) - Officinls of = tho D etn lt-s to ck y a rd s, a t tbe behes' ^

o f the D etroit num nne socioly, havt) a: provided a " ^ t e r n U y hoapital" fo r hi aninials a t thjS^^ynrd. Thla ia bolJovrd hero to L-o tho fira t animnl hoapltal or •' Its kind in -{Hr iooa try . ; J*

A Inr^o number of cattle, are tnkon , to tho institu tion coch week,, i t ia nu nounced. A n old shed is used for bos p ita l purposes, i t bolng co'nvorlod. in t^ .* ' a building th a t wiH n ro tec ftb o anlmalp' from tho olemenls. Wiodows wcro pro- vided and tho floor covored w ith straw to n conilderable dopth. ’ ^' Tho hospital work is J n -charge, of “

g o v e rn m o n t.v o to jlw u iw ^ i

SNOWFALL ABOVE average;B « n rU from SM tlon I» . '

d la t« AnplD Snp])l7 d I w a te r [ ri—. . I TC

HAILGY, Idaho.—Tlio snow depthi m• rop9 rted_((t_ thc_ /orc it Bcrvlca'offleo tli 1 Monday morning show the following: m .nn iley ;a3 inehesi Kctchum, 35; North hi S ta r mine, 30; W inslow’s ranch, 43; i Gnienn, 00; Gnlcnn summit, 80; Vienna tn 75; Soldier,’30. These depths nrc Rrent-j ib er thau tlnaavrrnRo conaidernbly a n d '12 pssuro n Rooil supply 'o f wnter for i r r i ' / o gntioii jiuiposes the eoming acnsou. K'a

■ ; wlThe News Is road iiy Ihu p e rn sn tn l 'cn

rarnlnu cla**ei>. • Uj

“FIRST FLOORS A T U R D AGalvanized Pails; 12-q Value 60c; special........Galvanized Tubs, No. i

. Value ?L50;, special....O’Cedar Mops;Value $1.25; special....O’Cedar Oil;Value 60c; special

.'.KEEN KUTTER Pune Value $2.75; special....KEEN KUTTER Razo Value ?3.50; special...

r-Buy Your Orchard -Sherwin-Williana Sherwin-Williams




OlAMONOHjlRI.H O M E O P " K E E N ^ k u T T E E S " -

P A IN T — M A J E S T I


id Your Today?


................... I


.v>: Sm x s : ;C o n v t^ *• .

: bimes. fro m , this collection o f 'a n i- m nted y in u s , m snnpped by the e a -' inern man, yoil mny tnke yuur choiceI Perhupa you fi'el as llstlc.is nnd l a t y .r as the ingrfttiating Mr. Hippo. . |


, O entoiy Old InstltnU on /T K e a tu c I ty 'I i 0« ta Bede J o lt tn B ocfet DocUtm

I LEXING;TON, Ky., '(/P) — “ Conrt d a y ,” n centuri^ old inatitulloii In

I K en tucky ,.hns.su ffered painful, jo lt Ihere. Thu c ircuit court Uirongb nn ' U batem enl order hna tnken nwny froni ■ i t “ Chcapslde” a public square In tho ctttvlcr o f tlio bu*U\CM dU trif t, whctB

fnriners and trmlera for miles around (Titbcrod in numberB on th e . Kecond Monday in eacb month to swnp b o n c i

I and to trndo anything from hariicsa io '• homea. - . ^[• A nd now, fo r the f irst't lm o in moro : thnii' 100 yunni, they nro no t permitted ;to meet ii< tbe hiatoHc old square, of ‘ Into years w ithin the sight of tho town cloek^in the courthoune tower, b u t b n v c , beon*’Bbunted to another nail less de-

I slrablo alrcct. |Tho- fnrmer* any, Iiowover, they wlU

not subm it tsnii'ly to whfit tbey regnrd QB an invasion of their righ ts and indi-1 cato tbey will carry the cnse to tho Kontucky eourl o f appeals. -The low er' court s a id 'th ey made of it a nnlsnnre, i

Ja fo h c e 'u n n u n ltn ry and 'unsightly . I


COnVALLlS, Ore., jjf ic n t to / i l l ft swimming tank is thn j record tiroductiou thus fnr of Willow-, moor Whito Pride, m rA yrahire c o » of tho OrcK'iin A gricultural. edllcgD.azpcrl mont Biaflon h o le .' In soven ycnrs sbe has ptodurcd 6160 gallons,

i Tho edible sulida of this nmouut to ­tnl 70,000 pounds, equivalent to tho od<

jiblo sollila of 30 fn t 's te e rs , weighing 11250-poiinQs cach. Incidentally, the cDTV-'1ins given birth io leven heifer

M-al,vca in the aovcn yc.irs; each ' o f _ I which, it I* (oid, Is cnp.ible o f duriH. “ ;cntiuR thli performance of her dis- r tltvRut»!io-\ mother.


...........J k

.............75c................................M e .

............ 40c

.. :....:.$2.00rd Supplies Now 18 Dry Lime Sulfur 18 Arsenate Lead



“ H BN ET’fl” ■


E3cbSnBclal35c ' ’

3 For $1.00 ™




•WooBn L M dsn of New B«ll«lot» ColtJmnp m to Lkka B*Ui9r T liaa Sob-

m lt to A m r t

GENEVA, ( ^ T b o Aatoniona, a new rclljious cult said to havo flomj , polnls o f tlm llK lty w ith MormoaUm. havo como in to 'con flic t w ith tbo nu-

. tborllies (.ver tnxes. ' . ■ - ' One of Uio lenders, Modamo Barni, ,

. land her threo daughters, living a t ' 'Iloddingen, near Lucerne, toro tbeir i clotbts to bits and jumped loto ft tnko wbon police cnmo to arrest them in nn

• effort to collect taxes. Tho police, however, pulled the four women out of tho wntJr, wrapped tbem in blfluketi luid took them off to joil. • I

Tho lenders wbo bave established I] hendquartcrs n t Zurich profess boliof > in Communism and disbelief in tbo ac- ' cepted forms of marriage.

‘I Jesse L'Ls

f - " f c G Lre V . ' j l

® S 9 l

y - I F a'<1 Wyn

j - t h p ;

I VAkHI I . y ^ O S ’a m m o m l f fU m

I f - C ____________

; Comedy and NUs There Will Be a Surprise in i

f •........................................................... .............1-



' t - 'The tw: will bo for ref tJon of toFcd dl

Yoa caiI /• by atorl

. . fntnro; ing: seai

* thoro ifl

Storing ing. Hot itagnati gy of thi ing, the]

■ There w

Yoar at a t . worl work. : gcrons £


Member Federal * Syateni

MARCH 3.1922

u s E a o A N ’n r ~

; i EASE lAlHE BACKSYou can 't do %-our best when

ba<^ M d every nmscl» aches ir itb f a t i n e . .

A pply Sloan'a Linuneat freely,» 0 and enjoy n p e n e tra tiv tt........9 0OW of v a n n tb to d comfort.

Good for tbetiraatlsm,- o e u m l^ ,^ n ln a u a ttraln*, od ies tuid

; adatica, to re n u a d e t, f tiir j o l n t T ^. . tb s a fte r effects o f weatber exposure. i ] F o r forty y e a r ip tla 'ic c e in y . Asb t .^ n rn e J fh b w . Kt^Shon'i6 ^ ^I ; , A t * I l . d n i B t o - 3 5 c 7 0 c , | l . « . . .



• L i s J y p r e s c n t f f

E t h e l

A Y TO N ^

DO E S 'th e nverngo man lovo two types • of

L , woman: A "scnsib lo g l t l " ‘" to m arryf A “ good a p o rf '

to play wltlif

^ Thla is tbo story of Bueb n huiband—and n w lfo who

ja \ wouldn’t run tm e to fo m I

Ilum nn-and cxeltingl ' lJT“ nocent but gnyl ‘ ’

' Cast includes Theodore Roberts. T . Boy Darncs anil i’ontnine Ln Hur. »


News Weekly

in the Program on Monday . ,


tw i l i g h t h o a r s o f y o o r l i f e b e w i t h .yoQ s o o n . D a y a r e f l e o t io n a n d c o n to m p la > o f w a s t e d h o a r s a n d f r i t - I d o l la r s .

c a n p r e v e n t d i s t r e s s o n ly o r in g y o u r e a m i n g a f o r t h e ■e; la y in g b y i n t h o p r o d a o - l e a s o n f o r t h o d a y s w h e i I i s n o y ie ld .

n g d o o s n o t m e a n b Q a r d - S o a r d o d id l e m o n e y m e a n s la t i o n . I f t h e s t o r e d o n e r> th o n a t i o n w e r o oU in h id*

h e r e w o n ld E d n o i n d u s t r y .J w o n ld h a c h a o a . - '

accnmnlations should bo ork, just as.yon *aro at . Idle dollars aro as dan- 16 as Idle men. '


j r o l E e s e r v e ' ‘


Page 3: TWIN») FAILLS DiULM ME Wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · Another detaU of the. organlcatlon provides tfiat each stato organlislloo gQQ will


i s c m ’ m m i TO

“ f l l D f i lH o n e s t y , D e c e n c y a n d J u s t i c e

S h o u l d B e C h i e f A im o f M o d -

- e m E d u c a t io n , S a y s S p e a k -

e r B e f o r e C o n v e n t io n ■

OHIOAQO, r l t« 11.11 A m ,■leita edueatlDnal In ititu tlom placo

4 «tenter n trcu on “ tlio (ild faihiaaed of, hMMtjr,. ju i tk u and d«cn-

f ly " nniJ ic u on lho siibJocU Ronomlly * , term ed " lilg h b ro w " woa mnfle yoitor-

day bjr Juhn J . TiROrt, United 6 ta t« commissioner o f oduration, In an ft(t- dte*8 b o to tt tho Nallonhl Edutatloa

OMoeintion, dcpnrtniuut o f suporln* tendenco convention.

“ I f wo cannot tew h thcao virtue* along w ith tnodfcrn thought, then wp

' h a d 'b o tt? r .d la n j^ tlo our 'ijtlondidly equipped in t tU u ^ n a and return lo thp b)d loff irhool h o u ie ," aald Mr. T iccrt.

the words o f a famoaa evanKellit,‘I would riither have my boy In heav- 00 le a r a K hla A. B. C.’a .tban In hell ^ riad log Lutln and Oreflk.’ W e.Jinil i b r b e tter havn eUlzeot -who tave''eharne- te r aad HtUo erudition than e ltlteo i - whoao knowledRe la a peril to ^eelety.

"T h o .nau who d licovereJ’ tb a fa u r - mar ,gl<al initrum eata ihould ’'h o ' iharp mado an Im portant d lieovcry^u i-tane fr — - moro Imjhirtant wa* the diicovery th a t = : they ahsuU bo ite rile . Dotter to haw m i n dull knife th a t lit clean than a iharp ■

-one th a t i« <onI. ■. “ Germany ibowcd u i plainly the I

«vil o f rJacatlon for culture and effi­ciency w ithout proper lonlal atUtuiIe. | Oormany la iied tho cfflcloncy of eilu- H

. c.Mion to the N th power, bu t thia of- II ficleaey waa dircctod in to a apring ht | | tho throut of the world and brought on a ' poiitcceat cnlnmlty th a t almoit dMlroycd eivillzntlon. p |g

" A learned man b a i aald th a t 4^00 <ollcgo profcuora cauied . tho world |

. wor and iib refora to tho''l,S(ra profcia- ora who so efficiently tnugbt tho Oer- man'a th a t 'm ig h t ia rigbt, wo arc lu-

• p e n n e n .in 't Qod domanda doitructlou ct tlio W cakor'peoples aboat u s ’ and \V ‘ now abide faith , bope, and hato, and uqui the g r e a te i ro f theao i l h a te ' ."

' f i i s i i i i ijBmEmi

■ O p e r a t o r s I n c l i n e d l o C o n c e d e

’ " t h a t C o a l M ln e r « in F i e ld s

a r e W e ll O r g a n iz e d .--------- thro

OmCAOO, M>) i - I f th e cotmtry'a <00,000 oftloa eoal n ia e r s aro ealled «Ql m lUyt® April 1 IbB fla t it U tw ittt operator* aod tho U altad . Miae'*Work-

, OT* o f A mfriea will eea ter largely Itftho fields o f P enn iy lvaaU /O hlo , K«n- « 1 tocky, Alabam* and some o f the woit- e m sta t/« , laelnding R u u s , coal es- porta ber* believe. "«®

Indiana and IHlnoU, t h i two largest »m : producer* la tho cen tral compotUWo “ a field, aro Irighly organized aad If tfao «>“

’ »triko cornea operator* orpeet I t to be practically 100 per een t effeetlve in “ " thoso atate*.

A ' U bto prepared by tho U. 6 . XO Oeologic.it anrvoy ahowing the degree T E i o f offectUcne*a e f tho la*t coal itr iko , _ in 1010, ahows 71.0 p o r . eca t o f tho ... , countryU .m ines w ere cloicd a t tho pe-

'r io d of maximum offectlveneia of tho , strike, the rem aining 2 M per eont rep- *.

rMontlng tho non-union ficldi.Tbe 1015 atrike w ai 100 per cent cf-

foc tlvo-a t iU maximum period in M (jut of 'M fiolda lil ted by tho govern- " ' nieni report. Sovon of tho 42 d litrie ti , d id not Itriko.' Tho twelve reporting u complete ahut down woro northern Penniylvonia. tho P ltU burgb district, northern Ohio, aouthors' Ohio, Mlchl- gon, Soothem Appalachian, Indinna, niiaola, iowo, Arkanaoi, Oklahoma and W aahlngtou. ‘ ^

Tho 7l.fi per cont clwed daring the “ f 1010 alrlko hnd produce! 414,025,000

. • tons of t!jo 670,281,000 tona of aoft coal mined in tho preceding yoar, tho re- maljiing Jrt4,050,000 tOna coming from the non-union fiolda which wero not . a ffec ted oy tho 1010 tio-up. Whllo tho ‘/ “f . o n . .= i . . CI.TO th u . ..O T .|!.d but 3 , “ 100,« r tonr & week during 1518, oper- W atora elalm tbo opening of new minor in tho 'inorgBnixod flelda,i_havo railed thoir po tential mojlmum production to from 3^00,000 to 4,000,000 tone o week. \

* ” ■ ton 'Sha w a* Sort of Oroway U ke. atao Huaband (rcodlng p n jw r)- lie ro 'a o f i

. w m eth lnf.nbout a girl who alept con- thia tinuoualy fd r two montlis. I wonder « r i If U woan’t thp.aom e ono wbo worked ‘he to r n . I .« yf»r.

a o o D o a o r t o b a ib b ' ' '- by

Do T on E now t i n t H r * A crat o f On- ' tona Bach Y ear fo r th e P a i t P Ito

Tear* plffursd on th e A vfrage Yield ‘wn and P tlco W onld N ot Y w 126,0007 nom Tlie f i r i t and moat ImporUnt thin.- paat

la the aolectlon of yonr te e i I baVe a on limited ODionnt o f fancy home grown idei

' icod whinh will produce from 7S to f i t < 100 aaek* per ocro more thaa the for­eign and common aoed which yon c a n 't ' I! afford to take a chanee w ith , alao hava II raluttble lostncU oQ oa onion cultaro rem free w ith f « b o rder.' 1>hce <2.00 , a lain pound. Clyde-D adl«y, Fllor, Idaho.— ond a d r. thci

• • .. •'••■•I. ' k.


These Will Be Ki.

U .lh i ld t S ( t0 » m ltk , il«i.i!htit o l Moll lO to ld W lle C o m it ic , a i t o j o “ h .r- .Voter kini;,” vflll havo Q vnrioty-ot the new American rolatlvcs when ibe marrUa Max O ier, Bwiia riding maa- «n . j c r ^ J o b ^ p ^ B o c k e fo lle r , grandpa of W

i i i i i iiLDREll s

--------- _ Bern:

Plans of Wenatchee Southern pi Railroad Will Not Be Ma- nm

terially Altered ' "oon

WKN'ATCHEE, Waah., (fl>)-Ar- nouneement th a t the Oreot Northern 8 railway- ia p lanning now fo ^ it io a and oxtenaWo improvement* n t Wenatchotf. in v o lv ly r a posaiblo eapenditure or you, 1300,000, w ill have no detprrent effect on tbo offcTt* o f tho prom oten of the „ „ Wenalchoo Southora railway, ‘ ■jnrT h* O w at- N orth«ra ha» piiTtiiB»rt

CO aeres k’£.^Iand south )>f the city, in- eluding tn d ' trac ts o re r whieh the |« * Wwra tehee hAd a lreody-for- IT veyed >t* r i g h T x l « V , According to tbe W enatchee men, th is may tauia soDo a light m o ^ ^ a t io n o f tbe sur­vey^ fo r tb e W en te h eo Bouthem lla»» b n t 'i t wlll not'cbaDge the 'geaersl'par-- pose,

Tb* aurvey for the W enatchee Bouth- ern baa been eompleted a ll the way through from W enatchee to Kenne­wick, follow ing the w eat bank of the Columbia river. E atlm ttea have been mode of fonatruction eosta; the majur portloa (.f the r ig h t o f w ay haa been obtalaod, and tbe deoda are ready to be p laced 'on file.'

Tbo new ra ilw ay 's application for a eertiflea te o f neccaalty h u been r»- recolved by th e Int,oratato Commerco, commiuion a t W aahlngton, D. 0., and haa been referred to Governor H art u d tbe a tate publie aervice commiaaion for reco-JimendatloD. Tbo project thus i ia brought practically to the point o f ' final deturmlaoUon.

TO OONWBOT TIP -------TBA lTBO O im N EN TA L i n m s .

B a c k o d '^ y tbe Pom ona grange bf Cheloo rm m ty, and tho Wenatcheo C om m eroahdub , tho Wonatchceflouth- c.*n com pany waa Incorporated, in .O c­tober, 192il. Tho apociflc purpoie of tho ti^ w a y waa to build a lino to con­ncct up pvcry tm nicontincn ta l railwoy in tho atoto.

Thia lino will ba com paratively ihort, leaa than a hundred m llci, 'cxciuilvo of pa rts o f tho Chicago, Milwaukee aad St. Paul, which will bo uicd between n point S3 milea aouth of Wenatchee, nnd non fo rd , 47 miles away. The lino would then bc b u ilt from Hanford to B lthlan^, on tUo • N orthern P a tlf lt , a*dlatAnco of 21 mllea, nml on, ciglit mllea fu rther, in to K cnneiHrk, con- nectiog w ith tho •Oregon .& W aihing ton aboot f lro miles wcat of Kenne­wick.

I t i l believed 't h a t tho aaving in trooiportntlon o f cen tral Woahingtou fru it croiw on th e new railroad will pay for It, tho catlm atod loia from tranaporU tion dolaya having been es­tim ated m 1010 a t W,000,000.


ton 'a C}-opcmtive Kgg and Poultry otaocia thn, which morketa a larffe-pan of tho egga and poultry produced In thia sta te , now bas 2,400 momben, oc- cording I'l Ita' onnuol report. During tho paat year an a to ragc prlec of 33 cents a do ten . on a ll gradca^of (ggi WOI obtained for i ts mocibers,

'F o u r receiving a tation i are operatoil by tho ;o-operntlre o rganitatlon, ond tho oggi are- carefu lly graded thero and ahip,)i-d to rarloua p a rts of tho. na­tion; I t ia planned to Jtore a larRcr number of eggs thla apring than in the paat and iho aasoeiatlbn will pu t th e u OA the m orket nex t w in ter, with tha idea"of gWlng tbo jro d u fc ra tbe bono- f i t o f high prices, ' .

' iU c« llan t.B «ttedy fo r dooitlpotlon I t would b e hnrd to find o better

remedy fo r conitipa tlon than Ohaabor- la in ’a' Toblets, Thoy aro easy to toko and mild and gentle in effect. Give them 'o trio l wben you ho re Dped.~Adr. IL *

tu.' „ ■


Kin of Rockefellers and i

J v A " i i n l ' l ■ E n v ^ X . B t i p ^

Mathilda, uino will have aomo new kin. dc From Chicngo and ' Milwot/kee more ho

-than-liolf a dozen couaina-to-bo bfivo io proclaimed thoir Inipeiiding kinship, wi with tho McCormicks ond Boekefell- roi eta. D ,

When Kmll Burgy, CliL-ogo in terior wl

■“ Th

Cburcb Servtces ITwin T ails U lu lo n . (Intcrdonominntlqnal) Uo.

. 2?0'TIiIrd Avc. E, an'Bundny >chool 10 n. m. ]prenchlii^ and communion 11 n. ni. o'v

Bcrmon, M illion of Josus Chrlit, Mi Evenin;j prninc aervico 7 p. in. Qi- Preachini; 7:-J5 p. m.Mid-wcok meetings Tucido.v and.

Thuridny 7:30 p. m.Prayer la n d meeta W cdncidoy n fter­

noon 3 p. in. 1___ L . b!(

>‘i is t B ap tis t Ohorei.

Socond St. and Fourth Avc. N. ' Bu'W. II. T'olllvor,' Pu ito r. 3

Bunilay school 0:45 a. m. ThJunior, ’ Interm ediato ' ornl Senior (

Young People, 0:16 p. m. <Preaching aer\-Ieca 11 a. m. and 7:30 Bir

p. m. The paator'a m orning aonnon mawill bOj .“ A Cbriatian ■ ExpoTianeo." “ I



. . . . . . . i - ■ - ■ ' P r o iinstivisiojects

An i teles Thai

. ot;he look best com:

Advi wan'

- You char port



[ McCormicks

I ^ E . I

u y Ml

dcporhlor, fnllcd nt thi> McCormick Tc: homc to npji'rino .Mlithltde th a t. he. wav lo bccomo her couiln, the young helrca^ wos " n o t nt .home." In tho group aur roitading tho g ron d d au g litcr of ^ h n D ., w e aix peracna fo r whom kJoahip w ith the McCormicks loomi.

= = = = = = = = = = ? ‘Tho evening aermon, " T h e Three C ro u e i." Th

The in mlrol progrnm o f Ihe dav will 1 be: I - •

Morning — Prelude, Andonte, Bid- liau} offertory, Suppllcnllon . (Davia); antlipin, W'o I’rniao Thcc (Schilling)!!*,^

Evpning—Anthem, “ Noiv the Day 1« t Over, with tenor aolo, Olle Spi-^iki. ton Mrs. 1. IL Mnalera. .dirci-tor; Mrs. I Qi’orgc PirrV, pianist. acr:

r ------- iB e -P i n t OhrlBtlaD Church

W. W. Durka, Puetor. thl,Sunday aorvlces will begin with bi-

bio aehool a t 0:45 n. m. In gcncrol oa- Ue aembly; cloaa period, follows. E

10:80 J . m., Communion nnd acrmon. Tw Subject, '''T he Three Oroiipii." exc

M n . Curtis will aing, “ Do Y oj ehs Think to .P r o y l ' ' , (

Christian E n d eavo r 'n ice ting 'a t 0:30. Flo A t 7:30 p. m. thora wlll bo a "C h o ru a 1

Bing” followed by o acrmon on “ Noo- by man the I-eper." M n . Curtia will alng, ma “ He T enderly-Looked n t M e ." . b «


G e t a “ Clllileo made the telescope £ own stars and planets, the Igs of Saturn and other thi

operlyjjaed,-the telescope i itrumenfe' Bdt look througl ;ion becomes distorted; thi its well within your reao]) 1

I important province of th escope. Use it properly an a t means reading the advc ier news. Fail to read the i ik a great deal th a t you ou 3t in yalues-^pportunitie rfo rt, convenience and ha]

Ivertising brings close to j .nt. Tells you where to bi lU glean much valuable ants, their stores, their goo rtant points to you as a po

lU may read every line of tu overlook the advertisingout the very things-that ciquestionably, you narrow: tt

READ t h e ADYl

Cbitrch o f th e Ascension 1(Epiiropal) dai

C h a t'rj Olonn Baird, Beetor.H arry I lo rra tt, Choir Director.

