
v o l. 1. nq. 308. T


Three Important Questte Do . minate Public Discussion ol

Program dI iWeetinfl Set foi Saturday ^ternoon


Assooisted ITations Have Been Inv ited to .the Opening Ses­sion— WiU Consider M atters

• A ffe c tin g Them D ireo tiy

■ - By W H i lA M PHXLLIP SIM M S ‘ R A B I8 , Jon. IS .— Throe questions

<loniliutea genor&l discuBnion o f Ithe con/eroneo progrnm todav m , tho titno flppronohcd fo r fho f in it fu ll Bcsaioa o f the poaco icongro/ifi— net fo r Sftt- iirdftv afiomoon. • Thoy woro:

W ill tho BCddion bo opon or Bocrotf W ill BolsboyiJd proRrani or thT(c»gtJe

o f natioafl como up f iw t f W ill Pfomlor Clomonccnu or ProBi-

4ont WilBon prosiilof Tn fon iutlon

. Thosoi toRcthor w ith a scor) oC mla* o r puzzlca aro aotvod or unsolvoil ns

, font aa ODC nowapapor odition Boccooda ’ snathoc, or a corrcBpondout .moots ono o f tho conforooB.

Nothing au thorlta tlvo could bo ob* tolnod whether the conforenco w ill be open or »ccret. M io the question wbat vliould be broichod f in t , Clem* oiicoQu alroody I b pledged to bring up tbo league o f nntions a t tbe out«ct. Thi- Bol-thovik problem probably w fll come next. I t is understood tlja t tfie s ltnation o f Poland and sim ilar ques­tions w ilt be taken tip in tho genvral B u u i:ia disciutsioo.

A Trench Obalxm«n I t U generally agreed thnt CTemcn-

coau pTobsbly w ill be givcu the ehiiir- m anBhip through- diplomntlc pricedont Proeidont Wilson not tak« ptMe- donce over Clent’oneenu booanso. bo merely acts aa his own proutier, hang­ing tho mantis o f tho presidency on the-nnmo peg w ith hU hat and ovorcoat na-ho enters tbe council cbarobor.

' BmaU KftUons Ib v lted Inv ita tions havo boen addrosacd to

TopfesonUtives o f aaaoelated nnUon*, —big and small, to attend tbo opening

AOBBlon in tho Quai D ’ Orsay Saturday afternoon, the tim o being de fin ite ly set fo t ’J-.UO. Thl« was <lu!ie th'ruugh the ao-rotariea o f tho five b ig powers. A f ­ter the in itia l meeting i t Ib understood tbo w ork o f tho fiv o principal n'atioss w ill Iw ooutluctcd largoly by cotntuU- toeB, a ir debates being entirety Infoir- znol. ,

The miuon nations w ill be called into confcrenco then aa aooa as the commit-

*toos comploto tho ir studies on matters d irectly affectln jg them.


SEATTLE, W « b .. Jan. '15.—H arry Andervon, Seattle, sailor won a decision over WUUe Hoppe, o f Ban Francisco,

. is the ir four-round boot here iM t nigbt. Ander»on won from ' tho sta rt, cutting Uoppe badly w ith a s tra ight le ft. He waa too clever fo r the CalifdrTiia bat­tler.

H a rry O iilum o f S alt Lftke knocked o u t.F ra n k io UcKeehaa o f Chicago £& tbo aocond round.

" D r y ^ ’ H ope fu l fo r Passage o f

the Am endm entT h ir ty States Have A lready

B a tifio d I t and Fonr M ore !A re Claimed fo r Today j

CHICAGO. Jan. 15.—T h irty o f tho th irty -s ix states nocowary bad ra tified tbe ^ a o dry. constitutional ameiidment today. Four more atates were to ro te «D ra tifica tion today and theae fou r wore confidently claimed by d ry work- «ra. , ’ "

No state as yet has voted against the anoadment, .although two attempts have been made to attach referendnio riders to the measure. D istille rs, how­ever, through a recently fo raed orgaa- id ilio n here, announced they wonld fig h t i t in every w ay possible.

States ra t ify in g the amendment Blare Janaary 1 are:

M irbigan, Ohio, - Oklahoma, Idaho, Tcnncaaoe, Maine, West V lrg ia ia , Waahingtoo, CalLfo/ala, In d iu a , A r- ^(^ ta s , HUnt>U, N orth Cart>UX»&, Tva-naas «sd Alab&mo.

O f • the«e the last srrea coBpletsd th e ir ro tes yesUrday.' SUtea' to ro ts today ar«: f

?««braak*, Iowa, Colorado aad Utah. O f tba e tksr fosrt««a« d iy i. claim on* wOl three are doabtfol, aad

:n FA\g e r m a n c o m m is s k


^ Investiga tion o f Archives o Porm er Em peror W as *

III .. .B y LO W E LBICRNE, Jon, 15.— A Goi

Oo- determine iHp form er kaiser’ i I qJ o ffic ia lly ^commended that* I fn r rGCPivt^d from Bei

T lio recommendation was i wJu'wns appointod bv the p r« reot exam iim tion o f docuiiu*nl office.

!ED '• M ar;;iim l iiotc.s in the kiut moHt im portan t paperH in the 1

een ,,f the princ ipa l ' ‘w ar makerrt, es-" o:^sa'ry to bririfr him before a t ers ' . ‘ ‘ '

; WORLD NE^ions ^ithe -----------:---------------------------Imo — - ■—sioal BOSTON, Mass., Jan. 1 5 . -

f i f t y i]^n re d when a tru c k loa at-'the’p lan t o f the Onhan D ii

guo - believed th a t the huge oafiks o on a tm o k standing in the s ti

OSi- . ------AH STSBD AU, Jan. 15.—

begun between the Spartaoa ment, aooording to B e rlin dhj

ods The government and Spartaoa one an arm istice F rid a y w h e re b y :

fig h tin g w ith o u t tw e lve honraob- _____

; PABIB, Jan. 16.— ^Enomy am. - ohanoe to rebu ild w h a t tbey ht up ing tei decision o f the l^e n c

itct. The prisoners w i ll be einploy* w o rk in the devastated regioni

ies- ■ expected to be laboring b y UUTftl *— '

LONDON, Jan. 16.— Fie ld : been made generalissimo o f Q

cn- t io n o f the eastern fron tie rs , the J o W a i t ^ 6 d today. ‘Thia th a t Germany is t a k i ^ precai

bo Polish forces o r b y i^ eng* _____ • --------------on HANOEESTEB, Eng., Jan.

anmed that- the B r it is h no) tnde regard ing Bnssia largely

to soggestion and gnidanoe,” t li ,ss, c la red today. **It can be de ing w in no t conUhit herself to a w t dy OPPO®®* idea.”


• Rumor Predjcfs the Resigna­tion of Secretary of'War ' Bal<er from Cabinet.

r ry ' ' . ,— :-----ion ■ By CAW * D. GBOAT

W ASHINGTON, Jan. 13.—There is a-prospoct that Secretary o f W ar B«- ker w ill reUre from President Wilson cabinet, acconllnK to pen ls len t rum en

** here today.I f he does, he w ill rc ln rn to Cleve-

land and re-oitaMlsh his law practice, ills - Tcttfton fo r te*jRt»ing would be a financial oii<>, sfl^' those it i touch w ith him. *

Some o f hi* friends BURK<‘|‘t thut h<* iinnv be j*er«URdcil to Tcmaiu i f glvea the pout o f nttotney-jjcncrnL j

B okrr has been iim lcr hoav_\ ex- prnso while hrflding hin cabinet placc.

J — In the libe rty loan drive* i t l« known ^ that he not only “ d lil h i* b i t " but 1>or-

I rowed jiioney to buy moro-boml«.I Baker is sclit-duleil to make a tr ip !to EiirojH* souii to niisTat in w inding li ip wnr deprirtin'-nt business, i t is un-

the like ly he would quit before a nnmber of con tm rt matters are eloared Awav

«ot a n j the' nrmv organizntinn b ill disposed •ote of.®nr Inc iilen ta lly , Baker is mentioned oc-

casionally as a presidential poaaibility.


9W- ,

Ooraxsacnt Troopa A n K«pert«d * 00 - c««Kftil I9 B i ls f S nsa cm sa t

sat • * l t h 8partaca»

J ,- COPENHAGEN, Jaa 15—K g h tla g waa resumed ia B erlin yasterdaj, i*s-

Aj . patches from Oermaa bobtms r«>pert»d i««. today.

Spartacaas f i r t d ia to tha straata fn m the hooaepets, thaaa a d rlM s s s j.

-ets Bombs were thrown npon a ra ilroad sta- tion. A ttaeka w a ta ^ u d a on tha rixer barracks. ± / b t i * t n g a g tm n i

oaa was fo d fh t la tha B a flt is iia a a Tiakm, u d la w h k h go ra n B a a t t r o « f i w w »



IS o f Foreign O ffice Proves th a t 'as One of' Ohief W ar Makers

V E L L M K IA E T T ' '

German ••cmimiN.Qion ai>]»oiiito(l to ser’ fi rusponsi^nlit.v fo r tlio war lias> a t'h e brouy:lit to tr ia l, acoonliiig to B e rlin f< presented by H e rr Kautzsky, present (i<*rnuin government to d i- * iicnts in the archive..'? o f tlie foroif?n

kaiser’s own liand\vritiu ;i: on the he foixMjjn office provef? he was one :errt,’ ’ Kautzsky snifl. “ I t i» nec-. a tribuna l.”

I---------- —

BWS E V E N T ^5.— ^Ten persons were k illed and load o f molaBses casks exploded D ifitilling company today. I t is

£S o f molasses which were loaded I s tree t had fermented.

5.— ''Peace negotiations'* have acans and the Oerman govern- diijpatohes received here today,

(acans are said to have arranged by E i th e r fac tion wonld resom'e >nra notice. __; ______

ny prisonerii o f w a r w i ll ge t a y had w recked in Fanoe, accord- ■ench cabinet announced today, iloyed a t once on- reoonstm btlon ions. Two hundred thoiisand are r M arch 20.

aid M tosha l von Hindenburg has >f German fo rce a 'to r 'th e proteo- >rs, the Ztnrioh co rre ^o n d e n t o f rh is action is taken ie re to mean scantjons against an invasion by ^ u ia n Bolsheviki.

an. 15.- . - " I t can be safely as- I no t conform w ith France's a tti- ge ly as the resn lt o f Am erican ’ the Manchester Guardian de-

defixdtely stated th a t Am erica I w a r o f force. absolutely


WASHINGTON, Jaa, 1S .^A b aa tl-

T Bolsheviki outbreak haa broken oot ia the Petrograd garrisons, according to a djplomatie advice roaching here to* day through Swiss th>«

Im p o r t^ t battalions o f the gairison have renounced QVotsky's * a a th o r it j and aro fo r t ify in g tbemsalras a t ra r i- f^us BtTongholds fo r the straggle, i t was

. stated.

W ine Growers to i . Take F irs t Step

^ in L iq u o r F ig h tIn janctioD to Hold Up B a ^ io a ^

tion o f Amendment Is Be- , a ginning o f Prooeedings■ith ______

SA.V F H A X C If iC O , C u lif . , Jun . 15.— h” I a lifo rn ia w ine grow ers have to)vcn the'

iir^X «toj> in w hn t tb«- l iq u o r fon-es il ii . jn - w i l l }io a le jja l f ig h t th a t w ill hoM -1IJ1 if ic a tio t» o f th o ^dhejipar l I'oiu* i lry a m rn 'in io n t in d e f in ite ly .

W iii in ro ScbuUe of the WlnVgrowers’* ' " f " { i-^orin fic*ii n d n iitto il fco.lay th n t th«*

t.-ini>cirary jn ju r t io n ob ta in ed yo»trr> iay -•■ip w h ii-h iirc ve n te d G o verno r Stephens >ng ic t t iJ y in ) : C a lifo rn in 's fa v o ra b le vote

mi th«- nm endm cn t. TVa-' th e f i r ^ t r


^ -----^ .><K.VTTLK. W juh.. J n n . 1.'..— There w it l be no more w aterfront strikes In tb e 1‘ ugct Sound dis tric t, i f an agrea- m ent r n t r r o i in to between the Water-

T C fro n t Employers' onion and the Pae> ifie d is tric t o f the International Long­shoremen’s aaaociation proves perm*-

***• nent. -They provide tharo a l^U h« a« M *

peosioa o f work while a dispat* is ia prog tM v W orU ag boor* aad wagaa fa r

ia ig longshorlng and truck ing tandar tha d V new agraasent constitute a permaaeat ta d basis fo r continued friend ly relatioas,

o ffic iaU o f both o rga& lu tioo* aay.

OOLOBADO T O l » 3W T sta. D E N V 2B . Jaa. IS.—O a te a d *^ rear la tu e ra tif ie d tha fa d e ^ pM k lU tla ft Mai aaeadmaat toda^i W ith cm lf mm •km, aeatia ff.Tot* tha state a n a t* adaytad M»- tha ra tiflea tida raaolatiaa paaaai h j

DAI]a o . ■WEDSB8DAT, JAlTOAS.Tr 10,' 191!

F ifte e n H undred Canadians H e ld

^ in H u n PrisotuI Soldiers Beported Blissing ant

. . Thonght Dead Are F ina lly Located in Prison Qamps

O TTAW A, Ont., Jan. 15.—F iftee i :0 liu iidrc il Canadian soJ'liorH who were re IS> ported aa missing and presuiaahly dea< ■Q have been located in Germany sina

tho armistlco wns signed. Many OJ thcso soldiera have beoo missing slnci the bnttlo o f Tpros and haro long dnoi been given up as dead.

Q Tbo Germati authorities have nere: reported them and tho ir m ail was nevoi rocolvod. I t is presumed tha t thos<

e prisoners muat bavo boon confined ti £ certain camps where tho German offic ri

wero particu larly b ru ta l ofld cruel. Thi Qprmnns rofusod to report them, con tra ry to n il in tom ational wiCt “tegula'

— ' tions.'


Further Occupation of Country Is: Feared by Allies if Food Shortage Develops—To Per­mit Imports

___ B y FBED 8. FEROUSON ', " ’P X a s / Jan. I.-;.-Fear tha t further

occupation of^Gcrmany would bo nec- OKsary I f a serious food shortage d«-.

. velopad, prompted the allied food eoifn- c il to perm it im p o rta tio n 'o f sappUes in to th a t eountry the United Press is nblo to state authorita tive ly today.

Bolsheviki riots in IndDstrial cen­ters, such as B erlin aro/> based- upon food d ifficu lties , i l was.ostablii^ed. I t WIIN fu rthe r usRortaincd tha t' w^ilo G ornttny’s sujiplies oro suf^toieat fo r the moment, tho people are rab id ly con­suming the ir stocks and woold faco ae-

^ tuni atorvatio ii before spring.I t .was opon representations o f tbo

a llied m ilita ry aatborities that>«<be council, decided i t was v ita l to perm it Oormaay to im pbrt food 'a tn ffa . This wonlid insure estabUshment o f a stable

• govemmont, ! t was declared, and pre­vent the necessity fo r fa rth e r en- cronchiiient by tho allied armies opon German territo ry .

M ost Pay fo r Food Under rules o f Tho Hogue conven-

__ tion, provbioning o f tho people w ill~ devolve upon the armies o f occopa-

tion. Wben the Gennans’ own supplies I A are exhausted, } f i t wore not necessary

tu occupy additional te rrito ry , tbo ob* it l* ligation na tora lly would iaereasa. In ia x ie w -o f the conditions revealed by tho to nlliod m ilita ry invastigatlons, i t Is to* pointed out tha t i f Oermany succumbs

to ananhy, sbe w ill be unable to mako ion i>eace, and /restitu tion and iodem n itin [t7 woold .bo impossible. Germany, how* l i - ever, muht pay fo r evory pound o f food ras imported to aave bersoU from dlsolu-

tion to the allies, i t was learned to­day, have instructed Marshal Focb to enforce a ll provisions o f tbo new terms included in the a rin iitico in connec­tion w ith its p^QOgatiott. No baggl- ^ng such as Germany has boen show- ing a marked tendency to indulge In, w ill bo permitted,

a- The new terms also included trans­fer of a ll gold in tho Reiehbauk in Ber- !>i^to F rankfort; where i t w il l be placed \uv\cr nlUed control.

sCONlMS ;; PflllSiLLIliik'- I -------- ■

National Safety is First Consid- ”« eration and Congress Thinks 'i" i It Knows Country’s Neei

1 — :------5N l ' ' By U C. M A R TIN

1 WASHINGTON*. Jan. 15.—The smaD- ere e«t army cotnpatlble w ith national safe, in ty is to be the deman<l o f congress when

ea- it ' takes up 4he regulation plaa jtis t * r- submitted to tho house and senate lead- ae- ers by Secretary o ^W a r Baker, ag- Senator Chamberlain and Bepreaenta* n»- tive Deiit, chairman o f the senate and

house nd lita ry eommitteea today wera «*• stodyiag the d ra ft e f a paao* t ia a ia army plaa which Baker submittad coa*

(s r fideatiaUy yaatarday. No h ia t o t tka details o f th is plan bas been allowed to

Bat reach eongreaa geaarally. aa. B a t whatever Bakar aad ths

g a u ia l s ta ff have workad out, coa- grass know i w hat tha cottntry waata la tha w iy .o f aa army, la a d la f « M i- bars a f both henaes declared today.

U a th e pobUe’a atUtada haa beaa fa ir- Ua- ly plaia by hsadrads o f }«tt«rs to eaa* tad greasraea. Tbeae letters are practioaQy by ooaaiaoos la dacaaadlag tha t aTM7

^ _>1__ • ■ I . I m

:l y n1918 ■ ^


Ind ica tions P o in t Stro tuim mission to Confer w

Subsquent Admissio com ing D elibera ticn

sinco iK . "


lover .

P A l l I S , J a n . 15.— R epree ificrs ■ c o n g re s s w a s e x p e c te d to be

Tho d a y ’s scHHion o f th e in te r - a l p o w e rs h a v e rc a c h e d th e o b i

^ w o r ld pe a ce w o u ld be a b s o lu . I l la t io n o f R u s s ia b e in j j con»i

s to o i l to r e a l i i fe th a 't ,th o R u i w 'i t l io n t th e co n B e n t a n d c o o

W ant Republicoms Responsible fo r

' ' R a ilroad Action

f Democrat Leaders Have Decid­ed to L e t This Problem Oo

Over to Next Oongressitry ___)0d "WASHINGTON;. .Ian.. l.'S.-Seuato.

Democratic leaders Have dccidcd tht 6 r * railroad problem must, go over to, th<

Ropublican congrosB.Thoy have given up hope o f fm m

ing and passing b ills disposing of, th< railroads boforo March 4, i t dovelopoc

ther Eepnblicao", howovor, w ill B^ako-aj d*-. e ffo rt to provont Prosidont WUsor

»i^n- turn ing tho railroads back before th< •lies twenty-one months period is l ip ^ Sen- B is Qtor Cummins w ill introduee a roapla-

tion, to tha t o ffect as soon* m the/ prea- con- hearings aro ovor, he aaid today, pon Senator Cummins plans to stomp the • country op tbe railroad question as sooe

un bearings are over. Meantime he la- tends puBhing. hla ponding b il l to re

CO"' stgro the nate making au thority o f th i tn torstote Commerce eommisston by el im iiia ting that powor which tho fedora! control set transferred fb tho proai dent. .

■mit , -----


Plot Discovered by Third Arnii to Cheat Americans of


^ GERMANY, Jan. 13 (Delayed).—Th« T h lid Amorican 'ana7 ^ onooretAd i

ties Gennans to evade the terms olthe armistice, a ^ r d in g to annoonce ment tod*jr. J

olu- ' A m c tle ^ s wobo nearly cheated .Q. o f m illions o f^ a rk a worth o f material

i t haa been learned, through sales o( motor trucks and large quantities o(

nec* Germans. Theae aupP iif f t which reverted to the American! under the terms o f tho armistice, werj ^old to private corporations and IndiHd

’ ualLA proclamation has been issued fron

[jjy . bcoilquartera warning againat such salei and declariag them void. E re ry th ln f

. thus sold bss been ordered snrrendered w ith in a week.

Gerrnan duplic ity also Is causing i r ig id examination o f alleged unsatis factory- food conditions.

11/ Woman Advocates ' I the D estruction

o f F<^d Supplierid - A lleged I. W . W. Who Favored [S the Ufle o f Violence Is on > T r ia l in Federal Ooort

SAC EAliEN TO , Call/., J .n . 15.—Em . phatic denial o f conversations ii

■hen Wlegcd to have advocates. » destnietloa o f food atvd t ie u*a 'c ead- "■as zaade today by Misa Thoo

dora Pollock, only woman among thi nta- ^®rty-aix L W. W. defendanta on Ir ia , « ia federal court.vara Pollock's appearaioce" on thi

sUnd occasioned cor^derabla suiprlsi ss i t w a s-no t believed the dcfensi woold perm it her to tW tify ,

J ^ ’ Mlsa Pollock today raeeived a tals gram signed by Emostine Black, EUxa

^ betb Gerberding and Inez Haynas Iz ^ w in , w ife o f w m Irw in , tho w riter.

Tbe talsgtam n a d t - “ Wa, aad wa hope a ll women o f Cal

- ifo ra ia . trost tha t yoa m«y raeaira i jos t and fa ir t r ia l. ’ '

^ ________ JD A H O W B A *H H »rary Bala or i a ^ Wadaaaday and Thnn

m w sFBIOB n V B o s m

lELLENTCHiCE m HT CONGRESS\rong ly to Sending o f Ciam w ith Soviet Leaders and t

iion o f Delegatea to F o rth a m


•resentaticm fo r Russia nt the peac be derin ite ly d«*tennined upon a t to p-allieil wnr oounHl. The asaociatei obvjon^» conchmion tha t discusaion o o lu te lj' fu tile w ithou t the vast pop onjjidered. They are also undijv Russian problem cannot be solvei :oopnration o f the people themselves— ~ A program fo r o ffic ia l investigatioi

o f nctufll conditions in Buasla waa b lie fu lly diseussod todoy. This, U wai bcliovcd, fv il l result iu a commisslot

[O T l W t fnto tho t country ■ w h ic lwoold tttpo tt d irectly to the confer

. . once. Upon tho. report would be b«wc somo form o f recognition fo r the so

0 V ie t governnont and otber factions, thait a e y m ight send accredited rep reaontatires ^ V e rs a ille s .

OoloB iw Waztt A ction ; T o m a l aetion was also to be toke i

tho ^ ^ 7 on the qneatlon o f g ranting rep resentation to tbe B ritish dom in lou

mm- carries ont tho leaj[ii(the o t nations Idea,, but is a lgn lficaat ai

opod bringing additional weatom tbooghl in to tho conforooco. ‘Am erica's ta -

)..aa trance in to , the war transfonsed tbie •Ison tn m - 'E d ro s U n to‘ 'world->-»ridfl

scope, and now old world po litica l id o u 5oq. are in contact w ith those o f the new ipla- Canadian and A m e r i ^ idaala

fo r llatanoVvaM closely aUled.Piorls lG nal agreement has alread;

the boon raaohed regarding, dalogatea fo i soon the B ritla h dominions, i I t only remalni > la* fo r th is agreament to be conflrm ad < re- Under the present scheme, Qreat B r it

the a io and her colonies woold Vote aep- r el- arately, the la tte r being drawn in o n^ iernl whon questions diractly a ffo fttlng them real- aro' discussed, the«by elim inating th<

very remote danger o f a “ paeked cen- ve n tio n ."

Only Two E tenaiidng.Tbe only coontries, in faot, whose

representation has not been a t least I f l tenU tive ljr fixed are the tw o lA ie h

mado sopazato peace sottloments w lt t 111 central pow d r^B o ss ia and Ba-

l l U maoia. There seems to be no obstacU In the way o f granting delegatea to th i

• jH y la tte r, the’ number being the chief iM t ^ to r onder consideratioa. Bosaian rep

roscntation obviously wUl take mon timo and discusaion. . , _

-The fee ling proralla now tba t P o r .p.. elgn M in ister Piehon's b itte r opposl

J— tion to evon partia l rM ognitloa o f th< ^ ^ Bosaian abvlet,government, based on

. a ang^stion o f the, B ritish go'remmant flo o r in g snch recoipUtion neod not be

- ' considered as fina l. In th is connae- . . tion i t waa authentically reported to-

r is l thera ..Is nothing a y s ta ^ o ii in the fa c t tha t the Amerieaa dalaga-

, tion knew nothing o f the B r itis h p n - posal u n til .J»ichon’s pobUshed stata-

eansvere A n U sfortanata SUp Up .

The propoaal was forwarded to Wash , Ington throngh the osusl chaanela ,rom Polk o f thosta te departmeni

, erroneously assumed tha t Preaidenl Wilson would be advised d lra c tlj

" which undoubtedly would have be«l the esse I f th is particu lar sabject ha j

* como up in the course o f the diplomatic * *" conversations.

But this was only ono angle o f th« problem, which tho various gorer» menu are constantly exchanging -viewi upon. Furtbornioro, i t was oxplaia«d

, W ilson was not in contact w ith th i l € 8 B ritish ropre8ontativ«‘s when tbe sut>

ject became ripe, being in I ta ly a t thairied time.

The “ myBtory,” therafora, ia r * gar<lo'l as an nn fo rtn iu te allp op.

Copper Companies F orm Syndicate,

ated Under Webb Aei1 'cC . •

S o Four Leading M in ing O o n o e ^ Beoome Incorpora ted f t*

the E xp o rt A sso d litio ii ----* " • W ASHINOTON, Jaa. 15.—P ta r « a ^ A ^ o f the coppar export asaoeiat i fta )aM *

poratad nadar the Wabb a r t .by fdw . leadiag m inlag eoaeeraa o f tha euuatq

was aanoaacad today h y th * fadaoi trade-conmlssloa.

Cal. I t a ' A aaricaa flpialH iif aa^ l em i l ra a eompaay; Uaitad X M S t t o y aaw

p a ^ t pkalpa M g * i i u iWi t t H i tha Oalsnat aad E M la K te b « i BW| t 3

.. o t Boatoa, fe ra i tba l y W li a f . hor» n a uBodaHM'W kM4«M>taa»

ba le e M a t « W«n ib M S , M

lONSEBmiyESiEFEiyms«10 BilLSHEVIK-1-J_No Radical IMeasures in t/looney

'■ Labor Congress, Declare the Leaders—I. W-. W. Out of

' Commissibn


F irs t A ction by Asking fo r Release o f P o litica l P rison­ers U nde^ S trike Penalty

' C inOAGO, Jan. 15—Bolshovlsm iiltra iem mot defeat ycst«;rday a t tba iianda o f conservatives a t tho labor coa*

. gross on tho Moonoy caao. A fto r a vote taken during an uproar tha t amonntod almost , to a r io t, a motion to unseat ,L W. W .'n and n ltras won doclaroil paaa- od by, T©mi>ornry Chairman Edward B. Nolfto. ’«

•Tho factional f lf fh t started wh«n membera o f tho crodontialti committee askod pofmiaslon to dotcrmlno > tbo at- ' t itudo o f tho houso on tho <^uestionxof

-wbothor T. W. W. and “ B e d s " would iw allowed to a it an dclof^toa. A res­o lu tion waa offerod by Bigmnnd Schul- berjf, 8an Franelaco, a fte r a lonp epoech in whieh ho deelared u ltra * o f any

' aort hnd no intoroat .in tho Moanoy caao. (

Dolof^toa by tho acoro jumped to '( th e ir fee t when Sehulborg ann.ouneod i hia motion. Threats to bo lt the con- r vontion wero hoard on a ll sidon. No- t

• lan, flu A lly m o^nR htmaoll beard, d f « fla red in fa v o r.o f the motion. Calling 'i

,n standing voto, ho' announced tbo < “ ayo s " carried. 1

Schulburg d o cke d in introducing tho > motion tha t American juatico waa on I

tr ia l "a n d 'T o m Moohoy is a second t iaane.*'

A lbert Grcoiio, pa in te r’s union dele- j Rute o f Chicngo, repHcd to Schulburg’B j

. speech, declaring a ll ilelogatoa, “ Bpda” t o r conaorvatlvea ahould bo acatod. \

Demand fo r tbo rlloaao o f “ oU in- < duatrial priaonora” under penalty o f a general s trlka waa introduced by Ray H . Aabcroft, Tacoma, Waahjngton. ^

; A shcroft cxplnlnoi^ tha t by “ indus­tr ia l priaonors," ho meant Mooney, Eugcno V, Dobft, L W ..\V .'a and » -

Vtaliats now in prison. I■ This waa regarded aa the f ira t actloa i beforo the •congrcaa by radical dele- jc

'gatoa. Tho resolution which waa ro- j -fcrrod to a rommitteo, waa expected to

' develop aharp divialona o f opinion ^ among tho delegatea. u

W .-R . Chapman, Tacoinu, Washing- j, ton, au<1 Prod Galloway, Indianapolis, declared they a g r« .w lU i thonontim cirt. j, o f tho Aabcroft resolution. Gt^loway ^ aaid ho reprcaonts lOO.OOff, ra ilroad

• workera who w ill hack the resolution j,• in a strike.

ij Irw in St. John Tucker and Adolph ^ 'I Oermor, convietod w ith Congrosaman- ^ I ' clcct V ic to r L . Berger, o f v io la ting tbe I espionage aet, nttendcxJ tho acaaiona to- ^I) Tcmporarj* Chairman Nolnn api>oint- - f «d the fo llo itin g mlea r^ommitteor An- i5 I ifrew WilHama, Belleville, IH inola;. J.

