  • 7/29/2019 NeoToys Excel Financial Tools


    Date: March 2007

    Opening Balance Opening Balance Current Period Current PeriodAccount Description This Year YTD Debits YTD Credits YTD Movement This Period Debits Credits


    Current Assets1000 Cash and equivalents 3,862,508 5,052,759 3,421,160 1,631,599 4,851,115 965,735 322,744

    1100 A/R - trade 10,290,145 7,990,628 4,922,866 3,067,762 13,560,733 750,851 953,677

    1110 A/R - other (44,611) 0 14,938 (14,938) (58,239) 0 1,310

    1199 Allowance for bad debts (139,569) 0 46,523 (46,523) (181,719) 0 4,373

    1200 Inventory 702,699 208,522 0 208,522 905,835 5,386 0

    1900 Other current assets 65,395 22,825 0 22,825 86,416 1,804 0

    Total Current Assets 14,736,567 13,274,734 8,405,487 4,869,247 19,164,142 1,723,776 1,282,104

    Other Assets

    2000 Fixed assets (11,815) 0 4,027 (4,027) (15,488) 0 354

    2100 Accumulated depreciation (737,469) 0 245,823 (245,823) (960,185) 0 23,107

    2900 Other assets 15,542 5,126 0 5,126 20,270 398 0

    Total Other Assets (733,742) 5,126 249,850 (244,724) (955,403) 398 23,461

    TOTAL ASSETS 14,002,825 13,279,860 8,655,337 4,624,523 18,208,739 1,724,174 1,305,566


    Current Liabilities

    3000 Accounts payable (1,897,695) 3,200,696 3,795,779 (595,083) (2,452,350) 316,387 356,815

    3100 Accrued payroll (16,555) 5,492 0 5,492 (11,554) 491 0

    3400 Other current liabilities (404,090) 0 141,702 (141,702) (532,974) 0 12,819

    Total Current Liabilities (2,318,341) 3,206,188 3,937,481 (731,293) (2,996,877) 316,878 369,634Other Liabilities

    3500 Long-term notes (12,303) 0 4,163 (4,163) (16,187) 0 279

    3900 Other liabi li ties (12,550) 0 2,506 (2,506) (14,795) 0 261

    Total Other Liabilities (24,853) 0 6,669 (6,669) (30,982) 0 540

    TOTAL LIABILITIES (2,343,194) 3,206,188 3,944,150 (737,962) (3,027,860) 316,878 370,174

    Owners' Equity

    4000 Capital stock (7,451) 0 2,501 (2,501) (9,741) 0 211

    4500 Retained earnings (11,652,180) 0 0 0 (11,652,180) 0 0

    Total Owners' Equity (11,659,631) 0 2,501 (2,501) (11,661,921) 0 211


    5000 In Store sales 0 0 2,452,399 (2,452,399) (2,221,873) 0 230,526

    5200 Catalog sales 0 0 1,471,399 (1,471,399) (1,333,088) 0 138,312

    5800 Consulting sales 0 0 2,391,287 (2,391,287) (2,166,506) 0 224,781

    5900 Other revenue 0 0 59,518 (59,518) (53,923) 0 5,595

    Total Revenue 0 0 6,374,603 (6,374,603) (5,775,390) 0 599,213

    Direct Expense

    Copyright, 2010, JaxWorks, All Rights Reserved.

  • 7/29/2019 NeoToys Excel Financial Tools


    Date: March 2007

    Opening Balance Opening Balance Current Period Current PeriodAccount Description This Year YTD Debits YTD Credits YTD Movement This Period Debits Credits

