Page 1: Numerology Personality ProfileSUMMARY Birth Name: John Christopher Depp Current/Short Name: Johnny Depp Birth Date: June 9, 1963 Your Life Path is 16/7 Your

Numerology Personality Profile

From teachings of

Master Numerologist Hans Decoz


Johnny Depp

provided by

Birth Data

John Christopher Depp

June 9, 1963

Personality Profile Reading

© Copyright Hans Decoz

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Birth Name: John Christopher DeppCurrent/Short Name: Johnny DeppBirth Date: June 9, 1963

Your Life Path is 16/7Your Birth Day is 9Your Expression is 11/2Your Minor Expression is 10/1Your Heart's Desire is 13/4Your Minor Heart's Desire is 9Your Personality is 25/7Your Maturity is 18/9Your Life Path/Expression Bridge number is 5Your Heart's Desire/Personality Bridge number is 3Your Hidden Passion is 5Your Hidden Passion is 7Your Hidden Passion is 8Your Hidden Passion is 9Your Plane of Expression Physical is 14/5Your Plane of Expression Mental is 15/6Your Plane of Expression Emotional is 15/6Your Plane of Expression Intuitive is 3Your Balance is 8Your Rational Thought is 11/2Your Cornerstone is JYour Subconscious Self is 9Your First Challenge is 3Your Second Challenge is 8Your Third Challenge is 5Your Fourth Challenge is 5Your First Pinnacle (from birth until age 29) is 6Your Second Pinnacle (from age 30 until age 38) is 1Your Third Pinnacle (from age 39 until age 47) is 7Your Fourth Pinnacle (from age 48) is 7Your First Cycle (from birth until age 29) is 6Your Second Cycle (from age 30 until age 56) is 9Your Third Cycle (from age 57) is 1

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About your Personal Reading

This reading was composed for you, Johnny, and is based on your full name at birth,your date of birth, and the name you now use to introduce yourself with. Pleasecheck your birth data on the title page to make sure the names and date of birthused are correct.

Your Personal Numerology Reading describes all aspects of your chart as they areunderstood in numerology, accurately and in-depth. Each chapter starts with a shortintroduction telling you where this particular number is found and how it affects you.This is followed by the number itself. Often, you will find a double digit numberfollowed by a single digit. The meaning of your number is then explained in easy toread language.

Johnny, you don't need to know anything about numerology to be able to enjoy andbenefit from this reading.

I hope you will enjoy your reading.


If ever there was a moment of total transformation, it was the moment of your birth.In that instant, you stepped through a door in time into a new reality, the reality ofhuman life. The most important number in your numerology chart is based on thedate of your birth, the moment when the curtain goes up in your life.

Even at that moment, you were a person with your own unique character, as uniqueas your DNA. Everything that is you existed in potential, much like a play that isabout to begin. Your entire life exists as a potential that has been prepared for. Youhave ultimate freedom to do with your life as you like: To fulfill its potentialcompletely, or to make some smaller version of yourself. It all depends upon youreffort and commitment. You make the decisions to fulfill, to whatever extent, thepotential life that exists within you. That is your choice. In this sense, the possibleyou is implicit during the moment of your birth.

The Life Path number gives us a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges, andlessons we will encounter in this lifetime. Your Life path is the road you are traveling.

It reveals the opportunities and challenges you will face in life. Your Life Pathnumber is the single most important information available in your Personality Chart!

Your Life Path is 16/7

You are the searcher and the seeker of the truth. You have a clear and compellingsense of yourself as a spiritual being. As a result, your life path is devoted toinvestigations into the unknown, and finding the answers to the mysteries of life.

You are well-equipped to handle your task. You possess a fine mind; you are ananalytical thinker, capable of great concentration and theoretical insight. You enjoyresearch, and putting the pieces of an intellectual puzzle together. Once you have

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enough pieces in place, you are capable of highly creative insight and practicalsolutions to problems.

Johnny, you enjoy your solitude and prefer to work alone. You need time tocontemplate your ideas without the intrusion of other people's thoughts. You are alone wolf, a person who lives by his own ideas and methods. As a result, closeassociations are difficult for you to form and keep, especially marriage. You needyour space and privacy, which, when violated, can cause you great frustration andirritation.

When your life is balanced, however, you are both charming and attractive. You canbe the life of a party, and enjoy performing before an audience. You enjoy displaying

your wit and knowledge, which makes you attractive to others, especially theopposite sex.

But you have distinct limits. While you are generous in social situations, sharing your attention and energy freely, you are keenly aware of the need to "come off stage"

and return to the solitude of your lair. You associate peace with the unobtrusiveprivacy of your world. Therefore, intimacy is difficult for you, because you guard your

inner world like a mother lion does her cubs.

All this privacy and aloneness can cause isolation and loneliness, however. You can be aware of emptiness in your life, a part of you that yearns for company and close

companionship that may be unsatisfied.

If isolation is brought to the extreme, you can become cynical and suspicious.Johnny, you can develop hidden, selfish motives, which people may sense and maycause them discomfort around you. You must guard against becoming toowithdrawn and independent, thus shutting out the love of others and keeping youfrom experiencing the true joy of friendship and close companionship.

You must especially watch out for selfishness and egocentricity, thinking of yourselfas the center of the universe, the only person who really matters. Social contactgives you perspective on yourself and on life, while too much isolation can make you

too narrow and even shut off from the rest of the world.

Secretly, you may feel jealous of the easy relationships formed by others; you mayperceive others as less inhibited than you, or more free to express themselves. Youmay harshly criticize yourself for not being more gregarious, powerful, or capable ofgreater leadership.

Johnny, your challenge in life is to maintain your independence without feelingisolated or ineffectual. You must hold fast to your unique view on the world, while atthe same time being open to others and the knowledge they have to offer.

With your abilities to learn, analyze, seek out answers to life's important questions,you have the potential for enormous growth and success in life. By the time youreach middle age, you will radiate refinement and wisdom. Pythagoras loved theseven for its great spiritual potential.

