
O2 WorldwideResearch & Testimonials

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www.o2ww.comResearch & Testimonials

Experience the Power of Oxygen

Oxygen plays a powerful and primary role in your body’s physical and

mental performance. An increasing number of researchers now confirm that the best way to improve health and fitness is related to the optimum

oxygenation of every cell. Sufficient oxygen is needed for the body to rebuild itself as well as for our abilities to think and act. It is also vital for proper metabolic functions, blood circulation, assimilation of nutrients, elimination of cellular and

metabolic waste, and a strong immune system. Consequently, low levels of oxygen disrupt the

body's ability to function properly. Unfortunately,

even though we are surrounded by oxygen, our modern lives are teeming with unavoidable factors that impede it from reaching our cells, where it is needed most.

Introducing O2 Drops® …packed with an exclusive bio-available form of dissolved oxygen combined with the minerals that your body needs the most. Our revolutionary nutritional supplement is scientifically formulated to provide activated oxygen molecules and essential trace minerals to your cells, fortifying your body and creating a level of health and vitality you’ve never experienced before.

O2 Drops utilize a proprietary liquid supplementation technology that quickly delivers Activated Stabilized Oxygen (ASO®) and Lyophyllic Third State Minerals (LTSM®) to the cellular level in their most bio-available and active state, which yields optimum assimilation and utilization. O2 Drops micronutrients are rapidly absorbed either sublingually or through the digestive tract, entering the bloodstream and penetrating cell walls almost instantly, improving physical and mental performance naturally without the use of stimulants and with no jitters.

No other activated oxygen supplement formula has undergone as much scrutiny and validation; and it has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to increase energy, boost performance, and speed recovery. World-class scientists, doctors, athletes, and trainers attest to its efficacy. The proprietary formula has been the subject of more than two dozen independent research studies all over the world. Plus, it has been put to the test – and consistently exceeded expectations – by professional athletes, including Olympians and World Champions. If it can work for them, imagine what it can do for you! O2 Drops will give you an exceptional cellular foundation to strengthen your body and help you perform better than you ever have.

www.o2ww.comResearch & Testimonials

Testimonials from Happy Customers

O2 Drops® will make you feel more energized, focused, and healthier than you ever have. It contains a bio-available form of oxygen and essential minerals that the body needs for optimal health and functioning. The exclusive formula has been validated by over 20 independent research studies and countless real-life case studies across the world. Scientists, doctors, and people just like you report that it works! Now you too can experience the remarkable benefits!

“Over the years, I have used natural supplements, but typically it takes time for natural or herbal products to build up in your system to feel results, NOT with O2 Drops. Within minutes of taking, I could feel it starting to work. It’s an energy boost, but at the same time, it has almost a calming effect, and you start to just feel better overall. Like many in their 50’s, I typically have lower back pain and stiffness daily. I noticed as I was just now taking the second dose that my back does not have the usual stiffness or soreness.” – Wayne Cook

“I have a lot of issues brought on me from a dentist with my sinuses, mouth, and throat. Long story! I had bad pressure in my ears, so I said let me put O2 in my ears because I had taken all my products, and it wasn't stopping the pressure... Well, it stopped it quickly. My gums don't hurt anymore, and it's stopped the gum recession and pain. I have also been using O2 as eye drops, and love it! I've tried other oxygen products, but they didn't work!!! This one is working fast! I'm amazed how quickly, plus I stopped all my herbs yesterday, and I've had to take a lot these the past 6 years!” – Eyvette Laughlin, Naturopathy Doctor

“I have a 7-year-old and an almost 5-year-old, and typically I'm stressed out when they act up, but yesterday I was calm and did not get all stressed, and in turn, they were calm as well. My lower back feels better, and overall I had more energy. I do not feel the need to drink 10 cups of coffee before noon anymore!

Thank you O2!!! I'm also sleeping much better, and when I wake up, I'm ready to get going...I am following the instructions on the bottle, and I feel awesome. Yesterday my co-worker even asked me if I'd lost some weight. I do feel like my cravings for bad food have gone away...Love O2, and do not see myself stopping EVER!" – Bradley McCoy

“Two weeks ago, I started to take O2 Drops, not really expecting to see any dramatic results. I was actually thinking I was good as I was going to get. But now, I notice that a certain drive or mental energy has come back. I feel more positive and eager to do things; plus the level of pain my body had been experiencing is greatly lessened. O2 Drops are so easy to take. It's hard to believe that just taking theses drops a few times a day could make dramatic improvements in my well-being in just a short time. They are amazing!” – Susan Drinkard

“24 hours after taking the O2 drops for the first time, 3 times the day I received it, and also rubbing the drops on the area... To my surprise, during the night while sleeping, I was in disbelief in the fact that I could turn and did not feel pain nor discomfort. I could not believe that a product so simple could have such amazing results in a short time. This is truly a MIRACLE in a bottle. It's attached to my hip, and I will never leave home without it." – Carol George

“The big difference to me is when I go to bed I immediately fall asleep for the first time in my life and I don't wake up 4 or 5 times. I get a good restful night and wake up ready to start my day. This makes everything better.” – Billie Frances Foster Dunham

“All I can say is, I’m impressed. Gave me energy and mental clarity to complete what I needed to work on!" – John Soriano

"Since I started taking the O2 Drops five weeks ago, I've seen several improvements. I sleep much better and I'm rested when I get up. I'm also in a better mood and happier. The nagging aches, pains, and stiffness I had learned to live with are almost nonexistent now, including the pain in my knee and the pain from the arthritis in my lower back. Every time I take O2, I feel a calming energy that runs throughout my body and lasts for hours. My stamina is up. My endurance is up, and my energy level feels like it was twenty years ago when I was in my 40's. My recovery period when I do something strenuous has also been reduced significantly. My mental clarity and focus are also much better. The longer I'm on the O2 Drops, the better I'm feeling. I had no idea Oxygen was that important to my body. I thought it was just for breathing and keeping me alive, not for helping me to feel like I was "living" again.” – Keith Francis Sr.

“I have been suffering from terrible acne on my face for the past 7 months or so, and prescription medicated cream wasn't even helping! Not cystic acne, but a bunch of little bumps all over my face. I put the O2 Drops directly on my face yesterday morning and again last night before going to bed and when I woke up this morning, I was AMAZED to find that a lot of them had disappeared and the others had shrunken in size!! What a relief! I've never had problems with acne, so this was totally new and a bit terrifying for me, really. I'm so happy to see this problem going away!! I LOVE MY O2 DROPS!!!” – Vanessa Chamberlain

“I am usually under a lot of stress at work, and it usually causes my shoulders and back to get tense and hurt. Last week I had a lot of pain and decided to see if the drops would help. I checked the clock, took 15 drops and continued working. I had forgotten about it until I noticed I no longer had the pain! I checked the clock and exactly 30 minutes had passed. I am AMAZED!” – Jessica Maldonado

“I have had an ear infection. I put a drop in each ear. Today when I woke up my ears felt normal. Also, I have had trouble with nose allergies. I put some drops in my nose at night and in the morning. My nose feels so much better. I put some in my eyes because they were red and itchy. My eyes are clear and feel great today: no itching and no redness. I love my O2 Drops. I added O2 Drops to water in a spray bottle. I spray the solution on my face and neck. It gives a nice glow to my face. I have really put the O2 Drops to the test. I will not be without this product. I feel so much better. My energy level is very strong. I call this product my HappyNowDrops!" – Colleen Harris

“Great stuff! Right away I notice improved mental clarity, energy, sleeping much better, and breathing easier and deeper.” – Les Jamieson

“I have very very dry eyes. I have been using Restasis for about 2 years now. I have been putting one drop of O2 in each eye every morning and every night for about 1 week now. I have not had any dryness at all during the day! I am no longer using the Restasis because the O2 works so much better! My eyes have not felt this good in years.” – Beverly Jericho Moreland

"I deal with "Metabolic Syndrome" which includes both severe Depression and severe obstructive Apnea. So without my CPAP machine pumping positive air pressure into me at night, I would think normal is oxygen deprivation. But now I wake up after 6 or 7 hours and feel alive, instead of sleeping double that amount of time and feeling wasted." – Keith Bender

"I feel so blessed that I was introduced to the O2 oxygen product. I was having a rash and swelling in my armpits, and no idea where it came from. All I know is that it was extremely painful, and my armpits had turned red and black. It really looked raw. I could not believe that the pain went away in just 10 minutes, and within a day or two, the rash disappeared. If it had not happened to me, it would be hard to believe how the pain went almost immediately away. I was thinking that the drops were just for the inside of the body, but afterwards I researched it, and it helps so many things, even rashes, cuts, bruises, etc. Thanks O2 for helping me feel so much better." – Jerri Stewart

“I have always been active in sports, bowling 2 leagues a week, playing softball with my daughter 3 times a week, fishing, hunting. Now that I'm getting older, I can't do the things I used to do. With a number of health issues, it's been impossible. I have arthritis, neuropathy in feet, bulging discs in lower back. I was hoping these O2 Drops would give me some relief. I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. I mean, what could 10 little drops of O2 do for me? I am AMAZED! I took 8 drops before going to sleep, woke up this morning, and just realized for the first time in years, I actually slept the night thru! The pain in my feet from the neuropathy is GONE!!” – Gary Kovachs

“My son woke up with pink eye. He went to school, and they sent him right back home. I put two O2 Drops in his eye right away, then two more that afternoon and evening, and repeated on Saturday. His pink eye is gone today. I'm amazed with O2 Drops. Thanks." – Fontae Parchman

“I've been putting one drop in each eye twice a day. Because of lack of rest, my eyes were irritated and red.The redness and irritation seem to have gone away. Not to mention my quality of sleep has greatly

improved, and I'm thinking clearer during the day. Truly I can't think of anyone that wouldn't benefit from this product." – Jay Jensen

"My experience with O2 Drops has been one of surprises. I did not know what to expect when I took the first drops, however within minutes I felt stronger and could move around easier. I just couldn't believe anything working that fast. A few days later, I noticed that my varicose veins were less pronounced. I had not done anything different, so I researched stabilized oxygen and varicose veins, and to my surprise, it does reduce varicose veins. I also noticed about the same time that my gums stopped bleeding when I brush my teeth. I researched this also and to my surprise, it strengthens gums. I am now looking for my next surprise anytime soon." – L. Hodge

“I have taken vitamin supplements all my life, and have never felt the type of energy, pain relief and reduced joint inflammation from any other product. I have more energy, sleep great, and feel less stress in my joints. I know this is empirical knowledge and not scientific proof. But with all the research and testimonials I’ve read, I would highly recommend this to everyone." – Edwin Cabrera

"The first time I took the O2 Drops, my neck started to relax, I felt calmer, and my whole body and spirit felt a notable lightness. My constant nagging winter cough stopped. Within a day or two, my shoulders started to relax, and my whole body was more relaxed and flexible, and I experienced an overall feeling of calm. I was more focused, positive, present and interactive in my interactions at work and people noticed. I felt more energized. I have experienced sleep problems most of my adult life – I now sleep like a baby. I also have less food cravings and mood swings and my energy is more steady and up.” – Judy Camus

"I am a dialysis patient, and on the days I get my treatments, I am so wasted that I can barely function. Since using my O2 Drops, I have been feeling like my old self again.” – Mary Ann Gutierrez

“As a result of getting more sleep...I am focused, clear, and my cravings have dramatically reduced. This morning, I went walking for an hour with my friends, and at the end of the hour, I felt energized rather than exhausted. When I talk to people about O2, I speak with the confidence of knowing this product will work for everyone. If you love your life and the people in it, you will use the product and share it with everyone you care about." – Alice Hawke

“When I always stand up, I always have a sharp pain in my hip from hip surgery 9 months ago. The pain will go away after standing for a minute or so, but every time I stand, I always have that uncomfortable pain. (Freak accident while snow skiing.) Well, that sharp pain was not there!! WOW!!I then took the drops again at bedtime, and slept REALLY good last night...sleep-ing all night without waking up 1 time. I always wake up several times during the night. Can hardly wait to see what other benefits from this AWESOME O2 Product.!!" – Anita Burrows Rawls

"I have suffered all my life with the shakes. If I got nervous, it got worse. If I was rushing around, it got worse. It was passed on to me from my father and his mother, etc. Since I got O2, when I find I'm getting shaky, I take my Drops, and it calms it right down in minutes... Awesome!" – Marjorie Penney