M nry II|3mptoa, O rganbt.Church »rbool a t D:4S n. nu Holy nimmunlon nnd acrmon o t 11

n. m. Ki'cnlui; jicrNco for tbe colorcdi , ' rongri'gatUui ftt 8 o'clock. i

Mid-woi'k Ix'nlen sorvico w ith con -'^J ' floi'n tlon ndJrca.t by tho rector on Wi'dncsdii.v ovening ’ nt . 8 ." Subjpct, "• " T h o Doetrino of the Church." Tho public la cprdlall.v invited.

Ttio imiilc n t lho Snndoy. mornlni;,®^! ncrvlco will bl' os followi: .]

Proce.nionnl, “ Forty Dnyii and For-.^®: ty N igb tn" (Ilo in len); offertory a n - p “ them , “ IwUno TliSne E h r" H lm m cl);! ,,,' Prracntntlon “ IIolj- O fferings" (R o il- i” ‘ hpnil); Kvrlo Klolson (E l-c v ) ; Olorloj T ibi {PI-.-ycl)| Nlccno Cfccd (B est); P“' Buriiim Corda (Cftmidcb)j Banctus (Camldgtf); Oloria in Excelili (Co-i m idgo): Agnus Dci (M lK ord); Dcvo-. tlon (J ln n k ) ; rcPcailonal. "B nvlor.j Precious Savior." (McCnrtncy). I ^

L utheran Church. ]Thii-l Avc. W. and F ifth Bt. '

On March r,. tho first Bundny in • Lent, Bev. J . Q ihriug w ill deliver tho ’’

firat o f n hcrlps of aormons on Si'vcn w otdi o f Christ, In which Uo ajwak* of Hla suffering nod dm th. Luke ch. 22.1 —2.1, 50.

T ext and topic: Luke 22, 22: "T rnl> tho Son of Mnn O y tli na I t Wos De tem ilncd ,’ ’ 10:00- a. in.

Bunday ichool 0:45 n. m.T ext fo r evonlng aervlcp 7:30 p. m-,

Matt!), 4. M I . Goipcl leaion for In- ivoeavlt Sunday, topie: The Threefold 1

: T cm ptotiJa o f Chrlit and tho Chris- jec,-rtlan. ' gal, Bible clasi 8:30 p. m. 5

S aturdav school 0 to 11 a. m. Eni ■ — iS a lra tlo n A m y . In

Ilall 125 Boat Mol'n Utreet. ' .Tail acrvlcca 11 a. m.Sundny achool 2. p. m. 7S a lratlon m eeting 8 p. m. Thi

! Week day aervicei: 'riic8dar, 8 p. m.; ?uaThuradny, 8 p. m .; Soturdoy, 3 d. m. J

Wo invito you to worship w ith ua, >--------- lib.

F l n t M o th o ^ t Episcopal cnsoich (B(i:. !>. W hite, Paator. . (T.

G m jl/ M.. Cummini, Dcoconcis. ’ I:Sunday achool, 10 n.' m.; £ . L. Ash- (Sl

ton, auperintendent. |ShcMorning worahip 11 w ith a short Hft!

acrmon-iiy tho d is tric t aupenntendeat, BmBev. i. l- . Bnker, foMowed -wUb com- po» munlon acrvlce.

Intormedliito league, 5:30 p. m. Mot-thlcl Duko, leador. ; <

Wealey lengue, 5:15 p. -m .| 'W ilm a t i, U eltbrink, loader.

Senior leaguo, 0:10 p. m., when tho Tw in F a lls and Kimberly league* willoxchongo leaders, w ith Oeorgo H illls in j {ehorgo o f tho loeal league. - - - ho'

Cloaa mooting 0:30. p. m. Mr. E . E . getFloyd, leader, wa

E veaing w onh ip 7:30, w ith a aermon or) b y the' paator. Subject, " T h o Middle-! tai m a n ." Special muileol programa havo .ac tb«en orraoBed for* as follows: ju r i

' ' . X ’

l o s e - U p ”e and brought to light uri :he craters of the moon, thi things.

le is a wonderfully ef fectivi iigh the wrong end and youi things get out of focus; bb ^ look miles away.

this pa)per is to act as you: and your vision is enlarged ivertisements as well as thi le advertising and you oyer ought to see and know—thi ties for eeonomy, increase! happiness.

0 your hand the things yoi buy them—what they cost

le information about mer roods, their seryices—all im possible purchaser.

if the news columns—but i ing you remain uninformei ,t concern you most vitally IW your vision. Get a “close


UCH 3,1922 .M oming — O rg a n /p ro ln d o , “ An*

douto, from Moonlight S o n a ta " (Bce- t^ v e a ) ; aa’them, “ Lord I Miako My P rayer Unto TliCfll" (Doroy)j o ffer­tory, "O o e Bwootly Solenn T hongh l" (AmbroioK* organ poitludo. “ Poat- iQ do" (lln rker).

. Evonlag — Organ nnd orchestra. An- ' - .them , " T u rn Ye Even to M o " (Hor- 'k c r ) , contralto aololit, Mrs. Msgulro; o ffertory; loprono aolo, selocted, Mrs.J . A. Oygort; organ and orebcitro,Mra. P . tJ. Bell rauileat diroctor; Mr*.

: J . Bigglni, o rgan iit; I>t. It. A. P arro tt,I oreheatra director.I Tho Homo Quarda will m eet Wodac*- I doy afternoon, 4 o 'clock w ith Helen I Pa rro tt, lUOO Bhoihone atreet.I U epilar »ld-w cck prayer service ou j W edncidav evening a t 7:30.; Tho W. M. H . a will m eet in tho ' parlora of the church Thnridoy a fte r ­noon, 2:^0 o'clock.

I F l n t Church o f Christ, B den tltt

I llio N inth Avenue East

Sunday servlco a t 11 a. m.LcMon f.iTuion March 5, ' ‘M a n ."Sunday aehool a t 10 a. m. for pupils

under 20 yeara o f ago.rrcstimonial meeting on Wednesday

evening o t 8 o ’clock.A reading room a t 134 1-2 M-nlo ave­

nue nort'i, whero Christian Sdenco lit- erntiiro may be obtained, is open dally except Bundnvs and holidaya from 1:30 to 4:30 p. m.'

P i n t P resby te ilaa Ohnrch,A. 0 . Pcoraun, Paator. .

0:45 a. m., Bunday-iehoo1.11 a. M., Morning w onhip , Tho sub­

jec t of th s sermon will bo, “ The Bar- gain C ounter." j

9 .p. m.. Jun io r society of ChrUtlan Endeavor.

S p. m., Young People'* social hour In tho parlora of tho ehureh.

0:30 p. m., Benlor Christian Sndoaror society.

7:30 p. in., Begular evening sorrico.The aermon subject will be'* Tho Per- suaalvbni-si'Of Joaus."

Mualcol pro^^om:Moming — Prelude, Interm czio (De­

libes): .o fferto ry , A dogio- Contabile (Boothovcn) anthem, Bun of My Soul. (T um or); j>oitludo (H o rrij) .

Evening — Prelude, Evonlng Song ' _ (S lebb ln i)i duct, “ The Lord I* My Shepherd (E vans), Mr. and Mrs. J . 8 , H all; o ffertory (K rlm l); a n tbom ,T he BadJont Mom H ath Paaiod A w ar; postludp, M artb (Bcnum&an).

Fonnd a O ars fo r LuUfeatiOQ “ I UIO Chamberlain’* Btomoeh and

Liver Tablet* fo r iBdlgeitlon and find . thov suit m y caie bo tter tban any dyi- pcpila remedy I have ever tr ied nnd I hovo used many d ifferen t medlelaea.I am nearly fifty-one year* o f ago a n l bo re suffered a g rea t deal-from ind i­gestion. I ean W alm ost a ny th lag I w ant to , now,*’ -write* Oeorge W . Em-' ory, Bock M illi,'A Ia. These U ble tseon-

I ta in no popain b u t strengthen the *tom- . ach and enable i t to d igest tbo food n a ^ [uroBy.—* d r . '

aii-t h e • '


i v e)urbb-

)ure d .t h ee r - 't h e3 e d

TOU ') S t . ., e r -

i r w - .

t i f , . ■ ■ ' l e d ■Ily..i s e -


Page 4: TWIN») FAILLS DiULM ME Wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · Another detaU of the. organlcatlon provides tfiat each stato organlislloo gQQ will

. . .

r l i i s i s r '; : HGlSIBi,

C o a l M in e r s D e c la r e d R e a d y t o .

W a lk O u l I f t h e W a g e R e -

' d u c t i o n C o n ie s 1It

; CALOARY, Alberta, O ' F ) A iJriku ^ .af/ecUn'^ HO.OOO.coal miners in vrestcr.i a

; ‘Caoailiaa fielili in thrcntaucd fo r April i< 1. Robert LIvctt, chalnnnn o f the ataJa • coBjrnlltco o f the iJnltcd U lao W orken of America, dKlBred toda;: th a t a 'lv a tk o u t wna poulblo in thu ^

’ ovent thn'. rrngo roduetions announeea hero wero pu t Into effec t. Tho terri* lo (oty offvcled li d istrie t Xo. 16, com- ei priaiof' Kouthcra A lberta, anil p a rt of c! m t c m .'>rltlBh Columbtn. • ' w

M r. U v c t t 'a lum ounccncnt wa* , a G acHjupl o f th e falluro yn»lerday of W rcprcJontatlvcB of tho nilnerj ooi] offi- vl elrtU o f tlio weatern Canada Coal. Opcr-

I* .a to 'r i ' aa^oclntlon to ortco oii a iio>v xl• waRe aciia-. 'Tbo opiTntor* iignod n U Htotemcnt th a t n ^ ratea to bo in e(- ni

; /«•{ a/tiir A prfl i »vouM nhow waco (Iccrm cii frum running; from .10 to over CO per cent, and would bo a roturo io Iho lOlS ncaie, with & fow cxcepUont.


” ' E l im in a t io n o f A u t o ’S B a l i n g is

. ' A im e d A t in R ia n o f N a t io n - ■

a l C l e a r a n c e S y s t e m j'.'

, ■ 111, . cn iCA O O , (iT^ - - Dpstmy Ihu nmr- po

^ - ' ^ i‘t- for htolen mitomobllcii nnd thereby th i , atop Ih'} lltcH(s.}s,tbe plnn novr In pro- rc

fn iT n f forniatlpn 'bv thc-^l«ra<A te Mo- tl( to r T lic it commlmiioti lien>..' Lows, It.eki ami protoctlvu dovlcei have proxed themjclves Inodequate, . w y i, W. If. Vnn Courlland, eomtnli- iiloncr. The profrislonal m otor ear Ib lc f il iiiiaboahed. Motor vohlelea q' tm approxlinato vnluo .o f *300,000, the

I (omniljiiiloner n y i , nro ito len every day Inl I in tho Unlled Btntcs, deipito a ll niea«- uii ‘ . -urei takoa to check tho thievery. lt)[ t LnrRo numbers of peraonii thrive aa a au j rem it o f the traffic . . vai , Tho plan Is Ih lc A rn r Is elplen lo

Chlfogo. I f the number* oro ehaofed j one of tw o thing* hiippcni, ■either a > duplicate o f somo other number ta

mado or t .fake number «nr th n t tbo I . m nnn/acturer never placcd on a ear.

' Wheu tho eor is sold and ro-rcRlatered 0 ^ fn any stntu some number niust bo g iv xN

' j;n. A number will ImmcilS-]----------atflly bo-ruiiK bt-aai) tho two or moro —'I cars cnrrylng th n t number wlll bo thor- "1" j .ouRhly liivc«tl[;alctL A fuke number nm

. ■ will nhow up jiw t a t quicklj' ond bo the i Jooked into. I f . tho number U not wii ! chaii|;cd Uiero will be n roporl o f the caj; ;ium ber on tho com m iuion’a record# a« n

Ih a t of a stolen ear anil wli^n th e aamo ! ttiimber is ' rpRlstered njpiln from tha ' «ame ita to or any othi'r It will iiame- ,

;IIntrly be cJiu«bt.


, The laO r of 'n n y nMlonhl rleam nfe , «>-»tcm in the |m it lm* beon ono o f tho „ larRcal eontributiaR fac tors in m aklag ,

, tW» kiwleaaneu e a iy nnd proflU ble,I Mr. Van Courtlaod state*. W ith th e J"* i w m niim lnn 'i a a tisn a l clearance ij8t«m

in operation t .c n r etolen lu Maine, the I numlicra ebuni^d nod th e car sotil and

r<‘g i5 tc r ri in Califnm ia. woiiVl Imni# dlntely be caught. Iw aMerts.• Tho pl^n In Tirtnall.r a " fln g er-

— p r lu t” f.’ rtCTii oj» applied to a u to ae - T liilm, A ;uiiiitrr record o f every e a r «i \ ri'Kbitercd in th r M rts le s ns well as o,,f|

.th e new .-aw th a t como Into cxlW noe o - , i s to b e Vejjt n l tbo lotnmimlon’s bend- (jnnrten . Tlm numerical nrraniremeiit _ _ o f the record* makoi ebeeking o f anv ^ veblclc «bn).lo and aotom atle. A ^ '.‘Sm ith ciijtit” fo r example, engine

' num ber l ja « in ri'S rttcrcd w ith tlioatate . Tho rommiwlon rcceive* thla Ti num ber nnd (.ftcs to poat it bu t findsnnother “ BniUb e ig h t '' nlready rrgla- ^ {crtd in th n t a latc o t lome other—and ihoy do no t correspond in detail. I t IsIraaedlntM y npparrn l th a t one Is ineor- t ftoc t. 'N o man rluingci thi'io Humbert Iexcept for frnud. I t ia a aimpio pro- Iee»» of elimiaatlon. fo r the law enforce- ' ■i e n t bodies having juriid ietion over ■(heio cn rj to de tenniue whero the Vtrouble Mi-* nnd then w ith the a id .of V

. th e eonimmlon, th e origlnnl Ideality I(ft the »folen enr .and to i f l io ia i t be- 5longx is ce te rm lned .. 1

The new yenr mean*'flow Ifitter 'and - I lavoico file*.- 'Ve hnvo fh ee t Cloa Book 8 to re .~ sJv .

, . . »BAD TIIK CI.AR8IT1ED AD» ^■ ' - • S

■ ...- ■ - - cT W IK P A 1 1 8 TO OOODIMO ■ 0

. r U X lltz, Bold U d W o d lU . S

B y A u t o S t a g e *

; L eaving Tw in F alla 8 a. a . u d I :^ p. ffl. C oaaeetios a t O oodln; w ith

, tra ln i No. 10 u d 17 golag w e t t L eaving Ooodlag 8 a. d . u d 1:80 p. m., a rriv ing u Twin F a lli 10:80 a . n . u d 4 p. m.ThOM cara a re equipped w ith beat-

; er*, m aking tbe tr ip a plearaie.

T r a s k D r o s . & M u n s o n _Tw in FalU O fflca B o g e ^ E o ta i M

, P i o a i 84 o r 683-W.. ---------------------------------- c n


^DDDVIlSlPlOFOi P CDLD UmilSllSTS. U o m b o r s o f O a s a d a O a m p to C

D ia o a t H o te l A a t o r i n T n i e ^

0 N o r t h o r n S t y lo ■ ' . ^

NKW i-o n K , (/P) - ■ Chofs a t the Hotel Aator busied themselves today with such'' unaccustomed viands as loin of I'nnadinn buffiiOo, beaver tolla, Yukop p'arm ignn, lludaon Bay lee fish

,, anil the ‘ ’making*” of Labrador flap- ' 11 Jncks, In preparation for tho dinner le tonight Ilf tbo Cnnaillan camp. !10 Ncnfly, COO sportsmen nnd iporfa y women on whom tho luro of tho north- y land hn* fallen, will be preient. °1 The Canadian enthuilast* will get |i i. look In by tho movie route on Moroe- I. cnn uitd Algerian aport. flpcnkeri in-if chiile tho Hev. Allen M acRntiie, who ■ .

will serve na ton*tnia»ter, Lieutenan*. a General Nelaon A. Miles, Henry C.,f Wnlah, o f the Kxplorrrs’ club, nnd Mcl- I- vlllo B. B tone.. . PJr- The Cnnodinn-e.nmp hn* n member- ^V ship of mure thnn flOOO peraona in tho n United Slatvi ami Onnada. DK 0 . I;o-

mix Ciirti* i« its prealdent. j®0 » .

CliriFFIK. *, Tli|STiE2

C iv il W a r F o l lo w s R e n e w a l o f ,

C o n f l ic t B e tw e e n R i o t e r s, . ----- Itf

; ■ a n d P o l ic e j ”_____ • nm

• .WUME, (/P )-T ho e lty o f H m a rn n d Its environs woro iu o sta to of terror today.' Tho renewal o f conflicts last u lght Between tho fnaclsti nnd the locnl ^ ® pollen rcnulted In tho death o f ono of thu fnielali ond the wounding of n *coro of pnrtlclpants of both o f tho ac- tions. “ — , Tu

Carabineers today occupied thu gov- *hi; ernment palace in nn o ffort to reito ro lan order bu t tho conflict between tho f u - tnn clatl ond tho polico in e ffo rts to dls- dec arm each othor s till continues. will

Tho government pnlneo was atormod Inte late night by mllltarieed compa­nies o f fnaciiti who bombed the bullil- > Ing,, exploding a t least 100 grenndci io ^ o , au offort to foreo President Znnella to p(o, v aca te Sovernl buildings in tha t neighborhood wero wrecked by the c i- pJosioAs. A pitched ba ttle l u t i n g tw o a houra'occurred in tho suburb of Drono- ■■ va nnii i t w ai bcre tha t most o f the R l combatants wero wounded. IU


__Tho ronowod - outbreakn-w ero occa. ___•Innoil when n member of the faseU tl nnmcd Fontana, w u shot ami killed In th e .s tre e t. ' I lls companion* c la lw d ho • Ull* a v lc tlm 'o f nn nnmult by ilfo'ilo- p t , cal i«lice. VJI

J h o pollco havo m alnlalneil ho wafi i shot by h is own rom panlont dn rlag n dliputo among theoselvct. J h o faselsll have iin'om rcDgeanee fo r F o n tan a 's ' death.

• -------------- L

Get M oiuura From tee.1« iliv Tiinana rnllc>-, Alaska, »'a>

tlinnifli ;lic rxhifnll ts very light, cropa thei dm^v aniple nw lsm re from ^tbc melt* 8. ] tiiK «f aulirfrrtinemi }cc fo r tbu ftrat Chi f w jic iin a f tr r th e Innd ts tlm t co tt^ eoW r a tH . 'Kvnitunll.v ibe Icc recede* t« Hec KU(^ a delicti th a t I t no looger nuppllei whc th4* j>l«nf**«1ili -wnter. Rive

» .. warIn Ccnveriatlon.

T o ;:unnl nmi'nat 4“iicntlni; ;i « n ry ! to th e « m e iw-iimn J« a point -n'orth fUFtlng. T he iiirliniirlim lo In tr rn ip t ^ o r « in r . - l mlnTu fnr iniipnim iie« 'm u*t be<?mitnill<-il. Xnt imly ini:*t we try to ■ ■ m j tb e rltflit 1I1I117 tn tbi-. r l jh t plnco, but tcflv.* un*nltl il>e tvrriiig ilt tn s a t the t'tiip iln i: nmini’nt.

T ry the Pred Fosa tiarnoM mH aiitb top sale.—«dv. ,

Shelves Full M ' T here i i s o th i s g vi m -m

■good t l th e f i t j h , r ich , P * ’ c re am ;, and n a tn ra l ' 1 f lavo r o t Sego M ilk. A K eep jronr p a n t i ; ih e l- A . va w ell-ito ck e d w itb . M “ C ream 'i Only E f fa l ." ■ -

, ? \ C R E A M 'S O N L V R I V A L _


S |"^daj%Sp°■ S n iB IM■ WlilB Defeats "Kid"-Norfolk— :

le Besnlt Uay .Mean ^ g b t y with Dempsey

N EW YORK, W - H arry WUli, New OrK-uus negro heavyw eight,-tnay. « as a result o f bis victory ovor “ K id ' I

' Norf6lk l n l night, seek a titlo m a tch ,t w ith Jnck Dempaey. [i Norfolh, a B altinoro product, w en tji

to tho canvas a fte r M seconds e f box- ,f ing in iha second round with Wills t

" laat n ig h t . ., Several pcrsonB dalm«d « ■] to Uttve ncea tb® Wow wbieb ie n t , th e 'l

Kid down, bu t it. oscaprd tho notleo.I . of a m njority o f'lhoso ^ tho ringside, c

A fter u tamo firs t round, W ills and “ Norfolk i>tarted and mlasod a few r

punches iu the second, then fell into n . i clinch, Tho referee mado an offort to |s

J icparato thi-m when N orfolk toppled 1 over bnckwardi. Ho aroso and walked i to hi* corn tr, apparently unhurt, a fte r e taking tho count.

U’llla nnd the referee. K id McPnrt / lnnd, inld tho knockout blow ^-as a short luciik' r ig h t to tho Jaw.

Dempsey/ lnst night again oxprejscd hia willingness to _d^fci:d hi* titlo j

' n),’nlnsl \yills, and* Go'vomor Edirardi I o f New J i’isoy anld ho would approvi'

sueh a mutch In his s ta te if tho public ■ dnnandcil it.


to the •■onditlon of the fairw ay, mueUia iif lt’ boing covcrcd with w ^tcr f ro i iili yi‘9 t e r d i v r a i n s nnd tho cold weather jb mauy o f the en tran ts in the opening si

, play of tho southern open golf cham­pionship tournnm cnt decllDcd to s ta rt.

ou t todny wlillo others diKontlnuod T I play soon a f te r atartlng., ---------- . :tl

- READY FO R lO-ROUND 0 0 . I ! GRAND RAPlUS, Mich. yP) - Gene tl

Tmitmy, llgW .hea\>ycl<A l -champion- nl slii]) chniiMiit, nnd J 'ay K eiscr of JJnry- i> Innd, rcslod todoy a fte r a itreauoua w tm in lng p*'rlod for the ir ton'round n j- st decision contest hero toniifht. Tunnoy pl will weigh 173 and Kelaer ICO. sc

BAKTAUW EIQHTS TO 0 0 . ttNEW. YORK, (JF) - Johnny Buff, w

w orld 's bantam w eight boxing cham- ac pion, will defend hls tit le against Joo P I^-neh formor tit le holder in a 15-toand U bout hero M arch SO. ________ rc

iI»l[D = -IHiElliili

- - '-’•I - - ; .1- pl• '» ■ »,*J " y

C h i n e s e S t u d e n t s in E n g la n d oi

C o m p la in o f N o t R e c e iv in g Ti

P r o p e r P r iv i l e g e s >'• th

niIX)N!)ON, {/FV-Chlncae students In dl

Englnnil a re complaining th a t Brltlah manufncturcra nro rhnry of adm itting A them to th r ir workshopa, according lo 8. p . T u i, cx-sccrctnry of tho London gi, Chinese titudentii’ aiaoeiatlon. He eontmst* th is a ttitude with (ho prac- «o tice In tho United States u d Franco, fj. whero, he *ays,-ovcry opportunity.!* Riven to Cliinese ituilents to combine work and ttudy .

