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To what extent did the German people benefit from Nazi rule?

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Economic recovery and rearmamentHitler and the Nazis came to power because they promised to solve the country’s unemployment problems and loss of pride due to the Treaty of Versailles.

Hitler was fortunate in that by 1933 the worst of the Depression was over. Even so, there is no doubt that the Nazis acted with energy and commitment to solve some of the main problems. The Nazis were successful at organising Germany’s finances to fund a huge programme of work creation. The National Labour Service sent men on public works projects and conservation programmes, in particular to build a network of motorways or autobahns. Railways were extended or built from scratch.

Other measures brought increasing prosperity. One of Hitler’s most cherished plans was rearmament. In 1935 he reintroduced conscription for the German army.

Conscription reduced unemployment. The need for weapons, equipment and uniforms created jobs in the coal

mines, steel and textile mills. Engineers and designers gained new opportunities, particularly when Hitler decreed that Germany would have a world-class air force (the Luftwaffe).

As well as bringing economic recovery, these measures boosted Hitler’s popularity because they boosted national pride. Germans began to feel that their country was finally emerging from the humiliation of the Great War and the Treaty of Versailles, and putting itself on an equal footing with the other great powers.

‘Strength through Joy’ - Hitler even arranged for many German families to go on cheap holidays. He wanted to be seen as rewarding those who worked hard.

Rearmament meant that many industries within the German economy dramatically benefited by employing millions of men.

Cheap family trips to places like Norway were arranged under the ‘Strength through Joy ‘ idea.

Public work schemes similar to those created by FDR built motor-ways called ‘Autobahns’.

Hitler helped to organise the ‘people’s car’, an affordable vehicle for the workers

Hitler’s aim was to

make Germany self-sufficient (AKA: Autarky)

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As we already know, Hitler and the Nazi Party seemed to bring prosperity and pride back to the German people. However, it should be made clear that the German people lost all of the freedoms that we enjoy today. Workers were not allowed to join trade unions, and wages actually went down during this period. The Nazis censored the press and controlled information, the Nazi police did the bidding of the party, the courts and judges followed the Nazi line and the prisons were full of people who disagreed with Hitler. Radio broadcasts in German town centres spread lies. Reports to the SS and the Gestapo led to arrests

and being thrown into concentration camps. People lived in fear. Teachers who did not support

the Nazis were sacked and replaced by those who were more willing to teach German

children lies about Jewish people and heroic stories about Hitler. Black, disabled and homosexual Germans were persecuted by the SA in the form of beatings, murders and arrests.

Jewish people were spat at, beaten, arrested and then murdered by a

Government that created the myth that the Jews were secretly trying to destroy Germany.

Yes, unemployment went down under the Nazis but at what price?


Despite benefits that some German people enjoyed it should be made clear that they lost many freedoms and lived in fear.

To what extent did the German people benefit

from Nazi rule?

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Paper 2: Nazi Germany 1933-1939A selection from the 2004, 2005, 2006 exam papers

*Remember: the exam paper does not look like this!

SMACK EXAMINERthe in the face!Give yourself a head start and recognise the questions that have appeared in previous exams based on the topic that you have been learning about. We will practice them in class, you should also do this at home during revision. Your parents could help you.

To what extent did the German people benefit under Nazi


a) To what extent did German people benefit from Nazi rule in the years 1933 to 1939? (15 marks)

Level 1 Simple description (1-3 marks)

* Created jobs, cuts unemployment. * People happy with work and law and order.

Level 2 Answers refer to one of following but lacks details. (4-8 marks)

* Simple outline of how Hitler provided work but at a cost to personal freedom.. * Provides jobs,armed forces, autobahns, restored national pride, improvement in living conditions but with loss of individual freedom. * Deals with groups who did not benefit .eg Jews

Level 3 Gives details on at least 2 of the following; (9-12 marks)

* Work - Created millions of jobs, public works building autobahns,hospitals and schools, young men drafted into the army, Strength through Joy provided activities like film shows, excursions and Cheap holidays, planned the ‘people’s car’ to be affordable to workers. BUT workers could not join Trade Unions, could not leave jobs, worked longer hours, people did not get the car.

* Economy to be self sufficient (Autarky) - Cut dependence on imports, encouraged growth of German economy, made artificial replacements for rubber and oil; 1936 Four Year Plan to gear economy for war. Helped cut unemployment, compulsory labour service, compulsory military service after 1935)

* Hitler carried out many promises, created jobs, Germany strong again. Victims of Nazi rule, Jews and communists, black people, the disabled and homosexuals all suffered at hands of Nazis. People subjected to propaganda, attempts to control role of women, control of education, secret police, resistance was difficult.

Level 4 Answer shows understanding of what is meant by benefits and gives a balanced answer looking at economic gains and personal loss of freedom. (12-15 marks)