

O. T. XXVI SUNDAY (October 1)


St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Phone: 251-865-6902 P. O. Box 417, Grand Bay, AL 3641 Fax: 251-865-1412

Email: [email protected] Parish website: Pastor:

Fr. Anthony Kadavil ([email protected]) Secretary:

Rev. Deacon Billy Graham

Parish Council Chair Person: Mr. Bill Schaffer

Finance Council President:

Mrs. Paula Dyess

Sunday School Coordinator: Mrs. Tiffany Teofilo

Youth Director: Mrs. Karen Day


Respect Life, choose life Rosary parade: Our Youth Group

and Ladies Sodality are organizing a rosary prayer parade in

front of the church on October ist Sunday at 2 pm, with the

active participation of the Golden Group and the Ladies

Auxiliary, and Knight of Columbus, publicly pledging their

support for the ant-abortion, pro-life activities of our

archdiocese. All our parishioners are requested to come and


Baby Shower: Immediately following the rosary there will be a

baby shower, given by the Altar Sodality, to provide items

needed by the Save-A-Live organization. You can bring items

before if you will not be able to attend the shower.

Second Collection this weekend is for the church “Maintenance


Confirmation Class for this month is this Wednesday, October

4th, at 7 pm.

Televised Holy Mass in our church for shut-in's will be filmed

at St John's on Tuesday, October 3rd, at 9 am. If you are

available please come and join in the Mass and help make this a

joyful celebration for the homebound.



The Golden Group is planning a pilgrimage to attend the 9:00 am Mass at St.

Joseph's, in downtown Mobile on Sunday October 8th. St. Joseph's is closing

in January 2018 after 160 years as a parish in Mobile. St. Joseph's is a beautiful

facility rich in sacred treasures. This will be our October meeting, we plan to

have brunch at Spot of Tea on Dauphin Street after Mass. If you are

interested in joining our journey or want to carpool to St. Joseph's, please call

Wesey Dixon at (251) 865-3325, before October 8th, we need to get a headcount

to reserve space for our group at Spot of Tea for brunch. We look forward to

seeing everyone at St. Joseph's for the Mass, as we say good bye to this

historical facility.

Deacon Graham will be out of the office beginning October 7th and returning

October 20th as he travels to visit his sisters and his old mother in Georgia and


Volunteer Signup Sheets will be in the vestibule after Masses for the next

two weeks. Volunteers of all skill levels and ages are needed for some of the

items on our maintenance list. If you can lift fifteen pounds, clean, operate

basic tools, provide drinks, cook, or even make sandwiches you have skill

enough to help. Everyone’s time and skills are greatly appreciated. Within

the next two weeks the dates of when the projects will be started will be

announced. Again, thank you very much for help!

Fatima centenary adoration: As a part of the 100th year celebration of

Fatima apparitions in all parishes of our archdiocese, we will have a One

Hour Public Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in our church on the 13th of

October (Friday) from 6-7 pm.


Ministers of the Mass schedule for October is on the table in the church

hall. Please take a copy

Prayer for speedy healing requested: Your fervent prayers are requested

for the post-surgery healing of Sara Thornton, Terry Roberts, Virginia Gable,

Joe Gable, and Tiffany Fontenot.

Sunday school classes & Youth program started in September:

Pre-K thru 12th Grade CRE classes for the 2017-2018 began on Sunday,

September 10th from 8:45-9:45 am, In the Education Building.

Registration forms will be available in the church hall this Sunday,

August 20th. Please contact Tiffany Teofilo at 251-583-8381 or by email

at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to

consider volunteer opportunities.

Special thanks to Avis Garret and

Jack Wright for trimming the hedges at the Boswell House, a second day and

Jerome Kenny & Joan Kenny for cleaning the house and the garage.



Birthdays this week: 1st: Dylan Day, 4th: Billy Dixon,

5th: Steve Sema, Jr. No Known Anniversaries: 5th: Kerry and Michael


Sept 30- Oct 6

30th: --------------------------------- For the eternal repose of the souls of deceased

parish members

1st: --------------------------- For the intentions of all members of the parish

2nd & 3rd: -------------------- For the Benefactors of the Catholic Extension


4th, 5th & 6th: ---------------- For the eternal repose of the soul of Robert

Broussard by Pam Bosarge


Extraordinary Minister Schedule for Oct. 7 & 8, 2017







Lectors Ushers

Saturday Volunteers Volunteers Ann Jackson Al Hurd, Wayne Jackson


Ruth Pigorsch


Shirley Rasmussen & Ann Jackson


Oct. 7, 2017

5:00 pm



Paul Pigorsch, Eugene Poiroux


Oct. 8, 2017

10:00 am










Daryl Kirchoff, Ruth Riddick

Mike Courtney, Avis Garrett

Please take your responsibility seriously. If you are interested in

serving as an Altar Server, Eucharistic Minister, and Lector or as an

Usher, please let Fr. Tony or the Office know of your willingness to

serve. We especially need Usher/Greeters for the Saturday Mass.

