
North Carolina Educator

Evaluation System

(NCEES) Joyce Gardner

Region 8 Professional Development Consultant

NC Department of Public Instruction

NCDPI Educator Recruitment & Development

Eliz Colbert, Ed.D

Lead Professional



[email protected]

Joyce Gardner

Professional Development


[email protected]

URLs for this Session

NC Educator Evaluation System (NCEES)

Region 8 Wiki

McREL Demo Site

• teacherdemo12

• 123456

NC Educator Evaluation System

(NCEES) Wiki


• Learn about the NC Educator Evaluation System

(NCEES) process and the online tool.

• Describe how the elements of a 21st Century

classroom relate to the NCPTS.

• Compare the 21st Century Classroom with a more

traditional model

• Understand the importance of data and artifacts in

distinguishing among the ratings.

Treasure Hunt

State Board of Education Mission

“Every public school

student will graduate from

high school, globally

competitive for work and

postsecondary education

and prepared for life in

the 21st Century.”

-Adopted August 2006

North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards


Putting the Pieces Together








1. Assessing teacher performance

2. Designing a professional growth plan

Teacher Responsibilities: • Know and understand the North Carolina

Professional Teaching Standards.

• Understand the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process.

• Prepare for and fully participate in each component of the evaluation process.

• Gather data, artifacts, evidence to support performance in relation to standards and progress in attaining goals.

• Develop and implement strategies to improve personal performance/attain goals in areas individually or collaboratively.

North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards

STANDARD I: Teachers

demonstrate leadership.

STANDARD II: Teachers establish

a respectful environment for a diverse population

of students.

STANDARD III: Teachers know

the content they teach.

STANDARD IV: Teacher facilitate

learning for their students.

STANDARD V: Teachers reflect

on their practice.

STANDARD VI: Teachers facilitate academic growth.


A Closer Look at the Standards

Standard I:

Teachers demonstrate leadership

A. Teachers lead in their classrooms:

Take responsibility for all students’ learning

Communicate vision to students

Use data to organize, plan, and set goals

Use a variety of assessment data throughout the year to evaluate progress

Establish a safe and orderly environment

Empower students


Standard I: Teachers demonstrate leadership

B. Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school: Work collaboratively with all school personnel to create a

professional learning community

Analyze data

Develop goals and strategies through the

school improvement plan

Assist in determining school budget and

professional development

Participate in hiring process

Collaborate with colleagues to mentor and

support teachers to improve effectiveness


Standard I:

Teachers demonstrate leadership

C. Teachers lead the teaching profession:

Strive to improve the profession

Contribute to the establishment of positive working conditions

Participate in decision-making structures

Promote professional growth


Standard I:

Teachers demonstrate leadership

D. Teachers advocate for schools and


Advocate for positive change in policies

and practices affecting student learning

Participate in the implementation of initiatives to improve education


Standard I:

Teachers demonstrate leadership

E. Teachers demonstrate high ethical


Demonstrate ethical principles

Uphold the Code of Ethics and Standards

for Professional Conduct


Standard II:

Teachers establish a respectful environment for

a diverse population of students.

A. Teachers provide an environment in which each child has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults:

Encourage an environment that is inviting, respectful, supportive, inclusive, and flexible


Standard II:

Teachers establish a respectful

environment for a diverse population of students

B. Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and in the world: Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures Select materials and develop lessons that counteract

stereotypes and incorporate contributions Recognize the influences on a child’s development,

personality, and performance Consider and incorporate different points of view


Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment

for a diverse population of students.

C. Teachers treat students as individuals:

Maintain high expectations for all students

Appreciate differences and value contributions by building positive, appropriate relationships


Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students

D. Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs:

Collaborate with specialists

Engage students and ensure they meet the needs of their students through inclusion and other models of effective practice


Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students.

E. Teachers work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their students:

Improve communication and collaboration between the school and the home and community

Promote trust and understanding and build partnerships with school community

Seek solutions to overcome obstacles that prevent family and community involvement


Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach.

A. Teachers align their instruction with

the North Carolina Standard Course of Study:

Teach the North Carolina Standard Course of Study

Develop and apply strategies to make the curriculum rigorous and relevant

Develop literacy skills appropriate to specialty area


Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach.