Johnny, the 16 Karmic Debt, wherever it shows up on the chart, means destructionof the old and birth of the new. The 16 is about the fall of the ego, and all that it hasbuilt for itself. It is a watershed, a cleansing. All that has been constructed, and allthat serves to separate the person from the source of life is destroyed. Through the16, reunion with the great spirit is accomplished.

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This can be a painful process, because it usually comes after much ego inflation.This results in a struggle between the ego and the divine will. Life presentschallenges to your grand plans, which can be resented and struggled against. It is alost battle, and you will likely feel humbled in the face of the collapse that follows.This humility is the key to later success, however, because you will learn to followthe intimations of a higher reality. In the destruction of the old, a spiritual rebirthtakes place with an entirely new awareness. This rebirth affects every area of yourlife. It is a life much the better for the fall.

Those with the 16 Karmic Debt must be careful of egotism. Very often, those withthe 16 use their highly intuitive and refined intellect to look down upon others, andview the rest of the world as inferior. This causes acute alienation and loneliness. Inaddition, it invites retribution, for the egotist is humbled more harshly than any other.

When the 16 is in one of the core numbers, this process of destruction and rebirth isa continual cycle that actually serves to bring you into higher consciousness andcloser union with the source of life.

The 16 Karmic Debt can be a path of progress and great spiritual growth if it islooked at properly. One develops great faith by placing one's life in the hands of thegreater universal force. Through such faith, gratitude and peace are firmlyestablished.


The day you were born bears great significance in understanding who you are andwhere your talents lie. The day of birth indicates some special talent you possess. Itis a gift to you that will help you along your Life's Path. Your day of birth is one ofyour five Core numbers ... the Life Path, Expression, Heart's Desire, and Personality

being the other four. It is the least significant of the five numbers, but perhaps themost finite, in that it reveals a specific ability you possess in a marked degree.

Your Birthday is 9

Johnny, you are broad-minded, idealistic, and compassionate. You should obtain awide education, especially in the arts. You are highly creative. Many great artistsare found under this number.

You must come to truly understand life to be of greater service to society. You have a greater social role to play that will require a blend of the practical and the

humanitarian. You must have a keen sense of what will work, but at the same timedirecting those efforts toward some greater good.

Your challenge is to find a place for yourself that has some direct benefit to others.The more you can be of service to humanity, the greater will be your personalreward on all levels ... from the material to the spiritual. Children born on the 9thday usually take their time before choosing a profession.

You are socially oriented and have a gift of charm. You are well-liked and evenadmired by others. You can relate to people in all walks of life. You have a broadvision of the world and can see the grand scheme of things, including internationalpolitics and great social movements. You express your feelings well, but sometimes

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can be a bit dramatic. You have a strong interest in philosophy and metaphysics.

Nines tend to attract money from other sources, such as inheritance or a stroke of"luck".

There is an element of sacrifice in the number 9 that demands that you learnforgiveness and unconditional love. You must avoid negative attachments. Do nothold on to people or situations because you feel that justice has not yet been done,

or that someone still owes you something. Your task in life is to truly let theuniverse judge such situations, and rely on your own forward-moving life path tobring you the necessities and rewards you deserve.


Your Expression number reveals your physical and mental constitution, theorientation or goal of your life. Some numerologists refer to this number as theDestiny, because it represents a lifelong target at which you are aiming. You work at

fulfilling this potential every day of your life. Thus, the Expression number revealsyour inner goal, the person you aim to be. The Expression number reveals thetalents, abilities, and shortcomings that were with you when you entered yourhuman body. Your name, and the numbers derived from it, reveals yourdevelopment, as well as the talents and issues you will be working with during thislife.

For those for whom reincarnation is an accepted philosophy, the vibration of your full name can be seen as the totality of your personal evolution, the experiences,

talents, and wisdom accumulated over many life times. Every experience, no matterhow great or small, along this evolutionary path has influenced your development,and brought you to your current state of being.

The Expression is your being; the Life Path is the major lesson you are attempting to learn this time around. Time allows the gradual emergence of your personality. By

reading the Expression number below, you will come to understand your basicnature and the abilities and issues inherent in your being.

Your Expression is 11/2

Johnny, yours is the most highly charged Expression number of all. You are like alightning rod, attracting powerful ideas, intuitions, and even psychic information likeunpredictable bolts.

You are a powerful presence without any awareness on your part of havingpersonal power. You are a channel for higher vibrations. But in order to beemotionally and psychologically at peace, you must learn to control that flow ofenergy. You possess a bridge between the unconscious and the conscious. Thetrouble is that the unconscious is an infinite resource, while consciousness bydefinition is a limited arena. The two are therefore at odds until they can learn tolive in harmony with each other. This is where control comes in. Until you are ableto control the flow of energy from this infinite source, you may feel like a victim of its

whimsy, thrown about by emotional turmoil and nervous tensions.

Johnny, you have always sensed that you are different, but it was an indefinable

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feeling. You are enormously sensitive and aware, especially as a child. This madeyou vulnerable to all conflicts and painful situations. For most of your upbringing,however, you did not realize that other people did not possess the same sensitivity,

nor did they see the same things you were seeing. This caused a great reservoir ofemotion that was dammed up behind an inability to express your feelings, even toyourself. For this reason, most 11 Expressions have a difficult childhood. Yourextreme sensitivity made you very shy as a child. This usually manifests inadulthood as hesitation and acute vulnerability. You are very careful about sharingyour feelings with others and choosing your friends.

You compensated for your sense of separation in childhood by creating anelaborate fantasy world. You daydreamed more than other children. You have alively imagination and even in adulthood have a hard time separating reality fromfantasy.

Johnny, your challenge is to bring forth your primitive, earthy strength. You need tobe grounded in order to deal with your lightning bolts. The more you are able to call

upon your inherent human strength, the greater your capacity to take advantage ofyour extremely sensitive awareness. Once this is accomplished, your antagonistbecomes your benefactor.

You are highly emotional and dependent upon relationships. Emotionally, you go up and down with the fortunes of your love life. You are idealistic, impractical, and at

times disorderly. You are often unrealistic in your expectations.

Your reasons for doing things are usually born of a mixture of logic, emotion, andintuition, which can rarely be explained satisfactorily to your more rationalassociates.

