Download pdf - Newsletter February 2010

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Page 2: Newsletter February 2010

ThanksThe development of New World Grid content is within everybody's reach. A drop-zone for is at your disposal on the Sandbox1 region.

Thanks to Freebies donators.

● Steve Atlanta● Jo BERNARD● max1369 burke● Kiffeur Dubrovna● Frank Dumac● Kaze Seirei● kaline mode

New World welcomes an increasing number of residents. They are welcomed, guided, assisted and helped in the virtual world thanks to the members involved in the Volunteer program.

Thanks to them for their generosity and for the time spent on the Welcome region.

Jo BERNARD Bradley Edwardstone kijn Eizua Caroline Fairport Steve Franklin Kire Laasonen Marline Laasonen LeoMaxx Sautereau Claudius Utopy

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ContributionsThe contribution campain that have been launched on New World Grid to help the Virtus association continues!

The objective of the campain is to gather funds to maintain the New World Grid central servers, the voice servers as well as the free New World Studio regions.

Thanks to the generosity of Eden Cat, Netpat Admicile as well as other residents who have preferred to remain anonymous, we have gathered the amount of 417 Euro of the 620 Euro that we need.

You can follow the evolution of the contributions on a barometer installed inworld (on Welcome). For the contributing residents who wishes it, the "Contributor" title can be added to their inworld profile, their name can be cited in the newsletter or they can choose to remain anonymous.

The preservation of New World concerns us all. If you wish you also to help NWG, you can either make a contribution, or subscribe to the rent of a parcel or of a region on NWG.

You will find information on these topics on

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New World Grid AnniversaryNew World Grid has started its third year. In order to celebrate such an important event, we are organizing a major feast that will take place all day on Saturday 13 February on the region Vox.

Retrospection on Exporama

Also in the context of these two years of existence, a small photography exhibition is at your disposal on the Exporama region.

You will find pictures of important events of the life of your virtual world such as the opening of New World, the celebration of it's first anniversary but also the bugs that we have experienced during these past two years.

If you wish, such as LeoMaxx Sautereau to share pictures of important events of the New World life, please contact Calice or Lycie Newman.


Day time

Ferris wheelLabyrinthBouncing ball circuitTreasure hunt

Evening (as from 9:00 PM)

Residents' speachesEvening with FrannyDJ Dean at the club

A great thanks to the residents who have helped us to make this event possible: Jo Bernard, Kaline Mode, Aimé Socrates.

We hope to see many of you.

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Result of the video contest

As you know, a video has been produced for a contest organized by the French Fondation Crédit Agricole Pyrénées Gascogne, which is the bank of the association Virtus / New World.

We are sorry to tell you that our video did not win the contest.

Once again we want to thank the Fondation Crédit Agricole Pyrénées Gascogne, the residents who have actively participated in the filming as well as the people who have supported us.

Grid update

In preparation of the next update, don't forget to do regular backups of your New World Studio regions (free regions) by using the "backup" button of the program. Doing regular backups is a good habit to take which can save you from loosing data after a bug. A good practice is to do a backup of your New World Studio simulator every time you stop it, it will only take a few seconds.

If you need help, don't hesitate to contact a volunteer (or post an issue on the forum)

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Mount Grace Priory project MOUNT GRACE PRIORYNorth YorkshireEngland

On 4 adjacent regions in New World, we are building Mount Grace and its immediate environment. This is thanks to the generosity of the French Non Profit Organization 'Virtus', which promotes arts and educational projects.

The priory was established in 1398 as part of a wide and thriving European network of Carthusian monasteries famed for their austere style of spritual life, their commitment to the preservation of literature at a time when few people could read, and their hospitality to travellers: an interesting mixture!

It was disestablished in 1539 by agents of King Henry VIII of England, as part of his greed, his jealousy, and his quarrel with Rome.

Project evolution Over the coming months you'll learn how the community lived; how it contributed to life within the region; how it provided hotel and nursing services to travellers; and how life was lived then.

Please go to the Visitor Centre at Mount Grace NE region, walk around and explore: there will be much to see, some of it interactive !

Begin to find out more by checking out

If you would like to contribute to the development of this site, please contact Olish Newman or myself.

Christi Maeterlinck"Mount Grace Priory" Site Curator

Please note. This venture in educational simulation has no formal links with any of the bodies that care for the RL site, although informal links are being developed. (November 2009).

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Reproducing real places, either historical, cultural, in a persistent virtual world where visitors can exchange, interact is an application which will probably be developped more widely in the future on the Internet.

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The virtual Mount Grace which is being built, is based on the most precise historical archives. The virtual land has been reproduced from a 1:500 Geographical Information System provided by the English Heritage, public body responsible for all aspects of protecting and promoting the historic environment in England. An OpenSimulator module has been developped in C# in order to interpret the Digital Elevation Model using a bilinear interpolation and load it in the virtual world.

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Physics You are all welcome to the Physics region. Physics and chemistry are passions and I would like to share them with you.

I suggest to entertain and cultivate you while strolling in a setting where every detail has its importance.

You have the choice between walking around freely or following a teleportation path that I've prepared for you.

If you choose the treasure hunt mode, a form can be collected in the Pisa tower to be completed and dropped in my mailbox in the end of the tour. You will have to teleport yourself to the next point to find more clues and to complete the document without weakening.

You can leave messages on bulletin boards asking questions that I will be happy to answer.

Prepare your video media player, sound player, entertainments are waiting for you. You can touch everything!

See you soon.

Aimé Socrates

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The Physics region takes advantage of the NINJA Physics technology (Networked INteractive Jointed Assemblies) developped by Nlin (

Beyond actual LSL implementations (Linden Scripting Language), this technology allows to simulate more complex interactions between physical objets linked by joints, and to create simulations closer to reality.

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The planetarium

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Non profit Association Virtus registered the 18th of july 2009 under the number W653001494

Our parnters


Le Parc des Arts, France

Crédit Agricole - Parlons Innovation, France, United Kingdom