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APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 1


Volume 13, Number 3 APRIL – MAY 2006

PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560, Australia Website:

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.............................................4

Comments from readers on NEXUS-related topics. GLOBAL NEWS.............................................................6

We report on signs that the US may be preparingfor martial law, moves to introduce a worldcurrency, and data showing that depleted uraniumparticles travelled on air currents to the UK.

AL-QAEDA, US OIL AND CENTRAL ASIA..................11

By Peter Dale Scott. US oil companies and themilitary destabilised Central Asia and the Balkansin the 1990s, promoting the spread of Islamistjihadists and the Afghan heroin trade.

ACHES TO QUAKES...................................................17

By Larry A. Park. Mysterious Earth signals can bedetected by "sensitives" as physical symptomswhich give accurate warnings about impendingearthquakes. New sensor technologies are nowbeing developed to explore these signals.


By Roger Taylor. Free radicals have been given abad name as factors in disease and ageing, but theyare crucial to generating the light energy needed toorganise and fuel biochemical processes.


By Donald W. Scott and William L. C. Scott. If apandemic disease with "flu-like" symptoms strikes,it won't be caused by a mutated bird flu virus butby a Mycoplasma agent engineered for biowarfare.


By Nick Begich. New technologies utilising soundwaves and electrostimulation of the brain can beused to control the mind, change behaviour andtransfer thoughts for good or ill.

SCIENCE NEWS..........................................................45

This edition we highlight advances in new energ yresearch including "hydrino" power, a super-efficientsolar panel, the Hutchison effect, music as medicineand a generator that turns wave energy into wattage.

T. LOBSANG RAMPA: TRAILBLAZER—Part 2............51

By Karen Mutton. A self-declared transmigratedTibetan high lama, Rampa inspired his readers andangered critics with his tales about old and newTibet, ancient rituals, aliens and inner-worlders.


By Philip Coppens. Pyramid-shaped hills in Italyand Bosnia are being surveyed, and preliminaryfindings suggest that the territory of the megalithicpyramid builders was wider than supposed.

THE TWILIGHT ZONE................................................65

Michael Salla investigates the Project Serpo materialabout an alleged alien exchange program involving12 US military personnel from 1965 to 1978, andsuggests it could be part of a disinformation plot.

R E V I E W S — B o o k s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1"Half Gone" by Jeremy Leggett"The Syndicate" by Nicholas Hagger"The Collapse of Globalism..." by John Ralston Saul"The Fall" by Steve Taylor"In Tune with Infinite Powers" by Tony Talmage"Confessions of a Radical Traditionalist" by John Michell"Life Before Life" by Dr Jim B. Tucker"Beyond Reincarnation" by Joe H. Slate, PhD"MAJIC Eyes Only" by Ryan S. Wood"UFOs Over California" by Preston Dennett"Brave New World of Zero Risk" by Martin J. Walker"An Overview of Extraterrestrial Races" by Rolf Waeber"Yajé: The New Purgatory" by Jimmy Weiskopf"Tranceformers" by John Jay Harper

REVIEWS—DVDs & Videos.........................................78"The Mayan Calendar Comes North" with Ian Xel Lungold"Secrets of Alchemy" with Jay Weidner"Quantum Astrology" with Rick Levine

R E V I E W S — M u s i c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 9"Shaman Woman" by Vicki Hansen"The Caribbean" by various artists"Inyan" by Sacred Earth"Beyond the Moon" by Chris Shakallis"Shadow, Mist & Light" by Peter Sterling

NEXUS BOOKS, VIDEOS, ADS, SUBS...................87–96

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NEXUS MAGAZINEVolume 13, Number 3

APRIL – MAY 2006

PUBLISHED BYNEXUS Magazine Pty Ltd, ABN 80 003 611 434

EDITORDuncan M. Roads

CO-EDITORCatherine Simons



MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENTRichard Giles; Susie Foster

CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISSUEPeter Dale Scott, PhD; Larry A. Park;

Roger Taylor, PhD; Donald W. Scott, MA, MScand William L. C. Scott; Nick Begich, MD; KarenMutton; Philip Coppens; Michael E. Salla, PhD

CARTOONSPhil Somerville

COVER GRAPHICJohn Cook, [email protected]

PRINTINGBeaudesert Times, Queensland, Australia

AUSTRALIAN DISTRIBUTIONNewsagents Direct Distribution

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STATEMENT OF PURPOSENEXUS recognises that humanity is undergoing a massivetransformation. With this in mind, NEXUS seeks to provide'hard-to-get' information so as to assist people throughthese changes. NEXUS is not linked to any religious,philosophical or political ideology or organisation.

PERMISSION-TO-REPRODUCE POLICYWhile reproduction and dissemination of the information inNEXUS is actively encouraged, anyone caught making abuck out of it, without our express permission, will be introuble when we catch them!


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Is it just me, or does time appear to be speeding up? Maybe I'm just doing more and morethings, and so it just seems that way. After all, the speed of life is quite different from in

days gone by. But one thing is for sure: everyone I know has the feeling that time is"quickening". Even my children are commenting on it.

I got an email suggesting that in my editorials I should write from the heart as well asdiscuss what's in the magazine. So I'm sitting here thinking: what is in my heart that I canwrite about? What does it mean to "write from the heart"? I know the sender of that emailis onto something, because the darned phrase has been rattling around my head for days.And when something rattles around your head or heart for days, you know you're meant totake notice of it (obviously).

So what do I say? I mean, the information that I wade through every day really excitesme. We are in times of great and profound change, and it is the beliefs that people chooseto adopt that determine where we go, both individually and as groups. I get really excitedby finding what I think is important information, offering it to readers who are not aware ofit and then seeing how they respond to it.

One of the things that irks me at present is this constantly reinforced message that thereare "terrorists" out there, plotting and planning to destroy our democratic lifestyle. Please,dear readers, remember that every single "terrorist" organisation out there is infiltrated orrun by some country's security or intelligence agency. Every single one of them! When aterrorist operation is set up, it is more often than not orchestrated by the nation with themost at stake. The war on terror is a hoax, a cover under which the public is being forcedto give up personal and civil liberties—all because of fear. The first article in this editionhighlights details of the hidden agendas behind the fight to control what's left of the world'snatural resources.

And speaking of which, I notice the war drums beating and fear-mongering over Iran.While the mainstream media outlets are full of stories about Iran's supposed intransigenceover nuclear issues, the Internet is buzzing with speculation about what will happen whenIran opens its oil bourse and starts to sell oil in euros. The big questions are: will Americaattack Iran and, if so, who will side with whom? For the US to attack Iran with any sem-blance of moral justification, and to have international support, there will have to be a trig-ger event of significant magnitude that affects many nations. The date that Iran is sched-uled to open its oil bourse is 20 March, and it will have passed by the time you read this.

Fear is also the result of the hype about bird flu. I mean, have you ever seen such aplanned event? Waves of meetings, conferences and media warnings over the last two tothree years have convinced most people that a pandemic is inevitable. People generally aremore scared of disease than terrorists and will more readily give up personal and civil lib-erties if told to do so by "experts". Forced vaccinations, quarantines, travel restrictions andmore are just a lab accident away, or worse.

How many times have you read of an earthquake happening somewhere, with no casual-ties save for one or two people who died of a heart attack? I've read of many such cases,and I got to wondering whether the heart attacks were the result of magnetic field changesrather than fear or shock. But that's another story. To cut a long editorial short, in thisissue we have an article about people who manifest physical health symptoms like eartones and dizziness prior to earthquakes. Some of these "sensitives" are so finely tunedwith their symptoms that they can tell where a quake will hit, when it will hit and what itsmagnitude will be. They can tune into mysterious Earth signals that until recently havebeen barely known to science.

Meanwhile, I have been spending some of that precious time compiling a special issuefull of my favourite NEXUS articles on all things unexplained and mysterious. There areprophecies, strange creatures, subterranean mysteries, crop circles, giants, UFOs, ETs andmore. This compendium is called Strange Times and is available at newsagents inAustralia or from your nearest NEXUS office.

At the time of writing, we are advanced in our plans to hold a three-day NEXUSConference in Vancouver, Canada, over the weekend of 29/30 September to 1 October.Check this issue for ads, or visit our website for more details.


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Due to popular demand, we have decided topublish our favourite mystery articles in onespecial edition:—Strange Times.

Contents include:• Prophecies & Predictions: We have selectedthe predictions with the best track records, andwith many events still yet to unfold. • Strange Creatures: Research that will amazeyou on Yowies, Chupacabras, Sea Serpents andBunyips.• UFOs, ETs & Whistleblowers: Includes TheDisclosure Project, Carol Rosin, Alec Newald's10-day abduction case, some fascinatingwhistleblower interviews, and some equallythought-provoking conversations with aliens.• Giants: Evidence of giants from ancienttimes, from all over the globe.• Underground Mysteries: Here we presentsome of the most strange cases of all:encounters with beings living in undergroundcivilisations beneath the Earth, and more...• Other Strangeness: The mystery of theSolomon Islands giants, UFO bases andstrange tunnels still remains. We also publish the diary entriesabout that secret mission to Antarctica by the British military after WWII.• Crop Circles: How could we ignore one of the most baffling mysteries of them all. Wepresent a round up of some of the most beautiful and baffling formations of the last 10years.

* 240 pages packed with info, perfect-bound in a thick glossy full-colour cover. * A great gift idea! Get it from your newsagent, or directly from NEXUS (at a special rate).

Available at newsagents for $16.95or

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4 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006

Helping to Change the WorldDear Duncan: Heartiest con-

gratulations for the splendidachievement of 100 issues. Welldone. And may you continue togrow vigorously. You certainlyfill a much needed niche in theinformation market, and providea forum for concerned folk toexpress their views and shareinfo. Please continue as you aredoing.

Journalist Melanie Phillips ofthe UK's Daily Mail has againhighlighted the problems with theMMR vaccine, and I have pointedher in the direction of your 100thissue for further information([email protected]).

Your articles on vaccine andheavy metal problems a r e s u c ha source of further research infor-mation, as are so many of your"broad-spectrum" articles.

Thank you very much for beinga source point to help change theworld for better.

Sincerely,Graeme L.

9/11: An Inside Job?Hi Ed and team at NEXUS: I

have recently been perusing themany websites regarding 9/11.There is some truly startlingevidence against the establishedrubbish we were meant toswallow.

With so many in the so-called9/11 movement, who are we tobelieve? I have a gut feeling onthe subject, but when is thealternative info simply a pre-determined plant to furthermuddy the waters?

It was not Muslim terrorists. Itwas an inside job, I believe.Military aircraft crashed into theWTC and a missile or small droneaircraft into the Pentagon.

What happened to the poorpeople on the legitimate flights?

The whole thing makes me sickthat it could have occurred rightin front of our eyes and most of usswallowed the stories, eventhough our gut feelings told usotherwise.

If they could orchestrate this,

just how many other solid-as-a-rock truths out there were psy-opjobs?

Keep up the great work.Regards,Mark L., Sydney, Australia

Selenium against CancerI picked up a copy of your latest

issue and noticed you had a shortarticle about a farmer who usedselenium to treat his bowel cancer[Global News, 13/01]. I wasglad to see this article.

The evidence that selenium isan effective preventative agentagainst cancer is overwhelming.Yet the mass media do not reportit. In the rare cases when theydo, they stress the "toxicity" ofselenium.

You should do a story on therelationship between seleniumand cancer. You shouldinvestigate why this relationshiphas been ignored and/or coveredup by the doctors and drugc o m p a n i e s . You should alsoinvestigate the myth of selenium" t o x i c i t y " . (It is toxic in veryhigh doses, but the official"recommended" safe dosages areway too low.)

This information needs to getout. It could save countless lives(as your article in the currentissue on scurvy and heart diseasewill do).

Best,Kevin S., Birmingham,

Alabama, USA

Meat Tainted by Toxic GasDear Duncan: For a couple of

years now, a friend of mine hasbeen complaining that "they aredoing something to the meat" thatis ruining it. His main evidencehas been that he can't even get itto rot enough to use for "stinkbait" to catch catfish.

So when an article brieflyappeared on one of those sign-inweb pages, it really caught myattention. The article, "FDAUrged to Ban Carbon-Monoxide-Treated Meat" (, discussesthe treatment of meat with carbon

monoxide to fix the red colour. Itbriefly talks about the binding ofcarbon monoxide (CO) tomyoglobin. Carbon monoxide is,of course, a very toxic substanceand may be indicated as a causeof Parkinson's and other diseasesif inhaled (or death, in the mostsevere case).

Maybe one of your contributorscould enlighten us about whatchanges might occur in our foodwhen treated with CO. I wouldthink that some of the most usefulnutrients might be destroyed orradically altered with such aprocess (carnosine, one of thoseessential amino acids which weget from meat in our diet, mightbe altered, for example).

I also wonder, since CO affectsthe brain itself on direct exposure,if maybe there might be someremote link to treated meat withsome of the unexplained cases of"mad cow disease" which areshowing up in places likesouthern Idaho.

Loren L., Oregon, USA[Dear Loren: Thanks for

bringing this issue to ourattention; we'll look further intoit. We've reprinted an item ontreated meat in Global News thisedition. Ed.]

Disease Management SystemDear Duncan: As always, I

have read the latest NEXUSMagazine from front to back.Thank you for this very impor-tant alternative information.

The article about dentaldiseases [13/02] should make usall think carefully about foodquality issues. Some foods arenot only impacting on our teethbut also on our immune systems.Sick teeth are a symptom of asick immune system.

Replace the terms caries,plaque, gum disease and cavitieswith asthma, arthritis, Crohn'sdisease, heart disease, diabetes,depression and all the other "non-curable but manageable diseases"(according to our "healths y s t e m " , or should we call it"disease management system")and emphasise healthy food, and

we have most of the answers as tohow to cure or prevent them rightin front of us.

Nobody in this "health system"appears seriously interested incuring; the "system" is o n l yinterested in selling its servicesand products, i.e., "managing" thediseases and making big money.Someone has set it up this way.

In the process, serious harm isdone to the immune system and,as a result, to the patients—aprice the patients have to pay, ofcourse...and they're not to ask anyquestions.

Even if the solutions as to howto cure these diseases are soobvious and logical, they aredeliberately ignored. You get nomoney from a healthy person.

Old Hippocrates, the celebratedphysician of ancient Greece, saidas early as 370 BC, "Let food beyour medicine and let medicinebe your food". Why have ourmodern physicians, who all sweartheir oath to Hippocrates,forgotten about this?

Best regards, and keep up yourgood work,

Peter T., Australia

Fowl Play in Bird Flu Crisis?Dear Duncan: I've not seen you

post on a very important articlethat was published at,which has had very little mediacoverage (which itself is veryinteresting). It's called "FowlPlay: the poultry industry'scentral role in the bird flu crisis"(Grain, 1 February 2006).

Backyard or free-range poultryare not fuelling the current waveof bird flu outbreaks stalkinglarge parts of the world. Thedeadly H5N1 strain of bird flu isessentially a problem of industrialpoultry practices. Its epicentre isthe factory farms of China andSoutheast Asia and—while wildbirds can carry the disease, atleast for short distances—its mainvector is the highly self-regulatedtransnational poultry industry,which sends the products andwaste of its farms around theworld through a multitude ofchannels.

Letters to the Editor ...

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APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 5

Yet small poultry farmers andthe poultry biodiversity and localfood security that they sustain aresuffering badly from the fallout.To make matters worse, govern-ments and international agencies,following mistaken assumptionsabout how the disease spreadsand amplifies, are pursuing mea-sures to force poultry indoors andfurther industrialise the poultrysector. In practice, this meansthe end of the small-scale poultryfarming that provides food andlivelihoods to hundreds of mil-lions of families across theworld.

This paper presents a fresh per-spective on the bird flu story thatchallenges current assumptionsand puts the focus back where itshould be: on the transnationalpoultry industry. You can readthe paper at

Regards,Brian S., Canberra, Australia

Failure of VaccinationsDear Duncan: Two letters and

an article by Jon Rappoport in therecent issue (vol. 13, no. 2)highlight the extreme dangers ofvaccination. For decades, therehas been no question that the cultof vaccination has been aworldwide disaster and the onlyreason it is still being promoted isbecause of the silence of themedical lambs!

England introduced compulsorysmallpox vaccination in 1852.From 1857 to 1859, it led to asmallpox epidemic that killed14,244 people. From 1863 to1865, a second epidemic claimed20,059 lives. In 1872, thevaccine killed 44,840 people.

In Germany, the mostvaccinated country in the world atthat time, there were more deathsin proportion to the population,than in the UK. Over one millionpeople got smallpox, of which120,000 died. From all over theworld there were reports of hugenumbers of people dying fromsmallpox following vaccination.

Jenner's smallpox vaccine wasincluded during WWI, when vac-

cination was made compulsoryfor all German, French, Britishand American troops. As respec-tive army hospital records reveal,the consequences were so disas-trous that it led to the saying,"More soldiers died from vaccineshots than from enemy shots".Near the close of the war, a newparatyphoid jab killed so manysoldiers from a strange new dis-ease: it was called Spanish flu!

After the war was over, news-papers around the world allegedthat the returning soldiers wereriddled with disease and thateverybody, men, women andchildren, must avail themselvesof the "life-saving" vaccinationsimmediately—which was pre-cisely what hysterical popula-tions did, with the result that upto 100 million people died.

Edward Jenner's discovery wasnot a medical breakthrough at all.He simply enabled Britain and theUSA to acquire their first weaponof mass destruction: vaccination.

Patrick C., Waterford, Ireland

Tetracyclines and Calcification Dear Sir: I have read with

interest over the past nine yearsthe studies using tetracyclines toassist in the reversal or reductionof calcification in many parts ofthe human and animal body.

I have been taking doxycyclinefor the past seven years. Ireceived copies of my firstechocardiograph at age 22, andmy last just recently to take to anew cardiologist. I've found outI've been suffering recurrentepisodes of rheumatic fever, andthis is the first time I've seen anyof my reports. Rheumatic feveroriginally gave me the valvedamage at age seven. My healthfor the past 11 years had beenmisdiagnosed as arthritis untilrecent heart failure and clinicalevidence of chorea.

What struck me as extremelyinteresting is the difference—in apositive way—in the two reportsI've received, especially consid-ering I've suffered six attacks ofrheumatic fever in the past 10years and the last one I'm still

recovering from.Is there was anyone who I may

be able to discuss this with whomay be studying more implicitlythe changes to heart valves withthe use of tetracyclines? Thanksvery much for your time.

Karen Birch, Australia,[email protected]

Hubble Telescope TroubleSir: I recently watched a

National Geographic t e l e v i s i o nshow, featuring conspiracytheories about the NASA Moonlandings, which mentioned yourmagazine. I thought you may beinterested in learning some of thefacts behind the Hubble SpaceTelescope (HST) fraud and thefraudulent "investigation" andsettlement which followed.

I worked on the HST develop-ment project in 1984–1985wherein I was tasked with testingthe FGS, or fine (optical) guid-ance systems which track thetelescope's attitude in relation tothe positions of known stars. Iwas also tasked with testing aquadrant of the telescope's pri-mary mirror (the big one). It wasduring this testing that I discov-ered the now infamous "sphericalanomaly" which caused imagesto be produced blurry, necessitat-ing the repair flight to install theCOSTAR unit. I reported theflaw to my unit supervisor (LouMontagnino) who told me, "Keepthis under your hat". He alsopromised they'd fix it prior toshipping it out to Lockheed.

A few months later, whileserving with my state's militaryreserve unit (Air National Guard,Air Force), the completedcomponents were being shippedout through the airfield on ourbase. I recognised some of thepeople and asked if they'd fixedthe mirror flaw. This questionwas met with a gruff answer,"There's nothing wrong with thatmirror!" Assuming they merelywished to avoid embarrassment, Ididn't pursue the matter further.

Only upon watching the resultson television after its launch did Irealise that they'd knowingly

committed a fraud and I beganmy own investigation.

To make a long story short:NASA and US JusticeDepartment personnel knowinglygave false testimony (under oath)to the US Congress (as docu-mented in the CongressionalRecord of November 16th, 1993)and cut a deal with the contractorof record (Hughes Division ofGM), allowing Hughes to avoid afine of nearly three-quarters of abillion US dollars.

I contacted both of my state'ssenators (through their staff) andsent them details of the initialfraud (as it occurred prior toshipping) and to (then) president-elect Bill Clinton. This letterwas sent via registered mailthrough the US Postal Serviceand thus its delivery wasofficially documented in USPSrecords. I included other issuesin that letter to Mr Clinton—ending with an admonition thatthe USA was rapidly falling tothe same fate as the RomanEmpire. In his 1994 State of theUnion address (before bothhouses of Congress), Clintonreferred to that passage—denying its veracity.

In 1996 I sent a lengthy legalbrief to the US JusticeDepartment's CriminalInvestigations division, docu-menting the initial fraud perpe-trated by the contractor a n d t h esubsequent fraudulent investiga-tion perpetrated by NASA.

Subsequent phone conversa-tions with staff of members ofCongress sitting on the commit-tee hearing NASA's testimonyrevealed they didn't wish to pur-sue any further investigation intothe fraud(s) (due to "contribu-tions" from the leading contrac-tors Lockheed and Hughes?),claiming "Don't cry over spiltmilk".

Anyone with interest in thismatter, please respond via emailto discuss it further.

Regards,Larry T. Pines, Middletown,

New York, USA, [email protected]

... more Letters to the EditorNB: Please keep letters toapprox. 150 to 250 words

in length. Ed.

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More than four millionpeople have died in central

Africa in a war over coltan (shortfor columbite-tantalite), a heat-resistant mineral ore widely usedin cellphones, laptops and otherhigh-tech electronics.

Tantalum extracted from theore is used to make tantalumcapacitors—tiny componentsthat are essential in managing theflow of current in electronicdevices. Eighty per cent of theworld's coltan is found in theDemocratic Republic of Congo.

This mountainous jungle areais the battleground of what hasbeen grimly dubbed "Africa'sFirst World War", pittingCongolese forces against thoseof six neighbouring countriesand numerous armed factions. The victimsare mostly civilians; starvation and diseasehave killed hundreds of thousands, and thefighting has displaced two million peoplefrom their homes.

Often dismissed as just an ethnic war,the conflict is actually a battle over thenatural resources that are sought by foreigncorporations: diamonds, tin, copper, goldand, most of all, coltan. At stake for theheavily armed militias and governments isa cut of the high-tech boom of the 1990s,in which the price of coltan skyrocketed tonearly $300 per pound.(Source: Earth First! Journal, vol. 26, no. 1,Samhain/Yule 2005, website


AHalliburton subsidiary has justreceived a US$385 million contract

from the Department of HomelandSecurity to provide "temporary detentionand processing capabilities".

The contract—announced on 24 Januaryby the engineering and construction firmKBR—calls for preparing for "anemergency influx of immigrants, or tosupport the rapid development of newprograms" in the event of otheremergencies, such as "a natural disaster".The release offered no details about whereHalliburton was to build these facilities, orwhen.

But almost no paper so far has discussed

the possibility that detentioncentres could be used to detainAmerican citizens if the Bushadministration were to declaremartial law.

"Almost certainly this ispreparation for a roundup after thenext 9/11 for Mid-Easterners,Muslims and possibly dissenters,"says Daniel Ellsberg, a formermilitary analyst who in 1971released the Pentagon Papers, theUS military's account of itsactivities in Vietnam.

"They've already done this on asmaller scale, with the 'specialregistration' detentions ofimmigrant men from Muslimcountries, and with Guantánamo."

Plans for detention facilities orcamps have a long history, goingback to fears in the 1970s of a

national uprising by black militants. Last September, NORTHCOM

conducted its highly classified G r a n i t eS h a d o w exercise in Washington, DC. AsWilliam Arkin reported in the WashingtonPost [25 September], "...Granite Shadow isyet another new Top Secret andcompartmented operation related to themilitary's extra-legal powers regardingweapons of mass destruction. It allows foremergency military operations in theUnited States without civilian supervisionor control."(Source: by Peter Dale Scott, Pacific News,1 Feb 2006, via


Dan Smail, a mediaevalist who joinedHarvard's history department in

January, is a time revolutionary.Historians, Professor Smail says, are inthrall to a chronology of the human racethat is now embarrassingly out of date. Hewants to move the starting date inintroductory history courses back 100,000years or so.

According to the history books,civilisation as we know it had its firststirrings in the Fertile Crescent around4000 to 6000 BC. But as Smail points outin an article in the latest issue of theAmerican Historical Review , when youconsider recent (and not-so-recent)discoveries in archaeology, anthropologyand biology—the finding that allhumankind can be traced to Africa, for

"The oil crisis is really starting to suck."

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example, or that humans were on themarch out of that continent by roughly100,000 BC, not to mention good guessesfor when language, hunting and farmingarose—the fixation on a starting date of4000 to 6000 BC begins to seem awfullyarbitrary.

And yet, as Smail goes on to argue in hisessay (suggestively titled "In the Grip ofSacred History"), this chronological tickhas a very interesting back story.

"Every history curriculum in secondaryschools and colleges that tacitly accepts aNear Eastern origin around 6,000 yearsago," Professor Smail writes, "contains theunintended echo of the Judeo-Christianmythology of the special creation of manin the Garden of Eden."

Through the 18th century and well intothe 19th, Western historians, almost all ofthem Christian, thought that humankind(and Earth) dated to roughly 4000 to 7000BC. And many thought that the Garden ofEden could be traced to the FertileCrescent.

Smail's theory is that, in the 19thcentury, as the biblical timeline lostcredibility and the staggering age of theEarth began to be glimpsed, historiansreflexively clung to as much of thetraditional timeline as they could. A truereckoning with the long timelinesenvisioned by Darwin never occurred.(Source: The Boston Globe , 26 February2006,


The world's top central bankingauthority has warned that the Bank of

England's inflation-busting tactics arelargely responsible for the dangerous pile-up of household debt in Britain, which lastyear passed £1,158 billion, £30 billionmore than the country's total economicoutput.

The powerful Bank for InternationalSettlements (BIS) has voiced grave doubtsabout the policy and called on politiciansto begin debating an overhaul of thecurrent global economic system.

In another radical move, it has alsosuggested ditching many nationalcurrencies in favour of a small number offormal currency blocks based on thedollar, euro and renminbi or yen.

The BIS, which is controlled by acoalition of central banks and helpsoversee the global financial system,warned that by pushing interest rates so

low, inflation-targeting has encouraged thepublic to take on more debt and hasaccelerated a flow of money out of theworld's major economies. For example,the US current account deficit is at arecord level of almost seven per cent of thecountry's economic output, meaning anunprecedented amount of money isflowing out of the country.

BIS's leading economist and head ofmonetary policy, Mr William White, said:"Those countries with the biggest externaldeficits [the US, the UK, Australia andNew Zealand] also tend to have the biggestinternal imbalances. Rising asset prices insuch countries (recently, for housing inparticular) have led to higher perceptionsof wealth, and more spending."

However, he added, far from managingthese worrying build-ups, inflation-targeting can encourage them.(Source: The Telegraph, UK, 20 February2006,


An Australian study (Clin Oncol 2004;16:549-60) suggests the benefits of

chemotherapy have been oversold.Based on the calculations in the study,

the contribution of chemotherapy to adultsurvival from cancer was estimated to be2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.The authors, two of whom are radiationoncologists but one of whom is apractising professor of medical oncology,concluded that "chemotherapy only makesa minor contribution to cancer survival"and that "to justify the continued funding

and availability of drugs used in cytotoxicchemotherapy, a rigorous evaluation of thecost-effectiveness and impact on quality oflife is urgently required".

Associate Professor Michael Boyer ofRoyal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney,raised concerns about the methodology ofthe study and the fact that "if you start...saying how much does chemotherapy addin the people that you might actually use it[in], the numbers start creeping fiveor six per cent". (Source: Australian Prescriber, vol. 29, nos2–3, 2006,


More than 140 lakes lie buried beneathvarying thicknesses of Antarctic ice,

but most of them are small and shallowsays Michael Studinger, a geophysicist atthe Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory inPalisades, New York. Lake Vostok,discovered decades ago, is the largest.

Now, Studinger and his colleagues haveused a collage of data to depict two largesubglacial lakes near Lake Vostok.

Ice-penetrating-radar data gathered dur-ing aerial surveys indicate that the uppersurfaces of these lakes lie beneath fourkilometres of ice. The lakes in someplaces are about 900 metres deep.

"This is an important discovery," saysUniversity of Hawaii oceanographer DavidKarl. "It shows how little we know aboutthe Earth around us."(Source: Science News Online, 4 February2006,

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"... and that cloud looks just like a mushroom."

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ARussian astronomer has predicted thatEarth will experience a "mini ice- age"

in the middle of this century, caused by lowsolar activity.

Khabibullo Abdusamatov of the PulkovoAstronomic Observatory in St Petersburgsays that temperatures will begin falling sixor seven years from now, when globalwarming caused by increased solar activityin the 20th century reaches its peak, RIANovosti reported. The coldest period willoccur 15 to 20 years after a major solaroutput decline—between 2035 and 2045,Abdusamatov said.

Dramatic changes in the Earth's surfacetemperatures are an ordinary phenomenon,not an anomaly, he said, and result fromvariations in the Sun's energy output andultraviolet radiation.

The northern hemisphere's most recentcool-down period occurred between 1645and 1705. The resulting period, known asthe "Little Ice Age", left canals in theNetherlands frozen solid and forced peoplein Greenland to abandon their houses toglaciers, the scientist said.(Sources: RIA Novosti, Russia, via UPI, 7February 2006,


At last, it seems that McDonald's islosing its hitherto stellar domination of

the vast fast-food market in the UK. Thisis not a regional or temporary blip, or amere tactical realignment. It really is introuble. Falling sales have forced the

closure of 25 McDonald's branches. Itspoor performance in Britain dragged profitmargins from McDonald's Europeancompany-owned restaurants down to14.9% of sales last year, from 15.6% in2004. No new openings are planned for thecoming year.

Even McDonald's European boss, DenisHennequin, is struggling to put a happyface on the situation: "The UK has been innegative territory for a couple of yearsnow," he admitted. "The brand 15 yearsago was very trendy and modern. It is nowtired."

There is little doubt that the effects of theMcLibel trial involving Helen Steel andDave Morris coupled with MorganSpurlock's well-watched Super Size Medocumentary have contributed significantlyto McDonald's decline in popularity.(Source: by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall,The Guardian, UK, 4 March 2006)


The British intelligence service MI6 haspaid thousands of pounds in

compensation to servicemen who were fedLSD without their consent in secret mind-control experiments in the 1950s.

MI6 has agreed to an out-of-courtsettlement with the men, who said theywere duped into taking part in theexperiments and had waited years to learnthe truth. The men experienced vividhallucinogenic trips when given the drugs.MI6 is also paying the cost of the men'slawsuit, which alleged assault.

The LSD experiments were conducted in1953 and 1954 by scientists working forMI6 who were trying to discover a "truthdrug" to compel prisoners to confess.

MI6's counterparts at the CIA also didLSD experiments on men without theirknowledge to try to control their minds.Both agencies finally concluded that LSDcould not be used to manipulate people.(Source: The Guardian, 24 February 2006,


After a century of scrutinising thelaboratory mouse, one might imagine

that scientists would know the creature'sbody like the back of their own hands.However, German researchers now saythey have discovered a whole new organ.

Common knowledge holds that in mice,the thymus—the pinkish-grey lump oftissue that helps to produce the infection-fighting T cells of the immune system—isroughly the size of a pea and nestles in thechest above the heart.

Hans-Reimer Rodewald and colleaguesat the University of Ulm say they havediscovered a smaller, second thymushidden in the neck of lab mice. "I couldn'tbelieve it for the first couple of months,"Rodewald says. The year 2006 is "not thetime that you expect to change anatomy".

The discovery raises questions aboutimmunology studies in mice. Rodewaldsuggests that these studies may need to bere-examined.

"Some people are not going to like this,"he adds. (Source: N a t u r e , 2 March 2006,h t t p : / / w w w . n a t u r e . c o m / n e w s / 2 0 0 6 / 0 6 0 2 2 7 / f u ll/060227-9.html)


The physics of 9/11—including how fastand symmetrically one of the World

Trade Center buildings fell—prove thatofficial explanations of the collapses arewrong, says Brigham Young Universityphysics professor Steven E. Jones.

In fact, it's likely that there were "pre-positioned explosives" in all three buildingsat ground zero, he says.

In a paper posted online and accepted forpeer-reviewed publication, Jones adds hisvoice to those of previous sceptics,including the authors of the website, whose research Jonesquotes. Jones's article can be found at

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The UK Sunday Times Online (19 February) reported on a shocking scientific studyauthored by British scientists Dr Chris Busby and Saoirse Morgan: "Did the Use of

Uranium Weapons in Gulf War 2 result in Contamination of Europe? Evidence fromthe measurements of the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), Aldermaston,Berkshire, UK". The highest levels of depleted uranium ever measured in the atmos-phere in Britain were transported on air currents from the Middle East and Central Asia.Of special significance were those from the Tora Bora bombing in Afghanistan in 2001,and the "Shock and Awe" bombing during Gulf War II in Iraq in 2003.

The Atomic Weapons Establishment was established years ago to measure radioactiveemissions from British nuclear power plants and atomic weapons facilities. Three yearsago it was taken over by Halliburton, which refused at first to release air monitoringdata, as required by law, to Dr Busby. An international expert on low-level radiation,Busby serves as an official adviser on several British government committees, and co-authored an independent report on low-level radiation with 45 scientists, the EuropeanCommittee on Radiation Risk (ECRR), for the European Parliament. He was finallyable to get Aldermaston air monitoring data from Halliburton/AWE by filing a Freedomof Information request using a new British law which became effective on 1 January2005—but still the data for 2003 were missing. He eventually obtained the 2003 datafrom the Defence Procurement Agency.

The fact that the air monitoring data was circulated by Halliburton/AWE to theDefence Procurement Agency implies that it was considered to be relevant, and that DrBusby was stonewalled because Halliburton/AWE clearly recognised that it was a seri-ous enough matter to justify a government interpretation of the results, and official deci-sions had to be made about what the data would show and their political implications forthe military.

In a similar circumstance in 1992, Major Doug Rokke, the director of the US ArmyDepleted Uranium Cleanup Project after Gulf War I, was ordered by a US Army generalto write a no-bid contract, "Depleted Uranium, Contaminated Equipment, and FacilitiesRecovery Plan Outline", for the procedures for cleaning up Kuwait, including depleteduranium, for Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR), a subsidiary of Halliburton. Thecontract/proposal was passed through Madeleine Albright, the secretary of state, to theEmirate of Kuwait, which considered the terms and then hired KBR for the cleanup.

Aldermaston is one of many nuclear facilities throughout Europe that regularly moni-tor levels of radiation transported by atmospheric sand and dust storms or air currentsfrom radiation sources in North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. After the"Shock and Awe" campaign in Iraq in 2003, very fine particles of depleted uraniumwere captured with larger sand and dust particles in filters in Britain. These particlestravelled in seven to nine days from Iraqi battlefields as far as 2,400 miles away. Theradiation measured in the atmosphere quadrupled within a few weeks of the beginningof the 2003 campaign, and at one of the five monitoring locations the levels twicerequired an official alert to the British Environment Agency.

In addition to depleted uranium data gathered in previous studies on Kosovo andBosnia by Dr Busby, the Aldermaston air monitoring data provide a continuous recordof depleted uranium levels in Britain from other recent wars.

Extensive video news footage of the 2003 Iraq war, including Fallujah in 2004, pro-vides irrefutable documented evidence that the US has unethically and illegally useddepleted uranium munitions on cities and other civilian populations. These militaryactions are in direct violation not only of international conventions but also of US mili-tary law because the US is a signatory to The Hague and Geneva Conventions and the1925 Geneva Gas Protocol. Depleted uranium weaponry meets the definition of aweapon of mass destruction (WMD) in two out of three categories under US Code Title50, Chapter 40 Section 2302.

"This research shows that rather than remaining near the target as claimed by the mili-tary, depleted uranium weapons contaminate both locals and whole populations hun-dreds to thousands of miles away," Dr Busby said.(Sources: "The Queen's Death Star" by Leuren Moret, 26 February 2006; The SundayTimes Online, UK, 19 February 2006)

h t t p : / / w w w . p h y s i c s . b y u . e d u / r e s e a r c h /energy/htm7.html.

Jones, who conducts research in fusionand solar energy at BYU, is calling for anindependent, international scientificinvestigation "guided not by politicizednotions and constraints but rather byobservations and calculations".

"It is quite plausible that explosives werepre-planted in all three buildings and setoff after the two plane crashes—whichwere actually a diversion tactic," he writes.

"Muslims are (probably) not to blame forbringing down the WTC buildings afterall," Jones adds.

As for speculation about who might haveplanted the explosives, Jones says: "I don'tusually go there. There's no point in doingthat until we do the scientific investigation."

Previous investigations, including thoseof FEMA, the 9/11 Commission and NIST(the National Institute of Standards andTechnology), ignored the physics andchemistry of what happened on September11, 2001, to the Twin Towers and the 47-storey building known as WTC7, he says.

The official explanation—that firescaused structural damage that caused thebuildings to collapse—can't be backed upby either testing or history, he says.(Source: Deseret Morning News , 10November 2005,


Supermarkets are trimming out their in-store butchers and buying pre-packaged

cuts direct from the processing plants. Theincreasingly widespread use of "modifiedatmosphere packaging" replaces theoxygen inside with other gases, especiallycarbon monoxide. Doing so makes themeat "rosier".

Customers buy meat mainly on how itlooks. Better-looking meat has a longerpurchasability.

Among the bigger supermarkets reportedto be carrying the treated meat areSafeway, SuperTarget and WalMart.

"Michael Doyle, director of the Centerfor Food Safety at the University ofGeorgia, says one study found that whenmeat in modified packages that includedcarbon monoxide was stored at 10 degreesabove the proper temperature, salmonellagrew more easily."(Source: The Consumerist, 23 February2006, o n s u m e r / b u t c h e r s / s t o r e b o u g h t - m e a t s -dosed-to-look-red-156237.php)

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The then leader of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Sayed Kuttub, a man Faisalsponsored to undermine Nasser, openly admitted that during this period [the1960s] "America made Islam".

— Saïd K. Avburish, in The Rise, Corruption and the Coming Fall of the House of Saud ( 1 9 9 5 )1

What is slowly emerging from al-Qaeda [al-Qa'ida] activities in Central Asia inthe 1990s is the extent to which they involved both American oil companiesand the US government. 2 By now we know that the US-protectedmovements of al-Qaeda terrorists into regions like Afghanistan, Azerbaijan

and Kosovo have served the interests of US oil companies. In many cases they have alsoprovided pretexts or opportunities for a US military commitment and even troops to follow.

This has been most obvious in the years since the Afghanistan war with the Soviet Unionended in 1989. Deprived of Soviet troops to support it, the Soviet-backed Najibullahregime in Kabul finally fell in April 1992. What should have been a glorious victory forthe mujahedin proved instead to be a time of troubles for them, as Tajiks behind Massoudand Pashtuns behind Hekmatyar began instead to fight each other.

The situation was particularly difficult for the Arab Afghans, who now found themselvesno longer welcome. Under pressure from America, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the newinterim president of Afghanistan, Mojaddedi, announced that the Arab Afghans shouldleave. In January 1993, Pakistan followed suit, closed the offices of all mujahedin in itscountry and ordered the deportation of all Arab Afghans.3 Shortly afterwards, Pakistanextradited a number of Egyptian jihadists to Egypt, some of whom had already been triedand convicted in absentia.4 Other radical Islamists went to Afghanistan, but without theforeign support they had enjoyed before.

Fleeing the hostilities in Afghanistan, some Uzbek and Tajik mujahedin and refugeesstarted fleeing or returning north across the Amu Darya.5 In this confusion, with or withoutcontinued US backing, cross-border raids—of the kind originally encouraged by CIAdirector Casey back in the mid-1980s—continued.6 Both Hekmatyar and Massoud activelysupported the Tajik rebels, including in the years up to 1992 when both continued toreceive aid and assistance from the United States.7 The Pakistani observer Ahmed Rashiddocuments further support for the Tajik rebels from both Saudi Arabia and the Pakistaniintelligence directorate ISI.8

These raids into Tajikistan and later Uzbekistan contributed materially to thedestabilisation of the Muslim republics in the Soviet Union (and after 1992 of its successor,the Commonwealth of Independent States). This destabilisation was an explicit goal of USpolicy in the Reagan era, and did not change with the end of the Afghanistan war. On thecontrary, the United States was concerned to hasten the break-up of the Soviet Union andincreasingly to gain access to the petroleum reserves of the Caspian Basin, which at thattime were still estimated to be "the largest known reserves of unexploited fuel in thep l a n e t " .9

The collapse of the Soviet Union had a disastrous impact on the economies of its Islamicrepublics. Already in 1991, the leaders of Central Asia "began to hold talks with Westernoil companies, on the back of ongoing negotiations between Kazakhstan and the UScompany Chevron".1 0 The first Bush administration actively supported the plans of US oilcompanies to contract for exploiting the resources of the Caspian region, and also for apipeline not controlled by Moscow that could bring the oil and gas production out to the

The cosyrelationshipbetween USpetroleum

corporations, theUS government andthe military in the1990s destabilised

Central Asia and theBalkans and

fostered the spreadof Islamist jihadistsas well as the flowof Afghan heroin.

by Peter Dale Scott, PhD© September 1, 2005 (revised)


From chapter 9 of his forthcoming book The Road to 9/11

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West. The same goals were enunciated even more clearly asmatters of national security by Clinton and his administration.1 1

Eventually the threat presented by Islamist rebels persuaded thegovernments of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan to allowAmerican as well as Russian bases on their soil. The result was topreserve artificially a situation throughout the region where smallelites grow increasingly wealthy and corrupt, while most citizenssuffer from a sharp drop in living standards.1 2

The gap between the present Bush administration's professedideals and its real objectives is well illustrated by its positiontowards the regime of Karimov in Uzbekistan. America quicklysent Donald Rumsfeld to deal with the new regime in Kyrgyzstan,installed in March 2005 after the popular "Tulip Revolution" andoverthrow of Askar Akayev. 1 3 But Islam Karimov's violentrepression of a similar uprising in Uzbekistan saw no wavering ofUS support for a dictator who has allowed US troops to be basedin his oil- and gas-rich country.1 4

US Operatives, Big Oil and Al-Qaeda in AzerbaijanIn one former Soviet Republic, Azerbaijan, Arab Afghan

jihadists clearly assisted this effort ofUS oil companies to penetrate theregion. In 1991, Richard Secord,Heinie Aderholt and Ed Dearborn,three veterans of US operations inLaos and later of Oliver North'soperations with the Contras, turned upin Baku under the cover of an oilcompany, MEGA Oil. 1 5 This was at atime when the first Bushadministration had expressed itssupport for an oil pipeline stretchingfrom Azerbaijan across the Caucasusto Turkey.1 6 MEGA never did find oil,but did contribute materially to theremoval of Azerbaijan from the sphere ofpost-Soviet Russian influence.

