
KW Today / 16

New Center for Alumni, Advancement and Career Development OpensKentucky Wesleyan is expanding career development services signi� -cantly to connect students to alumni and the business community through internships, mentoring and networking. New students will begin their KWC experience with career assessments and personal development plans. Reassessments and support throughout their college careers will help students prepare to enter the job market with con� dence.

The Center for Alumni, Advancement and Career Development moved to a newly acquired home at 919 Scherm Road in August. The Berry Major Conference Room, made possible by the family of former Alumni Director Berry Major ’60, is available for video conferencing and student, faculty and sta� conferences.

The Center will also be a welcoming space for alumni and friends of KWC for receptions, meetings and alumni events.

We invite alumni and friends of KWC to make gifts to the Center for Alumni, Advancement and Career Development and its pro-grams in recognition of 152 years of excellence in higher education. This facility will be a signi� cant resource for our alumni, students, faculty and sta� .

Enhanced Career Development Services for

Students and Alumni

Several of the generous donors who helped with the purchase and renovation of the Center for Alumni, Advancement and Career Development are pictured with the KWC President Cheryl King during a tour of the new facility. Left to right: Tom Major ’79, Linda Major, Berry Major ’60, Margaret Schertzinger ’59, Cecil Martin, Sylvia Jones; Board Chair Mitch Settle ’83, President Cheryl King ’70, Charles Schertzinger ’62, John Jones ’67, Fred King ’70 and Kirk Purdom.

Rev. Michael Gibbons ’73 is the new District Superintendent of the Elizabethtown District, and Rev. Todd Love ’76 is the new Columbia District Superintendent. They join fellow alumni Rev. Dale Carden ’77, Owensboro D.S., and Rev. Jay Smith ’85, Madisonville D.S.


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Wesleyan Alumni Begin Appointments as District Superintendents

Dear Fellow Alumni,

This spring I had the honor and privilege of being hired as the Director of Career Development at Kentucky Wesleyan. A 1978 graduate, I have come full circle. In my new position, I will assist students and alumni in typical career development areas, such as resume and cover letter writing, interviewing skills, business etiquette and dressing for success. I also will provide up-to-date information on careers, occupations, job market trends and graduate and professional schools

I invite all alumni to join me in creating “Panthers Helping Panthers.” Alumni will be involved in networking

events, career panels, mock interviews, job fairs and speaker series. You can make a signi� cant di� erence in the life of a student or fellow alumnus.

Please stop by the new Center for Alumni, Advancement & Career Development during Alumni Weekend. Stay in touch on the KWC Alumni Association Facebook network or LinkedIn, call me at 270-852-3302 or email [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.

Margaret Cole Cambron ’78Director of Career Development




KW Today / 18

Allen Kirtley ’60 was inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame. He dedicated over 42 years to Junior Achievement, a worldwide organization serving more than eight million young people. He became Owensboro’s fi rst Junior Achievement program director in 1962. A rising star in the organization, he became the Pittsburgh program director and moved on to lead offi ces in Akron and Atlanta.

Kirtley assumed national responsibility as Midwest Regional Vice President and National Vice President-Programs before being named president of Junior Achievement of Milwaukee – the company’s sixth largest operation. In 1988, Junior Achievement of Southern California chose Kirtley as president. During his tenure, he built and fi nanced a $5.7 million headquarters and volunteer training center, and the Los Angeles program realized 65 percent student growth.

Kirtley received numerous awards from JA throughout his career, including their highest award, the Charles R. Hook Award in 1987 for his outstanding performance as a chief staff offi cer. He was inducted into the Junior Achievement Hall of Fame in 1998.

Kirtley received the KWC Alumni Achievement Award in 2006 and was inducted into the Owensboro High School Hall of Achievement. He remains active in several local organizations, including the Alumni Association and All-American Club. Kirtley also serves on the JA Worldwide Pioneers Board. He and his wife, Penny, have three children and seven grandchildren.

Allen Kirtley ’60 was inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame. He dedicated over 42 years to

Allen Kirtley 2009 Hal l o f Fame Inductee

Dr. Ken Ayers received the President’s Award for Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership and was selected by his peers. Ayers, Professor of Criminal Justice, has taught at KWC since 1978.

Mark Hedges ’81, a KWC sta� member since 2005, is Director of Institutional Research and E� ectiveness/NCAA Compliance O� cer. He graduated from the college in 1981. He was voted Outstanding Sta� Member of the Year by his peers.

Dr. Evelyn Hiatt was voted Faculty Advisor of the Year by the student body. She is Associate Professor of Biology and has taught at KWC since 2002.

Dr. Joe Mo� ett, Associate Professor of English, was voted Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the student body. He has taught at KWC since 2004.

Dr. Kelly Mo� ett, Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and English, was voted Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the student body. She has taught at KWC since 2004.

2009 Faculty & Staff Awards

Dr. Ken Ayers

Dr. Kelly Mo� ett

Dr. Evelyn Hiatt

Mark Hedges

Dr. Joe Mo� ett

KW Today / 19

Patrick Boggs ’97 is picture with Luellen Pyles ’44, who encouraged Patrick to attend KWC.

Beth Robinson Ronk ’73 is pictured with her hus-band, Dan, and daughter, Abby.

Walter Lee ’75

Kim Cecil Schuster ’88

Beryl ’48 and Nancy Coons Franklin ’48 received the Outstanding Alumni Award, which recognizes sustained signi� cant support to the college, the church and/or the community. Although they live in Monroe, Louisiana, they travel each year to the Winchester Picnic, as well as attending other important Wesleyan alumni events. They were also active in the Changing Lives Capital Campaign. Beryl taught at a number of colleges and universities, including Northeast Louisiana University (now University of Louisiana-Monroe) from 1960 – 1988. A retired Emeritus Professor of Biology, he was chosen Outstanding Professor in 1983. Nancy was administrative secretary to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Northeast Louisiana University from 1963-1989. The Franklins once traveled Kentucky as � eld representatives for KWC and continue to serve every day in their role as ambassadors for the college, giving freely of their time, service and gifts.

Walter Lee ’75 received the Alumni Achievement Award. He accepted an athletic scholarship to Kentucky Wesleyan College and helped guide the Panthers to two NCAA Division II sports appearances in 1973, in both tennis and basketball. He began his teaching career in 1975 in the Owensboro City Schools and was selected Cli� Hagan Boys Club Teacher of the Year in 1992 and OPS Middle School Teacher of the Year in 1993. He also taught at KWC and served as the women’s basketball assistant coach for seven years. After 17 years of teaching and coaching, Lee moved into school administration, serving as principal at Seven Hills and Estes Elementary Schools. Lee was a member of the Kentucky Association of School Administrators Board of Directors and served as president of the largest principals’ association (KAESP) in the state.

