
2019 March WORD 1

“And the Word became flesh & dwelt among us, full of grace & truth.”

~John 1:14

March 2019

Liturgies & ReadingsUpcoming services

for MarchPage 2

Parish Council Getting Involved

Strategic PlanningPage 4

Fr. John’s Message Holy Communion:

Frequently and WorthilyPage 1

February HighlightsCommunity Crab Feed

FDFPage 8

Upcoming EventsPascha Picnic

March 25 CelebrationPage 11

Philoptochos Membership MonthMarch 2 Luncheon

Page 7


The Word

Adam and Eve were told to enjoy paradise but commanded to not eat of the fruit from one tree. Their disobedience of this commandment caused the severing of mankind’s perfect relationship with God. Christ came into the world to reunite mankind with its Creator by teaching us to eat from His body and blood. From the tree of the Cross, the fruit of eternal life is awaiting for us to be members of His body. As Jesus tells his Disciples in John 6:53-54, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”Numerous saints of the Church emphasize the importance of receiving communion. St. Basil the Great writes, “Daily Communion and Participation in the holy Body and Blood of Christ is a good, and helpful practice. Christ clearly says, ‘He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life.’” With this understanding, we should take time to reflect and ask certain questions: How often should I receive Communion? How do I know when to receive Holy

Communion? How do I prepare to receive Holy Communion?St. Nikodemos writes that we must “do two things: you must commune frequently, and you must commune worthily, as much as this is possible.” It is an often misnomer among the Greek Orthodox that Communion should be received just a few times a year for the major feast days of the year. But St. John Chrysostom writes that “it is not Epiphany nor Lent that makes someone worthy of approaching (Holy Communion), but it is sincerity and purity of soul.” It is through these two virtues that we are called to receive frequently and worthily. Sincerity towards Holy Communion consists of the two most important aspects of our faith: prayer and fasting. Praying the night before and the morning of Divine Liturgy is an important way to focus our thoughts and attention to receiving the sacrament. Fasting on Wednesdays, Fridays, and most importantly, the morning before Church not only prepare us to receive, but also is a testament to our sincerity towards receiving the Holy Eucharist. If we wish to attain purity of soul then we must ask ourselves if

forgiveness and love have conquered the resentment, jealousy or anger that we feel for something or someone. Have we recently gone to confession to open our hearts to God in order to directly seek His love and mercy? Asking forgiveness from our loved ones and participating in the sacrament of confession are simple ways to purify our souls and humbly confess “that You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God who came into the world to save sinners, of whom I’m the first.”Holy Communion is the sacrament that is offered on a weekly basis throughout the year and receiving the Eucharist is the ultimate participation in the Divine Liturgy.With it being such a critical aspect of our faith, “everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves.” (1 Corinthians 11:27-29) As the season of Great Lent is shortly upon us, I pray we are able to prayerfully reflect upon our spiritual lives and give sincere effort to purify our souls in order to approach the chalice with the fear of God, faith and love.

2 2019 March Word

All Divine Services on Sundays and weekdays begin with Orthros at 8:30am followed by the Divine Liturgy.

Please make every effort to attend these worship services on time.

March Services and Readings

Sat Mar 2 Saturday of Souls I Thessalonians 4:13-17 Luke 21:8-9, 25-27, 33-36

Sun Mar 3 Judgement Sunday I Corinthians 8:8-13; 9:1-2 Matthew 25:31-46

Sat Mar 9 Saturday of Souls Hebrews 12:1-10 Matthew 20:1-16

Sun Mar 10 Forgiveness Sunday Romans 13:11-14; 14:1-4 Matthew 6:14-21

Mon Mar 11 Great Compline Isaiah 1:1-20/Genesis 1:1-13 Proverbs 1:1-20

Tues Mar 12 Great Compline Isaiah 1:19-23/Genesis 1:14-23 Proverbs 1:20-33

Wed Mar 13 Pre-Sanctified Liturgy Isaiah 2:3-11/Genesis 1:24-2:3 Proverbs 2:1-22

Thurs Mar 14 Great Compline Isaiah 2:11-21/Genesis 2:4-19 Proverbs 3:1-18

Fri Mar 15 1st Salutations Isaiah 3:1-14/Genesis 2:20-3:20 Proverbs 3:19-34

Sat March Saturday of Souls I Timothy 2:1-10 Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-5