“Love using O2 Drops... It gives me more energy, especially when I feel tired.” – Jacques Allrich

“I wanted to thank you for introducing me to Activated Stabilized Oxygen. I have been taking it for over six years and I would not be without it. I have trouble

with bad gums and I keep that problem in tact with the oxygen and I take it when I have a cold, sore throat and to stave off all sorts of health problems. I think it is a wonder drug. I also use it for cuts, scratches and burns, even sunburn. Keep up the good work.” – Beverly Shannon

“While I was working at a laboratory that does envi-ronmental testing of water, I had the misfortune to get an acid burn on my forearm. Someone had accidentally spilled some on thecounter and had not cleaned it up... Within minutes, my forearm had a huge red rash and itched terribly. I immediately washed my arm off with soapy water. Nothing happened. Then I applied some of the ASO® directly to the burn. Within minutes there was relief. Talk about amazing results. This was almost unbelievable...By the time I went home, the rash was almost gone. In the morning there was no sign of the burn. There is a bottle in the lab constantly now.” – Doris Furgeson

“I fly from Vancouver to Korea for business very often and suffer from tiredness and jet lag. I bought the O2 oxygen liquid drops to try and I could not imagine to feel so good after such a long trip. Never have I had such energy and feeling refreshed when I arrived. I will tell my associates to usethese and I need to buy more...They are amazing.” – K. Whein

“I am an asthma sufferer from childhood and also teach yoga part-time. I do not like taking medication unless I absolutely have to. I've been using the bottled oxygen for about 7 months and feel so much better. I have only used my puffer once and you should market this for asthma and bronchitis patients. I can honestly say that your drops have helped me to breathe better and also feel more energetic, even after 3 yoga classes.” – M. Wallace

www.o2ww.comResearch & Testimonials

“Over the years, I have used natural supplements, but typically it takes time for natural or herbal products to build up in your system to feel results, NOT with O2 Drops. Within minutes of taking, I could feel it starting to work. It’s an energy boost, but at the same time, it has almost a calming effect, and you start to just feel better overall. Like many in their 50’s, I typically have lower back pain and stiffness daily. I noticed as I was just now taking the second dose that my back does not have the usual stiffness or soreness.” – Wayne Cook

“I have a lot of issues brought on me from a dentist with my sinuses, mouth, and throat. Long story! I had bad pressure in my ears, so I said let me put O2 in my ears because I had taken all my products, and it wasn't stopping the pressure... Well, it stopped it quickly. My gums don't hurt anymore, and it's stopped the gum recession and pain. I have also been using O2 as eye drops, and love it! I've tried other oxygen products, but they didn't work!!! This one is working fast! I'm amazed how quickly, plus I stopped all my herbs yesterday, and I've had to take a lot these the past 6 years!” – Eyvette Laughlin, Naturopathy Doctor

“I have a 7-year-old and an almost 5-year-old, and typically I'm stressed out when they act up, but yesterday I was calm and did not get all stressed, and in turn, they were calm as well. My lower back feels better, and overall I had more energy. I do not feel the need to drink 10 cups of coffee before noon anymore!

Thank you O2!!! I'm also sleeping much better, and when I wake up, I'm ready to get going...I am following the instructions on the bottle, and I feel awesome. Yesterday my co-worker even asked me if I'd lost some weight. I do feel like my cravings for bad food have gone away...Love O2, and do not see myself stopping EVER!" – Bradley McCoy

“Two weeks ago, I started to take O2 Drops, not really expecting to see any dramatic results. I was actually thinking I was good as I was going to get. But now, I notice that a certain drive or mental energy has come back. I feel more positive and eager to do things; plus the level of pain my body had been experiencing is greatly lessened. O2 Drops are so easy to take. It's hard to believe that just taking theses drops a few times a day could make dramatic improvements in my well-being in just a short time. They are amazing!” – Susan Drinkard

“24 hours after taking the O2 drops for the first time, 3 times the day I received it, and also rubbing the drops on the area... To my surprise, during the night while sleeping, I was in disbelief in the fact that I could turn and did not feel pain nor discomfort. I could not believe that a product so simple could have such amazing results in a short time. This is truly a MIRACLE in a bottle. It's attached to my hip, and I will never leave home without it." – Carol George

“The big difference to me is when I go to bed I immediately fall asleep for the first time in my life and I don't wake up 4 or 5 times. I get a good restful night and wake up ready to start my day. This makes everything better.” – Billie Frances Foster Dunham

“All I can say is, I’m impressed. Gave me energy and mental clarity to complete what I needed to work on!" – John Soriano

"Since I started taking the O2 Drops five weeks ago, I've seen several improvements. I sleep much better and I'm rested when I get up. I'm also in a better mood and happier. The nagging aches, pains, and stiffness I had learned to live with are almost nonexistent now, including the pain in my knee and the pain from the arthritis in my lower back. Every time I take O2, I feel a calming energy that runs throughout my body and lasts for hours. My stamina is up. My endurance is up, and my energy level feels like it was twenty years ago when I was in my 40's. My recovery period when I do something strenuous has also been reduced significantly. My mental clarity and focus are also much better. The longer I'm on the O2 Drops, the better I'm feeling. I had no idea Oxygen was that important to my body. I thought it was just for breathing and keeping me alive, not for helping me to feel like I was "living" again.” – Keith Francis Sr.

“I have been suffering from terrible acne on my face for the past 7 months or so, and prescription medicated cream wasn't even helping! Not cystic acne, but a bunch of little bumps all over my face. I put the O2 Drops directly on my face yesterday morning and again last night before going to bed and when I woke up this morning, I was AMAZED to find that a lot of them had disappeared and the others had shrunken in size!! What a relief! I've never had problems with acne, so this was totally new and a bit terrifying for me, really. I'm so happy to see this problem going away!! I LOVE MY O2 DROPS!!!” – Vanessa Chamberlain

“I am usually under a lot of stress at work, and it usually causes my shoulders and back to get tense and hurt. Last week I had a lot of pain and decided to see if the drops would help. I checked the clock, took 15 drops and continued working. I had forgotten about it until I noticed I no longer had the pain! I checked the clock and exactly 30 minutes had passed. I am AMAZED!” – Jessica Maldonado

“I have had an ear infection. I put a drop in each ear. Today when I woke up my ears felt normal. Also, I have had trouble with nose allergies. I put some drops in my nose at night and in the morning. My nose feels so much better. I put some in my eyes because they were red and itchy. My eyes are clear and feel great today: no itching and no redness. I love my O2 Drops. I added O2 Drops to water in a spray bottle. I spray the solution on my face and neck. It gives a nice glow to my face. I have really put the O2 Drops to the test. I will not be without this product. I feel so much better. My energy level is very strong. I call this product my HappyNowDrops!" – Colleen Harris

“Great stuff! Right away I notice improved mental clarity, energy, sleeping much better, and breathing easier and deeper.” – Les Jamieson

“I have very very dry eyes. I have been using Restasis for about 2 years now. I have been putting one drop of O2 in each eye every morning and every night for about 1 week now. I have not had any dryness at all during the day! I am no longer using the Restasis because the O2 works so much better! My eyes have not felt this good in years.” – Beverly Jericho Moreland

"I deal with "Metabolic Syndrome" which includes both severe Depression and severe obstructive Apnea. So without my CPAP machine pumping positive air pressure into me at night, I would think normal is oxygen deprivation. But now I wake up after 6 or 7 hours and feel alive, instead of sleeping double that amount of time and feeling wasted." – Keith Bender

"I feel so blessed that I was introduced to the O2 oxygen product. I was having a rash and swelling in my armpits, and no idea where it came from. All I know is that it was extremely painful, and my armpits had turned red and black. It really looked raw. I could not believe that the pain went away in just 10 minutes, and within a day or two, the rash disappeared. If it had not happened to me, it would be hard to believe how the pain went almost immediately away. I was thinking that the drops were just for the inside of the body, but afterwards I researched it, and it helps so many things, even rashes, cuts, bruises, etc. Thanks O2 for helping me feel so much better." – Jerri Stewart

“I have always been active in sports, bowling 2 leagues a week, playing softball with my daughter 3 times a week, fishing, hunting. Now that I'm getting older, I can't do the things I used to do. With a number of health issues, it's been impossible. I have arthritis, neuropathy in feet, bulging discs in lower back. I was hoping these O2 Drops would give me some relief. I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. I mean, what could 10 little drops of O2 do for me? I am AMAZED! I took 8 drops before going to sleep, woke up this morning, and just realized for the first time in years, I actually slept the night thru! The pain in my feet from the neuropathy is GONE!!” – Gary Kovachs

“My son woke up with pink eye. He went to school, and they sent him right back home. I put two O2 Drops in his eye right away, then two more that afternoon and evening, and repeated on Saturday. His pink eye is gone today. I'm amazed with O2 Drops. Thanks." – Fontae Parchman

“I've been putting one drop in each eye twice a day. Because of lack of rest, my eyes were irritated and red.The redness and irritation seem to have gone away. Not to mention my quality of sleep has greatly

improved, and I'm thinking clearer during the day. Truly I can't think of anyone that wouldn't benefit from this product." – Jay Jensen

"My experience with O2 Drops has been one of surprises. I did not know what to expect when I took the first drops, however within minutes I felt stronger and could move around easier. I just couldn't believe anything working that fast. A few days later, I noticed that my varicose veins were less pronounced. I had not done anything different, so I researched stabilized oxygen and varicose veins, and to my surprise, it does reduce varicose veins. I also noticed about the same time that my gums stopped bleeding when I brush my teeth. I researched this also and to my surprise, it strengthens gums. I am now looking for my next surprise anytime soon." – L. Hodge

“I have taken vitamin supplements all my life, and have never felt the type of energy, pain relief and reduced joint inflammation from any other product. I have more energy, sleep great, and feel less stress in my joints. I know this is empirical knowledge and not scientific proof. But with all the research and testimonials I’ve read, I would highly recommend this to everyone." – Edwin Cabrera

"The first time I took the O2 Drops, my neck started to relax, I felt calmer, and my whole body and spirit felt a notable lightness. My constant nagging winter cough stopped. Within a day or two, my shoulders started to relax, and my whole body was more relaxed and flexible, and I experienced an overall feeling of calm. I was more focused, positive, present and interactive in my interactions at work and people noticed. I felt more energized. I have experienced sleep problems most of my adult life – I now sleep like a baby. I also have less food cravings and mood swings and my energy is more steady and up.” – Judy Camus

"I am a dialysis patient, and on the days I get my treatments, I am so wasted that I can barely function. Since using my O2 Drops, I have been feeling like my old self again.” – Mary Ann Gutierrez

“As a result of getting more sleep...I am focused, clear, and my cravings have dramatically reduced. This morning, I went walking for an hour with my friends, and at the end of the hour, I felt energized rather than exhausted. When I talk to people about O2, I speak with the confidence of knowing this product will work for everyone. If you love your life and the people in it, you will use the product and share it with everyone you care about." – Alice Hawke

“When I always stand up, I always have a sharp pain in my hip from hip surgery 9 months ago. The pain will go away after standing for a minute or so, but every time I stand, I always have that uncomfortable pain. (Freak accident while snow skiing.) Well, that sharp pain was not there!! WOW!!I then took the drops again at bedtime, and slept REALLY good last night...sleep-ing all night without waking up 1 time. I always wake up several times during the night. Can hardly wait to see what other benefits from this AWESOME O2 Product.!!" – Anita Burrows Rawls

"I have suffered all my life with the shakes. If I got nervous, it got worse. If I was rushing around, it got worse. It was passed on to me from my father and his mother, etc. Since I got O2, when I find I'm getting shaky, I take my Drops, and it calms it right down in minutes... Awesome!" – Marjorie Penney

“Love using O2 Drops... It gives me more energy, especially when I feel tired.” – Jacques Allrich

“I wanted to thank you for introducing me to Activated Stabilized Oxygen. I have been taking it for over six years and I would not be without it. I have trouble

with bad gums and I keep that problem in tact with the oxygen and I take it when I have a cold, sore throat and to stave off all sorts of health problems. I think it is a wonder drug. I also use it for cuts, scratches and burns, even sunburn. Keep up the good work.” – Beverly Shannon

