Page 1: News Headlines India - The Pioneer - ˆ $&’& (’˚) · 2019-12-03 · engineer and app developer, Subramanian, tweeted, “NASA has credited me for finding Vikram Lander on Moon’s

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For both USA space agencyNASA and India’s ISRO

finding Chandrayaan-2’s elu-sive Vikram lander, which hadcrash-landed on the lunar sur-face on September 7 minutesbefore it was expected to softland on Moon, was an impos-sible task until Indian amateurspace scientist ShanmugaSubramanian located it by sift the images fromthe ISRO’s Moon orbitingspacecraft.

Thirty-three-year-oldSubramanian’s effort in locat-ing the site of the debris wasacknowledged by NASA.

Madurai-born mechanicalengineer and app developer,Subramanian, tweeted, “NASA has credited me forfinding Vikram Lander onMoon’s surface.”

Subramanian, who worksas an IT engineer in a Chennaicompany, said he spent hoursgoing through the images takenby NASA’s Moon orbitingLunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

(LRO), monitoring them ontwo computers in his “lab”.

Subramanian, who has alsokeen interest in weather mon-itoring, said he spent four to sixhours a day over the last cou-ple of month closely analysingthe images.

“While I was initially notsure where to look, later Ifound the intended landingsite of Vikram Lander andstarted looking in the adjacent squares for differ-ences,” he said.

The data and informationhe had collected from multiplesources that the crash landingmust have happened to thenorth of the intended landingsite came handy for his probe.This led him to further narrowdown the area of search andultimately pinpoint the spot where the debris fromVikram fell down.

The images were of rough-

ly 1.5 GB size and had a reso-lution of 1.25 square metre perpixel. There were vertical andhorizontal lines with eachsquare marking an area of onesquare kilometre.

Subramanian zeroed in onthe exact spot where the landerended up after getting out ofcontrol and identified thedebris of Vikram from the dif-ferences in the two picturesprovided by the NASA, onebefore the crash-land and theother after it got disintegratedand fell on the lunar surface.

The images of NASA weretaken by its LunarReconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)that flew over the area whereVikram was expected to makeits landing. “LRO flew over thearea on September 17 andNASA released the imagesthrough a blog on September29,” said Subramanian.

The NASA in apprecia-

tion of the service rendered bySubramanian tweeted onTuesday morning about hiscontribution. “The LunarReconnaissance OrbiterCamera team released the firstmosaic (acquired Sept. 17) ofthe site on Sept. 26 and many people have downloadedthe mosaic to search for signsof Vikram.

“Subramanian contactedthe LRO project with a positiveidentification of debris. Afterreceiving this tip, the LROCteam confirmed the identifica-tion by comparing before andafter images. When the imagesfor the first mosaic wereacquired the impact point waspoorly illuminated and thus noteasily identifiable. Two subse-quent image sequences wereacquired on October 14 and 15,and November 11. The LROCteam scoured the surroundingarea in these new mosaics and

found the impact site(70.8810°S, 22.7840°E, 834 melevation) and associated debrisfield. The November mosaichad the best pixel scale (0.7meter) and lighting conditions(72° incidence angle),” theNASA said.


Expressing concern over theshrinking budget of the

Navy over the years and itsimpact on modernisation andacquisitions, Navy chiefAdmiral Karambir Singh saidhere on Tuesday the force hasapproached the Governmentand “hope to get some money”so that maritime interest of thenation was not compromised.

Making this assertion dur-

ing the annual Press conferenceon the eve of the Navy Day, hesaid the Navy’s budget hascome down from 18 per cent ofthe overall defence allocation in2012-13 to below 13 per cent inthe current fiscal. The capitalallocation for the Navy is now�23,156.43 crore while the IAFgot the highest amount totaling�39,302.64 crore followed bythe Army �29,461.25 crore.

On how the Navy plans toget over the resource crunchgiven the state of economy,

Singh said, “Our planning isdone keeping our requirementsand funds in mind. We will pri-otise our requirements.”

In August also, Singh hadlamented over the reducedallocation and said long-termbudgetary support was a mustto build naval capacities andcapabilities.

Despite resource crunch,the first indigenously designedand manufactured aircraft car-rier INS Vikrant (IAC-I), nowunder construction at Cochinshipyard, will be operational by2022, Singh said.

He also said as the Navychief he was convinced thatIndia needed at least three air-

craft carriers with two of themalways operational. At present,India has only one such carri-er, INS Vikramaditya. Whilehopeful that INS Vikrant willbe operational by 2022, healso advocated for a secondindigenously designed andmanufactured aircraft carrier.

Singh said they are prepar-ing the case and finalising therequirements after which theywould go to the Governmentfor Acceptance of Necessity(AoN) after which design con-sultancy would be taken up todecide the exact contours. As ofnow the Navy envisaged theproposed carrier to be 65,000tonnes with Catapult Assisted

Take Off But ArrestedRecovery (CATOBAR) and fullelectric propulsion.

He also said the DefenceResearch DevelopmentOrganisation (DRDO) hasoffered to develop a new twinengine deck based fighter forthe Navy based on the experi-ence of the Naval Light CombatAircraft (LCA) and it should beready by 2026, he said.

“The QualitativeRequirements (QR) are beingmade. They said they should beable to push it out by 2026. Ifit meets our time and QRrequirements we will definite-ly take it,” he said.

Continued on Page 4

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Under financial distress, a45-year-old man, his wife

and another woman allegedlyjumped to their death from the eighth floor of their build-ing in Indirapuram after the couple killed their teenage sonand daughter, police said on Tuesday.

The man identified as busi-nessman Gulshan Vasudeva,his wife Praveen and theirmanager (work partner)Sanjana jumped to their deathin the early hours of Tuesday.

“The couple killed theirson Hritik (14) and daughterHritika (17) by injecting themwith poisonous substance onMonday night. They also killedtheir pet rabbit,” said ManeeshMishra, Ghaziabad CitySuperintendent of Police (SP).

Police said Hritika waspursuing a fashion designingcourse while Hritik was study-ing in Class IX. “The incidenttook place after an altercationbetween the man, his wife andmanager (working partner)over a monetary dispute involving more than �2 crore,”said the SP.

“During initial investiga-tion, it was revealed that

Sanjana lived with the coupleand a possibility of a quarrelover an extramarital affair can-not be ruled out. Though ini-tial probe suggest that Sanjanawas second wife of Gulshan buttheir family members deniedit,” said a senior police official.

“Police has recovered asuicide note. They also founda few lines written on the wallsby the children. The family hasheld Rakesh Verma, brother-in-law, responsible for theextreme step.

The family had also past-ed �500 notes on the wall andwrote that they all should becremated together. The roomhas been sealed for forensicexamination. The man, hiswife and the other womanwere admitted to hospital

where they were declaredbrought dead,” said the SP.

Police said Gulshan facedfinancial problems as Rakesh,a resident of Shalimar Gardenin Sahibabad, had taken �2crore from him to invest in realestate but failed to hand overthe property.

Police said wheneverGulshan asked him for themoney, he would give chequesto him which would bounce.

Gulshan had also lodgedan FIR in 2015 against Rakeshat Sahibabad Police Stationafter which he along with hismother were jailed, said the SP.

“The prime suspect,Rakesh, is absconding. Policeteams have been formed totrace the suspect,” said thepolice officer.

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Days after Congress leaderPriyanka Gandhi suffered

a security breach at her Delhiresidence, Home Minister AmitShah on Tuesday said a high-level enquiry has been orderedinto the matter and three secu-rity men have already beensuspended.

Speaking about the inci-dent during a debate on theSpecial Protection Group(SPG) Amendment Bill in theRajya Sabha, Shah said thesecurity breach at PriyankaGandhi’s residence was an“unlikely coincidence” as thepersonnel there were informedthat her brother, Rahul Gandhi,would be visiting in a black“Tata Safari” SUV.

Instead, a few Congressworkers from Meerut in UttarPradesh came in a similar vehi-cle and were allowed into thehouse, he said.

Shah sought to clarify onwhat the Congress called amassive security breach, whenon November 25 a car with afamily drove into PriyankaGandhi’s home in Delhi with-out being stopped.

The Congress walked outof the Rajya Sabha saying it isdissatisfied with the HomeMinister’s reply on theamendment to the SPG Act.The Bill was passed by the LokSabha on November 27.

According to the HomeMinister, Rahul was scheduledto visit his sister Priyanka at thetime, and when a black TataSafari drove in no one stoppedit. “The car had Congressworker Sharda Tyagi and threeothers in it, instead of RahulGandhi,” Shah said.

“So the car got in withoutsecurity checks. This kind ofcoincidence never happens butstill we ordered an enquiry andsuspended three officers whowere on duty. We did not wanteven a 0.001 per cent chance,”said the Home Minister.

Shah said changes in theSPG Act were not meant to tar-get one family. “We are not

opposing the parivaar (family),but parivaar-vaad (nepotism).India’s democracy cannot runlike this. Why talk of only thesecurity of the Gandhi family?The security of 130 croreIndians, including the Gandhifamily, is the Government’sresponsibility,” he said.

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In line with a similar indica-tion given by Chief Minister

Uddhav Thackeray two daysago, senior NCP MinisterJayant Patil said here onTuesday that the Maha VikasAghadi (MVA) Governmentwas examining the need to puton hold some mega projects,including the Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet train pro-ject, in view of the staggering�6.71 lakh crore debt burdenon the State exchequer.

Talking to mediapersonsahead of a meeting called by theChief Minister to review theviability of go-ahead with megainfrastructure projects, Patil,who is tipped to be the FinanceMinister in the MVAGovernment, said, “I have hada cursory look at the State’sfinances. I see the StateGovernment has debt of �4.71crore. In addition, the StateGovernment has an obligationto clear loans amounting to �2lakh taken by it to execute var-ious infrastructure projects”.

“We will have to see as towhat will be the viability of var-ious projects taken up by theState Government and whatkind of responsibility that theState Government will take to

repay loans taken for the newprojects. Later, today, we will bereviewing the whole thing. Wewould like to ascertain thestages of implementation ofvarious projects, whetherinvestments have been madeproperly and if loans could beobtained at lower rate of inter-ests,” Patil said.

“Some big projects areneeded in the larger interests ofMaharashtra. On the otherhand, we are considering if wecan put on hold some projectslike Bullet train,” Patil said.

Charging that the previousBJP-led Devendra FadnavisGovernment did not imple-ment farm loan waiver schemeproperly, Patil said, “The farm-ers across the State are feelingthat they were taken for a rideby the previous Government.We in the new Governmenthave gauged the sentiments ofthe farmers in this regard. Weare looking at ways to extensiverelief to farmers affected byunseasonal rain and conse-quent floods in the State. Theprevious Government hadgiven assurances to the farm-ers without considering factsand figures. That’s why wewould like to review everythingand take proper measures.”

Continued on Page 4

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The Uttar PradeshGovernment on Tuesday

approved the construction ofan extension line of the Noida-Greater Noida Metro at a costof �2,682 crore. The 14.95 kmextension link will run betweenNoida Sector 71 and GreaterNoida Knowledge Park-V, con-necting the twin cities, officialsof the Noida Metro RailCorporation (NMRC) said.

The decision in this regardwas taken at a Cabinet meetingchaired by Chief Minister YogiAdityanath. The project isexpected to be completed in thenext three years. The new railwill connect the densely pop-ulated areas of Gaur City andNoida Extension to the AquaLine and the adjoining BlueLine metro network, whichconnects Noida with Delhi.

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Senior advocate RajeevDhavan, who represented

Muslim parties in the RamJanmabhoomi-Babri Masjidtitle dispute case, on Tuesdaysaid he has been sacked fromfurther appearance and is nolonger involved in the plea fora review of the November 9Supreme Court verdict.

Dhavan took to Facebookto disclose that he has beenremoved from participation inthe Ayodhya case on the “non-sensical” ground that he isunwell. “Just been sacked fromthe Babri case by AOR(Advocate on Record) EjazMaqbool who was representingthe Jamiat. Have sent formalletter accepting the “sacking”without demur. No longerinvolved in the review or thecase,” he wrote.

“I have been informed thatMr Madani has indicated thatI was removed from the casebecause I was unwell. This istotal nonsense. He has a rightto instruct his lawyer AOR EjazMaqbool to sack me which hedid on instructions. But thereason being floated is mali-cious and untrue,” Dhavan saidon the social networking site.Arshad Madani is president ofthe Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind.

Continued on Page 4

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Cautious over China’s grow-ing military prowess and

its Navy making forays into theIndian Ocean, India has notinvited its eastern neighbourfor a mega international navalexercise “Milan” next year.Navy chief Admiral KarambirSingh said here on Tuesdaythat only like-minded nationsare invited for the event.

He also said the IndianNavy recently asked a Chineseresearch vessel to leave after itwas found in the Indian watersnear Port Blair, Andaman andNicobar Islands. “Our stand isthat if you have to work in ourExclusive Economic Zone(EEZ) then you have to takeour permission,” Singh said.

The Chinese ship sailed awayfrom the Indian EEZ after theNavy’s warning.

Asked if the Chinese shipShi Yan I was on a spying mis-sion in the Indian Oceanregion, Singh said the Chineseships carry out deep sea min-ing in certain areas and are alsoengaged in research and satel-lite launch operations. “At leastseven to eight ships are alwayspresent in the Indian Oceanregion for anti-piracy opera-tions,” he said, while address-ing the annual Press confer-ence on the eve of the NavyDay on Wednesday.

Like India, China also ispart of the international effort to check sea piracy in theGulf of Aden.

Continued on Page 4

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Page 2: News Headlines India - The Pioneer - ˆ $&’& (’˚) · 2019-12-03 · engineer and app developer, Subramanian, tweeted, “NASA has credited me for finding Vikram Lander on Moon’s

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Ademand to exhume andbring back remains of

Maharajah Duleep Singh, thelast ruler of the Sikh empire,from his grave in the Englishcountryside, was made in RajyaSabha on Tuesday.

Raising the matter througha Zero Hour mention, PratapSingh Bajwa of the Congresssaid the issue is close to entirePunjab and "history should becorrected."

Duleep Singh was born inLahore in 1838 to powerfulruler Ranjit Singh. At the age offive the boy prince sat on thethrone of the Sikh kingdom, hesaid, adding Punjab wasannexed to British India after thesecond Anglo-Sikh war in 1849.Duleep Singh was removedfrom the throne and separatedfrom his mother Maharani JindKaur, who was imprisoned.

Bajwa said he was taken toEngland and converted toChristianity at the age of 16 and

lived in England under thepatronage of Queen Victoria.After 13 years of separationfrom his mother, he was reunit-ed with her and upon learningof the history and Sikh identi-ty, he decided to reconvertand gave away British pension.

In 1886, Duleep Singh setsail for India along with hisfamily but fearing mutiny, theBritish detained him andplaced him under hour arrest,he said, adding his grave is inthe English countrysideElveden. Bajwa demanded thatthe Maharajah's body beexhumed and brought to

Amritsar where his last ritesshould be performed as perSikh traditions.

Dona Sen of the TMCsought installing a portrait ofNandalal Bose, one of the pio-neers of modern Indian art anda key figure of ContextualModernism, in the CentralHall of Parliament

Chairman M VenkaiahNaidu said a parliamentarycommittee on installationsseems to have decided that nomore portraits will be installedbut he allowed Sen to raise theissue because it is the birthanniversary of Bose.

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Home Minister Amit Shahon Tuesday rejected the

Opposition’s charge of politicalvendetta in the amendments inSPG Bill. The Rajya Sabhapassed the Bill to amend theAct governing the elite-SPGwith Congress walking out ofthe House saying it was dis-satisfied with the HomeMinister's reply.

"The Gandhi family has thesame security as the DefenceMinister, Home Minister, VicePresident and President. Theyhave been given personnel whohave been in the SPG, Shahsaid, adding, "SPG is now onlyfor the Prime Minister of thecountry.

"If the time comes, even(Prime Minister Narendra)Modi-ji won't be entitled toSPG after five years. He isentitled only to five years ofSPG after his term ends," saidAmit Shah, defending the moveto replace the Gandhis' eliteSPG cover with Z-plus secu-rity. Shah also pointed therewas no discussion when secu-rity cover reviews with respectto former Prime Ministers

including PV Narasimha Rao,IK Gujral, Chandra Shekhar,HD Deve Gowda and recentlyManmohan Singh were under-taken.

Replying to the Left'scharge of BJP acting with polit-ical vendetta, he said 120 work-ers of BJP and RSS have beenkilled in Kerala.

The passage of the amend-ments to the SPG Act will pavethe way for only the PrimeMinister and his "immediate

family residing with him at hisofficial residence", as well asany former Prime Ministerand members of his immediatefamily "residing with him at theresidence allotted to him for aperiod of five years, from thedate he ceases to hold theoffice of Prime Minister" to begiven SPG cover.

Participating in the debate,Congress MP Vivek Tankhasaid everyone wants theGandhi family to be protected

and there should not be "aparty politics" on it. However,BJP MP Neeraj Shekhar, whohimself was a SPG protectee for11 years, being the son for for-mer Prime Minister ChandraShekhar, said there was noneed for such a cover for thefamily of ex-prime ministers.

While A NavaneethaKrishnan of AIDMK support-ed the bill, saying a reasonabledecision has been taken by theCentre, SP's Ram Gopal Yadavsaid the definition of securitythreats changes with the changeof government.

"People should not feelthat this has been done for vin-dictive politics," said Yadav,adding that the home ministershould "use his conscience"before deciding on threat per-ceptions.

Introducing the SpecialProtection Group(Amendment) Bill, 2019,Union Minister of State forHome G Kishan Reddy said itwas raised to protect the primeminister and his immediatefamily members only and waslater extended to relatives of theformer Prime Ministersthrough amendments.

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Congress leader PriyankaGandhi Vadra’s husband

Robert Vadra on Tuesdaydescribed as a "very big" secu-rity lapse the incident ofunidentified people drivingup to the porch of their homelast week, and alleged that theremoval of the Gandhi fami-ly's SPG cover was a "political"move. Congress general sec-retary's office has taken up theissue of the November 26security breach with theCentral Reserve Police Force.

"Our security is notimportant as much as thesecurity of the women in thecountry. The Governmentshould think about it at thenational and State level. Oursecurity and of our children ison second level, we have tothink about the security ofwomen first," Robert Vadratold reporters.

Asked about the securitybreach at their residence, he

said it was a "very big lapse",but he would like to emphasisemore on the safety of womenin the country. "TheGovernment would know whythey took the call to removethe SPG cover. Whatever theydo we will face it. People of thecountry are with us and theywill give us security," he said.

Several senior Congressleaders also expressed concernover the alleged securitybreach with AICC generalsecretary, organisation, K C

Venugopal saying theGovernment should not putsomeone's life in danger for"settling cheap political scores"."The massive security breachat the residence of PriyankaGandhi Vadra proves that withthe withdrawal of SPG pro-tection, Modi and Shahtogether have put the lives ofour leaders at risk," he said ina tweet.

On whether there was anyresponse from the HomeMinistry over the security

breach at their home, RobertVadra answered in the negativeand said "whatever they wantto do, they do". The threat per-ception everyone knows isvery sensitive but nobody islooking at it, he alleged.

Earlier, in a Facebook post,Robert Vadra claimed thatsecurity throughout the coun-try is compromised. "It is notabout the security forPriyanka, my daughter andson or me or the Gandhi fam-ily. It's about keeping our cit-izens especially the women ofour country, safe and secure,"he said.

"Security throughout thecountry is compromised. Girlsare being molested/raped,What society are we creating?" he asked, adding that thesecurity of every citizen is theGovernment's responsibility."If we are not safe in our owncountry, our homes, not safeon roads, not safe in the day orat night, where and when arewe safe," he asked.

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Lok Sabha on Tuesday wit-nessed sparring between

BJP and Congress overCongress Leader Adhir RanjanChowdhury terming FinanceMinister Nirmala Sitaramanas "Nirbala" a day ago.