Secord, Aderholt and Dearborn were all career US Air Forceofficers, not CIA. However Secord explains in his memoir[Honored and Betrayed , 1992] how Aderholt and he wereoccasionally seconded to the CIA as CIA detailees. Secorddescribes his own service as a CIA detailee with Air America, firstin Vietnam and then in Laos, in cooperation with the CIA stationchief Theodore Shackley.1 7 Secord later worked with Oliver Northto supply arms and materiel to the Contras in Honduras and alsodeveloped a small air force for them, using many former AirAmerica pilots.1 8 Because of this experience in air operations, CIAdirector Casey and Oliver North had selected Secord to trouble-shoot the deliveries of weapons to Iran in the Iran–Contrao p e r a t i o n .1 9 (Aderholt and Dearborn also served in the LaotianCIA operation and later in support of the Contras.)

As MEGA operatives in Azerbaijan, Secord, Aderholt, Dearbornand their men engaged in military training, passed "brown bagsfilled with cash" to members of the government and, above all, setup an airline on the model of Air America which soon was pickingup hundreds of mujahedin mercenaries in Afghanistan.2 0 ( S e c o r dand Aderholt claim to have left Azerbaijan before the mujahedinarrived.) Meanwhile, Hekmatyar, who at the time was still alliedwith bin Laden, was "observed recruiting Afghan mercenaries [i.e.,Arab Afghans] to fight in Azerbaijan against Armenia and itsRussian allies".2 1 At this time, heroin flooded from Afghanistanthrough Baku into Chechnya, Russia and even North America.2 2

It is difficult to believe that MEGA's airline (so much like Air

America) did not become involved. 2 3 The operation was not asmall one.

Over the course of the next two years, [MEGA Oil] procuredthousands of dollars worth of weapons and recruited at leasttwo thousand Afghan mercenaries for Azerbaijan—the firstmujahedin to fight on the territory of the former CommunistB l o c . "2 4

In 1993, the mujahedin also contributed to the ousting ofAzerbaijan's elected president, Abulfaz Elchibey, and hisreplacement by an ex-Communist Brezhnev-era leader, HeidarA l i y e v .

At stake was a US$8 billion oil contract with a consortium ofWestern oil companies headed by BP. Part of the contract wouldbe a pipeline which, for the first time, would not pass throughRussian-controlled territory when exporting oil from the CaspianBasin to Turkey. Thus the contract was bitterly opposed byRussia, and required an Azeri leader willing to stand up to theformer Soviet Union.

The Arab Afghans helped supply that muscle. Their own eyeswere set on fighting Russia in the

disputed Armenian-Azeri region ofNagorno-Karabakh, and in liberatingthe neighbouring Muslim areas ofRussia, i.e., Chechnya and Dagestan.2 5

To this end, as The 9/11 CommissionReport notes (p. 58), the bin Ladenorganisation established an NGO inBaku, which became a base forterrorism elsewhere.2 6 It also became atransshipment point for Afghan herointo the Chechen mafia, whose branches"extended not only to the London armsmarket, but also throughoutcontinental Europe and NorthA m e r i c a " .2 7

The Arab Afghans' Azeri operations were financed in part withAfghan heroin.

According to police sources in the Russian capital, 184 heroinprocessing labs were discovered in Moscow alone last year[1991].

"Every one of them was run by Azeris, who use the proceedsto buy arms for Azerbaijan's war against Armenia inNagorno-Karabakh," [Russian economist Alexandre]Datskevitch said.2 8

This foreign Islamist presence in Baku was also supported bybin Laden's financial network.2 9 With bin Laden's guidance andSaudi support, Baku soon became a base for jihadist operationsagainst Dagestan and Chechnya in Russia. 3 0 And an informedarticle argued in 1999 that Pakistan's ISI, facing its own disposalproblem with the militant Arab Afghan veterans, trained andarmed them in Afghanistan to fight in Chechnya. ISI alsoencouraged the flow of Afghan drugs westward to support theChechen militants, thus diminishing the flow into Pakistan itself.3 1

As Michael Griffin has observed [ Reaping the Whirlwind ,2001], the regional conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh and otherdisputed areas, Abkhazia, Turkish Kurdistan and Chechnya...

...each represented a distinct, tactical move, crucial at thetime, in discerning which power would ultimately becomemaster of the pipelines which, some time in this century, willtransport the oil and gas from the Caspian basin to an energy-avid world.3 2

At stake was a US$8 billion oil contract with a consortium

of Western oil companiesheaded by BP.

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The wealthy Saudi families of al-Alamoudi (as Delta Oil) andbin Mahfouz (as Nimir Oil) participated in the Western oilconsortium along with the American firm Unocal. In October2001, the US Treasury Department named among charitiesallegedly supporting terrorism the Saudi charity Muwafaq (BlessedRelief), to which the al-Alamoudis and bin Mahfouz families hadbeen identified as major contributors.3 3 (It should be noted that theentire bin Mahfouz family has emphatically condemned terrorismin all of its manifestations.)

It is unclear whether MEGA Oil was a front for the USgovernment or for US oil companies and their Saudi allies. US oilcompanies have been accused of spending millions of dollars inAzerbaijan, not just to bribe the government but also to install it.According to a Turkish intelligence source who is an allegedeyewitness, major oil companies including Exxon and Mobil were"behind the coup d'état" which in 1993 replaced the electedpresident, Abulfaz Elchibey, with hissuccessor, Heydar Aliyev. The sourceclaimed to have been at meetings in Baku with"senior members of BP, Exxon, Amoco,Mobil and the Turkish Petroleum Company"."The topic was always oil rights and, on theinsistence of the Azeris, supply of arms andmercenaries to Azerbaijan." Turkish secretservice documents allege middlemen paid offkey officials of the democratically electedgovernment of the oil-rich nation just beforeits president was overthrown.3 4

The true facts and backers of the Aliyevcoup may never be fully disclosed. Butunquestionably before the coup, theefforts of Richard Secord, HeinieAderholt, Ed Dearborn and Hekmatyar'smujahedin helped contest Russianinfluence and prepare for Baku's shiftaway to the West.3 5 Three years later, inAugust 1996, Amoco's president metwith US President Clinton and arrangedfor Aliyev to be invited to Washington.3 6

In 1997, Clinton said: In a world of growing energydemand...our nation cannot afford torely on a single region for ourenergy supplies. By working closelywith Azerbaijan to tap the Caspian's resources, we not onlyhelp Azerbaijan to prosper, we also help diversify our energysupply and strengthen our energy's security.3 7

Unocal, the Taliban and Bin Laden in AfghanistanThe accusations against Amoco, Exxon and Mobil in Azerbaijan

parallel those from European sources against Unocal inAfghanistan, which has been accused, along with Delta Oil, ofhelping to finance the Taliban's seizure of Kabul in 1996. (Thiswas at a time when the Taliban was also receiving funds fromSaudi Arabia and Osama bin Laden.)

The respected French observer Olivier Roy has charged: "Whenthe Taliban took power in Afghanistan (1996), it was largelyorchestrated by the Pakistani secret service [ISI] and the oilcompany Unocal, with its Saudi ally Delta."3 8 Unocal executiveJohn Maresca then testified in 1998 to the House Committee onInternational Relations on the benefits of a proposed oil pipelinethrough Afghanistan to the coast of Pakistan.3 9 A second naturalgas pipeline (Centgas) was also contemplated by Unocal.

For Unocal to advance its own funds for the Taliban conquestwould have been in violation of US law, which is why suchcompanies customarily resort to middlemen. No such restraintswould have inhibited Unocal's Saudi partner in its Centgasconsortium, Delta Oil. Delta Oil certainly had the assets; it was"owned by a Jeddah-based group of 50 prominent investors closeto the [Saudi] royal family".4 0 Delta was already an investor withUnocal in the oilfields of Azerbaijan, and may have been a factorin the October 1995 decision of Turkmenistan to sign a newpipeline contract with Unocal.4 1

As I wrote a decade ago, citing the case of a US oil company inTunisia, "it is normal, not unusual, for the entry of major US firmsinto Third World countries to be facilitated and sustained, indeedmade possible, by corruption".4 2 This has long been the case, butin the Reagan 1980s it was escalated by a new generation ofaggressively risk-taking, law-bending, "cowboy" entrepreneurs.

The pace was set by new corporations likeEnron, a high-debt merger that was in partguided by the junk-bond impresario MichaelMilken.

Some have speculated that Enron also had apotential interest in the Unocal gas pipelineproject through Afghanistan. By 1997, Enronwas negotiating a $2 billion joint venture withNeftegas of Uzbekistan to developUzbekistan's natural gas. This was a hugeproject backed by a $400 million commitmentfrom the US government through OPIC [theOverseas Private Investment Corporation].Uzbekistan also signed a memo of agreement

to participate in the Centgas gaspipeline. But the Enron Uzbeknegotiations collapsed in 1998.4 3

Enron's short-term plans had been toexport Uzbek gas west to Kazakhstan,Turkey and Europe. However, it hasbeen claimed that Enron hopedeventually to supply, via the Centgaspipeline, its failing energy plant inDabhol, India. (Without a cheap gassupply, the cost of electricity fromDabhol was so great that Indians refusedto buy it.)4 4

In my book Drugs, Oil and War , Iquote again from Olivier Roy:

It is the Americans who have made inroads in Central Asia,primarily because of the oil and gas interests. Chevron andUnocal are political actors who talk as equals with the States(that is, with the presidents).4 5

It is clear they talk as equals in the current Bush administration.Both the president and vice-president are former oilmen, as aresome of their oldest friends and political backers, like Kenneth Layof Enron.4 6 Many observers have noted, from as early as 1992,that George W. Bush's first oil venture, Arbusto, received a$50,000 investment from a Texan, James Bath, "who made hisfortune by investing money for [Khalid bin] Mahfouz and anotherBCCI-connected Saudi, Sheikh [Salim] bin Laden [Osama'sb r o t h e r ] " .4 7 Such little investments purchased political influence.According to Kevin Phillips [American Dynasty, 2004]:

James Bath, who invested fifty thousand dollars in the 1979and 1980 Arbusto partnerships, probably did so as USbusiness representative for rich Saudi investors Salem bin

"When the Taliban took power in

Afghanistan (1996), it was largely

orchestrated by the Pakistani secretservice [ISI] and the oil company Unocal,

with its Saudi allyDelta."

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Laden and Khalid bin Mahfouz... Both men were involvedwith the Bank of Credit and Commerce International…indeed, bin Mahfouz owned twenty percent of its stock... Adecade later, Harken Energy, the company willing tohandsomely buy out George W.'s crumbling oil and gasbusiness, had its own CIA connections...17.6 percent ofHarken's stock was owned by Abdullah Baksh, another Saudimagnate reported by some to be representing Khalid binM a h f o u z .4 8

(Khalid bin Mahfouz, however, has categorically denied beingan investor in either Arbusto or Harken Energy.)

Al-Qaeda, the KLA in Kosovo and the Trans-BalkanP i p e l i n e

The United States, al-Qaeda and oil company interestsconverged again in Kosovo. Though the origins of the Kosovotragedy were rooted in local enmities, oil became a prominentaspect of the outcome. There the al-Qaeda–backed UCK or"Kosovo Liberation Army" (KLA) was directly supported andpolitically empowered by NATO,beginning in 1998.4 9 But according toa source of Tim Judah, KLArepresentatives had already met withAmerican, British and Swissintelligence agencies in 1996 andpossibly "several years earlier".5 0 T h i swould presumably have been backwhen Arab Afghan members of theKLA, like Abdul-Wahid al-Qahtani,were fighting in Bosnia. 5 1

Mainstream accounts of the Kosovowar are silent about the role of al-Qaeda in training and financing theUCK/KLA, yet this fact has beenrecognised by experts and to myknowledge has never been contested by them. 5 2 For example,James Bissett, former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia, said:

Many members of the Kosovo Liberation Army were sent fortraining in terrorist camps in Afghanistan... Milosevic isright. There is no question of their [al-Qaeda's]participation in conflicts in the Balkans. It is very welld o c u m e n t e d.5 3

In March 2002, Michael Steiner, the United Nationsadministrator in Kosovo, warned of "importing the Afghandanger to Europe" because several cells trained and financed byal-Qaeda remained in the region.5 4

As late as 1997, the UCK/KLA had been recognised by the USas a terrorist group supported in part by the heroin traffic.5 5

The Washington Times reported in 1999 [May 3]: The Kosovo Liberation Army, which the Clintonadministration has embraced and some members ofCongress want to arm as part of the NATO bombingcampaign, is a terrorist organization that has financed muchof its war effort with profits from the sale of heroin.5 6

Alfred McCoy supplies a detailed and footnoted corroboration[The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, 2001 ed.]:

Albanian exiles used drug profits to ship Czech and Swissarms back to Kosovo for the separatist guerrillas of theKosovo Liberation Army (KLA). In 1997–98, these Kosovardrug syndicates armed the KLA for a revolt against

Belgrade's army.. . Even after the 1999 Kumanovoagreement settled the Kosovo conflict, the UNadministration of the province…allowed a thriving herointraffic along this northern route from Turkey. The formercommanders of the KLA, both local clans and aspiringnational leaders, continued to dominate the transit trafficthrough the Balkans .5 7

Yet once again, as in Azerbaijan, these drug-financed Islamistjihadists received American assistance, this time from the USg o v e r n m e n t .5 8 At the time, critics charged that US oil interestswere interested in building a trans-Balkan pipeline with USArmy protection; although initially ridiculed, these critics wereeventually proven correct.5 9 BBC News announced in December2004 that a $1.2 billion pipeline, south of a huge new US Armybase in Kosovo, has been given a go-ahead by the governmentsof Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia.6 0

The closeness of the UCK/KLA to al-Qaeda wasacknowledged again in the Western press after Afghan-connectedKLA guerrillas proceeded in 2001 to conduct guerrilla warfare in

Macedonia. Press accounts included anInterpol report containing theallegation that one of bin Laden'ssenior lieutenants was the commanderof an elite UCK/KLA unit operating inKosovo in 1999.6 1 This was probablyMohammed al-Zawahiri.

The American right wing, whichopposed Clinton's actions in Kosovo,transmitted reports that "the KLA'shead of elite forces, Muhammed al-Zawahiri, was the brother of Aymanal-Zawahiri, the military commanderfor bin Laden's Al-Qaeda". 6 2

Meanwhile, Marcia Kurop in the W a l lStreet Journal Europe [November 1,

2001] wrote: "The Egyptian surgeon turned terrorist leaderAyman al-Zawahiri has operated terrorist training camps,weapons of mass destruction factories and money-laundering anddrug-trading networks throughout Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia,Bulgaria, Turkey and Bosnia."6 3

According to Yossef Bodansky, director of the USCongressional Task Force on Terrorism and UnconventionalWarfare:

Bin Laden's Arab "Afghans" also have assumed a dominantrole in training the Kosovo Liberation Army... [By mid-March 1999, the UCK included] many elements controlledand/or sponsored by the US, German, British, and Croatianintelligence services. 6 4

Meantime, by 2000, according to DEA statistics, Afghanheroin accounted for almost 20 per cent of the heroin seized inthe United States—nearly double the percentage taken four yearsearlier. Much of it is now distributed by Kosovar Albanians.6 5

Al-Qaeda and the Petroleum-Military ComplexIt is important to understand that the conspicuous influence of

petroleum money in the administrations of two Bush presidentswas also prominent under Clinton.

Former CIA officer Robert Baer [ See No Evil , 2002]complained about the oil lobby's influence with Sheila Heslin ofClinton's National Security Council staff:

Heslin's sole job, it seemed, was to carry water for an

The United States, al-Qaedaand oil company interests

converged again in Kosovo.

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exclusive club known as the Foreign Oil Companies Group,a cover for a cartel of major petroleum companies doingbusiness in the Caspian...

Another thing I learned was that Heslin wasn't soloing.Her boss, Deputy National Security Advisor Sandy Berger,headed the inter-agency committee on Caspian oil policy,which made him in effect the government's ambassador tothe cartel, and Berger wasn't a disinterested player. He held$90,000 worth of stock in Amoco, probably the mostinfluential member of the cartel... The deeper I got, themore Caspian oil money I found sloshing aroundW a s h i n g t o n .6 9

The oil companies' meeting with Sheila Heslin in the summerof 1995 was followed shortly by the creation of an interagencygovernmental committee to formulate US policy towards theC a s p i a n .

The Clinton administration listened to the oil companies, andin 1998 began committing US troops to jointtraining exercises in Uzbekistan. 7 0 T h i smade neighbouring countries likeKazakhstan and Turkmenistan wary ofRussia and more eager to grant explorationand pipeline rights to American companies.7 1

But Clinton did not yield to Unocal'sstrenuous lobbying in 1996 for USrecognition of the Taliban as a condition forbuilding the pipeline from Turkmenistan.Clinton declined in the end to do so,responding instead to the strongly voicedpolitical opposition, especially from women'sgroups over the Taliban's treatment ofw o m e n .7 2

The three-way symbiosis of al-Qaeda,oil companies and the Pentagon is stillvisible in the case of Azerbaijan, forexample. Now the Pentagon isprotecting the Aliyev regime (where ayounger Aliyev, in a dubious election,succeeded his father).

The Department of Defense at firstproposed that Azerbaijan alsoreceive an IMET [InternationalMilitary Education and Training]grant of $750,000 and an FMF[Foreign Military Financing] grantof $3 million in 2003 as part of thewar on terrorism but later admitted that the funds wereactually intended to protect US access to oil in and aroundthe Caspian Sea. 7 3

We have seen that, thanks to al-Qaeda, US bases have sprungup close to oilfields and pipelines in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,Georgia and Kosovo. And as Michael Klare has noted [ B l o o dand Oil, 2004]:

Already [US] troops from the Southern Command(Southcom) are helping to defend Colombia's Cano Limónpipeline... Likewise, soldiers from the European Command(Eurcom) are training local forces to protect the newlyconstructed Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline in Georgia...Finally, the ships and planes of the US Pacific Command(Pacom) are patrolling vital tanker routes in the IndianOcean, South China Sea, and the western Pacific... Slowly

but surely, the US military is being converted into a globaloil-protection service. 7 4

A survey of US history since World War Two suggests that theUnited States power state has consistently used the resources ofthe global drug traffic to further its own ends, particularly withrespect to oil, at the expense of the public order and well-beingof the American public state.7 5

For at least two decades, from Brzezinski's backing ofHekmatyar in 1979 to Bush's backing of the Afghan NorthernAlliance in 2001, the United States has continued to draw on theresources of drug-trafficking Islamist jihadists who are or wereassociated at some point with al-Qaeda. In my book I argue thatthis alliance with al-Qaeda terrorists against the United Statespublic order underlies the conspiracy that made 9/11 possible.But we must also look at how the military-petroleum complexcame to project long-term military budgets, in the order of atrillion dollars, that its advocates acknowledged the Americanpublic state could not be persuaded easily to support...

In the absence, that is, of "somecatastrophic and catalyzing event—like anew Pearl Harbor". 7 6 ∞

Editor's Note:We are unable to publish the endnotesaccompanying this article due to theirextensive nature and our lack of space.However, readers can view and downloadthem f rom the author' s web page ath t t p : / / s o c r a t e s . b e r k e l e y . e d u / ~ p d s c o t t /AAAChap9aAzerb.htm#_ftn58. Thispaper is an extract from chapter 9 of PeterDale Scott's forthcoming book The Road

to 9/11; it was first posted in July andrevised in September 2005.

About the Author:Born in Montreal in 1929, Peter DaleScott is a poet, writer and researcher.He is a former Canadian diplomat andwas professor of English at theUniversi ty of California, Berkeley,from 1980 unti l his reti rement in1994. He has a BA f rom McGillUniversity, Montreal, with first-classhonours in philosophy (1949) and aPhD in Political Science, also fromMcGill (1955).

An anti-war speaker during the Vietnam and Gulf Wars, DrScott co-founded the Peace and Conflict Studies Program atUC Berkeley, and the Coalition on Political Assassinations(COPA). His prose books include The War Conspiracy ( 1 9 7 2 ) ,Crime and Cover-up (1977), Deep Politics and the Death ofJ F K (1993, 1996), and Drugs, Oil and War (2003). He haswritten numerous articles and collaborated on books andpapers with other researchers on diverse subjects such asinternational relations, deep politics, peace studies andspirituality. In 2002 he received the prestigious LannanAward for his poetry.

For more details about Peter Dale Scott and his work, visithis websi tes at h t tp: / /www.peterdalescott .net and Dr Scott has a separateweb page on War, 9/11, Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda, Drugs, Oil,Iraq, etc. at

We have seen that,thanks to al-Qaeda,

US bases have sprung up close to

oilfields and pipelines in Uzbekistan,

Tajikistan, Georgia and Kosovo.

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Physical symptoms and advance warnings

In the past five years, Suzanne Smart has endured two CAT scans, two EEGs, oneaudiogram and a host of other medical tests by specialists seeking to determine whyshe suffered from rare and mysterious migraines, screeching ear tones and intense earpain. After a big earthquake, the symptoms would disappear.

"For years my family thought I was experiencing phantom symptoms," Suzanne said."They encouraged me to seek medical advice."

After the litany of sophisticated tests, her doctor concluded her to be normal andhealthy.

"Initially, I did tolerate a bit of ridicule and was the subject of many jokes over the pastfew years," she said. "I have been rather careful in whom I choose to engage inconversation on this subject. I generally only communicate with other sensitives,"remarked Suzanne.

Such is the life of individuals who experience physical symptoms prior to earthquakesor volcanic eruptions. After initial ridicule and disbelief by others, a more powerful drivemakes these sensitives seek to make their plight known to science. It is the guilt of killerearthquakes.

"The worst effect I've ever suffered as a sensitive has not been from the precursorsymptoms I detect, but from the insecurity associated with my inability to know exactlywhere the epicentre is and the exact day and time," said Suzanne. "The reality is,sometimes people are going to die and sometimes there's very little if anything you can doabout it."

Sensitives feel a responsibility to try to save the thousands of potential victims beforethe quake strikes. Afterwards comes a sense of guilt.

Family members started to believe when they found Suzanne's prediction accuracyremarkable. "However, lately they have occasionally and quietly asked me if I'm pickingup anything for certain locations, particularly if it happens to be a vacation destinationthey are travelling to," she said.

Suzanne's doctor is now encouraging her. "At my last visit about a month ago[November 2005], she actually said that she thought it 'really neat' that I could hear thesetones and experience these symptoms and try to use [them] to predict earthquakes to savelives," Suzanne said.

Reliable predictions from ear tones Another "sensitive" is Petra Challus in northern California. Petra is out to show science

that earthquakes can be reliably predicted by human body symptoms. She communicateswith and coordinates a group of sensitives, who all experience internal "ear tones" prior toan earthquake, to help triangulate the epicentre. Undaunted by some seismologists'reactions to this research, Petra is determined and she is full of energy.

"My least favourite response to my reports of hearing this sound in person occurs whenthe person I'm speaking to leans their head back, thinks for a second, rolls their eyes andthen says it's not possible," said Petra in an email. "Then I ask them to check myprediction record and they still don't believe it's possible to predict earthquakes by sound."Petra continued: "For the most part, even when I have made very accurate predictions,they normally say that I'm guessing despite giving clear details and accurate parameterson all of the required specifics, i.e., date, place and magnitude."

Petra issued a prediction prior to the Parkfield, California, earthquake of September 27,

Mysterious Earthsignals that areprecursors to

earthquakes andvolcanic eruptionscan be detected by"sensitives" whosephysical symptoms

can provideaccurate warnings.Meanwhile, newtechnologies arebeing developed

that can tune intothese subtle


by Larry A. Park © 2005–06

Terra ResearchOregon, USA


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2 0 0 4 . "In the late afternoon on 9/27/04, I heard a five-secondright-ear tone. It had an earthy quality to it, and due to mappingfor quite some time I knew this sound belonged to Parkfield,California," said Petra. "I had never heard a sound like that forParkfield before, so I wasn't sure what the highest magnitudemight be. So I set it at 4.8 and issued a public prediction on9/27/04 at 8:54 pm," she added.

"The resulting earthquake was the long-awaited 6.0 occurringon 9/28/04 at 10:15 am, 11 hours after I made my prediction," shesaid. "This earthquake was expected for 38 years by scientists,and not one of their instruments detected anything prior to theearthquake. To date, I have not received credit from any of theParkfield scientists for doing what they could not do with abudget in excess of $40 million and 38 years of research."

Petra is refining the predictive formula behind the mysteriousemissions that cause the internal sensation of ear tones. She hasfound a formula that helps identify how fardistant the epicentre will be located. Themagnitude 6.8 Nisqually, Washington,earthquake of February 28, 2001, was the keyto realisation of the formula.

"The most dramatic event I haveexperienced was hearing a 20-second left-eartone on 02/28/01. This occurred two hoursprior to the 02/28/01 10:55 am Nisqually 6.8earthquake," Petra wrote. "I heard a veryloud, highly electrical sound, much like onemight imagine sound travelling through a fiberoptic wire. On a scale of 1 to 5, this soundwas easily a five. It was the loudestsound I've heard in six years," she said.

"Though I had no time to predict theearthquake prior to its occurrence, it wasas a result of this event that I finallyunderstood that by counting the secondsheard by the ear tone recipient, itmeasured the distance to the earthquakeat 37.70 miles per second. This was thegreatest breakthrough in predictingearthquakes using the method," she said."Today, for ease in mapping, I use 37.5miles per second of sound heard."

Petra Challus has found some scientistsinterested in her research. Her ear-tone-sensitive group isparticipating in a study to determine the viability of her method.

"Our most promising time was last month [December 2005]when we had one miss and only one report expire [a predictionwithout a quake]," said Petra. "For us, that is phenomenal."

At the right [overleaf] is a recent map of ear tone rings toearthquake research plots from Petra Challus. The circle centrerepresents the location of the sensitive at the time of sensing theear tone. The size of the circle represents the distance formulaapplied to the duration of tone. The colour code of the circlerepresents the particular person and the tonal direction sensed bythe person in the research group. All predictions are documentedprior to the earthquake(s).

Roller-wave sensations Perhaps the most dramatic type of sensitive is one who can feel

the earthquake's rolling precursory waves as sensations and candetermine from which direction they are coming. SandyAwerkamp in southern California is one of these "roller wave"sensitives, and her accuracy is uncanny.

"Back in '97 I was still trying to figure out why thesemovements, which I now call waves, increase every time we areclose to having a major earthquake," said Sandy. "After a coupleof years of taking notes and correlating them to earthquakes, Iknew then that these waves were in fact correlated."

"The most dramatic by far was the Northridge earthquake[January 17, 1994, M6.7] because of the lives that were lost,"Sandy continued. "The Friday prior to the quake, my day hadended at work and I was about ready to walk out the door when Ipaused for a moment because I had gotten more dizzy. As Istood there for a second, my receptionist asked me what waswrong and I blurted out, 'You're going to think I'm crazy but LAis going to have a large quake within the next few days and thequake is going to be different.'

"She of course laughed at me, but she asked me how I knewand what I meant by saying a 'different' earthquake. I didn't

know how to explain it to her that I get reallydizzy before large earthquakes, but this time itwas a dizzy feeling of being pushed hard fromnorth of us, which pointed to LA," she said.

"The following day after the earthquake Ireturned to work and I was greeted by her,saying 'Get away from me, psycho woman!'The look on her face and what she said mademe realise from that day on that it really scaredher and now she didn't look at me as the sameperson," said Sandy.

"Months prior to the Hector earthquake[October 16, 1999, M7.0], I got my first

computer and found a website where youcould post predictions. It was the night ofthe Hector Mine earthquake that I postedmy first public prediction calling forwithin 32 miles of Big Bear, 6+magnitude, and within 24 hours. Theinstructions said that if you didn't put in apercentage it was considered 100%, so Ididn't put a percentage in," she said."That morning when we were jolted out ofbed, I was fighting back tears."

Sandy continued: "The emotions atfirst were excited yet scared, because Ifinally made it public and I wasn't sure

how people would accept it. Those emotions shortly turned intobeing mad, because people were congratulating me by saying'Nice hit!'. I didn't know how to respond to that because, in myeyes, predicting an earthquake isn't something to be proud of."

With her accuracy proven, Sandy is concerned with how othersdeal with information prior to a potential killer quake. She trustsher family with the information. "My family will periodically askif there will be any earthquakes soon, but I ask them to keep anyinformation to themselves because I know they can handle it andwon't panic."

Sandy has concluded that posting her predictions isn't the wayto go. "I've realised that posting predictions on a website isn'tgoing to prove anything to the scientific world, so the last fewyears I have focused more on finding someone who has the rightinstruments that can detect these waves."

Earth emissions are realFor the past few years, I have studied and compared Sandy's

sensing ability with specialised instruments that indeed see thesewaves prior to earthquakes.1 Sandy exceeds the performance of

Perhaps the mostdramatic type of

sensitive is one whocan feel the

earthquake's rollingprecursory waves assensations and can

determine fromwhich direction they

are coming.

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the sensors by a factor of 100. She can sense and follow thedirectional emissions of the waves as they travel up and down theSan Andreas fault, even though she is at a distance near southernLos Angeles. It has taken 13 years of development at TerraResearch to create specialised electronic sensors that can detectthe presence of these mysterious emissions, yet Sandy can easilypoint to an area and state the nature of the waves—whether"roller" or "jerky" waves—and the magnitude of the pendingearthquake. I continue to marvel at the human body in how it canreact to stimuli.

Wendy Park in Portland, Oregon, is also a roller-wavesensitive. She is a student in her second year in the RN nursingprogram at the University of Portland. As Wendy has beentrained to read the FFT (fast Fourier transform) plots from theprecursory seismic instruments at my research site, she is familiarwith the phases of these types of Earth emissions. Wendy has theluxury of calling in to the lab when she is experiencing strongroller-wave sensations, since the instruments and data can confirmto her when the Earth is active. For other sensitives, it may takeyears before they realise their symptoms are connected with theE a r t h . Wendy's sensations also provide an ideal researchcomparison opportunity with instruments.

At the lab in northern Oregon, instruments run 24/7 and detectthese Earth emissions in the Pacific Northwest. A secondaryinstrument system is connected between the utility power grid andthe Earth's crust. This secondary system is energised in a specialresonant state such that the Earth's crust and the power grid form asuper-large antenna system stretching from southern California to

Canada. Strong Earth precursor emissions are detectable even asfar away as Alaska and the Aleutian chain. The effective antennasystem looks into the Earth's crust. The size of the antenna is anequivalent 333,396 square miles. It is the largest antenna systemon Earth. Distant, strong precursors will couple to the Earth'scrust and then will enter into the antenna system indirectly.

The same unique character of ear tones that sensitivesexperience is reflected in the antenna system's recordings of thecaptured Earth emissions. Each latitude of the Earth has its ownfrequency and harmonics to the emissions. This character isrevealed in a decomposition of the tones and the harmonics usingspectrum analysis equipment that does FFTs.

Exploring the signalsSo what is the nature of these mysterious Earth signals? Is it

sound, or is it an electrical pulsing in the ear's cellular tissue thatmimics sound?2

Researchers have encountered this same dilemma in a smallpercentage of people who experience a sensation of low rumblingor idling diesel-engine sounds in their ears in an area near Taos,New Mexico. It's called "the Taos Hum", and it was first noticedin the early 1990s. Scientists equipped with an array of sensitiveinstruments have found no sound nor electromagnetic signals toexplain the symptoms. Yet the scientists have never doubted theexistence of bouts of nausea, dizziness, headaches and ear tonesymptoms that these "sensitives" experienced. A congressionalinvestigation was conducted in 1993–94 into the cause of thesemysterious emissions, but no conclusions were drawn. Other

Map of ear tone rings to earthquake research plots. (Source: Petra Challis)

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reports and investigations have occurred in latter years, even asrecently as 2005. To some sufferers, the emissions have beenintensifying since 1999–2000.

Scientists will continue to be baffled as to the nature andexistence of these emissions until they change the type ofinstruments they use to look for the signals. The signals are notsound; nor are they true radio waves. Current mainstreamphysics looks to sound waves and radio waves, as they seem to bethe only explanations that still fit within popular physics. B u tusing sensitive microphones or radio-wave-type sensors, whethermagnetic or even electrostatic, means that finding the true,stealthy signals will only continue to be elusive.

Medical doctors are aware of a sudden onset of dizziness andnausea in patients when they move briskly while near the verypowerful magnetic fields of the modern-day MRI (magneticresonance imaging) machine.3, 4 Yet the Earth signals do not havea powerful magnetic field and still they can cause the same typeof effect with sudden onset of nausea and dizziness.

In search of these Earth signals, scientists have used some ofthe most sensitive, super-cooled magnetic sensors available todetect any extremely weak magnetic field changes but, to date,they have found nothing.

Scientists are using the intenseexternal power of magnetic fields andpulsed radio waves in the MRImachine to reach into the atom andexcite it into resonance. But they arenot thinking of the already existingpowerful electrostatic fields within theatoms themselves. No batteriesrequired! The atom has its chargewithin.

The sudden onset of dizziness,nausea or other symptoms comes fromwithin the atoms themselves. T h esignals from the Earth disrupt theexisting powerful electrostatic fields ofthe atoms. This is the secret to understanding the mysteriouss i g n a l s . The signals disrupt existing strong magnetic fields orexisting strong electrostatic fields. The other secret is that thestrength of the field and the density of the atoms (or tissue, in thehuman body sense) form a selective tuning to the type of Earths i g n a l . This is why some people experience the symptomsdifferently or not at all.

Modern electronics uses the same tuning principle in a devicecalled a "varactor" diode. Its name comes from "voltage-variablecapacitor". The voltage or charge across this device changes itstuning in a precise manner by moving a charge barrier in thedoped silicon of the diode. This is the same principle as thatwhich governs how the cellular tissue of the human body can tuneinto the Earth signals. This is also the foundation to how theunique sensors are designed for detecting the Earth signals.5, 6

For scientists to start to see the true Earth precursors thatsensitives respond to, the instruments and sensors have to have anexisting field present. The strength of the field determines thetuning frequency of interest. The utility power grid forms anideal antenna system since the energy of the power grid constantlystimulates an electromagnetic field. The Earth precursoryemissions will change the 60-cycle power grid electric field itselfand create the resulting signals of interest.

Science will face an interesting revelation on these signals. Ifwe're to understand what the signals do, the foundation of ourphysics must look more deeply into the phenomenon of "the

Lamb shift" as a wider coherent wave. The Lamb shift wasdiscovered in the 1940s by physicist Willis Lamb. 7 T h i sphenomenon is where the atom changes the rules momentarilywhen the quantum states of the electron will shift in a linearamount instead of a quantum jump. In other words, the electronorbits shift outwards like a person breathing out, then back in.

Now imagine a signal that causes a large-scale breathing outand then in on trillions of atoms in the body. This signal is in themedium that is the foundation of particle physics itself. T h eexplanation given in the Lamb shift is the capture and then re-emission of a "virtual photon" in the atom. Scientists then getinto the theory of quantum electrodynamics, as discussed by thegreat modern physicist Richard Feynman.8 This is the right pathto understanding the nature of the earthquake precursor signals towhich sensitives respond.

"Scalarbeamer" generates the same mysterious signalsAmateur experimentalists have stumbled across the true nature

of these Earth signals by building a simple device called a"Scalarbeamer".9 What the experimentalists didn't realise is howbiologically dangerous these emissions can be from a device such

as this. One experimenter inducedextreme sedative effects, besidesexperiencing a "buzzing in the head"sensation while in the "beams", wherehe dropped into a sleep all day, allnight and into the next day from abrief exposure to the narrow, xenongas–amplified side "beam" thatemanated from the sandwich layer ofthe pulse-stimulated "bucking"m a g n e t s . By changing the design abit, the effects were changed toextreme stimulation—described by theexperimenter as like having two tothree cups of strong cappuccino orespresso. The most alarming event

was inducing complete numbness in the hand and the whole arm,which lasted for over an hour from just five minutes ofexperimenting.

I strongly caution any experimenters to be extremely carefulwith this device. Science will learn of this in time, but a level of"resonance poisoning" can be induced in biological tissue in thesestrong scalar types of emission fields. The Earth generates amuch lower base frequency of these types of emissions, but theemissions also carry an harmonic content that reaches into theoptical spectrum. It is the upper harmonics of these baseemissions that cause "sensitives" to react and experiencesymptoms.

Biological equivalent sensors Other amateur experimentalists are on the right track in

designing sensors that detect these rare, mysterious Earth signals.The sensors are called "Barkhausen effect scalar detectors". 1 0

These detectors look for small magnetic changes or sudden "flips"of magnetic domains in the polycrystalline structure of thedetector's core material that is held in a very strong externalmagnetic field. They have heavy shielding to prevent outsideradio waves or magnetic waves from disturbing the internalmagnetic field. Thus, only waves that originate within t h edetector are able to disturb the internal magnetic field. Sciencetoday says these types of waves cannot exist. Yet they do exist.

Another version of these types of detectors is the "electrostatic

So what is the nature of thesemysterious Earth signals?

Is it sound, or is it an electricalpulsing in the ear's cellulartissue that mimics sound?

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field–based scalar sensor". 1 1 To date, these detectors are notperfected or understood by amateurs. However, these types ofsensors are what the human body naturally has within its electriccellular structure. Strong electrostatic fields create migration ofcharge in cells and powers the exchange in the tissue fromelectrochemical gradients.

As a matter of fact, the human mitochondria cell contains oneof the marvels of nature: a 12-pole motor-generator that canpump electrochemical charge in either direction.12 Scientists callthis marvel one of "the smallest motors known to science".13 Thetorque of this unique charge pump is so incredible that a spoonfulof this protein motor generates as much torque as a Mercedesautomobile engine! This cell can create very powerful volts percentimetre of electrochemical fields (or electrostatic equivalent).14

A 0.1-volt charge across a 5-nanometre cell membrane gives anelectric field of 20 million volts per metre.15

These powerful fields are the ideal environment for interactionwith a biological version of an electrostatic scalar detector. TheEarth emissions interact with these pre-existing electrostatic fieldsin the ions at the atomic scale in either positively charged ornegatively charged ions. This interaction creates the symptomsthat "sensitives" experience.

Modern Electrostatic ScalarDetector

After 13 years of development, amodern electrostatic scalar detectorcreates pristine viewing of themysterious Earth signals. T h i sdetector is modelled after the samestructure in the biological make-up ofthe human cell's electrochemical fields.The detector relies on a beam-embedded charge into a teflon basematerial to create an equivalent 78,740volts per centimetre of the precisionelectrostatic field. The head has a specialnickel alloy with a specific tension and thickness. Modulation ofthe electrostatic field by Earth signals creates a mechanicalreaction in the tensioned drum alloy. Critical to the correctoperation of this type of design is a ratio of charge, tension anddensity, forming a charge density ratio.

This sensor is put inside a shielded metal box that forms aFaraday shield against any outside radio waves or electrostaticfields. The shield box and sensor are placed in a heavy vault inthe earth to provide for the best coupling to the Earth signalswhich like to travel near the surface, similarly to how the "skineffect" occurs in electrical conductors.

This type of electrostatic scalar detector can detect precursoryemissions from the Earth in a radius of 800 to 1,000 kilometres.This device is what is currently used to monitor the PacificN o r t h w e s t . It is the equivalent of a round-the-clock human"sensitive".

A mobile version of the electrostatic scalar detector is based ona different form of an array of cells of tens of thousands of voltsper centimetre that are impervious to vibration. This sensorysystem is used to map unknown faults in the Earth. Faults arestrong emitters of these mysterious Earth signals. The strength ofthe fault emissions is proportional to the readings of the largeantenna monitoring system. By driving over faults with aspecially instrumented vehicle and this mobile sensor array, youcan detect emissions that reveal which faults are resonating andhow strongly. This same detector array allows triangulation of a

pending epicentre, as the epicentral location will reveal itself withintermittent "chirps" in the emissions. Most chirps occur in anapproximate 20 minutes to an hour interval spacing, one to threedays prior to the earthquake. The periodic reception of theimpulses along with the amplitude reveals which region theepicentral location is in.

It should be noted that these sensors are fully shielded in aFaraday shield or a Faraday cage. They do not react to radiowaves or electrostatic or electromagnetic fields. Only the uniqueform of these waves that can penetrate a full Faraday cage is ableto cause a signal to be detected. Again, science says these wavesdo not exist. In time, science will learn of the reality of thesewaves: longitudinal scalar waves.16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

Ridicule or Revelation?Only by scientists discovering the existence of these real signals

will the attitudes towards sensitives be changed. A bigger hurdleto earthquake scientists will then be trying to understand howthese signals are generated in the first place. The existing brittlefracture theory has it that the rock is teetering on the edge ofinstability. How can the Earth know ahead of time how big the

earthquake will be before it occurs?Sensitives know the magnitude inadvance, thus the emissions reflect thesize or the power of the pendingearthquake.

There is much that mainstreamscience will learn after the ridicule ischanged to excitement in discoveringan underlying active physics, as theEarth is already communicating to"sensitives".23 ∞

About the Author:Larry A. Park is a principal engineerwith 24 years o f research anddevelopment experience in the high

technology semiconductor and computing industry in the"Silicon Forest" near Portland, Oregon, USA.

Larry started research into earthquake and volcanic precursorswhile working as a senior systems hardware engineer at amassively parallel supercomputer company not long after thePacific Northwest was struck by a rare M5.6 earthquake in 1993near Scotts Mills, Oregon. In 1994, while investigating rarefailures of the supercomputer disc array power modules, unusualenergy impulses were discovered coming through the utilitypower grid and were severely damaging microelectronics in thepower modules of the massively parallel supercomputer.Tracking these mysterious and rare energy bursts yielded insightsinto the development of unusual sensors that led to furtherinsights of the unusual physics of these bursts. Larry hasconducted a number of years of research into earthquakes andvolcanic eruptions with this new technology in the PacificNorthwest and in the volcanic region of Long Valley Caldera inCalifornia.

Larry is author of the book Forbidden Secrets of theEarthquake Revealed (Terra Research, 2002). He is an inventorand holder of two earthquake precursor sensory system patents,with another pending as an ongoing R&D effort in this new fieldof technology, with patents funded privately through TerraResearch.

Larry A. Park may be reached through the websi te; click on "Contact".

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Only by scientists discovering the existence

of these real signals will theattitudes towards sensitives

be changed.