B. Teachers know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty:

Know subject beyond the content they teach

Direct students’ curiosity into an interest in learning


Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach.

C. Teachers recognize the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines:

Know links between grade/subject and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study

Relate content to other disciplines

Promote global awareness and its relevance


Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach.

D. Teachers make instruction relevant to students:

Incorporate life skills : leadership, ethics, accountability, adaptability, personal productivity, personal responsibility, people skills, self-direction, and social responsibility

Demonstrate the relationship between the core content and 21st Century content, including global awareness; financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy; civic literacy; and health and wellness awareness


Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students.

A. Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and

they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their students:

Know how students think and learn

Understand the influences on student learning and differentiate instruction

Keep abreast of evolving research

Adapt resources to address the strengths and weaknesses of students


Standard IV:

Teachers facilitate learning for their students.

B. Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students:

Collaborate with colleagues

Use data for short and long range planning

Engage students in the learning process

Monitor and modify plans to enhance student learning

Respond to cultural diversity and learning needs of students


Standard IV:

Teachers facilitate learning for their students.

C. Teachers use a variety of instructional


Choose methods and materials as they strive to eliminate achievement gaps

Employ a wide range of techniques using information and communication technology, learning styles, and differentiated instruction


Standard IV:

Teachers facilitate learning for their students.

D. Teachers integrate and utilize technology in their instruction:

Know appropriate use of technology to maximize student learning

Help students use technology to learn content, think critically, solve problems, discern reliability, use information, communicate, innovate and collaborate


Standard IV:

Teachers facilitate learning for their students.

E. Teachers help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills:

Encourage students to ask questions, think creatively, develop and test innovative ideas, synthesize knowledge and draw conclusions

Help students exercise and communicate sound reasoning; understand connections; make complex choices; and frame, analyze, and solve problems


Standard IV:

Teachers facilitate learning for their students.

F. Teachers help students work in teams and develop leadership qualities:

Teach the importance of cooperation and collaboration

Organize learning teams in order to help students define roles, strengthen social ties, improve communication and collaborative skills, interact with people from different cultures and backgrounds, and develop leadership qualities


Standard IV:

Teachers facilitate learning for their


G. Teachers communicate effectively:

Communicate clearly with students in a variety of ways

Assist students in articulating thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively


Standard IV:

Teachers facilitate learning for their


H. Teachers use a variety of methods to assess what each student has learned:

Use multiple indicators, both formative and summative, to evaluate student progress

Use assessment systems to inform instruction and demonstrate evidence of students’ 21st Century knowledge, skills, performance, and dispositions

Provide opportunities for self-assessment


Standard V: Teachers reflect on their practice

A. Teachers analyze student learning:

Think systematically and critically about learning in their classroom: why learning happens and what can be done to improve student achievement

Collect and analyze student performance data to improve effectiveness


Standard V: Teachers reflect on their practice

B. Teachers link professional growth to

their professional goals:

Participate in continued, high quality professional development


Standard V: Teachers reflect on their practice

C. Teachers function effectively in a

complex, dynamic environment:

Actively investigate and consider new ideas that improve teaching and learning

Adapt practice based on data


Gallery Walk with the Standards

• Count off 1-5 (Standards 1-5) • Start with the Standard that matches your

number. • With a partner, read each of the elements

and descriptors posted. • Describe an observable behavior that exemplifies

this element on a sticky note and post it beside the element.

– Validate or question what someone else has written

– Add new behaviors/examples to the standard.

How do you see the Standards? Let’s Get 21st Century with it!

• Standard I: – Teachers demonstrate leadership.

• Standard II: – Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students.

• Standard III: – Teachers know the content they teach.

• Standard IV: – Teachers facilitate learning for their students

• Standard V: – Teachers reflect on their practice.

How do you see the Standards? Let’s Get 21st Century with it!

• Standard I: – Teachers demonstrate leadership. • Standard II: – Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students. • Standard III: – Teachers know the content they teach. • Standard IV: – Teachers facilitate learning for their students • Standard V: – Teachers reflect on their practice.