Many BJP MPs includingMinister's demanded apologyfrom Chowdhury. ButPoonam Mahajan created stirby terming Congress MPs as"Nirbals" who were only con-cerned about serving SoniaGandhi's family affairs ratherthan serving the Country'saffairs.

Rejecting BJP's demandfor apology, Chowdhury wenton citing weak economic situ-ation and mismanagement incontrolling prices of essentialcommodities.

Participating in the dis-cussion on Taxation Laws(Amendment) Bill,Chowdhury had on Mondaysaid that the Finance Ministerhas become weak and calledher 'Nirbala Sitharaman'. AsBJP members protested againsthis comment, Speaker OmBirla had ruled that any unpar-liamentary remark would beremoved from records.

When Zero Hour startedon Tuesday, includingParliamentary Affairs MinisterArjun Meghwal demandedapology from Chowdhury forhis "continuous use of deroga-tory" words including terming

Prime Minister Narendra Modiand Home Minister Amit Shahas "ghuspetiyas" (infiltrators)from Gujarat to Delhi.

After the chaos, whenChowdhury rose to speak ononion prices, Mahajan referredto a rule to slam the Congressleader for his remarks. "Dada,You are nirbal (weak) as youstand for one family. You areweak as you call the PrimeMinister an infiltrator," shesaid amid noisy protests by BJPmembers including womenMPs of the party.

Amidst slogan shouting,Chowdhury said thisGovernment is anti-poor andanti-farmer as it is hardly doinganything when the prices ofonion have crossed �100 perkg. The Government is unableto check prices of essentialcommodities, he said, and leadthe walk out of Congress MP.

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The Indian Council ofMedical Research (ICMR)

and Delhi-based All India insti-tute of Medical Sciences(AIIMS) are jointly working ona technique for postmortemwithout dissecting the body.This is likely to be functionalwithin the next six months, theGovernment told the RajyaSabha on Tuesday.

India is the first country tostart "virtual autopsy" in thesouth east Asian region, saidUnion Health Minister DrHarsh Vardhan.

It is an established practicein many western countries, forexample Switzerland.

"The All India Institute ofMedical Science (AIIMS), NewDelhi and Indian Council ofMedical Research (ICMR) are

working together on a tech-nique for postmortem withoutincising/dissecting the body.This technique is likely tobecome functional in the nextsix months," said the Minister.

The ICMR and AIIMShave studied global practicesand taken up this project for"dignified management of deadbody", Vardhan said, addingfamily members of the deceasedfeel uncomfortable with thetraditional way of postmortem,

He said all records will bedigitally stored for review.

Vardhan said the virtualautopsy will be cost and timeeffective as it would take only30 minutes to complete oneautopsy as against two-and-halfhour in normal postmortem.

The new technique willfacilitate and ensure that thereis no delay, he added.

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The Income Tax (IT)Department has issued a

notice to the Congress seekingan explanation over the partyallegedly receiving funds tothe tune of �170 crore from aHyderabad-based firm as partof its tax evasion probe in a �3,300-crore hawala racket case,officials said on Tuesday.

Officials said the noticewas issued to the party to takethe probe forward in the casethat came to light last monthafter multiple raids, with linksto "leading corporate houses" inthe infrastructure sector, wereconducted in Delhi, Mumbaiand Hyderabad.

According to the officials,the funds to the Congress weresent by Hyderabad-basedMegha Infrastructure andEngineering. Some func-tionaries of the Congress andan Andhra Pradesh-basedpolitical party are also underthe scanner of the taxman inthis case, they said.

The Central Board ofDirect Taxes, which makespolicy for the Income TaxDepartment, had said in astatement in November thatraids to unearth the large taxevasion nexus were conductedin the first week of the month.

The raids were conductedon 42 premises in Delhi,Mumbai, Hyderabad, Erode,Pune, Agra and Goa on agroup of people issuing bogusbills and conducting hawalatransactions, the statement hadsaid. Raids resulted in bustingof a "major racket of cash gen-eration" by leading corporatehouses in the infrastructuresector through bogus contractsand bills, it added.

According to CBDT, fundsmeant for public infrastructureprojects were siphoned offthrough entry operators, lob-byists and hawala dealers in thiscase. The companies involved insiphoning of funds were said tobe mostly located in theNational Capital Region andMumbai.

"The projects involved inbogus billing are major infra-structure and EWS (economi-cally weaker section) projectslocated in south India."Evidence of cash payment ofmore than �150 crore to aprominent person in AndhraPradesh has also beenunearthed during the search,"the CBDT had said."Unexplained cash of �4.19crore and jewellery worth inexcess of �3.2 crore was alsoseized during the search oper-ation," it had said.

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Almost four years after Indiagot its first indigenously

made Rotavac vaccine to com-bat severe diarrhoea causingrotavirus, Vice President MVenkaiah Naidu on Tuesdaylaunched vaccine's newer vari-ant, Rotavac 5D, a smallerdosage and low cost cold chainfootprint form of its earlier oralimmunisation shot.

Globally, Rotavirus diseaseburden is estimated at 200,000deaths and about 2 million hos-pitalizations annually, mostly inlow-income countries. Whilechild deaths from rotavirushave more than halved since2000, almost half of the deathseach year occur in just fourcountries: India, Pakistan,

Nigeria and the DemocraticRepublic of Congo, accordingto the WHO.

Sharing the details of thenew variant at a press confer-ence here, Bharat BiotechChairman Dr Krishna Ellasaid that available in a 0.5 mldosage, Rotavac 5D can bestored at 2-8 degree Celsius forup to 24 months, and can beadministered in five drops.

Rotavac 5D is also stable at37 degree Celsius for sevendays. In contrast, the earlierversion, Rotavac is available in2.5 ml vial per dose and has tobe stored at -20 degree Celsius,he said.

"During clinical trials, werealized that nearly 20 per centof the children were not able toswallow an entire of 2-2.5 ml,

and they spit it out. The nurs-es were in a quandary so as to

whether the dose should be re-administered or not. We

advised the nurses againstdelivering double doses.Eventually we packed the dosein a smaller quantity," said DrElla on the need to have a newversion.

A baby requires three dosesof the vaccine at sixth, tenthand fourteenth week after birth.In the private set-ups bothRotavac and Rotavac 5D areexpected to cost between Rs900-Rs 1100 per dose, tentimes higher than what is beingmade available to theGovernments.

Dr Ella said that Rotavac5D is now available for sale,having received commerciallicense in India where it plansto tap private hospitals forsupply of the vaccines, as wellas export to countries in Africa

and Asia. However, Rotavac 5D, will

not be part of the Indianimmunization scheme. "TheGovernment has said it hasenough storage at -20 degreeCelsius and does not need vac-cines at a relatively higher tem-perature as of now", Dr Ellasaid. The company has sup-plied over 100 million doses ofRotavac globally since itslaunch. The original Rotavacwas made part of the Indianimmunization program in 2016after it received regulatoryapproval in 2014.

The company had investedUSD 20 million for the devel-opment of Rotavac, over andabove the USD165 million itinvested for the original ver-sion.

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Lok Sabha membersdemanded on Tuesday that

the Bill seeking to regulateship-breaking in India be dis-cussed in detail to ensure it hasadequate measures to reducethe impact on the environment,saying that India should not adumping area of foreign ship-ping companies. Participatingin the debate on Recycling ofShips Bill, 2019, many MPsdemanded that theGovernment ensure adequatemeasures are taken to mitigatethe impact of ship-breaking onthe environment.

"Do not make India adumping ground," NCP mem-ber Supriya Sule said, express-ing apprehensions that 'Makein India' could become 'Dumpin India.' BSP's Danish Alistressed that safety of workersshould not be compromised inthe name of generatingemployment. He also said'Make in India' should notbecome 'Dump in India' or

'Break in India'.RSP's NK Premachandran

said that the Governmentshould study environmentalimplication of old ships fromother countries landing in Indiafor recycling. Suggesting thatthe bill needs to discussed indetail as it has implications onthe environment, K

Veeraswamy (DMK) said about3,000 ships are broken everyyear and the bulk of them indeveloping nations such asBangladesh and Turkey andIndia. A Samanta (BJD) saidship-breaking is a dangerousoccupation and hence shouldbe subject to strict safety guide-lines.

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India and Sweden on Tuesdayjoined hands to combat air

pollution and climate changeand deliberated on varioustechnological solutions toreduce industrial emissions.

India''s Principal ScientificAdvisor V K Raghavan andofficials from the Ministries ofEnvironment, Agriculture andRenewable Energy discussedthese issues with the visitingSwedish delegation headed byKing of Sweden Carl XVIGustaf.

Gustaf spoke of the impor-tance to work on improving thequality of forests and acknowl-edged that the discussion at theroundtable made him feel pos-itive that many different stake-holders are committed to work-ing on conservation and cli-mate change.

"Today, we looked at solu-tions for air pollution. Thereare three different componentsthat the government is address-ing. One is attitude change inour industries and institutions

so that they emit less pollution-causing materials. The secondis whatever pollutants there are,we try to measure what is hap-pening everywhere. Sensorsare very important. Thirdly,this information needs to begiven to decision-making sys-tems," Raghavan said.

Sweden's Minister ofBusiness, Innovation andEnterprise Ibrahim Baylan,said, "Air pollution and climate

change are essentially two sidesof the same coin.

Now we have a global cli-mate accord and in most of thecountries vibrant debates aretaking place about how topromote a more sustainabledevelopment. We have to doeverything we can across allsectors."

He said Sweden is workingtowards innovation in makingcarbon-free steel and carbon-

neutral cement by 2030.Talking about waste man-

agement, Baylan said Swedenrecycles 99 per cent of its wasteand even imports it.

"You have to be very prag-matic about it. Sweden used tobe heavily oil-dependent earli-er but by using waste asresources, we are now import-ing waste from countries likeItaly, Great Britain andNorway," he said.

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Page 3: News Headlines India - The Pioneer - ˆ $&’& (’˚) · 2019-12-03 · engineer and app developer, Subramanian, tweeted, “NASA has credited me for finding Vikram Lander on Moon’s

RAIPUR | WEDNESDAY | DECEMBER 4, 2019chhattisgarh 03

Sixteen young students from various parts of the state were selected for National Children Science Congress to be held at ThiruvananthapuramKerala. The selection was done during a two-day long camp held at Pt Ravi Shankar Shukla University campus on Tuesday. The camp wasorganised by Chhattisgarh Council of Science and Technology. Pioneer Photo


Adelegation of CongressMLAs called on

Chhattisgarh GovernorAnusuiya Uikey on Tuesday atRajbhawan seeking sternaction against those involvedin the Sarkeguda encounterincident and those protectingthem.

A memorandum contain-ing their demand was handedover to the Governor.

The delegation comprisedCongress MLAs from BastarLakeshwar Baghel,Dantewada Devati Karma,Narayanpur ChandanKashyap, Chitrakote RajmanBenzam, Antagarh Anup Nag,Kanker Shishupal Sori,

Bijapur Vikram Mandavi,Ramanujganj BrihaspathSingh and Sihawa LaxmiDhruv.

The memorandum statedthat rule of earlier govern-

ment in the name of Naxalites,the innocent villager were tar-geted as has been revealed bythe judicial probe intoSarkeguda encounter.

The Commission’s report

clearly stated that on the nightof 28-29, June 2012, the inno-cent tribals were killed.Around 16 were killed in thenight and one in the morning.Most of the victims were

women and school children.The probe substantiated

the Congress’s claim that theencounter was fake.

The memorandumfurther sought stern actionagainst those involved in thecrime and those whopatronized the accused.

As per reports,Chhattisgarh police had killed17 people in cold blood in astaged gunfight at Sarkegudain Bijapur district on June 28,2012. Justice Vijay KumarAgrawal had conducted theprobe and submitted thereport a month ago after sevenyears of hearing andinvestigation. The report wastabled in the House duringwinter session of ChhattisgarhAssembly.


Chhattisgarh Chief MinisterBhupesh Baghel raised con-

cern over the recent atrocitiesagainst women and the gang rapein the state, and condemned theincidents.

He said the police will ensurethat the accused are arrested. Noone will be spared at any cost, hesaid while interacting with mediapersons before leaving for Korbaon Tuesday.

He added law will take itsown course and that the policeare investigating the case.

On civic bodies’ election,Baghel said that after holdingdiscussions and taking feed-backs, the names of candidateswill be finalised. He said finallyafter discussion with party seniorleaders the list will be released.

On the PDS scam andAntagarh bypoll tape scam,

Baghel said the investigation ison within the framework of law.What those people who ruled thestate for 15 years had doneshould be exposed. He said toprevent the PDS scam probe they(BJP leaders) brought renownedlawyers through chartered plane.

Another PIL has been filed tostop the probe, he added.

In PDS scam, former ChiefMinister Raman Singh shouldreveal who are the “CM Sir” and“CM Madam” being referred inthe diary seized during theprobe, Baghel said.


Manturam Pawar onTuesday reached the

office of Special InvestigationTeam (SIT) and gave hisvoice sample for ongoinginvestigation in Antagarh by-poll fixing.

He expressed apprehen-sion that there could beattempt on his life and saidthat in such a condition otheraccused in the case would beheld responsible.

He claimed that he hadvoluntarily appeared beforethe SIT for giving the voicesample and that rest of theaccused including formerchief minister Raman Singh’sson-in-law Dr Punit Gupta,Janta Congress Chhattisgarh(Jogi) Chief Ajit Jogi and hisson Amit Jogi should also

come forward and give theirvoice samples so that theconfusion in the case couldbe ironed out.

Pawar gave his voicesample before SIT officerAbhishek Maheshwari andTI Sushanto Banerjee at Gunjpolice station. His voice willbe now sent to lab for

sampling.Notably, in the past SIT

had issued a notice to Pawarfor giving his voice sample towhich he had refused butlater on he agreed for givinghis voice sample.

Manturam Pawar whowas Congress party candi-date in the 2014 Antagarh by-polls had withdrawn his can-didature just before thepolling thereby givingwalkover to BJP candidate.

Later on, an audio tapehad surfaced suggestinghorse trading in the casewhich created political stormin Chhattisgarh as purportedvoices of Dr Punit Gupta, AjitJogi and Amit Jogi werereportedly heard in the tape.

“I was suppressed in BJPby former CM Raman Singhand not allowed to speak,”Pawar told media persons.

Cong seeks stern action againstSarkeguda encounter accused

Anatagarh bypoll fixing:Pawar gives his voice sample

CM condemns gangrape incident in state

What thosepeople whoruled thestate for 15years haddone shouldbe exposed


Food and civil sup-plies, culture minister

Amarjeet Bhagat con-ducted surprise inspec-tion of paddy procure-ment at village Kendri,Abhanpur andManikchauri of Raigarhdistrict and interactedwith farmers on progressof paddy procurementby the state government.

He reviewed theprogress of procurementprocess by inspecting theweighing, humidity andsought details from theprocurement centreemployees.

Deputy Registrar,Cooperative Society, N.K. Chandravanshi said atKendri centre, which

covers seven villages,from December 1around 71 quintal ofpaddy had been pro-cured while on Tuesdayaround 32 farmers hadsold 1760 quintal paddyand coupon has beenprovided to them.

During interactionwith farmers, BishatSahu, Itwari Sahu andRambhagat Sahu andBajiyarin from Baktaravillage said at presentprocurement was donesmoothly. Ministerassured the farmers that

they will be paid `2500per quintal as assured forthe paddy procuredfrom them.

The state govern-ment has taken the deci-sion to provide the bal-ance amount separatelyto farmers.

TRAI to hold consumeroutreach programme atBaikunthpur on Dec 5RAIPUR: Telecom RegulatoryAuthority of India (TRAI) has beenundertaking various activities toeducate the telecom consumers.

The activities aim at creating aware-ness among telecom consumers andother stakeholders about the variousinitiatives taken by the TRAI in recenttimes to protect the interest of telecomconsumers, and taking feedback.

As part of the initiative, the TRAI,will be holding a consumer outreachprogramme at Hotel Ganga Shree,NH-43, Bhattipara, Baikunthpur, inKoriya district of Chhattisgarh onDecember 5 from 2.15 p.m. to 4.15 p.m.

The programme will serve as animportant interface between telecomservice providers, consumer advocacygroups and telecom consumers. TheConsumer Outreach Programme willbe attended by the representatives ofstate government, all the telecomservice providers like Airtel, BSNL,Idea, Reliance Jio, Vodafone, Tata etc,consumer advocacy groups andconsumers.


Leader of Opposition DharamlalKaushik welcomed the order of

the Chhattisgarh High Court torestore ‘honorarium’ provided bythe BJP government to the‘Democracy Warriors’ (MISAdetainees).

Congress government stoppedthe payment since February 2019.

Now, after the order govern-ment should pay the total pendingamount and in future shouldrefrain from such action, he said,terming the court order victory ofdemocracy.

Kaushik said due to vindictive

politics, Congress governmentafter coming to power had stoppedthe release of ‘Samman Nidhi’(honorarium), pension amountand health facilities to MISAdetainees. The state government

has insulted them, he said, accus-ing the government of continuous-ly indulging in anti-people andanti-democratic works.

BJP leader said different politi-cal parties opposing the Congresshad formed a government at theCentre and states and hadstrengthened democracy. But,those who fought for “freedom”after independence were neglected,he alleged.

The issue of restoration ofhonorarium was raised even in theHouse but nothing was done, saidKaushik. The Chief MinisterBhupesh baghel should seek anapology for this, he added.


Seven people have beenarrested for allegedly

adulterating coal at a depot inRaigarh district, police said onTuesday.

Besides, two trucks loadedwith illegal consignments ofcoal were also seized fromdifferent places in the district,they said.

Acting on a tip-off, apolice team raided Jai BholeCoal depot in Delari village onMonday after getting reportsthat low grade coal was beingmixed with the higher quality

stock there, Superintendent ofPolice Santosh Singh said.

"Seven people, includingfour employees of the depot,were arrested and 101.3 metricton coal worth Rs 1.91 lakhwas seized from the spot," hesaid.

Preliminary investigationrevealed that the accused wereallegedly involved in mixinginferior quality coal with thehigh-grade consignmentwhich was brought from amine in neighbouring Odisha,and planned to supply it toLara-based plant of theNational Thermal PowerCorporation (NTPC), Singh

said.Those held were identified

as Sheikh Anish (weighingmachine operator), SantoshPrajapati (cashier), SitaramBhardwaj (loader operator),Sanjay Triki (JCB operator)and three truck drivers - IrfanAli (32), Bablur Chauhan (38)and Sanjay Sahu (20), he said.

Three trailer trucks, a JCBand a loader machine were alsoseized from the spot, he added.

Later, when the police per-sonnel were returning after theraid, they seized 36.88 metricton coal worth Rs 63,000 beingillegally transported in a truck.

The truck driver aban-

doned the vehicle and fled thespot on sensing the policepresence, the official said.

In another incident, atruck was intercepted at IndiraVihar check post and thepolice seized a coal consign-ment of 20 ton worth Rs 80,000which was being illegallytransported, he said.

Truck owner Dharmraj(46) and driver Veeru Miri(26) were arrested when theyfailed to produce documents insupport of the consignment, hesaid.

Cases were registeredunder relevant sections of theIndian Penal Code, he added.


Office-bearers of RaipurAutomobile Dealers

Associaiton (RADA) onTuesday paid a courtesy visitto Chief Minister BhupeshBaghel at his residentialoffice.

They thanked ChiefMinister for the significantgrowth that automobilesector witnessed in the statedue to state government'spolicies. Automobile dealersinformed Chief Minister thatfrom January 2019 toOctober 2019, there was 10%decline in retail sale ofvehicles across India but

Chhattisgarh registerednearly 25% growth in retail

sale of these vehicles in thesame duration.

Delegation thankedChief Minister saying thatstate government’spolicies led to positivechange in rural economy.

Today, Chhattisgarh ismarching ahead on the pathof development as comparedto other states.

During the meet, RADAChairman Manish RajSinghania and otherofficials were also present.They said that ChiefMinister's policies andvision have empoweredrural economy throughhistoric decisions such aswaiving off agriculturalloans and procurement ofpaddy at `2500 per quintal.