F irs t tlecrctnry Chii Chao Ils ln of thb ^ Chinese embassy la London has jual mnde sdmu vetv 'pointed rem arks. m regnrd to tho a tlltudo of many Engllah

N O T IThese w&tcbcfl, loft for repairs

Will bo sold for ohariJoo Cloud . T. C. Bsaj,R E. McConnell Hodges

Mr. Moon. Frnnk ElatMr. Flnlaysoa Joha ThonAl Koyle R. E Low.

Mr. Porron J u . Blain ■Raymond Doaahuo Oeo. BanaiA. P . W allace Mr. .Moan

----------- J . J l . Snillh J„ l,„ n a tkHam Adamson Dick GwanW. a Haws R. R HowjMr. Nnhr W. It. Oxn:Noll Brinkcr- Kfcd ITnlro

-ttTien ejilllng for thc^c watches say “ a Identify them to n

W . R . P R IE l

B e a n G rOor Mr. P. .N. Lyon is now a t tl Falls, Idaho, to place contracts f

.^seeing: him soon, as tbo amoont I

R O G E R B R O S . ,



« IEO iSGLES'- Philadelphia Kationalsl Put In

Day o f Brat Following tbe ' Strennoos Work-Ont '

I, PH ILA D ELPH IA , Pa., '(fl^ - U o it 'r. of the 1-hUadelphia N/ttlonal league |

baieball playera wero o nn lng r t i f f jh mnKlea today a t th e ir tralo teg eamp *

jin Leesburg, P la., as a resrJt o f itrep- \itjuous p rac tice,yc ite rday . I t was the ir *:• f l n t woriiouti M u a g e r Wilhelm pot- * I ting th e n through drills both morningd and aftornoon. There aro five soath. o'pCLWa in tbo itiuad of pltcboTy aad0 . Manager Wllbelm said tbey all “ look- !

cd good ." ,d The local Amorlrao leaguir'team h a t ^* not yo t Kottcn ’Into action a t Eagletv, Pass, TfiXM, b u t reports aaid th a t Man- ^o]ager Mauk was hopeful tha t ho would ][I bo ablo to a ta r t practice .today. Freer- (J ing w eather w u reported, to bavo glv- , r cn way to m oro moderate tempcraturos.

■ » I (.

, C E L E B R A T E H O L ID A Y A T '

C A M P O F T H E A M E R IC A N S 11 ______ f

Several'Flayni Win Oonmeodatloa of j U u ag e r u d Piospecta iM klog

5 Oood ., <

j CHICAGO, (/P) - Yesterday iVns.In- jdependcnco day in Texas nnd tho Lone

{ [s ta r s ta 'c celebrated It* oighty-slxth jjonn tversary o f . i t s scpnration from < ijM cxlco. ■Huudrcda o f tbe nntlves eele- rjb rn ted by w'ntching the firat praetiuc " t scialon of tho Chicago Americans. , • | “ B ib " fn lk , the b ig Texan, sen t * t.Word th a : ho hnd w intered in Austin,I Texas, nnd-w aa ready for tho opening ,u f the iiMKin, b u t G leuon w l;cd him :to como to cnmp immediatoly.'• <1110 Chicago N ationnli were given

! thc lr f irs t renl b a ttin g practico n t Cat-• niino laland, Cal., according to word

^rtim M annger K llllfcr. “ I like theI way H nrk M iller-nnd .Arnold fltut»

stand a t thu plate and meet tho oM p ilV ’ K-.IIlfor said, a fte r fho practice “ session.

'^heso nth lc trn were obtainod from the Ittc ific Coast leaguo where Miller was the leading *1uggor. Mlllor drove n aoveral o f the balls into th e ’ o c u b y R Palms yesterday and gnvo Indlcationv th a t'h o ma.” live up to his coast league reputation an C h l t te r in tho big show.

peopio toword China. Do aald th n t so- ♦ called frienils o f China sometimes re­mark “ tho, m ost Intorcating thin>; would bo tu find out how to open up C hino .''

W u it no t fa ir , bo uiged, to asV w hethcr-O h ina -had - not-view s- of her own aa tu how sho should bo opened ci upf Ju lg m g from the way somo poo- tr plo talko-I, Chu Chao H tla continued, S- Cblna wni .very much In tbo poaitloii o f aomo ;o in t a t & sacrificial feast, d w ith ovcrv gueal try ing to dlscuis how o] they could beat carvo It up to the’r own adviintago, whllo all tho tln o pre­tending (hey woro really actuated by the grea test goodwill toward tbo ani- — mal whUii had furnished the chief dlah.

Ho reminded hls hearers th a t tho American stcretnrj- o f state, John Hay, who originated tho policy ef tho “ open door,” hnd la ld : “ Whoever • nndor- OC stands China socially, politically, econ- bi omically, rcllgiouily, U id s the key bi to Jho w orld 'a politics for tho .n e x t ^ flvo centuriea.”

Tbo low year means now le tte r and Invoice files. We have them. Cloi Rook Store.—adv.


I C E ! I[rs, have not beon callcd for. arges and expense.isagi O. R . Stone

Roy Bhecdy

F. A. LowoIn 1^ G. Kelsonacil 8 . L. Cbleman« J . M. Tomro

rtnsonoward I’.,fltcclo • ‘ ■Ixmaker J . P. Mnlled Ilire Cnpt. Capronl |

“ a d v ertise d ,'' a s you wlll have to {0 mako claim |

' R l ? l e a d i n g

J E W E L E R .

' 1 .

ro w e rs !■ ■ i

tho EogorBon Hotol, Twin {1 for. 1022 crops. Advise . tt to plaoo ont is limited. ^

S E E D C O . I

■ LLS; IDAHO, raiD A Y .ii--------------------------------- ----------------------- I


'P QoneraJ Bujrlsg Basolta in B lgber Qno- 'J l t t t lo n s la Opening H o n n bnt

m u roUows i

I n 'C HICAGO, (iP )-«ene ra I buying te- suited In higher prices fo r w heal today j during the enrly dealings. A freah ad- . TUCO In Liverpool qaoUtlons wns the . principal incentive. Besldee, goaalp

„ t was cu rren t th a t foreigners had mado yo liberal pnrchucs e f flour u d other

breadstnffs over night. In itia l priccs n'l th is morning ranged from le l o , 2c ■ h igher, w ith May $1.47 1-4 to U 8 and J

Ju ly »1.24 to 1.24 1-2 and wcro follow- ■j. cd by a slight rencllon bu t then by a

now' advance. ,fiabieqnoatly, reports indicating th a t .

I tho eondltlon ,ef the domestic w inter . 7* crop was 77.8 on March 1, aa against ’

70. on December 1 did a good deal to . cause selling ou t on tho p a rt e f hold-

“ cra and to forco pricea dow nw ardsCorn and o a li advanced w llh wlieat. i

” ■ A fter opening balf to 1 3-8o to 1 l-2c c higher fo r tho U ay 07 3 4 to Q8 l-4c, h tho corn m arket showed bu t HtHo in- a cllnntlon to aag. , 1

w- Lnter tho best buyers 6 f tho previous j dny became nelJve seller* and tbo m ar­k e t underw ent a jnaterial setback in v price. Demand from tho seaboard u d o

[S for domcslle dlsULbullon w as ropotlcd n* smnll. The closo was ncrvoua, 1-4 t to fl-8 to .1-lc ne t lower w ith U ny (Jll f 1-2 to 5-8c to 65 5-8c. t

Oats nm rted'1-8 to 3-8e hlghcr,.M ax:.(; 42 1-L -to 42 S-8c and continued firm . \

U pturns In tho vnluo of hoga wwo rc- \ ^ fleeted In fhe prico of p rov isions.' p

Oaab O ralni and Frorisiona I tl, CH IC A ao, W >)-Whent - I{?- 2 red « ^ *1.40; No.-3 red $1.38r . ^J . Corn No. 2 mixed 01 1-2 to 02e; No. ^

2 yellow ,01 1-4 to 03 l-2c. ' Oats No. i whito 40 1-4 to 41 l-2c; »

No. 3 wl^ltfl 37 3-4 to 30c. . _ . I'. Rye No. 2, *1.01 3-4 to 1.03. •

Barley 64 to 06c. ' I'TimoUiy seed ,$5 to 7. >'Clover seed )l3* to 25. ^I’ork nom inal TLard <>12.02. «

Jj Ribs .111.25 to 12.0.7.

iI, M INNEAI’O L ie, ( /P > -n o u r — Un- e! ;,j changed to 35c higher, «8.45 to S.SO a s, !(. barrel. . . . • . , si

Bran—Unchanged?' i'n • Pot*t«ei 3;r CHICAGO, '( )P )-P o ta toes - W eak;•c recclpta C4 ears; W liconilo -aaeked J- Round-W hites 81.80 to 2 cw t.; Wis- ,’v conaln saekod Kings tIJKI cwt.; Cdlora- ^ 10 do s.ickcd Browo Beauties 12.15 cwt.; ^ r, Tdaho sncked Russots '<2.20 to 2.30 a cwt.; M innesota sacked-Round W hites ^ >1.10 to 1.30 cwt. '^ ■ P o u l ^ ■ _ , 'I

CinCAGG, (/P ^ P o u llry — AUvo uo- P changed.^ B a tte r u d Egga *,r CHICAQO, (JF) — Butter-^— ih*Tt

eroamer>' oxtrna 30 1-2 to .17c;.firsts 32 }• to'Sl^c; seconds 20 to 31c; standards 35 1, 8-4e.<i Egga — Lower; recelpls 14,075 cas.

cs; f irs ts 23 l-2c; ordinary f ir ita 2^ to 21c; miscellaneous 23 to 23c.

I Portland LlTottocky PORTLAND, O re , (IP) - Cattlo |. —Sleady ; receipts 35. f I l o g s ^ le a d y ; receipts 078. ’

Sheep — Steady; recoipU 13S.® Omalia L ltM to c k -n OMAHA, (/p>—H ors — Receipts 10,. r. 000; slow, s teady; bulk 180 lo 210 pound i. butchers 810.80 to 10.D0; top $10.00;Y butchers 21S to 825 pounda weight

* ' , - V. V.*A< \

W h ic h ^ /i ' . . is —lheSuiior'9,(

t h e s u n o f c o u r e e ” y o u w i l l s a y . B u t r e m e m b e r - y o u c a n h o k l t h e c e n t s o c lo s e t o y o u r e y e t h a t y o u lo s e s ig h t o f t h e s u n .

S o m e l e a k in g p o w d e r s c a n b e

f o r a f e w p e h o ie s l e s s th a n C a lu m e t - b u t d o n ^ ^ h o ld t h e s e c e n t s t o o c lo s e t o y t /u r e y e a - y o u

I - t h e p u r i t y - f t e d e S n d a S l i t y o f


. I n T r t h e r w o r d s , d o n ’t I k d e -

p e n n ie s - th e

W h e n V OT b u y G a l u m e t y o u

^ i n a r y le a v e n in g s t r e n g th .

c o n v in c e d . ,

'I MARCH 3.1922 - ' V ' vI10.G0 to 'ip .80j packing gradei $0 to 10. ‘ . •,

Cattlo T- Beeeipta JjSOO; All e h u e s of stock fu lly stcadyj best beeves «8.35.

^ Sheep — Beeclpta '2,000j a ll classes H slrong; b c rt lamba 81 iS 0 ; owes, top

1^.80.> Ohlcago U Teotoek -

OUIOAflO, (S>>-<;eitIe — Reeelpts 4,500; veal ealTos ateadjr to ■weak; oth­e r elatsca generally i t ^ y ^ top beof s tc tra 18.00; ba lk beef itoers «7.40 to ,

I 8.23; bulk f a t cowa, u d helfera |4.7C »4.7fi to 6.25; bologna bulls largely

* 14.15 to 4.33. 'Hoga 1- Receipts 23,000; fa ir ly a«-

tivc ; mostly 10 to 16e blgber t b u yes- te rday 's average; b ig packers holding

:* back; top *11.35; bulk #11 to 11^3;‘ pigs slaw, 15 to 25e lower; bulk dealt.

able 100 to 120 pounda around tIO.'' S h e c p ^ Becelpta 6,000; opening “ alow; f a t lamba nbout 10c higher; top

early 110.75; M o n tu a ellppera $18.29; fa ll’ shorn Texaa yearlings aad twoa

'[ ♦12; no t enough Bvatut^d ahcep heto to “ make a m arket. - .

I- N e v Toric Stocka .NEW YORK, {/P>-Speculallve isauea

t. Including jium eroua unelaaalfied apo- cialtiea fea tured today '# active and

c. higher stock m arket. Investm ent mlla . aad high grado industrlala figured oa-. ly moderately In tho ndvnnce. Sales

n niiproximated 1,000,000 shajes. f- Oaln$ ot 1 10 i polnta rrae mado by n various lasues n t tho aetivo aad broad d opening of today 's stock m arket, ovon

tho Btwla going forw ard, despite j ta - ^ te rdny 's suspension of tho Sless-Shof- I* field preferred dividend. Leodors o f

thu early ndvancu. Includod Crucible, y: Gulf S tales. Lima Locomotive, Comput-'

ing Tabulating, HonVt«n;011, American '* Woolen, Amorlean Sugar, Bouth Porto

Rico nffd*Continental Can. Inveatm cat . ' Ralls roio only fractionally, bu t »ec-

,1 ondary sharca, notably Ann-A rbor pre­ferred and Now Orleans, Texa.i u d

I, Mexico gained 1, 3-4 u d 3 points ro- l^)cctlvfly. Excepting German marka,

. all foreign c x c h a n g c s^ e rg , higher In ' jircHmlnnry q u o ta t lo n a ^ " '^ • •

Oils and utilities regfatered best- prlci'A In tho afternoon, notnbly Ucx-.

lean Petroleum nnd Consolidated Gas. CopiH'rs nlso hardened on tho higher price quoted for tho refined metal. The cloaing wns strong.

L ibe rty Bonda NEW YORK, (/P) - L iberty bonda

- cloaed: 3 1-2's $97; f irs t V « W .IO ; . a sccond 4 'a *07.10; f i r s t 4 1-4's *07.48;

seconil-l_1 .4 '•-*07.28; third 4 M 's *08.20; fourth 4 1 .4 's 107.54; Victory.3 3-4'a *100.02,-Victory 4 2-1'b *l/)0.£8.

J HOirSB ^ 0 IN V E S nO A T S «Wj^SHINOTON, ( f f p A n 'in v M l lg a - • '

. tiotf o f “ official c o n d a c f 'o f OovemDr

. E. Mont Relly of Porto Rico by tbe.} houso Insular a f/a ira eommUtoe ia pro- , vided in a resolyUoa Introduced today ^

by Representatlvo Humphtoya, deno- c m tfilla s ls iip p l.- S uch 'an i n w l ^ .haa been requested by tho Porto Rican aen-

■ ato.


R ,nvw auto top^curta ia* . radia­tor cover, harness, collars, leathei - and Imitation leather goods of a ll kinds, canvas, awnings,- uphol­stering, blankets, robes, leggina, and a thonsand other articlos liks ,above.)^c guaraaloe goods, work u dprices lo be best -Genuine neatafoot olUng, per set,*1.00. R rlog yonr h a rn e u witb

Acroaa from firo dcpartmont- Phono 30UW

: ^ B S B a s s s c c ^ s « a s a i a « = : s 3 = v

IU I Llr e ^n . f \>ein .5e : • "

i ■ ,r - . ■ . I '

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Page 5: TWIN») FAILLS DiULM ME Wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · Another detaU of the. organlcatlon provides tfiat each stato organlislloo gQQ will

H i OfIBiMIGir

B o t h G e n e r a l P e r s h in g a n d S e c -

• ; ; r e t a J 7 ; ; W e e k s I n c l in e i t t o

' D o u b t W is d o m o f A c t io n C o n .

l e m p i a t e d b y H o u s e P r o g r a m

-------- , Ir

W ASniN O TO N , D. C., (flV A etion th e li,oii*6 approprU tloni sub-tom- ™

Bjittfo in dccldiBfT tflntstlvcly lo eut **' the strjnR th o f tlio anny to 115,000 men and ll.CfOO o fficc n was under- stc^otl to hrvo boon illKutxed e t a con- “ fcrcnce toJoy between Pre iident Ilord- injr Oeneml Pof«lilnff. ■

Genoral rerah in s would not iIIboum Us ta lk w ith tho pre iiden t -tr iic re arc iiidleatloiiii tlyit General

I’erBhliiK has said I t would l)0 threat- ^nlnir to Ihe gaeerM ai the Ihrcc-pir:

I nrmy aehemo'to rodueo the arm y belowIU ’preM nt 150,000 enlisted itreiiRth un til a t ’.oait tho iiovr orf^p.niratlou haa *''' been p u t,in vrorkiiii; shape.'

I t nppeared possible thn t i t was this ’’'J phaso o f Uio situation which ho desir­ed to -eall to tho a ttention of Prenident n a rd in c i>i: eommander In chief when he SQucht Iho Interviow today. '

_ _ _ _ Ja' ' ■ ■ CO'' N OT H IS A B U T SATB fit

^ SEC® ETAE7 W EEKS. , bu

MIAMf. n n . , ( ^ -K e .lo c tio n o f 1>p' f ■ ; from 150,000,000 to JOO,000,090 from K®'

'I h p ’ w ar departm ent'* ImdRet fo r thu wn new fi*''nt year, roportecj lo he tho plnn of tho lioii»o approprinllniis sub-eoin- Mr m ittee, will mean n deereaso of a t leMt ern ono'-third in MO anny fortr, posts, fly* w®

' • Inff field* nnd Iralninj: eiinips of thi< far country, Seetetnry of War Weeks sai-l today. t_ I t would Jio impossible, w ith A foreo I

. *• o f only 100,000 men, to nifiti theso fortj, eamps and fields oven wilh a sufflcieat number o f men " t o drill a squad,”

' Mr. Week*'dcclpred."T h o member of eongtcsj who voto%

' to mako the- eu t beyond w hat wo think i t ouRht tc .b o should a o t complain i(Iho dopartmoftt find* it necessary to «■ ft^indoa fl fo rt or post or field or tamp

^ wblch bai’iii'ns to bo in his d is tr ic t," - |said M r. Week#.

. . " I t Is ro t my army, I t belonfrs lo tho peon'o and If they w ant to mako tho’c u f^ h i'y have tho rlRht tb io s o . '’

i l i l l L ? iii lD K i

■ ■ Nei

S i t u a t l o n j n 'B r l l l s h P o s s e s s io n s "

i s A lm o s t B e y o n d C o n t ro l

o f A u th o r i t i e s . *■ '— “®tl?

LONDO.V, {JPi - at« llcH n# I tp o tl.‘to tho newspapers Indieato th a t tho sit- ;nation io Ind ia is eausinR IncreaBlnffL a w lo ty to tho authorities, partieulnrly in .tbo P unjab and tho united provinees of Bengal,

_ ,Tli6ro is said to bo danger In Bengnl t l l th a t tho members of, the old rovolu- I f i tiooaij- po tty will tako control o f tho n i

> polltieai iiiovement out of tho hands I o f tho nationalist congress party , ow- . Ul

•* Ing Id tho anger o f tho e x trem ists.eltho postponement of civil disobedience, g j ,

Tho Doily TclegTaph show# th a t ag i­tation is K fo '^lng 'iS 'flil tho above- ®

. . named d istricts, where the situation Is Betting more and moro"otit o f tbo con­tro l o f thn Buthotltles. }{i

Thd, report o f .th o impending arrest Can of M. K . Oandhi, noa-’eo'opotatlonlst his leader, i« id to ra ted i medl

Tho Bally M ali sij-a th)it tb« T H uJi p idi o f W ales t.08 'abaad6hc(l his Intontion (odn

^ to visit A m ritsar where, .t is reeallol, ^liibl troop)) ilre it on ag itators <ii April, 1010, tmo killing 380 persons. The ii-ason of tho voen altera tion in tho prince’s plans Is not (}( sta ted . nial» ................ .. * • >vaj

Ceal Powdlft •’Atomlrcd’?—-.co4l*Mllirefent

m erely •’pm jdercd” coal bccauM ,v » r | to t! Bjlnutel;^. tilvlded—If a now pfOiact lo r

' l l (ihJIng Im portant U«S. brat ^ U Is UfCd for m ak ln i ft hlgh-gw da men

tja lh t nnd also ob <k BnbsUtnto for liis h m pblnck in tbft teWtnfaclurfl o ; Ink. Ji© i A fiother talualAtt ca^ploynlcnt fo r It Is vlbr fc H acinif '’ Vo'undry molds, to Klvo Ih* thm torfBM'a Vl amooth flnUh to p itpa ra- i„„p t lc h easllncs. Elari

L ------ L ■ ---------- . n mT h t Oay» T h a t A n Oen*.

* ‘T o u used to ' say,” *l» com plalntd, R " th a t you coni\t<nl th a t day lo«t wben ^ yon (lid not bear tb* » n n d o f my

1 know," be replied, *^nd I C ih a ll never c«a*B to long tw <hp*e d isir lo«t T t* n * o lp t ^

Tools to M«K« Rifle. |Nine hundrwl wml n in e ty -sm n cnt* J

tlnj: tools olone owi r e jo in 'd In nmnn- T• fa ttu rin g II rl^N T lip-tw lnt drill Is •

onn of the htis'lowi <iT t h w . , To sup- / p l j 1,000,(XW, rldM 'fM.OOO,000 , holesm nsi hi* <lrlltpq, _______ T

' i i l i l m m w i1 O k la h o m a E x e c u t iv e f l o t P e r - , ' | ; ?

m i t t e d t o T e s t i f y In B a n k ! "' • |c e

_ F a i l u r e I n v e s t ig a t i o n "

0KMU1.0E1!, o i ; ^ , O T - ii. » r '« dramatic Kreno o t tho courthouse this , morning,' County A ttorney Jam es Hep-

burn refused to consent to the request J. of Oovernor J . B. A. Robertson tha t ho

bc permitted to appear beforo the dij- L I rlft conrt Rrand ju ry whlcb Is bvesti- „ (

„ Rating th j failure of the Baflk of Com- j j i merce. The county a ttorney declared y ,

J tha t aovcroor Robertson could not su- Ea g percede in tho conduct o f tho probe, nm

Oovernor Hohertson replied tho t he had J .J tho power to supersede tho' county at- Mt 1- am

“ No witness in 't 'o iu g before tha t J ju ry willioiit iny eonscnl, I don’t glvo j

ft d— - if ho lit tho governor,” shout Itijj J cd Hepburn, pouiiding n desk.with hi<. brl . clenched fist. “ I nm going to toll you hac . ju st a« f lold Oeorgi' Short (otiornpy Ion . gi-ncral) to tell you tho other mornincr, M r J Hint no nm n.Is going to supersede tho jeos j rnunty a ttorney of th is cnunty.” jta b

Ifcplmrn ndded: "Y o u . haven’t got wit , thn jinwcr to supersede me, O overnor.'’ j Aft

‘‘.Yoi< kitow b e tter than ti'iht Jiui, »'o« I have lho po»ver tn supersede you,” elul

, Governor Kobertson replied. ' 8-Oovernnr Robertson was attacked by | E'l*!

