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O Lord, open my heart and mind andlet Christ guide my journey of faith.

Cross of Christ Lutheran Church1555 Hamilton Ave., Waterbury, CT 06706

(203) 753-0223 / (203) 754-5469Website under development:

Inside this issue

November/December 2017Vol. 1, No. 2



What it Means tobe Diaconal


Stewardship 4





Worship SpaceProposal


Jacky AndersonHonored


Memory Lane 12

Calendar 15

Recipe Corner 13

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Autumn is one of my favorite seasons of the year with its red, rust and gold, andI’m sure many of you have a few timely items you bring out and put around your homeas you watch the year turn from summer to fall. Another year will soon draw to a close.We will very likely be quite busy as the holidays come at us one right after another, ourcalendars fill up, and we lose patience in frustration with the pace we’ve chosen to setfor ourselves.

Don’t forget to take time during the upcoming weeks to take care of yourself. Stopand watch the changing leaves; take a walk in the crisp cool air; go jump into a pile offreshly raked leaves. Give yourself permission to enjoy God’s good earth. Look forsomething each day that reminds you God is still creating, still speaking, and still em-bracing the world even as the seasons around us change.

In Genesis we read that God created all that exists and called it GOOD. As you seenews reports of atrocities, natural disasters and the human animal’s inhumanity, remem-ber God’s word of affirmation. This is our creator’s world, full of awe and wonder. Mir-acles happen every day. God can be seen at work if we just stop to look for that sacredtouch. Then share with someone what you noticed about what is good in the world.

As daylight hours shorten, many people feel less energetic, less social, less able tocope with life. If you know someone like this – maybe even yourself – being intentionalabout looking for the good in the world will help you cope. Talking with a friend canhelp. Taking on a creative project or finishing those unfinished tasks around the housecan be rewarding. And of course, prayer can connect you to the One who will remindyou that YOU are a blessed child of God, on good days as well as on challenging ones.

Enjoy the change of the seasons and lookfor ways to celebrate the goodness of ourGod.

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Pastor Kraft’s Contact Information

Pastor Kraft’s church office hours are (in addition to Sunday mornings):

Tuesday: noon to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Pastor Kraft’s phone number: 203-560-1260 or either church office: 203-754-5469 or 203-753-0223

Pastor Kraft’s email address is: [email protected] or [email protected]

Coming Soon!

O�� ������� is currently underdevelopment. CONNECTIONS, ourcommunications coordination team alreadyviewed the website’s general layout and islooking forward to reviewing “live pages”soon.

Later in this issue, notice that you’ll beable to contact the Pastor and councilexecutive team using Cross of Christ emailaddresses.

Do you want to get involved? Once thewebsite “goes live,” we’ll need helpkeeping the site fresh and relevant. Do youhave suggestions for site content? Do youhave interest in learning how to maintainthe site? Can you edit articles? See LindaNido or email

[email protected].

A Prayer Answered

Cross of Christ received the following acknowledgement for ourcontribution after the recent hurricanes:

"Thank you for your gift of $1,970.00 to Lutheran Disaster Re-sponse. With this gift you are providing emotional and spiritual care,supplying emergency relief, and addressing long-term recovery….

Cross of Christ Lutheran, you are an answer to a prayer. Thanksbe to God for you.”

The Reverend Daniel RiftDirector, ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal"

What Does it Mean to be Diaconal?

There is excitement n the air at Cross of ChristLutheran Church and equally in our greater church,as we celebrate and give thanks for the 500th

anniversary of the Reformation. This also meansliving into a changing church, a risky and boldmove, not exactly an easy path. But “God ismaking a new thing,” and we are following thecross of Jesus in this journey of change andrenewal.

It was nine years ago when Bishop MarkHanson announced to our Deaconess Assemblythat our motto for the 125th anniversary of ourcommunity, “Quiet Strength,” was insufficientbecause we need to be more visible in the missionof the church. My sisters took him at his word andtaking up the challenge, we went to work. There isa saying in an older Deaconess manual that states,“Do your good deed of mercy, and then walk away

(Continued on page 6)

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From our Treasurer

How do I write my check to church?

Another step in the consolidation of our twochurches has been taken. We now have a Cross ofChrist bank account. All checks, whether hand-written or sent electronically can now indicateCross of Christ Lutheran Church as the payee.