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Today we know a great deal about the living world: the myriad beautiful forms ofanimals and plants, and how they behave and interact with each other. On the otherhand, by taking them apart, we also have a compendium of knowledge on anatomy,physiology and biochemistry—now including even sequences of their genes. But

between these two is a huge gap. We lack knowledge of the basic essence of life. What isit, in physical terms, that distinguishes the living state of matter from the non-living state?

Big changes have been underway, however, for at least the last 30 years. Indeed, theycould be said to have begun with the publication in 1944 of Erwin Schrödinger's seminal littlebook, What is Life?1 He was among the first to suggest that the unique properties of life couldonly be approached through quantum physics. Although it has yet to be much recognised bymainstream biology, we now have a firm foundation for a real, holistic biophysics—onewhich is already putting holistic medicine on a truly scientific basis and will surely give usmany new insights, extending even into ecology and our relationship with the living world.

Free radicals and quantum biologyA free radical is any atom or molecule which has one of its valencies unsatisfied. This

leaves it with an unpaired electron in its outer shell. In trying to get a pair for the loneelectron, free radicals react avidly with any neighbouring molecules and so can, in principle,do a lot of damage. According to much contemporary health literature, therefore, freeradicals are only bad news, being seen as the cause of many diseases and even as the majorcause of ageing. While test-tube experiments show that they can indeed damage manyimportant biological molecules, there is now, as we shall see, considerable evidence insupport of a role for free radicals in the very basis of life.

The case for this has been powerfully argued by Professor Vladimir Voeikov, who isprofessor of biology at Lomonosov Moscow State University. He stems from a long anddistinguished tradition of biology in Russia which has been largely ignored in the West.Some of the most convincing evidence comes from his own recent experimental work. WhatI write here is based on his publications—and especially an article entitled "Reactive OxygenSpecies, Water, Photons and Life".2 In the broad sweep of this illuminating article, he givesus a new conception of how molecules cooperate holistically to make a living being, andeven a new and credible schema for the origin of life. We can see how free radicals are akey to understanding the central (but rarely acknowledged) mystery of biochemistry: howall the multifarious chemical reactions are integrated into a unitary living being.

All biochemical processes are transactions of energy. So first we must remember thatenergy is packaged into precisely defined units called q u a n t a. The energy content (or "size")of a quantum is measured in electronvolts and depends on the frequency; thus a quantum oflight is bigger than one of infrared or microwave. A molecule which absorbs a quantumstores the energy as some kind of higher energy state. In the case of infrared quanta, theseare a variety of states of molecular vibration. But a light quantum has sufficient energy topush an electron out of its stable ground state (or o r b i t a l) into a higher energy orbital. Themolecule is then said to be in an electron-excited state (EES). But all these high energy statesare unstable, and after a while the energy is released again as a quantum of the appropriatefrequency. So in the case of an EES, the electron jumps back again to its stable orbital anda quantum of light energy is released. This quantum can then either be directly transferredto another molecule (where it may contribute to a chemical reaction) or be emitted as aphoton of electromagnetic radiation. In turn, this photon can either be absorbed by anothermolecule or be lost as heat.

Once thought tohave no role other

than to killmicrobes, free

radicals are nowunderstood to be

crucial togenerating the lightenergy needed toorganise and fuel


by Roger Taylor, PhD © 2005

The MuBrook Lane

Albury, Guildford GU5 9DHUnited Kingdom

Email: [email protected]

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Most biochemical reactions, as studied in the test-tube, involvetransactions of infrared quanta rather than light. This is one reasonwhy the importance of light in the living being is still not generallyrecognised in the West. It is a different story in Russia, where theyhave benefited from the work of Alexander Gurvich—a scientistwho in due course will be counted as one of the world's great namesin biology. As far back as the 1920s, he discovered that dividingcells produce an ultra-weak light radiation (now termed b i o p h o t o n s)which could stimulate mitosis in resting cells. Even then, it wasclear to Gurvich that this light constituted an information-bearingsignal. This finding lent support to his field theories of biologicalorganisation—theories which had come so long before their time.

Since then, scientists from many countries have contributed to thedevelopment of what may be called quantum biology. While it hasnot been entirely proved to the satisfaction of the mainstream, allthis work is pointing to the conclusion that a living being is unifiedby a single quantum wave function, in the same way that an atom ormolecule is. (For further reading, see Dr Mae-Wan Ho's excellentbook The Rainbow and the Worm.3) In this conception, light playsa central role; and excited electrons,rather than being confined to singleatoms or molecules, are understood tobe de-localised and shared at least overlarge molecular ensembles andprobably the whole organism.Moreover, as the EESs decay, they arecontinually regenerated. Thus anorganism normally stores a lot of light.

Reactive Oxygen Species How is this light generated? It is

here that free radicals come onto thescene. Professor Voeikov makes thecritical point that none of the usualbiochemical reactions is of sufficientenergy to generate light. This can only be done by the reactions offree radicals.

All the radicals of biological significance are derived fromoxygen. Principal among these are the superoxide anion radical O2

and the hydroxyl radical HO. In addition, there is an electronic re-arrangement of molecular oxygen called singlet oxygen, 1O2. Whilenot a radical, it has a comparably extreme reactivity. Together,these are now termed reactive oxygen species (ROS). Alsoimportant are certain molecules which can easily break down tobecome ROS—notably, hydrogen peroxide and ozone. All these aregenerated by a variety of enzymic and non-enzymic mechanismswhich were initially thought to be confined to cells of the immunesystem—especially neutrophil leucocytes. For this reason, the onlyfunction for free radicals was thought to be to kill microbes.However, these mechanisms (and there is a growing list of them)were later found to be ubiquitous throughout the body.

The body produces large quantities of ROS all the time. Indeed,it is a remarkable fact that some 10 to 20 per cent of all the oxygenwe breathe enters this pathway. Along with this, some other factsshould be taken into account. Thus, in the human being, the brainuses some 20 per cent of the oxygen we take in, and yet it hasrelatively few mitochondria. Since mitochondria are well known tobe the sites where oxygen is used to generate the energy moleculeATP, most of the oxygen used by the brain must represent adifferent type of metabolic pathway.

Of further interest are observations by Erwin Bauer, anotheroutstanding Russian biologist, in 1935. He collected data for thetotal oxygen consumption during the whole life of each of a great

range of animal species, divided by the mean body weight of each.This index, called by him the "Rubner constant", increases byseveral thousandfold in a sequence starting with the primitivecoelenterates and ending with the primates. It stands, in fact, as theonly known quantitative parameter which defines evolutionaryprogress. Note especially that for Homo sapiens, this parameter isat least 10 times higher than for other primates.

This finding might suggest that as more highly developedorganisms must have more complex control systems, they wouldneed to store more light in their bodies. And for this, they wouldneed more oxygen to generate the necessary ROS.

The facts just stated are hardly consistent with the currentprevailing view that free radicals are merely noxious errors ofmetabolism. That they are produced in such quantities can onlymean that they have an important function. And although freeradicals can in principle do damage, there are several means bywhich this is almost completely avoided in vivo. One is that theradicals are produced exactly where and when they are needed andare used immediately, so that the concentration in the body at any

one time is extremely small. And thenthere is the fact that radicals canneutralise each other, and so anyunused ROS react preferentially witheach other rather than damagingbiological macromolecules. Finally, aback-up defence is provided byvarious anti-oxidants such as vitaminsC and E. The efficiency of thesemechanisms can be seen in the factthat, during some methods of ozonetherapy, a sample of blood is mixedwith ozone and re-injected into thebody. This quantity of ozone, whichwould play havoc with isolated bloodproteins in solution, has no adverse

effect on living blood.To begin to understand the main function of ROS, we must again

emphasise the mysterious perfection of biological organisation,even of a single cell. The characteristic wholeness of an organismmust have been present from the beginning; that is, long before themolecular signals, such as hormones and neurotransmitters,evolved. Such wholeness could not have been achieved bymolecular signals alone, because these require time to diffusetowards their receptors. Instead, it would seem to require anunderlying network of essentially instantaneous communication.This is what is now coming to be understood as a field of de-localised electrons excited by light energy—now often termed aphoton field.

Furthermore, as maintained by Dr Mae-Wan Ho, for all life'sprocesses to hang together they must also cohere into a single,complex, rhythmic order in which the fastest rhythms (and theseare very fast: resonant energy transfer between molecules takesabout 10- 1 4 seconds) are nested into progressively slower ones, suchas brain waves, heartbeat and hormonal cycles, ultimately to theslowest: the life cycle. Indeed, rhythmic oscillations are ahallmark of biological organisation since they indicate collectivebehaviour among molecules which, in isolation from each other,would behave randomly.

Oscillatory self-organising processes with biophotonsIt turns out that sustained oscillations, indicating self-

organisation, have been found in a number of processes involvingROS. Studying the output of biophotons from isolated blood,

...none of the usual biochemicalreactions is of sufficient energy

to generate light.

This can only be done by thereactions of free radicals.

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Voeikov and his colleagues found first that this increases greatly onstimulation of ROS production with zymosan [a carbohydrateobtained from yeast cell walls]. Most remarkable was theemergence, under certain conditions, of well-marked oscillations.The regulatory role of these biophotons became obvious from theeffects of reflecting them back into the blood: a low basic outputwas increased by back reflection; high output was reduced. Even insome non-living materials, e.g., solutions of methyl glyoxal andglycine, there was both generation of ROS and release ofbiophotons. In such systems, too, oscillations were seen to develop.

In the living organism, the light that is actually radiated formsonly a small proportion of the total light energy produced; most of itis taken up by other molecules where it serves a control function, totrigger or modulate biochemical reactions. The rhythmic release ofthis energy, which is capable of a wide range of frequencies—goingup even to the megahertz region—is consistent with their role aspacemakers of metabolic processes. Indeed, Voeikov suggests thatmodulations of frequency rather than amplitude may be the mostimportant informative factor for cellular regulation. All thesecomplex temporal patterns (whichMae-Wan Ho likens to a symphony)are also precisely localised in space.Thus we have a deep space-timestructure which is intensely dynamicin all its aspects. Perhaps it could beimagined as a non-material frameworkof three-dimensional music, to whosetune dance the material constituents ofl i f e .

The finding that ROS andbiophotons can so easily be producedin simple aqueous solutions has ledVoeikov to propose a revolutionaryalternative to the most commonlyaccepted understanding of the originof life. He draws on recent evidence for dissociation of water undervery mild conditions, merely by procedures such as mechanicalagitation, illumination and freeze-thawing. The products of suchdissociation include hydrogen peroxide and the free radicals H• andHO• derived from non-ionic dissociation of water. These radicalsmay then react with nitrogen and carbon dioxide to produce aminoacids and other complex organic molecules. Moreover, in thepresence of simple catalysts such as iron oxide, hydrogen peroxidebreaks down to release oxygen.

In this way, it becomes plausible to consider a scenario whereoxygen began to appear from the beginning, as soon as waterappeared on Earth. Even at this time, however, ROS and EESwould also begin to appear. These would soon self-organise anddevelop spatio-temporal structures of the characteristic dynamicstability which could begin to deserve the name Life.

Free radicals in therapyAll this is not without medical significance. On the one hand is

the finding of Chizevsky in the 1920s (which has recently beenconfirmed) that animals deprived of negative ions in the air becamesick and died within days. On the other is the long tradition ofsuccessful therapy with ozone and hydrogen peroxide.

It turns out that negative ions are in fact superoxide anion radicals,and that a regular supply of ROS from the environment is requiredto "spark" the internal mechanism of oxygen reduction. Withoutthis, the oscillations in ROS metabolism tend to decay. And then,with insufficient ROS, the radical chain reactions proceed withoutproper termination and go on to damage biological molecules.

The best way to neutralise these chain reactions is to intensifyproduction of ROS by "sparking" with negative ions, ozone or otheractivated oxygen therapies. By regenerating the body's light energy,such therapies empower the body to cope better with whateverdisease process threatens it.

Ozone therapy has a long history, and it is still being used withgreat success today. But it has been largely ignored by mainstreammedicine—partly because its mode of action was unknown, andpartly because it cannot be patented. Ozone, however, has thedisadvantage of being too reactive to take into the lungs. Thus it hasto be administered intravenously or by other routes requiringprofessional help.

So it is worth mentioning the recent and so far little-knowntherapy with singlet oxygen energy as developed by [the late] Tonyvan der Valk.4 Air is first bubbled through water to saturate it withwater vapour. It then passes a metal plate coated with aphotosensitive phthalocyanin compound onto which is directed ared-light-emitting diode (634 nm).

This turns some of the oxygen into singlet oxygen. Withinmicroseconds, the singlet oxygen(which, due to its intense reactivity,could not be breathed as such) deliversits energy to water molecule which canthen be breathed with complete safety.Exactly how water carries this energyis not known at present, but thetreatment is quite as effective as ozonetherapy and, moreover, it is so muchsafer and more convenient that patientscan easily administer it themselves.

As Professor Voeikov writes in hisintroduction, we are approaching amajor turning point in biology. This isone where biology lets go of its currentbasis in 19th-century physics and

chemistry and gains its own proper theoretical foundation. This willeventually come to have the predictive capability in relation toevolution which is lacking in Darwinism.

I hope this article will stimulate interest in such ideas, and also, byproviding a modus operandi for the activated oxygen therapies,enhance their general acceptance in medicine. ∞

E n d n o t e s1 . Schrödinger, E., What is Life?, Cambridge University Press,Cambridge, 1944. 2 . Voeikov, V., "Rivista di Biologia", Biology Forum 9 4 : 1 9 3 - 2 1 4(2001). (I can provide copies of this article, which has all therelevant references.)3 . Ho, Mae-Wan, The Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics ofO r g a n i s m s, World Scientific Publishing, 1998, 2nd ed., ISBN 981-02-3427-9.4 . See Tony van der Valk's website,

About the Author:Retired from a career of research in fundamental immunology,Roger Taylor has spent 18 years conducting research (mainlyprivate) around the scientific basis for subtle energy. In recent workhe has been using Dr Konstantin Korotkov's GDV (computerisedKirlian) system to show responses to singlet oxygen therapy andOrmus (white gold) therapy. Most of his published articles haveappeared in the magazine C a d u c e u s, of which he is science editor.

This article was first published in The Network Review (no. 87,Spring 2005, pp. 18-20), the journal of The Scientific and MedicalNetwork. For more information, visit

Chizevsky in the 1920s [found]that animals deprived of

negative ions in the air becamesick and died within days.

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APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 27

The Virus Cancer Program

When we set out to collect as much critical data as we could about influenza,we quite frankly had no idea into what a quagmire it would lead us. We wereof the view that influenza was a disease which recurred frequently in human,avian and animal groups…especially where those groups were crowded

together more closely than they ordinarily were. We were also aware that certain groupssuch as the World Health Organization (WHO), the US National Institutes of Health (NIH)and the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) plus certain media groups such as the NewYork Times were carrying on a veritable drum beat and chant of "The flu is coming, the fluis coming".

As we marshalled our facts, we came to realise that we were not dealing with an ordinarypossible pandemic of influenza. The picture which emerged has startled even us.

The following quotation is from a US government document. It is a document paid forby United States taxpayers and is titled "The Virus Cancer Program". On the cover it bearsthe date June 1978 and the publisher's data, "Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention; USDepartment of Health, Education, and Welfare; Public Health Service; National Institutesof Health". On page 19 it reads as follows:

"…various live, attenuated adenovirus vaccines were administered to selected humanpopulations as a control measure for debilitating respiratory tract infections. A furthercomplication was introduced when it was discovered that the oncogenic [i.e., 'tumour-causing'] papovavirus SV40, acquired from the simian cells used for propagation of theadenoviruses, was present as a major contaminant in these vaccine preparations. Sincehybrid viruses with a spectrum of biological functions have been isolated from mixedadenovirus-SV40 populations, these adenovirus vaccines undoubtedly contained suchrecombinant viruses. Thus, more than one million people were inoculated withrepresentative members of two groups of DNA viruses with known oncogenic properties."[Author's emphasis is added in italics.]

In other words, the United States government injected a cancer-causing monkey virusinto one million US citizens.

A "flu-like" engineered diseaseIn the 1960s, millions of Third World people were rounded up by the foreign military

occupiers of their countries and given a free vaccination against smallpox. The occupyingtroops were primarily French, British, Belgian and Portuguese, and the donor of the freesmallpox vaccine was nominally the World Health Organization—but in fact was largelythe US government which had dispatched 17 teams of people from the CDC in Atlanta tovaccinate millions of people. The recipients of this American largesse were told that thevaccine would help them escape the risk of smallpox. However, it now turns out they weregetting something new in exchange: the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), theretrovirus purported to cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

If one takes the time, one can find incontrovertible evidence that AIDS, which now takesthe lives of about 8,000 people a day, was essentially "made in the USA". We havepresented some of that evidence in The Journal of Degenerative Diseases (vol. 5, no. 3,Fall 2004) and in our latest book Life: From Plants to Animals to Us, so we won't repeatit here.

What we fear is another opportunity the world is being given to exchange an ancientdisease (a viral influenza) for something new: a "flu-like illness" caused by a Mycoplasma

If the world'spopulation is struck

by a pandemicdisease with

"flu-like" symptoms,it may be caused by a species ofmicro-organism

known asMycoplasma,

not by a mutatedbird flu virus.

by Donald W. Scott, MA, MScand

William L. C. Scott © 2006

The Common Cause Medical Research FoundationPO Box 133, Stn 'B'

Sudbury, ON P3E 4N5, Canada

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species. In fact, if our worst fears are realised, a large part of thehuman family has already been contaminated with this deadly newpathogen. It has been engineered from its earlier and naturalantecedent by the US government's biowarfare weapons research,development, testing and deployment agencies and their universityand commercial partners.

It appears that, shortly, the people of the USA and UK are goingto be required to accept a vaccination to "protect" themselves fromcatching "influenza". Just which strain of influenza they are goingto be "protected" against is anyone's guess, but the so-called "avianflu" species known as H5N1 is being touted in the mass media asthe possible candidate.

Other gullible "Coalition" allies such as Poland, the Ukraine,Italy, Spain and Australia will most likely go along with theirBritish/American "Big Brothers" and accept the gift of vaccinationfor protection against the flu. Other countries such as Canada,France, Germany, Japan and others will beput under pressure by selected media whichwill speak on behalf of their "valued readers"to do the same.

On this topic, it must be emphasised thatUS President George Bush said in September2005 that he may have to call upon themilitary to administer the vaccinationprogram and confine dissenters toconcentration camps until they, too, acceptthe vaccine offered. Remember that Portugaland Belgium used their military to ensure thatthe citizens of the occupied colonies in India(Goa) and Africa took the "free" smallpoxvaccines that were pushed upon them in themid-1960s and early 1970s.

The old "Here's a free vaccine" trickworked with the Third World countrieswhich inadvertently gave up smallpoxin exchange for AIDS.

There is reason to believe that it willwork again—only this time, for the restof us, it will be when, five years downthe line from 2005 or even sooner, thisnew and deadly disease makes itspresence known. Further, as we havediscovered, it is probably already wellon its way. It will look like influenza,and it will kill like influenza, and thebacterial sequelae will also be there.But it won't be influenza!

Now, this doomsday scenario is terrible to contemplate, but whoin 1950 would have envisaged the epidemic of AIDS killing 8,000people a day just 50 years down the line? To help you accept thepossibility of this new scenario, we quote from researcher DrLeonard Horowitz's 2001 book Death in the Air.

" 1970, immediately after National Security Adviser HenryKissinger called for drastic Third World depopulation, whichsparked secret congressional subsidies into a new generation ofbioweapons that Litton Bionetics engineered, one contract calledfor the testing of special strains of 'influenza' and 'para influenza'viruses. As reported by Dr Horowitz in Emerging Viruses: AIDS& Ebola – Nature, Accident or Intentional?, these flu viruses wererecombined with leukemia viruses for its only rational use—population reduction. Much like the AIDS virus, these new strainscould be more rapidly spread to cause slow, non-traceablegenocide." (p. 171)

Furthermore, many of the people who turn up in this study ofinfluenza are the same people who turned up in our study of theorigin of AIDS—when we found that this was a population controlstrategic weapon.

However, there is more to this story than simply the possibilityof having some new and deadly disease agent hidden within thepromised "flu vaccine". We have discovered a new dimension tothe story: an agenda to pull down humanity's defences, rather thanincreasing the virulence of the H5N1 influenza virus.

Don't depend upon the "authorities"We know that it was not until Eisenhower made his 1960

farewell speech as president that the term "military-industrialcomplex" entered common parlance. However, the group to whichEisenhower was referring had its genesis many years before whenthe Rockefellers, the Morgans and others of the American nouveau

r i c h e began staking out their claim onhumanity in many ways—including gettingcontrol of health care and medicine andhence getting control of the lives of themasses while protecting the wealth of therich and destroying the lives of the world'spoorest.

Under the guise of "We'll help you keephealthy", this group methodically took amajor role in all aspects of health care,including university research,pharmaceutical industrial control of medicalpractice, media reporting of health careissues and control of the public healthagencies of government.

This is where Johns HopkinsUniversity comes onto the scene. Theuniversity and its various colleges areup to their eyeballs in the corruption ofhealth care studies. If you value yourhealth and the health of your family, itcan't be trusted on anything it has tosay about influenza.

Take a look at the Johns HopkinsFamily Health Book ("America's #1Medical Authority"), and look under"M y c o p l a s m a". You'll find nothingthere! Now look in the glossary of thesame 1,658-page monster book for thatsame subject. You'll find nothing!

Turn to the index, look under "B" and try to find some referenceto "brucellosis". There's no listing. Why is that? Well, that term,too, began to fall out of favour, in terms of certain persons andinstitutions that could be expected to know and use the word, sometime after the US government began using brucellosis in biologicalweapons, such as those it used against China and North Koreaduring the Korean War. (Among the most honest and best-researched accounts of the US use of bioweapons in the KoreanWar is The United States and Biological Warfare by StephenEndicott and Edward Hagerman, published by Indiana UniversityPress, 1998.) After the war in Korea, the research continued butfocused upon a derivative of the Brucella abortus nucleic acidparticle, now known as one of the species of Mycoplasma.

Mycoplasma is now acknowledged by a patent, held by the USgovernment, to be a factor in "...AIDS or ARC, Chronic FatigueSyndrome, Wegener's Disease, Sarcoidosis, respiratory distresssyndrome, Kibuchi's disease, autoimmune diseases such as

28 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006

President George Bushsaid in September 2005that he may have to call

upon the US military to administer the

vaccination program and to confine dissentersto concentration campsuntil they, too, accept the vaccine offered.

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Collagen Vascular Disease and Lupus and chronic debilitatingdiseases such as Alzheimer's Disease". This dramatic list ofMycoplasma-related diseases is taken from the 1991 US Patent#5,242,820, with its "inventor" cited as Shyh-Ching Lo, whoassigned the patent rights to the American Registry of Pathology,Washington, DC. In other words, the US government holds apatent upon a death and disease weapon of mass destruction in theform of a patent on "Pathogenic Mycoplasma". And thisMycoplasma causes a "flu-like illness" which can be fatal.

The Johns Hopkins crowd is just one of the many institutionsthat is complicit in this great crime against humanity, so no wonderthose in the know want to expunge the terms "Mycoplasma" and"brucellosis" from "America's #1 Medical Authority".

What was at work in the case of US development of bioweaponsfrom brucellosis and various mycoplasmal diseases is nowworking its way towards a population control goal of a fatalpandemic which will look like the flu and will be blamed upon a"mutated" avian virus: H5N1.

The "N" in that species label stands for neuraminidase, and itconsists of a string of amino acids which present on the surface ofthe influenza virus and permit its access to certain human cells. Ifthe sequence of amino acids is altered, it presents as a new variantof the virus antigen. It is important to know that mycoplasma canchange certain amino acids in situ andhence alter the neuraminidase code andthus alter the flu virus's cellular accessability. This is one form of viralmutation that you have read so muchabout.

But don't be dazzled by all the jargonsleight-of-hand to which you are beingsubjected by the "authorities" and themedia.

The influenza virus responsible forthe 1918–19 pandemic, a huge tragedywith 50,000,000 deaths, may well havebeen set loose on the world as abiological warfare weapon, and itsengineered successor could well exceedthat death toll.

The principle of concentrationOur research has demonstrated to us that when humans or other

animal species (including birds) are concentrated in a relativelyconfined space, there is an increasing possibility that respiratory-linked diseases will rise. Consider the following examples.

In World War I, thousands of men were packed together in large,often poorly ventilated army barracks. Military recruits werecramped together even more closely in troop ships and forced tore-breathe the same air for hours on end. What if that air had beencontaminated by some disease pathogen? Well, in that case, thepathogen would have had a greater opportunity to becomeconcentrated in the respiratory tract and lungs of the victims.

This is especially true of the disease agent Mycoplasma, uponwhich Drs Couch and Chanock would later work and upon whichDr Robert Huebner had been working for the US Navy when hediscovered that the Mycoplasma could lead to the "spontaneousdegeneration" of certain human tissues and could lower the body'simmunity!

On factory farms, millions of chickens and other fowl areusually placed in wire mesh cages shortly after they are born. Thecages are stacked one atop each other for several feet, and birdfaeces is allowed to drop through the mesh to the ground below,

where it is salvaged and processed as a feed protein additive forother farm animals. Thus, not only is any airborne pathogenconcentrated, but any faeces-borne pathogen is likewiseconcentrated. To an extent, the same concentration is achieved insmall backyard flocks of poultry in rural areas of Asia wherehumans, other farm animals (especially swine) and poultry ofvarious kinds share limited space for most of their daily lives.

Again, the principle is concentration, and it will be revealed asa very critical element in our later discussion of Mycoplasmaspecies.

The cell as the basic factor in health and diseaseThe average human body is composed of approximately 50

trillion (50,000,000,000,000) cells. These cells all start off as asingle cell, the egg provided by the mother and fertilised by thesperm from the father. Then, immediately after fertilisation, theegg begins the process of dividing and differentiating to create thefull range of cells which combine in accordance with inheritedimpulse to create all of the necessary parts of the emerging body.

This is where most people go wrong when thinking about healthand disease, including influenza: they start off with the wholebody and talk about a single disease at a time, i.e, "I am ill with theflu", or "My body is wracked by cancer". The fundamental thing

is to start with individual cells which areattacked by individual pathogens.

Now, the important thing about theso-called influenza pandemics is this:under the rubric of "influenza", there isa variety of pathogens which alone ortogether or one after another alter theeffective working of individual cells atseveral different sites in the total body.Among the dangerous pathogens arevarious bacterial, viral and mycoplas-mal species working in the cells of thedifferent body systems.

One cannot talk about the flu"killing" a person. One must think interms of specific pathogens damaging

or destroying specific cells in specific body systems, sometimes tothe extent that the whole body ceases to function. So, start yourthinking with the fundamental unit of the cell and go on from there.

Now, the disease entity commonly referred to as "influenza"primarily attacks the respiratory system, and the attackingpathogen is a virus. However, over the years the term "influenza"has been used to cover any of the numerous febrile illnesses whichreach beyond the respiratory system to affect practically all theother systems of the body. And there is now a "flu-like" illnesscaused by Mycoplasma fermentans, to which we return later.

The viral pathogen primarily focused upon is only one of threepathogens which often come into play in attacks of what webroadly call "the flu". What is usually ignored, overlooked ordownplayed are the roles of certain other pathogens such asbacteria and mycoplasmas. And the latter, especially, is almosttotally absent from any reference you will find in the literaturedirected to the average citizen.

All the drum-beating is about "avian flu virus H5N1". Couldthis be an intentionally misleading emphasis to obviate the need tolook for the real danger? We think so. We are convinced that theignoring, overlooking and downplaying of the mycoplasma's rolein influenza is intentional and criminal.

Influenza is a specific disease entity, but in common parlance theterm has come to cover several disease entities such as pneumonia,

APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 29

It will look like influenza, and it will kill like influenza, and the bacterial sequelae

will also be there. But it won't be influenza!

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encephalitis, endocrine dysfunction and more. And despite thevariety of pathogens and the range of body systems that areaffected, in each case the beginning point of the illness is theindividual cell.

The three pathogens that play a part in "influenza"At this point we want to elaborate upon the three pathogens

which contribute to the symptoms which collectively are labelled"influenza".

• The bacteriumWe start with the bacterium, which is essentially a one-celled

animal. Technically, this pathogen is summarised as "any of agroup of prokaryotic unicellu-lar round, spiral, or rod-shapedsingle-celled microorganismsthat are aggregated intocolonies or motile by means offlagella, that live in soil, water,organic matter, or the bodiesof plants and animals, and thatare autotrophic, saprophytic, orparasitic in nutrition andimportant because of their bio-chemical effects and patho-genicity". (Webster's NewExplorer Medical Dictionary,1999, p. 60)

As an animal, the bacteriumhas the capacity to ingestnutrients and process thatintake to generate the energynecessary if it is to fulfil itsinherent functions. However,it also is able to reproduceitself and hence has withinitself the necessary DNAgenetic code of nucleic acids.

At this point, refer to figure 1where we sketch in barestoutline a rod-shaped bacteriumand an influenza virus. Notethat we have presented thebacterium and the virus asapproximately the same size.This is not the fact in reality.Bacteria range in size fromseveral thousandths of an inchto several hundredths of aninch in length. The averagevirus, on the other hand, is 10to 100 times smaller than thebacterium.

Although there are exceptions, the bacterium is generally boundby a non-living cell wall to protect itself and contain the fluidinterior called the cytoplasm. Floating in the cytoplasm is the ill-defined blueprint for reproduction , called the DNA, andthroughout the cytoplasm are ribosomal particles which are theworking drawings, called the RNA, for the manufacture orassembly of essential proteins and enzymes.

Although the vast majority of bacteria are either innocuous oreven helpful in the metabolic processes of life, certain bacteriacontain toxins which do great damage to the living cells of other

organisms, including humans. To help you appreciate the dangerof bacterial toxins, we present a paragraph from David S.Goodsell's wonderfully lucid book Our Molecular Nature(Copernicus, New York, 1996):

"A single molecule of the toxin made by diphtheria bacteria cankill an entire cell. Botulism and tetanus toxins are millions oftimes more toxic than chemical poisons like cyanide. Thesebacterial toxins are designed for deadliness—they are the mosttoxic substances known. They combine a specific targetingmechanism, allowing the toxins to seek out and find susceptiblecells with the toxicity only possible with an enzyme. Once insidean unfortunate cell, the toxin jumps from molecule to molecule,destroying one after the next until the cell is killed." (pp. 113-14)

Here, although we are notconcerned with diphtheria, weneed to know that bacterialinfection often involvesbacterial pneumonia, and it isusually the latter, followed byother blood and nervous systemcomplications, which kills theinfluenza patient rather than theinfluenza virus itself.

Before we leave thebacterium, there is one morefactor which we must mentionand indeed emphasise. Back in1946 Dr George Merck, whilestill director of US biologicalwarfare weapons research anddevelopment, reported to thesecretary of defence that USresearchers had learned how toisolate the bacterial toxins incrystalline form. This meantthat it would no longer benecessary to transport live,toxin-carrying bacteria to an"enemy" in order to infect him.One need only take the disease-causing toxin in a crystallineform and convey it to the targetby insect vector or by aerosolor by the food chain. Thus, onecould spread a bacterial illnesswithout leaving any trace of abacterium!

It is at this point that theCanadian government, theCanadian military and Queen'sUniversity enter the picture.When the US learned how toisolate the bacterial toxin in a

crystalline form that could be carried by mosquitoes, it asked theCanadian government to assist it. The Canadians agreed, andstarted breeding 100 million mosquitoes a month at the DominionParasite Laboratory in Belleville, Ontario. Then they shippedthese mosquitoes to Dr Reid of the Biology Department at Queen'sUniversity in Kingston, Ontario. There, Dr Reid contaminated themosquitoes with various disease toxins and handed them over tothe Canadian Army to share with the US military for testing uponhundreds of thousands of unsuspecting citizens of the twocountries.

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Figure 1: Sketch of a rod-shaped bacterium and an influenza virus

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• The virusNow we can take a look at the micro-organism about which the

WHO and a number of other governmental and privateinstitutions are generating all the hullabaloo: the virus...withspecial attention to the bird species labelled H5N1.

First, a definition: "virus n 1: the causative agent of aninfectious disease; 2: any of a large group of submicroscopicinfective agents that are regarded either as extremely simplemicroorganisms or as extremelycomplex molecules, that typicallycontain a protein coat surrounding anRNA or DNA core of geneticmaterial but no semi-permeablemembrane, that are capable of growthand multiplication only in livingcells, and that cause variousimportant diseases". (Webster's NewExplorer Medical Dictionary, p. 747)

What does all this mean? Well,take another look at the sketch of thebacterium (figure 1). Notice themeandering line which represents theblueprint for reproduction and whichis called deoxyribonucleic acid, theDNA. For the life of this particular species of bacterium, this isan absolutely critical string of nucleic acids if the species is toperpetuate its existence.

Now, suppose something were to kill the bacterium—something such as a variant of penicillin which opens a rupturein the bacterial wall. The draining of its cytoplasm will kill thislife-form, but there is still a will to live in parts of the DNA andRNA. Thus, particles of the DNA or RNA cluster together andquickly assemble a protein protective coat around themselves.Here you have the essential virus: a particle of geneticinformation with a protein coat.

Take a further look at thebacterium and note the threerepresentative dots labelledribosomes. In these organelles—andalthough only three are shown in oursketch, the cytoplasm is full ofthem—the nucleic acids calledribonucleic acid (RNA) areassembled when it is necessary forthe bacterium to manufactureproteins and enzymes for thebacterium to function. As withparticles of the DNA, certainbacterial RNAs have the capacity toseek to survive when their originallife-form is threatened, by clusteringtogether and self-assembling aprotein protective coat.

Somehow or other, the life-forcewhich motivates the bacterium hasan inherent sense of which nucleicparticles it needs to save when the original life-form isthreatened. Thus, the various species of virus are select particlesof genetic code which have sheltered themselves with a proteincoat until they can access another living cell and get on with thebusiness of life.

Unfortunately, in seeking to save their life particles, the virusesoften have to destroy other life-forms such as human cells. When

the latter happens, the destroyed cells present as disease-ravagedremnants of earlier life-forms.

At this point, we want to note that the virus which is involvedwith the disease complex called influenza has some closerelatives worth mentioning. We'll let Lodish et al. say it for us:

"Some animal viruses, including influenza virus, rabies virus,and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), have an outerphospholipid bilayer membrane, or envelope, surrounding the

core of the virus particle composed ofviral proteins and genetic material."(Molecular Cell Biology, W.H.Freeman, New York, 2000, 4th edition,p. 713)

So, are influenza and HIV linked insome mysterious way? Are we gettingcloser to the links between Dr Couch,the flu specialist, and Dr Chanock, theAIDS specialist? After all, theyworked together way back in 1964when Mycoplasma pneumoniae w a sthe centre of their interest.

• The M y c o p l a s m a s p e c i e sLet's continue with our search for the

truth about influenza. The third and most important pathogen,albeit the most neglected of the three, is the M y c o p l a s m a ( s e efigure 2 for an example).

Even though the WHO and other "health" agencies would haveyou believe that you should fear the avian flu virus, speciesH5N1, it is the mycoplasma that humanity has to fear. Weremind you that the world of official medicine apparently doesn'twant the average citizen even to know that such an organismexists.

Allow us to give you a thumbnail sketch of the mycoplasma.Start by taking a look at thebacterium. Note that the bacteriumhas ribosomes which, as we haveseen, are involved in the manufactureof RNA, and note further thatsometimes particles of that RNA getloose due to bacterial death and arepreserved by being gathered togetherinto groups of eight RNA fragmentswhich are then enclosed in aprotective matrix and a cellmembrane, and v o i l à: there you havethe influenza virus!

Now, take another look at thebacterium and notice the string ofDNA. If the bacterium is killed, notonly is there an attempt by the RNAto preserve its life as viruses, butparticles of the DNA will also seek tocontinue as living organisms bycreating themselves a membrane andsetting off within their environment

to find another host cell which will let them inside and give thema refuge. Again, v o i l à: this cell-wall-less DNA particle becomesa self-replicating but somewhat incomplete life-form known as aspecies of M y c o p l a s m a!

Thus, as microbiologist Dr Shmuel Razin describes it, thetheme underlying the current evolutionary scheme ofmycoplasmas is that of degenerative evolution from walled

APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 31

Figure 2: Micrograph of a Mycoplasma arthriditiscell at approx. 120,000 magnification

(Courtesy of Dr Harold Clark, Chairman Emeritus,Common Cause Medical Research Foundation)

The third and most importantpathogen, albeit the most

neglected of the three, is the Mycoplasma.

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b a c t e r i a. (Mycoplasmas: Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis,eds Jack Maniloff et al., American Society for Microbiology,Washington, DC, 1992, p. 4)

So, you start off with some species of "walled bacteria" and itall falls apart (degenerative evolution) for one of a variety ofreasons, such as the operation of penicillin. Then, select particlesof the bacterial DNA quickly start a search for some other cellwithin which it can take up residence. It is almost a virus,without the protective protein coat that we noted above.

Because it is a l m o s t a virus, researchers such as CarletonGajdusek in 1976 called it an "unconventional virus"—notrealising that it was the same micro-organism that had beendiscovered by Nocard and Roux of the Pasteur Institute back in1898 and given the name M y c o p l a s m a.

In 1944, Monroe Davis Eaton, an American microbiologist,stumbled upon the organism and named it after himself: the"Eaton agent".

When AIDS researcher Dr RobertHuebner was investigating the pathogenicsource of atypical pneumonia in US navalrecruits in the mid-1940s, he called themicro-organism a "pleural pneumoniaorganism". In 1946, when he found thesame pathogen in the degenerating adenoidsof some recruits, he called it a "pleuralpneumonia-like organism" (PPLO).

Finally, because the disease onset seemedto be so long in presenting, variousresearchers including Gajdusek called thepathogen a "slow virus" or "lentivirus"—aterm coined in 1947 by Dr BjörnSigurdsson.

Thus, today we are faced with theoriginal Nocard and Roux micro-organism, the M y c o p l a s m a, whichturns up in the literature as the "Eatonagent", the "pleural pneumonia-likeorganism", the "unconventionalvirus", the "lentivirus", and later the"amyloid" and then the "prion". Someof the name confusion we believe isi n t e n t i o n a l.

When the mycoplasma finds a cellwhich will allow it to cross the cellularmembrane, the mycoplasma willgenerally lie peacefully, doing noharm to its new host until it issubjected to some kind of trauma.

The body of which the cell is a part may be subjected to a rear-end automobile accident, or it may be traumatised by a fall on theice. Even the news that a dear and valued friend has died canproduce a trauma sufficient to rouse the dormant mycoplasmainto life.

When so roused into activity, certain species of the DNAmycoplasmal particle will begin to up-take pre-formed sterolsfrom its new host, ultimately killing that host. The totality can becalled a "mycoplasmal infection" and can present as, forexample, pneumonia, wherein the cells in the lungs begin todegenerate and release fluid which floods the alveoli, or air-containing cells of the lungs.

The mycoplasmal damage is as important as, if not moreimportant than, the bacterial and viral damage done to a patientinflicted with influenza.

Don't be gullible about an influenza pandemicThose who buy into the current drum-beating about "avian bird

flu" mutating to cause a worldwide pandemic and believe that thenoble, courageous workers with the World Health Organizationand their flacks with the New York Times are doing their levelbest to save humanity, are right in there with those who stillbelieve that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone shooter in theassassination of President Kennedy.

Mind you, there may well be a worldwide pandemic and it maywell kill thousands of people a day over a period of time. But thechances of its being the consequence of a sole, mutating, H5N1species of avian flu virus are minuscule or totally unlikely, andthe chances of its being a mycoplasmal infection are very high.

If there is such a pandemic, the roots will go much deeper thansimply a mutating avian virus. The roots will more likely be deepin the mysteries of the M y c o p l a s m a, its characteristics and itsgrowing prevalence. We believe that such a pandemic, if it

should occur, will not be the consequence ofchance, such as is claimed about thecontinuing pandemics of AIDS and chronicfatigue syndrome (CFS).

An influenza pandemic will be as much aplanned event as was the unleashing ofAIDS and CFS onto the world: all part of aprofound, long-range plan to reduce theworld's population.

Precautions you can takeAmong the important facts about

influenza that you need to know are thosethat we have already alluded to:

a) the three-pronged pathogenicantecedents (bacteria, viruses andmycoplasmas);

b) the tendency of these pathogens toconcentrate and hence become moredangerous when potential people oranimals are crowded together forextended periods of time; and

c) the distinction between thedamage done by influenza itself (often,indeed, usually innocuous) and thatdone by the other pathogens to a broadrange of human body systems such asthe nervous, digestive andmusculoskeletal systems.

Here are some other facts that youshould evaluate. The pattern of disease incidence among asociety is shaped broadly like a stretched out "W". First, infantand young children are statistically more vulnerable than olderchildren. Then there appears to be a statistical levelling off at alower incidence until the early 20s, at which age influenza ratesincrease to the age of 30 or so, then decline until age forty.Another levelling off occurs until the late 50s and on intoadvanced age.

So, infants whose immune system is not sufficiently developedare potential victims. If you are aware of this fact, you will takeadditional steps to protect children 10 years and under, e.g., youwill not place your youngster in day care or kindergarten or othergroups as long as the flu is known to be a possibility. Keep thechild at home in a warm, well-aired environment.

32 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006

Continued on page 81

The mycoplasmaldamage is as

important as, if notmore important than, the bacterial and viral

damage done to a patient inflicted

with influenza.

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Page 36: Nexus   1303 - new times magazine

Auditory Effects (continued)

The military interest in auditory effects was present since the first inventions werepatented, but in 1971 came a system which would allow troops to communicatethrough a radio transmitter which would render the enemy deaf and disorientedwhile allowing "friendly" combatants to communicate at the same time.

The device is described as follows: "Broadly, this disclosure is directed to a system forproducing aural and psychological disturbances and partial deafness of the enemy duringcombat situations. Essentially, a high directional beam is radiated from a plurality ofdistinct transducers and is modulated by a noise, code, or speech beat signal. The inventionmay utilize various forms and may include movable radiators mounted on a vehicle andoriented to converge at a desired point, independently positioned vehicles with a commonfrequency modulator, or means employed to modulate the acoustical beam with respect toa fixed frequency. During combat, friendly forces would be equipped with a referencegenerator to provide aural demodulation of the projected signal, thereby yielding anintelligible beat signal while enemy personnel would be rendered partially deaf by theprojected signal as well as being unable to perceive any intelligence transmitted in the formof a modulated beat signal."29 What this says simply is that at-a-distance personalcommunication could be achieved by one's own forces while denying it to others anddisabling adversaries at the same time.