“While I was working at a laboratory that does envi-ronmental testing of water, I had the misfortune to get an acid burn on my forearm. Someone had accidentally spilled some on thecounter and had not cleaned it up... Within minutes, my forearm had a huge red rash and itched terribly. I immediately washed my arm off with soapy water. Nothing happened. Then I applied some of the ASO® directly to the burn. Within minutes there was relief. Talk about amazing results. This was almost unbelievable...By the time I went home, the rash was almost gone. In the morning there was no sign of the burn. There is a bottle in the lab constantly now.” – Doris Furgeson

“I fly from Vancouver to Korea for business very often and suffer from tiredness and jet lag. I bought the O2 oxygen liquid drops to try and I could not imagine to feel so good after such a long trip. Never have I had such energy and feeling refreshed when I arrived. I will tell my associates to usethese and I need to buy more...They are amazing.” – K. Whein

“I am an asthma sufferer from childhood and also teach yoga part-time. I do not like taking medication unless I absolutely have to. I've been using the bottled oxygen for about 7 months and feel so much better. I have only used my puffer once and you should market this for asthma and bronchitis patients. I can honestly say that your drops have helped me to breathe better and also feel more energetic, even after 3 yoga classes.” – M. Wallace

www.o2ww.comResearch & Testimonials

“Over the years, I have used natural supplements, but typically it takes time for natural or herbal products to build up in your system to feel results, NOT with O2 Drops. Within minutes of taking, I could feel it starting to work. It’s an energy boost, but at the same time, it has almost a calming effect, and you start to just feel better overall. Like many in their 50’s, I typically have lower back pain and stiffness daily. I noticed as I was just now taking the second dose that my back does not have the usual stiffness or soreness.” – Wayne Cook

“I have a lot of issues brought on me from a dentist with my sinuses, mouth, and throat. Long story! I had bad pressure in my ears, so I said let me put O2 in my ears because I had taken all my products, and it wasn't stopping the pressure... Well, it stopped it quickly. My gums don't hurt anymore, and it's stopped the gum recession and pain. I have also been using O2 as eye drops, and love it! I've tried other oxygen products, but they didn't work!!! This one is working fast! I'm amazed how quickly, plus I stopped all my herbs yesterday, and I've had to take a lot these the past 6 years!” – Eyvette Laughlin, Naturopathy Doctor

“I have a 7-year-old and an almost 5-year-old, and typically I'm stressed out when they act up, but yesterday I was calm and did not get all stressed, and in turn, they were calm as well. My lower back feels better, and overall I had more energy. I do not feel the need to drink 10 cups of coffee before noon anymore!

Thank you O2!!! I'm also sleeping much better, and when I wake up, I'm ready to get going...I am following the instructions on the bottle, and I feel awesome. Yesterday my co-worker even asked me if I'd lost some weight. I do feel like my cravings for bad food have gone away...Love O2, and do not see myself stopping EVER!" – Bradley McCoy

“Two weeks ago, I started to take O2 Drops, not really expecting to see any dramatic results. I was actually thinking I was good as I was going to get. But now, I notice that a certain drive or mental energy has come back. I feel more positive and eager to do things; plus the level of pain my body had been experiencing is greatly lessened. O2 Drops are so easy to take. It's hard to believe that just taking theses drops a few times a day could make dramatic improvements in my well-being in just a short time. They are amazing!” – Susan Drinkard

“24 hours after taking the O2 drops for the first time, 3 times the day I received it, and also rubbing the drops on the area... To my surprise, during the night while sleeping, I was in disbelief in the fact that I could turn and did not feel pain nor discomfort. I could not believe that a product so simple could have such amazing results in a short time. This is truly a MIRACLE in a bottle. It's attached to my hip, and I will never leave home without it." – Carol George

“The big difference to me is when I go to bed I immediately fall asleep for the first time in my life and I don't wake up 4 or 5 times. I get a good restful night and wake up ready to start my day. This makes everything better.” – Billie Frances Foster Dunham

“All I can say is, I’m impressed. Gave me energy and mental clarity to complete what I needed to work on!" – John Soriano

"Since I started taking the O2 Drops five weeks ago, I've seen several improvements. I sleep much better and I'm rested when I get up. I'm also in a better mood and happier. The nagging aches, pains, and stiffness I had learned to live with are almost nonexistent now, including the pain in my knee and the pain from the arthritis in my lower back. Every time I take O2, I feel a calming energy that runs throughout my body and lasts for hours. My stamina is up. My endurance is up, and my energy level feels like it was twenty years ago when I was in my 40's. My recovery period when I do something strenuous has also been reduced significantly. My mental clarity and focus are also much better. The longer I'm on the O2 Drops, the better I'm feeling. I had no idea Oxygen was that important to my body. I thought it was just for breathing and keeping me alive, not for helping me to feel like I was "living" again.” – Keith Francis Sr.

“I have been suffering from terrible acne on my face for the past 7 months or so, and prescription medicated cream wasn't even helping! Not cystic acne, but a bunch of little bumps all over my face. I put the O2 Drops directly on my face yesterday morning and again last night before going to bed and when I woke up this morning, I was AMAZED to find that a lot of them had disappeared and the others had shrunken in size!! What a relief! I've never had problems with acne, so this was totally new and a bit terrifying for me, really. I'm so happy to see this problem going away!! I LOVE MY O2 DROPS!!!” – Vanessa Chamberlain

“I am usually under a lot of stress at work, and it usually causes my shoulders and back to get tense and hurt. Last week I had a lot of pain and decided to see if the drops would help. I checked the clock, took 15 drops and continued working. I had forgotten about it until I noticed I no longer had the pain! I checked the clock and exactly 30 minutes had passed. I am AMAZED!” – Jessica Maldonado

“I have had an ear infection. I put a drop in each ear. Today when I woke up my ears felt normal. Also, I have had trouble with nose allergies. I put some drops in my nose at night and in the morning. My nose feels so much better. I put some in my eyes because they were red and itchy. My eyes are clear and feel great today: no itching and no redness. I love my O2 Drops. I added O2 Drops to water in a spray bottle. I spray the solution on my face and neck. It gives a nice glow to my face. I have really put the O2 Drops to the test. I will not be without this product. I feel so much better. My energy level is very strong. I call this product my HappyNowDrops!" – Colleen Harris

“Great stuff! Right away I notice improved mental clarity, energy, sleeping much better, and breathing easier and deeper.” – Les Jamieson

“I have very very dry eyes. I have been using Restasis for about 2 years now. I have been putting one drop of O2 in each eye every morning and every night for about 1 week now. I have not had any dryness at all during the day! I am no longer using the Restasis because the O2 works so much better! My eyes have not felt this good in years.” – Beverly Jericho Moreland

"I deal with "Metabolic Syndrome" which includes both severe Depression and severe obstructive Apnea. So without my CPAP machine pumping positive air pressure into me at night, I would think normal is oxygen deprivation. But now I wake up after 6 or 7 hours and feel alive, instead of sleeping double that amount of time and feeling wasted." – Keith Bender

"I feel so blessed that I was introduced to the O2 oxygen product. I was having a rash and swelling in my armpits, and no idea where it came from. All I know is that it was extremely painful, and my armpits had turned red and black. It really looked raw. I could not believe that the pain went away in just 10 minutes, and within a day or two, the rash disappeared. If it had not happened to me, it would be hard to believe how the pain went almost immediately away. I was thinking that the drops were just for the inside of the body, but afterwards I researched it, and it helps so many things, even rashes, cuts, bruises, etc. Thanks O2 for helping me feel so much better." – Jerri Stewart

“I have always been active in sports, bowling 2 leagues a week, playing softball with my daughter 3 times a week, fishing, hunting. Now that I'm getting older, I can't do the things I used to do. With a number of health issues, it's been impossible. I have arthritis, neuropathy in feet, bulging discs in lower back. I was hoping these O2 Drops would give me some relief. I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. I mean, what could 10 little drops of O2 do for me? I am AMAZED! I took 8 drops before going to sleep, woke up this morning, and just realized for the first time in years, I actually slept the night thru! The pain in my feet from the neuropathy is GONE!!” – Gary Kovachs

“My son woke up with pink eye. He went to school, and they sent him right back home. I put two O2 Drops in his eye right away, then two more that afternoon and evening, and repeated on Saturday. His pink eye is gone today. I'm amazed with O2 Drops. Thanks." – Fontae Parchman

“I've been putting one drop in each eye twice a day. Because of lack of rest, my eyes were irritated and red.The redness and irritation seem to have gone away. Not to mention my quality of sleep has greatly

improved, and I'm thinking clearer during the day. Truly I can't think of anyone that wouldn't benefit from this product." – Jay Jensen

"My experience with O2 Drops has been one of surprises. I did not know what to expect when I took the first drops, however within minutes I felt stronger and could move around easier. I just couldn't believe anything working that fast. A few days later, I noticed that my varicose veins were less pronounced. I had not done anything different, so I researched stabilized oxygen and varicose veins, and to my surprise, it does reduce varicose veins. I also noticed about the same time that my gums stopped bleeding when I brush my teeth. I researched this also and to my surprise, it strengthens gums. I am now looking for my next surprise anytime soon." – L. Hodge

“I have taken vitamin supplements all my life, and have never felt the type of energy, pain relief and reduced joint inflammation from any other product. I have more energy, sleep great, and feel less stress in my joints. I know this is empirical knowledge and not scientific proof. But with all the research and testimonials I’ve read, I would highly recommend this to everyone." – Edwin Cabrera

"The first time I took the O2 Drops, my neck started to relax, I felt calmer, and my whole body and spirit felt a notable lightness. My constant nagging winter cough stopped. Within a day or two, my shoulders started to relax, and my whole body was more relaxed and flexible, and I experienced an overall feeling of calm. I was more focused, positive, present and interactive in my interactions at work and people noticed. I felt more energized. I have experienced sleep problems most of my adult life – I now sleep like a baby. I also have less food cravings and mood swings and my energy is more steady and up.” – Judy Camus

"I am a dialysis patient, and on the days I get my treatments, I am so wasted that I can barely function. Since using my O2 Drops, I have been feeling like my old self again.” – Mary Ann Gutierrez

“As a result of getting more sleep...I am focused, clear, and my cravings have dramatically reduced. This morning, I went walking for an hour with my friends, and at the end of the hour, I felt energized rather than exhausted. When I talk to people about O2, I speak with the confidence of knowing this product will work for everyone. If you love your life and the people in it, you will use the product and share it with everyone you care about." – Alice Hawke

“When I always stand up, I always have a sharp pain in my hip from hip surgery 9 months ago. The pain will go away after standing for a minute or so, but every time I stand, I always have that uncomfortable pain. (Freak accident while snow skiing.) Well, that sharp pain was not there!! WOW!!I then took the drops again at bedtime, and slept REALLY good last night...sleep-ing all night without waking up 1 time. I always wake up several times during the night. Can hardly wait to see what other benefits from this AWESOME O2 Product.!!" – Anita Burrows Rawls

"I have suffered all my life with the shakes. If I got nervous, it got worse. If I was rushing around, it got worse. It was passed on to me from my father and his mother, etc. Since I got O2, when I find I'm getting shaky, I take my Drops, and it calms it right down in minutes... Awesome!" – Marjorie Penney

“Love using O2 Drops... It gives me more energy, especially when I feel tired.” – Jacques Allrich

“I wanted to thank you for introducing me to Activated Stabilized Oxygen. I have been taking it for over six years and I would not be without it. I have trouble

with bad gums and I keep that problem in tact with the oxygen and I take it when I have a cold, sore throat and to stave off all sorts of health problems. I think it is a wonder drug. I also use it for cuts, scratches and burns, even sunburn. Keep up the good work.” – Beverly Shannon

“While I was working at a laboratory that does envi-ronmental testing of water, I had the misfortune to get an acid burn on my forearm. Someone had accidentally spilled some on thecounter and had not cleaned it up... Within minutes, my forearm had a huge red rash and itched terribly. I immediately washed my arm off with soapy water. Nothing happened. Then I applied some of the ASO® directly to the burn. Within minutes there was relief. Talk about amazing results. This was almost unbelievable...By the time I went home, the rash was almost gone. In the morning there was no sign of the burn. There is a bottle in the lab constantly now.” – Doris Furgeson

“I fly from Vancouver to Korea for business very often and suffer from tiredness and jet lag. I bought the O2 oxygen liquid drops to try and I could not imagine to feel so good after such a long trip. Never have I had such energy and feeling refreshed when I arrived. I will tell my associates to usethese and I need to buy more...They are amazing.” – K. Whein

“I am an asthma sufferer from childhood and also teach yoga part-time. I do not like taking medication unless I absolutely have to. I've been using the bottled oxygen for about 7 months and feel so much better. I have only used my puffer once and you should market this for asthma and bronchitis patients. I can honestly say that your drops have helped me to breathe better and also feel more energetic, even after 3 yoga classes.” – M. Wallace

www.o2ww.comResearch & Testimonials

“Over the years, I have used natural supplements, but typically it takes time for natural or herbal products to build up in your system to feel results, NOT with O2 Drops. Within minutes of taking, I could feel it starting to work. It’s an energy boost, but at the same time, it has almost a calming effect, and you start to just feel better overall. Like many in their 50’s, I typically have lower back pain and stiffness daily. I noticed as I was just now taking the second dose that my back does not have the usual stiffness or soreness.” – Wayne Cook

“I have a lot of issues brought on me from a dentist with my sinuses, mouth, and throat. Long story! I had bad pressure in my ears, so I said let me put O2 in my ears because I had taken all my products, and it wasn't stopping the pressure... Well, it stopped it quickly. My gums don't hurt anymore, and it's stopped the gum recession and pain. I have also been using O2 as eye drops, and love it! I've tried other oxygen products, but they didn't work!!! This one is working fast! I'm amazed how quickly, plus I stopped all my herbs yesterday, and I've had to take a lot these the past 6 years!” – Eyvette Laughlin, Naturopathy Doctor

“I have a 7-year-old and an almost 5-year-old, and typically I'm stressed out when they act up, but yesterday I was calm and did not get all stressed, and in turn, they were calm as well. My lower back feels better, and overall I had more energy. I do not feel the need to drink 10 cups of coffee before noon anymore!