James G. Lyons, nu oil man, ns tli'0 | governor emerged from Ihe private o f-1

. fice of County A ttornoy Jnmes Hep i burn tills morning, a fte r a eonferenco

• between Hie rounty nttorney nnd tho governor. Governor Robertson, as ho wns walking ou t o f Uio outer of/icn o£Iho county a ttom ev, wns introduced to Mr. Lyons, bystjuidcrs said. The gov- .. trniir extended hi* hand and Mr. Lyoni was said lo hnvo struck him In Ihe

'< " • _ _ _ _ _


______ had

D e 'c re a s e in F r e i g h t o f 11 P e r T tv

C e n t W ill N o t N o w G o In to l !‘ b

E f f e c t U n ti l J u ly ”, --------- ■ Tl

WASJUNGTON, D. C., yp) - Reduc- “J “ tlona .In rates on sugar from western pfoducin.^ te rrito ry to ml'ddlo western y,'®' consuminif po in t^ which railroads pro , . posed to jn n k o effectlvo today, have. ^ ' b c en -M sp H td i^ n tll July*V by the 'In -1 j° ,,j Icrstflte rommerio .commilslon. Ue.ir-! f-i i_ ings as to tiie adviaabljity of allowin,; i , tho decreases to go into effec t will l ie i^ ^ begun befcre examiners March 20 n iljujM New York.

Under tho schedules filed by tho sang western railroads, sugar orlgluating in If^tn tho Colorado, Mnho, U tab, K an iai and jiicj Nebraska beot growing, tc rrllory fur m IM destinations, in Illinois, Iowa, Minn^. Kcfr aotia, Wisconsin, N orth ond South Da- hosti kota, Okiolioma nnd the upper penin- ,Mn. 4ula of Michigan would bo given a rato o f 8 ccnts less per hundred pounds . Mi o r A reduction o f epproxim /tcly 11 por tho I eeat. ’ - - nt h

-L ■ , Tlio I

FiOySSiEII'SMTi' DEWD fill i i i .!i

Eiamlnatiou of Vocal Appli- asccs of Oamso. Shows Bc-

markablo Dovclopmont______ ^ yeste

ROMK, (yp) — T h e ,th ro a t o f Enrico Caruso, which w m lo ft n t tho tlmo of ,® his death fo tho Naples museum for meilical examination, was reproduced . S piclorlftllr by tlie Homo' nowspaffcrs todny, Doctor's whose opinions wero published, tiechred it was the most « • • iRiordlnary development known f j r vocnliiaUnn. ‘ ^ , jj

CtTruio'* vocaV chords wero of abnor-|j^ mal length nnd Ms breaUilng’ power w&i dcseribod a s phonomenel. TIi» epiglottii wns n l thlpk m Ihp t of deep- e st b u s tlBl(*’r« ', while Its attachment j_ g, to tlie tongue wns o f such a natufo as p , l« Iq permit tho grea test rap 'd llv of v i­brations, ti.ua necounUiia io r tho im- Th menso rnngo of tl.e R tth t tenor's voleo. o f i: l iis lung power woa so enormous thc i Hint ho could make tho chords of a piano nvcn vibrato h t • merely breathing upon oven them. Tho doctorii described Caruso’s solos luHK* as thoso o f n super-roan and de- steal E la red 'tha t from head to foot he was Mra. n magnlflvept alnglng machine. /« ''0

r e a d t h e CLASSIFIED ADR Tl

S £ [ ^ 7 n M f« IHI

i!!y5rt5^tj,IflT*jm »*ftaOr8»!ii80iM r*n]RfchTh* O riddal (Ior U A m ^ N a <


[ E d ite d 'b y Mrs.‘ E . U. W UUmh. Tolepbono 300,

I i l r . and Mrs. Asher U. \Vllson woro jhosta' a t dinner lost ovfnlng a t tboir

. ’homo-on Shoshono street. Tho guests iw e ie seated a t two tables ono o f whieh was decorated in whito and groen, the

|ceD tcrpIeco.being o f whito carnations, | t l f t nu t cups wero lied w ith grcon mn

lino and the place eards were decorated 4 w ith shamroeks. The other had a een-

terploco o f yellow jonquila, yellow n u t ' ' cups wero \ised end ' tbo placea m arked* by jonquil plaeo c a rd s ,' Following d inner the ovening was spent plnylng

’ pinochle, Mrs. C. E. Booth w inning the ' prize for tho ladles, and Mr, Booth high ' seoro for tho men. Tho guesta woro; Mr. and Mrs. J . M.* Maxwell, M r. and , I Mrs. A. J . Pcevcy, Mr. aad Mrs. Oeorgo _• Easley, Mr. and Mrs. T. J . Woods, M r. . and-M ra. John Graliam, Mr. and Mrs. • 1 J . S. Busaell, Mr. end Mrs. C. E. Booth,’ M r. and Mrs. Leonard Sm ith, and Mr. ,

nnd Mrs. Roy A. Bead.

Membcra of tho Fortnightly elub hav­ing low 'score for n certain series of bridgo games eutetlalncd those who • hnd captured high acore a t a de lightful luncheon .on Wcdopsday a t Jhe home of • Mrs. W. 11. KIdrldge on Sixth nvenuo

I cast. Tbe gucsis wero seated a t smnll j tables decorated with French marigolds, **’ w ith nu t cups nnd pinco cards to match.

j A fter luncheon bridgo wns the dlvor- slon Mrs. Dertha Leonard winning the elub favor. Mrs. J . D. ICnuU, M rs. J .S. B uttulph nnd Mrs. Leonard were nx guests. Covers were Inid for 15. th

I The regulnr m teting of tho Ameriean th I Legion A uxiliary was held in tho Bus- th Mness W omen’s club room* T h u rsd ay /l i evening. A fter tho transaction of bus- |oj iness w llh tho president Mra. C. L . De- „tj Long presiding, the evening was given „ ovor to a general social Ilmo du ring p,. which tho members mndo flowera for lho danco they arc planning to give in Nj .tho spring. The hostesses, Mra. Do- ^ Long, Mrs. l\ C. Ellis, Mrs. Wo'ndell Alien nnd Mrs. h. Friedman served re- fresbmenta. „j,

i lr s . J . P . Herron nnd Mrs. W. M. Shetlel were hostesses lo tho W ayside club Tliursday aflornOon nt the Herron home on Poplar avenue, Kloven mem- bers woro present and Mrs. H .-D . Sto- ' ver nnd M rs. J . W. Bawllngs were , guests o f tho club. Mrs. 0 . W. Jones had ehargo of tho program w hlch 'w aa on S t. I 'n trlek . During tho social honr n two courso luncheon wns served. On JInrch 16 tho club will meet w ith Mrs. '1®! L. S. Jones to finish piecing nnd to tlu a quilt. die

' • ' I tTho Baptist Missionary aoeioty m er pai

u t tho parsonage on Thursday w ith Mrs. .its W. H. Toliver. The ..short business sit meoting wna presided over by M rs. S. wh W atkins nnd (ho dovotionals wero led Iro by Mra. W. H. Bcott. Tho program , ] conaistcd_of_n.debalo, resolved, .“ T hat o« Ind ia Is H arder to' Cliristlanizo than ),v China” ; affirm ative, M rs. Jam es 'W ha- foi len nnd Mrsi C; E Scott; negative, M rt. ti,( A. H. M artyn and Mrs. S. W ntkina. Tho judges decided In favor o f Uiu nega­tive, a fte r whlelT Mrai I . . H. M asters sang a song on India, .end Misa £ d lth Henderson gave a' voci)l solo aecompft- ]iled l>y Miss Effle Henderson and M iss Mildred Tracey rendered a piano solo. , , , Refreshments wero served, the n u is tan t hoslewes being Mrs. L H. M u to ra and — ^Irs. Gcorgo Perry. . o n

— , , delMrs. Emmn L. W arren was hostess io net

tho Kplscopal Guild Thursday afternoon by nt her home In tho Beed apartm ents, ser Tlio meeting was opened wilh prayer led " ’c by the president, Mrs. C. C. Slgglns, a f ­te r which n brief business session wes hold. Interesling reporls wero thon given by Miss Susan Spraguo and Bev. CTinrles Olenn Baird of Iho convocation i t n'olse last, week. About 18 membcra were prcM ot ond Uiey spent tho timo loirlng for tho bazaar to be hold n fto r M ^:astc^

Tho Presbyterian L adles’ A id mot yesterday nfternoon n t lho home Of Mrs. M. C. Mltehelf on-Shoshono strOot,Tho afternoon wns largely .taken up irlth tho yearly report and oluction of Dfflcera, as follows: Preiident, Mra. H.J. Youngs;, vice president, Mrs. A. E. Slifer; Sfleroiary, Mrs. W, E. N ixon; treasurer, M rs. David Brown. A short jirogrnm waa enJoVed, consisting of a vocal solo and a responio lo hn encore by built Mrs. Wnller Cttlioy nnd Mra. T . r. Wooda and a H h iin g by Mrs. W, E. Klxon, Durilig.tho s(^clal hour refrcsh- mcnl* Wero served by tho hostesses,« |S . W erk, Mrs. A. B. Herron, M rs. M. j . Sweeley, M ra.'M llchell and Mnt. It.I‘, Logan.

Tho McDowell Music club, composed of lho jun ior studenta of Mra. E fflo H in ton ,.m et nt hor studio, 201 ' M ain nvoniio oast, on Thursdny evening. The evening wna devoted to Instrum ental solos, study of musical history, and thu- sical games. A fter light refreshm ents Mra. H inton nnd i l n . T. K , Hackmnn favored tho girls *wllh a piano duet.

Tho noleyon clob of Kimberly met


U« OriginalIm iiationf

end S u 6 s t i t o ( c Jgrain tx trse llnP ow dsr

N« C o J d « * - K o « r i .U -g - D K t-U hU '


. iSTKi , i M i I, I,


i 5 t M e D e p a r t m e n t E x p e c t s A m - li

i ■ e r i c a n B a n k e r s t o A d v is e r

, D e t a i l s o f I m p o r t a n t T r a n s - ^

5 . .a c t i o n s _ P la n n e d A b ro a d f,

' WASin.VOTON, D. C., waa issued loday by tho stalo depart- mpnt th a t the government expects Ani-

• crlcan bankers'to ndvlae It fully of tho . ’ details of iho foreign loans w ith other ’ govcrnmi'uls of m uniclpelllics nliroad

beforo nrgotlatloua of aurh lonus arc concludei*.

Tho depnrtnieiit In Its ootice which , wes In thr- ne ture o f a warning, sold I tha t Iho ndvlsabillty o f co-operation'In I such loans, w hirh was explelned lo tho

U inking interests o t a conference last summer between Pre iident Hnrdlng and cftfa ln nii'mlier.i o f tho cahlnvt nnd rcprevntn livea of Americnn in- veilmeiit I'nnkrrs, did not seem suf­ficiently well undentood In bnnkin" nnd invchtmont circles.' ‘'‘Tlio . ' l o t i o n o f foreign bond Is­

sues, in ,1hu Aniericnii m nrkel,” said tho atnlo departm ent, " I s nsiuniing in' creasing business and on acc^nunt o( the li(^irlng of such operations upon tho projvr conduct o f n ffa iftj Amorleaii firms lontem plntlng making foreign loans wi!! Inform tho dopartment of sta te in . l i i i ''t im o 'o f tho initial facts and of lubsequent develOpmenls of Im- porlnnce.”


OfflcinN cxplulned Ihnt whllo thero is un ln«v compelling bnnkera In fur- nlsji such ‘advance Information to tho “ govcrnnip;il,.''tlvnt iu view of the pos- silili' iintlcinul in te rest Involved, it should hnve the opportunity nf saying lo the uiiderwrileM roncerned, should it nppear ndvHnblo lo do so, that there ia i*r is uot olijeetion to nny par­ticular Ivuir.” . ,

Tlio departm ent Informed tho bank­ers thn t the nh^enco of a stalement from tho government oven though the department m ight havo been fully In­formed regurdlng nny loan did not in ­d icate cither, aequleseenco or objection.I t was cii.piiasized nlso thnt tho de­partm ent would no t pass upon tho mer- .tls of foreign loans as business propo* sitions nor assuuio any KS|ionilbillty whatever In connection w ith loan transaction"., I t wna also cxplain^d.^thnt i t was nec-

Piuuir)' to guard agaloat’-roprcscutaUflna. by bankers th n t'fo re ig n loans In this country hnd received tho snnrlion of •- the American govemmenl.

Harnest nnd nulo top snle. acroi» from flro dcp.irfment station. Fred Foss.—ndv,

Tbe Nows Is read by the 'pem nnen i earning classes.

on Thursday afternoon w ith tho presi­dent, Mrs. 0 . L. Nobio. A short busi­ness session and program v e ro followed by n social honr. Refreshments were served by tho hostess. All tho mombors Were present. , • •

Miss Allco Carlson was Iho guest of honor a t a surprise party given a t tho homo of hor parents', Mr. nnd Mrs. 0 .E. Carlson, 'W ednesday even lng 'ln 'ob- •ervaneo of he r )>lrthday anniversary. ^

S»)) Dm Q

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L O G A NP H O N E . l O a T \


" E i i i i l ”FEWinODllS

Thirteen flovommont Dry- Docks OoBtinf $900,000

Eaoh io bo Sold

WABHINGTON, D. C., IJP) — Thlr- t een o f -.he shipping board’s dry doeka

V ro u te d ' ori, tho A tlantic seaboard ond lho gu lf bnve been turned over to Vico ‘

>e r re s ld e n t Farley In cliargo of sales, to bo sold. I

>• The dr>-(loeks cost tho board about 1000,000 earh nnd President Powell o f! tho Em ergency I'Icet eor|Kirnllon in an-1 nounclng .that these were for sale, said

•0 they ahuuU b ring about |300 cacb.i- ------ TII- Sals * t F red Fom eolne fast.—k Iv ~

------------------------H A o o o o ' l j g

: The Boys l I These SaiyI f1 V * V


ThreeStyles jm U

■ (, B/fffou were a little bo

suit, isn’t it almost a 10 would pick out a Sailor always loved the sea - kernes — and clothes clothes are sure to be th

These little play suits Indigo Stripes. The col with just the trini to m sailor suits. They are \ wear and yet look bette)

-----Three StLong Sleeves, Ankle Le Short Sleeves, Knee Ler, Short Sleeves, Bloomer .


iUtl-UM,dIner«(>U]H*^jlen>«rt]UssU4>ly) U l rfaud* <<rAnl>r«^) V M isS ^

Im * ’*loRM’iO tn M -P o til dram'-StlMM*')■ImM «l Nwrnuicir—With My IlMft U Fr«wl>

DANCE RECORIM ; r»W<rwBluM-F«iTnit OrltinalRMd DIuM-FoaTret TlMlUnMnllln*—Fos TrM CrMn Drot.m««W . In TrM All Sl.r Trli .r Old Sou«M .Si-F«. T«t _ P.«l WhII.i >«yC«IMt DwInr—M*d. FMTret FauIWhlUi lmmln**lvf*dl«r Fes Tr«l

Shanthal—F«i Tr«t hm Sh.ll WaVtMt A|*in-M*dl*r Walli 1- th« Otd Ohi# Shor*-W*l(a C»»«t» Bro*., th« 'Cle. XIi. ’CJnnr Sh<»»-re.Tr«t P.ul Whil. wU Foi Tf«t PiulWMu

STANDARD AND POfUUR RECORD nil* Ih w ^ h Vour T««i*l*po<''lhaOtdOI«ckin a M*n • llort* H* C«n Rid*•thlr<( Jhbr (HuBonHi* M«mIoi«.} II You>* WMid U W«iUr<f tor th* Suntte**«p Mo Mar* Mr Mttnmir I & Clad te Cat BMk !• Mf Hama Town tat'a Haw I 0*ll*M in Ym iVanI You Memlor, Neon and NI|hl

, M r Haart, On Mf Mind. A ll^ .r U n i i^ a< »H a« <YM‘,a CaaM Cir VUn ! '• CaM) .ppilU B a lU l-F aalM Dane* snd Walla lh*Heuii

MwiUiaCalUn) Frank F*r

, Dar^rM *(ta (S) W alu (S) S^Mrto (4) L'iUaMtqua > J Bird 0 ) EJftMplU 0 ) Th* Witch (4) I'> l ^ i f ” ha Habfar>H«r>* 0> Tha CU«k P)

M M U S I C C O M IT W I N - F A L L S 1 1 0 M A I

^RCH3,1922 . ,

, FOR SALE at a :J Great Sacrifice ' ^

I hava sold m ; ^tts^asi and am IsaVlsg for Oalifoxnla. WUl sell my home a t ono of th« bl<- geit bargains «rer dffned.

; H. Heartfield,

" S U T O H H A B ^ f ', Get your supper a t tbo Methodist,'. ehureh baaemoDt, ea/eterla alylo

1 PEIDAT, MAEOH 3Begionbg a t 0:30

‘ Besflfit Uoodlng Oolleg*EPWOBTO LBAQPB


3 k t % — ™ _ vigpT O T IU D I

Will Like lilor-Alls




boy picking out a new 100 to 1 ahot that youor Model, B oysM ve-^__— Sailors are their s made like sailor their choice, -.

ts are made of Stif el’s •ollars of plain indigo make them look like e play suits that will ter than most kinds.

Styles-----L ength-a t.......$129length—a t :....... $IJ9!rKriee-at......$1J9

l lT l - )Faada* Challafln F*«Hl«fChtIUpte F*e<larChatlatda

.ItalUn auMpiMdaUMa

LaulM HonMT/ialia Sala Frtls Knliln-

John MeCemia<k ’ ' i

L_Fhil*^tphUOr<K*itrB r* >^ PhiUd«ehlaOr<h**tra rwl> RcnalttZamlU

ItlnalDliUUndJanBaad >n*an Orthaatra olroi. M*llerlmU Ottha*tn ' . -i r Trie and Th*Ir Onhattm hlUmansndHUOxhaOns hltamanandHlaOrchntra '

Club Ro7*I Orcha«tra Club Rer*l OfchatUa

lU<li*t.D«rt»Orth*MrB re*. MtlleHmba Oith*«tni hll*manandHUOrch*«lra hlUman and KlaOichatlra 5RD5 - : ■

tambrri Murphr tLury lub*IJa Marth

5 ^ :1 K s s : ■MtrUCahlll

’ MaJftXaWll JahnSl**!JabnSl**!

F*«tl*uQusr(«t■■ ■ .Chari** Harrltan

Y**«laRnt«iFJna On>n-Elllalt Shaw . ■

leui* VMerCoo*«tOr*b.

s7m Msera-lt^ran D*H* • rth Victor OrtlMir* qua <»>U(4)Ma*r«ho(lb>Tln ' VtelwORhattr* .lllllen (4) Faaaant’a , «

VklarOnbHtr* /

/ I P A N Y ' J II A I N A \ { E N U E N O R T H !j .

Page 6: TWIN») FAILLS DiULM ME Wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · Another detaU of the. organlcatlon provides tfiat each stato organlislloo gQQ will

;■ TWIN FALLS DAILY HEWS, iMucd-evcry n ttm oon exccpt aundflr

] ’■ Twin *"“•

I n o r A, RUAD............................Pr«*ldenti . . JO im C Jm U V B y .......... ....T rew iurer

’* . £nUn.-d n* etconiJ etVM mall rontloT*!. April D. 1918. lit llio postofflco a t Twin I J PbIIi , Iilnhft. Under (hu net or Mnrcli 3

^ •

^ S C R IP T Ip N RATES •, One. year...............................................16-00 '

1 ..............................................................i.iO 1

MEMnF.U OF AflSOCIATB» m B 8 8 iTho A*»ociiiii-d IVi'M is oxcluilvcly oti. ,

tldrd 10 tho UM for rtpuWlcailon of allnown dIaiialcIicH crcdltod to It, or not oili- ] onrlflc -cri'dlti'd 111 Ihin imp«r, and iilwi Oio locnl nnwB puWlihod hfrrlii. All rlsjilr.ot rtpuUlciillon of upccUil dUjmtclifH ,bcrfln uro bIbu re»crVM. '(ffH inciinn Ainoclnltd rrew . ^

No rcBiwiinllilllty Ik uuunnil for thi- ( oirc ‘or unffollcliiH] manuacrlpm. {ihoto-gT»i*» 6T oilivr co!\(clliui»i Hwiter. Ac* ■Ucli-H Bul>nili(<Mj for inibllciilloii vrDI Ijf ,\uimJ or noi a l (ho .IKcrolloii or (h . odl- Ilor nml no iiiiinimarll'i wlll Ur rciiirnod |, unlcM iiccomiianicd l>y ni-cch.i;iry jio»l-

’" t Im nTvui' I ii ll m«ml8r of Uio Audit n Jhin'iiu of Clrciilatloiin, from whom' full iiifnnimtloii iiK to clrciilntlon mny hr ob- n Uilneil ti|K>n niiiiKciilloii. Uatalled Infor- . million tiiipiilU-cl lociilly ujwn requMt.

i:A.s-i'i:i'ts ui:i-iii:HBNTATivicri '' (IC'orKii H. Diivld Co., Inc., 171 Madison

Avr.. .NrW York: A. It. Kciiior. HU U nrl- „ ford nulMlnt. qilcJiKO.

ilA N Y .U IO K L E a------ I

i ’roni n ' iV in 'f a l l i nmn conii-s the it «u(Tf;ciitio» tliat till) statu o f Idalio ix incurrinj; unduo o ti«n ic by mnllinB motor vcMcle Hcodso plalc* from BoUo

_______ ^ tu Jn illu itu a r ownor* Inatond of elilp- “I- - -ping tlir-iiliitcii lii-i|UimUtr to tho MV-

oral county scaU for dlatributlon b f county 'officials.

llo c»timati.'B«tlio cost of maillug H- "> «n » e plati'B to Twin I'slls county motor owners is no t le u than «S(U}, and oitl- mntcs tliu coat of ahlpmoat horo by irclKht of nil tlio.plalM rcquirfliLk tho eounty nt botwcou nnd (ii, ladltmt- • Ini; ft pos-iiblo saving to tho sta to o f ■Imojl J300 in tho coso of this coonty nluni'i nnd tt poasiblo saving of from ’

I «0,U00 to (10,000 nrhon all tho coantloB -! of tliu ntato ard takon Into eonildera ' j1 •• Uon. Ii D istribution of Ueenio pla t« i by th e •

eoilnty officials, our friend 'a rguei f u i : ... N th e r, would oHmlnate dolay la to rren - (y]

InR bdtwcen tlio timo of paym ent of the regis tra tion fco and dellvory of the plntex, w hich,.utidcr p rn o n t conditloas, results in inconvoalenco to persons vho

' bavo deliiyrd [>aymont of tbo feo until ■ a short tiiinj^ boforo tho “ dood line*'

w as m^do cffoctivo. , .I t "Is alao auggeitod th a t d istrl- |,p

bution of p la tes by county officials would tend to faeUltato IdDntlfleatloa i,a< o f car* f ro n ony alnglo eounty, a ll o f th i w hich n'oiild boar nombers o f similar

1 «erlet. Moi , , I f . lh c te Is a n rth lng -w vnc_w ith_ tu s w i I m a o aio R i t la no t-appa ron t oa the ! #urfaec. . gla' Oei[ DOmC rB T T B B IH B TEU TH t!. l ^ t s of peopio a te worried nbout J a r t

and crime aad tho maoy other ertdoneea thu , o f abaonnality which thoy say ohar- C

aeterlM our limo. Thoy prcdlc t tha t : tlio world ia Roiug to tho bad* and th a t , 1,”

li there arc no counteracting infiuenees cha I to check its downward proffres*.