Contact our treasurer, Cindy Bunde with anyquestions or concerns at:

[email protected].

Stewardship is Coming!

In the past, many of us have mischaracterizedstewardship and used it interchangeably withgiving or, even worse, listening to an annualstewardship message from the pastor who seemsto be “talking just about tithing,” Surely, giving isimportant, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle.

Stewardship is foundationally understanding thatwe are not owners of things, but managers. At itscore, stewardship is quite simple. It basicallyencompasses three major points:

God owns it all.We are all stewards.We have a responsibility to manageeverything for His glory.

We all resist change! That’s why it’simportant to be bold, clear, and prayerfullyconsider a paradigm shift. “If you’re going to callyourself a follower of Christ, what does thatmean? If you’re going to be a disciple, you haveto get dirty and be a little bit different. Jesus said,‘Take up your cross and follow me.’ We have tobe willing to go against the grain.” Sometimesthat means hearing or saying things no one wantsto hear.

With our recent consolidation, we have achange of situation. What we encourage now is achange of heart. We have a unique opportunity totalk about this in a different way and gain abiblical perspective on things. Teaching aboutstewardship isn’t easy, but it is essential to thegrowth of believers.

As a Christian congregation, we mustdetermine what is important, what our ministry isabout and how do we all share the responsibilityfor success.

Remember: the truth is this: The grass isn’tgreener on the other side. The grass is greenerwhere you water it. If we hope to grow a rich fulllife, we can ask God for help and then getmoving!

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On Reformation Sunday, Martin Luther (a.k.a. RichardPiel) paid us a visit. The congregation paid rapt atten-tion as he reenacted his posting of “The 95 Theses,” notat Wittenberg, but to our sanctuary door. Following theposting of the Disputation on the Power and Efficacy ofIndulgences, Martin spoke with the children, andshared favorite Bible verses with Pastor Kraft. Cross ofChrist was blessed by his visit

Our Reformation Sunday Visitor

From Blanche Feero

T�� C��������� S����� continuedon November 2 when we will heard fromSafe Haven of Waterbury's director LeeSchlesinger along with two women whoexplained what Safe Haven has done tohelp them leave destructive relationships.In 2018 we will continue various pro-grams of interest to the community. Ifyou have an idea of someone you wouldlike to hear, please contact BlancheFeero.

A������ S������ G���� If youknow someone with aphasia who wouldlike to attend our meetings from6:30-8:00 p.m. the first Monday of eachmonth, please contact Blanche Feero.

From Nadia Marcella

N�� B��������� This year our goalwas to help ten children with outfits andschool supplies and we helped 11. Ourdonations were in partnership with SafeHaven of Greater Waterbury, an agencythat provides shelter and services toabused women and their families. Thestudents were so excited and it was justlike Christmas. We provided shirts,pants, a jacket, underwear, socks, schoolsupplies, and a $25 gift certificate forshoes. Lee Schlesinger, Executive Direc-tor of Safe Haven, sent us a note saying,“Your generosity was greatly appreciatedby our clients and us here at Safe Haven.We would not be able to do the work wedo without the support of people likeyou.” Thanks to all who helped with thisproject!

(Continued on page 6)

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From The Education Committee (Sharon Samoska, Linda Leigh, Sister Carol Weaver, Nadia Mar-cella, Sue Piel)

R���������� 500 B��� S��� The response and interest from our church was strong. AugsburgFortress donated the 20 books that were on display. One of our members donated the Rick Steve'sDVD, “The Life of Martin Luther” to our church. Thanks to Julie Steiner Buckmiller for her dona-tion of scrumptious cookies as part of our surprise gifts for those attending this event.

S��������� F����� B��� S��� continues through November. If you are interested in giving achild a Christian-oriented book this season, please contact Sharon Samoska.

A����� S������� M������� for children are planned. If you know of children who should beadded to our mailing list, please contact Sharon Samoska.

(Continued from page 5) Committee Reports

quickly and quietly.” It has a two-fold meaning:first, so you won’t be tempted to boast; andsecondly, lifting up the importance of passing it onto others, with a mutual value system, in order toform partnerships in and out of the church. Butover the years, we took it literally to “be quiet.”Not anymore!