Sun Mar 17 Sunday of Orthodoxy Hebrews 11:24-26, 32-40 John 1:43-51

Mon Mar 18 Great Compline Isaiah 4:2-5:7/Genesis 3:21-4:7 Proverbs 3:34-4:22

Wed Mar 20 Pre-Sanctified Liturgy Isaiah 5:16-25/Genesis 4:16-26 Proverbs 5:15-6:3

Fri Mar 22 2nd Salutations Isaiah 7:1-14/Genesis 5:32-6:8 Proverbs 6:20-7:1

Sun Mar 24 St. Gregory of Palmas Hebrews 1:10-14; 2:1-3 Mark 2:1-12

Mon Mar 25 The Annunciation of The Theotokos Hebrews 2:11-18 Luke 1:24-38

Mon Mar 25 Great Compline

Wed Mar 27 Pre-Sanctified Liturgy Isaiah 10:12-30/Genesis 7:6-9 Proverbs 9:12-18

Fri Mar 29 3rd Salutations Isaiah 13:2-13/Genesis 8:4-21 Proverbs 10:31-11:12

Sun Mar 31 Sunday of the Holy Cross Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:1-6 Mark 8:34-38; 9:1

The Monthly WORDDuring the Months of December - February, many of you have been receiving the printed WORD, while previously receiving it online only. If you did not receive a mailed copy of the WORD prior to this and would like continue receiving the printed WORD, please contact the Church Office and we will continue to mail you our monthly newsletter, the WORD.

2019 March WORD 3

The Joy of the Cross in Our Home

Dr. Philip Mamalakis will be speaking Sunday, March 31 after Divine Services


Finishing the Race Dean Karnazes will be speaking

Wednesday, March 13 after Pre-sanctified Liturgy

Lenten Lecture Series

After the first Presanctified Liturgy of Great Lent, Dean Karnazes will be speaking about his experience running all over the world and the struggle, discipline, and sacrifice that is necessary for his events. The physical and mental endurance needed for this running contain the same characteristics necessary for our Lenten journey. Dean Karnazes is a Greek Orthodox Christian living in Marin County with his wife. He is an ultramarathon runner and author of Ultramarathrhon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner. He is known throughout the world for numerous running 350 miles in under 81 hours without sleeping. He also ran 50 marathons, in 50 states, in 50 consecutive days.

Dr. Philip Mamalakis, with his wife Georgia and seven children, lives in Boston, Massachusetts, where he is the Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Dr. Mamalakis directs the field education program and teaches classes on pastoral care, marriage and family, grief, death and dying, and topics related to pastoral counseling. Dr. Mamalakis has an M.Div. from Holy Cross and a Ph.D. from Purdue University in child development and family studies, specializing in marriage and family therapy. He has been offering parenting courses and writing on parenting for 21 years.

2019 March WORD 4

Parish Council Update

How Can You Become More Involved with the Nativity of Christ Community?We have been excited that so many of you have listed activities on the Stewardship Forms on how you want to help. Leaders of different Ministries and Activities have been reaching out to some of you. If you have not heard from them please feel free to contact them. All of you have different talents you can share with the Parish.  

Please contact the following parishioners to become more involved in the community:Youth Ministry Coordinator: Andy Stenros, [email protected] Anniversary Events: Angie Kozas, [email protected] and Vicki Kalabokes, [email protected] Beautification Work Days: Spiro Stratigos, [email protected] or Vicki Kalabokes, [email protected]

Facilities Ongoing Maintenance: Dennis Thomatos, [email protected], and Peter Passaris, [email protected] Upgrades and Long Term Plan Improvements: Christ Kamages, [email protected] Study and Open Forum: Father John, [email protected]: Rose Hunter, [email protected], Nico Haris, [email protected] and Vicki Kalabokes, [email protected]: Peter and Maria Passaris, [email protected]

Sunday School: Christina Thomatos, [email protected] School: Eirini Karatzaferi, [email protected] Greek Folk Dance: Effie Fourakis, [email protected] & Me: Presvytera Stephanie, [email protected] (Very Important Persons 60 +): Maria Pappas, [email protected]

Narthex Greeters and Welcomers: Dina Camamis, [email protected] join in the camaraderie of our Parish activities and enjoy the fellowship of our community. We welcome everyone to participate.We have a lot of Festival Work Days in March. Please refer to the flyers on Cooking Days and come to prepare, stir, lift, wrap, move things, recycle, clean, or wash dishes. We have jobs for everyone!