Videos of the week

1) Video reflections on daily gospel:

2) Catholic doctrines in short videos:

Remember the sick brothers and sisters in

your prayers: Aubreigh Nichols, Kimberly Oswalt, Stacy Moore, Ann

Vick, Catherine Kostyk, Richard Voss, Susan Moran, Wayne Seymour,

Frances Walley, H. Sanders, Cora Grigsby, Patricia Davis, Maurine

Habley, Phillip Scott, Ray Thornton, Alice Skutack, Joe Whitson, Terry

Roberts, Cory Moncrief, Carolyn Collier, Bruce Dyess, Joe Gable,

Vicenta Obsenares, Rachel Vallas, Rick Joseph, Virginia Gable,

Harrand Broussard, Edgar Gunter, Victoria Porter, James Cauley, Betty

Cauley, Jonathan Cruz, Gennie Garret, Becky Thompson, Bob


Echement, Pat Bourne, Lilly Breaux, John Stein, James Wink, Mike

Wilson, Johnnie Tate, Carol Tate, Roger Young, Leyah White.

Pray for the deceased dear ones of the parish: Pray for the eternal

repose of the deceased members of the parish: Joe Penton, Richard

Boswell, Marian Poirier, Louis Poiroux, Louise Marchand, Carolyn

Bidlingmaer, Kenny Kirchoff, Voncille Hulcher, Mary Nicholas

Rambo, Paul Delmas, Cody Driskell, Evelyn Robison, Jean Mitchell,

Veretta Tulos, Jim Kimble, Lynn Poirier, Phillip Marchand, Sue

Kirchoff, Mary Sanders, Margaret Jackson, Catherine Schnadelbach,

Darlene Alexander, Patrick Marchand, Steve Sema, Sr., Mary

Marchand and Sis Marchand. Close relatives of our parishioners:

Judy Courtney, Regina La Force, Ronnie Moran. Russell Gray, Gerald

John Brannan, Emilee Voss, Former pastors: Rev. Monsignor Hugh

Maguire and Fr. Strejeski. Other priests and deacons and Sisters: Rev.

Msg. Joseph Jennings, Rev. Andrew J. Stauter, Rev. Walter Menig, Rev.

William Gorman, Deacon John Cretaro, Deacon Holscomb Pryor,

Deacon Marvin Johns, Sr. Maria Bernarda Kadavil and other deceased

relatives and friends. Pray for our former parishioners serving in the

Armed Forces: Travis Wilson, SPC Jackson Triston, Jr., Captain Will

Hurd, Bryant Bailey & Zachery Bailey.

To schedule a meeting or event using parish facilities you must

check the calendar or contact the office to be sure the date and room is

available. You must have approval from the office for any scheduled


Items for Soldiers’ needs: Please don’t forget to bring items for

soldiers’ needs: Shaving cream, disposable razors, solid deodorant,


bars of soap/body wash, anti-bacteria cleaner, shampoo, tooth paste,

dental floss, personal handy-wipes, personal hygiene items for

women, foot powder, insect repellent, flea collars (they put them

around their ankles), chopstick, athlete’s foot powder/spray, sun block

lotion, sun shades, protective safety dust masks, socks, sweat

headbands, batteries (AAA, AA, C), DVD movies, cards, writing

tablets, paper, pens, envelopes, reading materials, snacks: cookies,

gum, crest, life-savers, mints, pudding, crackers, sardines, chicken,

tuna, salmon, jerky, peppermints, kool-aid, gatorade, tea/coffee. Put

items in the designated box in the Parish Hall

Help us to keep flowers at the altar: The

slotted wooden box on the glass table in the Parish Hall will receive donations for flowers. If you wish to give flowers for a specific remembrance or thanksgiving, there is a sign-up flower chart on the wall to the left of the front doors.