The 11 Expression is the number most dependent upon other core numbers in your chart for insight into your vocation. The 11 charges every area it enters, but it

needs a grounding vocation and discipline to be effective.

A balanced 11 is one of the most unique and impressive of all people. It is giftedwith insight and illumination, which it can transmit to others. This makes you anatural teacher in whatever area you enter.


The Minor Expression number is based on the current (or short) name; the nameyou now use to introduce yourself including your last name. The influence of theshort name is minor in comparison to your full name. Interestingly, the short nameoften compensates in some way for numbers (and their related characteristics) thatare missing or out of balance in the full name.

For instance, a number missing in the full name may show up prominently in theshort name; or a number (or numbers) that appears in excess in the full name canbe compensated for in the short name. If a name change takes place later in lifethrough marriage or for professional reasons, it adds or subtracts certain qualities. Itcan also focus and intensify existing characteristics or talents that may be latent.

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Your Minor Expression is 10/1

This number makes you better equipped for the daily struggle of life. This is apowerful number with good leadership abilities. It is independent, individualistic,original and innovative. It adds courage and a willingness to take risks. This number

makes you more determined and goal oriented.


Your Heart's Desire is the inner you. It shows your underlying urge, your truemotivation. It reveals the general intention behind many of your actions.Consequently, it dramatically influences the choices you make in life. The Heart'sdesire is seen as part of the larger picture, called the core numbers, which includesthe Life Path, Expression, Day you were born, and Personality. But each points to adifferent aspect of you.

The Expression number reveals your talents and abilities, and your general direction in life. The Life Path is the central lesson you came into the world to learn. The Day

you were born is very closely connected to your Life Path. It reveals specific talentsyou possess, which will be helpful to you in dealing with your Life Path. ThePersonality reveals how people tend to see you. It also demonstrates whatcharacteristics you are projecting to the world. The Heart's Desire demonstrates theidentity of the soul that joined the earth ... you, the spiritual being.

Your Heart's Desire is 13/4

You like to live a stable, well organized, life. You dislike sudden changes, andprefer orderliness in all things. Johnny, you have a systematic mind that is reflected

in everything you do. You can establish and maintain a routine, are exacting withdetails, and quite thorough.

You like to carefully analyze a problem and then tackle it in a logical and practicalapproach. You want to be dependable, a rock of strength and an example ofdiscipline for others.

Work is central to your life, but you may have a tendency to overdo it; you caneasily become a workaholic if you're not careful. You have a great deal of energyand can accomplish a lot.

You want a family and you are a good parent. You may carry the discipline and theneed for orderliness too far, especially in your family, making children and spousefeel oppressed and limited. Flexibility is your key to harmony and balance in life.For you, structure is more important than freedom, which you tend to interpret aschaos. But others do not have your need for well defined systems, in fact, they may

feel deeply inhibited and uncomfortable with it. The peace you get from orderlinessmay represent a prison to someone else.

Johnny, you need and want much love, but you are not very demonstrative. Youcan be a little rigid and stubborn.

You are honest and unpretentious. You detest liars and affectations. You can bevery determined and tenacious. You are the bedrock of any enterprise. You havethe courage to go into the nitty gritty of a problem and come up with a solution. Try

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not to lose sight of the larger picture and dream while you plumb the depths of thebottom line.


The Minor Heart's Desire number is derived from the vowels of your current name;the name you now use to introduce yourself. The current name is a refinement ofthe more complex qualities of your longer name (the full name at birth). It sharpensand bundles the energies that are reflected by your full name. It intensifies certainaspects of your being, and de-emphasizes others. For this reason, the short nameoften provides insight into what you truly want in life. It also often reveals the extentof your understanding of what you want from this life. It reveals both your strongdesires, and the limits you place upon your potential.

Your feelings about your current name are different from your full name. It affectshow you feel about yourself; it changes your identity slightly.

Your Minor Heart's Desire is 9

The shortened version of your name broadens your outlook on life. It makes youmore compassionate, socially oriented, and concerned for the welfare of humanity.

Johnny, your Minor Heart's Desire increases your idealism, and capacity forself-sacrifice toward a higher goal. You want to make a difference in life.

You may be more likely to hold yourself aloof and thereby making it harder to findthe personal love you need.

Your appreciation for the arts is increased, and any artistic talent you may have isenhanced. You may want to become more of a teacher, and are attracted toknowledge that will further this ambition.


Your Personality number is derived from the consonants of your full name at birth.Your Personality is like a narrow entrance hall to the great room that is your truenature. It is those aspects that you feel comfortable sharing with people at the outset

of a relationship. With time and trust, you invite others into the deeper aspects ofyour nature; you reveal more of who you really are, in effect, your Heart's Desire,Expression, and so on.

Your Personality number often serves as a censoring device, both in terms of whatyou send out, as well as what you allow to approach. It discriminates in the kinds ofpeople and information you let enter your heart and mind. For this reason, yourPersonality is usually much more narrow and protective in its definition than the realyou. It can screen out some of what you do not want to deal with, people orsituations, but it also welcomes those things that immediately relate to your innernature.

Your Personality number also indicates how others perceive you. No one can beobjective about himself or herself. Even our closest friends and relatives have

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trouble describing how they see us.

Your Personality is 25/7

You seem mysterious and different. People see you as serious and studious. Youare highly independent and self-sufficient. Your exceptional intelligence and wisdom

are quickly noticed, people respect you. You are not one to attract people on thebasis of your warmth or compassion, though you may be loaded with both, butbecause of your obvious insight into life's mysteries.

You are hard to get to know. You are often withdrawn. It is common for people tosee your focus turn inside of yourself in the middle of a conversation.

You have the makings of an intellectual and an aristocrat but you have to guardagainst arrogance and an attitude of, "I've got it all figured out". There have beenperiods in your life when you had little concern for your clothing or fashion, while atother times you are very aware of your clothing and use it to make a specificimpression.

You appear dignified no matter how you dress, but a well groomed seven with atouch of dash definitely has an advantage. Your confidence increases when youknow you are well dressed.