Food minister inspectspaddy procurement

Cong govt should seekapology from ‘DemocracyWarriors’: Kaushik

RADA thanks Bhupesh Baghel forautomobile sector’s growth in state

Seven held for adulteratingcoal meant for NTPC Lara

Page 4: News Headlines India - The Pioneer - ˆ $&’& (’˚) · 2019-12-03 · engineer and app developer, Subramanian, tweeted, “NASA has credited me for finding Vikram Lander on Moon’s

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To manage winter pickpower demand which is

expected to reach up to 4,700MW power discoms BRPL andBYPL have introducedadvanced techniques andavenues like banking, reserveshutdown, power exchange andensuring sufficient spinningreserves to dispose of surpluspower as well as ensuring reli-able power supply.

A senior BSES official saidthat the backbone of BSES’power-supply arrangementsduring the winter-monthsincludes long-term agreementsfrom power-plants like Dadri,

hydro stations; Singrauli,Rihand, Sasan, DVC Mejia andDelhi based gas fueled gener-

ating stations. Additionally,BSES is also receiving 50 MWof wind power and 20 MW of

solar power from SECI.In case of any unforesee-

able contingency, BSES dis-coms will buy short-termpower from the exchangewhich is available at econom-ical rates and can rangebetween (around)Rs 1 to over Rs 4 per unit -

during winter months, depend-ing on the time-slot, he said.

Delhi’s peak powerdemand this winter can go upto 4700 MW. Last year, it was4472MW.

The peak winter powerdemand in BRPL and BYPLareas had reached 1926 MWand 1091 MW respectivelyduring last winter. This year, it

is expected to reach 2020 MWand 1165 MW for BRPL andBYPL respectively. BSES dis-coms will also bank surpluspower with hilly states, whichneed additional power duringthe winter months andreturned the power back insummer month.

“To meet today’s powerchallenges and to get a grip onso many varied and dynamicvariables, BSES uses a mix ofadvanced statistical forecastingmodels, combined with state-of-the-art weather forecastingsolutions including artificialintelligence (AI) and machinelearning,” the spokespersonsaid.

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High drama unfolded onTuesday when after a

group of protestors enteredthe Delhi Assembly premises,breaching the security cordonon Tuesday. They started rais-ing slogans against the AamAadmi Party (AAP)Government on the issue ofdirty water allegedly beingsupplied in the national Capital.

The protestors carryingplacards managed to slipthrough the security cordonbut were later forced out of theAssembly premises. Termingthe incident as “hooliganism”by the BJP, Speaker Ram NiwasGoel alleged that Leader ofOpposition Vijender Guptawas behind it.

As the House proceedingsbegan on the second day ofWinter Session, Gupta askedfor a discussion on the issue ofprices rise of onions while try-ing to move a calling attentionmotion, which was turneddown by the Speaker.

After rejecting the motionmoved by the oppositionleader, Goel told the House thatan unfortunate incident tookplace when a group of 10-15women staged a protest at theAssembly premises.

The “hooliganism” wasdone by bringing women pro-testors inside the Assemblypremises and the oppositionleader did it, Goel alleged in theHouse. “If Vijender Gupta hadguts, he would have brought10-20 boys (to stage protest at

the Assembly premises),” theSpeaker said.

Following the accusations,some ruling AAP MLAstrooped into the Well andexchanged heated argumentswith opposition members.

Meanwhile, Gupta reachednear Speaker’s chair anddemanded discussion on theissue of dirty water allegedlybeing supplied in the city. Goelasked Gupta to go back to hisseat, failing which he wouldtake a strict action againsthim.

As the Leader ofOpposition did not relent, Goelordered him to be marshalledout of the House. To protest theSpeaker’s decision, other BJPMLAs - Manjinder Singh Sirsa,Om Prakash Sharma andJagdish Pradhan - also stageda walkout.

Later, all four BJP MLAs

wore garlands of onions toregister their protest againsthike in the price of the kitchenstaple.

BJP MLA from VishwasNagar, OP Sharma, showed agarland of onions to the chiefminister as his vehicle left theVidhan Sabha.

Gupta said that AAPGovernment ran away fromdiscussion in the Assembly onits failure to provide onion atsubsidized rates and supply ofpolluted water to Delhiites.He said that the Oppositionhad given notice to Assembly for calling attentionmotion on these importantissues under rule — 54 of theAssembly.

He said that it was expect-ed that the Government wouldcome out with an explanationon these two important publicinterest issues.

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Delhi Legislative Assemblyhas passed the Delhi Skills

and Entrepreneurship UniversityBill on the last day of theAssembly session on Tuesday.The university will emulate thehighly successful models inAustralia, Germany, Finland,and Brazil to provide jobs andprovide admissions to aboutone lakh students every year.

“Delhi Skills andEntrepreneurship University(DESU) Bill will provide asolution to the increasingunemployment and economicslowdown in the country,” saidDelhi Chief Minister ArvindKejriwal.

While presenting the Bill inthe House, Manish Sisodia,Delhi’s Deputy Chief Ministerand Education Minister said“Today, a big dream comestrue. Nearly half of the popu-lation in India is under 25.They should get dignified andquality education as their right.This university will create notonly job seekers but also jobgivers”.

The University will haveprofessionals, senior profes-sors and experts from theirrespective fields to manageand teach students who will beenrolled in the college. Further,it will have three unique fea-tures: first, the university willdesign and run courses in con-sonance with the industryrequirements. Secondly, therewill be a dedicated unit toresearch on the market trendsand requirements in a futuris-tic way, so that continuousupdating of the courses andpedagogy can be systematical-ly achieved; third, tie-up withindustrial establishments toproduce and assimilate thegraduates”.

“Many legislators and par-liamentarians told me thatattendance for the last day ofthe last session of any assem-bly or parliament is usually low,as the members are busy withelection campaigns. The highattendance today shows theconfidence level of the legisla-tors that they would definitelycome back to this legislature inorder to implement the bills

passed by this house. So we are working rigor-

ously even on the last day. AamAadmi Party (AAP) govern-ment is determined and dedi-cated to work for the welfare ofthe people of Delhi till the lastbreath,” he said.

Targeting the Leaders ofOpposition (LoP) the CM said,“Those who boycotted the dis-cussion on this historic bill

might have gone for electioncampaign.

There are two types of stu-dents: one is always engaged instudies, while the other is thosewho study only in the eve of theexamination.

The first category will nothave the fear of examination.

As the AAP government andour legislators are fullyimmersed in developmentworks in Delhi, we have no fearof elections. We are part of‘work in progress’. So, we areconfident of coming back topower with four more seats,”Kejriwal said.

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Delhi University TeachersAssociation (DUTA) will

stage a protest on Wednesdayagainst the university admin-istration and will ‘gherao’ theVice-Chancellor (VC) YogeshTyagi to withdraw the notifi-cation issued on the 28 August,according to which all the ad-hoc teachers will be convertedinto guest teachers and will getsalary per lecture.

The teachers will also boy-cott teaching and invigilationwork for the mid-semesterexamination which will startfrom 4th December.

As per the notificationsissued by the Delhi UniversityAdministrations, all the teach-ers working in the university onad-hoc basis will be convertedon the terms of ‘guest teachers’.

Conversion of 5,000 ad-hoc teachers into guest teach-ers on the basis of 28th Augustletter is strongly condemnable.While ad-hoc appointment is afull time job with full scalewhere ad-hoc teachers are get-

ting �90,000 per month, aguest appointment is a parttime job where they would notget more than 45,000 permonth.

“From last 10 years morethan 5,000 teachers are work-ing on ad-hoc basis in variouscolleges and Departments ofDelhi University with no faultof their as University is delay-ing the selection on permanentvacancies citing one reason orthe other. These teachers aretotally dependent on theirsalaries for the school fees oftheir children, installments tobe paid for Home loans and

other loans and others expens-es to run their day to day life.28th letter communicated tovarious colleges must be with-drawn immediately and allexisting vacancies of teachers invarious subjects must be per-manently filled,’ said the teach-ers. Under which rule appoint-ments, after joining, can bekept in abeyance? Salaries ofad-hoc teachers must bereleased immediately. Letterdated 28th August, 2019 mustbe withdrawn immediately,”Professor Pankaj Garg, formermember of DU academiccouncil.

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From Page 1A plea seeking review of

the Ayodhya verdict was filedin the apex court on Mondayby Maulana Syed AshhadRashidi, legal heir of originallitigant M Siddiq and also theUttar Pradesh president of theJamiat Ulama-e-Hind. It statedthat “complete justice” couldonly be done by orderingreconstruction of the BabriMasjid. The mosque wasdemolished on December 6,1992 by kar sewaks triggeringcommunal riots.

As Dhavan later said hedidn’t want to divide theMuslim parties, the All IndiaMuslim Personal Law Board(AIMPLB) said it was hopefulthat the veteran lawyer will rep-resent the body when it files areview petition.

In a tweet, AIMPLBspokesman Khalid SaifullahRahmani said, “Rajeev Dhavanhas always been a symbol ofjustice and unity. @AIM-PLB_Official will continue itsefforts in the Supreme Courtunder his esteemed leader-ship.”

The AIMPLB has assertedthat 99 per cent of Muslims inthe country want a review ofthe Ayodhya verdict.

In another tweet, MaulanaUmrain, an office bearer of theBoard said, “We are indebted tothe senior advocate Mr RajeevDhavan for his sincere excep-tional and incomparable effortin the #babrimasjidcase. Wehope that he would represent

us again when the review peti-tion is filed.”

The board’s general secre-tary Md Wali Rahmani in astatement said a team of senioradvocates and advocates onrecord is busy in drafting thereview petition which will thenbe settled by Dhawan.

“I have argued the case forall the Muslim parties in a unit-ed manner and would like thesame way. The Muslim partiesshould sort out their differencesfirst,” Dhavan told PTI.

He said he expressed hisopinion on Facebook only afterEjaz Maqbool went publicabout him being sackedbecause he is unwell.

“If I am unwell, then howcome I am appearing in courtsin other cases,” Dhavan said.

“I am committed to thecause and to the Muslim par-ties but making such a state-ment is completely wrong,” headded.

In a separate December 2letter addressed to Maqbool,the AOR in the review petition,Dhavan narrated the sequenceof events related to drafting ofthe review plea in the case.

“As promised, I amresponding to your call at 10.14AM today when I was at thedoctors, informing me that Ihave been sacked from furtherinvolvement in the Babri caseon behalf of your client. Wewere in agreement that the cor-rect term was ‘sacked’ and youexplained you had no choice inthe matter.

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From Page 1It may be recalled that

Uddhav had said on Sundaythat he had asked updates onvarious ongoing major projects,including cost estimates, hur-dles and deadlines. “Once wehave the status report with us,we will decide on what needsto be done on priority. We willalso look at whether some pro-jects are needed at this junc-ture. We will not act in a vin-dictive manner. But, we willdefinitely review projects likebullet train,” the Chief Ministerhad said.

The MVA Government hasannounced that it would tablea White Paper on the State’seconomy during the WinterSession of the State Legislaturebeginning at Nagpur onDecember 16.

A brainchild of Prime

Minister Narendra Modi, theBullet Train project is beingexecuted at a cost of aroundRs.1.10 lakh-crore, of which 81per cent is to be fundedthrough on a 50-year soft loanof 0.1 percent by the JapanInternational CooperationAgency (JICA).

The Nationalist HighSpeed Rail Corporation(NHSRC) is the executingagency for the project.Maharashtra and Gujarat willcontribute fund Rs.5,000 croreeach as equity for the project,while the Centre will pitch inRs.10,000 crore for the project.

Currently, the bullet trainproject is in the land acquisi-tion stage, with opposition inparts of Palghar in the State,with the project slated to becompleted by 2023.

Responding to what he

called “baseless” and “false”made by the fellow BJP leaderfrom Karnataka that he hadreturned Rs 40,000 crore to theCentre, former Chief MinisterDevendra Fadnavis had said,“We have not retuned evennaya paisa to the Centre. Infact, the State Government hasnot received even on nayapaisa from the Centre”.

“For implementing theBullet Train project, a CentralGovernment-run company hasbeen set up. Whatever moneythat the Centre releases for theproject will go directly to thiscompany. The question ofmoney coming to theMaharashtra does not arise.Because, the Maharashtra Government’s roleis limited to the acquisition ofland for the project,” Fadnavishad said.

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From Page 1Ships of both the countries are engaged in

anti-piracy operations. On not inviting China forthe “Milan” series of exercises where more than41 countries, including the US, UK, Iran, SaudiArabia, Israel, France, Kuwait, Australia,Indonesia, Singapore, Bahrain and Sri Lanka, willtake part in March next year off Visakhapatnam,Singh said “like-minded” nations were invited forthe event.When asked to elaborate, the Navy chiefsaid the Indian Navy has over the years carriedout exercises with many countries who will par-ticipate in the mega event held every two years.

To another question about Prime MinisterNarendra Modi and President Xi Jingping call-

ing for closer naval cooperation and the possi-bility of a joint exercise between India and China,Singh replied in lighter vein, “the question is abovemy pay grade.” Incidentally, the two countries willhold the eighth joint army exercise “Hand inHand” in Meghalaya later this month.

Sources in the security establishment latersaid China was not invited to Milan exercise asIndia did not want to legitimise its presence inthe Indian Ocean region as China can later claimthat it has participated in exercises in the region.

Milan is held every two years off Port Blairsince 1995 when less than a dozen navies of theIndian Ocean region took part. Since then, theprestigious event has grown in stature and 41nations will now come together for the exerciseat Visakhapatnam.


From Page 1The Naval LCA recently

successfully completed take offand landing trials on the ShoreBased Test Facility (SBTF) inGoa. Stating that the currentLCA Mk-1 is a technologydemonstrator, the Navy chiefsaid it will be further put to car-rier compatibility tests andwhatever lessons they havelearnt, DRDO wants to ploughback into the twin engine deckbased fighter.

On the INS Vikrant, Singhsaid all ship build issues “areover” and trials would beginnow. “We are almost certain that we will take deliv-ery by February-March 2021,he stated and added that avia-tion trials would take a yearafter that. “We should have afully operational carrier by2022.”


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Some UAE-based companiesare looking to invest in the

state, mainly in the food andlogistics sector, the Punjab gov-ernment said on Tuesday.

“A spate of new investmentsby some of the UAE's leadinggroups is expected to take busi-ness ties between Punjab and theGulf nation to a new high, par-ticularly in Food and Logisticssectors, in the coming weeks,” agovernment statement said.

As one of the partner coun-tries for Progressive PunjabInvestors Summit (PPIS), theUAE is looking at increasing itsstake in the state's developmentand growth by strengthening

their existing strategic ties, itsaid.

Punjab is organising aninvestors' summit on December5 and 6. While Lulu Groupis in talks to finalise agree-ments to support long-termprocurement of fresh fruits andvegetables from the state, DPWorld is exploring entry into thelogistics sector in Pathankot.

Another of the UAE's indus-try leaders, Emaar Group islooking to enter the food sector- sourcing fresh fruits and veg-etables from Punjab, besideslooking at setting up a poultryunit in the state, said ViniMahajan, Additional ChiefSecretary, Industries andCommerce, Punjab. The Group,

a Dubai-based real estate com-pany, has already come up withtheir first integrated township inPunjab, and have propertyspread across 630 acres inMohali.

A United Arab Emiratesgovernment delegation led bythe UAE Ambassador to Indiawill be taking part in the keynoteand panel discussions at thesummit. They will be accompa-nied by industry delegationfrom UAE to explore areas forcollaboration, and will includesenior level executives fromSharaf Group and Lulu Group.

Lulu Group already has astrong presence in Punjab. Theyhave recently acquired a unit inDerabassi in Mohali district of


Page 5: News Headlines India - The Pioneer - ˆ $&’& (’˚) · 2019-12-03 · engineer and app developer, Subramanian, tweeted, “NASA has credited me for finding Vikram Lander on Moon’s

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L ondon: US PresidentDonald Trump warnedTuesday that efforts to resolvea trade dispute could waituntil after next November’sUS election. “I have no dead-line,” Trump told reporters inLondon. “In some ways I likethe idea of waiting until afterthe election for the Chinadeal.” Trump’s trade war withChina and on-again off-againattempts to reach a deal havede-stabilised markets andstoked geo-political tensions.

As late as last week Trumpboasted the he was in the“final throes” of negotiating“one of the most importantdeals in trade ever”.

But Washington has sincecourted Chinese anger byexpressing support for HongKong protesters, cal l ingprogress into doubt.

“I’m doing very well in adeal with China, if I want tomake it,” Trump said at a pressconference ahead of theNATO summit.


Hong Kong: Hong Kong’s ChiefExecutive Carrie Lam onTuesday closed ranks with Chinaand condemned the US Senate’spassage of the Hong KongHuman Rights and DemocracyAct (HKHRDA), which shelambasted as unnecessary andunjustified.

Lam said in a press confer-ence that the US legislationwould have an impact on thecity’s economic development byundermining confidence andcreating an unstable environ-ment for Hong Kong-basedbusinesses, reports Efe news.

“This is very regrettable,”Lam said. “For now, it under-mines confidence; it creates anunstable environment.”

The leader of the Chinese

semi-autonomous region addedthat US firms were also con-cerned, as they too might beaffected by the law.

“All this is creating uncer-tainty and won’t go well for anyeconomic development,” Lamsaid. She described the HKHR-DA as clear interference byWashington in Hong Kong’sinternal affairs, echoing thestance of Beijing, which onMonday responded by banningthe stopover of US militaryships and aircraft in the city andimposed sanctions on severalnon-governmental organizationsand human rights groups.

“We will follow the law insupporting the central govern-ment and we will follow up onthe measures they take,” said

Lam. The Chief Executive alsocriticized the American law forsuggesting that the rights ofHong Kong residents were beingviolated and stressed that theyenjoyed freedom of the press,religious liberty and freedom ofassembly.

The HKHRDA, which wassigned into law by US PresidentDonald Trump, requires theState Department to conductreviews at least annually evalu-ating whether Hong Kongretains enough autonomy tomerit a change to its current sta-tus as a preferential trade part-ner. It also prescribes sanctionson individuals found to haveabused human rights in HongKong, including Chinese offi-cials. PTI

London: President Donald Trumpcriticised Democrats at the openingof a NATO leaders’ meeting onTuesday, calling the impeachmentpush by his rivals “unpatriotic” and“a bad thing for our country.”

Trump, who commented whilemeeting with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, is upset thatDemocrats scheduled an impeach-ment hearing while he is abroad.

The House Judiciary Committeehas set a hearing on the constitu-tional grounds for Trump’s possibleimpeachment on Wednesday justbefore he wraps up two days of meet-ings with NATO alliance members inLondon.

“I think it’s very unpatriotic ofthe Democrats to put on a perfor-mance,” Trump said. “I think it’s abad thing for our country.”

Trump isn’t the only one com-

plaining. Secretary of State MikePompeo, White House counsel PatCipollone and adviser KellyanneConway all have criticized the com-mittee’s timing.

Trump insists he’s solely focusedon scoring domestic and foreign pol-icy wins, including making NATOmembers spend more on defense.But he’s often appeared consumed bythe day-to-day battle againstimpeachment.

“I’m not even thinking about it,”Trump insisted anew Tuesday.

Before the trip to London,Trump slammed “Do NothingDemocrats” for scheduling the hear-ing during the NATO meeting as“Not nice!”

He also said that during the flighthe had read a newly issuedRepublican-prepared report onimpeachment that called his decision

to hold up military aid to Ukraine“entirely prudent.”

Democrats contend Trumpabused his presidential powers byholding up the aid to pressure

Ukraine President VolodymyrZelenskiy to investigate meddling inthe 2016 U.S. presidential election andformer Vice President Joe Biden and

his son, who had a seat on the boardof Ukrainian energy company.

But Trump was adamant that thecloud of impeachment wasn’t under-cutting his negotiating position onthe international stage.