Bishop Barron’s homily:


Fr. Bill Grimm:


Synopsis: OT XXVI [A] Sunday (Oct 1) Homily on Mt 21: 28-32:

Introduction: Today’s Scripture passages warn us that it is our final

decision for or against God, that is, our choosing to obey Him

gracefully by doing His will or our choosing to go against His will,

which will decide our eternal reward or eternal punishment. As free

beings, it is we who choose our eternal destiny.

Scripture lessons: In the first reading, the Lord God, through His

prophet, Ezekiel, corrects the Jewish beliefs that children inherit the

guilt of their ancestors and are punished for it and that God is more

strict than merciful. God explains that His mercy overrules strict justice

and that He will punish us only for our sins, not for the sins of our

ancestors. Today’s Responsorial Psalm (Ps 25) appeals to God’s

compassion and mercy, begging Him to wipe away our sins and

extend mercy to us. The second reading, Paul’s Letter to the

Philippians, also affirms the truth that the final choice for God, made

by perfect obedience to Him, will be rewarded. Paul emphasizes the

fact that it is because of Christ’s obedience to God’s will by emptying

himself, taking human form and humbling himself by accepting death on

a cross that God the Father exalted Christ, bestowed on him the Name

above every other name, and made Jesus the recipient of universal

adoration. In the parable in today’s Gospel, a man with two sons tells

both to go out to work in the vineyard. The first son says he won’t go,


but later regrets it and works. The second son says he will go but does

not. In each case, it is the final decision that is more important. Jesus

teaches through this short parable that repentant tax-collectors and

prostitutes, represented by the first son who initially refused to go, will

make their way into the Kingdom of God before the chief priests and

the elders, represented by the second son in the parable. By their pride

and their refusal to obey God's call to repentance, the scribes and the

Pharisees are excluding themselves, while the tax-collectors and

sinners whom they despised are repenting of their sins and will be

accepted into God's Kingdom.

Life messages: (1) We need to do God’s will every day: Each one of

us is responsible to God for every one of our actions, and the just God

will punish or reward each individual according to our actions. Since

we are not sure about the moment of our death, our only guarantee of

dying in God's friendship is to live in that friendship always, saying

“Yes,” to God by doing His will.

2) It is never too late for us to repent, be converted and allow the

Holy Spirit to renew our life: If we have been disobedient to God in

our past life, we need to knock at the door of God’s mercy. God can,

and will, do for us what, in his mercy, He, did for the repentant tax-

collectors and harlots in the parable and in real life. Hence, every night

we need to repent of our sins and ask God’s pardon. If we are in

serious sin we also to be reconciled with God, the Church and our

brothers and sisters through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, in order

to be able to receive Jesus Holy Communion. Let us remember that it

is never too late for us to turn back to God.


Why do we observe Respect Life or

Sanctity of Life Sunday? We observe it to demonstrate that ending

human life by abortion, euthanasia, suicide, homicide, stem cell

research using embryo, genocide, unjust war, and acts of terrorism is

evil and sinful. Why? 1) The Bible teaches that life is a gift of God and

hence we have to respect it from womb to tomb. Based on the word of

God, the Church teaches that an unborn child from the moment of its

conception in its mother’s womb is precious because it carries an

immortal soul. 2) It is God’s commandment that we shall not kill.

(Exodus 20: 13: “You shall not kill.”). The circumstances of how the baby

was conceived do not change the evil of abortion: it is still a baby who

is killed. 3) International Law forbids the killing of innocent,

defenseless people. Abortion is the killing of a defenseless child in its

safest abode by its own mother, mostly for selfish motives. 4) Abortion

harms women physically, emotionally, psychologically, socially and

spiritually. Ninety-three percent of all abortions in America are

performed because of selfishness, just because someone doesn't want a

child! 5) Advocates of pro-choice follow a dangerous principle of far-

reaching consequences in the society. If it is justifiable to kill unwanted

children by abortion, then the old, the sick, the handicapped, the

mentally ill, and the retarded can also be killed.

Pope Francis tweets: If we are faithful to Christ and do good works,

we can spread the light of God’s hope. The Gospel invites us, first of

all, to answer to God, who loves us and saves us, and to recognize Him

in our neighbor. I appeal for peace and disarmament: in this world


wounded by violence, we need fraternity among peoples. Hope is the

virtue of a heart that does not close itself in darkness or remain locked

in the past, but looks towards the future. Let us work together to find

concrete solutions to help the poor, refugees, victims of modern forms

of slavery, in order to promote peace Let us find the courage to purify

our hearts by removing the rocks and thorns which choke the Word of

God. The more Jesus occupies the center of our lives, the more He

allows us to come out of ourselves and brings us closer to others.