This is only n '^partkl view. On th# J ’jq i contrary i t will bo found .th a t eeldom

mi tiavv tliQ m ladt o f cnoa b e ta atlrrod ao ^ deeply by spiritua l influcacM. And, a< '{ Is to bo uxpccted,.a tendency is soon viti j to loae poiio nnd swing loo fa r In the ene j op|K>iitc (lircctlon. Mr. Brj-an told tho > le^^inlnturc of Kontucky tb a l tho fa ith

o f tho fathers waa endangered by, th e ntoi IcftflunR of evolution An tbo toUeg«^ and tho leglilators took him very serl- onuly and jirnmptly proposed'n law th a t o f ‘ ‘ •Darwiniani” nairnthclam and the doc- •"‘•1 trinca of ovoliltlon, so fa r as they at- tem pt to account for tlio origin of mna, •' •hould not bo tauKht in tho school* of k’et K cntu tky . • v ' -

N ot loBfT a fter, I*rcMdent Krueat M. "u!, I Ilopkina, of D artmouth, public a iu-p

le tte r which lio had reeeived from a . •com m ittee of ono of tlio ({re'at church Wl

denomlnntion'M nsjcrtinR tha t the »up’ ^ port of Iho church and of the KOod p e c j plo who bclonRcd \o i t would bo with- dm w n from schools whoao teaehors bad “ departed from tho fa ith .”

Now, doubtleaa all (hia ix very woll con m eant ond is IicHdvciI u c ce m rj ', and

. y e t tlio prob.ibllity. is tha t i t is but n ■ phase of the w orld 's disturbed m ental o f :

. tonditSonB wlileh will p.in* nB wo gel *‘-'c • fu rth e r from tbo storm ren ter of war.

Beforo the wtir the great majiirity o f jn n tho clorgy had Buccecdad ia rcconcilinff >'0cl the ir theories o f ovolution tb their the- o loor and w ere w asting no moro time

' ar^^uing nbout it. M d the yoong poo- itol. plo in the collcgoa’- ^ r e loam lag n'bont the w ork of D arw in nud of other ovo- lutionlata and having no religious d if- sho<

•flenltica. And i t la 'to be hoped th a t Ica* the (fcll-lnfenlioaod and cfimmendable

' ren) o f theso godd people m ay not avail to fe tte r tho mioda of tho tcnchcrs. lo n g '^ r io d during whieh tho chnreh held tho schools w ithin rigid lim its of instruction did no t aeeotnpliah mneh

. «a

l| 3 fo r^ o V la red u ra tio n ! " T ho 'be 's '"h ink - p - er» among religious loaders will them-

VIvca bo unwilling to retu rn to sueh a ]

i'olloy. ____________int . — — — —-or - MEN ALWAYS Q f FAfiBION ~ Trouacra wlll bo f u l |jr th is year, the 'fn I niurehant tailorn say. Tho merchant

tailors ou[,'ht to know; they mnko them. | Tho cheat nnd shouldors will liu tnoru

.00 roomy, too. Tho coal# will bo longer. f i Tha w alatconfw ill roVcal ra the r more

( f blooming sh irt. Cnffs on trousers irili muct only frowns. Cheeki, plaids

'll and twceilB, in grny* and brow in, will [ h-_ hnvo tho cnll.(n *Tiio nverago mnn will read and yjiwn.

Uo knowa tliat tho Inllora know tliat ho r ivill not stand for any chnnges sensa- ^

ir tifinai enough to bo worth causing cx ** c- -itomcnt. Tho ovcrago m au i t coutcut o' [1 to dreaa neatly, no t conapieuoualy ami li ’‘} lot it go a t that, ills f irs t garm ent is ”

whito, his inat black, nnd iu tho Inter- g It nicdiato years thero is n lim ited range 01

of modeat blues nnd brown* nnd grny*. Ages tha t produeu gnudy drc"s fo r men, j ,

“ titiiduco U«l« wotlU wUllo. f<Jolm I), llockefoller, J r . , walked past

n buttery of camera mon the o ther dny 3 who woro w aiting for hbn nnd they fn

■liiln'l knon'h lm . " I d o n ’tjcnow why of c il I*,!’ he ndmitlod, “ bu t probnbly I ,X don’t drea* well enough. A fte r I ’vn pj g wom n Buit 10 o f 15 ycni* I g e t rn tlier fr:0 fond of it. My wife'* nffection for I t j)j ,. of fourae, wnncs.” _ There you liavo W . the clothes ]>l|il0»0|>h}’ of. a buay tnanf In n nutahell.

Of courao. Mr.* Ilockeieller oxngger- nil . ati'd . lind his auit .beeu obviously old f \ii> would Imvo »)cen m naphuoua nnd m, , fho pbologrnjihcrs conld n o fh av o misa- n* , ed him. Conapleuouaness le aomothing '^l' , to nvold, Neatncas avolda il.

- •

iBilfPJMSi1 lin

:lP p K i■ M e rc h a n c lis e S t o c k s in R u s s i a , •»!

H o w e v e r , R u n D o w n N e a r ‘J ;

; P o i n t o f E x i i a u s t i o n

' sheMOHCOW, yp) - ijm ataii m arket* bot

Inrk nearly overy aort of m ajiufaetured ' nrtUlii th.) w ctld can afford , uuloas U bo nrtificlal hair, perfunicif and to ilet 'i nrtielea. Tho beauty parJor« *cem to gre havo ado,}ualc suppUoj nnd a re doing a nW th riv ing builneas.

The man who loacs a collor bu tton io ” g Moscow is ruined. I t is a tragedy rtei jr)ign.coIlars.aQ d a h lrti.w aa r-o aU T U odds and ends in the ahop* nro chiefly ” 1' tho sizea for vory unall boys and gianta. Tbo notkties are pa ttom a which >"“1 Oertnan doaleni, cou ldn 't sell a t home. ™P

SKopkcciwrs p u t every th ing a ttn ic - '*^1 tive thoy have In the ir windows. In- ■quiry w ithin alw ays dem onstratea th a t thuy havo no stock in regular sizef. in <

Government ta ie* on m crchaat* ato mounting daily and the m erchant* pile the ta j on their priccs. Sm all notion io°. shop* on lido streets in Moscow ar© ine; charged (10,000,000 poper ruble* a yoar fo r thnir license*, whicb a t the govern- m eat rnte i^ GOO gold rubles, or-aboul 1300.


The iK"va tha t itusala had b w i iu- figg v ited to i«rti(flpatc In Oenoa confor- ber enco carm. as a g rea t re lie f to . m or’ „o i rhniita wbo aro hnving g roat d ifficu lty in ncquiring nuw stock.' Ono oiorchqnt wlio for.iiurly had a g rea t d iy good* tiot Htore in .\fnacow and I* now running a ( j , (.-omhlRallnn ahon, wl'ore bo th old nnd i\tu new cloUiliig ad household o ffccts oro niir xold mado thu prediction, upon hearing io(, o f ‘ iho Genoa invitation, th n t th reo o f ' month* a fte r Ruwia gota foreign c red it vmi it will bo one of Iho best placca in tho gjb; world for merchanta. the

•■tVo haven’t any gooda. We c a n 't get itocka,” he exclaimed, po in ting to 40 lin odd .iMorlmenl of w cnriag apparel «ijc nnd Jub cnd.i of notion*. “ There a rc goii ilenty of cintomrra in HuWlit All w c t j ,. iced is 4 o c k a . '’ ^

W O U L D P R O T E C T T H E Q U A IL S i______ . min

M lnaesoU SU to Human# S o d e ty b e - cUre* Them Song Bird* and B n.

> UUed to L lw ,

t j r . 1'',U:L, Mrnn., (Jp, - Quail a rc P CsoiiRbirdr nfcording to tho eroeu tlve f lL comtnltliv of the Btato Uumnnc so­ciety. .ifnintaining th a t they nro niao nllie* of farmers, reaolutiona adopted ly the cniiiniitteo urge th a l a ll farmer* if the 4tatc* thov inhabit bo aaked lofeed linil caTt- for Ibem. ■ I t Is a ssc r lo l Hhat tho K»rk and the small am ount o f fron

grain thm expended would bo abun- c o fdnntly rcpifld In the de ttruetion o f in- thatnect potM and tho seeds o f noxious Uwood*. . hart

Tho, tosiilutlon alno proposed th a t perquail sliooting be prohibited indcfiu. relicItoly, W ithout imch protection the 'eeatbi.Tds -.ifo te dtingtr of ox tc n n b atlo n , persnay* Bnm F. I'ullorton, executive'ngont I’epio f tho sn-icty. TJie aoclety want* qtiail Inahooting eloin^d for a generation - a t apotica*t, ho adds. Although there 1* now aore,a cloaed eca.v>u on quail in th is sta to Aiit-w ill »o.)a expire. How

--------- ■ » getEnter Poverty-- . " '

Wben iwverty 'conica'in a t tlie doorlo re seldom w alls fo r tho b u rg lar *'•In rm to go off.—W aysldo T alcs . I’i'


. lilFQODint • ---------

Farm Instructor Gives Hints iniru

Dr. Connection with Raising Z Better Hogsds ---------

(Dy Knri ’.Vooldridge, Inatructor iu Ag- rifultitr.', Pilor Rurnl High School.)

Many of iho boys and .evera l farm .• " ■ b " '’' recently purchased 'purobre:i

lie gilt* nnd how* for breeding porpo*ca. ,a. A littlo fjrat hand inform ation from

time to tinie in regard fn tho feeding ‘ nnd cnro of theae anlmnls m ay prove «t o f valH^ MobI farmer* nro experienced ,d In thla- lin^inca* nnd tho boya know

whnt thuv nrt) doing, bn t the work of experim ent'iln finn* over tho Unlloil filate* gi’-ea u» now light occa*lonol!y

je on all nur problrma and frequently a iow* u* a good many p „ jt m lstnkPi. Iteeent invcatlgntioii* o f R.jeh stntion'- tend to provi) thnt fnrm eralm ve beni. fo t many ynn. neglcetlng llio m atter

r t of Biiffli-ienl n iinern l,m ntter in the feed* of fiimi nnimnla. One of tlio chief

> functions of mineral m a tte r in feeding y fnrm nnbiiul* la to holp in the building ;• of- the ir Lone*. AnJmaJs m oat /lave J thi* ninlonal o r they a te sure to bo

wenk n iSft bones nnd ono of tho first <' e ison tIal«yf n good nnimal i* n strong


" H w onf I n 'v ^ l^ t lo 'n s would aecni ti. indlea^o thnt o t least 73 per- eont o f nil domeatl^ animal* aro 'su fferlng from n lack <if. mineral m ntter in tho ir feeds. Tho ordinnr)- rntlnn* fod to «wln« atu likely to bo deheien t in auch materlnl

I- a* bone meal, Itme, nnd common .sa il. i> The main reason w h r animal* nro d i f ­

fering f fe a L th in a r k 'S f mineral m nttc- has been due lo flie ehnngr in the ir method nf aecurlng food due to fho do- meatleatilig proce**; OT nil'Ihfi dome*, tie nnim;ili. tho hog I* ono of fhe b e n example* of thbi n e d e c l . ' Thev n rj *ubjeclcrl In a forcing proce** from tin- ' timo they are born bolng forced to laku

1 on nn amount of f a i in stx or cIcM months th a t If allowed to grow na tu r­a lly they never would develop. Feeder* 1

I hnvo eonaiderod the hog morelv a* n | markot for grain# nnd havo failed to 1 give him any mrnns by which h e m lg h t ,

, supply tbo other tequltcmctit* for hi* , natural dovclopment a t the same tim a , th a t ho vn* pu tting on the surplus flosh • and fa t resulting from thi* honvy con­sumption o f food m aterial. '

Feeders o f hog# hnd other a n W ? '! should s-e to It th a t , lime, sa lt nnd *

I bone meal nre added to the rntlon th a t ' I * otherwl*e propetly balanced. A lacTc ' , o f these m a teiiati haa a m atked e ff tv t .< ' on the development o f all anfm abt • I

Thero ;« a g rea t effoet upon th r 1 I growth of the animal, '^ c a a a e p f the ’

ab ility of hogf to d raw opon tho n ln I tm l. m ntter «tored In the ir boae* to , supply tha demand made by th e grow- < ing tiaiu*!*, hogs fnjqnently make 1 s teady galas over r •h o r t. period oft im o _ w .h e n ,th a - ta U o n -» - d « f k l« t- te ~mineral m a ite r b u t collapae is « ire to i follow i f the p rec eu ia eoatianed to-)

' ‘ ‘W ngly thow a by thorap id ity w ith, which hogi and partlcu . 'larly sow* break down In th e ir leg# and • back aa n restilt o f th s deflelenoy o f 'the .nceca«ry beno buildiniT aubataacM ’In the ir ratlona. T his 'haa beon due to the removal of sufflcicttt m l(ieral m at- \ te r from the bone* nntil tbey w e r e j ia J longer Mrong enough to hold up the j inereoaing weight ovcn If the sito o f j the bone ha* not diminlabeil. ^


Investigations a t th e ' Iowa- o t ^ i - [ a c n l rtntion seem lo prove also th a l tho mlnuial m a tte r In the ration* o f ,hogs has a grcnt jnnuence on tho rinw- !b e r o f p lg s a tf t i r ro w la g tim e . Experi- ’menl* w m carried on with lots o f 'sow* on Muo grnw pasture# and #upple. ‘moots, -tlome lot# wero given, in addi- <tlon. varijus mixture* o f m ineral.m at- ''te r in thu form o f llmo, sa lt and bonij WtwV. 6otno lots w ere net given anymineral mntter nnd wero used a* chcck tlots. Iteaults showed th a l tfio num ber ro f plgB Ifirywcd. in lot* receiving min- Ivml m atter were from U to 0.1 per cen t |grbator 'h nn in Ihe check lol*. D urine ,the 00-day stickling period, tbe nver- ,ngo daily gnin In these pig# waa from ,•JO to T4 je r cent g rea ter than in tlio ,cbcck lo t mid llie eo*t of 100 pounds Tgain wns from IS to 31 per ccn t le-* 'thna fo r the check lot. '

Theso I'lveallgallon# seem to prove' JIhnt tho fcrmcr* would get b e tte r re- ^suits by pnying marc atten tion to the * mineiTil nm tler fo r hogs and othor nni-m ab . Animals muat havo & good cfram e nnd thia I* tho ot;e source o f <1bOBfl buUdlng mtvlcrial. ^

iD P i r i f ' mmm iIted I'epper Bub take* the “ ou c h "

from aote, a liff, aching joint*. I t eau- ’ c o f hurt you, a ad it certainly atopa th a t old rhrumalLim to rtu re a t once. *

'Vhen you or# suffering so yon cnn " hardly gel around, ju*t trv Ked I’cK •' per Rub nnd you will have the quickeat K licf known. N othing has auch eon- a centrate 1, penetrating h eat n* rod |>ep- c Vtn. J m t os aoon as you apply Red t I’cpiicr Pub you feel the ting ling heat. - In threo minute* i t warms tho sore n apot through and throygh. Pain and „ soreness a te gone.

A*X any good druggist fo r a ja r o f Howlea R jd Pepper Rub. B« sure to get the genuine, w ith the name Rowlca on each rac k ag e .-a d v . J

Clatiified advertlslag U tha cheap >1 thinp yon can b a j - « e u u r e d b t

(lie p ro flu it B t j Tjrtag ypn. ' ,j


n N o ; . .

D e fe n s ei n B y G i l b e r t P a r k e r . j

V jAuihor e f |

"The Seat* o f tht Mighty |

• ^ m g h t c f w c r) ______ I . . . l l

CopyrlsM br air aUMrt ParUr.

es. (C ontlniioi from T b s r sd iy ’s la n e .) im . - •-ng CHAPTER IV.

oil The Killing o t ErrI# Beyne.)w •ThenJ's many a govemraciit has o f mode n mess of things In In ‘Inml," oil said E rrls Royne: ‘■but slncc tho (tny y o f Cromwell tlie Accurscd tlil*' Is thn

’>■ worst. Is thero n luau In Irclnnd thnl beJlere.H In It, o r tn is ts It? Tlicro nro inert thn t support It, thnt ure served by It, llm t flll th c lr imckcl« ou t of i f : bu l hy Joseph and by Mnry. there’s nono tlitiiks Ibcrc couldn 't be a b e tter! Hnve a littlo moro tnnrsaln. C a llio u n r

/e . W ith tJiese words, Doyne flHed up10 th e long glass ou t o t which Dyck Cnl- j t houn hod been d rln k ln g -^ r ln k ln g loo Ig tQDch. Shortly before, Dyck had lost

a ll b is cnsh a l the card-table. H e bad tnnitK) from It penniless and dlscom- fltcti to SCO Boyne, smiling, and gny w ith wine. In fron t o f him.

Boyco look him by the arm . if "Come w ith mtj." a d d he. "There’i11 no luck for you a t tbo tab les today.9. L et's go where wo can forget Ibe « world, w here w e can l l t t th e banner

of freedom and bent tho d ^ m s o f pur* pose. Come along, la d !”

Tlie lime was crIllM l fo r Dyck—'* critical ond .dangerous. Ho h a T lo*|,I money heavily; he had even cxbnu.tl*

ed bis m other's legacy. O f Into ho .r. had ict^n Ilttio .o f bla father, and tlii<J littlo he had seen was no t fnrtunnli*.

T hey had quarreled over D yck's wny- ci w nrd doings. I lo had angered h is fn- I th e r terribly, and Miles, Io s burxt of '• tem per, had disclosed tbe fac t tlmt* his own property w as In peril. Tlu-y n hnd been estranged over s ince; hut» the tim e bad come when Dyck musi ' ' a t Jeast secure the c red it o f IiIk fn-* tber’s name a t h is bank lo nnd the ® m eans of Urlng.' ' I t wos w ith th is starlDg Mm In the.

face th a t E rrls Boyho'a company : r -seeuied tw ufft-r a t least a recovery of t h is good spirit*. DnbllQ know. Ilttle-of ' I Boyoe'a present, domestic life. I t did ( no t know' l ^ t he had lo jored bis sec- I

.oQd w lfa IU badly oa he tiad w n n g ed . hfs finil—w ith tbia differeoce,. how- : r e re r, t b t t his flrst w ife w as a lady. a wbUe hU s e c n d wife, N o re n , waa 1 1

bcaatlfnl. qalck-tempersd, ]0T abl^ I> elghteen-year-old girl, a gnidoafe of 1* th e kitchen and dairy, wheo he took < ’ b e r to himself. H e bad n a rr te d her' In • mad moment a fte r h ts flrst w ife J ‘ ' ^ ^ r i . Llyn, a s she waa now called— \ \ had divorced h in ; ond a f te r tbe flrst I I th rill o f m arried life w ss over, noth- . irig remained w ith Boyno except re- 1 I g re t tha t he bad sold h is freedom fo r I► w hat l»e m lih t. perhaps, h a r e 'l i a d •< , w ithout marriage. . i I Then began r p roceu of domestic ‘ . to rtu re which a llw tited N oreen ftw n • I .b lm .« n d n<QB(d In .her t^ n .w o a ti iu i-' sloDB o f human natnre. Sho cam e to ' ' know o f bis InfldellUes, and tbey mad- *

d e n r t her. They had no children, and • In' the end he had threa tened h e r iclth desertion. ^Tben s^e iia d retorted la * strong words, he nJapped h e r faca,^and '

' le ft h e r w ith an ugly sm ile. * * ; O f visitors they hnd few. If any, and ** tho young wife w n sle ft nione to brood J

npon be r wrongs. E rris Boyne hnd 'i slnpped her face on the m om log of

the dnj: when he met Dyck Calhoun In \ tho honr of bis bnd lock. H e did not \ seo the look In h e r faee a s be left the * hoaw , '

Itn tblcsii as he wn#, he rea llted the lim e had eome when by bold effort he m ight get young Calhoun wholly Inlo ‘ hts power. H e began by getting Dyck ' Into the street. T h c a ± e took him by 1' nn iatllrect route to w hat y fls. .'re- } patcdly, a tavern of consequence. O ut­w ardly It wns a tavern of the old c lass. KuperHclally sedate, and calI^I f Iho Iln rp nnd Crown. None save a '' very few eonsplmtors ktiew how great a p a rt It pluyed In tho plan to break s fhe goTcmment of Irelond and to m ln '> EnglnhiV* position In the land. <1

T he entmDce was by tw o door»— t one the ordlaary publle en trance, the f o ilier a l the aide o f .tb e house, which n

, w as on a com er. T h is coold h e '' opened hy a skeleton key owned by 0 E rrls Boyjie. 1

H e ond Dyck entered, however, by the general entrance, b r a n s e Ooyne ^ had forgotten h is key. They passed I' th rouch tho ba^parlo r, notldlog to one ^ o r two habitues, and presently were heata^e«\ la a room, no t large, bn t well fu rn ish ed .- - ■ P

Tliey played cards, aod Dyck won. t: H e won five tim es w bat h e had lo st n a t tbe club. T his made him compan- ^ lonable. . ■ 1

" It 's a poor^B iFB lhesfr^rds." ho ' ' sa id a t la s t *11 p a ts one op In the t' elonda nnd down In the d itch nil a t (I th e same tim e. I ta ll yon this, Boyne 0 —Pm going to slop. No mnn oucht to " play cards who hasn 't a fo rtn n e ; and ° m y fortune. Pm son7 to say, is on l, 1* m y f a c e r B e langtied b itterly .

“And yottr sw o rd -y o u 'v e forgotleii ® th a t, Calhonn. lo n 'v e a lo t o f lock in “

■ yon r iw ord." '“Well, l*To oa flo no money tnX o l ^

I t so far," D yck retorted cynically. *j •T e t yon’ve po t m en w ith repnta- |!

tiro# > o t i t the rvnnlng, meo like

iLLS, IDAflQ,‘FRIDAY. Ia Mallow. T17 t lit tle , mora o f ;th lsS m ano la . Calbona. I t 's th e best In tbe

place, aod I fa ge t a lo t o f good atuIT.I rv e been coming to th e H a rp , andI C row lH or m any y e t in and P re ncTcrI had a bad drink a ll ^ a t tim e. The) eld landlord Is a geslns. H e doesn’tI pot on alr& H tH a -fo o d man. Is oUI Sfflntoo, aod the re 's nothing good InI |J'e drlok of F rance th a t y o o ^ u ' t get

I “Weir. ’If lha t'a tru e , how doea it I b a p p e n r esked Dyck, w llb a littlo I flash o f,in te re st. " I t m eans a 'l o t of j irouhle, e b l-

" It m eans some troable. B n t le t me I te ll you"—he leaned over iho tab le

and laid a baud o n ‘D yck’s, which vros I a lit tle nervous—"let me speak, a s on —J old friend to you. If I may. H cro .are

the fac ts. F o r m aoy a year, you know e.) as well a s I do, sh ips have been com­

ing from Franco to Ire land w llh tho very besi wloos and liquors, nnd ta k ­ing back the very b est wool—smug­gled, o f course. W ell, ou r Ilttle land- lonl bere Is the d—deal roguo of all. n o ^ t o m s j i e v o r .touch him. From

'" y the coast tho stuff"com es up to Dub- lln w Ithoul a chcck, and. a s ho’a a spcclal favorite, ho gels tb e best to be bad In la bcllo Fm nce."

lire .-Why is he such a fa v o r itc r ' nskcd Dyck.