Prophetic Diakonia is the battle cry in ourfight against poverty, injustice and violence,wherever it rears its ugly head! Diakonia is a markof the church, for all the baptized, to serve inJesus’ name. Prophetic means to criticize andadmonish the church but not without a message ofhope and a repentant path to follow. The diaconatehas often been called “the thorn in the flesh of thechurch,” reflecting this biblical challenge, andfollowing the tradition of the prophets.

As a deacon in the ELCA, I am called to“empower and equip the lay people for service,”along with my colleagues in Word and sacrament.

We help to teach and train the baptized and then“walk away quickly and quietly.” What does thismean for me at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church?Training and working with our EucharisticMinisters the last few months has been an honorand pleasure. They are a passionate and verycapable group of men and women. It won’t be longbefore they will be experienced and ready to reportdirectly to the pastor and the congregation. I canwalk away and take the role of mentor when asked.

Cross of Christ is a congregation with acompassionate heart and mind to follow Jesus inservice and acts of mercy. Just look at our outreachministries for starters! I thank God for the privilegeof serving here in Waterbury, for the sake ofothers, and following Jesus with the cross ofdiaconal service and mentoring. And, yes,sometimes it is a Prophetic Diakonia! Prayersascending,

In Christ’s Service,

Sister Carol Weaver and Gracie

(Continued from page 3) Diaconal

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Camp Calumet

Calumet’s catalog of programs and activitiesfor now through March is available. Look onthe bulletin board in the Hjelm Room.

Cozy Feet for ChristmasSock donations for all ages will be acceptedthrough December 10. Due to Allergies, socksshould not be made with spandex or latex.

Refugees in Waterbury60+ children and their families have been relo-cated to Waterbury with more expected. Weare waiting for information on how Cross ofChrist can help. See Sharon Samoska withquestions.

Seasonal Mailings for ChildrenTo help us plan Advent mailings for our chil-dren, please provide Sharon Samoska withnames and addresses.

A�� ��� �� ������� ��� ���� ������� out...on church information or want to begin receiving churchinformation? Please help us maintain contact and fill outthe form below. Completed forms may be placed in the col-lection plate or returned to the church office. Thank you.

Date ___/____/____

Name ________________________________________________

Home Church _________________________________________

I would like someone to contact me: _____ Yes _____ No

Address ______________________________________________

City, State Zip ________________________________________

Email ________________________________________________

Home Phone _______________ Cell Phone ________________

Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service

S��� ��� D���! Cross of Christ has beeninvited and has accepted an invitation fromRev. Stanley E Youngberg attend anEcumenical Thanksgiving Service. The servicewill take place Tuesday, November 21 at 7:00p.m. at Prospect Congregational Church

A Thanksgiving Prayer for ourtoddlers and preschoolers:

“Thank you God …For my two hands to serve you and

my neighbor;For my two eyes to see the earth and

sky;For my two ears to hear your word;For my two feet to follow your path;For my mind to learn your word;For my heart to share your love;And for my spirit which makes me

yours forever.”

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As we read in Paul’s Letter to the Corinthi-ans, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen,but on what is unseen, since what is seen istemporary, but what is unseen is eternal,” theprospect of the unknown can be challenging.

This past September, Rob Gilmore submit-ted a proposal to the Worship and Music Com-mittee to create a dedicated space on the altarfor our music program. This included the re-moval of the pews in the chancel area and theaddition of upholstered choir chairs. Also, anew piano would be added, removing the cur-rent piano from the current location on thefloor.

The purpose of the new design is two-fold:to create a more professional and lively areafor our musicians and choir, and to take an in-novative approach to providing a modern wor-ship space to our congregation and prospective

members. The “change” to our beautiful wor-ship space is not meant to create a “newspace,” but more importantly, it is an invest-ment in the congregation and its future.

This topic has and will continue to be dis-cussed in the upcoming weeks. Ideally, wewould like to have the new worship spaceready for Holy Week at the end of March. Wewill need to begin work in early 2018.

Let us continue the conversation; let uscontinue to pray for guidance from the HolySpirit; let us look to the future. What we see istemporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

If you have any questions or concernsabout the proposal, please feel free to speakwith Pastor Kraft, Robert, or another memberof the Worship and Music committee.