    6000 Direct material 0 713,118 0 713,118 646,085 67,033 0

    6100 Direct labor 0 911,319 0 911,319 825,655 85,664 06200 Other direct cost 0 537,186 0 537,186 486,691 50,495 0

    6900 Sales and marketing 0 318,655 0 318,655 288,701 29,954 0

    Total Direct Expense 0 2,480,278 0 2,480,278 2,247,132 233,146 0

    Gross Profit 0 2,480,278 6,374,603 (3,894,325) (3,528,258) 233,146 599,213

    Indirect Expense

    5100 Telephone sales 0 0 1,592,399 (1,592,399) (1,442,713) 0 149,685

    7000 Accounting and legal 0 56,495 0 56,495 51,184 5,311 0

    7100 Communication & telephone 0 87,364 0 87,364 79,152 8,212 0

    7200 Deprec & amortization 0 245,823 0 245,823 222,716 23,107 0

    7300 Facilites and rent 0 273,640 0 273,640 247,918 25,722 0

    7500 Office expense & misc 0 116,167 0 116,167 105,247 10,920 0

    7600 Salaries 0 281,069 0 281,069 254,649 26,420 0

    7700 Taxes - business 0 195,643 0 195,643 177,253 18,390 0

    7800 Bad debt expense 0 46,523 0 46,523 42,150 4,373 0

    7400 Interest expense 0 73,340 0 73,340 66,446 6,894 0

    9990 Income taxes 0 226,600 0 226,600 205,300 21,300 0

    Total Indirect Expense 0 1,602,664 1,592,399 10,265 9,300 150,650 149,685

    Net Loss (Profit) 0 4,082,942 7,967,002 (3,884,060) (3,518,958) 383,797 748,898

    TOTAL LIABILITIES & OWNERS' EQUITY (14,002,825) 7,289,130 11,913,653 (4,624,523) (18,208,739) 700,675 1,119,283

    Copyright, 2010, JaxWorks, All Rights Reserved.

  • 7/29/2019 NeoToys Excel Financial Tools


    Date: March 2007

    Account Description


    Current Assets1000 Cash and equivalents

    1100 A/R - trade

    1110 A/R - other

    1199 Allowance for bad debts

    1200 Inventory

    1900 Other current assets

    Total Current Assets

    Other Assets

    2000 Fixed assets

    2100 Accumulated depreciation

    2900 Other assets

    Total Other Assets



    Current Liabilities

    3000 Accounts payable

    3100 Accrued payrol l

    3400 Other current liabilities

    Total Current LiabilitiesOther Liabilities

    3500 Long-term notes

    3900 Other l iabilities

    Total Other Liabilities


    Owners' Equity

    4000 Capital stock

    4500 Retained earnings

    Total Owners' Equity


    5000 In Store sales

    5200 Catalog sales

    5800 Consulting sales

    5900 Other revenue

    Total Revenue

    Direct Expense

    Current Period

    Movement Closing Balance

    642,991 5,494,107

    (202,826) 13,357,907

    (1,310) (59,548)

    (4,373) (186,092)

    5,386 911,221

    1,804 88,220

    441,672 19,605,814

    (354) (15,842)

    (23,107) (983,292)

    398 20,668

    (23,063) (978,466)

    418,609 18,627,348

    (40,428) (2,492,778)

    491 (11,063)

    (12,819) (545,793)

    (52,756) (3,049,634)

    (279) (16,466)

    (261) (15,056)

    (540) (31,522)

    (53,296) (3,081,156)

    (211) (9,952)

    0 (11,652,180)

    (211) (11,662,132)

    (230,526) (2,452,399)

    (138,312) (1,471,399)

    (224,781) (2,391,287)

    (5,595) (59,518)

    (599,213) (6,374,603)

    Copyright, 2010, JaxWorks, All Rights Reserved.

  • 7/29/2019 NeoToys Excel Financial Tools


    Date: March 2007

    Account Description

    6000 Direct mater ial

    6100 Direct labor6200 Other direct cost

    6900 Sales and marketing

    Total Direct Expense

    Gross Profit

    Indirect Expense

    5100 Telephone sales

    7000 Accounting and legal

    7100 Communication & telephone

    7200 Deprec & amortization

    7300 Facilites and rent

    7500 Office expense & misc

    7600 Salaries

    7700 Taxes - business

    7800 Bad debt expense

    7400 Interest expense

    9990 Income taxes

    Total Indirect Expense

    Net Loss (Profit)


    Current Period

    Movement Closing Balance

    67,033 713,118

    85,664 911,31950,495 537,186

    29,954 318,655

    233,146 2,480,278

    (366,067) (3,894,325)

    (149,685) (1,592,399)

    5,311 56,495

    8,212 87,364

    23,107 245,823

    25,722 273,640

    10,920 116,167

    26,420 281,069

    18,390 195,643

    4,373 46,523

    6,894 73,340

    21,300 226,600

    965 10,265

    (365,102) (3,884,060)

    (418,609) (18,627,348)

    Copyright, 2010, JaxWorks, All Rights Reserved.