Pclndberrr, N’ ew Y o rk : Israel Wlndberg, Cleveland; A. Bobortaon, Chieagoj B.

• D. Cmhier, Minneapolis; nnd C. W.• Bupkley, Oakland, Californin. •


I Prom lneat P ortland d t l s o i In JaU tn p e f aott o f L u c e ' 8 aa

o f K 02U7---------- a<

PO RTLAND, Jan. IB.—J . AL P atU «, aon, w oll known c itix tfa of-Portland ana Ic

• pretiden't o f tbo J . A L Pattiaoa Lnmbor f, compaay, is in ja i l today in default o f b ♦50,000 baU.

Pattiaon waa arrested la te yeaterdar , . on a cbargo o f fo rg ing , a ltering and

co im terfe iting b ills o f l i ^ p g . He is j f j alleged to haTO realixed^large aumj o f; tt money tbereby. K

TIn ite td States an tU oritie i who caoa- u ■ ed bia arreat refoae to diaenx* the caae w• u a til the books o f a Portland baak ir

which, is said to havs been defranded, in aro axamined b y experts. . r<

Books, p ^ e rs and records in P a tti- aoa's o ffieo ware aeised b y tbe federal ao tho fitis . o{

JJOWEK S O V a B S TB O K a FOKA P P E O P B IA IIO ir B i n , r

W A 8 H IK Q T 0 N , Jaa. 18.—Preddeat- .W ilson'a straacth oo w ar asd peaco- a t i l l is p raetiea lly naimpaiTM . t &s low er boose o f eongreas, accord*: i n f to 'tw c t IsdUiatioBs today.

T U s was th * geaaral in te rp -'-« t!oo m vnbera pUe«d npon the b o m ’s tioa ia passiag la to 7«at«rdsy by a | ^

• >ot« e f S A to 7S tbe'tlOO,00^,000 food-1 s ta ffs b in s troagly urged b y the p rca i-; deat to faed tha a ta rr ln g ,->opi'lai'irns I ^

' o f S v o p a .'

A B X A B B A 8 S A Z X n B SLXTZEB SOCE, A r L , J n . Tha _

• ta to a « u U to d a j V B a a ia a w tj ts t if la d ^' th * fo d « ta ^ pr»hibIt{oft astaadsaat. Tbs j. bows xa tifiad H yeeUrday. AAaasee i

is tk * tw O E tj-^s th s ta t* ia tbs dr7

— *-

& = _A m erican and

French Views 'I A re D iffe re n t1 - Value of Open Diplomacy I lo w

Being Tested in tlie Peace r N egotiations

• Bv .1. w . T. MASON’ N i : \ r - Y b k K , .lAu. la .—Tho demand

ley fu r pu lilic it^’i i l l thi< poaco conforenco L j j ia hnvintf^-aH ita firm ro«uU the revola-

t io n ^ jf f fL-rtiiua iliffo ronc i’a botwoon o f A iitcrionii iiix r '^ ru n e h points o f view.

There ia renaon to bellovo, however, th t» t. rceoiicilUntAu v fU l- r« u \t in the w ill w ith Frn iice 'd Withdrawal from auino. I l f iho poaitiona ahe haa asaumed, oven i f thia ncs'i'Haitatsn tho retiremoot

11' o f C lom ou i^u from the prcmleraliip.pfThe moat po tt'iit fom» fo r bringing

0 ^ obout u community o f nctloiC ia eon- t i i i ix n r p u lilic ity o f the propoasla o f l>ofh .hIiIoh. * TIk' valin* of opeu.diplo-

[111 nmcy ia tliua to hnvo ita fira t tc.nt in tho negotlationa botwoon (he French and Amerii'an dologatoa.

A t tbe preaent muiiicnt th<- French qQ government stands fo r *he policy o f

imperiuliam. I t witnta nu allied army ,Q. to invodo liiiaa ia in order to ovorthrow

the Bolahcviki and collect the money Q,j Bussia owes tn foreign intereata. I t

wants another ullied army to march 2J,. in to Poland und bring abuut a stern ]}, pooce omong tho bu ttling Polisii' fnc- '.JI tiona. I t wanta to ai-izo more Gurman jn te rr ito ry fo r France than the leg itl- | 90 mate clnima to Alance-lyorraini* war- I t . rant. • |o f __ .« W ould Use German j il- Ships fo r Troops]]:h , ,y • B y W E B B MTtJ.FiBly W IT H T H B A M E B IC A N AR M Y OF ,

OCCUPATION A T COBLENZ, Jon. 13. _to (Delayed)—F our o f 'th e p rincipa l ship- * >d ping magnates in Oermany have ar> a- rived in Coblenz w itb a proposition to0- u tilize Gennan ships to t r ^ s p o r t Am- - e- erican troops b y w ay o f Hamburg,ig Tho Ocrmann propose tha t, the ships, 1tio oii tbe lr return trips, b ring food back C

to Germany. ‘bo Tho wagnatos wero sent to main r>n headquarters ^ Treves to present tho ir 1>id auggeation. I

Owing to the fa ilu ro u f tbe Gorman I0- to 'provide coal, the T h ird ' -Amoican a 'a army tb rea tons .lo cut .o f f street car” service in Cobfons w ith in twenty-four t

hours itnd uleotric ligh ts w ith in , four fi» ' days unleaa coal is forthcoming. ta a I

A rchange l Troops ; - in Good C ond ition «

y . ----------0- \V,ABHINGTON, Jan; 15.-r“ 0 e n w il }

health, d iscipline and morale o f troopa excellent,'* cabled Ooloael Ooorg* B . • S tewart, commanding tbe American

^ Archangel expedition today. He-noiod tha t sanitary eonditiona are p rim itive j

^ and in gome caaea troopa nndergo on* uaual f ie ld conditions In improvise'!

J' blockhouses.^ Troope ore rotated so as to balai.te* hardships and-tho men are rap id ly be- 7 cod ing acenstomod to tho r i ^ r s o f a

country whero twenty-tw o belotr xoro n ° has bee nreglsirod several tim es.' t<

“ Colonel StoWart noted t f ik t fo rty -five |», ° men and o ffice rs had been klUw i in J.

aetion; ten died o f wonnds and tha t ci ^ tho to ta l death lia t was six u ffbe rs tl ^ and IS coUstod men. t. *1- iSabotage AdvocatesJ; , '^ h a ll be Punished b;r O L Y M P lI , W .111., J m . .U .—T h . n,

house today passed tho erim isa l syn- ]>■dlcalism b il l, 45 to 8. This'measurs w was vetoed b y Governor L is te r twohave now passed i t over his veto. I t 1>;

2 becomes law n ine ty daya « ft« r ths ttloss m o f tb la session, M arch 18. . C

Those who opposed the measore nrgod r« delay la its paasago to elim inate its“ sweeping fe a to ra ^^ ' F;

/The mcasuro provides penitentiary ecsontonee fo r any person who ia speech *1

» or w r it in g advocatea nbotaga or vio- rca Icnce to gain in d u s tr ia l or po litica l m- iar form and fcan punioh .the lea io r o f a fr f bu ild ing in which the offense occura

T N E W Y O R K TBOOPS A B R IV E Wd NEW YO RK, Jan. J5.—Cixr>1og tbo • s I f ira t contingent o f veteran'. New I'o rk f ; troopa from the fig h tin g fro n t in ^

France, tho U nited States cm i*er Hunt- ington a rrived here from Bro^t. There

• were 1SP3 o ffire ra end men on board, k inclnd ing the 87th co*3t a rtille ry reg-I, iment eoocloto • and the hcadqaartor* -

company o f ;tba S»th coast a rtille ry .

1 Advertiae i t In the Clasaified colAmas o f The Newt. Somebody wiU want i t .


C7 acres, firtt-c laaa land, fa ir build- ph ing*. close to etalton, land all 1:^ no crop. Price |190 per acre; $4,000 vo

I cMh t<3 handle. th.. lO r acres, well located,^ A l laad,

small bnlidinga, land a ll ib Srop. ed Price «190 per acre. This - it a Ihi _t firat-claaa place. ‘ en

<0 acrea, good location, all in crop, no rock, ao aand. Price $185 par

I acre. -, I RO acre*, eloae to atatlOD. good bnild- ' inga, land a ll in crop aad fencsd,

40 acrca a lfa lfa , balance been ia clorer. Price per acre, good tenaa. '

Tlieae are a ll fira t-c laa i fam s. (ht

! ' ThsTralll-SrenzebacIf Realtr Co.Jsroaa, Idaho Be

1_______________________I Wi

j i l i f i F»PEIlGETflEllTni] lOPTlPEOPLE

MO P r e s id e n t Is E x p e c te d to A s k

f o r E n d o r s e m e n t o f S e t t le -

m e n t f r o m P u b l ie O p in io n

, R a th e r th a n H o s t i le C o n g re s s

B j. BOBEBT j . BENDEB' ' ' ont . PARIS, Jon. 15,— Preaident Wileon lip. is expected to go beforo tbe Amerea^i ing people after tho trea ty is signed to on- urge its ra tifica tion and soUdify- sup- o f po rt o f tbo new w orld thought i t em-

do- Thua ahattcring anotbor precedent,

ich the preaident would pu t the Tcrdlct o f* ndorsemcnt o f the pooee settlemont op

leb to publie opinion rather than to a hos- o f tilo congress, i t was pointed out.

iny M ay toqt OotmtxyTho-boliof was expressed by friends

today tbo t W ilson w il l io u r tho country , la to th is fa ll, tak ing tho opportunity

to urge st^w domes^o.pDUeiea th a t lend themselves to changing in tsm ationa l ideals. -Ee is expected to give tho key o f his policy when ho addresses congress

' a fte r bis re turn &om £a|-ope. ’ H is course a fte r th a t w il l be- determined largely by tbo attitude in Washlagton.

That tho preaidonit wiU'^ re turn to Franco to bo present a t the aetual cou- summation o f peaeo, seuns to be a fb r^ o n e conclusion. Mueh o f his fu ­ture io m osU c jto iiey w il l re ft on the

.p fin a l details o f the peace . settlement.Ho hopes th a t peaee w il l insure tbo

. * possib ility o f a ^ o w k ind o f trade relu- ^ tions, b u ilt upo? friendsh ip rather than

upon treaties and jealousies,, m. _ - S t ^ 7 Doinestio Problsms ' •_ •g. Tho presenee o f Vonee IfflOormiek, pB, Bernard Bomeh, Edward Hnrley and ok Obotlos Schwab in Paris w il l enablo

V^lson to study domestie problens in In roUition to forftign a ffa irs . He caa j i r keep pace w itb,developments and w il l

bu in a posiflos .to arrive a t a defin ite an policy th a t coi^d bo launched mmodi* on a to ly a fto r tbe trea ty wss signeX'A I * ^ 0 president brought the Amorican ur trade advisors and peace delegates to ­ur gotber fo r the f i r s t tim e a t a dinuer in

tho M ura t Polace last n igh t. This was believed to havo resulted in steps to ­ward c o -o t^ a t io n o f the ir work whieh w il l coatiauo. in «:loa4j relations as the

n negotiations progresa.

Mooney P ro test £ . Congreas Meets “ to P la n DefenseW _______ I

™ Leaders F ea r a Deflection I i lto ' 3d P o l i t ic s o r A t te m p ts t o < j

B r in g in P r is o n e r s . ; 1e- J — Ia CHICAOO, Jan. J3.—lionafido labor ‘ ro union men pJnnncil to hoj^l i ig h t roIU'

todny A t Jhe.ppeiilng' hero o f tho la- 1 'a iHJfrongrcsa fo r tKe defenao o f Thomaa in .1. .Mooney. The congreas was intund- 1 i t od to eryatalizu sentlinent in favor o f t rs the convicted man but a aurica o f cau-

cuwa last n ight nru\)aed fonr tba t an n tto iiijit would be marie to daflect j t * in to i>olitica. >

J .\inong dulrgutoa'iTAtchod eapecially % by labor men were a num ber'of known

riidicala. I t wos believed thoy m ight le n>»itate fo r roleaae o f other “ po litica l J. iir iaorie ra" aueh aa “ B ig B i l l ” Hay- -e wood. t■0 Nearly everj- i^tatc waa repreoontcd t [t by* « delegation.' Almost a thousand t w men had gathered when Tcmporarj* i

Chairman John F itzpa trick , Chicago^ t d rapped fo r order. . \ta W. Bourke Cochrani’, New York, and a

Frank P. Walah were sixjokera oxpoct- r y ed to diaciiaa mctho'da 'o f using tho a h *100,000 Mooney defense fund. War. t y. ren Blllinga, alao n C alifornia priatinrr, l r»- ia named w ith one to be a freedL. :

WINE GROWERS PROTECT- .0 PROHIBITJON MEASURE“ W ant the Ctovemor Bsstraiasd from t- Signing tha Vote on th * D ry 0 Amendment rJ, ______ t^ SAN FitANCISCO. .Inn. ir,.— *

C alifo rn ia wine growers today-filed in j* superior court a petition fo r-a w r it o f , p roh ib ition to proven: -Governor Steph-

* ona- e ro tify lng the a ffirm a tive vote o f ^ the a ttte legialattirr on tho Sheppard

. <lry amendfflont.Judgo T ro lt ordered Governor 8t»-

phena to abow cauao why be ihould ^ not be prevented from ce rtify ing the ® vote. The governor may come here fo r 5 the court proceo<linga. “

Tho pe tition declarea tho people vot- _ ed overwhelmingly agaihst prohibition Ihe last election. I t aska tha t the gov­ernor be enjoined u n til the people .can > e no tified and can ae t

The C aliforn ia aasembly la l« yeater ® day ra tif ie d the amendment aft&r tbe• enate earlier hml taken aim ilar netiofi. * ' - ■ - lo

^ C O LLIS IO N PEO VEfl F A T A LDOYLESTOYN, Pa., Jan. 1C.— E le t-

en persona were dead today and more to than a Kore o f others were la a seri- i r otjs condition the result o f a colU^oa t l last n igh t o f the Scranton f ly e r o f tbs re Beading ra ilw ay and a losal near P e r i el Washingtoa. ae

- TW IN FALtSGerman M erchan t

Ships Traded to n A llie a fo r FoodIJ A llied Oonhnlssioners to U ^ t _ w ^ h German Delegation to L Take Tip This Question

U y ROBERT J . BENDEB P A R IS ,, Jon. 1C.—Presiaent Wilson

Sk ia dotennihed so fa r ns peaslblo tha t Ip , c iv ilian representotiVea 'shall cbiltro!

the^ machinery fo r feeding Germany, o n B u i, i f tho Gormans fa i l to agree to

tho proposition advanced, b y tho c iv il* Sane, Marahai 7 o ^ 'w lU dictate the terms.

Edward H nrley and A dm ira l Banson, »oo rojiresM ting the U nited States In eom- a f l pany w ith^tbeZSm ed _ commlssionq^ to wero cnroute to Treves today to meet

op* tho German delegation and take up w ith them the proposition o f tu rn ing over German mrchant ahips to the ol-

n t, Uca fo r ttaaBportatioa .of food, o f ■ When tho question came up ot. the op conferences o f tho associated powers, OS' tho president maintained th a t tbo best

results could be obtained b y po tting execution o f the plan, in tho h u d s o f c lv i^ n s instead o f m ilita ry offic ia ls ; Hr obtained au ffie ion i s n ^ r t , partlc-

[Jy u la rly from Groat B rita in , to carry- his po in t. Ono o f tho p r^e ip a l American ohjoctivos ju s t now is to got American noldiors back home. Wilson hopes to

1 ., obtain Gorman acqaiescoaee to th o ' al- liod peoples, ao tha t Gorman whips w il l rcliove the proeont 4ransportatien bi»r-

»n. _


»n • ■

American Girls Declare Him ,1 , “ Awfully Nice Even if He

Does Blush”^ : B V WEBB S trLLE K ^ A M E B IC A N H E A lK S nA ItTE ItS IN “ GBEM ANY, Jnn. J5-!Thi!. M n c o o f J, WnJoa, not being an Amorican. fo llow er

o f ^ho ayneopntM .irizi. ran hordly bo bxpcctod to fox tro t in tUo cloaa o f a Hccond lieu'lcnant ju s t out o f West

^ I?oint or aomp tra in ing acbooL How- cV^ir, t«ko the word o f American g irls who ahould know—ho ia koiiio two-atop-' iwr, evon-df ho ia n b it baahful and

“ docs blush. - .^ A dozAn American iiursea had tho

time o f tho ir Uvea boro laet n igbt wben the Prince who waa a "guest o f tho th ird army, dropped in fo r a b it o f a danee. One nurse, howovor, decided ahe d id n 't want to d a S e ^ n o t even

^ w ith tho man who expect* to bo K ing o f England some o f thoso Bajrs, and

_ she d idn ’ t.' _ .f^'The-ivrioce ia aw fu lly n leo,'! re-

jnnrked one o f tho girla, “ b u t he ia ■ boahfnl and bluahoa frequently. He

blushod eapocinlly in icn second Henten- ant's In a 'h ighw ay robbery ' dnneo

,!•' enme nlnng-and took his partner, loar- U' Ing him atrand'ed In the middle o f the X- f lo o r , " / "15 Another nurao pointed 'out th a t the J. princc ia not fa m ilio r rt-ith American ,f jazz tunes and t)is fo x t ro tt in g soffered 1- thereby. . •,H OthoTa declared the aon o f K in g It OeorgQ to Jbe jost- like an A°>oriean

boy onl^ much moro quiet.


WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.—Follow ing . thn republican national committee's ro;

d a ffirm a tion o f the p a r ty '* devotion to d the womnn suffrage eanse, senate lu f* y frago advocatea w il l try to get a vote

next week on the amealment. Passage by tho New HsmpsMro, legislature o f '

d a resolntlon favoring , suffrage Is ex- , pccted to w in tho voto. o f Senator Mo-

0 aes. Moses announced bo would anpport r- the amendment i f instructed to do so r, by tho people o f his state.e One more votc .s t!lI Is nee<led even i f

Moaea ia counted fo r suffrage. Antla any thia nddltionnl.'.j:^ta can not be obtained. '

♦ ^ . 0 .: AM E R IC A N FOOD M A Y NOT " ‘ ESCAPE ■ H jryE flT IO A T IO N

° LONDON, .Tan. 15.—“ The allied eoni- m ittee. to invoati(»ate IVorld food condi- tiona w ill probably look Into reaaona fo r preaent high pricea o f American

” m eats ," declared R. 0 . Oampboll, mem­ber o f the jo in t eommittee o f the B rit- iah food m in iatry and board o f agrieol-

f ture, la an in terview w ith the UnHod , Press today.

T f is updcrtrtood Great B rita in la aoon to sU rt an Investigation Into food

1 priee* which w ill include the qneatlon o f prieea bein>Kpsld American meat

’ paeker* fo r auppliea to fhe United Klnp- dom.


______ ^' SOUTH B EN D , Ind., Jan. 1 5 ^ ^ e

Studebaker corporation today o t t e r ^ tS,(it)0 reward fo r the re tam o f t ie ♦250,000 in L ib e rty bonds i t believe*

' loat ra ther thaa stolen. No questions’ w i l l be aaked, i t was said.

A- R. Erakine, preddent o f the eor-1■ poration, aad other o ffic ia ls , stlH ho ld!> to the theory tha t the boads w sr* lo r t '- in tra n n t t^tw een tli« postoffiee asdI the company's man toom or in tha m a il I room. The rsward, Ersklne said, w u '

o ffered ss a it lm n la n t fo r a pubUe aeareV

DAILY Nin>ys '

od . ■


HAS B E B If ORA• DUaXRIES FROBa tha t __ ■

I to ! - .any.) to THEY O LADLY :Iv il* .T IM E DUTY, A N I

IN O OF PEACE, \ • ;■ R E P R E S E N T

jOiB. . , THROUGHOUT !1 0 ^ ------ jV p e a CE Ein>BAV<noet ■ ' : - . " ■

«P T H IS iN S T IT U J l• AN E FFE O nV B

a n d ’ a l l o f THthe

rers,bestting qI o f ------[ala;rtic-his

S S F I R S T N A T l

, T W IK P A IW ill ’l>Qr- •

* __

] W ould N o t Impose llll Advice on W ilsoni l l W ASHINGTON, Jan. 15.—8o|j.ntor

Shofroth, Colorado, in a speech f iv o r - Ing a league o f nations today dccla.'od

im “ an in tem atlonal ogreemont whieh a t loaat touds to piwvuiU Wftr in the futuro

■ should be considored ond agreed upon boforo tho poaco tre a ty ia c includod."

“ Prosidont.W ilson Is now in Eiinipo cudcavuriug to negotiate u •loaco treaty tha t w ill no t on ly settle thu iisputos

o f as to tho nations in tbis war, but tha t pror "■11 s t least havo a tendency to in '* bo 'e n t wars In tho futuro, eaid Sbafrotli.

C a “ To impoBO our advice on him <<hoii wo ’'est aro not fa m ilia r w ith tho situation, i t tn t ' sooms t o . ino, Is a procooding which ir is would groatly'weaken Jiis infaionce in ,op-' the Jiegotiation o f tho trea ty .’ 'lad • -- ----------. • ^

C R IM IN A L S Y in > IC A X iIS M ----------tho .TAIUSBT OF XiEOIBLATUEEght . ---------o f HAT.P.M, Ore., Ton. 13.—Tho f i ta l o f b il l introdaood io tho Oregon bouse waa

led directed a t ''c r im in a l syod ica llso .'’ rsn I t deseribod thia as....^e dooUria«» ing which advoaates cHme, sabotage, vio- A d lonco or un law fu l nibthods o f to rrorisn , OS a means o f aMompllshing indostiia l re- or ]>oIitic>U reforiu, and fixed • penalty ia o f from ono to five ' yonrs in the peni-'

He tentiary.en- — ;ICO ' SnrST F IN D ^M P LO V U B N T»r- W ASHINOTON, Jan. 15.—Secretary Jie o f Lafior W ilson wamed_ Uday tha t

w ith in th ir ty days there ih ild be A Jan- :he gerous overflow in the labor market i f an nceussary employment Is nut found fo r ed thousands o i demobilised soldiers.

ng S T B IS B T A K E S H E A V Y TO ia .an W ASHINQTON, Jan. 10/—Ei^(ht hun.

. dred dead and f iv e thousand in jured ' aro Uio known casualties o f the four

days s t r ik ^ disorders in Baenos Air^s, IK according 4p state department nd% ices

th i* afternoon, ng . _ »■ 're, FO R U BB^ZBSAJniBBa ZOB8 to OARBONDALE, UL, Jan. IS .-Oeorge i f - R. Sheldon, form er treasnrer o f the >te NaUonal Republican, «om m ltt« , died ge hero today from in juries received when o f crushed by. eoa] mine cars.»x- ________[o- ~ . --------------------------i r t r ' ■ — I *0

i f 1 ■ tia ' !

“ E L E C T•N

f - A P P L Lna

I FOR A L L 1i l-sd . ’ ’

la «« 'od .in at R-


>e , ’ ~

i t ■ ~p*

"j C i t i z e n s Eir - 1

T W IN I ,d ‘ i l I______________________________ ’IS 'le '




j Tx o n w i l l p r o v e ■ ■TB a l l y f o r a n y THESE IN D U S TB IE a.


r i O N A L ^ B A N KA L L S . ID A H O ‘

S ix ty Eag le Boats - on P u t In to ServiceJtor W ASIIIXG TO Ni Jan. IB.—H o nnvyvor- di'pnrtnii n t w ill complete and p tit Intoi.-od Horvic-e aixty -o f the l U Ford eagleI a t buuta i t ha^ cuiitraeted fo r . Adm ira ltviro Taylor, head o f tbe navy buxeau ofipon i^onatruction, to ld the senate naval af-d . " fn lrs eommitteo today,wpo Taylor_was tho f ir s t wibCoss a t ao•aty iu v o s ti^ t io n in to the contracts fo r tboutos Eoglo Boat authorized under Senatorihat Lodgo’s '- Contracts fo r tho other S8 boav <-eotli. to bo-cancellod, said Taylor. *H ldwo tho go.vernmont oxpocta to save about

1, : t «200,000 o f tho 425,000 which eaeb oflir.h the 52 xoold havo eost i f completed.) in ■ •

N avy O ffice rs A re — Up fo r P rom otion----

W ASHINGTON, Jan. IS.— The navy i ta l o f soloction today recommendedwaa the foUowing officora fo r promlHon to •t the permanent rank o f rear-admiralt rin» ...HVold P ,N o r ^ , . J o h n P . M iD «n.

aid ; H ila ry P . Jones; Charles P. l lu n - ia a •'Ott; Joseph Strauss.

Tbe fo llow ing 'w ere re e o iim a Jed fo r JW temporary rank o f re a r-a d m ^ : jn j. Bonj. C. BTyan, Wm. T . H < n » y^ Ueo.

. W, Kleine, A rehibald H .S jcalei, V ictor Blue, Frederick Brewster. B a s s q tt.J r , Richard J.'Jackson.

ary ----- - *hat O IA N T D IB IO IB L B IBan- M A K IN O A LONO TRIP.: i f ' ----------fo r CHARLESTON, a 0 - Jnn, 15.—The

ginnt govnrnment d irig ib le C-1, enioute from Now 'York to K ey West, pa»ed over Charleston shortly a fte r noon ycs-

un. terday headed south. Tho vessel I* red continuing on Its voyige to K ey West, »ur o ffic ia ls announced bore,' and w il l n i^ r^s, turn back to Now York as stated a t CCS Georgotown.

Tho big airship favored by a elaar s])ring-like day and • breexe fro m t k * north, aoon disappeared down tha aovtt-

fg® om ik y line, trave ling s ix ty m iles an tbe hopr.led ----------------len Advertise I t in tbe Classified co1unD.<

j f T lie Nowa Som ebe^ w il l want »t.



E l e c t r i c G o .J F A L L S . ,

w m N i « D A Y , J i^ lT O A B y m 1#1»


Plot Is Disclosed to Gain the Support of Many Western

> Slates for the Germaii.Cause In Early Part of Vyar

■ W ASH IN G ^O N ,'Jon . 16.— An oUog- i-(I c]«ol botvroen Amboasador Bflm- HtoLff and the Pooblo, Oolorado, Chief- tn in to ga in ' suppo'^ fo r tha Germaa cnuso in the west was toda^ explaiaed ti> the senate committeo probing propa* Knnda, b y A tia tln J . Smith, form erly ndvortifling and bualnoBs manager o f the paper.

Twenty thousand dollore was to be trpont by B em sto rff in eonn«otion w itb

\ tho work. He also doelared tha t he I Miw tho Gorman ambassador, who lent

y . Ills support to thi^.p^On, f iv o times bb- tweos Olstober IS and December IS.

Smith, who «ow lives la Los An- Kotca, said he became coosoeted w ith tho C h ie fta in T ir Dccomber, 1018. A t tha t time i t wit^ tindr the management o f AJva A . Swaio, and L Stoveas was tbo ownor. In tho spring o f IBIS, Sm ith, said, tho paper was famished ir ith a lis t o f names o f prom.nlent Ger- mnns and iUnnan-Am orieass by fr Ger-

' man paper, tho Colorado H e r ^ . Ee nlso said he mot tho German eoUnl in Denver, D r. K u r t Zciglor, and Godfrey Hchiormer, -president o f >ths German- Amprlean Trost company, abont; tbia time. . ' ■

Varloa*..methods woro' to gain anpport fo r tho Oerzoan ekoW,' Mono o f -which jn e t w ith any snoees^ Smith explained.

-Zcigler, S m it^ said, suggested, tha t U r r t iB to r f f 's a id be songbt :

" I w en t oast in October, 191S, w ith letters o f in troduction from Dr. Zoig- ler and tho A u s tro -E n n |^ ia n cnsn l," Smith asserted, *'and saw Bem stoi^f

; . it i New Y ork in-Oetobor, 1015.'*D criih to rff appi'Si'ed to be pleased

^x'tth thp pinu and eaid .ho had followed ihi> attitude o f tho paper w ith much

■ iiitvi-ont. Sm ith said. He also agreed t« pay $20,000 in m onthly Installmonta.■ ‘ ' TJie paper opposed tho reaominatlon

President WllHon in the spring o f 1D16 and n t the foggestion ^ Bam- B torff ran odltoria ls fro m time to timo nbowlng why Wilson should not be nom- ina to il,” Sm ith said.-

A complete Ele( tr ie L ig h t an power p lan t fc Farms and Subui

. ban Homes—Se! C ranking — A i Cooled, B a ll beai ings—No B e lti- Thick Plate Lonj L ived B a t^ ry .