Thank you O2!!! I'm also sleeping much better, and when I wake up, I'm ready to get going...I am following the instructions on the bottle, and I feel awesome. Yesterday my co-worker even asked me if I'd lost some weight. I do feel like my cravings for bad food have gone away...Love O2, and do not see myself stopping EVER!" – Bradley McCoy

“Two weeks ago, I started to take O2 Drops, not really expecting to see any dramatic results. I was actually thinking I was good as I was going to get. But now, I notice that a certain drive or mental energy has come back. I feel more positive and eager to do things; plus the level of pain my body had been experiencing is greatly lessened. O2 Drops are so easy to take. It's hard to believe that just taking theses drops a few times a day could make dramatic improvements in my well-being in just a short time. They are amazing!” – Susan Drinkard

“24 hours after taking the O2 drops for the first time, 3 times the day I received it, and also rubbing the drops on the area... To my surprise, during the night while sleeping, I was in disbelief in the fact that I could turn and did not feel pain nor discomfort. I could not believe that a product so simple could have such amazing results in a short time. This is truly a MIRACLE in a bottle. It's attached to my hip, and I will never leave home without it." – Carol George

“The big difference to me is when I go to bed I immediately fall asleep for the first time in my life and I don't wake up 4 or 5 times. I get a good restful night and wake up ready to start my day. This makes everything better.” – Billie Frances Foster Dunham

“All I can say is, I’m impressed. Gave me energy and mental clarity to complete what I needed to work on!" – John Soriano

"Since I started taking the O2 Drops five weeks ago, I've seen several improvements. I sleep much better and I'm rested when I get up. I'm also in a better mood and happier. The nagging aches, pains, and stiffness I had learned to live with are almost nonexistent now, including the pain in my knee and the pain from the arthritis in my lower back. Every time I take O2, I feel a calming energy that runs throughout my body and lasts for hours. My stamina is up. My endurance is up, and my energy level feels like it was twenty years ago when I was in my 40's. My recovery period when I do something strenuous has also been reduced significantly. My mental clarity and focus are also much better. The longer I'm on the O2 Drops, the better I'm feeling. I had no idea Oxygen was that important to my body. I thought it was just for breathing and keeping me alive, not for helping me to feel like I was "living" again.” – Keith Francis Sr.

“I have been suffering from terrible acne on my face for the past 7 months or so, and prescription medicated cream wasn't even helping! Not cystic acne, but a bunch of little bumps all over my face. I put the O2 Drops directly on my face yesterday morning and again last night before going to bed and when I woke up this morning, I was AMAZED to find that a lot of them had disappeared and the others had shrunken in size!! What a relief! I've never had problems with acne, so this was totally new and a bit terrifying for me, really. I'm so happy to see this problem going away!! I LOVE MY O2 DROPS!!!” – Vanessa Chamberlain

“I am usually under a lot of stress at work, and it usually causes my shoulders and back to get tense and hurt. Last week I had a lot of pain and decided to see if the drops would help. I checked the clock, took 15 drops and continued working. I had forgotten about it until I noticed I no longer had the pain! I checked the clock and exactly 30 minutes had passed. I am AMAZED!” – Jessica Maldonado

“I have had an ear infection. I put a drop in each ear. Today when I woke up my ears felt normal. Also, I have had trouble with nose allergies. I put some drops in my nose at night and in the morning. My nose feels so much better. I put some in my eyes because they were red and itchy. My eyes are clear and feel great today: no itching and no redness. I love my O2 Drops. I added O2 Drops to water in a spray bottle. I spray the solution on my face and neck. It gives a nice glow to my face. I have really put the O2 Drops to the test. I will not be without this product. I feel so much better. My energy level is very strong. I call this product my HappyNowDrops!" – Colleen Harris

“Great stuff! Right away I notice improved mental clarity, energy, sleeping much better, and breathing easier and deeper.” – Les Jamieson

“I have very very dry eyes. I have been using Restasis for about 2 years now. I have been putting one drop of O2 in each eye every morning and every night for about 1 week now. I have not had any dryness at all during the day! I am no longer using the Restasis because the O2 works so much better! My eyes have not felt this good in years.” – Beverly Jericho Moreland

"I deal with "Metabolic Syndrome" which includes both severe Depression and severe obstructive Apnea. So without my CPAP machine pumping positive air pressure into me at night, I would think normal is oxygen deprivation. But now I wake up after 6 or 7 hours and feel alive, instead of sleeping double that amount of time and feeling wasted." – Keith Bender

"I feel so blessed that I was introduced to the O2 oxygen product. I was having a rash and swelling in my armpits, and no idea where it came from. All I know is that it was extremely painful, and my armpits had turned red and black. It really looked raw. I could not believe that the pain went away in just 10 minutes, and within a day or two, the rash disappeared. If it had not happened to me, it would be hard to believe how the pain went almost immediately away. I was thinking that the drops were just for the inside of the body, but afterwards I researched it, and it helps so many things, even rashes, cuts, bruises, etc. Thanks O2 for helping me feel so much better." – Jerri Stewart

“I have always been active in sports, bowling 2 leagues a week, playing softball with my daughter 3 times a week, fishing, hunting. Now that I'm getting older, I can't do the things I used to do. With a number of health issues, it's been impossible. I have arthritis, neuropathy in feet, bulging discs in lower back. I was hoping these O2 Drops would give me some relief. I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. I mean, what could 10 little drops of O2 do for me? I am AMAZED! I took 8 drops before going to sleep, woke up this morning, and just realized for the first time in years, I actually slept the night thru! The pain in my feet from the neuropathy is GONE!!” – Gary Kovachs

“My son woke up with pink eye. He went to school, and they sent him right back home. I put two O2 Drops in his eye right away, then two more that afternoon and evening, and repeated on Saturday. His pink eye is gone today. I'm amazed with O2 Drops. Thanks." – Fontae Parchman

“I've been putting one drop in each eye twice a day. Because of lack of rest, my eyes were irritated and red.The redness and irritation seem to have gone away. Not to mention my quality of sleep has greatly

improved, and I'm thinking clearer during the day. Truly I can't think of anyone that wouldn't benefit from this product." – Jay Jensen

"My experience with O2 Drops has been one of surprises. I did not know what to expect when I took the first drops, however within minutes I felt stronger and could move around easier. I just couldn't believe anything working that fast. A few days later, I noticed that my varicose veins were less pronounced. I had not done anything different, so I researched stabilized oxygen and varicose veins, and to my surprise, it does reduce varicose veins. I also noticed about the same time that my gums stopped bleeding when I brush my teeth. I researched this also and to my surprise, it strengthens gums. I am now looking for my next surprise anytime soon." – L. Hodge

“I have taken vitamin supplements all my life, and have never felt the type of energy, pain relief and reduced joint inflammation from any other product. I have more energy, sleep great, and feel less stress in my joints. I know this is empirical knowledge and not scientific proof. But with all the research and testimonials I’ve read, I would highly recommend this to everyone." – Edwin Cabrera

"The first time I took the O2 Drops, my neck started to relax, I felt calmer, and my whole body and spirit felt a notable lightness. My constant nagging winter cough stopped. Within a day or two, my shoulders started to relax, and my whole body was more relaxed and flexible, and I experienced an overall feeling of calm. I was more focused, positive, present and interactive in my interactions at work and people noticed. I felt more energized. I have experienced sleep problems most of my adult life – I now sleep like a baby. I also have less food cravings and mood swings and my energy is more steady and up.” – Judy Camus

"I am a dialysis patient, and on the days I get my treatments, I am so wasted that I can barely function. Since using my O2 Drops, I have been feeling like my old self again.” – Mary Ann Gutierrez

“As a result of getting more sleep...I am focused, clear, and my cravings have dramatically reduced. This morning, I went walking for an hour with my friends, and at the end of the hour, I felt energized rather than exhausted. When I talk to people about O2, I speak with the confidence of knowing this product will work for everyone. If you love your life and the people in it, you will use the product and share it with everyone you care about." – Alice Hawke

“When I always stand up, I always have a sharp pain in my hip from hip surgery 9 months ago. The pain will go away after standing for a minute or so, but every time I stand, I always have that uncomfortable pain. (Freak accident while snow skiing.) Well, that sharp pain was not there!! WOW!!I then took the drops again at bedtime, and slept REALLY good last night...sleep-ing all night without waking up 1 time. I always wake up several times during the night. Can hardly wait to see what other benefits from this AWESOME O2 Product.!!" – Anita Burrows Rawls

"I have suffered all my life with the shakes. If I got nervous, it got worse. If I was rushing around, it got worse. It was passed on to me from my father and his mother, etc. Since I got O2, when I find I'm getting shaky, I take my Drops, and it calms it right down in minutes... Awesome!" – Marjorie Penney

“Love using O2 Drops... It gives me more energy, especially when I feel tired.” – Jacques Allrich

“I wanted to thank you for introducing me to Activated Stabilized Oxygen. I have been taking it for over six years and I would not be without it. I have trouble

with bad gums and I keep that problem in tact with the oxygen and I take it when I have a cold, sore throat and to stave off all sorts of health problems. I think it is a wonder drug. I also use it for cuts, scratches and burns, even sunburn. Keep up the good work.” – Beverly Shannon

“While I was working at a laboratory that does envi-ronmental testing of water, I had the misfortune to get an acid burn on my forearm. Someone had accidentally spilled some on thecounter and had not cleaned it up... Within minutes, my forearm had a huge red rash and itched terribly. I immediately washed my arm off with soapy water. Nothing happened. Then I applied some of the ASO® directly to the burn. Within minutes there was relief. Talk about amazing results. This was almost unbelievable...By the time I went home, the rash was almost gone. In the morning there was no sign of the burn. There is a bottle in the lab constantly now.” – Doris Furgeson

“I fly from Vancouver to Korea for business very often and suffer from tiredness and jet lag. I bought the O2 oxygen liquid drops to try and I could not imagine to feel so good after such a long trip. Never have I had such energy and feeling refreshed when I arrived. I will tell my associates to usethese and I need to buy more...They are amazing.” – K. Whein

“I am an asthma sufferer from childhood and also teach yoga part-time. I do not like taking medication unless I absolutely have to. I've been using the bottled oxygen for about 7 months and feel so much better. I have only used my puffer once and you should market this for asthma and bronchitis patients. I can honestly say that your drops have helped me to breathe better and also feel more energetic, even after 3 yoga classes.” – M. Wallace

www.o2ww.comResearch & Testimonials

Professional Athletes Report It Works

“I have been involved in professional sports for years, both at a professional level and a performance coaching level. ASO® is probably the biggest breakthrough I've seen in those years. Take control...Take AO2.“ – Tony Brigstock, PGA Golf Pro