In 1974, it was noted that using a microwave a signal was changed (transduced) by thereceiver into an acoustic signal. This signal was "heard" inside or just behind the head.The report stated: " was noticed that the apparent locus of the 'sound' moved from theobserver's head to the absorber. That is, the absorber acted as a transducer from microwaveenergy to an acoustic signal. This observation, to the best of our knowledge, has not beendescribed in the literature and may serve as a mechanism mediating the 'hearing' of pulsedmicrowave signals."30

By 1989, the science took another leap forward with the combination of the modulatedsignal on a microwave carrier. This provided a much more efficient delivery of the sound.It was reported: "Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head withmicrowaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with aparticular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burstis made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burstwidth is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the rangeof 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audioinput to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated."31

Two other patents awarded that year addressed this breakthrough. The first inventionrelated to devices for aiding hearing in mammals: "The invention is based upon perceptionof sounds which is experienced in the brain when the brain is subjected to certainmicrowave radiation signals." 32 The second invention confirmed the earlier observations:"Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in therange of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particularwaveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made upof ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together."33

In 1992, another patent was issued with the following description: "A silentcommunications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audiofrequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude orfrequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or

New technologiesto control the mind,change behaviourand even transferthoughts for goodor ill have been

created using soundas well as external

and internalelectrostimulation

of the brain.

Part 2 of 2

by Nick Begich, MD © 2005

Earthpulse Press, Inc.PO Box 201393

Anchorage, Alaska 99520, USAWebsite:

Extracted from Earth Rising II: The Betrayal of

Science, Society and the Soul (2003)

APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 35

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36 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006

vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through theuse of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers."34

This device had limited practicality in that it required the person tobe in contact with or in close proximity to the sending device.

When examined together, each of these patents is seen to be adiscrete step toward a new weapon system.

In 1995, it was reported that in the early research, clear soundsignals had been sent and received. It is difficult now to determinewhat level of military or other research was being advanced inthese areas. The history is clear from congressional reports thatthis entire area was of great interest to the intelligencecommunities. According to Scientists for Global Responsibility:"Drs Alan Frey and Joseph Sharp conducted related research.Sharp himself took part in these experiments and reported that heheard and understood words transmitted in pulse-microwaveanalogs of the speaker's sound vibrations. Commenting on thesestudies, Dr Robert Becker, twice nominated for the Nobel PeacePrize, observed that such a device has obviousapplications in covert operations designed todrive a target crazy with voices, or deliverundetectable instructions to a potentialassassin."35

Then, in 1996 came another development,a "wireless communication systemundetectable by radio frequency methods forconverting audio signals, including humanvoice, to electronic signals in the ultrasonicfrequency range, transmitting the ultrasonicsignal by means of acoustic pressure wavesacross a carrier medium, including gases,liquids, or solids, and reconverting theultrasonic acoustical pressure wavesback to the original audio signal". 3 6

Although this was meant to be used withboth receiving and sending hardware,what was determined were themodulation methods for transferring thesignal.

The real work was yet to be madepublic in the form of patents. However,the military claims in the area werestarting to surface. What was knownfrom experience was that patents werebeing held back by the government andconfiscated by the military. When thisintellectual property was seized, the inventors were given a choice:work for the government, or you cannot continue research or eventalk about your invention under a national security order. Thosewho did not cooperate could have their work effectively shutdown.

Brain-to-Computer ConnectionsMajor steps are being made to connect biology to information

technology. In 1990 came the news that "[s]cientists have succeeded for the

first time in establishing a colony of human brain cells that divideand grow in laboratory dishes, an achievement with profoundimplications for understanding and treating a wide range ofneurological disorders from epilepsy to Alzheimer's disease".37

According to a report in the Wall Street Journal in February1994: "Researchers said they took a key first step toward creatingelectronic microchips that use living brain cells. The researcherssaid they had learned how to place embryonic brain cells in desired

spots on silicon or glass chips and then induce the brain cells togrow along desired paths."38

The other possibility is that both brain cells and computerhardware could be built in the laboratories, creating, perhaps, thefirst biologically augmented computers.

What's on Your Mind?A significant initiative was started for use in creating counter-

drug measures: the Brain Imaging Technology Initiative. "Thisinitiative establishes NIDA [National Institute on Drug Abuse]regional neuroimaging centers and represents an interagencycooperative endeavor funded by CTAC [Counterdrug TechnologyAssessment Center], Department of Energy (DOE), and NIDA todevelop new scientific tools (new radiotracers and technologies)for understanding the mechanisms of addiction and for theevaluation of new pharmacological treatments."3 9 T h r o u g hneuroimaging, not only could the stated objective be achieved, but

through imaging a person's emotional statescould be mapped, chemical influencesdetermined and perhaps even specific thoughtsread.

Back in 1975, Physics Today r e p o r t e d :"Developments in ways to measure theextremely weak magnetic fields emanatingfrom organs such as the heart, brain and lungsare leading to important new methods fordiagnosing abnormal conditions."40

In 1995, a system for capturing anddecoding brain signals was patented whichincludes a transducer for stimulating a personand EEG transducers for recording brainwave

signals from the person. It also includesa computer for controlling andsynchronising stimuli presented to theperson and at the same time recordingbrainwave signals, and eitherinterpreting these signals using a modelfor conceptual, perceptual and emotionalthought to correspond to the EEG signalsof the person's thoughts or comparing thesignals to normal brain signals from anormal population to diagnose and locatethe origin of brain-dysfunctionalunderlying perception, conception andemotion.41 In other words, the device

reads your mind by comparing your brain activity to other people's.In 1996 came this Orwellian development: "...a method for

remotely determining information relating to a person's emotionalstate, as waveform energy having a predetermined frequency and apredetermined intensity is generated and wirelessly transmittedtowards a remotely located subject. Waveform energy emittedfrom the subject is detected and automatically analyzed to deriveinformation relating to the individual's emotional state.Physiological or physical parameters of blood pressure, pulse rate,pupil size, respiration rate and perspiration level are measured andcompared with reference values to provide information utilizablein evaluating [an] interviewee's responses or possibly criminalintent in security sensitive areas."42 This technology could be usedfor determining what a person might do, given his totallydiscernible interior emotions. This technology walks through anybehaviour wall a person can erect and goes straight to the brain tosee what may be on a person's mind.

Inducing behaviour rather than just reading a person's emotional

In other words, the device reads yourmind by comparingyour brain activity to other people's.

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state is the subject of one scientist's work in Canada. "Scientistsare trying to recreate alien abductions in the laboratory... Theexperiment, to be run by Professor Michael Persinger, aneuroscientist at Laurentian University, of Sudbury, Ontario,consists of a converted motorcycle helmet with solenoids on itssides that set up magnetic fields across a subject's head."43 Thisexperiment was carried out and was the subject of a CanadianBroadcasting System exposé on mind control. The segment ran ona program called Undercurrents in February 1999. This authoralso appeared in that program, along with several others interestedin this field.

A 1993 report said that for over 20 years Dr Persinger "...hasbeen working on a theory that connects not only UFOs andearthquakes, but also powerful electromagnetic fields and anexplanation of paranormal beliefs in terms of unusual brainactivity. He has also found that stimulating another area, thetemporal lobes, can produce all sorts of mystical experiences, out-of-body sensations and other apparently paranormal phenomena."44

This doctor's work suggests that these experiences may be theresult of activity in the brain and not the actual experiences of theindividuals. He has had some measure of success in re-creatingmany of these experiences in his subjects. Dr Persinger is alsoknown for his work in studying the effects of ELF [extra-low-frequency waves] on memory andbrain function.45

In 1991, a method for changingbrain waves to a desired frequencywas patented. 4 6 A 1975 patentdiscussed a similar technology: adevice and method for "...sensingbrain waves at a position remote froma subject whereby electromagneticsignals of different frequencies aresimultaneously transmitted to thebrain of the subject in which thesignals interfere with one another toyield a waveform which is modulatedby the subject's brain waves. Theinterference waveform which is representative of the brain waveactivity is retransmitted by the brain to a receiver where it isdemodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is thendisplayed for visual viewing and then routed to a computer forfurther processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform alsocan be used to produce a compensating signal which istransmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change inelectrical activity therein."47 In simple terms, the brain's activity ismapped in order to read a person's emotional state, conceptualabilities or intellectual patterns. A second signal can be generatedand sent back into the brain which overrides the natural signal,causing the brain's energy patterns to shift. This is the "brainentrainment" which causes the shift in consciousness. There aremany uses of a positive nature for this kind of technology, as wasmentioned at the front of this section, the important factor beingwho controls the technology and for what purpose.

In January 1998, the following encapsulating statementappeared in the leading scientific journal Nature, quoting PasteurInstitute neuroscientist Jean-Pierre Changeux, chairman of theFrench national bioethics committee: "But neuroscience alsoposes potential risks, he said, arguing that advances in cerebralimaging make the scope for invasion of privacy willbecome commonplace and capable of being used at a distance, hepredicted. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion ofpersonal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing."48

Dancing to the Tune of an Unknown DrummerIn "...a dramatic demonstration of mind reading, neuroscientists

have created videos of what a cat sees by using electrodesimplanted in the animal's brain. 'Trying to understand how thebrain codes information leads to the possibility of replacing partsof the nervous system with an artificial device,' he said."49 Thescientist commenting on this technology—Gattett Stanley,assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Harvard—saw thefuture possibility of brain activity mapping being used in creatingelectronic components to replace damaged parts of the system.

The use of mind-mapping had other possibilities as well.Similar research in controlling the behaviour of humans andanimals was pursued by Dr José Delgado at Yale University, oneof the leading research institutions in the United States. Actualtesting of certain systems proved that "movements, sensations,emotions, desires, ideas, and a variety of psychological phenomenamay be induced, inhibited, or modified by electrical stimulation ofspecific areas of the brain".50 By 1985, Dr Delgado was able tocreate these effects using only a radio signal sent to the brainremotely, using energy concentrations of less than 1/50th of whatthe Earth naturally produces. This discovery implied thatfrequency, waveform and pulse rate (modulation) were theimportant factors rather than the amount of energy being used. In

considering this, it makes sensebecause the human body does notrequire high electromagnetic powerconcentration to regulate its normalfunctioning. The key was in findingthe "tuning" mechanisms for locatingthe right "receiving station" in thebrain.

By 1993, publicly releasedinformation was being discussed as aresult of information openly flowingout of Russia. Meetings were held toassess the threat: the "main purposeof the March meetings was describedin the Psychotechnologies memo as to

'determine whether psycho-correction technologies represent apresent or future threat to US national security in situations whereinaudible commands might be used to alter behavior'".51 The threatassessment was likely to begin to condition Americans for thepublic acknowledgement of one of the government's long-heldsecrets: that the human mind and body can be controlled remotely,without a trace of evidence being left behind.

In another quote, one of the leading researchers in this area, DrIgor Smirnov, began to announce his findings. "But psychologicalwarfare experts on all sides still dream that they will one daycontrol the enemy's mind. And in a tiny, dungeon-like lab in thebasement of Moscow's ominously named Institute of Psycho-Correction, Smirnov and other Russian psychiatrists are alreadyworking on schizophrenics, drug addicts and cancer patients."52

The results of this research have been investigated anddemonstrated to members of the intelligence community in theUnited States, and have even been demonstrated by Dr Smirnov inan interview for the Canadian television documentaryUndercurrents.

This issue is also an interesting one, as can be seen in this 1999article excerpt. "Fantasies are thought processes involving internalmonologues and imaginative sequences which can motivatehealthy people to constructive behaviour; likewise, they caninspire unbalanced individuals to destructive or dangerousbehaviour. One conclusion from that research was that fantasy

In "...a dramatic demonstration of mind reading, neuroscientists

have created videos of what a cat sees by using electrodes

implanted in the animal's brain..."

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played a major role among violent criminals. Researchers learnedthat criminals often daydreamed their fantasies, and then practicedelements of those fantasies before committing their crime. FBIagents determined that violent criminals often exhibit telltale signsas children and as adults. Hence, disturbed employees or studentsmay demonstrate signs of violent fantasies to close observers.Troubled individuals may be obsessively interested in music withviolent lyrics, or may have a drug or alcohol problem. When thesesigns reveal themselves, they should be reported to a threatmanagement team, which can then neutralize the threat, either bytherapy, if rehabilitation is possible, or by firing the employee.Workplace and school violence is usually preceded by warnings i g n s . "5 3 The ability to determine a "predisposition" for abehaviour does not mean that a person willmake the "choice" to act on the feelings andinternal thoughts. Every person on theplanet can remember times when histhoughts were dangerous, immoral orotherwise unacceptable, falling below thestandards set by societal and cultural"norms". Yet, we can have these thoughts inthe privacy of our own mind.

The trend in the application of mindcontrol technology now would make ourmost private internal thoughts, as we wrestlewith the temptations and choices of everydaylife, subject to scrutiny by government andemployers. Who will define the rules forpsycho-correction? Who will decidewhat is ethical and right in this area asit develops over the next decade?

Control of the Mind and BodyThe predominant brain wave

frequencies indicate the kind of activitytaking place in the brain. There arefour basic groups of brain wavefrequencies which are associated withmost mental activity. The first group,beta waves (13–35 Hertz or pulses persecond), is associated with normalactivity. The high end of this range isassociated with stress or agitated stateswhich can impair thinking and reasoning skills. The second group,a l p h a waves (8–12 Hertz), can indicate relaxation. Alphafrequencies are ideal for learning and focused mental functioning.The third group, t h e t a waves (4-7 Hertz), indicates mentalimagery, access to memories and internal mental focus. This stateis often associated with young children, behavioural modificationand sleep/dream states. The last group, ultra-slow delta waves(0.5–3 Hertz), is found when a person is in deep sleep. The generalrule is that the brain's predominant wave frequency will be lowestin terms of pulses per second when a person is relaxed, and highestwhen a person is most alert or agitated.54

External stimulation of the brain by electromagnetic means cancause the brain to be entrained or locked into phase with anexternal signal generator.55 Predominant brain waves can be drivenor pushed into new frequency patterns by external stimulation. Inother words, the external signal driver or impulse generatorentrains the brain, overriding the normal frequencies and causingchanges in the brain waves, which then cause changes in brainchemistry, which then cause changes in brain outputs in the formof thoughts, emotions or physical condition. As you are driven, so

you arrive. Brain manipulation can be either beneficial ordetrimental to the individual being impacted, depending on thelevel of knowledge or the intentions of the person controlling thetechnology.

In combination with specific wave-forms, the variousfrequencies trigger precise chemical responses in the brain. Therelease of these neurochemicals causes specific reactions in thebrain which result in feelings of fear, lust, depression, love, etc.All of these, and the full range of emotional/intellectual responses,are caused by very specific combinations of these brain chemicalswhich are released by frequency-specific electrical impulses."Precise mixtures of these brain juices can produce extraordinarilyspecific mental states, such as fear of the dark, or intense


The work in this area is advancing at a veryrapid rate, with new discoveries being maderegularly. Unlocking the knowledge of thesespecific frequencies will yield significantbreakthroughs in understanding humanhealth. Radiofrequency radiation, acting as acarrier for extremely low frequencies (ELF),can be used to entrain brain waves wirelessly.

The control of mind and body by usingvarious forms of electromagnetic energyincluding radio signals, light pulsations,sound and other methods has resulted inseveral inventions and innovations. Thepositive health effects and uses have been

pursued by private researchers aroundthe world. In 1973, an "...apparatus forthe treatment of neuropsychic andsomatic disorders wherein light, sound,VHF electromagnetic field and heatsources, respectively, aresimultaneously applied by means of acontrol unit to the patient's centralnervous system with a predeterminedrepetition rate. The light radiation andsound radiation sources are made so asto exert an adequate and monotonousinfluence of the light and soundradiation on the patient's visualanalyzers and auditory analyzers,

respectively."57 This results in the brain following the externalstimulating source in triggering brain pattern changes which affectthe brain immediately and directly.

A simple invention patented in 1977 "...provides a device forimproving upon the aforesaid application [see patent for full text]in assisting the induction of natural sleep. As stated above, thisinvention is concerned specifically with an improvement that willpermit the creation of several waveforms such that an analgesicnoise device can approximate soothing sounds of nature, i.e.,waves, rain, wind."5 8 These kinds of devices are availableeverywhere and are noted for their calming effects in helpingpeople relax and sleep.

In 1980, another patent was issued which disclosed "...a methodand apparatus for producing a noise-like signal for inducing ahypnotic or anesthetic effect in a human being. The invention alsohas application in crowd control and consciousness level training(biofeedback). The invention may also be used in creating specialmusical effects."59 This device would have a profound effect incontrolling individuals to a point otherwise only achievablethrough the application of hypnotherapy or drugs. A couple of

38 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006

In combination withspecific wave-forms,various frequencies

trigger precise chemicalresponses in the brain.

The release of theseneurochemicals causesspecific reactions in the

brain which result infeelings of fear, lust,depression, love, etc.

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years later, another device was engineered to create these types ofeffects, again using very subtle energy: "Brain wave patternsassociated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject aregradually induced without deleterious chemical or neurologicalside effects."60

Various systems were perfected and patents issued forcontrolling brain activity.61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 These inventionsgenerated a whole array of breakthroughs for controlling a person'semotional state, concentration and pain levels and creating othereffects as well. In 1990, the results of a study strongly indicatedthat "...specific types of subjective experiences can be enhancedwhen extremely low frequency magnetic fields of less than 1milligauss are generated through the brain at the level of thetemporal lobes. Vestibular feelings (vibrations, floating),depersonalization (feeling detached, sense of a presence) andimaginings (vivid images from childhood) were more frequentwithin the field exposed groups than the sham field exposedgroup."69

In a 1996 "new age" invention, quartz crystals are used to createstress relief by slowing brain activity."Physiological stress in a humansubject is treated by generating aweak electromagnetic field about aquartz crystal. The crystal isstimulated by applying electricalpulses of pulse widths between 0.1and 50 microseconds each at a pulserepetition rate of between 0.5k and10k [500 and 10,000] pulses persecond to a conductor positionedadjacent to the quartz crystal therebygenerating a weak magnetic field. Asubject is positioned within the weakmagnetic field for a period of timesufficient to reduce stress."70 It isinteresting that "New Age" thinkershave played on "crystal magic" as a way to get "in tune" withoneself and relax, and here is a quartz crystal being included as acomponent of this invention. Again, the crossovers betweenfiction and science continue to appear.

Consciousness training is also a big theme in cults, religiousorganisations and others pursuing the "New Age". Science hasnow gained a greater understanding of how the mind and brainwork, so that what used to take years or even decades to achievecan now be mastered in weeks, days or even minutes. For instance,in 1996 a method and apparatus for the use in achieving alpha andtheta brainwave states and effecting positive emotional states inhumans was developed. 71 Three years before, a patent was issuedfor a device which could create desired consciousness states: "...inthe training of an individual to replicate such states ofconsciousness without further audio stimulation; and in thetransferring of such states from one human being to anotherthrough the imposition of one person's EEG, superimposed ondesired stereo signals, on another individual, by inducement of abinaural beat phenomenon."72 Thought transference?

This is interesting in that it speaks to the ideas alluded to earlierby the military in changing the memory of a person by imposingcomputer-manipulated signals which would integrate with thenormal memory of a person. The possibility for abuse is obvious,and the opportunity for personal advancement is great. Imaginegaining education by the transfer of data directly into the humanbrain by these new methods rather than by the standard methods oflearning.

A serious consideration in developing these types of memorytransfer systems is that they bypass normal intellectual filters:information is deposited into the brain as fact, without question orcareful consideration. What happens when the new informationconflicts with existing information? Would it be possible toinclude hidden information meant to unduly influence things likereligious beliefs, politics or consumption of goods and services?

The possibilities are immense and the ethical and moralquestions surrounding these matters are equally large. We can nolonger avoid the debate. In fact, the debate is lagging far behindthe scientific advances.

In the interim, there are some simple things we could all do toenhance our own, or our children's, learning capacity by applyingsimple and available knowledge. For instance, "researchers at theCenter for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory atUniversity of California, Irvine, have determined that 10 minutesof listening to a Mozart piano sonata raised the measurable IQ ofcollege students by up to nine points".73 This is a simple thing ofgreat use to anyone seeking self-improvement.

Weapons of the MindA 1984 paper titled "The

Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict" said much aboutthe military's interest in EMR:

"The results of many studies thathave been published in the last fewyears indicate that specific biologicaleffects can be achieved bycontrolling the various parameters ofthe electromagnetic (EM) field. Afew of the more important EMfactors that can be manipulated arefrequency, wave shape, rate of pulseonset, pulse duration, pulseamplitude, repetition rate, secondary

modulation, and symmetry and asymmetry of the pulse. Many ofthe clinical effects of electromagnetic radiation were first noticedusing direct current applied directly to the skin. Later the sameeffects were obtained by applying external fields. Electromagneticradiation has been reported in the literature to induce or enhancethe following effects.

1. Stimulation of bone regeneration [in fractures]2. Healing of normal fractures3. Treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis4. Healing of wounds5. Electroanesthesia6. Electroconvulsive therapy7. Behavior modification in animals8. Altered electroencephalograms in animals and humans9. Altered brain morphology in animals

10. Effects of acupuncture11. Treatment of drug addiction12. Electrostimulation for relief of pain13. Altered firing of neuronal cells"These are but a few of the many biological effects and uses that

have been reported over the past decade. They are not exhaustiveand do not include many of the effects reported in the Soviet andEast European literature.

"As with most human endeavors, these applications ofelectromagnetic radiation have the potential for being a double-edged sword. They can produce significant benefits, yet at thesame time can be exploited and used in a controlled manner for

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We can no longer avoid thedebate. In fact, the debate

is lagging far behind thescientific advances.

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military or covert applications. This paper focuses on the potentialuses of electromagnetic radiation in future low-intensity conflicts.

"'Potential Military Applications of EMR"The exploitation of this technology for military uses is still in

its infancy and only recently has been recognized by the UnitedStates as a feasible option. A 1982 Air Force review ofbiotechnology had this to say.

'Currently available data allow the projection that speciallygenerated radio frequency radiation (RFR) fields may posepowerful and revolutionary military threats. Electroshock therapyindicates the ability of induced electric current to completelyinterrupt mental functioning for shortperiods of time, to obtain cognitionfor longer periods and to restructureemotional response over prolongedintervals.

'Experience with electroshocktherapy, RFR experiments and theincreasing understanding of the brainas an electrically mediated organsuggested the serious probability thatimpressed electromagnetic fields canbe disruptive to purposeful behaviorand may be capable of directing andor interrogating such behavior.Further, the passage of approximately100 milliamperes through themyocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death, againpointing to a speed-of-light weapons effect.

'A rapidly scanning RFR system could provide an effective stunor kill capability over a large area. System effectiveness will be afunction of wave form, field intensity, pulse widths, repetitionfrequency, and carrier frequency. The system can be developedusing tissue and whole animal experimental studies, coupled withmechanisms and waveform effects research.

'Using relatively low-level RFR it may be possible to sensitizelarge military groups to extremely dispersed amounts of biologicalor chemical agents to which the unirradiated population would beimmune.

'The potential applications of artificial electromagnetic fields are

wide ranging and can be used in many military or quasi-militarysituations.

'Some of these potential uses include dealing with terroristgroups, crowd control, controlling breeches [sic] of security atmilitary installations, and antipersonnel techniques in tacticalwarfare... One last area where electromagnetic radiation mayprove to be of some value is in enhancing abilities of individualsfor anomalous phenomena.'"74

Quite the papers for the 1980s. Stimulating anomalousphenomena was another interesting point revealed in the Air Forcereview. What could this mean? In one press report in November

1995, the interest of the CIA wasdisclosed when it was announced thatfor "...20 years, the United States hassecretly used psychics in attempts tohelp drug enforcement agencies trackdown Libyan leader MoammarGadhafi and find plutonium in NorthKorea, the CIA and others confirm.The ESP spying operations—codenamed 'Stargate'—were unreliable,but three psychics continued to workout of Ft Meade, at least into July,researchers who evaluated theprogram for the CIA said..." 75

It is also worth pointing out thatthis report coincided with the public

disclosure by military personnel of this project. The story wasrevealed in David Morehouse's book Psychic Warrior.76

Col. John Alexander, working out of Los Alamos and a majorproponent of this area of research, was quoted as saying: "...thereare weapons systems that operate on the power of the mind andwhose lethal capacity has already been demonstrated... Thepsychotronic weapon would be silent, difficult to detect, andwould require only a human operator as a power source."77

According to a paper on non-lethal weapons: "An RF weaponcurrently under development is the high powered, very lowfrequency (VLF) modulator. Working in the 20–35 kHzspectrum, the frequency emits from a 1–2 meter antenna dish toform into a type of acoustic bullet. The weapon is especially

One last area whereelectromagnetic radiation mayprove to be of some value is in

enhancing abilities of individualsfor anomalous phenomena.

40 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006

E n d n o t e s2 9 . US Patent #3,566,347, Feb. 23, 1971,"Psycho-Acoustic Projector"; Inventor:Flanders, Andrew E.; Assignee: GeneralDynamics Corporation. EPI2603 0 . Sharp et al., "Generation of AcousticSignals by Pulsed Microwave Energy", I E E ETransactions On Microwave Theory AndT e c h n i q u e s, May 1974. EPI8173 1 . US Patent #4,877,027, Oct. 31, 1989,"Hearing System"; Inventor: Brunkan,Wayne. EPI11243 2 . US Patent #4,858,612, Aug. 22, 1989,"Hearing Device"; Inventor: Stocklin,William L. EPI2703 3 . US Patent #4,877,027, Oct. 31, 1989,"Hearing System"; Inventor: Brunkan,Wayne B. EPI2623 4 . US Patent #5,159,703, Oct. 27, 1992,"Silent Subliminal Presentation System",Inventor: Lowry, Oliver M. EPI2853 5 . Scientists for Global Responsibility,

"Non-Lethal Defence: The New Age MentalWar Zone", issue 10, 1995. EPI8103 6 . US Patent #5,539,705, July 23, 1996,"Ultrasonic Speech Translator andCommunication System"; Inventor:Akerman, M. Alfred et al.; Assignee: MartinMarietta Energy Systems. EPI2933 7 . Specter, Michael, "Scientists make braincells grow", Anchorage Daily News, May 4,1990. EPI5273 8 . Bishop, Jerry, "Nervy Scientists MoveToward Union Of Living Brain Cells WithMicrochips", Wall Street Journal, February1, 1994, p. B3. EPI493 9 . ONDCP, CTAC, "Counterdrug Researchand Development Blueprint Update",h t t p : / / w w w . w h i t e h o u s e d r u g p o l i c y . g o v /scimed/blueprint99/execsumm.htm. EPI305 4 0 . Cohen, David, "Magnetic Fields of theHuman Body", Physics Today, August 1975.EPI1179 4 1 . US Patent #5,392,788, Feb. 28, 1995,"Method And Device For Interpreting

Concepts And Conceptual Thought FromBrainwave Data And For Assisting ForDiagnosis Of Brainwave Dysfunction";Inventor: Hudspeth, William J. EPI11294 2 . US Patent #5,507,291, April 16, 1996,"Method And An Associated Apparatus ForRemotely Determining Information As ToPerson's Emotional State"; Inventors: Stirblet al. EPI11304 3 . Watts, Susan, "Alien kidnaps may justbe mind zaps", The Sydney Morning Herald,November 19, 1994. EPI8164 4 . Opall, Barbara, "US Explores RussianMind-Control Technology", Defense News,January 11-17, 1993. EPI8184 5 . Persinger, M. et al., "Partial Amnesia fora Narrative Following Application of ThetaFrequency EM Fields", Journal ofB i o e l e c t r i c i t y 4(2):481-494 (1985). EPI3724 6 . US Patent #5,036,858, Aug. 6, 1991,"Method And Apparatus For Changing BrainWave Frequency"; Inventors: Carter et al.E P I 1 1 2 7

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convenient because the power level is easily adjustable. At itslow setting, the acoustic bullet causes physical discomfort—enough to deter most approaching threats. Incrementallyincreasing the power nets an effect of nausea, vomiting andabdominal pains. The highest settings can cause a person's bonesto literally explode internally. Aimed at the head, the resonatingskull bones have caused people to hear 'voices'." The weapon wasresearched by the Russian military more extensively than by theUS. Indeed, "...the Russians actually offered the use of such aweapon to the FBI in the Branch Davidian standoff to make themthink that 'God' was talking to them.Concerned with the unpredictabilityof what the voices might actually sayto the followers, the FBI declined theoffer. Another RF weapon that wasready for use back in 1978 wasdeveloped under the guise ofOperation PIQUE. Developed by theCIA, the plan was to bounce highpowered radio signals off theionosphere to affect the mentalfunctions of people in selected areas,including Eastern European nuclearinstallations."78

The use of the ionosphere in theCIA's experiments reminds one of the possibilities now availablewith systems such as HAARP, which was developed 15 years later.What is clear in all of this is that these systems have beendeveloped and hidden from public view. The practice continues tothis day.

"The next area of non-lethal weapons is primarily used againstmachinery...these devices can either cause the machinery to stopfunctioning or to render it vulnerable to further, more lethalattacks. In addition to this effect, man has become very dependentupon the use of machines and is often rendered helpless in asituation when they become dysfunctional. Therefore, it is onlyappropriate that they are covered here. The primary anti-machinery arsenal includes the microwave weapon, the non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse, and the laser weapon.

"US Special Operations Command has in its arsenal the portable

microwave weapon. The capability of such a weapon is varied inthat it can not only disrupt enemy communications, but can alsosuperheat internal organs. Of course, directing this type of weapontowards personnel eliminates it from the non-lethal classification.Developed in the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the weaponforms its signal similar to the RF weapons discussed above in thatit directs the energy into a high-powered pulse and destroystransistors and other electrical equipment... On an even smallerscale, a portable EMP weapon could be carried by ground forces todestroy the electrical components in an armored vehicle or tank.

This capability is being developed withpolice forces to emit a pulse thatwould stop a car almostimmediately."79

These systems offer both promisesand risks as we move into the newcentury. What will be the publicreaction to these systems? Wesuggest that the reaction will cause asignificant change in the uses andfurther developments of thesetechnologies. Additionally, wesuspect that monitoring systemswould be developed which wouldallow for the detection of these

technologies in order to control abuse.

Mind Control VictimsSometimes referred to as "wavies" or "beamers", these

individuals are usually dismissed when asserting that they are thevictims of mind control weapons testing. In fact: "University ofSouth Florida researchers have published a study showing thatfears of the Internet are replacing the CIA and radio waves as afrequent delusion in psychiatric patients. In every case of Internetdelusion documented by the researchers, the patient actually hadlittle experience with computers."80

The problem is that it is difficult if not impossible to sort outwhich people might be victims and which are delusional. Attemptsto determine the reality of the complaints are often the butt of jokesand fear. For example, the University of Albany has "...shut down

What is clear in all of this is that these systems

have been developed and hidden from public view.

APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 41

4 7 . US Patent #3,951,134, April 20, 1976,"Apparatus And Method For RemotelyMonitoring And Altering Brainwaves";Inventor: Malech, Robert G.; Assignee:Dorne & Margolin Inc. EPI11224 8 . "Advances in Neuroscience 'MayThreaten Human Rights'", N a t u r e, vol. 391,January 22, 1998. EPI1164 9 . Kahney, Leander, "A Cat's Eye Marvel", News, October 7, 1999, ath t t p : / / w w w . w i r e d . c o m / n e w s / t e c h n o l o g y /story/22116.html. EPI8325 0 . Delgado, José M.R., Physical Control ofthe Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society,Harper & Row, New York, 1969. EPI8505 1 . "DoD, Intel Agencies Look at RussianMind Control Technology, Claims", D e f e n s eE l e c t r o n i c s, July 1993. EPI5385 2 . Elliot, Dorinda and Barry, John, "ASubliminal Dr Strangelove", N e w s w e e k,August 21, 1994. EPI5425 3 . Depue, Roger L. and Depue, Joanne M.,"To Dream, Perchance to Kill", S e c u r i t y

M a n a g e m e n t, vol. 43, no. 6, July 1999.Source: NLECTC Law Enforcement &Technology News, Summary, July 8, 1999.E P I 9 3 25 4 . Hutchison, Michael, MegaBrain: NewTools and Techniques for Brain Growth andMind Expansion, 1986. EPI12355 5 . US Patent #5,356,368, Oct. 18, 1994,"Method and Apparatus for Inducing DesiredStates of Consciousness", Inventor: Monroe,Robert; Assignee: Interstate Industries, Inc.E P I 2 8 65 6 . Hutchison, M e g a B r a i n, op. cit., p. 114.E P I 1 2 3 55 7 . US Patent #3,773,049, Nov. 20, 1973,"Apparatus for the Treatment ofNeuropsychic and Somatic Diseases withHeat, Light, Sound and VHFElectromagnetic Radiation"; Inventors:Rabichev et al. EPI2575 8 . US Patent #4,034,741, July 12, 1977,"Noise Transmitter and Generator";Inventors: Adams et al.; Assignee: Solitron

Devices Inc. EPI2675 9 . US Patent #4,191,175, March 4, 1980,"Method and Apparatus for RepetitivelyProducing a Noise-Like Audible Signal",Inventor: Nagle, William L. EPI2696 0 . US Patent # 4,335,710, June 22, 1982,"Device for the Induction of Specific BrainWave Patterns"; Inventor: Williamson, JohnD.; Assignee: Omnitronics ResearchCorporation. EPI2926 1 . US Patent #4,717,343, Jan. 5, 1988,"Method of Changing a Person's Behavior";Inventor: Densky, Alan. EPI2846 2 . US Patent #4,834,701, May 30, 1989,"Apparatus for Inducing FrequencyReduction in Brainwave", Inventor: Masaki,Kazumi; Assignee: Hayashibara, Ken.E P I 2 6 66 3 . US Patent #4,889,526, Dec. 26, 1989,"Non-Invasive Method and Apparatus forModulating Brain Signals Through anExternal Magnetic Or Electric Field ToReduce Pain"; Inventors: Rauscher, Elizabeth

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the research of a psychology professor probing the 'X-Files' worldof government surveillance and mind control. At conferences, inpapers and research over two semesters, Professor Kathryn Kelleyexplored the claims of those who say they were surgicallyimplanted with communications devices to read their thoughts."81

Since the release of our first book, Angels Don't Play ThisHAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology,82 we have heard fromhundreds of people making such claims. We cannot sort out whatmight be real experimentation from that which resides only in theminds of these people. We believe thatthe claims should be taken seriouslyand that people should have some placeto go in order to find the truth or gainthe medical treatments they otherwisedeserve. The history of the UnitedStates is littered with examples ofpeople being exploited by scientistsworking under the cover of darknessprovided by "black budgets". Couldthese reports have a factual basis? Webelieve that some do.

Government control of the mind inorder to impose its will on people isbest summarised on the wall of theFranklin D. Roosevelt Memorial with aninscription that reads: "They [who] seek to establish systems ofgovernment based on the regimentation of all human beings by ahandful of individual this a new order. It is not newand it is not order." 83 ∞

About the Author:Nick Begich, MD, serves as Executive Director of The Lay Institute onTechnologies, Inc., a Texas-based non-profit corporation (his researchabstracts and references can be found at He isalso the publisher and co-owner of Earthpulse Press Inc., based in Alaska.

Dr Begich is the eldest son of the late US Congressman from Alaska, NickBegich Sr, and political activist Pegge Begich. He is well known in Alaska forhis own political activities, and was twice elected president of both the AlaskaFederation of Teachers and the Anchorage Council of Education. He has beenpursuing independent research in the sciences and politics for most of his adultlife. Begich received his doctorate in traditional medicine from The OpenInternational University for Complementary Medicines in November 1994.He has also worked as both a Tribal Administrator and Village Planner for theChickaloon Village Traditional Council, a federally recognised AmericanIndian Tribe of the Athabascan Indian Nation based in Alaska.

With Jeane Manning he co-authoredAngels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances inTesla Technology (see NEXUS 3/01). With(the late) James Roderick he co-wrote E a r t hRising – The Revolution: Toward a ThousandYears of Peace (7/03) and Earth Rising II – TheBetrayal of Science, Society and the Soul(10/05). His new book on mind control is tobe published in early 2006.

Dr Begich has published articles onscience, politics, health and education and isa well-known lecturer, having presentedthroughout the USA and in 19 countries. Hehas been featured as a guest on thousands ofradio broadcasts reporting on his researchactivities including new technologies, healthand Earth science related issues.

He has also appeared on dozens of television documentaries and otherprograms throughout the world including BBC-TV, CBC-TV and TeleMundo.

Dr Begich has served as an expert witness and a speaker before theEuropean Parliament, for the Global Legislators Organization for a BalancedEnvironment (GLOBE) and for many other groups. He has also been a speakerat NEXUS conferences in Amsterdam and Brisbane and has contributedarticles to NEXUS, his first being an exposé on the HAARP facility in Alaska(vol. 2, no. 22).

Dr Begich is married to Shelah Begich-Slade and has five children. Heresides just north of Anchorage in the community of Eagle River, Alaska, USA.He can be contacted via his website,

A. and Van Bise, William L.; Assignee:Megatech Laboratories, Inc. EPI2686 4 . US Patent #4,227,516, Oct. 14, 1990,"Apparatus for ElectrophysiologicalStimulation"; Inventors: Meland et al.E P I 2 8 36 5 . US Patent #4,883,067, Nov. 28, 1989,"Method and Apparatus for Translating theEEG into Music to Induce and ControlVarious Psychological and PhysiologicalStates and to Control a Musical Instrument";Inventors: Knispel et al.; Assignee:Neurosonics, Inc. EPI2826 6 . US Patent # 5,123,899, June 23, 1992,"Method and System for AlteringConsciousness"; Inventor: Gall, James.E P I 2 8 9 .6 7 . Patent # 5,352,181, Oct. 4, 1994,"Method and Recording For ProducingSounds and Messages to Achieve Alpha andTheta Brainwave States and PositiveEmotional States in Humans"; Inventor:Davis, Mark E. EPI2916 8 . US Patent #5,289,438, Feb. 22, 1994,"Method and System For AlteringConsciousness", Inventor: Gall, James.E P I 3 3 36 9 . Ruttan, Leslie A. et al., "Enhancement of

Temporal Lobe-Related Experiences DuringBrief Exposures To Milligauss IntensityExtremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields",Journal of Bioelectricity 9(1):33-54 (1990).EPI311 7 0 . US Patent #5,562,597, Oct. 8, 1996,"Method and Apparatus for ReducingPhysiological Stress"; Inventor: Van Dick,Robert C. EPI2947 1 . US Patent # 5,586,967, Dec. 24, 1996,"Method and Recording or Producing Soundsand Messages To Achieve Alpha and ThetaBrainwave States in Humans", Inventor:Davis, Mark E. EPI2967 2 . US Patent #5,213,562, May 25, 1993,"Method of Inducing Mental, Emotional andPhysical States of Consciousness, IncludingSpecific Mental Activity in Human Beings";Inventor: Monroe, Robert; Assignee:Interstate Industries, Inc. EPI2877 3 . Hotz, Robert Lee, "Listening to Mozart areal – but temporary – IQ builder, studysays", Anchorage Daily News, October 15,1993. EPI5297 4 . Tyler, Capt. Paul E., MC, USN, "TheElectromagnetic Spectrum in Low-IntensityConflict" in Lt. Col. David Dean (ed.), L o w -Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology,

Air University Press, June 1986. EPI7097 5 . Cole, Richard, "ESP spies, 'Stargate' arepsychic reality", Saint Paul Pioneer Press,November 30, 1995. EPI4917 6 . Morehouse, David, Psychic Warrior,Michael Joseph Ltd, UK, St Martin's Press,USA, 1996.7 7 . Aftergood, Steven, "The ''Soft Kill'Fallacy", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,September/October 1994. EPI2817 8 . Suhajda, Joseph M., "Non-LethalWeapons for Military Operations Other ThanWar", at EPI3487 9 . ibid. 8 0 . "Internet Feeds Delusions", AssociatedPress, July 5, 1999. EPI1238 1 . Brownstein, Andrew. "U. AlbanySuspends implants research", Times Union,August 25, 1999. EPI8338 2 . Begich, Dr Nick and Jeane Manning,Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advancesin Tesla Technology, EarthPulse Press,Anchorage, 1995.8 4 . Lalli, Anthony N., "Human ResearchSubject Protection", ath t t p : / / w w w . p w 2 . n e t c o m . c o m ~ a l l a l l i /BillSite_analysis/paper_web.html. EPI619

These systems offer bothpromises and risks as we

move into the new century.

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It seems too good to be true: a newsource of near-limitless power that costsvirtually nothing, uses tiny amounts of

water as its fuel and produces next to nowaste.

Randell Mills, a Harvard Universitymedic who also studied electricalengineering at Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, claims to have built aprototype power source that generates up to1,000 times more heat than conventionalfuel. Independent scientists claim to haveverified the experiments and Dr Mills saysthat his company, Blacklight Power, hastens of millions of dollars in investmentlined up to bring the idea to market. And heclaims to be just months away fromunveiling his creation.

Dr Mills claims he has produced a newform of hydrogen, the simplest of all theatoms with just a single proton circled byone electron. In his "hydrino", the electronsits a little closer to the proton than normal,and the formation of the new atoms fromtraditional hydrogen releases huge amountsof energy.

This is scientific heresy. According toquantum mechanics, electrons can onlyexist in an atom in strictly defined orbits.The shortest distance allowed between theproton and electron in hydrogen is fixed.The two particles are simply not allowed toget any closer.

According to Professor Rick Maas, achemist at the University of North Carolinawho was allowed access to Blacklight'slaboratories, the first product to be builtwith Blacklight's technology will be ahousehold heater which will be available inas little as four years. As the technology isscaled up, he says, bigger furnaces will beable to boil water and turn turbines toproduce electricity. In a recent economicforecast, Prof. Maas calculated that hydrinoenergy would cost around 1.2 cents [US]per kilowatt hour. This compares to anaverage of 5.0 cents per kWh for coal and6.0 cents for nuclear energy. ∞(Source: The Guardian, 4 November 2005,


In a scientific breakthrough that hasstunned the world, a team of SouthAfrican scientists has developed a

revolutionary, highly efficient solar powertechnology that will enable homes to obtainall their electricity from the sun.

These unique solar panels will make itpossible for houses to become completelyself-sufficient for energy supplies. Thepanels are able to generate enough energy torun stoves, geysers [hot-water heaters],lights, TVs, fridges, computers—in short,all the "mod cons" of the modern house.The new technology should be available inSouth Africa within a year.

