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MOOC: Massive Open Online Course

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Different meaning of MOOC

A course of study made available over the internet without a charge to a very large number of people. (Oxford dictionary).

It can be also defined as an online programmed of study that has unlimited participation and free access by dint of web. In addition to course materials like readings and videos.

MOOC provide interactive user that help to build a community for students, professors and teaching assistance. However they are recent development in distance education.

A massive open online course (MOOC) is a free Web-based distance learning program that is designed for the participation of large numbers of geographically dispersed students. 

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When was MOOC coined?

The word MOOC was fabricated in 2008 by Dave Cormier, from te University of Prince Edward Island for a course offered by University of Manitaba.

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Advantages of MOOC

Mooc grants the learners their equal rights of learning nor right to education.

It enables learners to share ideas, theories and concepts which they are the part of MOOC an their learning content, peer review and assessments.

It engage students by including all the type of interactive media available in internet and also uses various tools such as blogs, videos and podcasts.

therefore this tools help learners and collaborate them to solve problems of the real world rather than unnecessary conversation worldwide.

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Disadvantage of MOOC

Mooc is an interactive online course therefore teachers and professors find it difficult to provide active feedback for learner’s tests and assessments to he students.

Therefore, if teachers nor professors fails to be more active in their pedagogy, learners will also get bored to e active and interact with one another and this lead to failure of the MOOc’s purpose. Remember MOOC is designed as an interactive only course.

I most cases student who are very patient and manage their time effectively they seem to be able to finish their course, unlike learners who are not self discipline and have poor time management often drop out of the course. This is a disadvantage because student have their own disabilities or learning difficulties.

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Is it MOOCs for high school and primary learners?

Moocs is not for primary and high school learners, it is only fo distance learning in universities between the students learners ad teacher/ lectures.

‘MOOC’ stands for Massive Open Online Course, which is a form of distance learning embraced not only by traditional providers of distance learning (e.g. open universities) but also the elites that are highly visible in global rankings.

It is a process where by a student finishes a course online in interaction with other students, teacher/ lectures as well as professors for learning processes, they share ideas, submit assessments and other activities.

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What can I learn in a MOOC?

Most MOOCs are offered by college professors on subjects that are usually covered in college classrooms and with a workload and schedule resembling a college semester. So MOOCs are about getting a college education, not for primary or high school learners.

Actually, MOOCs have a much broader application than that. A growing number of MOOCs cover material for earlier grades.

Most of the massive open online courses aren’t offered by colleges or universities at all but by cultural organizations and philanthropies. These can be short classes for a few weeks and on topics related to the special expertise of that organization.

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What is it like to study in a MOOC?

Of course, MOOC formats may differ from one platform to another, but on the major platforms you can expect to find more than video lectures. They usually offer discussion forums, quizzes, peer grading exercises, exams and readings to guide you through the content. Additionally, students are inspired to create study groups and networks online (on Facebook, for example), or even offline through different websites.

Most courses provide a syllabus with a schedule and detailed explanations about the content.

You might notice that most classes offered at the moment by universities are introductory, taken from undergraduate disciplines. However, it is also possible to find subjects in other levels or MOOCs specializing in a particular field of knowledge. 

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What is it like to study in a MOOC?

The flexibility of courses also may differ .for example, you can start a class anytime you like and complete every task or exam at your own pace. This reduces the massiveness and the opportunity to interact with other students.

classes have a start and an end date. Although it’s possible to watch lectures at any time you want (and to pause, start again, rewind and make your comments), most assignments and exams have a deadline.

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For more information about MOOCS