‘ R U N S O N , K E R O S E N E


wbdwesbat; it, ini

T o m o rro w ’s P rog i Gonf<

Jo in t Bvening Meeting '' Lavering Theatre

1 71 8:00. ' ‘ U o w V o Can Help Our State I ” lhilvt>r»Uy,’ ' b.v Mrs. i l . J. Sweoley.

• 8:30. “ Tho State U n ivorn lty and l u . its Bolntion to tho People,” by D r. K

A. Bryan, eomiiilHnionor o f oducatipn 0 m fo r Idnho.

0:00. “ Tho TranaportatioDt Problem up to Dato,” 'b y H. V. P latt/v ico-prcs- Ment unil gi'noral iiiunagcr, OregonShort Lfno-Railroad company.______

. State F a m Bureanern- ' —Parish H a ll. Morning 8o»lon—

10:00. Meet w ith Stato Seed Show., . A fternooa Session—

2:O0.' ^‘ Sugar Beetd, tho Crop and "I7 * Pricos fo r 1911),” J. W. Jones. Salt “ ‘y L«ko.

° 12:^0. UiacuHfiitfii from tbo flo o r leU by A . A . M orrill, Murtaugb and J.

be Quinney, niuiuiger Ainulgamatcd Sugar « th .•,iiii|.any, Salt Lake.

• Beed Growers AasodaUoaParish .........

-M<irniiig Sossion—»:00. “ Idnho Wheat and tho Feder-

An* nl Orudos,” H. ,1. Leth, fie ld agrono- r ith mist, Univoraity o f Idaho and stato A t grahv inspector..

lent 10:30. “ D icklow Wheat fo r Irr ig n t- 'oaa oil Southern liifih o ,’ .’ (liBcussioa lod by BIS, L. C. Aieber, superintondunt b f Abor- ihed -Icon E rporiincnt Stdtion.3er- 11:15- “ .Marketing Grain n t tho 3er- County Points;” I I . M. Curroy, Idaho E e Technical Institu te .

I In Afternoon Seislon—’rey Buicinoss Meeting.lan- .< i'res ldon t’n Aunuul Address, A . J.thia Suj'der.

• 'Treasurer’s Report, I t J. L rth , t r y Kloction o f Officora.

“ Future W ork and Possibilities of tho Seed .G row crt' AMOciation,” led liy Now President. .

.1:30.' Awotdii o f .ili Sood Show Pro- inituns.

•1:00. Auction Sale «jf a ll Seed E r- hibitH n t tho Stato Sooil Show.

' °Idaho Irr ig a tio n Oongress . Maaonlc T e ip le

.Murnin^ Session—!>::i0. i “ Tho IrrlR ntlon D is tr ic t,”

(a) Its Advantai^n, by B. E. Stonte- moycr, D is tr ic t Counsel, U . a B. S.;

“ ch (I,) jjg Disadvnntago*, by .1. B. EJ- oed iiridgo. '

10:30. Discussion. ^io n Adjourn to Parish I la ll.

o f 11:16.- "M arkoU ng ' Graia a t tho ira- C ountry 'Points,” H. M.. Curroy,-Idahft Lmo Technical Institu te . ' 'om- 12:00. Noon Becess.

A ftcm oon Beiwion—


D eloo-Ligbt has carried the I t haa proved th a t e lectric U Dolco-I<ight is aooomplishiii I t is a good inyestlaent bee D e lco-U gb t is a Ooiaplete ! I t forhiBhes pow er to oper^

separator o r ttuab le the 1

I t supplies b r ig h t, dean, aal .of old-faabioned lamps and D eloo-Ligbt nm s on Keroaei

U^ht and power.

lec-a n df o r ----- --------------------------)ur-3 e lf " -^ i r '

^ I I I h 9 '\ isS

3■ ”


9 V E .R SD

1918 ■ - I

j g r a m f o r t h e J o in t* n fe re n c e

■ 1:30.' “ W ater Power Dovelopmont Its Applloatlon to Irr ig a tio n lind ;U*<

Itate Small Towns oud ou tho Farm ”alBT Grovpr, Chief H ydraulic,En

tiiueer, and W. B. llo ro y , C liie f o f l) i• E . o f Power EowoHrcpB, U. S. lip n Survey. _

S:1S.' •Discussion by B arry Dibble lom ProjoeA,>tnnagor, M in idoka Project.

jrcs- ®-siron • ‘ ComniiToiari'osiiibTlttioa foi

Mor<- Extonsivc t ls o '^ f 'E lec trie ity ,' l>y W. H. Trennor, Su|>l. o f Powi>r, Ida .Uo Powflf Co. ‘

^ DiscuMion. , ■ ; . ,3:00. Ten minute Poi-cnii (iiiusiu). 3:5iJ. F in iil Koport o f lA*«islativ<

Committeo. - --4:40. Report o f Beiolutioun Obmmit

8»I‘ too. , 'KHIcrtinn o f O fficers. '

1® 6:00. Adjouroment.* ^ Swlno Orowors’ Association

America Theatre ^^orntnK-SoBBion—

I>:30. “ Sw^no Sale,” by Jesse 8 liic h a rd B p iU S ig o r. j-

10:00. “ Swine Possibilities iu Ida h...” bv W illiam K flrr, Stato Swino Spe cinliM -'

10:.10. “ Co operntivo M arketing oi noga,” gonoral dlscuBHion lod by C

f ? ' M. M cA lIistcr, Special' Ropresentatlvo y I ’ liion Stoek Ynrdw, Portland, Oregon

J. H. Mander/iold, Qcncrnl Manager I'n ion Stock YanlB, Salt Lake. ■

laho • Women'®. SectionT in t P rw by te rlan O b o r c ^ S r .

A iom ing Session— **1O:0u. Ucni(^eling o f Clothes and

, J. Application o f * Pattern*, labora to ry W ork, conducted by Georgia Belle Bl-

- M-ell.America Theatre*

A ftonioon Session— led 2joo. “ H o w to Becnro B eautifu l In-

terion* nnd Exteriors,” by Budolph Weaver. Illustnatod w ith laptern slides.


OEIOAOO, Jan. IS.—^Ensign Joseph 'a . P lynn, G. a K , 4,000 mllos, from

:t , ” Chicago, was divorced today by action nte- in a Chicago court.S.; Thcro woro no wttnosaoH a t the hear E i- iug uKninst Xlttclei^ne- C. Hynn

whi'n Judgo D a ^ d XL^Brothers called tho easo y e s to rd a y ^ 'n iB p rincipa l ev­idence WDS a disposition by F lynn made

tho several .wpeks ago alleging tha t Mrs. laho F lyn n had called Joseph Donner, a ' • W'ashing.ton chemist, "D ea rest “Pal,”

in letters. A scented packet o f letters Tvas also Introducod.

rRICITYDE.LCO'__ ;__________ _✓___

B L A Z E ,D 'the oonveniences and labor-saving ic Ugbt and pow er on the fa rm mnl ahing these resnlts today on m ore because i t ao tna lly p a y i i o r itse lf ste E le c tric .L ig h t and P ow er Plant terete the fann ing mUI, grind-'Stone he chum — to pnmp fre sh nm n log safe e lectric l ig h t-^ m a k e t i t easy

and lanterns, thns n d n d n g tb e f ii oaene. The same' ooal o i l o r Kerosi

Tbonsands o f testim onia l in actna l experience

the Domestic Enflineerina Co• U a kc rs o f D2LCC




---------------------- :---------------I------------------------------


I UBOmNEIlP NEl ) i . ------ ■

'I'"' Last Resort Must_be,Used it .bio, Famous Mooney ;. Case ■ am■ Delegates lieolare Selve; tor Willing to Put II Inlo Actioi

>y,” -----------Ida- CHrO^GO, ‘ Joii. . 'ji>—X ntioa wid

sUik«n and boycott >vkll bo tbo weapo' osed by labor to socuro tbo release. 0 Thoina.H .1. Moonoy, aecording to E t

tiv® ward B. Nolan, Ban Francisco, sccrt ta ry o f the internntional workers’ d( fense league.

“ Lof^tilation ia not forthcoming fo Mooney V benefit,’ ’ declared N.Olaii “ I.#abor mjist ita lant resort, I l

. powerful eeoiioiiiic weapon— tho s trlk and boycott— to win Moonoy his ju t tico. The easo has bocomo tho great

I S. <<'1 qiieailon o f tbo nation. Wo mus uso tho flunl-expresflion o f labor an<

Ida- cards on tho tab lo .”3po. O utlin ing plans to bo followed by th

convention in its work, Nolan urgoi . q{ fedoml inte'rvontlou In tho Callfornli C. courts through issuance o f habeas coi Ivo, pu"" i*roccedinga.^ n . Outlines Procedureger, “ Tho otrlkoa w ill bo vq^cd by a ref

ondum,” a w r tp d N'oJanl' ‘“ LM a l or , ' ganinitionit w il l atart the ball ro llin j ^ by pub lic ity In' now*pnpora and circu r ’ lan . State organiratlona w il l then tak<

tbo matter up .”“ ' Sigmund Schulburg, a San Francisc«

delegate, denied there was any intcn tion o f tu rn ing tbe convention in to c political moe'tlng. He declareil. thoi-< wore “ somo rad ica ls” present, bu t nu Bortod they could not be called “ Bods.'

In - " .W . r . Dunn, publisher o f the Butte )lpb Montana, :B u llo tin , doclared himsolf ic des. favor o f a strike. “ There are tor

thousand idle in Butte now,” Dunr ' said.

OH *---------:—■' THREE BOYS BOB STORE

eph — -----rom CHICAGO, Jan. 1.').—Andrew -M tion Knutson, a druggist, was takon to St

Joseph’s hospital today a fte r he hat ear- been beaten up by three youths wht yna robbed his store lato last night- The lied boys escaped w ith $15. ^ ev- •ade O OLpNEIt HOUBB XUPBOVINOirs ., ■ . ----------, a PABIS, Jan. JB,—Colonel Houae, a f d ,” ter spending an uncomfortablo night tors waa reported to he better th is mom

lag. He w a i s t il caufluod to his bed


ng e ffic iency o f the c ity to the farm anltiplies m an-power and saves bot ire thaA s ix ty thotisand farm s, e lf. .iMlt>—ne o r washing machine— to tn^iv t ig w a te r to an parts o f the honse ai ^ y to do chore w o rk a fte r da rk wl* f ire hazard.

osene fo rm erly osed in lamps and ]

a l le tte rs prove these things oe o f De lco-L ight tTsers

P lS T R lB m

^ \ ID A H O DIS Si Vnivet

H .S J l D .C . }

^ I L Y A T IK T D O O R T O N H W

■ - \ -



i ®1 in fo r th e attendanc.e al and day las t. The in te i

p la n o f m erchand is ii o f encp ijra igem ent w

wide ' ’

' ' W hen we b o u g h t iefrt' a cqu ired severa l f ' <!'■ o f m erchand ise a t t for w a r prices. W e are, [f “!!; fo rtu n e w ith you.itrlkC( ■■

treat- Please rem em ber“ nd specials, b u t are in ey stocks a re .exhauste(irgod

M atches, p e r box ..... F lake W b ite soap, p

‘ r«e- C rem e.O il Soap, 3 bai 111 2 1-2 Ib s .'P a rke r’s to r ',X S ta n d a rd co rn , p e r c

L a rg e Sego m ilk , pei Em pson’s peas, p e r c

Ihoio Em pson’s k ra u t, p e r Em psoh’s hom iny , p< K a ro sy rup , p e r g a ll

5u”.n chowdeNo. 2 can clam s, p e r < No. 2 R oya l C lu b p in(

JI. 1 lb. C u r tis b ra n d tu;0 St.

had ............who

: SKAG6S UNI\X i, N E X T T O ID /lo m -bo l. l l — — II I ■ — — —

F farm[rr ■

urm d istricts, bo th tim e and labor.

3c the cows, operate tho cream e and bam . ' . w ith ou t the bother u d danger

ad lanterns now ftim ishes both

UTORS: .Modern App liance Con

8 F irs t Avenue South, Sea

tISTR ICT D E A LE R S ; versed E le c tric Co., R igby, I. Hardm an, Boise, Idaho ' '. Watson Company, tw in


---------------- --------------- ------------

[ E D U S E L ^ S

I a t o u r open ing on S a tu r- berest m a n ife s te d 'in oiu* s in g and th e m any w ords ; we received'. •

i t th e Shoshone G rocery, i l th o usa n d d o lla rs ’ w o rth i t p ra c t ic a lly be fo re th e re g o in g to share o u r good

! r Skaggs’ p rices a re n o t 1 e f fe c t u n t i l o u r p resen t bed. . . ,

............... ......;1......:............Sc/p e r b a r ........... :........... . 5cja rs fo r . . . . .1 .................... 25c;omatoes, pe r can ,1......15cr c a n ..................... . 15cper canr c a n ........................ :1C J5p 'er c a n .............................15cpe r c a n ................. .....15c

i l lo n ................ ,.. 95cie r , p e r c a n .... 30cr c a n ............................... 25cineapple, p e r c a n ........20ctu n a f is h ................. . 35c


G k tf ie Delco-Light ' Booklet Right Now

ompany eattle. Wash.

)y ,Id ah oo' 'in Fa lls , Idaho

)FF IC e |

■■ ***" *■*“

r a i iu i io d i r ’ K '^ ■ I '^ b U a b in g O oapaaj, 'In e o rp o n t« d • ■ K E T t i ^ £ > 1 ^ Idabo, u d Ucaed t ' i « r j » i

^ m o o n except S im dty. -

BB >B07 A.' B E A D — .i::________Preelden■ 6 JO H li^C .-H A B V B y Nows Edlto H ' r -.TeleiaioBeM .

B l ' Today^s News Toda>K | ; SUBBOBIPTION RATES K ’ i^ M a l l OanleH i i ' : $5.00________ One T e w — --------W.0*

________ 8 m oathi ---------- --♦a.O'8 moath* ----- ------- VUS>

M H ; f -Ko; . I - 1 moath ------------- $ .9

H QpoB appUeatlea.

H I : * : Ne re ip o a ^ m 'tT I t 'um m ed to t th< ■ i & 'e a n c t m u o U e itd toanoaerista, photo ■ I v i crapba br - other eoatrfbtited m atte i I H | iArUelea aahmlMed.for pcbUeatton w fl ■ K f i, be need or ao t a t the Aaeretlea o f thi

ed ito r aad ao a u a a a e r l^ w il l bo re turaed nabae aeeompaaM b r the aee

B K l . eaaarr poitage.

B ||[ - Entered ea eccond-eSau m nttor A pril ;9 , 1918, a t tbe posteffice a t Tw in Faili^

■ g ^ :ldaho, under th« A ct o f March 3, 1879.

i j ;V < |>n j : .—H " . :1bOMB IN T » a E 8 T IN & PIOUSBS-

■ T lu^ linnua l financ ia l report o f A t' n io u r and Compouj’, ^ o f Novomoi

^ E ; 2 o f the year ju s t ctoscd, i i aow being ^ n > db tribn ted . l i ’» an ibtereating 'docn B e | . n e a t. *^In /a c t, thore ara many polnti K i ■bout.'ii which arc worthy o f more tha t B j ! passias: comment •

B e F o r inatance, ic appears tb a t the pre< H .',yaiUaR high re ta il prices caaaed pto(- ^ S ' ' ; i t 9 to drop o f f during the year w itb ■ whieh the report deals.. i ^ e net ia-I |{ . «ome fo r the year waa something over

'f if te e n milliona, ho t th is repreeenta a B y re tu rn o f on ly tourteen and seven

-teatha per «eat on the common a t ^ K | ' . ‘* 'a f te r proviaion fo r dividondaM 'on preferred atock.’ 'W Here «re aome fu rthe r in teresting K points. Tho to ta l capital asaeta o f tbe ■ j ' in s tito tio n arc *123,895,541.14, o f which U \ *om eomelhtog over {orty-tVirce' mHUona B i j are Inveated in olllod companion. B ut l | | th is ia ' not tho to ta l o f a ll assota. In

A dd ition to the capital asaota,.^ero are E t " e o r r n t aasete" conslating o f 'iiia ter- E ' ia l and anppliee, caab, receivables, etc., W amoTtatiag to tw o hnndred nnd eighty n odd m illto u moro, thus bring ing tbeI I . to ta l available aaeeta o f the coneera np m to *404,286^9.49. Eighty-oae m illion Bj .. dollars odd on the atatemeat is repre- U .ae^tM by •oeooats receivable, an4 a H l i t t le over tw enty.fonr mUlions were H carried as caah on band and in\baaka, m the aame being the snm available to r

tbe payment o f any lit t lo b illa which i m ight come np from tim o to tim o in the

course o f bnainese., ' Tho figures provide an interesting f ie ld fo r specuiatioa.. They sh9.3U the dimensiona ia cold figurea o f cap ita l w ith a capital C. Thoy* provide a sort o f rague idea o t enormoua wealth, on* omoua power and lim itleaa eapuU y fo r a«^lon. They f i t in w e ll w i t i the

p o in t o f view o f the man who is in the ; ha b lt'O f stopping a t a butcher abow two I o r three times a week ou the way from t w ork aad carry ing home a s ix ty coat I steak in bix vest pocket. Poanibly tbere ! la nothing whatever wrong w ith tho

propoaition o f tbe maraballing o f money a' machine o f tho dimensions o f

th ia one fo r the -porposo o f dealing in T 'o n r o f tbe c b ir f foo<l supplies o f tho

nation— it may be entire ly a ll r igh t,/ b u t, in tho lig h t o l tho record of tho

pant fow years I t would be w orth whllo { to' know ju s t exactly how much capital

,wa« pu t in to the busliiriw in th^ f irn t p lu e and vrbat rate o f earning on thia o rig ina l capita l is re iw scntcd by tho growth o f the bunincBS since th a t time.

I TO H H A B E X g C U T IV B MTW IUOB O L T h lP lA , Waah., Jan. 1C.—Both

! ' honae# o f the legialature were ecbed- . oled to convene a t 1 p. m. today to hear

Govomor L is te r'a meaaage. M emben o f tbe honae d id a o t eoaveae'thia aoT^> ia g bo t tbe aenate aaawered ro ll call

B a t 10 a. m.

i ( XEOISIJkTOSS VAOOZNATBD■ .B A L E M , Ore„ Jaa. 15r=--The --rfoat

■ - de f'ia ile th in g on the program'when thia > legislators opened-thUr eeasioa today; v

- was a o m e th i^ otitaido the r e g > ^ or- ^ 4 e r 'haaia'esa—a "s h o t in th e ^ K m ." i

members o f the' seaate aadthpnae, i !. as w e ll aa attaebea, were vaccinated : ; againat iaHnenxa a t 10 a. c l today. , i

_ t r : ----- ■ - - --------------------------------------------

. - Il T T


i t

B p l k ^ i r FALLS DAILY NEW!■ws ROCK CREEK RESIDENTS ^ ' BATTLE'WITH FISTSr Discard P itchforks fo r P rlm ltiTe Ueani

o f Settling Altercatloiis->ODe------ - . P a itlc lpaa t H ta tideat I

(Special to Tho Nows)------ » o i :k O ^ E K .—E. (Happy)o y ^ ix -W(?arin^^i titind ige on his head

mt the result o f on altercation Snaday forenoon w ith W. W. Summit, foreman o f the ShoosD ^^uch. Doth mon, c'nX'

n le r ry io g i)ltc lif6rka,'had aome w b rd a ,^ t« i l&OO which ilappy threw down his fo rk aad W.00 iiivh o il Siunmit to ncttlo the dlffercncc W*®® w ith , th e ir fiats, ’ whoreon BoiamK * atruck Hoppy w ith the fo rk he wa«

onrryiDK, in flic tin g a wound which 'to- ^ qulrod suiKical ottQutlQO to drosa. Sum

m it liail avory od»i»ftiigo In hia favo i evon w ithou t n.wenpon os Waa con-

lite r. heavier thon hia cmponent., r i l i The Shoesole o u tfit brought in from

! the tiio western rnnchca laat Thnradily 2,100 > re* henii o f woanorn to-'bo fod a t tbe Shoo* aee- »ole rjumh th ja .winter. . A 'la rg e bunch

ia nlso boirig fea'^ttt the O arrity ranch.. \ pIh Chrintennon npent Jnst week here

l'iiyliiK-<-attl<i fo r a Denver compaay. ^ » The ra ttlo w ill* bo shipped to Denver,

■ whcre‘ they' w il l fa ttened on beet — pul p fo r the apring market. One car

wns shipped from the Bunsen depot ' Saturday.

- D. P. Larson sold n biuich o f beef stocni to Xola 'Christonson tho f ir s t o f

IS- tbo week. Thu price paid waa 11 cunta. A r. M r. and Howard Larsen le f t

tmer A lbion a fte r having apeaitbo holidaya here. W bilo v la itin g w ith ho t parents a t Pleasant 'Vallej*, Mra. Laraen and baby had an a ttaek-o f the

linta influenza.,JL M. Vaa Eaton and C. Peteraea

have been b o ^ during, tbe paat week p u ttin g up ice. The ice la abont 14

pro* inches th ick b u t warm weather haa ito(- affected }ta quality.

' Mrs. B . P. Albee roturned Wedaee* . day from Pocatello, where she attend*

■ od the fie d Croea epaveatioa. ' >ver c . J. 2>omrose, who has beea in T w in a a PiiUa fo r the paat week recoveriag from ven an operation, returned home Sunday.

' M r. and Mra. Ed I>omro8e eater^ taiaed a t dlnaer Sunday evening M r. and Mra. A. P. M urray, A . P. M urray, J r., Dolph M urray, M r. and Mra. L . P.

dng Larsen and M r. aad Mra. Qeorge Hea- the fy* ’, . Misnos W anda and Helen Broso came

bome F riday to spend the week end '®“ w ith her parents, -M r. and 'Mra. Eob- But e rt Broac. ' Miaa Wanda ia wo'rklng a t

In tho o ffico o f ^ e Studebaker company, and Miaa ia attending high

f r - ,tc., / CONTHEHNOB NOTES bty • Leeturea b y Professor Weaver today tbe and tomorrow w il l be given in the L « r* „p ering Theater, inatoad o f the America.

Z N B IA N A VOTES “ D B T "'•■o- IN D IA N A P O LIS , lad ., Jan. 15.—I a The Indiana legislature today ra tif ie d kTQ the prohib ition amendment to the fed-

eral eonatitutioa.

IL L IN O IS APPBOVES AM E N D M E N T ich S P E inaT T E LD , H i., Jan. IS ^ I lU n - the ola haa ra tif ie d the national proh ib itloa

«mendment Tbe honse today paaaed . the rasolntion which was adopted by

^ tbe senate last week. T lie vote was 84 to 6(J.

I ta l .............. » ---------'o rt ^ XBtJOK DBTVTBBS STB IK B an. 'C H ICAG O ,, Jan. l.*5.—Tmek, d rirem

nnd cbonffenra today were ■ acbeduled to go on strike .to force the ir demand

the fo r a f j^ t Increaae o f *1 a day and the time and a h a lf overtime. The propoeed ^ 0 s trike may a ffec t 3,600 drivers ia the

0 “ . eat . h A B XA S B O W B M A nere A M ^ E R D A M , Jan. Q5.— A bn ile i the a&rrowiy miaaed Q eaanl B artiaa , hesti

o f 'th e Amedeaa mtariira, aa ha la t la , a room o f the H otel AJaloa darlag

. Batarday ’a atreet la Beriln ,aeeordiag to ' a dlspateh r ^ r e d here

ho today. • •h t, -------------- ---------------- ---------J ! COLONEL HOUSE IM P BOV IN O

PARIS. "Jan. 15.—The condition o f Colonel House, though s t i l l coafiaed

ta l to his bed w ltb indigostlou. ia very’ m t "n tla fa rto ry . Gordon Aucblnclosa his

Aon-ln-law. informed tbe nnite<l P ra ^. today. He abided tba t House oxpecta .

to be out w lth ln .a fefw daya. ; QO. , .................. ,

T I iU B A <m 70 ON OOASTB PO B T liA N D , J ^ 15.— The highest j ‘th nnmber o f in f ln e n ^ easea a re r reeord-jl “1- ed. here, 422, waa re po rlid ” >e»terday. | ' 'ar The deatba tota led Iff.*? S U ' c ity eoaa-11 i r t c il ia expected, to p w H o ^n n a e e to- I

dny .*making t&e wearing o f moaka in|< s ll public m e e tin g department stores, tho-h

atrca and eho^^ca compulsory. {(• " * , ! I

A B M T P O LIT IC ft ITBATDBBS i < a t , W ASniNGTO.V. Jaa . A ttacking U to Chief o f S ta f f Mareb aad Bocretary o f a »y ^W;ar Baker, EepreeeatatiTe GaniTaa,! >r- M^asaebasetta, Demoerat, today charg-1 ” ed th a t General Clareaee B . Edwards; e ■a, aad aatioaal guard officers o f the NewiA »d E n g ^ d ' ^ iir is lo a s ^were rellered o f n

the ir commaada. th ro n g anay politica.ln

I ! j S l f r S

M mMCTaoaf ' li H

^ 1


IITPIIOBtEIVa d a y . ‘ _______

state Society Calls in Expert xwr " from Surrounding States ti rT c c 'Secure Benefit of Their Plai

and Experience

endoi^ meHit ")F new :«vor legislation LIKEL1con- -

W ater aa Es«entia l to Eeolalm J.1M in g Desert as Source o f Pow unch er, and Heans o f O ostloUinj

I ts Use donslderodhereniTiy. 'ive r, W atur an tho prime csaeiitlal ia ir r i

Ration, ns a source o f electric powe: dc%'clopniont hnd tho most advanta gooua mpanH o f eontroling Itn utio wen the Bubjccta touched upon b y speaker

beef Tuesday’a sessiona o f tbe Idahi It o f Irr iga tion congross meeting hero i j

conjunction w ith the joint-coaforonce jg jfj Tho groundwork was la id a t th i

meeting fo r the fu ll couaideratlon oi w ith ^ b 'lr ^ a y o f a b ill to bo introduced a

thia ooaslOR o f the luaho legialaturi > to create a bureau o f w ater righ ts fo

I the adminlatratiou o f ' tho waters o t ie a tatt. '

reek la tioducea B ig Topici 14 Fresldent B. £ . Shepherd In hia an *— n u il ndrese, mndo, fo llow ing the ad

dreaa o f welcome deli%-ored by forme: laea- Sonator Sweeley fo r Tw ia Fallaend* introduced the aubject o f the proposec ' logialation. “ We want more coatian

i t y in theao m atte rs ,'’ ho aaid. "W < th in k I t is high time to make i t po'a jtiUle fo r [tnoiM re^pontfble fo r th ii work to athy on the Job long enongt

xfy , to accomplish real und lasting benefit inatoad o f having to change joba evorj

u P. f» o ye a rs ."lea- ^ p ie s o f the proposed law were c ir

culatod largely among viaitors a t tha ame ^ " ig a tio u congrcan and among stock-

holders o f tho Tw in. Falla Canal com- lob- S“ y aasembJtd here Tuesday fo r th e ii annual meeting. -

u y , . Lay lag Fooadatloo fo r Action ‘ Igb The talks given by J. B. True, W y­

oming state ongineor, on “ Tho Wyom- in t f . l^ w and Ita O pera tion ," aad by

■ A . H Chao41cr, pre^d«nt o f the Cali- day fo rn ia W ater commiaaioa and the paper MV- prepared by Percy A . Cupper, O«goa ica. stato engineer, on "T h e Oregoa I * w

and Experience," read a t the forenooa aesaion, woro germaia to thn diaena-

5.— aion o f tho proposed Idaho law. F . A . ried W ilk ie , Idaho etate engineer, in hia fad- report aa fthairmaw o f the Irr ig a tio n

congress legialatlve committee, brought to the attention o f the member# aad

N T vialtora the pniviaiona-of tho propoaod lin - Ion- advising considorntipu and compar- ia a Ison w ith tho plan and experience of ised other s^tea as < revenlcd~in th e 'd ia * b y cusaioaa led by repreientatlvos o f thoao

waa other atatea. - W ith tbp preseotatioa today by J*rof. O. I i . Waller, vico'proai- dent o f the Washington state college, o f his flubjoct, ''T b o Washington Water

^era C ode," the congress w ill have tbe lied benefit o f the experience o f nelghfior- aqd ing states to sen'e aa a guide in its and denimrationa in tb ls report. "«ed Showa Naed fo r Obaagathe In his argument f^ r the propoaed

stato bureau o f water rights, Preaident Bhepherd said, “ There la abundaal ev* idence to eonrlnslvely prove tba t Ida-

i le i ho aoods such a aystom o f admisiater- asti lag the public water* o l the state aad 1 ia g i f t i n g rights to the uae thereof aa ia g w ill prevont a repetition o f the sta* Un, pendoua blunder* o f the paat, the eost « r t alone o f whieh nuta np ia te .the milUoaa

o f do lla rs ."Wyoming la Pzood Lw idar .

