Page 1: News Picks - · night, becoming one of California’s most feared serial killers and rapists in the 1970s and

18 dead, dozens injured in Indonesia oil well fireFirefi ghters in Indonesia struggled on April 25 to contain a blaze at an oil well in the northwestern province of Aceh that killed at least 18 people and injured 40, authorities said.

Flames towered over houses and trees as fi refi ghters hosed* down the area. The fi re broke out early on April 25, after a 250-meter-deep well overfl owed and residents gathered to collect the oil, the agency said.

Dozens of people were taken to hospital in the provincial capital, Banda Aceh, several hours away, the agency said, adding that state oil fi rm Pertamina was providing equipment to help fi ght the fi re.

Ex-cop arrested in ‘Golden State Killer’ caseA U.S. man once sworn to protect the public from crime was accused on April 25 of living a double life ter-rorizing suburban neighborhoods at night, becoming one of California’s most feared serial killers and rapists in the 1970s and 1980s before leav-ing a cold trail* that baffl ed investi-

gators for more than three decades.Former police offi cer Joseph

James DeAngelo, 72, was arrested at his home after DNA linked him to crimes attributed to the so-called Golden State Killer and he initially was charged with eight counts of murder and could face dozens more charges, authorities said.

Canada van massacre driver charged with murderA Canadian man who apparently had a grudge* against women was charged with murder on April 24 after allegedly plowing a rented van onto a crowded Toronto sidewalk, killing 10 people — an incident that shocked the nation.

Police said the suspect, 25-year-old Alek Minassian, was not known to them before the carnage in Cana-da’s most populous* city, which also left 14 people injured. Most of the victims were women.

Macron thinks Trump will pull out of Iran dealFrench President Emmanuel Macron said he believes U.S. Presi-dent Donald Trump will pull out of the Iran nuclear deal next month “for domestic reasons,” describing the U.S. as “insane” for its constant global policy U-turns, according to reports.

Macron’s remarks appeared to be a concession that he may have failed to convince Trump to stay true to the agreement during his three-day visit to Washington.

Brazil’s Supreme Court to vote on Lula caseBrazil’s Supreme Federal Court (STF) is to vote on a motion starting May 4 that could potentially release ex-president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva from prison, the court said.

Lula’s defense team hopes to overturn a decision by Sergio Moro, a federal judge and head of a key corruption investigation, who determined Lula had to begin serv-ing a 12-year sentence for accepting bribes. Lula was imprisoned on April 7. (SD-Agencies)

02Shenzhen Daily Wednesday May 2, 2018Email: [email protected]

News Picks

Helphose 用软管浇水 cold trail 指跟踪时失去目标踪迹 grudge 怀恨 populous 人口稠密的 orbiter 轨道飞行器 entomologist 昆虫学家

Chang’e-5 lunar probeChina plans to launch the Chang’e-5 lunar probe next year, which is expected to bring lunar samples back to the Earth, according to Pei Zhaoyu, deputy director of the Lunar Exploration and Space Program Center of the China National Space Administration.

While addressing a space conference on April 24, China’s Space Day, Pei said that the Chang’e-5 lunar probe will be very complex, containing four parts: an orbiter*, a returner, an ascender and a lander. The orbiter and returner then head back to the Earth, separating from each other when they are sev-eral thousands of kilometers from the Earth. Finally, the returner will make its way back to the Earth.China-funded universityThe China-funded University of Kracheh was inaugurated in Kratie Province, Cambodia on April 25.

Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen and Chinese Ambas-sador to Cambodia Xiong Bo jointly unveiled the university, which cost US$12 million, of which US$10 mil-lion was from a grant from the Chinese Government. The rest was from a fund from the Kratie Foundation for Higher Education Organization. Arson suspectPolice have arrested the suspect alleg-edly responsible for a fi re in a KTV bar that killed 18 people and injured another fi ve in Guangdong Province on April 25.

Liu Chunlu, 32, who lives near the karaoke TV lounge in Qingyuan City, is suspected of starting the fi re. Liu suffered burns to his hips in the blaze, according to local police. Liu confessed when he was arrested at his home in Yingde City, according to the city government. “I was drunk and had had a fi ght with unknown people [before the fi re],” Liu told police.Super-sized mosquitoA Chinese entomologist* has found a giant mosquito with a wing span of 11.15 centimeters.

Zhao Li, curator of the Insect Museum of West China, said the mos-quito, which belongs to the world’s largest mosquito species, Holorusia mikado, was found in August last year during a fi eld trip to Mount Qingcheng in Chengdu, capital of Southwest China’s Sichuan Province.


S. Korea’s Moon meets North’s Kim at border for summitSouth Korean President Moon Jae-in shakes hands with Kim Jong Un, top leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), during their meeting at the Peace House at the demilitarized zone of Panmunjom, South Korea, on Friday. Kim became the fi rst DPRK leader to set foot on South Korean soil since the end of the 1950-53 Korean War. SD-Agencies