Kim Cecil Schuster ’88 was part of a team that discovered a novel disease known as creatine transporter de� ciency which is a genetic disorder that results in X-linked mental retardation. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship in magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and remained there until 1998, when Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center recruited her as a clinical MR spectroscopist and imaging researcher. She was promoted to associate professor of radiology and pediatrics at the University

of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in 2003. Schuster credits Doctors W. L. Magnuson, Henry Connor and Bob Flachskum and Kentucky Wesleyan for paving the way for the � rst steps of her discovery. She received the 2009 Alumni Achievement Award.

Patrick Boggs ’97 received the 2009 Outstanding Young Graduate Award that honors a graduate from the last 15 years whose professional or personal achievements and leadership re� ect well on the college and inspire the college community. He is the Mason County, Kentucky Sheri� and unseated the incumbent sheri� of 16 years with over 60% of the vote. When he took o� ce in January 2007, he was the youngest sheri� in the state of Kentucky. Boggs served as a Mason County deputy sheri� for eight years prior to his election. He is a member of the Fraternal Order of Police, Knights of Columbus and volunteers at the Tom Browning Boys and Girls Club.

Beth Robinson Ronk ’73 was president of the KWC Alumni Board and served

many years as an alumni board member, as well as a Class Ambassador. She was awarded the Alumni Service Award for 2009. Beth is a branch sales leader with The Longaberger Company and church secretary at First Presbyterian Church in Rochester, Ind. She is an active member of First Baptist Church where she is involved in Bible study. Beth received her master’s degree from Purdue University and attended paralegal classes at Butler University. Beth said, “KWC still plays a large role in my life! Some of the dearest friends I have are my KD sisters. Coming for board meetings, basketball games or just for fun – it’s always like coming home!”

2009 Alumni Awards



Walter Lee ’75

Kim Cecil Schuster ’88

Beryl ’48 and Nancy Coons Franklin ’48

KW Today / 17

A l u m n i U p d a t e

New Alumni Board Members

New Alumni Board PresidentA member of the class of 1988, Mark Carroll is the new president of the Kentucky Wesleyan Alumni Association. He and his 11-year old son, Cameron, live in Louisville. Mark is involved in his neighborhood, Norton Commons, where he serves on the Community Council to help promote civic and cultural events in the neighborhood and community.

A � nancial planner, Mark is the Managing Member of Legacy Financial Group, LLC. He is a Certi� ed Financial Planner® practitioner and operates his practice near the Norton Commons town center within walking distance of his home. Mark’s interests include art, boating, reading and community involvement. He and his son are members of Southeast Christian Church.

Sherry Miller Feldpausch ’83 earned her Juris Doctor from the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law and has practiced, published and spoken in the area of trusts and estates since being admitted to the Bar in 1986. Sherry is Principal with The Glenview Trust Company in Louisville. While a KWC student, she was active in Kappa Delta and Wesleyan Singers. She participated in internships facilitated through KWC with the Kentucky Revenue Cabinet, retired U.S. Senator Wendall Ford’s Owensboro Field O� ce and attorney Dick Flaherty. A political science major, she was in� uenced by professors Dr. Lee Dew and Richard Ford. Sherry has lived in the Louisville area for over 27 years, and she and her husband, Joseph Feldpausch, have two children. Eric is a senior at Kentucky Wesleyan and Elizabeth is a senior at Eastern High School. Sherry says, “I’ve witnessed � rst-hand the continued strength of the college through my son’s exceptional experience as a current KWC student, and I’m delighted to join the Alumni Board.”

Richard Zimmerman ’57 came to KWC on the recommendation of Russell Montfort ’50. He and his wife, Nancy Svara Zimmerman ’58, dated throughout their years at Wesleyan. They married in the summer of 1957 after Richard graduated. Richard was a secondary social studies teacher in Kent, Ohio, for 25 years and then accepted the position of deputy executive director of the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio, a position he held for 16 years. He completed a B.S.Ed. degree, an M.Ed. degree from Kent State and an M.A. degree from the University of Notre Dame. He did doctoral studies at Carnegie Mellon. Through Fulbright grants, he studied and traveled in both Egypt and India. Richard and Nancy live in Columbus, Ohio and have two children and seven grandchildren. They have traveled extensively in the U.S. and on every continent except Antarctica. Richard described his college experience:

“Wesleyan o� ered a beacon of light to students like me who had only vague ideas of what they wanted to do with their lives. Caring and thoughtful professors o� ered guidance and assistance at every turn. Such qualities are still very much at work at Wesleyan today. Visits to campus and interaction with students, faculty and administrators attest to those principles. Those early years on the new campus, walking through mud some days and dust the next, were exceptional times. Basketball was a driving force, but care and concern for the student was of primary importance.”

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KW Today / 20

Alumni events in both Ft. Myers and Tampa were held in February. The Tampa group is pictured.

Left to right: Kirk Purdom, Amy Owen O’Brien ’76, Roger O’Brien ’73, Matt Ruark, President Cheryl King ’70, Phil Speller, Tina Wilson Speller ’78, Payton Adams ’53 and Ivan Corbin ’81.

Alumni events in both Ft. Myers and Tampa were held in February.

Mildred Poe Kincaid ’46 and her son are pictured with the bookcase she donated to the Library Learning Center in memory of her husband, Bill Kincaid ’47.

Alumni gathered for the annual Cincinnati picnic on July 24 at the home of and Trish and Jeremy Sleet ’98.

Alumni Scrapbook

KWC graduates and their families recently gathered for a reunion.

Front row left to right: Judy Strosnider ’89, Jen Pack Stallard ’88, Kevin Stallard ’90, Rachel, Lori and Luke Curry.

Back row left to right: Tom Carter ’92, Karen LaMure Carter ’91, Greg Kuhn ’90, Susan Bunch, Bill Brown ’93, John Bunch ’89, Stephen Curry ’94, Jennifer Boutell Wilt ’94, Evan Wilt, Steve Wilt ’92 and Dale Carter.

In May, Sigma Nu’s from the 1980s held a reunion party at the home of Toby Martin ’82. Visit KWC Sigma Nu Alumni on Facebook for more information.

Front row left to right: Ron Combs ’86, Chuck Bradley ’84, Rick Hamilton ’83, Todd Ellis ’83, Mark Kummerow ’85, Toby Martin ’82, Joey O’Neal ’82, Neal Riley ’81 and Je� Felix ’84.

Second row left to right: John Kirkpatrick (student), Dave Ashburn ’87, Sam Clark ’80, Je� Martin ’86, Jim Martin ’80 and David Lewis ’83.