“Having researched the benefits of oxygen, I tried AO2® and was amazed at the difference it made to my energy, endurance and alertness at training. It's a winner.“ – Adam Watt, 4-Time World Kickboxing Champion

“On behalf of the World Team, I want to personally thank you for your assistance in one of the greatest sporting endeavors ever undertaken. As you probably already know, of the 15 members that participated…11 are going to Sydney! That is an incredible rate of success…you (ASO®) are an important part of that successful team.“ – Gary Hall, Sr., M.D., U.S. Olympic Sprint Swimming Team

“AO2® contributed to me feeling energetic in the water. Glad to have found such a helpful, natural and drug-free product.“ – Gabrielle Workman, Triathlon Champion

“Since using the AO2® I have found a number of benefits from the supplementation. The benefiting factor that I have noticed was increased long lasting energy.“ – Brent Livermore, Olympic Hockey

“Since using Sports AO2® I have been able to take my training to the next level, translating into improved results.“ – Chris Winn, Champion Cyclist

“We first tried Sports AO2® during competition, and were amazed by the results. We both agreed that it boosted our performance dramatically, especially towards the end of the program when fatigue really takes its toll. We felt as though we could continue to push ourselves harder throughout the whole routine, without "hitting the wall" at the end. Thank you for making available such a wonderful product.“ – Eloise Amberger and Sarah Bombell, Olympic Synchronized Swimmers

“I have noticed an improved performance at track training since I’ve been taking AO2®... I can report that across the board the benefits have been that I can operate at 6-8 beats HR higher, feel much more relaxed, able to sleep better and feel more invigorated.“ – Jayson Austin, World Cycling Record Holder

“Mt. Everest has challenged the best-of-the-best...I turned to ASO® as a nutritional source to supplement my oxygen intake and took it multiple times every day. The results were beyond my expectations.“ – Ingólfur Geir Gissurarson, World Class Mountain Climber

For years professional athletes and trainers, including Olympians and World Record Holders, have put the proprietary Activated Oxygen in O2 Drops® to the test and have found that it boosted their performance. The consistent finding was that it helped increased stamina and endurance as well as reduced recovery time. If it can work for people who consistently put extreme demands on their bodies, imagine what it can do for you!

www.o2ww.comResearch & Testimonials

STAMINAStamina is the ability to endure long periods of time being physically – or mentally – active. Physical stamina is a key component in achieving improved fitness and a healthy lifestyle. It enables your body to perform everyday tasks without fatigue while also experiencing increased energy. Additional benefits include a reduced risk of diabetes and heart disease as well as decreased levels of stress. As stamina improves, so does the body's ability to engage in long periods of intense aerobic and cardiovascular activity without deteriorating.

ENDURANCEEndurance is the ability to sustain or withstand prolonged physical activity, stress, or fatigue. It translates to your ability to exert your body or remain active for an extended period of time without tiring. Aerobic endurance is one of the main fitness components. It is known to improve cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular performance during exercise. It also contributes to overall health by helping make the heart stronger and keeping blood pressure under control. Other benefits include increased energy levels and metabolism.

RECOVERYRecovery refers to the ability to recuperate after physical exertion. It is an often overlooked but vital component of physical fitness. It has been shown that a body's ability to recover from the demands placed on it is just as important as the workout itself. While you exercise, your muscles are depleted of their energy stores and the tissue breaks down. Recov-ery is physically necessary so that the muscles can repair, rebuild, and strengthen; but, it also entails nervous system repair, chemical and hormonal balance, and mental recuperation.

Our O2 Drops concentrated bioavailable oxygen actually provides the equivalent of 50 breaths of air containing life-giving oxygen for every milliliter consumed. Think what that means to a competitive athlete: improved stamina and endurance coupled with reduced recovery time.

www.o2ww.comResearch & Testimonials

Validation from Scientists & Doctors

ASO® stabilized oxygen is undoubtedly a new powerful tool in the modern world of medicine.The more we get to know about it, the more we can treat without side effects. ASO® is a tool, a key to a noble dream for a better world, better life quality and life itself. ASO® works as a strong antiseptic on the wound, killing anaerobic and fungal microorganisms. ASO® increases the healing process. ASO® was effective in dilutions and in the oral treatment of Stomatitis Aphthosa in the mouth and gums. ASO® was effective as a topical treatment against Oral Cardidiasis and tongue’s fungal plaques. ASO® was effective on degenerative lip dermatitis and Angulus Infectiosus in mouth angles. ASO® was effective on eczematic areas as a moisturizing and skin repair agent. Dr. Marios L. Christofinis, M.D., Ph.D.

I believe ASO®, because of its inherent “energy factor” potential, may just be the “Rosetta Stone” that unblocks the pathogenetic mechanisms of disease in general and provides the knowledge for proper disease prevention management. ASO® Activated Oxygen is not simply an important nutrient supplement but a dynamicenergy molecule. ASO® has an extremely high ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) of 950 mV.That means ASO® possesses energy that can be transferred to the surrounding environment,

potentiating the bioenergetic processes and correcting or reversing underlying cellular dysfunctions. In other words, ASO® works like a bright new cellular battery. Menicos A. Spartalis, M.D., Vascular Surgeon

In the beginning I used ASO® activated oxygen rather cautiously for cleaning the face for local uses thus assessing the action of this product as a bactericide. Later I started recommending it for the detoxification of the organism thus testing its activity for neutralizing free radicals. I gave it to my patients with tired and rather lifeless skin, with black circles under the eyes or individuals suffering from eczema and dermatitis. The results were fantastic and this made me bolder and able to recommend it to athletes, smokers, persons with feebleness, lack of energy, chronic bronchitis, asthma and to people with frequent viral infections due to a weakness in their immune system as well as topatients with bed-sores, etc. In all these cases the results have been excellent. Dr. Margarita Chilindri, M.D., Pathology and Dermatology

From the results it is concluded that the ingestion ofthe activated oxygen solution ASO® considerably affects the tolerance levels of lactate acid in the blood and improves VO2max. Nicos Yiannaki Pericleous, M.Sc., ACSM

The proprietary Activated Stabilized Oxygen (ASO®) in O2 Drops® has been independently tested by highly regarded researchers at laboratories and universities across the world. No other activated oxygen supplement formula has undergone as much scrutiny and validation. This research has established that O2 Drops® are extremely effective and completely safe to use as a nutritional supplement*.

www.o2ww.comResearch & Testimonials

The potential role of ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen as anergogenic aid in sports performance enhancement is still to be fully understood. Available scientific data and information on this subject presents a whole range of possibilities for further studies. In this study it was established that there was not a far-reaching effect of ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen on the same subjects interms of performance enhancement during trial tests prints. However, a definite improvement was noticed in between the sprints of the trials with placebo and the controlled ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen. This would indicate the fact that athletes who consumed ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen were able to reproduce similar and sustained effort during both sprints as comparedto those that consumed the placebo. Dr. Hj Danish ZaheerHjZaheeruddin M.D., PhD. and David Hennessy Bsc (Hons), Sports Medicine & Research Centre, Departmentof Youth & Sports, Brunei Darussalam

From my clinical experience this product can be used in all aspects of the oral medicine and surgery, for example: As an irrigant for the cleaning and prophylaxis of the oral cavity; For the treatment of periodontitis and gingivitis; Post surgical procedures and post extracting treatment; For biological treatment and elimination of amalgamfilling and heavy metal drainage; For therapy in a systemic disease, and many other applications. In conclusion, I would like to say that ASO®, because of its bio-friendly capabilities, it has the potential to be a powerful source for clinical or paramedical practice. Dr. Stylianou Panayiotis, M.D.

This test represented a variety of individuals with varying physiological differences including age, sex, weight, medical health conditions, physical conditioning, etc. The test was conclusive on three major points: (1) Free oxygen (160) is present in ASO® as it was absorbed into the blood stream both sublingually and/or internally after it was tagged with Protac C/Iodine26 in every administered case. (2) The combination of component ingredients in ASO® has a positive effect, in varying degrees, on capillary dilation. (3) The combination of component ingredients in ASO® has a significant effect on the reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. It is the researcher’s opinion that ASO® results in greater metabolic efficiency which may correlate to significant energy reductions thus prolonging and enhancing the quality of an individual’s life. Further, ASO®, used in conjunction with mineral supplements, may be an excellent therapeutic tool for treating physiological disorders including chronic fatigue syndrome, immune deficiency disorders and several chronic pain related disorders. James D. Aker, Ph.D., M.S., P.A., P.P.A., President, Third State Analytical, Inc.

Blood gas analyses conducted on the participants’ arterial blood samples showed definite increases in arterial blood oxygen (PaO2), as well as elevated discharges of carbon dioxide waste matter. Older subjects appeared to respond better to the test product’s therapeutic actions, than was reported from younger recipients. The inclusion of an iron supplement with the test product indicates a helpful role in how the body utilizes “Vitamin O”. However, non-iron subjects also receiving test product posted higher-than-expected hemoglobin values, which

suggests that the apparent blood-building action of “Vitamin O” can happen also without iron-dependency. A general stabilization of arterial blood oxygen levels following three months of steady supplementation with the test product became evident, but could change if daily intake were temporarily discontinued. Dr. John Heinerman, Ph.D.

All four test organisms were rendered harmless after subjecting them to the ASO® solution. All four organisms were tested after submersing them for 24 hours. Three of the four organisms (Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Salmonella choleraesuis and Staphylococcus aureus) were effectively killed in a diluted solution of ASO® at 20% of its original strength. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was killed after subjecting it to a diluted solution of ASO® at 40% of its original strength. Keith Goins, Ph.D., Manager, Microbiology, SGS U.S. Testing Company Inc.

I can find no substance with levels high enough to indicate toxicity to anyone consuming your solution. The sodium level at only 9.24 p.p.m. is well below the recommended daily reference values determined by the U.S. Government. Toxic metals (lead, mercury and arsenic) are virtually undetectable as are nitrate levels and other trace minerals. Your solution, in its current formulation, is totally safe to the human body. John H. McDonald, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, USANA, Inc.

When tested as specified, Stabilized Oxygen from ASO® at 20% Strength Concentrated Solution was not acutely toxic to the test animals following dermal application of the test substance at 2.0 g/kg. When tested as specified, the Stabilized Oxygen

Solution, at 40% Strength, was not acutely toxic to the test animals following a 4-hour inhalation exposure at a nominal concentration of 23.9 mg/L (actual concentration was 14.6 mg/L). LC50 was estimated at greater than 23.9 mg/L (actual concentration was 14.6 mg/L). When tested as specified, the submitted test substance Stabilized Oxygen Solution at 20% Strength Concentrated Solution, was not considered to be a skin sensitizing agent. There were no significant differences in skin irritations observed in the test animals and in the control animals on challenge. When tested as specified, the submitted test substance, Stabilized Oxygen at 20% Strength Concentrated Solution, was not an eye irritant. Charles C. Tong, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., Study Director and Director of Biological Services, SGS U.S. Testing Company Inc.

