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Page 1: Neon jungle digipak

Neon Jungle – Welcome to the jungle

Page 2: Neon jungle digipak

The edgy dark text show of a bad girl image.

Like most pop/ girl band album covers the images were taken in a studio not on location. Giving it a clear fresh vibe.

Stereotypically to pop style album covers the star image is used showing off each member.

Eye contact from each member is used to give a connection to the audience.

The title of the album is in simple block capitals making it easier to read. Its in the same colour as the band name but In a different font making the band name stand out more.

The title of the album ties the whole thing together as it is also the title of one of the songs on the album (this is done a lot throughout all genres of music) and it uses the word ‘jungle’ which is also in the girls band name.

The style of which the girls are shown (a portrait image of each girl placed together in a line fashion) has been used in both a Destiny’s child album cover before and a Pussycat dolls. It appears to be a popular lay out for girl band album covers as it shows off each girl in a close up.

Each girl is tightly framed showing off their beauty and individuality as no girl is posed or dressed the same. All the girls have very fierce looking eyes and are pouting showing off a sense of power and edginess. Directly linking with their style of music.

The block colours over the artists face make the images more interesting, add hints of colour and make the album cover look up to date and fresh.

The girls also wear fierce and bold makeup with bright lips or dark flicks on the eyes.

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The use of triangles are seen a lot in pop videos, albums, posters etc. nobody is sure why but this links to the illuminati theory. This could be used to spike interest and link their work to popular artists such a Beyoncé.

The girl bands name and title of the album is seen again on the cd in the same font however it is now white giving it a less edgy feel but making it stand out on the yellow background and link in with white triangles.

The CD is very simple and involves no complex images, this turns all the focus to the front cover of the girls.

The patterns of the triangles make the CD very recognizable straight away.

The colour of the CD challenges the typical conventions of this genre as it’s a very dull and dirty colour rather than bright vibrant colours you would normally see.

The colours and style of the disc don’t follow the dark edgy theme of the digipak.

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The all black background to this album follows the grungy edgy feel it has and is a direct contrast to the white on the front of the album.

The text on the back of the album is the same front as the album title on the front (similarly to Rihanna’s) however it is white rather than black.

Like Rihanna’s and most albums this includes a bar code and what label the band is signed to as well as other people that worked on the album.

The songs are numbered using a smaller and different font so the song titles stand out more (this text is also used to show who features on the song on track 05). This makes it easier for the audience to find the songs.

Atypically to a pop album but stereotypically to a girl band album the back of the album is very plain with one block colour and text on top. Pop artists such as Rihanna normally have another image of there selves on the back of the album to show the star image as much as possible. Girl bands don’t tend to do this but some can be found with posters/pictures inside the album showing of each member.