Wyoming la jo i t iy proud o f her Jr* o f riga tion lawa, Wyoatiag’a state eagl*

sed neer. J. B. True, declared in the opea- ery’ ing atatement o f hla addreaa before his tho congrcaa, “ In no other sUte axe '9^ water righta perfected and bold w itb eta leas reaort to the courts fo ; aid, and

p ro tec tion ," ha aaid. He quoted tbe upinion of tho -Wyoming anpreme conrt tbat. “ as between au investigation in

eat j th cV o u rts autl by an adm inistrative rd -it'u a M , i t iroulU Mom tbu t tbe k itto r, ay. I w i^ cx}n.'ricD<-c 4^d si>ccial knowledge an-|nh>ng thia p n r t i^ a r lino can, in the to- f irs t inxtance, aolve tbese questlona w itb la ! duo regard to private and pnbUc in-

ho-Uoroata, conduct tbo retjuisite investi- I gation and ascertain the indiv idual I rights w itb greater fa r il ity , a t loaa |«x}>eusr to a li intercstcil parties and

ng w ith a^lafger decree of Katiafactlon to o f a ll concernedia ,j FaTor A id fo r Settler*rg-j Tbe fountlation. o f Wyoming’s pres- rda j ent laws was laid largely bj- Its f ir s t awi atate and te rr ito r ia l engineer.* Tbe o f state now. .Mr. T n if said, in ab argu- ca.iment fn r t>tate aid o f <ettlcrs, H at-

^ 8 1 '

. " " 1 TW IN FALX^

TWIN FALLS N(. * S o a th S id e t r a c t , S a lm d ; i ]

M h o m e s te a d la n d B f r o m B n r l i. b a r ^ a iB f l . , ■

J.S H E ,R Mi r t s X 3 7 S h; t o ....... ■ .

'lan — — ' ■' ----- -.=tem pting to ava il Itse lf o f a now 0 : po rtun ity by loading tbo atutcs in fo i ward movOBiont toward the providinj o f tb is aid. '

'L Y Opens Power DlacoaslODM r. True alao opened up *a dbeun

aion o f the prospect fo r develoi>ment o im - Idaho's water powor, declaring in th i

roai>oct thn t “ tho fltnoss o f things i well domonstroto'd by tho fa c t tha t thi

lin g power con bo dovolopcd w ithou t intor fo ring w ith tho uao o f water fo r ir r i g n tfo n ," but tim t , “ as a m atter o fact, i t w ill oventually a id vory mo

ir r i* te r ia lly ’ ia the reclamation o f landa b’ >wer l if t in g water to part o f thoso th a t ar< ata* too* high -to bo reiichod by a. gravity vore syatom." ,kora ' P redicts Norm al Derelopmettt laho The coneluaiou o f a cholarly pape

in eu the commerclai poaaibiiitioa o f mori nee. oxtonaive use o f e lectric ity by W* B th is Trbnnery aliperiatWldeuV'.of power fo : on the .Idabh Power company7 'was tha I a t ‘ <1)0 decided'changes In conditions eai ture t f t forcaoen which would b ring about i fo r moro rapid ; extcnaion o i e lectric . sei

I o f vice than may be expccted from tbi normal growth o f the iadustry, aad during peace times, tljia grow th ia ex

aa* pccted tb he quite ra p id -" ad- Many n^lea o f ru ra l liaea w i l l ' b<

mer conatructeo^naualiy, Me. Treuner pro s iis, dieted, and as tbe population o f thi Med ru ra l iommuaitiea id^rotsea, he said Ian* tha number aad extent o f aoeh extea 'W e sioaa w il l laefoase year by year, poa- M r. Trenaer diacuased ia detail,., thi th ia cMta o f producing aad d la tribn tla i Dgb eleetrio power. H e ' declared t l ia t un o fit V o id a b le losses result la the deliver] rory to consumers aupplied from a dlatribu

tion aystom o f on ly about 5^ per coni cir- to 60 per cent produced by the tu r tha biaes.v He referred as aa illus tra tioa oi )ck- this dffcrenco to the-oporationa o f the om- Hydroelectric eommiaalon u f Ontario, beir which has beea froqueatty referred tc

in tho .pub lic pruaa and from tbe ros trom, jfhowing tbat, tak ing lossea intc

iVy. conaldoration, tho probable reault wot Q2j^. tha t the. u n it coat o f power a t the aub- 1,^ ataUon was about double the cost at

a li. tho generating p laa t aad»that the uait coat o f powor_.delivorcd to tho custom-

m a or wai* over fiv o timea the un it cost „ » t t h . p la n t.oen Seea PoaalblUtlaa UAdergrooad 5°a- la the springs o f tbo Snake rive r ^ eanyoa, among them belag Bine Lakes,

bia oieax lakos , Tbooaaad spriags and the Ion M a lad-spriag i, which are famous aad El>t picturesque spots among tho scenic at- utd tractions o f southern Idaho, Lynn Cron- “O’! dall, chief bydrographer'^for the Tw in

Falla N orth Side ^ d k W ater com- of pony, diacems n a 'lm ^ r ta n t source e f

i*®* water supply fo r power, irr ig a tio n aad oso domestic use and the poaaiblllty^of ia- •0“ to rc ip tln g them a t ao ffic ien t 'e le ra -

tion to perm it o f tho ir being diverted in to Snake r iv e r above America^ Falla

t « and thus form tho wnt«rf supply fo r a t*>® now irriga tion project. Theae posai- •or- b ilitles , ho argued, would warraat the Its undertaking o f a detailed uaderground

water iavestigatioa to determine addi­tional facta regarding tbe lr aenrce aad probable permanency.

ent r • • ■M 'OORM TCg W n j . BE IC AIN


WABIIINGTO.V, Jan. 15.— Adminia traUon offie ia la indicated today tS t t

' Vance McCormick, whe resigned aa Democratic National committee chair­man,, w ill not succeed Ambassador

' Bhaip a t I ’arta. Instead he w ill re- . main aa adviner to the peaee commis-

sion in hla capacity as war trade board2- - •While o ffic ia l announcement haa not

boon made here, i t wan undoratbod tha t Sharp either baa q u it or w ill do ao. .-^ ilom er 6. Cummlng«; ~ vice-ch^nnaa o f tho national committee, ia under-

^ stood to be the nanouor o l McCormick in -tbe j>olitical position*

.Ve .or, ___ ___ __________ ___ ___ —ge 1

‘tb’ Q l a - J - s i f i e d .in- [_______________________ It i . ------------------------------------------------ -------------,ftl TOO L A T B TO O LA S S IF r

a J FOB 8a £ e ""OB "^E N fT —240 'w i a near CaatJeford, 175 in a lfa lfa , a O. Cain, G50 Fonrth weat.

POB &ALE— 10 acres In O rchalar»;j ^ w i l l take residence property ia p a rt,i

l^alaneo on terms; can be divided in to 10-aere trftcta. Phone 203-Jll.


. rtcy, rt»M . I m ta w w h v .1 > o « jm w w s H * i » t j < s e T T > « « . f ^ 1------------

I ' ^


NORTH SIDE TRACT>;i S ive r tra o t, Oakley trao t, and nrle7 to Book Greek. Some good

VI S T E W A R TShoBhone K.-

V op- — ;------------------------U t * [ T o d i y . s M a . r k o l - 3

. POBTLAND, Jao, 15.—Cafltle—B ceipta, 125. Tone o f m aijtet, tsead

“ * 7 Primo steers, • [email protected]; good , ^‘‘1’ choice ateera, «[email protected]; modlu

I* to good ateera, »[email protected]; fa ir : I medium atoera, | [email protected]; commoa

fa ir Btee«, * 8 [email protected] ; tholce cowa oj hoifers,-4 l0.50@ ll.00; medium to go< cowa and heifera, |[email protected]; fa ir medium cowa aud. heifera, $7.00(S>6.0 cniinor9, [email protected]; bulla, ♦0.50@8J5

* calvcH, [email protected]; atockers and fee e r^ »7.00®9.00. . .

HOGS— Receipts, 578, Tone o f ma ket, ((toady. *i'r lm c mixed, .^16.75i

paper so d iu m ,--■♦[email protected]; roujmore hp^vy, $14,[email protected]; piga, «13.l

@14.50; bulk, ♦[email protected]. .' Sheep—Receipts, 102; tono of pifl

kot, Htendy; oast o f mountain lam t ' ♦[email protected]; vUlloy lambs, ♦HJ5Cf(

* liS O ; yoariinga^ ♦U.OO@11.*JO; wet crK, «[email protected]; ewea, ♦[email protected].

DENVEB, Colo., Jan. 15.—Cottle-■ ®*’ Beceipts, 3,700. M arkot ateady. Steei

. ■ ♦[email protected]; eowa and heifers, $7.\@11.00; atoekora and feedern, ♦10.00 (

, P«- 14.00; calves; «[email protected] c Hogf*—Roeeipta, 1200. Market, 5)

*“ }*» lOo hlglier. Top, •KUeS; bulk, ♦16.5 @16.85. ■ “

Sheep— Receipts, 5,000. Mark' lanjbe, • [email protected]; ewea, ♦8J25(

it ia g; un- .

UVESTO O Kcent KANBAS C iTY , .Jan. IS .^C attie- tu ^ i “ .O0p: market, steady, 1(

f lower; ateera, ♦9@20; eowa, |0.50(■ the feeders, * [email protected]; calve

UcceiptB, ■Jl.ODO itLorkc Btl-ady; bulk iwlcs, «[email protected]; bca'

. iea, «[email protected]; medium, ♦[email protected]( lig h t, ♦[email protected]. -

Sheep — Becelpta, 4,500; marke steady; lamba, ♦[email protected]; ewea, ♦8.5

u n it feeder^ ♦6.50@15.

SOUTH O M AHA, Jan. 1 5 ^ a t t ie - Becelpta, 6,800. M arket, ateady. Steer ♦[email protected]; cows and heifers, $7.7B(i

13.50; atockors-aad feeders, ♦7.00(j Iv o r 15.50; calves, ♦[email protected]; balls- aa Ikes, ataga, ♦8.7511.00. the HOGS—Beceipts, 19,500. Marke' aad strong to 10c h ighe r;^ b u lk o f salei ; at- ♦[email protected].’5; top, ^17.50. ran- ' SHEEP—Becelpta, 6900. Marke > ria ateady. Yoarlinga, ♦[email protected]; w eti :om- era, ♦[email protected]; lamba, ♦]3.00@?6.600 o f ewP!i. ♦0 .00@ n .00.and ---------; in - Livestock.0 ^ KANSAS C T rv \ Mo., j'ffu. 16.—Th rted cattle m arkot eloaed alow w ith qnalit,

pla in. Hoga were atondy to 5c highei • Top, ♦17.65; bnlk, ♦17.10@17J55. Sbeej

Dsai- 25c higher.the ______

•nnd 8T . .JOSEPH.—Cattle, 50,000; etcad; ddi- to "10c lower.,aad Hogs— 13,000; 5@15c hlgber; to j

*17.65; bnlk, ♦[email protected]. Sheep-2.'500; 25c higher.

lA D ^U VBSTO O XEAST ST. LOUIS, Jan. 15.—cJjittie-

Inia K<K-clpt«, 5,500; market, ateady; steei t h i t native, ♦7.50@18..^0; yoariinga, ♦fl.50(s

aa 10 ; cow*, ♦[email protected]; atockers, ♦8.50^ la ir- 12 ; ealvea, ♦7.7.’>@17.25: Texas ateera idor ♦l(]@17.70; .'owa and heifera, ♦7.50^

re- 15.50.tals- Hoga — Rccpipt^ 18,000; market >ard Ktcndy; mixed and butchera, ♦17.30(g

17.6.'5; good to hea%-y, ♦[email protected] no t rough, ♦l.vaiO.40; ligh t, ♦[email protected] ^ t pig*, bulk, ♦[email protected].

Shec{>— l,flfiO; market, steady; owea aaa ♦K-.S0(^10..')0: cannem, ♦5(fT'9: lamba Jer- *lO@if;..'-,o.i l t k • . ----------- •

OHIOACK) PBODUCE M A B K E T B utte r; ■ .■ren'tnerj-, extra.*, 05: ataa-

___ -Inrds. 64@64%.F irs t. »VroiiiN. (iiXH tllV j. .

ordinaries. firs ts , 57@57%.

_J nr>@3r.; Am i'rira ji, S7___ @38.

Poult r.v. rowN, (iui-l(B, :j1; f/ene,

ires S[>riiig>, i.TVa; turkey*, 30.O. I ’otalec". .^0 eara.

nml Minm'-*ota, $J.'.’>@

________________art, I

To " f in a a e e " a " T o L a t " advar- tia lng campaign you aeed o a l j aet aalda —fo r perhapa a few daya—a ja r t o f

tJ& your p ^ e t aumay.

g jw re 8 £ c /m s e [.


==nMURTAUGH BOY is ' r . VICtl'M OF INFLUENZi*- Contracts Disease E n rov t* io .B tP tlie t'

Oklahoata .

)d {Special to Tho Newa) •MUBTATTGH.-r-Tolbert Blggorir, 2;

yoar-old brothof o f ' Professor Denni Biggecs, diod a t tho homo o f hia broU or iM d cy , January 10, a t 6 :30 .p. m from influenza. M r. Biggers had ju i boen in Murtaugb a week, a r r ir ia

___ from Oklahoma Saturday, January iSSSJ Ho was i l l whon-^ho camo, having eot —— tracted tho disease whllo ooroute- t

__ .Murtaogb. .H ia ‘ body ia being hela t tbe undertaking parlors a t T w i

•S Folia,, awaiting the a rr iva l o f re lj___ tires. '

Boy H unt, wbo haa boon home o a furlough, returned to Galveston Sui

leady. day.morning.>d (to H._ E . W illiam s rotufned Thnrsda odium fpQm Seattle, whoro ho wont w ith tw

to cam .of potatoes, ion to _ __________ ^

'c M d LIV B flTO O K OPHNINOto C H IC A G O , J a a . 15.— H o g rece ip ta 85

QS.OO; m a rk o t a tro n g to s l ig h t ly hg iheP8J50; C attio rece ip ta 12,000.feed* S^eep rece ip ts 18,000.

o ja r- OHICAGO, Jan. 15.—Hcgs—Receipt) J.75@ 32,000. M arket, atrong. B u lk , ♦17.4 rough @17.70; butchera, ♦[email protected]; pacl >13.50 Ing, ♦[email protected]; ligh t, ♦[email protected]

piga, ♦[email protected]; rough, ♦lO.OOg «iar- 17.75.

ambs, Cattle— Rcccipta^__12,0^. • Markoi l j 5Cf@ steady. B eb vo a ,'^ .5 0 ^8 .8 5 ;' butcher weth- atockera, ♦[email protected]; canners an 50. cuttora, ♦[email protected]; etockera and too i

era, ♦[email protected]; cowa, ♦[email protected] t t l f r ^ calves, ♦15.7516.25. teers, Shrep—Receipts, 21,000. Mnrkel g7.73 owes, ♦S.OOglO.W.I.00@ stead)'.' Wool lambs, ♦[email protected]

9@ GHIOAOO OSAXN OPENIH UU6.70 CHICAGO, Jan. 15.—Oom: Jannar

~ ' michanged; February up 7*'8; Uareh a; a rko t 7-8; May up 11-4; J u ^ dowA 3-4. iJ25@ Oata: January nom iud; February u]

1-4; March up 3-4; M ay up 2-4; Jo l' uoml&aL

Provlalona higher.Itie— ------^, lOo OHIOAOO O LO Sm a QRATV l.50@ CHICAOO, Jon. 15.—Corn—January ilvea, up % ; Fobruarj-, up 1 u-8 ; March, U]

W ; May, up. G-H; Ju ly, up 5-8. ;• irkc t, Oate—Ja'huary, up 14 ; Fobtuary bcav- down V4; March, unchanged; May, u] L7.65; 5-8; Ju ly, unchanged.

^rovialons' steady.irko t, . ---------- ,♦8.50 O B A IN B B V IB W

CHICAGO, Jan. 15.—Country o ffe r . Inga were Ught in grain futut«R.on th<

Chicago, board o f trade today.- Pricei generally higher a t the outset, saw foa

“ ®@ material changes. Provisions wer« -00® slightly o ff. •- aad January corn, unchangod a t the op

oning, ♦1.36^,. gained M. February ifket, gorn, 7-8’ higher a t th oopenlng, 131; wai

up March corn; up 7-8 a t tbo op ening, ♦1.30%, lost May com, op enlng o t 128%, 1% up, was o f f 3-8

»ath- j j j j y g o jj j was unchanged a t 1.26%, a f 0-50; ter, opening o f f %.

January oats, opening lato ^ 66% up M, gained the aamo fraction In 1& ter trading. Fobruar>* oats, % hlghej

-The a t tho oponing, GtUi, gained 5-8. M a r f l a lity oata, % higher n t 67 5-8, the openiag gher. waa o f f . %. May oata, up % a t th< beep, opening, 67%, waa 5-8_lower. Jo ly oata,

unchangod a t {a late’ oponing, 64%, gained %.

cadyIN D IA N A P O LIS , Jan. 15.—Hog re

top, ceipta 15,000; market lOe higher; bea( heaviea ♦17.75@^17.86; medium aad mixed ♦17.60@^17.75; eomaioh'to eholee ♦17.60@^17.70; bn lk o f i^ea,# l7 .60@ ♦17.70.

Lie—' Cattlo recelpU 400; m ai^et str)ag» teer. Sheep receipts 400; market ateady.50@ ----------50@ . U VESTO O Keers, SOIJTH ST. PAU L, Jan. 15.—Cattie, 50@ fl,oob; market, steady; top, U S ; bolk,

■ ♦6.25@1.'5. rket, Hoga—Receipts, 23,000: market, 30® t i c i i y top, H 7 ; bulk, »17. r.70; Sheep— Receipts,' 15,000; market, fr40; stead.v.

wea,j N B W TO B K STOCKS.NKW Y O ftK , Jain. 15.—Prices were

; fm ctin iia lly higher at tho opening of I the "toi-k market todny. U. 8 . Steel

^ opened n t 5M 5-8,• up % ; Marine pre- t*n - forrcxl cx-divldend, 103%; D istillers; 51,

[o f f o-K; Mexican Petroleum. 182; Aaa>- ji-on.ln, 00; Bothlehem steel B, 5T-%', ap

Vi: .\m e i^ttu car nnd foundarj*, 83%, o f f -7i : llea.ling. 80< .

- The *tock market as a whole actcd jvery^well lu late tradin'g. Ball s'orka

'e"«. were neclertc-l. Hide and leather pre- :ferre.l mado a n«w high oa tho proaeat ; movement. GenemI motor* was up about 'n point a t 120. Studobakar turned

'’’@ J weak suddenly nnd lost over two {.oints.1 rri<-e« were f l r a a t the close.

------,• L'. ti. Steel clciscd a t f l 1-2. -.p I-:’ ;Tar- Onldwin 72, up 1-4; Marine preferred dda 1-2 5-8, o f f 7-8; Mexican 1 etrolcnm ; e f 1S4 7-8, up 2 7-8.

Thv market eloaed firm .

I ■' W B D N B S D A T i jrA N TT A B T 1^ .1M 8

m f fOF K m ITMSTEi

i ' Dr. Samuel Fortier, Dean American Rainmakers Poin Out- Mist9 l<es and- Possib Sources of Profit

In an addreM sivon a t tha Laveri theatre laat ovoiUpg by I>r. S&anol F< tie r, o h io f 'o f th e . Irriga tion dlT i*i( United States department o f agriei ture, interoBtins phoaca o f irrgatloa they immediatoly e ffoct r r i^ t io n Idaho -weio b inught to the a tton ti o f the largo body o f farmors and bu. ness mon o f th is section in aitendaai The' principal fa u lt .which be had f in d t r ith tho motbods o f i r r ^ t io i l . f l ] ployed , in Idnho waa tha t too . a«ii water ia wasted in tho growing crops.

Losil by I>o«p Forcolatlon .^ " In 'c o n s id e rin g tho methods o f

o p p i^ g water, provolant in Idaho, * tho most g iv in g defect ia <to be

found n tho onormotts quantities o f water, which ,ar« yearly lost by doop; percolation. There oocura deep

' percolation from canals, asoally " ca lled . soopage, deep percolation

from small ditohea asd fu rrow *, and deop pereolation from ir r i^ t e d fleldo. I t is perhaps no exagger-

. ation to state .that one-half o f this water annually diverted from the

. Snake r ive r is wasted by various forms o f deop pereolation," he said.Ho brought out the wanton waat« <

water used in f i l l in g up the pore BpM< and crovlcea in ihe lava roclc ondesl; ing iho rich soil, and alao-atated th i in add ition .to tbe actual loss o f wate vaat sums had boon ozMnded needle* ly !n the bn ild iag o f cbaonela to coi vcy w aior to irr ig a te soil unstirpaMe in fe r t i l i ty , ' when saeh p ro lif ic wast m iffht easily be avoided. . . .

Simple Bdaedipe E ffec tive “ Simple remedies to present tli

tmormoug losses o f irr ig a tio n water ea . bo greatly reduced,'' ho said, " i f mot

ro n ^ c ra t io n is gi^on to thom. In th f ir s t placo, water u ^ rs should not ]i{y moro water than tho top layer' o

'hoU can retain. I t la usually the o i por foot o f soil w f ir s t deprive o f p a rt o f its moisture. A n inoreasln; amount o f moisture ia asoally fdoa in each deaconding fo o t o f soiL 3eddo tho a c t io n ^ ca p illa r ity and g ra v ity i constantly exerted in d r a ^ g molstur downward. In eonsoquonee,'ioan aoih which are irriga ted every fe w week dnring the crop grow ing season, do bo rofjulre a large amonnt o f w ater to xt plenish w hat has boon taken by p lant or evaporated d irec tly _ from the soil Tbe common praetiee, however, is t apply from 2S to 100 per cent mor than the top layer o f aoil can retail ttfcainst g ra '^ ty , resulting ia a oorrta ponding loaa by deep pereolation.'* Qnotw P o s -H . B a tk

uoting from a report made in 191! by Don E . Bark, a t tb a t timo rapreaen ta tivp o f b is organixation, Ibu ^>eakr ^aaid tha t "T h e sooner tho fxOrmor* re aiding in th o ' upper ^ a k o r ive r valle: can bo m :^e to realize th fl groat aavicf in wnter "w hich can bo offeeted b'j cu tting np the ir long borders iu to short or d lvM om , tho bo tto r I f V iU b j foi a ll coneomod." / . '

Ho empbaaized tbo p<)tnt th a t the la ing o f canals w itb coment waa th)

muni (>arcesaful. uothod tu prevent th< c!»-npo o f valnable water, to be uae iu the ^ Ig a t io n o f crops, aod also e lin

■inato the possib ility o f any aoopagt in lower, areas, whleh while oxpenaivi

' in its i i i i t ia l patallation, woa a aavinj in tho long run.

‘ ‘ Money expended In the improve mont o f irriga ted land in the beglnninf nhoulJ bo made wisely and should hav< in view tho fo llow ing th lags: la rg«

.ji’idds. o f crops; better .quality o f cr ps rcudCtion in waato o f water; savlny time and labor in ir r ig a tin g ; keepinfl tbo aoil productive and nnhanrtng the value o f tba farAi. Unless money ap- IvTopriated fo r tbe improvement o f ir- rigntcd .land ia apent w ith a view fo those things, .a ,golden opportunity l ill'C t. "

Neighbor’s Policy Poor Onlda •In concluaibn ho said, " I n deciding

ui>on the best way to prepare a fie ld fo r irriga tion , tbo example o f a neigh­bor or tbe uiraal praetiee o f a commun­ity iii not au ffic icn t reaaon fo r adopt* in i' a particu lar method. The oaly a f« plan fo r ir r ig a tin g a farm is to exam­ine cloacly the conditions on one's farm and then ont o f many pethods, choose tlie i.iip which w ill su it beat.”

Thro»(;!iout th e . lecture slides wars ' iiacd whieh aided tbe speaker to more

fo rrn fu lly illoatrato the, d iffe re n t Im­portant points o f hla dlacouraa.

j A ^ n o u n c e m e i i t j

TIk* N’eijfhhom n f Araeriea w illIhiM th r ir next reifu lnr meeting a t tho 1. O. p . F . Ball TV idar evening a f 8

. <1 Vlrirj;. Tbere w ill be a class taken in. .mil installation o f officern. A ll \ i - i f i i ie mrmber* welcome.

To ■ "fin a n ce " a " T o L r t " advar^ t if in c campaign you asad oaly s«t.aslda — fq r perhaps a few days—a Jart o f rn n r pocket money.

CTaasifled Ads a r* e h a a t> -^ *« tiT * .


J o c a l Q r e - v i i i e j

H Back from California—C. U. llo lti or baa returned from Berkeley, Cb! •whore bo apent tho holidnyii w ith h M daughter. ■ *

M E a Eouto to ~ N b w 'Y o rk—.Mr. aii Mra. B.-C. Beach ofvLlmestono, Idnh aro horo fo r a short stay. They nro o

n o f tho ir way to New York c ity. -

O in tS Hero—Mrt.. Cliu.-. W. Di;S ib l6 ShoBhone, who boa been v ls itin

Mr». Jos. \V. Keefer nt tho Uogc'mo hotel, returned to her home yeatorda;

vering -Moets w ith Delco Mea—D. C. Wm )1 For- son o f Tw in Falls, apoat aoveral day rislon, iQ PocBtolIo th is week in attondan-- jr icu l- upon, ibo Deleo-Liffht dealers' convei ion aa tion.' . 'on ia ■ ■ ^ontioo. BMurns to Vancoover—Corporal W l ; buai- ton Eock leaves ‘Wednesday fo r yar Jaace. couver. Ho has beon- horo on furloug ad to tho last month. Hia w ife ond son wll tfl fliB* renVoin hero. n i ie l f ‘ops. B«i>oit ' on Bpldeailo—Twin Fall

pbynlcians Tueaday reported to Cit; I o f C lerk W. A . M inn ick a toU I o f twou ibo, ty-ooo new cases o f influenza thot dat

be niiiO' Of which were in Tw in Palls, tiesby _ M r& TraU Dle»—Mrs. R. H . T ra il o

oop Jerot^d died a t her homo in tha t cit; i l l7 f o f pneumonia. The- Trails aro wc1 .ton known .here, having moved from Chi iw * ," ‘‘ffRo aomo years'ago. 8bo fonveii'h«‘ ted husband and two daughters. •

t lb Seen T w in Palls r t r s t T lm *—Pro/c5 tho »or a n j Mrs. 0 . W. Waynjan are at ooa tending tho irriga tion congress fron 2,Q Vnlier, Mont. Ftofcssor Woyman hftJ

visited Tfv-in Falls-several times befori o f but th is ia M rscW oym un’s f im t visil

paeet Tw in Polls, le jly * 'y m t Eero to A id Taxpayers—S. C. J^zlei

o f Hoyburn, deputy. United States rOV dlesA- colloctor, ia bore to romaii:

thrboghout the balunuo o f the weeli w ith offices in tbo commissioners roOD a t tbo court bouse to assist delinquonl Incoino taxpayers in threading the maizes thn t w ill lead to tbo clsariofi o f the ir scores w ith the treasury do-

r caa , . _

r S S O fflM T—Tho -.loiv. ' hoard, o f ooiinty commls^loneni a t . ite

. K meeting hero Tuesday reappointed D r ° Clinrlos Q. McGinnis to bo rounty pUy

siclan an?l health o fficer. Dr. McQin utlB<r appointed by thu re tiring board7 ^ lo. th la position to f i l l tho vheaney oc-

- caaioned lost Docenibbr by tho entranct o f hlji predercssor. Dr. C. D. Weaver, in lo tho m ilitn ry ser%'iee.

IiM ves ..for ..Salt . . I* k a —H orry 1* Bracken le ft fo r Salt Lake yesterday

* ^ *** matters in connection ® 7 * w ith hia auto cy linder business in that

t l ty . M r. Br&cUon xocently instaUftd a lloa ld cylinder grinder and fu l l equip-

* ment in tho shops o f tho Johnson Auto Solos company. M r. Brocken w ill re-

rMih by auto.

Moots M aay Filendfr—A le tter from W. M. Lambing o f Tw in Falls w ritten ft few days oro at Long Beach, Cali- fornla, tells c i on In fo rnv^ga th e tlng Iboro ol which Pro iik Smith, Earloy

* Milner, D ick Bobicr, John Costello, Charlie M ull, W alter Cra\en, P. D- Neer, Tom Waro«?r and Bob Pitcairn, besides tho w rite r, a ll Tw in Falls men wero p rw o a t

to r tYouth Oonfesoas Porgw y — •lome*

* 1®* Stevens of BnW, 20 year old youtb,who is ncpuscd o f forRlnR his father-'s

^bo tionie to chi-Yks aggregating more -than wsed j 3oo oad who,was brought back a pri*- : l in - from St. Helene, Oregon, Monday P*«® by S h e riff A l H. Sprague, pleaded* gull-

ty to tbo charge o t forgery beforo Pro- bate Judge 0._P. Duvall Tneaday. Ha w ill rcrclVo ncntonvo in tho distrie t

ovo- court.w<wgiavo M U BTAU Q H NBW B KO TfiB " « r g « ---------- -p>i Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frederidkson aod ving children o f Tw in Falls woro ^n Mur- ping taugh Sunday.tho Dr. J . N. Davis o f K im berly was a ap- Murtnujih i-allcr Friday.

