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  • 8/7/2019 News Letter January


  • 8/7/2019 News Letter January




    On the month of January Elon University andColombo University organized a conference in

    Colombo. HELP-O got an n opportunity to sharethe experience about waste management and weexplained how waste became a profitable thingand how people can find sustainable solution towaste problem with win win approach. The themeof the speech is Sustainable Solid waste managementwith win win approach The sharing experiencespeech conducted by Mr. Chathura WelivitiyaChairman HELP-O

    On this time he explained about the three examples of

    various places of the country. First he explained aboutthe example of Karapitiya Teaching Hospital. Also heexplained why we involve in this sector? As you allknow, waste is a leading global environmentalproblem generating multiple crisis to the mankind.Therefore today, Governments, Researchers and manyorganizations are searching for sustainable solution forthis growing issue.

    We studied the traditional Biogas Plants for safe disposal of waste, reducing GHG emissionsand financial benefits are given to users. The HELP-O tested this concept by implementing thefirst pilot project at a government leading Hospital in the country; the Karapitiya Teaching

    Hospital. At that stage Municipality had stopped collecting waste mixed with hazardousclinical refuses, collected waste stocks in the Hospital affected some wards to be closed andneighboring community had to take legal action for this matter.

    The second example he explained to the guests is about the community biogas program wehave implemented with the UNDP and CEA. With the success of first project we decided toexamine its application in Domestic, public and private sectors. The Galle city having a totalwaste collection of 55 tons a day was selected for the second pilot named community basedbiogas program jointly with Galle Municipality under the support of UNDP and CentralEnvironment Authority (CEA). Through building 9 units under the program the daily wasteamount reduced to near 20 tons per a day while significantly dropping open burning ofpolythene-plastics. The community was benefited with alternative fuel; biogas, liquid fertilizerfor cultivation and extra income by marketing sorted recyclables.

    Currently, the HELP-O has wider experience through implementing biogas driven wastemanagement programs all over the country under different climatic conditions, in Hospitals,Municipal councils, Hotels, Prisons and community level etc Observing the success of thisprogram the Environment Ministry also has recognized biogas units as an effective tool insolid waste management.

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    Under the USAID SARI Energy Program HELP-O isimplementing very success program in ground level ofGalle District. The innovative effort is people requesting

    biogas units under the loan basis. At the moment twobiogas units are under construction in Kalupe andWaluwatta. Both biogas units are constructing underloan basis. The owner expects to sell the biogas to otherhouses. Now this waste became a huge marketable itemand people are using renewable energy source step bystep.

    Not even that we conducted one awareness program to the community of China Garden aboutthe effective and benefits of the biogas because we have identify that area is highly wastegeneration area. The community aware about the effective of the biogas and what are the

    benefits they can get through the biogas. Also we explained about the renewable energy sourcesand under that he explained about the biogas and its history of Sri Lanka. Even they awareabout the climate change and global warming and also discuss with them that how that willeffect to their family. We strongly recommend that every individual person has strongresponsible to separate the waste and keep environment clean.

    Under the USAID SARI Energy program we have

    organized an experience exchange program for the grass

    root level people. The objective is to share the experience

    of other beneficiaries who use the biogas already. Most of

    people could able to get a biogas unit under the USAID

    Energy Program. Through this program they discover thatthere are many people in the city use biogas for their daily

    needs. Old biogas beneficiaries explained how they

    implement this program and what the challenges they had

    to face are. Also they explained about the important of an environment fund. Also they

    explained how they use this environment fund for small repairs of the biogas. One lady

    explained through this environment fund they expect to construct another biogas unit under

    loan basis.

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    Ulagalla Resort is one of the attractive and favorite touristdestination and resort where nestled in a village in the ancientkingdom of Anuradhapura, with calm and eco-friendlyenvironment. Ulagalla resort is the latest luxury boutique hotel inSri Lanka and it provides luxury facilities for customers.

    It collides a previous era with the modern comports of thepresent. Tucked away in the lush landscape by the UlagallaWewa, Ulagalla resort is a historic mansion transformed in to a

    modern heaven combining tradition with technology. In their eco-friendly way The HELP-Owas invited to implement a Biogas unit for organic waste. Through this program they are ableto have biogas and organic fertilizer.

    This is actually a great opportunity to HELP-O to take hand with private sector to conserve forenvironment. 15m3 biogas unit is to be implemented there. It will be an inimitable act taken by

    the resort. They expect to get the eco friendly electricity from the biogas that is their finalexpectation from their waste even they have planned to cultivate with using the organicfertilizer of the biogas. This is a good step that private hotel taken to recycle their own waste inprofitable way.