Count off 1-5. Join your Standard Group. Create a representation (visual, song, poem, “tweet”, text message,

or any other “right-brain” idea of the standard). (Think Multiple Representations!)

Ratings Matter…

Beginning Teachers

• Effective 2010-2011

• Must be rated “Proficient” on all five North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards on the most recent Teacher Summary Rating Form in order to be eligible for the Standard Professional 2 License.

North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards

STANDARD I: Teachers

demonstrate leadership.

STANDARD II: Teachers establish

a respectful environment for a diverse population

of students.

STANDARD III: Teachers know the

content they teach.

STANDARD IV: Teacher facilitate

learning for their students.

STANDARD V: Teachers reflect on

their practice.

STANDARD VI: Teachers facilitate academic growth.


Standard VI is new.

Effective Teachers


Student Growth Meets


Proficient or Higher on All


Effective Teacher

Student Growth Exceeds Expected


Accomplished or Higher on All


Highly Effective Teacher

Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers

• Consistently and significantly exceeded basic competence Distinguished

• Exceeded basic competence most of the time Accomplished

• Demonstrated basic competence Proficient

• Demonstrated adequate growth toward achieving standards, but did not demonstrate basic competence


Beginning Teachers

• Must be rated “Proficient” on all five

North Carolina Professional Teaching

Standards on the most recent Teacher

Summary Rating Form in order to be

eligible for the Standard Professional 2


Thinking about those ratings?

Review of the Teacher

Evaluation Process

Defining the Ratings

• Consistently and significantly exceeded basic competence Distinguished

• Exceeded basic competence most of the time Accomplished

• Demonstrated basic competence Proficient

• Demonstrated adequate growth toward achieving standards, but did not demonstrate basic competence


Distinguished • Consistently and significantly exceeded basic competence

Accomplished • Exceeded basic competence most of the time

Proficient • Demonstrated basic competence

Developing • Demonstrated adequate growth toward achieving standards, but did

not demonstrate basic competence

Image Credits:;;l

Component 1: Training

Before participating in the evaluation

process, all teachers, principals and

peer evaluators must complete training

on the evaluation process.

Before Week 3 of School Year

Component 2: Orientation

Within two weeks of teacher’s first day, the principal will provide:

A. The Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers;

B. Teacher Evaluation Policy ID Number: TCP-C-004

C. A schedule for completing evaluation process.


Training and Orientation

Online Tool Login


UID and Password Management Tip

NCEES Login:

Teacher Name: Jane Doe

UID: 0123456789

Password: 123456 (Initial Password) New Password:______________


Edit Profile

NCEES Icon & Resources

Teacher Task Tab

Observer Task Tab

Record of Teacher Evaluation


Record of Teacher Evaluation

Activities Auto-populates

Click on the title, Record of Teacher Evaluation

Activities, to open the form

Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities

Teacher Process for Completing

the Self-Assessment

in the Online Tool

Component 4: Pre-Observation


Before the first formal observation,

the principal meets with the teacher

to discuss: self- assessment,

professional growth plan a written

description of the lesson(s) to be


Goal: To prepare principal for the


Before First Formal Observation


Self-Assessment, Goal Setting and Pre-Conference

Component 3: Teacher Self-Assessment

Using the Rubric , the teacher shall rate

their performance and reflect on his or her

performance throughout the year.

Step 2:

Self Assessment,

Goal Setting, and


Data Points for Teacher


Teacher Summary Rating

Form from Previous Year

Recent Student Achievement


Walkthrough Data

Differentiated Lesson Plans

Teacher Self-Assessment

Using the Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers

Teacher completes the document by selecting ratings along the continuum

Teacher saves the document in the online system

Complete a New Self Assessment

Log into the system

Click on NCEES icon

Click on Observe/Report

Click on New Self Assessment

Complete a New Self Assessment

Use naming convention

Click on Next

Copy Self Assessment Dropdown

Highlighted Text in Green Banner

Completing the Self Assessment

Process for Closing the Form

Review the document

Click on Spell Check

Click on Save

Click on Done

Click on Logout

Using the Online Tools to Set

Goals for the School Year

SMART Goal Setting

in the Online Tool

Rollover Professional Development Plan (Teachers with Summary Rating Form from Previous Year)