Third row left to right: Chris Hirsbrunner (student), Patrick Conway ’85, Sean Combs ’84, Dan Payne ’83 and Ben Foster ’80.

Fourth row left to right: Jim Gri� n ’86, Rodney Pickett ’84, Steve Crawford ’87 and Chris Brumley ’85.

In May, Sigma Nu’s from the 1980s held a reunion party at the home of

KW Today / 21

Several KWC alumni and friends recently enjoyed dinner together in Madeira Beach, Fla.

Left to right: Joan Guess, Foster Guess ’61, Bob Daniels (former KWC men’s basketball coach), Gayle Daniels, (standing) Linda Hu� aker Abbott ’59, Ben Abbott ’59, (seated) Glenda Alexander Guess ’60, Jim Guess ’60, Lyle Dunbar ’61 and Nora Dunbar.

Several KWC alumni and friends recently enjoyed dinner together in Madeira

A group of KWC graduates of the 50s and 60s met for the last several years as the “Second Floor Ministerial Association.” Most of the group were ministers and lived on the second � oor of what is now Deacon Hall. On April 28 the group met for the last time and David Hilton ’58 took this picture:

Front row left to right: Ellis Johnson ’60, Tom Owen ’60 and John Conn ’58.

Standing left to right: Phil Hoy ’58, Mickey Miller ’59, Joe Roop ’56, Charles Sensel ’58 and Rodney Dempsey ’59.

Randy Capps ’57 and David Hocker ’59 attended a Sigma Nu reunion in Rogers Hall on May 8. Capps was one of the featured speakers, along with Joe Gilman, Regent of Sigma Nu, and Wyatt Foust, a KWC student. Over 60 attended the banquet, including alumni and students.

The AOPi sorority sisters from the classes of ’69 and ’70 held a reunion in Pass-a-Grille, Florida hosted by Marilyn Watt Allen ’69 March 27 – April 2, 2010.

They toured the area, shopped, power walked, enjoyed a boat ride, ate dinner at several restaurants and sunbathed on the beach. Accord-ing to Betty Roy ’70, “The bonds established at KWC have lasted a lifetime, and we appreciate one another even more now.”

Top Photo – Front row left to right: Betty Lyons Roy ’70, Susan Stotle Thatcher ’70, Carol Hendren Matthews ’70.Back row left to right: Susan Chamberlain Cormier ’69, Marilyn Watt Allen ’69, Pam Porter Schill ’69, Bonnie Nass Dunbar ’69, Janet Dombrowksi Ingram ’69.

Bottom Photo – Left to right: Bonnie Nass Dunbar ’69, Marilyn Watt Allen ’69, Susan Chamberlain Cormier ’69, Steven Ridley ’71, Betty Lyons Roy ’70, Sally Floyd Ridley ’70 and Janet Dombrowski Ingram ’69.

A group of KWC graduates of the 50s and 60s met for the last

Several KWC graduates enjoyed a January reunion in Owensboro. Left to right: Misty Baize ’00, Michelle Grossman Blackman ’98, Autumn Greer Wilkins ’01, Sherry Morgan ’99, Andrea Garst Busch ’98 and Michelle King ’98.

Several KWC graduates enjoyed a January reunion in Owensboro. Left S

KW Today / 22

1950Russell Montfort is a retired min-ister. He served churches in Nashville and Bonn, Germany, as well as a number of churches in North Carolina. He has written two books, “Who’s in Charge Here” and “Buck and the Band of Angels.” He lives in Charlotte, N.C.

Leatha Blair Nickell and her husband, Lynn, celebrated their 60th wed-ding anniversary June 21, 2010. They live in West Liberty, Ky. and are both retired. Leatha Nell taught

piano and played the church organ for over 50 years. She was one of the � rst two KWC graduates with a degree in music.

1957Lowell Clark and Marilyn Lacy Clark ’58 of Frankfort, Ky. celebrated 50 years of marriage September 26, 2009.

1958John Conn was honored as the 2009 Henderson-Henderson County Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Citizen of the Year. An ordained minister who served more than 50 years, John has worked with substance abuse patients, hospice patients, families in crisis and the court system. He and a friend established St. Anthony’s Hospice in Henderson.

1959Billy Bruce lives in Bryan, Ohio, and has been retired for 16 years. He worked in school administration in Ohio and was superintendent for six years in Caverna, Ky. schools.

Julia Williams Hughes and her husband, Donald Hughes Sr. ’60, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary September 6, 2009. They are both retired employees of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

1960Tom Owen was elected Louisville Metro Council president. He is a full professor of libraries at the University of Louisville, where he also serves as an archivist and historian.

Harry Spurrier and his wife, Mary, celebrated their 60th wedding anniver-sary April 8. They live in Owensboro.

1962Linda Carver Kingsley received the Golden Apple Award from the Owensboro Education Association as the 2010 High School Teacher of the Year for Owensboro Public Schools. She most recently taught AP literature and composition at Owensboro High School and retired this year after 32 years with the school system. She is married to Doug Kingsley ’61.

1967Jack Head is assistant director of Purdue University College of Technology at Columbus and Greensburg.

1969Susan Chamberlain Cormier and her husband, David, have moved to Murrells Inlet, S.C. She is a retired teacher.

Betty Brunson Stroud retired after 26 ½ years with the Global Board of Discipleship Upper Room Living Prayer Center, answering prayer calls at night.

1970Don Abbott received the Allison Social Holiness Award at the Tennessee Annual Conference, recognizing persons whose lives focus on ministries of love and justice. Don was honored in part for his e� orts on behalf of the Gallatin Shalom Zone ministry.

John Banias is a retired physical education/health teacher/coach from East Side High School in Newark, N.J.

1973LaVonne Hunter Tisdal retired after 34 years of teaching art at Southridge High/Middle School. She and her husband, Je� , live in Huntingburg, Ind. with their dog, Scru� y.

1975Lynn Braun Sollman retired after teaching 33 years at Burns Middle School in Owensboro.

1977Dorothy Rates Finiello lives in Selma, N.C.

1978Nancy Bradshaw retired after teaching social studies for 22 years at Owensboro High School. She was also coach of the quick recall and mock trial teams and accompanied 16 student trips to Washington, D.C. Her husband, Dan, is chair of the KWC Department of History and Political Science. They have two children, Susan and David, and four grandchildren.

Rick Cox was elected Global Board Chairman of the International Association of Emergency Managers. He worked 22 years with the Commonwealth of Kentucky as an area manager for the Division of Emergency Management and has been a volunteer � re� ghter with the Hawesville Fire Department for 30 years.