    DAYATA KIRULA, the national development exhibition in Sri Lanka will held on 4th-10thFebruary in this year at Buththala, Sri Lanka. The exhibition site extends over 160 acres, a largenumber of state and privet sector stalls have been set up in the exhibition site. Impact it is a

    great opportunity to HELP-O to participate in this great exhibition to exchange our ideas andnew experiments with national and international sectors. It is organized by the ministry ofFinance & planning Sri Lanka. There are 800 stalls and 3.5 million people are to be visited thisgreat exhibition.

    We are proud to mention that we have got an opportunity to participate to this occasionbecause of our great conservation for nature. In present the whole world is searching forenvironment friendly ways for living. Because whole world has to face various climaticchanges, global warming through these problems, people are suffering from a lot of diseases.Sometime doctors are unable to find out the illness. Natural disasters are often happened. InHELP-O side, we have sustainable solution for waste problems which harms to our nature.

    That is why we are offered this opportunity to participate as a nature lover to not onlymotherland but also whole world. People are rewarded lots of benefits through this program.This program linked with the Central Environment Authority because they have an eco housein the exhibition premises. We exhibit a model domestic biogas unit and we have planned togenerate the biogas from that model. We hope to aware the people about effective of the biogasand its benefit too.

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    Don Bosco Tsunami village is located at Negombo and it is one ofcommercial cities of the country. Being a commercial city, it has ahuge waste problem there. There are about 210 families and also

    they dont have proper way to solve this huge waste problem.They had to dump waste in their land because local authoritydidnt collect waste in proper way. Bad smell which came out fromwaste was high and also people are suffering from this.

    Meanwhile HELP-O involved implementing a sustainable solutionwith the financial support of CITYNET. Up to now ourconstruction team has already implemented one biogas unit, itscapacity is 22m3 and also 500kgs of waste can be dumped. At thismoment 95% of all construction finished in this biogas unit.During the last month we conducted awareness programs for themto improve the knowledge and interests about the biogas.

    Awareness program has been done to them on how to monitor this, what are the benefits can betaken and under more topics. Another awareness program is to be held on 3 rd of February. Thetarget group of the program is Municipal Council officers and Grass root level people and wewish to begin our next biogas construction as soon as possible. Community can dump theirwaste to these units, can use organic fertilizer for their fertilizer needs and for cultivation also itis a great conservation for the environment. Global warming, environment pollution, methanegas emission can be reduced through this better solution.


    Muththu Thambi Vidyalaya is located in Thirunelwelyof Jaffna district and one of government leading schoolsin the area. More than six hundred and fifty students arebeing educated there. Meals are given to students andschool has to prepare meals for them. Therefore theyhave to spend much money on firewood; waste is also ahuge problem to them. They are used to taking firewoodwhich was cut down from forests. They had destroyedsmall trees for this. It is mainly effect to decrease ourforest generation. It is a huge disaster for community aswell as environments. On the other hand they use

    polythene and plastics to make fire and that is huge environment issue. They dont have an ideaabout the POP gas and its bad effective.

    Forests generation are endangered now due to unthinkable behavior of mankind. After warbackground there is speedy development too. Environment pollution is one of bad side effectscome out this development. People of this area use more fire wood for their day today cookingmeals and other activities. So that UNDP Jaffna Office needed to implement a sustainableprogram as a model project for this matter.

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    This program is a timely a good solution for the energyand waste problems which was found by HELP-O forfuture generation. School had to find solution foreconomizing. Through this program they can have lots ofbenefits. Among them biogas and organic fertilizer can be

    visible benefits. Because through this, global warming,climatic changes, methane gas emission can be reduced.Up to now an awareness program has been already done.This program is totally funded by UNDP Jaffna Office.Realizing this is cost effective, profitable program; UNDP

    Office of Jaffna as respectable carriers of nation always tries to give utmost support fordeveloping human living background. This is one of their great efforts taken by them for thebetterment of both community and environment. HELP-O is proud to be an active partner forthis great task.

    Conducting awarenessprogram for the students

    and teachers aboutmaintain andmanagement of biogasunit in proper way.Through this program weaware them about how tocarry this biogas unit inproper way.


    Welikada prison is located in Colombo District and it givesgreat contribution to rehabilitate prisoners for thebetterment of country. There are many prisoners in thisprison and foods are given for them. Most of foods becamewaste in the prison. Also they use firewood and LP Gas forcooking purpose. With the support of Waste ManagementAuthority we could able to implement a biogas programinside of the prison.