Johnny, you are recognized as spiritual and religious, with your very own ideasregarding the purpose of life and the Creator.

You are an inspired speaker, but only when discussing subjects that really interestyou. Otherwise, you are not one for chatter. Your love of knowledge and wisdomshows.


Your Maturity number indicates an underlying wish or desire that gradually surfacesaround age thirty to thirty-five. This underlying goal begins to emerge as you gain abetter understanding of yourself. With self-knowledge comes a greater awareness of

who you are, what your true goals in life are, and what direction you want to set foryour life. This, in a nutshell, is the gift of maturity: You no longer waste time andenergy on things that are not within your own special identity.

No matter what your age is at present, your life is being channeled in a specificdirection, toward a very specific goal. That goal can be seen as a reward or thefulfillment of a promise that is implicit in your current efforts, often without yourknowing it consciously. While the characteristics of this number are usually visibleduring childhood, we tend to lose sight of these aspects until later in life. But ourlives are always being affected by this influence, nonetheless.

Your Maturity number begins to have a more profound impact on your life after theage of 35. The influence of the number increases steadily as you grow older.

Your Maturity is 18/9

Johnny, your concern for the well being of society will grow more powerful as youcome to maturity. You will be drawn to doing much public service. The long-term

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good of your community and even the world will occupy your thoughts increasingly.

As you mature, your appreciation for the arts and beauty in any form will alsoincrease. It is quite possible that you will be actively involved in the arts, if that isnot already the case, often as a benefactor.

Service to humanity is fundamental to your life. You will grow in understanding andwisdom as you mature. Involvement with international affairs or humanitarianservice offers you much satisfaction.

If you already have several 9s in your chart, especially among the core numbers,you will have to guard against arrogance, aloofness, and alienation. If you have few

9s in your chart, or none at all, you will gain a sense of your personal place amongthe human race. You will feel you belong and that you have provided something oflasting value for the future.


The Bridge numbers in your chart are the numbers that indicate how you can makethe relationship between the individual core numbers in your chart easier and morecompatible. Bridge numbers have the potential to "close the gap" between the LifePath and Expression number, or the Heart's Desire and Personality number.

In this chapter we will explain what you can do to make your talents, strengths, andspecific abilities (Expression number) more easily available and fitting the needs ofyour main lesson(s), and expected direction of growth (Life Path).

Your Life Path/Expression Bridge is 5

Johnny, you need to be more flexible and adaptable. Be willing to go out on a limb;be adventurous and unconventional. Be tolerant and flexible. Accept changes. Rigid

ideas and dogmas may keep you from reaching out and following your dreams.Make freedom a high priority in your life. Your strength lies in using your creativetalents in a business-oriented manner. Your weakness is your tendency to suppress

your creativity in favor of career and business. This can make you overly cautiousand slow to make decisions.


Several Bridge numbers can be found in your chart. The Bridge number betweenthe Life Path number and the Expression number was described earlier in yourreading. The following Bridge number relates to your Heart's Desire number andyour Personality number. This Bridge number, the Heart's Desire - Personalitybridge, explains how you can make your deeper self ... your needs and desires, your

true nature ... more aligned with the part of your personality others tend to recognize when they meet you. With a little exaggeration, you could say that your Personality

number is somewhat like your mask. It is the more superficial you; a protectiveshield and a camouflage of the deeper you. You can easily imagine how much more

comfortable, and less self-conscious, the experience of life becomes when yourdeeper and more real you is closer and more fitting to the personality you reveal on

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a day to day basis.

Your Heart's Desire/Personality Bridge is 3

Loosen up a bit. Have some fun; recharge your batteries. Be more generous toyourself. Communicate your deeper feelings without fear to those close to you. Bemore creative, particularly in the areas of dancing, writing, acting, or poetry.Develop faith in yourself.


Numerology is based on the understanding that we enter life with certain strengthsand weaknesses. Karmic lessons are areas that we are currently weak in and mustbe faced and worked on in this life. There can be more than one Karmic Lesson.These are indicated by the absence of certain numbers in your name.

The letters and numbers of your name point to talents and abilities that you possess. These characteristics can be compared to a workshop in which certain tools are

available to you. Missing numbers, those that are not represented in the letters inyour name, imply tools that are unavailable, and must be learned and masteredduring this lifetime.

You may well recognize your Karmic Lessons as weaknesses you have learned toovercome in the course of your life, however, the challenges implied in your KarmicLessons will continue to come up occasionally for the rest of your life.

(There are no Karmic Lessons hidden in your name.)


Your Hidden Passion reveals one or more special strengths and talents that you rely upon and are available to you. The Hidden Passion represents your specific field of

expertise, or a concentrated talent.

Metaphorically, this talent can be seen as having a power all its own to shape yourlife. Its existence gives you a strong desire to develop and to express that particularability. Having the talent demands that you express it, that you experience this partof you, and that you live according to its nature. In this way, the Hidden Passionshapes your personality, and guides your life.

Your Hidden Passion is 5

You love travel, change, and new challenges. You are highly adaptable andversatile. You have a talent for languages, and are generally good with words.Writing, promotion, and public relations work suit you perfectly.

You are sensual and a bit impulsive. You love to satisfy your senses, which can get you into trouble. Overindulgence in food, drink, sex, and drugs are common among

people with too many 5s ... six or more.

You are resourceful and original. You have a good sense of humor and a quick

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tongue. Your desire for freedom is extremely strong and it will take effort anddiscipline to stick with whatever it is you started. There is a tendency to give up aproject or situation prematurely. Johnny, you may be interested in too many things,which can make it hard for you to apply yourself to one area successfully. You arevery unconventional.

Commitment in relationships and your work is fundamental to your happiness. Youmay have a tendency to wander from person to person, job to job, making depth ofrelationship or deep expertise difficult.

Your Hidden Passion is 7

You have a highly developed mind and a fine intuition. You are intellectual and deal well with abstract ideas. You like to be alone to contemplate, meditate and study.