Breathing New Life into the Worship Space

Cozy Feet for Christmas

We are collecting socks for those in need in our commu-nity. Dry, warm feet are happy feet. A simple gift, and a preciousgift of caring for those in need.

Our challenge: 415 pairs of socks. Last year we donated 400pairs of socks. How many times will we fill our giant stocking thisyear?

Thank you to all our members and friends who make a differ-ence in the lives of others.

Deuteronomy 15:11: “Since there will never cease to besome in need on the earth, I therefore command you, ‘Open yourhand to the poor and needy neighbor in your land.’”

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Remembering the Homebound

The Eucharistic Ministry Team continually updates the homebound list. If you orsomeone you know would like a visit from one of our team members for a fewmoments of companionship and communion, contact: Sister Carol Weaver, [email protected] or call: 203.232.2679.

Thanksgiving Word Scramble

SPKUINMP ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

VENMBORE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

GISUTFNF ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

QSHAUS ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

HLTAFUNK ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

YIFLAM ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

VRHETAS ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

KURYTE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

GLRMPISI ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __

YEPARSR ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____

(Answers can be found elsewhere in this issue.)

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R������� to submit yourCROSSROADS news stories,calendar items, or pictures for thenext edition of CROSSROADS tothe office before December 15.

This Issue’s Cover

This issue’s cover depicts the seal Martin Luther designed to represent his theology. Here’s how Lu-ther himself explained its meaning:

First, there is a black cross in a heart that remains its natural color. This is to remind me thatit is faith in the Crucified One that saves us. Anyone who believes from the heart will be justi-fied (Romans 10:10). It is a black cross, which mortifies and causes pain, but it leaves theheart its natural color. It doesn’t destroy nature, that is to say, it does not kill us but keeps usalive, for the just shall live by faith in the Crucified One (Romans 1:17). The heart shouldstand in the middle of a white rose. This is to show that faith gives joy, comfort, and peace—itputs the believer into a white, joyous rose. Faith does not give peace and joy like the worldgives (John 14:27). This is why the rose must be white, not red. White is the color of the spir-its and angels (cf. Matthew 28:3; John 20:12). This rose should stand in a sky-blue field,symbolizing that a joyful spirit and faith is a beginning of heavenly, future joy, which beginsnow, but is grasped in hope, not yet fully revealed. Around the field of blue is a golden ring tosymbolize that blessedness in heaven lasts forever and has no end. Heavenly blessedness isexquisite, beyond all joy and better than any possessions, just as gold is the most valuableand precious metal.

(From: Letter from Martin Luther to Lazarus Spengler, July 8, 1530 [WA Br 5:445]; tr. P. T.McCain)

Thanksgiving Word Scramble

SPKUINMP ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

VENMBORE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

GISUTFNF ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

QSHAUS ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

HLTAFUNK ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

YIFLAM ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

VRHETAS ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

KURYTE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

GLRMPISI ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __

YEPARSR ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____

(Answers can be found elsewhere in this issue.)

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Sue Piel ....................... [email protected] Bunde.......... [email protected] Samoska .......... [email protected] [email protected] Nido .......... [email protected] Bock.......................................Member at LargeCarl Edquist.......................................Member at LargeBlanche Feero....................................Member at LargePat Huesch.........................................Member at LargeTish Hunter........................................Member at LargeJudy Juraschka ..................................Member at LargeJeff Ouellette .....................................Member at Large

Cross of Christ Church Council

Church council meets the secondTuesday of each month in the HjelmRoom at 6:30 p.m.

Parishioner Jacky Anderson Honored

Jacky Anderson was honored by the AmericanLegion Ladies Auxiliary recently, when her bookof prayers received the Mary E. Hindslay Awardfor Unit Best Book of Prayers. Jacky received theaward for Prospect Unit 194 of the AmericanLegion Ladies Auxiliary, where she is a memberand chaplain. Congratulations, Jacky!