    Through this biogas unitwe cant provide the solution for all wastes of the prison.They have a huge waste problem too. They were searching for

    a sustainable solution for this huge waste problem. Otherwisethey use firewood for cooking because they have to preparelots of meals for prisoners. They spend much on fire wood.Not only spending on firewood is the problem but alsothrough this, huge disaster is happened. The prison didnthave any solution for this matter and they were searching a better solution for massive problemand finally met biogas.

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    Forest generation is being decreased by mankind in hugequantity. With the financial support of Western ProvinceWaste Management Authority, HELP-O involved toimplement a sustainable solution for this matter. There,18m3 a biogas unit has been constructed by our

    construction team and 175kg-250kg of waste can bedumped. Through this unit prison is able to reduce Rs.20,000/= spending on firewood and also by using organicfertilizer they can start cultivation or they can use them fortheir flower beds. Having a huge waste due to being a

    large prison, this capacity isnt enough to dump whole waste. 5% of waste of prison can bedumped in to the unit. Through this program we can conserve to our nature in a great deal andsilent protection for environment is happened by reducing methane gas emission, globalwarming and climatic changes.

    CLIMATECHANGE&SRILANKASri Lanka also affect by the Climate Change, during the lastfew decades people didnt feel this much. But during the pastmonth people felt this very much. In January 2011 manydistricts had to face huge floods and landslip. According therecords of the Disaster Management Centre of Sri Lanka, On3rd February, Polonnaruwa received the heaviest rainfall(232.4 mm), followed by Trincomalee (156.1 mm), Vavuniya(132.2 mm), Anuradhapura (114.4 mm), Batticaloa (84.7 mm)districts, while on 2nd February, Batticaloa District received

    the heaviest rainfall (187.9 mm), followed by Trincomalee (161.4 mm), Polonnaruwa (151.9 mm)

    and Ampara (104.1 mm) districts of Sri Lanka.Over one million persons have been affected, a total of 139,391 persons (37,673 families) havebeen displaced in 430 temporary evacuation centers in 11 districts across the island. There are 6deaths and 2 missing are reported. Moreover, there are 895 houses were fully damaged and6,787 hoses were partially damaged (Source: Situation report 04th February 2011, 18.00 hrsDMC / District Secretariats)

    Many people badly affected from this and their many thingswere destroyed by the flood and landslips. Government andother organization are trying to help them sometimes theycant reach for the affected areas because of the heavy floods.Now people need to think one thing that is we have to face thebad effect of the climate change.

    So we have to reduce our Co2 emission and methane gasemission to air. Every individual man and women have verystrong responsible for this. This effort cant do along to

    government and people also should contribute from their sides by reducing the burningpolythene and plastics, minimizing the methane gas emission to air.

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    INTERNATIONALEXPERIENCEOFWASTEMANAGEMENTLinking Community-based Composting into Municipal Waste Management Policies in

    Surabaya: Lessons Learned

    Dickella Gamaralalage Jagath PREMAKUMARA, Researcher, IGES

    Toshizo MAEDA, Senior Researcher, IGES

    1. Introduction

    Solid waste management (SWM) is a serious environmental issue confronting localgovernments in Asia. The severity of this challenge will continue to increase in the future giventhe trends of rapid urbanisation and growth in urban populations. This has led to strongappeals to develop more sustainable and innovative methods for dealing with municipal solidwaste, in contrast to the traditional end-of-pipe approach. A decrease in the amount of solidwaste to be disposed of by enhancing resource recovering activities is, therefore, of primeimportance. Recycling of non-organic materials from municipal solid waste is often carried outon different scales by the informal sector in the region. Reuse of organic material however, oftencontributing to more than 50% of the total waste amount, is still fairly limited, but has potentialrecovery options. This paper therefore, aims to share the lessons of Surabaya city in Indonesiain reducing its waste generation by more than 20% within a short period of time by promotingcommunity-based composting activities with other cities in Asia and enabling furtherreplication. The findings in this paper are based on information available from Kitakyushu city,Kitakyushu International Techno-cooperative Association (KITA), Pusdakota, and the Institutefor Global Environmental Strategies (IGES).1

    2. SWM in Surabaya CitySurabaya, the second largest city in Indonesia located in eastern Java, serves as an important

    commercial and industrial capital of the province. The city of three million people (2009)generated over 1,500 metric tons of waste a day in the following sectors: residential (68%),markets (16%), commercial/ industrial (11%), streets and open spaces (5%).2 Since introductionof the community primary collection (Copricol) law in 1980, the citys waste collection anddisposal activities are managed by a two-tiered system. Waste collected from households andtransported to transfer depots falls under the responsibility of households. The city governmentis in principle only responsible for waste at transfer depots, which is then transported to finaldisposal areas.