You are drawn to the philosophical and metaphysical. Nevertheless, you can behighly skeptical and even cynical of things you cannot prove. You are a deepthinker with unusual understanding and insight. You do not like to waste time ontrivial and petty matters. Johnny, you are a specialist and a perfectionist. You come

up with unique solutions to problems and can be very convincing when the subjectinterests you.

You can be self-centered, melancholic and depressed. Loneliness is quite commonamong people with many sevens, they have to learn to be alone without beinglonely. Faith in the order and balance of nature is a must. You may seem different,alien and hard to get to know to others, but once they "know" you, they love andrespect you. Even though you tend to keep to yourself you are generous with yourlove, genuinely concerned with the happiness of those around you but notdemonstrative.

Your Hidden Passion is 8

Success and material reward are important motivations for your actions. Youbelieve in effort and are very goal-oriented. You can dominate and impress otherswith your vision and common business sense. You are a born manager andorganizer, your subordinates usually like you. Leadership and authority are obvious,

but it is wise not to be to forceful, demanding and dominant. You are a good judgeof character with an uncanny ability to sense other people’s strength andweaknesses. There may be a tendency to abuse this talent, all eights have to bewary of greed and ruthlessness. Your ability to sense where someone else is"coming from" is much better served with your natural counselor’s instinct. Manyeights, although being an advantage in the business world and a help in the questfor success, may make life pretty hard too. Many tests and frustrations have to beovercome and, most important, the proper balance and perspective regarding spiritand matter has to be attained.

Johnny, you need a family to be proud of, and status to feel rewarded. You mayhave a tendency to showing of your wealth and success.

Your Hidden Passion is 9

Warm, generous and compassionate, you would do well and be quite happy in anyundertaking that not only supplies you with a decent living but also is for the good

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of all. Johnny, you are artistic, the nine is responsible for many of our creativegeniuses, however these talents are often suppressed, sometimes coming to thesurface at middle or old age. You have a strong desire for insight and universalknowledge. You are emotional, your feelings are not always sensible and they tooare often suppressed. You can get caught up in dreams and ideals without beingpractical but with enough fire and enthusiasm to attract support. Your oratoricalabilities save many a situation. You are driven to do your own thing and are quiteindependent.


Each of us experiences life on four different levels: with our physical body; ourmental faculty; our emotional makeup; and our intuition. Each of these areas has aspecific means of perceiving information. The physical body is capable of touch,taste, pleasure, and pain. It provides us with a sense of the physical world. Themental body, like the emotional and intuitive natures, perceives the invisible worlds.Our minds deal with the world of thought. The heart, of course, is preoccupiedexclusively with the world of emotion. Our feelings teach us many things aboutourselves and about others. Finally, we have the capacity for direct contact with thehigher realms by way of intuition. Intuitive insight comes in a flash. It is not rational... that is the world of the mental plane ... but comes as if it were placed at thedoorstep of our minds. Intuition, therefore, bypasses all effort.

These four faculties exist in all of us. But each of us depends more on one or two ofthem for the bulk of our knowledge. Some of us are possessed by our senses, whileothers live almost exclusively in our hearts, or minds. Numerology indicates how weas individuals function on each plane. The letters of the alphabet are divided in fourcategories; physical, mental, emotional and intuitive.

The proportion of each category in your name gives a good indication of whichPlanes of Expression are strongest in you, and which ones are weaker. ThesePlanes of Expression can greatly help you to understand your talents and abilities.

Your Plane of Expression Physical 14/5

Johnny, you have a natively strong constitution. You are versatile and resourceful.You have a flexible body and quick reactions.

You enjoy change, travel, and meeting new people. You have a talent for promoting ideas. You are attracted to the new and exciting. You seek knowledge and

understanding through experience.

You go about life in a unique and innovative way; you avoid the conventional andtraditional.

You talk well about many different things and are an excellent salesman if youbelieve in the product.

Your Plane of Expression Mental 15/6

Johnny, you have the mind of a poet, writer, or actor. You see life in artistic terms.Teaching and healing come natural to you.

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You carry much responsibility and are very dependable. You fulfill your obligations.Your appreciation of beauty and art is visible in your surroundings.

Your prospects for success in business are excellent, due to your practical andresponsible behavior.

Your Plane of Expression Emotional 15/6

You are highly emotional, yet you possess a rare degree of balance to which youcan turn. You love family and close friends as few people are able. You worry toomuch and feel responsible for other peoples actions.

You take justice and honesty with extreme seriousness; however, you may be toodisciplined.

You have artistic talent. Johnny, you like to help others more than most, and arewilling to sacrifice your own needs. You have an ability for teaching and healing.

You need much love and can give the same in return. You are highly idealistic, and very committed once you decide upon your soul mate.

Your Plane of Expression Intuitive 3

You are very original, imaginative and sometimes have fantastic ideas aboutspiritual matters. You are very artistic and inspiring. You have a talent with words,and may be drawn to the pulpit.

Your intuition is above average but you tend to color and exaggerate your insights.


People experience different internal responses to life's challenges. Some withdrawfrom difficult situations to think them through; others withdraw from their emotions, to

try and keep themselves from feeling anything. Some explode with emotions, butallow the explosion to pass quickly. Others linger with their feelings, holding on tothem well past the time they should have let them go.

Very often, these are conditioned or emotional responses that emerge withoutthought or analysis. Maturity and self-development help us to learn new and moreeffective methods of handling our world and the problems we confront. YourBalance number provides you with the guidance on how best to deal with difficult orthreatening situations.

Your Balance is 8

Use your considerable power in a balanced way. You may use power in amanipulative way, rather than confront people on principle. Use your power in ahigher way, namely, by accepting personal responsibility for the issue and itssolution. Johnny, you have enormous creativity and the leadership to find ananswer to almost any problem.

Try not to force your own solution upon groups, but include their concerns andideas in the larger solution that you can bring about. Learn to use power for thegood of all.

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Your Rational Thought number reveals what can probably best be described as theway you think. Are you a practical, methodical thinker, or a dreamer? Do youfrequently allow your imagination to color your perception? Are you unconventionaland original in the face of a practical problem, or do you stick to proven methods?This is the kind of information revealed through your Rational Thought number.