Errls Boyne laughed, nnt loudly, bu t •*o suggestively.

"When a lady k isses n man on the lip s , of her own free will, and pu ts

“p bet-arra around h ls neck. Is ll tlono, do "i* yon think, bccauso It's he r duty to do «> It o r 'dleT Nov It's because sbe likes » t the m an; becauso th e m an Is a good

friend to h e r; becatiso i t 's money lo “ • be r ppcket. T bat’a tho case w ith old

Swinton. -FraQce k isses him, e s II w ere, b e ca u se" -b e p a u s H M though dehatiog w bat lo s a y - ‘'because

e’a France knows he’d ra th e r be under ly. h e r own revolutionary governm ent be 'th aa under the m onnrchy o f England." e r I lls voice had resonance, and, na tae ir- sold these words, I t had InBlstencc.

!'Do you know, Calhoun. I ililnk old- Swinton Is right. W e snfTer here lie- •st, c a u ^ uionarcliy, w |th Its c ruel hand ?t- o f Iron, mistreota us, h m tn llie s us." ho He did no t sc% enllchlenuient come 111' Into thtf half-dm nken eyes of Dyck. ii‘, p e only realised th a t Dyck wns very 1 ,y- still, and stm ngely. deeply interested.’fl- “I tell you. Cnlhoun. wo need in Ire- of lnnd something of tho sp irit, th a t 's , nt alive In France lodny. T hey 've cleaned -i l.y oul tbo king*—Louis’ and M arie's ut beads have dropped In to tbe liusket. Rl T hey 're sweeping th e d ir t out of n- P rance ; they’re c l e a n ^ the dark lie p la ce s ;. tbey*re w hitew ashing Ver-

saUles and saw dustlog th e T u ile ries; ] !ie. they 'ro sta rtin g fo r the w orid n refor- ' jy mailoo which will m ake ir.clean . Not ] bf A m e rlc r alone, h o t E ngland, and a lt t [if Etrrope, will become republics." t Id "E ng land r ' asked D yck In a I o k I c . penetratiog voice.- ' c•d "Aye. E n iland , th rouch Ireland. Ire- » n. land will cocue flrst, tben W ales, Scot- < y, land aod England. D ea r lad, th e g rea tI day ti . com e~ tbe grea tes t tba worid0, baa ever known. F ranee , th e sp irit of it It, la a llre. I t w ill ptirga and cleans* tk t h e tm l t a r s a r . .•f T b* sosp ldoas, a le r t look passed re. from Dyck’a e w ^ M s h c e h ad be- t _ e o o e fittshed^ B e rea < ^e d ~ rat and Bt poored hlmaelf ano ther g la u e f w ine. ® f). ‘•W hat yoo say m ay b e t n e , Boyne. ^ e- I t may b* tro*. b o t 1 w onldn't p o t ' >r faith In It—oo t fo r 00* Icy mlnnle. I ” id 'd on’t w ant to aee he re tn Ire land the

h o r re n 'a n d aavagery o f France . I | lc don’t w an t to aee th e gnlljMlDe np ea n> 8 L fltephen’a g r e e t" ■” ^^ Boyne fe lt th a t he.'m nat m arch care- p >0 folly. H e WM aiire o f h l a '^ m e ; b u t i j . tbere w ere dlfflcnltles, and h e m ost e d no t throw h ls chances aw ay. fh "Well, n i te ll you, Calhoun. I don’t 1 Q know which la w orse—Ireland bloody n id w ith shootlnga and hangings,. U lster

up In the north and Cork In Ib ftjon th? T d from the Giant’s causew ay to T ra le e ;^ no two seta o f feet dancliig 'alike, w ith ^ ^ the bloody hand o f E ngland stre tch ing ^

o u t over the Irish parilam ent like „ death Itse lf; o r France n iling us. How ? „ does th e Ebgllsh governm ent live b e re t

Only by bribery and purchnses. It buys Us way. Isn’t th a t f m p r

ij Dyck nodded • c,5 "Yes, I t 's tm e In a w ay ,''h e .re p lie d . 8 0 “It’s so, becsnge we’re w hnl wo are. j( W e've never been properly p u t In ou r C J places. • The heel on ou r neckih~ihnt’s p. tho way to do I t " t. ' Boyne looked o t tho flushed, nngry d face. In spite o f Dyck’s w onls, he =II felt lh a l his medicine w as working a well. •It ^'Listen to me, Calhonn." he said k softly. “Tou’t e go t .to do something, n Vou'ro living an idle life. You're lo

debt. T here are bu l two cnnrscs open- to you. Ono la to Join th e llritlah , forcciH-to be a lle u te n n n t n captain, h n m ajor, a co lonel o r a general. In e tim e; to shoot and cu l and ban g and y quarter, and rulo w ith a henvy rod.

T hat’s one woy.". , 'JT "So you think I’m flt fo r nothlag f bu t the sword, eh?" nskcd Dyck w ith d irony. “You think Pve got no brains e fo r anything except^ the arm y," t Boyne laughed. ■" ' it ‘'H ave another drink , Oalhoun." B e . poured oul more wine. "Oh,, no. not

1. the arm y alone; thero’a the oavy—It and there 's the F rench navy I I t 'a th®

best oavy b the w orid, th e freest and- the greatest, and w lih Bonaparte go-

0 Ing n t us, England w U l'ia v e enoogh e to do—too much, Pra thinking. 801 there 's a career In th e F tcnch navy e open. And llslen—beforo yon and I0 a re tw o m onths older, tho French d n a ry will be In th e ha rbo rs of Iro- , land, aod the F rench arm y w lll land

here." H e reached on t and grasped ,, D K k 's a ttn . "H tere '8 no liberty o f n freedom onder tho Union Jack . W hat

do yon think of th e tricolor? I t'a a1 g rea t flag, and ttader I t th e w orld 1*

going to b* -ra led -E og lflnd . Rpnin. Italy , H olland, P russia, An.nlrla - and

e IL ia ll l~ A llja tI llC m .J3 ie tlm e.Js rtne.

< ■

^ MARCH 3,1922JilB lo o V e 'g o t yotir chancec I t t e H on.- • the dear lad, take i t o n l" • . . . urr. Dyck did nnt rulse hls head. H e ind wns Jeanlntr f - - - n l w ith both ' iim is • ver ori the .tab le . , 'i>alng him self firm- . Ctie -ly ; b is 'h ea d ‘•n-* bowed ns though m’t w llb deep bjiereal In w bat Boyne 5(ad. oU And. Indeed, bla inierest w aa g re tf r~Id >0 tr e a t tha t aH h is manhood, vigor,

le t sli hia cIiUcii5lili., 'vcre' vltully allvfc Vot he (lid no t IK( hls head. '

i t "W lm fs thnt you ,say about Frcoch; tio Bblps in thi. harbors o f I r c la n d r h e of snid In a tone tiiat shotvTd In te re s t

''O f oourKC, 1 know tbero 's been a lo t n e o f talk of a Frcnch raid on Ireland,}le bu t 1 didn 't know K w as to be ao >Qg soon."on "Oh, It'a ncnr enough] I t’a a li been • ire arranged,'' n-pllcil Boyoe. ‘T h e re ll )w be ships—warships; commanded by nj. Uoi-htf. They'll hnve “orders to land ho on Iho coast, to Join the Irish potriotA lie- to tnke control o f the (ipcratlons, and Ig. then lo march on-*"III. . U e wns giilng to say "m arch on JI. Dublin." but he s to p p c l H e w a l )m p la y lj^ u diiriii:.; gnme. I f ho had not ib~ been Kurc ti! lils titan, b e would not a have bccu sn fnmi: uod fearless,

be lie illd not. hinvover, mlslcdd Dyck grcnll.v. Dyek had been drinking 0

i-tl gmiii ilenl. but HiIh kuowlcdge of a t'tvnvh IwvuiiSi'n. nud a acniw o f w hat

u t ' Ro)iie u'lis trying to do, titcadlcd bia •<hnl:en eiimilonK: held him flrmly In

he the grl]i of priictlcnl common sense.Its H e iQitghed, hiccuushcd a Ilttle, aa10 tliousb lie wns'vcry"drunk, and sa id :Jo "Of courw Ihe Frcnch would -like ea to come lo Irclnnd; they 'd l l k r to )d aeixe ^ anil hold It. Why, o f cou rw In they v w l d l Of course; b n t w bat Id a s to u o i^ m e Is tlm t a mon of yoor11 sundln 'g should believe t h e 'K te n ^;h a re coming here now. to -lre land . No, w no, Boyne; I'm not tak ing ytm r w ord Br fo r any of these tbingi. l o n ’re a go*- a t a lp : you’re a d - ^ pertlnadons, prO'

poaterpus gossip; aod PU aay i t a» le e* t« j a s yoa" like."

' "So It's proof you w ant, t l I t? Well,Id thjE ,2is£fcJL li:L e- • 'id (Contiriucu 11) Tomorroff 'a Issue)

le The X-Rsy and Airplane#,k. Tlie X-ni) U (in tl In ulriilnno con- 7 atrUellou lo (lr;. i defooilve tuutertals, d. wciik ini'tnl chhiIush imil workmnnahlp, e- wlilch would utlionvliii. i-Hniiw th e eye

o f nn Inspeetor nnd puxulbly be tha ■d cnusi! Ilf illKni.ter n-id ilenth.'s .. ______ _



Tho electors o f the c ity o f TwIu F a lls ,'Idabo , will take n o tle e .tk a t on

r- Tuesday, the 28th day o f March, A. D.« 1022, between Ihe-httwt^-W p O’clock - 1> a. m. and 7 o'clock p. tO M o u n la in

tim e of aaid day ,'a b jw IoI e lec tb c will t bo held w ithin snid c ity , a t which m 1

election tho fcllowlng quo 'tlon wiil be .^ subm itted lo the legnl voter# o f #oid - t. city : ' • •ll “ Slioll the propoBltioD to organ- d ■- i*o tho C ity of Twin Palls, Id a h o , ' tf under Chapter 17S o f the Com- « piled Statu tes of Idsbo, be 4dopt-

ed f."d Eleeter# n a y regisU r fo r aald elee- s t lon a t tho City W aterw orksJ.aU dlog ' _ 4 k l No. 160 Beei>n3 Aveane Korlii>, Olty J. o f Tw in Palla, Idaho, before Pau l B.»• « Ada

W alkingtoa, deputy reg istrar, begin I alng w itb the date o f tb is netiee, and

eaeh day thereafter oo tll , aad includ- ! ing Baturday, the M th day o f Mareh,

I ^ , duriag th s hours from B o 'cleek a . m. to S o ’clock p. m., M ouataln time

of KiW daya: PiovWea, however, th a t ^ on Thorsday, Friday/ and Saturday, t March SJrd, S4tb and mh, 19SS, said t electora may register during the honrs

from 9 o'c lock a. m. to 5 o ’clock p. m. t Mountain tim e, and from 7 o ’clock p. r m. to 9 o ’clock p. m. o f said days, r N o qnaliflod elector o f tho C ity o f

Tw in Falls, Idaho, who w as duly regis- ; te ted fo r the b a l pm refllng general I, municipal election held therein shall be ^ requited to register for said election.- • Tbe polling place w ithin W ard No. I , of aaid c ity , 1* tlio Cilv W aterw orks ; building a t No. 100 Sccond Avenuo I N orth, City o f Twin Fall*, Idaho.‘ The polling plnco w tlhin W ard No. 2

of snid c ity i* the Johnaon A uto Bales Company bulldteg n t No. 21ft 8hoi>hone

.. S treet E W , City o f Twin Fnlls, Idaho. 'By direction of ,tho council of tho

r C ity o f T w in R i l l* , .W o ., D ated lbi? 1st day of Mnreh, 1022.

•P. R. TABER, f (Seal) City, Clerk..


S e e m e a b o u t

c o n tr a c t in g P o ­

ta to e s fo r deliv-

er3\ i n fa ll.1922 .

Phone 749 656


Page 7: TWIN») FAILLS DiULM ME Wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · Another detaU of the. organlcatlon provides tfiat each stato organlislloo gQQ will

DailyA d v e r tise m e n ts

; I BY- THE WAYSIDE j Zj I Dy MARGARET A. 6WEENEy|3C. I IU Iv U ccian N«««pip«r »f

I w aa itpcadlni n few Jn rs In the , Tflllcy, ot Ihe N iueatuclc. Jnumiiiy

. Qboul th e hlBliwoys anil tlic b>H ajB In [f;0 fl|vver, w ith only a dog nnd b cum- f r a fo r compnny. One monilnp, on a ""

• lonely ble o t rood th a t rims the rlvt-r. ' ,1 came ujwii an old CTnlun-n uu rdw , run to w tcil, whero a few roaes of iiu !" carJlcr Jo y etlU atruysled tor limir V' Blitiro of the BUH. A t Hie eiUrunc- tou Kraes-Rrown path tlm t led to im old hniiM'. Ihcro 8lood two nncleiit nfli I men.

I wit down iiphn tho whle Kiono dour ■ u'ny, mid It, too. wbk eoveri'd with

wild, urei-ti tli liip j-cn 'c jilng tcnUriln from It fnllen vine thn t tny twiBicd o» th i' KHiimd like n Iihw brown smil;e. ' ' ' '

In the tjill, w nvlns Rmia i rjiw ti,e ''"i lilt .>f iny (loc’H w hite toll inovhiK utllT- ly. Hi- wnn nlalkhiR sume wild cm i- lu re. I tint « r j ‘ sU ent

"W lio hiillt th is houBO nnd who nmdo ! ''' llilB pu-d.:ii, ami why nre they allowed " 10, n m to n j h . r T h m and o th rr 'I"' (liieslloiiH drifted into luy mind ax I

- - m t thiTc nnitiT the liiddnmdilu ktcII of Ihlx old place,' Suddi-uly luy luiKlUntloiia were Inler- ruined by the ycijiin}; of niy doK. He ' waa tiercely dlsjiutlnR the right of u Inll. whlte-lmlrvd man to enter tho **' snn len . Ah quickly us I could I nin.lit my Wliy thronch the wcpdsyind bram- bles OKiihi. Tlic dOR. IiIh rchkc of dulyHjitlmied. vvuKuwt a -w e tm ie . T he «Wc m \m n (Ilf t o t e d like « coniilrj I'.' doctor) cujiiied hiu hand belilrfd hln e n ru n d sh iiu te d : “A rc you one of the n n n d iil s - th e New York l la n d o ls r

"No. I'm not." I shouted bnck. "Js ^thlH tlieir placi‘7‘* t PO*

"Vea, tl.lH U Ihc old Unndnl houao.I w ns.drlvlnR pnst nnd I saw you sit-thiR In the doonvny and I thoujfbt thnt , —th a t you inlKht he one of Mlsa Ahliynandnl'8 K-lnilvc« «rom Nciv York." f " '

And then, with tfie loqunclty o f the *’ nK«t. he told me tlila:

"Ahliy Ilnt»dnl, a ^ try IwtiMlftjj wom­an. the Inst nilfltress o f the old plnce,wns. bom there about 40 yenrs ngo. iiWhen ahe wns n girl of nineteen, n r poutw enty she w as engnfffd- to a younc godmnn iinraed N e lso n -re tc r Kelson of tp oN augatuck. Nelson wos fond of horses io dand, he rode a fine Baddle b o n e . . i t cfflt

• wns hU cnstom to rido out from Nnu- herja tu c k to thc-o ld Randal placo m r y X Juercnlng. ,

"One ovcnlns, the ove. of h ls wciJ- beaid ln j dny. hl& cnmo dsslilng into n m tho Unndal yard riderless and co rcnsl_becfw ith foftra.' Ahby, ttenalng iliat jBmp. g tyi

----------th ing hnd hnppened t6“hcF16vcr. Eastl* eroily snddlcd h e r own horso and s t n r t ^ n o tou t to w trd N aoga tuck ; about hnlf way fere■he found NeJson-lying in tho road, theco t and bJecfllng,,hut coiucious. •, H

"H elp wns suranionea and the lih h ls i Jtired nmn w as .carrltd to, MIm Hnn- dal'0 home.

“Throughout the night Ahby linndal S n m r left h is side, ond the next morn- ln r. n t the r o q u w of the dying mnn, I , - . •he became his wife. At nlghtfnll sho ‘ , WM a widow.

gtrUwWow, d rj-ejcfl nntl silent, sh u t he rse lf In her room—she w antn l i«„„ to be nlone.

' "In the nw rnlng the Klrl lay crum bull' pled opon the floor, sleeplnc ax ponce- ,ho fo lly a s B little- child. Kindly hnnds t i

, helped h e r Into lied, nnd nil dny the -ii U r t la y In protound Bleep. Anil when, win, tow ard evening, she awoke, she seenictlto h a re lo st a ll memory of wbnt hnd j n j

! befallen her. She complained of a I headache, aod o f having hnd n frlirbt- the

fol dream —thn t wns a ll. ,j,jyk "In a few days she was busy nboul sure k e r accustomcd tasks, not cxnctly th#

I u m e a s o f old, but doing thinpi In a I dreamy, autom atic wny. She never

. tpoke of Nelson, and he r family and friends nvolded mention of bU name. ^ Bho scfinied linpplcst when working alone am ong tho flowera In tbe gardeh.

“FWe y rn rs went by. her mother . died nnd Ahby Ilandnl lived on In the

old pinrc w llh only an aged eerrant . fo r company.

"Kelson hnd been dead abotit ten years when ooe morning Abby Jla n - d a r* memory came b a c k - tm r t o f I t “J camo back. on '

"Sho had- como down to breakftist. t s d w h e o 'o ld M ary broughl In tb» coffee Mlsa lU pdm n l d : going



j r W i N F A L f c S D A l L y N

N e w fts u nder th is h<

M w , S l.ry , M y l i ,b n n a ; M r.'’ p c . 0,0 i „ t i , I I . h m tw , ■ i

wiomlfift nn d .b e li coming ngnfn IIiIn J ‘‘vcnlng. But you may live hcrv. M nn \ *

long as you Uke.’ I

"In her.old heart M aiyi^ jjilced. fo r i cJhe doctors bad said thnt,, crcnfually, j - S1I88 Itnndnl's memory would c o m o i— .

c ! r i t “ k” '" ' " " ! =

'■Just before supper Mnry saw her '" 'B tress gnlhKrlng roses-w hU e roses 7? ^roni the buali near the blrdlumsc. i-in W hen supper wns ready the old w n -. u ‘lilt went to the dour, but Miss Hnn- tow dnl was not In the-RnrfJen; p r«old woman wnllic<l down the path un tf any

I them undi-r the asli trp ^—the one nf tho le tl as you ko o iit - ln y Ahby Ilnn .W - -• ^'nl, JuKt na Khe hnd fallen, thi- \Uilte r<i!ii‘8 In h e r lininl. ^

“Slie hnd p u i y m lo meet Nolnon."

Crowd University.Jlwrc {Hail ;’;.(K-il|ii(fniiH nre now

In thl! I'niKii.' iiiilv.-rik^ffiiil I'dlytech nic IiIkIi Ki’lioul, Inw, inedl-■•Inc. de.:iil.-al clicml.itry,'•I'riiMifri'Inl xrlfun-. a r c n U ’iure. ortI- ''iiliure. itliiliK^iiiiliy, i i t iT iA k ^ n d his- I'lry. Jliiii,,- ,.f t lu - ii i 'r frv ^ R .-Jn g o .

Mi‘l ........... In. w h lle C T L v o e r -'<•111,ILV ^u',. I.- ii — s frum I f u H k v lK hn.. rl.:,-,. r f . - f . f l u t . - a U H e 7 » l

r i It wwii ro u n u o '^ f f l l l c n ,i'<'i-(iounel.

"Harum-Scarum."H arum-scaruhi Is a perfectly goofl ^

word used In connection with a person ,^-u, who Is c iceedingly wild, reckless or Jw,,,

; thoughtless. T lie word probably origl- n n tn y r o m a combination of tbo two EnRlish verbs, "haro," to excite or l’"iii worry, nnd "scnrr." io frlRliten. Locke.

' Id h is ‘'E ssay on EduraiJon." uses i "hnre" as a verb In thls m anner: •'

"To 'hare* and rn te them Is nol to , „ tench h u f to vex them." '

In this country. It Is Rcnemlly sup- Ui posed th a t ''hnmm-Bcanim" IN an ' 8h Amcrlcnnlsntlon, due probnlily to WnshlnRton Irving’s use of It In hls * "Alhambra,” w he/e he w rote:

"Prom 0 walk, the h o w soon pnssed to a trot, from a tro t to o gnl- ^ lop nnd fm m o gnllop to a bnmm- pQU acnrom scamper."

------------- i------------ - t^obl,

— .............. -■ M srtlnloiii... ..H che was tho goddeu of yontb, wbo Car^

poured out the nectar with which the Oaiogoda pledged <ach other. One day. l'o»i opon n solemn occasion, she tripped■nd fell, and wns forced to resign her Houcrtlee. H er father. JupJtir.-sM oitd aa 8 ursh er successor tho beautiful youth ^ugs XJaayDicdft Hebe retalnetl the power«f restoring tho 'bloom of youth and 2"** beau ty to tho nged and, according to ■ome ncconnta. It was only a fie r Bhole cn w e the w ife of Hercules th a t she bu h ,f t t e up he r o llkc of cupbcnrer. She •even succccdetl In rccondllng her ijticon o tlie r ,. Jnno, to Hercules, who auf- llacnfered nil his lift* from tho hntrcd of Ham(he /{timi ftf the £<kIx. Haa, -, II(’r<-iiliw w nn OcIIImI aa a rew ard forbis achlow m eiits. Mutt

- - I’ork

WJndo>« Etilly Broken by BIstta. St( I':xploslon8 of powder or other Hml- rouni

la r ida terla ls often aro very destruc- Boi th e to windows, even If they a re a t a IOc; g rea t distance from tho point of ex< e = plosion. W hen nn e tploslon occur* nlr f ~ — w ares a re thrown off wilh grea t tIo - e lence. Sometimes these a ir waves era throw n back w ith such violence tha t fcuiWlng* ia Vie im m ediate r iclaJty ot the etplosioD a re destroyed.

The force of th e t l r waves acts In | a ll directions a t th e siime timo and w ith equal force. Very often these a ir waves are throw n fo r g rea t distaaces Ko. and. while tbe bouses Io Its p i th a re No. Itrong cnougb to resist tbe lr violence, [ the windows ar« shattered because (hey cannot wUbtUnd the bigh pn»- sure of air.—U llw aokee S en tinel 2>jo

eimllar."W hat’i become o f B llthenby)'!"D e 's.gone whero the wicked cease

from troubling and the w eary aro a t u. rest." N.