    Surabaya, like other cities in Indonesia, is divided into neighbourhood units called kampongs.Each kampong is responsible for collecting wastegenerated within its area. In all kampongs, a RukunWarga (RW), a neighbourhood association,organises the waste collection scheme in the areacollecting fees from households, hiring wastecollectors, providing pushcarts, and paying salariesto waste collectors for their services in collectingand transporting waste from household units totransfer stations. The Cleansing and LandscapingDepartment of the municipality is in-charge oftransporting the waste accumulated at transferdepots to the final disposal site. In addition, theyare responsible for collecting waste fromcommercial and institutional establishments.

    However, large waste generators such as industriesarrange collection separately, often contracting outto the private sector.

    The residents pay two separate user fees forwaste collection services. One is to the RW forcollecting waste from households, and the other isto the city office for transportation and disposal. The monthly fee for the collection of wastefrom household is decided collectively by the community members, which is about US$ 1.1-3.2per month and is usually paid together with other community fees, such as security andenvironmental improvement. Waste producers pay monthly fees of about US$ 0.55-1.5 for

    Figure 1: Benowo landfill site has reached full

    capacity. The city is facing difficulties in finding a

    new site for dumping.

    cPhoto: Maeda, IGES

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    transportation and disposal services of the city office, based on the income level of theresidential area. This fee is paid together with the monthly water supply bill. Residents who arenot connected to the municipal water supply system are required to pay their fee directly to thesub-district office of the city. Annual user fees collected by the city amount to only half of the6% city budget allocated for waste management.

    The citys waste collection coverage is 70%; the remaining 30% is left in the streets, ditches,

    and open spaces, which blocks the drainage system, contaminates water resources and resultsin increased insect and rodent populations. This situation is at its worst during the rainy season,particularly in low-lying areas where most of the urban poor reside. Furthermore, the city hascalculated that the final disposal site at Benowo has a remaining lifespan of five years, and isfacing difficulties in finding a new site due to a scarcity of public land. As a practical solutionfor the growing SWM issue, Surabaya city pursued different avenues to reduce the amount ofdisposed waste by promoting composting activities at the community level.

    3. Community-based Composting in Kampong Rungkut Lor

    Kampong Rungkut Lor is a low-incomeneighbourhood located adjacent to the largestindustrial area in the city. About 200 families live insmall rented rooms and the issue of solid waste has

    often ignited arguments. Since its establishment in2000, Pusdakota, a local non-governmentalorganisation (NGO) at the University of Surabaya, hasbeen involved in improving the environmentalconditions in the area. Through their initialobservations, field research and focus groupdiscussion, Pusdakota has found that the issue ofSWM in Rungkut Lor was not only a technical matter,but also a social issue.


    started to work with the residents in Rungkut Lorand educated them about separating organic andnon-organic household waste at source, beforeputting the waste out for collection. The organicwaste is then collected by Pusdakota twice a week.The collected waste is transported to the nearbycomposting centre, where it is processed using theopen windrow method.5 However, the programmefaced typical constraints, such as a lack ofcommunity participation and communitywillingness to separate waste at source, and the

    length of time (more than three months) required for this particular composting method todecompose the waste, which also produced a severe foul odour. The residents in thesurrounding areas raised complaints and demanded that the composting programme ceaseimmediately.In 2004, under the city-to-city cooperation agreement between Surabaya and its partnerKitakyushu, KITA provided technical assistance to Pusdakota to improve the situation bydeveloping a composting technology called the Takakura Method (named after compostingexpert, Mr. Koji Takakura from Kitakyushu city). It was introduced after six months of trial and