Your Rational Thought is 11/2

The 11 is the illuminator. You have answers and insights based on the proverbiallight bulb. Your Rational Thought number is the most magical and difficult tounderstand (for others). You have the makings of an inventor, or a spiritual guide.You would do well relying heavily on your intuition. You sense things moreaccurately than you analyze.


The first letter of your first name gives an additional indication to your character,particularly as to the manner in which you approach opportunities and obstacles.The first letter is called your Cornerstone.

Your Cornerstone is J

Johnny, your J is for Justice. You are honest, loyal, reliable and sincere. You wantto improve the lives of others. You may try too hard to please everyone. You havea clever mind and are very talented. However, you have to work at motivatingyourself to make the most of your talents.


Your Subconscious Self reveals how you react to demanding situations. It indicatesyour ability to get the most out of your talents and opportunities, especially when you

face new or challenging circumstances. The Subconscious Self also reveals theareas of our character that need to be strengthened.

Your Subconscious Self is 9

You are somewhat impersonal and may be difficult to get to know. You are notdemonstrative of your affections, though you often have deep feelings and greatcompassion. You are competent and controlled in any situation. You have nospecific Karmic Lessons and are therefore not as vulnerable to Life's ups anddown's as others.


Each of us is born with both strengths and weaknesses. Numerology looks at life asif it were an educational process that is meant to bring out and enhance our talents,

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and turn our weaknesses into strengths. This serves to complete our being.

The job of becoming whole is one in which we must face our weaknesses andconsciously work to improve ourselves. There are four Challenges to be facedduring our lives. For many of us, the same challenge is repeated, while others havefour distinctly different lessons to learn.

The Challenges on your life's path provide specific lessons that you must attend to,and, in order to inspire and help you, life will place you in situations that require thespecific characteristics of your Challenge numbers.

The four Challenges you are required to overcome during the course of this lifetimewill influence you during different periods of your life, except for the Third or MainChallenge, which lasts from birth until death. The Challenges are fluid periods ofyour life, not confined to specific years so much as general periods. All of yourChallenges are present at birth, like actors standing in the wings.

Your First Challenge is 3

The duration of the First Challenge usually lasts from birth until approximately theage of 30 to 35.

You are your own worst critic. You suppress your individuality and creativity. Eachtime you want to make an impression, you doubt yourself beforehand, and criticizeyourself ruthlessly afterward. Your criticism of yourself is far more severe thananyone else's.

As a result, you tend to play it safe by staying on the surface, indulging insuperficialities. You rarely express what goes on deep inside of you; instead, youcover up your feelings with humor or perfunctory remarks.

You often feel alone and lonely. Johnny, your fear of social interaction causes youto strain conversation by making too many jokes and forced joviality.

It may help you to find a creative outlet for your imagination, possibly throughwriting, painting, singing or dance.

At the bottom of the challenge is an effort to bring out your true self. You will learnto truly value your own creative talents above anyone else's judgments. This mustbe viewed as a process of individuation, in which you become a whole humanbeing, independent and free of the need to conform to others.

Your Second Challenge is 8

The Second Challenge usually lasts until the age of about 35 to 40.

Johnny, you risk making money and power the main priority in your life. Your desire for financial wealth threatens to obscure your other human characteristics and

spiritual well being.

This Challenge causes financial concerns to overwhelm all other needs, andinfluences everything you do. You risk the fate of Midas, turning everything intogold, yet isolating yourself from other parts of life.

For many with this challenge, there is a danger of becoming so obsessed withmaterialism that they may be tempted to ruthless and unscrupulous business

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practices, possibly crossing the borders of the law and causing themselves andothers much misery.

You are facing a very real spiritual test in which you must realize that "Man doesnot live by bread alone." If you overcome this hurdle, you will achieve real spiritualand material balance, and can make yourself a powerful river, bringing aninexhaustible supply of nourishment to all, rather than a lake, whose nature islimited and can easily grow stagnant and can no longer support life.

Your Third Challenge is 5

This Challenge carries much weight and will be felt throughout your life. For thatreason, it is also called the Main Challenge.

As you master this challenge, your life will come more and more under your owncontrol. You will incorporate the positive aspects of the challenge into yourcharacter. This is its purpose in the first place. Therefore, there is implicit in thechallenge a chance for great reward.

In short, this may be the secret to your success.

Johnny, you are in danger of becoming a rolling stone. Your desire to experienceand enjoy life can overwhelm every other priority you have. Your need for freedomdominates you. You want to try everything and go everywhere.

You must guard against overindulgence, and even dependence upon, alcohol, food, drugs, and sex.

You must work at establishing and maintaining long- lasting relationships. Betolerant and understanding. This will enable you to have people in your life who aremore than mere company.

Johnny, you need to discipline your urge to change every situation that does notimmediately suit you. Stick with projects, maintain your friendships, don't abandonpeople or situations the minute they become the slightest bit difficult.

If few fives are in the chart you have a fear of change and cannot let go of peopleand situations. This holds you in the past, restricting your growth.

Your Fourth Challenge is 5

The Fourth Challenge is most strongly felt during the latter part of our lives,beginning at the age of approximately 45.

(This Challenge is the same as your Third Challenge, described above.)


The Pinnacles are four long-term cycles, or periods, on our Life Path. Each Pinnacle represents a particular lesson we are working on. The first Pinnacle usually lasts

from birth to between the ages of 30 and 35 (your specific Pinnacle periods areprovided below). The middle two Pinnacles each last nine years. The last Pinnaclewill stay with you for the remainder of your life. The Pinnacles are very important.The transition from one Pinnacle to the next is always strongly felt. Your Pinnacles

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reveal the general conditions and events you will experience during the period. ThePinnacle describes the atmosphere, or the essential challenge you will be facedwith. You can prepare yourself for the times ahead by knowing your approachingPinnacle number.

The transition from one Pinnacle to the next is usually prepared for approximately 2years in advance. The latter part of that two year period is particularly strong. Youwill likely make some life-altering decisions; marriage, job or career change, or anynumber of major changes in your character.