“I know most of the leaders,”Trump said. “I get along with them.It’s a hoax. The impeachment is ahoax. It’s turned out to be a hoax. It’sdone for purely political gain. They’regoing to see whether or not they cando something in 2020 because oth-erwise they’re going to lose.”

But even as he boasted of hisrelationships with NATO leaders,Trump rebuked French PresidentEmmanuel Macron for recent com-ments that NATO was experiencing“brain death.” Macron argues that theU.S. under Trump’s leadership hasturned away from the alliance.

“Nobody needs NATO more

than France,” said Trump, who him-self in the past has questioned thelong-term prospects of NATObecause too few nations are on trackto meet the alliance goal of spend-ing at least 2% of GDP on their owndefense by 2024. “You can’t just goaround making statements like thatabout NATO. It’s very disrespectful.”

Trump also lashed out againstFrance for a French digital service taxthat he said unfairly discriminatesagainst U.S. tech companies, includ-ing Google, Apple, Facebook andAmazon. There is no direct effect onthe United States from the Frenchtax, which only applies to the techcompanies’ revenues in France, notthe United States. Robert Lighthizer,the chief U.S. trade representative, onMonday recommended $2.4 billionin new tariffs on French cheese, wine,and other products. AP

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London: US President DonaldTrump on Tuesday refrainedfrom giving his view on British

politics but did endorse PrimeMinister Boris Johnson indi-rectly as he arrived here for a

three-day visit to mark 70years of the NATO allianceamid the general election cam-paign in the UK.

President Trump is visitingthe UK to attend a Nato sum-mit on Wednesday in Watford,south-east England, com-memorating the 70th anniver-sary of the transatlantic organ-isation.

Trump said he was stayingout of the UK election onDecember 12 “because I don’twant to complicate it”.

“I have no thoughts on it.It’s going to be a very importantelection for this great country,but I have no thoughts on it. Icould work with anybody,”Trump told reporters at a brief-ing at the US ambassador’s res-idence here. PTI

Colombo: Sri LankanPresident Gotabaya Rajapaksahas prorogued the Parliamentfor one month and fixedJanuary 3, 2020 for the com-mencement of the next session,a move that will give his minor-ity government freedom torule without obstruction fromthe Opposition.

The parliament shouldhave met on Tuesday, accord-ing to the schedule.

President GotabayaRajapaksa issued a specialgazette notification effectiveat midnight Monday noticingthat parliament would bereconvened on January 3. PTI

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Beirut: At least 19 people werekilled in air strikes by theSyrian army and its Russianallies on the northwesternSyrian province of Idlib, the laststronghold of the armed oppo-sition to President Bashar al-Assad, a war monitor reported.

At least 13 civilians werekilled in airstrikes by the Syrianarmy on a popular market inMaarat al-Nauman, the SyrianObservatory for Human Rightsreported.

Maarat al-Nauman has

been targeted on several occa-sions since mid-November bythe Syrian military with amotive to gain territory in thesouthern portion of Idlib, Efenews reported.

A Russian attack on Idlib’scentral prison left three dead -- a woman and her two childrenwho were visiting the facility,according to the UK-basedNGO, which has a wide net-work of collaborators on theground.


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North Korea on Tuesdayrepeated its assertions that

the Trump administration isrunning out of time to salvagenuclear negotiations, saying it’sentirely up to the United Statesto choose what “Christmas gift”it gets from the North.

The statement, attributedto a senior diplomat, came asNorth Korea continues to dial uppressure on Washington andSeoul ahead of leader Kim JongUn’s end-of-year deadline for the

US to offer mutually acceptableterms for a deal.

Negotiations have falteredsince a February summitbetween Kim and PresidentDonald Trump broke down afterthe U.S. Rejected North Koreandemands for broad sanctionsrelief in exchange for a partialsurrender of its nuclear capabil-ities.

Working-level talks held inSweden in October broke downover what the North Koreansdescribed as the Americans’ “oldstance and attitude.”

London: US President Donald Trump on Tuesday denounced Iran’scrackdown on anti-government protesters, as rights groups said thedeath toll had soared.

Protests erupted in Iran on November 15 after an announce-ment that petrol prices were going up by as much as 200 percentwith immediate effect. “Iran is killing perhaps thousands and thou-sands of people right now as we speak,” Trump told reporters inLondon ahead of a NATO summit. “That’s why they cut off the inter-net. They cut off the internet so people can’t see what’s going on.

“And frankly, I don’t know how you get in there, I don’t knowhow you do your business but the press ought to get in there andsee what’s going on.” Trump added: “The word is that thousandsof people are being killed in Iran that are protesting. “Not just smallnumbers, which are bad; big numbers, which are really bad -- andreally big numbers.” Asked if there was more that the United Statescould do, he replied: “I’d rather not say right now. IANS

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London: US President DonaldTrump on Tuesday accusedhis French counterpartEmmanuel Macron of being“nasty” for saying that NATOwas “brain dead”. At a newsconference here, Trump, whoarrived in the UK on Mondaynight to attend a summit mark-ing the bloc’s 70th anniversary,said that NATO served a greatpurpose and Macron’s remarkshad been “very insulting”, theBBC reported.

Trump also said he couldsee France “breaking off ” fromNATO, but did not explainwhy. IANS


Page 6: News Headlines India - The Pioneer - ˆ $&’& (’˚) · 2019-12-03 · engineer and app developer, Subramanian, tweeted, “NASA has credited me for finding Vikram Lander on Moon’s

Who would have ever imag-ined that effigies of PrimeMinister Narendra Modi,who had conquered thehearts and minds of most

Nepalese in 2014, would be burnt acrossNepal? (There’s some consolation though thatwhile the Red Star is over Nepal, ChinesePresident Xi Jinping’s effigies, too, were seton fire in that country last month). Theprovocation was the first political map ofIndia that was released last month, whichdepicted the reorganised Union Territoriesof Jammu & Kashmir with Pakistan-occu-pied Kashmir shown in Jammu & Kashmirand Gilgit-Baltistan in Ladakh.

The map reportedly depicts the highly-emotive issue in Kathmandu, the disputedKalapani territory, in India. An Indian for-eign office official said, “The new map hasin no manner revised our boundary withNepal.” The Chinese have allegedlyencroached into four to five areas, usurpingmore than 25 hectares of land. The pan-Nepal revival of Kalapani has stirred the potof anti-India sentiment that was settlingdown after the 53-day economic blockadeof 2015, which catapulted the NepalCommunist Party (NCP) into unprecedent-ed political power.

The Kalapani dispute has, as is usual, aNepali and Indian version. The formerclaims that the Kali river originates atLipulekh whereas the latter contends that itssource is at Kalapani. The tri-junctionbetween China, India and Nepal is also con-tested: Tinker-Lipu versus Lipulekh. Indiasays Nepal and China have bilaterally shift-ed it about 6 km north. Indian posts atKalapani and Navidang routinely patrol tillLipulekh. The Kalapani dispute is ancientand a sensitive issue for the Nepalese.Joint/boundary working groups and techni-cal committees have failed to resolve the dis-pute. According to Nepal’s Foreign Ministry,“The two foreign secretaries were tasked toresolve border-related issues with con-cerned technicians.” I have been travellingin Nepal for the last two weeks. The by-elec-tions held on Saturday to elect 52 represen-tatives were not the only reason whyKalapani has become a hot potato andrequires early resolution.

Xi’s landmark visit to Kathmandu, thefirst by a Chinese leader in 23 years, was welltimed though it raised the hackles in NewDelhi. The concurrent rise of China and thecommunist parties of Nepal in South Asiais a fundamental shift in negating India’s pri-macy in Nepal (and the region) by reduc-ing Kathmandu’s dependence on India.New Nepal is secular, democratic, federal anda republic. Monarchy, which unified Nepal250 years ago, was abolished due to the 10-year-long Maoist insurgency and 19 days ofstreet protest in 2006. Globalisation hasaffected Nepal in a big way. Around 25 percent of its population is abroad. Connectivityand urbanisation have changed social con-

tours and nationalism is at an all-time high though economicprosperity has not matched theaspirations of the people.

For India, Nepal isgeostrategically the most impor-tant country in the neighbour-hood. That is why PrimeMinister Modi visited it for anunprecedented four times dur-ing his first term. No IndianPrime Minister had been therefor the past 17 years.

India has lately beenfocussed on Nepal’s develop-ment agenda, dovetailed with astable Nepal and a prosperousone. Emphasis is on trade, hydelpower projects, business,tourism and substantialimprovement of border infra-structure. Dozens of my reportsin the 1970s and 1980s to theGovernment, urging better bor-der connectivity, went unauc-tioned when the Nepali side wasgetting roads ahead. The bottomline for India is to deliver pro-jects on time with quality per-fection so as to match and bet-ter China.

Of Nepal’s total trade of$13.5 billion in 2017-18, 65 percent was with India and just 14per cent with China. The Indianembassy in Kathmandu has pre-pared a handbook for Indianinvestors in Nepal. It is not easydoing business in Kathmandu,

which is expectedly a highly-protected economy thoughOYO, which entered Nepal in2017, has now established 120outlets. As far as tourism is con-cerned, Indians remain thenumber one though inKathmandu, a fading Shangri-Lais competing with Bangkok andDubai. Border trade hasimmense scope but has notbeen exploited due to roads stillrotting on the border. India’s aidto Nepal increased by 73 percent — from �375 crore in2017-18 to �650 crore in 2018-19 — but we are yet in no posi-tion to match China’s deeppockets. Beijing pledged around$500 of development aid for thenext two years during Xi’s visit.Another $23 million have beengiven for military stores.

The numbers of integratedcheckposts are being expanded— one at Kakarbhitta and theother at Biratnagar — which isto be inaugurated shortly byPrime Ministers Oli and Modi.A new bridge has been built overMechi river near Kakarbhitta,which will expedite movementinto east India. India has alreadysubmitted to Nepal a projectreport on the 113-km Raxaul-Kathmandu railway line. Theother rail line from Jayanagar toJanakpur has been completedand is being extended to

Bardibas in Nepal. The Motihari-Amlekhgunj

oil pipeline was constructed sixmonths ahead of schedule, mak-ing petrol �2 per litre cheaper inNepal. Of the nation’s 28 mil-lion population, 25 per cent isabroad, looking for greener pas-tures. Around six to eight mil-lion people reside in India andare gainfully employed.

Chinese-aided/constructedprojects are grouped broadlyinto two categories: The Belt andRoad Initiative (BRI) projects,estimated to cost $8 billion,which include the TransHimalayan ConnectivityNetwork and three north-southcorridors. Another is a basket of35 projects worth $10 billionunder consideration or projectreview. China has opened acommercial office inKathmandu from which Nepal,as a member of the AsianInfrastructure Investment Bank,can secure loans. Unsurprisingly,there is little transparency on thegrants and loan components andinterest rates. China’s trackrecord in supporting infrastruc-tural development is suspectedand can lead to a debt trap.

Nepal ideally wants a trian-gular economic growth model,maximising its dividend fromthe two fastest-growingeconomies of India and China,

but New Delhi prefers a bilater-al relationship unlike Beijing,which promotes India-Chinaplus one which Prachanda, theexecutive Chairman of the NepalCommunist Party, rejected lastweek. Neither Kathmandu norBeijing has taken New Delhi intoconfidence about China’s trans-Himalayan connectivity net-work. Nor is there any clarity onthe Raxaul-Kathmandu railway.Both railway lines are huge geo-logical and ecological challengeswith costs outweighing benefits.

The extension of theChinese railway line to Lumbiniwill breach an old Indian red linefor Chinese projects in the Terai.Deeper military cooperationbetween the People’s LiberationArmy (PLA) and the NepalArmy is another troublingthreshold for the Indian Army.Nepal’s “Look North” policycontains the seeds of serioussecurity challenges for India. Butthe immediate concern must beto resolve, for mutual satisfac-tion, the long-festering Kalapanidispute through high-level dia-logue and arrest the anti-Indiasentiment.

(The writer, a retired MajorGeneral, was Commander IPKFSouth, Sri Lanka and foundermember of the Defence PlanningStaff, currently the IntegratedDefence Staff.)�������������� ������������������

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Sir — The Central Crime Branchwing of the Bengaluru city policemust be lauded for busting aninternational drug racket andseizing contraband worth over �1crore. The force exposed the drugmafia on the basis of a tip-off fromthe parent of an addict. The oper-ators used the dark web to smug-gle narcotics from Canada byusing Amazon’s courier services.

This incident should act as aneye-opener. A large number of theyouth in Bengaluru are prone todrug abuse. Young professionalswith disposable incomes oftenbecome the prime targets of drugpeddlers. Drug addiction is cur-rently one of the most serious illsplaguing our society. Its effects aredevastating and can destroy lives.

It is time to address thisissue seriously. Unless theNarcotics Control Bureau, alongwith other agencies, cracks downon smugglers and peddlers acrossthe country and brings to justicethe kingpins who hide beyond theborders, it will be difficult toeffectively tackle the problem ofsubstance abuse.

Ramesh G JethwaniBengaluru

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Sir — A WhatsApp forward,used as campaign material in theKarnataka bypolls, has proveddamaging for the MaharashtraBJP and former Chief MinisterDevendra Fadnavis’ credibility.

BJP MP from Karnataka

Anant Kumar Hegde hasclaimed that Fadnavis was swornin as Maharashtra ChiefMinister to prevent Centralfunds worth �40,000 crore frombeing misused.

Hegde must be having atrack record of making controver-sial statements but if his claim —

the “drama” to support a “minor-ity” Government was scripted andplayed out only to “appropriate”the funds — is true, though it isyet to be corroborated, ques-tions will definitely arise about thecurrent status of these funds andhow they were repatriated byFadnavis within a couple of days.

Surely, this must have embar-rassed the State BJP and Fadnavisbut it would help in creating aperception that the Modi-Shahdispensation knew what it wasdoing all this while by proppingup a “minority” Government andnot playing into NationalistCongress Party (NCP) chiefSharad Pawar’s hands.

KS Jayatheertha Bengaluru

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Sir — This refers to the editori-al, “Crying shame” (December 2).Though expeditious steps havebeen taken by the TelanganaGovernment to hunt down theculprits, all accused have notbeen apprehended.

That the accused in the 2012Delhi gangrape are yet to under-go punishment proves that thewheels of justice move slowly inour country. Quick action againstthe rapist alone can impact theculture of impunity and pushback the crime rate.

Nimai Charan SwainBhubaneswar

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Page 7: News Headlines India - The Pioneer - ˆ $&’& (’˚) · 2019-12-03 · engineer and app developer, Subramanian, tweeted, “NASA has credited me for finding Vikram Lander on Moon’s



Millions of people (including many unde-serving ones) are getting a variety of sub-sidies from the Central Government and

States. These cost crores, impairing the ability ofthe Centre and States to rein in fiscal deficit(excess of total expenditure over total revenue)within the range mandated under the FiscalResponsibility and Budget Management (FRBM)Act. These subsidies are administered in an “ad-hoc” and “arbitrary” manner and this leads to mis-allocation of resources, promotes inefficiency inproduction, distribution and use, encourages mis-use and diversion of funds and makes way for con-trols.

Successive Governments, led by parties of allhues across the political spectrum, have reiterat-ed their unflinching commitment to rationaliseand streamline subsidies with a view to reduceand give them only to the deserving. The thenUnion Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjeeunder the UPA regime had even fixed a specifictarget in the 2012-13 Budget for reduction of sub-sidies as percentage of the Gross DomesticProduct (GDP) in as much the same way as thetarget for pruning fiscal deficit.

Yet, grants have continued to increase and thesubsidy given by the Central Government onfood, fertilisers and fuel alone exceeds �300,000crore annually. That this is imposing an unsus-tainable burden on the Budget can be gauged froma recent decision of the Government to increasethe “authorised capital” of the Food Corporationof India (FCI) — as food subsidy is routed throughit — from the existing �3,500 crore to �10,000crore, so that the FCI is able to raise more moneyfrom the market (with this, it will be eligible toborrow �100,000 crore) even as the Governmentis unable to pay.

In case of fertilisers, where subsidy is rout-ed through manufacturers, the ruling dispensa-tions have innovated a variety of mechanisms suchas issue of “fertiliser bonds” in lieu of pendingsubsidy payments (as during 2007-08 and 2008-09) or special banking arrangement (SBA) underwhich the Central Government directs public sec-tor banks (PSBs) to give loans to manufacturersbacked by sovereign guarantee (2014-15 to2016-17) to mitigate the adverse impact on theBudget and prevent fiscal slippage.

During 2007-08 to 2009-10, the Governmentissued oil bonds to public sector oil marketingcompanies (OMCs) like the Indian OilCorporation (IOCL), Bharat PetroleumCorporation (BPCL) and Hindustan PetroleumCorporation (HPCL) against outstanding subsidydues on sale of petrol, diesel, LPG and kerosene.Further, during 2004-05 to 2013-14, it also tookrecourse to directing upstream oil and gas PSUslike Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)and Oil India Limited (OIL) to give discount onsale of domestic crude to IOCL/BPCL/HPCL.ONGC alone gave a cumulative discount of over�300,000 crore during this period to ease the sub-sidy burden on the Centre.

Why then, have subsidy payments continuedto increase unabated? In a fundamental sense, thishas to do with a two-fold strategy followed by suc-cessive regimes. First, the Government orders saleof fertilisers, food and fuel at a low price, unre-

lated to the cost of production/procure-ment, handling and distribution whichis higher. Second, since no manufactur-er or agency can sustain operations byselling at the low (albeit controlled)price, the Government reimburses to itexcess of the cost-over-price as subsidy.Both the components of the strategy areseriously flawed.

The supply of a product at low pricestops the consumer from recognising itstrue value and often leads to its indis-criminate and excessive use or even mis-use. For instance, the low MaximumRetail Price (MRP) of urea, which cur-rently is a mere 10 per cent higher thanit was two decades ago, has led to itsexcessive use, causing an imbalance infertiliser use, stagnating crop yield, soildegradation and an adverse environ-mental impact. It has also led to large-scale diversion to chemical industries(30 per cent of the total supply).

In food also, diversion of sub-sidised cereals from the PublicDistribution System (PDS) is rampantand could be as high as 50 per cent insome States. When, under the NationalFood Security Act (NFSA), food grainsare available at a throwaway price of�1/2/3 per kg for coarse grains, wheatand rice respectively, as against themuch-higher market price, surveil-lance can’t stop diversion.

In oil too, there are instances galoreof subsidised kerosene being divertedfor adulterating diesel; or rampantmisuse of subsidised LPG until theGovernment brought it under theDirect Benefit Transfer scheme fromJanuary, 2015. The other pitfall has todo with giving the benefit of subsidy toeven those who don’t deserve it. When,urea is available at a “uniform” low MRPto all farmers (without any ceiling on the

quantity bought), even a rich farmermerrily enjoys the subsidy. Likewise,undeserving farmers are also enjoyingsubsidy on other inputs like power, irri-gation and credit.

Coming to the second component,when, a fertiliser manufacturer knowsthat the Government will reimburse inexcess of the cost of production and dis-tribution over the MRP, he/she won’tmake efforts to improve efficiency andreduce cost. Further, even suppliers ofraw materials such as LNG, phosphor-ic acid, ammonia and potash used inproducing fertilisers get away withcharging a high price, as they tooknow that input costs are “passed-through” under the subsidy regime.

In food, the FCI gets paid for itsexpenses on procurement, handling anddistribution on “actual” basis. Thisallows cover up for its inefficiencies, costpadding and even for quantities whichoften disappear from the warehouses.

Similarly, oil firms get reimburse-ment on sale of subsidised LPG andkerosene based on inflated price whichis a mix of import parity and export par-ity in 80:20 ratio.