2019 March WORD 5

Strategic Planning

“Thy will be done…”This is Jesus’ prayer to His Father. It is also Jesus teaching us how we should pray, both personally and together as the sacred community of the Church.Orthodox strategic planning is the community collectively seeking God’s will. This means trusting God, loving God, putting our faith in God and ultimately, turning our own human expectations, desires, fantasy outcomes and aspirations over to God.We have a crucial role to play in this effort. One of the greatest gifts of God to us is Him according to us the dignity, the joy, and the freedom of participating in our salvation, both personally and collectively. St. Augustine famously wrote, “Pray as though everything depends upon God and work as though everything depends upon you.” We pray and we work to the glory of God.At every meeting of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee (and likely at the beginning of all gatherings of the Church when Fr. John is present), he opens the gathering invoking the Holy Spirit with this beautiful prayer: “O heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, Who art everywhere present filling all things, Treasury of blessings and Giver of life, come and take up Thine abode within us and cleanse us from every impurity and save our souls O Good One.” This prayer is an affirmation of our trust in God – that He is the Spirit of Truth, the Treasury of blessings and the Giver of life – not us.So, as we proceed on this journey together doing our very best as a community to seek God’s will and also to apply in the humblest way possible, all the professional and human tools accorded to us – envisioning, surveys, analyses, nonprofit theory and methodology, careful listening, problem solving, parish assemblies, workshops, parish council deliberations, cost estimates, ministry and program development, etc., never let us forget many times each day to quietly and sometimes not so quietly enter into intimacy with God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and say, “Thy will be done…” In Christ, A member of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee

Parish AssemblyThe Spring Parish Assembly will be held on Sunday, March 10th after the Divine Liturgy. Please attend to be updated on Parish Financials and our wonderful ministries. Stewards who have submitted their Stewardship Form at least 30 days before the Assembly will be eligible to vote.

Strategic Planning: The Future of Nativity of ChristThe Parish Council voted at its meeting on February 12th to institute a Strategic Planning process to help us set a course for our Church’s future. Parishioner Anthony Scott has a background in professional, non-profit planning and is excited to begin communicating with all of you during this process.On March 3rd, Anthony will present a powerpoint presentation during the Fellowship Hour describing the steps for the Strategic Planning process, eventually leading to goals and objectives that can improve Nativity of Christ.

6 2019 March Word

St. Gregory PalamasThis divine Father, who was from Asia Minor, was from childhood reared in the royal court of Constantinople, where he was instructed in both religious and secular wisdom. Later, while still a youth, he left the imperial court and struggled in asceticism on Mount Athos, and in the Skete at Beroea. He spent some time in Thessalonica being treated for an illness that came from his harsh manner of life. He was present in Constantinople at the Council that was convened in 1341 against Barlaam of Calabria, and at the Council of 1347 against Acindynus, who was of like mind with Barlaam; Barlaam and Acindynus claimed that the grace of God is created. At both these Councils, the Saint contended courageously for the true dogmas of the Church of Christ, teaching in particular that divine grace is not created, but is the uncreated energies of God which are poured forth throughout creation: otherwise it would be impossible, if grace were created, for man to have genuine communion with the uncreated God. In 1347 he was appointed Metropolitan of Thessalonica. He tended his flock in an apostolic manner for some twelve years, and wrote many books and treatises on the most exalted doctrines of our Faith; and having lived for a total of sixty-three years, he reposed in the Lord in 1359.His holy relics are kept in the Cathedral of Thessalonica. A full service was composed for his feast day by the Patriarch Philotheus in 1368, when it was established that his feast be celebrated on this day. Since works without right faith avail nothing, we set Orthodoxy of faith as the foundation of all that we accomplish during the Fast, by celebrating the Triumph of Orthodoxy the Sunday before, and the great

St. Gregory Palamas

What is Christian Stewardship?Christian Stewardship is...

...learning how to be a responsible and concerned caretaker of Christ’s Church; it is learning how to enjoy Church life and be happy in Church work., for in Her dwells the fullness of the Spirit of God....our active commitment to use all our time, talent and treasure for the benefit of humankind in grateful acknowledgment of Christ’s redeeming love....caring for the needs of others....offering one’s self to God as He offered Himself to us....what a person does after saying, “I believe...”, as proof of that belief....devotion and service to God and His Church as persons, as families, as a metropolis, as a national Church and as a universal Church.