: ir - Aln Fu ller, who is attending high r lo srhool n t Tw in Falls, *pont thn week r Is end ot home.

IJo yd 'O rlffp n has ro enlisted in t|ie navy fo r four years. • ' '

Hag There w ill be Bod Cross Wednesdoy le ld and Thurs.luy iitternoons. Would like igh- aa many to turn Out as possible, lun- Blodwon rices spent Sandayht Twin opt- Falls. • • \taf« Mr«. Tod Itoyd entertained I t .jin- am- ner Thursday evening in-honor o f Itoy arm Hunt and Bob Kendel, wbo are on fur- x)te lotigh. Those present wore M r. ami

Mrs. a . Ivendel, Bob Kemlcl, Roy U un tj rers nnd Miss Blodney Rees. ilore H y P icke tt Is on the sick lis t. i Im- M r. and Mrs. Leo Doty moved r^e ir j

household goods to K im berly Salurdny. j Carloa Howard mado a business tr ip i

to Oakley the la tte r part o f tbo week.] Mrs. Lonla Edwards was a Tw in ]

» Falls v is ito r Friday. ;- Maa H a ll shopped a t T w in Falls Sat-1

orday. |Esther Adamson haj« b^oa sick tho

past fow days bn t is improving. •L M r. and Mrs. E lmer Chanc<f took

their In fan t daufjhtor to K im berly Ssl- j unlay fo r medical attention. “

: Get some IN fO B M A TIO ?? abont U— ; what i t w i l l cost, whara i t may be;

^ bought to bert advontago—through; reading the ada ' -

— ; - — — ' 1 It* . I Classified Ads ara ehaap-effsctlvo. ‘

. I

. i f l i f l ■ . ■■ ; ' - '

.lAn^A Cbildreo'a eyes a t school age., should have careful a tten tlo tt W«

' are able to give chUdrea th 6 .b ^ o f a tteo tioD . . w .

1 V711. W . a . P B IB B 8'jew e la r.O p tle taayan-

rlough . ..n w ill I ' j T .■ .■ ■ = ^ S g = ,

jFiADiS science:i: TOBTyB!I c ity '

well U nivers ity Dem onstrator Show How'W ools Shonld-be Olean- • ed.^nd Qlves Other H in ts

l^o/cs . thero is a scienuo in. tho Ogfrom to llin g o f the liwuidross wos prove:

. to tho satlsfactloo o f al)Out SO womo: flforo ®»***“ >blod Tuesday morning in .the pai v is it the F irs t Presbyterian «4tircl

a t a dQuioostrotioa io tho cloauiog oai renovation o f clothing conducted'■bj Miss Georgia B<‘llo E lwMl o f tho atot university •extension dcpartmBnt undo

. thu auspiccs o f tho women's suction o ' . tho jo in t conferoflco.

H i l l E l i ^ dm oastrated the scien ment niethod o f washiag woolen goi

the using fo r tho purpose two sweat. ora, oae of.closely ka ittod heavy yon

^ and tbe otbor a loosely kn itted gar ’ ment. Bhs demDnsUoted also how cor

acts may bo re-cleaned and made goo( aa aow, and showed how flo u r sack UHiy 1)0 bleached to become sorviceabli

, • “ iiin tu r ia l' for making into varioua gar monta.

pb>'‘ secrbt o f succcss in washing 'thi r wool, Miss E lw oll said, is to remombe

always thnt tho fabric is mado up o; y animal cells susceptible to varla tioa

o f tempemturo aad of. fric tion * unde certain coaditions. A lka li destroy such fabrics and a m ild soap muat bi

. uaed. Caro should bo taken to was! '' aaU d ry the garmeat ia evea tempera ^ tures aad rubbing smd w ring ing bj

i h l t " « *0 avoided.Miss Elwell advised measuring tb<

^ garment" beforo immersing i t and the« so placing ,it to dry that Iho shape 1i

J ; kept as neariy oa possible as I t wO: beforo washed. Loosely woven, wop should bo’ driod uadcr cheese cloth cov ing, sho advised.

The aubjecV o f dry cleaning and . pressing were touched upon, suggestion

^ ' boing made tha t pressing on tbe right sido o f the weove through a damp clo tl

‘ “ J’- woi^ld raise tho nap, whfch' oughi “ ' not to bo prossod othorwiao, and thal

• pressing o f seams over a cylindrical ob* ’ je r t such as n bottlu 'or ro ll o f papci

would make fo r most satisfactory re — suits. r ■ *

Bleachlag SoluUoa Miss Elwell gave tho follow ing form-

uia fo r tbe (lolutlbn known as Jtvvellc* water, which she used <n tho bleacblofi

“ o f. flo u r sacks: Dissolve one-half poundP ^ o f chlornted'lim e in two quarts o f cold “ wnter an if allow to stand u n til the llq- ^ nid is clenr.- A t the samo time in s

Hcparatc container, dissolve one pound . * n f T%-aslilng sodn in one quart of boiling

water, a llow ing tbo m lvture to atand un til cool and tbo sediment collecta on

_ Ihe bottom. The* Jftvclle Is made* h r un iting the two mixtures. I t should . bo kept in the dark In a sealed contain-

er. Ono cup o f this solution Is suffi- r icn t fo r one boiler o f water.

“ A S illy Question.When tbo b lcydo 'vns nt the helKbt

“ ‘8“ n f Its popu ln rlly 'on '- o f tho r.m ilc pn- pcni hod n squlb which n iiclBhlior wna rcprcsentiNl nn. nsklnc o f a ttto-

‘ r*" ycnr-old. “ Cnn yonr bnby sIsU t walk ' yet. JobnnyT" '•Wnlk?" rcspomloU

Johnny, (•eornfully. "1 should say“S)ot. Sho cnn*t even ride n bicycle yet.”

'w ill —■ ■'Get some IN FO B M A TIO N about I t —

,j i„ . what i t w in cost, whsT* i t may be Hoy bought to best advaatage—through fo r. rea«ng the ad*.

I 'v J Q n lc k ly Caaad B y P o n e t r a t i i^ tr ip H am lin ** W ixs rd O II f

“ * ’ ■1 A safe^^nd harmless prcpaKition ' to r e l ie f thy pains o f Rbciimatism,

; S c ia tica . La m e B a ck v ‘ > L u m b a g o »s 3, { . j H a m lin ’s W i/a r d O i l I t pcnetrr»tc»*ij

( ii i ic k ly , d r iv c - i o u t -o re iicss . and I I l in i l jc r s up s t i f f a ch in g lo i.n t* ;ind

thb m usclesY o u w i l l hn rl . i lm o 't H ailv uses fo r |

ook i t tn o f o r ac- iX,, c td c iU . >ucii a^ S iiia :ns . C i it l.b t ir iH .» and - . - - r c - Illa M c . lo r e n ra c lif. tu . 'th n c iic . '

I t— .1,'ct i t Iro i f t ;b« ' I f no t sati**^.? 1 r c i^ m t l ic n:i.-l I

. . . .' h ra .la c l- f? In-^i f v \V i: a r J I . iv c r , i

' I W h ip s . p lca »a n t 5 -filc p in k .sCl ,l v * . ‘ ccn ts . ( ju a . '« r tc c ' l • ^ j


I p e a r s o M . a . i i .

I ' EIIhou o f Hnhl spent TnesdsB hore.3 A. II. Ostrnndor is quite i l l w ith ilI "■ fliionza.■S K. n. DnrlhiKton is uttenaing tii'd 'tI rigntion congress.' ’I I I . E.' Vogel o f Pocntcllit is a bu*I - wfcs v is ito r here.I , -McOumou o f Buhl iv a busI ness v is ito r hero. 'I 8 . P. Atherton nttendod tho camI meeting yesterday, k .T. W. Xehargue o f Boise Is a busineiI v is ito r in our c ity.Sf* A. W. Irv in o f Jerome was hero tc

the canal meeting.X . O. Thompson o f Buhl wns hoi

Tuesday on businoss.Mrs. H . H. Schildmon o f Piler. w i

a v is ito r hero Tucsda.v.= 3 > . I . For in o f Burloy is o busiaet

v is itor in Twin Falls..Miirdo McLeod o f Bogerson is 'a bui

Inow v ls ito i' In tbo c ity .l liirvu y Huhlubous o f Joromo is her

fo r - th r irrigation congress. ' ^Lieutenant Lowronco F. Hodgin lel

J . U Tuesday evening fo r Idaho Falls. .Ben Dannah, a well known buaioes

9 ^ 8 mail o f Shoshone,'spent Moo(|ay hor JJ. X^rs. C. W. Simpson waa a v is itor ii

T w ill Falls Monday from har homo a i IteTKOT. . . ’

• K. E. Sbophonl, mauagor o f thi »g« North Side U n d ond W nter Compaay

is attending the Irrigation congress.imen ______ •par-iirc li Height o f lll-Mannera.oad To a lt o t n woiunn’« Inblo i;nd Intei s b j use her wciknew cs o r Ignnroncrx t«

Itate poUH a Jest Is ao t an uahconl-of tblnj:. nder bu t I t la a sbamefal one.n o f ................

Remove* rta tp in Dano«r.’1®“ * Clipping ifep poin* ” w ife ly pin g“ - s liding thc' coll rtver q hatpin and <•!<*- reat* ihe clnap over the point o f the lnl >ora te r w ill protcct U fro tn In ju ring o pfi- g«ir- son. cor-

Ter A t l to r rw b m ^ ,Cuffs w ith elostlc edges to inok.

them tig h t have hcen lnvent«Ml to m able ontomoblllsts to work about i f i t l i cnrs w lthnn l nolllng.the lr cool or «hlr( Klecvet. .•

abor s ':t o f _ioas Possessed Required TalenL .□der Employer—‘T h e poslllon n^qulres ii roys greot nmount o f mechanlcnl oxperl- t be cnce.” Appllcflat—**I hove owned a set- rash ond-hond automobile fo r two months." lera. Employer—“ Acccpted I"—L ife .

by ________ ___________Mere Convincing,

t**® Volet—"Om* o f your criHlUorrt wlnhes to see you. s ir." '•Tell him I'm oiir."

0 V n le t - “ Yen. Hlr. And r i l ’ JuhI I Ir I iI ono o f your bent clgiirx, « lr t li>‘U be more Ukely to believe ran then." ^

coW ___________________2.■ “ Charm** w save icexn.

I I wns n lUininn custom to hnnt: beads o f red coral «m the «Tudlus o f

'8^* lu fa a t* o^id around th e ir nccka to “ pre- •o rre and fasten the ir tMfth"and save

>gbt f r o a fa llin g slckaess."thatob- — 7 - ---------------------

ipcr • Valuable Traveling H in t ro- I f bottles o f medlclnc. perfume or

other' preparation*.ore to bo carricd when traveling, dip the topa la melted

irm- parafBn to avoid the dancer o f leak- •elle ' *

Paper From Linen Rag*.•old When paper was flra t made from

linen, rags Is uncertain, bot a w r ite r ol “ ® A B. 1200 recorded tbat the Uneil

wmpplogB round mtunmlea were sold ling to the scribes to moke pQX>er fo r sboi>

keeper*.on • _______ ,___________ .

- Cleana A ir fo r Carbureter.To clean the n lr-fJ in t enters nn nii-

‘ I " ' tomoblle c jirhureier nn Inventor hu»' i» iten t« l a devlcn fhnf pasxes It llironRh eun-e<l. nqnan* 8cctfone<l inbcs, the d ir t f>oInc throu-n In jh<- >■1110 b.v centrifnjrnt force. -/

i;ht ___________________ ~ .

_ Rural Residents Decrease.Every, timo In the last h n lf conliiry

jj j j j thnt n consttK hns bi'cn tfilcon It hnn led Incronnr In the percontiiu'’int urbnn dwollor* In nnclnn il nml

Wnlo.i nnd o decrcnso In the projior- lion o f m m l residents.

t - Get acme IN FO B M A TIO N about i t — be w bat i t w i l l eoet, where I t aioy be

Igh bought' to best advantage—through readiag

j p xo ITHEA K D

>n * TO M O BiO W . ^"• 1 cwitic Satu» M A TIM SB:»*! .

Id ■ C T ' ■'K IO H T V J V -

5r I ___ __________ __

V. IT 'S A S M A Shc- I

' I FATTY THE FOUR FL1-1 i ^ . Arbuckle domedk j ----------------------------- — ----------------—

iS- , . A N E N JOI —

3 We A re .tllesdsy

- Whittall V• The reputa tion o f these

busi~ ity , re lia b ility and depends designs and colorings. F i

busi- . -

V in c e t t t FisiDoss Next Door to Iiave ring Th

ro fo r — — ; ; ; ; ^ ~ ^ = S = = = = = = = =


. . . .

linOM-- J W o rtlilil* t« n S iO w

W orthington Kolloy, owner o f a f iu I bus- two miles woet o f Tw in Folio oa whl<

ho mode original entry 14 yeors 0(1 here dl<td Tuesday evening o t o luciil liosplt

wiioro ho bad boon a patient fo r fo i i^ t suffering from prietunoalo. TI

‘ romolna ore at tho Oroaby uadertakii estoblishmeot. Funeral arraagemoa

uoess w ill bo completed nj>on the a rr iva l he: horo -of relatives from thp east .

py in Mr. Kelley wos about 40 yeare o f 0| at and was unmarried. B e is tu rriT od I

his father, a brother aad slsUr lia We V irg in ia , two siatera, M im s i W * i Mobol K e lly , here, aad a brother ia t l

paay, n iilita ry aervico'ia Fraaee.Mrs. J. B . Ito lfS B ron

Tbo remains o f Mrs. J . B . LoMuayoi , - who died Tuesday moraiag a t her hoc

" in Gr^nd;-Jnaotibn, Colorado) aoeofl , poaied by her mother, M rk

' ' Woodhcod o f ^Twia Falls, wbo was w ii her on a v is it whea the ead eaae, $i rived here to d ^ and have been t ^ e to tbo Grossman & D e W itt tmdertal

I* '" ing eBtablisbmont pending tbe eempli tion o f funeral arrangements. Prelln

' inory plans provide fo r funera l Mrrie« I"'*' iiudur tho auspiecs o f the Eastern Sta

f Robert Blma -Kobort Sims, ogod 17 montha and

nokr dnya, u u o f M r. and M rs. 0. B . Sim > pn- F if th stroot south, died Tuesday afte: Ih f lr noon from jlq^oumonla fo llow ing in f l i -‘b in «rizu, from,^yfiic.b tho-jiareata both ai

suffering, ’^ n o r a l aerviooa were hei th is afternoon from the home, aad i i lorm nl was in tho T w in Fa lls temt

es uperi- *,w- ^ S k / i th H o a ta a n d


Hhes TUo E lk s ’ lodge colcbratod Us Ot tiir." annivcraary here lost evening w it IIk Ii I dancing and cards. A largo crowd wa 1 be il l attendance. Delicious refreshment ^ —. were scri-ed nml a ll report a very et

, joyablo timo. '«

mnt: Dr. and Mrs. H. *R. Oroomo gave s o f dinner a t tbo Ro({orson Cafe last evei pre- ing, tU^ir guests being M r. aad M r lave John Detweller, Miss Elsie -Detwolle:

M r. oad Mrs. & B. Heiaecke, M r. oa ' Mrs. C. Tj. Smith. A fte r the dinnfi

they spent the remainder o f tbe evet B or dancing a t the E lk s ’ club.

. Being Sure o f Them.Some spinster* <h> not believe li

tuxinR buch>'lorM'. tb t'y believe iaaoU Ing them.

^ Ploying War.Croro Bobble, ngod flvi*. wji«« pluylng war •r o f pillows. H is mother kept caH-laetl loe bIm to brenl.’fitx l, onti nt IqhI. grpw- to ld lag Impatient. nIii> look n stick pn'd hot> Btnrte<l opstnlrs. * Bobble, engnged lb

his hatUo. was TOyinii: “ Now France Is iK'nllng. now flennnny." nnd when he aiiw his mothor h r m i\rle< l under ihe b rtl aaylng: “ Her*’ coroef* America,

h„v and she always bents."It ■ - ••_______________

ne<l Before Dayf o f Furnaces.j Im- ' Yule Is an Anglo-Siixon wnnl for -/ Christmas, hence Ynletlde, meanlnK

Christm n* Umo. nnd th»- yule U'C which uaed to b« piled on the henrtb fo r the

ury making o f n big. cheerful fire. The hnn ' ok thoncbt to, b rins goo<liii;,. fortune nnd blt« o f l is rhnrred re- [jfiij innlns woro Kii%-eil lo *<tart tliir next lor- yt'or's Chrl«tmn« Hr** wUh. But that

wns beforo tho (lnyn-o f furnoces or bascbomers.

i t — •be Classifled Ads are cheap—«£feetiv*

ogb •Bobscribe aow fo r the NEWS.

E 0RPHEIJIH THEy7-part prt>doetion ^ t h CHARLES BAY

Saturday Eveaiag Post story


FLUSHER I :: : THE PE,aedy ^ . ®eautHo

JO Y a b l e ; f e a t u r e p

• , ' . . . . . . . ^ ...............

the Hom e o f ,

Wilton Ru^lse ru g s 'iB y o « tr g u a ra n te e o f q n o l-

n d a h le w o r t h . S ee o n r d la p l^ y o f .

P r ic e s re a s o n a b le .

F u r n i tu r e Go.Theatre . . . Phone «0B


The ■'iiuiis Committee Is Appointed to Se “bm Legislation Necessary t

Provide for State Inspectio and Standards

The Idoho Seed Growers’ assodatioi ^ in sessSoa here, th is mondag w eat b

record in fa vo r o f leglalatioa to p to tid _ fo r state Inspectloa aad gradisg e f ]»

tatoes, and fo r tbe aeeomplisbmertt c nyoa, eommittoe composed o f Xi. 0 . Aiobe: bone Aberdeea; H . J . Weaver, n ie r ; J . J

Beasley, Idaho Fo ils ; B . B . Buaoi iara«l ■ ,^ 0 , This action was takea fe llew ing t t

g f. preseatatioa o f tw o proposed . lesoh ^ e a by BoaaoviUe county fa rm s irtak- snggeating obaages ia -tb e staadwd'C Bplft. potato grades enforced last year tbroag rellm- odm lalstratiea.Tieea Other OosxmitteM irsB edStar. A-nom laating eommittee was appoia

cd yoatorday to c o n ^ - o f 3 . tL Besda; Ido lio Falla; Chroloa DeOamp, Mopi

ind 7 tolnhomo, and H . . 'W iley, S priag fla l A committoo on rosolotleaa also Wl

Mter- numud to consist o f the fo llow ing : J J. Leth, Boise; Wm. E . Gibson, JUt-tri

b aro taiahomo; L r A . Aieher, Aberdoeo: " d^in- AdTisea Begiim lag s t.E o a a

The aood growers th b m era liig In w rer. ^ address by H . K . WU-iy <

S M g f le ld , oao b f the leodiag elov( a c K ^ w e r s o f the state^.oa the f« l

I f f jo « F o f -markota to r Idabo seeds^ i which he said tha t the solvtiBa b f t i

k problem waa p re tty <-moeb to ' t l form er k lm so lf aad Talttablo « s ia ^ c o m ight -be eoeated throogh «

t Oth op<>ration o f the severa l-fana hM ta w ith o iton iM tiono .

i was E n lbort, assistoht profoHaor <oenU UoI»ersity o f Tdabir en- oddreased the seed grow «n oa bsft

growing In -Idaho.Jndgijig o f the exhib its aad awor

vo a I o f premiums haa beea. completed.Bven- The »eed grpwcrs adjcuraod a t no3 M rs. ^ ^ ofteraooa In ^ i a t aenln oiler, ’ '^^b the irr ig a tio n e o a g r ^ '

in“ oJ M A I . BOTA^ T ttAKgPBBB9v«B. I K T w w P A £ L B o o u w rr

Toaaday, JroBoa^ i«Ostraader L ib b e r company, T w i

i II I to Gail Schroeppel, Tw in JV lip.1» . part lo t 11, block S, Jones additlot

^ a Falls, $1.Jesale M. Simmona and w ife , Tw ii

Falla, to Ralph R. Cole, T w ia TtilM, le w ar 1 and SE 1-4 NE 1-4 and E 1-S, aectloi C*n- 18, tw p. 14, range 16, $L •pW' Pocatello Security Trust company U 0d4 Julius Schlake, Bnhl, lots 1, 2 aad 3 ] lb block 9, B lue U k e s ' additioa, Tw ii ince F alls, $2,050.'bCD Sazatiel Fonts and w ife . Tw in Falh ider to W. T. Carter, Tw in Falla, lo^ i lica, OracelaDd subdivision. Tw in Falls, $S,

OOO.PoeotoUo Socurity Trust company ti

E H. Butler, K im berly, lots 4 aad C fo r block^ 7, Bine Lokes-add ition , T w it

i ln * Falls, «lv100.:\tch I ' ■the T IA J U A H A H A T KO T BBOPBK

The FRANCISCO; Jaa. IC W InCoffro th , boxing imprssazio aad orgsa

^ izer o f the Lower' OaUfomia J o ^ club, does not see aa early opeala; oi the T iajuoaa race course. Severe poa* port regulations fo r Americans aeslria] to go in t6.M oxico w ill hold up the open Ing o f the- track.

tiv * . • ----- ------------------Advertise i t in the Classifieil coluaiu.

o f The News. Somebody w il l v s a t I t


^Y in tb . dra-


j jM . X : •r r t E p i G W O O D S

PEARL OF THE ATUNTIC 1t i f t iU y H a n d C o lo re d S c a a io


EffioiFIilCCOf ERENCE I UTB POINT-Sessions of State Agricultural, n j ; Livestock, and Irrigation So- ^ cletles Meeting Here lUake ^ Claim for Interest

MOSPITALITY PROVENv i r a WHEN , HOSTELRIES FILLM e ' ■ • •• • ' (liB panqne ts Fea tnre s t Close o f i>< K Second p a y 's Proceedings— |’j' I I I Shoithorns, W a te r and Seed r a . S ig Cards TodayI n ' j------, ■ iir■ ffl'S ew io in o f tho 'StAte Furm liurtfau I f f n d o t tbe Idaho Sood Orowora' asaoci* I t tU o n v io in po in t o f iutcront w ith the lU a h o IrrigaH oa OoagrosB and tho b ig H v e s ^ o c k a ti'be ing fftctors in the H b lh t coaforonco o f Idaho^agricu lturo l, HftvoBtock, oo^ncerine and i r r i ^ t io u bo< ” H ile tiD s meotingf.hoTW th ia • wook, w U l« 'V H ^ o ' progroma in th<5'itomoa’a aectlon " ' I B w o f/o rd io ^ a wealtb o f p ro fitab le n m l holp fu l ia fo m n tto n .Kff . Af >mr>TnnA tl/\nm JpQf 'All 'W Tho nanberfc « f ' tho conforonca vi*I> IV a n i roache'd ‘ near tbo l,SOp m nrk vcs- j^, jffia rday, and'eVoty soction o f the itafra 1 ^ woll oa tomb nnigbboring atatos were I -opro«ant«d: Tbo hotoI.<i'h)D{t aince have’B •eachod th i» 'lim it o f the ir eapncity In I laxrin^ fo r tho visitorB, but tho h M fi- I a lity o f Tw in Falls pooplo is standing _ I ho \tea t and no v ia lto r boa jre t com*I tlunod o f laok o f aoconusodatlon.I iBoaaiona o f (bo Irr ig a tio n Congreaa ,,p, I lontioQod^ throughout thu d a / yeater* | | „ n la y i Tb.» ^ a r a Bureau a a l tbe B«»d k Qrowers, nwBting w pata te ly in the I (oronoon, adjourned a t noon fo r tho an*I ooal aeoUpg o f tbo T w in Falls Canal Iji'om pany atbekboldora/ while th e ir n m -

bera ^de 'oxcu ra iona to pol^ta o f seen* ic ia'tereat or. attondod the aesoiona o f tbo Irr ig a tio n Congrcas or tbo Hereford iralu undor the auspices o f the liveotoek . ■ HocictioB. ■

’ Steckm en/ftt Banqpet The stockmen eW m blod t iu t ovoaing thi

a t a bonqaet in the Itogoradn bot«l» no wbcro d u r i ^ tbd repast, tboy listened to talka by w e ll known leaden in tbe nri indns try in d a d in g W. A . O o e ^ f ie ld ,ie representative to r the Ameriean S hort' »u born association; Uogb Sproat, .presi- ntr deat o f tbe Idabo t^o o l G fo ire t* ' m o - lie f ia t io n ; C. M . MoAWster, represent*- be tix'o o f tbe Portland Union Stock j t r d a i i,V Jt F.'XUnoharty fie ld , animal buabi^id- ' litan fo r tbe U n ivers ity o f Idaho. OoL tin Z. 8. Branson o f T w in Fa lls acted as wo toastaastet. ou.

H ear T tlta i Axoasd Table «-<<A t tbe aamo.time an in fo rm a l b u * of

(]uet an^- reception fo r . o tb fr. jo is t- l»'< conforcnce v is ito rs wna staged in .the vc. H ote l Porrino, reaponsoa.^to to a ks 1>«iag g iven b y A . J. I ^ d e r , p iW U eat o i t k t ucj Boctl OrowersVassocU^lofi; I^r. ^ n o e l ^al F o rtie r, c liia f o f tbe deftiOtment o f « ( • l> ricu ltn re ir r ig a tio n d iv is ion ; Joel 7 . Priest, manager o f tbe Oregon Short U n e ; .Mrs. H .- W. Clonchek, «o«nty rba lrm ao o f tbe council o f defease'{n't women'* cbm m ltt*#/ B . K . ’ 8bepbecd, «‘ l> p res iden t-o f the Idaho .Irx lga tloa . e«tt> ttir gress; .P . A. W ilk ie , stnte engineer; <lo M rfc Burtoa Uorso, fo rm er president o f »« tbe Tw entie tli C entury, d o b , T w ia tbo F alls, and.W . F . A lw orth , president o f an tbe BtaU fa rm ,t>oreca. ' erh

Shad L . Hodgin o f T w in .F d ls , acted ae tosstmaatw. ' > ' on.; 'oorvemor's AbHoee Disappomta

Tbo several societiea tb ia m o m l^ each faced a f u l l day; replete w ith c » - s ideratlons o f interest and p ro fit to = tbo membership aad to the citiw jns o f ^ tho state lo gbnonil. The Seed Grow- era a t the lend « f th e ir forenoon ses- ■Sion adjooraed to meet .this afternoon in jo in t ^ n ^ o n w ith tbe Irr ig a tio n con- grea^ ’ i

Duappomtment ia t;oneraIly exprc.u- «<1 over the ia a h iilty of. Oovernor D. W. DAvis to Attend and addrusK the jo in t Ineoting o f tbe 8eed Orowern and Ir r i- gators-a* sehodaied fo r th is oftorrxjon.

U r e Stock Day fo r Bnrean TodAy Is Hreatock <lay fo r tho Farm

Bureau. • Fo llow in j; lUscuxsion Kcnuain . to tbo sub jcc t. Icii l/v rffoRciiri'rl mj. tbo rltios , the ori^anizatiou adjourno l a t noon fo r the tihnrthorn m Io. which i» regarded ox tbo bi^; event o f tbe con­ference * frum tbe > ta n iliio iu t o f ihv iit^ k m e n , and which i* in ij-op-rss ia the M rM aster barn.

I n the Women's Section *Ta the women'« iu>ctioR convention

v is ito rs th is aorn in ); b c o rj able talks eo child welfare and increasing boaltb Ktaadards o f young children by Mrs,E . B. Bennett, o f. tho U n ivers ity of Idaho extension d irls lon . Th is o fter- U0m U ra . J . U - Pierce o f Berger la t« dlscoss eopveaiences in 'th e farm home .and Bodolpb W eaver is to contlnoa his ta lks oa home bn ild ing begnn yester-

I t k i ^ u U s in b jK t to d v . " H . i - lag tbe 'K ltcbea C ff ie le n t."

j lS m C F T B D B O B BBBT F A IL *" POBTLA2SB, Ore., Jan . IS ^ K e i- ' w lths taad ing -the fae t O. O a rfiak la 'a > w a lry s ta r* b w ith in h a lf n .block o f • pellee p a tio s , t i n bandiU a ttaap ted to hold i t 1 9 a t 9 e'e loek U ia a e m - la |p ' A bnBst fnrrewad ita w ay aenes i t e top o f O arfiak la 'a bead w haa.ha t i te d ts daek baUad a eoonter. H a may

t lM d id s tsp t» vab; ■ V ' ^ l ) i =


.Needs o f L o ca l SchooJ Sy p o r t to D ire c to rs o f Im t r ic t N u m be r 1....Neces

! A p p a re n t i f R ising- Ger , B e n e fit o f M od e rn M u

One o f tbe most comprehensive, and catlonal needs o f a commtuitty y « t work< H a i O. Bine, head o f Independent Schm to tbo school board o f. directors a t a roce

■ Tho report deals primnriJy. w ith cou-*^~ (litions aa tiiey exist here bnd poiuttt out pr

’ I ’la in ly tbo neccsHity o f expanniou Along ioi ovorj- lino i f tbi- advnutugOfi to which lu* llioy nro c iit it le il uro tn continue to bo ♦!, nvailablo to the siuiliuttn. In addition foi lu tliia ,a thorough atudy o f tho entire r j i liroblem o f JuoJorn oducation is uin- th l>rni'cd, nnd tho poiiitH mado and cun- ]>li fhisioDB drown aro o f goiicrnl. nn well rei n . Mpecifie ihlcrent. an

Tbo te x t o f tho re jiort fo llown: .iJ*The Board o f Education .