Through a special converter, energy canbe fed directly into the wiring of existinghouses. New powerful storage units willallow energy storage to meet demands evenin winter. While direct sunlight is ideal forhigh-energy generation, other daytime lightalso generates energy via the panels. Thepanels are so efficient they can operatethrough a CapeTown winter.

A team ofscientists, led byUniversity ofJ o h a n n e s b u r g(formerly RandA f r i k a a n sU n i v e r s i t y )scientist ProfessorVivian Alberts,achieved thebreakthrough after10 years ofresearch. TheSouth Africantechnology hasnow been patentedacross the world.

The Germancompany IFESolar Systems,one of the worldleaders in solarenergy, hasinvested morethan R500 millionin the South

African invention and is set to manufacture500,000 of the panels before the end of theyear at a new plant in Germany.

The new alloy solar panel is much moreefficient than the costly old silicon solarpanels. The new panel consists of a thinlayer of a unique metal alloy that convertslight into energy. The photo-responsivealloy can operate on virtually all flexiblesurfaces, which means it could in the futurefind a host of other applications.

Professor Alberts said that the new panelsare approximately five microns thick (ahuman hair is 20 microns thick), while theolder silicon panels are 350 microns thick.The cost of the South African technology isa fraction of the less-effective silicon solarpanels.

Alberts also said that in Switzerland it isalready compulsory for all new houses toinclude solar technology to lessen energydemands on national grids. ∞(Source: Saturday Argus, South Africa, 11Feb 2006,


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by Mark A. Solis © 1999

People often ask, "What exactly is 'theHutchison effect'?" This brief essayis an attempt to answer that question

to the satisfaction of the majority.First of all, the Hutchison effect is a

collection of phenomena which werediscovered accidentally by Canadianresearcher John Hutchison during attemptsto study the longitudinal waves of Teslaback in 1979. In other words, the Hutchisoneffect is not simply a singular effect. Itcomprises many effects.

The Hutchison effect occurs as the resultof radio-wave interferences in a zone ofspatial volume encompassed by high-voltage sources, usually a Van de Graaffgenerator, and two or more Tesla coils.

The effects produced include levitation ofheavy objects, fusion of dissimilar materialssuch as metal and wood (exactly asportrayed in the movie The PhiladelphiaE x p e r i m e n t), the anomalous heating ofmetals without burning adjacent material,spontaneous fracturing of metals (whichseparate by sliding in a sideways fashion),and both temporary and permanent changesin the crystalline structure and physicalproperties of metals.

The levitation of heavy objects by theHutchison effect is not—repeat not—theresult of simple electrostatic or

electromagnetic levitation. Claims thatthese forces alone can explain thephenomenon are patently ridiculous andeasily disproved by merely trying to usesuch methods to duplicate what theHutchison effect has achieved, which hasbeen well documented both on film andvideotape and has been witnessed manytimes by numerous credentialled scientistsand engineers.

Challengers should note that theirapparatus must be limited to the use of 75watts of power from a 120-volt AC outlet,as that is all that is used by Hutchison'sapparatus to levitate a 60-pound cannonball.

The fusion of dissimilar materials, whichis exceedingly remarkable, indicates clearlythat the Hutchison effect has a powerfulinfluence on Van der Waals' forces. In astriking and baffling contradiction,dissimilar substances can simply "cometogether", yet the individual substances donot dissociate. A block of wood can simply"sink into" a metal bar, yet neither the metalbar nor the block of wood come apart.Also, there is no evidence of displacementsuch as would occur if, for example, onewere to sink a stone into a bowl of water.

The anomalous heating of metal withoutany evidence of burning or scorching of theadjacent materials (usually wood) is a clearindication that possibly the nature of heatmay not be completely understood. Thishas far-reaching implications for

t h e r m o d y n a m i c s ,which hingesentirely on thepresumption of suchknowledge.

It should be notedthat the entirety ofthermodynamics isrepresented by theinfrared portion ofthe electromagneticspectrum, which isinsignificant in acontext of zero hertzto infinite hertz. Theanomalous heatingexhibited by theHutchison effectshows plainly thatwe have much tolearn, especiallyw h e r ethermodynamics ande l e c t r o m a g n e t i s mmeet.

The spontaneous

fracturing of metals, as occurs with theHutchison effect, is unique for two reasons:(1) there is no evidence of an "externalforce" causing the fracturing; and (2) themethod by which the metal separatesinvolves a sliding motion in a sidewaysdirection, horizontally. The metal simplycomes apart.

Some temporary changes in thecrystalline structure and physical propertiesof metals are somewhat reminiscent of the"spoon bending" of Uri Geller, except thatthere is no one near the metal samples whenthe changes take place. One video shows aspoon flapping up and down like a limp ragin a stiff breeze.

In the case of permanent changes, a metalbar will be hard at one end, like steel, andsoft at the other end, like powdered lead.Again, this is evidence of strong influenceon Van der Waals' forces.

The radio-wave interferences involved inproducing these effects are produced fromas many as four and five different radiosources, all operating at low power.However, the zone in which theinterferences take place is stressed byhundreds of kilovolts.

It is surmised by some researchers thatwhat Hutchison has done is tap into thezero-point energy (ZPE). This energy getsits name from the fact that it is evidenced byoscillations at zero degrees Kelvin, wheresupposedly all activity in an atom ceases.The energy is associated with thespontaneous emission and annihilation ofelectrons and positrons coming from whatis called "the quantum vacuum". Thedensity of the energy contained in thequantum vacuum is estimated by some at1013 joules per cubic centimetre, which isreportedly sufficient to boil off the Earth'soceans in a matter of moments.

Given access to such energies, it is smallwonder that the Hutchison effect producessuch bizarre phenomena. At the presenttime, the phenomena are difficult toreproduce with any regularity. The focusfor the future is, first, to increase thefrequency of occurrence of the effects andthen to achieve some degree of precision intheir control. The work is continuing at thistime. Before long, we shall see whatprogress can be made. ∞(Source: by Mark A. Solis © 16 February1999; via e s e a r c h T r i a n g l e / T h i n k t a n k / 8 8 6 3 / m a i n .html. For updates, visit the web pageh t t p : / / w w w . a m e r i c a n a n t i g r a v i t y . c o m /hutchison.html.)


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People have been aware of music'shealing properties since the times ofPythagoras and Aristotle. Russians

have long believed in the medicinal effectsof the sound of church bells.

A Los Angeles scientist believes thatliving cells can make distinct sounds—afinding which may some day help doctors"hear" diseases.

Jim Gimzewski, a 52-year-old UCLAchemist, calls the study of cell soundssonocytology. He became interested in thesound of cells in 2001 after a medicalresearcher told him that when living heartcells were placed in a Petri dish withappropriate nutrients, the cells wouldcontinue to pulsate.

Gimzewski wished to find out whethersuch tiny vibrations would produce adetectable sound. He conducted a series ofexperiments using complex equipment.Those experiments showed that the cellsreally could make a sound, though it wasdetectable only by an especially sensitiveinstrument.

Gimzewski and his assistant used yeastcells for conducting their research ofcellular noise. They found that the pitch ofthe sound wave would be higher if the cellswere sprinkled with alcohol. The dead cellswould give off a low, rumbling sound.

The researchers also found that yeastcells with genetic mutations produced aslightly different sound than did normalyeast cells.

They hope that the technique mighteventually be applied to diagnosingdiseases such as cancer, which is thought tooriginate with changes in the geneticmakeup of cells.

It is already clear that the future ofmedicine hinges specifically on research ofcellular activities. The world of soundstakes part in those processes in a mostactive manner.

"Scientists have long noticed that musiccould impact the blood circulation, e.g.,change its rate," says music therapyspecialist Sergei Shushardzhan. "However,it was not until recently that scientists haverealised that music therapy is aninterdisciplinary branch of science thatcame into being at the junction of manyareas. There is a purely physical side of thephenomenon, since music is the sound,rhythm, frequency, etc.

"At the same time, there is a medicalaspect of it—a reaction of the body to music

at the psychological and cellular levels.Our team, for example, has conducted aseries of extremely interesting experimentsinvolving cancer cells and microbe cells."

The cell cultures were placed in betweenloudspeakers and subjected to the sounds ofmusic in four different styles: classical,easy listening/symphonic, rock andmediaeval hymns. The latter were found tohave the strongest impact.

The interaction processes are verycomplex. By and large, one style of musicis able to boost the growth of cells whileanother can suppress it.

"Probably the method will helpresearchers find a key to control cellularprocesses and discover a way to understandthe development mechanism ofmalignancies," says Shushardzhan.

Studying the effects of musical rhythm onthe human body, e.g., the brain functions, isanother exciting topic of research.Scanning the brain while patients listened todifferent kinds of music brought outinteresting data.

For example, blood circulation wasreported to have increased in bothhemispheres of the brain as patients werelistening to music with a very aggressiverhythm structure.

The findings are just another piece ofevidence that the sounds of the outsideworld and the "sounds" of our body areinterrelated in a most complex way. Still,there are more questions than answers. ∞(Source: P r a v d a, 27 February 2006,h t t p : / / e n g l i s h . p r a v d a . r u / s c i e n c e / h e a l t h / 7 6 536-music-0; also see


In theory, the idea is simple. Spinningcopper wires through a stable magneticfield makes electricity—lots of electrons

jumping off the magnetic field and zoomingthrough a conductive metal. And since theocean waves are already moving, why notcobble together a machine to harness thatenergy?

"I believe it'll change the world," saidsecond-generation inventor TomWoodbridge, a NASA engineer who runsAqua-Magnetics Inc. in Florida. He has sixUS and international patents on his OceanSwell and Wave Energy Conversionsystem, a $30,000 grant from the state'sTechnological Research and DevelopmentAuthority and prototypes that take up mostof the family garage.

Think of the device as like a pogo stickinside a floating drum. The rocking motionof the waves pushes a long cylinder ofmagnets up and down a copper coil.

Woodbridge's prototypes stand abouthead high, upside down in the garage andare painted bright yellow, as the CoastGuard required. His small model generates10 watts of power in a six-inch wave chop.A full-scale version could generate 160kilowatts. That one buoy is enough topower 160 houses, following the rule ofthumb that the average US home uses about1,000 kW of electricity each month.Smaller versions could make navigationalbuoys self-powered, providing warninglights and navigational signals to ships. ∞(Source: Knight-Ridder/Tribune, 12 Dec2005; also see


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A self-declaredtransmigrated highlama, T. LobsangRampa inspired

readers and angeredcritics with his

stories about oldand new Tibet,ancient rituals,reincarnation,

benevolent ETs andinner-world


Part 2 of 2

by Karen Mutton © 2005–06


[email protected]


Extracted from her 2005 e-book,

T. Lobsang Rampa: New Age Trailblazer

APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 51


Needless to say, T. Lobsang Rampa's assertions are just as unpopular today withacademia as they were in the 1950s. Surprisingly, however, new discoveriescontinue to bring into question the accepted chronology of human civilisation.The myth of Atlantis is just as enduring in the third millennium as it was in

Plato's day, but today there is solid evidence that civilisations flourished upon the nowinundated continental shelves of Asia and Central America. Graham Hancock's seminalbook Underworld demonstrated conclusively that the flooded coastlines contain ruins fromcultures older than the Sumerian. Hancock and his wife Saantha Faiia, both seasoneddivers, have explored ruins that were discovered in 2001 in the Gulf of Cambay on the westand off Mahabalipuram on the east of the Indian sub-continent.

The South China Sea around Okinawa and Yonaguni is peppered with megalithic-typeruins which were only discovered in the mid-1980s and 1990s. While these ruins are trulyimpressive, they pale in comparison with the deep-water ruins photographed by a Russianresearch vessel off the coast of Cuba in 2001. These ruins lie over two kilometres deep atthe bottom of the Caribbean. As revealed by sonograph, they show grid-patterned streetsand geometrical structures. Only tectonic forces, rather than coastal flooding, could haveplunged a city to the bottom of the sea! In November 2004, it was reported that ruinsbeneath the Mediterranean Sea have been discovered off the coast of Cyprus, towardsTurkey. There are also rumours of underwater ruins near Bimini, Malta and Britain.

When Rampa published his first two books in the 1950s, few people believed that suddenand cataclysmic forces had shaped the Earth's past. Immanuel Velikovsky, a scientist whotried to prove that major upheavals have occurred regularly throughout the Earth's history,was vilified by the establishment, which tried to ban his books Worlds in Collision andEarth in Upheaval. He was also one of the first scientists to warn us of dangers fromcomets and asteroids, for they had struck our planet in the past. Velikovsky was the firstscientist to hypothesise that Venus would be boiling hot and that Jupiter would possess ahuge magnetic field. Both he and Rampa believed that the Earth had once been impactedby another planet which had emptied its petroleum oceans into our planet's crust.

Archaeological evidence for ancient civilisations in Tibet is scant because Westernarchaeologists have never been allowed to excavate, and the current Chinese occupiers arefar more interested in exploiting Tibet's resources. In Seven Years in Tibet, Heinrich Harrerrecounted how his friend Peter Aufschnaiter indulged in some amateur archaeology inLhasa and discovered evidence of burial practices indicative of an earlier culture. Harreras well as Russian explorer Nicholas Roerich acknowledged the rumour that hugesubterranean caverns exist beneath the Potala Palace.

In 2002, a report about anomalous artefacts in the Qinghai Tibetan area was posted onthe Internet. Li Heng of People's Daily Online (25 June) wrote: "The widespread news ofmysterious iron pipes at the foot of Mt Baigong, located in the depths of the Qaidam Basin,Qinghai Province, has roused concern from related departments. Some experts believe thatthese might be relics left behind by extraterrestrial beings, for the site, with its high altitudeand thin, crisp air, has long been held as an ideal place to practise astronomy." He speaksof three caves, with the middle one being the largest. "What is astonishing is inside, forthere is a half-pipe about 40 centimetres in diameter tilting from the top to the inner end ofthe cave... At the opening of the cave there are a dozen pipes, at the diameter between 10and 40 centimetres, that run straight into the mountain... About 80 metres away from thecaves is the shimmering Toson Lake, on whose beach many iron pipes can be found

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scattered on sand and rocks… Most strange is that there are alsosome pipes in the lake, some reaching above water surface andsome buried below, with similar shapes and thickness [ascompared] with those on the beach."

On 12 February 2004, Greg Taylor of Phenomena Newsprovided an update that the site was to be examined by scientists."A sample of these scraps was analysed once by the local smeltery,and were found to be composed of 30 per cent ferric oxide with alarge amount of silicon dioxide and calcium dioxide. 'The largecontent of silicon dioxide and calcium oxide is a result of longinteraction between iron and sandstone, which means the pipesmust be very old,' said Liu Shaolin, the engineer who did theanalysis." The area is sparsely populated and has very littleindustry, leading many to call the site an "ET launching pad".

Over the past few centuries, other anomalous objects have beendiscovered which put doubt on the classical theory of evolution.These out-of-place artefacts ("ooparts")—from million-year-oldshoeprints to a bell vase blasted out of solid coal—periodicallyturn up all around the world. Michael Cremo and RichardThompson documented thousands of anomalous archaeologicalfinds in their huge book, Forbidden Archeology.

On 30 April 2002, the Russian newspaper P r a v d a a n n o u n c e dthe extraordinary discovery of a stoneslab covered with a relief map of theUral region. "The question is about agreat plate found in 1999, with a reliefmap of the region done according toan unknown technology... The mapcontains civil engineering work: asystem of channels with a length ofabout 12,000 km, weirs and powerfuldams. Not far from the channels,diamond-shaped grounds are shown...The map also contains someinscriptions…done in a hieroglyphic-syllabic language of unknown origin.The scientists never managed to readit…" Professor Alexandr Chuvyrov, the team leader, claimed thatshells embedded in the surface indicated that the map was about120 million years old, when the south magnetic pole was situatedin Franz Joseph Land. It was also part of a much larger map,possibly of the whole Earth and measuring 340 square metres.Could this map have been created by those ETs whom Rampacalled "the Gardeners of the Earth", who caused such devastationwith their warfare?

There are many documented discoveries of gigantic humanremains, mostly discovered and then "lost" by museums over thepast century. In Lost Cities of North and Central America, DavidHatcher Childress reprinted many newspaper reports and evenscientific studies of gigantic human bones from the Americas.Peter Kolosimo in Timeless Earth wrote: "A human skeleton 17feet tall has been found in Gargayan, in The Philippines, and bonesof other human creatures over 10 feet tall have been found insoutheastern China. According to palaeontologist Pei Wen-chung,these are at least 300,000 years old… Stone implements of giantsize have been found in Moravia and Syria, where the bones oftheir users have been found nearby. In Ceylon, explorers havefound the remains of creatures which must have been about 13 feettall, and in Tura Assam…a human skeleton measuring 11 feet hascome to light." (p. 31) Kolosimo also documented the manylegends of giants which can be found around the world fromAustralia to China, from Europe to the Middle East.

Cone-headed skulls, such as those belonging to the mummies

Rampa saw beneath the Potala, have also come to light in Peru,Malta and Syria. The museum of Paracas in Peru contains manyskeletons from that arid area, including cone-headed skulls with acranial capacity of between 2200 and 2500 cc, greatly exceedingour brain capacity of 1450 cc. The Paracas skulls seem torepresent another human species—not people like the Amerindiansand Egyptians who bound their heads.

It is surprising to discover that Rampa used the term "chariots ofthe gods" over a decade before Erich von Däniken wrote his bookof the same name. The so-called chariots of the gods, or vimanas,were first described by Desmond Leslie as co-author with GeorgeAdamski of the famous 1953 book Flying Saucers Have Landed.These vimanas are described in great detail in ancient Indianliterature, leading alternative historians like Hatcher Childress tobelieve they belonged to the technologically advanced Rishicivilisation of about 12,000 years ago. Ancient Indian texts suchas the Mahabharata also speak of weapons of mass destruction,including a bomb with a brightness exceeding 10,000 suns whichcaused the skin to fall off its hapless victims. Even the mostsceptical historian would find it hard to dismiss the similaritybetween these weapons and modern thermonuclear bombs.

There are also examples of inexplicable radioactivity in someancient cities of the Indus civilisation on

the Indian subcontinent. The veryancient city of Mohenjo-daro, with itsmodern grid-like layout, was found tohave extremely radioactive skeletonslying in its streets. Lumps of glass,originally clay pots that had meltedunder extreme heat, have been found.Modern historians do not have anadequate explanation for the downfallof the Indus civilisation and theradioactive anomalies discovered there.In other places such as the Middle Eastand Scotland, an inexplicable heatsource vitrified forts and melted sand

into glass in antiquity.Rampa declared in The Cave of the Ancients that the sphinx had

been a universal symbol of antediluvial civilisations. Althoughconventional historians date it at about 3000 BCE, alternativehistorians such as Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval speculatethat the Giza Sphinx could date to 10,500 BCE, connecting it withthe constellation of Leo which was in ascendancy at that time,while John Anthony West puts it in the post-glacial period atbetween 5000 to 10,000 BCE. Geologist Robert Schoch thinks theSphinx was created around 5000 BCE, or 7000 BCE at the earliest.The Sphinx was recently discovered to have chambers beneath it,and limited excavations have revealed a burial chamber called "thetomb of Osiris". However, many alternative archaeologists believethere is a buried city beneath the Giza plateau, a belief influencedby such mystics as Edgar Cayce and Lobsang Rampa.

In these days of infrared satellite photography, it is almostimpossible to believe that an ancient city could exist in themountains without being detected. Amazingly, in 1998 a group ofAmerican mountaineers discovered a verdant valley perched highin an inaccessible gorge of the Himalayas. Totally unknown toEuropeans, this valley with its semi-tropical vegetation hadremained hidden from satellites for decades. In 2003, a huge,hidden glacier was discovered in the Himalayas, unknown toChinese and Western cartographers. Who, then, can safely say thatother great discoveries do not lie hidden in a glacier or a cave inthe world's highest mountain range?

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There are many documenteddiscoveries of gigantic humanremains, mostly discoveredand then "lost" by museums

over the past century.

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THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONNECTION"Flying saucers? Of course there are flying saucers! I have seen

many, both in the sky and on the ground, and I have even been fora trip in one. Tibet is the most convenient country of all for flyingsaucers. It is remote from the bustle of the everyday world, and ispeopled by those who place religion and scientific concepts beforematerial gain. Throughout the centuries, the people of Tibet haveknown the truth about flying saucers, what they are, why they are,how they work, and the purpose behind it all. We know of theflying saucer people as the gods in the sky in their fiery chariots."("Home of the Gods" in My Visit to Venus )

Like many writers of the 1950s, such as George Adamski andGeorge Hunt Williamson, Rampa described benevolentextraterrestrials who had come to warn humanity about the folliesof nuclear power. During the following decades, his discussionson extraterrestrials became moresophisticated and on the cutting edge of UFOresearch, particularly with The Hermit (1971)which introduced the ideas of humanabduction and experimentation for geneticengineering purposes. Clearly, Rampa'srevelations of extraterrestrial geneticengineering pre-dated Zechariah Sitchin'sEarth Chronicles series, and yet his influencein this genre is unrecognised.

• My Visit to VenusMy Visit to Venus, an anthology of Rampa

chapters which had been rejected fromearlier books, was published withoutauthorisation in late 1958 or early 1959by Gray Barker, an American who ranSaucerian Bulletin. Prior to Barker'sbook, it had been published in variousmagazines such as Flying SaucerR e v i e w. Rampa did not want itpublished, fearing it would bedismissed as science fiction.

The opening chapter, "Home of theGods", continues on from Doctor fromLhasa's description of a visit to theChang Tang Highlands, where thelamas discovered a huge, ancient city.Half frozen in a glacier, this city hadonce accommodated a race of giants. "Nearby in a spaciouscourtyard, there was an immense metal structure which remindedme of two of our temple dishes clamped together and was clearlya vehicle of some sort." The monks cautiously approached thevehicle, which was about 50 to 60 feet (15.24 to 18.29 metres)across, and ascended a ladder leading inside. Once inside,Rampa's Guide touched something which caused the ship to humand emit a bluish light.

To their surprise, they were approached by large humans whocommunicated telepathically: "Be not afraid, for we were aware ofyour coming for the past hundred years. We made provisions sothat those who were intrepid enough to enter this vessel shouldknow the past." The humanoids showed them pictures from thepast civilisation: huge buildings which sat by the sea with disc-like vehicles soaring above. They witnessed an enormousexplosion which toppled the buildings and caused a tsunami to riseabove the ruins. The humanoids told them of a "WhiteBrotherhood", composed of incarnate and discarnate entities,which safeguarded all life.

The chapter continued with the seven lamas being taken up intospace from where they could see Tibet. The vehicle left theatmosphere, with no increase in gravity or sensation of speed, andsoared into space. The monks were taken on a tour of thespaceship. Its propulsion system utilised a form of magnetismwhich repelled the Earth's magnetism. The repelling force couldbe adjusted to allow the vessel to hover, rise or sink. The ship wasalso capable of collecting "space electricity"—a form ofmagnetism based upon cosmic energy.

The Venusian hosts took the lamas in a strange vehicle to theHall of Knowledge, where they observed the Earth's creation alongwith the mighty civilisations of Lemuria, Atlantis and Poseidonia.The Broad One warned: "We guard the Earth, for, if man's folly isallowed to go unchecked, terrible things will happen to the race ofman. There are powers upon the Earth, human powers who oppose

all thoughts of our ships, who say there isnothing greater than the human upon Earth,so there cannot be ships from other worlds."

Eventually, after many days, the Tibetanswere returned to Earth "which now seemed atawdry place" and "paled into significanceagainst the glory of Venus". The story endedwith this: "Never again, I thought, shall I seesuch wonderful things. How mistaken I was,for that was but the first of many trips."

• Beyond the TenthDuring the 1960s the subject of ufology

became established, and Rampa in his booksChapters of Life and Beyond the Tenthexpanded the theme of aliens as theguardians and indeed creators of theEarth. He described UFOs as being offour distinct types:

1. Extraterrestrials. These Gardenersof the Earth, an extremely advancedrace from another galaxy, colonised ourplanet billions of years ago. Every nowand then they come back to check on theprogress of the human race.

2. Inner Earth inhabitants. In theVenus anthology, they are described asadvanced humanoids who live in theEarth's interior and sometimes use their

vehicles to explore the Earth's surface. This theme was laterexpanded in Twilight.

3. Antimatter vehicles. These explode when they come intocontact with the Earth's atmosphere.

4. Interdimensional vehicles containing aliens from otherrealms. Usually we are unable to perceive these aliens, as theyvibrate at a different frequency to human beings. We can onlyperceive their vehicles as gyrating lights in the sky, a third-dimensional shadow of fourth-dimensional vehicles.

Beyond the Tenth was published in 1969, the same year thatErich von Däniken's Chariots of the Gods? was published inEnglish. While the Swiss author built his case upon incongruousancient anomalies, Rampa stated unequivocally that "Earth is likea colony; Earth is a testing ground, a seeding place where differenttypes are put together so that the Gardeners of Space can see howthey get on together" (p. 77). He claimed that even though theGardeners were friendly and concerned with our welfare, theysometimes abducted and experimented upon humans in an effort toimprove our species.

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During the following decades,

his discussions on extraterrestrials

became moresophisticated and

on the cutting edge of UFO research...

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Rampa was also aware of censorship surrounding the reportingof UFOs in the West. "The pilots who fly the [aircraft], whether ina commercial capacity or in connection with the armed forces,have seen and will continue to see UFOs but, until the moronicgovernments of the world change their attitudes, not much will beheard of those sightings. The Argentinian government is surelyone of the most enlightened in that they officially recognise theexistence of UFOs." (p. 86) The military clique cannotacknowledge UFOs because it would compromise security andreveal their vulnerability. He noted that any reference thatastronauts make to UFOs while they're in space is deleted and theirphotos destroyed. While this may have sounded like unfoundedparanoia in the 1960s, many people today believe there has been amonstrous government conspiracy of silence lasting over 50years—a belief fuelled by such TV shows as The X-Files, DarkSkies, The Smoking Gun and Roswell.

Rampa also claimed that religious leaders would notacknowledge UFOs because it would shake their paradigm thatman is made in the image of God, if an advanced alien appeared tobe non-human.

Further, he noted: "If the UFO people had wanted to take overthe Earth, they could have done it centuries ago. The point is, theyare afraid that they will have to take over the Earth (and they donot want to) if the Earth goes on releasing too much hard atomicradiation. These spacemen are theGardeners of the Earth. They are tryingto save the Earth from the Earthpeople—and what a time they arehaving!" (p. 89)

• The HermitFive years before Sitchin wrote his

cult classic The Twelfth Planet ,expounding the belief thatextraterrestrials had seeded andgenetically engineered the human race,Rampa explained the whole process inThe Hermit. The story began with ablind old Tibetan hermit imparting hisknowledge to "the chosen one". In his youth he had been abductedby an advanced race who revealed themselves as "the Gardeners ofthe Earth". They took him to another galaxy and performedmedical experiments upon his unwilling body, including brainsurgery to increase his intelligence. Bluntly they informed himthat the Earthlings were a very evil race who threatened to destroynot only themselves but other intelligent life on nearby worlds.

The Gardeners informed him: "We travel in universes puttingpeople and animals on many different worlds. You Earthlingshave your legends about us; you refer to us as gods of the sky.Now we are to give you information as to the origin of life onEarth…for it is time that people knew the truth of their gods beforewe initiate the second phase." (p. 14) They transported the blindmonk to another galaxy and implanted artificial sight so that hecould witness the wonders of their civilisation. He was taken to thecentre of the empire, where "the colours were all wrong. The grasswas red and the rocks were yellow. The sky was of a greenish castand there were two suns." (p. 104)

The empire was vast and incorporated many different planetsand star systems which co-existed in harmony. The inhabitantswere humanoids with varied characteristics and features. Therewere vast cities of towering spires traversed by flying vehicles ofall descriptions. This world was the headquarters of the vastempire, where every planet was self-governing but owed

allegiance to the Master of the World.The Gardeners took the monk to an orbiting observatory where

nine wise men were in charge of observing the Akashic records ofEarth and other worlds. They showed him the history of the world,beginning with a huge comet colliding with a dead world at thecentre of the galaxy, sending out gobbets of incandescent gaswhich eventually became the planets. Two expeditions exploredthe new worlds while a third dropped biological specimens ontothe land and into the seas. Millennia later, a fourth expeditiondelivered huge dinosaurs to planet Earth. However, after manyyears the Earth was wobbling on its axis, so a vessel wasdespatched to break up the supercontinent with a laser beam.

Another expedition brought purple humanoids to the Earthwhich had eight breasts and long, ape-like arms. They lived incaves and could not use fire, so the Gardeners were forced toexterminate them to make room for more advanced humans. Afterthousands of years and climate change, these humans developed amighty civilisation. But the Gardeners fraternised too freely withthe Earthlings, especially the women. A group stole theirtechnology, attacked them and let off a nuclear device whichwreaked havoc upon the Earth, sinking whole cities and continentsbeneath the oceans.

For centuries the Gardeners stayed away from the irradiatedplanet but eventually returned with more human and animal

specimens, distributing them ondifferent continents. Mankindeventually evolved and built townsand cities, while the supervisingGardeners were worshipped as godsby the Earth inhabitants.

From another galaxy, a warlike racewith horny growths on their foreheadattacked the empire and laid waste toour solar system. Cataclysmic battlestook place in the heavens:atmospheres were blasted away andworlds destroyed. A planet, dislodgedfrom its orbit, struck the Earth,causing a catastrophic loss of life.

Only a few humans and animals, aided by the Gardeners, wereconveyed to safety in a great ark.

On the Earth, a great ice age developed. The Gardeners nowdecided to live apart from humans and dwell on mountains. Someinexperienced Gardeners, the "gods of Olympus", engaged inlicentious behaviour and were transferred to other worlds. So theGardeners then decided to communicate only through suitablychosen natives such as Moses, Buddha and Jesus, who wereinstructed to institute new religions. But always the priestsperverted the true teachings for their own power and gain.

The hermit was returned to a comfortable cave in Tibet where hewas told a "chosen one" would come many years later to hear hiswisdom. The Gardeners decided that even though the auras of thehuman race were faulty, mankind would be given another chance.However, if humans did not heed such warnings and stop pollutingtheir planet with radioactivity, the Gardeners would be forced tointervene at any time in the future.

• Tibetan SageIn Tibetan Sage, Rampa provided more information about these

Gardeners, although he repeated many themes from earlier books.With his Guide, he visited an artificial cave which "...used to be theheadquarters of a special race who could do space travel and justabout everything else.

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Some of Rampa's ideas were original and may have

influenced later writers.

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Through millions of years, it still works; everything is intact."(p. 19) This cave was part of a network created millions of yearsago when Tibet was a low-lying land. It contained a space vehicle"about four or five men tall and looked something like two dishes,one on top of the other" (p. 23). The similarity of this descriptionwith the one given in "Home of the Gods" in My Visit to Venus isobvious. These extraterrestrials had the technology to melt solidrock and heal traumatic wounds with a special bath. They wereable to suspend life so that people could exist for millions of years,"receiving adequate nourishment to keep the body functioning ona minute scale" (TS, p. 28). These suspended bodies were beingkept alive in tubs in order to provide bodies for aliens totransmigrate into at a future date.

The Lama Mingyar Dondup could read their inscriptions andlearned that the suspended aliens were actually evil Gardeners whohad raped human women and performed genetic experiments.They were a renegade faction who had waged many wars againstthe other Gardeners—wars that Rampaobserved on one of their devices whichcontained the Akashic records. (This is thefourth time Rampa claimed to have viewedthe Akashic records; he had described themin the Venusian ship, the Cave of theAncients and the orbiting observatory.) AsRampa and his Guide departed from thecaves, the whole complex was destroyed bybooby traps.

Even if Rampa's stories are dismissed asscience fiction, there is merit in some of hisoriginal themes. His warnings from theextraterrestrials to stop our nuclear folly werenot original, as other contactees in the1950s—particularly Daniel Fry andRichard Miller—had said the same.Venusians were very popular withcontactees in the 1950s before spaceprobes revealed Venus to be aninhospitable planet. Frank Strangessaid he had been in contact with ValThor, and George Adamski claimed tohave flown to Venus with friendlyaliens years before Rampa's jaunt to ourclosest neighbour. Nor was Rampa thefirst to speak of levitators and telepathiccommunication with aliens, as GeorgeVan Tassel and George King had madeearlier claims. Furthermore, in 1953 in Flying Saucers HaveLanded, Desmond Leslie first popularised the notion that theancient Indian scriptures contained many references to the vehiclesof the extraterrestrial gods.

However, some of Rampa's ideas were original and may haveinfluenced later writers. His descriptions of Earth from space andwarp travel with anti-magnetic propulsion were quite novel for thepre-space-flight era. The Hermit described alien abduction,experimentation and genetic engineering at least a decade beforeWhitley Strieber wrote his influential Communion. Recently theidea that extraterrestrials were responsible for the evolution ofhumans and other animals has been incorporated into a new theorycalled "interventionism" by Lloyd Pye, who challenges Darwinismand creationism. Zechariah Sitchin, one of the proponents of thistheory, claimed that the Mesopotamian gods, the Annunaki, wereextraterrestrials from the 12th planet, Nibiru, who genetically

engineered the terrestrial hominids to produce a new species,Homo sapiens, about 200,000 years ago. Sitchin's influence inalternative history is undeniable, as terms like Annunaki andNibiru have passed into the New Age lexicon. However, LobsangRampa, whose book The Hermit tells us who the aliens are, wherethey are from and why they are visiting and abducting humans, isvirtually unknown.

SUBTERRANEAN WORLDS"There are passages which reach to the ends of the Earth. The

Earth has a spine just as we have, but the spine of the Earth is madeof rock… This tunnel was man-made in the days of Atlantis whenthey knew how to make rock flow like water without generatingheat. I have travelled extensively and I know that this rocky spineextends from the North Pole to the South Pole." (As it Was, p. 75)

Lobsang Rampa wrote extensively of inhabited, undergroundcaverns, tunnels and cities in Twilight, As it Was and "The

Subsurface World" chapter of My Visit toVenus. In Twilight, he introduced the topic ofthe subterranean realm of Agharta (orAgharti) with its capital city Shamballah (orShambhala) and omnipotent ruler, "the Kingof the world". Rampa strongly hinted that themysterious (unidentified) island UltimaThule and the loss of the US nuclearsubmarines T h r e s h e r and S c o r p i o n w e r esomehow connected with this undergroundcivilisation and its denizens.

Tunnels to Shamballah and AghartaIn occult and Buddhist lore, the realms of

Shamballah and Agharta are usually situatedunderground in the Himalayas orCentral Asian deserts. In the earlierdecades of the 20th century, Russianexplorers Ferdinand Ossendowski andNicholas Roerich travelled throughoutCentral Asia seeking the fabled landand city. Ossendowski first mentionedAgharta in his 1922 book Beasts, Menand Gods. Tibetan lamas had told himthat the thousands of people livingunderground in Agharta were ruled by"the King of the world". T h einhabitants of Agharta are believed topossess advanced powers capable ofdestroying whole areas of the planet,

although they choose to live in peace. Roerich, a respectedtraveller, mystic and Theosophist, also believed in thesesubterranean lands but was unable to provide any scientificevidence of their existence. In his 1929 book Heart of Asia, hismain interest centred on the spiritual dynamics of Shamballah andits importance as a symbol in the coming "New Age" ofenlightenment and peace.

In a booklet titled Agharta (1951), American Buddhist RobertDickhoff wrote: "Agharta began some 60,000 years ago when atribe led by a holy man disappeared underground. The inhabitantswere said to number many millions and had a science superior toany found on the surface of the Earth… The few remainingtunnels open to the surface world are in Tibet, Siberia, Africa,South and North America and on remote islands which were oncethe mountain peaks of Atlantis." In 1960, Dr Raymond Bernardcommented in his book The Subterranean World: "Belief in the

APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 55

Sitchin's influence inalternative history is

undeniable... However, Lobsang

Rampa, whose book The Hermit tells us who the aliens are,

where they are fromand why they are

visiting and abductinghumans, is virtually


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existence of a subterranean world, which was given the name ofAgharti, is universal and an integral part of the Buddhist faith.Another sacred word amongst Buddhists is Shamballah, the nameof the subterranean world capital." (Alec Maclellan, The LostWorld of Agharthi)

Nicholas Roerich had heard from learned lamas of undergroundpassages and a lake beneath the Potala: "If you have seen thisunderground lake, you must have been either a very great lama ora torch bearer." Harrer recounted this story in his book SevenYears in Tibet (p. 185).

In The Third Eye, Rampa described his visit to the tunnels ofthe Potala. According to his Guide, a group of monks had oncetried to explore this mysterious lake but some had drowned. Thesurvivors managed to exit the cave and found themselves in aswamp about 40 miles from the Potala. Later Rampa was able tostudy the passages himself, climbing ever downwards throughsecret doors until he reached a lake which was the remnant of anancient sea. Years later, he returned to thecaverns to undergo the "Ceremony of theLittle Death" amongst the mummified bodiesof gigantic extraterrestrials who had oncewalked the Earth as gods.

In T w i l i g h t, Rampa introduced RigdenJyepo, the King of the world who dwells inShamballah. "In Tibetan lore there is muchmention of Shamballah where the King of allthe world lives, the King who is hidden frommillions on the surface of the world.Tibetans firmly believe in the King of theworld living inside the world, not as somesort of demon but as an extremely good king,a good spiritual ruler who is alive intwo planes at once, the physical, wherehe lives for ever and ever, and the astralplane, where similarly he lives for everand ever… Tibetans believe that theKing of the world gave his firstinstructions to the first Dalai Lama...who is the outer representative of theinner-world king." (p. 20)

The current Dalai Lama has oftenbeen asked about Agharta andShamballah in Tibetan mythology. In anon-committal way, he gave thisenigmatic response: "Shamballahexists, yes, but not in any conventionalsense." (Hicks and Chogyam, Great Ocean, p. 92)

In 2003, Inner Light published My Visit to Agharta, which waspurportedly retrieved from the estate papers of a New York book-seller, Jim Rigberg. The publisher claims that Lobsang Rampaoften sent Rigberg his rejected writings, which were incorporatedinto the 2003 edition. In this story, Rampa and his Guide jour-neyed through caverns to the inner kingdom of Agharta, encoun-tering both malevolent and benevolent races along the way.Eventually they reached a vortex which transported them, andmillions of other enlightened souls, to the sacred land of Aghartain the centre of the Earth. In Agharta, "the Creator" appeared as aluminous sphere, addressing each pilgrim separately with a mes-sage of love and hope.

While this story has a feelgood "New Age" appeal, it does notsound like a Rampa creation. More suspiciously, Rampa'ssecretary Sheelagh Rouse has no recollection of ever typing it oranything of that genre.

Tunnels to Ultima ThuleRampa originally discussed the inner world and its inhabitants in

"The Subsurface World" chapter of the My Visit to Venusanthology. "There are a number of natural orifices on the worldwhich give access to the inner world. One is in the Andes, anotherin the Gobi Desert, and another…beyond the ShetlandIslands…eternally wrapped in swirling fog is known as UltimaThule, the Last Island." The British Royal Navy once visited it toconduct a survey, but what they encountered became highlyclassified. "Very strange happenings indeed took place, and in thesecret records of the British Admiralty there are records of trulyfantastic happenings on Ultima Thule, happenings which are soincredible that the reports have long been suppressed and keptunder close guard."

The very existence of this island is a mystery, as the only NorthSea island which nominally fits Rampa's description of UltimaThule is Jan Mayen, currently ruled by Norway. Uninhabited

except for a manned weather station, it isdominated by a huge active volcano,Beerenberg. It is a bleak island, but there islittle else to recommend it as an island ofgreat mystery. To make matters even moreconfusing, in Chapters of Life R a m p adescribed Ultima Thule as a gateway toanother dimension.

In Germanic and Nordic mythologies,Ultima Thule is known as part of the sunkencontinent of Hyperborea, but it has no placeon modern maps. Perhaps it is in the samecategory as Peary's Crocker Land or Cook'sBradley Land which were observed in the

high Arctic and then disappeared,probably because they were mirages.Furthermore, the mid-Atlantic Ridge isan area of intense seismic activity, aswas evidenced when the Icelandicisland of Surtsey rose from the waves inthe 1960s. In Invisible Horizons,Vincent Gaddis wrote of literallydozens of islands which have beencharted and subsequently disappeared."That islands may sink below the wavesis not in any way unbelievable or evenextraordinary. Submarine archeologistshave mapped dozens of them along withmany quite deeply sunken coastlines.

Volcanic activity alone has accounted for many cases ofsubmergence that have been properly and fully witnessed andexamined." (p. 32)

Inner-world InhabitantsRampa introduced the inner-world inhabitants in "The

Subsurface World" as: "...people who dislike those humans whodwell upon the surface of the Earth. They are not benevolentpeople at all: they have instead a horror dread of those who dwellin the sunlight. They are a small colony of people who live insidethe Earth." Their flight capability was "a glorified type of airvehicle not a great deal better than the puny aircraft which wesurface people possess, and these inner-worlders cannot travel anygreat distance into space". An extinct volcano had created manylava tubes through which the inner-worlders—"not unlikehumans"—sometimes visit the surface. Although they dislike thesurface dwellers, they never attack unless provoked. "Often they

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In As it Was, the Lama Mingyar

Dondup took Lobsang to anothercomplex of caverns near Lhasa whichcontained strange

artefacts and carvings.

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take flight, and with their abnormally high speed they canoutdistance anything which the surface people have at present."

In As it Was, the Lama Mingyar Dondup took Lobsang toanother complex of caverns near Lhasa which contained strangeartefacts and carvings. He told him of tunnels reaching from thenorth to the south pole, while others, which were sealed, reachedinto the Earth's interior. Lobsang learned of a race of people whohad once entered the caverns to escape the surface cataclysms,sealing the entrance behind them. Beneath the surface, theydeveloped their own sciences which were often more advancedthan those upon the surface. Dondup said: "We of the higher lamaclass have often visited this place and tried to commune with thosebelow by telepathy…but they want nothing to do with us…and ifnecessary they will intervene." (p. 77)

Mingyar Dondup described the inner world and its inhabitants:"They have a sun something like we have but theirs is muchsmaller and much more powerful. They have much more than wehave, but they are very much more intelligent." Long ago theseinner-worlders discovered the principles of flight. "Sometimesthey come out of the Earth in special vehicles…which fly aroundon the outside of the Earth to see what people are doing and toascertain if their own safety isjeopardised by the folly of those whomthey term 'the outsiders'." ( ibid.)