Several committees from time totime have recommended measures toaddress these flaws. But, no political dis-pensation ever picked up the courage toact on their recommendations. Theoverarching reason behind this wassheer votebank politics. Some eventsfrom the 1990s and the 2000s will bestillustrate this. In the early 90s, whenunder pressure from the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF) and the WorldBank and based on recommendationsof the Joint Parliamentary Committee,the then Government under PVNarasimha Rao decontrolled all phos-phate and potash fertilisers and with-

drew subsidy from August 25, 1992, itnot only retained controls and subsidyon urea but also reduced its MRP by 10per cent. Further, even on phosphateand potash fertilisers, within five weeksof withdrawal it resurrected subsidyunder a new incarnation called “ad-hocconcession.”

Since then, successive Governmentshave continued with subsidy on bothurea and non-urea fertilisers with muchhigher subsidy on the former. In 1998under the then NDA Government ledby AB Vajpayee, the then FinanceMinister, Yashwant Sinha while present-ing the Budget had proposed an increaseof �1,000 per ton in the MRP of ureawith a view to bring about some reduc-tion in subsidy. In a bid to camouflageits harshness, in his speech, Sinha pre-sented this as an “increase of �1 per kg”(thinking that this might pass muster).But the Minister was caught napping asall parliamentarians — cutting acrossparty lines — protested, forcing him toroll back 50 per cent of the hike the verynext day and the remaining within afortnight.

These events clearly demonstratethe power of the vote bank, which issynonymous with supplying cheap fer-tilisers, food, fuel, power and so on. Insharp contrast, meaningful subsidyreform — at its very core — requiresabandonment of a populist approach.But then politics always has an upperhand even as reforms take the back seat.

Given the incessant exhortations ofour political class that all agriculturalinputs and essential items of consump-tion are available at throwaway pricesor even free, it is most unlikely that sub-sidy reforms will ever take off.

(The writer is a New Delhi-based policy analyst)

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All is not well with the BJP’sallies. Murmurs of dissentfrom the alliance partners are

getting louder, more so after therecent rift between the Shiv Sena andthe BJP which led to the former quit-ting the NDA and finally breaking uptheir alliance in Maharashtra.

However, the BJP is not worriedas it has absolute majority in the LokSabha, though Prime MinisterNarendra Modi chose to include therepresentatives of the alliance partnersin his Cabinet in 2014 and continuedthe same practice after improving theBJP’s tally in the 2019 elections.Modi is on record saying that hebelieves that coalitions are necessaryfor Indian democracy and hisGovernment would combine nation-al ambition and regional aspirations.

Unlike the Vajpayee Government,which faced constant troubles fromNDA allies, Modi has had smoothsailing for the last five years. The NDAis no longer the same as the positionof the partners has weakened. In thelast five years, many allies have eitherquit the alliance or are at odds withthe Modi Government. Even thosewho have declared that they standfirm with the BJP — the ShiromaniAkali Dal (SAD) and the Janata Dal-United (JD-U) — are disturbed by thetreatment meted out to partners.

The BJP had five major allies.They were the SAD, the TeluguDesam Party (TDP), the Shiv Sena,the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)and the JD-U. Out of these, the TDPleft the BJP in 2018, while the ShivSena parted company with the NDArecently and the BJP itself dumpedthe Mehbooba Mufti led-PDP.

The Sena is the BJP’s only ideo-logical ally while the Akalis are theonly ones whose social base couplesperfectly with the BJP’s. All of theNDA partners have been protectingtheir turfs in their respective States.

However, the big question is,does the BJP need allies? Of the 543

LS seats, the BJP has no need forthem — except for smaller partnersas in Uttar Pradesh — in 331 seats.Of the 212 seats where the BJP isdependent on allies, Bihar andMaharashtra are the only Stateswhere an ally is either the senior orequal partner. The BJP’s decision tohang on to the allies could bebecause the party is yet to attainmajority in the Rajya Sabha (RS).When the BJP came to power in2014, it had 43 MPs in the UpperHouse out of a total strength of 245.Today, that number has almost dou-bled to 78. Along with its allies, theBJP has 115 MPs in the RS now. It

needs the cooperation of a fewsmaller parties to push its agenda inthe House. The NDA allies are obvi-ously dissatisfied with the presentarrangement as they feel that unlikeVajpayee’s time, there is hardly anyconsultation among the partnersnow. They want a chairman and con-vener for the NDA, which used to bethe case earlier. While the BJP leaderwas the chairman, the convener waschosen from among the partners.The Modi era has seen no sucharrangement and this demand hasbeen voiced many times. In fact, justbefore the current Winter Session ofthe Parliament, the Lok Janshakti

Party’s (LJP) national presidentChirag Paswan pointed out that theappointment of a convener or con-stitution of a coordination commit-tee would ensure the exchange ofideas across alliance partners.

SAD leader and Rajya Sabha MPNaresh Gujral also said, “There wasa time when no one was in alliancewith the BJP and at that time too, theShiv Sena and the SAD stood withthem. It doesn’t mean that when youget absolute majority you start treat-ing your allies as lesser partners.”

The Apna Dal, JD-U and a fewother allies made similar remarks.The NDA has 16 allies, of which theBJP is the only national party. Therelations with the partners in theModi era have not been that cordial.This is because of their tussle forvotes. The BJP is ambitious andwants to expand while the allies wantto protect their turf. This was the rea-son why the Shiv Sena left thealliance last month. Also Modi doesnot succumb to their arm twisting.

The BJP has a new strategy tobuild the NDA. Modi has said thatthe doors of the BJP are always openfor old and new partners. For

instance, the TDP is said to be inch-ing closer to the BJP again. Shiv Senacould come back any time. The BJPhas also got new allies; particularlyin the North-East and several moreare in the making, like the All IndiaAnna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam(AIADMK), Telangana RashtraSamithi (TRS), the Yuvajana SramikaRythu Congress Party (YSRCP) andother smaller parties.

The BJP has expanded its baseand has become the richest andbiggest party, overtaking theCongress even in the RS. It has majorpresence in most big States, and isnow eyeing the South and the North-East for expansion. The saffronparty has replaced the Left in Tripuraand edged the Congress out in WestBengal and Odisha as the chal-lenger to the ruling party. Its winningspree continues as it hasGovernments in 17 States. Modi is ina strong position right now and it isthe allies who need the party and notthe BJP which needs the partners, asin the past. There was a time whenthe saffron party was considered anuntouchable but it is not so anymore.

(The writer is a senior journalist)


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Page 8: News Headlines India - The Pioneer - ˆ $&’& (’˚) · 2019-12-03 · engineer and app developer, Subramanian, tweeted, “NASA has credited me for finding Vikram Lander on Moon’s

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Transgenders took out amarch to the Raj Bhavan

here on Tuesday protestingagainst the TransgenderPersons (Protection of Rights)bill 2019.

They urged the PresidentRam Nath Kovind to withholdhis assent to it. The bill waspassed in the Rajya Sabha onNovember 26. Raising slogans,the members of theTransgenders Collective Forumsaid the bill had been passedamid protests and resistancefrom them, whose rights itclaims to protect. “We strong-ly resent the passing of this billand condemn the members ofParliament who voted in itsfavour. The bill was passedwithout any change or amend-ment during the deliberations”,they said.

The forum also urgedPresident not to sign the bill asthey said it would be, if he does,a gross violation of his duty as

a representative of the publicand the head of the state, andto revert the bill to the RajyaSabha. On November 26, theRajya Sabha passed the bill onprotection of rights of trans-genders after a motion to referit to a select committee of theUpper House was defeated.

The Lok Sabha had passedthe bill on August 5.

The Transgender Persons(Protection of Rights) Bill,2019, seeks to provide a mech-anism for social, economicand educational empowermentof transgenders and was movedfor consideration and passagein the Rajya Sabha by SocialJustice and Empowerment

Minister Thawar Chand Gehloton November 20.

Replying to a discussion forfurther consideration of the bill,Gehlot had said efforts wouldbe made to incorporate thesuggestions presented by mem-bers while framing the rules.

He had said a clause relat-ed to medical examination bya panel for a district magistrate(DM) or collector to certify aperson as a transgender whichwas earlier part of the bill, hasbeen done away with, afterreservations were expressed bymembers in this regard.

However, in case of a child,his or her parents can fileapplication for issuance of anidentification certificate.

Elaborating on the provi-sions of the bill, the Ministerhad said it is aimed at elimi-nating discrimination againsttransgenders and theGovernment would form anational council for its imple-mentation after the legislationis brought into effect.

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In yet another instance of neg-ligence in midday meal dis-

tribution, a dead rat was foundin the food served in a schoolhere on Tuesday, followingwhich an enquiry has beenordered by the district admin-istration.

Additional DistrictMagistrate Amit Kumar Singhsaid that eight students and ateacher of Janata Inter-Collegein Mustafabad Panchenda vil-lage were taken ill and sent tohospital after the rat was foundin one of the plates though noone had eaten the food at thattime.

NGO Janklyan Samiti of

Hapur had supplied the mid-day meal to the school.

An inquiry has beenordered into the incident andstrict action will be takenagainst those found guilty ofnegligence, Singh said.

District authorities haveordered lodging of an FIRagainst the mid-day meal sup-plier, the official said.

The students and theteacher complained of vomit-ing after they saw the rat andwere taken to hospital, he said.

Last week, another case ofapathy had come to light whena video showed that a litre ofmilk was allegedly diluted witha bucket of water so that 81children could be served dur-

ing their midday meal at a gov-ernment school in Sonbhadradistrict of Uttar Pradesh, fol-lowing which a teacher was

suspended.Two months earlier a sim-

ilar shocking video hademerged from Siyur Primary

School in Mirzapur districtshowing a woman distributingrotis and another giving salt tochildren in the midday meal.

The National HumanRights Commission (NHRC)had taken note of the Mirzapurincident and sent a notice to theUttar Pradesh chief secretaryfollowing which two teacherswere suspended.

According to a NHRCstatement, the commission hadalso sought a detailed reportabout the status of the middaymeal scheme across the statewithin four weeks.

The state government hadlodged an FIR against the jour-nalist who recorded the videoof schoolchildren being servedsalt and roti in their middaymeal.

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Facing the brunt of ‘strong’retaliation by the Indian

Army, the Pakistan Army onTuesday targeted several civil-ian areas along the line of con-trol in Poonch sector in whicha 12th class student and awoman were both killed whileseven others received injuries.

According to groundreports, around two dozen for-ward Indian villages of Shahpurand Kirni sectors were affect-ed in the heavy mortar shellingby the Pakistan Army. Inresponse, the Indian Armygave them a befitting reply.

Local villagers claimed,mortar shells landed in villageswhich were around 10 kmsaway from the line of control.Panic stricken residentsclaimed,”We had never wit-nessed shelling in the areaeven at the peak of hostilitiesduring 1999 Kargil war andeven during 1965-1971 wars”.

To prevent further loss oflives, several villagers had takenshelter inside bunkers. Tensionprevailed along the LoC evenas heavy mortar shelling wasstill going on in the area till thetime of filing the report.

Deputy Commissioner ofPoonch, Rahul Yadav said, “a 12th class student identified asShoaib and 35 year old Woman,identified as Gulnaz were bothkilled in mortar shelling byPakistan army in BandiChichian area while seven oth-ers received injuries”.

Rahul Yadav said, out ofseven injured, two seriouslyinjured villagers were referredto Government Medical collegehospital in Jammu while five of

them were undergoing treat-ment in district hospital,Poonch.

Since August 2019 thisyear, around 1000 incidents ofceasefire violations have beenreported along the line of con-trol and International border across Jammu &Kashmir.

Meanwhile, alert Armyjawans on Tuesday appre-hended an intruder from PoKwhile he was trying to sneakinside the Indian territory inNowshera sector of Rajouri.

Senior Superintendent ofPolice, Rajouri, Yougal Manhassaid, “ On Tuesday afternoonalert army troops guarding theline of control noticed a manwho was trying to sneak insidethe Indian territory. Afternabbing him the intruder washanded over by the armyauthorities to local police fornecessary formalities.

According to police, anintruder from Pok has beenidentified as Tariq Mahmoodson of Fazal Rehman residentof Chai Nalla village ofSamahani Tehsil in District

Bhimber of Pakistan OccupiedKashmir.

Senior Superintendent ofPolice Rajouri Yougal Manhassaid that cognizance into thematter under relevant sectionsof law has been taken andaccused is under questioning.

He, however, added that noweapon or any such incrimi-nating material has been recov-ered from the intruder. On theother hand, Northern ArmyCommander, Lt-Gen RanbirSingh reviewed overall securi-ty situation in the Kashmir val-ley.

Defence Spokesman, ColRajesh Kalia in Srinagar said,“Accompanied by ChinarCorps Commander, Lt GenKJS Dhillon, the Army com-mander visited the formationsand units in the hinterland inSouth Kashmir on Tuesday”. Hesaid, Lt-Gen Ranbir Singh wasbriefed by commanders onground regarding the opera-tional and logistic prepared-ness. Interacting with thetroops, Lt-Gen Singh stressedupon the need to maintain vigiland defeat terrorist design.

Kolkata: A day after UnionHome Minister Amit Shah set2024 as the deadline forimplementing NRC acrossthe country, West BengalChief Minister MamataBanerjee on Tuesday termedthe citizens register as “BJP’spolitical rhetoric”.

She said a pan India citizens’ register can never be areality on the basis of caste and religion as all persons liv-ing in the country are its legal citizens.

A citizens’ register would be a blunder as it would facebacklash across the country, she said.

“We will not allow the National Register of Citizens(NRC), it will never happen in West Bengal. You cannotimplement NRC on the basis of caste and religion,” she toldreporters in the premises of the State Assembly.

“NRC is a political rhetoric of BJP. It can never be areality. They (BJP) are busy using political rhetoric but weshould not fall into their trap. All people living in this coun-try are its legal citizens and no one can take away their cit-izenship,” Banerjee, who is a staunch critic of the saffronparty, said.

The TMC supremo said her opposition to NRC is notdriven only by politics but also on humanitarian grounds.

“A person who is living in the country for last so manydecades, how can you just announce him foreigner all ofa sudden ? This is completely unacceptable. Pan India NRCwill never be a reality,” Banerjee said.Her comments comea day after BJP chief Amit Shah at an election rally inJharkhand on Monday set 2024 as the deadline for imple-menting the hugely divisive NRC across the country.

He asserted that “each and every” infiltrator will beidentified and expelled before the next general election.

The omission of a large number of Hindu Bengalis fromthe final NRC list in BJP-ruled Assam has apparently cre-ated panic among the people in West Bengal and hasallegedly led to 11 deaths in the state so far. PTI

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The ongoing tensionbetween the Mamata

Banerjee Government andGovernor Jagdeep Dhankharhad extraordinary fallouts withState Assembly Speaker BimanBanerjee on Wednesday takingan unprecedented decision toadjourn the House for twodays following a delay by theRaj Bhavan in signing threebills.

Though there was no offi-cial statement from theGovernment or the Governor’sHouse on the bizarre develop-ment inside sources said, theinordinate delay by theGovernor in signing the billswas an upshot of growing dif-ferences between ChiefMinister Mamata Banerjee andthe Governor who has repeat-edly complained against theState Ministers and even theChief Minister for beingincourteous to him.

The Speaker announcedthat the House will remainadjourned till December 5. Hesaid “the House will beadjourned for two days. Thebills which were scheduled tobe placed won’t be tabled asthey are yet to receive the nodof the Governor …We had sentthose bills for printing but

can’t place them in theAssembly as they are yet to getthe nod.”

While Opposition Left andCongress jointly questionedthe logic behind the adjourn-ment as “there are a host ofother issues to be discussed —from rising cases of dengue torising prices of eatables,” StateBJP president Dilip Ghosh saidthe Governor was not a puppetin the hands of theGovernment and he was notbound to sign all the billsmaking it clear that there was“some politics behind his notsigning the bills as is thenorm.”

While there was no state-ment from the Governor’sHouse Ghosh said “Governoris not bound to sign every billsent by the Government justbecause it is in majority.” Heaccused the Government of“getting passed all the billswithout it being scrutinised.”

He said “I was in theAssembly for three years and I

saw how sometimes bills weresent to the Governor at the lasthour so that he had no time togo through it… Maybe thistime he is taking time to gothrough the bill… this gov-ernment runs the house in apeculiar manner. The bill thatis discussed sometimes is notthe one that gets signed. So ifthe Governor is taking time toread it between the lines he isnot doing any wrong.”

The State has sent threebills including SC/STCommission bill, sources said.

Dhankhar is at loggerheadswith the TMC Government ona number of issues. The coldwar peaked on the ConstitutionDay celebrations last week.The Chief Minister and theGovernor who were present atthe State Assembly would notexchange pleasantries.Subsequently Dhankharaccused Banerjee for “humili-ating” him “on every occasion”and not briefing himregularly.

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The Kolkata Police suspect-ed Delhi and Romania

links in Tuesday’s KolkataAutomated Teller Machinefrauds that have allegedlyduped customers of lakhs.

Police said the number ofpeople defrauded had crossed50 on Monday with video clip-pings procured from DelhiPolice showed masked fraud-sters withdrawing cash fromthe Capital’s Laxmi Nagar areaon most of the occasions.

Senior IPS officerMurlidhar Sharma on Mondaysaid “two FIRs have beenlodged in two places in Kolkataand accordingly we have start-ed investigation,” adding thepolice would soon go to theCapital to further investigatethe case.

He said Romanian andTurkish gangs could be behindthe frauds and were beingprobed. Last year similar fraudstook place and 8 people ofRomanian gang were arrested.

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Rajasthan ChiefMinister Ashok

Gehlot on Tuesdaysaid the Congress’proposed rally inNew Delhi against“anti-people” poli-cies of the NDAGovernment willshatter its “arro-gance”.

The Congresshas called for a rallyat the Ramlila Maidan againstthe alleged “anti-people poli-cies” of the Prime MinisterNarendra Modi ledGovernment.

“On December 14, therewill be a demonstration atRamlila Maidan in Delhi andthousands of Congress workersfrom all over the country willparticipate,” the CM said here.

He said there had been dis-trict level protests against the

Modi Government byCongress workers across the country.

“This rally will prove to beeffective in shattering the arro-gance of the central govern-ment,” Gehlot said.

When asked about hisviews on the removal of theSPG cover of the Gandhi fam-ily, he said the reasons cited forremoving the security coverwere “ridiculous”.

Srinagar: Barring the clamp-down on internet services, nor-malcy is slowly returning to theKashmir Valley almost fourmonths after the Centreannounced abrogation ofArticle 370 of the Constitution that gave special status to Jammu &Kashmir.

Shops, schools and busi-ness establishments opened onTuesday morning and markets remained open tillaround 1 PM, in comparison toa few weeks earlier when shopswould down their shuttersmuch before noon, officialssaid.

As per the ‘new normal’,students have started going toschools though without wear-ing uniforms. Schools haveasked their pupils to attend

classes in casual clothes forsecurity reasons.

Officials said that the situ-ation across the Valley hasremained peaceful with nountoward incident beingreported from anywhere.

However, there has beenno official word on the restora-tion of internet services whichwere snapped from all plat-forms on August 5 when UnionHome Minister Amit Shahannounced the abrogation ofArticle 370 and bifurcation ofthe state of Jammu & Kashmir into two UnionTerritories.

Besides severely affectinglocal businesses and educationof the region’s youth, the working of journalists has beenhampered due to lack of internet services. PTI

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Jammu: Dozens of panches andsarpanches on Tuesday began aweek-long hunger strike here insupport of their various demands,including the clearance of ��1,000crore liabilities under the Centre’sf lagship MGNERGA scheme.

The hunger strike under thebanner of the All Jammu &Kashmir Panchayat Conference(AJKPC) was also to press forsecurity cover to all sarpanchesand panches in the vulnerableareas and enhancement of month-ly honorarium given at the rate of� 2,500 to sarpanches and ��1,000to panches.

“We are forced to go for thehunger strike in support of ourdemands because of the insensi-tive approach of the administra-tion. Our round-the-clock hungerstrike will continue till December10 but if the administration comesforward and addresses our issues,we are ready to call off the strikeanytime,” AJKPC president AnilSharma told reporters.

He said the AJKPC hadserved an ultimatum of 15 days tothe UT Government for clearingthe mounting liabilities of ��1,000crore under the MGNREGAscheme.