The diluted test product effectively reduced, to the detectable limits of the test, all the bacteria and Candida by the Time 0 sample interval. No bacterial organisms or Candida were recovered from the product throughout the remaining test period. The Aspergillus cultures effectively reduced, to the detectable limits of the test, at the 24 hour sample interval. The first Disinfectant Efficacy Test study investigated whether a 5% strength solution of Stabilized Oxygen had any antimicrobial disinfectant effect of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Salmonellacboleraesuis ATCC 10708, and Pseudomonasaeruginosa ATCC 15442. A follow-up Modified Antimicrobial Preservative Effectiveness Study further investigated whether a 5% strength solution of Stabilized Oxygen had any disinfecting propertieson six different organisms: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 [Bacteria, Gram (+) cocci], Pseudomonasaeruginosa ATCC 9027

[Bacteria, Gram (-) bacillus], Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 [Bacteria, Gram (-) bacillus], Candida albicans ATCC 10231 [Yeast], Aspergillusniger ATCC 16404 [Mold] and Aspergillusflavus ATCC 9643 [Mold]. In ALL INSTANCES, the Stabilized Oxygen solution clearly demonstrated highly effective disinfecting antimicrobial properties. Nelson Laboratories, Salt Lake City, UT

ASO® reduced the incidence of Alternariazinniae on zinnia seeds. Control seeds (0%) had 85% (17 of 20) while seeds soaked for 48 hours in a 100% solution of ASO® had 20% (4 of 20) with A. zinniae. Conidia orhyphae contaminating the surface of the zinnia seeds were probably killed by the ASO®, but hyphae within the seed coat probably escaped. Germination rates tended to be increased by the ASO®, although our results did not show an increased germination rate with soaking for 48 hours in a 100% solution of ASO®. Control seeds soaked for 48 hours had a 65% (13 of 20) germination while seeds soaking for 24 hours in ASO® had a 90% (18 of 20) germination. Under conditions where seed lots are heavily infested with Alternariaziniae, seed disinfection with ASO® prior to seeding can reduce the incidence of damping off and blight of zinnia. Additionally, seed germination rates would be increased, resulting in many more healthy plants. With the additional characteristics of having no toxicity to humans or animals and being biodegradable, ASO® activated oxygen shows promise being used as a disinfectant of fruits and vegetables and other food products in addition to being used to produce clean seeds and increase seed germination rates. Dr. Michael Yoshimura, Ph.D., School of Biological Sciences, Phytopathology Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

We find that Stabilized Oxygen is very effective when used as a sanitizing disinfectant on Cat’s Claw. The results of this study show that on average the 1% SL-12-1 product showed a reduction of 85.7% of total molds on the powder and an 82.9% reduction ofthe chips. The SL-8 product showed a 78.6% reduction in mold cfu/gm and a 90.2% reduction on the chips...Based on these findings, Stabilized Oxygen shows great promise as a sanitizing agent for herbs, spices and other agricultural products where a significant reduction in mold colony forming units is required to enhance/maintain quality, reduce spoilage and extend shelf life. Dr. Joseph Montecalvo, Jr., Ph.D., Central Coast Consulting and Professor of Food Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

It was noted that the wholesale buyers of the chickens were very impressed with the flavor of the ASO® treated chickens in this study. The reason, the Doctors believe, is that the oxygen from ASO® helps build stronger immune systems and therefore bacteria and parasites are controlled to a higher degree. The treated chickens are more active and thereby develop more as well as stronger muscles resulting in less fat. The improved quality of the meat and the lack of Antibiotics used as a result of ASO® treatment might allow the producer to market the chickens as “Organic” thereby reaching higher sales prices and more demand. Overall, this has been a very successful preliminary study and points towards areas that need to be examined further. The positive results of increased growth, weights, less mortality, overall improved health and vitality of the chickens, improved flavor of the meat in taste tests and improved acceptability of the end products were all observed in this study. Another

parallel ASO® study was conducted with exotic birds that also indicates an increased health benefit across the board and increased survivability of hatching eggs. Dr. Antonio & Dr. Andreas Rotou, DVM

We received your sample of ASO® to determine the presence of hydrogen peroxide. We used our decomposition procedure for hydrogen peroxide, which involves contacting the solution with platinum metal foil. In this procedure, the platinum would catalyze the decomposition of peroxide resulting in bubbles of oxygen forming. Using your sample of ASO®, we observed no bubble formation even after heating the solution to 60°C for 5 minutes. Since this is typically a qualitative test, we estimate the detection level to be about 0.1%. So, from this result, we can say that the solution contains <0.1% hydrogen peroxide (or <1000 ppm hydrogen peroxide). Michael T. Volosin President, AnalysisNow!

Aphanomyces is a fungus that has been attacking sugar beet (Beta vulagris) fields in the Red River Valley of Minnesota and North Dakota. The organism is soil borne and may affect the sugar beets from the early season seedling stage until the late summer more mature stage. This study shows the effect of stabilized oxygen on aphanomyces in petri dish cultures and soil. One can see that ASO® at all concentrations had an adverse effect on Aphanomyces growing in petri dish cultures. It can also be seen that at the highest concentration most of the Aphanomyces were killed. Charles Habstritt, Ph.D., Professor of Agronomy & Soils University of Minnesota

This study is the first to report that an oxygen enhanced sports drink also improves athletic performance. A possible explanation may be that the oxygen-enhanced water allows for rapid diffusion of oxygen for transport into the blood stream. Since these factors were not directly measured, follow up studies should be conducted to collaborate these findings and to evaluate possible mechanisms to explain the athletic benefits of oxygen enhanced water. Dr. John J. Duncan, Ph.D., Texas Center for Research on Women’s Health, Texan Woman’s University, Denton, TX

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The information is provided for informational purposes. Results may vary. You may not experience the same benefits from taking or using O2 Drops. O2® is sold as a nutritional dietary supplement under the FDA DSHEA regulations of 1994. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Always consult with a professional healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement, especially if pregnant, nursing, taking prescription medications, or under a doctor’s medical care.

O2® and O2 Drops® are registered trademarks of O2 Worldwide. ASO®, Sports AO2®, and LTSM® are registered trademarks of Oxigenesis, LLC. All international rights reserved.Information used with permission of Oxigenesis.

www.o2ww.comResearch & Testimonials

The potential role of ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen as anergogenic aid in sports performance enhancement is still to be fully understood. Available scientific data and information on this subject presents a whole range of possibilities for further studies. In this study it was established that there was not a far-reaching effect of ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen on the same subjects interms of performance enhancement during trial tests prints. However, a definite improvement was noticed in between the sprints of the trials with placebo and the controlled ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen. This would indicate the fact that athletes who consumed ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen were able to reproduce similar and sustained effort during both sprints as comparedto those that consumed the placebo. Dr. Hj Danish ZaheerHjZaheeruddin M.D., PhD. and David Hennessy Bsc (Hons), Sports Medicine & Research Centre, Departmentof Youth & Sports, Brunei Darussalam

From my clinical experience this product can be used in all aspects of the oral medicine and surgery, for example: As an irrigant for the cleaning and prophylaxis of the oral cavity; For the treatment of periodontitis and gingivitis; Post surgical procedures and post extracting treatment; For biological treatment and elimination of amalgamfilling and heavy metal drainage; For therapy in a systemic disease, and many other applications. In conclusion, I would like to say that ASO®, because of its bio-friendly capabilities, it has the potential to be a powerful source for clinical or paramedical practice. Dr. Stylianou Panayiotis, M.D.

This test represented a variety of individuals with varying physiological differences including age, sex, weight, medical health conditions, physical conditioning, etc. The test was conclusive on three major points: (1) Free oxygen (160) is present in ASO® as it was absorbed into the blood stream both sublingually and/or internally after it was tagged with Protac C/Iodine26 in every administered case. (2) The combination of component ingredients in ASO® has a positive effect, in varying degrees, on capillary dilation. (3) The combination of component ingredients in ASO® has a significant effect on the reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. It is the researcher’s opinion that ASO® results in greater metabolic efficiency which may correlate to significant energy reductions thus prolonging and enhancing the quality of an individual’s life. Further, ASO®, used in conjunction with mineral supplements, may be an excellent therapeutic tool for treating physiological disorders including chronic fatigue syndrome, immune deficiency disorders and several chronic pain related disorders. James D. Aker, Ph.D., M.S., P.A., P.P.A., President, Third State Analytical, Inc.

Blood gas analyses conducted on the participants’ arterial blood samples showed definite increases in arterial blood oxygen (PaO2), as well as elevated discharges of carbon dioxide waste matter. Older subjects appeared to respond better to the test product’s therapeutic actions, than was reported from younger recipients. The inclusion of an iron supplement with the test product indicates a helpful role in how the body utilizes “Vitamin O”. However, non-iron subjects also receiving test product posted higher-than-expected hemoglobin values, which

suggests that the apparent blood-building action of “Vitamin O” can happen also without iron-dependency. A general stabilization of arterial blood oxygen levels following three months of steady supplementation with the test product became evident, but could change if daily intake were temporarily discontinued. Dr. John Heinerman, Ph.D.

All four test organisms were rendered harmless after subjecting them to the ASO® solution. All four organisms were tested after submersing them for 24 hours. Three of the four organisms (Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Salmonella choleraesuis and Staphylococcus aureus) were effectively killed in a diluted solution of ASO® at 20% of its original strength. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was killed after subjecting it to a diluted solution of ASO® at 40% of its original strength. Keith Goins, Ph.D., Manager, Microbiology, SGS U.S. Testing Company Inc.

I can find no substance with levels high enough to indicate toxicity to anyone consuming your solution. The sodium level at only 9.24 p.p.m. is well below the recommended daily reference values determined by the U.S. Government. Toxic metals (lead, mercury and arsenic) are virtually undetectable as are nitrate levels and other trace minerals. Your solution, in its current formulation, is totally safe to the human body. John H. McDonald, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, USANA, Inc.

When tested as specified, Stabilized Oxygen from ASO® at 20% Strength Concentrated Solution was not acutely toxic to the test animals following dermal application of the test substance at 2.0 g/kg. When tested as specified, the Stabilized Oxygen

Solution, at 40% Strength, was not acutely toxic to the test animals following a 4-hour inhalation exposure at a nominal concentration of 23.9 mg/L (actual concentration was 14.6 mg/L). LC50 was estimated at greater than 23.9 mg/L (actual concentration was 14.6 mg/L). When tested as specified, the submitted test substance Stabilized Oxygen Solution at 20% Strength Concentrated Solution, was not considered to be a skin sensitizing agent. There were no significant differences in skin irritations observed in the test animals and in the control animals on challenge. When tested as specified, the submitted test substance, Stabilized Oxygen at 20% Strength Concentrated Solution, was not an eye irritant. Charles C. Tong, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., Study Director and Director of Biological Services, SGS U.S. Testing Company Inc.

The diluted test product effectively reduced, to the detectable limits of the test, all the bacteria and Candida by the Time 0 sample interval. No bacterial organisms or Candida were recovered from the product throughout the remaining test period. The Aspergillus cultures effectively reduced, to the detectable limits of the test, at the 24 hour sample interval. The first Disinfectant Efficacy Test study investigated whether a 5% strength solution of Stabilized Oxygen had any antimicrobial disinfectant effect of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Salmonellacboleraesuis ATCC 10708, and Pseudomonasaeruginosa ATCC 15442. A follow-up Modified Antimicrobial Preservative Effectiveness Study further investigated whether a 5% strength solution of Stabilized Oxygen had any disinfecting propertieson six different organisms: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 [Bacteria, Gram (+) cocci], Pseudomonasaeruginosa ATCC 9027

[Bacteria, Gram (-) bacillus], Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 [Bacteria, Gram (-) bacillus], Candida albicans ATCC 10231 [Yeast], Aspergillusniger ATCC 16404 [Mold] and Aspergillusflavus ATCC 9643 [Mold]. In ALL INSTANCES, the Stabilized Oxygen solution clearly demonstrated highly effective disinfecting antimicrobial properties. Nelson Laboratories, Salt Lake City, UT

ASO® reduced the incidence of Alternariazinniae on zinnia seeds. Control seeds (0%) had 85% (17 of 20) while seeds soaked for 48 hours in a 100% solution of ASO® had 20% (4 of 20) with A. zinniae. Conidia orhyphae contaminating the surface of the zinnia seeds were probably killed by the ASO®, but hyphae within the seed coat probably escaped. Germination rates tended to be increased by the ASO®, although our results did not show an increased germination rate with soaking for 48 hours in a 100% solution of ASO®. Control seeds soaked for 48 hours had a 65% (13 of 20) germination while seeds soaking for 24 hours in ASO® had a 90% (18 of 20) germination. Under conditions where seed lots are heavily infested with Alternariaziniae, seed disinfection with ASO® prior to seeding can reduce the incidence of damping off and blight of zinnia. Additionally, seed germination rates would be increased, resulting in many more healthy plants. With the additional characteristics of having no toxicity to humans or animals and being biodegradable, ASO® activated oxygen shows promise being used as a disinfectant of fruits and vegetables and other food products in addition to being used to produce clean seeds and increase seed germination rates. Dr. Michael Yoshimura, Ph.D., School of Biological Sciences, Phytopathology Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

We find that Stabilized Oxygen is very effective when used as a sanitizing disinfectant on Cat’s Claw. The results of this study show that on average the 1% SL-12-1 product showed a reduction of 85.7% of total molds on the powder and an 82.9% reduction ofthe chips. The SL-8 product showed a 78.6% reduction in mold cfu/gm and a 90.2% reduction on the chips...Based on these findings, Stabilized Oxygen shows great promise as a sanitizing agent for herbs, spices and other agricultural products where a significant reduction in mold colony forming units is required to enhance/maintain quality, reduce spoilage and extend shelf life. Dr. Joseph Montecalvo, Jr., Ph.D., Central Coast Consulting and Professor of Food Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

It was noted that the wholesale buyers of the chickens were very impressed with the flavor of the ASO® treated chickens in this study. The reason, the Doctors believe, is that the oxygen from ASO® helps build stronger immune systems and therefore bacteria and parasites are controlled to a higher degree. The treated chickens are more active and thereby develop more as well as stronger muscles resulting in less fat. The improved quality of the meat and the lack of Antibiotics used as a result of ASO® treatment might allow the producer to market the chickens as “Organic” thereby reaching higher sales prices and more demand. Overall, this has been a very successful preliminary study and points towards areas that need to be examined further. The positive results of increased growth, weights, less mortality, overall improved health and vitality of the chickens, improved flavor of the meat in taste tests and improved acceptability of the end products were all observed in this study. Another

parallel ASO® study was conducted with exotic birds that also indicates an increased health benefit across the board and increased survivability of hatching eggs. Dr. Antonio & Dr. Andreas Rotou, DVM

We received your sample of ASO® to determine the presence of hydrogen peroxide. We used our decomposition procedure for hydrogen peroxide, which involves contacting the solution with platinum metal foil. In this procedure, the platinum would catalyze the decomposition of peroxide resulting in bubbles of oxygen forming. Using your sample of ASO®, we observed no bubble formation even after heating the solution to 60°C for 5 minutes. Since this is typically a qualitative test, we estimate the detection level to be about 0.1%. So, from this result, we can say that the solution contains <0.1% hydrogen peroxide (or <1000 ppm hydrogen peroxide). Michael T. Volosin President, AnalysisNow!