In Feeding the Flame, Rampa hadmore to say about inner-worlddwellers. "Yes there was an Atlantis,and there are living remnants ofAtlantis still, deep underground in acertain part of the world, and let memake it clear that that part of the worldis not Mount Shasta; this is just anordinary area which has been over-publicised by people who wanted tomake not just a quick buck, but a wholesack of them." (p. 148)

The Case for a Hollow Earth In Twilight, Rampa devoted a whole chapter to the hollow Earth

question. "I have believed it for years and I have studied itthoroughly. I have read all about it [and believe] there is anotherworld inside this Earth of ours that is 2.9 times the size of theMoon, and that it is populated by a very intelligent race." Hecontinued: "I have been in some of those tunnels, and I have alsobeen in some of those tunnels in Ultima Thule. There are certainplaces in the Earth where it is possible for the Initiate to traveldown into the centre of the Earth and meet representatives of thatinner civilisation… Brazil and Tibet are two vitally importantparts of the outer world which have a special attraction for theinner people." (p. 21) Furthermore, he claimed that the GobiDesert and its pyramids have a connection to the inner world.

Rampa presented his case for the hollow Earth theory with thesepoints:

1. Commercial airlines do not actually fly over the poles, as thenavigational instruments would go awry.

2. No one has ever really been to the poles, only near them.3. There is an atomic sun in the centre of the Earth which is

responsible for the auroras.4. The current model of geophysics (crust/mantle/core) is not

based upon any solid evidence, merely supposition.5. The inner Earth is about 2.9 times bigger than the Moon.

This makes it actually larger than the land area on the outside ofthe Earth.

6. Inner worlders are remnants of Lemuria/Mu/Atlantis andeven older civilisations who escaped from surface cataclysms byentering the cavern system.

7. There is a legend that the gypsies are descendants from inner-worlders.

8. The government denies the existence of the hollow Earth inorder to avoid a panic.

9. Certain UFOs come from the inner world.10. Photographs of the polar regions do not show holes, only

shadows and patches.Rampa made an enigmatic comment about the Northwest

Territories of Canada, which may have been a clue for hollowEarth seekers. "Many areas in the Northern [sic] Territories havenot been explored. Some areas have never even been seen byhumans. How do you know what holes there are in the NorthernTerritories when no one has been there? It is stupid to say thesethings are impossible until you know all the facts, until you are anexpert in photography, geology." (p. 28)

He made even more mysterious allusions in Feeding the Flame,hinting that he was censored by his publisher. "I wish I could tellyou some of the things I absolutely, definitely know, but there are

certain things which cannot be told atpresent. I know the actual truth aboutthe submarines Thresher and Scorpion,and I know what happened to them andwhy. The story, if it could be told,would make cold chills run up anddown your spine, but the time is notyet. There are many things whichcould be told, but, well, these bookscirculate everywhere...and there aremany people who should not be awarethat certain people know what is reallygoing on... The mystery of theThresher and Scorpion is a strangerthing than you would ever believe." (p.148)

This comment is referring to the twoUS nuclear submarines which disappeared and were destroyedunder strange circumstances in the 1960s. Unfortunately Rampanever mentioned them again, leaving us to wonder about the greatmystery as debris from the subs was allegedly discovered by theUS Navy and pictures of the imploded Thresher were featured in aNational Geographic article.

In Twilight, Rampa concluded his discussion of the hollow Earththeory. "I have said all I am going to say about it. Oh yes, I knowa lot more, a great deal more than I have written, but just trot alongto a really good bookstore and buy some books on the hollowEarth." (p. 32) ∞

About the Author :Karen Mutton (née Carfoot) graduated from the University ofSydney in 1981 with a BA and DipEd. She majored in Englishand ancient history, with a minor in physical anthropology(prehistory). She has travelled the world extensively andvisited some of the most important archaeological sites on theplanet such as Petra, Machu Picchu, Pagan (Burma), Copanand the Goreme Valley of Turkey. Karen has a passion forancient history, alternative medicine, geology and Earthchanges as well as astronomy.

K a r e n runs Yahoo! e-groups reflecting such interests:

APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 57

Continued on page 83

He told him of tunnelsreaching from the north to

the south pole, while others,which were sealed, reached

into the Earth's interior.

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that the territory ofthe megalithic

builders ofprehistory was

much wider thanbelieved.

by Philip Coppens © 2006

PO Box 13722

North Berwick EH39 4WB

United Kingdom


[email protected]

Europe's pyramid history uncovered

On 31 October 2005, various news agencies including Associated Press ran a storyheadlined "Bosnian explorer finds 'Europe's first pyramids'". This statement, asso many headlines are, is wrong. There are many small pyramids that can befound across Europe, from France to Greece.

The small pyramid of Falicon sits in the hinterland of the prosperous French resort ofNice and is more notorious for covering a subterranean chamber into which many descendbut few resurface without the intervention of the local fire brigade.

In Greece, there are now 16 catalogued pyramids. Though some may be natural,others—like the Hellenikon pyramid near the village of Argolis—are clearly man-madestructures. Intriguingly, one thermo-luminescence test by the Academy of Athens hasdated the structure to 2720 BC, contemporaneous with the Egyptian pyramid age.

Though pyramidal in shape, the European structures do not enthral like the Egyptianpyramids, which dwarf them in size.

Five hundred years ago, with the discovery of the New World, pyramids were found inMexico, but in 2001 the discovery of a pyramid complex in Caral, Peru, was announcedand again has been dated as contemporaneous with the Egyptian pyramid age.

In 1994, the German tour operator Hartwig Hausdorf visited China and on his returnreported on the existence of pyramids there—a discovery which has since been validated.The pyramids are even becoming a tourist attraction.

Europe, it seemed, had been left behind...but not for long. Two discoveries—in Italy in2003, and Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2005—changed that.

The pyramids of Montevecchia, ItalyIn early 2003, the pyramids of Montevecchia ("Old Mountain" in English), only about

30 miles from the Italian city of Milan, were discovered with the use of satellite and aerialimagery. These pyramids are completely covered by earth and vegetation and now appearto be natural hills, but the possibility of something more was enough for the Czech WMmagazine and its editor-in-chief Georg Wojnar to visit the area in an effort to locate andsurvey the site. The team arrived on 8 May 2003.

Finding the location of the pyramids from the ground proved more difficult thanimagined, the team becoming "impressed" with the driving abilities required to negotiatetheir way towards the hills. After two days, they succeeded in locating the pyramids andbegan carrying out an initial survey.

The team's conclusions appeared in the June 2003 issue of WM. The first pyramid wasestimated to have a base of 100 metres and a height of 50 metres. Three pyramids in totalwere surveyed, with one pyramid showing clear signs of stones worked into the structure,close to the surface. A platform with an oblong superstructure of 18 by 9 metres in sizewas also discovered.

All three structures have an inclination of 42 to 43 degrees. The sides of all the pyramidsalign and are offset from the cardinal points by approximately 7–12 degrees northeast. Theteam wondered whether this was an error in design or a sign of something more intriguing.From the initial aerial surveys, there was speculation that the layout of these pyramidscompares with that of the pyramids of the Giza plateau and thus to the Orionconstellation—a theory proposed by architect Robert Bauval. The Czech team argued thattheir on-site research showed that the pyramids actually align with the passing of Orion atsunrise on the summer solstice.

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As for the question of when they were built, Italian archaeologistProfessor Gregoria was asked for input. He provisionally dated thestructures to 3000 BC, making them largely contemporaneous withthe Egyptian pyramid-building age.

But no remains in the vicinity have been found that can shed anyfurther light on these structures, and no civilisation is known tohave inhabited the region and to have built similar structures at thetime.

As a consequence and despite thepositive findings by the Czech team,some critics have argued that theMontevecchia structures may be nothingmore than terraced hills with stonesupports.

The Czech team, however, suggestedthat the site should be known as "theItalian Giza".

The Italian discovery failed to excitethe media, if only because noarchaeological investigations were—and have been—carried out. Europemight have a pyramid...but no one was toosure.

The Bosnian pyramids discoveredIn late October 2005, émigré Bosnian explorer Semir "Sam"

Osmanagich believed he could announce the discovery of the firstuncontested, ancient and large pyramid in Europe.

The story ran in the leading Bosnian newspaper Dnevni Avaz,which reported matter of factly: "...the 45-year-old is so certaintwo pyramids are hidden in Visoko Valley that he has spent some16,000 euros [US$20,000] researching the area, located either side

of a river about 30 kilometres [18 miles] from the Bosnian capital.Residents of the nearby town of Visoko have long known about thepresence of the two structures they always referred to as 'pyramids'but none of them was ever intrigued enough to investigate further."

Osmanagich lives in Houston, Texas, and because of hisfascination for cultures of antiquity he has visited many ancientstructures of the New World and written several books. In April

2005, he was promoting his new book inSarajevo when he decided to visitVisoko.

He had learned about the hill fromSenad Hodovich, director of the VisokoHistoric Heritage Museum. The area isrich in Bronze Age artefacts, many ofwhich are on display in the museum, andthe hill itself is believed to be the site ofa mediaeval village.

The local people refer to the hill as"the pyramid", which means thateveryone has noticed its pyramidshape...but is it a pyramid?

The likelihood that Osmanagich wasconfronted with a true pyramid soon became apparent. "While Iwas on the top of the Visocica hill, I noticed that the shape of thehill is a symmetrical geometric form, aligned to the cardinal pointsof the compass and with a flat top," he said in an email interviewwith this author. "Across the valley, there was another hill calledPljesevica, with obvious triangular sides.

Even though the hills were covered with forest, I immediately'recognised' the pyramids." Osmanagich has seen similar pairs ofpyramids in Latin America, which together created a gateway intoa valley.

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In late October 2005, émigré Bosnian explorer

Semir Osmanagich believedhe could announce thediscovery of the first

uncontested, ancient andlarge pyramid in Europe.

Aerial photograph from a 1954 postcard featuring the Visoko township and the Visocica pyramid hill in the background.

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Digging for confirmationAn initial survey showed that the Visocica hill structure

measures approximately 70 metres (230 feet) high, with a squarebase of 220 by 220 metres (730 by 730 feet). It confirmed that thestructure is aligned precisely with the cardinal points of thecompass—as is the second pyramid nearby. A postcard depictinga 1954 aerial photograph shows the obvious pyramid-like structureof the hill, which looks anything but natural.

But Osmanagich did not want to leave it at that. "Three monthsafter my initial visit," he wrote, "I gathered all necessary permitsand started with a geological survey in order to confirm myhypothesis.

The first survey, conducted by geologist Nadja Nukich, wasperformed in August of 2005 and geological tests of the soil,penetrating 17 metres [56 feet] into the structure, showed 15anomalies, suggesting that some layers of the hill were man-made.I had solid proof that the hill was not a natural formation."

Nukich was most impressed with three layers of polished brownstone that lie an equal distance from each other underground. Thehill, it seemed, had been coated with a type of "bad concrete", anunusual mixture of gravel once used to form the blocks whichcover the hill.

It was at this time that Osmanagich decided to invest in follow-up research. In October 2005, he returned to carry out furthergeological and archaeological investigations, with fascinatingresults. The walls of the Visocica pyramid were found to be builtfrom breccia stone blocks. When these blocks were cleaned, theteam found that they had been placed like bricks in a brick wall:the upper block was moved inwards in relation to the lower one.

Some of the stones were removed and were found to have a flat,smooth surface.

The results of the test probes inside the structure proved that it isindeed a stone step pyramid. A flat plateau, approximately 2.5metres wide, is followed by a steep slope of 30 metres, thenanother plateau, then another steep slope with the same angle—apattern that is repeated to the top of the pyramid, which has aplateau and the possible remains of a stone structure.

The team also discovered that "...the entrance causeway is pavedwith manufactured sandstone blocks. They are 10 cm thick, cut byhuman hand, polished and then transported to this area."Amazingly, the length of this paved causeway is an enormous 420metres (1/4 mile) and is perhaps the best evidence that proves weare confronted by a genuine man-made pyramid.

Small-scale excavations continued until early November, whenwinter set in, with the work focusing on what may have been theentrance to a pyramid-shaped temple on top of the structure.

The team also found underground tunnels. "There are a numberof 'intersections' along the way. Most of them are covered with dirtand rocks, but we will begin to clean them from the spring of 2006onwards," Osmanagich noted.

Within a period of six months, the Bosnian team had carried outan amazing amount of work.

"Visocica hill could not have been shaped like this by nature,"geologist Nadja Nukich stated unambiguously, according to a BBCreport of 26 October. "This is already far more than we haveanticipated, but we expect a lot more from further analysis."

Originally, Osmanagich believed that an existing hill had beenre-formed into a pyramid shape and then coated with a type of

Satellite photographs of Visoko with the suggested original dimensions of the Visocica hill "Sun pyramid" shown in dotted lines.

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primitive concrete. But in November 2005, after larger areas wereunearthed, the team concluded that the whole hill is actually astone structure—a conclusion that has since been confirmed bysatellite and thermal imagery.

Excavating and dating the Bosnian pyramids Newspapers want conclusions, so Osmanagich had to provide an

interpretation of these structures, even though archaeologicalexcavations had only just begun. He speculates that the pyramidscome in a pair, one symbolising the Sun, the other the Moon. TheVisocica hill has thus been labelled the "the Bosnian pyramid ofthe Sun". The "Bosnian pyramid of Moon" he believes to be underthe neighbouring hill of Pljesevica.

Osmanagich added in the interview: "Beside these two artificialstructures, several other mounds exist in the same valley, and theytend to have very geometric (triangular) sides and clear, linearbreaks. Dr Amer Smailbegovich (Reno, Nevada) has appliedremote sensing techniques that showed that the Bosnian pyramidsof the Sun and Moon exhibit flat, triangular sides with cleargeometric break-lines between the flat sides. The observedphenomena are not to be confused with triangular facets naturallyoccurring in a tectonic setting, for those occurrences only exhibitsingle-side triangulation and are uneven in appearance, whereasthe observed anomalies exhibit two or more, even triangular sides.The results of thermal inertia [tests] suggest that the pyramids arecomposed of less consolidated material and tend to cool faster thanthe surrounding mounds (which are presumed to be denser). Thisfinding is congruent with what would be expected from anartificial structure—lesser density materials, porosity, internalcavities all contribute to increased [heat] loss."

These mounds which Osmanagich mentions are mutuallyequidistant and all align to the cardinal directions. The twopyramid structures and a third which could be a pyramid are ofapproximately the same height but differ in overall size.

Osmanagich believes that we can thus "freely talk about theBosnian Valley of the Pyramids".

So who built these pyramids, and how old are they?Osmanagich believes that the hills were reshaped by the Illyrianpeople, who inhabited the Balkan Peninsula long before Slavictribes conquered it around AD 600. Little is known about theIllyrians, but Osmanagich thinks they were more sophisticatedthan many experts have suggested—evidence for which would bethe pyramids themselves.

Osmanagich has unfortunately been misquoted about thepossible age of these pyramids as being 27,000 years. This is whatOsmanagich actually said: "It's very well known that a medievalBosnian town existed on the top of the hill between the 13th and14th centuries. Artefacts that show traces of small Roman andIllyrian observation posts (2,000 and 2,500 years old, respectively)have also been found. It is a classic example that a later culturebuilt their villages on top of earlier structures. (The same exampleis seen in Cholula, Mexico, where Hernán Cortés built a hugechurch on the top of the hill. Three hundred years later, it turnedout that the church was built on top of the largest pyramid inMexico.) These findings show that it is more than 3,000 years old.We know that Bosnia has continuously been populated for 27,000years. So, the pyramids must have been built in between these twodates." So the date could be anywhere between 1000 BC and25,000 BC, though Osmanagich personally favours the Illyrianperiod, thus providing a much more conservative date than thatquoted by the media. Considering the importance of the discovery,the original team has now established a foundation calledArchaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, which issanctioned by the Bosnian Justice Department and already has anumber of Bosnian archaeologists, geologists, geophysicists,historians and other experts amongst its members.

"We are in the process of forming an international advisoryboard and applying for grants and sponsorships. It is veryinteresting that for the first time in a long period, Bosnianpoliticians on all political levels have united to give support for thisproject," said Osmanagich.

Excavation, restoration and long-term protection of the site willrecommence on 14 April 2006, after thewinter snow.

"Hundreds of experts and students,cleaning crews and enthusiasts will come tothe middle of mountainous Bosnia to takepart in a fantastic archaeological event,"Osmanagich added. "We plan once again towork until the first snow comes at the end ofOctober."

And as such, Europe has truly entered thepyramid age… ∞

About the Author :Philip Coppens is editor-in-chief ofFrontier Magazine and the author of TheCanopus Revelation (reviewed in NEXUS12/01) and The Stone Puzzle of RosslynC h a p e l (reviewed in 9/05). He hascontributed articles to NEXUS three times:"The Treasure Trove of the KnightsTemplars" (with author André Douzet)(4/03), "The Strange Stone Discs of Balan-kara-ula" (3/01) and "China's GreatPyramid Controversy" (2/28).

Philip can be contacted at PO B o x13722, North Berwick, EH39 4WB, UK,and by email at [email protected].

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Semir Osmanagich examines the Visococa pyramid hill's sandstone blocks during preliminary investigations of the site in late 2005.

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My son came to me one night while I wasworking on the computer and asked, "Poppa,can you find something about speed reading onthe Internet for me? I'd like to learn it.” "Sure" Ireplied, and within a few seconds I had a page ofspeed reading courses that were offered. Oneparticular one caught my eye. It read, "25,000words per minute minimum!" I chose that oneand clicked on it and up popped a presentationby a company named Subliminal Dynamics®and Brain Management®. I read through theirweb page at “” and discoveredthat they don't actually teach speed-reading.They teach "Mental Photography®".

Photographic Memory

I became very excited because they seem tooffer a lost piece of my life experience that Ithought that I would be able to have from thetime that I was a child.

When I was a youngster my father was anewspaper editor. At night he would sit downand literally flip through the pages of a book andsometimes hand the book to me and say, "HereSon, read me a sentence from anywhere in thebook. I thought that it was some kind of trick, buthe could do it even if I went around the cornerinto the hallway. Dad explained to me that hehad a photographic memory.

My Mother recently told me, Dad would bringa stack of books to bed each night and readthem all in just a few minutes. She asked,"Thornton, what are you doing?" He stoppedflipping the pages, looked at her and said,"Reading." "No one can read that fast." shereplied. "It's impossible!" He assured her that hecould. I thought Dad would always be there forme and never asked him to teach me how thiswas done. My father died when I was twentyyears old. I have lamented my not having gottenan understanding of his photographic memory.

When I read the information on SubliminalDynamics and their course on "MentalPhotography®" I shouted, "Eureka!" This issomething that I want to make sure that all of mychildren have.”

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My father stacked degrees during his lifetime.He sort of collected them. After all, all he had todo was photograph the books into his long-termmemory and take the exams. Now I will be ableto learn what was natural to me as a child, andtake that ability with me to easily further my edu-cation. Why not!? Others are doing it!

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by Michael E. Salla, PhD © 2006

In February 2006, the US-published U F OMagazine released an edition thatfocused on Project S e r p o, an alleged

alien exchange program that lasted from1965 to 1978 and involved 12 US militarypersonnel who travelled to a planet calledSerpo in the Zeta Reticuli binaryconstellation. UFO Magazine published anumber of statements by some of the keyfigures involved in this unfolding case.

Among these statements was one byRichard Doty, a former special agentassigned to the Air Force Office of SpecialInvestigations (AFOSI), concerning what hedirectly experienced during his militaryservice and how this corroborated parts ofthe Project S e r p o story. Doty is among agroup of former "insiders", with access toclassified information on UFOs, who havecome forward to confirm parts of thisalleged alien exchange program leaked byup to three anonymous Defense IntelligenceAgency (DIA) personnel (see website

Doty is the most prominent of theseformer insiders due to widespread publicknowledge of his former position as an

AFOSI "special agent" assigned to deal withUFO reports from 1979 to 1988.

Doty's testimony is most revealing sincemuch of it is based on a number of first-handexperiences concerning classifiedinformation, as opposed to the hearsaytestimonies of others. Hearsay testimony iseasy to manipulate in the hands of skilledintelligence agents participating in anofficially sanctioned "deception program"aimed at misleading researchers, witnessesand the general public over UFOs. Directpersonal testimony of classified informationdirectly experienced is far more difficult tomanipulate, especially when published inprint by an individual such as Doty whosebackground and credentials are well known.Written statements on what an individualhas directly experienced can be checked andany inconsistencies can be found.

Consequently, it is useful to examineclosely Doty's claims concerning hispersonal experiences while responsible forgathering UFO information as an AFOSIspecial agent, and the extent to which thislends credence to the Project S e r p oinformation. Doty may be participating inan officially sanctioned "acclimationprogram" to inform a sceptical public ofUFO-related information, or in an elaborate"deception program" designed to misleadthe general public and researchers.

Doty began his US Air Force career in1968, first training for the Air ForceSecurity Police and later moving on to othersecurity-related positions. He joined AFOSIin 1979 and retired in 1988. Both his father(Charles Doty) and uncle (Ed Doty) reachedthe rank of Colonel in the Air Force, andboth were involved in investigating UFOreports and were stationed with the 7602ndAir Intelligence Group (Exempt fromD i s c l o s u r e, p. 118).

Richard Doty reached the rank of MasterSergeant and upon retirement began a newcareer as a State Trooper in New Mexico.He more recently finished law school andcompleted the New Mexico State Bar Exam.

Doty co-authored with Robert CollinsExempt from Disclosure, a book publishedin early 2005 [Peregrine Communications].In it, Doty describes a number of first-handexperiences such as witnessing a largeflying saucer at a classified Indian Springsfacility in 1969 (p. 67).

More significantly, Doty claims that hewas given access to a highly classified reportthat contained much UFO-relatedinformation concerning extraterrestrialbiological entities (EBEs), theircommunication system and advancedtechnology (p. 70).

Doty further claims that in 1983 he had aface-to-face meeting at a secure facility inLos Alamos, New Mexico, with an

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extraterrestrial biological entity, calledEBE-2, from the constellation Zeta Reticuli:

About five minutes later, in walks a 4'9"non-human-looking creature. It wasdressed in a tight-fitting cream-coloured suit. It had no hair and wasidentified to me as EBE-2. EBE-2 sat ina chair across the table from twocivilians and the AF Colonel... Ilistened while the three asked EBE-2 aseries of questions pertaining to itshome planet. (p. 154)

These are all first-person experiences byDoty concerning classified UFO-relatedinformation rather than hearsay. Thus theyare significant, given Doty's former positionas an intelligence agent assigned to UFOinvestigations. His involvement in UFOinvestigations has been documented throughhis signature on official AFOSI complaintforms dating from 1980 (see websiteh t t p : / / w w w . n i c a p . o r g / f o i a _ 0 0 3 . h t m ) .

In his statement published in U F OM a g a z i n e, Doty makes claims supportingthe validity of the Project Serpo i n f o r m a t i o ndespite a number of anomalies pointed outby critics. He claims that when he startedhis service at AFOSI, he was briefed on acompartmented program involving EBEsand alien crashes near Corona and Datil,New Mexico.

In Exempt from Disclosure, he describesan alien captured in one of these crashes:EBE-1, from the planet Sieu in theconstellation Zeta Reticuli, who was inmilitary custody from 1947 until its death in1952 (p. 70).

Doty claims in his statement that in 1984he was given another briefing where he reada document that "mentioned an exchangeprogram between an alien race and twelveUS military personnel" that lasted from1965 to 1978. He claims he didn't see thedetails of this classified project but knew ofits existence.

Doty's statements and chapters fromExempt from Disclosure describing hispersonal experiences with flying saucers,EBEs and classified UFO briefingdocuments are startling revelations for aformer AFOSI special agent.

The information Doty disclosed was, byhis own admission, highly classified andcompartmented back in 1984, and certainlyis still highly classified today.

So why would former special agent Dotyreveal such classified, compartmentedinformation, and how accurate is it?

Doty and disinformation

Most UFO researchers aware of RichardDoty know of the unscrupulous role heplayed in UFO cases involving PaulBennewitz and Linda Moulton Howe in the1980s. Doty actively disseminateddisinformation to throw these tworesearchers off the track in their respectiveUFO investigations.

Doty was complicit in the emotional andpsychological breakdown of PaulBennewitz, who had befriended and trustedDoty who was disseminating disinformationto discredit Bennewitz (see web pageh t t p : / / w w w . g r e a t d r e a m s . c o m / F a l c o n -Richard-Doty.htm).

Furthermore, Howe witnessed thecancellation of a proposed HBO special onUFOs due to delays in the release ofhistorical film footage that Doty assuredHowe was forthcoming. Doty has publiclysaid that he regrets the actions he performed,but pointed out in his defence that he wasunder orders and was simply doing his job.

In Exempt from Disclosure, he describesthe nature of his work as follows:

I was also briefed into another veryspecial (third) program that dealt withsafeguarding the Air Force's hightechnology programs. Among themethods used to safeguard theseprograms was "disinformation".

(p. 70)

Consequently, Doty has verified that theUS Air Force disseminates disinformation toUFO researchers who get too close to thetruth behind UFOs, and that he activelyplayed a role in this.

Also in the book, Doty states that hedisagrees with the official secrecy policyand that he believes the public has a right toknow about UFOs. Presumably he is nowdisseminating the kind of UFO informationthat earlier it was his job to discredit through

officially sanctioned deception programswhen serving in AFOSI.

The obvious question is whether a formerintelligence agent who actively participatedin deception programs during his militaryservice continues such a role in private life.More to the point, is Doty contributing to anew deception program in the form ofProject S e r p o, or is he releasing informationin accord with his conscience? The fact thatExempt from Disclosure was published in2005, shortly before the release of theProject S e r p o material in November 2005,points to a synchronicity that may beentirely fortuitous or it may be part of ascheduled release of information in adeception program.

Doty describes an officially sanctioneddeception program as follows:

The government can keep a secret thislong by a number of means. One beingcompartmenting the data within thegovernment, or the intelligencecommunity, or they can run deceptionoperations, deceiving the public, ordeceiving private UFO groups. Theypresent the groups with faultyinformation, unbelievable data, whichin turn the groups publish, and are thenridiculed. That misinforms the public,and keeps the government informationcompartmentalized and protected.

(p. 86)

In his statement to UFO Magazine, Dotymentions a Colonel Jack Casey, a retired AirForce Intelligence officer. Doty claims thatCasey personally confirmed the ProjectS e r p o information concerning an alienexchange program.

Casey claimed that in "1965, twelve USmilitary men were placed on anextraterrestrial spacecraft and flew to analien planet some 40 light years away".Casey further claimed that the briefingprovided by the eight personnel whoreturned in 1978 is still classified, and thatall are now dead.

Here, Doty is relating hearsay testimonywhich he did not personally learn fromdirect experiences or classified documents.

Much of the information released by Dotyin Exempt from Disclosure and his statementto UFO Magazine is based on directpersonal experiences of "flying saucers",EBEs or classified briefing documents. Thisbody of claims needs to be consideredseriously, given Doty's documentedbackground as an AFOSI special agent


So why would formerspecial agent Doty

reveal such classified,compartmented

information, and howaccurate is it?

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responsible for UFO investigations. At the same time, there are many claims

based on second- or third-party storieswhich are hearsay and require independentcorroboration before accepting. These latterclaims could be part of an acclimationprogram based on "plausible deniability".Alternatively, these claims based on hearsaycould be part of a deception program, sincethe latter individuals are not able or willingto come forward to confirm their testimoniesp u b l i c l y .

A significant fact concerning RichardDoty and his recent emergence is that he atno time has reported any harassment,intimidation or threat as a consequence ofhis revelations. This is quite remarkable,given that he is revealing highly classified,compartmented information on topics thatappear far more sensitive than what has beenreleased by other whistleblowers who reporthaving been threatened for their revelations.

For instance, John Maynard, a formerDefense Intelligence Agency analyst, hasreported a number of threats for releasing farless information than what Doty hasrevealed about compartmented programsinvolving EBEs (see web page

This suggests that Doty has gained a"green light" to come forward with histestimony in a possible effort to "acclimate"the public for future disclosure of theextraterrestrial presence.

However, due to Doty's former career inAFOSI and professional involvement indeception programs, it is also possible thatDoty is participating in an elaboratedeception program with his claims that giveremarkable support to the Project S e r p omaterial.

Something that is suggestive of such apossibility is his repudiation of somepassages he authored in Exempt fromD i s c l o s u r e, describing his face-to-facemeeting with EBE-2.

In a later "clarification", Doty claims thathe viewed the alleged meeting involvingEBE-2 on a video screen and was not in thesame room after all (see web page

This turnaround—where Doty makessome astounding claims regarding his EBE-related experiences, approves thepublication of these in print and thenrepudiates some important details—suggestshis testimony is unreliable.

Doty may therefore be participating in adeception program.

Nevertheless, given the first-handexperiences Doty has revealed and his well-documented former career, it is veryimportant to consider seriously what hepersonally claims to have experienced orread in terms of classified information.

Consequently, it can be concluded thatDoty's written testimony of what he saw andread concerning classified UFO/EBE-related projects is plausible, though histendency to repudiate critical details makeshim unreliable.

Furthermore his claims, based on what hewas told by other military personnel, need tobe regarded as hearsay and not sufficient tocorroborate the Project S e r p o m a t e r i a l .

A third possibility—that Doty is a genuinewhistleblower, following his conscience inthe release of classified information—isextremely unlikely, in the author's view.Doty's military history, the quality of theinformation he has released, his ability toescape any form of harassment and hisrepudiation of key details of earlierstatements suggest that he is participating ineither an officially sanctioned acclimationprogram or a deception program.

Consequently, I will focus on these lattertwo possibilities with regard to the S e r p oproject and Doty's role in it.

Testimony from other insidersIt is now worth examining the testimonies

of some of the other main players in theunfolding S e r p o i n f o r m a t i o n .

Two prominent insiders involved inconfirming the S e r p o story and who are

most often cited are Gene Lakes (aka GeneLoscowski) and Paul McGovern. Lakesworked for the DIA from 1964 to 1996 as aninvestigator and then as director of securityoperations (see http://www.ufoconspiracy.c o m / r e p o r t s / t o m _ m a c k _ g r o o m l a k e . h t m ) .According to Doty's statement, PaulMcGovern was a "former security chief forthe Defense Intelligence Agency".

Both Lakes and McGovern claim to havehad access during their respective militarycareers to a briefing document titled "ProjectS e r p o", which discussed the alien exchangeprogram. Indeed, McGovern supplies theclassification number of the briefingdocument to which they had access (seeh t t p : / / w w w . s e r p o . o r g / i n f o r m a t i o n . h t m l # 1 ) .Because both McGovern and Lakes claim tohave gained their information from thealleged briefing document, this is importantevidence supporting the existence of theS e r p o project.

After reflecting on the initial email fromAnonymous describing Project S e r p o,Lakes/Loscowski wrote:

Most of the information is absolutelycorrect… To the best of my knowledge,we had 12 men, all military men. EightUSAF, two Army and two Navy guys. Ithink the females are a red herring. Butmaybe I just didn't have the clearancefor that... Only eight came back, thatmuch is right. Two died a few yearsinto their assignment on the Visitors'planet. Two others decided to remainand maybe are still alive today. Sincetheir return, all have died.


"Yeah, tell Maintenance to turn up the monoxide on the aircon."

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68 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006

(See web page

McGovern responded similarly:Interesting but not totally correct[commenting on Anonymous's originalemail]. As for the exchange program:Unauthorized Release of ClassifiedInformation, as I see it. But maybesomeone currently within ourgovernment wants it out. No femaleswere sent. Twelve men, all military: 8USAF, 2 US Army and 2 US Navy. Twowere doctors; three were scientists; twowere language specialists; two weresecurity personnel; two were pilots andone was the leader (Colonel–AF).(See

h t m l # 1 . )

Both McGovern and Lakes confirm vitalaspects of the program, i.e., it involved 12male military personnel who travelled to theplanet Serpo and lived on Serpo for over adecade, but only eight of them returned toE a r t h .

McGovern and Lakes, along with RichardDoty, are the only individuals who havecome forward publicly to confirm the truthof Project S e r p o in terms of what they haveread in classified briefing documents.

In addition, there is the hearsay testimonyof three others who claim to have learnedabout Project S e r p o through classifieddocuments. One is Colonel Jack Casey,who confirmed the S e r p o case with RichardDoty. Another is an anonymous retiredColonel of 30 years' service, who revealed toa serving Lt Col, known only to Bill Ryan(webmaster of the Project Serpo w e b s i t e ) ,that the Project S e r p o information is true.The third is Ed Doty, who allegedlyconfirmed various aspects of the ProjectS e r p o story.

So far, none of these individuals has, or isable to, come forward to confirm publiclywhat has been ascribed to them or to answerquestions.

In addition to these insiders' revelations,there are the claims attributed to researcherssuch as Whitley Strieber and Linda MoultonHowe, both of whom have heard hearsaytestimony confirming various aspects ofProject S e r p o.

Finally, there are the two or threeanonymous DIA sources responsible for theinitial disclosures of Project S e r p o, but theircredentials and credibility cannot bechecked.

Consequently, the strongest support forthe Project S e r p o story comes from the threeindividuals who have publicly stated thatthey learned about it through classifiedbriefing documents: Richard Doty, PaulMcGovern and Gene Lakes. All three areformer intelligence officials, as are the threeothers whose hearsay testimony has beenattributed to them: Doty's Colonel JackCasey, Ryan's anonymous Colonel and EdDoty. Consequently, it is possible toconclude that all may have been co-optedinto a covert acclimation program ordeception program.

Anomalies and inconsistenciesMy overall conclusion is that Doty's

statement to UFO Magazine gives theProject S e r p o information a boost insofar ashe confirms the core story of an alienexchange program that was described in aclassified briefing document. Doty'sdocumented involvement in UFOinvestigations makes his testimonysignificant, although his ability to repudiatestatements he has authored does give someconcern about the reliability of histestimony.

Project S e r p o is also supported in thetestimonies of McGovern and Lakes, whoapparently also learned of it throughclassified briefing documents.Nevertheless, their respective careers withthe DIA and the DIA affiliations of the twoor three anonymous sources responsible forthe Project S e r p o information do raise thepossibility that they are part of a DIA-orchestrated deception program.

Despite support for the core story of S e r p ofrom three former insiders who havepublicly emerged to confirm its truth basedon classified briefing documents, there aremany questionable details that raiseconsiderable doubt about the veracity of theProject Serpo material.

Details such as the alleged flight logs,scientific information about Serpo and itsbinary star system that involves numerousinconsistencies, the anonymous nature of theleaked information and other inconsistencieshave raised much scepticism about thematerial. For example, in my own analysisof the alleged flight logs detailing allegedcommunications between the EBEs and thehuman team, I found a number of anomaliesthat suggest the logs are fictitious (seeh t t p : / / g r o u p s . y a h o o . c o m / g r o u p / e x o p o l i t i c s /message/274).

Given the number of insiders who havecome forward to support S e r p o and/or havecommunicated anonymously withresearchers to confirm Project S e r p o, this isa story that has the potential either to"inform" or to "disinform" a great number ofpeople about covert government projectsinvolving EBEs. In short, Project S e r p omay be an officially sanctioned acclimationprogram or deception program orchestratedby the US Defense Intelligence Agency.

A third possibility is that Project S e r p o i san acclimation program designed to informus partially about an alleged alien exchangeprogram while sowing disinformation tomislead UFO/exopolitics researchers andthe general public who support the ongoingdisclosures concerning an alleged planetSerpo, which briefly housed 12 militarypersonnel from 1965 to 1978 in an EBEexchange program. ∞

Editor's Notes: This article was first published as

"Exopolitical Comment #41 – Richard Doty

and Project S e r p o: 'Public Acclimation' or

'Deception Program'?" by Michael E. Salla,

PhD © February 18, 2006. Dr Salla's paper

titled "Using Space Weapons Against ET

Civilisations" was published in our previous

issue. For more information, visit Dr Salla's

websites and

d r s a l l a @ e x o p o l i t i c s . o r g .

For information on Project S e r p o, go to

For a website critical of Project S e r p o, go


For Richard Doty's statement on Project

S e r p o, published in UFO Magazine, go to

h t t p : / / w w w . u f o c o n s p i r a c y . c o m / r e p o r t s / r i c k -

d o t y - s e r p o . p d f .

For further statements on Project S e r p o b y

Victor Martinez, Bill Ryan and Bill Birnes,

published in UFO Magazine, go to

h t t p : / / l u c i a n a r c h y . p r o b o a r d s 2 1 .

c o m / i n d e x . c g i ? b o a r d = p r o j e c t s e r p o .


Project Serpo may bean officially sanctionedacclimation program or deception programorchestrated by the US

Defense IntelligenceAgency.

Page 70: Nexus   1303 - new times magazine

APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 69

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70 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006

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The Reality of Underwater UFOs

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book, Sanderson, a renowned zoologist with a keen interest in theparanormal, puts forward the curious theory that ''OINTS''-OtherIntelligences-live under the Earth's oceans. This underwater,parallel, civilization may be twice as old as Homo sapiens, heproposes, and may have ''developed what we call space flight''Sanderson postulates that the OINTS are behind many UFOsightings as well as the mysterious disappearances of aircraft andships in the Bermuda Triangle. What better place to have animpenetrable base than deep within the oceans of the planet?

Page 72: Nexus   1303 - new times magazine

HALF GONE: Oil, Gas, Hot Air andthe Global Energy Crisisby Jeremy LeggettPortobello Books Ltd, UK, 2005 ISBN 1-84627-004-9 (312pp tpb) Availability: Portobello Books,; PenguinGroup,

If the global "topping point" for oil produc-tion hasn't already been reached, it will be

by 2010, says Jeremy Leggett. He's a for-mer oil exploration geologist who in 1989"saw the light", became an environmentalistand joined Greenpeace as its chief scientist.Now he runs his own alternative energytechnology company. He says not to expectgovernments, energy authorities, OPEC oroil companies to warn us about this crisis;they wouldn't want us to panic. Yet that isthe likely scenario when the inevitable hap-pens, unless we can immediately curb eco-nomic growth and fast-track the large-scaleuptake of renewable energy technologies.

Leggett argues in Half Gone that theinevitable shortfall in production, with nosignificant 100,000-barrel-a-day oil wellsgoing on line until around 2012, will createprice shocks, recessions and a stockmarketcrash. Informing his argument are the "earlytopper" statements by fellow geologists andformer and current oil industry insiders likeanalyst Matthew Simmons, Colin Campbell(who founded the Association for the Studyof Peak Oil in 2001) and Petroleum Revieweditor Chris Skrebowski, who has producedhis own "peak oil" data. In 2004, Campbelland Skrebowski made a deputation to the

British Parliament to warn members aboutthe seriousness of the looming crisis, but tolittle avail. These "whistleblowers" havecome up with production and reserves fig-ures seriously at odds with the grossly over-stated ones released by the oil companies.

Compounding the problems of increasingdemand and decreasing supplies of oil andgas are the problems associated with thegrowing trends in global warming and cli-mate change, and Leggett lashes out at themediocre international efforts to prepare forthe "danger threshold". He has an interest-ing take on "how we got into this mess" andsome exciting and workable ideas on howwe can turn it around for a brighter future.

THE SYNDICATE: The Story of theComing World Government by Nicholas HaggerO Books/John Hunt Publishing, Ropley,Hampshire, UK, 2004, ISBN 1-903816-85-8 (446pp tpb) Availability: Aust—Brumby Books, tel (03)9761 5535; NZ—Peaceful Living, tel (09)921 6222; UK—Orca, tel 01202 665432;USA—NBN, tel 1800 462 6420

The origins of our present troubles withglobalisation, Middle Eastern conflict

and terrorism can be traced to behind-the-scenes influences going back a few cen-turies, and the names Rothschild andRockefeller are writ large. Nicholas Hagger,a former professor of English and the authorof 17 books on history, philosophy and liter-ature including The Secret History of theWest (see review in 13/02), has a penchantfor research into the so-called New WorldOrder—perhaps the United States of theWorld, if certain powerful elites have theirway. Hagger is not the first to name a core

group of 12 families (he calls it "TheSyndicate") within the context of a patternof shadowy interests aimed at underminingnation-state sovereignty, but here he con-cludes that these power plays all boil downto the pursuit of oil, money and power.

In his analysis, Hagger looks back onHitler's Third Reich as a failed one-worldrevolution, examines the intertwined rela-tionship between Syndicate and Russianinterests during the Cold War, and castsdoubt on the official 9/11 story. Concerningthe latter, he considers the notion thatOsama bin Laden had a stolen version ofPROMIS software supplied by the Russians,but his communications were being tappedby the Israeli Mossad. He also looks intothe suggestion that Saddam Hussein wasexploring a deal with al-Qa'ida after all.

Hagger is hopeful that the forces wantingto implement global democracy will win outin the end, and believes the United Nationshas been sidelined in this quest. We havethe choice of two New World Orders, andwe'd be advised to go with the less corrupt.


APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 71

Reviewed by Ruth Parnell

Page 73: Nexus   1303 - new times magazine

THE COLLAPSE OF GLOBALISM andthe Reinvention of the Worldby John Ralston SaulPenguin Group (Australia), 2005, 2006 ISBN 0-14-300498-0 (309pp pb) Availability:

Canadian philosopher and author JohnRalston Saul declares globalism a failure

in terms of its ideological foundation and itspractical application over the last fewdecades. Globalisation in practice may haveexpanded world trade, but it has failed toalleviate global poverty and the AIDS crisis,improve the public good or protect peoplefrom wars, dictators or terrorists.

In The Collapse of Globalism, Saul tracesthe progress of the globalism idea to its ulti-mate downfall as he sees it. While declinewas setting in during the 1990s, the situationwas terminal by the end of 2001, symboli-cally marked by the collapse of Enron. Itsdemise was helped by the NGO-dominatedanti-globalisation movement (whose promi-nence, ironically, was assisted by the worldwide web). People all over the world haveseen through the empty promises.

At the heart of the problem, Saul suggests,is a misplaced ideology that has imbued eco-nomics with a quasi-religious power andmade economic growth the ultimate measureof success—but at the expense of the multi-dimensional lives of real people. And farfrom the nation-state being dead (its death apresumed goal of the globalist agenda), it isalive and well and taking on new forms, forbetter or worse. Saul has his prescription fora better outcome that revolves aroundnations and citizens being able to makeresponsible choices to meet local needswithout surrendering sovereignty to corpora-tions or superpowers or being strangled by

debt, as is still the case for the Third World.You may think you've heard all this before,but it doesn't hurt to have Saul reiterate it.

