Download pptx - New Sales Deck 2016


PowerPoint Presentation



Agenda for todayIntroduce who I amGet to know your business, needs and wantsHow can Townsquare interactive help you achieve your goals.

At the of this presentation become a partner up at end.

Intro-More of they would likeShow their websiteThen ours websiteMobile Google search for key words-so one can find it is worth anythingApproach of how to get on 1st pageGoogle AdWords Directory errors

Already close Welcome Sign the contractPayment

Mobile friendly we can do



Townsquare Media (Confidential)| #

Preface the MeetingMr. Prospect thanks for your time today. Just want to give you an idea of how this call is going to go:First I want to get to know you and your business. Your goals and expectations so I can make sure I have a legitimate solution for you.Next Ill give you a brief background on TSI so youre comfortable with me and my company.Lastly, if I can come up with a creative solution for your company I would love for you to become my next client.Qualify the DMIs there anyone else who needs to be on the call that has to say yes to this? If Yes: Are they available right now?Is No: When can we all get together and run through our solution?Warm Up/Goals/Current Advertising/Jobs/Rev GapWarm-UpWhats something about your business youre really proud of? How long been in business? Family owned? What do you do better than your competitors? Why this industry? Any particular work you specialize in?GoalsWhy did you start the business? Looking to retire early, play golf more, sit behind a desk and cash checks? That attainable the way business going right now? Why or why not?Current AdvertisingWhat are you currently using to bring in X type of new business?Break down each outlet/spendDo you like it? Why or why not?What dont you like about it? What do you like about it?When you partner up with a company to promote your business what are you looking for? How do you measure success?JobsWhat type of work you guys looking to take more of? Are you currently at capacity?Why or why not?How long have you been trying to get more of that work on the books? Why havent you been able to do so in the past _X_ months?Revenue GapHow much does __(Specific Job)__ bring you? So youre looking to bring in an addition $XX,XXX amount of new rev monthly?What is Pain & Why?Most people I speak with have a problem with their business they need fixing. What do you need fixed to hit your goal of _________?Why havent you fixed this yet? Whats been holding you back?Effect Pain is Having on the Business?How long has this been going on?How much longer can you go operating as is without X amount of new jobs?If you were to start getting X amount of new jobs and Y new revenue, what would you be able to do with the business?UrgencyMost people I speak to fall into 1 of 2 buckets. Business is a nice to have or a need to have. Which one do you fall into?When are you looking to make a change?SegueRecap painNow that Ive really learned more about your business and your goals next thing I want to do is give you a brief background on Townsquare. If youre comfortable with me and my company and Im able to show you how to __(Solve Pain Problem)__, Im going to ask for your business. Sound fair?DEMO!!!3


Townsquare Media (Confidential)| #

Just a little bit about us before we jump into things:

Publicly traded company Formed in 2010We own 311 radio stations in 66 small to medium sized marketsTownsquare Media has 50,000+ clients nationwide (radio, digital and live events)Townsquare Interactive arose from our clients needing help with their online presence.Townsquare Interactive has 5,000+ clients nationwideA+ Rating with the BBBProactive service model4

Credibility 81% of people research a business online before making a buying decisionwhat happens if you are not there?

Lost Market Share Do you want to do business with a company that doesnt exist online?

Local - nearly 30% of all internet searches are local and 59% of users search the internet for a local business at least once a month

Promotes new business 43% of consumers engage with a businesses website before going on to make a purchase.

In todays digital age, it is vital with all the online activity going on by consumers that every business, even small businesses have a website.


Townsquare Media (Confidential)| #

Lets jump in to your website. Whats the purpose of your website currently?

Exactly, not only that but here are some important points to note:

CredibilityLost Market ShareLocalPromotes New BusinessWebsite design impacts whether 94% of people trust your company.

Lets take a look at your site

When did you get your desktop site? Do you have other sites?Which site do you want to generate more business from?What do you think of your website? If you have the logins to this site we can work with this or we can build you a new site. Its up to you.Did you build the site yourself or is it 3rd party?Built themselves:Good Website: Quite honestly I think your site is good too. So we can actually move forward and talk about how we can help you with your current site. (Go to duda mobile)Bad Website:What do you not like about your site?Why?Take a look at some of the sites we builtShow TSI ExamplesWhat do you think of these sites?What would you want on your site in a perfect world?Would you call? Why?Knowing we can help you with your current site or build you a new one, lets look at mobile!