Tb l' great war in over, a groat vie- tory fo r democrnry nml liberty has beon .. won, poaco in eu.'ttling down over tho wOTld-and wo nre beginning to" tu rn ',pjj our attention ti> groat problemn which .. tho immodiiffe future must solve. Those Kfoat problums h iiv i' conn' out o f tho \ ‘ UrOat war. Thoy touch every institu - tiou bocnuKU MO great ins titu tion wan le ft untouchcil 'b y tht^ wnr. Govoru- ment, politiCK, rulig ioh, liusinciiit nifd ••ihu-ation -have felfc the powerful iu- fliicncoB o f tho war and.iiro now being rplntorproted in tho lig h t o f tremonii- ' t'u.n eurronts o f social change. .These K great lo s titn tiu iu aro going to bo ro- , adjusted In or<lor t h i t tboy may be tto r . «olvu tho groat problem* to whieh tbe people o f the world muBt give Borious thought. . '

llo l& tivo to the hiK titution o f eduea- Ho»i i t 'docti not reiiuiro a g ifted mind to discorn that the public sehnols o f *"* America w ill uevor again .bo 'ftrhat tboy hnvo been. Our institutioDs o f cdiica- ' tion w ill iindorgn opoeh-making cbang- i‘H. Their aims aro going to be redcfin- f«l. Tho ir formB o f brganiralion and “ . nilm ipistratiou nro going tu tindorgo -oino m odificntionn.' Tboir curriculums aro going to bo vitalir-ed in order tha t *' thoy may sntliify groat human nqods now Bo.apparout. Thoir methods ar<* going to bo reformed nnd reshaped In nriler tha t edueaitional labor and en-. •Icavor may bo moro offoctive. These Htop? o f growth and prof^eiifl w ill u lti- iim tely roveal'the true meaning o f pub- * f lie education,' a - moaning which has ** bevn brought in to clearer ponpoctive l.y tho.m igbtio^t con flic t o f tho ages.

The great wor also served to c la rify thp atmosphore ro la tivo to cortaln weaknesses' and wrong tendoncies In our aebemo o f pubiic education. Tbeno *’**' weokncsses thrown in to tho clear l ig h t o f day havo Munned us. Wo have hoeu tfmnzocl a t .whnt tho war has Iro- vcaled. 80 ; w ith , the coming o f peace, the greatest legislative p rogram 'for od* ycatJonal reeonatructlon and roprg&ni- , cation in the history o f America waa l>lfired before the congress o f the U n it- ed States. 'H ils program had Its be- ginn ing in the National Education As- Hoeintion o f ■ithe United States, the • greatect organization o f teaehera and eduratoni In the world. Tt provides-for the creation o f a department o f educa- tion a t the bead o f whieh w il l be a secretary o f education, a member o f tho president’s cabinet. J t p ro v e s ,fo r an annual appropria tion 'from tho fed- ‘ eral treasury o f • 100,000,000 to be g iv- •>'. en over to the une o f the several states kI'o on .condition tha t a li^o sum Is appro- j <■0 * pr.Iated fro m state tnyisvries.- Tbla w il l "po make Available annuoly fo r thiKcatise o f public education * 200,000,000 p r o - nio<

N O W ! I S ^

To Buy Good Irrigated LarCarey land a t 431.50.per acre; | 8^

in fourteen eqnal anndal Installments, im Proved Dp and Improved lands $7S to

Oood water r ig h t; g o o ^ ir r ig a t i i^ < cents per acm per annum. *Orow 'W g ct a lfa lfa^ potatoes- Oood genfcral difrorslf o f stock do well. A ltitn d e 3500 to 4000 I nRc. A going concern—80,000 acrcs ui ■•li-vatorn on the project. ' .

I nereas6 in Cost o fOn A pril 1, 1019, tho price o f water

lands on tho .Valier project w il l l>q inCrM not make \-otir plans to v is it the V alier

L e V s T a lk iM r. W. M. Wi^Taan wiU be la Tw in

Idaho Irr iga tion Congress, Jaanary.lS-1 rise H o te l See Mm aad ta lk tbe m att you a ll aboat the opportnnitles in the ^

Send fo r oor illustrated booklet an

V a lie r FarijaV a l i e r , h.

W . iL W aym an .-P re s idsn t.Pleaae eead me frM lite ra tn re aboai

Name ___________________________________

^ P. 0 ___________________L l ! ___________

TION PROBLEMS ' i MLLSCOlTyiSystem Set Forth in Re- • Independent School Dis- j; cessity_of expansion is rJeneration is to Have the J lducationa4 Worlc. T- ' ' «___________ J , . . \ a

ind thorough-going analyses o f the ed.i^, urorked out la contained In the report i y ukh o o l D is tr ic t Number 1,'and sobmltted brecent meeting o f t h i t body. u

--------- Vprinted from federal and Htato troiCaur- 0

f los. O f tbla groat oum, $15,000,000 w ill t. > lu* Hpent fo r tho removal of- llU tomoy, *1 ) ♦ l.i,0(l0,000 fo r thu A iuoricanirjjtiou of X foroigncrs, $100,000,000 fo r tho oquali- 0 J Kiition o f odueational. opportunities "- throughout tho \iia tio« , HO,000,000 fo r a • ])liy!iieal uud health education and rec-1 reution,* and $.10,000,000 fo r tbo prep- •*'

uratiou nnd tra in ing o f teachers. Tbla " i.H » groat program and marks the won- jle rfuJ and powerful changes coming fo g lu ir scb«lli% o f public oducation. •'<

Tho f i r s i jtolocUvo d ra ft uhowed tbat there woro 700,000 iilito ra tc ii 'iotwoon 1’^

- .tho ages o f 21 and' 31 iu tbia country. « T h is .fa c t stunned, us. Wo found out

t lm t Uliteratea do not mako good sol- ili.TH. Wn hnve also lcarno<l tha t thoy

do aiot make good ciUzens; UJitoracy thrown in to clear re lie f proves to 1/e a

cancerous spol u^wn tbo social struc- ' lu re o f tho-nation. Wo seek to know

onr share in tho noiutiou o f thia gigan- t ic national problem. Wo havo eomo ™ I de fin ite ly to know t^ a t our. local pro-

gram must Bubscribo' to thp groat na- lio.nai movement uIT'this point. I t is

clear tha t .wo can no iongor ignore our ' rcsponsibllltioH re la t iv e 'to thoao who ®‘ mnk'o up th in large illito ra to clasii. -

Tho .ceiiBiiH o f 1010 showed tha t wo , hud nearly 14,000,000 person* o f for- I oigii b irth . Thoso facts aro concretely . linked w itb Am erica’s troubles w itb n , certain group o f her foreign element . during tho w a r.' A t tho t it to Of our

partic ipation in 'th e gJ-cat conflic t, our , Hocial.tttructuru had fa ir ly disintegrat- I ud in to small provincial social unitsI w ith the ir small lucalized'attitudcs andI their.•peculiar diHregard fo r the largo

fn.torH o f uatioriul rejationships. Wc,I now, roallzo thn t our great ta«k lies , i l l tho developraout o f a social consei- * ' I ouanoss tba t ahall sweep tbo entire oa- , tion. Thla Ig reflocted in the s p ir it o f •“ ■ "o t ic flog fo r our country,” “ ono . tiingu'e fu r our la n d ," otc. I t is now **•

u itiina lo ly dear tha t we can uo longoi; " , tolcruto Hchoois iu which childron o f , jiro itiloleaceiit age are Uiught in a for- “ 1

oijrii tongue. Suslj schools are cantors J’* fo r ,Ih o perpetuation o f ideuJs foreign lo onr system o f govorum.ont. - The na­tion must assume responsibility fo r tho o tliiru iion o f a ll forcignem who eomo Si to our dhorc.H i f we uro to insure tho oi Hjifety unil continiinnce o f our free in- th xtitutions.- W e’ iiecd a natioval system di • if oducation which w ill provide fo r the to complete Americanization o f m illions he o f foroijjnerM. Wo have a pa rt to p lay g i in th is groat program o f Apioricaalaa. co tiun and wi> cannot ignore i t . Tbe |2 Tw in Falls publie schools havo-a con- rd ir ib u tlo n to mako bore. nc. The f im t selcctivo d ra ft showed th a t rn

wc had nearly. 800,000 mea o n f i t fo r m ilita ry sorvirfo. This is another fa c t I t t lia t Htunnod the Ameriean people, k ] Thcsfl men wero rejected ^becabse o f Oi physical impairmenta. • The enbrmous fn losit in vo lvc il^ in tho n n / it 'in d iv id u a l gf, i!< a m atter not tb bo <jbna dered light- nn ly. A program fo r ijva ltb edui'ation or. should bo undertak^ir th^ugbo u t the *d country. I f are ' to accept the re- cq] »poniibn ity which'has been placed'up- p jj on our shoulders tn 'th o defense o f de* , 0, nio< ra ry in tho worM. wo munt seek to jq i

■ ' In.

T IM E ,T i,---- ch

■ arL a n d a t V a l i e r , M o n t a n a ^

1 8 ^ per acre f lra t payment, balance no M, interest a t a ix per cent per' annnm. to $\2S per aere; eaay te rm i. d rloVconitm cU on. Maiatenanee f i^ ty , j „ ig etopa o f wheat, oat*, barley, f la i , o rtlf le d farm ing cotmtry. A l l kindfl 000 feet. No sage bmsh, good dra in . . !S under water. Six banks, alxteen tbl

o f W ater R igh ts '£ater rig h t* fo r tbe Ca^ey and deeded me BCroased to $M per acre share. W hy ba U ier country now f ha

k I t Over vc“pn

rw in Falls d u in g the sessions o f the ,1S-17. H is addre tt wUI be the Per- m atter OTsr—h * w il f "be%l*a;:to.t«U > u,, he V a lie r eoontry. ' ^ ^t and other l l te n tn r * . ^

^ Sales Go.« M o n t . to

0 . A . Band, Seeretary. bt iboat the V a lie r landn.

; ats< fa r

r * «ng■ ■ “ ■ ' ev«

. , ' - J - , ' . . i .1.1 , I. tde

' . • ■

':,TW INyALLS■develop t lic liighont typo, b f physical

, manhood. I 'o th is,end «we ne.od lh our schools uvorywhcro n typo o f modical service which w ill- flo t only discover

f ilefectM but remedy thdin.' r lu tbis.progRun fo r rco i^uniz ing the

ins titu tion o f public e’d ilh ttion , there Is tflu jid a now* olemont which has.made i t s j l f fo lt w ith in the lost two years.

- This neWfeJemont,involves a now sp irit ’ o f natlonalisni. .The narrow _ provin-

y la lls m 'th a t dominated our scheme,of public oducation In tbo paat la rap id ly

} g iv ing way., to thla now -note o f na­tionalism .' Wo nro having our units of

' th in k in g greatly-enlarged. We are .bo- K inn iiig to Interpret our local problomH

, and our loenl pltjns fOr growth and progress in tho lig h t and color o f tho ir

. u ltim ate contribution to - th e na tion ’s in'terpsls. Wo have lif te d ourselTos out b f our backyards aud now wo stand upon tho’ borizon o f a now vision. That

- vision •invplvus tho. v ita l intorestH of . our great country. To give oursclvog I to our Hniall local problem w ith no , thought o f Its relation tu our nation is \ to. miss en tire ly tbe s p ir it ^ f the pros- . ent hour. Tu d r i f t along in .tho , same I way o f orgnuizatiou and. ncti^u w ith- uo thought o f the g ro a t. fundamental. ehungos and influences th a t havo''como ' , .to us out o f .th e great war is nlso to j , miss the s p ir it o f tbo present hour. <

The pre.iont hour calW fo r action, fo r < , groivfh, fo r change, t o i tlavo\ogmoat,

lo r progress, i t is the Uniir o f forward ( looking. A great urge is fe lt in a ll j

J phases ond activ ities ' o f lifo . Wo can- t not stan ii-s till I f wo-would. -To answer |

; .this call in truo fashion it- ia CMsential i . that pwliL-ios bo dotormined, plans fo r- < . mulntur nnd progrutns shaped to place -i .' Ihc inntitntions givou to our caro by a ;

confid ing constituoncy in tbo vanguard c o f u m ighty forward movonjoat tha t ia \ niition wide in its 'scope and natio iu tl 0 in it-H n ltim illo iuturoitti*. Thin progress t muat of-necessity . bo predicated on a { careful survey o f our preaonl-local ^ t * uutio ii to determine our needs, out wwkncHSUH and our wants. Thon w ill follow' iu natural Hoqueneo de fin ite acts j o f reconstruction and reorganiaation ’ guide^ the policy ^ f safe-guarding nnd conserving the d e ^ -« a te d and t1- ' ta l inU-renU o f the nfttl&b'.' _ ■

b i^ a c lty Problems I’Liet us now glvo some coAsideratWfi '

t<i our local scbopU .w ith tbo view to ® dutflrm ining tho ir needs and interpret- Ing them in tbo ligh t o t nnflooal Inter- ^ outs. The f ir s t n iattor to roceivc our n tt i’u tio ii is thn t o f school capacity.' The ciipiK 'ity o f any school sy»l(un is iv v ita l fm-tor in .nny program o f growth au«l devolopniout. Ucliool eupucity and SI bool enrollment hayo a de fin ito re* aofion i-a<’h' upon tho otfter. I t ' has been n d iff ic u lt task fo r Tw in Falls to keirp nbrea^t o f her conxtantly incrous- . ing ?nrolluient. The school enrolltaeut . haa']>u<hod its«<lf npwurd gradually ninee tho beginning j>f the community. There Im« never been a ba iting in this j upward climb, livon Iho world war jiro ilurcd nil momentary pauno re la tive to euroUineiit j;rowtb. ^

. Crowded Booms |,When tho school yeur opeued last „

September, serious enngestion appear- b cd in tlio Lincoln school. I t Wan found t tha t th ^ bu ild ing wn» too nmull fo r its v d is tric t. I t was necessary fo r the board }i to build- two one-room fram e school o houxes and locate them ou the Lintfe ln e grbuitd.i in order to ,smooth out this congfstion. Tbene houses cost nearly |2,:!00. Tho Lincoln school is now f i l l ­ed to capacity. This, of-course, does ^ not mean tha t no more children can be ~ enrolled there; rather ^t means th a t an more teaching unit^ cnn be organlxod.I t wa* also found tha t .the Btckel school was su ffe ring from congestion. One more room was. organized in tbe framo shack located on the - B lckel gronnds, thus making three teaching unit*.boused outside tbo bn ild ing prop­er. A t tbe tim o tbe ecb'ools .were clos­ed becanse o f tho I n f l u o ^ epidemic, consldenition was' being given -to tbe p la a ,o f f i t t in g 'n p tho~fonrtb and last roo m 'in the shack in order to relievo congestion th a t waa making itse lf- fe lt in -tins -basement roetn»-

Basement Boonu and Shacks * In connection w ith these two schools I wish to mention tbcV basement roomL In the Lincoln school, moro than 200 chUdren o f tho f irs t and second grades are housed in tho bnJtement rooms. TheiM* Tootnn are not en tire ly satisfac­tory. The ventila tien and lig h t are not a ll tha t should be desired when con- Kidering tho heiilth conditions o f chli dren. The basement balls in to which those rooms open are da rk aad poorly ventlated. The doors loading in to theso rooms aro w ith ia a fe w feet of tbe boys’ and g ir ls ’ to ile ts located In tbo basement. Steps ought to bo ta k ­en to elim inate the uso o f these rooms ns a ll day school rooms. Tbo samo con­d itio n exists in the BlckcT school where more than 130 children are honsed In basement rooms. However, the Bickel bssemeat has mero.ball space and-more lig h t than the Xincoln >asement. .The ven tila tion is ju s t as defective. In .a program o f reconstractlon and develop­ment, a tten tion should be given to this m atter w ith the. v iew to eHminatlng basement rooms a a ^ .a b a e ^ M all-day h 'ouslag.p lsce*-fo f' w boys aad g ir lf; Th is is a need th a t is i jz r y pre*alag aad bas 'a , d e ^ l t e . eoane^tlon - w ith aay p k a '^ ia t r Meks to conserve the health iatp<lMt« o f oor school population.

I ^ e W ashingtoa school is aow file d to capacity. A few more ch ll4 r*6 eaa be tmroUed In th is acbMl b a t ,so new teaching e n it* caa be o rgan ittd . aoditorittm ia used as a -reelUtloa room fa r the p a a t« r.p « rt o f each •ehoel day. The gesexal coaditioas o f the Wash- iagtoa seboel are m ^ eaKafactory in every w a y .' Ur'modera la ita eea- struetloa. ' f t r*p r**«a ts the one st«ry idea which.hsa come to Im perm aaM t t» .the coastraetiea o f elementasj bntWIng*. . J t Is w ell ventU ted aAd ef

iS D . ^ Y N W Scal _ .

I ■ T h e r e W 3 S ,

. a C ro w d inr i t ' ' . . •■ ■ ■ in - ■ ■o f a n d w e re / t y in g to

la- “ H a v e a c h e w o n ^

“I , m e , ” s a y s h e . ' ‘ B r e a k C

o f i . j u s t t w o o r t h r e e

” 'J s q u a r e ^ T h a t ’ s a

I ’. m a n ’ s s i z e c h e w o f

R e a l G r a v e l y . I t

M h o l d s i t s G o o d t a s t e


I Real (Gravely (no ■ ■ ; —to f le le a t ly boated. Tbe' h e a lth in te re a ts

o f th o pn p ils o f th is school aro ade- or qu a to ly s a fe ^ a rd e d .

The i f lg h W hool is c u r in g fo r n e a r ly rd (JOO Ntudont.n. You p ro b a b ly k n o w th o t' i l l the h ig h school w as o r ig in a l ly p la nn ed

to cnro to r n p p ro x ltun te ly th is num ber. or I t w ou ld bo im possib lo e f fe c t iv e ly to a l expand the ilop a rtm on tu l o rgau la a tlo ns •r* o f4 b o h igh , school an d keep th om w ith - ce -in th e present s tru c tu re . M o re pu p ils a i-iiii bo nccom modatpd b u t i t w ou ld bo

rd oxtre tn e ly d i f f ic u l t tu brundon and d i- is v e rs ify th o h igh s c h o o l''o rg a n iu it io n in a l o rder to m odernizo i t . T h is is because ss the o r t^ ^ iz ln g c a p a c ity o f tho school a in nbou t r'eacho<l.

■ ■* P U n n la s fo r th e P F u V tte . i l j F rtiin th e s ta nd po in t o f prosont ca-

p n c ity us revealed In ou r fo n r p la n ts jn i t w i l l bo Im poaslblo to caro f o r o iir ,g norm al inerease 'a t th e .o p o a ln g _ o f-tb e

n irti- Kohool year.— T he re is ovo rj’ in d i­ca tio n tb a t ou r com m u n ity la g o in g to go fo rw a rd I n a B p ie n d id 'fn s h lo n 'w ith .

^ iu th o n e x t few yoars. T h is g ive s a gre a te r In te n s ity and im m e d iacy to the problem invo lved in , c a p a c ity a n d on-

' ri>llmo:it. W e nee<l o n ly to g o back t«> ou r cxpo rio nce .o f laa t Soptem bor to go t

. . n h e lp fu l analysis o f ou r problem . O u r school ye a r opened w h llo o u r c o u n try

‘ was in th o th roes o f ia g re a t w a r. V a r i- oils in d u s tr ia l a c t iv i t ie s In th e com m u-

' n l ty bad w itnessed tbe de p le tion o f the ®" ran ks o f tb e m ale w orkers . Y e t w e ex- “ perienced ou r no rm a l Increase In on- ® roU m ent and w ere fo rce d to organ ize

th re e -n o w school u n its ia te m p ora ry fram e bu ild ing s. ' N ow , In th e l ig h t o f

^ these fa c ts , w ba t are th e steps w h ich m ust b e . , t ^ o n tb .m eet tb o near fu -

*“ tu re f . U nd ou b te d ly , ono stop in vo lve s ^ . t h a t o f p ro v id in g g re a te r cap iw U y. O f

ro itrs i*, th is means th e co n s tru c tio n o f aovoral tem p ora ry fra m e bouses o r a |io rm aaent scbool b u ild in g .. T o de to r- m ino w h ie h type o f eo n s tru c tlo n w ou ld bo th e m ore fe as ib le aad w o n ld con­

'd t r ib u te tb o m pre to th o la rg e r and more v i ta l fo c to rs o f o u r e d uca tion a l p ro b ­

'd 1cm, i t ia necessary th a t w e eonsider | ol o n r s itu a t io n 'f r o m th e sta nd i> o ln t o f ' B ed uca tion a l noods and orqu|remenf<i.

y _ B d n cs tlo n a l N eeds ' . iI. L o o k in g to tb e h ig h scbool f i r s t , we ,s f in d ^ e r e are c e r ta la o u ts ta n d in g 1'* ..................... ........ ........... * -A , ...L I —Jl • . •

ilff , • “ N E W S ” t

' t i m e - . o r t w o ,

:» ^ s u r e t h a t y o n

* - c o n ic a r e p u l a r ' f ln b s c r :

^ . AV i‘ ( lo n ’ t ' w a n t y o t i t o 1

l io n jp s t l .v c o n v i n c e i h

‘ j ^ i i ( ‘ n :a i)a i> e r Y O I ? w a n t

0 • :» G et i t f r o m n e w s b o y «

t in io K — t h a t ' s a l l w e a f

: T o d a y ’s Ne

0 M e a n s s o m e th in g ;— m a l

^ ' I f y o n R i ib s c r ib p t4» T h

• l i i n t i t l i y o u n o e < l j i o t . l > o

• • s in g le o » )p y a f t ^ ^ y o u r

p , -V o ti j m t l i o r i z e i i s t o c o r

“ ' ' w ■ ' 'X o s u h . ^ c r i l ) c r t4) T h o ]

0 .v<‘ t n ‘ c e iv o d m o r e t h a

» , a f t e r th t * o : q u r a t i 6 n ot B t ! u ‘ p a p e r w a « p a i d u p .

R^ T h i.s i s b u s in e s s , i s n ' t

^ I t V a ls o a d i s t i n c t a d

s c r ib e r .1 • •

; ' ^ Y O U P A Y ^ F O R w m » . ( iE T W H A T Y O V P A " !

: ■ T h e ' T w i n F a l l s

1 a N e w s p iE ip o r— J

to josh the . Tobacco-Man 1 so long it costs nodir :C ing extra to chew ; this class of tobac- t CO.” - • : • '[ h io n f i u ih t r — th a t’s y w b y 'you. can Z * t th e g ood '■ , ta s te o f th is c lass o f to b d t- ■* CO tp ith o u t e x tra cost..


Chewing Plug

ats needs tha t shoold receive immediate do- attention. Tho vooatlonal departments

o f our high school aro in sood o f reor- r ly gzmirstlOQ and dovelopmeat. We are u t ' Borlou^y handlcnppod In not having' ;ed ib is work deflnlt<)ly and be lp fu lly bas­er. ud upon sim ilar, work organized in tbo ' to upjier clomontnty grades. Jtt is started ms unttroly too lato In tho l i fo o f tbo in-' tb- d iv id u a l I t w i l l novor perform its iUb tcuo mlsaiuu u n til I t is introduced low-<( bo or down tho scale of'grades, dl- Arm

lioys enter tho Manual T ra in ing de- partm ent w ithou t .any specific and he lp fu l knowledge o f tools and o f tbe most elumonUry principles o f manual

• arU . Too much-tlm'o i« required ttf iay.« ,n. } thb -foundation w ork o f manual -tridn- its activ ities. Sinco tho department mr offers work covering fo r tbo moat part •ho school yoars; thoro Is l it t le time ,11. f 9r tho mofo-spocializod and divosslflod ^ courses. Tbo w ork in th is dopartmont

bas nover and does not now involve Q moro than n smattering o f woodwork

jiQ which is a t tbo best extremely elomcn- tar^* asd superficial. Because I t is so

{j, ^ lim ited . re lative to its scope and or- .Qt ganization, th'b w ork bas Uttle, i f any, Uf de fin ite and concrete application to tho ry ost-of-sehool l i fe o f tho boys. To ac- r i . eomplish i t * n ltliqa te missioa th is work m. m iist bo de fin ite ly socialixod. I t must ho concretely re flec t tbo out-of-school l ife .X, o f tho boys. I t must gi%'e the boys thA la- knowledge and sk ill tha t w illXQ «nablo .them to meet situations arising ry in the practlcol activ ities o f life .o f I— —------- ----------------- ---------------ch (To bo continued)

os B E S T B A IN IN a O BDBB M O B A H ^ W l l l l i OEOWEES

SACEAMESTO, Culif., J«n. 15:— Governor Stephens planned today to ta lk over w itb A ttomoy-goneral Webb

“ji the aetion b f tbe O alifom la Wine Growers in obtaining a restraining or- dor against certlfiea tioa o f tbo ratified.

Moanwhilo, C aliforn ia cannot be classed pn* o f tbo state tha t' has ra ti- fled the amondmont.

re Tbe temporary in jnnctipn la retum- ig ablo Monday afternoon.

” to the Newsboy ju s t a ro, then when yon are ron like The Nows, be- Bcriber. • _

to have-it unices you an* ih a t The News ’ iH the

a n t '

t j o r newH stand a fow : a s t. •

ilew s T o d a y

uake us prove i t to you'.The News fo r on iy one l>e a fra id o f receiving a )u r month Is up unless continue to wjnd it .

lo D a ily News has ever :han one o r tWo copies

of tho tonu fo r which |up. ■

I ' t it? ■

advantage fo r the sub-

H A T YO U G E T A N D »AY’ fO R ifORE.

nils D a ily N cwr —N o t an

W H D H M D A T , ' J JU n rA B T ■

. i— ". --------f


nBP^Bm ZBB OAEDOno Inaertion, per JIuo ......... ............. lOoOne WQok, j>^r lino ................ ^..... _S£i>One month pi*r line ......... _____ ___Tii-

PHONE 32 ' ‘

' “ “ T E A N f l ^ * ^’d B O Z a i ^ r a A » f f lK o 6 ^ Fbon«

W U fD O W QLABS—Also e t b i ^ w o r k .' . Moija Shop,-P!\ono 81.

A v i ^AUTO .BEPAZBS~Autos repalrod a t

Werser^s N'ovelty Shop.

r " A u d m o M im a ~ :~ ~ ~A U O nO N S B B — Z. S. Branson, am:-i tioMMr. Stock or ranch sales- a ipo* c ia ltjr. 2r} yoars oxperionco'solUng o t U scolo, Nobraaka. Now a t ofTlco 187 N. Sboshone. Phone 710 or 8S1. Tw in

-T FaJIa. Idaho.'.. /

nwAHo'Tuiraa “P IA N o '^ U IT O S -^P b o n e 'lo a ? L o ^ n

Music Co.

O G N T a A o T b i ~O. J. STSVENS—Qenoral contractor.

Property /o r^a le . Phone 781B.


~~ i-raoBireYB ^ABHBB B. V^IXiSON— la w ye r. 1

. — —— — ---------- IHO M EB O. JO LLS -^B oyd Bolim ng. .

B r v . i i B s S ^ — V e n o r f l l^ ^ tJ e a . " Booms 6 and 7 Idaho Power B ld^.

L o n p ia ^ r t a u ^ ^ M r C p V * W. Meech, 26S S ixth N . Piione 467. ‘

S W X E LE 7 ft S W B B LB 7—Attorneys a t Law. Prnctiro in a ll Courts, Tw in '' Falfs, Idaho. "

E. M. W OLFE— Lawyer, Rooms 5 and <J, over Idaho Department Store, Tw in ° Folli!, Idaho. ^

J. H . W ISE—Lawyer. F u lly orff^nited Oonoetion Do; hrtmont. O lficM , ° Rooms 0 and 7 Over Tw in FaUs Bank " &, Trust Co., Tw in PaUa, Idaho.