Perhaps the most strongly felt change, internally as well as externally, is thetransition from the first to the second Pinnacle. This change usually takes place inyour late 20s or early 30s ... the exact date depends on your Life Path number andis provided below. You begin to feel the impact of this coming change approximately

two years prior. This is usually a difficult transition, but once crossed usuallyprovides a clear sense of direction in one's life. It also gives you a much firmersense of your identity. It is a gateway to maturity.

Your First Pinnacle (from birth until age 29) is 6

Under this Pinnacle you will be very involved with family, friends, and yourcommunity. Johnny, you will face an increase in responsibilities and duties, but youhave a greatly enhanced sense of balance and perspective that allows you tohandle emotional issues well.

Your family demands much of your attention. Matters involving spouse and children require much security, love, and sacrifice. You are the centerpiece of your family,

the one people come to for solace and understanding. You may feel an increasedburden, as you carry the cares of many. You will experience a deep sense of beingneeded.

This Pinnacle is full of love, closeness, and warmth, but you must rise to thechallenges that close relationships bring. You must settle and bring harmony topersonal conflicts between others. You are often the only one with perspective in aconflict. It is as if you are the keeper of justice, bringing understanding andcompromise to situations that are polarized.

Under the influences of this Pinnacle, especially at its outset, people are oftenmarried or start families. Children are born, in-laws come into your life. You are thenucleus of a little world.

You must maintain your dignity. This is a period that makes it easier to sacrifice, but you can overdo it, becoming a doormat for others to step on simply to maintain a

degree of peace. Know your limits and maintain healthy relationships.

This is a fine period for growth in business and financial matters. You attract people with resources who can help to further your personal goals. Moreover, you are

balanced in your approach to business affairs. This can bring many rewards.

Johnny, your heightened sense of harmony and your genuine compassion makesyou an excellent counselor and healer, especially if you already have native talentin any of these areas.

Personal health matters can also surface, causing you to reflect on diet, exercise,and other health habits. Your desire to help others is also increased. But this can

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lead you to poke yourself into situations where you do not belong, or delve toodeeply into other people's personal affairs. Be careful not to meddle or interfere.

The 6 Pinnacle is a time of progress and growth as a full human being. You arecapable of developing yourself in many different directions, as a loving mate andparent; a sound businessperson; and as a pillar of your community. The timerequires the balance you possess, since you can easily stretch yourself in too many

directions and ultimately feel burned out by the demands in your milieu.

Your Second Pinnacle (from age 30 until age 38) is 1

Johnny, this is a period requiring much independence, courage, resiliency, andinitiative. You must bounce back after many difficult experiences. The challenge ofthis Pinnacle is to gain will power. There is not a lot of support from others or fromfamily. You must draw from your own strength. You will have to guard against selfpity or surrender.

Keep focused on your dreams. This Pinnacle will require an iron will to keep hold of your goals, and also the flexibility to maneuver around difficulties, and bend with the winds of adversity. This is a period of rapid self-improvement and growth. You will

be forced to use every talent and capability you possess. You will need to beresourceful.

Johnny, you must continually put out effort, but with it comes great reward. Withoutit, there is no accomplishment nor satisfaction, only a negative attitude toward life.Be careful not to become too self centered, headstrong or self important. Be strongbut flexible. Be open to the counsel of others, but make up your own mind.

The benefit of this Pinnacle number is a strong sense of your individuality andstrength. You will know what you are made of. There are many hidden gifts in thisperiod, perhaps the greatest of which is faith. Your Pinnacle provides you with thecharacteristics of leadership, boldness, and daring. You will have manyunconventional ideas and the skill and courage to make them a reality. Yourabilities to manage and organize people and institutions are greatly enhanced. Youhave vision and confidence in the worth of your dreams. These characteristicsprovide great opportunity for success and major accomplishments.

Your Third Pinnacle (from age 39 until age 47) is 7

This is a period of inner development and soul searching. Johnny, you will deal with the deeply important questions of personal existence and the meaning of life. You

will need time to be alone to contemplate your inner world. This is a time of spiritual growth. You will experience a heightened sense of faith. The power of the universe

will be the force that carries you along.

You have an enhanced appreciation of poetry and nature. Walks in nature providegreat therapeutic value and spiritual nourishment. This is a time of specialization.You will pursue some course of development with fervor and focus. Your ability toconcentrate will be greatly increased. Your desire to study in all forms ... reading,self reflection, and contemplation ... will reach an all-time high. Your intuition ismuch more sensitive, making your path a little easier and more direct, since youknow intuitively the appropriate next step.

Under this Pinnacle, you will become an expert in one particular field. Your capacity

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to penetrate the depths of a subject area is enormous. You will look below thesurface in virtually everything you encounter. It is very possible that you will findyourself in a teaching role.

You must consciously work on your closer relationships, especially with yourspouse and children. You must explain that your desire to turn inward is not anescape or an avoidance of those you love, but a deep need for knowledge.

During this 7 Pinnacle, spiritual growth, increased knowledge, and wisdom are thebig rewards. The 7 Pinnacle provides the basis for contentment in older age,because you now begin to understand life more deeply.

Johnny, your challenge is to avoid becoming critical or cynical of others. You canbecome so withdrawn from society that you look down on others. You may forgetthat you, too, are part of the imperfect human race. Sarcasm is the lowest form ofcommunication, and a trap you could fall victim to.

Your desire to attain some high degree of perfection is sincere. But that pursuit canmake you miserable if you lose perspective and fail to realize the relativity ofhuman existence. Perfection is a Utopian goal, but an unrealistic ambition. It cancause you to be dissatisfied with yourself and others.

The 7 provides the possibility of true refinement, insight, and a high degree ofwisdom. This deep understanding is the basis for self-love and true happiness.

Your Fourth Pinnacle (from age 48) is 7

(This Pinnacle is the same as your Third Pinnacle, described above.)


Like most stories, there are three great divisions of our lives: the First, or openingperiod, finds us groping to find our true nature; at the same time, we are trying tocope with the powerful forces that are present in our environment, our parents andthe socio-economic conditions of our family, for example. The Second Cycle, ormiddle period of our lives, brings about the slow emergence of our individual andcreative talents. The initial part of this cycle, the early and mid 30s, represents astruggle to find our place in the world, while the late 30s, 40s, and early 50s, sees us

with a greater degree of self-mastery and influence over the environment. The Third, or final Cycle, can represent a flowering of our inner being, such that our true nature

has finally come to fruition. It is during this period that one has the greatest degreeof self-expression and power.