Ann Leach works with Life Preservers, a global grief support community, and conducts teleclasses, individual and group coaching, training and provides informational products.

Dorothy Finiello with her granddaughter, Carmen.


LaVonne Hunter Tisdal

KW Today / 23

George Neel is mayor of Zolfo Springs, Fla. and a board member of the Ridge League of Cities in Fla. He is retired from the Kentucky United Methodist Conference and now serves a congregation in Zolfo Springs.

1981Brian Blomquist was recently promoted to president of Uni� ed Fund Services, Inc. and will oversee the mutual fund management division. He lives in Pickerington, Oh.

Ivan Corbin was appointed senior pastor at Grace United Methodist Church of Merritt Island, Fla.

Russ Lewis, an assistant professor of psychology at Madisonville Community College, was chosen by students as the Outstanding Faculty of the Year 2010. He is also an adjunct instructor in psychology at Western Kentucky University of Owensboro. He received his Master of Science in Clinical Psychology, magna cum laude, from the University of Evansville. Russ has three children, Josh, Kandace and Jared.

1983Brian Jones is business insurance account executive with State Auto Insurance Companies. He lives in Owensboro.

Judy Moss Powers, R.N., B.S.N., is executive director of Wuestho� Hospice & Palliative Care in Brevard County, Fla. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Western Kentucky University.

Frank Stein is softball coach at Apollo High School and lives in Owensboro. He retired from a 25-year career in juvenile justice.

1984Bart Darrell was inducted into the American College of Trial Lawyers. Invitations for this organization are extended only to “experienced trial lawyers who have mastered the art of

advocacy and whose careers have been marked by the highest standards of ethical conduct, professionalism, civility and collegiality.” Bart is a member of Bell, Orr, Ayers & Moore of Bowling Green and is a KWC trustee.

1988Michael Sprague is vice-president of the Henderson County Education Association and was a delegate to the National Education Association representative assembly in San Diego. He is the head cross-country and assistant track coach at Henderson County High School.

1990Jody Stobbe is regulatory compliance manager at Buckman Laboratories, responsible for maintaining Buckman’s hazardous material transportation compliance for the United States and ensuring environmental compliance for the Memphis plant. She lives in Bartlett, Tenn.

1991Karen Lutz is director of medical research for Amylin Pharmaceuticals in San Diego, Calif. with a focus on drug development and the submission and approval to FDA of diabetic and metabolic indications. She works from her home in Kansas City and travels to San Diego once a month for work.

Lawson Glasergreen has a SPIRITO book release.

1992Jaime Pahner Ford recently opened a business in Owensboro, Citius Sports Performance.

Pat Hume was named the 3rd Region Coach of the Year for girls’ high school basketball. He is a counselor and coach at Daviess County High School. He and his wife, Carolyn, have three children, Bailey, Jacquelyn and Will.

His parents are Billy Pat ’60 and Ruthie Hutton Hume ’62.

Duane Marrett and his wife, Carrie, welcomed their � rst baby, Shane Alexander Marrett, on May 7, 2009. Duane is marketing manager for Thermwood Corporation in Dale, Ind., and they live in Newburgh, Ind.

Shelley Robbins Harwood and her husband, Donald, welcomed a new baby, Cody McKay, on June 15, 2009. He joins siblings, Joshua and Jessica. They live in Owensboro.

1993Amy Coleman Noble is currently serving in OIF as the chaplain for the 395th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB). The 395th CSSB is an Army Reserve unit from New Haven, Conn. It provides logistical support within Northern Iraq and has over 1,200 soldiers assigned from active, reserve and National Guard units. Amy still serves as the supervisory chaplain, Federal Correctional Institution in Three Rivers, Tex.

Greg Risch was promoted to vice president/chief accounting o� cer for Accuride Corporation. He has been with the company for 15 years and is a certi� ed public

accountant. He lives in Henderson with his children, Lindsey and Jacob.

Shane Alexander Marrett

Amy Coble Noble

Greg Risch

KW Today / 24

1995Rebecca Rohrer O’Bryan is secretary for the special education department at Owensboro High School.

Jay Parrent was named to a four-year term on the Kentucky Board of Education by Governor Steve Beshear. Jay is dean of student a� airs at Madisonville Community College. He has a Master’s in Public History from Murray State, a Master’s in Higher Education Administration from the University of Louisville and is in an educational leadership doctorate program at the University of Kentucky. He and his wife, Jennifer, have two children Parker and Jacob, and live in Princeton, Ky.

1996Maribeth Vanderford Dedmon and her husband, Seth, welcomed a baby daughter, Adaya Analiese, on January 21. Maribeth is customs compliance manager at Dollar General corporate headquarters and a graduate of Culinary School with an associate degree in Culinary Arts. She and her family live in Nashville.

1997Sibbie Adkins and her husband, Aaron Adkins ’98, have moved back to Owensboro. Sibbie is director of the new Owensboro Regional Recovery Center. Aaron is university division advisor at the University of Southern Indiana.

Kris Kemp was named a partner in accounting � rm NCP (Neel Crafton Phillips). He and his wife, Sara, have three children and live in Henderson.

Scott Littleton recently signed with the Radio Forecast Network to provide nightly

weather forecasts for 31 radio stations nationwide from his home studio. He also works in customer service/sales for Meyer Tool, Inc. in Cincinnati.

Kim Carwile Wirthwein was selected the Kentucky Music Educators Association Elementary Teacher of the Year for 2009 – 2010. She has been teaching music at Foust Elementary School in Owensboro since 1997 and has many innovative programs – Foust Singers, Foust Feet, Literacy Through Music and piano enrichment.

1998Sara Cox married Thomas Donkin on May 26, 2009. She is a legal assistant for Allen, Kopet & Associates in Lexington.

Gina Coffey Dailey received the Foundation for Daviess County Public Schools 2010 Focus Award in the area of literacy.

Chris Houk is vice-president for enrollment management and special assistant to the president for strate-gic alliance at Brescia University. He received his Master of Business Administration degree from Indiana Wesleyan University. His wife is Jeanette Coomes Houk ’97.

Sedric Robinson plays for the Tampa Bay Storm and is one of the AFL’s greatest return men. He ranks � rst all-time in the AFL with 10,069 career kicko� return yards and 28 kicko� returns for a touchdown. In 2001, he earned All-Ironman and All-Rookie honors.

1999Keeley Roberts Hargis completed her Doctor of Nursing Practice in April from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. She and her family live in Nashville.

2000Sherry Morgan is working on her Master’s degree in History at Middle Tennessee State University and lives in Nashville.

