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These are notes for the practical exam for ICT

IGCSE(0417)By ~ALI

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~ALI Hassan Mushtaq ICT {0417}

Notes for practical sales were made after the end of the year 2011

Remember these rules

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To change the format of the presentation in PowerPoint click on home then format and choose the most appropriate one!

Means Create a summary

Steps are: 1)Go on query WIZARD

2)thn go to Summary

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3) edit your summary by clicking on Summary Options

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Look up means its not a normal formula and you hav to use the lookup function

In front page:

Change the underscore to hypen.

Also put a HASH before any hexadecimal figure like FF00CC shd be changed to #FF00CC

And change the centRE to centER

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<ul> this stands for unordered list

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Have to do this to make sure the date and other things on the foter appear

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To set animations properly go on animation pane

Have to click on apply to all to apply the transition between slides to all slides

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Things you should consider before starting practical

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This is how u can fit all the columns properly without selecting each one separately

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if asked to format the cell to a stripped pattern , go on home and then a small box below font

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This is how you change the currency

Here you should use a lookup function even though the if function works, vlookup shd still be used

This is how you do it

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this is how we do it

Example of a label

Things to remember when creating a label:

When u choose a label look at how many columns it has a match it to the question

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If it says that include label and the as well as the data then u click on

the label then write : then click again on the label

Another thing is that u have to make sure that ur print preview matches the desing shown in the question

U may need to readjust ur design in order to make all of the labels fit on one page

This can be done by removing the page header and report footer if not required by the question


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How the label should look like

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You sometimes have to insert section break so that one section is completely different from the other. This is useful when the question requires you to make the first page diff from others, etc.! This is how you do it

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For Word

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More tips when solving your ict practical

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F o r F r o n t P a g e

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Very important for PowerPoint

got it from Talha: they said that display size as a number with 1 decimal place

So even if u set the number to one decimal place it wont make a difference as it set to integer, so to solve this you have to change from integer to double!!

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The number across represents the no of columns in a page

For example if there are 8 labels in total and this option is selected then on that page there will be 2 columns and 4 rows. :D

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This means that there should be 8 labels in total and if there aren’t then there is something wrong with the design or the query itself. {wasn’t like that in 2008s exam though}

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Sometimes you may have to edit your chart so right click and select change data type and then configure your chart according to the question!

The best thing to do here is to click on page break instead of pressing enter each time as the question said to insert page breaks where necessary.

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This Is how you show both label and data for a LABEL:

Look carefully at how I wrote Make first without the parenthesis {} and then I wrote make with the parenthesis.

When creating labels and only when creating labels, u should sort the data (if needed) in the query design not in the label it self

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this s considered a blank line even though u can’t click on it

At the start of word before they ask you to inert a blank line after each

paragraph , go on paragraph and set spacing after and before to 0pt.

Then u add a line after each paragraph by hitting enter.

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by clicking on this option u can set the outside border to whatever u like and still display the inner borders!!

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Flipping an image

Null means blank!!

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For access remember that whenever you want to write a formula in the report you have to follow these procedures:

= Function ( The label like price, cost, VIN, model etc. )

You have to follow the above procedures or you can just do it this way:

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When creating a summary you can also just click on Sigma F (TOTAL)

So that you can group them etc.

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I did this as the question required me to

• performs a count of the number of Products for each Country • calculates the sum of the number of items in Stock for each

Country • only reports where Products number more than 3

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~This is a summary report~

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When u are trying to remove widows and orphans , I don’t think that you shd disturb the line spacing instead I think that u shd insert page breaks and continuous breaks!

Remember that the picture alignment should be perfect

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Instead of using page breaks, go to page layout and hen click on breaks and then choose Next Page

When you use this command, u can make the first page different from the other, or make one page portrait and the other landscape.

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Remember this step, as it is usually asked in the pp!

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~This is for the ruler~

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Example of a hanging paragraph:

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NOTE: {for word}

It is very important that you also read through all of your work to make sure It is 100 percent

correct. • You will lose marks in the exam if you

have spelling mistakes or errors in line Spacing etc.

• Make sure that bulleted or numbered lists, tables, graphs etc. are not split over two

pages. • You should also make sure that you have

no blank pages or widows and Orphans. ~ALI

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For PowerPoint, when creating the master slide^

This is if the question requires you to put the image behind the text

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This is the how you shd take a screenshot of transition being applied to the slides.

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And this is how the animations should be showed. U shd open the animation pane(custom animation icon) and configure the settings

This is how u can print the slides with the presenter notes

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When they ask u to print handouts it means the slides are displayed on the left and there are some blank lines on the right for people to take notes.

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THE QUESTION REQUIRED ME TO shows only the records where the Country is Colombia or Guatemala or Peru.

Paper 3 ONLYFront page

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This shows that font used is times new roman size is 10px

It is underlined and center aligned with disc shaped bullet points and is italic and lastly is red in color.

You should remember that when u write times new roman it should be written like this “Times new roman” as it has spaces in between, u do not need to do the same thing when writing Arial.

You can easily add another font by putting a comma after font

Like after Arial just put a comma and write sans-serif.