Your First Cycle (from birth until age 29) is 6

A time of family, responsibility, and duty. The issues of commitment, marriage, andfamily all come into sharp focus. When the commitments are made and oneresponds lovingly and with acceptance, this is a period of much harmony andsupport. You are greatly needed by those around you. You will be loved andappreciated. This is the best cycle for marriage. In the same way, partnerships gowell and much progress is made from joint activities. Conversely, if commitmentsare not deeply made or are broken, separation and divorce often occur. Any artistic

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talent you possess will surface and new opportunities for self-expression willpresent themselves. Johnny, you are also under very supportive influences forstarting a business. This is a time of progress through flexibility, cooperation, andcompromise.

Your Second Cycle (from age 30 until age 56) is 9

This is a period in which a broad view of humanity and a sincere concern for thewell being of others will be developed. Tolerance, acceptance, and universal loveare the goals of this 9 Cycle, and while such perfection will not be fully achieved,the person under this influence will grow toward these ideals. Humanitarianprinciples and social service are the keys to personal happiness. All work directedtoward the improvement of the general welfare will bring great personal rewards, as

well. Hard work directed toward higher ideals is rewarded. Creative talent is alsoenhanced, especially when it is joined with some larger social purpose or message.

There is an element of sacrifice or letting go, as one is asked to forgive pastgrievances and let go of negative attachments. The person is being asked to liveaccording to a higher ethical standard, with much spiritual and personal enrichmentas his reward.

Your Third and last Cycle (from age 57) is 1

This is a period of much intensity. It requires fortitude, courage, and flexibility.Johnny, you will be forced to use every one of your talents in order to achieve yourown personal individuality and independence. This is a period of integration and afocusing on your life's dream. Your grip on your direction will be tested, butsomehow the resources are available to overcome any obstacle and emerge fromthis time all the stronger. It is a time requiring independence, resilience, andstrength, but these characteristics become integral part of your personality. Thiscycle marks a time of progress.


Your Personal Year number is a strong indication of the trends and circumstancesyou will experience during the year ahead. Your Personal Year cycles are based onthe Universal Year cycles and therefore run concurrent with the calendar year.

There are nine Personal Year Numbers that make up a complete Epicycle. EachEpicycle reveals the progression or evolution of a specific part of your growth.Johnny, your progress along this Epicycle can be seen very logically, from theinfancy or beginning of a growth period in your life, to the conclusion or culminationof that process. The 1 personal year indicates your first steps in a new direction. The

years that follow indicate your progress along this path, concluding with your 9Personal Year, which completes the cycle. The Personal Years form the buildingsteps that mark your progress through life.

Below is a description of your current, as well as next year's Personal YearNumbers, indicating where you are on the 9 year Epicycle in 2020 and 2021.

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Your Personal Year for 2020 is 1

Be ready for major changes. Johnny, you will be inspired to start new projects orenterprises. You will feel a strong forward push toward new goals. This is a time fornew vision and planning. Share your dream with others, make plans, get thenecessary support, but above all, rely on yourself as the driving force. Be decisive!You are starting a new nine year Epicycle and everything you do now will affect your

future. Do not hold back the inner force of creation. Be direct, daring, and bold.

You will have more confidence and determination this year, particularly incomparison with last year, which was a time of letting go. This year represents atime of birth. It's a time to take charge and to apply yourself to your dreams. This isalso a good time to make the personal changes you have long wanted to make.Start a diet or an exercise program, or begin a new course of study.

There may be some emotional turmoil, especially within the first two or threemonths. There is much work to be done, but keep in mind that it takes a while to getthe ball rolling and that there are likely several changes you will have to make. Beopen-minded, organized, and focused. Avoid distractions and procrastination.

Johnny, you are at a crossroads. You will need courage and a clear head to stay onthe right track. This is a year of opportunities. The key month in your year ahead isMarch, in which you are able to lay the foundation to your plans. April is more likelyto bring about changes, such as a change of residence or career. July and Augustmark a time in which you will see the fruits of your labors begin to take place.October represents a major turn in events, sometimes fraught with emotionalturmoil, but overall the Fall Season marks a coalescing of your plans into moreconcrete form.

Your Personal Year for 2021 is 2

Johnny, this is a year to carefully protect and nurture your plans. You will be like amother watching over her children, conscious of every threat, real or imagined. Youneed tact and cooperation to keep yourself moving forward. There will likely beconfrontations with others, requiring a subtle and gentle approach. You will have tostay focused on your goals, yet use intelligent persuasion. Being forceful may workagainst you, while compromises will work in your favor.

You will be unusually sensitive and may wonder at times what happened to the drive and momentum you felt last year. This year requires something else from you, a

delicate sense of balance and a willingness to go around obstacles without losingsight of your goals.

You may experience some emotional depressions and frustrations. The year ismarked by struggle, but there are many opportunities to advance your plans. This isa year of slow growth, requiring patience. Be discriminating in your associations and

secretive about your plans. Be a little more secretive, guarding yourself and nottalking too much about your ideas. You are somewhat vulnerable this year.

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This is a good year to improve yourself through reading and research. Johnny, yourgrowing awareness of the less visible and less obvious aspects of life will make youmuch stronger and better prepared for the future. You must be wise in all yourrelationships and associations this year. You are far more capable of establishingclose, even lifelong relationships. Because sensitivity and openness are heightened,

people are more likely to find their "soul mate" in a 2 Personal Year.

May is the pivotal month in the year. You are extremely intuitive and sensitive. Youare also self-reflecting and better able to influence your peers and situation throughspiritual awareness. July brings a culmination of plans and a distinct step forward.August sees things become more concrete and brings a new beginning. Septemberis emotional, requiring adjustments, tact, and inner resolve. The 2 Personal Year isa year of growth and advancement through gentle means, and the indirect use ofyour personal power.

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