
arr.. -' _¥_:.v

,'4.’:..—u.‘ ~11. ”

»%v'~-\..,": .- 1:

, ‘ ,5».-";;._;‘_='~,«-z_.V . va:

‘ ‘..' gs; I3,-«,“...,«".~'j.,_,«‘king,’ -‘y.-‘If-;."':».~‘

1' .“,‘.r~ ;»’:.«~f v‘=‘.‘-9-. '=."."“-1!.‘.‘.”.‘ : I ". 5-.

‘ ‘

-,.‘ 3 Qgi; 'a:«_j., ad‘;‘~r er 7 - ».: »:,\:‘u'.+.§ ¢~v’yw.s... I.,.

-‘ ' -'3.»

‘~2 I



. ‘I . -“pa. »x‘.,Z"".' * » A

’ ‘ ‘ *o‘c:.nw“’ T “ 'I-.7tv..-oT-1.».--I-va.f.Iv-~_v1-T-c.»


I-.-.'.-.*:"*~'--W' *

Ioruevrrii-rho; II-tovalllt-,9!I-.~Ii-

Outlaw-v<tsi1g'I_:od‘AIu,;I_rypI,IIAgI&p¢o.“" "“ *lUlIIl£!I!5=;l1u!r; ,





_ .,. uLmu3:;‘nrmswu;5.... am ‘ .

' oqn-nme...u.:.§§m-an-uHI;;. !-_

vc_ ‘ utcuw ct 0.MAN!-avstn;1_n_c,§:g:-Loyous-bzzzxuvuThclluleggdtlynlovmyousu

V9. ,.''’z“‘...'t‘'..*..,‘’“.::‘'n'‘.':'.:*..:‘*'=.‘:'..—:.'=':.:'.v.::.2*;..:***v-:-*'-**N933“-

"¢‘:’.....».«’.u‘.'..""..1'.‘.’,§‘;"“‘o..0! ,1!‘


'-’l‘!ll:J3HU!!QH:HOl!E- '

An.'l,i-.uroT I}:L ujapsugmpnua

'l.’l‘!...I?.T'l‘l-9.!‘F." ' ‘

—1l �.

5.Pl'§.lA.!-‘I0f1'l.!.l!}?Ili!>,l-9‘.3.5S.!lB‘5- ~P6Ir,'1i!!;Julxas.¢.-94.?. u._-—DeW4| P‘ .

vpellmFe‘Igcgc|e,I_'."Ar.ctic. A:lu_nd_consox,1;, D. I-‘.

;~_R9'sc. Ind 993;»;_s_cho"9_um..¥numn»\'~.l1!1:v. C»

Up--vI‘Io'p'elI¢r‘: Clguug, Bengqjq. Em-

} pix: Stile, Ngssing. Alpgggggdhuge, Intér-Ocetu

3 and °.0|l§Ql!s: schoontu Em! A_.' Mcxse. J. B.

i Kwhu-.a.,


¢;M\tlnua‘tl.0n~ 401’-' ‘Q st’ ‘cluvoldnj

The unplug tgutlpg-9! age Cimal! wju cog.’

‘ti nz Ckxtcltnd yengxdny,udijudguigimugnu:

dejg:-aches, the 'spa=csuIqx_s huinhave been Ireqzed.

to gpon. Indllbc nmembmd limit the.

2.2.: mg was lg_l_I_g,I§_ xndms. tognherwith

tlaeugular txofs. mag: up 3 splendid pmgmnne.‘

Thekqqrrsyysthu ‘ax Shgglg usocnauon morn:

Wednesdny nightpoolssqldiggollon 2.30 dis,

Gum Ba)! 8:. C. W. wooucy 330, my pick G14.

Zndianapolis $6. Colonel Dzyn I7-3. Pp uaé {.'p.

C6. Scott‘: Thomas 030. Prréifdr-dl. llgpefxil

Can, Name 034. Comic $4. Gtcat Eaiisxig Q54.

Ptgteine non. ‘

‘ Th: Assuculed Pica dcspalchcs of last night

bring Ih: {allowing upon of the races.

-,-U49l ‘flml

WISHISG 39mybum—-,s'v!i-I--t-,¢°‘._".*‘*s!s?»l'I-1.-I:yz_«c_a:.a»”""

‘mks. 55.9-(Cs-t.,‘tuN,e-. 1631-.-Isa.-..-aw,-oa:a:m&


lion. Sduconnuch¢l'00'I_otu‘n¢a|-oo‘-N

awn;umdlbwll. .

7AN:DJ‘.'V{l[¢l1N:ETY~.’-I , .

-V-w .


"'13: Silt“! $¢=i.I!1,¢!.“i.1‘I0I'!e.Yt!1§.?'»i¢-”‘.-am» a E.-!#;«»rvr:9¢'!!‘Mé ‘N! 1

the go-bus ovpluuu Slup-giiblxol,Khissuy, and the_tIll- gig;cscomd up ‘l'.‘;'n:hI¢¢ _lo olncynad

5195.1-In sum to _l§¢0tp_icII rm. gunmuscubtnol‘ lb: lhlrrjlhaadnupvcd mu gum ta cum‘.

room igd been chb " And unsfxlly lgcggtcd=wit]; lugs. trkohand bnuatingyud Italic,-Ii] gu.lads. 1‘Imsh|¢Yd5.1141); rim! “v¢!conn"yu:

plgccd ourthe, pinion. T-.-1 mm -9-: con»

spicqgouobjcgluhag net eyes at the widgets.

The(ml 01:1: biildlngawu with

huntingand 9; Gun;> lap. A lug:banner on‘ whici mm: the words "WeI_c_oue

;uiou."hsd been sxmchedajnonthg magi. ug.Geaz W. Kingsley m¢Svu'l« gm: pqucjqc 15¢

Imtful manngrin uh1chus.w9x_,ki_u'¢l hm;um.

ted. (gr 5901, I I.-Slclahly van: in nu nu Mr.

Jacob Davis, 11::Pmsidcnt :9‘ lhecrphcu %l¢'¢y.took an phllnnl and welcomed visllongs tax.


‘Jhuhr: of IA; duh)! grgd tltir !v‘n‘quJ;.-

lubchtlf ol_ theQrplmu Soeigl 9

which I bar: the:bone: to b: l'm{dcnv.1 bid‘;o:'none andall a dmrc Md Iuysruclu Itelcone. on

have undemku the were mlof uIvcJin%I‘:n-dxedaol nileglmn )\.9Iu.h-attuned our , In

to :,he“pxp:Ed1;;x:!pd}I oldlthe 0&3.»-5 Sme; tocome ‘es: I cur pun



‘E19056 IIIE’Lakes: and. In a. m thefily ice]:

on our an-sew: uh: As I e manyvghiclrtccls pivnd vénllyoe its gutsts.

Res! umxcd. gutlcnn, thlthnlcvcr lb; 0:-

doto xxkcymr1isil!oBulI3ofs lic-‘unaercl :31! etc: mzuanblc to new

Hunt. u can be don: umhuz spun xhu maul;nu lcasute In «.517: min as 5 ac»

!u! l nm’§':.:u their aid. as wlxnéu on’:

lrtxlv demnladsxrocts. The East sud the \5‘¢u-

H :.Anou and lI¢Orph¢Il. fun hand: In cxule

nu’. ugd cvheu dd lrieuichlpgsad Islncctdy

hope and that thnx :5: lrlcsdly xehstiou bditcn

out urn uaucmiona may hit lathe {Adel mac.

gm cglcomfnggrou one and All Q9LI:

sutuuoxpheuglhvv hounuayncsnno

I II:LB: Clninmn cat as: Bsnnpuna

Ian. Sohcun Sch:-u. Mayor (:1 Bulaln.

‘Stu-or Schcuu-as then cz fcnrwl. and in

the Genus: luguge uddxessul Ihe viulonuloh


Mr l'vr:z.£-at um! Mmkn 9/ ll: .4:-in Sarita1-] .\‘nn- VHO‘

A:§.lsy::::!:h=(';tyd B=§;1a. lkztvtheksz

‘ one: man: to Iclcune you Io'oII my. sad 1 inch}cucnd to

you (hr (radon: lhmot‘ during pmmy. I hope oncaucus. an-dupcdally the urn-

‘ but 0! lb: Otphru Sorkly. ‘Ill run lltuulrcs‘lb Illhfonr snjoun sq |g‘v”u¢able tltu tilt: you' return In you has 11::I‘ him (3: and kind-

! ly n.-umnbrsntxa oi as

(T-cullencts. bdirv-my um: met a long and

luijons ride you will pair: I goo! tuullm to 0

‘lmgcym.-1; lw done by our tum blslalxug

i ma ark-um. \\‘:!coaM‘_

, A mutual (huh lav than -vylndxl an-tplwnnu

gdnrn nude by M1. ixcdrnch Bclnuget. Pu-udml

;u! the -\non almubicl In Luugnld Lun-

=muh.lhc Axiom anduunr. am» nd pzupuudHum-¢h«n la; the sauna». uklch um gua-

' mix a ban) will

Thacalin 9:11). hunks: about on hudud

and (any Mmashnunv rpm (3 n tau-¢~

;chl.agvulgnrl|ngsl\Id In c oi the cou-

Imxs «J the “bowl“

;m1ru:~A by on well Lama

«mm. In. Fm! N

i l|qnhund3uuru«1 cutieTAII llmu: when ll cs-

} utkm bmuktu Ind L-no pnpuxol Ion mm.

*8“) Id) tun wxathu and utucnn laguhn

; nah the pawn: us-at-ma! :30 Sv.-lien aid Rm:

tm-ml:unis: up (ht fun; ‘In: staging amnbrn


% (.‘xmducIw--1):. 1. ummatx

E $ohl'illi~b—\\‘n3v!t1UlI\:0II-i

3, snmupakumku um“-3 mm: 1!: Fun

’; liegat hmne.‘ rnltumt--abnhuu Tillasri.

. Rd. Adill. ll Ilcitr.

'- I‘: u ! U hnhunlri.

, A. A Nmuann.

- ll Ilmwh. F N

I 1 M. zuinku-2:. c. Iucxzn.

? A Bz:r:i,‘£:ux __ll Sckirnrt.

' z :;--‘9 L :0.

, A Ix5.:.oa. 1 suiabuln.I L Du. H (J. fichlu-ll.

Th lion; R -«ulna.

! ;l" O !

. 1 .0 4

» \\'a.’ 1“ an i'“:.:.. um.

ll Knsxnn A \\

:‘F Rah‘

rhuv\\ «lhrluu

~. I Knk um; \\ «llama,' l Rubin Illlv ‘V:-mu

719'!!!‘ ‘P‘.*.‘.5¢ lo-sd_of M1:-¢¢sa°‘:’

IN%$§'i'=iChii!!‘F?I“!&i°Is(EP'li°99I..1) l.tI\'°oi, en

gm-1lg,n_!, at me -.r.c.l,l-

knqynjipqtlluxiod on, lgignci sum. Tho

ngt!e§’_h,sbegu,:eférrcd to ix; the nnuual mports. 3

gndnfccil [Eli dell 0.5 discussion it ha limllr

dnerpiied to«top: A system which ha,been

plovcd succcslgl in other dues. AB-

Ihe Orhl for July nuke: lama! an-.