THE FALLby Steve TaylorO Books/John Hunt Publishing, Ropley,Hampshire, UK, 2005, ISBN 1-905047-20-7 (336pp pb) Availability: Visit

According to Manchester-based authorand university lecturer Steve Taylor as

well as other historians such as Riane Eislerand James DeMeo whom he quotes, human-ity lived in peace and social equality and inharmony with nature until around 4000BCE. Even the early horticulturalists of theMiddle East, Central Europe, China andNorth Africa were as peaceful as their gath-ering/hunting forebears. There was no war,patriarchy or overt materialism and appar-ently little of the psychological alienationthat is so common in today's post-industrialworld. But all this was before what Taylorcalls "the Ego Explosion" which gave wayto 6,000 years of "collective psychosis".

So what went wrong? Taylor argues thatlarge groups of people underwent a psycho-logical shift as a result of climate changethat began in North Africa, the Middle Eastand Central Asia towards the end of thesixth millennium BCE and transformed fer-tile, semi-forested grassland into desert.Bands of "mobile pastoralists" now had toclaim new territories and, before long, patri-archal chieftain-based tribes, invasions andconquests, social stratification and theisticreligions became the order of the day. Therewas a newfound sense of individuality thatled to the achievement of high levels of cul-tural and technological development, but on

the other hand women were no longerregarded as equal to men. The brutality andoppression that marked what Taylor calls"The Fall" continues to this day, but thereare signs that we're already emerging fromthis dark phase of human history.

In his remarkable book (with foreword byDr Stanley Krippner), Taylor observes theadvances in thinking from the egalitarianismof the French Revolution and the rise ofsocialism and democracy to the more recent"second wave" leaps beginning with the1960s explosion of the women's liberationand hippie movements and the associatedblurring of gender boundaries. Other signsthat we're in a "trans-Fall" period are theenvironmental movements and the moreenlightened attitudes to indigenous peoplesof the last few decades. One of the effectsof "the fallen psyche", Taylor says, is anintense desire for wealth and status, so ourmaterialistic culture still has a long way togo if we're to transcend the "disease" of ego-separateness, see the "spirit-force" in every-thing and rekindle the Golden Age.


72 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006

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IN TUNE WITH INFINITE POWERSby Tony TalmageCMA Ltd, UK, 2006 ISBN 1-4116-6343-8 (170pp tpb) Availability:

If you've ever experienced synchronicitiesor personally meaningful coincidences in

your life—or more of them, the more yougive them attention—you'll really appreciateTony Talmage's foray into metaphysical ter-ritory. A former BBC and national newspa-per journalist, Talmage has been exploringparanormal manifestations for 30 years andhas identified common threads linking dis-parate phenomena. Influenced by aspects ofEinstein's relativity, quantum mechanics andBritish "maverick" biologist Dr RupertSheldrake's theory of formative causation,he has come up with the concept of "cosmo-genic energy"; by tapping into this energywe learn how to fulfil our true destiny.

Talmage is talking evolutionary steps ifnot leaps here, but he provides some basicconcepts which are already well known inesoteric teachings: that the universe is alivewith energy; that thoughts have power andlongevity in the etheric realms (the negativeones can be "preyed upon" by discarnateentities); and that cosmogenic energy isbeing put to work in cases of clairvoyance,dowsing, miracles, psychometry andtelekinesis and can be "plugged into" forpositive (or negative) purposes.

His "Devil's advocate" dialogue at the endof some chapters dampens any doubts youmay have about the reality of interdimen-sional realms. Talmage gives instruction onhow we can access the worlds beyond thephysical senses and make it all work for uswithin the larger cosmogenic field. Thismeans learning how to see the "real you" as

the spirit entity that exists within the physi-cal self but is connected to a sea of energy,the Life Force, to which we contribute andfrom which we receive inspiration.

Anyone who has ever realised that theexperimenter can't be divorced from the sub-ject will realise that there's a whole otherworld to be explored and that persistencewill expand the frontiers of science. A goldstar to Tony Talmage for his attempts indemystifying the territory and making itmore accessible and navigable for us.

CONFESSIONS OF A RADICAL TRADITIONALISTEssays by John MichellDominion Press, VT, USA, 2005ISBN 1-4116-6343-8 (170pp hc) Availability: UK—Turnaround, website; USA—Dominion Press, [email protected]

Many readers of NEXUS will be familiarwith the works of philosopher, artist

and Earth mysteries researcher JohnMichell. His book The View Over Atlantis(1969) inspired a new generation to explorethe ley lines and megalithic monuments ofBritain and in more recent times to investi-gate the crop circle phenomenon. Now a"veteran" author in his early 70s, Michellhas contributed for at least 10 years to theUK magazine The Oldie with his column"An Orthodox Voice". This is a collectionof 108 of his short essays, compiled andintroduced by Joscelyn Godwin, a long-timefan of Michell's work and himself aresearcher/author on mysterious matters.

Godwin hasn't followed any chronologicalorder (and gives no date references), but hasgrouped the essays according to themes:The Good Old Days, Albion, Phenomena,

People, Sacred Cows, Science, ModernMadness, Apocalypsis and Paradise of thePhilosophers. The selection shows not justwhat an erudite and witty writer Michell is,but the incisive analysis he can bring to bearon our challenging times. In one essay hecan be railing against the bureaucracy thatprohibits Stonehenge from being properlyutilised as a Druidic temple, and in the nextbreath siding with the "New Age travellers"who play out their versions of ancient ritualsat sacred sites. Or he can be singing thepraises of lost Albion, while declaring thatthe Queen should take up her sacred dutyand reinstitute this former Golden Age. Thebeautiful cover painting of Michell in 1972,by Maxwell Armfield, captures the author asgeometer at home in the Albion landscape.

In reviewing this book, I read essays atrandom and according to pet topics and wasinterested to see many references to Plato,William Blake and the visionary scientistRupert Sheldrake. Michell's anecdotes canbe both wise and scathing and make forabsorbing and often amusing reading.


APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 73

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LIFE BEFORE LIFE: A ScientificInvestigation of Children's Memoriesof Previous Livesby Dr Jim B. TuckerPiatkus, UK, 2005 (first published by StMartin's Press, NY, 2005)ISBN 7499-2576-0 (309pp pb) Availability: Piatkus Books Ltd, website

Afascinating body of knowledge has beenbuilding up over the last 40 years on the

subject of young children's memories of pastlives. This research has been conductedthrough the University of Virginia's Divisionof Personality Studies—set up by ProfessorIan Stevenson, the renowned pioneer in thisline of research—and with other institutions.

Dr Jim Tucker is a child psychiatrist at thisuniversity and has worked with ProfessorStevenson and other frontier psychologistssuch as Dr Jürgen Keil of the University ofTasmania to conduct further field researchand apply statistical analysis to the 1,100 of2,500 cases so far inputted into the database.Many of the cases are from India andSoutheast Asia, but Prof. Stevenson didoriginally target these regions for their moreprevalent belief in the possibility of reincar-nation. (The researchers want to hear fromparents of children who have reported suchmemories, especially in North America;email [email protected].)

Not that the studies are being performed toprove reincarnation; it's just that much of theevidence for children's past life memoriespoints to the likely possibility of reincarna-tion. Dr Tucker, in Life Before Life, is notcontent to take stories on face value but sub-jects them to rigorous scientific scrutiny.Evidence comes from birthmarks, memories,unusual behaviours, recognition of familiar

faces and objects, etc. A high proportion ofthese children remember or may even bephysically scarred by trauma that they sayended their last life—a clue in itself.

Dr Tucker, like his predecessor, has trav-elled extensively and, guided by strict proto-cols, has interviewed children, their parentsand even some of the "past life" familiesidentified by the children. He recounts someuncanny stories, but is careful to considernormal and paranormal explanations anddiscount those that don't compute—includ-ing suggestions of demonic possession andgenetic memory. Thus he is further definingthe range of this exciting territory.

BEYOND REINCARNATION:Experience Your Past Lives & LivesBetween Livesby Joe H. Slate, PhDLlewellyn Publications, USA, 2005 ISBN 0-7387-0714-7 (194pp tpb) Availability:

As the title suggests, this book discussesmore than just the evidence for reincar-

nation. It explores reports of time spent inpast lives and between lives as well as ofintradimensional "astral" travels in this life-time. In Beyond Reincarnation, AthensState University emeritus professor Dr JoeSlate offers answers based on many years ofresearch through his lab projects in parapsy-chology funded by the US Army and theParapsychology Foundation of New York.

Dr Slate explains that knowledge of pastlives has benefits in balancing our presentlife, coming to terms with our direction,enlarging our perspective and being moreaccepting of others. Such knowledge canhave therapeutic value, can satisfy our basichuman need to know, and may even have

global implications by making us more com-passionate and proactive about the pressingproblems of poverty, hunger and disease.

Furthermore, there are ways of tappinginto this knowledge of self and the cosmos.In the latter pages, he describes the nine-stepHypnagogic Arrest Strategy that duringsleep induces travel to designated destina-tions including the discarnate realm; the 11-step Eye Blink Procedure designed to inducethe out-of-body state; and the 10-step AstralExcursion process that taps mental imageryand the power of real love.

The techniques of astral projection, hypno-sis and past-life regression, when practisedcorrectly and with the right attitude of mind,offer us ways to obtain knowledge of the"spirit world" and ultimately about our selfin all its dimensions.

Dr Slate maintains that all our experiencesare stored within as part of the soul's evolu-tionary journey. But he adds that by inter-acting with the spiritual planes we open our-selves up to new levels of energy as well aspersonal empowerment and joy.


74 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006


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MAJIC EYES ONLY by Ryan S. WoodWood Enterprises, USA, 2005 ISBN 0-9772059-0-8 (303pp hc) Availability: Wood Enterprises, websites,

The Top Secret documents leaked in 1998arguably by the CIA to UFO researcher

Tim Cooper (son of a USAF Office ofSpecial Investigations Master Sergeant)ended up in the custodianship of aerospacephysicist Dr Robert Wood (a formeremployee of McDonnell Douglas) and hisson Ryan Wood, who've made them avail-able at

Ryan Wood, who's had an interest in UFOssince childhood, takes up the reins in MAJICEyes Only to refute any arguments that theleaked documents aren't genuine. The"Majestic–12 Group Special OperationsManual" of April 1954 is a significantexhibit, and Wood cites compelling support-ing evidence to verify its authenticity,although in certain instances we have to takehis word for it. The text of the manual isreprinted in the appendix, along with otherdocuments. Some of the accompanyingphotos are intriguing, though not proof...

In MAJIC..., Wood focuses on evidencefor the retrieval of crashed UFOs and theiroccupants, reviewing 74 examples from asfar back as 1897 (mentioned in a leakedphotocopy of a 1942 memo to PresidentRoosevelt) to 1996. To each case he assignsan authenticity factor, weighting criteriasuch as eyewitnesses, sources, zingers (theaspects that go far beyond the norm), con-tent, chronology, forensics and anachro-nisms (the stories that don't match in time orspace). Wood considers many dozens of

potential UFO crashes, relying considerablyon research by other UFO investigators; e.g.,the 1897 case of a silver, cigar-shaped objectthat crashed near Aurora, Texas, has beenheavily researched by veteran investigatorJim Marrs (who contributes the foreword tothis book). Pioneer Leonard Stringfield isgiven due credit, as are others. There aresome stunning examples from around theglobe—certainly not just from Roswell!

The final chapter is on the ill-fated SETIproject, and the afterword exposes the "anti-conclusions" peddled by the 1969 Condoncommittee and gives some background onthe source of the Majestic documents. Maythose behind the scenes keep on leaking!

UFOs OVER CALIFORNIAby Preston DennettSchiffer Publishing, PA, USA, 2005 ISBN 0-7643-2149-8 (224pp tpb) Availability: USA—Schiffer Publishing,; UK—Bushwood Books, tel 020 8392 8585

According to a 1977 study by Dr J. AllenHynek, California had the most UFO

sighting reports of any state in the US, atjust over 9.9 per cent, and subsequent stud-ies in 1995 and 2003 continue to keep thestate up there. UFO investigator PrestonDennett figures this is a good reason to writea book focusing on just Californian cases,and why not. Arguably the first recordedUFO sightings in the modern era occurred in1896 in California, when a cigar-shaped air-ship was observed by a number of witnessesbetween October and December. Yet evenin the last few years, says Dennett, the samecigar-type shapes are being reported. Butso, too, are black triangles and diamonds,brightly glowing spheres and egg-shaped

objects, discs and and even UFO fleets. Dennett has been exploring UFO phenom-

ena since 1986 and has written severalbooks on the subject, including UFOHealings (see article in 5/06). A southernCalifornia resident for 20 years, he has alsobeen a field investigator for MUFON andpersonally researched many of the cases thatare included in his latest book, UFOs OverCalifornia. Rather than treating the subjectmatter chronologically, he groups sightingsaccording to themes, e.g., the waves of the1950s and the "invasions" of Edwards AirForce Base, crash retrievals, landings andhumanoids, abductions, onboard encounters,the early contactee movement as well ashealing encounters and implant removalsurgeries. And as Hollywood is part ofCalifornia, we're not left wanting in the areaof celebrity UFO sightings—includingPresident Ronald Reagan's. There's a colourphoto section that includes graphics fromancient Native American artworks.

The phenomenon is an old one but, asDennett presages in his pacy, attention-grabbing book, it's not going to go away.


APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 75

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76 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006

BRAVE NEW WORLD OF ZERO RISKby Martin J. WalkerSlingshot Publications, UK, 2005 ISBN n/a (320pp e-book) Availability:

New Labour, when it came to power inthe UK in 1997, made Big Pharma a

partner in government, says Martin J.Walker in Brave New World of Zero Risk. Ithas fostered a culture of leaving science/health research, policy and administration tocorporations that are more interested in pro-tecting the status quo and their profits thanin promoting public health.

Following on from where he left off inSkewed (which examined the redefinition ofCFS as a "psychiatric problem"; see 11/06),Walker uses examples of conflicts over ME(myalgic encephalomyelitis), the MMR vac-cine and GE foods to further his case. ME isone of those illnesses—along with MCS(multiple chemical sensitivity) and GWS(Gulf War syndrome)—that psychiatrists,unwilling to look for and unable to find abiological cause, are now labelling as mentalaberrations requiring treatment with psychi-atric drugs. Walker explains how this trendaway from evidence-based medicinetowards sheer fantasy has been on theincrease since the mid-1990s: the frontorganisations, lobby groups, paid agents andthe pharmcos had to do something tocounter the rising tide of public mistrust ofmainstream science and medicine since the1980s and the rising uptake of alternativehealth options. Scares over BSE and CJD,salmonella poisoning, EM fields, GMOs andfoot and mouth disease have done little tokeep people's faith in the system. We are nolonger convinced when politicians and cor-porate scientists try to say that some newinnovation has "zero risk" and then ignoreand cover up the shocking truth.

Walker discusses the attacks against DrAndrew Wakefield who discovered a linkbetween MMR vaccine, inflammatory boweldisease and autism. Critics failed to addressthe vaccine safety issue or call for indepen-

dent repeat studies, and they gave no com-fort to anxious parents. Big Pharma protectsits back with a little help from powerfulfriends, while censuring a dissenter.

Walker calls on scientists to wake up tohow they and their work are being manipu-lated. They must form new professionalbodies and take scientific and medical devel-opments into society for open public debate.In anticipation of this turnaround, Walkerhas set up the Zero Risk? Group ( to distribute his book freely overthe Internet. Heavily indexed, it's worth itsweight in gold for its chilling exposé ofpowerful forces that are not in the businessof upholding the public interest.

AN OVERVIEW OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL RACES by Rolf WaeberTrafford Publishing, Victoria, BC, 2005 ISBN 1-4120-6360-4 (397pp pb) Availability:

Swiss UFO researcher Rolf Waeber's bookis a glossary of things extraterrestrial and

interdimensional. First, Waeber lists thebasic alien types reported in our galaxy—humanoids/mammalians, reptilians, insec-toids (including Greys) and etheric beings—and describes the 200+ races by name, fromthe Abbenaki of Marduk to the Zetas. Hegives few sources to show who passed onthese names, so I wonder how seriously heexpects the reader to regard the data. Somenames would be familiar to many readers ofufological lore who have looked into the sto-ries of contactees and abductees, but somehave come from channellers—many ofwhom are listed in the section on lightwork-ers, researchers and experiencers. At leastthis section has contact details and websiteaddresses where available; plus, there's anextensive bibliography in the final pages.

There are all sorts of federations, councilsand networks listed in the organisations sec-tion, including the Andromedan Federationand Ashtar Command, and a few terrestrialones get a mention, e.g., the Bilderbergersand the UN. There are lists of stellar andplanetary bodies, light cities and under-ground alien bases on Earth, starships byrace and name, and UFO crashes and forcedlandings, but with little source information.

Waeber also describes a host of otherbeings: angels, ascended masters, guides,light beings and the spiritual hierarchy. Itwould seem that the universe is a truly hap-pening place! Finally, Waeber presentsbasic timelines of the history of Earth seed-ing by ET races and of various Earth periodsand civilisations. As for the predictions, I'mnot aware that any of those for 1999 to 2005have come true, so I don't hold out muchhope for the ones for 2006 onwards!


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YAJÉ: The New Purgatory –Encounters with Ayahuascaby Jimmy WeiskopfVillegas Editores SA, Colombia, 2005 ISBN 958-8160-85-5 (309pp pb) Availability: Villegas Editores SA,

The drink made from the scrapings of theAmazonian yajé vine and the leaves of a

complementary plant is a potent concoctionthat teaches the yajacero (the drinker)lessons about his/her health, conduct anddestiny and about the meaning of life itself.Once the exclusive province of indigenousAmazonian tribes, the potion known asayahuasca has found its way to the urbancentres of Colombia, Peru and Brazil wheretraditional shamans conduct rituals in itsproper use by non-tribal locals and increas-ing numbers of curious foreign visitors.(Readers may recall Graham Hancock's life-changing experiences with the drug asdescribed in Supernatural; see 13/01.)

Now we have a book devoted exclusivelyto yajé in all its hells and glories. It's writtenwith elegance and eloquence by New York-born journalist Jimmy Weiskopf, who haslived in Colombia for 25 years and is now anaturalised citizen. He describes the yajépreparation and shamanic ritual and, for thisEnglish-language edition, his own experi-ences with it in urban and jungle settings.He also includes stunning b&w photos ofthe shamans (often in a trance state) whomhe has befriended over the years.

According to the indigenous practitioners,yajé is unique in that it contains "99% of thepower of the plant kingdom". Weiskopf,who translates books for his Colombianpublisher, is dedicated to retaining theknowledge of the vine and its rituals, explor-ing its curative and visionary powers andbringing discussion of its sociological, ethi-cal, philosophical and healing dimensions tothe West. The experience is at first purga-tive: it can render the drinker so ill as to feelon death's door, but overseen by the watch-ful shaman it reveals a portal that draws the

seeker within to a new wisdom. Weiskopf reveals profound insights into

transformative knowledge, and gives anexciting account of his travels on the way.

TRANCEFORMERS: Shamans of the21st Centuryby John Jay HarperReality Press, Foresthill, CA, USA, 2006 ISBN 0-9777904-0-1 (328pp tpb) Availability: Reality Entertainment,

It was the sudden death of his best friend in1988 and a "visit" by him four months

later that led John Jay Harper on a quest tofind scientific answers to questions aboutspirituality, including what, if anything, hap-pens after we die. A US Army veteran whois also an electronics and IT specialist, aclinical hypnotherapist, research scientistand futurist, Harper embarked on a 15-yearstudy of the works of leading-edge scientistsand philosophers, so his comprehensive the-sis owes much to these thinkers whom hequotes and credits throughout. The lateTerence McKenna, Bruce Lipton (whowrote the foreword), Rupert Sheldrake, PaulLa Violette, Alice Bailey, Gary Schwartz,Phyllis Atwater, Michael Talbot, DeepakChopra and Ken Wilber are just a fewauthors who've informed and inspired him.

The crux of Harper's book Tranceformersis that humanity is soon to go through a shiftinto a fifth-dimensional field of cosmic con-sciousness, probably coinciding with a mag-netic reversal of the Earth and our solar sys-tem when they align with the galactic eclip-tic in 2012, so we'd better prepare for it.The key to this fifth-dimensional doorway isthe trance state, which is at the heart of theancient practice of shamanism—and we canlearn how to access this state, he says. Inreality, the shaman "taps into the biologicalbook of life, DNA recordings and transmis-sions". The universe is a hologram, Harperconcludes (he's not the first to do so); ourDNA is the simplest holographic form but istuned into Earth, solar and galactic cycles.

However, this coming shift will involvemajor upheavals in climate as well as cul-tures on the planet. Harper recounts severalvisions he's had about drastic Earth changesto come—volcanic eruptions, earthquakesand tsunamis on an unprecedented scale—but also discusses how we can minimise theeffects if more of us have a positive attitudeand can access our higher self.

Synthesising a vast storehouse of knowl-edge from archaeology, astrology, astrono-my, biology, medicine, occultism, physicsand more, Harper has produced an accessi-ble guidebook for the lay reader who seeksto become truly self-empowered.


APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 77

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78 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006

REVIEWSTHE MAYAN CALENDAR COMESNORTH: "The Condor Flies to theEagle"Presented by Ian Xel Lungold© Ian Xel Lungold, 2004 (180mins) Availability: Australia—2012 Unlimited,PO Box 157, North Hobart, Tas 7002,

If there is one thing that is fundamental tothe coherence of any civilisation, it is the

calendar, and the Mayancalendar is certainlybecoming the focus ofmore and more attention.In this three-hour, two-DVD set, Ian goes step bystep on how the Mayancalendar relates to theevolution of consciousness,and he goes into particulardetail about the yearsleading up to the muchanticipated 2012 date.

Ian makes thecomplexities of the Mayan calendar veryeasy to understand on a personal level. Healso clearly points out how the "Schedule ofCreation" can be tracked when one looks athistorical events and relates that informationto what we can expect in the near future.

This is probably the best overallpresentation of the famous Mayan calendarthat I have seen. It also includes a Q&Asession. If you are confused about thedifferent claims over which calendar systemis "correct", then you will especiallyappreciate this presentation.

SECRETS OF ALCHEMY: The Great Cross and the End of TimePresented by Jay Weidner© Sacred Mysteries Productions, PortTownsend, WA, USA, 2004 (59mins) Availability: USA—Sacred MysteriesProductions,;Aust—Brumby Books, tel (03) 9761 5535

In this visually compelling and thought-provoking documentary, filmmaker,

author and scholar Jay Weidner uncoverssome of the deepest secrets of the ancientWestern tradition of alchemy: knowledge ofthe apocalypse, the end of time and the

imminent transformation of humanity. Using the work of the mysterious 20th-

century French alchemist Fulcanelli as hisfoundation, and with his discovery of a 350-year-old alchemical cross in southernFrance, Jay has a mission to find theultimate meaning behind the resurrection ofChrist and the prophecies of the book ofRevelation. In seeking to decode thepowerful and haunting message of the GreatCross of Hendaye, he journeys fromsouthern France to Egypt and Peru.

QUANTUM ASTROLOGY: Science, Spirit and Our Place in theCycles of HistoryPresented by Rick Levine© Sacred Mysteries Productions, USA,2004 (59mins) Availability: USA—Sacred MysteriesProductions,;Aust—Brumby Books, tel (03) 9761 5535

Astrologer Rick Levine offers a uniqueand comprehensive perspective on the

sacred science and art of astrology. Handeddown to us from our ancient ancestors, thismystical science of the stars and planets was

designed to provide us witha greater understanding ofboth the physical andspiritual nature of our lives.

Using the outer planets'rhythms as his foundation,Levine unveils and clearlydemonstrates the impact ofcosmic cycles—not only onour personal lives but alsoon significant historicalevents.

Assisted by manycomputer animations that

bring these teachings to life, Rick shows usan astonishing array of facts that reveal theinner essence of astrology and the flow oftime. Through his analysis we see that timeitself can be mapped and understood throughthe knowledge of planetary movements andthe cycles of history. In a clear andstraightforward manner, he unfolds a 21st-century vision of this ancient science. Healso reveals its relationship to thebewildering world of quantum physics andits relevance to these fast-moving andrapidly changing times.

Selected by Duncan Roads

To order - mail, phone or fax your order to:NEXUS Magazine, PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.

Ph: 07 544 29280 Fx: 07 5442 9381or use the coupon on page 96 of this issue.

Compiled by David Hatcher ChildressA Compilation of Patents & Reports compiled by

David Hatcher Childress. A fantastic collection

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by John Uri Lloyd$55.00 (includes GST & postage)

The original manuscript of Etidorhpa (that's "Aphrodite" spelledbackwards) was reputedly given to a Cincinnati man, Llewellyn

Drury, by a mysterious stranger who materialised in front of him inhis room one cold November night in the mid-1800s. It told of theman's early years as a mortal being, of his Masonic transformation,of his incredible journeys into hidden recesses of the Earth's interiorand his encounters with strange beings. Drury was told to hide themanuscript for 30 years, and when the time came, a friend, authorJohn Uri Lloyd, had to step in, getting the first edition into print in1896 with J. Augustus Knapp's paintings and drawings highlightingspecific scenes.

Page 80: Nexus   1303 - new times magazine

SHAMAN WOMAN by Vicki HansenGlobal Grooves, Aust, 2005 (59mins)Distributors: Aust—New World Music,tel (02) 9565 4522; UK—New WorldMusic, tel 01986 891600; USA—NewWorld Music, tel 800 771 0987, website

Vicki Hansen says that Shaman Womancame to her following a post-tsunami

visit to Sri Lanka, where she'd done volun-teer work with an organisation calledSarvodaya. She was struck by the enormityof Mother Nature's force, and her eyes andheart were opened to a degree she'd neverexperienced before. Shaman Woman is allabout tuning in to the healing force ofNature. It's a deeply meditative album, fea-turing the shaman drum, flutes, didgeridooand Vedic chants. Music to heal and uplift.

THE CARIBBEAN by various artistsPutumayo, USA, 2005 (46mins)Distributors: Aust—MRA, tel (07) 38496020; UK—Putumayo, tel 07759600495; USA—Putumayo World Music,tel 800 955 9588,

The original inhabitants of the Caribbeanwere Arwak, Caribe and Taino Indians.

Their populations were ravaged by intro-duced disease and the islands became a cen-tre of the African slave trade. This broughta diverse range of cultural influences thatinspired new musical forms like reggae,mento and ska in Jamaica and calypso andsoca in Trinidad and Barbados. Artists hereinclude Ska Cubano, Mika, Coalishun,Waldo Mendoza, The Skatalites, Jab Jab andMilitant. This is Caribbean music at its par-tying and exhilarating best. .

INYAN by Sacred EarthSacred Earth Music, 2005 (61mins)Distributors: NWM, tel +61 (0)2 95654522;

This third CD from Australian groupSacred Earth is a quieter offering com-

pared with previous albums. Following theacclaimed Pamanyungan and DivineDevotion (see NEXUS 12/05), Inyan fea-tures the duo's devotional chanting andsacred music. Prem Aliyah and JethroWilliams are joined by eminent percussion-ist Tunji Beier on his ghatam and kanjiradrums and on dholkis. Inyan is the wordfor the honouring of rocks, stones and boul-ders of the Earth. The album is great mood

music for your practice of yoga and medita-tion and for relaxation.

BEYOND THE MOON by Chris ShakallisNew Audio, Australia, 2005 (61mins)Distributors: New World Music; web-site

Experimenting with sound and its effectson consciousness is the wave of the

future. This album from Chris Shakallisuses the enneagram and Tibetan singingbowls to do so. The enneagram is a precisemathematical pattern engraved into a circlewith numbers. The album consists of three21-minute interconnecting musical ennea-grams; each is a threefold process aroundthe circle. There are the 1-4-2-8-5-7-1 andthe 9-3-6-9 sequences. Also featured on theCD is oud, shakuhachi, didgeridoo andvocals. An intriguing experiment in sound.

SHADOW, MIST & LIGHT by Peter SterlingReal Music Records, 2005 (57mins)Distributors: Australia—New WorldMusic; Europe—MCC, tel +49 4102898202; USA—Real Music, tel (415)331 8273,

Anew artist from Real Music, PeterSterling has an amazing story. He had a

spiritual vision of playing harp with a heav-enly choir surrounding him, and saw himselfallowing divine music to flow in. A weeklater, he met a Celtic harpist and bought aharp. Instinctively he began to play chordsand melodies. "It was as if my hands knewwhat to do," Peter said. The melodies thenbegan to mature into distinct songs. His firstalbum was released in 1994, and his second,Harp Dreams, went to number one on theNAR top-100 radio playlist in 2004 and wasnominated for US "Album of the Year". Hisnew release combines congas, flutes, didge,guitars and violin with harp. This variety ofworld influences makes it a fascinating mix.

Reviewed by Richard Giles

APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 79


Page 81: Nexus   1303 - new times magazine


1. Longitudinal Scalar EM Waves: StrongEarth Emissions are part of Quakes andVolcanics, at Insight into the Mystery of Ear Tonesprior to Earthquakes – how they occur andwhy, at Of Mice and Magnets, at High Field MRI: Technology,Applications, Safety, and Limitations, at Longitudinal Scalar EM Waves, op. cit. 6. Earth: Killer of Micro-electronics, at The Lamb Shift, at The Lamb Shift, at

9. Scalarbeamer, at Notes on Scalar Detector Designs, at ibid. 12. UC Berkeley: Hongyun Wang'sResearch on Molecular Motors, at Protein Motors, at The Cell, at The Energy of Life, by Guy Brown, at The Wave Structure of Matter:Wheeler and Feynman's Response of theUniverse", at Quantum Physics: Richard Feynman:Explanation of Feynman's QuantumElectrodynamics (SphericalElectromagnetic Vector Waves) with theWave Structure of Matter (Spherical Scalar

Standing Waves), at (more results can be obtained from 18. Feynman path-integral representationfor scalar-wave propagation, PMID:9961420, at Observation of scalar longitudinalelectrodynamic waves, at 20. On Casimir Forces for Media withArbitrary Dielectric Properties, at Probing the Strong Boundary ShapeDependence of the Casimir Force, at The fragmentation of wires by pulsedcurrents: beyond the first fracture, at God's Firmament & the Earthquake, at

Aches to Quakes

Continued from page 21

80 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006

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Page 82: Nexus   1303 - new times magazine

For children under 10 especially, but foranyone up to 15, do not administer aspirinto relieve symptoms. Aspirin has beenvery well established as a factor in theonset of Reye's syndrome, an encephalitischaracterised by high fever and nausea andinvolving the liver, kidneys and brain.

Do not allow family members or otherswho are just returning from school or workto pick up an infant or play with a youngerchild until the returnee has washed theirhands and face. This is especiallyimportant if there is any flu going aroundthe school or place of work.

Never pick up and comfort a young childif you have any hint whatsoever of a coldor the flu. If you must pick up a child insuch circumstances, always wear asurgical mask.

For the middle statistical frequency peakof ages 20 to 40, stay home from work ifthere is any flu circulating at yourworkplace. If you must work regardless,then carry a handkerchief or package oftissues and cover your mouth and nose ifyou cough or sneeze.

If you have occasion to touch doorknobsand other public surfaces which someonewith the influenza virus or a mycoplasmalinfection may have touched, keep yourhands from your face and wash asfrequently as possible.

At particularly risky times, try to avoidlong-distance travel by plane or train orbus.

If you are a senior living in your ownhome, do not join crowds any more than isabsolutely necessary. Then take as manyof the above precautions as you can.

If you are in a hospital or nursing home,observe a high standard of personalhygiene, avoid larger gathering-placessuch as an auditorium, and try to avoiddependence upon an air-conditioningsystem. Recirculated air is dangerous;open windows usually provide betterventilation and healthier air.

Also, try to avoid having anyvaccinations. Evidence shows thatvaccines often cause other health problemsthat are as serious as, or more serious than,the flu. One such study demonstrated thatseniors who received flu shots over a four-or five-year period were several times

more likely to develop Alzheimer'sd i s e a s e .

Finally, diet and supplements need to besensible. Our anecdotal evidence showsthat anywhere from two to three grams ofvitamin C taken with every meal appearsto strengthen the body's resistance to anyaerosol infectious agent. And werecommend eating eggs only occasionally,i.e., once or twice a week; this is becauseinfluenza viruses flourish in chicken eggs.

Summary When we set out to review the available

literature about influenza and prepare aspecial issue of the Journal ofDegenerative Diseases, we thought—likemost other people on the globe—that herewas another ancient human disease whichturns up in pandemics every 11 years or so.

Simply stated, we came to realise thatthe world is being set up for something andthat the H5N1 avian flu cover helps notonly move the plot forward but, after thefact, will allow the drum-beaters to say,"Well, at least we tried to warn you".

We returned to Dr Shyh-Ching Lo's

Avian Flu or Mycoplasma Pandemic?

Continued from page 32

APRIL – MAY 2006 NEXUS • 81

Continued on page 82

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Uniformed Services University of theHealth Sciences course unit onMycoplasma and read it for the tenthtime…and suddenly we realised what oneparagraph of that unit was really saying.Here is the paragraph:

"The most serious presentation ofM[ycoplasma] fermentans infection is thatof a fulminant systemic disease thatbegins as a flu-like illness. Patientsrapidly deteriorate, developing severecomplications including adult respiratorydistress syndrome, disseminatedintravascular coagulation, and/or multipleorgan failure." (The Journal ofDegenerative Diseases, vol. 5, no. 2, p.2 8 )

Now, please note: this is not influenza,but is a"flu-like illness" which anyonecould honestly mistake for the influenza—but it is n o t the flu, and it is n o t caused bythe H5N1 strain of the avian flu virus. It iscaused by a pathogen patented by theUnited States government!

Thus, if a pandemic of "influenza" hitsand certain doctors try treating whatappears to be a bacterial pneumonia with

penicillin, the latter will only make themycoplasmal infection worse!

It is our considered opinion that asignificant part of the human family hasalready been contaminated by amycoplasmal infectious agentadministered in the myriad vaccines thathave been shoved upon us over the years.There is also a possibility that furthervaccines may be similarly contaminated.

You and your doctor will think you havethe avian viral flu when actually you havethe flu-like M y c o p l a s m a illness…and itwill kill thousands if not recognised.

About the Authors: • Donald W. Scott, MA, MSc (b. 1924) isthe past president of the Common CauseMedical Research Foundation. He holds aMaster of Arts degree from LaurentianUniversity, Sudbury, Canada, and a Masterof Science from Guelph University,Guelph, Canada. He is a formercommissioner of the Ontario Teachers'Pension Plan, a governor of the OntarioTeachers Federation, and a veteran of theRoyal Canadian Navy (1941 to 1949). Hisarticle "Mycoplasma: The LinkingPathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases" was

published in NEXUS vol. 8, no 5 (2001).Donald Scott can be contacted bytelephone on +1 (705) 670 0180.• William L. C. Scott (b. 1955) is thecurrent president of the Common CauseMedical Research Foundation and editor-in-chief of The Journal of DegenerativeDiseases. He holds a Bachelor of Arts(Honours) degree from LaurentianUniversity and is a past president of theLaurentian University Students'Association. He is the president and CEOof Executive Services Limited and ispresently completing his studies as anatural health counsellor. William Scottcan be contacted by telephone on +1 (705)673 0726.• Donald Scott and William Scott are theauthors of Life: From Plants to Animals toU s (Chelmsford Publishers, Sudbury,Ontario, 2005, ISBN 0-969222-6-4). Theirarticle was first published as "Influenza:Give Up Something Old For SomethingNew" in The Journal of DegenerativeDiseases, vol. 6, nos. 3 & 4, 2006, and hasbeen edited for publication here. TheScotts can be contacted at The CommonCause Medical Research Foundation, POBox 133, Stn 'B', Sudbury ON P3E 4N5,Canada.

Avian Flu or Mycoplasma Pandemic?

Continued from page 81

82 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2006

To order - mail, phone or fax your order to:NEXUS Magazine, PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.

Ph: 07 5442 9280; Fax: 07 5442 9381or use the coupon on page 96 of this issue.

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Page 84: Nexus   1303 - new times magazine

fringemedicine, weirdastronomy,aberrantarcheology and strange-earth.

Karen's interest in Lobsang Rampagoes back to her early teens when sheread all his books, and she alsocorresponded with him briefly in 1972.She wrote her e-book T. Lobsang Rampa:New Age Trailblazer to counter all thenegative information circulating aboutRampa on the Internet and to reveal hisinfluence on the New Age movement ofthe 1960s and 1970s.

Karen believes Rampa was scornedbecause he revealed esoteric informationwhich had been safeguarded by arcaneschools of the West and East forcenturies. She also thinks his booksshould be re-examined in the light of21st-century knowledge.

The e-book T. Lobsang Rampa: NewAge Trailblazer is available for purchasevia Karen Mutton's website,

References (in alphabetical order)• Adamski, George and Desmond Leslie,Flying Saucers Have Landed , WernerLaurie, UK, 1953.

• Childress, David Hatcher, Lost Cities ofNorth and Central America, AdventuresUnlimited Press, Kempton, IL, 1992. • Cremo, Michael and Richard Thompson,Forbidden Archeology, Govardhan HillPublishing, 1993. • Gaddis, Vincent, Invisible Horizons, Ace,New York, 1965. • Hancock, Graham, Underworld, MichaelJoseph/Penguin, 2002. • Harrer, Heinrich, Seven Years in Tibet ,Rupert Hart-Davis, 1953.• Hicks, Roger and Ngakpa Chogyam,Great Ocean, Penguin, 1990. • Kolosimo, Peter, Timeless Earth, SphereBooks, UK, 1974 ed.• Maclellan, Alec, The Lost World ofAgharti, Corgi, 1983 ed.• Rampa, T. Lobsang, The Third Eye,Secker & Warburg, 1956.• Rampa, T. Lobsang, Doctor from Lhasa(originally titled Medical Lama), SouvenirPress, 1958. • Rampa, T. Lobsang, The Rampa Story,Corgi, 1960.• Rampa, T. Lobsang, Chapters of Life,Corgi, 1967. • Rampa, T. Lobsang, The Cave of theAncients, Corgi, 1963.• Rampa, T. Lobsang, Beyond the Tenth,

Corgi, 1969.• Rampa, T. Lobsang, Feeding the Flame,Corgi, 1971. • Rampa, T. Lobsang, The Hermit, Corgi,1972.• Rampa, T. Lobsang, Candlelight, Corgi,1974.• Rampa, T. Lobsang, Twilight, Corgi,1975.• Rampa, T. Lobsang, As It Was, Corgi,1976.• Rampa, T. Lobsang, Tibetan Sage, Corgi,1980.• Rampa, T. Lobsang, My Visit to Agharta(unauthorised anthology), Inner Light,2003.• Rampa, T. Lobsang, My Visit to Venus(unauthorised anthology; date unknown; nopage numbering). • Sitchin, Zechariah, The Twelfth Planet,Avon Books, 1978 (book one of the EarthChronicles series).• Strieber, Whitley, Communion, Century,UK, 1987. • von Däniken, Erich, Chariots of theGods?, Dell Publishing, 1969.• Velikovsky, Immanuel, Worlds inCollision, Macmillan, 1950. • Velikovsky, Immanuel, Earth inUpheaval, Doubleday, 1955.