“The poor labourers, includ-ing skilled and unskilled, have notbeen paid their meagre wages for

years together. It was highly unfor-tunate that the Government hasbecome insensitive to the miseriesof poor labourers,” Sharma, whois leading the protest, said.

He said sarpanches andpanches from all the districts ofJammu & Kashmir are taking partin the protest.

He alleged that the successiveGovernments of the erstwhile J &K State and now the UT admin-istration have been violating theMGNREGA guidelines withregard to the payment of wages toworkers with “impunity”.

“The MGNREGA guidelinessuggest that workers should bepaid their wages within 15 days ofthe work done but the situation isquite grim in the UT where theworkers who executed worksfrom 2015 to March 2019 have notbeen paid their wages till date.This is the worst example ofhuman rights violation,” said theleader of the AJKPC, which is afrontline body of the elected pan-chayat members.

Referring to the killing of asarpanch and a Government official in a terror attack at Hakuravillage in Anantnag district onNovember 26 during the ‘back tothe village’ programme, he saidthe security of the panches andsarpanches is a major issue andneeds to be dealt on priority. PTI


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Page 9: News Headlines India - The Pioneer - ˆ $&’& (’˚) · 2019-12-03 · engineer and app developer, Subramanian, tweeted, “NASA has credited me for finding Vikram Lander on Moon’s

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Bollywood actor RiteishDeshmukh and elder his

brother-Congress MLA AmitDeshmukh, sons ofMaharashtra’s late ChiefMinister Vilasrao Deshmukh,on Tuesday vehemently con-tested the messages floatingaround in the social media thatthey had sought loan waivers tothe tune of � 4.75 crore fromthe Maharashtra Government.

Responding to a tweet putout by academic and chairper-son of Indian Council of SocialScience Research (ICSSR)Madhu Kishwar, Riteish tweet-ed: “Dear @madhukishwar Ji,The said paper in circulation iswith malafide motive. Neitherme nor my brother@AmitV_Deshmukh haveavailed any loan as mentionedin the paper posted by you.Hence, there is no question ofany loan waiver whatsoever.Please don’t be misled. Thankyou”. Interestingly enough, theoriginal tweet put by Kishwarwent missing from the twitter,

after Riteish’s tweet.On her part, Kishwar gra-

ciously admitted she had been“misled” into putting the tweetand expressed regret.“@Riteishdji, an otherwise reli-able Mumbai friend sent methat info. Knowingly,I neverpublish misleading info evenagainst someone I may hate.Sorry, in this case I was misled.From now on, won’t trust evengood friends on SM matters.Sincere apologies.BTW Iadmire your acting,” Kishwartweeted.

“I am also deeplyimpressed by the graciousmanner in which@Riteishdpointed out my mis-take. Thank you Riteish, thatone tweet of yours carriedmany valuable lessons,” sheadded in another tweet.

As per a purportedly“fake” document datedFebruary 2, 2019 from Laturfloating around in the socialmedia, Amit Deshmukh andRiteish Deshmukh had alleged-ly availed a huge farm loan ofaround �4.75 crore and alsoreportedly applied to the

Government for its waiver.The indication of the doc-

ument being a fake one can beseen from the fact that it bearshand-written noting thatDeshmukhs allegedly owedfarm loan amounting to � 4,70,64,195 and it carriesanother remark— all pennedwith a yellow marker-pen:“Advise, how to waive off theloan”. In a detailed clarification,Congress MLA AmitDeshmukh said: “This kind ofmessages have been floatingaround in social media sincethe run-up to the Lok Sabha.We had then issued a clarifi-cation. The messages onceagain resurfaced during the

State Assembly elections heldin October”.

“We have a reason tobelieve that some vested inter-ests are behind this mischief.We are lodging a police com-plaint now to thoroughly inves-tigate the entire matter andarrest those peddling thesefake messages in social media,”Amit said.

To substantiate the thedocument circulating in thesocial media was “fake”, Amitcame out with the latest copyof a genuine documentreceived from the local revenuedepartment on November 29,2019 which has no figures ofany alleged outstanding loan

due from Deshmukhs nor doesit make a mention that they hadsought a loan waiver.

In normal course,Deshmukhs — being the land-holding farmers — are not eli-gible for are not eligible forbenefits under the StateGovernment’s loan waiverscheme, a fact that theDevendra FadnavisGovernment had made itknown it announced the �� 34,022 crore loan waiverscheme “Chhatrapati ShivajiMaharaj Krishi SammanYojana” on June 4 2017.

Deshmukhs believe thattheir political rivals might havebeen behind the whole thing.“If the fake document hasresurfaced again in the socialmedia, Amit Deshmukh’s rivalsmay be trying to deny himministerial berth in the UddhavThackeray Government.

This is because he was aMinister for a brief time in theearlier Congress-NCP alliancegovernment and is now a min-isterial aspirant,” a Congressleader close to the Deshmukhfamily said.

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In second big disclosure intwo days, NCP chief Sharad

Pawar on Tuesday said he was aware that party leader Ajit Pawar was in touch withDevendra Fadnavis even as hedistanced himself from hisnephew’s sudden political moveto join hands with the BJP on November 23.

Pawar had on Monday saidthat Prime Minister NarendraModi had proposed “workingtogether” but he rejected theoffer.

Fadnavis and Ajit Pawartook oath on November 23

morning as chief minister anddeputy chief minister, respec-tively, even though the ShivSena, NCP and Congress hadalmost finalised their allianceand named Uddhav Thackerayas the chief ministerial candi-date.

However, Ajit resigned onNovember 26, following whichFadnavis also threw in thetowel, resulting into collapse ofthe government that lasted foronly 80 hours.

“I knew DevendraFadnavis and Ajit Pawar werein talks, but the speculationthat I was aware of Ajit’s polit-ical move is wrong,” Pawar toldNDTV in an interview.

Bengaluru: Alleging that theruling BJP, fearing defeat in theDecember 5 bypolls, has triedto contact some of its MLAswith an intention to engineerdefections, the Congress inKarnataka Monday warned thesaffron party of a backlashfrom the party and people ifthey went about it.

The principal Oppositionparty also claimed that BJP wasspending about � 1,000 crore

“corrupt money” for thebypoll.

“I want to tell one thing toBJP- some of their leaders haveclaimed that Congress MLAsare ready to join them...Imwarning them not to againindulge in Operation Kamala(poaching of oppositionMLAs),” KPCC PresidentDinesh Gundu Rao toldreporters here.

“...In fact, they are alreadymaking phone calls to ourMLAs, already called a few ofthem. If it repeats, we will notspare you... If it (poaching)repeats, we will not spareyou. They (BJP) know theywill lose in the bypolls...

If they indulge inOperation Kamala again,

leave alone Congress, peoplewill chase and beat them. Dontindulge in such undemocraticthings, he added.

Clarifying that Congresswould not indulge in such“operations”, Rao said disqual-ified Congress legislators likeByrathi Basavaraj, S TSomashekar and Munirathna-who are now BJP candidates,had in fact said they wanted tore-join the party, a requestwhich was turned down.

The bypolls were necessi-tated after the resignation andabsence of 17 Congress-JD(S)legislators during the trustvote, leading to the collapse ofthe coalition government andpaving the way for BJP tocome to power. PTI

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Coimbatore: A day after 17people were killed in a com-pound wall collapse near here,the owner of the house aroundwhich the structure had beenbuilt was arrested on Tuesdayon charges of causing death bynegligence.

Amid demands for actionunder the SC and ST Act sincethe victims were Dalits, TamilNadu Chief Minister KPalaniswami met the bereavedfamilies at Nadur, over 50 kmfrom here, and described theincident as ‘painful’ andassured action against theowner in accordance with lawbased on proper inquiry.

Conceding otherdemands, he announcedenhancement of the solatiumfrom � 4 lakh to � ten lakh andsaid orders had been issued toprovide suitable jobs to thenext of the kin of the deceased.He also said concrete houseswill be constructed to replace

the tiled roof structures inthe Dalit settlement.

Sivasubramanian, whohad been ‘absconding’since the mishap, wasarrested in Mettupalayam,about 45 km from here,police said adding theywere interrogating him.

A portion of the over15-foot high compound wall,damp due to heavy rains lash-ing the area for the past fewdays, came crashing down onthe adjoining four tiled-roofhouses in the Dalit settlementin Nadur around 5 am onMonday, killing the 17, includ-ing ten women and two chil-

dren.The arrest of the house

owner, absconding since theincident, came amid demandsby the locals and some Dalitoutfits besides political leaders,including DMK president M KStalin who visited the bereavedfamilies and alleged officialshad failed to act on com-plaints about stability of thewall.

Police said a case underIndian Penal Code section 304A (causing death by negli-gence) had been registeredagainst Sivasubramanian, whoruns a textile showroom inMettupalayam. PTI

Bengaluru: The high-octanecampaign for the December 5bypolls in Karnataka that willdetermine the future of the BJPGovernment in the State ended on Tuesday, withleaders of political parties mak-ing a last bid to woo voters.

The by-elections to 15Assembly constituencies sawBJP seeking votes for “stabili-ty”, while the Congress and JD(S) urged theelectorate to defeat the dis-qualified legislators responsiblefor the collapse of their coali-tion government, who are nowthe ruling party candidates. PTI

Bengaluru: Senior Congressleader K Siddaramaiah onTuesday said the party leader-ship would take a call on pos-sible tie-up with JD(S) to forma government in case the rul-ing BJP fails to retain its major-ity following the December 5assembly bypolls in Karnataka.’His statement came even asseveral of his party colleaguesmaintained that they were notaverse to possibility of a postby-poll alliance.

“No, no such things, highcommand will discuss anddecide about it,” Siddaramaiahtold reporters in Hunsur inresponse to a query on discus-

sions on alliance with JD(S).Earlier speaking to

reporters in Mysuru, he said,there was no internal under-standing between Congressand JD(S) during the bypolls,and both parties were serious-ly fighting against each other. PTI

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Breaking her silence overthe intense speculation

about her quitting the BJP,former Minister and seniorparty leader Pankaja Mundesaid here on Tuesday that herFacebook post, in which shehad indicated she would decideon her “future journey” onDecember 12, had been “mis-interpreted” and she had noplans to quit the party.

Talking to media persons aday after her Sunday’s Facebookpost and subsequent removal ofthe BJP’s name from her twit-ter handle sparked intense spec-ulation that she might quit theBJP on December 12, Pankajasaid: “I had not put theFacebook post to indulge inpressure tactics within the party.I am a loyal party worker.Rebellion is not in my blood.My Facebook post has beenmisinterpreted. I am upset withmisleading news reports. I amvery committed to the BJP.Rumours are being spread tosuggest that I am leaving theBJP”.

Earlier in the day, formerMinisters Vinod Tawade,Babarao Lonikar and RamShinde met Pankaja at herMumbai residence and request-ed her not to take any extremestep of quitting the BJP. Talkingto media persons after hismeeting with Pankaja, Tawadesaid: “Every year Pankajataiputs out such posts onFacebook. But, this year, herpolitical rivals misinterpretedher post. She is upset becauseof this”.

Informed sources in theBJP said that former chief min-ister and senior BJP leaderDevendra Fadnavis spoke toPankaja over telephone andreportedly prevailed upon hernot to quit the party. “Both theleaders discussed the currentpolitical situation in the state,”sources said.

Notwithstanding Pankaja’sdenial about her quitting theBJP on December 12, the birth

anniversary of her father lateGopinath Munde, sources closeto her said that she was plan-ning to make to make a majorannouncement on December12, while not disclosing as whatit could be.

On Monday, theMaharashtra BJP had gone intoa tizzy, after Pankaja —througha Facebook post put out onSunday and subsequentremoval of the BJP’s name fromher twitter handle on Monday— hinted at the possibility ofher quitting the parent partyand joining another party.

As Pankaja was incommu-nicado all through Mondayafter she removed the BJP’sname from her twitter handle,the BJP had gone into a dam-age control mode and deniedthat she had any plans to bequit the party, as was beinginterpreted by the politicalobservers from Sunday’sFacebook post and her decisionto remove the party’s namefrom her twitter handle.

Forty year-old Pankaja isthe daughter late BJP leaderGopinath Munde. Pankaja hadtaken over the legacy of herfather Gopinath Munde afterthe latter died in a road acci-dent in the national capital onJune 3, 2014. A former minis-ter in the previous BJP-led saf-

fron alliance Government inthe state, she was defeated byher cousin Dhananjay Mundein the October 21 StateAssembly polls by a margin of30.701 votes in their homeconstituency of Parli in Beeddistrict of Marathwada.

Shiv Sena spokespersonSanjay Raut had added fuel toongoing speculation thatPankaja might join the ShivSena, through his crypticremarks made during his inter-actions with media persons atNashik. Asked if it was truethat Pankaja would be joiningthe Shiv Sena, Raut said: “Manyprominent BJP leaders haveexpressed their willingness tojoin the BJP. If you are talkingabout Pankaja Munde, you willget know about her plans onDecember 12”.

Talking to media persons,Maharashtra BJP presidentsaid: “At a time we have an acci-dental Government in the state.It is but natural that we get tosee the ruling front leadersindulge in this kind of wishfulthinking. There is absolutetruth in the rumours thatPankajatai would quit the BJP.Many of us have spokenPankajatai. I don’t think thereis any possibility of her takingsuch a step(of quitting theBJP)”.

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The Economic OffencesWing (EOW) of Mumbai

Police arrested three formerdirectors of the Punjab &Maharashtra Cooperative(PMC) Bank Ltd late onTuesday evening, in connec-tion with the �� 4,355 crorescam.

The police identified thethree arrested former directorsof the PMC Bank as JagdishMookhey, Mukti Bavisi andTrupti Bane.

While Mookhey was amember of the Audit

Committee from 2005 to 2020,Bavisi was member of theloans and advances committeebetween 2011 and 2020. Banewas on the Bank’s recoverycommittee from 2015 to2020.

Ahead of their formalarrested, the three formerdirectors were questioned inconnection with the loans andfacilities extended to the HDILGroup and the status of theirlong-pending recoveries. Theyfailed to provide satisfactoryreplies to the investigators,prompting their arrest.

The investigators will pro-

duce the three arrested formerdirectors of the bank before acity court on Wednesdaymorning and seek theirremand.

With the latest arrests, thetotal number of arrests in thePMC Bank scam has gone upto eleven.

Earlier on November 16,the police had arrested SardarRanjeet Singh, son of a city BJPleader and former MLA fromMulund Sardar Tara Singh.

Among those arrested sofar include: two promoters ofthe Housing Development and

Infrastructure Limited (HDIL)Sarang Kumar Wadhawan andRakesh Wadhawan

The PMC Bank’s expo-sure to the HDIL group wasnearly 73 per cent of its totalloan book size of ��8,880 croreas of September 19, 2019.

The EOW suspects a nexusbetween some of the accusedand realty group HDIL, whosemammoth loan defaults aresaid to have caused a liquiditycrisis at the bank, leading toappointment of administratorand restrictions on withdraw-al of funds.

The bank’s former chair-

man Waryam Singh, managingdirector Joy Thomas and othersenior officials, along with thedirectors of HDIL SarangWadhwan and RakeshWadhawan, have been namedin the FIR.

HDIL’s promoters hadallegedly colluded with thebank management, to drawloans from the bank’s Bhandupbranch.

During the course of theinvestigations, it has come tolight that the PMC Bank cre-ated more than 21,000 fakeaccounts to hide the variousloans.

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Page 10: News Headlines India - The Pioneer - ˆ $&’& (’˚) · 2019-12-03 · engineer and app developer, Subramanian, tweeted, “NASA has credited me for finding Vikram Lander on Moon’s

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Incumbent telecom carriersBharti Airtel, Vodafone Idea

and Reliance Jio have asked thesector regulator TRAI to set upfloor pricing for data servicesas early as possible while ask-ing for continuation of for-bearance for voice services.

In a letter to TelecomRegulatory Authority of IndiaChairman, COAI DirectorGeneral Rajan Mathews saidtariff correction in the currentlevel of fierce competition is notpossible by any service providervoluntarily and thus the onlyoption available is prescriptionof a minimum tariff for mobiledata service by the Authority.

At the same time TRAIwould be aware that unlikemobile data, voice services areconsidered as essential ser-vices by the people mainly atthe bottom of the pyramidand therefore would need to becontinued under the presentforbearance regime.

It said data tariffs in Indiaare 50 times lower than that ofthe developed/developingeconomies. “Telecom serviceproviders in the private sector— Bharti Airtel Limited,Reliance Jio and Vodafone IdeaLimited — are in complete

agreement that TRAI berequested to regulate tariffs bysetting a floor price for data ser-vices,” said the CellularOperators Association of India(COAI) Director GeneralMathews in a letter datedDecember 3, 2019, to the TRAIchairman Ram Sewak Sharma.

COAI represents India’stelecom service providers andnetwork vendors excludingstate-run Bharat SancharNigam Limited (BSNL) andMahanagar Telephone NigamLimited (MTNL).

“Necessary orders as perthe statutory provisions of theTRAI Act be issued urgently.We expect tariffs to be regu-lated and decided by TRAI willensure that the telecom indus-try remains healthy androbust,” the letter stated.

The financially-strainedtelecom sector, sitting on a debtof more than �7.5 lakh crore, isfurther stressed following therecent adverse Supreme Court

verdict asking telecom compa-nies to pay due to the govern-ment settling a decade-and-a-half dispute on the interpretation of AdjustedGross Revenue (AGR).

In the September quarter,Bharti Airtel and VodafoneIdea together posted highestloss of more than �75,000crore. The telecom body, citingTRAI data said overall averagerevenue per user (APRU) has come down from �141 in2010, to �118 in 2017, and to�80 a month.

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In an interim relief to thelenders, the Securities

Appellate Tribunal (SAT) onTuesday asked NDSL not totransfer any more shares to theclients of the crippled KarvyBroking.

Issuing an interim stay, atwo-member SAT bench com-prising MT Joshi and CKGNair said the final order will beissued Wednesday afternoon.

The SAT order came on aplea from affected lenders--HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank,Indusind Bank and BajajFinance — which challengedNSDL’s Monday decision totransfer shares from now-banned Karvy Broking back to

83,000 clients, which helpedalmost 90 per cent of the demataccountholders of brokerage torecover their investments.

Since most of the shareswere kept as securities for loansmade by banks, and “unilater-al” transfer of shares will havea chilling effect on this streamof lending, HDFC Bank, ICICIBank and Indusind Bank toldthe SAT during the hearing.

Karvy had misused secu-rities of over 95,000 clientswhich it was holding on behalfof the clients to raise over�600 crore in loans.

Following an order fromthe capital markets regulatorSebi, National SecuritiesDepository (NSDL) onMonday transferred back

stocks of nearly 83,000 clients.Bajaj Finance was the first to

challenge NSDL move at the SATwithin hours of the transfers, andthe banks joined it on Tuesday.Banks claimed that such “uni-lateral” transfer of shares, whichare pledged with them as secu-rities for borrowings, will deeplyimpact the entire business ofloans against shares and will pre-vent them from undertakingthis business in toto.

As a solution, senior coun-sel representing banks pleadedfor shares to be either clawedback from clients and frozen inan escrow account and warnedthat if the securities come backto the open market, it will be“irreversible”.

Banks also said they cannot

be forced to pay for the “sins”of the regulators and the regu-lated companies.

During the course of thearguments, a counsel forHDFC Bank said the largestprivate sector lender alone hasa �300 crore exposure wherethe shares worth over � 470crore have been pledged.

Counsel for NSDL saiddepository acted only as perSebi order and drew focus ona Sebi order of June 2019which made it clear that suchpledges might be untenableand alleged that banks havebeen “recklessly” lending tobrokerages.

During the day-long argu-ments, the NSDL counsel toldSAT that the decision to trans-

fer back the shares to clientswas made by the NSDL boardafter a lot of thoughts.

The NDDL counsel alsopointed out banks should havebeen aware of the Sebi ordersince all these banks whichhave challenged the NSDL alsorun dedicated broking arms.