Iodpccnclsoi ti: Inc; "lbs; the Church How:

will be—pIu:cd_ under like chug»: oi Iwn deaconcsses.

who In to come from the iq-knownorder in the

Dlocue ol lung bland)‘ The armis mognizcdII the Epsstopcl mg» of Aha Diocese at Wcsxem

Nc'w.Yo'rk, Indvint It says tbeidoxe. my be re-

Il hvingIll; sanction OI BishopCut. The

man 9! the chyngc in sh; Iaalgcmcul oi the

H04». and tie, benc xuulzs expected iron in

will)» taud sniidcpdy dcscr in the comm.-nu

‘ol the own, ufollan.


M Spy?!‘-s-sTIn’e City H_dl_k oupzlal til, cool!“ Film In




}’o;t« Hynuu. July _as. I-tveging.-Down: Pro-

pcllcii OgdenCity. Ynndcxblll, Manitoba.

Bu-Ischy. Up: Piupclkn 1.. Shlcklulg. Scolil,’

Hum City. 0si't¢oIu¢_l barges. Pom! City mad

masons. Okla and hung .s‘cIpon,t-era Thoma

Quayle and Cnscsdc. German. 14. 1. Wcbb. Golden

Ruie. Wind north and gentle; \t'ullu'rL:.|ondy.1 A. N.

iiujnlurrcnlhciuq ""JNat. ml. Isnllé 1513'-|‘l.-|.|.““°- ?35C0BIn:ru.,


whRhhlluIIII¢1!‘I)'iIohuI.Ipdu.:---,._ ‘uuu_ol nyold ,W&.'?I!'- Think!-5 1,,‘pguupgg nu IolkilllxI cél !cg nu“ ‘null. emu

2- L.-« »‘»x;_.- 7 .u€ is the


-Th \,Va|!s-amen Sunday-aches! acumen

takes vim I9-6:.» _-Au mmny urge ctop of(mm in‘ pm.-dmgd

in Nhgu-a County Q}: snipe. ‘-F.w.5¢ T509». 9 v-amt. in imcrdar K-1

In Ihc Poo:-house‘ to; sixty dun ‘

2%. ‘“ SIIELBrs ADELFHI. _


2 "_'°:="‘:%*..s;€.“'..;‘-*-*r’.»‘.‘:.‘.'.'.'.~..:.:"-‘_’*"3’t-°="§*--’

_‘_; D{‘?-I- VVARREN.

, I sy «scum: cnqoaauc. mu ‘LOTNE

“ ’~‘..—':.~=’*-"‘"*"**“"""‘*“*’*'=*-*.......- i "


.‘.:_' kcgfal ICZLIIC: Inshu am: new wonky

--Th: li(:~§anng stlliunll Mijwnukee In.» bun

Iurn|§h::v.ITvilh two turf-boats. and zhgxe is one en

mutt tothe smion ll Two Riven.

:—-Capluu Gzosgornl the schooner Mary Taylor.

recently pickgd up an anchor vmghxng 400 pounds.and than no £¢e_; 9!skin in the muslin: ‘mind9] Ilubor.

—-(Lapinin Rodgers upon: the clung: nl qhe

sxnmbsxge N. X. FI|rhln!£:.u>lllI:ntt1n,Q§,cVggu9.! so cents; aim the schooner Jane: Ball, bmldisig

sand to Chicago. up-mwzuloek-n O5 geiu per ton

{meon boqrgl, -~»


—-Thxee duKit1i_u;.peIjsqasjgege xodgvd u the su-

tiou houses on \\'odncsday nlgkl._—,-»Thc pol_i_u} and: my unit: duigg the twenty-

ion: hmuf: ending ycszgrdny gonlng.-:-Time Qrphm reliant! Knighton

Ilnmnuqof thetislt 9! the New-York Alrion.

Cuvnusu. Juli as.-—!u the un :24

nccmsday. Edwin ‘otmuvou the deciding but

in :481.2. Tnmpaliue bchzg sceond. In the 2.30

chin, Thomas wan. lmliuupohs taking second

money. '11:: tonne: won use he.-:1. l;xdlzmpo-

Inthe second and inunb. “ooley uxexnml gnu

Thomas lhc taghand sxlh. Thuimca1;s 2.3134,

2.21. 2.25 1-4". :.-:1, :21 14. 2.2.31-4. In the

open;-I041! nce. Ho;-clul won In nlnlghl

Imus. Prom-une secuad The mm: was 2.171-_.;.

2.1534. 2.15141.

Qxmmugrd l_§‘1(‘l__9__!lKw.i§!.1|§!«_

';;*.‘.‘.:‘.‘.‘::‘..‘.".£..°“:."..’:'.::.°‘2..;.““.****=*~ W.»

W... in «lacs!(9:a¢:IIuou{_or~tc-d an.1"3"$n;.,,~»~ -°:.'*.-.::..,'°::‘.j‘.“.<r.:v,...-«vr--d ~~ as


W8 31-31! Horcmng,.__.__.__....___..~..".':—°'——4.£=.'_mnu.


".FA_8t2SfQfZ~tZ7.Z2‘€f’i-ZS’.‘ --Fingsxp sh;um! unonn; of #23 use hlposcdbyM witch-hes» i-wee‘: xtuershx -

—-The monthly dnll al’ the Knights q{ 5!.

lzeotgc. S1. N153‘: S_ecnon_. comes0! nuts strtnlng.

--Rtbetnals 6! the 8:15:10 llscuaemhm. l.!ni:r-

tale! and Hnrugnn.l_Xa.enn<rch6t «rill fikz pluc-

Ltus evening It then rexpccufc halls.

—C:pusxn I-‘rxwley. a! the Fits: Precinct. has

"much #1:.‘ 8!: Ins a null -at Bndfonl which

began !seventy buxeiu day last Tuesday

—A very lug: numhe: 9! ucnrsjgzatsu tuned

Nugan Fan. d‘ as past vcek and 1 mil

|u;;:1 uuuabev are npe "lo um: dunng Ike

wnnng wcck

—.M:. John Kcnuhza hasbccl dzkzllcd to sell

nch-u (on tho ncnmua us «idol LI: hhxuy fund

at us: Nahum’ In-amuxe. He will call uponthe


“W; «up: ten amt!)commend lhig mp.In

N}! 515! yhrg. .!_.! is thoxpcghly sensible. szmnggdde gli other cpnsidgntlous, it strikes .1» thin} Ito-

nsp. rho hug bgcn caxctuny and thumtghlyt,_rI_tug.-51 to;ptcqsely this work; who am so mu (9_ " that Ihnt whole ham and lira an givcn‘ ‘D It: and who In gxpxessly undu th: mthunu;- tlmclyunh. amobsmudytha wry but person.toupdcmke as: management at ch: Chunk Home"And yet uaothct thing mybe and the Home

1911::mmtgwn upon the cut! of the chunk-

I and this women01 Bu swan; of the

Lgllcx. Now tn: have in the dew: and hulykm of thcse dcauoucs-.::-the deuxenta best udculand to call forth such «:21. tot they ‘sctve Inthout

nluic:._ Inc! on! cl hr: in: thc Mamet: and we do»

Ital hcsnut: tothat the sun: guard: and

iltmscsl vigor w‘ amnd the inxtoducxtuu at that

dauoacstcs. mxisxus. intothe Chuck Irene In

Buhlo II was expulcntcd tn Brooklyn when. they

Ibwxmzd (huge at the Name that Moxearen_ the

whole nomnem {mm lls uaccpxlnn to us cauda-

till ken subjected to the was! caxclul dun»

inn. Tuna: uonpnbli: ncungn 0! th: no

due cotponlon urn: Isle! tn ngtd 1:: n

which muitai In n can to phm lhr

institution In change 0! three duzoneutx

with a my tug: umoxuy an an tum:

Thcmbmtgn hctux: the :2»

date Bung“: on m dt an um». as-J

be!-:ra= ju. Eiétixih‘. Ilaasé. slush Ir

sutcvl in nunanunnuamu to the same and Fur

non: thuaygeu the sun: pxupmmun bu been

bclote the Boudol Mauagrts. «huh has delthcr.

std and than-ughly and pmcntly cumucd theuni: calm, and I unanunuas nu: tn {um 91 (Kt:

‘gnu: step n the mad! The “him 01 the

loose hsulso been throughuuennui A can

fztstmcclcat. =-.£:;=h:--2 k:-.t.-=;::.%=‘::£=.-as

(3 auction Thu: u {E 1:: men the msatgtnand zssorut: uxuugrn lure been and aux um

um: oi ulul they an dung“Th: damn:-mscs :11! be but um: tune in Au

{IN Ind vtll rruuln (at one pen on lnll. mb xlo lh: cud:-I In Inn; Islam! I! the rndu! 5;!mm. at snvxvsalul. lhn Ml! be transients) an an.

Dtoczsr. And rd! la .21 yztu-‘shunt! {unu thc zxndcm

at npud vnxrk Ihmughmt the It-acts:"

hnatly. II.‘ nu, «luute a -rumh nude la} mam

jails. lb: guukisng huts-s In Its: Bmukiyn onkv.

who u un an to but thy ptlhlps the»: ‘inter;

who Ate coming to nuquc» might mu-I with

uggvr(man and dl she uxsurml qunrllv ‘ rt

up: an. hm u in mm Slut). tudn thatcuts. an:

to be lcightwcsl u dI§su1|IcL' bah was end

such irtco Inhug» rm taurn"

THE CANAL APPBAISERSFrom Ike S;0in'I of 11: 7‘:-m \\e pull skplc

0! the wlnnhg horses-—ThastcsubI.xgeAnu.1suuLh lb ads-gruscd Io

besold :1 xucnun at Clnclmd. August ad. I»-

lwccn andaddock I-. u.

pursuant to power 0!

u:orl{;t.g¢ ecmfcn:d_on 31:.-sin. Amos Townsend

and \'m. Bcnghun.

T212151}/5 at/z - l\’oo,,,JUnder the am'§i:a§ at (E VGGRG P£ffH.E‘S A59‘)-l7lA.Tlu.\' UP \§’1,::§‘!'!.l.2s‘S1'l'.R CRURCH. -ma tn

1: IIISDRI kl-I hsgctuxu on the stunt: cl {gnuPE: Es;.l.‘h:\-twin avenue. IB a__:_-

smgolun um um nus I'81Dl.\' v ‘um

Sccund Day‘: Prccudlnxa-Claim 9!

Mrs. M. Thompson Rojoétod.

"The bay nxallnonSwlfn Thoma: (who Fool

{nanny m the taodasj Isoliaiueuernl ueurgc 8‘

Thomu. ind is elghx 3-an _ llc began xmmng

in 1876. when 1:: wona ncc at Daytnn, Ohm. gel-

ung A ncozd at uh;-2. Lust yes: he dxd notIp-

peu an the xml. but this scason be has xmuni I

autnlm ul ummnnd ha shown tune ipcul AI

Jackson. ML-.h . l|:__Ill wound to Ethel, nu I441

tune. ll: cu not in a:5.

Hopcful. -unuu at ogray

ldzngsrtzlby so-11:2)‘. Paxdzen. Jam by the

gddhm Ram.-. an immdux: desa.-cod:-nz 0! \\”u:-

chop 5|;-as;-age: He um heed In Rhine. and u

not glgven ranold He appear!-d an the nu!

urn u: 167;. xmmd sewn! are null: no cuccus

gnu! htpxenabtz. when be ‘run no u Pnnpttl

Pati. Incl pul In: (‘said -Iv-In la 3.25. In 1524

I): uuucd km nttv, wugnwghfut. (ml) hdug

bcncn lllrand loucrcd It «can! In 2:1.