-Williams & McKibben in Oriented LeadershipChristian Stewardship is about becoming good caretakers of all that God has given us. God has given each of us special and unique gifts. And through Holy Scripture He teaches us all that we have is a loan. He lends everything to us, and reminds us that one day He will ask us to give a detailed accounting of what we have done with the gifts He has given us. Archbishop Anastasios of Albania has noted that “we find ourselves by offering ourselves.” Have we learned the blessedness of generously giving to others of all we have?

2019 March WORD 7

Membership MonthOur Membership Drive took place in February. We will keep our Membership Drive going until we reach our goal of 100 members. Your help is needed to help us reach our goal. Your support of Philoptochos helps many organizations on a local and national level. The more we raise, the more we can give! Your membership has a significant impact on the lives of those who are in need or are less fortunate. If you have already joined, God bless you for your support. If you haven’t, please send in your membership today. Members do not need to come to meetings, however, we would love to see you there!

Go Red SundayThank you to all who donated in support of women’s cardiac health. The Fellowship Hour on Sunday, February 24 was designated by our chapter as “Go Red for Women” Sunday. All proceeds from the Fellowship Hour will go to the American Heart Association.

Philoptochos 50th AnniversaryThis month marks the 50th Anniversary of our chapter. Our celebratory luncheon event, Bridal Gowns Through the Years, takes place on Saturday, March 2 – we will include photos and a report on the event in the April Word. Fellowship HoursEach week, we offer refreshments to our community during Fellowship Hour. All food items are donated by Philoptochos members and our chapter underwrites the cost of the coffee, cups and other supplies. These supplies have increased in cost over the years. The monies that are received weekly, continue to be less than the cost of our supplies for that day. We would like to recommend a minimum $2.00 per person donation to help us cover the cost of the supplies. Fellowship Hours are small fundraisers that helps your Philoptochos support our many charities. Please keep in mind those who benefit from Philoptochos when contributing for your coffee and snack.Hosting a fellowship hour is a great way to honor a family member or special event. Hosting a fellowship hour means that you provide snacks of your choice. Philoptochos members make the coffee and set-up the food/coffee tables. Contact Debbie Kokalis (415) 367-5252, if you would like to host a fellowship hour.


Philoptochos Dates to Remember:

March 2: Bridal Gowns through the Years Luncheon and Fashion ShowMarch 5: General Meeting – 6:30 PM, Administrative BuildingApril 2: Board Meeting – 6:30 PM, Administrative BuildingApril 21: Annual Palm Sunday Luncheon

Campus Clean Up Day Join us on Saturday, April 6 from 10am - 3pm to work on

beautifying our campus.

For more information contact:Spiro Stratigos, [email protected] or Vicki Kalabokes, [email protected]

8 2019 March Word

February Highlights

January Family NightFamilies enjoyed a pasta dinner, and played an exciting Ro-Sham-Bo Tournament, which consisted of hopping through hula hoops donated for the evening by Penngrove Elementary School. There was a small photo wall where friends and family took pictures and a jumpee for all kids to bounce around for the night. Stay tuned for more fun Youth Ministry events!

VIP’sOn February 5th, VIP’s visited the Senior’s Group at Holy Cross in Belmont. Our next luncheon is on Thursday, March 14, at Nativity of Christ. Bring a Lenten covered dish and join us at 11:30.

2019 March WORD 9

Community Crab FeedCommunity Crab FeedOn Saturday, February 2nd, the community gathered for the 12th Annual Community Crab Feed. It was a night full of delicious crab, fabulous fellowship, Cretan music, and much dancing. We thank the Pan-Cretan Chapter of Marin and Sonoma Counties and the stewards of Nativity of Christ for hosting such an exciting event. Kai tou Chronou!



APRIL 5 - 7, 2019GRADES 6-12


01 2019 March Word

Minoan Dancers at Metropolis Folk Dance Festival Stand was the theme of the 43rd annual Greek Orthodox Folk Dance Festival (FDF) held over President’s Day weekend in Ontario, California.

40 members of the Minoan Dancers, along with Father John, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and f r i ends , Stood

together in faith and fellowship during the 4-day festival which started with a service project to pack 43,000 meals for the homeless of the Ontario area.

FDF participants received a video blessing from His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch

Bartholomew of Constantinople at O p e n i n g C e r e m o n i e s , followed by an Agiasmos service celebrated by His E m i n e n c e M e t r o p o l i t a n

Gerasimos and Metropolis clergy. Father John was with the dancers and families the entire weekend to Stand by them, to support and cheer them on.