    Figure 3: Takakura Home Method for households

    c Photo: KITA

    Figure 2: Community composting center using

    the Takakura Method

    cPhoto: Maeda, IGES

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    error, based on the traditional windrow composting method adopted at Pusdakotascomposting centre. The Takakura Method introduces fermentative microorganisms as seedcompost, which were originally cultured from local fermented foods, such as soy sauce,yoghurt, fruits and vegetable pee ls, rice bran and rice husks.7Using the Takakura Method, Pusdakotas composting centre gradually started to produce good

    quality compost in large quantities within one or two weeks, rather than the three monthsrequired for the open windrow method. Pusdakota further worked with the team of expertsfrom Kitakyushu city to modify the technology so that it could be applied at the householdlevel. The new household composting method, later popularly known as the Takakura HomeMethod (THM), was designed in a simple way to treat organic waste at the household level.Each household is provided a THM kit, which includes a composting basket, rice chaff to beused as a filter, and fermentative microorganisms as seed composting. People were educatedabout the way to cut their kitchen waste into small pieces, and put them into the compostbasket. In two to three weeks, the organicwaste is converted into compost that iscommonly used for fertilising householdgardens. As a result of Pusdakota andSurabaya citys educational and publiccampaigns, as well as the actual visiblebenefits observed on the ground, the mind-setof community members changed, which ledto increased participation in the programme,discouraged outside dumping, and resultedin greener and cleaner neighbourhoods. Thecity-to-city cooperation further providedtraining to the officials of Surabaya city andPusdakota to learn more about the benefits ofwaste separation, recycling at source, and

    management of recycling stations.

    Linking Pilot Experiences to Municipal Waste Management Policies and PracticesBased on the success of the pilot project in Kampong Rungkut Lor, Surabaya city made a

    policy decision to implement community-based solid waste management at the city level. Inpartnership with Pusdakota, PendidikanKesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK), a local womenorganisation for family welfare, and other localNGOs, the city adopted the Takakura Methodthrough a grassroots approach. A system ofenvironmental cadres (one cadre for every ten

    households) was established to share information onthe new waste management system, assist newfamilies in starting household composting, andeducate them about the benefits of keeping theenvironment clean and green. Further, these cadreswere involved in following-up with monitoring ofhousehold composting and troubleshooting by

    Figure 5: Urban neighbourhoods have become

    cleaner and greener where communities can be

    proud of their achievements

    cPhoto: Maeda, IGES

    Figure 4: Distribution of compost baskets and

    established composting centers at the city levelSource: Pusdakota, Kitakyushu City, and Cleansing and

    Landscaping Department of Surabaya City. Compiled

    by Maeda, 2009






























    Number of distributed

    household compost baskets

    Number of

    composting centres


    composting centre

    2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

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    helping families with their composting activities. In 2009, there were about 26,700environmental cadres, covering all 8,800 communities.8

    The households who have a general knowledge of the functions of using the THM compostbins were selected to receive free bins from the city. To date, the city has already distributedabout 19,000 composting baskets9, which are purchased from Pusdakota (one basket costs about

    US$ 10) as support for their voluntary activities. In addition to household composting, 14community-based composting centres have been established throughout the city to processwaste collected from markets, streets and parks. These composting centres have producedabout 300 metric tons of compost per month, which are used for city parks and street greeningprogrammes.

    In 2005, Surabaya city held city-wide competitions (Cleanest District Award, Green and CleanCompetition, and Free from Waste Competition) in partnership with Unilever PeduliFoundation (UPF), an NGO affiliated with Unilever Indonesia and several media partners (JawaPos, JTV (local TV), Suara Surabaya (local radio), Radar Surabaya (local newspaper) to motivateand strengthen community participation in the citys new waste management system, andencourage them to improve the neighbourhood environment. The city later issued localregulation No.1/2006 on community-based solid waste management and incorporated this newstrategy in the preparation of the midterm development plans of 2006-2010.

    In summary, the results achieved by Surabaya city within a short period of time areencouraging; the city has seen a significant reduction of waste to be transported to the finaldisposal site, as much as 20% (1,150 tons a day in 2008, compared with 1,500 tons a day in 2005).About 1,797 neighbourhood groups in the city are actively involved in promoting homecomposting activities. This has provided additional income earning opportunities for low-income families as they are able to sell their own compost (average price for composting is US$0.07 per kg). The incomes of the community composting centres are mostly used forneighbourhood environmental improvement activities. The city has also increased the size of

    green spaces in housing areas from 269.29 acres in 2006 to 274.44 acres in 2007, and someneighbourhoods have become popular for their efforts in growing popular plants (OrchidKampong, Adenium Kampong, Aloe Vera Kampong, etc.). About 15 small-and-medium scalerecycling businesses have been promoted by the UPF, creating new job opportunities for low-income people, motivating them toseparate waste at source and gainsome extra income by sellingrecyclable waste.