In 1S7; an-alum good meet. and tudlhg In-

nmgda ul Ins came: in hcmng Amman Girl an

Hanmnl. us :12:-4.. £15 :q.axqxq.and 12::

wnuu «glut n In. yu.-sun nuauni. In 55:9 ht an

Ian: 8‘: dud um sari. but 12:13,’) la: um: um In

good ,can run] pr: muy

mean an ‘crud

unw. u "�tin imdox-all mm A: Splkn -

ads! andPuughkctpsu. tn Ike (and (‘untilIf:

ha: bun gs.-Iuxagguod work in the \\‘o.-an 1):: season.

nu! Iva the lnslwau an Ea»: mgxnxu. bu! ua

uzhcx menu be In: been lnmcd loluau In:solar:

W: hat. hmmru. th-Al be in not at um-nu: mn-

-iiimm anéhiz iuaéliia) upswi u " nmuai

Hi. aim’! u A \‘.‘ kndununst Ln; 3 mu.-m

luvALms' aun»T5i1R1sTs'Hc%:6WII=\H?s>¢Iusv‘c5ncx 'n'ct:z;.,«-ca. .

The some Board at £1»! Appnisen. pursuant

to ld}m.Il'!I|!1£nl. Inc! an the xésding-memo! tin:

Munqoq 11:52»: at no dclock ycag:-may zooming.

Two! the cues Mann; lo the hand property«:1: dn;-used ul Th: person. who on: ulcmzcd

in the mud, winch was who by the Sm: In thc

kilo! 3514 as I pemanmt Ippxopxiukrn to en-

lug: Black Rock llubux. are Mn Huh 3!

Wu.Mn Mugauu .\oc-lxmuvls. No.13»:

E unnun. {ht ban ul Pun A Prmu. dz:

ktm cl (.2013: ll Clinton, and Masada T

Th: our cost in ma: nl.$In Thompson, the

urn rrp-rtscoud by M: jupn H Kennedy u

auto-J. ll sccuu But but due: K83 (v,tI‘1nk\I in

Albany noun on ma: n.-qwrli by In to: we .

mg :3! dun: Io: ant] dampen bu! II who to

tad: the Ayps-us:-n‘nEnv mm! the hxnilnium:

had :31?-Kw. Thu 5-‘saa Eii lacrialakla.

Thoupssa and an Ippllcnuon I1: that sad: lo the

sat: lxgtsmum through much an on was yassc-1u “'71. ullmnng Im clam lu befllal anm paan ’nu~¢;:pmsm dendrd that Iheazme on

was In comnrcnuonlo the cnasumnan, which pxo

tulomd the Lcgtslzlun. the um) Appmm: and

is: fat} Baiiéiaaé-LT“

r‘ em vxrn-an

mu: punuwx up Lu Upon Ihn gmond L» that

on dnnxasol The cb.uu:.m'- coszntgl suns hu

uuennul 91 pmwmgg n urn: ol pa-nxpaucy numb-

Ilur by hitch the pluthadllgs will 3!! rriié in

lhe Court The ncu an no lhu ol

Mn. Mngm.-I Andnumle sud Xln Jun E. Thum-

(us. who on the ban 9! the 11:: James Hag-an Thtu-pu-mg cuerqmncmrd by the [lac

L. L Law. 0: wan-cl Thur dun: uxuonu nu

jlgncn The tum-ueo luv the clmnum our

[aha Authtomlg. Inn; 1*‘ \!ko. R:-In-n Frlguuxn.

lob (‘nuns mil Ilmr, and lb-no la: the

Sun, Thoma: Eucr ('.|;nr1l‘u 9):!!! J0. mm!

31: l*'b.|1!§pu A) thin cue has as runsiuslnl :1

\u«dark I! on lucid era and um» ommang :1


.1KE.VOH‘0l'£,YEl‘Iv(h Gf5I'£R.4L P g_

SM-usdnhesunctpruu uuw-nil: 0: toys:

wcueuurisnaetunsxv pouguudunusunnhg twin:

(‘nub in nu CA:\u_——\\’lm uxlghl haw been A

sen salon.» au.x4:nl ocuumd yestcrday allcrnoou

on we bank» 03 the .\lam and Cum. 1!

11:: two! Jonas d\ Trv\tl:e':- packing-tune on‘

sxarm time! Thu: mu:gm: um playing on

the bunk, when one of (hurt, nu ctglahyexr-wl-laughxct .4 M1. Rum. tcuxktllanj MI us.

Th: sue: nuamcd Mt. John IL Suki. I dmcx {nu

lb!‘ Amcncpgx I.-Lxpnza Cungnny. whn juupcd mm

It: Inc: in! rtunml he! bets»: myvenous dun

ugc had hem inw.n:<L

Ham: for 1.:-d)o—-léIdLy:.I',Q(htIdayu umpm(xvi O ta In A. u. '

.:.“"‘z’.'...‘.‘."t A u. anr.3:. -£3‘-6-4-r:.FI'm~ mgr IL.ul$UndIyIlmo . ¢H‘

Slgk sub. $1. 9.! R315 Tutu , 3‘

Pu-us: IIVIQ ifIIOIISimon:mp@nn#u


!\v’atz'ce £.2:lr(zordz'mz;3r.EXCURSION

ABIOH. OF NEW - YDRK.—-The man» S:;zI.‘scaa an "Fun hands

u: .. -.u.a Lu an pan; uuunsxa Ill: [Aural

Hum ham aka: ch: cuyu us-.h£ncamchux¢

and van theup: gram. ’


JTAu.-ma;-sand by an gfigc 07IIYFFALU.


0-,.Is-,1 c.k I»-,-Ia-,n-Mu-aunts:-av «macaw

unau I\inl“.u“_[!Ell

£4‘.-I I-511).»! J’. 1721,: $5M. :3,’-.5‘.


-— ha: " :\nx.d:u"

uzunntsin auto:0! gur-

mgubuzazplrachsncuognsuttuhol lush at

am the Inca ‘ha uD gut mp: 19-animal Am‘

F-and.» ...‘live:-Ans! cud Sagan \‘mn.|¢-1.113;

ml); no um-rswnnuguzv u.

—- Elem-aura Dmmrez " Mt. C. E.

tanned; at «km do and can u! Bxsdlanl. in}! sun

wuuhez am‘; paycs out week In Bndloni. II -0)

paolnihl) be ullcd lb: Llnh then: M: Had:

xlrnrncx psi! lo: bu mug’ and dark."

-the hub hnuualuu um pnpmng to h:!p

nu gc-A um» slung by - pmm u Jc " Park

In \|.a.d.n Thn nu:raga;-:d Sagan: Pnlxnln.

hr «In .;..;un§.-.1 II;hI.u'-Prprliutmtl. In gate mm:

proamnvu dunn; an an and gxtusm In even

an cu nuks ch: tr-«tuna‘gt:-u to that kind»

— lbs lluntul )4-1:12.43 M]! ' Ike 5:11:11

hand. a! \\c.u£~.:.d. gucan ucuunn tournd

Nan-1 tad mun on xtnnday us: win Thou.-

vzu; uh: km ol the La: QM: um! can nameI!

Kiuulun on 5 -q;un'ull1un. um! Inna but uh: the

aunt: ‘"'l*:.ul’

ll 1 ;g nn lb: uwtnm; Th:

ncaacl mi] 4.4: Ellrm miusln La 823;!» cu uh:

us: ch: -4!) «Earn -wt (hr llnguic uw-lather ummd

¢1|:v'\ and -U‘ dun put down lb: run to (land

{J3nd_ -tgcn 9 I-ssh-I picmr nilbe bald‘

L U. 0. !'.---Ax 3 gcaex-LI nxctungof Smugm

I-‘x-canpxncnu No to I (I 0 Flu: lnmxnng

new!) clq.-an! \- IVIE unullcd by D F.

Hump Hand Head Pumxda. 17: lliihun. II.

P., Em) Inks)». Clmxmrn. Willunz Loan and

A. Gmsse. Conductor. C Ruxllch. Ttenunu. C

landzleld hcrtcury. jvhn Bald. Curd». Pb

asrmiu und N A Jan». Duorkrrpen. I! lack.

C Sxuk. P Bduegel. Heat) \\¢-xalhu 3| \\'|u|~

nch Inc] J


8: C

"Grand Excursions on ma Rim.TH E. ARUNDELL.


43::ha ¢:~_':.3:-.-.333 R.-.::n=a§J.!‘l‘RBA¥

In) 54.0.. -__uuom3-I99-tuunuvIV: sunnrv ofme ":24 than u by he-I fonts!

and nowaned u Ptmunl um Mn we mu lg».-.1.

tunnumng An 1375, cl \\La.!nng|un. D 1‘ , and

we Juln ya Lu: nu he Ion mu

rams Al ndh-an. Ind , uhn: -n I me no uhuh hv

win luxmbc atrwulal ::5 I4. sud nu}:

ma: hg tvcganIE:

zxesrul saga.» He ha Iaktn

put in I aullh oitar:-tn ch: \\ cs! Kins gun.but

III mu gust:lm haul anal £23: I711‘. at Iululu.

-,-tn.-.:s !uy_vq-uggq gln-8.8; clam. In utaigbn bun

|b¢ hm sh-'1’Ix‘ae-n hm.‘ u..-uni an :. :3, II; will

be 0 good um m nun! I) -1: kn. Jan. ammcnlh,

though bu ugh:-N e- lwiuznsxl ‘ole: (tun his


Brn.u.u 'I'v1mu'I£L!L--.\! .3 upthnl mcmng

ol the Ellxwlmxmcl kid! the T-umrrrn circus!

the lollnwuvg Gl2!';:tt!‘ta'1hv‘\Vrs:¢Iu New-\ntk

Dxuml Comtnlnm. to be hdd ii Auburn Angus!

nth Ncs-sxl‘nl \\¢-ms-1. John Bxb.Eud luhon.

john Glues, A Rothrbem. Wu in-gun»! F. 53:»

hold. mm::3

Buffalo Turners will mkepan tn

the anus! db .(min! 11 Auburn on use lath.

ulh and nth ul Angina On Angwl 611: the Tum»

n-mu will gm 6 uInu¢1-II;;IIl'- Imam! an on

mum Vuh

Lcn-iag;:aigu . - an can Kazan Yen and «mum; Nos. 26.0 ru :63 NAM 5

A9aa Ánu=I1I.|y|:t.ucn§\nxi rXnm:u.dI::hmIusp.yuan

C‘l!I Sandi V "

Inf: -551.:-: jrag;;u:~.£'la_.pasa.'§::u§»;:’:m°f "

lN\’|‘l’8 SFECIAL A‘I"l'E3'l'lU.\ I


- uh-aim-1 uasu


M-*‘~' *e.“:..‘::.:r'a:¢H;.'s.é'.:~.“:?* -M-°

Ladies’ and children's Sui‘‘Rn: llIurIdOIllln‘Il.anuDrtssnu.~cu

haul-cwuuwthnamunkisunu u. . .