" D e a d r ’ N "No, Indeed. H o's dolBf tim e la a N

model penltentlBry." Hi-------- ^

Ju s t So. erat:"W hnt oro thesoT ' eon<! '‘A<^con^t8 kep t In a n d w t K ln e r^

on clay taljlel*.” ^“Ah. the original ]oo8^leaf ledgw."

^ U m JsriJJe CoUriejsJouniaL

A l o r

J lO fiP o r OU) B O Y } f < 0?£■ - ^ r r j o c / r At* .JJlJ



s Claihead , O n e C ent

B y a c t u a l c o u n t , f o u r o u

t h e s e p e o p l e w h a t y o u h

j s a l e o r r e n t , t h e p o s i t i o i

I — ---------------- . . , _ —

j Olumlisrlftlji's OouKli B m ti j . pi KoUilng 84 Qood fo t « Ooogh o t QoU

"E i'cr.rono who h ss Qsed CJjaobw- In ln 'i Cough Itemedy speaks well of m' I t,” writes E djrard P . Miller, Abbots- f3 towa, Po. People who oneo uied th is lo<

I preparation a re seldom salUflod w ith Ci fahy other. I l i t oxeelient to nllny a —I cough or brcak,;jp.B cold .-^dv.^ ^I— ' eft

I A Question fo r Teetofat^re.I A qucsllon tbnt him lisllled Bclen- tm U sts: If tea Icnvcs hns coffco Rrounds -

; for divorcoT—Science nnd Invention.

T W IN F A L L S M A R K E T ^

PrICM P a ld 'P ro d u ce ii •(Corrected dnlly. by Elknorn Crenm' .—

cry Co.l Ifiweol crcant (not moro than 4 per cent 1

ai'iillty, 35 to -15 per eent l » t ) ; per Ilb., biiUc»fnl base ....................V l-"c I

B utter fa t, jiound.................................l.'c ^Preah ranch egga, dor.--------------— ICeIleni nnJ sjirinft*, jionud...... ............13c i

lOIiI toclii, pound ....................— __10i‘ an1 ^ 8 ..... ——— ..........- ..........N'o market foi

.....................................Ko market -I '" " " '' ......................- ................8c 1

’R 0 « ln . “ I(F u r^W yj b.v Twiu-Falli. Klo.ir UilU, ^3Wbeat, N o y i. ewt.— ________.^1.70 —

Produce,r<iiutoci. HuroU, ewt........... SSeO lt.tl) _

LiveatocK. ]iPiifiiithrit lit- ludupen<lcnt U rai toe

.Mnrkel.) •

I'n tU r - I'ltw* n ^ 'te ; i l r r f < l-J.-. ]veal, 6@ 7e.' Im;

lIoRs—Prlmo 0@7e. je i8heup—M utton, 4e; lAiain, .'n-.

JIO USBW lFE 'b UUIDE " fH elnll l*Tice*.j

iTults a o i VegeUblM. ' _ ii.AplilM. I.u [email protected] , . rP o ta tw . <wt.....................................♦1.5,1r<q1i#-fi. i-er Ib. .................;..... .. ‘J2t^obbajje, per ll»............. ................. • .M jCauliflower, lb ..................... ...lO Q iS 1-2e poiTnrni;*^, per Ib; .118 _Carrots, por Ib..........................................>13O alaat, per Ib. ............. .........._..............1,3l ’Br»n'p» _______ _ _ ,03

ProTlslOns and SU yies. ^Hour, 48-lb. s a c k ------------ ll.SO Q U O Ko'Sugar, beet, 100 lbs. ------ - $7M§7.GQ 'Sugar,.eaoo, lOO I b a ._____• [email protected] }”Cream Cheeio __________ _______ .StflBrltk C liaen.'.................................- JOBeno* ____---------------------------- .OB'S r e a d ________. . . i ------------------- . nfiuttor ( e re a m e ry ) ----------- --- ------45oButlor jraneh ; _________________ «5e


Ilam, alieed — -----------------. 1 _ .<0 ~f 'o r i e b o p i ----------------------17 t ; . ;Mutlon chop*-------------------17 l-2W£5e Tel['ork ro a a t-------___________17 l-2®25« —I’urk laiiiage .................... .....................20 - F

fitcfllr — SlrloJu SSt! T boos 25o; red round SSe; ehuek 17 l-Se. Phe

Beef—Pol roaat 1S@17. |-2e; plate — IOc; briaket'fic.= = s 5 = = = s = i = = : = a - nesj

B A IL B O A D - T I M E T A B L E ~vClt.v o r M ountain Titse)

'EaatbonndNo. IflO------------- D e p trt 7i20.fc n . atrcKo. 8 4 __________D epart 6:10 p, as. - i-

, W estbooad 0,Ko. 8 3 ....... _ D epart 1:85 p. m. yeaNo. 1 0 3 ------------D epart- <:(S p. m. ouo


No. 3 3 9 ------------D epart l:*fi p. b . f.. Northbound

No, 3 4 0 ------------- - A rrive 6:00 p. a . JIjjJU A IL VATTTLTTP - i -

Ji'No. 166 « t ? a. m. ballNo. 63 a t 1:0S p. a . ehliNo. 155 a t i l l s p . B . W. —No. 64 a t 6:80 p. n . piIlogerson branch a t 1:02 p. ca. and

The foregoiog m all oa k en p is-op- erative ^aad effee tlve under ordloafy eondlUos; i f a 'ir re a t a a o n ii t o f n a i l abould be dropped a t abon t tbe reg-u ia t closing ^ e I t would bs Impoi- Uslblo to dispateh tho aaall oh t^ e li°8ptecJie bonr. . ' - • ' Ube■ flwi

! 0 r B O Y j n a H T m a k e t h a t m ii

I t,Yoy V E Pr I ^ V

;iD AH6,FRroA lSiA R>:

ssifieiit p e r w o rd p er

lu t o f every f iv e homes in ' . have to se ll, tra d e o r exc! on you w an t, o r th e he lp y

FOR SALE - REAL ESTAtE Fl7 0 H 8 .V L E -20 aerea, fa ir improve­

ments; Dlanty of f ru i t; cloao to to n n ; ^ f300; wll] tnko smnll reaidenco; well located; Imlaneo enay tfrm i. Lloyd- Craven •C 'T p in -M ain iVo, & _

FOB 8 i ^ — H v e acres, 1-8 mUa tui ca ll, f-4 a l le south W ub lag ton school P t

r u u »A L £—A real bargain In well p[ Im prov^ n&rth side farm. Dr. Dwight.

FOlt .SALE—Five acre Irnc-t in Twin j , Knilsi iiiltnlile for poultry farm. Ar _ tliur L. tiwim, owner.

FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS i _ ________1 n IN l . l l io l•^llk'^ bro'........ la i t 'vo

lotigvir tlmii thro of tho beat -corn ' . broomi. Otlii'r brualica nrccuiblt-. . PromTit scrvieo, Pbotie 721>V. " J

FO R f JA L ^ T h re o fresh inileh eow» i-f nnd th rc i cnlvc*. Phoue 518J4 .for in- . ‘ form ntiox

FO lt HALE—0x12 nxnilnilor - r v g j _ llow ard I cnting atove;, D etroit vnpor 1 oil stovo.: . 3,'i FourtH nvo. E. Phone of 831U. linl-------------------- :----------------------------- Be

FOU PALE— Home cimaeil frnit. 04111. 1

~ IX )irS A L li^ io rK n 7 k 7 T f’ oc»i' poln-toe* a t prico worth while. Inquire 1114 1 Fourth avc. E. tifi

1-X)1{ 8ALl->^18.'i head of ewe* ami —inniba, 1 to 4 yi-nrs. Oeorge Mnthcn, IJerumer Idnho. f**"

____________________________________ L. 8wiX)U 8ALK 0K TllADI-J—For atuek Tel

or fnrm equipment, oae clinir biirber —ahop w ith building well cquijiped, with ' bath, e tc .; oao alx c y l car, good, or will glvo uortgnge do 320 Braiing andtalto atoiik or farm equipment. Dox ^174, Ito,?ersun, Idaho. > ' j

£ 0 H SALE—Early Six Wceka ai-ed **’* potnloea. 233 W n ll- t. _


Kotnry Hiog<st _________________ <20.00Rotary Wheeler & Wllaon 12.00 iRotary W hite ________ ________3.-i.(10 ,Vlbrntor V rh itc '_______________ 20.00 i.fiW HITE 8EW 1N0 M ACUiNE STORE _ Phoao 1253. 251 M ala East

Machines fo r Bant.-

FOB SALE—Regular nilich . goula .J nUo fo r.ren t ; cnn furnlah milk. Phono “ 1° C50K. i ’. 0 . Box 754.

FOR UAXE-Spocial jolocted ~kH ^ putaloea. Varleliea, Carmona nnd Rur- a ll. i ’hono OoOB. P . 0 . Dox 754. '

CANE 8UQAR $7.60} boot augor 764. $7.30, delivered. Itinncy Warcliouaei. ~ Telophono 08.

. I-X)B 6A LE>-Puro bred Ilhodo Iiland ^ red cgita for sotting; order early , Phone 050R. P. 0 .. Box 764.''

FOB B A L B -T w toljr lit«il s'ood w ort.borsca and wagona; novon acti of har- \__uess. Across from Farm era’ corralr F

" F o i r e ^ E OR E X C IIA N Q E-N ew and lecond-hnnd farm implemonta. Beo T ua i f you huvo any farm inplem eata you ear llo co t need. Idaho’ Udw. and Implu- {gg ment Co., In tho Fobs Building aeroia _ itrect'frlim Firo Blation, C

----------------------- :----------------------------- SeeiT O U SA L E 'Q U TUADE—For c-ntllo - -

ir good u t o i ; . Mammoth Jcnnctt, 7 D rears o lJ ; ono iu rk 1 1-2 yeara old; Pbo )uo jack , S m cnths old;, thia is nil Rood — itu ff: w bat havo you to trndof W. A.3a*a. Jerom e, Idaho, or J , A. B arre tt, r » la F l l l^ _________________^

FOR S A L E -fi ig h l, h ttaes, cows, — “ anles and hogs.- G. B. Sullivan, 4 mia. seat, 1 8-4-al»..sonth of the SW corncr i'iler. • • •

FOB S A L B -P ow er hay baler, 16x18 » le . Can be aeen a t Lawrence Ma- ^ diine ahop. W. I . GUlette,

Ton B i t E - I l U j c l n B lo rtK i, U to. ^ksd aecettorias. W erner's Bepair Shop,

J "

MONEY TO LOAN“ m O N ^ T O l o a n on n o jo n i iV tl l ''I” la g s; repayable in small iQitallmcDti.iber*l repaym ent privilege. Arthur L ‘o ''3w lo 4 Co. ^ • Shn

BISTASfi _ '/T ^ ’w - Give- n{& f?isf-T

KOW / ANSwtt? TO 7H& Q i;csno . V "V /lW t'A R t SOMC O P THI \^\hSlP K L p e o o fc r .9 Of


RCH 8,1922 ■

id AdT in sertio n , and

t t T w i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e >

x c h a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o o m s

p y o u n e e d — O N E C E N T p

: FOR S A L E - AUTOMOBILES JflFO R BALE^bfli-.jon Yim truck In

. good condilien. Tho 13Ir Whito Store.

' FOR SALE OR TRADI->-FiMt e la u »l" ' Ford scdnii. 440 Socond avc. Bo. fill'

F o u SALE—Ford louring; tho nio ' f tor kot be n ovorljoideJ, $U0; one 1018 nni L Ford touring. MI'S; one 1018 Pord; —■ Ford roftdater, $210. Ce/.trni Onrngi.! '• Phono 452. ^

~ F 0 ii - P E P ” Teo -S T E l " the CyUai"**’ ' der Uriader. 147 Second a te . N. 1 j

, ~ F^R RENT ~ , n i ') l e t the'H om o Rcfllty Compnoy rent] 111!

your cmjity houae*. Wo hnve cnlls l o : r en t furnlahed nnd nnfurnlnhod houBcs',,D, wo c a n 't supply. I'liono 374.

FO R R E N T ^ i x room houac,~»l.'I.I " T Apply rooms 4, 5, 0, I . D, Btoro bidi;,' Phono 110.

FOR RENT - Furniihed hooiekce]i.l ' ’ ing rooma. 330 TJiird nvp. W.

r o i i ' i T £ [ i T ~ " S ; i ; ^ r ' ( o r ~ S t i i ( , ' =• W rito for particulara. Box 008, City, i j

■ ' E ^R KENT o a S A L E - rn r ty n c re « '.! of nlfalfa land, ndjuiniiiR town of llu l-l

liiittir. Fur Informutioii write,, II. M. Beck, l i » j Jnckouu St., Senttlo, Wnnliil >

. _______________ ' _____ lili.fFOR U E N T -Flvs-room m oJen ,' dnl

Iwiiite. l>ho/ie 1514. , iliu ,

FO li HEST, n itli B jJ iijT io b m , )'!“ iit-rca a t $100 per nere; llUOfi eniih. A» tliur L. Swim.

" m ia V E H )R RENT doilrablo s l i ' 1«* room hou « on ElRhth ave. No. M, J fcui Bweeley, F iri t N ational 3ank Dldy, aafi TeU-l'honc 01. fo r

H ill IIB .\T -T W 0 r . 01. renaoiiiib.e, eomplotely furnlahed f.» ‘ „ light lio.iaekeei'ing. The Oiford,

102 NZOB qole t ro o a /o r - K < te » l^ <-aae<'

apeelai nurao.' 31|i Biath ave, N. Phoe' tvrtiM;

UBNT—Extra mee light honx ■ C keepin^l rooraa.-w jth bath privlleK ' «.it reasoBable. 404 Second ave. 8 . the

FOit RENT—Three ro o a furniihr') papartm ent, reaaonabla; Bnngalow Aptf. __F ifth t\. a ad Setond ave. EL ^ *

MISCELLANEOUS ." f O B 'V u BLIO S B R V IC E -O no ' fVi ___blooded Jersey bull. , llorroa IIoniA 440 Sccond avc. So. 0 . Drown, proprl

______________________ ■ W ll

e T d . KBLLOQO, agent tor L ati ^ m cr'a D ry A rsenate o f Lend fo r apr^y m aterial. Cnll Phono 050R. P. O.'Box

________ t s

FOBD parta. Auto %Vreekinp 140 Becond avc. So.

BINOEB s e w i n g M ACHINE MA CH IN E CO. I l l Main E . Phone D8J------ -- ------------------------------------------------ OBC

H ELLOl DON’T FOROET D an 'i PI place.

FARM LOANS and monthly pa«- TOCnt dw el\«g loaoa. A ilhu r L . Bwisn. > |

TBY OUR renair abop for a ll youi — ear troublea. We aatiafy. A olo W rer)io g Co. 140 Beeond ave. 8o. ^--------- ■ — . . JOB

D A N 'S PLADB^ 237 JJhorhoae S-. t , Seeood band elotbea boocht and a<ild ___

DBEB8M A EIN 0. U ra. E lla Oafflaioa Phooo.e96W . S O I

OAB 0W K EB 8 can uae our ahop lv 0 m do tb e lr pw s repair w ork; " m in la n s a teoat.*’ Try thla aervico. Anto Wreck Pi ing Co., 540 Seeond aye. So.

HELP WANTED I”W A N T E D -G lri fo r general houie- 1

w ork ; do no t enll evening or wlthont refeiene#. 812 T enth ave. E .

Bllllnga on Bravery. ■T rup bmver>' )z very enxy tew de- 1

Ickt, fo r It Is a t mutch n -part nnd parcel of a m an's every day life us I iIk elotbes Iz. Evprytliliij: tbn t a truly ^ ra v e mnn duz la dl<i from principle not lmpul*p,.nnd when no one sees him be iz Juxt az berolk nz he would - bc If lie wnz In llin »‘ycs of the mulll- . I tude.—'.'Josh’ Hillings" .( llc n ry W. ■ Show). . [ L ^

“ w ' ") ( 'V I H W i l ^ SAI

' ^ r , B s iim

Page in ^ O R T H IT !: N e w s , d a i i y . T e l l a l l

n s f o r v e n t , h o u s e s f o r

’ p e r w o ) - d - P h o n e 32.


■I'ol 0 .1, lo , F o ld .i . t , l . „ . , „»jit« n io Jck Co«lt.l ( k r . j n j j » : ■ Slioahone Weal.

I w7 l l d u y UnTcr btcumc: atock;, nnm;' loweal {,rJcp. }!ox K, Daho.

a " for;43riO cm!, in A d d rm j . j i Urcn- nan, B.'jJ M. ArlJiur, P/icateJio, Jdaho,

. 8 i ;e i) W I J K A T - H V w

.clmiec inch-nncl Dickhju. ' Dhrrow i t a . , M t s»i.i.ly C .., T .m P . l l . , ||iinho, i'lioae H.

i '^ ^ .N IK D -O ond horao w clchl I7Cu,

T***! ^ J ^ l

iV ^ T E D - T o trn.lu I 'o T T T ^ T ^A. a, carc .Vewi,

I W A N T E I» - i 'o t» t 'i ;^ rn b ;» b -r , '^ ;7 » preferred'. J . H. White, Phone 58, Per rine .hotel,...................

legal ADVERTISEMENTSn o t io j i o t b a l e ' •

Nolico il hereby gtvua thn t lli. «n- W .;JJ.O 'o«derponl, h s i

r almo,l an- nglatcr’s llcn under Beo- iuii Ii41:; o f the Cm»(vi,-J '? t„ t , . i« „ f '

»ds\ho, 5 hvftil -it l.puvn l^W cJ la lii« poHMilOH by A. A. Mrrrlll, aen vl" h .rh 111.) underalgnui,accepted ^ i -mswn Vlll agrcej lo 'grHK, /« .* ;ind iwsturo Wild atock, and did a o 'g rase /c t'.l nrn] care /o r eold itock under aafd aRrecmcnt to the va luu ‘of-iJdj.OO /flr H-hfeh ,am a Ilea Is claim ed, 1* 0^ ' tno lien has not been paid, n a l m'A property will ho *oM to jisy aai<l lie& aum of $203,00 and coals >at VR Raaeh n t HanMii, Idaho,, on 10 Ja y , M arch 1022, a l tho hour o f 2:00 o ’cloek ^ m. of. aald day, aole to he to the beaf bidder for caah.


■ t ’Jflwlfied advcrtMlng in {ho cheap- ' r t t . thing you can buy—.neaaured hv t^ie profits I t may bring you.

r e a : > t u e u a i j . v mswh. . ■

j B l l i i rolass ' " .

WINDOW OLABB-Wlu.] «bielui t s u m work. Moon 'a aiop. f'hone 6.


Hhu|i. 132 ShoihoDa tt r a t . |}ho»i ri-p#frr.l while, .»ou ««ii,

■ ' TBANBrBR^m om s IB A N B IH a OOMPAJfY

Phone 348.

, p r o f © j j i o n d l

attobneysfOHN w 7 O B A H A H -L a w ^ fir^ 7 ^

T ro it Bnildiag. Phon* MS H

B . W n S O N - U wyet , -

g o ^ a an u f l - B o y d a n i id t in . '

swrnLBT * " 5 w e b m V - T tio n tfa t law, P rse tire 'l^ all «ouria Tw li

Falis. Idabe,

I. H.follectloB deparlnent. - O ffiaas - Hoona 0 and 7, o rer Twlo l ^ l f Q ^ia Troal Co.. Twin FoUi. Idaho,



S a i d — )

iN S AND ’

............................. ■

Page 8: TWIN») FAILLS DiULM ME Wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · Another detaU of the. organlcatlon provides tfiat each stato organlislloo gQQ will

f iLIMIffl's t a l e C o m m is s io n , E x p r e s s e s

W i l l i n g n e s s t o C e r t i f y D is ­

t r i c t ’s B o n d s--------- t '

. Ucmbcrii o f tho sU to rooUmntJon d iit ric t boml commlMlon Kavo ci]>rcai- oJ readlnc*! to eortify bond* of th r •• MUuet Low I.l( t UrlRRllon dlslvSet, nwd hnve Indienlcil thc lr npprovnl o f tlio cn- (Iro $on0;000 Inuo n i noon oj crrtAlii . ilotnlU nro pcrfoctoil. Tlu'«"coDinil»- ilo n ’a ilccliilon n as given n t tho eon- i ' cluilon Wn1ne*ilny of n fu rther hoar- Ing on Iho d lilrie t'k a])p\lcntSon for cofU flfatiou of I tl boDiId under pro- f* vlnlonii o f n Inw pawod by tho Unt bov fi lion of tlio loglUaturo ^(hlch eroated Iho eommluion.

U ndr/ riT tlficatlnn i t In ronsldoroil nl................. Ihn t tbo l>ond#aro.DBdo tnoro tialcablo, fi

nn they hnvo tho Blainp of the liinpprovnl, nUhough tho stnto dors not n; gunrniitco irrigntlon lioiidn.

The M ilner liOtr L if t district propoR- (.<1 . es to lif t w ater frotn thu Snako river to nl

n bcl({ht of d'l fee t nnd irrigate 0,410 n| jwri'j ot laml The botiil Imuo it Iw ,j, ing floated for tho purpose of buying |,j tho prenent ByBtcm which hm been par- tlnlly constructed by D. H. Afoormnn j, aad hill nMoclatcs, ond nlio for seeur- Ing itom go w ater to nugment tho pret- , cn t Biipply. The d in trie t’f te rrito ry is

_______«ltiintcd Jn J ' f f l a J ’alU and Ct»(iia.coun-tics letw eeii Milner ond Murtaugh.' Tn atlendaaco a t tho heorlng boforo

the stnto commlnlon in BoisQ th is weok '' wcro Uy I’iekott, Nels- Jonscn and l^ an lj Terrell, directors, nnd H . 0 . Ila-

.r^ l, nttom oy, for .the d lilric t; D. B. Moormnn, E. W. Moormnn nnd R. J . "* Dny representing, tho canal compaay,

■ 0^ J . K. W ise, a ttom oy, tepioMttUng “* ll prosjiectivo bnyer of tho Ijonds.

_________________ ~ t M I rll


jPirreat Pianoy, Ootovia Wil- ^ '' lldmsoD asd J. Amabary to

Roproaont School , ,

;.,Wmuerii pf locnl derinnintorj-V on^V . - - ■ - finals- Tliuriday rven ing who w i J l ; ^ .