T. Lobsang Rampa: New Age Trailblazer

Continued from page 57

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THE TEMPLARS' LEGACY INMONTREAL, THE NEW JERUSALEMby Francine BernierUncovers some of the secrets behind thefoundation of this key French city in theNew World. The island of Montréal hadbeen designed in the 17th century as theNew Jerusalem of the Christian world,and had become the centre for a group ofmystics who wanted to live as part of aflawless Primitive Church of Jesus whichcould not be tolerated in their old world. Bernier's research revealed that the elitebehind this New World push weremembers of the Société de Notre-Damede Montréal, some of whom belonged toan even more exclusive group, theCompagnie du Saint-Sacrement. Thesemystics were compared to the apostles ofJesus and to the original Templar andHospitaller soldier-monks of the firstCrusades, working as they did for thegreater social good and for an idealChristian way of living. Code: TTLM Cost: $35.00


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THE STONE PUZZLE OF ROSSLYNCHAPELby Philip CoppensWho were the influential Sinclair (StClair) family and the myths anddistortions written by a 17th-centuryfamily biographer, which would suggestthat the Chapel well pre-dated organisedScottish Freemasonry and was never aKnights Templar stronghold. Includesphotos of special features in close-up,and suggests St Clair chose the site for itsspecial geography and its mysticalArthurian Grail associations. Code: TSP Cost: $27.00

SAUNIERE'S MODEL & THE SECRET OFRENNE-LE-CHATEAUby André DouzetResearcher André Douzet has made someexciting new inroads with the mysterysurrounding the French village of Rennes-le-Château. Did Saunière leave behindsome clue to a specific location whichholds "the secret"? Code: SMSR Cost: $27.00

TEMPEST AND EXODUSby Ralph EllisExpands Ellis's theory on the origin of theIsraelites and gives alternative translationsof hieroglyphs, thus giving a differentperspective on the roots of Judaism andChri stianity as well as the Egyptianreligions. Code: TEXO Cost: $33.00

K2: QUEST OF THE GODSby Ralph EllisIs the cross-section of the Great Pyramida map whose area can be understoodwhen it is turned upside down? Is theKing's Chamber a representation ofAfrica? Does the Grand Gallery depictIndia and Asia, and the roof of theQueen's Chamber portray the Karakoramtriangle near the Hindu Kush in thewestern Himalaya? Code: K2QG Cost: $33.00

THOTH: ARCHITECT OF THEUNIVERSEby Ralph EllisA number of mythologies have it thatThoth endowed upon evolving humanitythe knowledge of archit ecture,astronomy, mathematics, measurement,physics as well as reading and writing.So did he leave messages encoded inmonuments for future generations todecipher? Ellis notes the mathematicalcommonalities, such as the pi ratio, thatare evident in pyramids at Giza, sites inBritain such as Stonehenge, Avebury, andthe pyramids at Teotihuacan in Mexico. Code: THOTH Cost: $33.00

LOST CITIES OF ATLANTIS, ANCIENTEUROPE & THE MEDITERRANEANby David Hatcher ChildressTravel to Europe, the Mediterranean andbeyond and explore megalithic ruins,history and legends of the area. Code: LCOA Cost: $35.00

LOST CITIES & ANCIENT MYSTERIES OFAFRICA & ARABIA by David Hatcher ChildressDiscover forbidden cities in the EmptyQuarter of Arabia and 'Atlantean' ruins inEgypt, and search for King Solomon'sMines, the Ark of the Covenant, livingdinosaurs and other mysteries. Code: AFAR Cost: $33.00

LOST CITIES OF ANCIENT LEMURIA &THE PACIFICby David Hatcher ChildressWas there once a continent in thePacific? David Hatcher Childress combsthe Indian Ocean, Australia and thePacific in search of the astonishing truthabout mankind's mysterious past. Code: LEMU Cost: $33.00

LOST CITIES OF CHINA, CENTRAL ASIA& INDIA by David Hatcher ChildressDiscover ancient cities and hear tales oflost continents, vanished civilisations ands trange tunnels to mysterioussubterranean cities. Code: CHINA Cost: $34.00

LOST CITIES OF NORTH & CENTRALAMERICA by David Hatcher ChildressFrom the jungles of Central America tothe deserts of the southwestern USA,journey in search of lost Mayan cities andbooks of gold, ancient canals in Arizona,and gigantic pyramids in the US Midwest. Code: NOR Cost: $37.00

LOST CITIES & ANCIENT MYSTERIES OFSOUTH AMERICA by David H. ChildressTravel on unforgettable journeys deepinto deadly jungles, windsweptmountains and scorching desert s insearch of lost civilisations, stone cities,Inca tr easure, l iv ing dinosaurs andmysterious tunnels. Code: SAM Cost: $33.00

IN QUEST OF LOST WORLDS: Journeyto Algeria, Ethiopia, Yucatan and Beyondby Count Byron de ProrokBetween 1925 and 1934, the Anglo-Hungarian archaeologist/explorer CountByron Khun de Prorok led a number ofexpeditions to northern Africa as well asCentral America. In 1932–33, the Countturned his attentions to Mexico, to searchfor Atlantis at Chichén Itzá in theYucatán, and to Guatemala, to uncoverMayan pyramids. Code: IQLW Cost: $39.00

ALTAI HIMALAYA: A TRAVEL DIARYby Nicholas Roerich. Chronicles the famous Russian-Americanexplorer's expedition through Sinkiang,Altai-Mongolia and Tibet from 1924 to1928. Roerich discusses mysteries andmystical arts of Central Asia including thecontroversial hidden cities of Shambalaand Agartha. Code: AHIM Cost: $37.00

MYSTERY CITIES OF THE MAYAby Thomas GannThe story of Thomas Gann's early 1920sexplorations and adventures around theCaribbean and the jungles of CentralAmerica, especially Belize and the uniqueMayan city of Lubaantun which he firstinvestigated in 1903. Code: MAYA Cost: $33.00

MYSTERY IN ACAMBAROby Charles H. HapgoodA curious collection of fired clay figurineswas discovered in Acámbaro, centralMexico, in 1944, many of which depicteddinosaur-and monster-l ike creatures,sometimes in the company of humans andeven reptilian alien figures. Testing yieldeda date of 2500 BC, yet the source andpurpose of these 33,500 clay figures, stilleludes definitive explanation. Code: MIAC Cost: $33.00

IN SECRET TIBET by Theodore IllionA reprint of a rare 1930s travel book. Illionwas a German traveller who ventured indisguise through forbidden Tibet when itwas off-limits. Includes illustrations ofTibetan monks levitating stones.Code: IST Cost: $33.00

DARKNESS OVER TIBETby Theodore IllionThe German traveller continues hisjourneys through Tibet and is givendirections to an enigmatic undergroundcity, which he enters. There he meets witha mysterious but powerful individual whoinvites him to 'join them'. A rare accountof an underground world, by a Westernerlucky enough to have entered it.Code: DOT Cost: $35.00

MEN & GODS IN MONGOLIAby Henning HaslundA rare travel book that takes you into theunknown world of Mongolia during theearly part of the 20th century. Haslund, aDanish-Swedish explorer, visits the lost cityof Karakota in the Gobi Desert. Code: MEN Cost: $35.00

IN SECRET MONGOLIAby Henning HaslundA camel caravan takes Haslund across theGobi Desert where he meets with renegadegenerals, god-kings and shamans. Hebattles black magic and is captured, heldfor ransom and thrown into prison. Code: ISM Cost: $37.00

DANGER MY ALLYby F. A. Mitchell-HedgesIncludes searching Mayan ruins for clues toAtlantis, discovering pre-Flood artefacts onCaribbean islands, f ighting bandits,searching for lost cities in southern Africa,and battling giant sea- creatures off thecoast of Panama.Code: DMA Cost: $33.00

THE RIDDLE OF THE PACIFICby John Macmillan BrownFirst published in 1924, this is a rareclassic. A highly il lust rated volumecovering subjects such as ancient writing inthe Pacific, Easter Island statues, megalithicruins on Rarotonga.Code: ROTP Cost: $33.00

THE MYSTERY OF EASTER ISLANDby Katherine RoutledgeExplore the secret caves, ancient roads,pyramid platforms and, of course, thestrange stone statues on the island. Code: MOEI Cost: $33.00

ANCIENT MICRONESIA & THE LOSTCITY OF NAN MADOLby David Hatcher ChildressVisit the island of Pohnpei with the mostimposing megalithic structure of all: thelost city of Nan Madol. Includes themenhirs of Palau, the Latte Stones ofGuam, the canal city of Insaru on Kosrae,and the roads on Malden Island. Code: MICRO Cost: $30.00

ATLANTIS: MOTHER OF EMPIRESby Robert Stacey-JuddFirst published in 1939, Stacy-Juddanalysed the literature concerning variousancient cultures on both sides of theAtlantic and came to the conclusion thatthey had a common source: the lostcontinent of Atlantis . Highlights thecommonalities between the Maya and theBasque, Hebrew, Hindu and Sumeriancultures. A wealth of illustrations,comparative drawings and photographs .Code: AMOE Cost: $45.00

SECRET CITIES OF OLD SOUTHA M E R I C Aby Harold T. WilkinsWas South America was once part of a vastempire known as Atlantis. Amazonianwomen warriors, the lost city of GranPaytiti, monstrous creatures, the search forEl Dorado. Code: SCSA Cost: $35.00

THE ROUND TOWERS OF ATLANTISby Henry O'BrienWho built the Round Towers of Ireland andfor what purpose remains a mystery.According to Irish tradition they were builtby the ancient Tuatha de Danann, said tohave been led to Ireland from the HolyLand by Queen Scota; so they are probablypre-Christian. Discusses the connectionsthat ancient Ireland had with India, Persiaand China and he compares the roundtowers with the Egyptian obelisks. Code: RTOA Cost: $35.00

ATLANTIS AND THE POWER SYSTEM OF THE GODSby David Hatcher Childress and BillC l e n d e n o nThis is a two-books-in-one release. Thefirst part is a reprint of much of veteranUFO researcher Bill Clendenon's decade-old book, Mercury: UFO Messenger of theG o d s. Clendenon, who died in the mid-1990s, contacted author David HatcherChildress shortly after his own book onancient Indian v i m a n a aircraft came out in1991, to compare notes on possible UFOpropulsion systems, including mercury vor-tex engines. In the second part of A t l a n t i sand the Power System of the Gods,Childress examines Nikola Tesla's powerbroadcast towers in the light of evidencefor the existence of "crystal power towers"in ancient and long-lost civilisations. Code: APSG Cost: $36.00

MYSTERIES OF ANCIENT SOUTHAMERICAby Harold T. Wilkins Wilkins travelled to South America in1939 to try to verify his theory thatAtlantis , or the ruins of an ancientAtlantean colony, might be found inunexplored parts of Brazil and the landfurther west. His conclusion was that agiant cataclysm had struck the planet in9753 BC. Wilkins digs up enticingevidence for subterranean pre-Incatunnels and strange lights and lost citiesin the Amazon. Code: MASA Cost: $33.00

ATLANTIS IN AMERICAIvar Zapp and George EriksonMysteriously aligned stone spheres—some measuring over nine feet indiameter and weighing up to 20 tons—found in the Diquis Delta region ofsouthwest Costa Rica and much more. Code: AIA Cost: $30.00

ATLANTIS IN SPAIN — A STUDY OFTHE ANCIENT SUN KINGDOMS OFSPAINby E. M. WhishawA study of the megaliths of Spain, ancientwr iting, cyclopean walls, sun-worshipping, hydraulic engineering,sunken cities and Atlantean myths. Code: AIS Cost: $33.00

THE SHADOW OF ATLANTISby Alexander BraghineCovers anthropological, archaeological,cosmological, geological and historicalevidence for the existence of a lostcontinent in the Atlantic Ocean.Code: TSOA Cost: $31.00


LOST CITIES SERIESby David Hatcher Childress


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MAPS OF THE ANCIENT SEA KINGSby Charles HapgoodThe classic 1966 book on ancient maps isback in print. Produces evidence of anadvanced worldwide civilisation existingmany thousands of years ago. Code: MASK Cost: $45.00

THE HISTORY OF ATLANTISby Lewis SpenceA reprint of a rare book investigatingsources of Atlantean history fromEgyptian, Maya, Aztec and Irish myths toancient and modern geological andarchaeological evidence. Code: THOA Cost: $33.00

HOLLOW PLANETSby Jan LamprechtUncovers anomalous evidence onmagnetic fields, gravity, seismic and radiowaves, the aurora, plate tectonics andweather, and accounts from Arcticexplorers and legends, suggesting theremay be some truth to the hypothesis.Unexplained bright spots at the poles ofVenus, dust s torms at the poles ofMercury, and ion streams in the nightatmosphere on Earth and more. Code: HOPL Cost: $55.00

ETIDORHPA, OR THE END OF EARTHby John Uri LloydThe story of a man's early years as amortal being, of his Masonictransformation, of his incredible journeysinto hidden recesses of the Earth's interiorand his encounters with strange beings.This is a very rare and hard-to-get book. Code: ETI Cost: $55.00

LOST CONTINENTS & THE HOLLOWEARTHby David Hatcher Childress & RichardShaverIs the Earth is hollow, or at least pittedwith vast caverns and tunnel systems andpopulated by secretive, ancientcivilisations who have spaceships, deathrays and mind-control machines? Code: LCHE Cost: $37.00

THE ORION PROPHECYby Patrick Geryl & Gino RatinckxWill a super catastrophe will befall theEarth in late December 2012, just as it didnearly 12,000 years ago, and 12,00?Analysis of ancient monuments anddocuments concludes that the imminentsign will be in the sky when Venus movesin a retrograde circular motion aboveOrion; at that time, according to the codedwarnings, the Sun will erupt withmegabursts of magnetic activity, which willin turn cause the Earth's magnetic field toreverse and the planet to spin in reverseand flip on its axis. Code: TOP Cost: $35.00

NOTES FROM THE COSMOSby Gordon-Michael ScallionThe remarkable story of how Scallionreceived and applied his special gifts forhealing, intuition and prophecy. Hisvisions of major planetary changes becameso insistent that by 1991 he had no choicebut to go public. Scallion takes us on atour of his simultaneous past-li fe andfuture-life realities, shares his meetings withspirit guides and Etherean crop-circlemakers, transports us to Mars, ancientAtlantis and Egypt and to astral borderlandsand back. Code: NOTES Cost: $38.00

NOSTRADAMUS AND THE LOSTTEMPLAR LEGACY by Rudy CambierDid Nostradamus steal and plagiarise theverses for which he is famous? A decadeof research concludes that the 10 Centuriescould not have been written in the 1550sby Nostradamus, but were in fact pennedbetween 1323 and 1328 by a CistercianPrior, Yves de Lessions, Abbey of Camronin Hainaut on the French/Belgian border. Code: NATL Cost: $35.00

A HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TOA R M A G E D D O Nby David Hatcher ChildressAs we contemplate the prospect of amodern-day 'Armageddon', it's timely tolook at the vestiges of history for clues as towhy we're in our current predicament.This is Childress's intention in this latest—and final—Lost Cities book, and here heweaves more than two dozen years oftravelling experiences in with his historicalresearch and philosophical perspectives.Childress diverts us through other lostcivilisations that have had their own 'enddays'—in Babylon, the Gobi Desert, SouthAmerica, the Pacific, Egypt and Africa—and speculates on the rise of secretsocieties and the transfer of occultknowledge through the ages. He analysesthe possibility of an Armageddon scriptbeing played out today in the escalation ofconflict in the Middle East. Will it be 'StarWars' style, and will we be able to believeour eyes?Code: HGA Cost: $37.00

THE DRAGON'S TAIL: Rediscovering theTenth Planetby Anthony Austin & Brian CrowleyThere has been much speculation aboutthe possibility that a planet exists beyondthe orbit of Pluto. Austin and Crowleyargue that it is the cause of doomsdaycataclysms of varying degrees affectingEarth every 892 years. Code: TDT Cost: $35.00

EARTH UNDER FIREby Dr Paul LaVioletteThe Earth has undergone many cataclysmsin its history. Records of major and minorcosmic events have survived through theages in myth, art, architecture, in ancientzodiac systems and in writing. Concludesthat these catastrophes of greater and lesserdegrees are the result of eruptions from thecentre of our galaxy. B o o k : Code: EUFB Cost: $39.00V i d e o : Code: EUFV Cost: $33.00

PATH OF THE POLEby Charles HapgoodAccording to Hapgood, the North Pole hasoccupied three different positions in thelast 100,000 years, the last changeoccurring between only 18,000 and12,000 years ago. Presents evidence,based on geomagnetism and radioactivedating, that the last crustal shift took placeat the end of the last ice age. Code: POTP Cost: $37.00

ARKTOS: THE MYTH OF THE POLE INSCIENCE, SYMBOLISM AND NAZISURVIVAL by Joscelyn GodwinInvestigates the tilt of the Earth's axis, thecauses of catastrophes, tales of an ancientrace said to have lived in the Arcticregions, German bases in Antarctica,UFOs, Hollow Earth theory and under-ground cities. Code: ARK Cost: $33.00

THE ANTI-GRAVITY HANDBOOK compiled by David Hatcher Childress This is the new, expanded edition of thebook that raised the antigravity profile tonew heights from the mid-1980s. Includesfree-energy research, disc propulsion,suppressed technology, NASA cover-ups,Pine Gap and Tesla, and much more. Code: TAGH Cost: $35.00

ANTI-GRAVITY & THE WORLD GRIDedited by David H. ChildressIs the Earth surrounded by an intricateelectromagnetic grid network offering freeenergy to those who can tap into it? Thisvolume contains material on the Earth grid,ley lines and planetary power points, pluschapters on the infamous PhiladelphiaExperiment in invisibility. Code: AGWG Cost: $35.00

ANTI-GRAVITY & THE UNIFIED FIELDedited by David H. ChildressA compilation of material on gravity,electricity and magnetism, including whyartificial gravity is possible; secrets of UFOpropulsion; anti-gravity airships of the1920s and 1930s; anti-mass generators;vortex propulsion systems; andgravitational pulse-drive spacecraft. Code: AGUF Cost: $33.00

THE HARMONIC CONQUEST OF SPACEby Bruce L. Cathie First published by NEXUS Magazine andnow reissued with three new chapters.Summarises and updates the research in allhis previous books, and contains hisantigravity tables.Code: HCOS Cost: $33.00

THE BRIDGE TO INFINITYby Bruce L. CathieA rare book on the subject of lightharmonics and the nature of the Universe.Covers levitation, plus anti-gravity and itsconnection to the Earth's energy grid. Alsolooks at pyramid power, UFO propulsion,free-energy research and sacred geometry. Code: BTI Cost: $34.00

THE ENERGY GRID by Bruce L. CathieCovers the Earth's energy grid system, anti-gravity, harmonic speed of light, theperiodic table of elements, unified fieldequations, sacred geometry and Tesla. Code: TEG Cost: $35.00

EARTH RISING: The Revolutionby Dr Nick Begich & James RoderickThis is about technology and its impact onhumanity. It is an expose on technologicaladvances which may reshape the destiny ofmankind in the next millennium. Coveringa number of separate areas, including: therevolution in military affairs and its impacton freedom; mind control and themanipulation of human health through theuse of drugs, electromagnetic weapons,and other means; non-lethal weapons;environmental weather control; newtechnologies which will virtually eliminateprivacy; militarization of law enforcementaround the country; and an update onHAARP. This book concludes solutionsthat could be initiated in the next few yearswhich could change the implications ofthese technologies. It carries a messageabout our humanity and our reach towardhigher purpose.Code: EARTH Cost: $33.00

FREE ENERGY PIONEER: JOHN W. KEELYBy Theo PaijmansA comprehensive biography on the life,discoveries and inventions of free- energypioneer John Worrell Keely (1837-1898).Keely developed a fascination for the studyof vibration, and while working onperpetual motion machines, heaccidentally discovered the 'force' of theether and found a way to 'imprison' it.Keely then worked on devices which couldtrap this etheric force and yield abundant,'free' energy on tap, experimented withanti-gravity devices of huge lifting power,techniques for disintegrating matter, andeven flying machines. Code: FREP Cost: $40.00

THE GIZA DEATH STAR DEPLOYED: ThePhysics and Engineering of the GreatPyramid by Joseph FarrellExpands on his hypothesis that the GreatPyramid of Giza was much more than anobservatory, an encoded library and a timecapsule, but was also a machine designedas a weapon, a chemical maser, andeventually deployed with catastrophicresults to our solar system. Code: GDSD Cost: $33.00

HARNESSING THE WHEELWORK OFNATURE: Tesla's Science of Energyedited by Thomas Valone, PhD, PETom Valone, an engineer, physicist, andauthor, explores the years of Tesla's geniuswith electricity, the principles of wirelesspower transmission, self-sustainedlongitudinal waves, Tesla's magnifyingtransmitter and ELF oscillator, how toharness the Earth-ionosphere resonantcavity, miscellaneous articles on thehomopolar generator, Tesla's ioniser andozonator, and much more.Code: HTWN Cost: $37.00

PERPETUAL MOTION: AN ANCIENTMYSTERY SOLVED? – An Investigationinto the Legend of Bessler's Wheelby John CollinsWas a perpetual motion machineconstructed in 1712? Did the inventorleave instructions for building another one?Fascinating physics and history, plus more..Code: PERMO Cost: $38.00

HITLER'S FLYING SAUCERS: A Guide toGerman Flying Discs of the Second WorldW a rby Henry StevensDid Germany conduct anti gravi tyexperiments and created antigravity craft atplaces like its Peenemünde facility? It'sknown that the Nazi powers had anti-aircraft rockets, vortex cannon, infra-redhoming devices, electronic devicesdesigned to stop ignition-based engines,sun cannon, magnetically repulsedprojectiles and many other exotic weaponsunder development. Code: HFS Cost: $37.00

QUEST FOR ZERO POINT ENERGYEngineering Principles for "Free Energy"by Moray B. KingQuest for Zero Point Energy is acompilation of papers which take the Zero-Point Energy theory forward with referenceto T. Henry Moray, Viktor Schauberger,E.V. Gray, Floyd Sweet, Tom Bearden andKen Shoulders. Heavily referenced,technical diagrams and patents aplenty.The subject matter covers vacuum energyvortices, charge clusters, vortex filaments,torsion fields, zero-point energy coherenceand scalar compression.Code: QZPE Cost: $33.00







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TECHNOLOGY OF THE GODS: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancientsby David Hatcher ChildressThere is abundant evidence that ancientcivilisations possessed varying degrees ofadvanced science and high technology.Examines the Antikythera device, a Greekastronomical calculator dated to the firstcentury BC; the Baghdad battery andcrystal lenses; the metal spheres found in2.8 billion-year-old strata in Africa. Code: TOTG Cost: $37.00

THE FANTASTIC INVENTIONS OFNIKOLA TESLA compiled by David Hatcher Childress An invaluable compendium of patents,diagrams, photos and explanations of themany incredible inventions of NikolaTesla. Covered in depth are the wirelesstransmission of power, death rays andradio-controlled airships. Code: FINT Cost: $37.00

THE TESLA PAPERS edited by David Hatcher ChildressGreat collection of work, including DrNikola Tesla's landmark article, "TheProblem of Increasing Human Energy",published in Century Illustrated Monthly,June 1900, in which he outlined ablueprint for wireless power available forall, antigravity and free energy devices,robotic systems and even common-senseadvice about good diet and clean living.Tesla coils, the Tesla electric-poweredcar, the infamous 'death ray' and 'shield',a 'lost' solar-electric panel and Tesla'scontributions to electrotherapy. Code: TTP Cost: $37.00

THE TIME TRAVEL HANDBOOKedited by David Hatcher ChildressAn array of theoretical arguments on thenature of space-time, gravity andrelativity, on technical developments overthe last century (including from Tesla andMarconi) and on circumstantial evidencethat suggest time travel to be a reality—inthe future, the present, and in the past. Code: TTTH Cost: $35.00

THE FREE-ENERGY DEVICEHANDBOOK: A COMPILATION OFPATENTS & REPORTS compiled by David Hatcher ChildressA fantastic collection of patents, articles,papers and diagrams for researchers intofree-energy devices, magnetic motors andover-unity engines, from Tesla on untilthe present.Code: FEDH Cost: $36.00

ETHER-TECHNOLOGY: A RATIONALAPPROACH TO GRAVITY CONTROL by Rho SigmaFirst published in 1977, thisgroundbreaking book delves into theinternational efforts at gravity control anddiscoid craft propulsion. Discusses ether-vortex turbines, T. Townsend Brown,Searl discs, electric wind, German anti-gravity research and more. Code: ETHER Cost: $30.00

VIMANA AIRCRAFT OF ANCIENTINDIA & ATLANTISby David Hatcher ChildressVedic texts such as the Ramayana and theM a h a b h a r a t a show that ancient aircraftwere in use more than 4,000 years ago inIndia. Included is the entire 4th centuryBC manuscript of the Vimaanika Shastra .This is a ‘must read' book!Code: VIMA Cost: $35.00

ECCENTRIC LIVES & PECULIARNOTIONSAn amazing collection of weird andwonderful eccentrics from years gone by.Code: ELPN Cost: $33.00

THE ADAMS PULSED ELECTRICMOTOR GENERATOR MANUALIn the Dec'92-Jan'93 issue of NEXUS, wepublished an article on what we believeto be a signpost to a 'free-energy'machine. This is the manual whichfurther describes the details andprinciples of such a device. Code: APEM Cost: $44.00

ADDENDUM TO THE ADAMS PULSEDELECTRIC MOTOR GENERATORMANUAL by Robert AdamsThis addendum updates the research andtheory surrounding the Robert AdamsPulsed Electric Motor Generator. Code: AMA Cost: $35.00

THE WATER WIZARD – Vol. Oneby Viktor Schauberger (translated andedited by Callum Coats)This is the first of four volumes in themilestone 'Eco-Technology' series,encapsulating for the first time in Englishthe work of Viktor Schauberger(1885–1958). Reveals the importance ofwater as a life-giver. Code: WWI Cost: $42.00

NATURE AS TEACHER: NEWPRINCIPLES IN THE WORKING OFNATURE – Vol. Twoby Viktor Schauberger (translated andedited by Callum Coats)Extracts from Schauberger's writings,papers, magazine articles andcorrespondence, wherein he shares hisinsights into our choices: on the onehand, environmental catastrophe andsocial devastation; on the other, practicalsolutions like free-energy devices whichharness the magical processes of Nature. Code: NAT Cost: $42.00

THE FERTILE EARTH – Vol. Three by Viktor Schauberger ( translated &edited by Callum Coats)The Ferti le Earth emphasises nature'ssubtle energies and their correct use inagriculture, soil fertilisation and forestry.By observing nature's forces and energiesin action, Schauberger learned her secretsand came to understand what happenswhen the delicate balance is overstepped. Code: TFE Cost: $42.00

THE ENERGY EVOLUTION – Vol. Fourby Viktor Schauberger ( translated &edited by Callum Coats)Having observed how nature producesenergy by a slow, cool, implosive means,Schauberger set upon designing machinesbased on this principle. Theories andobservations on the biological vacuum,the li fe-current in air and water,electromagnetism and implosion.Code: TEE Cost: $42.00

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LIVING ENERGIES: V I K T O RSCHAUBERGER'S BRILLIANT WORKWITH NATURAL ENERGY EXPLAINED by Callum CoatsViktor Schauberger made his reputationin the 1930s as an inventor of devices inthe areas of free energy extraction, soilfertility, water purification, river/floodmanagement, home-power generationand water-fuelled devices for transport. Code: LIVEN Cost: $55.00

STONE AGE FARMING: Eco-Agriculturefor the 21st Century by Alanna MooreAn holistic, practical approach to farmand ecosystem management thatidentifies and harmonises with subtleenergies, utilises eco-sound methods andapplies ingenious technologies such asenergy-conducting coils for improvingsoil l i fe and plant growth. Includesresearch into the Irish Round Towers anda look at the work of Dr Phil Callahan.Code: STONECost:$33.00

SCORCHED EARTH: THE MILITARY'SASSAULT ON THE ENVIRONMENTby William ThomasDefol iants, land mines, elect ronicwarfare, nuclear waste and more.Code: SCOR Cost: $34.00

THE A.T. FACTOR: PIECE FOR AJIGSAW – PART 3by Leonard G. CrampThe third and final instalment. Cramp isa British aerospace engineer, scientist,inventor and UFO researcher who hasspent more than five decades developinghis theories on the Cosmic Matrix andtinkering away in his workshops, creatingVTOL craft and experiment ing withantigravity devices and space propulsiondrives—as can be seen in the copioussupport ing documentary material,photographs and tech drawings herein.In The A.T. Factor ('A.T.' standing for'advanced time'), Cramp introduces hisremarkable life story with reference tokey paranormal events that set the tonefor his inquiries and endeavours from anearly age. Code: ATF Cost: $37.00

THE COSMIC MATRIX: PIECE FOR AJIG-SAW – PART 2by Leonard G. CrampCramp theoris es that the two majorcosmological theories—'steady state' and'big bang'—may be aspects of one andthe same thing. He posits that forces ofattraction and repulsion do not originateor reside in matter; rather, he suggests thephenomenon that causes these effectsresides in what we call 'space', so theseforces are merely the effects of this energybeing unbalanced or changed oninteracting with 'matter'.Code: TCM Cost: $35.00

UFOS AND ANTI-GRAVITY: PIECE FORA JIG-SAW – PART 1by Leonard G. CrampThis classic 1966 book is available again.Cramp's book has a wealth of materialand diagrams on flying saucers, anti-gravity, suppressed technology,suppressed scientists, G-fields, the etherand the bi-field theory. Code: UFAG Cost: $33.00

MILABS: MILITARY MIND CONTROLAND ALIEN ABDUCTIONby Dr Helmut & Marion LammerA small proportion of people claiming tohave been abducted by aliens also claimto have been kidnapped andexperimented on by al l- too-humanmilitary/medical personnel. Code: MILAB Cost: $33.00

COEVOLUTIONby Alec Newald(Published by NEXUS Magazine)In late February 1989, Alec Newaldarrived in Auckland after what shouldhave been a three-hour drive f romRotorua. Soon he realised he had lost 10days, but he had no idea how it couldhave happened. Alec had spent those 10days in the company of some advanced,benevolent extraterrestrials, travelling toand from their home planet. Theirlanguage, lifestyle, technology, historyand their plans, is out of this world. Code: COEV Cost: $22.00

GLIMPSES OF OTHER REALITIES –VOLUME IIby Linda Moulton HoweThe second G l i m p s e s volume containsintriguing, in-depth information gleanedfrom research and interviews, some withmilitary personnel. Stuff in this book youwill not find anywhere else. Serious UFOresearchers are raving about this book! Code: GOR2 Cost $59.00

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THE ROSWELL MESSAGE by René CoudrisTwo-way telepathic communication wasestablished with, supposedly, the veryaliens involved in the Roswell crash—orat least with their mental bodies.Code: ROSM Cost: $23.00

EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY by David Hatcher ChildressA collection of photographs, drawingsand maps, suggesting that many planetsand moons of our solar system were notonly inhabited in the past, but continue tobe inhabited today. This book also hassome great pics of strange things on theMoon.Code: ETA Cost: $39.00

FLYING SAUCERS OVER LOS ANGELESby Dewayne B. Johnson Newspaper reports and eyewi tnessaccounts, of an historic event that theauthorities would prefer is forgotten.Code: FSLA Cost $29.00

THE CASE FOR THE FACE: SCIENTISTSEXAMINE EVIDENCE FOR ALIENARTIFACTS ON MARSedited by Stanley McDaniel & MonicaRix PaxonIn November 1997, a group of s ixscientist s presented data to NASAofficials, supporting the case for theexistence of alien artefacts on Mars. Code: CASE Cost: $22.00

SAUCERS OF THE ILLUMINATIby Jim Keith. Suggests that experiences involving ETcontacts or the otherworldly can besubject to manipulation by powerfulterr estr ial vested interest s—mind-control ling mi li tary/intell i gencecabalists, politicians, businessmen andmedia heavies with occult Illuminatilinks and secret Masonic handshakes. Code: SOTI Cost: $33.00

CASEBOOK ON THE MEN IN BLACKby Jim KeithSix MIB-type scenarios that may all havevalid 'explanations' which may be a partof an 'evolving reality' whose scriptincludes black magicians, governmentagency black operations, hoaxers, aliensin human disguise, extradimensionalentities and paranormal manifestationsof the human mind. Code: CMIB Cost: $27.00

MIND CONTROL, WORLD CONTROLby Jim KeithCovers the role of the Illuminati, theSkull and Bones society, Freemasons,the British Round Table, the RIIA, CIAand Tavistock Inst. in the developmentof early forms of mind control in educa-tion, psychiatry and social engineering. Code: MCWC Cost: $33.00

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CLOAK OF THE ILLUMINATIby William HenryA veritable feast for those who seekknowledge from the ancient wisdomtraditions passed down through the ages.Is humankind poised to don a "powersuit" in the 21st century—a garb thatincorporates genes, bits, neurons andatoms and might even be tuned to thefrequen cy of love and allowinterdimensional time travel via stargatesand wormholes? Code: COTI Cost: $33.00

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FROM MAJOR JORDAN'S DIARIESby George Racey JordanEvidence that extremely high-levelcooperation was ongoing between Russiaand the USA during World War II and theso-called Cold War.Code: MJD Cost: $40.00

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KUNDALINI TALESby Richard Sauder, PhD Covers spontaneous spiritual awakenings,out-of-body experiences, close encoun-ters with otherworldly beings. Discussesmilitary/intelligence agencies having themeans to induce OOBE and kundalinistates electronically and to cont rolremotely the mind and behaviour. Code: KUND Cost: $33.00

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IMMUNIZATION: THEORY VS REALITY by Neil Z. MillerPacked with stati s tics, graphs andresearch, this book helps expose the factthat the risks from vaccines far outweighthe benefits. It also includes the linkbetween Gulf War Syndrome and theimmunisation of US combat troops, asreported in NEXUS. Essential reading! Code: ITVR Cost: $31.00

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BEHAVIOURAL PROBLEMS INCHILDHOODby Viera Scheibner, PhD The increasing prevalence of neurologicaland behavioural disorders in children isdue to vaccinations, argues VieraScheibner, PhD. These have becomeworse in r ecent years with thevaccination of much younger childrenwith increasingly toxic vaccine (andantibiotic) cocktails against diseaseswhich actually boost natural immunity. Code: BPIC Cost: $30.00

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CONTACTwith Bert Janssen & Janet Ossebaard An excellent video documentary whichlaunches into the most mysterious part ofthe crop circle phenomenon of late: thosefloating balls of light seen and videotapedby more and more people. Amazing visualsof the formations, plus good music and nar-ration and lots of interesting interviews.Code: CONT Cost: $38.50

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MYSTERIOUS ORIGINS OF MANCompanion Tape This follow-up Companion Tape to the firstMysterious Origins of Man video (but nothosted by Charlton Heston) contains heapsmore footage. (Video only)Code: CMOM Cost: $33.00

HOAGLAND'S MARS – Volume I I:Extended Version with Richard HoaglandUsing of ficial NASA photos, Hoaglandshows a connection between the monu-ments on Mars and Earth. Code: MARS2 Cost: $35.00HOAGLAND'S MARS – Volume III: TheMoon-Mars Connection: Alien Ruins OnThe Moon? (2 tapes)Shows the case for the existence of alienartefacts on our Moon. Code: MARS3 Cost: $70.00

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Vol.1 #1-10 ($80.00 for the set) posted in Aust.Vol.2 #1-28($110.00 for the set) posted in Aust.Vol.3 #1 ($5.00 each) Code=301The Bilderbergers; HAARP; Sonic Bloom;Artificial Sweeteners Pt 2; OPCs; Power LineHealth Hazards; Bioelectromagnetic Fields;Hendershot Fuelless Motor; Alien Stone Discs;Reviews and more...Vol.3 #2 ($5.00 each) Code=302Quake Prediction; State-Run Terrorism; UrineTherapy; OPC Pt 2; Barings Gang-Banking Pt 1;Moon Mysteries; Water-Powered Car; RadicalThermal Engine; UFOs over Australia; NativeAmerican UFO Legend; Reviews... Vol.3 #3 ($5.00 each) Code=303Viktor Schauberger; Covert Operations of theNSA; Prophecies of Mitar Tarabich; Barings Pt 2;Earth Radiation Risks; Brain-Eating Bugs &Vaccines; UFO Reality Shift; UFOs over Mexico;'Star Wars' over Australia...Vol.3 #4 ($5.00 each) Code=304The Port Chicago Nuclear Disaster; HormoneHeresy; The Money Laundry; Human Origins &Sacred Geometry Pt 1; Viktor Schauberger Pt 2;Earth Dowsing Pt 2; ET Perspective Pt 1;Roswell; 2,000-Year-Old Battery... Vol.3 #5 ($5.00 each) Code=305The Pinay Circle; Marijuana: A MedicinalMarvel?; Hormone Heresy Pt 2; White PowderGold: A Miracle of Modern Alchemy; Rennes-le-Château Sacred Geometry Pt 2; ViktorSchauberger Pt 3; Brazil's ET Cover-up... Vol.3 #6 ($5.00 each) Code=306Dangers of Plastics; Remote Viewing: the ESP ofESPionage; Danny Casolaro and 'the Octopus';Dobkin Technique; Cover-ups in Egypt?; SacredGeometry Pt 3; White Powder Gold Pt 2; PowerYour Car on Water!; UK Crop Circles of 1996;Alien Autopsy Debate; ET Perspective Pt 3...Vol.4 #1 ($5.00 each) Code=401Remote Viewing/Military Telepathy Pt 2;Polluted Pet Foods; Major Jordan's Diaries Pt 1;Danny Casolaro and 'the Octopus' Pt 2; ColloidalSilver; Sound Health; Poltergeist Machine;Native Elders & ET Prophecies... Vol.4 #2 ($5.00 each) Code=402Remote Viewing Pt 3; Hazards of GeneticallyEngineered Food; Major Jordan's Diaries Pt 2;Libya: Scapegoat for the New World Order?; TheMargarine Hoax; Carburettors; MillenniumProphecies; Linda Moulton Howe; Reviews...Vol.4 #3 ($5.00 each) Code=403Transnationals; Soybean Products Risks; thePegasus File; Grander's Living Water;BioAcoustics; Finnish Antigravity; Bright Skies:Fireballs or Secret EM Weapons? Pt 1; KnightsTemplars; Marine Lightwheels; Sea Serpents...Vol.4 #4 ($5.00 each) Code=404Why Education Doesn't Work; Pegasus File Pt 2;The Pill; BioElites & the Licensing of Life;Jacobsen's EM Cancer Cure?; Bright Skies:Fireballs/Tesla Weapons Pt 2; Sir Francis Bacon;Chupacabras...Vol.4 #5 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 4 0 5Gulf War Syndrome; The Pill: What DoctorsDon't Tell You Pt 2; Ibogaine: Nature's Cure forAddiction?; True Adventures of a Psychic Spy;Bright Skies: the Aum Link Pt 3; Roswell CrashDebris Analysis; Charged Barrier Technology;Crop Circles...

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Vol.8 #3 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 8 0 3Mad Cow Disease goes Global; The GATS; WaterPrivatisation; The Hurricane Andrew Cover-up; DoMammograms Cause Breast Cancer? TonyCuthbert; Robert Adams and the Transistor; EarthExpansion: The Definitive Proof; The DeepDwellers Part 2; WingMakers...Vol.8 #4 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 8 0 4Project Censored: Top 25 Stories for 2000; Milkingthe Truth; US Financing Balkans War; HealingPower of Full Spectrum Light; Soviet Mind PowerResearch Pt 1; Free Energy update; Deep DwellersPt 3; Hopi Prophecies; Underwater UFOs...Vol.8 #5 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 8 0 5Electricity in the Ground; The Mycoplasma Causeof Disease; Underwater Bases; Soviet Mind PowerResearch Pt 2; Cosmic Energy & Moray; ForgottenScientists Tyndall & Boscovich; African Avatars:Has Christ Returned?; Tales of Giants; Reviews...Vol.8 #6 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 8 0 6Chemtrails; Hyperactive Children & Nutrition;Healing with Coherent Light Pt 1; Wall Street, CIA& Drug Money; Soviet Mind Power Research Pt 3;Coral Castle; Cosmic Energy & Moray Pt 2; CropCircles 2001; Planet X; Colonel Corso at Roswell...Vol.9 #1 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 9 0 1Overview of the 'War Against Terror'; Hormones &Your Heart; Civil Asset Forfeiture; Project HammerPt 1; The Bible Fraud Pt 1; Turning Water intoGasoline; Tesla's Teleforce; Healing with CoherentLight Pt 2; Bunyips; Project Disclosure...Vol.9 #2 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 9 0 2Health Benefits of Coconuts Pt 1; Project HammerPt 2; Bible Fraud Pt 2; Canadian Genocide; Super-Microscopes; Fuel Implosion System; VolcanicActivity, Nuclear Tests & Grid Harmonics; UFOs;Nicholas Roerich & the Search for Shambhala...Vol.9 #3 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 9 0 3Population & Food Control: Corporate Agenda;Myths of Vegetarianism Pt 1; Health Benefits ofCoconuts Pt 2; Bible Fraud Pt 3; Car; QuantumPsychiatry: Where Science Meets Spirit;Archaeological Cover-ups...Vol.9 #4 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 9 0 4Magnetic Pole Shift Due; EU Food SupplementsDirective; September 11; History of the Arab-IsraeliConflict; Urine Therapy; Myths of Vegetarianism Pt2; Suppression of Dissent in Science; Mobile PhoneRisks to Children; Creation by ETs?; Bock Saga...Vol.9 #5 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 9 0 5The War on Freedom; Illusion of HIV & AIDSStatistics; Death by Doctoring Pt 1; The Great Con-ola; Dotto Ring Pt 1; Twin Universe Model;Chandler Wobble Effect: Cause of El Niño &Global Warming; Fusion Power & E T S p a c eTechnology: David Adair; Warning on HoaxedThreat from Space...Vol.9 #6 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 9 0 6History of Corporate Rule; Ultrasound: Not So Safe& Sound; UN IPCC's Artful Bias on ClimateChange; Death by Doctoring Pt 2; Toxic Carpet;Dotto Ring Pt 2; Crop Circles of 2002; Leaked UFOD o c u m e n t s . . .Vol.10 #1 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 1 0 0 1Project Censored's Top 25 Stories; Oil Wars;Xylitol: A Sweet, Safe Alternative; DVT &Infrasound Link; Neuropeptides: Molecules ofEmotion; Air Wells & Dew Ponds; Darwinism: ACrumbling Theory Pt 1; Area 51 Insider DanBurisch's 'Last Letter'...

Vol.10 #2 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 1 0 0 2Can Global Warming Cause an Ice Age?; MedicalAssault on Young Women; The Story of Stevia;'Enigma': Close Call from Deep Space; PhilCallahan on Paramagnetism; ; Darwinism Pt 2:Human Origins; Laurence Gardner...Vol.10 #3 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 1 0 0 3Hidden Face of Terrorism; RockefellerInternationalism Pt 1; Mad Cow Disease,Manganese &Infrasound Pt 1; Incandescent LightPt 1; Schumann Frequencies and our Brain; WilbertSmith on UFOs; Area 51 ; Stargate in Iraq?...Vol.10 #4 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 1 0 0 4Depleted Uranium Dangers; RockefellerInternationalism Pt 2; Mad Cow Disease,Manganese &Infrasound Pt 2; Incandescent LightPt 2; HAARP and Human Frequencies; Holocaustof Giants; Nikola Tesla's 'Talking with the Planets';Mystery Map Found in the Urals; Mystery'Installation' in Siberia Pt 1... Vol.10 #5 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 1 0 0 5Polluted Pet Food Industry; Dr Hamer & theCancer/Shock Link; Rockefellers Pt 3; ProjectHammer Pt 1; Etheric Weather Engineering withTrevor James Constable; Lee Crock's Aura TherapyMachine; DNA: From Helix to Hologram; Giants,UFOs of the Solomon Islands...Vol.10 #6 ($5.00 each) C o d e = 1 0 0 6Enzyme Nutritional Therapy Pt 1/3; Noni: TheWonder Plant; Rockefellers Pt 4; Project HammerReloaded Pt 2; Vedic Mathematics; AntiGravity:Holy Grail of the 21st Century; Planet X, Comets &What NASA is Hiding: An Interview with JamesMcCanney; Crop Circles; Kali-yuga Prophecies....Vol.11 #1 ($6.00 each) C o d e = 1 1 0 1Project Censored's Top 25 Stories; EnzymeNutrition Therapy Pt 2/3; AIDS: T h eSelenoEnzyme Solution Pt 1/2; RockefellerInternationalism Pt 5/6; Einstein: Plagiarist of theCentury; Siberia's Mysterious "Valley of Death";Edward Teller on UFOs; and more...Vol.11 #2 ($6.00 each) C o d e = 1 1 0 2Information Control; ADAM Technology; EnzymeNutrition Therapy Pt 3/3; RockefellerInternationalism & UFOs Pt 6/6; AIDS: TheSelenoEnzyme Solution Pt 2/2; Gravity, CreativeLife Physics and Magnetism; Suppression inPhysics Pt 1/2; The Ummo Letters: ET Contact orHoax?; ET-Human Healing Clinics in Israel;Prophecies for 2004...Vol.11 #3 ($6.00 each) C o d e = 1 1 0 3Fractional Reserve Banking as EconomicParasitism; Precocious Puberty; Cause & Cure ofSchizophrenia; Suppressed Physics Pt 2/2;SuperLight from Black Holes; Mystery City UnderGiza; Out-of-Body Experiences; Time Travellerfrom 2036?...Vol.11 #4 ($6.00 each) C o d e = 1 1 0 4Big Oil & The Wars on Drugs & Terrorism;Common Law; Cancer Science Statistics; Diabetes:Cause and Cure?; Parasites and their Role in MentalIllness; Minato Motor; The Electrical Nature of theCosmos; Laurence Gardner; Dan Burisch update...Vol.11 #5 ($6.00 each) C o d e = 1 1 0 5Peak Oil, by Mike Ruppert; Death by Medicine Pt1/3; Dangers of Soy Allergens; Mysterious Originsof Oil; Scientific Evidence that Plants HaveFeelings; Global Scaling Theory; HenochProphecies from Billy Meier; C.B. Scott Jones onUFOs; The Verneshot Hypothesis...

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