One of the most important marketing trends of 2015 More than half of all search volume comes from mobile devices.and its growing!!High conversion 70% connect with the business and 50% make a purchase.

Google says so Google is now promoting sites that convert to mobile over sites that do not you can lose rankings!

You can lose business 60% of people leave a non mobile site immediately to find a better site.

No longer an option every business with a website NEEDS to have mobile moving forward.


Townsquare Media (Confidential)| #

Why do you think having a mobile site is so important now a days?


The main reasons are:

High ConversionGoogle Says SoYou can lose businessNo longer an option

Lets take a look at our mobile strategy6


Townsquare Media (Confidential)| #

Do you have a smartphone?

Let me ask you a quick question.

What was the last thing you searched for on your smartphone? A Restaurant, product or service?

When you did that search on your phone were you looking for that because you needed it right now or 3 months from now?

Perfect, you needed it right now.

Why do you think I can make the statement that a lead coming from a smartphone device would be higher in quality than a lead coming from a desktop computer?

I can make that statement because people arent doing research on their mobile phone like they do on a desktop computer.

If Im looking for something on my smartphone my sense of urgency is high and I need that product or service right now.

With 50% of local search happening on a mobile device could you imagine not having a mobile website in 2015?

Perfect, so we agree that we need to get a mobile website set up for the business correct?

Check this outheres how you site currently looks on a mobile device and what it will look like with Townsquare.

Well build you a fully responsive mobile site so youre up to date with Googles latest standards.

Not having this will prohibit you from ranking in 2015.

This is what you ultimately want correct?

Awesome! Now lets talk about how we can get your site generating more business.


It is cost-effective SEO is a long term strategy to get your website found in the organic section for the services you offer. Far more effective than its expensive counterpart Pay per click.

Not having a healthy content profile is damaging With each and every update to its search algorithm, Google and other engines change the way they look at websites. Things, which didnt exist a few years ago, such as social media indicators, are now given fairly high importance in terms of their impact on your rankings. Not building a healthy content profile spread out months and years is potentially damaging to your business, as it is one of the factors Google evaluates when looking at your site.

Your competitors are doing it Remember, SEO is a never-ending process, If youre not moving forward and improving your position, youre losing ground to a competitor who is. Thats a simple fact of how the process works. Dont let your competitors out maneuver you by ignoring this valuable tool for your business.

SEO is what gets your website found by people searching online, and Google is the king of search engines. 94% of people will never make it past the first page of Google.


Townsquare Media (Confidential)| #

Transition: If someone in __(Local Market)__ needs a __(Service per Needs Analysis)__, where do you think theyre going to find that business?Lead them to say internet. Exactly!Google SearchWhat type of work did you want more of again? How much did they bring you?So, if we did a search for __(Service per Needs Analysis)__ in __(Local Market)__, would you be showing up?Fear of Loss:Do you see yourself anywhere?Recognize any one showing up? Would you consider them competition?Is it fair to say __(Competitor)__ is getting business by showing up for __(Search Term)__?So if someone is at home right now looking on the internet with $2,000 burning a hole in their pocket to go towards a new AC unit, do you or __(Competitor)__ have a better shot at landing their business?You mentioned you were looking to add __(# of Desired Jobs)__ on a monthly basis, so what are you doing to put yourself in front of these people looking for you on a daily basis?So if you were able to be found for this and related search terms, how do you think that will affect the business and allow you to hit __(# of Desired Jobs)__ monthly?More revenueLess lost business to competitionMore of work you want vs. work youve gotSo based on what you told me, it would really benefit your business if youre were showing up on page 1 of Google, correct?Transition: So showing up on the first page of Google is important for you and your business, now Im going to show you 4 huge reasons why youre not showing up.









Townsquare Media (Confidential)| #

Ever wondered how to get in front of more consumers online on a daily basis? Or what a company should be doing to help you get of those consumers?

Heres our 7 parts to getting you found in your local market for what you do.

Its important to note that utilizing all 7 parts is the most aggressive approach however, any combination of the 7 parts will help generate more consumers to your business online.