    The social capital withincommunities has been strengthened

    by the active involvement ofcommunity members to achieve acommon vision and goal. In additionto the above benefits that haveemerged at the local level, this activityhas also resulted in a number of globalbenefits, such as the generation ofgreenhouse gases in landfills, which

    Figure 6: Approximately 20% waste reduction within three yearsSource: BAPPEKO. Compiled by Maeda, 2009

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    were calculated to have reduced about 8,000 tons of CO2 equivalent in 2009.10 Recognising itsachievements in improving the environment, Surabaya has received a number of internationalawards, including in the water and environmental category of Energy Global Award (EGA)Austria, 2005, Green Apple & Green Organization, London, 2007, and urban environmentalimprovement from the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the

    Pacific (UNESCAP) in 2007.

    4. Expansion to other citiesThe success of Surabayas community-based composting model has brought the city to

    national and international attention. Community-based composting is positioned as one of thekey strategies in the National Solid Waste Management Law prepared by the IndonesianGovernment in 2008. Moreover, the Surabaya model is being replicated by other cities inIndonesia. For example, Pusdakota has expanded its community-based composting activities toother cities in partnership with local NGOs. The UPF has also increased the number of recyclingenterprises in seven cities and provinces in Indonesia through its expansive network in thepublic and private sectors. The Ministry of Public Works cooperating with other agencies underassistance provided by the Japan International Cooperative Agency (JICA) is starting a similarproject in five other cities in order to develop a national programme for community-based solidwaste management. The international community is also replicating the model through intercitynetworks. Kitakyushu city, KITA, and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)are now aligned to expand the replication of this community-based composting module inBangkok (Thailand), Bago, Cebu, Talisay, and Puerto Princesa (Philippines), Sibu (Malaysia),and Lalitpur (Nepal).

    5. Conclusion and RecommendationsIn recent days, waste reduction at source has been considered an effective strategy for

    sustainable SWM. This places importance on successful composting activities at the householdand community level. In this, the Surabaya case has provided some important lessons for the

    region. It revealed that in contrast to larger scale, centralised and highly mechanisedcomposting plants, promoting household composting and small scale, community-based,decentralised community composting centres are more effective for cities in Asia and the Pacificregion to reduce waste generation with low financial costs. Simple, low-cost, easy-to-followmethods and technologies are generally well accepted at the grassroots level and have greatpotential to be automatically transferred, adapted, and replicated in other cities even withoutmuch outside resources. Community participation is essential for the successful implementationof community-based solid waste management programmes, and it may be enhanced byadopting community awareness programmes and organising competitions to encourageparticipation. Building partnerships with relevant stakeholders, such as NGOs, the privatesector and the media is also an effective strategy to mobilise outside resources to up-scale and

    replicate successful community composting programmes at the city level. Most of all, enablingthe role of the local government is important as facilitator for changes and formulating strategicplans, creating effective organisational systems, and introducing appropriate policies tointegrate community-based composting into the municipal waste management system. City-to-city cooperation and partnerships with existing community networks are effective in replicatinggood practices and policies among the cities in the region.

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    6. AcknowledgementThe authors wish to express their appreciation to Kitakyushu city, KITA and Pusdakota forsharing their information and to Ms. Christine Pearson for her extensive editing work.

    Notes and References

    For more information, please contact the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies(IGES) Kitakyushu Urban Center, 2F, 1-1-1, Hirano, Yahatahigashiku, Kitakyushu, 805-0062,Japan. Tel: +81-93-681-1563, Fax: +81-93-681-1564

    Silaban, T.A., Solid Waste Management in Surabaya, Paper presented at the Solid WasteManagement Seminar, Kitakyushu, 19-20 September 2002.

    Silas, J., Waste Management Policies in Surabaya: An Integrated Approach, Accessed on 27 April2010,

    For more information about Pusdakota and its activities, please refer to

    The windrow method is a traditional composting method used in many countries in whichorganic waste is placed in a pile of about one meter in height, sometimes after shreddingand mixing with soils or other materials, and is left to decay naturally for a few months. It issimple, require less capital, use less energy, and generally rely more on land, labour and lesson machinery.

    Mr. Koji Takakura is a professional environmental engineer at JPec Co. Ltd, a privateconsultancy firm in Kitakyushu, which was contracted by KITA to improve the compostingmethod used by Pusdakota.

    For more information about the Takakura Compost Method, please refer to WasteReduction Programme through the Promotion of Organic Waste Composting by KitaQSystem: Information Kit,

    Syah, H, Waste Management Practices in Surabaya City, Workshop Report, Workshop-Studytour on Community Based Waste Management with PESAMAS Cities, 4-5 November 2009.