A O O O lM A iiiT B JW OLTENDEH f t OSOOOD—Boom 8, ®

Power Bldg. Telephono 201 and 875.

iNCKHEm > IJ. a P O B T H E E IB L D -C lv ll, H yd ru i- ^

U t and M in ing Eagineer. T w in Tails, Idaho. Phone 154-J. ci

~ O H IB O F S A O tO M t,. DB. W n .Y '8 O HIEO PEAO nO SAN-' ~

XTAan7M ->A Il forms o f C lM trlc Ity , g M ineral Vapor and Eloctri? U g h t S Batbs. S04 F if th Ave. E. TeL ^95. P

NOTXOE OF AZTNUAZ. U E B T IN O OF STOOEHOLDEBS OF T H B -IDAHO STATS BA27S. T W IN P A U .8 , ID A H O ^ V LNotice ia hereby given ‘th a t the an- -

nual meeting o f the stocUioldexs o f the Idaho SUte Bank w iU be held la the banking rooms o f .said, bank a t . . T w in Fa lls ,. lOkho, on Tnwday, Jano- ary '21, 1910, brtweaa the honra o f 10 a. ov *uid 3 p. m., fo r tha parpoae o f electing a board o f directors fo r the <p ensuing year a a d ' for'- the coaslder^ „ tion o f inch other boalneaa a t may ^ properly come before the meeting. ' q

. <JHAa U. A L ia , Cashier. «

N O t^O B OF A N N U A I. w itH T IM a OF is gCT*HTmATfTnTM OF T B B T W IN bl F A X V B U T L D lN a * L O A N ASSO- c< O IATIO N, T W m F A I iS , ID A H O «iXotieo is hereby given ttia t the an* 3

nual B)octijig o f tho sh&reholdors o f the ~ Twin FalUr BnUding ft-L o a n Aasocia- tioo w ill bo held In tho banking rooms . o f th© Idaho BUto Baak a t T w ia FaUs; • Idalio, on F riday evening, Janna iy 17, ^ 1019, between the hoora o f 7 p. m. and D p. m., fo r the purpose o f .electing _ threo directors fo r tho ensuing year and fo r the eonsidoration o f snch other co

- business aa u a y properly come before «t: •tbe meeting. ' to

■ CHAS. U. A L IO , Secretary. bo----------------------------------------------- ----------- — U

EOOai ECK»ITaka your , eggi to tha M utual Craan- _

ery C«. and g«t eaah.

- 1 >0 1 N G S O F T H E V A N 1

/ A M » -se H o a UAMS.' I I r»oR .3Af aV jN TO- Ol

\> ^ s s

J a


• m iD N B B D A T , J A ItV A B T 16. lOW

] C L A S S If itD i4 APyERTISEWENTS :__ O LA B fllF IE D R a t b b ^lOo Ono. inaeruon, par w o M _________ so J•5^ One week (D a lly and W eakly)____lOo ^a,. One m ontir-<D aily and W eekly)„S 5o

, M in ia o m charga ,ro r «acb laaoztton— o f any claaslfled ad. IS coats. Ads

must ran fo t s t a t e d period o f tlma. '— . . - V tH O N B S a e*?1 ------------------------------------------ :____________ I~ ; r o r • I~ FOB S A L E ^ j jo a ttnW T b A "

a t Munson * Harden.

— IX5B S A L B ^I'in o .yo tta g team. Ad- ” dr'osB “ A . B .,” car©’ N e i^ . ®

FOB-SALB—Two-room bouse aad lo t, < «800, terms. Phone 984J. t

^ ^ ^ H T O 'T O F 'S A L i^ Ic E S ir ' i jT O S !new. , Fanner’i Blackamith Shop.

ic-> — : --------------------;______________ ^ I>»• FO B 6AZ;B>>Onloaa a t the Aaehor o t Hay, Grain f t Feed Ob. T^ephone B8. i.87 — ___________________________ , <la POR SAlJE OR T R A D E -F fln r-room *’

house nonr high school. E. A . Moon ' ^ (owner). “

^ POB SAT<E—Bound'Tood baby eab, ii KQ gondola style, practica lly new. Phono >


TO B S A L S - IV a a k U ^ touring ear,>r. jo s t overhauled and rebaQt. Terns. ^

A rth u r L . Swim.

~ P O ir iA L B ^ F ire t 'c lM r f irB t7 B « o n d• nnd th ird cu tting hay, delivered, $14. ’

Talopheae 5fl2*W. , • - ^

FOE S A liE —Oood e ^ n g potatoes^ °I 50 cento hundred. Clarenco Youfi^>

^ Route 3, Phono 513JS. jj

FOB BAU5—11 acroa creek bottom land near sugar facto ry a t *50. per

—• acre. A rth u r L . Bwlap.

— TYPEW RITERS— Rebuilt machines, any make, fo r sale or rent. See Hoover

^ a t Businasfl College.

FOB SALE—Beren paasenger Falge ~ ^ car; w iU trade fo r sTnall ear. Snqulre 7* a t T w ia ‘Palla Auto Oo.— ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' H KOB.SALB—Fino Eastiawn residence “3 lo t cheap. P . R. Thompson, 408 S ix th ^

avcnuo cast. Phono 614.W.

FOR SALE—^Four horses and ham eu Q or w ill trado fo r Ford tonring ear or

truck. 2-lD S ixth ave. W.

J Fw T ^ A L B —Range Eternal, nearly ” J now, Round Oak heater, household fu r- p;

niture. Call 400 Fourth are. W. _

FOR SALE— i-room modem house,^ $500 down, balance easy terms. In - -

quire 331 Blue .Lakes blvd. T . B.J, BarnhUL H.

I " f o r s a l e c h e a p —Oood w ork ~' horse, buggy and harsess. W . T . H ar- 26

bnrt. a t end o f side walk, east on B lln * - ' berly road, phone 772J.

»» FOE SA LE —B ric k ; 30,000-Hoyburn ca comrnon yellow and 8,000 Ogden com- —

” mon rod press brick. C. U. House, Ho­te l Perrine. 1*

______ — ■ -■_________ ■ Qi' FOB. SA LE —#3500; 7 room cottage, —

V R o r^e ; h a lf block from Shoshoue oa t Seventh east. Isqn ire J . A . Steele, a t ^ 1. Peirinp hoteL , ‘ ^

:• FOE SALE—1 team mares, 1 ^ a n ) mules, fresh Jersey oow, wagon, bar- I * I,, n ^ , iinplemests. Inqu ire Wash^ogioB . L ive ry Bam. E . H . Hawlay.

; FOB SALE—L o f 3= block 71, eholo-I est hotel site in the c ity ; one block^ from business centor. Only bonafldn ' 2.. billa conBidercd.. Addrcs* P. 0 . box 328,) ............. .................... apf FOR SALE—L o t 2, Snyder T ract,* Tw in Palls, fiv e nrres; good improve** menta; *4,500, cash $3,300. Also 160 “ acres d ry land Acor Hollis ter. J .

Harris, Buhl, Idaho, Boats 5. q [

— a A L S ^ ^ S e U i^ h a y ~ ^ p ro d m ? is our business. Pr ompt returns aad r hiKhest p riccs '’ ib our bobby. L o t na . convince you. Tho Northwestern Brok- . erage Co., Idaho Power BuUdiflg. Phone. 331. pc

’ FOB chlck.o feoU, d i ir y fo«d, l io n . "1 feed, hog feed, baled hSy, etc., tele- ^

’ pbone 23. Delivered anywhere w ith in ' the c ity lim its free o f charge. Anchor — ' Hay, Qrain ft Feed Co.. 249-250 S ixth

avp. W. —r _____________________________________________‘ FOR SALK— 10 acrc.i, .1 miles south- __r cont Jerome; 30 aerca a lfa lfa , balanceI stubble. No buildings, 5 f t . woven w ire —■

foDce. Price $145.00 per acre i f soldbeforo Feb. 1st. For portieuIarB seo 8. A r

• L . Hughell, 1 mile northweat Barry- —:

__________ • ' f JBEAD T H E C L A S S iriE D A D a ubi


v e vowpi. M ouiP 1 .o -a . * I I V —

r j \ •KSSJAT y a v V f g i* ^ - l

■ 't? v«jyiu. I / y ’T~2, ~i iV A MC. youK. V H l r ^ ‘ *-‘-F>f%)<^ AH» TERm O ' T k ? CH1•u . « s e WHA.T / < • : I X AcAft DO i= o f t I • m =

-^ X

' F o i l a i i o ' .'v; ■. .FOB SALE—Choice Barred ' Bock ' Cockerels, *1.50 and *2.00 Miss .F lo ^ i ence G iffo rd , F ilp r, |d&ho, ouo-tialf milo : north o f F lie r on state highway.

^ . FOB S£LB-*240 aercs ono m ile west • and one and one-half south o f Jorome;

80 h lgh lj- improved. For description 'ad- ' dress S. S. Shaw or 0 . M . Boblnson, * owners, Joromo, Idaho,

on . - ' — - —4s FOE SALE—Sovonty-soven acres, J

well iiiip rovcil; 4 good work iiiorcK, cows and eslves; a ll fiu ra lng Inmple-

-«• ments. O no^nd one-quartor miles coat of i Buhl nil atato highway. Termn - lif ] nsked fon G. W. DaviafBuhl.

FOB sale or tra d o ^E q u iiy in ' 80 <'T acres on tiie Sevler B ive r in Utah, about ]

ono m ilo 'from Lyady l-os.tha main line __ B. B., Utah to California. W Ul trade 3t, fo r anything on any o f tho T w in FaUs *

tracts. K B. WUliams, B ox 82, T w in '^ FaUs, Ida., or phone 396. . |

FOB SALB-H onsehold fn m itn re o f- beat quality, consisting o f leather dav*

cnport and rocker, tapestry rocker, din* ^ g table, b u ffe t and e h a ii^ rags, bsda,

^ 'Birdseye dresser,- oleetrio washing ma- gg chino, kitchen table and eh^ ir) also gar*

don tools and .miseellaneoua articles; |__ ean be soon a t Model Shoo'store after-kb, noons a fto r 3:80. .E . H . Suehr.'; no —— — ---------- ——----------

. T o t B « s t . i^ FOR EENT— Housejsooping roouia, ' ^ furnishod. 037 Third West. *

FOE RENT—Furnished, nice modern a ,"j room, furnace heat .Phono 125M. 1

nODSB FOB B B N T -a o Ita b l. fo t a ‘ couple; low rent. 252 So<^ond avenue

^ north.

1-X)R EEN’ T—Room furnished fo r '' ligh t houaekcopiiiij, 042 Socond a^e. II. ‘

_ Inquiro 65-’ Second ove, R - ^ --------- -- - ■ — .. e

FOE RENT— Modern bungalow - on 5 Addisoti ove. Two blocks from Wash- fi

” ignton Bchool. Inquire phono 400. r,

>r To ''f in a n M » * ’ a • « r i r L e ^ ' " * d ^ ^ tls ing campaign yon neod only aet Aside

- —fo r perhaps a few days—* Jart o f _ ^ your pocket toonsy.

■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ .. .» rrFOB BEN T—^Large bnsinoss room on

- M ain avonue to lease; w e ll located.. CaU a t once or w rite Parks f t Houck,^ 223 ‘8hoslione S t.S o ., T w in F il ls . '

“ ' w a n t e d>T ^W A N T E D —CTean ^ g f l . Now^*Of-


y W ANTED—Washing to do a t homo, f- Phono 772-W. , cj

- ~ W A N ^B D — Nurabg. Phone 225M. t J* Bakar Booms. ________________

L W AN TED —Young Jersey frssh soon. " B. 0 . care News. • ^

k W A N T E D I> re s s m a k in g , aowing. ® ^ 253 Second ave. N . ' .

“ p o s it io n W AN TED —B y thorough- - _ ly ; competent chauffeur. Cres Betty, n care News. 8P). i ■ — ■ ■ B

ALW AYS la the market fb r baled al bi fa lfa . Get e tir prices. Anchor lls y . ~

_ Grain f t I ^ d Co.p I I ■ O^ W AN TED ^'W dold give good home p< « to one or moro chUdren, Country home, w

P. O. B o r 800. A

Q W ANTED—1,600 shsep fo r summer ^ ^ pasture. Plenty o f foed, water and ^ ^ shade. Ed Terpatro, Bogerson.

W ANTED TO, EENT—Two unfor- ' niahed rooma fo r ligh t housekeeping,J atoam or furnnco bellt, corivenloBcea,‘ :‘ -‘ Y ( y ' 'p ^ o News.- Bl

W ANTEDr-Housekesper tha t appreciate good bomsj .a n s t b« rs ^ o n - ^

' sible p a rty ; good wagec- Address G.; a , care o f News. . ”

® W ANTED—AU kinds e lorer seed— te I* red, slidke,' wbit«^ sweet. 'Xlis A lbert

Dlckinaon' Co., Chicago. Local buyer*, nt : J. A. Stcclo, Perrine Hotel or B. B. jo J Spafford. Phone 100. ' t r

> ^ Lo iT^^ “» LOST—Account book containing pa-

peni aud $300 note and oceount.i. l i b - ' eral reward. Beturn to M ajestic Phar-* macy or phone 138. Ed A. M innerly.

• Found -wJ FOUND—Black m n ff. Phoae 548-W. ~

. _ . _ tndc

- -------------- ----- ------— —---- -— — fO> FARM LOANS. A . L . Swim. is1 — - I . . . . 1— ------— naI FABM LOANS oa favorable terma.. A rth u r L . Swim.

M ONEY TO LO A N on good T w ia wl Falls c ity property a t a lower ra ts thaa bo

. usnaL A rtbn r L . Bwfaa. re

J te v r s fu ^ t - c v r r o - j 5NO T H - ^ T • W »U . -•o A .U I. It* i»\s ( r - \ \-ovve i*.A . OMM. -rHROwMjM’I'LL. VIC My T **^CHCftCt (‘ OWtSR, A iLfo - iH j-r IT o vg R '

(u ® w fHi/cH I ,^ V —.£$£1M IIT1 ef#M l WiUL. r


S '^ r ^ U N D ^ ^ H ^ h ^ J o h n • Deere p l« s i;^ share. Apply Drlc'o-Iiight offiee, Tw in lo FaUa! • . '

'M is o e lla n e o n s' ' s t o p T l o o k , l i s t e n - B isa t Filer. Boot Oarden Friday night,

^ January. 10.—Adv.

" b B E D 80'VV'‘ B A i.E , “ T W IN F A I i S , ' ■“ .lj»nxinTy'18. Stato Swine Breeders* as-

aoclation.— Adv. . ________________________ t

0- ■ WHO mnrka catUo 2 splits in one j oar, ono in other, U rovorsed on r ib s t ^

i f Box 55, Murtaugh.' ]

> . W IL L the party stealing the seats10 out o f my car please return same to , i t Nowa o ff lc e f- X^'B.; S. |

L E T US ship your wheat. Call us Tip ^ and get our proposition before yon la s e ll The Northwestera Brokerage Co.,

phone 881. <

5 MONEY W ANTED—W e bave loan» I fo r private money as fo llows: $2500 ot> f

J. 40 acres, $1250 on iO acres, 5 years a r i « per cent, fira t mortgage; also $500 on

^ i corner Iota snd boild lug sK 10 per | cent, valuation 40 to 50 per cent. Call j

•; or w rite KIpJey f t Tluim , the' RealM- ’ taters, FUer, Idabo.

~ " I n Ve BTOBS A TTEN TIO N-* I btivo fo r sale, in tbe bost town in ^ Idaho, several buainesn properties.

Thoso properties nro a ll under long « ' timo lease a t a figure thn t w ill return y

10 per cent net on the invostraont. In v n addition, thoy poseess splendid spocu-

la tlve i>oBsibUitic8. Coll upon, or w rite , „- Chas. H. McQuown, Bnbl, Idaho. - i,

0 " " SEBD O O B ^'. H n vc \ovcrftl b\^Bhols o f selected 8\»-

~i vor K ing , seed corn tha t is accUmatod ^ to tbis country. I t is not Pettlgroed but Is a good yielder and never has foU- ^

_ ed to mature fo r ms. I t made better than *11 50 bushels por acre last year undor nn. ^1- favoraVle cond ition .. A sample o f the

corn ean bo seen a t Tho News office.- WiU book orders fo r A p r il delivery a t O '■ 7 1-8 cents p « pound, by parcel post T1 add. postage. Ed Vance.—advt.

N o n c B i ’ e■ To a ll owners nnd drivers o f motor

vehicles: ‘ , LYou are bereSy no tified tha t <U1 1918 p

' lironnea have expired and the 1010 U* p ccnaes aro now duo and payable a t tbe

■ o ffice o f tho county asaeaaor. Please ra il and make application fo r same. ][

, GEO. W. W ILOOX, p County Assessor. ^

. ~ f \T E W B IT E R 8 , adding nmchinoa, cash regiatera. a ll the atondard makoa, ^ fo r sale or rent; 6i»sy monthly pay- "

• monts. W rito J . It. Itlc-hoy. Rupert,' Idaho.— Adv. • *


■ STBAYED— 2 dark bay mares, 3 yeara p ' old. 1 dark bay gelding. Phono 546

B 8, or w rito Box 35, Bonte 2. p

STItAYED — Prom K im berly, "one ’ gray horse mule, one bay maro mule.. Boward. N o tify A . B. m ir le h , K im - '

berly, Idaho. • .

S TBAYED—Hpraea. on Salmon tract. 1* . Ono iron gray inaro, weight 1130 I pounds. One bay more w ith l i t t lo star D ' weight 1150; both branded. N o tify B.

A. Reinko, BuhL Idnho. F ile r, ToL No. P■ o:)ii2. .


• -. W ASHINGTON, Jan. 15.—Strong op- ^■ position to tbe xoappointment o f John

Skeleton W illiam s ss comptroller o f tho ^j currener suddenly has ovideneed it - •

self in the senate. I t become known today that ndminlstration lenders are

' cxpceting a b it te r fig h t when WUliams’ name cotses up fo r confinnatlon. . Hia M term expires February 2.

Bcpub)iean» looking to awfcras in tbe 1 ’ next presidential eleetioa de n o t sn* jo y the proB|iect o f a democratic con- 1*' tro lle r o f tho currency nt tho treas- 1’ ' nry. The comptroller'a term ia fo r fiy<( P' year aand Williama, i f reappointed, w ill 1‘ ' hold ovor three j v m p f the next ad­m inistration.

W A IT IN O FBAOB S IO N IN O p] LONDON, Jsn. 15.—^ n e r a l von j.,

W ln terfc ld , member o f the Oerman. *r> mistice commission, has sent a note' to |>. the aUiod armistice commission a t 8l>* declaring tha t "G erm any is" holding p. eaptnred m a ^ r ia l untU the peace trea ty p, is s igned," a o M r^n g to ^ w inlesa d i» p< patch from B 4 ^ ia 'today. p<

------------ --- , — .— p ,

Get some ZNPGBMATION abont i t - B< what i t w iU eost, wbsrs i t m i^ be bought to. b«st - advantage—th ro n g reading t h s ^

r — ■ ' t i=urwN RCA*.OoCSiM'T

I . ________ /SNS COM9 / v v tu _ u > M lli lO N ANDk. m s H*iAX> o»=.^ -TV.

Tvvr-j H ov^A. > <— ------

5 T H E RO LL <

^ SECTrdl<f ONE ' ; _ Tho follow ing cnsuolticB aro roportd l

by tbo coiimEonding general o f khe Americaa «xpodiUonaiy foiccs: K ihod in nrtion, ll;.d ie it 'fb U Q accidontK ami

__ other causes, 1; died, from - aeroplaneno acciilont, ■ 1.; died ^froro d^oai^,, 30; '»! woundod severoly, .71; wounded aligbt-

ly , 3; toU l, 117.T - W E8TBBN U B S

Died o f Disease Cook Erick Hngatrom, ‘Monroe, Wash. I ’v t. W illinm S. Gilfon, l>oa Angeles,

Dp ' Oal..on ' • Wounded Severelyd., P^ul Braun, San Franciaco, Col.

Corp. Whitnov L . Morrow, Los Angcloa, - C s l ’

Pvt. Brown Boy, LaytonviUe, Cal.'>*' Pvt. Otto A. Bomp, A llyn , Waah.

IS-t. Oco, A. Cuiuiingbam, BucRcye, Cnl.

P vt. Eobert Johnson, 8priug\ JlU', Utah.^ P v t. .Daniel Maldonado, Shoemaker, N.'*■ M. 1

“ S E C T im TWO ;’s- Tho. follow ing casualtica aro report- 'g ed })y the commandiog general o f tho fn Aiimrii-an cxpcdltionnry forcea: Jied o f j

woun<ls 51, tiiod from accident and oth- “ • or onuiioa .'1, died from dlaeaso 41,

woamlcd dogrco umlptomiinod 1, luiHn . ing Jn notion 1, totnl 07. “ ^

ID A p O 0ABTTALTIE8 I,. D ied frpm W ounds^Pvt. Jokn T . Da- ,3 vies, Payette. ^. Wounded Degree Undetermined. Pro-

J. Tiously Beported Missing in Action—JI P v t. Dpmenic Deluca, Harrison; P v tJ. Joha Longs, Stiaron...........- .......... ' ........

RStumed to Duty, Previously Beport- C B. ed Missing in U c t io a — Panl A . C It Ohaqgenon. Z<Uiio FaUs; P r t . WOI I It Thorp, PocateUo.

^TESTEEN L IS T f-Died from Wonnds P

C'apt. Raymond Worthlcy, Los Ango- I T lea, Cal. j l

L iout. Ebon L . Smith, Doqver, Colo.® P v t. Chester J. Sooly, Portland, Ore. 1

P vt. Clinilos L. W jjito, Jr., Hooper,« Utah. • - L® Died; o f Disease jP

Lieut. Percy A . M ills , Ponn Grovb, Cnl. P Pvt. Elson James, MorysvIUe, Wash. Bottim ed to Duty. P ftv iously Beport* P

' ed EUled in Aetion PPyt. Thomaa Baker, Spokane, Wnisb. P

,. Womided BOTcrely, Previously Beport^ P t ed D ied o f Disease ' - P’ I ’ vt. Predcrick S. Tuckor, Bozonmn, P

Mont.Previouaiy Beported Missins in Action, P

" Now p o r t e d ' lUUed ia Actloa F* Pvt. Alotan-ier Andoraon’, Salt Lake, P ® Utali.

Pvt. Carl F. Ballcrt, Las Cruces, N . M . P " Pvt. Adolph C. Bauer, Jr., Bichmond,® Cal.■ Pvt. CharlcB A. Hording, GaUup, N. M.

K ille d ii^ Action, Previouaiy Beportsd . • - Missing in Action pt. Pvt. Robert E. Kr^-selmire, Torrington, -p 0 Wyo. . ‘r D ied o f Wounds, Previously, Beported'2. M issing in Actloa ' p). p v t. Arthur T. McKeeman, A fton, Wyo.

Wounded Severoly, Provlonsly B « p ^ p ed Missing In Action . - p

Pvt. Dnvid_ Bnrrona, (Jomarron, N . M.1> P vt. Andrew Johnson, Portland, Ore. j

Pvt. Ted Shaffer, Tacoma, Wnah. ' P^L Harper H Sickinger, HoytsvUlo, t

Q Utah.0 Wounded in Aetioo {Degree 'Dndeter-

mined>, Previouaiy Bsported Mis*- f. n - ' ing in Action ,g Bugler W aller M. Gavin, Balt L«kp,» ■ Utah. ^g Mcchanir Kobert W. Callow, Idaho p

Springs, Colo. _ „6 P vt, Kenneth l^ UurcbRTO, Red B lu ff,I* ^oL ' ■ ■- PI. I ’ vt. KraClio Carrico, Kelly, N. M. i. I ’vt. Frank J. Conrt, Fort Baker, Cal. ~ p q Pvt. Joieph Dandrea, Clio. Cal. _] Pyt, l.adrnnt iichcmendy, ^B u ffa lo ,

"■yo- . ~ nPvt. Jobn D. Joiio», Oakland, Cal. JPvt. Jodojih A. Lariaa, Los Banos, CaL - I ’ vt. Martin Lnrs^ii, Balt Lake, Utah.Pvt. Hoy P. Lourks, Manaficld,- Wash, p

* I ’vt. A rthur 1’ . L\*piinrdt, Tacovoa,^ Wnah. '® I ’vt. Gootko .M. Morton, Napavine, ®* Wash.1 Pvt^ Noah Read. I ’ laccntio, Cal. ^ f Pvt. Roy D. RcemiT, Ixsa Angelea, • ^ >■ Pvt. Ive r G. Rokatnd, Seattle, Waah. ^

P rt. Cbarlca B; Sliarp, Sandy, Utah. ^ I ’vt. Jnmrrt* Cou/Ji, Point Henry, Oal. D

. Betumed to Duty, PreviOQsly Bsported S Mtteniny 1q ActlOa SJ Corp. Oran MrPheraon, Los Angeles, P

Cal. ■ I

H o w t h o s e - n e l g l ^

^ f o u F < ' r

T H A X S --------I'T ‘ ^ -----------------1COM* _

■ ■

■ j p T


Pvt. W illard .1. Barbour, LivormorsM : - - -

Pvt. Edwnni .1. C'ninpboll, BoVkelsj Cal.

j j Pvt. Hurry I * 'u . K itta , Roaalai Wash Pvt. Henrj* J. Lati^ch, HoIo*a, M ont,

Q. Pvt. W ilHaiirMncKeo, A ^com la , Mont Pvt.' Rusaoli E. McManus,' Bakeralield

Cal. . - •. p v t. V ivian M ilne, Goofgc, Utah. ,

I ’ vt. Vincent D. M orin, Caaa Grande h. •„ PvL John C. MuBgravD, San Francisco

CaLPvt. W illiam Kewaome, San Bernard!

no, Cal.Pvt. Daniel H. N ill, Wenntche, Wash.

’ Pvt. A rh ilo Schorini, Crockett, CaL Pvt. WiUlam C. Windnngol, Osklsnd,


” S E C T IO N TH R E Eh. _____

T ill' fo llow ing onaualtioa aro reported by tbo •'ominnnHiiig (jTOTnnl o f tho Am-

l<Vii-nij oxpo-litionnry forcea: died o f ; .uiiiii.}!. -»2, clieil (if (liaoaao 04, wonnd- vd Roverely- 170, total 312,

IDAH O OASUALTIES Died o f Wounds -

- Neil-ChrU tiacsen, Malad Oity. Ida- ho; B lchard Boyenger, Boise, Idaho ..

1* atissing in Action*• Peter M. Jensen. Boy B. Holden,

BoUe; Idijho. ,Woundod floveraly, PrerJoosly Beport-

od Hiasing in Action fc- Pmti a . Nelsco, VoUmer, Idabo. '

Wounded (Degree TTiidstermined), Prs- e- vioosly Beported Missing in Action.- Elmeir K n igh t, Idsbo FsUs. t WESTERN aX ATEfl

Died o f Wonnds t- Corp. Sampson Riclmrds, T a ft i CaJ.L Corp. W illiam Tuckor, Gallata, Mont.U Pvt. Magau* S. Anderson, Belmont,,

Mont.D ied o f Disease

P vt. Joy Madeioa, Upper Lake, CaL 3- P vt. M elvin G. Sundby, K ippen, Mont.

jP v t. Eugene K e lly , Portland, Oro. -: Wonnded Severoly

Liout. George B. Brown, San Francis*, r, CO, OaL

Lioat. London Jackson, Spokano, Wash.I P vt. Manuel Machado, Oakland, Oal.

I. P vt. H ja linnr 0 . Nelson, Greot Falls,, M o n t

.* Pvt. John Ricbloy, B u ltv , Mont.Pvt. EmoBt A . B itchie, Seattle, Wash. P v t. Orson U ngric lit, M nrray, U tah. P rt. Silan L. A . W igle, B ig Arm, M on t, P v t David I. Woodward, Nailo, N.,.M. "

I, P v t CU/ford 8, Archo>nbault, Oakland,■ Cal.

I, P vt. Tuckor T . E llia, Bivorside, Cal. ' P vt. Hubert C. Goddard, Seattle Wash.

>, P v t rVoderirk V ; Hoekman, O In iy Springs, Colo.

[. P rt. A lfred L . Jean, Tacoma, Wash.I, . 0 0 0


Pvt, Gordon' Bigelow, Anaheim, CaL P v t Robert L . Henry, lA faye tte , Ore. .

.. Pvt. George 0. M l t c ^ Beattie, Wasb. ■ D ied o f :P7onnds'

Pvt. Goorgo H r Bowers, KalispeUi, ]■ M o n t*■ Pvt. Ix)ve A . Conrad, S prin fic ld , Ore.

Pvt. Claroiiro'.M . Ungol, T rout Crosk, M ont.

. Pvt. Roland J. Smith, Ten Sleep, Wyo.' Pvl.-JoK. VaVra,.Phipps, M o n t P y t Ed^nard Wilson, San Francisco,

' ' D ied o f Dissasa-Capt. Lsland Willsou, Portland, Ojne.' Lieut. Carl.R. Moairs, Riverside,'CaL

’’ Corp. James. T. A rtho r, Sacramento. CsL

” Corp. A rth u r J. Carlson, Tacoma, Wash., Wagoner A rth u r Drew, (Jilletta, W yo.: ’ Womided Bevetsly . ,

P vt. OeazzmorO Lee, Grouse Crssk, ^ Utah. •

P v t Dolpbiu Mello, Oakland, CaL Pvt. L loyd H . Portor, Seattle, Waah.

' 'M lsaiag la Action Sgt. Raymond D. Siler, Com Ing,.Cai Pvt: Rudolph M anfrod i, Oakland, Oal.