Sarah Cox Rhea was promoted to director of account management with LJF Associates Advertising/Public Relations. She and her husband Mitch, and son Mason, live in Magnolia, Tex.

2001Kendra Hawkins married Andrew Bristow on September 12, 2009. She is a registered nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in Nashville.

Tina Burger Kippenbrock and her husband, Brad, welcomed a baby girl, Hadlie Sue, on September 1, 2009. She joins siblings, Haley and Hunter. Tina is a business systems analyst with Crane Division, NSWC Crane. They live in Huntingburg, Ind.

Heather Milligan Lane and her husband, Levi, have a son, Payton Howard, and live in Grayville, Ill.

Mandy Melvin married Chad Mudd on October 17, 2009. They live in Owensboro.

Alison Morris-McDonald and her husband, Patrick, announce the arrival of Ross Connor on August 5, 2009. They live in Evansville.

Kelly Nelson Rowe and her husband, Evan Rowe, welcomed Jackson Parker Keith Rowe on October 2, 2009. Jack joins big sisters, Kacy and Abigail. They live in Lexington.

Susan Wilkins married Derek Price on October 3, 2009. Susan is a children’s librarian for the Lexington Public Library, and they live in Lexington.

2002Megan Fentress Newton and her husband, Sean, welcomed the birth of their � rst child, William Grayson Newton, on August 7, 2009. They live in Shepherdsville, Ky.

Travis Powell married Holly Brown on May 16, 2009, and they live in Lexington. Travis is the executive director for the O� ce of Legal Services for Finance and Technology in the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Finance and Administration Cabinet.

Allison Estes Ross completed her Master’s of Business Administration from Western Kentucky University.

2003James Fleming graduated from the University of Kentucky Medical School and is a neurology resident at Vanderbilt University.

Ivory Carter Howell was promoted to clinical director at New Beginnings Sexual Assault Support Services. She also opened a private practice, Ivory Howell, OPCC Counseling Services.

Kris Kemp

Alison Morris-McDonald and husband, Patrick, with Ross Connor

KW Today / 25

Megan Evans Schulte and her husband, David, announce the arrival of Benjamin David Schulte on January 27. He joins big sister, Taylor. They live in Louisville.

Laurisha Tolliver has launched LaJaonas Photography in Owensboro.

2004Liz Holian Heller and her husband,

Will, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Henry Atticus Ellis Heller, on March 27. They live in Bowling Green.

Zach Hibbs married Jennifer Flener on June 27, 2009. He is the head football coach for Hopkins County Central High School. They live in Madisonville.

Corey NaLampoon married Cristy Mosgovoy on March 28, 2009. He is a federal government sales specialist for KI, an industry-leading contract furniture manufacturer. They live in Smyrna, Ga.

Lydia Purvis Winters and her husband, Kurtis, welcomed a baby boy, Elijah James Winters, on July 5, 2009. They live in Ft. De� ance, Ariz.

2005Melissa Aguilar married Mario Aguilar Domingo in 2006, obtained her B.S.N. from Bellarmine University and is currently working at the St. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital E.R. as an R.N. They live in Louisville.

Adam Hancock was promoted to supervisor in the audit and assurance division at Riney, Hancock & Co., PSC.

Travis Morrison is the Daviess County community resource coordinator. He is married to Amy Fiorella Morrison ’09.

Lauren Werner married Steven Lee ’08 on April 24. Lauren received her Master’s of Business Adminisration degree from Murray State University. She is KWC director of admissions. Steven is a foreman for Bill’s Roo� ng.

2006Mackenzi Payne Gorman is the deputy prosecuting attorney in Perry County, Ind. She graduated from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in May 2009. She is married to Roy Gorman ’05.

Jennifer Hendricks graduated from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in September 2009 with a Juris Doctorate and passed the February 2010 Kentucky Bar Exam.

Brad McCrady married Ariel Stratton on January 22.

Kristen Whitney is a public defender with the Department of Public Advocacy in Owensboro.

2007Jill Deibler married Alex Cameron Switzer ’09 on October 10, 2009. Jill is the KWC sta� accountant. Cameron is a � tness instructor at the Owensboro YMCA.

Teresa Hodges married James D. Perkins on July 11, 2009. She is a science and engineering teacher at Hancock County Middle School, and they live in Lewisport, Ky.

Angela Miller was promoted to assistant vice president of BB&T in Louisville. She is a senior branch operations training instructor with BB&T University.

Cpt. James Noggle is an active duty Army o� cer currently serving in Iraq with the 82nd Airborne Division at

Camp Ramadi in the Al-Anbar Province. James is a graduate of the Armor O� cer Basic course, Airborne School, Ranger School and the Scout Leaders course. He has served as a platoon leader, executive o� cer and is currently a Civil A� airs o� cer. James is stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C. and is married to Jennifer Moore Noggle ‘07. They have two sons, three-year-old Bryce Michael and one-year-old Gavin James.

Tara Scott–Wilkins announces the arrival of a son, Rylan James Wilkins, on September 10, 2009. Tara is a substitute teacher for Evansville Christian School.

Kelly Welsh graduated from the University of Louisville with a Master’s of Science in microbiology and is a forensic specialist – biology for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) in their NE Regional Lab in Cleveland, Ga.

2008Josh Abell is a teacher and football coach at DuPont Manual High School in Louisville.

Lauren Bishop married Stephen Wood on June 10, 2009. She is a universal banker for US Bank, and Stephen is a high school chemistry teacher, assistant football coach and head track coach. They live in Madi-sonville.

Kyle Conway is in medical school at the University of Louisville. His wife, Hillary Crisp Conway ’09 is

Taylor and Ben Schulte, children of Megan Evans-Schulte

Liz Holian Heller and her husband, Will, with son, Henry.

Lauren Werner Lee and Steven Lee

Jill Deibler Switzer and Alex Cameron Switzer

Cpt. James Noggle

Corey NaLampoon

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a lab tech at the Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center through the University of Louisville.

Amy French is director of annual giving at Brescia University.

Corey Gant is the � tness director at the Owensboro Family YMCA.

Kyle Snyder is head of the recording studio and live sound engineer at Sunlite Music. He is also the lead guitarist for Blackford Creek.

2009Jarrod Anderson is a pretrial o� cer with the Kentucky Administrative O� ce of the Court and lives in Owensboro.

Abbie Arthur is a teacher at the Owensboro 5-6 Center.

Kelly Autry is a teacher at Union County High School.

Allison Breit is studying at the University of Evansville Physical Therapy School.

Amanda Critchelow married David Howard ’10 on July 11, 2009. She is a pretrial o� cer with the Kentucky Administrative O� ce of the Court.

Clay Durham is a teacher in the Ohio County School System.