Ytquu.--cnualsulqnlcyfool.FULTON MARKET!Swarm kswahv aux tau as Hun -mm. In . nus

R ..‘m“mI|)hl Q


T3: uu-s-cm;u (‘lacuna lull he rozuludcd II-5

shy. um um -ed Salim»run I: lhr puuu ol 3!-

Irarnua us themuung uuLarlti-.r' Ltktx and Ccmréru M

\\‘mue aha:-3 Nohqtmnlaohuud

IP(‘A'l I‘! #14:?!’¢ £'\ I

_. I ‘ma llrrxil "Th: Ina-no!» cl n-Continua:

-mug: Man. at the Cum! Rnlnwi. tn“ be

pix)-c\! to man an: ‘to ban ban u Super-éamsanu 9' tho new [lune-ucxn um! Ptambug

Ru’!~.xd am Y-vuilsimg The Irlt (‘and mu-

dune! Cut Jun?‘ Uuxhll. 0' Schntaulx. huh

mm qspmsh-d one «I 0:: uandnnop «{1}: nt-

uni lbxh .4 clscougtaxknn an uudzi nilnnd

w sad :2: an nrymcad om tum tutu-Is’


LIVE STOCK. —\\‘a-chins and lln «buLilerunnn

--The Uur» plly lhr Alhuays nl Minn’ Io-daft

-The Hagar-tcn mkit the fiun an Ry:-um:

(wily - '-Then name mt ol 0 pm.'nu-mud nine Ina

Slum: an! M-anon

UISERV IN ROCHESTER. ursfgula. {cog}; ' an M33.

cums. wmza rxsu



nuwx -- Ahzgaawn nsu gm... . ./.5)‘.-ucxsnl

sm--r runs ‘ ' nu-xaxl

an-a1-.-usovzxsxurrua 835911. '1

(noun ulna-l

Popular undu Excursions.‘trouble I! But Buttntm um-Acuon

or an

Iran D'wu1xu,yaf-Ir-wan.

‘_ _

.1\thvIi.b-nut! ‘STEAMER PEARL(no: Bait,» (5n:‘au£uIll\.1<bI-8:yl..hq.u3


Eh-an-we as and s uclozri ma. mnnxuag O :[my run ouum-J «tau «her: In Istnngcwangg‘n n mom an nma.-n lasud. 9-: “on Man: area

about shuns tbm 0'1: noun: mhlrsy which 6: ‘

naadtd uh: ummnn 01 use point In colnpaayuruh Clplun .~alin~u- uulaac ol the rrpcanrn

of‘um. pupa, (mm Lang! pm-n~nh\! to IM nun

nu-hutnl, A amt} (null: innuhcd the ugh Io

pads-1:1: nuxnnm an am am. sad 1 {rue uon

the down! a «mason «human udeu! :5: my :5;caneni it. opnu by a land: uhennuigll [SIO-hcltlxsd Ix-cu cl-

mm: at the [unyhadntvnun rqnlni mm. cm. mm -1- am a cam-I at laminae: II lheluvn Solzmglmash-.1 m mguaum ouwpuu am! an anllnuy nits:In «lusts cut an wln! dullxmg, um: E11125!Iowa muons:nus u m ucdlnand nun:-I mu

la mccwun usI bmlrn papa but ukkh can-

cahscd Ito lnllralrnruckus and 0 all: mrnun

Ipplullly nu-J; midi in hung on Ihedm: Th

“nunnu In In Inga! dubowill I dllxpidllaiN-Va‘: -31-) aroundhe: n-boltdacx Them Ill) nan-

mg {av ha In It: on «I on. And nlu: urn Imu-

than :11. -he Ippcazzai sick. mgh Iaruu dusk

llu rune ud chin Ia: um-n-4 with lug:dmy [nxchn and 0.! cu plan toW uh: -as

alumna Inn none lcxtilslc «haul: In gut!-

ually clruluyin lm Inn. The mead vualh um

luau-1; um um: antitank, and In e-umvmum

uh: III 0 pufm lady She ltluuwl Inuycm

‘ «run! {haul in use. Inuleuu OI dnunnnon

psi» u'hl\beh.MH1Irrd lhnoonhauwcrk. u an

R -In! um sub to assist her mmiuuxn known In uh:

, IIIIV-unlit: and she would not gen: 1hon»! snu-

w-odd notgive In-I name I-cnsfso the din! ml I-an

‘ an «burn so but at M: acid; and Impoumhn!‘ mndmnu. Sulwixlmnxlnng km an-nest pnueam

‘ noun. :1 I1: armed In remove her to Ilse umlnn.

lxouxar. when xmlny theIllrnlion ol the bcrmoluu

vurbernllai In her ta �unit In in-1pun: was

Inum! um mmpx» lo! pnyxzmu an I burn! In! In

Noam Hope I rmclwy In I870. uhkl. arlmnululgemoney was rrmu-d [rum Mu Holland, whit}:um aha ugstwnual an IM Kuhnand lurk. R-he

Ilud mm) tulmad m=m.1mmum. dry In Irma.

1 pun. andum «am an! sank um ‘I S. Cogs.[uuma Irmlrn mm-an


each mun-mu \"Anhv«3)y damn; tlu-path)

dun nth. (Cu or man mrlnhrn ul :5: ("gm -ad

8 u Dun a Low! r.uuou».um.. has: no

u ngam ultadanw an .2»: llu ha-‘us; In:

that ubgm :5: purdxuo cl am-.~. luv ramp um.)

.11: s.’:m,~»r-Aam to liusw.-sass mute. bag)»

can ol (M iv» an lute. turn as 12.2. nuts-2_ Ihru

putbau Axum-nu; than no can tum hnshnl

«Ki Itcl. (In In As 13: Ami Ihn ttqmmLI

dataam!) 12:: dmscnt lax. an sale. can unnl: to-I

nnla.-la! an Annual rm betacu-mar-I In! «empu-

urdu gnu». -ml: uh: ymn pa:-I In (hm: haw

has rum-kn! by no cube: an at hogan lla-

ha; onfn -pun! me» can an mud

hut Rs In: the dnpnrut n! am: and. um

duh: ghmau J rlurh gnuIn Hx can (I'-

qnm on n Ihkh to my :1 Imam I-LA» Ba to

[link Rod In n-dn to mam-:1 cnlh 1!»: than

«to lot Mound


In Whiu.I203. Fanan

‘-I|!' !‘a<»'---:"'\‘. F1: :sm_ 1!‘ :._p r 'u_


-The Y ad I-ldvraukcv nina will way

at llmnuyu «mass

-0: Tu-sdxy and \\ eds:-Ida’) 31 on: her]. the

Imyn go upFkifand by tam‘

-The Ckxcaggugg pity {star I and (um nun»:-

tui.IJh'5 x§c"$.T'a !cm on (n2kv§m; Isr-


—\'~ 4-. Ir-zu the D053!" Mhlrvk (‘lab Ind :11:

1' SI 1‘ A Grnnuwm pin a Iwrh gamcol has:

tnil an the Hutu-as" nu gtuaulunut Itrk

-Th: Fm Hen: D B. l’ 01 (‘ms-1;-b and an

as am: cl llammnn on Tu-any Th: :9

argue «ugh! cl g 9 (in-zpb mac III 3.30:

pounds. theIn-uh-<1 ma banning the lxan cl

—Th- (‘mu £‘:1mMm.-_ op:-nun; oi the mar

l.'nca-Spnng gun: as llliu.up" The rim-I

sxmsgoh 1:! lb: Sguxug !hain lhru p and

urn |2.pm1:£.I1_a Iiltill the dub It-us!-I be aInn!

onInEu: '

mmlax M-am‘ .1‘-‘K(|\‘l. tmumth Is -rm nu

_ Ann 1 u u ‘Gnu saumuvnten I-so-r-anvb

tam «as;-nu-Janmpakhan mm 3.... .5

ihamnxusuuuaaé an «gm-ru u.

m.171 hr :5 (‘£873

3 TAFFURITS. No.35; Jlxrin SI.

1in arm\1aI mantra ctu !nmn

mm ‘osliktdxy in Int: utw bands(:1 lb:

:‘ Pg nuq.-4-nu ‘[1: (agent (it rmd :-

ht -snvulbv arm usknl£n.bdI|n!u.“:.dadtI

~-wwrm-an bu {area Inu1:idsrul Q: (It muonunv--e

J 12.: ha»! Indra‘! «J themgnln gnu! had us-

nut ha. bat!uh-awn: 3. the top cnrrnag, mu.

:0-2:4-«I3 an uxdlcm gurifnxnli 0! din. 09an

3113.3: cg.-5 mu In-gin Inmy thwlgh lo 55¢ Dunn;

rm. us»! ui an new mm. aluxm. Dark;

‘at «no-maznsv cl lhr .a.ev am I'm bl Mn nth

'7 G.-2-a Paoeugvvs um lw lnnkd II the

"m\ u 3 can u;y;;mm lb: duh-Imam. Aha lb:

t-(I aremng:;;;2»_d ugh d: the on will «mu

-&m an lnxmal «hemt»:-zen nude um ground:up -3113; I duty nit

lfvaa’ H '/mt is 1'\’¢'mr:I'¢'1I'

mu TUOLYSAXD SVS ‘U)£1lR£Ll.\a I

|".S&AS A1’ Obit l'5|.‘.\1

L05 PI.|L'B.§.

ix1smmx.ausI§'iI JEFFERSDI ms. 'l|ERS£ElC’0v.‘-‘K \'. IA L60 butts!

runulynudamnumnnu on in

$1 HAVE 056 “A333

In(is ‘human Bah u To IurcxnoONE L01‘ TORGHOII {ME 001.

N"!II.\\’. 34.‘) iii. OI tint —tsaI~ar% Uh.\'i.I ML£1.15?"ma ca-unagucaraosl «gm-ma «tuna. uNu vanvnsamn. ..-«unfit;u .. . 9 than Hi‘

:11: Jun» 54» u .c u‘ ()0 man

1-» W .' . é1‘.i'...'£;?.s’..,.!'.=5 cams

gr D.-u‘..:u., «tuna; 139 up snow-nu_u 7 I

A LARGE STOCK IN ALL BRAMIHESAutmuxmsryiesutmuvrrkm

We 40mm Bit“! Auiyouuriuiliinlhvtlop

ubups‘ hush; 1:83! I‘ nil

‘Ear Vn!ou ‘LONG: Gigi‘;u ! "chinto‘

' ‘ _ nn co.