The Pancretan Chapter of Marin and Sonoma Counties also Stood by the Minoans this year, providing them with financial assistance to bring two young, dynamic, talented musicians from Hania, Crete to play for the Minoans at FDF. Giorgos Frantzeskakis (violin) and Giorgos Stratakis (laouto) performed music of Naxos and Crete with energy and joy that inspired and carried the dancers to give some of their best performances ever.

Minoans 3, elementary school dancers, are directed by Andy Stenros, under mentorship and guidance of directors Vasilis and Effie Fourakis. This year she taught dances from Thrace and Crete which the dancers presented at FDF wearing traditional costumes,

with live music for both sets. Vas i l is and dancers were interviewed by Antenna Greek TV about their experiences at FDF. Minoans 3 placed 4th out of 11 groups in Advanced Primary category!

Minoans 2, middle/high school dancers, are co-directed by Achilleas, Effie and Vasilis Fourakis. They learned new dances from the island of Naxos this year, and wore costumes from the island of Kythnos. For their second round of competition they performed a flawless set of dances from Kisamos, western Crete. They danced with joy, talent and intensity. His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios was in the audience and met them backstage to congratulate them on their excellent performance. Minoans 2 placed 3rd out of 11 groups in the Intermediate category!

Minoans 1, college/adult dancers, performed in the Advanced Senior category, taking 2nd place honors out of 10 groups. They presented dances from Naxos and Crete and also received congratulations and blessings from His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios at the conclusion of their Cretan set, who t o l d t h e m “Φέρατε την Κρήτη εδω και τ η ν κ ά ν α τ ε ζωντανή” which b a s i c a l l y m e a n s y o u brought Crete here and made her alive.

The theme of the 2019 Minoan team shirts is Avengers, superheroes who inspire us to Stand together for what is right and just.

2019 March WORD 1 1

50th Anniversary Celebrations

50th Anniversary Pascha Picnic

Sunday, April 28, 2019After Agape Service

Please plan to spend the celebration of Pascha with your family and all of the Nativity family. We will enjoy food, fellowship, fun, and music on the church grounds immediately following the Agape Service.This picnic will celebrate and remember the original Nativity picnics from 50 years ago and through the years. There will be more information during this month on how to make reservations and availability for barbecuing. Contact Kathy Marshall, Chair of Easter Picnic, for more information. [email protected]

February GOYA Gathering We thank the Foster and Chyrklund Family for hosting the February Goya Gathering. Delicious tacos were served with wonderful discussion and fellowship.

12 2019 March Word

Upcoming OpportunitiesBible StudyMarch 5 and 19

at 10am Come and participate in Bible Study with Fr.

John to continue studying St. Paul’s


Journey to FullnessMarch 6 and 20 at 6:30pm

Join Fr. John and fellow stewards to embark on A Journey to Fullness: a video series to help introduce the richness and fullness of the Orthodox Christian Faith. On Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm, there will be a video presentation on a certain topic by Fr. Barnabas Powell. Questions and discussion with Fr. John will follow.

Mommy & Me February at PlaylandIn February, Mommy & Me met at Playland Sausalito and spent the morning in fellowship and fun for the kids! The boy gang loved the jump houses, cars and trains at the gym.Dr. Mamalakis - March 31For the month of March, Mommy & Me will be welcoming Dr. Philip Mamalakis on Sunday, March 31st after church for his discussion of "The Joy of the Cross in our Home". Please join us for a light lunch and an informational and fruitful discussion as we enter the Lenten season. 

2019 March WORD 13

Sunday School

Sunday School classes continue this month. It's beautiful as always to see the children coming together in fellowship to learn about Christ and their Orthodox faith. A focus of our Activity Sundays this month is to learn the Ti Ipermaho/Mighty Defender hymn to the Theotokos.

Sunday, March 24thAnnunciation/Greek Independence Day Celebration is on March 24 after Liturgy. Sunday School will join Greek School students and Minoan Dancers for the annual presentation to honor the Virgin Mary and celebrate Greek Independence Day. Please stay to support our joint youth ministry event.

A Lenten Resource Here is a link to a useful tool for active reflection and participation during the Lenten Season as we prepare for Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection. Kali Sarakosti!  A Good Lent to all! See you this month in Liturgy and in Sunday School! And as always, contact me or your child's Sunday School teacher with questions.