Weve talked about your website and mobile, lets jump into the top 50 Directories and their importance to you.9

Accuracy is key in maintaining trust with a brand

Mistakes cost you money but how do you know if you have errors?

The Top 50+ Directories and Google Place Listing AccuracyTRUST IN BRANDS LINK 50 DirectoriesAre you familiar with directories like, and you ever used them? You think consumers still use them?If you got a lead from one of these directories opposed to Google, you would still take the lead right?So why not show up there also?Great thing about TSI, weve partnered with the Top 50 directories according to Google to ensure our clients are found across all of them.Why do people keep using Google?They provide the most relevant results to your search, right?Google sees your business as relevant if it is listed accurately across these Top 50 directories. If your information is incorrect, not only will it hurt your chances of showing up on Page 1, but it will kill your credibility with your possible customers who use these directories.So if not having relevancy and credibility is hurting your business and stopping you from showing up on page 1 of Google, would that be something you want to change?So with the importance of this, lets see how you stack up. (PULL UP DIRECTORY TOOL)These errors are part of whats preventing you from showing up on page 1 of Google.How do you think it would help your business if you were here and showing up on Google?So if this is the secret sauce to getting ranked on page 1 of Google, is this something you would want to change so you are showing up on page 1 and not losing business to your competition daily?

Perfect, now lets jump into social media and reputation monitoring


Why every business owner needs social mediaHelps your rankings Of the major factors Google uses to rank your sitethe first 6 are all social media (5 of the 6 are Facebook)The modern day word of mouth: 80-90% of customers now check online reviews prior to making a purchase, and almost 90% of people say reviews hold the same weight as word of mouth

Townsquare Media (Confidential)| #

What is the best form of advertising?

Referrals right?

Do you have a Facebook page yourself?

5 out of the top six reasons that Google places your website on the first page for your services and products include social media.

Facebook and Twitter have basically placed the referral business on steroids.

Well actually post 2 times per week on you Facebook and Twitter pages in effort to grow the shares and likes.

Based on this information youd agree that having a facebook and twitter for your business is pretty important correct?

Rep Management-

Have you seen reviews online before? Have you seen bad reviews without a response from the business owner?Whats that say about the business?Right, 80% of people that see negative reviews online will not do business with that company.We have a product that will let you know what when reviews are posted and where theyre at so you can respond to them in a professional manner.

Would you agree that as a business owner its important to know what being said about you online today and moving forward?

Perfect, now lets jump into the Audience Extension



Townsquare Media (Confidential)| #

Have you ever used a company that you had to dial an 800 number and got tossed around rep to rep every time you called?

Not ideal right?

Our approach to servicing our clients is what separates us from our competitors.We have a proactive service model versus a reactive model.Youll have a dedicated Account Managers name, phone and email working with you day in and day out.This is basically like your personal employee.Having that would make things easier for you correct? Any questions?

Awesome! Lets talk about the next steps.



Townsquare Media (Confidential)| #

Next Steps:Right Now: Register your business into our system and you receive confirmation of that.24-48 Hours: Well setup a call in the next 24-48 hours to introduce you to your account manager so they can get a better feel for you and your business, understand what services you want to target/promote and start the build out of your website and marketing strategy.Next 2 Weeks:Were researching your market & competitors, and we start the process of building the foundation of your Search Engine Optimization. Both On & Off Page SEO, as well as the Directory Submissions we looked at earlier. Lots of heavy lifting to make sure you see results early on.Launch:Once the build out is complete, your site will be indexed and found by the search engines. Our Performance Guarantee is in place and you get notified by your account manager that everything is live. You are on a month to month agreement, we are not asking you to sign a long term contract.Transition to Close:The reason I go into detail here, is so you know about everything were doing for your business here. Does all of this make sense, do you have any questions before I go over our packages & pricing options?



1340 total reviews received

1286 total HAPPY Rating

26 total SATISFIED Rating

Only 28 total a UNHAPPY Rating.

Townsquare Media (Confidential)| #

Also, just so youre aware this is pretty cool.

Weve got a third party review system that gives us hundreds off reviews on how were doing for our clients.98% of the reviews our positive (obviously its unrealistic to make everyone happy)Our clients are staying with us because they want to not because they have to.

Thats ultimately what you want correct?


What time tomorrow can you meet with your account manager?14


Townsquare Media (Confidential)| #