' a»


(: I:'/\'.U.'~I .\'/.-I P.-I /fix".

mush cuaxut



Era] Erulzig. the Itglur Ptrn Tina: I-téiu up ma an-n bu! huh .m§.~;.:uy on

nhulmlgctn 0::«tr! 3;». hnnrsrl. Ih mun;-s-1

ol the Eur Ruin; u-(um) tn app: the«mast

an be! Inc: 93:11 Inmtda and ndin at! a -in

atno, uuolrlng ‘ronmlrrtllll ugwnuuh: I m-ul

mu) lmvmlzé u.:.L to iliark l\««k lln.

u-cl b-Ih rand. dcghna-I Iv uandn the cam [ut-

amnl hm -rm. ai mun: -mm; In Ian-nu:

man to IM sea!-run]an-:2 nu-u rngxvxm lmn

Tb: trm_m 01 up uyuanggrnnI am. an hm-s s.

dunsly ctmi-.1.-:3 lv1 duhzn an hi‘!-ail!‘ an Lia-1

llulhlo.‘nun; M uhom mun-mi an: uh: dnpmtn:

ol c-ml: In nlmguhn tn the -menm ol cu-mo ‘

who um um speculators and ‘a$uu-Ilptls :1 lhr

rmlurny unxugn-L flu-sc lnomcx say uh: um

cnimnn mm. are on-cam mag‘: llrgc an-h oi

chant: mm dull In on sale {mm wnl. m :1-ex m

elm-In 9111:!o minim: an 5-rum n .;..,..u an In

lollou, (hum caablm; mm. In 1-unlnw and -h-" an

pretty much mm on mm».

nnefhlrigie-v-’eryf'r mm.-'y Chan «M fumgn

du rrwnlly uuugurauad la. In-ru nl gu-u

bmclu to the uncle ll ||r;r For that grade at

nods In which the 1tnadunudnl a goal -zmuzm

ha: pmannl as (no pnttt and um um unrmuv

fezxlm an hrmmmg N-n-ruin:-d In urn;-vm1 vb:

qulny nl lhch Ixrtn. Rh: nun w Xxx-an-c II pan

Nolwllhuandmg mt -lraulnrl. ul’.u.lrd‘ln, hung

a to. nprrrss the npmmn um lhry dun xonlmur

to lreqlcm um maxim. cu-n u on gm lndlnv

their cattle to mack Rod. nu taut, a- mu wt!!-

compcilal I9 dn yesterday

8 IA Dcnlagua-I engsguutptunnlu_ _

Art Furniture. Htstlake

..:‘.‘-.'.".::.':'::‘ '“*"'- '‘°‘ '*=»''.*.'-.' '""*°°“

Brzrize-*5, Baucrq/I (Sr C_\'t§\ rub"

1);; Flu!» man.

age: rue:-at ht: natjsnttmot npcbwn at Ten’;

oi-I -‘Is dmuudna km Ienn loan at (M

amen, u-tclathng Ilmnc and “cut. were u mm-

npgu! by the Albany Unh. -Ilr Duugus up

that the nltngrantntnctév «had to an the that

(:10 Chat In (aci."|'ltr.- tame; due then run all

put! up but thiny cult! tlnllan He «muckh hr

Mt beta utuuntly lttatnl.“

—'l"ha- A‘mhvz:rv Etprm ts antlmmv tor lhr (ol-

loutng"his «mom! that (1-Mn to to caul-

and lhu mtllttus o. to put!» too tin l'u:a nine um

ye: ’|"hry tn: 5 good team We hut u on no

1- table autlmmy aha that (‘nun Ind Inlun In In

play amt; the tonlls next mm. and that the

l.ow¢-1!: vtll enact the Ix-.\;wae \\c nttdcmaad

llultlocupgancuh have been uttered tttln. but

am than II tn undcnunzlm; to that e

—The lulmr I-‘nv Pm: up at the Form:

City:" The Form! Cltyv. ol Cl Uhm

played at cthihinnn gun: II“! the Intu-nnnnntui

champions ma Ta-um-rh Pu! yesxett!.1y ultrnmcn

uhtrh urn trtlnnsai hy the usual rmrd ol p¢VIp~’e

Tho rtnixun phyed ft!’ arc!) int‘ I nine «latch tar

not been tngetbe: In: the cam: mama. and have a

good pilchrr In Saubbu-y. lint thry u: not I

Jan turn by my mum. nlthongh the mm» rm-

hnm someenctllcnt put-en“

-The (‘iurinuui Fnptgrrv In tpcalung ol the

unit: of gaunt: helm-en the Clm-ago and lutlunap

om teams. cautions betting men about mung .-my

moan can those gumat all "The lmlunaynlh

duh." rays (hp ‘um: plpm‘."

hart: xim‘Itib‘g to lose

and nothing to win. nnd no one It]! be surprised to

-co: the Changes win all In gamu. N the In-

ruantpolis club intend: lo Inc the season thmugh.

they must look to olhc! sources {or mamtcnancc

tlnngnu: money. Unhst they vun some ol those

six games. um: will beI largo tnugm Ior I-mad cur.

mim. Thou .\Hlv:ukecuChiugo games ripened

some people‘!eyes.

—The follmmg uni the tcsulu oi ynu.-td:y't


steam Yacht "KATE .°»UT1’0N,~"~TH! 52% A50 §$.—\L'3lYVl.

OWNER WANTED Rm vb u so Nun cums. lulu:


A mu 5--mg his nun: an john \\‘¢lmn nu.

"- mu-nus. ureaxrd by Spunk shrpud

mu .\Iui as o -upxmuu character I!» I1!uku-

;-_‘~- c §la!|Bn and an -gzuhng mm 1 lo! -1?!‘

I nnr-I ! um-J me my: found In M: pm-.,v-mo an aim sguuuu lmuln The ban!-

mm arm!» ch: amjmu u-makes anRm [ti

mm and nuuhcm! omputnrvly u.(n<;. uxnn

«.5 n ' II M: ovrm-via turn! let them. Ind In-

hr hragnlcl \\‘.hun in Indus! spin sum :1:


P. J. HANOUR.I‘r;.€"1 4/3..-v._s.‘ .21 r1,.l:.1n:‘x.s A.I'c*L‘x.m~.\

gf A--anamuo ngunmen-I awn In


7 11w ummn fut uh: ghoul Ikr my Jana;

‘ uh: «cm:-ndn o! lb: nmumg andommauo. nub

. eh: can-puon oi ashon um: my-nu in zrhru-Ling- In: (In mum-n Bluay ol Ihe ‘mu-um Nun an-rt

' nu bnuultrlly dc:-mun! n ma mg: and hunting

; an Ix.-nut «:1 me nulxatx gmng lhul (hm:-ughhrt I

lmllsanl and 1511!‘? nguprnnncw

(9 l5'.4(;.‘s'L'R. 6‘! Clmlam S‘!

WINES, Liot'J't3"r'i§°}sNn Cu»w_w_

7 M(‘:1-3: llama, Ne‘ w. L:-urn ‘5\‘MrI

:'-‘/.\'l:‘ .4I? 715‘ .4(‘.4D/:3! )’.

Y0! M. MLN s .\\‘mu»_1.\TlI“s' uu'h‘.m.\c.~

tun A-Aitwv - l’h'l An ruuun am in -to 4«

Hunt:(way any Danny: (annals llu uA u.1ID 5 u


v.:.;;*.a datum n\ cu. In-my Sena:‘l‘-sun; g. n»

rum; min; gm: an in - -Jan. 3; an.

L o :lLt.(.31I1Df. ma


Numu I’ I?» am

C()NDlT1ONS based upon {mutual con;..,..;.*.':'.:':.:°" ~*~:.'..".Hz :32’. ..?.‘.',.".:".¥, ‘.*.':.“...that u: on In! vuhoul

of ‘thenuranium: vnmr mean In the lunms.:35 new and«mm tun Cuuua nonelnaudmd I-allow-In; Jcctinmu. unlrundlymlnaqnm wutuidci-tlkl

mznd uureuetiemloueauhxlse not use of ou-I"a{:hAl§3(tn§wv renc«a:nl:: andI;:1'g|n. ¥:1.l'§'cI\l un«nn';":'n:

rhlton:3;to In

Pabaogaztbct 3 ulunuldmrnuamnedau it out

an, ICC. “ll-'tl:¢ pulls the louuwlu

tl " mpluxcl

Frrm/I and Spam’:/t 0’l.«

comm. A muslin’: and «blown sou:4

(‘us-sun —_2'r.:nUu) ll laxlc. list]-. and (am

1. Inc: bra ‘man; A ten Ann 1: I'M-tmlhy.

-31. .04 “'1 no ll sum cm! Mn In-org:2 Hum IN.’ no la: .1 -aye-urnu Pal-an-I117. | ru-

..~ u-Inch may my u. rm-um-; gnp �iilh um:

V The tuning irn dtmml in I mun-n, in which

we .\viun- um aumnl in new nq-hem nnd am.

gun A \\'dlums. ai [his day An vocalmloim

Ike Aqua! Izmughl rm: than hm nlablichdlaw!-

an item. M! Mr: Bixliul. cum. and 11! Fun:

liemnmu. isniionr. lit. Lrozsol-I Dammmch. lin-

‘ mmiurlor at (hr At-ion. in be-lain a claimant for

homan as a dalin e-'mm.., and ha -90. Mom

\\ Duxmnch. sun! as! In

- Alba em down luv 3 puma coin.

mam -xkbrual

uzgmucmvo um

s-sm.m~a n uxzuvn SM:

_l?‘ _AII Val I’_i'1h:J.

H Eé‘\;'§|\' 5T‘_R:\U£a ln[:x;:1{:nu~' :-llaob. I 01. 11

g:.*.°:..:‘;a“'a.;?.'.,*.r.::",:‘*.;*'..%.a:”.?.'~..:;-‘CIIARLAES .8L‘l€£‘16'a&'.

BL'n.n2n AND Cnx1*ngu- .onmz up Human.Nu up Stu5-..-.

eh‘-5-»’z“'-‘-“"“°.'u’~‘f'i‘ “_°“;i“'T’* '.""_" ‘

\\'c:1ern Transpnrtzmull Cu. The man: and In dread any gmhimly u to

he! ban; was loud udlv and tll barium:

of hu vvluires. than the and Iivft amon

Th!!! 0- no dnabv luv‘ sin n It-[!N‘Ibly munnutiIn-I bung urkltu b;".I£’ ilild

mike! die uncami Mr and aims: thus malt ha

dumtuknown I-TI-cry inthcalroa painted to burn

rbax mm! mm‘! Inurully lb happm surrounding-Iluo um tuady «wax (huh Ilw \vmx-nan Ihlrvfl

.2.» can be. ocfuplu! nu m¥m. 9:2,. «uf he mm-use at Our [110 pom muhom en to-day if the dunname out cum «in no! ah her use in x-huge I!

u ¢.\?1||nIy one um should much the hurt at myme. She needs medm! Ireaunem and nmavi-Xx.

man. And Ecdnpc una.-mgkhzd (ricmh sh: will be

uilling to t rm: name 1&3 l on he: put Mum)

I’.-I .SSI:.\'U£fs' 5 715.4 J1}:RS

run out: pit. mm mm.-a,

mw up cmv:.\r.u no Inna.—!'n. (“emu I \\.1r.a:::- and daughter. and

um um Ii hlmny hug goneIn themaid:nimxnu rum:

—]-Krfb her. an aid nmauranl and haul sun

I «lame me can ripe-truce tn Bn has [ad

open:-1! use Fvru Hols-I npvnnlr the Vllktt H-oust

q nmll. 1~| and n-[~r1udJ.n ream: guests ’

[has -' ngmgauun"

Malta! in can-min! in

aura a tug: mum.» as the Audra; 1»:

«min; It ran. Inc. an Iudncnre dupoml. 10,124:

cmrcdlngly Cm-ndlv to IM pcxtnrmcn. nu-I cauly

endlnnsl la cumrnf to: which. h-mu-v.-1. (zoo-I tu-

uxnrarv The n-mag wrlu number:-d I

Imle over tony rvicaeu.-Ind -my Jpvy hm! hm;

hem’ to urnrk. proved lhemsalvn 3 swell-hnlmctd

aml, canlully tmntd lu.v.|y an! anger; The but

uhlbillonat (but pot-an I19 gm-n an theKarim

" \'olkvhul." Am the " 2~Iu1neslscuchu~u¢mng." by

Du:-nncr. the Iwm cxcelicux mmnu

at Ian) and " singing I)! D.\mm~sc!I's¢horu.