Global action is needed in order to reduce pollution and at the same

time promote development in poorer countries. The Lord does not

leave us orphans: we have a Mother, the same one as Jesus. Mary takes

care of us and always defends us. In the Cross, our hope is reborn.

Hope born of the Cross is different from that of the world, because it is

born of the love of Jesus. War is the negation of all rights. Let us pray

for those who have the responsibility to avoid war between peoples. I

encourage world leaders to set aside partisan and ideological interests

and seek together the common good of all humanity. To “take the first

step” is, above all, to go out and meet others with Christ the Lord.

Charity helps us to know the truth and truth calls for acts of kindness.

Our contagious joy must be our first testimony to the closeness and

love of God. Today there are many who hunger for God, who hunger

for dignity. As Christians, we must help them to be satiated by God.

Truth is an inseparable companion of justice and mercy. Reconciliation

is consolidated by the contribution of all. It enables us to build the

future and makes hope grow. Dear young people, do not be afraid of

the future! Dare to dream big! Keep joy alive, a sign of a young heart

that has encountered the Lord. If you pay attention to the heart, you

will find you are close to the Lord and to others. The Gospel invites us


to answer, first and foremost, to God who loves us and saves us,

recognizing Him in our neighbor. “You made us unto Yourself, and

our heart is restless until it rests in you”. (St Augustine’s

“Confessions”). Today how many mothers shed tears, like St Monica,

so that their children will return to Christ!

The Pope's Intention for October 2017: Workers and the Unemployed: That all workers may receive respect and protection of their rights, and that the unemployed may receive the opportunity to contribute to the common good. for Sunday Homilies, 194 - Questions & Answers and 56 - Faith Formation Lessons, introduction to all Bible books.

As parishioners at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church,

we are committed to know Christ better and make Him better


To k-n-o-w, we are committed to

Keep connected to our parish community

Nurture the development of faith and knowledge of Christ

Offer to share the Holy Spirit’s gifts of time, talent and treasure

Worship through prayer, Mass and the Sacraments

In carrying out this mission, we will demonstrate the love that we have for God, by the community we create with each other and our response to the needs of our neighbor.


Parish prayer: Almighty Father, we humbly acknowledge that the

Body of Christ, the Church, is made up of people who believe in your

Son, Jesus Christ, and saved through his suffering, death and

resurrection. We ask for your paternal blessing to be Your visible life in

our world. Here in our parish church, we unite in worship, proclaim

your Word, celebrate the Eucharist and are sent forth to share Your love

and make disciples. Enable us to grow in faith, hope, love and service

that we may build a welcoming, friendly faith community. A

community that witnesses your Son’s life and mission after the life

example of Mary, the Mother of God, through the power of the Holy

Spirit. Amen.

to St. John’s with open hearts, open minds and

open doors.

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Grand Bay celebrates God’s

presence, grows in God’s grace, welcomes all people and reaches out

with God’s love. We try to be to be a vibrant community of faith where

all people feel they belong.

No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, No matter

what your current family or marital situation, No matter what your

past or present religious situation, No matter your personal history,

age, background, race, etc., No matter what your own self-image or

esteem, you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Grand Bay!


We come together as a parish family to draw our life from the

Eucharist and other sacraments.

As believers, we participate fully, consciously and actively in the

liturgy of the Church and seek to spread the Good News of Jesus

Christ in word and action.

We commit ourselves to worship, education, stewardship and service

as we extend our hand to others in need and to those who wish to join

the church.

By the grace of God, after the example of Jesus Christ, and the

guidance of the Holy Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to accomplish our

mission within and beyond our community.


The New Church blessed and consecrated by Bishop May on June 18, 1972

Consecration of the first St. John the Baptist Catholic church in Grand Bay on November 16, 1924

By Bishop Allen


Photos of the great pastors who guided the destiny of our parish

are given above

Please visit St. John the Baptist Catholic parish website: for the full text of the

Sunday homilies, Sunday bulletin, 56 Adult Faith Formation and RCIA Lessons &

introduction to all books of the Bible and 194 Question & Answer of the Week.