A Prayer from Jacky’s Prayer Book

As we enjoy the signs of fall, may we bereminded that the beauty of your earth are gifts tobe treasured. Though they are temporary and surelyfade, they represent a promise to enjoy again andagain. May we recognize the beauty in life cyclesand offer gratitude to you, Dear Lord, for yourmany blessings. We bow to your will Lord andhumbly pray for the welfare of our veterans, ouractive duty military and their families. We praiseyour Holy Name. Amen

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A Stroll Down Memory Lane

For longtime members of the former Zion LutheranChurch, now Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, their child-hoods that revolved around the church. Nancy Salcito, MargeOuellette, and Don and Jacky Anderson recalled time devotedto Sunday School, Christmas and Easter pageants, church pic-nics, and preparing for the sacraments of Confirmation andCommunion at the church. It was founded in 1890 by Swedishimmigrants and its first home was at 201 Cherry St. in Water-bury.

Before receiving Confirmation, children attended Lu-ther’s Catechism, where they met with teachers every week forone year. They would have to memorize the 10 Command-ments, the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer, as well as their mean-ings. This was necessary before they could become confirmed.At the end of the year, the children would then “stand beforethe church membership while the minister quizzed us,” Donsaid. “It was a bit intimidating,” Jacky added. The next Sundaythey were then able to make their First Communion.

Nancy, whose parents and grandparents were church members, described a “big SundaySchool…and we’d stand in the front of the church and sing together, hymns like ‘Onward ChristianSoldiers’ and ‘Jesus Loves Me.’ Then the children would place their pennies in the collection basket.”Nancy’s great grandparents were Lutherans as well, members of Salem Lutheran Church in Naugatuck.

Jacky Anderson and Marge Ouellette cited fond memories of the annual Christmas pageant, forwhich they received bright new dresses and recited poetry. Easter pageants were held every year aswell.

“It was all about families,” Jacky said. “My grandparents and parents and my aunts and uncleswould play cards with the other families…We had a big men’s group and a big women’s group, andonce a month we’d all go on picnics and bus trips together. And we had all kinds of parties, too. Weoften got together with First Lutheran Church…As teens, we joined Luther League, a teenagers’ group.It gave you a strong bond to stay in the church.”

When the city of Waterbury sponsored “Ethnic Day” on the Waterbury green, the Zion childrendonned Swedish costumes and served Swedish torte and Swedish meatballs in the booth.

At that time, Zion’s Cherry Street church sat beside a clock factory. Members filled the church tooverflowing, sometimes standing room only, Marge said.

Donald Salcito was the last person to be baptized in the Cherry St. church in 1960, Nancy noted.

Pastor Arthur O. Hjelm, a retired Pastor who served as Zion’s Interim Minister from 1958-1961,was extremely instrumental in the fund-raising campaign for the new church. The Hjelm room wasnamed after him.

Sadly, the church suffered a damaging fire a few years after the church was sold to a Pentecostal(Continued on page 14)

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F��� P����� K����: Here’s the recipe for areally yummy, low-calorie (low weight watcherssmart points) pumpkin break. Enjoy!

Weight Watchers Apple-Spiked PumpkinBreadMakes 16 slices

Ingredients1 cup all-purpose flour1/2 cup rolled oats1 teaspoon baking soda1/2 cup brown sugar1 cup pumpkin, prepared1/2 cup apples, peeled and roughly chopped1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce1 large egg1 egg white1 teaspoon cinnamon1/4 teaspoon allspice3/4 teaspoon salt

Preparation1. To prepare pumpkin: First of all, use a smallervariety of pumpkin (about the size of a bag ofpopped popcorn). The lighter the skin, the sweeterthe taste. Cut the pumpkin in half and scoop out

the seeds and pulp. Save the seeds for drying orroasting. Put both halves cut side down on a foillined baking sheet, loosely cover them with foil,and pop them in the oven for about an hour at 375.When they’re done, scoop the flesh from the skinwith a spoon and mush up the yummy pumpkingoodness. It should keep in a refrigerator for abouta week or so. If you’ve decided to just go withcanned pumpkin: Open the can.2. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and ready a9×5 inch loaf pan (cooking spray or oil work justfine.)3. In one bowl, combine the flour, oats, bakingsoda, salt, allspice, and cinnamon.4. In another bowl, combine the brown sugar,pumpkin, egg, egg white, and apple sauce until themixture looks like bright orange mush.5. Stir the dry stuff into the wet stuff just until youdon’t see dry stuff anymore.6. Fold in the chopped apples. At this point, youcan also add any solid ingredients (nuts, berries,the like) that you think would taste good inside ofa loaf of pumpkin bread. Pour the batter into yourloaf pan and sprinkle a few pumpkin seeds on top.7. Bake in the middle oven position at 350 degreesfor about an hour, turning once or twice throughoutthe process. It will look and smell done – justcheck it with a toothpick. As a precautionarymeasure, it’s better to put a foil-lined baking sheeton the rack below the bread so it doesn’t get somuch direct heat from the bottom heating element.8. When you decide that the baking process hascompleted, cool the bread for about 10 minutes tolet the anxiety build. Flip the loaf out of the panand let it cool a bit more.9. Enjoy!