Andy Endris is with New Washington State Bank and is working on his M.B.A. at Bellarmine University.

Erin Erwin is an admissions counselor for Brescia University.

Rachel Hamilton married Joshua Thomas Gaddis on May 30, 2009.

Brenda Harting is a teacher at McLean County High School.

Alicia Kittinger married Anthony Mart ’10 on May 15.

Heather Madewell is in the physician assistant program at Southern Illinois University.

Laura Murphy is a teacher at Daviess County Middle School.

Meaghann Peveler married Matt Grey ’08 on September 12, 2009, in Tapscott Chapel.

Todd Rice is � nancial assistant for the consumer-directed option program in the Finance and Administration Department at Green River Area Development District.

Jessica Rust married Andy Basham ’10 on July 11, 2009.

Joseph Speer is a teacher at East View Elementary School and is married to Bethany Myers ’08.

Meredith Walling welcomed Peyton Carter Leevi Walling into the world on December 26, 2009.

2010Lindsay Gleason is a lab quality control analyst at Kentucky Bioprocessing in Owensboro.

Andrea Stone will teach social studies at Union County High School this fall.

In Memoriam1928Mary Gray Lagrew on August 4, 2009, at the age of 101. She was a member of Central Christian Church. Survivors include son David Lagrew, Lexington; and � ve grandchildren.

Marjorie Richmond on August 25, 2009, in Owensboro. She was recognized at the 2008 KWC Commencement as the oldest known living KWC alumna. She received a Master’s Degree in Library Science from Columbia University and was a member of Mount Pleasant Cumberland Presbyterian Church. She taught for several years, and after retirement served as a reader for the visually impaired.

1930Anna Margaret Hart Crawford on June 29, 2009, at the age of 100 in Erlanger. She was a teacher for 38 years with Covington Independent Schools and a member of First Christian Church in Covington.

Aitkin Ward Darnell on June 12, in Owingsville at the age of 100. He served in World War II and retired from the Owingsville Banking Company after 41 years. He was county treasurer for 34 years, cared for the Owingsville Cemetery for 27 years and was a member of Owingsville United Methodist Church. Survivors include a niece and nephew.

1931Eva Belle Gordon Sudduth on January 9, in Louisville at the age of 99. She taught in Taylor and Je� erson counties and was a member of Second Presbyterian Church. Survivors include daughter, Mary Ann Miller; son Joseph Sudduth Jr. of Louisville; and four grandsons.

1935Asa Shelton on September 12, 2009, in Greensburg, Ky. He received a Master of Arts from the University of Kentucky and taught for many years at Lindsey Wilson College, also serving as registrar and dean of the faculty. From 1952 – 1975 he worked for the Revere Copper and Brass Co., retiring as the company’s district o� ce supervisor. He also served in the U.S. Army Air Corps. He was a member of Columbia United Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Dorothy Shelton, Columbia; a son Dan Shelton, Huntsville, Tex., one grandson and three step-daughters.

1942John Brinson on August 30, 2009, in Louisville. He graduated from Duke University Divinity School and became an ordained elder in 1946 as a member of the Louisville Conference of the Methodist Church. He served churches in Shepherdsville, Dawson Springs, Louisville, Bowling Green, Cadiz and Princeton. Survivors include his wife of 64 years, Eleanor Sleamaker Brinson; and two daughters, Pat Brinson Fielden and Debbie Brinson.

Robert Blake Landrum on June 18, 2009, in Fort Myers. He served in World War II and the Korean War, graduated from Jacksonville Barber School and moved to Ft. Myers where he owned and operated Blake’s Barber Shop. Survivors include his wife of 68 years, Frances Flora Landrum; son Steve Landrum; daughters Susan Leonard and Nancy Linville; and six grandchildren.

1946Marguerite Webb Harmon on October 11, 2009, in Hueysville, Ky.

1947Edith Toliver Brown on January 4, in Ashville, Ohio. She served on various community boards and committees and taught in the Mapleton Elementary School in Mt. Sterling, served as chief of the records section of the O� ce of the Coordinator of Inter-American A� airs in Washington, D.C. and president of the Ohio Retired Teachers Association. Survivors include her daughter, Pamela Elick, Ashville; and two grandsons.

Carolyn Hays Hulse on January 31, 2009, in Louisville. She was a volunteer for over 20 years at the Methodist-a� liated Wesley Wearhouse. Survivors

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include her husband of 63 years, F. Bennett Hulse Jr. ’44; children, Deana McDonald, David Hulse, Eugene, Ore. and Debra Quaranta, Wilmington, N.C.; three grandchildren; and her sister, Ann Hays Collins ’50, Winchester.

1948John Hocker on March 3, in Chesterton. He served in the Army/Air Force during World War II and worked as an accountant for Texas Instruments. He was a member of Chesterton First United Methodist Church and a life member of the Masonic Lodge. Survivors include his wife of 66 years, Mary; daughter Anne Marie Hiestand; and � ve grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his brother, Leonard Hocker ’37.

1950Betty Jean McWhorter Gissoni

on March 10, in Louisville. In 2004, she was in the inaugural class inducted into the KWC Alumni Hall of Fame. She retired as director for the Center of Independent Living for the Department of the Blind. She did graduate work at the University

of Pennsylvania in connection with her studies at Overbrook School for the Blind. In 1960, Kentucky instituted a state home teaching service based on Betty’s model. Among her many awards, she received the Community Service Award from the National Federation of the Blind. Survivors include her husband, Fred Gissoni; and her sister Geraldine McWhorter Conder ’54, Richmond, Ky.

1951W. D. Bruce Jr. on May 24, in Louisville. He served in the U.S. Army in Europe from 1945 – 1947. He taught at Valley High School and led the boys track team to the 1956 State Championship. After serving as a teacher, counselor and assistant principal, he was named principal at Thomas Je� erson High School for 12 years. He served in several executive administrative positions and retired in 1992 after serving Je� erson County Public Schools for 43 years. He was an active member on many educational boards, as well as Junior Achievement

and Boy Scouts and active with Fourth Avenue United Methodist Church. Survivors include son Karlos Daniel Bruce; daughter Karen Bruce Turner; four grandchildren; and sister Alma Schooler.

Ralph Heise on August 25, 2009. He retired from Howmet after 27 years and was an Army veteran of World War II. Survivors include his wife, Marion Jean Heise; sons Bruce and Dean; daughter Carol Semia; and six grandchildren.

Fritz Rogers on October 5, 2009, in Minneapolis. He served during World War II. He studied civil engineering at the University of Kentucky and retired from the Kentucky Department of Highways in 1990. Survivors include his daughters, Brenda Ho� man, Minn. and Linda Bridgewater, Winchester, Ky; and seven grandchildren.

