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Ocean Avenue HS

Produced by collecting sunlight and converting it into electricityCan be converted directly using photovoltaic's NeedsPanels Sun RationaleHeat the poolProduce electricity Locations On the roof above the poolOn the whole roofConverted/capturedSolar radiationEnergy to electricity


Ocean Ave High School


Solar powerGeothermalWind Solar Dont have to waste electricity Heats the pool Consumes electricityFree Geothermal Heats the school No heaters Also to air condition the school Rationale

WindFor the summer Keeps the school cool

Solar Panels

Green roof

Energy Efficient lighting

Water efficiency

Takes sunlight and exchanges it for alternative energySaves energy and provides natural habitat for humansLighting will save money and provide no wasteful energy at the same timeDual flush toilets, low flow sinks, which reduces water use by 50%Forms of energy in Ocean Ave

Energy generated by heat stored under the Earths surfaceNeeds Water SteamRationale To heat the school Air conditioningElectricity LocationHeaters Throughout the ceilingConverted/capturedHeat from undergroundLarge amounts of electricity


School will face east to get the whole days worth of sunshine

Floor Plan

Floor plan continued

There will be recycling trash cans in each classroom, and hallwayDifferent dumpsters placed outside for paper, bottles, cans, etc.Placed in cafeteriaUse laptops, dry erase , or chalk pads for in class workScrap paper for class displays or projectsReusable trays at lunch

Recycling plan

We think Ocean Avenue high school is a great school because it has a very green environment. Since a lot of our school is powered by alternative energy it makes the school a better place and it also would be less expensive. Having a green school is simple and cheaper so more schools should start to go green. We think our school would work because we have solar power and geothermal energy so if we ever need a back up there is one. Conclusion