    IGES, Kitakyushu Initiative for a Clean Environment Final Report, 2010. For more information, please refer to Maeda, T., Reducing waste through the promotion of

    composting and active involvement of various stakeholders: Replicating Surabayas solidwaste management model, Policy Brief 9, IGES, Japan, 2009.

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    CLOSETOTHEPEOPLETHROUGHPEOPLESMOVEMENTAs a result of the community requirement for a common net work in Galle & Matara areas,Peoples movement has established specially with the victims of Tsunami disaster. Now it hasspread alone with the community & they get the advantages of financial & other social benefits

    from this.

    In present the grass root level community got the leadership in their village level & do savingsprovide loans for their members & give much contribution for common work through the network. Now on time our peoples movement expands day by day & they all are working withthe main aim to do some special thing with the use of their man power which will help for theprocess of development for the betterment of all.

    In here we are trying to tell you that some great works which took place on the month ofJanuary 2011 among that peoples movement branches.

    NEWYEARCELEBRATIONSOFPEOPLESMOVEMENTThe Year 2011 many of our peoples movementbranches started their work with their members, withthe great expectation to expand & give assistance fortheir members more & more.

    All of the members of the branches came with savingson that day to start their branch work for the NewYear. According to the Sinhala tradition they statedtheir branch work after boiling the milk in their office

    premises. Thotagamuwa, Walawwaththa,Chinagarden & all other peoples movement branchescame forward & more than Rs.40, 000.00 were saved onthat day. Some small gifts have been disbursed for thesavers on that day, in branch level for to encourage thesavings concept also.

    All the branch leaders explained their members aboutthe important of such kind of net work & encouragetheir members to go forward with the peoplesmovement with new plans in this year. Further morethey all remind their members about the services that

    have provided by mobilizing savings in village levelespecially in the process of empower the women of thesociety through giving leadership in village level. Thechairmen & wise chairmen of the Peoples movementvisited the other branches & wish them all for thesuccess of their branches for this 2011. Now people aresaving the money within the branch because now their

    attitude has been changed. This is good turning point of people movement.

    Village leaders do traditions


    Village Peoples ready to save the

    money in Branch

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    Milliduwa Peoples movement has established onlast December 2010 & now its functioning well

    through the fully participation of the community.All members of the branch are Muslim Community& they are well performing with our other peoplesmovement branches in present.

    In the beginning of the year 2011 they have done agreat work with the help of many members of thebranch. A drop out girl of grade three & a gradeone who were the children of one member of theirbranch, didnt have an opportunity to go school

    due to their family financial situation. . Though the

    Education is free of cost in our country some basic needs wehave to fulfill our selves. Fathima Ieesha mother of these twochildren was so poor even to buy school books & otheressential things even.

    The all members of the Milidduwa branch discussed theproblem together & after analyzing the situation, thesecretary of HIRU small group Fawriya came forward &presented school bags for the children. The secretary ofROSA small group Radika presented the two schooluniforms for them. The school books were donated by theother members of the branch as per their need. In this way allthe members of the branch gave a contribution as per theircapacity to send these children back to school.

    This is one of the best example that to understandthe mutual relationship alone with all members ofthis branch. More than financial assistance thesekinds of great helps will occur to be sustains thesenet works for ever. Now Fathima Nafra & FathimaNawasiya is going to school with other childrenwith happy face.This is one of good social impact of Peoples

    Movement branch. They always ready to helpothers any time. With this assistant two school kidscould able to go school on the other hand this issecure their child rights.

  • 8/7/2019 News Letter January



    GIVEWATERGIVELIFEThotagamuwa is a village situated in Hikkaduwa DSdivision & it was fully affected by the Tsunami disaster inyear 2004. Now the community of the area trying to buildstep by step alone with the Peoples Movement strongly bygetting help, for their financial & other needs though thisnet work. There are 16 groups in our Thotagamuwapeoples movement & Mrs. Nayana Ranjini who is thetreasure as well as one of the director board members ofpeoples movement give leadership for the branch to leadthe members for common aim of development through network.

    After the Tsunami Kitusewana flats has build inThotagamuwa, for the homeless community of the village.