^ S iUsd in AcUon, Provlously Bsportad Woun4ed Seversly

'■ Pvt. Theodore IX ' B. ^Albtvghtson, Ta*’ -coma. Wash. ,

KiUed in Action, Previously Eepoitsd Missing In Action

P v t Eraenild C. Coil, Malo, Wash.Pvt. James Gimer, K irk , Colo.Pvt. W alter O. I^ndy, Sacramento, CaL P vt. Alfonso L Maestas, O ea lla^^ . V i

. Died. Previously Beported KUled in 1 A ction

s^ t. .iohn a KeUer, Oakland, C tL I, P v t .lames IL Carrell, Santa. Rosa, CaL

P%t. -Klbert T . Klaus, Avondale, Oolo. ,

^ r s m u s t lo v e F a t h e r l

t^oS T )______ ' «■

■ ■ ■

‘ r‘ . . I

ulli / fu '

. n U a

■FRESOlUTiI p» pozzle^ R b p o s l d A m e n d m e n t t o C a n a l

H l C o m p a i ^ B y - L a w s - t o L i m i t

^ R P f o x y V o t i n g I s L o s t T h r o u g h

A m b i g u i t y o f T e x t

R p O R T E D C ^ I D A T E

■ i F O R P O S I T I O N F L A Y E D

^ R m m it te e to Suggest A rtic les Oovernment fo r Corpora*

B i tio n Is Appointed as a Sesult o f the. Expose

„ VOTE O K D M O T O E S - H « ^ r a n ____ _______ 81,eSit2Bm»J. a ------^ H * C O ia d B z o v n ___ _____..^._j:59,361;S5■ m . F. D «t«oiiex .!— L „ ^ ^ J S O

r r a h m 37,482.80M . E t to r - J ______ ------------ 30,00^.40

^ B rS '. A . K e n n e d y ------------------24,«K>.86 =m b . A. C ro m __________________ 1,487.00 -

"M om bera o f r e t ir in g be a rd . Xi f f tn c s in bo ld ty p o a re o f th o

^ ■ v n e e e B s fo l eaadidatoB.V O T E .OV A M S in > M E K T 8 p

■ . O uxl0d AP r o r id in s se e rfito ry sh a ll n o t be m om bor o f th o ^ o a rd o f d iro e to rs .

H V o t e : Yes, 63,040.02; no , 1,881.02.H . C ha ng ing d a te o f a n n n a i m e e tin g H t o Bceond T n o td a y I n D ecem ber. ■ V o t o : Y ob, 5 8 ^ 0 2 J S ; no , 3^99.69.

L o s tH ' L im i t in g in d iv id o a l v o te a t s tock- K h o l d e r a ' m e e tin g t« 1000 aharea. H T o t e : Y os, 35,S5S.8a; no , ^ ,5 7 5 .0 0 .

T « ro * th lrd * \v o te ro q o irs d to ca rry .

B t "— ^ ^ ^ ^ ‘ I*R i T h e 'se n sa tio n o f Tlio n n n ^ u ico ting H 'C t.he s tocbbo ldom o f tb o T ^ j n F a lls H l a e a l com pany ho ld hero T ue ad ay w as B b * d issoction c o n d u c te d 'in /u l t v ie w o f B k o assemblage b y Jud ge F . S . Cham- ■ le r la in , T w in . and A t to rn e y P .H h I fo n a lts n , B u h l , 'o f a re so lu tio n gea> ■ M l l y considered am biguous and moan- ■ ig le s s , w h ie h w as d ra w n b y T . K . ~ ■ U e k m a a , T w in F a lls , rv p o rte d to be an B i p i n a t f o r tb e p o s it io n o f a t to rn e y H o r th e C ana l com pany, a n d In tro d o co d \ ■ r J . A . C rom , T w in F a lls , a fo rm e r ■ to m b o r o f th e board o f dire<^tors, w i th H L e in te n t o f l im i t in g th e v o t in g o f

H V o te A lm o s t TT&aolsxms B T h i# ro so lu tio o , w i th tw o othe rs , ono . K p io h ib it th e secretsry f ro m s ittin g * H a * m em ber o f th e board o f d ire c to rs B a d tb a o th e r to change th o da te o f , B ^ e - u n n a l m e e tin g t o th e second Tnes- B a y i n D ecem ber, w as In tro d u ce d Jns t B e fo r e th e noon reress, an d ad op te d b y B lm o s t nnanhnou fl r iv a voce vote.

Tbe resolutions wero nubmitted ^so B b p rin ted .fo rm as ballots fo r the vote Ju B f the stoekhdlder* in vo ting fo r d i* of B a e to rs . i tB O hafflbataia Opqp< F ire heH Jndge Chamberlain opened f ire oa ke; B h a offending r«solntlon when the meet- go: B a g . eoDveaed l o t the afternoon ees- en B io n . He declared tha t a fte r earefal op; H ta d y o f i ta phra>s«ology he had reached ou K h e eoBclasion tha t the meaaare was th i K o t - o n ly ambiguous bn t tha t , if ita s tt B a ^ n a were carried lo to a x e c a tio n ^ e th< K toekhoiders wonld be deprived o f tb s ir am w g it im a ta r i ^ t a . bal■ O th e r s to ckho ld e rs tu rn e d th e ir a t* w h » a t i o a to tb e w o rd in g an d expreasiBas B v ld e a e in g ro a lix a tlo n o f . th e d e fe c t- to - B n t b e r w i th ap p ro c tn tio n o f th o la te n t K f th e m easure w ith w h ic h th e y w ere ^ u sym p a th y becAme geaeraL■ B7 *Zaws Oornrnmae ITaoad■ As A result o f th is development aa ■ a r io n s o f motions, amendments and B in a U y a substitute motion were lntrt>* • > B o e e d the f in a l outcome being t h e ^ ^ B e is tm e n t o f a committee o f f iv e mem* B o ra to prepare .new by-law* fo r tho boj

rom pany- to be rep o rted a t the B u x t an nu a l m oetlnR . C ha irtna ili 0 . 0 . B n c k nam ed th e - fo Ito w io K m em bers o f p j i i s e o m m ittre : P . W. M on ah an , B u b l; m . M . S te e lsm ith , K im b e r ly ; L e w is U i l l , p w i n F a lls ; K lm e r A m an , F il« *r; A . L . “ B w im , T w in F a lls . , •'>“I W o c ld B u lU C ls ta m s “V I o a gene ra l d lsco M io n fo llo w in } ; tho K iq w a i t io n o f th is m a tte r H . 8 . U ob- E r a o f B o h l, proposed th a t th e Canal ^ m p a a y sho u ld u n d e rta ke to assist u « .s to c k h o ld e rs in tb e se cu rin g o f rea- b r i a l s fo r b u i ld in g c is ta rn s o r o the r

M a s o f w a te r sup p ly w he re tb o w e lls , ta k b y th e com pany w ere ina de tjua ta .

i r o n de s irttb le . N o a r t lo n wan taken « ib is sng gsc tlo n , th e concenstu o f , p ia iO B a x p m a w l b ^ to th e e f fe c t h a t tb a astab llabad p o lic y o f tb a O u - 1 w m p a a y w o o ld p e ^ t o f iU f n l f a i - M S t w ltb o o t a lte ra tio n . K o o f f ic ia l was f tb a com pany axpreased a s ta te m e n t ‘ • th a .n b ja e t . Tboaa w h o to o k p a r t K tb a d laeosslen {se lod ed T . D . ■ Con- oaa m, W a r } a * P . M cP he rson . M e r ; cotr ■ nak. D a K lo ta , P U e r; D aa S le re r, PU - ‘ r i E . - E . - t ta m b e r U ia . T w ia E>sUa, aad l . A . l i t t S , B o b L to n^ .V 'SDda B a x lr ' b e , '‘ ] n a m a c t i t t c n M a a a d ’c lo c k k U» ? w « m a a a t t o '^ b e k ia tb a C kaa l

• t f la a a tm a d jev rrt— a t a f ta r i , M - N H l ta « r t l | ^ ato r t k a w a r* eaa- berl W M & ’ ' . ' . ed ^r.r n a O f f t a t e f P t a M o ia c r tb a

o t ta a d ia r rw o te t ie a fa r fa O o w t: V T t e * t e a » are

t M tb a^B a da • ( w a d a g Ua<

:t ,


A 80EN B n f T H B gASODTATINO 00] H E N B Y w tt .T.BR A T t h e I .A V E B IK O

■Boys o f W est E nd f Shoot P rom iscuously (j

P roba tion O ffice r Is Called to ■ Investigate Oases W here ~

L ife Is Endangerecl

PropenBltioa iftcon tly o i^ ib lte d amOQgl Hiuali boys o f Buhl and Castleford to ■liAcharge firearm s’ promiseuonsly in a ' manrtar proving destructive to property atid cndanK«rlng Ufa o f other penons ncccniiltatod' an o ffic ia l v is it Taesday by Probation O ffice r Jphn R. A qH to the»c points. T he .o ffice r made no'IOsa than IS calls to tho homes o f suspected if offenders, meeting a t each place w ith denial o f g u ilt on the pa rt o f the- sus­pect.' "He delivered adiponitions im- gt, p a rt ia lly ,. however, a t each stop, and Y c poHseaoed himself o f informa(l,on tba t i tviU )>rovc o f asnistnncn should he be cnI onMed again to theno ]>oIntn ou n simi- ^ic la r errand. '----------------------------------------------------- - rejof proxies from more than ono stook- ' holder oxceeding 1,000'shares in nom / ab< ber; That any and a ll votea cast jba Wi Htockholdors mooting by- any ono per- * ' 80t\ iu oxceks o f 1,000 shares sbaU be frc nu ll and v o id 'a n d .o f no e ffect, and in n fi tho 0%-ent -that I t cannot bo determined by tho toilers ait to bow thp vote shall be eonated and cast ia v io la tion o f tb la < by-law, tb a t a ll .voteii by p roxy o f aaid ] person shall be null and yo id and o f no j e ffect, and tha t any by-law, rule, reg* ' j ula tion or custom in co n flic t w itb this by-law is hereby expressly repealed,and annulled.”

Oriticiaes La te -A pT i^ra iice (.^c In his comment on tb is resolution via

Judge Chamberlain in jected an element to o f critic ism as^to the manner in whleh < i t ^a« presented. “ I t is u n fo rta a a te ," to. he said, “ tba t this resolution haa been 11, kept s^ long in the poekets o f certain in t gentlemen aad banded'out a f th e elev- t i l i enth honr. Such procedure gives us no opportunity to scan the te x t aad .fin d Q | out wbat i t moans or doesn’ t mean. Tbe th ird resolution means nothing. Some U stockholders alre)idy bave voted on . thme resolotions. I t we a ttem pt to Ool amend the te x t now wo w ill-b e worse balled up than ever. I ' want to know what we ahould d o ."

* Cans' fa r Sposaoca c«r B i l l ^a F . McPherson, P ile r, called fo r an

explanation o f the in ten t o f tho resolu; tion to be given by Its antbor. vBe was referred by the chairman to M r; Crom and was requested to b ring him in from the te lle r’s sU tion where be was em* ployed to the floo r o f the meeting.' T ak iag his p lam on tbe p la tfo rm C^om stated tha t he was ready fo^ wkatever was to come. Judjge Cham* b o j ^ interrogated bim.

“ W hat wo were try in g to -g e t a t,” Crom sa tJT ‘ 'was to- prevent /one man from .votinR more/ than 1,000 shares.I t looked to me k in d o f ambiguous. Mnybe i t inn ’ t-p rin ted as i t should be. < I f you th in k ^ lt is ambiguous, change it . I have fooled around fo r two weeks try in g to get oot a quorum n t this meet- ing; they bavo been try in g to got me fo r rbairm an o f th is meeting and abus- ine me and eveiytb ing else. M y sug- j Rpation is that no man should vote ^ more than 1,000 prozfes.

“ The fault^tnay have been w ith tbe attorney in getting i t ou t,” Crom add- " eJ; “ I t seems to be changed a lit t le Ih il b it from what i t was a t ona.tim e.” . “

.• Ooaaar AJxa Oplaioa andT. D. Connor, F ile r, Inquired wbo

was tbe author o f the resolution. - “ Hackman drew i t , ” Grom replied. 'J “ I'^understand tb a t Hackman ia a Inti

oaadidate fo r attorney o f the flawal c*n company,” Conner aaid. dIa

“ N o t tb a t I know o f , ” replied Crom. woi “ He would be a nice man to be at- wb

tomey o f tbe Canal company, w o n ldn 't <*1 ' be,” Conner observed as he taeomed Ibe bia asst. '. . Bays By-Laws tfacbanyw bts I t *

I t t subw jnea l dl»:naai0B Jndge Ckaift* 2 ” berlaia, la reply ta a qusstioa, declar- ed tb a t tbe con«titntioQ.aad"By-laws'of tbe Caaal cenpaay make ao proria iea 0 fa r s lte rs iiaa or arneadmeat “ They w bi are «aebaa«sable lika tbe laws e f tks boSu

atxt hA m U reai

'“ 7" '• '% " ’ •COMEDY, “ D A D D Y LO NG LEOB;” W E


-CiPEEWS ' MENflETOBN . ; FROIFflllNGE' Left for'B^ttl? front in July ■ - and Did Not Get Into Battle ' ■ Urttil Eve of Arihistice^-ln- , I i fluen;a Cases Reported ’I - •- - 0

. NEW Y O H K ,'ja u . 15.—The United /• States crusler St. l^ u i's n rrivod in i^ow ■. Y ork Harbor carry ing Amorican troopk' On' board w oro '4^ o fficers and 1,254' , ' enlisted m^n. ■ O f th is numbor..300 were . ' nick or wounded. .

Twenty-two cases o f in fluenm wore ^ . rejK>rte(| during the t r ip across.

Tbo men o f the 34dth fie ld .a rtille ry ° f aboard wore from Callfpra ia , Oregon,I Washington, MontSfia and Idabo. ^

' They were loaded down w ith tropbiea> from the b a t^e fie ld * , gathered , ju r t I aftejr tho arm istice signed^ ' ' bap ta ia Ohazies F e rtlg , ^ k a a e )I w u In eoauaasd o f B a tte ry O.> Other minnben o f -tiis battaxy w e n , Pr^lvates H a rry Jackson, Pocatel*’ lo, Xdabo is d Bod Lew is o f T w in r

Falla, Idabo. . ' ✓ .' The men, a ll. o f whom trained a t g, Camp Lewis, said tboy sailod fo r France (j

on J u ly 13 on tbo steamer B a ltic and q, encamped near Bordeau afTor a t r ip g,

I v ia L ive rpoo l L a te r they were moved jj. ; to Noufncbateau, near Nancy. . p,I On No%-omber 8, tboy wero ordered a, ' to.begin 'm ovlng ln to battle . November I I I , as they were on tho o \x o f-go lng L in to action, the arm isilco ended hos*• tilitie a . „

' GIVES SMITH SEVERAL ; UNCOMPLIMENTARY TITLES «;I -• ............ m> Oolorado fleaator X>«f<Bds tb s Fstalot*

ism o f H s w v * ' A t - X/ t a c k s d b r t e ^

W ASHINGTON, Jan. 15.— Declaring 'Austia J . ‘Sm ith, Los Aageles, to be • j,, “ l ia r and blackm ailer,” Senator Thom* ^ os, Colorado, today defended tbe pa- t r io ( 1 ^ of. If.'S tevens and A lv a A . Swain, attacked by Sm ith yesterday be* fore the German propaganda probers. ^

“ i te is an unm itigated lia r ; nasnc- . ccssfnl blackmailer, and I believed bim

lo be a .Corgcr,” Thomas declared. _Shevonn wa» fo rm erly owner o f tbe j

Pueblo Colorado Chiefta in* and Swain I woi^ its editor. - L' Smith who was fo rin e rly advertia- . ing manager- o f tho paper, yesterday I received money from B e m s to rff aad I tha t, i t was nw d fo r propaganda ^ u r- | poses.

“ Swain and Stevens are cltizana o f unquestioned standing aad eharaeter” , N said Thomas. “ 1 conceive i t to be nvy personal and p irb lle d n ty to appear here to reply to tho c h a r ts tha t woold tend to in ju re th e ir good names aad lo ya lty .”

Beferrlng to S tnitb, Tbomaa '.elar* ed: 0 ,

“ I^ tbere la aay^w ay to prosecute bt tb it man fo r pe rjo ry ( t should '.»o doae. te . “ I said i t d e lib e ra te ly -h e la a l i v l>i and a b la ekm a ils r''. a

I ro Rubber W*tcl»-Cover.

'A joqdc the rubber novelties recently *njIntrodoccd. Is a n u tch p r o t ^ o r which abcovers the cniv* -en tire ly except tbe *nidlaL I t ts dealgned fo r thie use o f m<workisen princ ipa lly and fo r tboae tawho- V re corni^lted to move a ro tnd jo: e lectrica l macbtnery and I t rendersthe mechanism-proof aealnat dnmnge. itTbe cilQglnc q u a lity o f. rubber mdkea b,!I t almost lm p < ^ b le fo r tbe timepiece tb tb s * protected to t f lp e v t o f tbe pock-• t- loi

-------- --------------------------------------- ehGet M B s n f fO U C A T IO V abe«t U - Gi

w bat t t v f l l SMI^ w W e I t a a y bs sw beacbt t« b«a« tMsw^li M d te v tka


T m b H W IL L BE PBEBBNTBD B Ysro, j a n u a b t 20 .,/

M un ic ip a l Ownership League fo r Securing Power P la n t Proposied

---------- 'Sfookholders o f M u tn a l Compa- <

• ny a t A nnna l'H ee ting EtoIto ! P lan fo r M eeting Expenses

Sjtockholilcrs o f tbe M utual U g ^ t, ■<Hcat - Mi(! Power. toniiMMi.v;" a t a iK ju - ;

' nui(l mooting be lli hoVo' Tuoa.Jny, doeld- ; a od ‘to arrange fo r u mass mooting to

be railed iu the n t^ r fu tu re 'w itb a *; view to form ing a /M u u ic ip a l Owner*

fh ip league, having fo r Its'purposo theostablishment.. o f a pub lica lly . owned 1

. power plant: Tbo members o f th is , l e ^ o w il l l>e asked to contribute to a ,

ftin-l to mc<*t tbo expenses o f llt ig a - |tiou iupvliich tho M utual company and ]

, tbo elnjimnntH.of the Clear Lijkea power jsite on Suake rive r north o f Buhl, aro .

involved. Thin artion- is suggested sis , a means q/. ra ising.tho fund which can*

not.'bc raised by sale o f stoek while , tbo com^iany la Involved in lit ig a tio n

’ o f th lsVbaracter, i t is stated. j

! **Dad4y Long Leaa’l ^ ’ Scheduled a t Laverit^ ff j

.........\ ' I“ Daddy L o n g 'L o g s^ ', which, undor 1

the direction o f H enry M ille r, w i l l be i presented fo r the f ir s t tim o in th is c ity a t the Lavoring Theatre on Jan* ■unry 20th, baa 'toorcd tho larger oltiea

’ o f tbe United States and Canada fo r I tlie post fivo years. The play is a dra- ‘ m atir version o f Joan Webstor_'s fam- ' oufl “ Daddy Long Legs’ ’ letters and ' 'the ator>* te lls o f tbo adventures o f a

p re tty w a if in a Now England orphan ‘ asylum,'who rebels ngninst the tyranny I o f tho head o f tbe ins titu tion . Her ’ npiritcd outbreak is .overheard and a |^ 1

proved by a m iddle aged philanthropist who determines to givo tbo g ir l tho chance in life tha t bna been denied, hs^ and 'the condition im posed'ls tha t tbe

> g ir l is not to know' even the name o f* her benefactor. N ot know ing his name

aad catching a glimpse o f Us elangat- '’ ed shadow, she nicknames h im “ Daddy

Long Logs.” IThe letters o f the g ir l .reveal to him

the pathetic yeora ing fo r someoae to ' wbom*»he can pour out the wo'ndorfoi * ' happiness tb a t has. come in to her l i fe

and he determines to v is it b is laterest* ing w a i^ W ith th e ir meeting begins tbe appealing stor>* tha t bas played oa : tbe heart strings o f the lovers o f whole­some comedy o f the English speaking countries o f the world.

' • ,


National Baseball Member Be­gan His Fight to Save Game

from Very Bad MistakeH. C. H A M IL T O N

N E W Y O R K , Jan. 15. — Herrmann G&rry Stuanch, member'of the natlonah baseball commllaion fo r the U st s ix­teen years, today "began a f ig h t to aave i>a«ebal] from what' he th in lu wonld be a bad th ing fo r i t —a one-man natioaal rommlssion. *"

“ One m a i^” Oarry declared, “ eoold make mistakes very easily, aad prob­ably would, no m atter how .fa ir bis miad or how capable he >was. ^ r e s men would be less lik e ly io make m lt* takes 'fe r tbea there wenld b« a ' mar jo r ity voice In every decision.”

While a ll the meeting are in progress, it ia quite probable aa e ffo r t w lU be made to s w in g -a deal th a t wUl tn ra tbe St. I«Q is cardinals la to new baada. James C. MeOUL ladtaaapaHs m n a tS t ' long-has waated a a a jp r laagae fraa - ehise, aad ia aow alUsd w ltb Bossal Gardaer, H sa p U s , la aa s tH s iH to swing a daal fo r tba St. I^ o is elnb.

A te M s ib s ir - ^ a M iiP i^

“sms CCESSEyimRME isursAprGionRepi'esentatiye of American

Shorthorn -Association Hits Keyhole at Banquet—Prais- ,es the.Twin Falls Country

f Declaring that-good fa rm ing and the atoek R ow ing iftdustry are Inseparable", W. A . Coehel, fie ld representative o f •tho Au^oricou Shorthorn asnd ia tion t struck a keynote n t^ tho stockmen's banquet Tuesday evening a t tho Boger- son hotel. “ There has' nover boon a

I . brped o f livcntock buUt up w ith sac- CQBS oxcopt in 'couQtrios prbduetlvo of ^ o a t so il crops,” bo declarod. “ In tho Tw in FuIIh oountry tho s ituation is idonl fo r the livestock industry. I 'r e - gnrd ■t'bo Tw in F a lls ' country as foro*

' roost in tho United States so fa r as n iitu rn l a ilnp ta liillty f o r ' this- industry

' i s concornod,” he added. Ho pointed out nn a lennun of the groat war tbat

y thb ru lin g natlonn nro'lboso Which give niuHt n tton tlo ii >to thte livestock indus-

_ try .“ Tbe A rray ^ Speakers

Othor speakerii n t'jth v banquet wore I Sproat, o t the IJabo' W oof Orowors' aasoeiatlon; C. M. Mc- , J A lin tcr, -reiirenonlntivc o f the Portland

iinion-stoek yards; E. W. Stovens, rep- resontativo o f- th e S alt Lake union

ft . stock yards; E. F. B iuohnrt, f ie ld an i­mal husbandman fo r the stato unlvorsi-

* ^ D r. 'W. A . Sullivan, inspoetor ia cltargo o f the bureau o f animal indus­t r y bog ebolera control in\'ostlgations' in Idaho; Joel Priest, in ^ is tr ia l agent fo r tbe Oregon Sborii L ino; OoL Z.- 8. Bmnnou o f Tw in . ^ l l s acted as toast­

ed-, master.'to Hugh Sproat a fg iio l fo r fhe oxporta- » tion o f fa t sheep inn t«u l o f foedors.

“f* ‘ FaTOT^Oooperatlve PlaaM r. •McAJfTster, discussing coopc^a-

tivo m arketing, declarod tba t statistics sbowo^ In- countries wbcro tb la policy

* was carried out tbe number o f brood sows Increased from 35 |o 50 ijcr cent becuuHO the farmors loame'd- tba t i t paid to raise bogs i f tboy secoredf wbat

” was due them as tbcy would tbrongb “ ■ cooperative marketing.

Tho statements o f M cA lister were seconded by, M r. Steveus, who asserted tha t tbe benefits o f coop<Vativo market­ing woro not lim ited to those communl-

. tlos which had direct access to mar- . . keta, b a t th a t many stockmen bad found

long hauls profitable under tbo cooper- ^ atiyjB arrangement. He argtuMl fo r

more-feeding of-_liyentoek on the farm or and the m arketing o f stock only when tMi in prim e' -------------- -” ■ “ S h o ir t ln ir F l io * lo i i« . .

Vlsttors n t Wasblogton find onlqae tbe ••shouting” floRBtoDca in the floor

“ ■ under the dome o f the capltol bulldInK whlcb 110 scientist has been uble to ex* plain. . The ttagstonc; nre,_spmc fo rty

® o r f if ty feet opart, and when tw o per- sons are stnnUlng on them a tone In tb© lowest pitch w ill iM? heard dlstliyH- ly. I f e ither person «tcp« of^ his ;mr-

^ Ucular fiagstODe he must shout to be undcraiood. M yslerious acoustics o l th is k ind arc rare throughout ' tbe

^ . o r l d .

’ 0 dassiited Ads are eboap—affeettvaut- --------------------------------------------------------------ly a o TO


B sH Iv T te * ta m a f1 FB B B A IB , W A X n A X D B A S X m

w A s n•a ....... .0- S ...........................

* f

J ' CASH YOUR In r i n ; ; v o u r s to c k , ’ g ra i

* ' to th is b n n k . \ \T io th e ro n U8, w i l l ciiHh tl (•hnrpp .

in . . A n d , i f y o u h a v e co n s ^ in r ip h t n o w , b e t te r o p*■ ••■«2 t^eckbook is a safer

thnn a pocketlK>ok. Yod o f ,vonr money as you^ you want 4t— bu t the ot>•

t -- -h



llLO p«E f- fS SEEOiTEALINE ;il SOSPiCTOS!a n D e p u ty S h e r i f f P. 0.' H e r r im a n

l i t s R e tu r n s 'f r o m G lo b e , A r iz o n a ,

l is - W i t h C la re .n o e S n o w o f H a r i -

s e n , t o ' S ta n d T r ia l

the ,Cluruuco Snow c f Hausen, whu is uc- .ble', cused -in b cpnV ^^n t charging * ^ n d . o f larceny w ith tho th e ft on Decamber 1 Ion« o |;-I8 sacks o f clover sedd'worth >800 m 's from C barres'H rahac’o f JIan5on,.:was ger- brought back a prisoner Tuesday from n a Globe, Arizona, by Deputy S h e riff F. roc- 0 . Herriman. '‘ e f The opprehension o f Snow marks the ‘ In conclusion to a loug pursuit a fte r tht< n iB persons suspected o f having had a 'part

In th is a ffa ir. Tho tra il lod tbe officers oro* f ira t to the country north o f Snake r iv .

®s or, wbero e^'idence-«raa ga therfd which »try coupind w itb othor inform ntion-fcrro ted ‘t®d out by the sh e r iff 's o ffico pointed to

Snow and ntto W iilinm Clark, as the of- five fendew.luB- ' Clark wa« arrentQil nu<] undec duress

admitted knowledge o f tho a ffa lr , 'im * ■ pHcating Snow. He was released atijlor

'«re bond to secure his .appcaranco as a w it- “ ho ncftt in fh o 'tr la l o f Snow.

Snow fo r sQvoml weeks evaded tho o fficers. . Wou'. fin a lly wns rbceU’ed

■op" th a t be bad been soon in Globe. Dep- don u ty Herrim an io f t nearly tw o weeks

ago and a fto r^ ,w a itlng soTCnal...dayB, rsi- Buceeedod in landing his man.

in ■ .1 -------------------lu s -, _ O IV B SOLDIEBS W O B K 'ons. ' ' I..... -:ont j SALEM , Ore., Jan. 15.—Speaking at •' 8- a jo n it session o f the senate and bonse u t - in the house chamber th is afternoon.

Governor James. 'Wbilecomb rocoip- ria- mcfl,jed tha t Oregon render tbe “ aia*-

Imntfi degree o f service” to tbe re turn­ing soldiorB.- He nrgod the law makers to make every possible e ffo r t to pro­

xies . vido proper care fo r tbe moa who r*- tu rn from service la the arm y and navy and suggested th a t re tnm in ff soldiers be given, p referentia l r igh ts la eoa- tracts fo r pubHc wdrks snob as blgbway work.

i g i ________________ _•ere ■ ♦ ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ted A ik Y ou r d tooar V tacot-


T H E B X B B ^ in O B S A l in T . T v ln Idaho

•'O n r H otto -4 }O TH ty and- .-.-•fla#” -

joe ■ ■ 'oor ■*“ - , ■ > " ■ - - I ■ - - !iHK : ~ ~ ~ ;


t o ■' I I I I - . . A N D , -----------------


iH -


T— : /

CHECKS HERE’ r a in a n d p ro d u c e c h e c k s i e r o r n o t th e y a r e d ra ^ v n

th e m f o r y o u w i t h o u t

)n s id e ra b le fu n d s - c o m in g - o p e n 'a c h e c k ln g 'a c c o n n t ' .

f e r p la c e f o r * y o u r m o n ^ ^Y o n c a n ^ e t j u s t a s m a d i ) u w a n t , a n d p e t I t w h e n * o th e r f e l lo w c a n ’ t


. W B D B B S D A T,'' J A ifP A B Y i j » i s '