1952Douglas Sasser on November 10,2009, in Lynchburg, Va. Dr. Sasser served Kentucky Wesleyan for 11 years as English professor, director of student activities, assistant to the president, dean of students and vice president for development. He was named Outstanding Alumnus in 1975, awarded a Doctor of Humanities degree and was part of the inaugural class of the KWC Alumni Hall of Fame in 2004. He went on to serve as president of Young Harris College, Pfei� er University and Scarritt College. He was a member of Centenary United Methodist Church and was a veteran of the U.S. Navy, having served during the Korean Con� ict. Survivors include his wife, Katherine Sasser; son Douglas Reid Sasser Jr., Clover; daughters Julia Sasser Reid ’77, Statesboro, Ga.; Jennifer Sasser Hairston, N.C.; and Teresa Brinkley, Lynchburg; four grandchildren; and his sister Eugenia Sasser Cobb, Ga. Memorial gifts can be made to the Douglas Reid Sasser Endowed Scholarship Fund at Kentucky Wesleyan College.

1953Janice Farmer Weaver on December 9, 2009, in Murray. She began her teaching career at Owensboro High School and began her university career at Indiana University, then went to Glassboro State College (now Rowan State) as

Dean of the College of Professional Studies. In 1985, Dr. Weaver moved to Murray State as professor and Dean of Education until she retired in 1997. In 1989, she was named “Educator of the Year” in Kentucky and received the Distinguished Teacher and Distinguished Alumni awards from IU. She also served as president of many professional organizations. She and her husband established three scholarships at Murray State. Survivors include her husband of 51 years, Richard Weaver.

1954Charles E. Parks Sr. on April 6, in Owensboro. A retired educator and ordained Baptist minister, he served in the South Paci� c during World War II and was present for the signing of the Japanese surrender. He graduated from Indiana University with a Master’s of Science degree and received Rank 1 and Principal’s Certi� cations. He served 25 years as principal at Eastern Junior High School, Estes Junior High, Estes Middle School and Owensboro Middle School. He served as interim pastor of more than 45 churches in Kentucky and Indiana and served on many state and national educational associations and committees. Survivors include his wife, Dorothy Co� ey Parks; sons Charles Parks Jr., Virginia Beach; David Parks, Bowling Green; three grandchildren; and sister Edna Mae Price, Lexington.

Charles B. Robertson on May 15, in Evansville. He received his Master’s of Divinity from Louisville Presbyterian Seminary. He retired from South Indiana Conference, United Methodist Church in 1995 and then served 11 years as associate pastor of Central United Methodist Church. In 2007, he was honored as a pastor emeritus for his 50 years of ministry. Survivors include his wife of 53 years, Jerrine Robertson, Evansville; two daughters Julie Ann Newman, Vincennes, and Lisa Dixon, Mount Vernon; son Charles “Bill” Robertson, Lawrenceburg, Ind.; sister Elizabeth Taylor, Brentwood, Tenn.; and six grandchildren.

1955Donald Goodaker Sr. on January 23, in Evansville. He began his career with the Evansville Courier & Press in 1955 and won many awards through the years, including being named Indiana News Photographer of the Year three times. Survivors include his wife, Patricia Gish Goodaker ’55;

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children Tod, Niagara, Ky.; Donald Jr., Largo, Fla., Cindy, Royal Oak, Mich.; and Donna, Nashville; and � ve grandchildren.

1957Robert Glover Jr. on February 22. He had a career in tax management, retiring from Monsanto. Survivors include his wife of 34 years, Jeanette; children Steve Glover; Robert Glover III; Mike Glover; Pat Glover; John Glover; Kathy Cooper; Susan Schmidt; and Angela Hubbard; and 17 grandchildren.

1958Hugo Steinkamp Jr. on September 12, 2009. He was the third generation to operate Steinkamp Warehouses in Huntingburg, Ind. where he was also a member of Huntingburg United Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife of 50 years, Patty; son Scott Steinkamp, Huntingburg; daughter Terri Schultheis, Evansville; and � ve grandchildren.

1959William Foor on October 19, 2009, in Owensboro. He lived in Hop-kinsville, Ky. for more than 50 years where he was active with the Christian County High School band and softball team. He worked in real estate and was a member of St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church. Survivors include his wife, Mary Wathen Medley Foor; daughter Deborah Foor Baker of N.C.; one grandson; and brother Junius Foor of Fla.

1960Minnie Henderson on February 12, in Lewisport. She was a lifetime member of Lewisport Baptist Church and organist for 50 years. She taught in the Hancock County area for 41 years.

1962Joseph Petz on December 5, 2009, in Philadelphia. He earned his Juris Doctorate from Vanderbilt University and was retired as director from the In-stitutional Investment Group for PNC. Survivors include his wife of 40 years, Kay Becks Petz; son John Marshall Petz; daughter Emily Shea Essaye; sister Arlene Verzaal; and two granddaughters.

Ross Hayman on November 13, 2009, in Centerville. He worked for the state of New York as a social worker

for many years. Survivors include son Bradley Hayman, Rochester, N.Y.; and daughter Kimberly Easling, Beaver Dams, N.Y.

1963David Preston Lawrence on May 12, in Evansville. He worked for National Cash Register as a computer � eld engineer for 37 years. Survivors include his wife, Margaret; son Greg Lawrence; daughter Amy Crouch; sisters Rosalie, Pat and Marilyn; brothers Fred and James; and seven grandchildren.

1965Bill Allison on July 17, 2009, in N.C. in a plane crash. He ran the Andrews-Murphy Airport and lived in Helen, Ga. Survivors include his wife, Wanda, and their children.

1966Douglas Cubbon on May 16, in Millis, Mass. He taught auto mechanics at the Attleboro and Wake� eld High Schools prior to being co-owner of Westwood Auto. A member of the Garage Antique & Classic Car Club, he enjoyed collecting 1920 – 1970 vintage Lincolns and Fords. Survivors include many cousins and friends.

1967Jacqueline Ann Duke Carby on June 3, in Louisville. She was a retired teacher from Je� erson County Public Schools. Survivors include children Stephanie Phelps and Greg Carby, and one grandson.

1969Stanley Harris on January 5, in Evansville. He retired from Castle High School after 26 years. Survivors include sons Kent Harris, Union, Ky. and Brian Harris, Newburgh, Ind.; two grandchildren; and sister Martha Braun, Grandview, Ind.