TMcnt Ihu Twin JV I|, high school iS S iub -d istrift roniest to bi' hold Marc->

- 17, are f*orrc«t Plnncy in tho nrotorlral «Um ; Octavia. W illlaonoh in tho dm- m atie tlaa^. and John Amibory in th e ,|„ (lomoroug elajm.. , Nine .coiilfitants, three In each cU tn i i , Who wore »rinnon o f .th o Jo e a l prelim; w i ie a ry eonti'ct. took p a r t In the flnnlsr bui

T ho Jiidgcji WTro Mr*. C. A. N o rti, ] tho Rev. CTiflxlei Ohfnn Ilalrd an(} C. thi A. North. ' ' nlo


------ hisM atrim ony P totm irksom e to Women

—Two o f Whom Allege O n ttlt j; Irir tb e .T U n t D ew rtlon Inj

:-------- 1Bond* of malrimoay have proven Ibc

Irksome to three women for whom pe- ed tiU oni fo r divorce wero filed in din- ont tr ic t court hero T hunday by W. I*, iea O ulhrie and K. J . Jlornibrook, allor- Bcys. C nielty is the allegation in two — o f the iietitions, and deierlion l i the ehargo ngalnst tho onnn t bushnnd i th o third case. No children havo beeu — born to nny of the throe women ^

' ■ Eitellft Trcdw eil,'seeking n divorce I'nt from lm Trcdwell. to-whom she wn» "eh m arried In June , 1021, in Twin Fnlli- 'lop alleges tho t w ithin nix months a fle r thn tho tnarrlaRO Uet hasband slm ek liv the •0 violenlly thn t threo of hor r lh i were broken nnd ns n result iihe was eonfln- C od, to he r.bed for Ihree weeks durlhi: o f w hich,hor ronditlon wns regarded ns ex- les trem ely erillpnl. • edu

A nna I» Im inii, jvrtASonbg lo r dl- grn vorco fron> Felix Irtnnn, to whom sho ^foi wns married in Denver in Juno, 1015. tho aleo nlleges rrucHy nnd ehflrgei, bo- wls

, Bides, th a t her husband U "insnnely je a lo a i ," b u t Ihnl hls own conduct i< f * s o t nbove rcpronch. Bho asks also tr. a division of eonm unlty properly. .

A fter more Ihan six years of inarrled U fo, her husband dcierlcd and has •Ince contributed nolhing to her sup­port, Marion L. Howberry alleges In*'n i poUtlon for dlvoreo from Oeorgo W. ,i ,i- Rowberry. They wero married in Ru- . „ , p e rt In A pril, 1914. 7 '

- foro


P A ID O N D E A L F O R L A N D. '--------- ,. .

O irl J . K U ler A ttacks V alidity of Sell- e r ’e TIUe to Property to H aro

Booa Traniferrod--------- Est(

T rlnl before Judgo W. A. Babcock o f tho caso o f Carl J . M iller against E.D . CouM wn* begun in distric t eourf hero .tod'iy. In this nction Mr. Miller,

■ w bo eonlractod for piirehasa o f cer- *bi|i t a in fariB land ftom M r. Coute conltods t h h t M r.-C o m o ctmBPt deliver tltlo f o r th e property . Ho ask i fo r reilor- s t i o n 'o f tb e .am o n a t^ h o hns paid on ■—

• th e contract,* le u a " r e n t a l ,chnrgo for h i t UIO <j{ tho property , loaTiog a b&l-

.. Anco in the BUm o f |(1,]40.0P.. U r. M il­le r is rop rc ic o to il-b ;- 'W alto n , H odgli

.. j u d B o l tv , Conw by W, Q;O reon o f Oitrom. and Oreen, Bnhl. ^

-iEiJiniiTr^. F o r a o r T w in F f t l la M o o A i r D i f .

fo re n o o B is O o o r t a o f . .

S O k la h o m a , . R

I). M. ilcnion, form erly identified with ri'ol rsln to nnd newspn]tcr ven- lures h rre . bn« been sued hi tho dis- tr ie t rnu ri nt Kdmond, Oklahoma, Ly

„ J . \V. Ilnvii, al/ie a form er resident of Twin for daningcs In the lum of

’ 125,700 ns nn outgrow th of. proieeution oil n criminal libel clwuge insHtuted by DenlJn ngnlnst Uny*. • pj

„ IIii.vs \va neqtiUlcd of the ehargo nftl^r four minuti'S deliberation by .i ^ ju ry n t W mond. Tlio tria l ended Feb. „j

f. runry 22- liolh men hnvo been identi- fil'd to.-enly wUl« opccatious of tlw [dnliD Oil rompnuy In tlm Oktahom'.

I- fiold. ti,ll IlnvK. In hW auit for dnmiiges, seeks

to reroviT from 'D enloii (SOO an his d n tlu rn e y i' feeii In the libel cnse, (20'i }, for “ liMs (j1 tim e nnd n ttenlion from '* bii-iimHi.'’ u n d ' ♦2J.OO0 iiuullivo dnni- '• it agen,

in liix j'l't iliou lo the rnu rl he In- (.'Ixdi's n ciipy o f th e complnint origln-

0 nlly filed hy Denlon in Iho libel nelloii ngnin«t Il/iyii.v This eom[ilnint contains <|uutnttnu4 from n le lle r nlleged fo

II hnve lieen w riiten by liny* Inst April '* wblrh were madn the basis fn r tho libeln -hnrtio.____ — .

Tlie le tte i Ss »aW to Uiiv«< Uccu aA- T '■ dresni’d In “ d ivers and sundrj’ peo- ’ |<]e.” II tefern to operations of tbo

oil eflniimny uinjcr lienlon'H inniingo-' ^ niuul, nnd hls vixit here Uixt spring -

” fo r n mnrereni'ii w ith sloekhidders In . Ihe eocerii.

Tlie .iiiolnHr.ni follow;. . ^j' “ Then he '(D e n tn n ) enme bi.ek nnd •''' •’ snid 'O lvii we nil the jmwer; I will put

ll nver,’ nud when ho told you this, ho, y ,1 ut Hint p irlleu ia r moment, hnd boughi ' a junk drill o u tfit fo r $8S00 nnd haa

rlmrKeil it to vnu for ♦11,000, bu t ho did nni Irll you th n t n t the lionquel, did h r j Yel he loved .vnu «o well ho Cu lind lapped your fnnds for »2800-" to


WUUam M attlisws Suei M ri. B m u t (y m i t a fo t tS ,04 i D aaagM In Oon-

- aequeaco o f In ju ry

' Cliarging tho t Mrs. Bcllo \M)ite, wlfo (po of E rn tal W h ite ,-Jw ln .F a lla building |,|o contractor, was wholly to blamo for tho Aeeliietvt Sn which bo Buffered ’e i l tn - nive injuries w hoa ho was itn ick by an automobile on tho s la lo highway west o f Twla Falls la s t A pril, W illiam Mat- j thew i, throogh bi* attom e.vf, 8 . P . Dn- i , . , v is and H. a M ills,-hai filed a sn lt In dislTiet court hore a p i la i t M r. aad Mra. >. j WHiio 'fo r reeoTerr o f d t t u ^ a ^ t l e , - sum of »5,044.C0.

M attbew i, in h is complofnt, roeltcs th n l ho wsa driving a cow o a ^ a horso a long the highway wbon the e s r driv> , en by Mrs. W hlto stm clt him from be- j),, hind. ITo sa.v» th a t no w aralnif w as o 'l given by the approaching car. An a er, resu lt of tho accident, M atthews aayi nbc h is le ft anklo was broken, and ho suf- tiv fered bruises nnd lace ra tioa i nbout the leg*, iioiv nnd head, besides Internal Injuries. • ' ' .

I7o Inclaldes in b li t i l l fo r damogrs ^ Ibo oapense incurred while be ing treat- cd as a patien t n t a hospital here for ono week, in conaoqacnce of his Injur- c lo*- ' , fo r

--------* ----------- wll

HIGH SCHOOL NOTES '■«___________________ . lam

W nrren 0 . Crabtree, boad of the de. )!,i- parlm ent of ngrlculiuro In tho high nehool, nnnounced yeslerdny th a t Ihc i * doparlm ent had mado 30 m ilk testa fo r , thn students nnd for o ther farm ers in lliQ • community du tlng th e taouth nf g February.

On Wednesday m orning the sluden ti ‘ o f the agrieottlturo a n d 'h ^ o econom- les dopnrlmenls were en terta ined by nn , . eduentionol picture on -the rolsing nf J J , grnpcs. The p ic ture took tho ffrnpe from the timo It sU rled to grow im ll’ tho tim e it was dried nnd pocked as a rnlsln. «»«'

, , , fouit — ------------- - n rif

Deaths 1=:Abnor Ih o m .

Aimer Tlsotn «f K5rol>eity, died enrly thin.i^orniiig ol a hospital hero whoro he L id been received a few hours be­foro fer tientm ent fo r Influenza. Tho body wns taken to the Orosinwn under- tak ing eMnhli.hment w here i t is held pending llu. ninklijir o f funeral ar- rangemcQti. .

a m p MAY BB LOST.HA LIFAX , (/P) — The sloamship

E ston ia reported by wlrelcM today th a t sho had reached the point where the Norwegian steam er O rontoft reported herse lf sii>klng w ilh her erew o f 2<) yestorday and had found no algos of ships or c'ew.

'U ^ t Toar ahop made h a rn e u and topi a t y re d .ro s s .- a d T .__________________

" FOR SALE ,Q il t s a n d B r o o d S o w s B ied to r a r ro w In April

O&OOUB ft U cO O T . .- • Phone gO-W.



Reclamation Service Attorneyd and Project Manager HereI' to Explain Program > , —J B. E , Stoutfaipycr o f Bolie, Attorney

for tho Oiiilod BlAtes reelnmation eerv- "- len In Mi.ii.i, nnd D srry Dibble o f Bur-

ley, projec t w anager of the Ametiean Fnlls rcH '/voir nnd Mlnldoku Irrlga-

® tlon jirojf. ts , nro hero todny to address ' ' a pnblle meeting In Parish hnii begin'- I*' n ing n t ^ n ’elnek nud n luncheon moot '■ Ing n t To m ’s cafe th is evening.

Irfgnl I'hnsos o f the plan for '■ flnjuielni: the Am'oric-ou Foils piojcpt

through foiniollon nf on irrigatioii :* slornge d iit ric t to include lands fo*'* uhlc ii w nter supply wili be taken from

tho reservoir, nro to bo dl*ciw*cd by Mr. HtmitetT-.eyer.

'■ iii. Dib'ule wns ex jw tcii In explain ongineerin;* fenlurin of the pinu for

V constrursiou of tho reservoir.*■ In nd-l!tion to iliscusslon nf tho ron- '* iBTOfttioH the vlnitlna'* offieialSi th e report nf the dianiber o f. ° poiiiMiercf tax rommlllee is to bo made II public .It- th is evening’s m eetin g .'

I- ~ " V

J o c a l j j Q r e - v i t i o j

=r------- Ill Qraata D iw rce, Docreo—A docrce o f,

dlvoTct ftom Vrnnk Jow ett h as been grontod tu Lydhi Jew e tt by Judgo \V. I

J A. Bnbcock in disU ict eourl bere._

‘ ' Pollco Chief Stricken — lien J . , Hrown, Twin Fhlls chief of |»olice, wat

‘ todny ecmfined t« bU bwvu-.U^ ihv a t- " inek n f ‘ -'flu.”

0 ,' Eecovoring from 'T I q ' ’ — Tnylor , 3 Cummins, e ity attorney, today returned

tn hia offleo a fte r being confincd tn h ii '' home for several days by a soveto at- ' jnek_ofi'.flu .i!. 1

} E etum a to Homo—Mrs. C. J . Cary, who hns been hero for somo timo fol- .

. lowing tho dcnth o f her fnlhor, tho lalo W. II. OroenhoK, lo ft Thursdny fo r bor f

homo Irn io rlh e rn California, ** i. » I - r

D ual Dcbnto Scheduled — D ebating o teams repreienling Twin Falls nnd Al- bion--high— Brhnols' w iir computd 'thf.i | evening l.nre nnd n t Alhlnn. Tho Pan- nmn ennnl tojis quesllon i« the subject ] for tho debate.

Aak Bids ea Coal—Members o f tho honrd of eounty commlsslonon Thors- j day pu thnriied issuance of a call fo r _ bida fo r r o p p ly b f 100 t o u o f eotf^.SO „ tons to bo delivered to the county gon- ernl hoifpitnl and SO tons to tbo court-

' • “

T alk L ittU M M o rta o C b -S . G- ° B rouard , county agont, aod A . I . , O 'R eilly; eounty Tooationa! eloba load- I er, Thursday add rened a moeting of ahout ,30 persons on poislbllltles o f enl- tiv a tio n .o f head lettuce aa a m arket ■ erop. A rrangem enta woro completed p fo r holding a m eeting Thursday nex t p n t which /o n tr a c tJ aa between tho growera nnd tho T ir in Palls Oonnty I V egetable O row ers' aasoclatlon w ill bo I proeontod.

O hatgai n ioga l Poueia loft—An In- "form.ition charging Wllllnm Holland wllh illei;ai possesion b f liquor w aa fll- ^ ed today in d is tric t eourt by Prosecut- log A ttorney F rank L. Stephan. H ol­land wna arrested Bundoy In tho Tlcin T ily o f Bnhl wben deputy sheriffs sek- e d 'n stlU nnd quantity o f homo-mado b liquor. Ho wnived preliminary hear- ing nnd -mtered a plen of g n llty 'to tho eliorge in i robato court. hi

Snperrisefc T otm am ent — M.- C. tt Milehelt, pupcrinlendont o f Twin TtHU T schools, ie fi todny for Pointello where d this nft'isiioon nnd tomorrow, he will It hhve ehnrgo o f the Interseholastle bna- cc kelball fflurnnment to dclcrmine two pi oul o f the four teams enmpcllng, to lii repreicn t southern Idnho in the s la lo le louniam fnt n t Moieow next week. Tho four tram s , competing arc thoso of pl

'Veslon, Oakley and Nampa wi ilgh sehfiols. , lu


(uiirantee Viiln■Ppstpffice Building-

from Rochdale a Full L ;

Racine Horseshoe Tir Tires and

Guarantee Vutce- — 3 4 3 M A IN .


liSSilFtrnivflrsitsr of Idaho Seniors

ll'amo Twin ?alls Lad as Execntivo

N IV E ltSlT Y OP ■ IDAHO, Moscow y (SiieeinI)—Senior class o fficers-for tho

' sp ring term woro elected a t a recent meeting. Michael Thom ctr, Twin Falls, wan chosen president; W alter Schmid, i'nyeUo, vieopreslcleBt; Helen Cochrnn, K m m ctt,. treasu rer; Bonahl Payne, Boise, secretary. Evndna Bob- erts ond Harold Murray, both of Noo- pa, wero ielected Os membors of the rccentiy initollod facu lty advhiory

Jl councll-

RELIEVESPURCHASER IN . t MORTGAGED GRAIN CASE>r Probato Court. Holds Buyer is N ot ■t LUhIo i f Ohecka are M ade Payable '» to Both Pa rtie s a t IntoreatJ" - ' —I” Hurchnscrs of mortgsgod grain who y mnke their cheeks payable to both

inorlgngor ond mortgagee nro relieved In uf llnblllly If th d mortgagor succccds yf 111 cnihlng them wllh h i s . signnturo

nlonu, I'rnbnto Judgo 0 . P. Duvnll has ilceided in thn .easo of E . W. Saion ngnlnst the Fnrm'ers-Soclelv o f Equity

'8 nt Buhl. Saxon wbo bold n mortgngo 'f I on rerla in graJn, aued tho company tor i le nbout *500, ftlleging th a t rhecka in this I

nmount hnd been pnld to tbo mortgagor ] fo r tho groin. The confpany showed th n t two cheeks aggregating 1277 had boon uisdo payablo to tho moitgogoT i nnd mortgagee jo in tly , and although 1 tho mortgagor had eashed a ll o f the * h « k s w ith his own endorsement alone, '

{ tho court hpld th a t tho company waa no t linble fo M h ls amount.

E state farm bureau tor HOLD MEETING IN BOISE <

' ' W. F . Alworth, Actiiu: Prealdant, Callt__ Scsaloa_of r«der* fion -to -a*» lew • 4

W ork and OuUlse Program

Till) onnunl meeling of tho 'Idah o jJ Fnrm Il'irenii fedfra tlon haa been call- r, I'd by \V. F. Alworth. Twin Fnlls, acl- .. ing .iircii'li-iil, tn m «‘t In Boise, March .

II. 10 iin'l. 11. ■ , 0At IhU meeting it Is expectci} .that S

■| .-I review tho federation 's work for • the yenr will bo given, and a financial

roport submllted. I t is planned nlso ^ In outlino li ))rogr#m of vrorlt for mid officers will bo elected for tho

r onsuing y i* r. j

- HELD OfTSERIOUS “CHARGE '‘ E th e r O a r to r P lu d i K o t O nilty to Com-

m lt t la t S tA tstory Oilmo ,

’ E tho r C arter, aald tq bo tr ta x ic a o ' driver, wbo waa arro ited aod arraign- vi Itt p r fb a to .c & u i h e te 4 U » .» 6 Z e b e

' on a cbnrgo of having committed i s ta tu tory eilmB> osterod a ple& of not gu |U y ant] w<is adm itted to bond in the aom o f | ;0 0 to secure his nppearance a t t r i a l

: BREAKS SILENCE OFVIEEKS f ______I (Oontinoed from Page,O ns)

I preven t tho execution, sehedaled for -J t p . m . to d t) .


“ Wo aro th roogh,” said Loo Bollly.. “ Wo 'vo Ufont n il of ou t money to mvc I th la boy, w e’re usod ovory I e |^ meant . bu t ho w on’t oven t iy to 'he lp us. Noth- , Ing more' will be done.”

Despite th is nnnounromont, Frank T yrre ll, nnother Attorney, appeared be­foro Judgo JoK ph Dnvld fo r a w rit of habeas corpus on tho groand th a t thu sentence of death waa Illegal becaose Chnreh wos no t present a t hls A nil) hearing.

Judgo i)av id said ho could Aot enter­ta in thi< |>otitlon bu t Instructed Mr. Tj-rreli Ihnt Judgo Kiekhnm Scanlon, chief juillcD, had tho power to enter­ta in a pe tition ita tln g thn l the trial court refused to «Ilow 'C hurch to bo prenent du tlng his trloL A san ity hear­ing could not bo reviewed, tow over, ho loid. ^

A l*2 o 'clock tho scnffold was com­pleted an,I the chnir in which Chureh wo* to lu stropped for tho hanging vrns taken ln l j Ihc death co\l.


aniziog forksr— A e r o a s t h e s t r e e t

e S t o r e — W i t h ) ,

L i n e o f

ires and Mason Cord id Tubes

ianizing WorksA r t . ,W E B T ---------


!D Warmer Weather is •I' ■ Again Forecast by , „ Official Predictor-^

Temi»oraturcs' range In 'tbo Twin • * Palls dU trlct yesterday and la s t «

• night was oaly sljgbtly higher ' P than Ihai o f tbo pm cedlog day, bu t

.|,g enough to establish a measure o f confidence • .horeabouts In tho < w eatherm an's offlelAl forecast of

[p, ' warmer w eather In store fo r to- len Tbo fo tc ta s t la tlu d ts t h tj],] statcmv-nt thn t ra in or snow li 3l,'. ■ pro'bable 'jg . M ercury in .th o therm ometer a t the governm ent' w ta thor obsorva-

tory boro reached S9 dogrees above soro for high yesterday and do- ' cHned ,'ust n igh t to 12 above caro. ,


Tho Ladlos of th e Q. A. B . Dan Ue- Cook Circle No. 3, will meot in busl- , no n .io u io n S a turday afternoon a t '2:30 ! in the I. 0 . 0 . F . hall.

'I'® Mrs. Cawood’s group of Camp R re . Girls will serve b o t lunches a ll day Bat-

g j , urday, M arch 4, in ' tbe building vljoin- Ing tho eingor Sowing Machine com-

has pony on ^niln avenue, beglunlng a t 11 con o ’clock.Ity ---------tgo There will be a k id daneo tonight tor at the ilasoaie ball /orisons and dnuph- hls te n of E aslern B tar members and thoir {Or partsoT*.red I Ilid fiavo fiom 12 to 20 per cent on th r - jp t se t o f h ftT sm by buying th is iroek at Igh Prod Foss.—adv.Iho •ae, ' ---------- "roa ■ —

I Q l d L j J l f i e d


^ I'OR U A L B -S llgb tly uT edw diM n- port. In good condition, $35. Hooilcr -

‘ '■Puiiilinte'Cbi-

FOR 8 .\L l-/-T w op lcce tapestry lidog-roon. set, 73. ■Hooster Furniture

"■ (X :l- •ch W ^N T E ll— To buy fairly good str-

ond'hand trunk rhoap. A ddress' Bo.t a t 5, cflrc o f News.

' f o r 3 a L I ^ 11)20 Buick lig l it^ s lx ^ roadster. Oates A uto Co.- '

w l l R E N T -1 2 0 acres noar Hollis- *’® ter. A sher B. Wilson, F i is t N ational

Bnnk bldg.. Twin Falls.

lE "W A N T E D -L n d y 'lo do ligh t house- work nnd plain sewing fo r a fow days,

n . Pbono 0S2M. •

ID V ,

I Interestiieo ■ ' . '

:s — ---------- P O

S a t u r d a y

[' 40 inch Dress and Dark

BfIU Now la.tho time to mako your oeleclio le yard ------------------------------- 1--------- ------

>> --

; Ladies’ Fashioned

Hosein-blaek, eordbVan-and white. A splendid everyday hose, pair.55>c


; 27inchGinjin a l a m va rie ty of patterns—plain, c

: per y * d ------- -—

Ladies’ B elts, 29cN ovelty leather b e lts In red and blaek, nanoTT belta, ju s t w hat tbe lato style e d ls fo r. ^holco, each — ;------------------------------ 29e

Beads of Bla<Bocelved today ; B eads la T ti aad, W» have U en looking for. Oholeoj O cb-

Heather HFor theso ^ m a ia ln g eold days ladies’

_ _ CfAe Grec

MARCH 3,1922 . ;8 T 0 0 K B X O H ii^ B S 0 ^

NEW YORK, (/R — .S '® J#P“ oso stock nn-l tic* e x tU a n ^ ToVlo \

r wero e b w l on .Match 1 a fte r the col­lapse of «n.a»tem ptod Cull com er, ne­cording U p rivate cable advice*, ro- » eeived hoio today by M itsu i,and com­pany, Importers. The dispatch added th a t bolh exchanges had resumed op-

■ orations.

id I II Strong, proven com<-*-|l|-

I panieB— apolioyfrom I

It- I as la oao of protoc- I -

m- I tlon Indeed. H

BadCold$, V T T ET , ttonny weather, expoatire, ,

•W BBifflea,8nd theI> c*vycoId»9Ci. y Dr. King’a New Discovety breaks i t up e qnkU y and pleasantly. Head deantd

up, c o ^ relieved and you (eel better.A i your d ru g ^ U , 60c.

DrKinfs, N e w D i s c o v e r y

F o r C o ld a a n d C o u fjh s .

I B o w e ls 'B c t tln jl fo r H d p } - D r . .

iiill I l i t t s


' S h o p p e r s

Voiles m Light Patterns

etion while tbo tioek Is eomplete, Per— ------------------- i & . , . . .

36 in . Cretonnes,

-2 5 c30 in. cretonnes in neat ligh t flo^ rai designs a t th is vory speelal price, por ya rd u - .— .......... flSc

nghams, 24cn, cheeked, striped, etc. Your choice,

R em nants ior LessAji our rem nants o f silks, wool or

eo ||en are very nttractlvoly pric- ‘

o(]‘, Look (hem vnrr

ack and RedW atV ^cim i3lM tlot».-.Jjjst w hat you

-------- _ ,.-4 i .a 3

Hose; 45clos’ heatlier.bflsc, choice per pair™.. 4Bc

eater — ,

O T S t o r e L tdM r r i i L ' ; ! Progrtnitv

•’ .1 *

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