

New Data Tools for Producers

Shawn Wade, Plains Cotton Growers, Inc.


A Broad Assortment of Data Tools

Producers have many choices available to them to assist

with the day to day decisions and record-keeping.

▪ Options include:

▪ Online or web-based applications accessed through a web browser

▪ Stand-alone applications that can be accessed on mobile devices

▪ “Combo” tools that can be accessed through a mobile device, but link

back to web- or server-based content


What is Out There?

▪ Data management and recordkeeping - FarmLogs, Sirrus, Trimble AgWorks,

AgDNA, Climate FieldView, AgVault Mobile

▪ Input Purchasing - Agrelllus,

▪ Weather –TTU MesoNet, Wunderground/Storm (iOS), RadarScope (iOS-$10)

▪ Markets/Information – AgMobile, agIndex, The Farming Forum

▪ Resources for producers –Cotton Cultivated (website), Flag the Technology/Hit

The Target (crop registry), Insect Identification – Managing Cotton Insects in

Texas (PDF)

▪ Apps to help select nozzles and calibrate sprayers, make GPS-based

measurements, identify weeds, insects, identify soil types, and crop nutrient

deficiencies, and on and on and on . . . . . . .


Texas Alliance for Water Conservation

▪▪ Resource Allocation Analyzer (requires user account)

▪ Irrigation Scheduler

▪ Simple Heat Unit Calculator(s)

▪ Cotton Water Use Estimator

▪ Basic Irrigation Calculator

▪ Contiguous Acre Calculator

▪ West Texas Agro-Climate Monitor



West Texas Mesonet Agro-Climate Monitor


▪ Map-based – Click approximate location of any farm and system will calculate

average data for nearest FIVE West Texas Mesonet weather stations

▪ Date slider - Allows you to select start and end dates for different data products

▪ Temperature Data

• Cumulative Growing Degree Days by Crop

• Daily Max/Min Temperature • Soil Temperature

• Cumulative Hard Freeze Hours • Previous Year First Freeze Date

▪ Precipitation• 5 Station Average Cumulative Precip by Year

• Current Year Cumulative Precip for Five nearest stations

• Previous Years Cumulative Precip for Five nearest stations

▪ NWS Forecast Data

▪ Other Resources




West Texas Mesonet


zTTU Mesonet

App ver. 1.2 for iOS

zTTU Mesonet

App ver. 2.0 for iOS