Christina Thomatos ([email protected])

March CalendarSunday School meets 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24Following communion

The Youth Ministries of the Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church cordially invite you to join us in celebration of Greek Independence Day – March 25th, 1821 and Feast of the Annunciation


Sunday, March 24th After the Divine Liturgy

Suggested Donation$15 per person

$10 for 6-18 years old5 and under free

We look forward to seeing you all then!

A Benefit for the Nativity of Christ Greek School

41 2019 March Word

2019 Greek Festival Food Preparations Calendar

MarchFriday, March 8: Tiropita Prep 6pm

Saturday, March 9: Tiropita Assembly 11amSunday, March 10: Eggplant Prep 1pmTuesday, March 12: Veggie Prep 7:30pm

Wednesday, March 13: Diples 9amThursday, March 14: Meat Sauce 7:30pmFriday, March 15: Pastichio Pasta 3pm

Saturday, March 16: Pastichio Assembly 11amSaturday, March 23: Moussaka Assembly 9am

Friday, March 29: Galatoboureko 9amSaturday, March 30: Galatoboureko 9am

AprilFriday, April 5: Melomakarona 9am

MayThursday, May 2: Kataifi 9am

Friday, May 17: Kourabiethes 9amMonday, May 20: Baklava 9am

Tuesday, May 21: Food Preparations 11amWednesday, May 22: Food Preparations 9amThursday, May 23: Food Preparations 9am

Please refer to the Church Calendar on our Website for changes to the above schedule.

Marin Greek Festival

Greek Festival UpdateThank you to all who have stepped up to be booth/activity coordinators (formerly known as chairs).2019 Charity Partner Giving Back to the Community has always been a priority of the Marin Greek Festival. Each year we donate 5% of the Festival’s net proceeds to a Marin or Sonoma County non-profit organization. The Festival Committee has chosen HOMEWARD BOUND as the 2019 recipient of this donation. Homeward Bound of Marin is the primary provider of Marin County homeless shelters and services for homeless families and individuals in Marin, California. Catch up on the latest news and events in our efforts to end homelessness.EntertainmentWe are pleased to announce that the Hohlax Trio will return be entertaining us, again, this year. The Hohlax Trio is comprised of trained professional musicians experience in musical education and performance in both Greece and the United States. In addition to the four CDs which they have released, their performances have been broadcast on radio and television. Currently coordinators are working on underwriting, advertising, speakers, venues for flash mobs and the race. The parking lot and the shuttles have been secured.Please check the cooking/baking schedule and join us – It Takes A Village!

2019 March WORD 15

Presiding Priest Fr. John & Pres. Stephanie Kocolas

Priest Emeritus Fr. Constantine & Pres. Kay Efstathiu Pres. Evelyn Adams

Aaron, Steven & Eva Adams, Bill & Lisa Ambrosi, Alex Anderson, Francis Angelonides, Peter & Arlene Antonellis, Grigorios Antonis, Chris & Keri Argyres, Andreas & Joanne Barmperis, Ioannis & Tina Bechaka, Sonia Blasingame, Dave & Katina Botaitis, Demetri Brzycki, Jeffrey & Tracy Langly Burrows, Bill & Floretta Camamis, Constance Dina Catel, Paraskevi Corcoran, Bruce & Fran Cordellos, Dennis & Anna Cummings Nathan & Daphne Daifotis, Nick Delis, Nicholas & Stephanie Della Cella, Joseph & Kathryn Kalabokes Demiris, George & Ray Diamond, Jason & Vickie Economy, Carol Eggleston, Philip & Angela El-Far, Karim & Jasmine Eliopoulos, Sophia Fafoutis, Diane Fotinos, Vivian Fourakis, Achilleas Fourakis, Vasilis & Effie Fuss, Patrick Gavallos, Constantina George, Pete & Ann Georgeson, George & Debbie Geron, Marika Gikkas, Pete & Vickie Hatos Gikkas, Stephanie Giusti, Nonie Haginichols, Charles & Amalia Hajopoulos, Kathy Haris, Nico & Nicole Hontalas, Chris & Susan Hunter, John & Rose Hunter, Stacey Iannios, Demetrios & Manulani Kakleas, Jon & Michelle