Aphanomyces is a fungus that has been attacking sugar beet (Beta vulagris) fields in the Red River Valley of Minnesota and North Dakota. The organism is soil borne and may affect the sugar beets from the early season seedling stage until the late summer more mature stage. This study shows the effect of stabilized oxygen on aphanomyces in petri dish cultures and soil. One can see that ASO® at all concentrations had an adverse effect on Aphanomyces growing in petri dish cultures. It can also be seen that at the highest concentration most of the Aphanomyces were killed. Charles Habstritt, Ph.D., Professor of Agronomy & Soils University of Minnesota

This study is the first to report that an oxygen enhanced sports drink also improves athletic performance. A possible explanation may be that the oxygen-enhanced water allows for rapid diffusion of oxygen for transport into the blood stream. Since these factors were not directly measured, follow up studies should be conducted to collaborate these findings and to evaluate possible mechanisms to explain the athletic benefits of oxygen enhanced water. Dr. John J. Duncan, Ph.D., Texas Center for Research on Women’s Health, Texan Woman’s University, Denton, TX

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The information is provided for informational purposes. Results may vary. You may not experience the same benefits from taking or using O2 Drops. O2® is sold as a nutritional dietary supplement under the FDA DSHEA regulations of 1994. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Always consult with a professional healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement, especially if pregnant, nursing, taking prescription medications, or under a doctor’s medical care.

O2® and O2 Drops® are registered trademarks of O2 Worldwide. ASO®, Sports AO2®, and LTSM® are registered trademarks of Oxigenesis, LLC. All international rights reserved.Information used with permission of Oxigenesis.

www.o2ww.comResearch & Testimonials

The potential role of ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen as anergogenic aid in sports performance enhancement is still to be fully understood. Available scientific data and information on this subject presents a whole range of possibilities for further studies. In this study it was established that there was not a far-reaching effect of ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen on the same subjects interms of performance enhancement during trial tests prints. However, a definite improvement was noticed in between the sprints of the trials with placebo and the controlled ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen. This would indicate the fact that athletes who consumed ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen were able to reproduce similar and sustained effort during both sprints as comparedto those that consumed the placebo. Dr. Hj Danish ZaheerHjZaheeruddin M.D., PhD. and David Hennessy Bsc (Hons), Sports Medicine & Research Centre, Departmentof Youth & Sports, Brunei Darussalam

From my clinical experience this product can be used in all aspects of the oral medicine and surgery, for example: As an irrigant for the cleaning and prophylaxis of the oral cavity; For the treatment of periodontitis and gingivitis; Post surgical procedures and post extracting treatment; For biological treatment and elimination of amalgamfilling and heavy metal drainage; For therapy in a systemic disease, and many other applications. In conclusion, I would like to say that ASO®, because of its bio-friendly capabilities, it has the potential to be a powerful source for clinical or paramedical practice. Dr. Stylianou Panayiotis, M.D.

This test represented a variety of individuals with varying physiological differences including age, sex, weight, medical health conditions, physical conditioning, etc. The test was conclusive on three major points: (1) Free oxygen (160) is present in ASO® as it was absorbed into the blood stream both sublingually and/or internally after it was tagged with Protac C/Iodine26 in every administered case. (2) The combination of component ingredients in ASO® has a positive effect, in varying degrees, on capillary dilation. (3) The combination of component ingredients in ASO® has a significant effect on the reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. It is the researcher’s opinion that ASO® results in greater metabolic efficiency which may correlate to significant energy reductions thus prolonging and enhancing the quality of an individual’s life. Further, ASO®, used in conjunction with mineral supplements, may be an excellent therapeutic tool for treating physiological disorders including chronic fatigue syndrome, immune deficiency disorders and several chronic pain related disorders. James D. Aker, Ph.D., M.S., P.A., P.P.A., President, Third State Analytical, Inc.

Blood gas analyses conducted on the participants’ arterial blood samples showed definite increases in arterial blood oxygen (PaO2), as well as elevated discharges of carbon dioxide waste matter. Older subjects appeared to respond better to the test product’s therapeutic actions, than was reported from younger recipients. The inclusion of an iron supplement with the test product indicates a helpful role in how the body utilizes “Vitamin O”. However, non-iron subjects also receiving test product posted higher-than-expected hemoglobin values, which

suggests that the apparent blood-building action of “Vitamin O” can happen also without iron-dependency. A general stabilization of arterial blood oxygen levels following three months of steady supplementation with the test product became evident, but could change if daily intake were temporarily discontinued. Dr. John Heinerman, Ph.D.

All four test organisms were rendered harmless after subjecting them to the ASO® solution. All four organisms were tested after submersing them for 24 hours. Three of the four organisms (Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Salmonella choleraesuis and Staphylococcus aureus) were effectively killed in a diluted solution of ASO® at 20% of its original strength. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was killed after subjecting it to a diluted solution of ASO® at 40% of its original strength. Keith Goins, Ph.D., Manager, Microbiology, SGS U.S. Testing Company Inc.

I can find no substance with levels high enough to indicate toxicity to anyone consuming your solution. The sodium level at only 9.24 p.p.m. is well below the recommended daily reference values determined by the U.S. Government. Toxic metals (lead, mercury and arsenic) are virtually undetectable as are nitrate levels and other trace minerals. Your solution, in its current formulation, is totally safe to the human body. John H. McDonald, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, USANA, Inc.

When tested as specified, Stabilized Oxygen from ASO® at 20% Strength Concentrated Solution was not acutely toxic to the test animals following dermal application of the test substance at 2.0 g/kg. When tested as specified, the Stabilized Oxygen

Solution, at 40% Strength, was not acutely toxic to the test animals following a 4-hour inhalation exposure at a nominal concentration of 23.9 mg/L (actual concentration was 14.6 mg/L). LC50 was estimated at greater than 23.9 mg/L (actual concentration was 14.6 mg/L). When tested as specified, the submitted test substance Stabilized Oxygen Solution at 20% Strength Concentrated Solution, was not considered to be a skin sensitizing agent. There were no significant differences in skin irritations observed in the test animals and in the control animals on challenge. When tested as specified, the submitted test substance, Stabilized Oxygen at 20% Strength Concentrated Solution, was not an eye irritant. Charles C. Tong, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., Study Director and Director of Biological Services, SGS U.S. Testing Company Inc.

The diluted test product effectively reduced, to the detectable limits of the test, all the bacteria and Candida by the Time 0 sample interval. No bacterial organisms or Candida were recovered from the product throughout the remaining test period. The Aspergillus cultures effectively reduced, to the detectable limits of the test, at the 24 hour sample interval. The first Disinfectant Efficacy Test study investigated whether a 5% strength solution of Stabilized Oxygen had any antimicrobial disinfectant effect of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Salmonellacboleraesuis ATCC 10708, and Pseudomonasaeruginosa ATCC 15442. A follow-up Modified Antimicrobial Preservative Effectiveness Study further investigated whether a 5% strength solution of Stabilized Oxygen had any disinfecting propertieson six different organisms: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 [Bacteria, Gram (+) cocci], Pseudomonasaeruginosa ATCC 9027

[Bacteria, Gram (-) bacillus], Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 [Bacteria, Gram (-) bacillus], Candida albicans ATCC 10231 [Yeast], Aspergillusniger ATCC 16404 [Mold] and Aspergillusflavus ATCC 9643 [Mold]. In ALL INSTANCES, the Stabilized Oxygen solution clearly demonstrated highly effective disinfecting antimicrobial properties. Nelson Laboratories, Salt Lake City, UT

ASO® reduced the incidence of Alternariazinniae on zinnia seeds. Control seeds (0%) had 85% (17 of 20) while seeds soaked for 48 hours in a 100% solution of ASO® had 20% (4 of 20) with A. zinniae. Conidia orhyphae contaminating the surface of the zinnia seeds were probably killed by the ASO®, but hyphae within the seed coat probably escaped. Germination rates tended to be increased by the ASO®, although our results did not show an increased germination rate with soaking for 48 hours in a 100% solution of ASO®. Control seeds soaked for 48 hours had a 65% (13 of 20) germination while seeds soaking for 24 hours in ASO® had a 90% (18 of 20) germination. Under conditions where seed lots are heavily infested with Alternariaziniae, seed disinfection with ASO® prior to seeding can reduce the incidence of damping off and blight of zinnia. Additionally, seed germination rates would be increased, resulting in many more healthy plants. With the additional characteristics of having no toxicity to humans or animals and being biodegradable, ASO® activated oxygen shows promise being used as a disinfectant of fruits and vegetables and other food products in addition to being used to produce clean seeds and increase seed germination rates. Dr. Michael Yoshimura, Ph.D., School of Biological Sciences, Phytopathology Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

We find that Stabilized Oxygen is very effective when used as a sanitizing disinfectant on Cat’s Claw. The results of this study show that on average the 1% SL-12-1 product showed a reduction of 85.7% of total molds on the powder and an 82.9% reduction ofthe chips. The SL-8 product showed a 78.6% reduction in mold cfu/gm and a 90.2% reduction on the chips...Based on these findings, Stabilized Oxygen shows great promise as a sanitizing agent for herbs, spices and other agricultural products where a significant reduction in mold colony forming units is required to enhance/maintain quality, reduce spoilage and extend shelf life. Dr. Joseph Montecalvo, Jr., Ph.D., Central Coast Consulting and Professor of Food Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

It was noted that the wholesale buyers of the chickens were very impressed with the flavor of the ASO® treated chickens in this study. The reason, the Doctors believe, is that the oxygen from ASO® helps build stronger immune systems and therefore bacteria and parasites are controlled to a higher degree. The treated chickens are more active and thereby develop more as well as stronger muscles resulting in less fat. The improved quality of the meat and the lack of Antibiotics used as a result of ASO® treatment might allow the producer to market the chickens as “Organic” thereby reaching higher sales prices and more demand. Overall, this has been a very successful preliminary study and points towards areas that need to be examined further. The positive results of increased growth, weights, less mortality, overall improved health and vitality of the chickens, improved flavor of the meat in taste tests and improved acceptability of the end products were all observed in this study. Another

parallel ASO® study was conducted with exotic birds that also indicates an increased health benefit across the board and increased survivability of hatching eggs. Dr. Antonio & Dr. Andreas Rotou, DVM

We received your sample of ASO® to determine the presence of hydrogen peroxide. We used our decomposition procedure for hydrogen peroxide, which involves contacting the solution with platinum metal foil. In this procedure, the platinum would catalyze the decomposition of peroxide resulting in bubbles of oxygen forming. Using your sample of ASO®, we observed no bubble formation even after heating the solution to 60°C for 5 minutes. Since this is typically a qualitative test, we estimate the detection level to be about 0.1%. So, from this result, we can say that the solution contains <0.1% hydrogen peroxide (or <1000 ppm hydrogen peroxide). Michael T. Volosin President, AnalysisNow!