F��� B������ F����:

The Best Baked Corn

Ingredients:1 cup milk, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tbsp sugar,2 tbsp flour, 15 oz. can of can (whole and drained)2 eggs well beaten.


Boil 3/4 cup of milk with butter and sugar.Dissolve flour in 1/4 cup milk. Pour flour mixtureinto milk mixture to make a thin white sauce. Addto drained corn in a 1 to 1.5 Pyrex loaf pan. Bake 1hour at 400 F.

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church led by Rev. Lulu Jackson. Before relocating to our current location, members all agreed that theywould not leave behind their beloved picture of Our Lord which today hangs behind the altar. The paint-ing is: "Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane" by Heinrich Hofmann, which was presented to the churchat their 25th anniversary celebration in 1916 by the Sunday School.

On June 18, 1961, Zion laid the cornerstones at its current location, and the ethnic makeup of thechurch began to change. “I remember Sunday School classes of 10 or 12 children per grade, and all ofthem were named Swanson, Johnson, Anderson, Larson, Carlson, etc. But something happened in the1960’s to us Swedish girls. My daughter’s Sunday School class had children in it named Salcito, De-saderio, LaRosa, and Mastrianni, with a McGarvy thrown in. As Ray LaRosa said, we became a Swe-dish-Italian church. Now we can boast almost every nationality among us.”

Echoing Jacky’s sentiment about the family feeling at Zion, Nancy continued, “We are and havealways been a family…My hope is that more people can come to know the closeness and comfort thatcomes from our church family.”

Memory Lane will be an ongoing feature of the newsletter. Please contact Joan or Lainey with anyideas, especially for information about First Lutheran Church’s history.

(Continued from page 12)


F�������� D����, 79, passed away peacefully on Sun-day, Oct. 15, 2017, at Saint Mary’s Hospital, surrounded bythe love and comfort of his family. He was the husband of LoriAnn (Hojnacki) Daley.

Fred was born Feb. 10, 1938, in Waterbury, the son of thelate John and Adeline (Fenske) Daley. He was educated in lo-cal schools and was a lifelong Waterbury resident. He was aprinter for the Republican-American newspaper for manyyears prior to his retirement. He was an active member ofAmerican Legion Post No. 165 in Wolcott, and a veteran ofthe U.S. Army.

Besides his wife, Lori Ann, he leaves his sisters-in-law,Margaret Vaccarelli and her husband, Frank, and Cindy O.Hojnacki, all of Waterbury. He also leaves his nieces, HeatherAnn Vaccarelli, and her son, Neil; his nephew, Brian Vaccarel-li and his son, Logan King; and a niece, Amber M. Blisle, herhusband, Bruce, and their children, McKenzie and Theodore.Fred was predeceased by his aunt, Margaret Fenske.

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Calendar Dates to Remember

12-Nov Cozy Feet Sock Drive begins; see Sharon Samoska

19-Nov Stewardship highlights begin

21-Nov Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service; 7:00 p.m.; Prospect Congregational Church

21-Nov GWIM Turkey Give-Away; see Sharon Samoska or Seita Glasgow

23-Nov GWIM Annual Thanksgiving Dinner; see Sharon Samoska or Seita Glasgow

1-Dec Gingerbread Village; St. George’s Episcopal Church, Middlebury

3-Dec First Sunday of Advent 9:30 a.m.

10-Dec Consecration Sunday

10-Dec Cozy Feet Sock Drive ends

17-Dec Blue Christmas; Sanctuary; 4:00 p.m.

23-Dec GWIM Children’s Christmas Party; see Sharon Samoska or Seita Glasgow

24-Dec Christmas Eve Service; 4:00 p.m.

24-Dec Fourth Sunday in Advent Sunday Worship Service; 9:30 a.m.

25-Dec No service

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