Preliminary Professional Development Plan (Teachers new to online tool system)

Goal Form (Principals/Assistant Principals)

Pre-Observation Conference

Teacher Completes


Self-Assessment informs the

goals recorded on PDP

Teacher provides written

description of lesson to be


Principal and teacher meet

to discuss Self-Assessment,

PDP, and lesson

Elements of an Effective Professional

Development Plan and Goal Setting

SMART Goals (2-3) well-written and

supported by data

Feedback from evaluator

Thorough self-assessment

Professional Development Plan

for Teachers

Professional Development Plan

for Teachers

Username: teacherdemo13

Password: 123456

Solo Practice

• Log into the demo site and practice completing a Self Assessment and Professional Development Plan

• Access a Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities form

Username: teacherdemo13

Password: 123456


pecific and Strategic


ttainable and achievable



Elements of an Effective Professional

Development Plan

SMART Goals (2-3) well-written and

supported by data

Feedback from administrator

Thorough self-assessment

SMART Goals and

Professional Development Plans

SMART Goals provide a process for effective

goal setting

Any existing observations and/or

artifacts guide the goal setting

SMART Research

“Feelings of success in the workplace occur

to the extent that people see that they are

able to grow and meet job challenges by

pursuing and attaining goals that are

important and meaningful.” Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2006). New Directions in Goal Setting Theory. Current

Directions in Psychological Science, 15(5), 265-268.

Why SMART Goals?

Targeted Professional


Increased Student Achievement

Greater effort and persistence

Motivation to seek new knowledge and information


Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2006). New Directions in Goal Setting

Theory. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15(5), 265-268.

Data for Setting Goals

• Determine greatest area of need

• Determine the range of improvement

• Review hard and soft data over time

What other data can be referenced when

goal setting?

Range of Improvement

75% of Ms. Gardner’s fifth graders scored

proficient or above on the End of Grade

Mathematics test while her teammates’

students reach 90-95% proficiency.

What would be a reasonable range of

increase in percentage for one year for

Ms. Gardner? 75% to 85%? 95%?


Standard I, Teachers Lead in the Profession:

Ms. Baker will assume the lead of 3

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs):

Writing, Differentiating Instruction, Revised

Bloom’s, AND she will facilitate unit

development for the 8th grade ELA team by

mid-year (even though she has never been in

a school leadership role).


Standard I, Teachers Lead in the Profession:

Ms. Johnson will attend a 4-session regional

lesson study seminar during September and

October and lead one Professional Learning

Community in lesson study beginning in

January 2013 (even though she has never led a


Goal Setting Example

To: increase the math achievement of fifth graders

so that the percentage of students who score at or

above Level III

will increase from 75% to 85%

by June 2013

as measured by EOG mathematics data.

What activities would help this teacher

increase students’ success?

SMART Goals Worksheet


Focus on results-oriented goals

rather than process-oriented goals.

Specific and Strategic

• Goals are clearly

stated, long-term

and aligned with



• Results can be

determined with

quantitative or



Attainable & Achievable

• The result can be

reached, even if it

is a stretch goal.

• The goal is worthy

of educator

commitment of time

and effort.


• Goals are data driven.

• Benchmarks are established

for monitoring progress

through the year.

• High expectations are set for

teacher and student growth.


• Constraints on time,

people, materials and

other resources have

been identified.

• There is belief this goal

is important and can be


• Benchmark and

completion dates set a

sense of urgency and

establish momentum

• Each person involved is

accountable for working

towards the goal.

SMART Goals are . . . .

pecific and Strategic


ttainable and achievable



Can you make this goal SMART?

By the end of first semester,

student office referrals will


Let’s Practice

To: Do What? so that Who/What?

will increase/decrease by completion date

as measured by what data?.

By the end of first semester, student

office referrals will decrease.

To: Do What? so that Who/What?

will increase/decrease by completion date

as measured by what data?.

Work with a partner to revise this statement and make it a




Live survey link:

An email will be sent to all

registered webinar participants

with the survey link.

Live survey link:

Kim Simmons, Donna Albaugh, DeLea Payne,

Robert Sox, Eliz Colbert, Savon Willard