Arcy Wayne Lyle on June 14, in Owensboro. He served in the Korean and Vietnam Wars and retired as a criminal investigator. He served as pastor of 21 churches in the Louisville Conference of the United Methodist Church. After retirement, he served as chaplain for the Criminal Investigation Division Agents Association. Survivors include his wife of 58 years, Lenette Amburgey Lyle; son Joe, Morris Plains, N.J.; daughters Chris Hart, Owensboro, Vicki Combs ’76

(John), Owensboro; Lisa Mascenik, Evansville, Ind.; and Sandy Atkinson, Nashville; and seven grandchildren.

1970Mike Daniel on April 20, 2009, in Owensboro. He was employed for many years in the coal mining industry and was of the Methodist faith. Survivors include his wife of 37 years, Sheila Daniel; daughters Neisha Blue and Alese Ferrell, both of Owensboro; two grandsons; and brother Cary Daniel of Del.

1974 Rhonda Parker Bell on June 5, in Florida. A resident of Sebree, she was a member of Sebree First Baptist Church, Chamber of Commerce, former Sebree Citizen of the Year and co-owner of Bells’s Drug Store. She was a member of Sigma Kappa Sorority. Survivors include her husband, Jim Bell, Sebree; two daughters, Emily Daulton, Sebree and Sarah Bell Fuqua ’06, Winston-Salem, N.C.; son Tom Bell, Redlands, Calif; two grandchildren; and brothers Stevie Parker, Hanson and Bobby Parker, Sebree.

Alan Veter on July 1, in Owensboro. He was employed by Kentucky Wesleyan and a member of Good Shepherd Church and the President’s Council of the Good News Jail and Prison Ministry. He was an army veteran of the Vietnam War. Survivors include his wife, Margie; and several nieces and nephews.

1975Gregory Waninger on January 30, in Louisville. He was sales manager for Kenway Distributors for 38 years and a member of Immaculate Catholic Church. Survivors include his wife of 34 years, Kennetha Waninger; sons Nicholas and Nathan; daughter Natalie Clatterbuck; mother Nola Waninger; and � ve grandchildren, all of Owensboro; sister Pam Ruschell of Lexington; and brother Steve Waninger, Owensboro.

1978Michael Spencer on April 5, in Oneida. He graduated from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and served as youth minister and pastor in several Kentucky Baptist churches before becoming campus minister at Oneida Baptist Institute, where he ministered for 17 years. His book,

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“Mere Churchianity: Finding Your Way Back to Jesus-Shaped Spirituality,” will be published in September. Survivors include his wife of 31 years, Denise Day Spencer; children Noel Spencer Cordle, Oneida; and Clay Spencer, Lexington; and brother B. E. Spencer, Louisville.

1979Elizabeth “Betty Lee” Wallin Davis on February 19, in Owensboro. She was a corporate o� cer of Big River Rubber & Gasket Co. and was an active volunteer in the Owensboro community. Survivors include her husband, Merton Davis II; daughters Elizabeth Holly Williams, Dallas, and Renee Robertson of Villa Hill; sons Marvin Nunley and Benjamin Nunley of Owensboro; and 10 grandchildren.

1983Stacy Jo Lee on July 29, 2009, in Owensboro. She was an R.N. and caregiver for many years and held degrees from the University of Kentucky and Owensboro Community & Technical College. Survivors include daughter Ti� any Duke; one granddaughter; and siblings George Lee Jr., Yvonne Rudy and Donald Lee, all of Owensboro.

1986Ruth Drake Westerfi eld on March 22, in Winchester. She was a resident of Owensboro from 1919 to 1995 and was a bookkeeper for Owensboro Planning Mill for 43 years. She earned her Master’s degree

from Western Kentucky University and taught at Valley Institute of Psychiatry and Owensboro Community College. A member of Third Baptist Church, she also served on several boards. Survivors include daughter Gail Blakeman, Winchester; and four grandchildren.

1991Katharine Ann (Polston) Campbell on March 23, in Poplarville, Miss. She was a special education teacher. Survivors include daughters Lauren Elizabeth Polston of Madison, Miss. and Katharine Suzanne Polston of Poplarville; mother Susan Fortson York and stepfather Jim Lonowski, Owensboro; sister Caroline Campbell; brother Theo York, Owensboro; and grandparents Ann Baine Fortson, Owensboro; and Charles and Frances Campbell, Madison.

1998Christina Louise Jennings on June 9, in Greenville, Ky. She worked for the Kentucky Department Health and Family Services as a family support specialist. Survivors include her best friend, Eric Conrad, Madisonville; daughter Amber Jennings, Graham; father George Townsell, Nortonville; mother Barbara Greene Corbitt, Graham; sister Amanda Townsell, Louisville; and stepbrother James Brinkley, Evansville.

Trustees Betty Jane Delker on December 27,2009, in Owensboro. She was a KWC trustee from 1993 to 1995 and a KWC trustee emeriti. She was also a member of First Presbyterian Church and served on the YMCA board during the construction of its current facility. Survivors include sons Jed Delker, Winter Park, Fla., Bill Delker, Lexington and Tom Delker, Smyrna, Tenn.; sister Patty Wahl, Owensboro; and � ve grandchildren.

Lucy Glenn Taylor on January 4,in Owensboro. She was a KWC trustee from 1985 to 1993 and trustee emeriti. A graduate of Stephens College, she was a lifelong member of Settle Memorial United Methodist Church. She succeeded her late husband as president of Glenn Funeral Home and secretary of Owensboro Memorial Gardens until her retirement. She was a third generation funeral director. She received the Elizabeth Munday Award for outstanding service to seniors and was named Owensboro First Lady of the Year by Beta Sigma Phi. Survivors include her sons Glenn Taylor and David Taylor of Owensboro; foster son Richard Stringer of Tokyo; and four grandchildren, including Christy Taylor Chaney ’01.

Class of 1960 ReunionThirty-one members of the Class of 1960 gathered on campus in May to celebrate their 50-year reunion. They enjoyed a Reunion Dinner and reminiscing on Friday evening. On Saturday morning they received their 50-year medallions during the 142nd Commencement and joined the Golden Jubilee Club.

Front row left to right: Joan Gray Capps, Alice Cameron Baker, Glenda Alexander Guess, Nancy Mays Price, Joy Dike Burton, Vivian Riley Rice, Bob Rice, Bob Hancock, Bill Hume, Berry Major, Sarah Douglas Williams and Harry Spurrier.

Back row left to right: Harold Burton, Jim Guess, Ed Crady, Patsy Helm Crady, Lida Dodson Conkle, Tom Dicken, Jane Ellen Simpson Epperson, John Freer, Frank Greathouse, Ellis Johnson, Allen Kirtley, Jim Prater, Doug Greenwell, Don Hughes, Jody Richards, Allen Wilson and David Chandler.