Kalabokes, Chris & Vicki Kalabokes, Matthew Kamages, Christ & Pat Karas, Tom & Eleni Karaszi, Mariska Keller, Ed & Karen Kocolas, Andoni & Alexia Kokalis, George & Debbie Kokalis, Nick & Lena Kosturos, John & Dolly Kozas, Anna Kuvelis, Dean & Denise Lagios, Michael & Sheila Lendaris, Antonia Livadas, Carl & Stacey Livanos, Nicholas & Patricia Madias, Dino & Marti Madias, Michael & Laurie Manesis, Alexandria Mantalvanos, Alex & Maria Marshall, Phil & Kathy Mavromihalis, Steven & Vickie Medan, Dushan & Gigi Meehan, Nicole Meehan, Thomas & Irene Mehas, Christine Messner, Mark & Cheryl Morales, Marlon & Andrea Morris, Susan O’Connor Wayne & Betty Orologas, Alexandra Orologas, Julie Orr, Thomas & Beverly Panagotacos, James & Diane Pantazes, Katherine Papageorge, Christos & Despina Papanikolaou, George & Soula Pappas, Maria Passaris, Michael & Meredith Passaris, Peter & Maria Passaris, Ted & Elaine Pauletti, Jeff & Alexandria Payea, Keith & Nicolette Perivolaris, Sara Petrakis, Steve & Martha Pineda, Andy & Matina Seremetis Pinoris, Lloyd & Anastasia Porter, Bryan & Melina Prokopakis, Johanna Psaros, Stamati & Eleni Roesner, Russell & Margarite Roland, George & Doris Rouman, Steve & Liz Saris, Tony & Betty Scanagatta, Roman & Eleni Scott, Anthony & Renee Selmi, Cathy Selmi, Helen Sideris, Stassie

Simon, Kay Simos, Ted & Sophia Sklavos, James & Bessie Slenkin, Alex & Nancy Smernes, Kalliope Smith, Evdokia Soeten Alexandra Sotiras, Erene Sotiras, George Sotiras, Maria Starling, Eric & Irene Stathis, Pete & Dina Stathis, Sophia Stenros, Stuart & Stella Stockton, John & Susan Stratigos, Spiro & Mary Kay Streutker, Dawne Tacticos, George Tangalakis, Odysseus & Joanna Thomatos, Dennis & Christina Tocmakidis, Penelopy Touras, Antonios & Antonia Trapalis, Arthur & Niovi Trapalis, Vicki Trevoledes, Patrice Trimble, Paul Tzafopoulos, Demetrios & Cindy Tzafopoulos, Nicholas & Vasiliki Tzagarakis, Martina Vrattos, John & Francesca Walters, Charles & Amalia Walters, Jenny Whittaker, Madeline Woods, Doris Xenelis, Nicholas Yakumithis, Michael Zaccardelli, Dennis & Kathryn Zaferiou, Paul & Phyllis Zahariudakis, Dimitrios & Charoula

2019 Pledged Stewards of Nativity of Christ (As of February 22, 2019)“All Things are Possible to the One Who Believes in Christ.”

2 2019 March Word


arch 2019

Sun M

on Tue


Thu Fri



2 D

ivine Services- 8:30am

Saturday of Souls

Philoptochos 50th

Anniversary C

elebration 11am


Judgment Sunday


rthros 8:30am

Liturgy 9:30am

Sunday School Strategic Planning Presentation



Bible Study 10am

Philoptochos Meeting




reek School 4:15pm

Journey to Fullness 6:30pm


8 Festival Prep: Tiropita 6pm 9 D

ivine Services- 8:30am

Saturday of Souls

Festival Prep: Tiropita 11am

10 Forgiveness Sunday

Orthros 8:30am

Liturgy 9:30am

Sunday School

Parish Assem

bly Festival Prep: Eggplant 1pm



lean Monday


reat Com

pline 6:30pm


Great C

ompline 6:30pm

Festival Prep:

Veggies 7:30 pm

Parish C

ouncil 7:30pm


Festival Prep: Diples 9am


reek School 4:15pm

Pre-sanctified Liturgy 6pm

Dean K

arnazes “Finishing the R




IP’s 11:30am

Great C

ompline 6:30pm

Festival Prep:

Meat Sauce 7:30pm


Festival Prep: Pasta 3pm


st Salutations 6:30pm

Fellowship to Follow

16 Divine Services- 8:30am

Saturday of Souls

Festival Prep: Pastichio


17 Sunday of O

rthodoxy O

rthros 8:30am

Liturgy 9:30am

Sunday School


Great C

ompline 6:30pm


Bible Study 10am



reek School 4:15pm

Pre-sanctified Liturgy 6pm

Journey to Fullness 7pm



pen Gym




nd Salutations 6:30pm

Fellowship to Follow


Festival Prep: M

oussaka 9am

24 Sunday of St. G

regory Palm

as O

rthros 8:30am

Liturgy 9:30am

Sunday School M

arch 25th C

elebration G

reat Vespers

at Annuncation C

atheral SF 25

Divine Services- 8:30am

The A

nnunciation of the Theotokos


reat Com

pline 7pm



ailing Team 10am



reek School 4:15pm

Pre-sanctified Liturgy 6pm



Festival Prep: G

alatoboureko 9am


rd Salutations 6:30pm

Fellowship to Follow


Festival Prep: G

alatoboureko 9am

31 Sunday of Holy C

ross O

rthros 8:30am

Liturgy 9:30am

Sunday School D

r. Mam

alakis Lecture

April 1


reat Com

pline 7pm

April 2

Bible Study 10am

Philoptochos M

eeting 6:30pm

April 3


reek School 4:15pm

Pre-sanctified Liturgy 6pm

April 4

April 5

Festival Prep: M

elomakarona 9am

4th Salutations 6:30pm


ship to Follow

April 6

Clean U

p Day




Lenten Retreat

Fast Days

Fast Days

Fast Days

Fast Day

Fast Day

Fast Day


Fast Days

March Calendar

2019 March WORD 15

The Prodigal Son Returns! Reading: 1 Corinthians 6: 12-20 Gospel: Luke 15: 11-32

Adam and Eve are cast from Paradise! FORGIVENESS SUNDAY Reading: Romans 13: 11-14:4 Gospel: Matthew 6: 14-21

The Last Judgment Reading: 1 Corinthians 8: 8-9: 2 Gospel: Matthew 25: 31-46


SUNDAY of ORTHODOXY Reading: Hebrews 11: 24-26, 32-12:2 Gospel: John 1: 43-51

ST GREGORY PALAMAS Reading: Hebrews 1:10-2:3 Gospel: Mark 2: 1-12

VENERATION OF THE HOLY CROSS HALF WAY TO PASCHA! Reading: Hebrews 4: 14-5: 6 Gospel: Mark 8:34-9: 1

Wear your cross to church and kiss the cross

each morning with a bow!

ST JOHN of the LADDER Reading: Hebrews: 6:13-20 Gospel: Mark 9: 17-31

ST MARY of EGYPT Reading: Hebrews 9: 11-14 Gospel: Mark 10: 32-45

Place your palm branches and pussywillows behind

an icon at home and in your car!

ENTRY OF OUR LORD INTO JERUSALEM Reading: Philippians 4: 4-9 Gospel: John 12: 1-18


Schedule a Confession. Use up/freeze meats this week.

Publican and the Pharisee Reading: 2 Timothy 3: 10-15 Gospel: Luke 18: 10-14

Trust in God, not yourself! Ask for His help before every task this week!


Every time you climb stairs this week ask St. John to help you reach

Paradise with the sign of the cross!

HOLY PASCHA! (CHRIST IS RISEN!) Epistle: Acts 1:1-8 Gospel: John 1: 1-17





MARCH 10th

MARCH 17th

MARCH 24th

MARCH 31st


APRIL 14th

APRIL 21st

APRIL 26th

APRIL 28thGreet everyone with “CHRIST IS RISEN!”

& say it before good morning and goodnight!

1st Sunday of Lent

2nd Sunday of Lent

3rd Sunday of Lent

5th Sunday of Lent






Normal Fast Week

Fast - Free Week

4th Sunday of Lent

Pray facing East this week. Christ is returning from the East and

we wait for Him! Use up/freeze dairy this week.



Ask the Theotokos to offer you and the world pure thoughts

and ideas this week.






Ask each other for forgiveness each evening this

week before bed.

Bring an icon to church for a procession.

Bring a prayer rope to be blessed today!

Use it and pray the Jesus Prayer each day this week.

Refrain from TV, Internet, & Phones to honor Christ's Death.


Created by Fr. Jonathan Bannon (ACROD)

Lenten Resource

16 2019 March Word

The Word March 2019

Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church1110 Highland DriveNovato, California

Change Service Requested

1969-2019 EventsMarch 2 at 11am

Bridal Gowns Through the Ages Luncheon & Fashion Show

April 28Easter Picnic

May 24, 25, 26Greek Festival

JulyDivine Liturgy at St. Vincent’s

October 12 or 13Celebration Gala

Contact Angie Kozas [email protected] or Vicki Kalabokes [email protected]

for more information.