The colour code has three parts...RED, GREEN, BLUE

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Different values entered into these three parts can create any colour requiredThe codes are:

FF = 100% (maximum) C0 = 75% 80 = 50% 40 = 25%

00 = 0% (none)

Example red would be written as #FF0000

It goes in the order{for black}:

1. RED(00)2. Green(00)3. Blue(00)

Remember to create an anchor when asked to create a bookmark and make sure that it does not appear in the preview.

This is how you can create a new style sheet

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Thn go on format and then to style, so that u can edit it

An example of a style sheet

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You can also click F12 from within FrontPage to preview your web pages.51 | P a g e d o c u m e n t . d o c x

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Here are some examples of colours:

Pure colours use 100% (FF)

Pure RED is FF,00,00 (100% RED, no GREEN, no BLUE)

Pure GREEN is 00,FF,00 (no RED, 100% GREEN, no BLUE)

Pure BLUE is 00,00,FF (no RED, no GREEN, 100% BLUE)

Pure BLACK is 00,00,00 (no RED, no GREEN, no BLUE)

Pure WHITE is FF,FF,FF (100% RED, 100% GREEN, 100% BLUE)

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A much better way however is:

You must spell colour as color in both stylesheets and HTML code.

An ordered list starts with <ol> and an unordered list starts with <ul>

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When you are doing your work in excel and want to save your data , make sure to save it as excel workbook. (NOT CSV.)

Alternative to typing in Functions An alternative to typing in the functions manually is to use the Functions Menu found on the Home Menu. But the one on the right is limited to only a few functions(basic ones)

You can either select the auto sum icon or click on the small f(x) icon beside the formula bar. These ways are much easier than typing in commands yourself but I would prefer to use them as a check as they can be quite difficult to use sometimes.

Integer: is the word used to describe a Whole Number (with no decimals or fractions).

In Excel, the INT function takes a number and removes all digits after the decimal point.

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If this is the round function and cell A1 is 62.5512

Then the result of rounding would be 0 as the -1 sign means that the value in cell A1 should be rounded to the nearest 10.

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COUNTIF. This looks at the cells within a given range and counts the number of cells in that range that meet a certain condition. The condition can be a number, text, an inequality or a cell reference.

The speech marks “ “ around the criteria are needed to tell Excel that it is dealing with another formula. If you fail to type in the speech marks, Excel will look for the symbols typed in rather than what was wanted.

SUMIF compares each value in a range of cells and if the value matches the given condition it will add another related cell to give a running total.

In excel there is no such thing as not, so when u want to search for something not having something u have to write it like <>

NOT criteria allow you to exclude data from your calculations. NOT criteria are entered as this symbol <>


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IF AND Function An IF AND function is similar to regular IF functions in that it allows a spreadsheet to produce outcomes. The difference between IF AND and regular IF Functions is as follows: Regular IF Functions can perform just one test to determine the outcome IF AND can perform two or more tests that all determine the outcome

If this is the question:

The word “Yes” if the athlete is female and their sprint time is lower than the current world record for females The word “Yes” if the athlete is male and their sprint time is lower than the current world record for males The word “No” for all other outcomes.

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This is how the answer would look like:

There are 2 types of lookups

1) Vlookup: where data is looked up from the VERTICAL columns.

2) Hlookup: where data is looked up from the horizontal rows.

When u type in ?lookup then the first thing is the:

lookup value then the table array, and then from what column or row is the data to be extracted from and then finally if it is an exact match or not

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Sometimes you need to look up the data from another spreadsheet.

You do this by first opening that particular spreadsheet and then in the main one type on=?lookup(cell, and then open the spreadsheet u want to look up the data from and highlight and then go back to the main one and continue.

Note: you CANNOT open another spreadsheet while u r typing in a formula.


Values in RELATIVE CELL REFERENCE changes if you copy across the rows and columns

Values in ABSOLUTE CELL REFERENCE do not change if you copy across the rows and columns

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An example from a past paper

For this there are two solutions which are BOTH correct.


In excel when u have to define a name for a record or range, u cannot put a space in between it. Example: Sales forecast would be written as Sales_Forecast.

These are the relational operators to use in excel:

= Equal> Greater than< Less than

<> Not equal to<= Less than or equal to>= More than or equal to

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REMEMBER: When you type the formula Vlookup in the Formula bar and are going to write down the column number then just remebr that it will start from the range . example: if the range is($C$13:$E$13) and you want to display data from column D then u will write the column index number as 2 and not as 4. {Not sure about this though}

If for example you write S????

This would mean that excel would search for anything that starts with an S and has four characters followed by it.

When asked to format rows, select them this way.

When asked to find a particular record containing something select the data and then filter it and then go to custom filter and select the appropriate filter eg:

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To unhide data just click in between the two cells

Between F and G

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Cropping an image, you can either do it manually or juts enter the value in the crop handles

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This is how you can display the axis from left to right


Over here u have to first write the mcode for each month and then find the sum of each month and then also find the count of each month and then divide them to find average

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THESE were the formula used

This whole thing is for the year oct/nov 2010 question 14

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To align a table, go to table properties and then select alignment.

Make sure that all the bullet points have <li> before them

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When u are asked to change something to a subtitle you can simply do it by removing the bullet points.

Like a badass used a different formula from the MS.

The question was:

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