" mm and Emu." Ithu-h cloud the cnnccrl. h n

-mnng aml splendidlyunucn In-ll. um! (I: diB'n-

culnn In-n: ably met by [he Annn. Then olhtr

«honm-s wen: "johannhnuhl"

by Rhtlnbugu.

mi :\hI'I ‘_' \~’tneu“

SM"' I‘ lnrsl 64 ‘Tu’! inn .:.-5.. a-w." ... n.:~*1s=.;:'.°-

up n..ulnBuIu

POL‘!-‘I-\I.\ €'l'n' (‘apt 1:; (Mann

j Inn gab Aug-no nth nub stgxcahtv mu: um

A/a1‘1'rv lo flu’ P215/ir.

-&h 5! lonmvrly cnnm-clad nth nu-

ilufhlnI-cnmn gurusu not publkshxng the nu

Fri’. I A/hI"Ivl-I u.u-nuan weekly. II Slnlionl.


Pmuanya“. ' ’

-.... ...;:“e-:.'.* ""

. rm aunu 1 e.In: won a

{cue uxrm decent;-43¢‘-:1vmlummu un Xlmtoannualourhxk and mm lu sun. and mu. mmuuIranII um us: nepcgen: t‘c£1‘.a1n II vmllax the‘ urn:oc. am: I pmprr n-an crowu-ll-cupc:I'aonandI 0 nus;-cmkm of ell Immmldu-h

can that .

R3IH_‘|’RV §T».\'TI'__ (apt Bum-an [Van

...1I«‘)¢'.!u;¢.- Aqua-«I.uh: Sn-usher ad‘ cub

I.\DG|1||ST‘A"l’l'. cm A ‘gmjulyftm. Ag-an ux. nth. M18. Sqvtzubel sun. :5

ox .l.DA. ‘ ' c

£1‘) nll. aft) ‘August (LI. ed

%..‘i:*.."«v*,:=:~:..~:'.:::.-331;: ‘:93’"°''

__;:._\Vc«1:n»sw1r,r-..J.,_—._‘n_,_-.5.‘ "


_,-T21: ll--n. Ma |..;m.,~..r. Rmc Supetiulenden‘

17 1-".Ju'-'i?ims. n In use us»; aml rcgmtrul M lh:

um Home

nxsP'L}«E:;x§ E3;¢ru—b;-Nee


The kmghnol N Janna. and the knxphls ol

*amI Cnlumbhll. mu: than lncmls. nnrtudsng a

numberof theIan M‘). had a [In an and I:-mu! at

Full: Flel-l. Roclwm.-r. yvulcnhr ['5--Iqnlu «-1

anhundnd pcuple mm {mm 'hs ruy nu arm.

mg 1! Rochester the g_-mung and nrsnlrtn

Knights (armed In the ln !ordn Knights

of SC Ialumhlull 0! 335%: pun-Icgl by

R:hr'I b.\nd. Knight; 0! 8:. Jam". ma �

:10; Knights 0! SI. (Ertgory. Rochnrcr‘ Knights

at S! nominee. Rtxhcx-lot. and the Kmghla ul8:

jnmec. Rochester. The lune ol mzuth mu 3; [nt-

lmu-—l-‘mm IheEm dc-pa: In ¥(h|_n_s!r<:-I. lhencc to

.VonhC1:nmn. them: In I-‘nnuin um! thence Io

Fills Field, whtre lhe (ml:-r wasguru; m "bra);


.2::.>.':.:«::.':.;:.,'"t.°.;.:.::*.r.:.: ::=;;:°':;enclosure ‘Had: hotel (nails. an amine: «I In

mariakggnolbgl ru-mgr: In ofawn: exempt run


_ V lV'PtII:‘ I¥~[n-I I\nI_ Pom:-

Fas/zzozzab/e Aff:re

slnnlunnn ozSADDLBRY HARDWARE. and~MAl.l.IAnLL -»

gar Nickel Ptaunc n spunky


-1?» Han Ru-hard Cnawlcv. Unitas! Suit!

|mnr' .\nnn~.n axrHam «mu-ed in ihc city res-

enln um an uopfungat the .\|muon "unit.

-] lluncod Angelica. A ll Len. New Yuri

4 ‘sq-mt-ur. !ihcrm:n In 3'‘ Track. Llulc Fall-

A‘ A lhnn-sin, \\mm. Pa.. Q A. Turin.

M-w Yuri. A II June‘. and John F Batman.

‘ls-vrland. an atthe UntlulSW5 Hotel‘

M: P \Veham. an elderly gentleman from Bu‘!

lilo, ha not. H the pmcm. the Inn}: an humu-nalun which he once hid. He tn at-—4hc -lcpolIhis mammg. and clearing to get In: mmls chuud.

rcqneslnlam innnerm louling byuundcuo wnidnhi! niche!‘ "Oh. ya. I'll watch it.” uh! the

vunimm. Andhc did nlch ix: (mu soon as

Jr 'cb:lcr': hack wulnmgd. he picked ur lhculchcl and left. Ind so In as we arc nble lo cant.

he I; still vnchlngn II In pmbable that Mr

\\’cb_s_ter will no!hem.-z "

put an lruu In mun-


I». ll: hnalb-u-n7:-may II:adt.

4‘.. . .

Lake bupmor lrannxl Pu.

'I‘F.:i“l':\SSlENGER STl~‘.:\MEl§5 sa-hut;Scxnlsh u send 1

LA-xnc ‘Ibex.-z’ ‘-°11.,


Am’; Lana sm-mum: |'0n'I5.

Coancuun a: mum can '54 Pan: I Dnlsub no some

«.1 weak Railttnd Through unit“In point: was

Tick! a . A-‘a. 469 Jinn :I..'£n: R7 77.I.

O (fir. Ala»:12:! F.nhn_.;v. «ml .4II.mIu [In I

T.P l.ARPF..’II'fJl.6¢n.Pan Ant. lkxlhlo

5- 7- “V'\ii5-.9'.’;'€ §!%"“.€"- ."‘*5_-‘L’.__.__ --

--j Atkinson, Samluslry; Mex. Stephcns. syn

euu. D G Funher. Amlin. .\llnn . V. I-2 E\-nn~

uan. Moulxon. \V. A. Atkinson. I-Zlmun. W R

mom Ind wife. H. W. Starr: and wife. Mm ll

(; Sums. Mlu 1-). J. '\Ylmon. J. I. Alarlgln

Qcunmnz A. ll I|nximms.(‘!rvel:ml: A. T (‘amp

um. New-\'uvl. Rcjsbt Law. Chicago. E. F. Hul-

ten [L R Holdm. E. Cl.1rk.]r.. New-

Vnrk; R. Folwm. Cindruiui. A. (3. Look 0 vcgn

I! C. Robcru. Rochutcc-,_grv among the mm It

rink I!the Innllds‘ and Tourinff llalel.

The Iolnntl. “urn. Discho nnd Rcxamcm

ware rem,-n-ed wilh npplauxc and more than enthu-

smiicnlly cncotcd. "I-‘tanucn" wmld pcthlfrs

be I beuer word and mum the‘ uinlh. The Hanan

on Mr. l1|scl_ao!|‘9 use look the form of c Intel

wrcaxh. M’:-. Remnant‘: singing a! Ruhiuxleink

"Ila Am"

vm beyond nilicixm. Ind Ill! supuir

vain: wu In in best cnxir in A song lhorougiglysuued lo (I.

4\I)Boslon-Bostoluto. Cincinnati: 9. (n in.

nlngx . ~

£1 grlulen;:n-idcuce 1.

I ica ‘nun ‘:5. lo.

3- §xom5‘Tvsx§cl1Io:3Ju xo, Iiorclb .;

I vngu.-e— un7.. ting u.

M H:millon—-WorccslcFx.1 Sundnds :

Al Pilts 6.’ {olyokcs 5.A1 Album)‘-Ulicas 10, Albany: 4.

AI Om-ego--Mrxnchutcu 15. Omega: I.

PRATT 8-; C05.- ¥m.r-Pour: Cot1:1'.—]d‘ when I--unc of

the mcxurho stoic I gcgd watch valued at $100 mm

the stoma! Theodore C. Tanks on In: 5th mum.

Nalmn ms wbv.-qucnuy_u_rcstedIn Rochmlcr. the

watch um rum,»-trod, and In: mu fully eomrnlued

for trial :1 thencxl term ol the Snpcrior Cmm.

—-Louis noen arraigned fox failing to supporthis wife. gud being unableto furnhh the Itectiary

bomlh. He was cornrnilled Lo jsil.



1iu and Put-In-Bay.‘ “'_

,THE l*.L|'1M‘.\‘1" !.'!‘l‘E1l"CA‘B!.N§‘ iidr '

~ -‘ whee! nan-en “A‘LASl\‘A‘tnd

“I‘.i!«\RL.“ Oneohbt-it nqntnengu~ , am:-senumlure thedark (on:a’mu.

“ntrut. 6:3 (Sunday: exccpied.) u e r I..:rfi1‘in3 M

Gwen! _ 1: 6 attack or: 1°§l°1vinguomtn:.an5 ax

=»:‘-**~;.*2wn-*‘*-'- =.:::s.s “°?,.::a:":“““'..?;°' . II cu“ ‘


or. .

_f;§dIux for roleda. “Jay Coou“{oc Da-

.' lervf-'f.:r':.1 a mam:-msuun. 2 2»

Comp:1': nl xnMa?u st.

3,H t

- SETH CLW!!LL.K¢:n_¢.__


A 7' /11.1. PRICES mm’ QUALITIIIS. HARDWARE STORE. TERRACEAna patiaklng nl mmpluuug trpasu an ill:

Whnmmb Home ‘the nrdrr was gurrn to {all

in. when the 5:-vctal socteh pnradcd in the

Imnc rmler as below: from the \\‘l1it:umbH‘om:to

En: uenue. C‘m-smut. Court. South ('

Soulh, Qmm. Snnlh (lmmn. Mam. Sophia.

Sm:-. Mumtord. St. Paul and to the Park.

wvhcm dancing and a general good mm was had.

the ualhar farm-ingxlue cxcunionuw nnul atm-

nme o'clock. Th: vinlon [ell Rocheuu al hall

pzslten o'clock. rcaching [MI my ahoruy after

muinighl tho:-oughlfuusrms with Ihc day‘. gnjay.

menx. No gompcl liun drill u-Ls held.

Dr. Dammsch played Vioui's "Adagio" and on

In: recall. Raft‘: “Cnr:un:" {or II): Irioiin.

shown; the posscssuun oi feeling. arxlsxlc trul-

mcnt and : xmoolh. rich lone. Mum Wallet Dun-

rosch In hln piano Leiecxlon failed toimpart my

great interns: in the Chopin "Be:-cane." but

played with .31-cit can-cctness and noiicublesl_dI|

I ,»r his years. ‘

Our Ssueculuu in N:-n's. Bays’ Ind (‘hs|dr¢n‘s RadrMuleClothingm Mmy

—Nines [mm the City and ‘County Clerk‘: o

tried Hun‘: lunch at ball-plsying at the Eu! Side

Gmunds ycslmlay nncmonn. The men [mm the

County Gut‘; nice showed uplhe poem: and

lost the gun:as the following more thaws—

cm man‘:on-tru. cxwerrv aux’: nmtn.