SAT reserved the orderand said the final order will bedelivered at 1400 hrsWednesday. On Monday, Sebihad directed NSDL to transferthe investors’ securities, held byKarvy Stock Broking in theirrespective accounts. The deci-sion resulted in nearly 83,000investors getting back their secu-rities that were illegally trans-ferred by the broker to its ownaccount and were even pledged

without any authorisation.With this transfer by

NSDL, nearly 90 per centinvestors received their securi-ties. Karvy has taken loans tothe tune of �600 crore bypledging securities worth over�2,300 crore of 95,000 clientswith lenders, including BajajFinance. Of these, 95,000clients, nearly 83,000 have gotback their securities, whichwere illegally transferred byKarvy to its own account andthen used for other purposesincluding raising funds.

The ruling halting furthertransfer of shares came follow-ing an appeal by Bajaj Finance,which has given loans worth�345 crore to Karvy againstpledged securities.

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Leading stock exchange NSEhas shortlisted eight compa-

nies, including FutureEnterprises and GMRInfrastructure, that have higherlevels of pledged shares by pro-moters, for surveillance action.

The exchange would levyminimum margin of 35 percent on the respective shares,including on stocks in deriva-tives segment.

Jindal Steel & Power, Dish

TV India, Gayatri Projects,Max India, SadbhavInfrastructure Project andSequent Scientific are the othersix companies identified forsurveillance action, accordingto a circular.

“The applicable rate ofmargin in equity and equityderivatives segment shall be 35per cent or existing margin,whichever is higher with effectfrom December 5 on all openpositions as on December 4and new positions created from

December 5,” the bourse said.It also noted that shortlist-

ing of securities under this sur-veillance measure is purely onaccount of market surveillanceand it should not be construedas an adverse action against theconcerned company.

In October, stockexchanges decided to take addi-tional surveillance measuresfrom November 1 in order toreduce volatility in stocks hav-ing higher levels of pledgedshares by their promoters.

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Seeking investment from glob-al players, Finance Minister

Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesdaysaid the Government is open tofurther reforms for making Indiaa more attractive investmentdestination. The Governmenthas taken various steps, includ-ing reduction in corporate tax,she said at the India-SwedenBusiness Summit here.

Without sharing details offuture reforms, the finance min-ister said, “I only can invite andassure that the Government ofIndia is committed for furtherreforms in various sectors

whether it is banking, mining orinsurance and so on.”

She added the Governmentis addressing challenges facedby the industry not just Indian-owned but operationaliseindustries which are present inIndia. “Since after budget I havemade sure constant interac-tions with the industry, under-standing their challenges, andtherefore, since after the bud-get not waiting for anotherbudget which is expected inFebruary 2020, we took majorstructure reform in the formreduction in corporate tax.

“This one measure indicateshow our government believes in

reforms. Today I say there aremany more steps we have totake,” she added. In the biggesttax reduction in 28 years, thegovernment in Septemberslashed corporate tax rates up to10 percentage points as it lookedto pull the economy out of a six-year low growth with a �1.45lakh crore tax break.

Base corporate tax forexisting companies has beenreduced to 22 per cent from 30per cent, and to 15 per centfrom 25 per cent for new man-ufacturing firms incorporatedafter October 1, 2019, andstarting operations beforeMarch 31, 2023.

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The Income Tax Departmentprocessed as many as 2.10

crore tax refund cases, return-ing back over �1.46 lakh crorein first eight months of 2019-20, up 20 per cent over the lastyear as a centralised processingcentre has expedited theprocess, officials said.

The Centralised ProcessingCentre (CPC) processed 4.70crore tax returns between April2019 and November 28 (almosteight months of current 2019-20 year) as opposed to 3.91crore returns being processedin the same period a year back,they said.

It processed 2.10 crore taxrefund cases for currentAssessment Year 2019-20 as onNovember 28, 2019, comparedto 1.75 crore refunds for thesame period in FY 2018-19, anincrease of 20 per cent.

The total amount ofrefunds issued in FY 2019-20till November 28 was �1.46lakh crore as compared to�1.19 lakh crore in the sameperiod of the previous year (an

increase of 22.7 per cent), theysaid.

Of the 2.10-crore refundsprocessed in 2019-20, 68 percent of refunds were issuedwithin 30 days from the date ofthe e-verification of income taxreturn as compared to 57 percent for the same period in FY2018-19.

All refunds issued by CPChave been directly credited tothe taxpayers’ bank accounts byECS, eliminating paper chequeand ensuring faster, accurate and safer credit, offi-cials said.

The number of verifiedrefunds pending as onNovember 29 are 20.76 lakhand currently being processed.

Officials said not only were20 per cent higher number ofrefunds processed for the cur-rent AY2019-20, the pendencyof refunds for verified incometax returns (ITR) has beenreduced by 36 per cent from31.97 lakh last year at thesame time to 20.76 lakh thisyear as on November 29.

Balance refunds are beingprocessed, they said.

New Delhi: German luxury car-maker Mercedes Benz onTuesday launched its premiumSUV GLC with price starting at�52.56 lakh (ex-showroom allIndia). The latest generation ofthe GLC is available in bothpetrol and diesel engine options.These are equipped with MBUX,an intuitive and intelligent multi-media system.

While the petrol option,GLC 200 is priced at �52.75 lakh,the diesel variant GLC 220d ispriced at �57.75 lakh (all pricesex-showroom, India). “Thelaunch of the new GLC reiteratesour product offensive for theIndian market,” Mercedes-BenzIndia Managing Director & CEO

Martin Schwenk said.Stating the GLC is one of

Mercedes-Benz India’s highestselling SUVs, having sold over7,000 units since its debut, hesaid launch of latest generationGLC “also marks the introduc-tion of the next generation ofMBUX with the aim to improvedriver’s interaction with the var-ious systems in the car”. “NewGLC combines ruggedness of aSUV with the intelligence ofMBUX and luxury appoint-ments synonymous with ThreePointed Star (Mercedes-Benz).We are confident this offeringwill continue to win hearts andminds of our discerning cus-tomers,” he added. PTI

New Delhi: The country’slargest car maker Maruti SuzukiIndia on Tuesday said it willhike prices of its vehicles fromJanuary to offset rising inputcosts. Other car manufacturerssuch as Toyota, Mahindra &Mahindra and Mercedes-Benzsaid they are also contemplatinga similar move.

Hyundai Motor India andHonda Cars India, however,said they will not increasevehicle prices in January, buttheir products will see rise inprices when BS-VI compliantmodels are introduced in themarket. Taking the first step for

the year-end price hikeannouncements, Maruti SuzukiIndia said in a regulatory filingthat over the past year the costof company’s vehicles has beenimpacted adversely due toincrease in various input costs,

“Hence, it has becomeimperative for the company topass on some impact of theabove additional cost to cus-tomers through a price increaseacross various models inJanuary 2020,” it added.

This price increase shallvary for different models, thecompany said. Currently, thecompany sells a range of vehi-

cles starting from entry-levelsmall car Alto to premiummulti-purpose vehicle XL6with price ranging from �2.89lakh to �11.47 lakh (ex-show-room Delhi).

Toyota Kirloskar MotorDeputy Managing Director NRaja also said that the compa-ny is working out details to off-set rising input costs by pass-ing it to customers.

“We are in discussion for aJanuary timeline for the priceincrease. We will be reviewingprices along with the modelyear change and we will look atprice increase,” said. PTI

Mumbai: The Indian rupeeclosed on a steady note againstthe US dollar on Tuesday as thedomestic forex market turnedcautious ahead of the RBImonetary policy outcome.

Besides, participants alsotook note of the developmentson the global trade canvas,where US President DonaldTrump announced impositionof tariffs on imports fromBrazil and Argentina as well as indicated that a dealwith China might not be hap-pening till next year’s US pres-idential polls.


New Delhi: India needs to dis-courage large-scale paperimports to boost the domesticpaper industry, Union MinisterNitin Gadkari said on Tuesday.

The MSME Minister alsopitched for use of bamboo as araw material by the industry asdifferent types of papers can bemade using bamboo. TheGovernment has allocated�1,300 crore towards ‘BambooMission’, he said.

“India is witnessing large-

scale paper imports despite thepresence of diversified papersector in the country. I am espe-cially concerned about thegrowth prospects of small scalepaper and pulp industries, animportant part of MSME sector.

“The imports in paper sec-tor need to be discouragedwhile exports should beenhanced to support thedomestic industry,” Gadkarisaid in a video message at theinauguration of Paperex 2019.

He pitched for increasing theuse of bamboo as it can be awin-win situation for the paperindustry and the farmers.

JK Paper ManagingDirector Harshpati Singhaniasaid,”Growth in paper industryis moving from developedworld to the developing world.Consumption growth is declin-ing in Europe and Americaswhile the same is going up inAsia and some of the LatinAmerican countries.” PTI

New Delhi: The voluntaryretirement scheme of BSNLand MTNL on Tuesday closedwith over 92,700 employeesopting for it, according tosenior officials of the publicsector telecom companies.Around 78,300 employees ofBSNL and 14,378 of MTNLhave opted for the scheme.

“Approximately 78,300employees have opted for theVRS as per data received fromall the circles till the closing ofthe scheme. This is as per ourtarget. We were expectingreduction of 82,000 headcount.

Besides VRS applicants,

around 6,000 employees alsoretired,” BSNL Chairman andManaging Director PK Purwarsaid. The PSUs had setDecember 3 as last date foremployees to opt for VRS.MTNL Chairman andManaging Director Sunil Kumarsaid that the PSU too hasexceeded the target set for VRS.“14,378 employees have optedfor VRS against target of 13,650employees. This will reduce ourannual salary bill from �2,272crore to �500 crore. Now we areleft with 4,430 employees whichis sufficient to run our business,”Kumar said. PTI

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New Delhi: A day after clock-ing bountiful gains, telecomcompanies’ shares closed on amixed note on Tuesday.

Bharti Airtel shares logged amarginal 0.09 per cent gain tosettle the day at �458.95 a unit onthe BSE. The stock fell 2.84 percent in intra-day trade beforestaging a recovery. The operator’sshares had hit 52-week high onMonday. On the NSE, the telco’sshares closed at �460.85 apiece,up 0.49 per cent. While

Vodafone Idea shares dived 9.50per cent to end at �7.05 apiece onthe BSE. Intra-day, the stockplummeted 13.73 per cent to hita low of �6.72.

On the NSE, its shares set-tled 7.69 per cent down at �7.20per unit. During the day, thescrip nosedived 14.10 per cent.Shares of Vodafone Idea onMonday closed higher by 14.06per cent and those of BhartiAirtel by 4.12 per cent.


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Lionel Messi said he hoped tocarry on undimmed by ageafter claiming a record sixth

men’s Ballon d’Or award at the ageof 32 in Paris on Monday, while USAWorld Cup superstar MeganRapinoe took the women’s prize.

Rapinoe was not at the ChateletTheatre in the French capital, unableto make the trip back to the coun-try where she led the USA to victo-ry in July.

However, Messi was there withhis wife, Antonella Roccuzzo, andtwo of their children. It is Messi’s firstBallon d’Or since 2015 and his sixthoverall as he moves one ahead of oldrival Cristiano Ronaldo.

“It is 10 years since I won myfirst Ballon d’Or here in Paris and Iremember coming here with mythree brothers, I was 22 and it wasall unthinkable for me what I wasgoing through,” Messi said on stageafter receiving the award from lastyear’s winner Luka Modric.

“I hope I have several years leftto keep enjoying my football. I amaware of the age I have and thesemoments are all the more enjoyablebecause the moment when I have toretire is getting closer and that is dif-ficult.

“All going well I’ll have severalyears left but at the moment timeseems to be flying and everything ishappening very quickly.

“I hope to keep enjoying myfootball, my family, facing my rivalsand all of this life that I have.”

VAN DIJK COMES SECONDThe Barcelona number 10 won

this year’s prize — organised byFrance Football magazine and votedfor by a panel of journalists fromaround the world — ahead ofLiverpool defender Virgil van Dijk,with Ronaldo third.

It is the first time since 2010 thatRonaldo has failed to rank in the toptwo.

Having starred in the Liverpoolteam that won the ChampionsLeague, Van Dijk finished second toMessi just as he did in the voting forFIFA’s equivalent prize, The Best, inSeptember.

“Unfortunately there are a cou-ple of players like him who are a bitunnatural. Six times Ballon d’Or —you need to respect greatness aswell,” said Van Dijk.

Van Dijk was one of fourLiverpool players in the top 10, withSadio Mane fourth, Mohamed Salahfifth and goalkeeper Alisson seventh.

The latter won a new prize for thegoalkeeper of the year, named afterformer USSR icon Lev Yashin.

Messi has scored 46 goals in 54matches so far in 2019, and netted36 times in total in 34 La Liga match-es last season as Barcelona won thetitle.

He did not enjoy a successfulCopa America with Argentina butwas also the top scorer in last sea-son’s Champions League with 12goals.

As if any reminder of his bril-liance were required, on Sunday hescored a wonderful late winner forBarcelona against Atletico Madrid.

RAPINOE’S INCREDIBLE YEARThis is just the second year that

a women’s Ballon d’Or — voted forby 48 journalists — has been award-ed, with Rapinoe succeedingNorway’s Ada Hegerberg.

Rapinoe was the star of theWomen’s World Cup on, and off, thefield, winning the Golden Boot fortop scorer, with six goals, and GoldenBall for best player.

She scored the opening goal asthe USA beat the Netherlands 2-0 inthe final. But the 34-year-old femi-nist icon made headlines with heroutspoken criticism of US PresidentDonald Trump during the tourna-

ment and has led calls for her teamto be paid the same as their malecounterparts.

“It’s been an incredible year,” saidRapinoe in a recorded video message.

“I want to say a huge thank youto my team-mates, the coaches, theUS Soccer Federation, for all of thesupport to allow me to be who I amand do what I do on the field but alsobe the person who I am off the field.”

Rapinoe was one of four mem-bers of the US side that lifted theWorld Cup to be nominated for theprize, along with Tobin Heath, RoseLavelle and Alex Morgan, who fin-ished third on Monday. England’sLucy Bronze came second.

Dutch defender Matthijs de Ligt,the ex-Ajax star now at Juventus, suc-ceeded Kylian Mbappe as the winnerof the Kopa Trophy for the best play-er aged under 21.

BEST EVER RANKING FOR MEN’S TT TEAMNew Delhi: ����+��������D�����������������������������������������������������"���������"��!��� ���� ��"���� �!��� ��� ���� ����� +��A� �����"�)� ���+������������!�����"�6����5���/�7�>��������6����5�����>�����'� ��������������������!�������������EU/�!������������������������ �����)7�>���������������"�����������+�����������5��/)�@������>�����'�� ���!��������!���� �����!����������������0������,�����! ��""����F!�������������������!��//��������!��U�����!��)

VOLLEYBALL TEAMS WIN GOLD IN SAGKathmandu: +���� ���!�� ���� ������ 7��������������>����������7�������������"��������� ���D�� ��� �����D�� ������ ��� ������)� +����� ������������E/�E� �E���� �E���.����EF�E.���� ���� ��"��� ���D�� ������ ������� ���� ���� ��������7�����������������������������E/���������)� +�� ���� �����D�� �� � ���� �� �����"���!��������������������������������5�!���� ������������������������"��)�+��������E���. �E��E� �E��E� �E��E/��������)��

MEHULI SHOOTS 10M AIR RIFLE GOLDKathmandu: +���������������""������������ �������"� ����7����������������>����������7������������ ������:�����7����� �������"������!�� !������������������������� ���� ��������� ������)���� �F�������� :����� �������� ���� 7��� ����� ������� �E��)��������� �� ����������/)V������������� �������� ����� ������� � � E�E)F� ������ ��� ��� �������� ��������+���� ��!�����$����)�:����D�� ������ � ������� � ���� ��� ����������� �� ����������� ��� ����>����������7���D� �����������������"�����������������������������2+>>A3� ������!��!����� ��������)�+�������������������7����������/������� �������)�+���������D���/���������� $����>��"��������������7������)�6��� �C�"���>��"�����7��!�����>��"����������7������>�������� ��� ���� E��� ������� ���� !����� ��������!�������)

BUMRAH TRAINS UNDER SIVAGNANAMNew Delhi: 0���"����������� ������������ ������� � ���� ��� � ���� +����� !���� %�!���� 9�������������� ������"� ���� ������ +�#� �������� ,���$!���D��������1��������>��"������:$�)�J0���� ����� ������"� �� :$�)� +�D�� � !��������"����� K� �� � ���� ������� ���)� �����"���!����������,����+�#� ��������>��"��� ���������� � ��� ��� ������ ����!�������� ����� !����)J>��"������� ����������������������������+�#������������������!����������������� �������,������)� +�� ���!������!���������"���������������������!����� K��,����$!��������������)

INDIA STORM INTO KHO KHO FINALSKathmandu: +��������D����������D������������� ��"�������� ��������"� ����� ����� >��� #�������� ��� ���� ����� ���� ��� ������ ���� ���� � � ���>����� ����� 7���)� ���� ���D�� ��� � ��� ��9����� ������ � !��� �!� �� ��!�������!�� ������������ ������������ ���������������������������������"��������!������������������ � E��U)� 6���� ���� �����D�� ����� ���!���� �������!��������������>���#������������ ���������� ��E�V)�J6��!���������������)�6����������"��������!!������������!!������������"���������������"��������������������"������������ K������D����� �!��� � 5������ ���)� ���� ���D�� ���� ������ ���9�"������������ �� ���������������D����������� ���������������"�����5�!) ��6#�*6$


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Australia heavily hinted onTuesday they will field the

same XI for their opening Testagainst New Zealand to the onethat thrashed Pakistan, withselectors keen to build a coregroup of players.

Tim Paine’s men haveproven to far more consistentin recent months, havingretained the Ashes in Englandbefore a 2-0 series sweep

against Pakistan.Tough opposition awaits

with the arrival this month ofNew Zealand for three Tests —in Perth, Melbourne andSydney — and selectors namedan unchanged 13-man squad.

“As we said prior to thePakistan series we are strivingto maintain a core group ofplayers,” said national selectorTrevor Hohns.

“The performance of theteam against Pakistan was very

impressive across all areas.”The only omission from thesquad was spare batsmanCameron Bancroft, who was onstandby but did not play againstPakistan.

That means the same bat-ting line-up will start againstNew Zealand in Perth onDecember 12, spearheaded byDavid Warner who made amonumental 335 not out inAdelaide, ably supported byMarnus Labuschagne who hita second successive century.

“David Warner has been inexceptional form with the bat.The support he received fromJoe Burns in Brisbane andMarnus Labuschagne inAdelaide was exactly what wehad been asking for from thetop order,” said Hohns.

“They delivered, settingup both matches in what wasan outstanding all-round per-formance. We are backing thecurrent batting line-up to con-tinue their form across the nextthree Tests.”

A fiery six-wicket haulfrom Mitchell Starc in Adelaideall but ensured he will start inPerth alongside JoshHazlewood, Pat Cummins andNathan Lyon with Hohns say-ing squad members MichaelNeser and James Pattinson“will continue as cover”.

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Centuries from KaneWilliamson and Ross

Taylor ensured New Zealanddrew the rain-hit secondTest against England inHamilton on Tuesday, seal-ing a 1-0 series win.

New Zealand batted thefinal day needing a substan-tial innings to avoid defeatand were helped by sloppyEngland fielding.

Williamson, who hadthree lives including ahowler of a dropped catch byJoe Denly, described it as a“good effort” to end up witha draw.

“A lot of hard work hadto go into saving the matchwhen time didn’t allow us anopportunity to win it,” hesaid.

However, England cap-tain Joe Root felt the Testwas always heading for a

draw, saying even if theweather and fielding hadgone England’s way “we stillcouldn’t have forced a result.”

Heavy rain arrived soonafter lunch to end play onthe fifth day when NewZealand were 241 for two intheir second innings, 140ahead with Taylor on 105and Williamson on 104.