Aphanomyces is a fungus that has been attacking sugar beet (Beta vulagris) fields in the Red River Valley of Minnesota and North Dakota. The organism is soil borne and may affect the sugar beets from the early season seedling stage until the late summer more mature stage. This study shows the effect of stabilized oxygen on aphanomyces in petri dish cultures and soil. One can see that ASO® at all concentrations had an adverse effect on Aphanomyces growing in petri dish cultures. It can also be seen that at the highest concentration most of the Aphanomyces were killed. Charles Habstritt, Ph.D., Professor of Agronomy & Soils University of Minnesota

This study is the first to report that an oxygen enhanced sports drink also improves athletic performance. A possible explanation may be that the oxygen-enhanced water allows for rapid diffusion of oxygen for transport into the blood stream. Since these factors were not directly measured, follow up studies should be conducted to collaborate these findings and to evaluate possible mechanisms to explain the athletic benefits of oxygen enhanced water. Dr. John J. Duncan, Ph.D., Texas Center for Research on Women’s Health, Texan Woman’s University, Denton, TX

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The information is provided for informational purposes. Results may vary. You may not experience the same benefits from taking or using O2 Drops. O2® is sold as a nutritional dietary supplement under the FDA DSHEA regulations of 1994. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Always consult with a professional healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement, especially if pregnant, nursing, taking prescription medications, or under a doctor’s medical care.

O2® and O2 Drops® are registered trademarks of O2 Worldwide. ASO®, Sports AO2®, and LTSM® are registered trademarks of Oxigenesis, LLC. All international rights reserved.Information used with permission of Oxigenesis.

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The potential role of ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen as anergogenic aid in sports performance enhancement is still to be fully understood. Available scientific data and information on this subject presents a whole range of possibilities for further studies. In this study it was established that there was not a far-reaching effect of ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen on the same subjects interms of performance enhancement during trial tests prints. However, a definite improvement was noticed in between the sprints of the trials with placebo and the controlled ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen. This would indicate the fact that athletes who consumed ASO® stabilized liquid oxygen were able to reproduce similar and sustained effort during both sprints as comparedto those that consumed the placebo. Dr. Hj Danish ZaheerHjZaheeruddin M.D., PhD. and David Hennessy Bsc (Hons), Sports Medicine & Research Centre, Departmentof Youth & Sports, Brunei Darussalam

From my clinical experience this product can be used in all aspects of the oral medicine and surgery, for example: As an irrigant for the cleaning and prophylaxis of the oral cavity; For the treatment of periodontitis and gingivitis; Post surgical procedures and post extracting treatment; For biological treatment and elimination of amalgamfilling and heavy metal drainage; For therapy in a systemic disease, and many other applications. In conclusion, I would like to say that ASO®, because of its bio-friendly capabilities, it has the potential to be a powerful source for clinical or paramedical practice. Dr. Stylianou Panayiotis, M.D.

This test represented a variety of individuals with varying physiological differences including age, sex, weight, medical health conditions, physical conditioning, etc. The test was conclusive on three major points: (1) Free oxygen (160) is present in ASO® as it was absorbed into the blood stream both sublingually and/or internally after it was tagged with Protac C/Iodine26 in every administered case. (2) The combination of component ingredients in ASO® has a positive effect, in varying degrees, on capillary dilation. (3) The combination of component ingredients in ASO® has a significant effect on the reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. It is the researcher’s opinion that ASO® results in greater metabolic efficiency which may correlate to significant energy reductions thus prolonging and enhancing the quality of an individual’s life. Further, ASO®, used in conjunction with mineral supplements, may be an excellent therapeutic tool for treating physiological disorders including chronic fatigue syndrome, immune deficiency disorders and several chronic pain related disorders. James D. Aker, Ph.D., M.S., P.A., P.P.A., President, Third State Analytical, Inc.

Blood gas analyses conducted on the participants’ arterial blood samples showed definite increases in arterial blood oxygen (PaO2), as well as elevated discharges of carbon dioxide waste matter. Older subjects appeared to respond better to the test product’s therapeutic actions, than was reported from younger recipients. The inclusion of an iron supplement with the test product indicates a helpful role in how the body utilizes “Vitamin O”. However, non-iron subjects also receiving test product posted higher-than-expected hemoglobin values, which

suggests that the apparent blood-building action of “Vitamin O” can happen also without iron-dependency. A general stabilization of arterial blood oxygen levels following three months of steady supplementation with the test product became evident, but could change if daily intake were temporarily discontinued. Dr. John Heinerman, Ph.D.

All four test organisms were rendered harmless after subjecting them to the ASO® solution. All four organisms were tested after submersing them for 24 hours. Three of the four organisms (Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Salmonella choleraesuis and Staphylococcus aureus) were effectively killed in a diluted solution of ASO® at 20% of its original strength. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was killed after subjecting it to a diluted solution of ASO® at 40% of its original strength. Keith Goins, Ph.D., Manager, Microbiology, SGS U.S. Testing Company Inc.

I can find no substance with levels high enough to indicate toxicity to anyone consuming your solution. The sodium level at only 9.24 p.p.m. is well below the recommended daily reference values determined by the U.S. Government. Toxic metals (lead, mercury and arsenic) are virtually undetectable as are nitrate levels and other trace minerals. Your solution, in its current formulation, is totally safe to the human body. John H. McDonald, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, USANA, Inc.

When tested as specified, Stabilized Oxygen from ASO® at 20% Strength Concentrated Solution was not acutely toxic to the test animals following dermal application of the test substance at 2.0 g/kg. When tested as specified, the Stabilized Oxygen

Solution, at 40% Strength, was not acutely toxic to the test animals following a 4-hour inhalation exposure at a nominal concentration of 23.9 mg/L (actual concentration was 14.6 mg/L). LC50 was estimated at greater than 23.9 mg/L (actual concentration was 14.6 mg/L). When tested as specified, the submitted test substance Stabilized Oxygen Solution at 20% Strength Concentrated Solution, was not considered to be a skin sensitizing agent. There were no significant differences in skin irritations observed in the test animals and in the control animals on challenge. When tested as specified, the submitted test substance, Stabilized Oxygen at 20% Strength Concentrated Solution, was not an eye irritant. Charles C. Tong, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., Study Director and Director of Biological Services, SGS U.S. Testing Company Inc.

The diluted test product effectively reduced, to the detectable limits of the test, all the bacteria and Candida by the Time 0 sample interval. No bacterial organisms or Candida were recovered from the product throughout the remaining test period. The Aspergillus cultures effectively reduced, to the detectable limits of the test, at the 24 hour sample interval. The first Disinfectant Efficacy Test study investigated whether a 5% strength solution of Stabilized Oxygen had any antimicrobial disinfectant effect of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Salmonellacboleraesuis ATCC 10708, and Pseudomonasaeruginosa ATCC 15442. A follow-up Modified Antimicrobial Preservative Effectiveness Study further investigated whether a 5% strength solution of Stabilized Oxygen had any disinfecting propertieson six different organisms: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 [Bacteria, Gram (+) cocci], Pseudomonasaeruginosa ATCC 9027

[Bacteria, Gram (-) bacillus], Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 [Bacteria, Gram (-) bacillus], Candida albicans ATCC 10231 [Yeast], Aspergillusniger ATCC 16404 [Mold] and Aspergillusflavus ATCC 9643 [Mold]. In ALL INSTANCES, the Stabilized Oxygen solution clearly demonstrated highly effective disinfecting antimicrobial properties. Nelson Laboratories, Salt Lake City, UT

ASO® reduced the incidence of Alternariazinniae on zinnia seeds. Control seeds (0%) had 85% (17 of 20) while seeds soaked for 48 hours in a 100% solution of ASO® had 20% (4 of 20) with A. zinniae. Conidia orhyphae contaminating the surface of the zinnia seeds were probably killed by the ASO®, but hyphae within the seed coat probably escaped. Germination rates tended to be increased by the ASO®, although our results did not show an increased germination rate with soaking for 48 hours in a 100% solution of ASO®. Control seeds soaked for 48 hours had a 65% (13 of 20) germination while seeds soaking for 24 hours in ASO® had a 90% (18 of 20) germination. Under conditions where seed lots are heavily infested with Alternariaziniae, seed disinfection with ASO® prior to seeding can reduce the incidence of damping off and blight of zinnia. Additionally, seed germination rates would be increased, resulting in many more healthy plants. With the additional characteristics of having no toxicity to humans or animals and being biodegradable, ASO® activated oxygen shows promise being used as a disinfectant of fruits and vegetables and other food products in addition to being used to produce clean seeds and increase seed germination rates. Dr. Michael Yoshimura, Ph.D., School of Biological Sciences, Phytopathology Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

We find that Stabilized Oxygen is very effective when used as a sanitizing disinfectant on Cat’s Claw. The results of this study show that on average the 1% SL-12-1 product showed a reduction of 85.7% of total molds on the powder and an 82.9% reduction ofthe chips. The SL-8 product showed a 78.6% reduction in mold cfu/gm and a 90.2% reduction on the chips...Based on these findings, Stabilized Oxygen shows great promise as a sanitizing agent for herbs, spices and other agricultural products where a significant reduction in mold colony forming units is required to enhance/maintain quality, reduce spoilage and extend shelf life. Dr. Joseph Montecalvo, Jr., Ph.D., Central Coast Consulting and Professor of Food Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

It was noted that the wholesale buyers of the chickens were very impressed with the flavor of the ASO® treated chickens in this study. The reason, the Doctors believe, is that the oxygen from ASO® helps build stronger immune systems and therefore bacteria and parasites are controlled to a higher degree. The treated chickens are more active and thereby develop more as well as stronger muscles resulting in less fat. The improved quality of the meat and the lack of Antibiotics used as a result of ASO® treatment might allow the producer to market the chickens as “Organic” thereby reaching higher sales prices and more demand. Overall, this has been a very successful preliminary study and points towards areas that need to be examined further. The positive results of increased growth, weights, less mortality, overall improved health and vitality of the chickens, improved flavor of the meat in taste tests and improved acceptability of the end products were all observed in this study. Another

parallel ASO® study was conducted with exotic birds that also indicates an increased health benefit across the board and increased survivability of hatching eggs. Dr. Antonio & Dr. Andreas Rotou, DVM

We received your sample of ASO® to determine the presence of hydrogen peroxide. We used our decomposition procedure for hydrogen peroxide, which involves contacting the solution with platinum metal foil. In this procedure, the platinum would catalyze the decomposition of peroxide resulting in bubbles of oxygen forming. Using your sample of ASO®, we observed no bubble formation even after heating the solution to 60°C for 5 minutes. Since this is typically a qualitative test, we estimate the detection level to be about 0.1%. So, from this result, we can say that the solution contains <0.1% hydrogen peroxide (or <1000 ppm hydrogen peroxide). Michael T. Volosin President, AnalysisNow!

Aphanomyces is a fungus that has been attacking sugar beet (Beta vulagris) fields in the Red River Valley of Minnesota and North Dakota. The organism is soil borne and may affect the sugar beets from the early season seedling stage until the late summer more mature stage. This study shows the effect of stabilized oxygen on aphanomyces in petri dish cultures and soil. One can see that ASO® at all concentrations had an adverse effect on Aphanomyces growing in petri dish cultures. It can also be seen that at the highest concentration most of the Aphanomyces were killed. Charles Habstritt, Ph.D., Professor of Agronomy & Soils University of Minnesota

This study is the first to report that an oxygen enhanced sports drink also improves athletic performance. A possible explanation may be that the oxygen-enhanced water allows for rapid diffusion of oxygen for transport into the blood stream. Since these factors were not directly measured, follow up studies should be conducted to collaborate these findings and to evaluate possible mechanisms to explain the athletic benefits of oxygen enhanced water. Dr. John J. Duncan, Ph.D., Texas Center for Research on Women’s Health, Texan Woman’s University, Denton, TX

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The information is provided for informational purposes. Results may vary. You may not experience the same benefits from taking or using O2 Drops. O2® is sold as a nutritional dietary supplement under the FDA DSHEA regulations of 1994. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Always consult with a professional healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement, especially if pregnant, nursing, taking prescription medications, or under a doctor’s medical care.

O2® and O2 Drops® are registered trademarks of O2 Worldwide. ASO®, Sports AO2®, and LTSM® are registered trademarks of Oxigenesis, LLC. All international rights reserved.Information used with permission of Oxigenesis.

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Experience thePower of OxygenOx�gen is the key to life, health, and longevit�.