' I. II. .n 0-

; 2 §*':_':l_t~;-r-‘.2 = -

Bronze Locks. Knobs, lit.-—.v. n.A“f.bou. nmmyn. II. n. Tdlon, wife.

zhild sad ucnanv. Qurgron 31.8 In. \\‘m. Mm-.

bruck. Albany. II. D Frau, Elmjra; W. S. \\'ood.

.\‘ew-‘York, .5. D. Rawley. Philadelphia: um Hon.

Ru.-hxrd Cruwlcy Ind family. Lockpotl. E. Regen.

Tm-unm. P. C Dmmnvy. Eimimz A. Tompldnt.

Pinsmn. F G. Pryxon. Virginia Ind the Hon. G.

W scldon. Rome. \\"ct0 among ycsu-:d:y‘a guest»

an the Mansion Home.“

—-\\'i!ll:m Bllas um! wife, Mk! Bliss. Min Bull.

A. 1.. Sgulq aua wife. Soulc. Spring

E. 13. Hayden. Boston: I ,

P. xvmm;-_ llradjord;

S. B. Gtumznuml and son, Detroit; and limit one

bandied nnd llnitiy members ol the Arloxys wcre

amongthean-ivnh registered at the Tim Ilousg.

-Geo. I’. Hukc1|'."$:~ X.-«am: W. N. Mandi.

John Nxco New-Vovi: C. L. Plxley. I-‘,0 Iliclu.

I A. Shcldnn and mic. S)'l'I~cl.l'S&: l"'ml'. Sam!

Gardner. \\'asnh:gton. D. (2.; L. L. Smne§'I~‘..'ll

Powlu, I3. -F*.‘\\‘E§W.r 1109399; Gco. Buchnnnm.

Cleveland: A. B. Clare. Gm. Siunu, W,'W. Cole.

Tcxu. nre at the Jhoczel Ham.

v -Mr. G. Ll. Wchdc, of lhll city, npumnicd

ex-Judge Catfmn in the Grccnluclcconvémlou.

-1‘. N. Daulifcy and Coloiiél Ari‘. Iddrcu-.

ing large temperance mming Rochtslcr. 4-—A. C. Dcf\'nrcgnéellu,.- ‘llruliihn Mlhisler lo

the; Ufxitod sum. is H the lmbrullbnd Hotel.

NIagIl'1vF5\"Bg_ ‘ ».- 7 _-John H. Cnln. John E. { �nu! wife. Dc-

m)'1t;D. C.Bcbu and-lumilyi Arcade: -‘“§3_Bl‘1d~

ly, Springwllieg G. W. Steam; ngnd w‘ifc,- At-

caderlra Slxca ‘Grand Rgizidsg Ft; 1-‘. ‘Dow-er’;uni

,d;ughIcr. St. l‘.oIi's:J‘.. D; g\imf.sx_ii<1Dorscl, vz.~.=1). E".".‘Kr1-r' Saiimpuz the

Worbmér Bus:-ii!iClul:_, Gcognruckéi. miuger.

-Inat the Bouncy‘!-longg.‘“

. _ ~ ,

Men's Flannel Suits. only - $5.00Men's All Wool Pants’ - 1 2.00

Youth's All Wool ‘Suits - - 6.00

Boys‘ All Wool_Suits - -

Child's short-pant suit - -

-—Fmdc Rich; and Patrick Martin are two

lxiends. who became engaged in a poliliul discus.

don which merged into a personal dif and

Rich: assaultedMmin. H: was leg 06' whh a rep-rimand and 1 (in:olive dollus.



'1‘ 11(‘Sd21_\’, July 3oth,_ 1878.

Miss \\’lll::m'sCavnInahcked greatly inrural):

and vigor. Ind that: In:| seeming balding back of

power out Indiana:-roomlike tha Audcmy d- A

ho! admit of. The qualityofher voice -'r6u!_«.| place‘. ramong out but local Ilngerx, II the cupid add’

me very necessary nniclewt poier. The Orpheusdid tineimelres my great credxt itn!m'r_ singing ol

their chqnu. the "Shun-Rohh-nut,"by vein.This mumiigThe Atieimwill viii!{hi Cify - -

County Hull. from which phwlhey will nke ti’!-'

tiages for I drivc about the city and thmgh the

Park. A‘! three o' the afternoon they will

cmlsarkon the st¢§vn_'eg‘!';ArI_ukll"(wt trip 9::

onthe Ink: and dovini twtiver.‘rm: suxiuzn mam r1s'rn‘Ax.-»+ —

Adm’ ."

3 H.Tum¢1'|dh.. 1 aWcrtic:’u‘.’: § 3 Bro:-n.l.1.. . 1 3

Ctnhlenutb 1 A l’ttl:I.e . . o I

vanlmckungu .. u 3 Kecn¢.r.t.... ..I n

,o‘cnnnw.=.l. .-.o +\V.1'uner.c.l.... o 3

sean.!.j.... ‘ I qB|lu.3lb. . . 1 nDouuh c.. . 2 an Tho-,n~.17 . ...n 3

ran«.3J5..... 5 3 lromi.u.I o ,

. I1-I


Scoteby . I s 2 q 36 7

~ City... ..I a o o |—x1

County" ..a v n I 3 9 bay




-—Pctcr Lapoim is a‘ young man from Tmy. whois undying navigation on the Etie Canal. Inn! who

ycslcrday varied his dunes by getting tlnmk Ind

stealing a use vxlucd ll one dollar from Mnrv

Fumil. In dcrhuhof paying his fine of (‘we do]-

lars’, ‘£1-'w‘us committed to the Wnxk-house {or ten


Child's Kilt Suits ~"-

-The “Lester S‘aw.'


Tux M:cmcs', lssnrc-tn I'zc.~'Ir.-Next

~\\'_ednesdny the Mcchamu' Insmute willhm-c a

gnarl" excursion ‘on me stumcr " A:-umlcll"~t

Ningun View (or {he bene of the library fund.

The loilgnving p"ro'ft:mv‘n‘e of games and'amus¢-

menu at the grounds have been arrange-i7o:-the

occxslnli. ’ ‘

(conllstinzvl three nmenu. sum. Vent and Jam.)

7'//est mg Sprtfzzl Hargnilts am! .S'rlliugVary Rapitib-.

A Scroll Saw. Turning‘Latin and tcu/ar Saw, Empty F1"/ml.’ :9:

' Cambium’, Prirt 98.00.

—-Charrleata D. Webster was examined upon lhe

chm-anof obuinlng goods from Messrs. E4 Hirsch-

8 Co. upon fnlsc statements of his pécmiiu-ympamib He gave bondslo the nmrmm of

hundred dolhrs {or his appearance :2 lb: nut

‘fefm 0! the SupetlorCourt.

--LincnIn Whiting and Noble Crossman are two

young Int: who mulea nidon the c_andy~ stand of

Thomas 8. Curtis. .1! No. 566 min smcl. As

they lppmpriltcdbut one stick‘ of -candy, valuedat

one cent, they wendismissed with u reprimand. -

A1‘ Smzuv-'3.--The dun: entitled "The Pio-

neuot Kentucky." which occupies the bonds at

Sh'elby's ‘thin week: his pfovdd qyite successful.Iuviugbeenwexl rgcelvéd by‘ the Iirge ':‘\idie'nees

who huge n its rcpménmion. For :1 sensu-

it II is comment and is slightly over-

dnynas he poplht lutewilhdmir. It abounds

with mikingubleauxand exeitingzsituations, Ind

ildrdrintvzqguing-illuiltations of {Hi life and ad-

ienlumofbmiel home,the exgplqret‘or

Kenuicky. The ‘porn!tbeploneeris‘weltxendcrcd

by Mr. D. J. Wages. vhbae voice and eagy

stage pxucace pee-llgrlyqnalilyMn-for this: range

cl‘ ‘character; Min'LoI1ic~\Viluou u Dina»! pgr.lrlysllie chmeter is In ‘Excellent nnvgncr. ‘The

drKgi:is1_n1|,mo‘nn1edand runs smoothiy. This

‘evmng Mt, Wu-ken will was his bqdc ‘ ind I_.n

dnjoynble cvonlng is assured‘ to:11 who attend.

Our Am:-nmem0! higher-priced Clothtng for Men. no)‘:and childrencoivpkli. and pmngpocod Vlupcllorby bothhdiu Ind caution on tccounl at FIT. STYLE Ind‘P-R1NMlNGr ‘E tuvclesc ms hale:a: we MansionHome on the

E-;—.,«'--;.'.,M313: Ibnu:due. This notgn II uh-tn lhzt am:

3:;H £t"{:,1i¢dc:‘r";‘1's‘t:e:tm:nl may connlt mm him again ihuuld


n I I- JISCIIK -5-

'~;_; 3-£11. Klducg ,l')1:¢§.vges. Rheumuam. Varmse Ucgrs."' Ed Lem 'l!nx'non_\on the Fan and Body. l‘au-av;-us.

3!g;~;¢:, gasp. ticrxgéa. 1'itea‘§3a:‘!3!li;lr: A !\\'I-.¢:!uu:u

:.;;._,.«.:=v.,,;;;%cu1:_:~x_o.tixe sexes. gb .gmmv crguaxisxtrrxux.

‘:;."Va’: Ito-wand&Dtscun0! iii: Eyn and Eur.

%;.3»i§ =Lost‘ or of Mind.

-L , .; I ',

.. <o; - 3,1 ~{-,- Yedbnégywaulfnmmnz of limeum'}u'ua been \5:9:-.,.'


jeue byxus, treatment;any4) II: (1: mile? 1:

5;:;.,,:: - 'by‘pu\w:Ix who ‘dunk mm 16:mg ac 1:1:-krone 313}

g»4;,‘;:;'~;;j,e,g ,,an _¢.¥r1ence.y.jlosedia'.nmIn.1ugn,Andmbarougih,1

ltu_::s_ug‘arixnn§su.-pd 0:; disease, a»

~..~.~-=,5-‘ 5.ic_|| At‘ _mbfl.h3v¢ cub c:I hIz_n_ !u‘ex_;3nne ~1:3ieu*1l-1

‘.,'.,‘;,r.;'- ẴnI.mum mm: and 19:11: ahc-r 1 LI»-

;«;;;;}~;;g‘&gpu, 1 rsolmgwn meyarenujajcetwlxbouugx Á

n9:cu1u1,1_ ah\nm'eIghtHm!sof~5?:p:ps'a 1~or«u_m. compum.m muuuuc. any-.aad~3

axreatrvuvet . ft b.I,ws!.am!0-in1

W°.'~*i"=‘v-L ‘ .2. 1xsv mmour A izgviu.