    But they didnt get water supply for it. Some of thecommunity in this flat was the member of ourThotagamuwa peoples movement & this water problemforward to the branch through the small groups. Then afterthe request came to peoples movement director board &they forward it to CLAPNET for to get financial assistancefor it.Loan was approved & it was disbursed on last week. Theydisbursed loans for six members of the branch. This is avery effective for them. Rs.116, 610.00 were given in 18%

    reducing rate for the one year period in the range of loansare Rs.15, 000 to Rs.30, 000 for each person. This loan wasdisbursed through the group promise as collateral thosewho had well discipline in their group & branch works.

    As they are spending the life though day today business they didnt have capacity to pay largesum of money at once to get the water supply. So now members are very happy as they couldable to satisfy one of their basic needs through the assistance of their Thotagamuwa peoplesmovement. Finally they expressed their ideas that they never forget this help & will give theircontribution as per their capacity to expand the service of the movement for all.

    This is another case study how people help to their own people because they didnt get thewater but when they join with the peoples movement they could able to get the water. Water isone of main needs of the human. They were suffering from the waster but now they are notsuffering from water. Their living standard has been increased.

  • 8/7/2019 News Letter January




    HELP-O has developed the Peoples movement with thecommunity of the urban & rural areas of Southern part

    of the Country to give them financial & other assistanceespecially marginalize poor community. Now many ofthe members have taken the financial assistance & havedevelop their business, but sometimes they are sufferingwith marketing problems for the products. Afterrecognized & analyze the situation HELP-O startedconsumer marketing program to exchange the goodsamong our community with the idea of to give them avalue & market for it.

    As the first step of the program last 27th January 2011 westarted a marketing stall in Kalupe Peoples Movementbranch. The goods such as dried fish, Bakery products,Spices, Coir products & some other consumer productsof our members in the nearest branches, are selling inthis stall for low price than outside shops. This isinnovative step that taken because many people donthave a proper market for their goods. This is one ofreason for loan default because many people get loansbut cant find a proper market for it. So HELP-O

    involved to this for solving this problem. Now members money doesnt go out and it revolvewithin the village and within their products. As Thotagamuwa, Malawanna, Hikkaduwa &Kalupe branches are situated very close each other its much cost effective in providing thegoods for the stall also. Through this program especially we were successes to come out withthese aims such as

    Got a market in local level for the products Micro enterprises encouraged for production process Customers able to have fresh & good products Village money remains & rotate among villages

    Now on time the peoples movement is disbursingconsumer loans in their branch level & here after we areplanning to disbursed goods instead of money through

    this program. Further more peoples movement hasdesign to start other stalls for ready made garment,handlooms in their village level & we hope to improve& encourage our members to do their self employmentsmore. In future they will have a good market in locallevel & this way they are planning to become sustainablevery soon with profit oriented ways.

  • 8/7/2019 News Letter January



    MICROFINANCECLIENTS&SERVICEProvide small loans & other financial assistance specially those who has excluded from formalfinancial systems is one definition about the Micro Finance. Now on time this is more famous& has spread all over the world by targeting marginalize community of the society. To take

    advantages of economic opportunities, invest in future & protects again economic shocks thesepoor community also need such type of financial service. They can draw down their savings orget loan facility in case of emergency rather than sell their assets for those who are the memberof these MFIs.

    With the main aim of providing financial assistance these all MFIs has designed & now on timeits in competition to reach the poor with the viability of these organizations. They havediversified the products for savings, Loans, Insurance & also for foreign remittance even to facethe competition. As the MFIs targeting the marginalize community more than financialassistance, they should provide to bring these community to society also.

    But situation is different in peoples movement because through our branches in village levelprovide these all services to the community. In village level as it designed for the grass rootlevel people to come out with their needs. Through the Small group system we are trying toclose with the community by giving assistance for their financial & other social needs. As theyare in 5-10 members in the group its much easy to empower them step by step to come outfrom their traditional thinking styles even. The branch with content with more than 5 groups isthe platform of the village level to come out for this community. By giving the leadership forthem we empower & aware them to sustain in village level through mobilizing savings as wellas through credit facility. Now not only financial support they get the leadership of the villageearly they were in kitchen but now they became village leaders. Even they organize the villageand they are working to empower other members.

    Now on time the peoples movement has designed with all these branches in one net work to beclose each other as a formal institution. The director board also selected from these branchleaders & indeed this is the big opportunity for all grass root level community to raise theirvoice for their financial & other social needs. The majority came from the grass root levelcommunity.

    Please send your comments and suggestions Editor,HELP-O News Letter,

    No. 364/18 A, Samagi Mawatha,Dangedara,Galle.Sri Lanka.T.P / Fax - +94-91-4380121 / 222-6818E-mail [email protected] URL