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Page 1: New treatment


En route college

Amelia meets her best friend Bonny at the bus stop so that they can walk to college together. On the way to college Amelia tells Bonny about the strange re-occurring nightmare she’s been having the past few days about a man that wears a white mask and that’s she severely tired due to her lack of sleep.

College gate

As the girls are about to walk through the college gate they are joined by their two other companions Jordan & Kyle. Just before they walk through the gate Kyle’s wallet falls out he’s back pocket so he turns around to pick it up. As Kyle looks up he notices a dark figure down the bottom of the road but can’t quite make out who it is so he turns a blind eye to it. Meanwhile Amelia, Bonny & Jordan are discussing the large amount of work they have to catch up on and they decide that they are all going to meet in the college library at the end of the day. Kyle runs up to re join the group, Amelia asks Kyle if he is going to come to the library with the rest of the group and he agrees to come.

Shop front

Break time comes and Amelia goes to the shop to find Kyle, Jordan and Bonny socialising outside the shop. Bonny asks the group if anyone wants anything from the shop the boys say no thanks and Amelia asks if she could get her a drink. Bonny goes into the shop. Whilst in mid flow of conversation Jordan receives a phone call from his dad, he answers the call and walks a few metres away from the group for his privacy, as he is on the phone Jordan sees a dark figure in the far, the figure looks tall and looks like he is wearing a black cloak this makes Jordan think he’s seeing things so he rubs his eyes in disbelief when he looks back again to check, the figure is gone. Jordan returns to the group as Bonny is coming out of the shop and he tries to tell them what he saw but they all say you’re going crazy Jordan and don’t listen. They all walk away from the shop and the scene fades out.


The end of the day comes and Bonny is waiting in the library for the others she waits for minutes and no one is there so she gets up and looks out the window in hope she would see one of her friends instead she sees the tall darker figure, she can tell that the figure is facing away from her, so she assumes that it’s a strange person dressed up for their own reason and leaves it at that. She turns around and gets ready to leave as she picks up her bag Kyle & Amelia walk in the room. Amelia asks Bonny if she knows where Jordan is Bonny replies “no give him a call”. Amelia calls Jordan, there is no answer. Amelia, Kyle & Bonny all get out there work and start working. As they are working Bonny asks the others how they are planning on getting home they reply “bus” then Bonny then explains to them that she has forgotten her oyster at home and ask them if they would mind walking through the woods with her as it’s the quickest way home and its dark outside. Amelia and Kyle say that they will, as Jordan walks into the room. “Where have you been” asks Kyle “My teacher kept me back” Jordan replies, “We’re about to leave, we’re going to walk Bonny through the woods” Amelia informs Jordan “Are you going to come” Kyle asks “Yeah I might as well” Jordan replies. The group leave and the scene fades.

Page 2: New treatment


The group are sharing ‘what if’ stories as they walk through the woods. When they reach the large opening in the woods, they suddenly hear a strange rattling sound coming from behind a close tree which startles the group. “Jordan, go and check what that was” asks Bonny, Jordan replies “No, am not checking” Kyle says “I’ll, go then if you’re too afraid”. Kyle then slowly pokes his head around the tree then walks to the other side and screams to fool the others. Amelia, Bonny & Jordan look at each other, afraid. Then Kyle comes out laughing at the group, “that’s not funny” Amelia shouts; in that instant, the mask villain reveals himself for the first time and his dark hand grabs Kyle’s throat from behind and drags him behind the tree. Amelia & Bonnie scream as they see Kyle’s legs poking out from behind the tree on the floor and his body jolts up 3 times. Silence then falls as the realism of what had just happened hits Amelia, Bonnie & Jordan. Within a split second they all run deeper into the woods with the masked villain chasing behind them, Bonnie is leading the way until she stumbles over a stick poking out the ground. In a desperate attempt to escape Bonnie keeps trying to run although she has lost her balance causing her to fall over. Bonnie shuffles along the ground as the masked villain catches up to her. The villain gets Bonnie from the legs and drags her back into the darkness of the woods with Bonnie’s fingers digging into the ground leaving a trail. Amelia and Jordan look back only to notice she wasn’t there, they both keep running deeper and deeper into the woods, through bushes and around hundreds of trees. Jordan stops to catch his breath. ‘I think the he’s gone, what are we going to do’ Jordan asks Amelia as he is panting, ‘We need to get out of here’ Amelia replies as she scrabbles through branches in search of the sharpest one. ‘Come on lets go’ Jordan insists as he removes his belt for defence. Amelia and Jordan rummage their way through the bushes until they reach the path that leads them out the woods. ‘We made it’ Amelia says, as she leads down the stairs, out of the woods. ‘I can’t believe what just happened’ Jordan says, but his speech is punctuated by a knife plunged through his back and out his stomach. Jordan drops his belt and looks down in his final moments to see blood leaking from his stomach he manages to push out one last word ‘Run’ as his body drops off the blade leaving the masked villain clearly in view. Amelia runs down the last few steps and on to the road. She looks back as she’s running to see that the masked villain isn’t chasing her, so she stops and looks for a moment before turning the corner. The villain just stares at her for a moment then walks back into the darkness as if he cannot leave.