","‘§1E;:,‘§~‘;-!‘:6-"'C«i(l~'I'J7g'K3lJ Ulzztrs‘ Egrpd in a S/tort‘

&E:{W I_7f_' PaxII:.;_7 .‘ ‘,‘."\‘«?‘,1;':»-*:»4‘*.”-.'z“«:,':,«.,*‘A‘,.4-in-.-_2:-1:; .. . x ‘ ‘. I _


73cr,,c'<;f|'.|i¢.h¢.~::‘I .ku om, ,a,_-- 05;-'

._' ‘ \ .1,. ‘

‘ - »'«..:<~.**«‘ ' 2. «K " -‘t < ‘

~‘~:;":;,t andWM.‘

‘ - ' . ;,' .’ ...;‘:v.-5.hlmT*l1 .,,_;.~,..:_:‘_',


.‘ . 1.3,. f_, I . V

Angina: ball shoot for a gold medal. Tmbc con-

‘!for by mexhbm of ax: 7‘¥’°‘\uncns' club: of

u o.

I-‘our-cued shell race for A silver medal, ba-

twcen the Qclxlc Club of Bu am!‘ the New

Dontlniuius oiToronto. Ont.

Mulch siug scull nee,between Wm. E Rings-loiuhd Mi It] Byrno. for nsilvcr mcdal. ’

‘ A‘‘gltnkcr hon nee;ppm toa1l._!or n silvermedal.

Aquoitingmuch bcmicen members of the Cult-

douk tad others. Pdtc. I cup.

._A_"I‘v:o-mile pedestrian .mat-‘)2. open to all: two-

pl‘i,1@'!-""\\’I‘H|lg,ih0¢$‘Ill_!1milkingcute. ~.. .

Masai: givhe utbgse ball bctvritn cmplayesolAmedum Ind ,Bu Sugnr Companies’.uines.; Pdzje. In Am,cr.Ic:n1lng. ‘‘ Muchpme at top; balusctwecn jun: inonlders,

and joiqenof !):e'BnI!nl<)~ "


In ! gunneronly. Flue uocl: M I-‘orctgn um!Donnell: Cloths nod Cmimcrcs. WE DO GUARAN-TEE AFIT OR NO SALE.

GARD1=.N'TooLs I;The follawing l_s the prognlnmtat the Sauna‘

Night Femuhvhich is to be» givenchi: evening It

GcrmanliPark in Isondrol the‘minus: , ,..__



-um; um! . .V"' .W.


«m¢=xum." . ..

‘I . r.schgon~

Walt;-"!|nr ..

--s¢nma,e,'* . . .. ‘._..........,........Wi«‘“°m.|!¢v.§-um utvxlo.



Rzégel 65' ‘-5‘ 'Von Frankenéerg

uwx u-owmu

Suoomrw. ToUm.\—AcIFve,excxd'ons have

been Iscd :ll.ih¢ week to put fie rin!'goodcon-

'dlli'on lor thirenterrninnienl‘. ‘The Ins been

rglnid. thenafpmin ordér ind‘ Ihe_ \t‘in_daiIi 1!the furiher and em: buildlnrcoirnd to prevent

their intezféxjiggg with Hie’ marksman. To-marrow

\]I¢~;1ng¢v_lillbetcs(cd hy mm; .3! the mag! noted

ol‘D'I'l‘!I||lkS|'{I¢l'l. as well My by my of [the cou-

vtc'sta‘nL\’who desire ln- pncllce.


r"'Vo!hIkd." .

§‘el¢¢Iion—J‘iln¢u¢oou,":.. :1, ....IcnrHerGanahhhud.

wag:....4..:........r;;_...."...,_.......~».¢.~....,.....\'-apts.)&a¢d—#- .. . ,,;...InLnu't‘

"‘]>¢r-lmhé \\YndapuI.n_;"..,.;-.;,.».-.-...-.-....ll¢ndduolaPalpoard-“§onua!u:'I'n.":;.."..... . .

486? :16»-Mam 51%. Cox. Swxx.

ThelOn‘c' Prf°c€C;Iothiers.

PRICES DOWN.1' which ieie nliovmto an yasludcy,

Ite‘im«ong' (he»JIinds61p'e_I'Hp¢¢hI1c!iso('goIt_lImilh“s

‘ind: ieh mjer win; That fat‘ the glxssibnilshoot is csiiecinlly noticeable. being omuncntgd

witha pair of guns crosgegl. The silver mednisue

nlso vcfy handsothn. raving golden ornamentation

‘on their faces. 5"


er Sets_‘ sum. ‘Fill.--About A qlnderpast that nicer-

dtyaftengmnatgre‘ ms diueovgnd in the fame

'bnildlngNo. I31‘ Tennnue s1reeft,0‘vin¢d ‘g_ml“6c-cupied as : rlwellihgéhome‘‘by Johiihi ‘Pickett.

‘Tina wp exlinguhhcd by _Seq';'anf Andéiizsn

gna htnahnan Quin,livun,,ot (hi 5éVI,'l_I!h»PI'eClnct.

'l\'§ Il �gmsounded.‘ It‘ ‘W0 5€¢i$ibuI:d~ Ixy g

.aerecun.- chmney. .Lomxs»6tt0so..which. is


. ‘Riki °¥3S1‘A’l'!.' Tixusrsxs.-The toixowlugtrqmfafs‘ ‘ital'es(ite"1v'cre ycslerdt 1-e¢:‘an!e'<l‘i'the‘ County‘ Clerk’: o

’ n

Jonas-S. Bmwrumd olhcrs 90 -Charles C, _Cu-son-mi olben. city» mvpcnvon ’w:u:s1a¢ um!-inme-'e_'!. hc.1r‘Primeatre':t. gonstduuiio 85006. ’

Fdlnund s;}u1|.&u §;)“|;)'¢v‘X& ‘Cl|Il,a::‘pB,c§£‘to yoneuseb gi'_ 3'6'gt‘E:%lonslré:t,j|.d60. ‘M ' n-

_ ' ~2évI£}:‘TS£T£V¢i;1!flA?‘€l'cd0D&.1-be stand Po'rcehl nnd mu‘w v on.u’ can ‘an .!'3_nK“='"" "2 1

‘HAVILAND a c_9.'s; I-in-_§_x~x.g:|_: cm?-.

,‘ PfIj‘n;:G6Id‘‘B§udni1dJ)g:>on(M»__ce " !GiuvfqndLsiriry ¢am;~- ~

; Allbl!h§d|_§l§_U_ It 1,-20'!!!him:

v MA 7’.Z‘.;H1_:‘W .0'1V1;{[L1..‘H’ - ‘, . .Na.o_m‘$iujmt1‘:.. , __

. Cancun Ifu llmnvonn.‘-—°<)nr tcuidenwill in-‘

‘1’n'emb¢r‘il»afk3u‘e‘ln’\'l§“giV§n‘n{till ੈ৭৭݇fithe‘new-Bari: orgun..'w;,.yp in the hletigodm-clsyrch.

, at I ' Lust cvcn_in?g5i‘t'ieceiv“¢<Il;g? �‘.!1c,u-int anrecim_1_ g by. -{manor Brew:-ie_i= of

, Jhia _cily. Mn. Dodge gamed nu s9pr_nn_o.. .om-

, '(;on'gxppudct_II.[ te1cgra‘;'ph,: 11: that0|cfc0_t_I¢¢ nt-

; ,I91i;Jcgl_by lhvaiile oi tI_\'ty.e Pmlcuor Dnislqindrled ncw larxjeln ta, his g:r_lliId’feplele.y_vlI1;‘mlisl-

' rfnlnecm; Mn. Dodge was drcsseuiinexquisite

uuve..nn,d»sangthargnmlyiuexcgilénijmice. The. Adelighlzgd ¢u;u'eucéJ_iope.¢1m"p:¢r*gbi‘;¢r rnxceqxl


no; he an,etmn_l- one; l.u;_l-‘that’ ihaymgy «son

* Ictinilze.-r.iIe;.2u_ni_opI‘s\v4ovoieo. 'rhc.DI,vh,0mn’

‘ Ill pmndunijéd I n§4_l uni ndlcnu7 guest

Hvwgivun ,""- .4


7 -

_f_ . _ > . . .ISTEINWAY at Sons. PIANOS;,wznx.awnxb;i'r_‘mc_n. nggyggsr xrpnoixsi -Ar;

. - ' ..-

‘Ana wliermr -biirusuin umbiein uv,_.act'n6wl-1

. We inotci :31!‘ dcinirbunéf,r:hnoin¢Pla,Iou.0rnpu,q:NnknI I _ ml olnay

' Dina ii0ii"Loc1£jAw.--Abéxgégweek Ago I

n An q;e.pu;_nsl, n

her‘ 5n¢¢!,5'% as l mum: in ,.¢~ an-,

~‘chine_‘uxc.jd 'i}\_tlI'¢ _bsxH_djn§. 'sh¢‘wgg-5a§s,¢§§=jhmnc, No.u45§_Momocxueex. na«);atnpv.¢I‘gd-Q"y§]>5r..Wmopyhby.. flfhc.d9¢t9m;m.,. or-cc gdvluslwier lo.

have tic’iiIj\'u'ul'.gn¢mhcr bii '1-he obit,-clg.-d.

1-‘ou;uw_¢gI:nhnt,ro\*¢to unite tbje Him :.

hopé that ulgignicl fig vgvouidn tam], bu} ‘lbs'

ahz vot'sc.- 0' ‘

turning969 ,v_u aka; high an,m-alt:


1-wggcrv.tndvuxn ‘wag. Ida!-tunopenol1'IOII¥.‘II!y :53. win naljc’ any. list:


,lé"I59|rI¢¢.!¢;lfIlNcII'S’.Rog, qmo.2; minInna. _“ _

H'iG§ionn‘ri11L'rs”’ ,n1‘v'm19ad~you hy'_¢.p)?:;‘o‘l'

\huua\);jny‘"’I"°°"".°¢u9.d1—l-'l.~iI:i.-I- :»l‘-199-;8I!i\-t‘ I.-lfqvviva

3-‘»‘«c”:3§‘~‘:a.;‘i L"-'”"‘o?.?’

‘""'.,- «.2 “H «v? . - ‘



mVvuu~yé-3 n-vp_pneoay.3fg'n:oa-1. Téu .w.s-y.ritual; lotuuiylnui-.wIoc. '!.Ka‘-5-Sui»-at ghgnnlee.

‘:~':ii§cm"w::. '-::'- '~.:":*« *~ =° “-~.;::%1 _ ' ~ , V‘: ‘ :2

I’ “4~&4uAwIf ‘

—"T'«irr1m6: .-K'«Art‘1'1Jtu“a..'-‘-—~'-'l'I:'e "Fem ol

Llnlcms" ‘v_$ich=wII (9_kA\'c‘ beejn gl_veAnJul-even-.

i_ni*. onttlneyoung: o Mdu bid ‘to be

jpoogpouod on I �o( «In. ash. in ground;veg: lundou9ely»aeqonl_¢d.IIlll_ inn: ;;um; '_ .ybkinf \_h_‘oHhEmin stmid ingnrcn with an

:1! mm nlloygoenlgit, ’hdvnv’«'. 1",! not 1191,-; i .(pe*N¢twl-a-1'I1v‘;_\i,«~. vb‘ ii


FAFLAELSU, .-'lIlllI‘VI‘|‘,‘lll,1‘i'iIVW‘bIl.l_>.


60--_,,‘,,o,.,.,...,.. M‘, Iluu. ac‘1I,All.Yfil§lTll’&. :