It ensured the spoilswent to New Zealand aftertheir innings victory in thefirst Test, and improvedtheir record to eight wins, adraw and one loss to SouthAfrica in their past 10 Testseries.

Williamson brought uphis 21st Test century with afour off Joe Root in the third

over after lunch, whileTaylor reached centurynumber 19 with a flourish inRoot’s next over when hesmacked a four and twosixes in consecutive balls.

Two balls after Taylorhad raised his bat and pokedhis tongue out in his signa-ture celebration, the rainarrived to wash outEngland’s faint hopes.

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Riding on his runners-up finish at the SyedModi International, Indian shuttler

Sourabh Verma on Tuesday achieved acareer-best ranking of world No 29 in the lat-est BWF ranking.

The 26-year-old from Madhya Pradesh,who had reached world No 30 in 2012, hada decent season in which he claimed two BWFSuper 100 titles at Hyderabad and Vietnamand also won the Slovenia Internationalseries in May.

On Sunday, Sourabh, a three-time nation-al champion, entered his maiden final of aSuper 300 event at Lucknow before losing toChinese Taipei’s Wang Tzu Wei.

However, his progress to the summit clashsaw him jump seven places and grab the 29thspot.

India thus became the only country tohave six shuttlers inside the top 30. China isnext best with five players inside the top 30.

Among others, young woman shuttlerAshmita Chaliha also made a massive jumpof 18 places to break into the top 100.

There was no change in the ranking of topplayers P V Sindhu (World No 6) and SainaNehwal (world No 10), who had skipped theSyed Modi International.

Kidambi Srikanth and B Sai Praneeth,who lost in the quarters and second round lastweek, also remained static at world No 12 and11 respectively.

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All-rounder Vijay Shankarwas named captain of the

Tamil Nadu team for the RanjiTrophy 2019-20 season, begin-ning on December 9.

The team announced by theState Selection Committeeofthe Tamil Nadu CricketAssociation includes Test starRAshwin and out of favouropener M Vijay.

Batsman Baba Aparajithhas been named vice-captain ofthe squad.

The team was selected forthe first two RanjiTrophymatches againstKarnataka and HimachalPradesh.

Tamil Nadu opens its cam-paign in Group B againstKarnataka at Dindigul.

M S Washington Sundarwill join the team for the secondmatch and K Mukunth will bereleased from the squad.

Young left-arm spinner MSiddharth, who made his debutin the recent Syed Mushtaq AliTrophy and impressed in thematches he played, has beenchosen along with leggieMurugan Ashwin.

Lanky left-arm spinner RSai Kishore is part of the spincombination that also includesthe hugely experienced RAshwin.

T Natarajan, K Vigneshand S Abhishek Tanwar formthe pace attack.Squad: Vijay Shankar (Captain),B Aparajith (Vice- Captain), MVijay, Abhinav Mukund, KDinesh Karthik, N Jagadeesan,R Ashwin, R Sai Kishore, TNatarajan, K Vignesh, AbhishekTanwar, M Ashwin, MSiddharth, Shahrukh Khan,KMukunth.

RAHANE, SHAW RETURN$�$� ��Test specialist AjinkyaRahane and young opener

Prithvi Shaw were on Tuesdaynamed in the 15- memberMumbai trophy squad for theirlung opener against Baroda.

The two made to the 15-member squad, which waspicked by the Milind Rege-ledad-hoc selection panel onMonday itself, but the officialannouncement was made by thecricket body on Tuesday.

Mumbai, the 41-timedomestic champions, play theirfirst game of the 2019-20 seasonagainst Baroda in Vadodarafrom December 9.

The squad is being led bybatsman Suryakumar Yadav,with experienced wicket-keep-er Aditya Tare as his deputy.

Shreyas Iyer and all-rounder Shivam Dube have notbeen picked in the squad as theyare in the national team.

Rahane, India’s test spe-cialist, will get good game prac-tice as India now play Tests onlyin New Zealand after twomonths.

The game would also be anopportunity for Shaw, whoreturned to competitive cricketafter serving an eight-monthdoping ban to redeem himself.

The Mumbai squad other-wise looks more or less balanced.

Regulars Jay Bista, ShubhamRanjane, Shams Mulani, andpacers Shardul Thakur andDhawal Kulkarni are part of thesquad.

According to sources,Mumbai’s crisis man SiddeshLad will not be available for firstgame as he is set to get marriedthis Friday.Squad: Suryakumar Yadav(Captain), Aditya Tare (ViceCaptain), Ajinkya Rahane,Prithvi Shaw, Jay Bista, ShubhamRanjane, Akash Parkar, SarfarazKhan, Shams Mulani, VinayakBhoir, Shashank Attarde,Shardul Thakur, TusharDeshpande, Dhawal Kulkarniand Eknath Kerkar.

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Virgil van Dijk said that seeingfour Liverpool players finish

in the top 10 in the ranking for thisyear’s Ballon d’Or can be an extrasource of motivation for theAnfield club in their quest formore on-field success this season.

“Obviously the season we hadwas outstanding. We had evenmore players than that on the totalshortlist so everyone can be proudof the achievement,” said VanDijk after coming second behindLionel Messi at the awards ceremo-ny.

Sadio Mane finished fourth,Mohamed Salah was fifth, andgoalkeeper Alisson Becker cameseventh in the voting by journal-ists from around the world for theprize organised by France Footballmagazine.

Roberto Firmino, TrentAlexander-Arnold and GeorginioWijanldum had also been nomi-nated after starring as JurgenKlopp’s side won the ChampionsLeague last season.

“I think we could have evenhave had a couple more players init, but we had a fantastic season lastyear and it should help motivateus to keep doing what we aredoing, working even harder andtry to achieve even more than wedid last year,” added Van Dijk.

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5�,�.�/����.����.���/������ ������.����,$J����"�����'������������������ $������ New Zealandcricket team has beenbestowed with theChristopher Martin-Jenkins Spirit of Cricketaward for its exemplaryshow of sportsmanshipduring the epic final of theICC World Cup at Lord’sin July, which it lost undercontroversial circum-stances.

The New Zealandteam was presented theaward, during the drawnsecond Test againstEngland at Hamilton’sSeddon Park.

MCC President

Kumar Sangakkara com-mended the Blackcaps,saying: “The New Zealandteam are worthy winnersof this award. In the heatof battle, they displayed alevel of sportsmanship thatwas fitting for such a fan-tastic final, and indeedtournament.

“It is a testament totheir squad that even aftera match that will live longin the memory for thecricket that was played, weare still talking about theSpirit of Cricket. Theiractions deserve this recog-nition.” PTI

Page 12: News Headlines India - The Pioneer - ˆ $&’& (’˚) · 2019-12-03 · engineer and app developer, Subramanian, tweeted, “NASA has credited me for finding Vikram Lander on Moon’s

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Liverpool midfielder AlexOxlade-Chamberlain says

the Premier League leaders aregoing into every game believingthey can win after racking up 13victories in 14 games.

Jurgen Klopp’s unbeatenside have dropped just twopoints this season and estab-lished an eight-point advantageover second-placed Leicester.

But even the pressure ofmaintaining their winning run,which appears to grow withevery game for a club searchingfor their first league title since1990, has not affected the men-tality within the club, accordingto Oxlade-Chamberlain.

“I’m going into it (a game)with the mindset that we’regoing to win. I think that’s howwe all feel,” the England inter-national told the PA newsagency.

“We’re going into the gamesexpecting ourselves to win andanything else we’re disappoint-ed with.”

He added: “I think that’s thementality you need to be suc-cessful, to have those high stan-dards that nothing else is accept-able. Then you’ve got to let his-tory take its course.”

Liverpool are firmfavourites to end their title

drought but midfielder Oxlade-Chamberlain said they neededto remain mentally strong.

“You’ve got to just keepgoing out and churning outresults,” he said. “There might bea time where results don’t go sowell and people maybe close thegap a little bit.

“We’ve got to be also readyfor those moments mentally asa team to just keep going and seewhat happens.”

Liverpool’s next match isthe Merseyside derby at hometo struggling Everton today,with the Reds unbeaten againsttheir local rivals at Anfieldsince 1999.

But Klopp’s side have notkept a clean sheet at home allseason and are without sus-pended first-choice goalkeeperAlisson Becker.

“I don’t think we’re leakingloads of goals but probably justa few little silly mistakes hereand there all over the pitch,” saidOxlade-Chamberlain.

“But even when we havebeen conceding, we’re still find-ing a way to come up with thegoods and most of the time atthe minute it’s been winning thegame.”

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Jose Mourinho says his time atManchester United is “a closedchapter” and he is only interested

in beating them when he takes his in-form side to Old Trafford today.

It is the new Tottenham manag-er’s first return to the touchline atUnited’s home ground since his sack-ing by the club last December.

“This is a closed chapter for me,”said Mourinho, who has won allthree of his matches in charge ofSpurs. “I left the club, I took mytime to process everythingthat happened, I took mytime to prepare myself forthe next challenge.

“Honestly, United forme is in my book of experi-ences, it’s in my historybook.”

United are strugglingunder Mourinho’s succes-sor, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer,but go into the game

just two points behind fifth-placedSpurs.

“It is not for me to analyse Unitednow,” Mourinho said at his pre-match press conference.

“I analyse them as an opponent,how they play. How can we beat

them? How can they beat us? Forme that is the important thing.”

Mourinho is excited aboutthe prospect of returning toOld Trafford.

He said: “I feel good, Ilike to play big matches,I like to play againstthe best teams and goback to a place where

I was happy.“I have a great rela-

tionship with theManchester United support-ers. I went back as a punditand I was humbled by such abeautiful reception.

“Tomorrow I go back as thecoach of the team that will try andbeat Manchester United.

“I understand that what theywant is the exact opposite of what Iwant. Of course during the match Iexpect them to forget me.”

OLE DOESN’T FEAR FUTUREOle Gunnar Solskjaer says he

does not fear for his future asManchester United manager despite aspate of Premier League sackings as heprepares to face his predecessor Jose

Mourinho.Spurs turned to Mourinho

after dismissing MauricioPochettino last month, whileArsenal and Watford havesubsequently sacked UnaiEmery and Quique Sanchez

Flores.Solskjaer is under

increasing pressure, withUnited ninth in the PremierLeague, 22 points behind

leaders Liverpool and eight off a top-four spot as they prepare for today’smatch against Tottenham.

“No, it doesn’t make me more con-cerned,” Solskjaer said at his pre-matchpress conference on Tuesday. “I’m justfocusing on my job and that’s just

doing as well as I can, and look forwardto the next game, and look long-term,plan things with board.

“It’s that time of year. It’s never niceto see your colleagues lose your jobs— three in a very short space of time.

“It’s a game of margins,” he added.“Sometimes you have luck, sometimesyou don’t, but it doesn’t make me anymore concerned that it’s December.

“I’m good, absolutely no problem.Sometimes you laugh when you readstories about what I’ve said and stuff,at least I know the sources are justmade up, blatant lies.”

The United boss bemoaned histeam’s failure to turn draws into wins,saying they were not getting theresults their football deserved.

The club are winless in threegames and Solskjaer’s job will not getany easier with a derby againstManchester City on Saturday to followthe game against Mourinho’s Spursside.

The Norwegian, though, dis-missed any need for crisis talks withthe United board.

“Three days or four days are notgoing to change a whole lot, but thesetwo games are great chances for us toprove things and prove to ourselvesthat we can continue in the vein wehave had against some of the bettersides,” he said.

Solskjaer expects Mourinho toreceive a warm welcome when hereturns to Old Trafford a year afterbeing sacked, having won the LeagueCup and Europa League during histime in charge.

“We know we have to improve, weare working hard to do that right andwhen you change a manager halfwaythrough the season (it) isn’t where itis supposed to be,” said the Norwegian.

“I don’t think whoever the man-ager of the opposition team is willchange their motivation (of the play-ers),” he said.

“They are motivated to do well forMan Utd, because they know it’sabout improving every day in trainingand every time you step on that pitchit’s a chance to prove you can be partof this long term. That has always beenthe case at Man Utd.”

United will still be without theinjured Paul Pogba but ScottMcTominay and Nemanja Matic willbe assessed as Solskjaer looks at hismidfield options.

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Wolves manager Nuno Espirito Santo hasbranded his side's December schedule

"absurd" and hit out at the decisions of theFootball Association and Premier League.

The Molineux club are playing eight gamesthis month, seven of them in the league, culmi-nating in matches against Manchester City andLiverpool within 48 hours.

Wolves host champions City on the eveningof December 27 before travelling to Anfield onDecember 29 for an afternoon kick-off.

Espirito Santo's men have already played 27games this season due to their progress in theEuropa League.

"It's crazy. This schedule doesn't make sense,"he said.

"In our case we are the team who has morecompetitions already and we are going to playwith 45 hours between games. It's absurd," headded.

"Every time we have a meeting with the FA,we try to make them understand what it meansto the players.

"It's not human, the amount of games wehave. If we increase that with international play-ers it becomes really tough."

The demands of television broadcasters havebeen blamed for the staggering of games aroundthe festive period.

When the schedule was released, City alsocomplained that the "sporting integrity" of thePremier League was being compromised by thescheduling -- Wolves will have a day less thanLiverpool to recover before the sides meet.

"We are a team who have had a lot of com-petitions and the gap between games is not beingrespectful," added Espirito Santo.

Despite their fixture pile-up, Wolves are sixthin the table and have already secured their placein the last 32 of the Europa League.

The job done by Espirito Santo at Molineuxhas seen him linked with the vacant manageri-al job at Arsenal following Unai Emery's sackingon Friday.

"I still have a contract, for me it's more impor-tant that I focus on what I have to do today," saidEspirito Santo on the speculation.

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Odisha FC would look to break their string ofdraws with a victory when they host defend-

ing champions Bengaluru FC at the ShivChhatrapati Sports Complex here today.

Josep Gombau’s side come into this tie afterplaying out three successive draws, two goal-lessresults against ATK and Kerala Blasters, followedby a 2-2 draw away to Chennaiyin FC.

The pattern of play in allthese matches have been similar.They dominated the ball with slickmovement and passing, but failedto take their chances and converttheir dominance into results.

As Gombau seeks to deliver results, he facesa tough challenge in Bengaluru FC. The Bluesare undefeated in the league so far and boast awater-tight defence which has conceded only twogoals in six matches.

Odisha will bank on Aridane Santana, whohas scored four goals so far, to help breach theBengaluru backline. But much will depend onplaymaker Xisco Hernandez who has the abili-ty to carve open any defence. He has also shownhis eye for goals, having scored three so far.

The Spaniard will be pumped up for the bat-tle against his former team and is expected to playa huge role in the outcome of today’s encounter.

Much will also depend on the midfield bat-tle as two technically-gifted sets of players go upagainst each other. The likes of Marcos Tebar,

Vinit Rai and Xisco Hernandez love to get on theball and dictate play. But so do Bengaluru mid-fielders Erik Paartalu, Dimas Delgado andRaphael Augusto.

Bengaluru come into this game after a gut-wrenching 1-1 draw in Hyderabad where aninjury-time equaliser from Robin Singh deniedthem a win. Cuadrat’s team were all overHyderabad FC throughout the game and shouldhave scored more goals to put the tie to bed.

Lack of goals have been a worry for the Bluesdespite Sunil Chhetri’s recent scoring run. The

injured Michael Onwu and Ashique Kuruniyanare yet to open their accounts for the season whileUdanta Singh has just one goal to his name sofar.

“Most of the games we were dominating. Wehave to finish those games well. We have not beengood enough in certain aspects, and we have towork on that. I am not worried about not get-ting goals. Sunil is an experienced player. He isgiving us solutions. Ashique and Udanta areyoung players and they are improving,” Cuadratsaid.

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Last edition runners-up sideEast Bengal will begin their

I-League campaign against RealKashmir Football Club heretoday.

A title eluded East Bengallast season as, in spite of defeat-ing Gokulam Kerala 2-1 on thelast day of competitions, theyfell one point shy of eventualchampions Chennai City FC.

Under the guidance ofhead coach AlejandroMenendez, the red-and-goldbrigade drew with RealKashmir at home and scored avictory in Srinagar last seasonand this will give them a psy-chological advantage beforethey start their season.

The Kalyani MunicipalityStadium will serve as thehome venue of both EastBengal and MohunBagan except for thetwo derby matches.

Speaking before the match,Menendez said, “Real Kashmirare a very solid and strong side,their defence is very compact.We are very well aware that

they are a very competitive out-fit. The onus now lies on us, weneed to be really accurate and

sharp whenever wehave the chance toattack.

“We need to per-form well in this

match to enhance our chancesand to get success in the league.Otherwise, things can gettricky towards the end of theseason. I believe it is going to

be a very tough game,” headded.

Real Kashmir, on the otherhand, had a dream season lastyear. They became the first-ever team from Kashmir toplay in the I-League and weretitle contenders at one point oftime. Real Kashmir finally fin-

ished third with 37 pointsfrom 20 games.

All eyes will be on the mar-quee player and head coachDavid Robertson’s son, MasonLee Robertson who possessesthe ability to play in differentpositions.

The Srinagar-based team isalso bolstered with the inclu-sion of former NEROCA FCstriker Singham Subash Singhand winger Kallum MichaelHigginbotham, the fresh trans-fer from ScottishChampionship sideDunfermline Athletic FootballClub.

Coach Robertson said,“Last season, we had a goodseason and defended well andhad a very good defensiverecord. This season we haveadded more firepower andhope to score more goals thisseason.

“East Bengal are a verytough side to play against theyare stronger than last seasonalso. I think they will be one ofthe strongest teams this seasonand one who can win thechampionship.”

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Freddie Ljungberg intends to tap intothe knowledge of Arsene Wenger

and Sven-Goran Eriksson as he pre-pares for his second game in charge ofArsenal.

The 42-year-old interim managertook over from Unai Emery at theEmirates last week after the Spaniardwas sacked, with Arsenal languishingin mid-table in the Premier League.

Ljungberg said Wenger, whobrought the Swede to Arsenal as a play-er back in 1998, and Eriksson couldoffer valuable experience as he looks tobuild his own career.

Asked if he had spoken to formerArsenal boss Wenger, he replied: "No(not yet).

"I would really like to speak to him.I'm in contact with him but I haven'tspoke to him because it's been a bit hec-tic, but it's on my list to do so.

"He was here for 22 years as thecoach so he has a lot of experience. Andhe probably has some things that hethinks are important that he can sharewith me and make me a better coach.That's what I wanted to ask."

While Ljungberg never played

under his Swedish compatriot Eriksson,he admitted he heard good things aboutthe former England manager.

"Sven is intelligent," he said. "I spoketo him a lot when he was the managerof England because he was watchingour games.

"I know in the past some stories ofhow he treated players and how hemade them feel good and things likethat.

"I have stolen a little bit of thoseideas. He's a great coach, it's been a longtime, and I hope I can speak to himsoon."

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Liverpool have beendrawn at home to

Merseyside rivalsEverton in the FA Cupthird round, while hold-ers Manchester City willstart the defence of theirtitle at home to third-tier Port Vale. The Toffees face Jurgen Klopp’s sidetoday in the Premier League and will make theshort trip to Anfield for a second time this seasonduring the first week of January.

Pep Guardiola’s City thumped Watford 6-0 inlast season’s final and have been given a favourabledraw to kick-start their 2019-20 campaign, withJohn Askey’s League Two side pitching up at the EtihadStadium.

Manchester United face a difficult away tie against PremierLeague rivals Wolves, who knocked them out of the competi-tion last season’s quarter-finals, while Arsenal welcomeChampionship leaders Leeds United to the Emirates Stadium.

New Tottenham boss Jose Mourinho takes his side toMiddlesbrough, managed by former Spurs defender JonathanWoodgate, and Chelsea host Nottingham Forest.

Ties will take place between January 3 and 6.Also in an important announcement, the start of games in

the third round of the FA Cup will be delayed by one minuteto raise awareness of mental health issues.

Most games in the third round of the cup will start at 3:01pm on Saturday, Jan 4.

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